#RBF harder than me
thatlesbiancrow · 1 year
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A little doodle of my other OC! I'm still trying to feel out how I want her to look, but I think her personality is coming together... You can't see it too well in this, but she has an undercut and I feel like that is important to note 0_0
What's her name? Idk I'm thinking on one, but I know her last name will be shorted to "Ben" and she mainly goes by that!
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ftmtftm · 8 months
as a brown woman, i think one of the reasons for this is the refusal to understand (in this example particularly i'll use race, but i think this could be applied to other forms of oppression) the reality of the oppression men of color face, and the insistence on viewing oppression as disparate.
my dad and brother have told me many stories about how much their emotions are policed at work. my dad raises his voice the slightest bit or doesn't come off jovial and pleasant, and people get upset and feel threatened by him. there's a post i've seen before where a black man says something similar, in response to a woman saying 'men will never know what it's like to worry about having rbf.' he was saying how he very much does, or the white people around him will make negative assumptions he's then responsible for. it is something that these two marginalized groups share, but there's backlash whenever it gets brought up because i think a lot of cis women cling to the idea that certain things are a "woman's experience" and feel threatened when marginalized men can relate to them. which men are the default? which women are the other? the default male experience has never been something the men in my family can relate to because their race precludes them from doing so. the 'othered' experience of women is often not something i can relate to, because the loudest voices about it are white women being othered by white men.
in reality, oppression often functions in similar ways, even with different groups, and bonding and forming solidarity in that is a great way to bring awareness to it. but that requires people to get over themselves and their own conceptions of victims and oppressors, which is much harder than it seems to be.
YES !!!! Yes exactly, you've hit the nail on the head.
Especially at the very end, because honestly? I think it requires a decent amount of personal healing, carefully practiced empathy, and a bit of ego death to get to that point and it's really hard to do that when you're also actively in a marginalized position yourself.
It's a big task asking people who are hurt to find solidarity with each other because we live in a culture that actively discourages that for several reasons - very systemically. Particularly with feminism it's extremely difficult because Radfem "universal female experience / female utopia" isolationism (and even going back farther, the First Wave as a whole) severed a lot of those opportunities for solidarity early on and we have to pick up the broken pieces to try and mend them now.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
The way Percy Jackson in the Pjo/Hoo books is like........legitimately black-coded.Stay with me on this,the leadup to this post is what made decide to make it
He's a New Yorker from El Barrio.He's seen as a troublemaker on sight because 'he looks like it' and that's kinda the whole point of his character-He never means to do anything wrong,everybody just judges him his whole life because he looks 'scary' but in the pov chapters by others,there's nothing about him that's actually intimidating or would cause alarm unless you count the rbf and itself is a phenomenom i also deal with as an audhd black person who never learned how to mask because i don't fall under any autistic stereotypes on top of the blackness so i had to self-diagnose(with proper research).This happens to other Half-Bloods but Percy is emphasized as a special case,he gets it even worse and we're TOLD it's because of his looks multiple times.His looks include 'a mediterrean complexion',an umbrella term for brown skin and his shade is never stated and his hair is longer than average for a guy explicitly too and the texture isn't given either.Hazel Levesque,the first monoracial darkskin black fem mc in the franchise,said Percy has 'the good looks of a roman god' and that's an unrealistic description from a 40s New Orleans girl to give a white boy fullstop but she described Nico di Angelo as 'a scrawny white boy' and Jason Grace's,Annabeth's Chase's and other explicitly white characters' races are stated by her too but never Percy's.By ANY character,in a whole SAGA he started!And Percy used white as a descriptor too,in Sea of Monsters when he said he hates rich white boys.Again,white characters in the franchise don't use that descriptor unless it's for irony comedy!!
The SECOND Percy met Hazel,he rode for her harder than anyone else ever,including her so called boyfriend who is nonblack.When Octavian was being a creepy misogynoirist and picking on her for being a younger black girl,Percy scared him into leaving her alone with his 'natural intimidation' and is extremely caring towards and tender to her throught all their interactions.This is because Percy is canonically punk and no,i don't mean a sk*ter,i mean he lives it up to all the requirements for being a part of punk culture and i did the downlow on that(linked in the notes)and that only adds to it because of course a black punk dude would instantly and nonstop back up a lil darkskin black girl in trouble no matter what.He looks exactly like Poseidon,the god of the sea,the caribbean and Sally raised him in the ways of the sea because she grew up the same way and was passing it down to him,not because of Poseidon
Percy as a character was created to defy stereotypes,he's the og troubled but good kid rep.He's poor but because his mom had so many relatives die at such a young age she couldn't end up any other way and he already feels guilt over his dad being a deadbeat because he's 'playing into the stereotype'.He has a way better understanding of gender and racial dynamics than the stated white boys do and certain very pick me-ish white girls in the verse too and is commented and proven to not be traditionally masculine or to quote my little sister figure 'not in the white way if that makes sense'.He's also a genius but constantly called stupid by everyone and just takes it as opposed to Annabeth,who is objectively less smart than him and the whitest girl in the whole books by a longshot and was realistically treated as a gift for it due to the more extreme ableism of neurodivergents who aren't 'good enough'
Percy is a mama's boy who respects women and disrespects men,was a bully beater and never stopped until he became an adult no matter how many schools he got kicked out of-6 at 12 alone,takes on the Team Dad role to make up for Poseidon's abandonment and for every kid he meets who dosen't have a dad either,has the cocky asf and audacious attitude literally only black men can pull off,his sense of humor strikes very familiarly and dinstictively to me as a homecountry raised afro-dominicana and this is free liscense on my part but i can't help but make the connections of Hazel's dad being a roman god,Percy pseudo-adopting Hazel and Hazel saying Percy looks like a roman god.Percy's foil in every way down to their looks(*hint hint*)is Luke Castellan
Luke's a cishet allistic blue eyed blonde white older man who's constantly described as conventionally attractive who grew up in a fantasy world to shelter him where he was worshipped yet humanized and didn't have any overly bad experiences by demigod standards but went on one bad quest and turned into a fullblown fascist as he groomed the demigods he'd nurtured beforehand into his child army with propaganda he NEVER made due on in FOUR WHOLE YEARS of doing a war and bringing about the end of the world for self-vindication only,including an irl cryptofash dogwhistle('destroying society to build it from the ground up')and is also racist(targeted boys of color as seen with Chris Rodriguez and Ethan Nakamura but left Travis and Connor Stoll alone despite being closer to them)and a serial pedophile(had shippy undertones with Annabeth,Silena Beauregard,Thalia Grace and Kelli only and Kelli has no canon age but she passes as a 14 year old Percy's classmate with no mentions of age apperance changing).A key part to all this is that Luke thinks he was martyrd by the gods the way Percy actually was and it's all Luke's fault yet he calls PERCY too naive the same he's literally doing it to him
And finally,the leadup:In The Kane Chronicles,a spinoff,short story crossovering with Pjo Percy says Sadie Kane looks like if he had a daughter with Annabeth.Sadie Kane is canonically a black dad white mom kid.Yeah i know it's Rick being racist and she was whitewashed in all her official arts but in the books,the kids at her school are misogynoiristic against her and bully her due to clocking as 'the mixed race girl' on sight.Sadie is canonically not white passing,just lightfeatured and looks black enough that you can easily tell her heritage.This implies Percy is black,specifically afrolatino with the El Barrio upbringing and sea/caribbean heritage.It has no contradiction in canon and the covers and graphic novels can't be counted on since they lightwash Hazel big time.Wether you like it or not,Percy Jackson was written as black-coded.And completely accidentally made way more respectfully written than the intentional black characters because Rick Riordan should be hunted for sport.It's giving that post about autistic-coded characters.I think Percy's full name is actually Perseo Isadore Jackson
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tarotwithdanise · 1 year
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Your future spouse first impression of you (reposted and edited)
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1 - 2 - 3
4 - 5 - 6
SOURCE AND CREDITABLE : All of the pictures are collected and downloaded from pinterest , I don’t own any of them but credits goes to the rightful owners however edits goes and the reading itself belong to me. I use the editor tools canva and ibispaint for the header and divider. If saved/downloaded the divider use a proper credits and tag/mention along my acc @tarotwithdanise. Expect grammatical errors with this reading, bear with it because english isn't my mother tongue.
💌 check out my back-up account @danisetarot bio ; click the link, choose your favorite deals that you wanted to purchase and then send all of them to my email account ([email protected])
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Right off the bat, you manifested this person to come on your way. I think this person won't approach you at first, it's look like they just gonna watch you from afar. I also sense here that this is your faith with them, a strong romantic soulmate connection will developed when they first met you. This is why they attached to you immediately when they first meet you. Their impression will be like "Ah this person looks like been through a rough life but able to shine" they will see this glow from you, the way you act and especially when you finally made an eye contact with them. Since you have the emperor card here, there's a high chances that maybe this person can be intimidated by you like maybe you have this cold pair of eyes or maybe you have this habit of rbf and probably you may have this very powerful aura and confident within yourself. You might have this stoic and stern impression or if not, you have this kind of million dollar smile. They probably view you as someone who is physically beautiful and someone who might be into glamour, someone who loves to spend money on their beauty and looks. This person think you are charming and breath taking when they first see you.
For some, i'm getting they will see you as someone who is warm, very loving and kind-hearted. From their eyes you are totally 100% attractive, someone who is matured, who is quite possibly, curvy with a large full of figure regardless to gender. And oh, this person has a confident too, they knew from the start that you will like them when they approach you lol. Wait let me see more here, why the woman is looking far away from the sea? Oh i get it now, This person knows you are waiting for them, so you don't need to worry or hurry when it comes to love and this can indicate as well that you might need to focus more on self right now and probably you may need some growth experiences.
As well this is indicates a long distance relationship, they might frequently travel with your own home country or if not, you and them might be in the same country but might come from different cities. I also seeing here with this 3oW card, this indicates to me of "The one is waiting and the one are leaving then comes back" With the wild waves being presented here, this person might view you as someone who may have an unpredictable nature.
For the rest of this pile, their first impression of you is someone who is considerate, wise and thoughtful especially when you two get to know each other and have deep conversations. Overall, this person will think you are someone who is matured from the way you talk even though it's not really meeting your age line and there's a high possibility that they are someone who is older than you (age gap is here). This person will know you are not someone who is can be easily to manipulate with and someone who rarely lies (white lies). Because of this qualities of yours, they will fall much harder for you and they may see you as someone who can be with them in the future.
Someone who knows how to have fun and have playful personality, even though the way you think or view things are very matured, you also know how to joke around like you can be a clown like or you are very funny person. They will admire, adore and love you the first time they see you since they will know you are their other half. They are head over heels for you and would do anything for you. You will capture their heart at the very first time you two meet.
extra messages :
initials and numbers : T, A, R,O, 10-17-4-12-7-3.
Free Spirit, Long distance relationship, Henna Tattoos, Riding Motorbike, Rope, Tied The Knot, Bell, Purple Crystal, Organized, Rude, Medium To Black Skin Color, At The Back Yard, Helpful, Playful, Same Age, Older Man, Yellow Dress, Running, Football, Medium Hair Length , Manifesting, Hot Intimacy, Red Sneakers, Hoodies , Watch, Crown, Beach And Fishes.
zodiac signs - that play important roles on their chart.
aquarius, gemini and aries, water and earth signs.
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Their first impression is that they'll see you as someone who is heartbreaker that can potentially break their heart into pieces, someone who can leave them behind perhaps all of the love you have shown for them, they think you are type of individual who have a lot choices when it comes choosing a right partner for you. They probably thinking that you are someone who is creative too. Someone who can be an overthinker and cannot stand too long for a relationship. Someone who is observant maybe you are one of these people who is very quite, shy and likes to observe about what happenings on the surroundings and they might notice this when you first meet them. You are totally giving off the vibes of being a bad boy or bad girl like they probably view you as someone who is playing around and likes to entertain others without any hesitation. And somehow, you can be or might be manipulative when it comes in the relationship for example depending of what you really needs from your partner from a specific situation.
For some of you, I'm getting that their first impression will be — You came off to them as someone who is strong and looking for their soul. Someone who gives up and goes away when things get tough. However, this impression will changed when they know you deeply. Like their impression will be from disappointed to a very positive way so i can totally say that their first impression will not be good for you as you think. And maybe after this deep and serious conversation you will share with them. They will probably see you as someone who can build something successful with, someone whom they think can make a great foundation and union.
For the rest of this pile, their first impression to you will be like; This is someone who is exhausted and under alot emotional strain. You might meet this person through friends or social gathering and right off the bat they will see you immediately when you enter the room but they won't feel the what we so called "spark" at first sight, like they won't even have an idea that you will be their future spouse. They might see you as a trouble maker or if not, someone who might bring chaos or conflict. They will see and notice you at a very first moment but they don't have interest for you but it's like they won't make any actions because for them you seems unpredictable in some way and you may challenge their inner belief systems. It may refer to the way you entered their life or how you have changed them as an individual. That can effect on how they view you or see you. You will have a significant effect on their life that they will treasure for the rest of their life.
extra messages
Cold, Intelligent, Petite, Cute Couple, Small Height, Idiot, Heartbreaker, Spacing Out, Tears, "I Don't Fucking Care!", Cheerful Vibes, Bully, Away, Loss, Squirrel, Globe, Travel, Cottagecore, Sewing, Yellow, Fight, Jealous, Old, Brown, Uneven Teeth, Fun, Grey, Cocky, Hat/caps, "Don't forget to enjoy your journey while chasing your dreams" Owl Person, J, T , 6, 8, 10, 16, 2 and 7.
zodiac signs - that play important roles on their chart.
taurus, capricorn, scorpio and libra.
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channeled song from playlist :
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With the three of cups here you might meet this person in a party or social gatherings. For some, i'm getting that you may meet them through social media platforms. If this is a out social gatherings - I see here that you dress beautifully where all of your curves showing with this clothing but for a short description you will or may already meet this person through your connection with others. They will turn on or it's a head turner dressing style. I think you already met this person, it's either one of you is waiting for the right time to approach the another person because this another person looks like they come from a heartbreak.
Their first impression of you is that they will see as you as someone who can do everything. This person is like those type of people who is patiently waiting without any sure assurance from the other one. Are you ambivert? It's like you are avoiding this person with your first encounter with them where they can say to themselves "Weird, why they kind of shy or elusive towards me?". And yes, you might come of as someone who isn't friendly for them at first encounter.
Furthermore, this person will notice your imperfections and how you get uncomfortable with the crowd. They will notice you kind of clumsy individual? You frequently make mistakes because of shyness. Perhaps, all of this. They will fall in love with you and with your imperfections, you are come off as a great person for them. Idk but you giving a vibes of person who usually quite yet danger when they get mad.
For some, they will see you as someone who is fair — libra traits. You might meet this person through school, university or work, and you seems nerd for them like someone who is studious person. If you are student now — seems like you are taking the courses like business, medical, law, science or arts related or creative works. You might be someone who is creative and likes to do arts e.g painting, journaling, crafting etc.. I honestly don't want to lie, don't expect this person to be that too good looking physically but they know how to dress and fashion themselves right. Alsolso they might appear as someone who is attractive for others but not for everyone. Cute, they will have a crush on you right away, it's like you will caught this person staring at you all the time and then they will be shy but still gonna stare at you anyway when you are not looking.
extra messages
2028 - 2030, B, M , Traveling, 18, Clumsy, "Hope for the best but prepare for the worst" , Possessive, Playing Golf, Black, Hair Clips, Summer, Vintage, Pink, Blonde Hair, Rushing Hours, Stairs, Violet/purple, Feminine, Bald, Blue, Hooded Eyes, City, Big, Alone, Busy And Blossom,
zodiac signs - that play important roles on their chart.
Air signs : Libra, Gemini, Aquarius. Earth signs : Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo.
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channeled song from playlist :
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This may sound cringe but this person first impression of you is that you are an angel came from heaven to save them. They think you are an angel at the first time you met them, you have this soft side for example your personality or the way you move or your face structure seems like very soft. This person might be into ballet dancing for years before you actually meet them or if not, they just simply had this dreams to be one otherwise this person have a flexible body. You are this type of individual who is usually go with the flow, someone who is easy going and probably someone who don't tend to think about their own problems rather you are a problem-solver individual and physically happy-go-lucky person for them. Perhaps, even though you were smiling it's hard for them to know whether if you are sad or not. You may come off as unpredictable individual through words and actions.
For some, I'm getting that they think you are someone who is very thoughtful, not too emotional and gets to be detached. Someone who wants nothing but to make their life live better. Also they view you as someone who can manage to soft at the same time, a person who can be hard as well. And I won't deny the fact that you are a very positive person, you screams positively to the point I'm seeing you as someone who is looking for the light and hope of something even the chances are small. Someone who is vivacious person and very sexy. You are someone who is the happiest person as always whether it's big or small, you know how to value things.
For the rest of this pile, i'm getting that this person see you as someone who is well respected from their community and from the people around them. In short, you are giving them a leader vibes. Someone who can do multi-tasking.
This person will like you without any hesitation. When time gets finally right, you two already together, this person probably gonna think you are out of their league. Also, you are someone who provides great insights and opinions about something, event, beliefs, animals, or even people. You two seems like mirroring each other. You share some similarities, interests and/or passions in life because somehow they notice this from you that you easily get triggered or get angry from a petty things. In addition, they knew from the start you do have tons of admirers but it seems like you are too blind to notice it.
extra messages :
Motorcycle, Love, Yellow, Jealous, Black, Scheduled, Movie, Green, Blue Eyes Color, Volleyball, Introvert, Possessive, Amber Eyes Color, Offer , 30, 33, 49, W, A, B, G, V, K And L.
zodiac signs - that play important roles on their chart.
The earth, water and fire signs is present on their birth chart especially on their big six such as moon in Leo. Capricorn and Cancer (sun, rising, venus, mercury and mars.)
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This person first impression of you is that you are someone who knows how to protect themselves from harmful environment. You maybe meet this person in a garden or somewhere surrounded by nature where the stars shines brighter than they're. It can be from occasion or a party from a wide garden and/or house. When you actually meet them, they might asked you about (or vise versa) for a helpful advice even though you aren't really good with it they usually gonna appreciate your thoughtfulness and advises for them. They gonna think at that moment that you are a helpful and supportive person.
They gonna feel that it's time to open their heart and to share the half of it with you. When you used to get to know each other, they can guarantee that you are the one for them even there's a little doubt here. They will feel very committed to you. For some, i'm getting that when they first meet you. You made them drawn to you, where they can say to themselves when they're alone "Who really they're and why they keep bugging and ruining my mind 24/7?!". They probably gonna spend their whole day thinking about you, they just can't accept that they already fallen for you (yeah, in denial stage).
There's a lot of control issues might happen with them and their own ego. They need to stop what's is holding them back and start accepting things as they are. They should the Universe and Divine timing handling this connection. This connection is one of a kind, very special and unique to the point it cannot be defined through words.
extra messages :
Laces, Beaming Smile, White, Style, Billiard, Struggle, South America, South Korea, South Africa, South East Asia, Short Hair, Antarctica, School, Planner, I, S and X
zodiac signs - that play important roles on their chart.
Water sign : Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces as well the Libra
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You will meet this person something related to water such as beach, water park, in front/beside of a fountain, river, falls and etcetera. Their first impression to you is that you come off as an physically attractive individual for them. It's seems you are a blessings that they have seen on that day. There's a high chances that they will approach you first and start a conversation right away when they saw you. It's a first conversation and meeting? Yet you and them feel the connection that burning and tapping your own heart for the first time. This person wants to lavish you with their love, attention and affection.
This person love language is physical touch and words affirmation. I suddenly here this three powerful words "I love you" so they're already telling you these words even though you two haven't meet yet. It seems like they're wishing and hoping that you don't find and encounter someone who will able to hurt you or break your heart into pieces. This person is praying for your protection.
For some and for rest of this pile, they will knew when the first time you two meet that you are their true love. Someone who can turned their life upside down and someone who can be light when their dark days come. If this is a true love then this romance can be for lifetime! They view you as someone who can commit for a long time relationship but i see here there's stopping them to achieve this connection with you right now or vice versa and that's because of a family issue? If this is you or them you need to forgive your family especially your parents because somehow your family benefits your love life.
extra messages :
Headphones, Summer, Glasses, Stars, Flowers, Wallet, Juice, Violin, Gentle man, Hand Kisses, Dance, Get to know each other, Healing, Engagement Ring, Butterflies, 23, 7, Truth, Elevate your energy, T, Z , Y And D.
zodiac signs - that play important roles on their chart.
I mostly getting fire signs especially the Aries with little bit influence of Virgo and Venus.
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Made with love, Danise.
© tarotwithdanise ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter, or repost my work in any other social media platforms with or without my explicit permission.
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Five ultimate signs that a guy is into you❤Revising Phum's pining era
A Phum appreciation post as i haven't seen one. Personally simp Phum was what got me really hooked in the first place. Watching ep 16 makes me really sad so I need to relive the series.
I read the novel other day and it was nice that the script dragged out a bit before PhumPeem became exclusive which I totally loved.
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I know Phum had shown nothing but interest on Peem. But it kept reminding me of this chapter. I'll skip the part that they made out on the first unofficial date and focus on the subtle signs LOL
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1. He's always, always up in your business.
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It was on the verge of stalking actually.
To the point that he'll be wherever Peem is.
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He's like I won't hesitate to ditch my year long friends for a boy I knew for like a month who I still am not sure I have a crush or not.
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2. He'll never run out of excuses to touch you.
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Hand grabbing was his love language before he even realize it himself.
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You can turn pillow fight into gay so you can ACCIDENTLY smooch the boy you enslaved just to be close to him.
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3. He might laugh a little harder than he probably should whenever you open your mouth.
All he does was smile around Peem.
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Not sponsored by colgate.
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When the sight of a common soda cup reminds you of BABE.
And this is his default RBF btw.
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4. He would sometimes look at you... like he's silently asking for a kiss, but is too proud to actually say it.
The way I see it, it's damn close.
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GOSH, the amount of butterflies I got watching those episodes. 🤒
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That lips staring tho. It could be Phum, it could be Pond who knows.
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5. He'll say it to you. In more ways than one.
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The fact that he also never forgets to appreciate Peem.
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I love that their dynamic includes lots of verbal reassurances.
Finally the I LOVE YOUs.
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This scene OMG.😥
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(They say it doesn't count if it was before or immediately after s*x) but well...
What I also like is that Phum's fixation didn't turn into toxic and overbearing. But rather about being insecure, attention seeking and touch starved sorts. It was balanced out because Peem's character is someone who is well loved and has plenty of affection to share in return and it makes them great together. I need to read the book a bit more the said drama came which i still haven't reached yet.
In conclusion, I definitely can relate Phum.
I mean look at this boy, just look at him. (He's so angelic in this shot)💗
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God, I'm gonna miss we are and Wednesdays so much.
We are the series (2024)
Quotes are from one of my fav bxb books on wattpad "On my way to you" by @apparentlyelle which you definitely need to check it out! There's link on the name. 💗💗💗
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A Final Confession
Sagi swallows, internally more nervous than he's ever been in his life, a feeling he's only caused in others before. As he waited patiently for Lightning's answer, suddenly a feeling he had only caused in others hit him harder than anything ever before, fear. A fear that he would lose the mare in front of him, a fear that she would disappear if she rejected him, a fear that he'd scare her away.
"Y-Yeah, I feel the same way Sagi. At first you- totally crept me out but, you've grown on me- and it helps that you aren't too bad to look at when you don't have RBF hehe...I've been...thinking about you a lot too and...you also keep me up at night...I don't want this to ruin our friendship or partnership- so I'll do my best to be a good marefriend. Uh- romantically- not just, platonically- i-if you'll have me, I'd love to be yours..." ⚡
Much to Sagi's relief, her words had melted all his fear away. He was...happy? It felt weird. Maybe practicing his smile was a good idea.
"Good...uh...what do we do now-? I- really didn't think I'd get this far..."
"Here, I'll show you...Put your hoof on my cheek" ⚡
"Like this...?" *He placed his cloven hoof gently on her cheek, his heart skipped a beat when she leaned into it*
"Yeah...like that...now close your eyes" ⚡
Sagi suddenly realized she was prepping him for a kiss.
"You first."
Lightning showed a brief glance of confusion, but did as he asked.
Sagi leaned closer, closing his eyes, and...
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kissed Lightning gently. Lightning, with mild surprise that he made the first move, and actually knew what a kiss was and how to do it, soon kissed back. They stayed that way for a while before Lightning had to tap out so she could breathe. (Fun fact, Sagi does not have to actively breathe all the time. He can hold his breath for about 3 hours! The kiss lasted about 30 minutes)
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earth4angels · 1 month
No some of you don’t get it
Josh IS Peeta. Like that’s just his personality. Suzanne Collins even said so. She’s repeatedly said that she would’ve hired him if he had purple skin or hair. I have been in love with exactly two men since I was 10. One is Josh Hutcherson and the other is Logan Lerman (I’ve always had correct opinions, don’t @ me). For reference- I turn 22 in like 2-3 weeks. I LOVE THAT MAN
Now was Jennifer miscast- yup! Now I do love their height difference so much. it’s one of the things that made me less insecure about my height and helped me out of the belief that in a relationship, a man should be taller than you. I also liked that she looked like me. But in terms of accuracy…… yeah no. Katniss is a malnourished (I get why they couldn’t cast someone actually malnourished and stunted but they could’ve tried a little harder), physically stunted from hunger, little gremlin and I love her so dearly. That is MY babygirl. She has an olive undertone (I’m not arguing with any of yall about tanness, Suzanne doesn’t mince words) which made me feel very seen as a neutral girl. Her hair is dark and thick and she constantly has rbf. Regardless, She’s not a “cruel” person and I feel like this is where Jennifer’s Katniss drives me up a wall. Katniss toes this line of bluntness and obliviousness that was completely misread in the movies. Despite not being canonically autistic, if you read the book from the perspective that she is, her thoughts and actions become a little more clear and nuanced. Jennifer jumped over this nuance and there are moments in catching fire where she is cruel. Not blunt, not oblivious, not snarky, not bitter, not traumatized. Cruel. By presenting her this way it shows a lack of understanding of why Katniss is the way she is. It ignores the fact that she’s beloved by her community, even if she doesn’t see it herself. This is ultimately, at least for me, what makes Jennifer completely misalign with Katniss. Katniss is not a girlboss, she’s a scared traumatized little girl who was forced to grow up too fast and to hide her thoughts and emotions. Shes not trying to make a statement- in fact she’s fighting it at every turn. Shes not constantly going to have the best opinions, she’s literally a teenager.
Anyways, in this essay I will (gunshots)
LOGAN YEAH I ACCEPT THAT! but this is all on point, ugh everything you said it’s good, collins made this series so powerful and i absolutely love it, she makes us fall in love with the characters, walks us through their pain, the horrors of war, CHILD ENDANGERMENT, abuse.. all for greed and power and we have these two symbols of hope.. and they don’t know that bc they’re fighting mentally and physically i can keep going i love the hunger games so much
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alicelufenia · 1 year
Today marks my 3rd anniversary of taking hrt. My egg cracked October 2019, so this year I'll be coming up on year 4 of my transition.
In that time, I've chosen my new name, came out to my family and friends, started hrt, got my legal name changed (surprise, it isn't actually Alice!), updated all my documents and utilities, including my passport.
I've come a long way in my transition, and I feel like an important part of it has actually been mirrored in my FFXIV character. So, for this anniversary post I wanna showcase that part which, while intersecting only slightly with my real life, is still special to me and also in theme for this blog and I'm sorry, I'm not making a sideblog anytime soon to put all my irl talk or whatever.
Don't worry you don't need to know anything about the game other than you play with other people and can make your own character.
At the very start of my transition, I changed in-game from the male character I started as to a female character. Surprise, I was a black-haired sun kitty. And it instantly felt right and comfy, and I went through all of Heavensward to end game with her.
Since it was early in my transition, I was doing my best to move as far away from masculine appearances as I could in my life, and my online character followed suite. I liked how unapologetically feminine and cute she was!
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Sadly few pictures of her, but here she is!
After reaching endgame, I started playing with her more. I changed her to a lizard girl. Around this time I would start hrt, and was starting to build my character's personal lore, trying to make her more of a person than an avatar.
I liked the idea that she was a trans woman like me, and that she was undergoing a fantasy version of hrt. It was especially amusing for me, since the male and female Au Ra models are so sexually dimorphic, the guys being huge while the ladies are all tiny. Growing up I was always very short compared to the boys around me. I gave her mismatched eyes, an-ingame sign of hrt use (it's magic that's all it needed to be). I love how serenely confident she looked in her femininity.
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I love her RBF too.
Time passes, and as I'm coming up on my first year hrt anniversary, my anxieties around performing femininity and suppressing masculine tendencies were beginning to relax. I've spent a long time seeing myself change over time, and within the transfemme spaces I inhabited where a lot of women who didn't have the bodies of your average cis woman. They were taller, more broad, "harder" facial features.
And they were all beautiful. I'm going to be honest, there was a long time where it was difficult for me to see other trans women. I would be giddy over transition timelines, but I felt bad that I was seeing ways how they were different from conventionally attractive cis women. Too tall, too broad, jaw lines a bit too defined. I felt really bad about feeling that way.
But during my transition, I also began to recognize that many cis women also are not conventionally attractive. Yet they are no less beautiful for it. I decided I wanted to make my character more un-conventionally attractive. Closer to what I found attractive in those other women.
In a way, the fem Miqo'te and Au Ra models were the conventionally attractive choices in the game; round faces, small dainty features, soft jaws, lithe and thin bodies but with ample boobs. So I looked at the other races, and fell in love with face 1 fem hyur highlander.
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Highlanders have so much tgirl swag!
Thus Alice's modern look was born! I made her to embody all the things I had anxiety about seeing in myself and other women; she is max height and muscular sliders (and max boobs cause of course). She is in-game equivalent of 6'5" (towering over my irl 5'6"), built like a brick house, and has sharp features that are (imo) clocky <affectionate> and proud of it.
While she isn't exactly [goals] for me (I lost a ton of muscle mass since starting hrt and don't see myself gaining it back anytime) seeing her gives me confidence and comfort with my own body, knowing that traditionally masculine traits can be embraced by women who are still undeniably feminine. She is The Boundless Queen and a small but important part of my transition these past four years!
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babygirl 💜
As a parting gift, I want to recommend a video essay that I've watched (and been rewatching too) that has really resonated with me. It is Jessie Gender's "The Myth of 'Male Socialization'". A massive 4 hour video essay divided into two videos; the first covering the concept of modern masculinity as is imparted by our patriarchal capitalist zeitgeist, while the second video, called "Ending the Trauma of Antagonistic Masculinity", where Jessie discusses what we can build beyond the all-consuming black hole of masculinity we currently experience.
It's a unique and touching essay, especially as it stars a non-binary trans woman weighing in on masculinity, a topic we are rarely invited to, but that we have a unique experience in growing up with expectations impossible for us to live up to, and that cis men have more in common with us (and more to learn from us) than they might think.
It is, admittedly, a big ask for anyone to watch both parts all the way through, but if you do take the time, I hope you get something out of it, as I did.
Happy Pride 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
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umbralastra · 2 years
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What's Your Character Arc? [Qara Bairon]
romance/friendship arc
you started this story a little hard, or awkward, or stubborn. that's okay. it's harder than it should be to admit, but what you really want is love. that's what your story is all about - not just the act of loving, but the allowance of it. the confession that you do not want to fight or bleed or save the world, but to simply feel the way two hands fit so easily together. you will have two chairs and a table and you will shut your blinds, and you will say the word love without faltering. this is a happy ending, and you do not need to feel guilty. it hurts our hands to fight - never to hold.
| Quiz here |
Thanks so much for the tag @e-dragoons <3
I tag @lizzy-of-the-dotharl-tribe, @kuroimarzipan , @aya-aleph-null , @the-fortemps-hare @mages-ballad and @piratecatte (if you feel up for it ofc)!
Definitely fits Qara, the only thing I would change, obviously that there would be "three chairs and a table". It makes me really happy when I think about how edgy I originally intended Qara to be, then as I thought more about the polycule steadily developing, and he just sort of turned into a lovable grump who has permanent rbf.
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linkmulti · 3 months
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Another occurrence where i have to shorten a question , here’s the full ; Does your linktype have a certain manner of speaking, moving, or other personal quirk?
The answer to this is yes !
Whenever I’m linking with Laios , I stim more frequently and it gets harder for me to mask . As Laios , I also have a hard time not … obsessively dropping random trivia that I have in my brain , I essentially become an infodump bomber lol . Oh ! And whenever I’m linked with Laios , for some reason I start adding space between every punctuation ? I guess I get that vibe from him lol . Another example would be when I’m linking Tall-chuck . I rub my ears more often than not , and I suddenly master the art of a rbf . I also slouch way more often – as opposed to Laios where I miraculously have the straightest posture in the world !! I like talking about my linktypes’ so I’m gonna continue lol . When I’m linked with Aizawa , I talk with less enthusiasm than I usually do and I never turn the lights on in my house . I also rub my eyes more frequently . I also have this specific mug in my house , it’s a black porcelain mug with a cat on it and when I’m linked with Aizawa I exclusively use that mug ??? It’s funny to me .
When I’m my otterlink , I take such long showers and when I have the opportunity to nap , I have to have a big pillow against me that I can wrap my entire body around . I also run my hand through my hair more frequently !!
Hizashi’s mannerisms and quirks have gotten me in trouble in punlic before , and that’s because I lose all sense of volume control . I never had a good one to begin with but in a sense that I always think I’m talking loudly even though apparently I’m talking really quietly – the opposite occurs when I’m Yamada . I become a tornado siren
This is the last one !! But when I’m Rei , I tend to stay in my room and just lounge basically . It becomes easier for me to not force myself to interact and spend the day relaxing , playing video games that I haven’t played in months since I keep pressuring myself to socialize . When I’m Rei , I forget all that and finally loosen up .
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There are so many things I wish I could tell you. I used to hold you at such high regard, feeling so close to you, but now all that’s left is the memory of you. That memory served as a reminder that trusting a gut instinct is always the right decision. Time and time again people would warn me about you, but I failed to listen because I believed us to be friends and have good intentions. Though in the end, it became apparent that wasn’t the case. I remember feeling like I could be the one to change you, and honestly, I probably could’ve. But you’re right, I’m probably too good for you. I’ve never had to beg anyone for attention because most people see my worth without me saying a word. It’s the aura, it’s the way I carry myself, it’s my mean look. It’s the rbf you told me you really liked haha.
If I could say something to you it’d be that I loved you.
If I could say something to you it’d be that I miss your music recommendations.
If I could say something to you it’d be that I’ve made her cum more for me than she ever has for you, which is wild considering I’ve had a fourth of the time lol.
If I could say something to you, I’d say I’m sorry it ended this way.
I never meant to hurt you, I truly did love you. Just not in the way you wanted me to.
I wanted to be with you, even when I denied it to my ex. I repressed it, like a gay teenager represses themselves into the closet.
I wanted to, but at the same time, I’d never put myself out there for you, because I’m not one to try twice. I’d rather stay repressed than to put myself out there for you again.
I know despite how dumb you are, you’re smart enough to understand what we had.
It’s funny, I remember telling my ex about how I always feel like I’m so awkward and nervous with you in person. And she’d say it’s cause I liked you, I denied it. And maybe I did have a bit of a crush on you, but that died the moment I went to west palm. On the final date I took you on, I could tell you were nervous. Which is funny because… I’d never noticed it before? I think I was so caught up in my previous nerves over you to notice it. In all honestly, it had probably been there all along but i never noticed it. But finally, when I lost all attraction to you, I could tell you were nervous around me, the type you’d have with a crush. And I’m happy I didn’t do anything with you, because though I could’ve, it would’ve left me more confused than assured. Plus I got all the assurance I needed in west palm, le ponistes los cuernos. You’re exactly what you hated in others, a cheater.
Neither of our exes deserved to feel how we made them feel. But unlike you, I’ve got the spine to admit it.
The heartbreak of a friend somehow hit me harder than the heartbreak of a lover, crazy.
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starryjeekies · 2 years
Can I request OT8 E’Last love languages (giving/receiving)? Ty 💕
A/N: OH MY GOD YES! this is going to take me a long while so I’m sorry if it is posted later than I intend to but I want it to be good! (post writing: thank you for waiting for this!! my work week has been so chaotic recently and I finally had some time to write)
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Giving: Acts of Service
I think Rano is a huge sweetheart. Like when he’s in love, he’s not afraid to tell the world how amazing you are. He seems like the boyfriend who when picking you up from work or school, he would definitely tell you about what he plans to do when you get back. “I already started prepping dinner for tonight and set up everything you need to take a relaxing bath afterwards and will put your favorite blanket in the dryer and-” and follows through on EVERYTHING. 
Receiving: Words of Affirmation
Rano is a HUGE SOFTIE he will blush or giggle or smile at almost everything. He’s a fun loving guy and gets super shy when you compliment him. I think when you praise him, he will just MELT. He cannot fall in love with you harder. Whether you tell him he’s great at dancing, he’s handsome, or even “I’m glad you’re in my life” he will start to bush hardcore and push his face into your neck to hide the embarrassment. Please compliment him a lot so we can see him smile more often its so pretty :(
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Choi In:
Giving: Acts of Service
House Husband Choi In at your service! I don’t doubt he would dote on you so much when you have the weekend together. Unfortunately, as many adults know, the weekend isn’t for fun. The weekend is for us to catch up on the adult things we put off. So I don’t doubt he would come over before you woke up, coming in with the key you gave him, and make you breakfast while starting your laundry. He would kiss you awake and present to you lovely heart shaped pancakes before running off to wash your dishes.
Receiving: Quality Time
I think to recharge at the end of the day, Innie likes to spend time with you. He would like to sit on the couch with you, probably with his head in your lap as you tell each other about your day. Then he would most definitely want to cook with you if he wasn’t cooking alone with you watching on. Being around you makes him feel at home, hence why he is always late to work; he’s always begging for “5 more minutes” before he gets out of bed.
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Giving: Words of Affirmation
I think Seungyeop gets a bad rep of being the most serious member. I think he’s more thoughtful with his words and has rbf so he comes off more serious and scary. When he does praise you, you know it’s genuine and true. Not to say he won’t praise you forever and whenever, but it always feels special. I think his favorite things to say to you would be “I’m so proud to call you mine” and “you never fail to make me feel needed” because HELLO BOTH ARE ADORABLE! Gives off the “that’s my wife and I love her” vibes.
Receiving: Acts of Service
If Innie is the house husband, then Seungyeop is traditional 1950s ‘goes to work and comes home to dote on wife and play with the kids’ type of guy. We know how hard they work, especially him during Tears of Chaos era. If he came back to you seeing that you prepped his lunch for the next few days, cleaned up the place, and are ready to provide him with attention, he would feel so grateful for you. He knows you want to make his life a lot easier and would greatly appreciate it.
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Giving: Gifts
I can believe that Baekgyeul’s favorite time to get you something if not an anniversary or birthday would be when he’s out doing shows. I feel like every time he’s out of the country, he would like to pick you up a little piece of jewelry (whichever you prefer) he think would look lovely on you. Whether its a simple ring, a necklace with your birthstone in it, or earrings that would match your favorite outfit, he wouldn’t care the price. Not only do you appreciate him getting it for you, he would also smile when he catches you wearing it.
Receiving: Quality Time
Baekgyeul, for sure, prefers to just hang out at home instead of going out. I think his favorite past time with you would be doing your own little thing but together. For example, he would be building a new star wars lego set while you would be reading a book. I also think he’s a super good listener and is very attentive to you so would give you the stage to talk all day. He doesn’t mind what you do because as long as he’s with you, he is content.
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Giving: Quality Time
I think Romin would love to take you out on dates, anywhere and everywhere. He likes to go to dinner with you, take you museums, go shopping, stargaze, he wants to show you off and how good you two look together. He wants to show you the things you never dreamed of doing. You are usually astounded with his dates, especially when they’re surprise dates. You are always on your toes with him.
Receiving: Gifts
I don’t think Romin is self centered and ever expects gifts from you, but is highly appreciative of the things you do gift him. That ring you got him after your first anniversary? If it’s not on his hand it is on his nightstand. The framed picture of you two on your first date? It’s above his bed. He will treasure and take care of everything that you give him and will remember exactly when and where you gave it to him at.
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Giving: Words of Affirmation
The best boyfriend ever. He would always make sure you are loved. He always wants you around so he can dote on you and tell you how much he adores you. I think the best thing he does is if you’re not paying attention to him, he will say “come here so I can appreciate you!” and proceed to bearhug you while telling you how attractive you are and how he is so lucky to call you his. Will definitely hype you up with all of your accomplishments! Will always tell you how hardworking you are and how proud he is of your achievements.
Receiving: Physical Touch
Its not hard to see that he loves attention. He’s a big baby and wants to be cuddled 24/7 if he could. He feels the most content when you’re lying on the couch with him in your arms and you’re playing with his hair. There’s nothing he doesn’t appreciate. When you’re out with him, he will always hold your hand or link arms. When he’s tired but has to be out at a schedule and you’re there, he will rest his head on your shoulder. At home, you best believe that he is a koala and won’t let you go until you ask.
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Giving: Physical Touch
I believe Wonjun gives the best hugs. I have no doubt he notices that you are more relaxed when his arms are around you so he tries to have him arm around you whenever, especially when you’re stressed. Tiny (not anymore but) but mighty. He started working out for his health but also so he can make you feel safe and secure. When you’re hanging out with the guys, his arms are always around your waist, holding you close.
Receiving: Acts of Service
Wonjun is ready to marry you on the spot whenever you do something for him. No matter how small it is such as you getting him bubble tea during practice or how big like when you surprised him after Boni Hani with flowers, dinner, and a comfy pillow fort, he would get down on one knee if he had a ring. He knows you love him and would do anything to make him relax, and would definitely prefer to do anything with you.
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Giving: Quality Time
I don’t think Yejun is one for over the top romantic gestures, but would definitely find little romantic spots for the two of you. He would be the type to leave dance practice early to make sure he can take you to your special spot near the Han river for a little picnic. Or would definitely take you to a casual food shop so you two can talk about your day over shared tteokbokki and samgyeopsal (he only shares his food with you).
Receiving: Words of Affirmation
He has the biggest and brightest smile and it always comes out when you compliment him. He has the voice of an angel and would smile and shy away when you would praise him about it. When you first start complimenting him, I think it’ll take a while for him to accept what you say. Eventually, he will start to accept them, especially when you praise him for the hard work he’s put into being an idol.
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1111jenx · 4 years
yeah yeah give us more tea on Virgo rising dear <3
Thanks, luv!
Hey cutie,
I'm really weak when it comes to mercurian placements tbh but i'll spill some more tea for ya 😉
This is my on-going rising sign series
Virgo Rising 🫖:
More aggressive than they look. RBF but will also bite you if they can. A lot of Virgo Rising I know have BAD anger issues😍
They know that they're a lil self-centered HAHAHAHAHA they cant shut up about their amazing lifestyle like we know you have amazing schedule and work ethics, shudduuppooo
health conscious to the max. i touched base on this already but omg they actually care sm abt their health its crazyyyyy
naturally sarcastic. that 3H scorpio never stops working. their minds and jokes are hella dry but HILARIOUS bro would make a joke and start giggling by themselves like excuse me?😭
critical💓🥳 will give you shit for what u did like they gonna give it to u straight up<3 like if they don't wanna do something they're just gonna say no LMFAOOO no one can makes them do shits
surprisingly very into venusian people, they find harmony with them (Libra + Taurus placements)
*disappear for 3 weeks* "hey guys im back whats good how u doing do u need my help with something?"
just wanna help u out, let them.
uhhhhhhhhhh they're actually very stubborn. esp in love LMFAOOOO who says they're simps? if you wrong them in love they will deadass become hella scary💀
surprisingly calm and great at saying shits to get out of trouble. lie without blinking twice. master of communication but they don't look like that
also VERY good with high authority.
nostalgic. harder time letting toxic people go🤡
very very very forgiving. after a period of screaming and hate they will forgive you if you are sincere and make it up to them.
attract emotionally volatile people💀💀
a need to shelter, heal, change and ground stucked up people. they love love lost people too sksksksk
random af. will just be watching something and just start talking about wanting to travel to cuba and have a new job there or something
love sensitive people, secretly very judgy and hate people who are emotionally absent
naturally drawn to Pisces placements (7H) and tend to have a VERY soft spot for these people. will always justify their wrongs.
loners or a long term relationships no in between🙂
actually are pretty demanding. when they say they want something , they gonna get it💀
can actually see sides of issues easily. pretty objective if it doesnt involve them. can become amazing peace makers.
lowkey people pleaser tho. will feel bad if they abandon u
a secret love for the occult. love tarot readings and thinking abt philosophical ideas
HATE feeling unseen. they rly don't like it when others dont acknowledge their presence
mom friend. people love being around them cause its so warm and easy
severe anxiety. once their minds wander theres no turning back💝💕💝
cry so easily in private. but sometimes its so hard for them to cry in public. thinks their emotions are broken sometimes
These are some extra observations I can think of right now<3
I'd love to add more in the future if you guys ever wanna HAHAHAH, but fr, appreciate ur virgo rising friends more guys🤡
saint jenx🪐
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Tay. TAY. I have been laughing to myself for the last 20 minutes.
Imagine SOA/Mayans coming out of dental surgery. Especially if it was more than one at a time. The chaos. The blackmail tapes. The tears and panic.
I cannot stop laughing.
This is the kind of humor I needed today. My desperately sleep-deprived ass had too much fun thinking about this 😂
Okay but you know that the SOA boys would have multiple of them schedule appointments at once. Figuring if they designate one babysitter to look after all of them, it would go fine and they wouldn't have to deal with the chaos multiple times. Just trying to get it all wrapped up quickly.
Juice would get chosen as the babysitter because he is on the bottom of the totem pole and they like to see him suffer. Plus I feel like, realistically, he's the only one of the guys besides Chibs who would have the slightest clue as to how to deal with the situation. And Chibs would only show up to videotape and instigate everyone in their drugged up state.
Tig on painkillers is hardly distinguishable from Tig not on painkillers. But he laughs a lot more. A. Lot. More. At everything. And he shouldn't because of the gauze and the blood. But any time that Juice tries to tell him that, he just laughs harder. Chibs briefly wonders if knocking him out is the correct solution to the problem. It's not. But he thinks about it.
Jax would go from amused to paranoid so fast. It's all fun and games until he starts to freak out because he thinks that someone stole his teeth. Juice is used to dealing with people who are having a bad trip, but Jax is truly something else when he's caught up in his own delusions. Does he try to fight Juice and accuse him of being the one who stole his teeth? Absolutely! But Juice refuses to get a black eye while on babysitting duty.
Opie is part of Chibs's two-man blackmail crew. Having that kind of dirt not only on the guys who are spinning out, but also on Juice, who is floundering to keep them all under control like someone who is herding cats?? He would gladly fill an entire phone's worth of memory space with those photos and videos. Juice pleads for his help, especially with Jax, but Opie just shakes his head, suppressing his smile until Juice turns around.
I'm just picturing Piney with his oxygen in his nose and gauze in his mouth and I am. Weak. He would still be grumpy even when he's high as a kite. Someone tries to help him with literally anything and he's swinging on them saying, "Don't fucking touch me," but you can barely understand what he's saying. Because of the gauze. Somehow he's scarier that way.
Happy is still as a fucking statue. We're talking about a man who hasn't taken aspirin since he was a child now maxed out on meds from dental surgery. Everyone was hoping it would lighten him up, but it definitely just zoned him out. It was the most peaceful he'd ever been, but he still had RBF so it was mildly terrifying to look at and try to talk to. It was the nicest that he'd ever been to Juice, though, on account of the not talking.
I'm just picturing Juice losing his mind, saying he's going to call Chucky for reinforcements, and Chibs smacks the phone out of his hands. "No fuckin' way. Jax can't handle seeing that man's hands right now."
The Mayans boys. Oh. I just. That clubhouse would be a goddamn zoo if a bunch of them got brought back there high on painkillers. I love it.
Bishop is high as a goddamn kite. Happy as a fucking clam. He just watches the mess unfold around him with a smile on his face. Will he remember it and be mad about it all later when he comes out of his daze? Who knows! Not him. It's the only time anyone has ever seen him anything close to mellow. They didn't think that Bishop Losa was capable of giggling, but there he was.
Angel is the biggest crybaby. I will not be taking criticism on that. All those emotions he tries to keep bottled up come out, but over the weirdest shit. He tried to pet one of the junkyard cats on his way to the clubhouse and it ran away and that shattered him for the next two hours. He's laying on top of the pool table, practically sobbing, which isn't helpful for anything about his current situation.
Gilly feels great. He forgets that he had any work done, disregards the insane amount of gauze in his mouth, and makes it his mission to cause as much havoc as possible. Convinced that he's invincible. Tries to prove it in an attempt to climb up onto the pol table where Angel is laying and weeping, but Angel shoves him away. Which is probably for the best.
Creeper, the only one who didn't take the painkillers, is just trying to survive the agony surrounded by the rest of the idiots in the club. 100% locks himself in Templo to ride it out, and I respect that.
Coco is kind of like Tig in that it's a little difficult to tell the difference between him high and him sober. But instead of giggly, he's talkative. Did anyone ask him for his opinions on everything? No. But is he going to give them anyway? Yes. No amount of chastising him for fucking up all the shit in his mouth will stop him. The world just needs to know these things. It's up to him to tell everyone.
Taza was supposed to be the babysitter but he knew it was going to be a fucking mess. Which is why he just locked them all in the clubhouse together. He took out all the knives and guns ahead of time. It's the most child-proof the clubhouse has ever been.
EZ offered to help because he knows how Angel gets. He shows up and is about to head to the clubhouse, but Taza stops him. They can both hear the ruckus but Taza just shakes his head. EZ might be the prospect but Taza isn't going to be that mean. But EZ totally pops in and out to check and make sure everyone is alive. He's also the one who takes pictures and videos, because even though he's not going to forget, he wants all of them to know what happened.
Cricket I am. Thriving because of this. Thank you 😂
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qah-naarin · 2 years
Vibe check Miraak for the character bingo
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okay so miraak. i have things to say about him and its a bit A Lot. first of all miraak's fit is cool. like i like it, evokes ancient enemy warped to something Not Quite Human, and i think that's sick as shit. i will say that you can't see canon!miraak's face so therefore he looks cool, because out of sight out of mind.
controversial: everyone but me is wrong about them. okay its NOT everyone but it's majority. i refuse to think that miraak would acclimate to the world so well much less know how to tap that ass. no. that is IMPOSSIBLE and i will not hear arguments for it. i dont care if the kama sutras in apocrypha, it is IMPOSSIBLE. i also want to state that a lot of people write miraak (in miraak!lives fics) as dark and eternally broody and their only light of sunshine or whatever is the dragonborn... NO. stop that. he's enamored with the beauty of the world. overwhelmed with how real nirn is. you have to show that. if you're not going to write him as appreciative and in love with the beauty the world offers to him despite how he had turned his back on it a long time ago, you are wrong. im so sorry bestie but ur wrong.
i feel like canon!miraak had way too much wasted potential. like im not saying he HAD to live by the end of it, but the entire dlc could've been a great elaboration on what it means to be the dragonborn in the face of greater beings like the daedric gods. a lot of people also forget to realize that miraak's entire character speaks volumes about what it means to be trapped and want freedom, and at the same time, be malicious in his actions if not intentions. i'm glad bethesda at least Tried to make him sympathetic (and he is! he's my favorite villain because he's so complex in my HEAD lol) but i feel like they could've tried harder. miraak is established to be dramatic and a show-off, i think he deserved a little more depth than the "me evil i will kill you to be free" and maybe that IS all that's left of him inside, because it's been eaten away by apocrypha, but then why isn't that more obvious? he's clearly in control of his own thoughts and not a crazy, rambling guy like the ones who found the black books—so even if he is hollow save for the unquenchable thirst for ldb's soul, it is Highly Unlikely.
anyway if he was real i would be scared of him. i'm like 5 flat. i hc him to be 6'7" thats literally gigantic to me. at the same time though i would marry him bc i think he would be a great househusband. he's practically a blorbo to me bc like... most of his personality and backstory i wrote LMAO. its Mine and i am just pouring so much love and effort into this silly giant man... you know how it is. he is deeper that he seems (see paragraph above) and i also like to throw my issues on him. hello attachment issues? i am throwing them at his face like a baseball.
AND on the same note as everyone is wrong about him but me, i just think miraak isnt blond idc. he's not blond, i don't to hear it.
didn't get enough screen time sums him up. i wish we saw him more to further expound on his character, because he is Not someone whose absence speaks volumes, because his absence isn't of his own volition.
yes i am mentally ill abt him. can u tell? i bet you would have never guessed
anyway he's exactly like me LMAO. prickly, rbf, a little broody, but deeply in love with the world and what it has to offer him. and he has layers, like an onion, and like me <3
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callistolivia · 4 years
How would you tell a leo rising apart from a virgo rising?
Physically there’s differences.
Virgos often have oval or oblong faces whereas Leos often have diamond or heart shaped faces. Virgos usually have longer, pointier, or bigger noses. Virgos usually have smaller eyes and a narrow pupillary distance. Where the bridge of the nose meets the eyes/face is often quite defined in Virgos. Leo’s eyes are often catty/almond shaped/ or “snatched” looking. Leos are usually average in height. Virgos are either giants or petite and short. Weight distribution is contrasting too; Leos tend to carry weight up top. Fat builds in their upper torso, neck, head, and arms while their lower half is by ratio slimmer. Leos tend to have broader shoulders too. They tend to have triangluar body shapes (and this is of course said with exaggeration... these kinds of things don’t always stick out like a sore thumb in the way I may be making them come across). Virgo distributes fat fairly evenly. Virgos do come in all shapes and sizes, though there is a tendency for them to be slimmer and it’s usually to do with their metabolism, intestines, or something thyroid related.
Virgos often have a nervous disposition to them. There’s a carefulness too. Their eyes catch everything. In contrast, Leo risings can be kind of clumsy or accidentally hurricane-like. Like, don’t have a Leo rising around a house of cards. They have a heavy step that comes swinging at table legs and gusts of wind that come following with them. Virgos are quiets cats and Leos are loud ones. You won’t hear a Virgo leave a lunchroom, but you will hear Leo probably accidentally kick their chair or do something loud lmao
Leos have a wide gait when they are comfortable or trying to seem scarier than they are. Virgos almost always have a narrow gait. Virgos posture is either hunched in and to-themselves looking or tall/straight and looking-down-upon. I’ve literally met Virgos who walk around with their chin in the air. Leos posture often rests forward on their hips; chest and tummy forward, shoulders and butt back (again, I say this with exaggeration)
Both these signs have RBF, but Leos are quick to emote something different or cheery when you actually talk to them (and yeah, it might be an act). Virgos have a harder time doing this, there’s just a tendency for them to look disappointed or like they’re judging you. You just have to make them laugh.
That’s all that comes to mind right now, but I think these are the easiest things to spot, at least for me
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