lostlegendaerie · 7 years
Using the Unusual; Metaphors and Similes in Creative Writing
while i was getting my bachelor’s in fiction writing, one of the most useful classes i ever took was a poetry class taught by a woman named Mary Leader because she really taught me to examine my prose. poetry, at least in her class, was an excellent way to fully capture the visuals, sounds, and setting of a particular moment in time, which is a skill (i believe) that prose writers can use as well.
but today I’m gonna focus on my particular favorite thing in writing, which is the Unexpected Metaphor or Simile.  (long post, and some really personal takes/analytical perspectives, but i hope this helps some people who want to get more creative with their analogies!)
The Anchor
A good metaphor or simile is one that is based on a single, clear idea. 
“But soft! What light through yonder window breaks?  It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, who is already sick and pale with grief ” 
The above passage from Romeo and Juliet is an excellent example of this; Juliet is the sun, and the rest of the metaphor revolves (or orbits) around her, and the rest of the passage has that kind of space/heavenly body theme. Having a clear idea or a clear theme is an excellent starting point for good metaphors or similes, and it can be anything. It can even (and often should) build upon itself, such as the more modern example in the song One Week by Barenaked Ladies. 
How can I help it if I think you're funny when you're mad Trying hard not to smile though I feel bad I'm the kind of guy who laughs at a funeral Can't understand what I mean? Well, you soon will I have a tendency to wear my mind on my sleeve I have a history of taking off my shirt
Here, the theme is that the narrator is inappropriately chipper or open at times, which each line building on the abstract idea of the other (even down to the last two lines being about wearing clothes, and I really hope that I’m the first person you’ve ever seen compare BNL to Shakespeare but damn it’s so good.)
Below, I’m going to try to logic this whole thing out in a way that makes sense and makes it easy for you to train your mind how to do this really cool thing as well.
How to Branch Out; A Step By Step Method
we have hundreds and hundreds of well-worn phrases like “as dark as night” “as cold as ice” and etc, and they’re popular bc they’re approachable. most people have seen a dark night or felt the temperature of ice, so it’s immediately understandable. but lets try to take one of these a step further.
1) The Second Thought
so, say you’re trying to trying to describe something that’s cold in temperature; don’t go for Ice, the obvious choice, or snow. Think about something else you’ve felt in your life that’s been cold. Maybe a operating table, or the glass in a window on a November morning. Sometimes the second (or third) thought it the best thought, and using a more selective experience can paint a more vivid picture. “as cold as an operating table” has a definite menacing, uneasy, vulnerable feel to it whereas “as cold as a windowpane in November” could have a feeling of more curiosity or domesticity to it.
2) The Alternate Definition
if you look up ‘cold’ in the dictionary, it will likely list both the definition of something physically lacking heat, or something morally devoid of ‘warmth’ or compassion. let’s once again return to the idea that you’re describing something that is physically cold; consider describing it as morally or emotionally cold instead. “as cold as murder” is one that carries a lot of threat and menace to it (and is probably a little heavy-handed) but you should get the idea.
3) The Dual Purpose
using both of the methods described above together can really give your simile or metaphor some weight. let’s say we have a chill winter day and we want to add a sense of foreboding, darkness or unease; “as cold as an executioner’s blade” works on two different levels for this goal. the first is playing off the Second Thought - ice is cold, yes, but so is metal and steel. the second aspect is drawing from the Alternate Definition, where cold means detached from compassion, and someone tasked with the ritualistic killing of another person is exactly that.
Keeping Your Momentum; Layering and Compounding Similes and Metaphors
when you want to really capitalize on one specific idea or image, such as “cold = death” it’s important for all of your metaphors, similes and even imagery to reflect that idea in some way or another. now, this doesn’t mean restating the same thing over and over again; it means building on a basic idea. 
let’s say you are describing a snowy evening where the protagonist is facing something they dread at the end of their route. reflecting their hesitation, their reluctance, and their sense of morbidity is important to set the tone of the piece. 
1) Sympathetic Setting
a good way to really make someone feel the weight or emotion in a piece is to have the setting mirror the emotions of the moment. classic examples of this is rain at a funeral, a sunset for a climax of a movie, etc, but nearly any setting can be influenced to fit your tone depending on how its framed in the narration. say that the protag in the above example is seeing other people around town go about their business; instead of just having people around them walking, maybe have them “shuffle uncertainly over the ice” to reflect the protag’s reluctance and fear. they are projecting their feelings on their surroundings, and having those sentiments returned.
2) Contrasting Setting
another good way to emphasize an emotion is to have the setting contrast the mood, or pit the world against the protag. kisses in the rain are a common example (a heated, joyful moment in a cold, wet, usually despair-inducing setting). to pull on the above example, the other people in the city could be described as “gliding in their heavy coats like low-flying crows” to contrast them to the protag (either as carefree like flying birds or as funeral omens). 
3) Layering and Repetition
If you’re wanting to really linger on one specific moment or idea, remixing your metaphor or simile and repeating it can be an excellent way of doing so. but with all of these, it’s important to keep in mind your anchoring idea. continuing with our current chilly despairing example, lets have the protagonist looking at the ground. “Above her head, the melting icicles pockmarked the snow below, like a hundred ghoulish faces all clustered beneath the overhang, crying out in pain.”
the first part, the ‘pockmarked snow’ is meant to describe dark holes in white snow. the ‘ghoulish faces’ is a reference to how skulls and ghosts are often stylized as black holes or spots in white, and now that we’ve established a connections between the snow and faces, we can build on this idea by having them cry. if we skipped the middle section, the image doesn’t make as much sense (which in poetry can sometimes be a good thing, because it’s that much more unusual)
Breaking It Down; Applying This Process to Pre-existing Work
i’m a huge sucker for a band called Dry the River. (not a coincidence that words intended to be spoken or sung have such a sense of compacted beauty and meaning to them, IMHO.) so lets analyze this piece below from their song History Book.
Beneath an angry Bible flood, Did you and I first learn to love. In my father's car we came to know. And shivered in our painted clothes and paired like every animal below.
So the first line is pretty clear to anyone familiar with classic Bible stories; the Flood here references Noah, so we can assume that it’s pouring down rain. The next two lines illustrate that these two characters are virgins and teenagers (his father’s car, not his own) and the next line not only tells us their clothes were wet (clinging to their skin as though they were painted on) and that they’re having sex (paired like every animal) but it also has an excellent callback to this kind of religious imagery (every animal below, as though told from God’s perspective.)
That’s probably a little too dense to craft a long narrative out of, but using these ideas to craft specific moments for dramatic tension can really do wonders for your story!
In Conclusion
To TL;DR you can take something as far as you want to go, so long as you start off with a very solid A = B comparison. And that can be something classic like cold = death or something more unusual, and you can even mix ideas (to a degree) as well! Well worn metaphors and cliches are a great starting point, but don’t be afraid to take it one (or more) steps further!
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mintemps · 6 years
unloved letters | pjm
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pairing :: park jimin / reader 
genre :: break up!au, angst 
word count :: 3.2k 
note :: this is the first time i’m posting a fic on this site and it’s my first story i’ve ever written in years (since c. 2014/15?), so please let me know what you think! this story was inspired by Why We Broke Up by Daniel Handler and Maira Kalman and i recommend it if you haven’t heard of it before 💕 
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You sat at the edge of your bed, somewhat overwhelmed. Thoughts teetered on a thin string of happiness and apprehension. Fond memories turned into shadows of a distant stranger, a bittersweet heaviness creates its home in your chest. Fumbling with ripped notebook pages, you decide that one more thorough read of the scrawled blue ink would be enough.
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Hey love,
Dear Jimin,
It’s been months since things ended between us and by the time that you open this letter I would have already left for Busan. You’ve probably picked up the cardboard box I’ve mailed this letter with, its contents softly rattling as you take it into your home; you’ll find bits and pieces of the relationship we shared for the past few years in it and although I’m thankful for the rollercoaster memories they contain, I decided it best to return them to you instead.
Maybe by the time this gets to you, you’re already at the studio while Hoseok brings this pathetic box in for you. He’ll probably be confused, thinking it’s some weird gift from a fan instead and will debate whether it should just be thrown away before setting it on your kitchen counter. You will possibly get this box at the worst of times, maybe right before your world tour begins and have our memories you’ve suppressed into nothingness crash into you like violent waves meeting shore time and time again, abruptly just as you had ended things months ago. You told me things would be okay but you
The dull thud of this box as its dropped from the front of your doorstep, to your counter, and hopefully right into your room, is for you. As much as you would like to avoid the repercussions of what had happened, the thud serves as a reminder that there is so much more for you to unpack than meekly accepting that your heart is broken. Namjoon and Hoseok still check up on me like you should have been doing, but instead you decided it best to disappear, didn’t you?
You were one of my only lifelines in Seoul and now it feels odd to find home in a city where all you could think about is where things had gone wrong. The dregs of our relationship come to follow me wherever I go, and it hurts knowing that these memories replay without you by my side. It makes me wonder if you’ve been suffering as much as I have. It had been isolating to feel so assured that you were going to come back, at least in some way, yet it’s like you never existed instead. As if the moments stretched between us have stretched itself to nothingness, years turned into paper-thin fibres. The time I fell in love with this city was the time I fell in love with you, and I remember clutching your hand with anxiety bubbling in my chest, white noise ringing in my ears, as we took the train to Seoul for the first time together. Jimin, you have come so far from where you began. Didn’t I tell you that you deserved better than what home offered you?
At your place back in Busan, you stared at me in the middle of your room, “I’m so nervous, but you have them printed out right?”
“Yeah I do,” I laughed a bit and waved the freshly printed train tickets in front of you. You were almost entirely swallowed by your black hoodie, snapback slightly off, but were too busy frantically running around your room, looking for your phone and ID.
Then you stared at the papers I had in my hand, almost boring holes into them.
“I’m so nervous.” We weren’t even at the station yet.
“Wait, aren’t you nervous too?”
“Yeah, but I don’t want to freak you out more.”
“HEY IT’S NOT THAT BAD.” You were always such a whiny baby, but that didn’t help my lame attempt of suppressed laughter.
“Whatever you say.” Then you gave me that annoyed look, but you still took my hand when we got to the station. Our parents wished us luck, that they would visit if we were both successful… And sometime after, they did.
As we were approaching Seoul, you squeezed my hand tighter. I had the window seat, but I looked up at you, “I think you’ll be okay… You know you can do it, I know you can do it—you deserve it more than anyone I know.”
“I guess, but I just wish I could audition with you or be there, you know?” You tell me, saying it as your thumb grazes my hand a bit more fondly. It was oddly quiet, almost like we were the only ones there.
“Me too, but just know you’ll make it… I just know you will. Hopefully I make it, too.”
Then you didn’t hesitate to correct me, without skipping a beat—“You? Not making it? Doubt it. You were recommended for a reason.”
“But this is the National Company! I don’t even know if I’ve prepared enough. Well anyway, this was recommended for you too.” Then you shook your head, almost like you were shrugging the doubts off my shoulders and smiled at me, eyes crinkling to small moons, like they always did. The ticket is here for you now. You can’t use it to take you back to that time or back home, but I can leave it here to remind you where you came from.
The pitter-patter of the rain can’t help but make me smile right now—you did it. It’s a cold comfort, somewhat literal, as the breeze blankets me into a now-familiar embrace. It used to be your arms instead, enveloping me in your warmth and kissing away the tears and the fears that plagued my mind. Loving crescent-like shapes replaced by the cold distance of the night sky’s.
It reminds me of the first few times you began to leave Korea for tours. Although you told me I could’ve gone with you, I couldn’t leave in the midst of rehearsals for our showcase at the National Company. They made me one of their grand soloists that year, perfecting my routine was a priority and it made me wish you were there with me or that I was there with you… somehow. The brief phone calls and the oddly timed ones (thanks time zones) weren’t enough sometimes. Staying up wearing one of your shirts on a video call wasn’t enough sometimes. And somehow, we made it work… We caught up whenever you were back home, times where you’d surprise me during rehearsal or asking me to lunch when I thought you’d still be someplace else. Nights where we would stay up, talking about the things we missed while watching a movie in your room or mine; days where things would get serious and doubts began to cloud our conversations, concluded with tears being wiped by the other; comforting words and gestures.
The longer time we held on, the less time we had for each other. The more success we found in our respective fields, the less present we were for each other. Comfortable silence began to ebb away and replace itself with hesitant touches and calculated movements. We tiptoed around each other’s feelings rather than holding each other through the tears. We made it work, we tried to make it work, and then it didn’t. So, here’s your shirt back.
It used to be a thin veil of cotton comfort, casing me in its threads while you were gone. Then as time passed, it didn’t feel right anymore, like it wasn’t sufficient enough to sew the loosened ends of the uncertainties that came with this relationship. I love you no less, but it made me question if it was worth it, and I know at some point you felt it too.
Maybe it was my mistake being someone in a city too big to shelter their being, who knew absolutely nothing but the comfort from your smile, the seclusion of mirrored walls and the too-bright lights illuminating the too-big stage. It consumed me in its vastness, swallowing me up before I could take the last few steps to exit their expanse. Perhaps we were just love that had gone cold, too comfortable and too afraid to address how things were falling apart in front of us. I want to apologise for the things the boys had to go through, picking up the pieces that you should have been picking up after leaving me without explanation, but why should I apologise on your behalf anymore?
On that same thought, why should I keep these? Each photo you find in this box feels ten times heavier now that they’re memories I don’t want to remember. From the photos we shared at my first showcase, to yours, to our group photos when we still performed together, and the album of polaroids I started with you after our first anniversary… I shouldn’t keep these, but I didn’t have the heart to throw them away.
“Y/N! Do you want to go to the amusement park with us today?” Taehyung had asked me. We were all trainees back then so we couldn’t stay too long. We took too many photos at the photo booth together though, ones of just us and ones with everyone else too. Dahae and Jiyoung were there to keep me company whenever the girls and the boys split up. I remember leaving with them before you because we had training earlier than you did, I also remember we couldn’t hold hands because your company was already starting to promote Bangtan through social media. They didn’t exactly know about me either, so by the time I showed up backstage for your debut showcase, they thought I was some family member, a cousin maybe? Well, until you kissed me in front of everyone else in the room… yeah, that didn’t add up huh? Thanks for being subtle, babe.  
I hope you remember each memory, each photo in detail. Knowing you, you probably do. I know I couldn’t forget them for a reason either.
When times were rough, you had told me that we were pulling a 70-30; that I had to try harder than what I was capable of rather than understanding what I was going through. You disguised it as communication, rather than admitting to yourself that it was a roundabout way of telling me you wanted to end things. You began to believe that you were the only one who bore the weight of our problems, but I was with you with every step of the way, even when the distance and the hours between us had to fluctuate as Bangtan began to reach heights unimagined. Maybe we were both too stubborn to let each other go… because we both knew what we had to do. It was time to let go.
Your hand had held mine then, guiding it in your so-called expertise. The arcade lights were full of life. It felt unreal to be with you then, brimming with laughter, giddy with nervousness but surrounded by a silence that only existed in the world we created together.
Our face masks were on, but for a brief second, you had kissed my forehead without it. Success from what seemed like the tenth or eleventh attempt for the small plushie, “I told you I was a pro.”
I raised my eyebrow, laughing, “What type of pro has to try more than ten times to win?”
“Hey, practise makes perfect.”
“Sure thing, buddy.”
“I don’t know who that is and whose plushie that is but from what I know it isn’t yours anymore.”
“Really?” I rolled my eyes, you were so petty. “Hmm, babe? Does that sound better?”
“Yep.” You passed the small bear to me, holding my hand until we left the arcade and its silence.  
I’m letting you go. Just like the claw finally loosened its hold from the prize, after what seems like the tenth try, it’s time. It’s only fair, the world’s equilibrium once shifted, and now it’s reclaiming itself, slowly falling back into its place.
I never want to be the person in the way of you achieving what you’ve deserved all your life, that would be hypocritical of me, wouldn’t it? But as the time rolled onwards, I faded into the background as your spotlight began to shine brighter. I never imagined being that disposable to you.
Disposable like how you threw away bus and movie tickets we’ve had over the years from our dates. Maybe my sentimental ass just thought it would be a great idea to hoard them to look back together, but that isn’t an option anymore. I kept all of mine anyway, except for ones that flew away in the chill of autumn winds; ones that have made themselves a part of the streets we’ve walked together. Somewhere their remnants are there, someplace else they’re no longer in existence, just like what we have now.
At least the boys had the decency to call me while I was alone in Seoul and all I got from you was half-assed updates via Kakao Talk. Tour was hard, you told me you needed space and I gave you that. You and Hoseok had death threats sprout out of nowhere during the tour, you stopped answering my FaceTime calls during that time… was it unreasonable for me to be scared?
“Dahae, he’s not picking up.”
“Y/N, he’s probably tired… didn’t you talk last night?”
“No. That was Tae, and with all of these death threats I’m seeing I can’t help but get worried? I don’t know, I know he’s probably safe, but I miss him, and we just don’t talk anymore.”
“Long distance is hard, you both knew that it was going to happen.”
“And we’ve been okay for years… but that’s the thing, you know? We’re just okay? Like it’s just mundane or weird now, sometimes I even question if he still wants to be with me. It’s like he’s just saying we’re still together because it’s what’s familiar.”
“Well, do you still love him?”
“Is that even a question? Of course, I do. It just makes me wonder if he still does if he doesn’t even want to talk to me.”
“Hmm, I don’t know Y/N. It seems like you know what you have to do.”
I didn’t even know you were back in Korea that week until Jungkook had asked to get food with me. You barely responded to any of our messages and Jungkook said he barely saw you around, maybe it was paranoia and the insecurities starting to creep up on me, but wouldn’t that seem odd to you, too? The next time we saw each other, it was by accident, I was talking to Taehyung about us and you had walked in the middle of our conversation.
The tension in the room was indescribable, then pent-up frustration and anger bubbled in my chest, “How do you feel about us?” It made me feel so small and vulnerable to ask you, I felt like my paranoia was something that should have been blamed on me for not being enough.
A screaming spree cut through the air. Yoongi had to calm us down, either for our benefit or for his, to continue sleeping, I’m not sure, but I can tell you with 100% assurance that the argument only made me feel like shit and that all we had going for us was going to shit.
A couple of days after, you had gone to the dance studio, we talked through what happened and it alleviated some of the strain. You gave me my own Chimmy, another item you said was to keep me company while you were away. You told me to keep him so that I remember that you were there with me, but were you? Is that what 70-30 looked like to you?
It was in bold red letters in front of us, Jimin.
I’ve spent these last few months wallowing and hollowing myself out because of the isolation. You did nothing to alleviate that pain, rather you perpetuated it. You lied to me. You ended things without explanation, you told me we were going to maintain some semblance of our relationship. You told me you would stay. Attached to my side for a month and then disappeared, this wasn’t what your promise meant. When you gave me your promise to wear those years ago, it was concrete and assuring. A simple band that reminded me daily what we had was worth it all, but I’m done blaming all of this on myself. I’m done justifying it with a promise you failed to keep, a lie wrapped around our fingers.
Dahae and everyone else in the company had seen it happen in snippets, and they told me I deserved better, but how could I believe that when all I knew was you? When our anniversary passed a couple of weeks ago, I shoved all these souvenirs into the cardboard box in front of you now and have shipped it your way. Feel its immensity and its weight. This is what I’ve been carrying without you. How much weight has landed itself onto your shoulders since you left? Or have you passed it onto Taehyung and Jungkook, like you usually do? The necklace you gave me for my birthday is in there too. I couldn’t keep it when its chain kept searing itself into my skin, reminding me of things that were no longer true.
There’s only so much to performing that keeps me going. There’s only so much to staring at mirrored walls all day, dancing until you feel the callouses that have formed over the years thicken more under the repeated pressure. You know how it feels to stare at mirrored walls, to see your own reflection distort in front of you. I felt it too. I began to dim, I began to believe I could only reflect the light that you radiated, but now it’s time to let go because I’m realising my worth. We shone together, we shared the stage, and although stage lights still consume us in different places at different times, I saw myself stumbling more. It was gone, the flame within me began to die out. But it was a part of us, dancing made us love. It was something we shared. As your fame began to skyrocket, the dynamic between us only began to slow down until it ceased to exist.  
So here I am, word vomiting onto these pages for you. Beginning with your confession letter and it’s in there too. This is it, the last thing you’ll hear from me because I’m going back to where it all began. Memories that plague me, ones of us from back home, I’m replacing them and moving forward, now truly accepting that you’re gone, and you don’t care. You stopped, and I don’t want to beg anymore. I don’t want to be miserable any longer because I deserve better than what you put me through.
Good luck, I love you. You know where to find me, but you won’t need it.
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kj-1130 · 3 years
Knife to the Heart
pre avengers!natasha romanoff x civilian!reader
warnings: mentions of blood, passing out, knives, lmk if there’s anything else
a/n: 1) yes, im posting this from mobile bc i don’t have the energy to get my laptop. 2) im alive (barely). idk if my stay is permanent or temporary rn but we’re just going with the flow. 3) im turning this into its own universe and no one can stop me
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The first time you met Natasha, she was bleeding out and on the verge of losing consciousness. Your survival instincts yelled at you to rush into your apartment and get away from whatever danger this stranger may bring. But the nurse in you screamed louder.
Ignoring the warnings from your head, you helped the woman into your home and nursed her back to help as best as you could with the limited equipment you had. She was stubborn at first, though you could hardly blame her. If you were getting dragged into a stranger’s home at your most vulnerable, you’d be fighting too. But eventually she couldn’t hold off on the fight for rest much longer and passed out on your couch as you were cleaning her wounds.
When she woke up the next morning, you were sleeping but soon awoke to her positioning one of your kitchen knives at your neck. Oddly enough, you weren’t scared. Hell, you wouldn’t have been mad if she killed you; there would be no haunting her from the spirit world on your end.
After slowly explaining to her what occurred, she reluctantly pulled down the knife and sat down on your bed. She stared at you and you stared back. She was analyzing while you were just observing.
Once a few moments had passed, you sluggishly got out of bed, put on some slippers and a robe, and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.
As you cooked, you felt her eyes on your back. The staring didn’t creep you out as it usually would. Instead, you felt…guarded in a sense. You felt reassured. The events of last night really did happen and now you were experiencing the aftermath.
You found yourself eating pancakes and hash browns with her at your dinner table. When the two of you finished, you moved to your couch and enjoyed whatever was on. At about six in the evening, however, she gets up and walks out of the door.
While you let out a breath and your shoulders slumped, you felt an empty lonely feeling wash over you as well.
When you got home from work the next day, there was a package at your doorstep. With furrowed eyebrows, you bent down and picked it up before heading into your apartment.
After gathering your bearings, you got a key and ripped the box open. Inside was something you’d never forget.
You reached in and grabbed the letter on top.
‘I appreciate you patching me up when you could’ve left me to die. Sorry for almost killing you as well.’
Underneath all of the packaging peanuts, you found your kitchen knife. The same one she held up to your neck.
@stillmanicc @annestine @ymzki-haruki @moonslattes @yomama010101 @sebastian-vettels @mylove4life @blueposthings @idek-5 @jesuswasnotawhiteman @mmmmokdok @sirsell @augustvandyne @uselessgay101 @emiliaisdead
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sleepy-dreamers-inc · 4 years
Being Exiled with Tommy Headcannons!|| 🥀
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irl/ in-game
Genre| angst + comfort
h e a d c a n n o n s||
Both you and Tommy ended up getting exiled together.
Artist| OliverSonder on twitter!!
Warnings] mentions of manipulation, character death, spoilers for Tommy’s Exile Arc and the Season 2 finale!!
[can be seen as both platonic or romantic!!]
||gender neutral reader!!||
(also this was not grammar checked and im to lazy to watch through hours of footage so if anything in here is wrong blame it on the DSMP Wiki OKAY LETS GO-)
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So i think its pretty established that if you end up getting exiled with Tommy your one of two things.
- Really sweet and loyal friend that will stick up for in-justice and be there when someone needs you the most
- A total fucking gremlin that will steal your kneecaps and toes and eat your shower curtains in the middle of the night.
There is no inbetween here you guys.
I did end up going for Reader A, though. But you guys tell me if you want headcannons for a gremlin!reader because i will gladly do that!!
But anyways just... enjoy exile!
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- It was about his third day in exile when Y/N appeared through the nether portal, bags, pouches, tools, armor, etc. on their person. Tommy thought they either were here to beat him up or got exiled themselves.
- Tommy was pleasantly surprised when he learned that Y/N was actually there on their own accord, helping him through exile and being his shoulder to lean on. The first few days we’re rough, fighting back mobs in the night and farming crops all day. His clothes we’re starting to get dirty and torn by the time Y/N got there.
- Y/N ended up making a little bunker about 30 blocks from where they’re tent was, where they hid all theirs and Tommy’s valuables, such as armor, diamonds & iron, and rations. Although Y/N never gave into Dream and gave him they’re stuff, Y/N simply refused, they wouldn’t be giving in that easily.
- Most of they’re days are spent in caves mining away, chatting and fighting off Creeper’s as they tried to keep the moral high, always keeping Tommy company. Y/N never let him go anywhere alone, they we’re always with him, like his own bodyguard of sorts.
- One time they both find a Mineshaft though and got lost, they ended up at the surface two dayd later with torn clothes, cuts and bruises and we’re in bad shape. Thankfully Y/N had a brewing stand at they’re camp though, so Healing Potions we’re semi-easy to make/get.
- After the duo end up going to the artic though... things got... weird.
- Techno was not expecting to open his door to find the heathen Tommy and sweetheart Y/N at his doorstep shivering and begging to come inside, bags thrown on they’re shoulders as they teeth chattered from the cold wind and snow.
- Whenever Dream comes to visit Y/N always has to hide with Tommy, reassuring him that its okay and they’ll always be there for him, and protect him at any cost, which he highly appreciates.
- The ‘gapple-eating’ thing Tommy did was a cute, yet depressing thing. Seeing him hasitly munching on golden-coated apples was funny and caused giggles, but the meaning behind it always left Y/N with a lump in their throat and a hole in their heart.
- Whenever Tommy is in danger and calls for Dream, Y/N always has to stop him and bring him back to reality, making Tommy realize Dream isnt his friend, and never was. Many nights have happened where the two talk about Tommy’s feelings with Dream, not only for Tommy to vent and let everything out, but also for Y/N to understand whats going on in his head.
- When going into the Nether Tommy always grips Y/N’s hand, as his fear of lava and heights consumes him whole in that firey dimension.
- When Tommy gets up close to Dream in the cabin? Y/N is scared spineless, if people could see them, they’d see the palest, most terrified and worried being on earth.
- Y/N having a heart attack when Ghostbur slips up
- Ghostbur is just a whole thing and just. Y/N needs a break, okay?
- Y/N begrudgingly helping Tommy build his cobblestone tower outside of Techno’s cabin.
- Y/N apologizing soon after to Techno only for him to laugh and ruffle Y/N’s hair, saying he knows how Tommy can get anyone to any situation.
- Very rarely does Y/N ever leave Tommy’s side, when they do its usually to get supplies or visit they’re friends. So when Y/N was walking back to the Nether portal to see Tommy, Techno and Dream all standing there, looking like they’re about to slit the others throat, well...
- Nobody has ever seen Y/N drop kick a person so fast.
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Y/N yelled, they’re sword at Dream’s neck, as he laid on his back, his mask covering his shocked expression.
“Answer. Me.” Y/N gritted through their teeth, pushing their swordfurther against the masked mans throat. Techno soon chimed in, reassuring Y/N that nothing to terrible happened.
“It’s fine, Y/N. He didn’t do anything, why not we head back home? Wouldn’t want that homeless man to be to scared spineless, eh?” Techno said, hand on they’re shoulder as he looked Y/N in the eyes.
The 3 walked back to the Nether portal, purple mist engulfing Tommy and Techno as Y/N stood in front of the portal. Back turned towards Dream, Y/N shifted they’re head and glared at Dream with eyes that could kill.
“Don’t do anything you might regret, you megalomaniac.”
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- When Tommy and Tubbo decide to go fight Dream, Y/N is both excited and scared. They hope Dream will finally be taken down, but they dont want Tommy (& Tubbo) to be taken down as well.
- So like any amazing best friend, Y/N brews up a bunch of potions of Strength, Healing + Regen, Invisibility and more. Even if Tommy thought he was going to be walking out of there alone, he wasn’t going to be. Y/N would make sure.
- Y/N watched from afar as Tommy got his disc out of the jukebox, laughing in success. All Y/N did was clap quietly, making sure they’re Invisibility didn’t wear off. They we’re making sure Tommy stayed safe, even if he didn’t realize it. Y/N loved him with they’re whole heart, and everyone knew that.
- At Dreams secret base, Y/N was just getting there as Tommy took Dreams first canon life.
“Tommy. Stop. Dont do anything you might regret.” Dream snarled, looking at the teenage boy, his blue eyes dull, yet full of passion and vigor.
All Tommy did was pursue forward, as everyone waited for what was to come. Tommy took one step to close though, because Dream had decided that he had enough.
Dream brought his arm into the air, hand curled into a fist, he was about to hurl his hand into Tommy’s face when Dream suddenly fell to the ground, arrow in his forehead.
Dream was shot by Y/N
Y/N stood there, enchanted bow in hand, infront of the nether portal that swirled with an eerie purple mist. Y/N lowered their bow, staring at the man who tortured Tommy for weeks now. Y/N simply stepped forward and towered over Dreams corpse before it disappeared in thin air.
Lets just say Dream wouldn’t be hurting the blonde heathen anytime soon.
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a/n: howdy everyone how we doing? Decided to do Tommy x Reader for this post, although i am MAJORLY simping for Wilbur atm and i have brainrot so that’ll most likely be the next post (if i dont do a pt. 2 for this one but even so WILBUR).
Anyways i hope i did racooninnit justice, i have no idea how to do headcannons since half the time i ramble (its the adhd) so this was new for me. Definitely not my strong suit but like you live ya learn. Also, sorry if i left out quite a lot, i might make a fic about this and include more events, but this is really long for headcannons (because of my layout) so i didn’t include to much. I dont want people scrolling for like 20 seconds to go to another post (i write on mobile so undercut is not a thing for me RIP)
Anyways have a lovely day and dont let Tommy eat all your gapples!!
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thefanbasewhore · 3 years
"your pussy taste so sweet" with Bucky !!!!!
Summary | Buck gets caught watching his roommate.
Warning/content | 18+ suggestive content, minors DNI.
Paring | Bucky Barnes x female reader
Side note | does anyone know how to put a read more tab/mark on mobile??
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Bucky can barely move, breath hitching inside his chest as a wave of arousal warms his belly. The smallest fire igniting inside his chest, it's makes the room unbarebly hot.
It smells like you - the air mixes with the sweet smell of your own arousal. He closes his eyes with a quiet groan, watching the way your fingers work in and out of your dripping hole.
It flutters around your fingers, he watches as the juices drip down your thighs. The sounds that fill the room are absolutely filthy, with every thrust into yourself is a gush of wetness and the moans that fall from your lips are beautiful.
A sweet melody that runs straight to his cock - aching and hard for you. His hand drops straight down to palm himself through the thick material of his jeans.
It feels wrong, watching you like this. But he had a key and well you weren't answering. Bucky can't look away, watching as your eyes squeeze shut and mouth falls open with a moan. Legs start to shake, a rather large orgasm ripping through as your back arches from the bed.
Bucky tries to leave but the way your eyes peak open to find him makes his mouth drop. Of course you noticed him the whole time but had decided to play with your roommate. He'd never make the first move.
His face flushes pink, mouth moving before he even realizes what he's saying, "I-Im sorry. I didnt mean to. Fuck, I-."
His breath catches the moment you remove your fingers from your hole with a flirty smirk. He can't help but notice how they glisten in the low light but mouth grows dry the moment you stick two digits out towards him, "Want to taste, Buck?"
He probably shouldn't, you've been roommates for a few months for now. Not close but friends, this would ruin everything. Bucky's feet carry him before he realizes what's happening.
His eyes never leave your own as his lips wrap around your fingers, sucking softly. You don't miss the way his tongue nudges between them, not missing a spot of your sweet nectar.
His cheeks warm red, baby blues never leaving your own as he speaks, "Your pussy tastes to sweet."
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thickenmyblood · 3 years
I’ll confess my sins. When I skipped the first chapters of Capri I got stuck on Laurent’s description as spoiled and similar to overripe fruit. So i was like ah. Royal Dudley Dursley with a blonde curly wig. Sounds about right. I finally saw some fan art and was like??? Who is this anemic Victorian vampire legolas persona?? Honestly tho in an alternate universe where Auguste doesn’t die and Laurent still dislikes sports but enjoys Veres sweet meats and his metabolism is only the slightest bit slower Laurent is absolutely getting chubby. And Damen. Smh he manages to be shadiest bitch while also being appreciating. Would he insult an overweight courtier who never touched a sword? Absolutely. Would he respect a meaty sumo ringer able to throw Damen around like a rag doll? Absolutely. He seems to appreciate multiple types of bodies just fine (muscled gladiators, frail slaves, sturdy vaskian women) so I feel like he’d also appreciate curvier partners as long as they. Well know how to use their body yk. Oh and what about chubby jokaste? We don’t know enough about akielon beauty standards at all. Sure slaves are probably mostly slender and frail to add to the submissive aesthetic (tho I do remember damens fixation on his female slaves big boobs, dude is far from subtle as always). But if it’s Ancient Greek inspired beauty standards jokaste most definitely rocks some tummy rolls. Either that or she’s got super toned abs from the Pilates classes she visits with the other trophy concubines. and akielon man are properly ripped but is it king-Leonidas-washboard-abs ripped?? Or more chunky functional muscle mass ripped? Perhaps akielon noble women are even trained like Spartan women and egeria was the one with the washboard abs. Also there absolutely was a time in Vere where the chubbier the pet = the wealthier it’s owner. Im so so sorry for rambling but your post got me t h i n k i n g
This is not only hilarious but also one of the best takes I’ve ever read. There is so much to unpack here that I truly don’t know where to start.
You mentioned Dudley, whose weight and fat (derogatory) tendencies are accentuated throughout the entire Harry Potter saga. I think—and this is my personal belief, it is not something anyone else has to agree with—that part of what makes Laurent interesting and redeemable to many readers has to do with the fact that he’s beautiful*. I don’t think many people would be willing to admit that, but Laurent’s pretty privilege as a fictional character is similar to Draco Malfoy’s (in fanon) or other morally grey villains/characters’. Ugly characters are harder to forgive, for some reason.
This got me thinking that had Pacat written Laurent as canonically fat, there would be a lot of stuff going on in Damen’s head that I don’t think we’d be able to excuse as easily as we excuse other (quite horrible) thoughts of his. But also, like I mentioned above, I think Laurent would have a harder time proving to some readers that he’s not Dudley, that he’s not just a stereotype of selfishness and greed and other things fatness is associated with (like childishness or an inability to take accountability for one’s actions). This would happen not because he’s fat, but rather because we see the world through Damen’s eyes. And Damen is. . . Quite opinionated.
You mentioned Damen would be judgmental of someone’s weight based on their ability to fight. So, like you pointed out, he’d make fun of a useless in battle courtier but not of a Sumo wrestler. I think in Book 1 Damen would make fun of anything and everyone, but I do understand where you’re coming from with that statement. It makes me wonder what Damen would think of people with a mobility/physical disability. Or even with learning difficulties. Or just about anyone that, according to him, doesn’t contribute to society. If you can’t be a warrior or a bed slave, and if you’re not in a condition to be a peasant and plow fields, and if you don’t have royal blood in your veins. . . I have a hard time picturing Damen being sympathetic.
Chubby Jokaste. . . I think I’ve always thought of her as a muscled woman, given the fact that Laurent can pose as her in Book 3. There’s been a lot of discourse lately on whether Laurent is muscled or a twigly twink, which I will not get into because I. . . do not know enough about gender and/or gender expression to add anything to any argument. I am also not a gay man, so I don’t know what could be considered offensive. I am also very stupid. I also do not know what the word 'twink' means anymore.
Your ask has made me think a lot about many things I’m usually not interested in. I think it would be interesting to see a chubby Laurent who still knows how to fight, who trains, who does things other than eat and hate. Canon Laurent is slender, and yet he never manages to beat Damen in combat, so I don’t think his ability to fight would suffer much from gaining some pounds. It would be interesting to see chubby Jokaste too, even though I don’t particularly enjoy the parallels between her and Laurent in canon. It would also be interesting to see. . . different types of bodies. You mentioned the Vaskian ladies, which I like a lot, but I don’t think I’ve read or come across any fics that focus on them. I think Vannes’ pet is also described as muscular and big, but I’m afraid I don’t remember the quote and I don’t own the books, so I can’t be sure.
What I liked the most was the ending of your ask, where you went on to add little worldbuilding details. Like I said yesterday, I wish canon was more detailed so we could maybe have something to hold onto when we make certain claims. It’s hard to say which parts of Damen’s thought process are entirely his (as a prince with a lot of privilege) and which ones have to do with his culture. Pacat has pointed out some to us, like the fact that Akielons don’t enjoy certain “spectacles” of the body, like pet rings or public sex, but they do enjoy staring at bodies when they’re wrestling or performing physical activities unrelated to sex. Other things remain little mysteries, in my opinion. Do all bed slaves have the same body type? Do women wrestle? How does marriage work in Akielos? What is everyone else’s opinion on fat people? I’m sure not everyone is like Damen, who we speculate cares about having a healthy body so he can fight and. . . stuff.
I am not saying Damen is the only character who, in the historic period where Captive Prince is set, would have fatphobic thoughts. If Damen was fat, Laurent would be the first one to use that against him, especially in Book 1. I just think Damen fits the fatphobic mold better because he’s described as this hypermasculine character, very into war (I think the blurb of the book calls him a warrior prince?) and manly things. Which is not to say war is inherently manly. Which is not to say Laurent isn’t manly. Which is not to say. . . whatever.
Captive Prince is a fantasy trilogy, set in. . . the past. Concepts such as fatphobia or toxic masculinity are not exactly applicable, but I think it’s fun to explore Damen’s character through his flaws. Laurent has a lot of flaws, but Damen’s are sometimes confused with virtues. In my opinion, they’re at their best when they’re being disgustingly horrible to each other.
I’m sorry for writing you a 90 paragraph response.
* He's almost universally beautiful in the Captive Prince world. Damen finds him pretty, and Torveld, and Jord (we've read that 'cute' quote where he describes Laurent at 15 to Aimeric). Not saying fat = ugly. I'm saying it seems like the 'hegemonic' body type for pretty is Laurent's, otherwise. . . why would everyone he comes in contact with comment on his pretty looks?
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free-pool-trash · 4 years
folklore - isaac lahey {7/?}
Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait I’ve been ridiculously busy the past few weeks 😓BUT!!! As compensation I made this part super long and fluffy with sooooooo much Isaac/reader content (enjoy it while you can because shits gonna be messy from here on out 🤭🙈)
Having said that, I don’t have my laptop right now as I moved houses and my stuff got put into storage so I’m working with the mobile version 😓 sorry in advance if formatting is weird I tried to make it better 😓 also there’s no continue reading button so sorry if this comes up on your dash 😭
Let me know what you think tho I’d really appreciate it 💕
Word count: 5.5k 🙈
Warnings: Fluff 😳, mentions of blood, Derek being a PAIN IN THE ASS, Isaac being the cutest 😌✨, ✨kissing✨, swearing
Tag list (open as always): @makeusfreefromthisfandom om, @cece-lives-here here, @chocolate-raspberries , @belsandthings , @dancing-tacos-23 , @truly-dionysus , @britty443 , @tanyaherondale , @furiouspockettoad , @yunsh-17 17, @random-thoughts-003 , @gloomybrieyxb , @futuristicslimemongerbanana , @linkpk88 , @big-galaxy-chaos , @im-a-stranger-thing , @riaisnotcool (I think u had a username change but idk let me know and I can fix it), @its-evita-here , @pad-foots , @sweetpeabellamyblakedracomalfoy , @bookswillfindyouaway , @what-the-hap-is-fuckening , @awkwardnesshabitat , @pieces-by-me me, @wreny24 , @kerosene-angel (if this is the wrong username I’m sorry it wasn’t working the way I had written it down so I’m assuming I just took it down wrong 😳 it it’s not you let me know and I’ll remove you), @marveloucnco o, @babypink224221 let me know if you’d like to be added <3 (strike through means tumblr wouldn’t let me tag you)
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The days you’d spent in Mystic Falls bled into weeks and soon enough you were being beckoned back to Beacon Hills with a head full of things you hadn’t had a clue about two weeks prior.
There, of course, was the matter of Peter- who was now dead, well technically, he was murdered.
Derek’s first course of action as Beacon Hills’ new alpha was to break the news to you. He’d killed him but due to Scott and Stiles’ constant text updates, you knew it would’ve had to be done sooner or later. But still, you had a feeling that this wouldn’t be the last of him. That small intuitive feeling in the back of your mind told you that you’d see him again soon. You just hoped your next meeting wouldn’t be happening because you ended up buried next to him.
Over the course of your stay with Alaric, who had left you in the care of the Salvatore brothers- Stefan and Damon, you’d honed several new vampiric powers. As it turned out, some of the powers you possessed were completely unfamiliar to the vampires of over a hundred years.
You had super speed, it wasn’t just enhanced as you’d previously thought. As well as that, you’d discovered that you could run circles around both Stefan and Damon Salvatore, who were obviously a lot older and therefore should’ve been a lot faster.
And for that matter, they should’ve been stronger than you, they should’ve been able to snap you like a twig. They should’ve been able to. But they weren’t. Because not only were you faster, you were stronger too.
While having super speed and super strength was nice, mind compulsion, your most recent discovery, now that was incredible. All you had to do was look into someone’s eyes and they would become completely entranced to do whatever you told them.
Despite being over a hundred years old, neither Stefan nor Damon had ever seen a vampire quite like you.
They’d never seen a vampire who was also an empath, that, apparently, was usually more of a witch thing. Neither of them had ever come across a vampire bite which had a euphoric effect either. But having said all of that… they’d never heard of someone being turned from a wolf bite. Or a vampire who still had a beating heart, for that matter.
Your only real downfalls were that, for one, your blood’s healing capacity didn’t operate at the same speed for you as it did when being used to heal others. You’d put this down to the possibility that maybe your system had just grown too used to it. To be perfectly honest, though, you had no idea.
Secondly, your empathic tendencies were beginning to bring you down, but it wasn’t just that… it was the way in which you’d been instructed, by Damon Salvatore himself, on how to make them stop.
The plane ride home to California dragged on longer than you would’ve liked, the flight was delayed and you were absolutely starving by the time Derek picked you up from the airport. Your parents were still away, they’d travelled to Romania in search of answers to your predicament and they wouldn’t be home until at least next week, so that left Derek on chauffeur and babysitting duty.
“How are you?” He’d only spoken up thirty minutes into the car ride, you let out a sigh from the passenger seat and gave him a tired smile, you could feel the nerves radiating from him. He was afraid you’d be mad at him for killing Peter, and maybe you should’ve been, but again, you had a feeling he’d be back, and besides, spending time with Damon had helped you realise that everything wasn’t so black and white. It finally registered with you that people like Derek and Damon, the dark mysterious bad boys with secret hearts of gold- they sometimes did bad things but with good intentions.
Once you discovered this, you decided amongst yourself that you’d ease up on your not-really-big-brother in the future. Even if it meant you got hurt a little in the process. If hurting you was what he needed to do to learn his lesson then you’d be willing to make that sacrifice.
So you gave him a soft smile and answered, “Hungry.”
Derek let out a chuckle at that, nodding his head towards the backseat, drawing your attention to the three full blood bags laying on the leather seats.
A delighted gasp left your mouth as you snatched the plastic bags into your hands, wasting no time you stuck the attached tube into your mouth and began gulping the first bag down- it was definitely Stiles’ blood you were drinking, you’d gotten so used to the taste of it you were sure you could recognise it anywhere.
Letting out a happy groan you threw your head back against the headrest, “Stiles Stilinski you are a doll.”
Derek chuckled again, glancing at you fondly before his steely eyes returned to the road ahead.
It was only another 30 minutes before you were back in your driveway. “So are you staying here until my parents get back?” You questioned from the porch as Derek got your bags from the trunk of his car, the wolf shook his head with a smile, “Nah, I’ve got some stuff to do at home.”
“Derek, that home isn’t even structurally sound.” You chastised softly. Surely he’d be happier spending time with the family he still had breathing rather than living in the remnants of what used to be his.
Walking up to the porch, Derek placed your case down gently by your feet and moved himself to stand in front of you. A genuine smile painted his lips as he gazed at you, “New rule.” He stated, placing both of his hands on either of your forearms before going on, eyes staring affectionately into your own, “From now on, I will be doing all the worrying about you, alright? Not the other way around.”
With a defeated sigh, you nodded your head. “I’ll try my best.” That had been a lie. Unable to blind you with his unusually sweet sentiment, through the physical contact you could tell he was scheming.
“Good. Now, go get some rest I’ll come check up on you in the morning.” He kissed your forehead and then made his way back to his car, speeding out of your driveway and out of sight before you’d even unlocked the door.
The house was cold and empty when you’d re-entered. A shiver ran up your spine the second your feet stepped past the threshold. Something was very wrong, and unfortunately, you couldn’t tell what exactly it was that was so wrong. The feeling was unnerving, it was dark and it was agonisingly heavy. Like anxiety on steroids, lots of steroids.
Swallowing thickly, you gripped -more like clawed- at your chest. Nails scraping your skin as you attempted to catch a single breath, though it seemed that oxygen was determined to outrun you as you glanced around helplessly.
Almost twenty minutes has passed as you heaved and gasped frantically, overwhelming dread flooded your chest while simultaneously tears flooded your eyes, and still you didn’t have even the slightest idea of what it all meant.
And then it hit you. That panic- it didn’t belong to you.
Within a second you’d risen to your feet, breathing still staggered while you rushed out the front door, your vampire speed being put to good use as within seconds you were where your panic had led you. Night had fallen by now and it was completely dark, not to mention absolutely freezing, the hoodie you had on doing nothing to protect you from the biting cold in the air. The trail of feelings you’d been chasing had led you to Beacon Hills cemetery and before your eyes, there it was, the something that was very wrong.
Derek and Isaac. More specifically, Derek’s teeth buried in Isaac’s arm. You hadn’t even registered what you were doing when you ripped Derek from Isaac and violently threw him across the cemetery, the impact in which the Hale hit the tree all the way at the edge of the graveyard was a testimony to your strength. You hadn’t even used half it.
Without hesitation, you inspected Isaac’s body frantically, eyes lingering on the bloody bite across his right arm. Slowly and mournfully, your eyes met his, which were wide with shock. His heart was beating out of his chest to the point where you couldn’t ignore it.
“What did he do to you?” The question slipped out as a whisper, your anger melted away only to be replaced by dread as Isaac began to speak, “He offered me the bite and I- I said yes.”
“Isaac…” Your gaze drifted to the bite and you weren’t surprised to see it already healed. “I’m sorry.” You heard him mutter from above you, his anxiety pooling in your chest and mixing with his guilt.
Shaking your head softly you pulled him into you, your arms wrapped tightly around his shoulders while his own arms held you tightly against him as you kissed his temple to release him of the intense anxiety plaguing him. “Don’t be sorry. I understand.”
He relaxed against you upon hearing your words, the two weeks you’d been gone made him realise something, he was utterly useless without you, or so he thought. He felt weak. He felt as though if he didn’t have you as emotional support he was defective. Derek had honed in on that and manipulated it to his advantage, convinced Isaac that the bite was what he needed in order to be strong by himself. To keep you safe instead of you protecting him all of the time.
“Was that really necessary?” Derek’s voice broke the moment and you found anger was surging through you once again. You separated from Isaac to face Derek.
At this point, you didn’t care what his intentions had been, you weren’t going to let him away with this.
“I’m going to give you three seconds to explain why you did this.” As Derek moved to speak you ruthlessly cut him off. “Too slow.” And with that the back of your hand met his cheek, again sending him flying, only not as far this time.
His fangs were barred now, as were yours. Both of your eyes glowing, his red ones threatening as he attempted to demonstrate his power. And yet again, you had a revelation.
You couldn’t stop the laugh that fell from your lips, a synacal and sarcastic lilt to it as you towered over Derek’s form on the floor.
“Oh I get it!” You exclaimed, lip held between your teeth in mock disbelief you pressed your palm to your forehead as you spoke, “You thought you’d go around and stalk some kids so you could add to your big bad pack. Right?” He growled at you and attempted to pick himself up, only for you to give a swift, hard kick to his chest, returning his back to the dirt.
“I guess you told him it’d make him stronger? That it’d make all of his problems go away? And what about the Argent’s, huh? Did you tell him that you were manipulating him?” It was then, again in panic, Isaac spoke up to your surprise, in Derek’s defence.
“(Y/n), I promise it isn’t like that! He told me everything, it was my choice I said yes!” You spared him a glance before crouching down to Derek.
“Well did you tell him how you usually treat your pack?” The words were dripping in venom and the guilt that radiated from the man didn’t deter you from moving forward with you verbal attack, your head turning to Isaac, your eyes sparkling with sadness as you locked eyes with him, speaking hoarsely you wondered out loud, “Did he tell you that he’s a liar? That he doesn’t know how to run a pack? That if he doesn’t understand you he’ll leave you in the dust?”
The look on his face spoke volumes as he recalled the state Derek had put you in the weeks previous.
With a final sneer in Derek’s direction you delivered your parting words, “You better treat him better than you continue to treat me or so help me Derek Hale I will tear you to shreds.”
As you angrily stormed away, Isaac stood in confusion for a second before he began to chase after you, leaving Derek on the dirt floor to help himself.
“(Y/n)! (Y/n) please wait!” He shouted as he was just starting to catch up to you. When you felt that you were at a good enough distance away from Derek you finally slowed your pace.
When Isaac finally made it to your side, he was panting slightly, swallowing the lump in his throat he nervously grabbed your hand.
“I’m sorry.” He repeated, his eyes resembling those of a puppy and you could already feel your composure slipping away from you as you looked at him.
It’d been almost three weeks since you’d seen him, three weeks since you’d made out in the school basement and this definitely wasn’t how you were expecting the reunion to go.
“Isaac it isn’t your fault. I’m not mad at you, ok? I get it. I’m just worried, this town isn’t exactly kind on the supernatural.” You reassured him gently, squeezing his hand and giving him a sad smile.
“Don’t worry about me.” Isaac told you and you had to laugh, “Sorry, babe but I will not be taking my eyes off you until this town becomes normal.”
Isaac’s face was then taken over by, what could only be described as, a Cheshire Cat smile, “Did you just call me babe?” His voice was teasing and you felt your face heating up despite your freezing temperature.
Sucking on the inside of your cheek you tried your best to conceal your growing smile, you shrugged innocently, “Yeah. What about it?” The playful lilt in your voice had his smile widening even more as he began to lean down to you, his face getting closer to yours by the second.
His breath fanned across your lips when he spoke next, “I liked it.” With that, his lips pressed to yours cautiously, as if he was still unsure of whether or not it was okay to do so.
His uncertainty melted away when he felt your lips begin to reciprocate his actions and your hands moved to cup his cheeks.
The both of you could agree that this kiss was different than the last one you’d shared a few weeks ago. “Why is it that we only ever kiss when one of us is coming out as a supernatural creature?” Isaac laughed against your lips as you pulled away with a sigh.
“It would be us wouldn’t it.”
After a few minutes of nagging at Isaac you managed to put all the pieces of Derek’s plan together. Isaac himself didn’t actually know all that much, just that he was the first to be turned, but that alone told you everything that you needed to know.
Derek was now an alpha with no pack, so logically, a pack was what he was building and that would have been perfectly understandable- if he hadn’t started with your best friend.
“There’s a full moon coming up, did he tell you what would happen?” You questioned gently, ready to throttle Derek when the boy in front of you shook his head.
Heaving a deep breath you squeezed his hand reassuringly, the initial excitement of being turned had worn off and Isaac was beginning to radiate anxiety once again.
“Don’t worry okay? I’m gonna call Scott, he’ll be able to help you.” Isaac’s eyebrows came together in confusion, “Scott McCall?”
You nodded your head, “He’ll know how to help.” You tried to convince Isaac without spilling Scott’s secret. Not that it was going to stay a secret for too long, but it wasn’t your secret to tell.
Isaac shook his head rapidly, his hands moving to hold your forearms, his panic at your suggestion hitting you like a freight train as he stared into your eyes, a wild look in his own.
“No no no no. You can’t tell anyone. (Y/n) promise me you won’t tell anyone okay? If my dad finds out I’m a werewolf he’ll-“ The words came out almost as fast as you could run and his panic only intensified when his father entered his mind.
Quickly catching on to his looming panic attack as his eyes began to glow yellow you cut him off, “Isaac.”
He didn’t hear you as he kept rambling, claws growing past his nails and digging into your arm, “No he’ll kill me. Oh my god he’s gonna kill me. (Y/n) he’s go-“
Yes, it would’ve been easy to rip your arms from his grasp that was causing you quite a lot of pain as his nails sunk into your skin as his hands held onto you desperately. However, you had a feeling that his hold on your now bloody forearms was the only thing keeping him from spiralling completely out of control.
“Isaac! Look at me!” Your voice was strict but served to make his amber eyes finally settle on yours.
Gently, you finally slipped your arms out of Isaac’s clawed grip, although you were sure it would’ve been less painful to just leave them, his claws dragged down your arms while you lifted them slowly and cautiously until you replaced them with your hands, using your new grasp of the boy to provide him with some peace of mind.
You focused your energy on shifting a sense of relaxation from your own palms to Isaac’s sweaty ones as you spoke, voice soft again, “I’m not going to tell anyone. It’s just you and me, alright? Focus on me, yeah?” Isaac nodded his head, still slightly frantic but calmer than before as he did as you told and simply focused on you, “Take a deep breath.” You instructed, breathing steadily along with him until his eyes returned to their natural blue colour and his claws retracted.
A moment of silence passed with Isaac slumped against you, hands held tightly in his while he steadied his breathing. You placed your lips to his cheek and then again to the bruise forming beneath his right eye, you hadn’t noticed it earlier. You’d almost forgotten it’d been nearly three weeks since you’d been together, he’d probably been though it with his demon of a sperm doner over the time you were away.
“I’ve missed you.” It was Isaac that broke the silence when your lips disconnected from his injured face.
“I missed you too.” You replied simply, there was so much you’d planned on saying to him while you were in Mystic Falls but at the moment, you felt there were more pressing matters to discuss and again, it was Isaac who spoke.
He pulled away slightly to look at you properly, hands still clasping yours, he gave them a squeeze before he started speaking, “This pack that Derek’s building… I’m guessing you’re not in it?”
“I was never asked. But I’ve kind of already got a pack, which you are more than welcome to join.” You responded hopefully, wishing he’d agree but you knew he wouldn’t. As such a fresh beta he’d stay loyal to his alpha, but, you had to ask.
Isaac nodded his head sadly, “Scott McCall?” You let out a small laugh, at how quickly he’d caught on, “Yeah. He’s not exactly an alpha but he’s helped me out a lot, more than Derek has.”
“Derek told me that wolves are stronger as a pack, he didn’t say anything about vampires though.” Isaac went on, a confused lilt in his voice.
“I found out in Mystic Falls that vampires rarely belong to packs and by vampire nature I don’t need one, but Ric figures that it’s in my nature to want one since it’s all I’ve ever known.” You relayed the information to Isaac.
“Then why not, you know, join mine?” His lip was pulled between his teeth and he was looking at you with a hopeful expression.
“Isaac I just told you…” You said pleadingly, you didn’t want to upset him any further but you also couldn’t throw away the pack bond you’d built with Scott and Stiles when you’d first turned. If it was a matter of Isaac’s pack being made up of just Isaac there would’ve been no problems, it was the fact that it wasn’t Isaac’s pack but Derek’s.
Scratching what you’d decided about Derek earlier, you came to a new agreement with yourself: all of hell would freeze over before you even thought of easing up on Derek Hale.
Isaac threw his head back with a groan, “Come on, (N/n)! We are not going to let our love play out like Romeo and Juliet!” The way he spoke was humorous but it was obvious that he wasn’t really joking.
With a sigh you moved your shaking hands, that were now covered in scabbed over cuts as opposed to their previous status of raw and bleeding, to Isaac’s face. Your thumbs moved gently along his cheek bones as you took him in with an encouraging smile on your face as you told him confidently, “I refuse to let us become a modern day Romeo and Juliet, that’s not happening.”
You pulled him closer to you, slipping your arms around his shoulders and doing your best to ignore the butterflies rioting in your stomach when his arms wrapped tentatively around your waist.
You brought your lips to meet his briefly before fixing him with another determined look, “But listen to me, we might be loyal to different packs but I’m on your side, no matter what.”
Isaac nodded his head in understanding, “If it comes down to it, I’m always gonna choose you.” He responded honestly, arms tightening around you to hold you against his chest, his height causing his chin to be tilted downwards so that he could meet your eyes.
“I meant what I said to Derek, by the way.” You informed, Isaac’s eyebrows rose in confusion again, “If he mistreats you I’ll tear him apart.”
“Should I give Scott the same warning?” Isaac asked humorously and you had to shake your head in order to hold back a laugh.
It wasn’t until you’d separated from your embrace with Isaac that you took into account the fact that your body was now shaking with the cold.
“Come on, I’ve gotta call my dad and probably the sheriff and you’re freezing.” Isaac stated, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and leading you back to the cemetery where you noticed his overturned excavator and the dug up grave plot.
You listened with curiosity while Isaac spoke to his father on the phone, trying to explain exactly what had transpired in the last couple of hours since his shift started.
“How the hell does an excavator just flip over, Isaac?” You could hear his fathers anger through the line and Isaac fumbled for a response, “Someone, or something- I don’t know it could’ve been an animal, but it got pushed from the side and tipped over. I fell into the plot I was digging and that was it, I didn’t see the rest.” He explained weakly.
“You still stuck in hole, you idiot?” You watched as Isaac clenched his jaw and motioned to yourself when he was finally looking at you, “No. No, um, (Y/n) just got back from Virgina, she came looking for me and helped me out.”
“She still there?” His father questioned, seemingly cooling off at the mention of your name. You hated how much that man seemed to like you when he should’ve held that affection for his actual son.
“Yeah, she’s with me now.” Isaac confirmed and you offered up a fake cheerful, “Hi, Mr Lahey!”
“Invite her over while I call the sheriff and see about getting this mess cleaned up.” With that, he hung up the phone and Isaac sighed, “You’re starting to look like Mr. Freeze, let’s get you warmed up.” His arm stayed comfortably wrapped around your shoulder and as you reached up to hold his hand that was hanging over your shoulder you stopped dead in your tracks, “Isaac, I can’t go and greet your father looking like this.”
You motioned to your torn and bloodstained hoodie, immediately regretting it when his eyes widened in shock, “Did I… oh god (Y/n) did I do that?”
Not missing a beat you grabbed his hands and made sure you soothed his panic before you got a rerun of earlier.
“It’s not your fault. You’re new to this, okay? Mistakes happen and that’s fine it’s all part of the process. And look!-” You pulled off the hoodie to reveal your now completely healed arms and hands, nothing but dried blood to show that the claw marks were even there in the first place. “‘M all healed up! No harm done.” You reassured him, bringing his lips to yours to further convince him that you were okay and distract him from the guilt you could feel building within him.
Your arms, although no longer cut, were covered in goosebumps as Isaac ran his hands affectionately down the length of them. “It won’t happen again.” He promised and you gave him a shaky smile, teeth beginning to chatter, “Let’s go home?” Isaac nodded his head, nothing short of ripping his own hoodie off before pulling your arms through the sleeves and moving himself in front of you to zip it up.
You watched completely content as he fumbled with the zipper. His curls were falling in front of his eyes and his eyes were squinted in concentration. The quiet, but triumphant, “got it” he let out when he finally finessed the zipper had you grinning like a fool.
When he moved his focus from the zip and back to your face, he smiled bashfully, “What’re you looking at me like that for?”
The sleeves of his hoodie, that was miles too big for you, hung far past your wrists and brushed against the nape of his neck, your fingers finding a place tangled in his hair while you stared at him, grin ever present.
Your other hand was otherwise occupied being placed firmly against Isaac’s chest, enjoying the feeling of his rapidly beating heart, and you didn’t know it entirely. But in that moment it was beating for you and you alone.
Isaac’s hand made itself comfortable holding your waist, the other holding your own against his chest, keeping it in place.
Neither of you needed to say it. You could both feel it. But still, you found yourself uttering the words, “I love you.”
Not half a second had passed before Isaac echoed your declaration, “I love you.”
“I feel like if I kiss you right now I won’t be able to stop but I’m still freezing my ass off so… your place?”
Isaac nodded his head in agreement, “My place.”
Upon arrival at the Lahey residence, Mr. Lahey had greeted you with a wide smile and ushered you into the kitchen where he instructed Isaac to make you some tea, to which Isaac had to restrain a grumble as he’d been planning on doing it anyway.
Mr. Lahey was happily chatting away to you when Isaac set down two cups of tea, one in front of his father and one in front of you, his eyes lingering on you with a certain kind of glint before he turned back to the counter to grab his own cup and returning to sit beside you at the table.
Isaac was, in all honesty, losing it. He didn’t even know why. You were just sitting there, wrapped up in his hoodie, nose ever so slightly pink from the cold, talking politely to his father. It was nothing out of the ordinary but he was finding it hard to think about anything other than how his hoodie would look splayed on the floor of his bedroom.
He wasn’t very good at hiding it either, you could feel it as clear as day. Teenage boy hormones mixing with teenage werewolf hormones were causing havoc and it’d be a lie to say it wasn’t having an affect on you.
Trying to return your attention to whatever Mr.Lahey was babbling about you clearing your throat and took a sip of your tea, keeping your expression neutral as Isaac’s hand slipped to your knee under the table. His attempt to pull you into his mess of hormones was obviously successful as you found yourself ready to yell out in frustration when his hand stayed put on your knee for a solid twenty minutes before his father finally rose from the table.
“I’m going to check out the situation at the cemetery, you’re welcome to stay tonight, it’s pretty dangerous out there these days.” Mr. Lahey offered and you smiled innocently at him as he stood in the doorway, “I think I’ll take you up on that. Thank you.” The older man gave you a nod but said no more before walking out the front door.
“What the hell are you doing?” You finally burst when the front door clicked shut, whipping around to face Isaac.
“What?” He asked as if his hand didn’t start sliding further up your leg the second his father left the room.
You groaned, “Don’t ‘what?’ me when you’re about four centimetres from having your hand between my thighs!”
“Sorry.” He immediately retracted his hand, eyes wide as he realised how close his hand was to reaching the top of your thigh, “I, um, I didn’t mean to- I mean, I did mean to but i won’t do it again if you don’t want me to-“
“Isaac.” You cut him off, lip pulled between your teeth, “I want you to.” You declared and he let out a heavy sigh full of relief, “Thank God.” He muttered before he was pulling you up off the chair and right against his chest.
His lips immediately found yours and his hands were gripping your waist like there was no tomorrow.
At this point, the butterflies in your stomach were going absolutely bat shit feral when his lips began to trail past your lips, to your chin, then to the curve of your jaw. It was when his hand slipped deftly up your side to settle against your jaw that you realised just how much you’d been wanting this.
Isaac’s lips fell further to your neck and you couldn’t stop the hum of approval that escaped your mouth at the sensation of his soft lips sucking and licking at your pulse. “It this okay?” He asked in a mutter, the dainty and nervous nature of his voice contrasting greatly with the confidence and ferocity of his actions.
Your hands tugged gently at his hair to get him to meet you clouded eyes, when he looked at you you were sure that his eyes had flashed yellow, his breathing was getting heavy and you had an inkling that his lips on your neck was the most exciting thing that was going to happen between you tonight.
“It’s more than okay.” You told him with a dopey smile, letting out a laugh when he dived back into the crook of your neck, kissing your skin through a smile.
Despite your words your hands moved to his chest to push him away slightly, “But…” you started as Isaac threw his head back with a groan, “I think we should stop, and maybe revisit this after the full moon passes.”
After taking in a steadying breath Isaac nodded in agreement, “Yeah, you’re probably right.” His hand slipped into yours and he intertwined his fingers with yours, he spent a moment just looking at your linked hands with a fond smile and the look of achievement on his face. It was easy to tell, with the help of your empathic powers, that Isaac was proud of himself.
You yourself couldn’t quite pinpoint why he was feeling so prideful in the moment, but he knew. To be truthful he wasn’t just proud of himself, he was downright ecstatic. He’d been nothing more than your best friend since you were both eleven, and now, six years later he finally crossed the threshold from being your best friend to being your- well actually now that he thought about it, he wasn’t sure what he is to you now.
A few hours passed before Isaac worked up the courage to ask the question that had formed in his mind after his make out session with you earlier.
The pair of you had since gotten comfortable in his bed, which was nothing particularly new. You laid on your side with your back to the bedroom door, Isaac was behind you, his chin tucked in between your shoulder and your neck with his arms around your torso holding you close to him.
“Can I ask you something?” His voice broke through the silence and you responded with a tired hum, adjusting his arm so you could snuggle closer and tried your best to stop yourself from falling asleep while he murmured softly in your ear.
“What are we?” He kept his eyes trained on the dark room ahead of him, his hand grabbing yours as you readjusted his arm and he absentmindedly began playing with your fingers, the action being successful in calming his nerves.
“What do you want us to be?” You asked sleepily in response, a small smile forming on your face as you heard his heartbeat speeding up.
Isaac let out a nervous breath against your neck and you held back a shudder at the feeling, “I was kind of thinking that all the kissing would make us a couple.” Letting out another sleepy hum, if it was even physically possible, you snuggled deeper into his hold. You sluggishly turned your head to place a light kiss against his cheek, “Then we’re a couple.”
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Title: Girlfriend
Pairing: Stuart Pot x Fem! Reader
Fandom: Gorillaz
Genre: Fluff, Comedy
Series: None
Part 1 ONLY
Notes: Wrote this with 2 Braincells after reminiscing my awkward years. Which I love despite feeling scrappy.
Also Gorillaz was called Gorilla before Gorillaz I believe.
Summary: pre-Gorillaz is out at a new Minigolf course. Y/n third wheels the alone time with Stuart and Paula. What could go wrong?
Bursting through the doors of Kong Studios. After all of the running past tombstones and lightning I wheezed.
The loud slam of the double doors gained attention from the four band members or Gorilla. Their heads turned towards the direction of the doors.
"GUYS!!! GUYS!! GUYS!! and Paula.. I HAVE AMAZING NEWS!!!" I hollered.
Hearing many groans.
Mainly from Murdoc and Paula, A hum from Stuart, and loud footsteps from Russel.
As I finished my wheezefest I smiled at them all and held up a poster for a mini-golf course.
Everyone groaned.
Minus Stuart and Russel.
"What? I thought you all liked mini-golf? What's wrong?" I pouted.
"Don't you remember the last time we were at one y/n?" Paula sighed.
I tilted my head in confusion. Murdoc groaned out loud.
"For your sake did you not drive into a golf cart into the water course?!" He exclaimed.
"Nope I'm pretty sure that never happened" I smiled and Staurt and Russel snickered.
"And what about the time you hit my head with a golfball?!" Paula screeched.
"I couldn't see I thought I saw Flamingos everywhere" I replied coolly.
This time Murdoc chuckled but had abruptly stopped and cleared his throat.
"And what about the time that you had me crash in a bumper kart course!" She huffed. Her face now a Ladybug red.
"Well it is called bumper karts for a reason no?" I giggled.
This comment only caused her to sigh. I smiled in victory.
"So no one really wants to go with me?" I sighed. My shoulders slumped and a sad frown forming on my face.
"Yay! Thanks 'D for coming with me!" I smiled at the lanky purpleette. He only gave me a sweet smile with the front teeth missing.
"Its really no problem y/n" he chuckled giving a sheepish smile.
I smiled at him a small blush forming on my face as well as his as we stared at eachother for a few minutes.
Suddenly we heard someone clear their throats which snapped us out of our hazy trance.
"I'm definitely not leaving you alone with my boyfriend that's for sure so I'm going to watch you" Paula hissed as she stepped out of the vehicle.
I blinked and shrugged.
"The more the merrier!" I chirped slapping on my happiness back on.
Hearing a sigh and a large shadow looming over the three of us. There was russel.
"I'm gonna come with just incase you all dont get injured " He mumbled.
Soon the four of us wandered the mini-golf park.
Murdoc left the four of us, as he had to attend to "important issues" like usual.
"All this wandering around has me hungry.. HOLY CRAP THEY SELL CHURROS!!" I shouted out of hunger and ran towards the food stand plaza.
I had bought two churros. One for Russel, and One for me.
Smiling as I finished mine. I watched the purple headed man and his girlfriend share theirs. I tapped Russell on the shoulder.
He turned to look at me and I pointed to the two lovebirds as I gagged.
This caused him to laugh. I smiled and a sudden thought came to my mind.
I got up and slipped towards their table and snatched the churro out of their hands.
"Aww saved a piece for me! Sweet! Thanks Stu!" I chirped and pecked his cheek before skipping off.
I ripped the piece that Paula ate from throwing it in the trash and eating the rest.
After playing golf for awhile. I had needed a break from the small clubs and courses.
I had spotted a photobooth!
"Hey look a photobooth! Let's go take a picture stu!~" Paula sweetly called out to the purple haired man.
To which he only nodded and followed his lady towards the booth.
I scrunched up my nose and gave a wicked grin. I looked at Russel to which he only sighed.
"Please.. Please Please Please?" I begged with puppy eyes.
He looked at me then the two and nodded.
Operation: Split the Cheater and My Crush bestfriend up so I can save him is a go!
Or for short!
Operation: Grape is a Go!
I pressed a finger to my lips and counted down to three.
My hands reached for the curtains
My hands gripped them
I opened the curtains and pulled Paula out only to sit in her place while Russel blocked the curtain.
"Hey 'D let's take some good pictures Yeah?" I blushed.
His face seemed to get over the slight shock and nodded.
We made silly faces at the camera
I hung my arm loosely around his neck while making a rock-and-roll sign with my hand .
We sat facing eachother with a blush
After the bright light I took the pictures and stuffed them into my pocket.
"I'm keeping these! For safe keeping! See ya soon Stu!" I chirped before getting out and running off to find Russell.
"Russel! I'm teeling you it was great! Besides I kinda wish I could tell him how I really feel.." I blushed playing with my fingers.
I looked up at the large male for advice.
He gave me a small smile and patted my head. "Why dont you go tell him now he's all alone right now" he motioned to Stuart.
He was standing alone and playing on his mobile device.
I smiled and nodded.
"Thanks Russ!" I smiled at him and ran towards the tall male who was occupied on his phone.
Finally an opportunity to tell him without Paula around! Besides she doesn't deserve him..
I stopped running only to tackle him into a hug. To which he had jumped in suprise and dropped his phone.
"Hey 'D !" I chirped looking in his eyes.
"Oh hey Y/n.. you scared me a bit there!" He laughed and reached for his phone.
Instinctively we both thanked our heads together from trying to grab his phone.
I rubbed my head and giggled only to hand him his phone.
"Sorry 'bout that! Anyways why are you here all alone? Well not really.. I know you came with Paula, but why isn't she here?" I questioned the purple haired man.
To which he only shrugged.
"She said she'd go to the bathroom so I'm waiting for her" He replied quickly.
"Well Stuart Can I tell you a secret?" I blushed fiddling with my fingers.
"Well yea except if Murdoc wants to know then it might come out" he laughed nervously.
I nodded and smiled.
"Okay so what is it?"
"I like you no like you is an understatement I really really REALLY Love you.. even if your with Paula.. and even if she makes you happy yours comes first! Just know that I dont love your girlfriend Paula becauseshemightbecheatingonyouwiththatdamnedgreenpicklemurdoc! Even if you dont feel the same keys just make sure nothing stays weird between us yeah?" I breathed out.
I closed my eyes expecting being rejected.
Instead I had found myself experiencing those same butterflies, I had gotten in the last photo of the Photobooth.
He pulled away for just a second only to be pulled back into another kiss.
"STUART?! Y/N!? I KNEW IT I KNEW IT IM GONNA AHHH!!" We jumped away hearing Paula's shouting and stepped aside.
Only for her to roll onto the fake grassy hill towards a port-a-potty that Russell had just used.
She was flung into the small space and swmd it forward with the door closing.
"I guess that solves it! You Stuart Pot otherwise known as 2-D Are now my boyfriend!" I grinned.
To which he hummed.
"Your boyfriend? I like the sound of that" he hummed happily and pressed a soft kiss on the top of my head.
I smiled at the feeling.
Finally he wont get heartbroken over That cheater..
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ddaenggtan · 4 years
backseat memories - 1 [M]
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Pairing | Kim Namjoon x Reader
Warnings | Fluff, Smut, no angst for once bc its gatverse, mechanic namjoon except this is almost entirely about his student life rip, Finals Week, sex as a motivator, encouraging girlfriend MC, Semi-Public Sex, exhibitionism, thigh riding 😎, grinding, fingering, nipple play, praise kink, unprotected sex (pls use condoms yall), slight degradation aka degrading pet names
A/N | Hello!!! Its been a minute I know but! This is gonna be an ongoing drabble series that I add on to when I can/want to, all about the same couple from my fic Give And Take! Originally this was gonna be one really long fic, but like...that was.....not working with my brain lmao it was difficult enough to get this little bit out on its own and it's not even that long so 🥴🥴🥴 this drabble has a dual function bc a year ago today I posted gat and for some reason yall liked it???? Idk????? And then forever ago i did the poll asking what yall wanted and gat sequel was the winner except i never actually got around to writing it lmaoooooo until nOW! So boom drabble series! (Also WHAT its been a YEAR holy SHIT time flies)
BUT MOSTLY!!!! THIS IS DEDICATED TO EMMA AKA @personawife BECAUSE THERE ISNT A SINGLE SOUL THAT LOVES GATJOON LIKE SHE DOES!!! NOT ONE!!! I STILL DONT GET IT BUT THATS OKAY!! anyway happy late birthday emma im sorry this wasnt ready on ur actual birthday also am proud of u for all the work u did in school this semester u killed it!!!! Also also fuck u for knowing exactly what it was gonna be i shouldve made it 666joon instead of your husband smh 😤😤 but anyway i hope u enjoy this clusterfuck 🥺🥺🥺
(Also im trying a new thing where i just link to ao3 bc i really really really really hate tumblrs entire shit like its posting is god awful and also i dont have internet rn so i rely on tumblr mobile and i dont feel like trying to format a bunch of shit on tumble mobile r i p me)
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The soft voice startles both you and Namjoon. When he lifts from the desk, there are several index cards stuck to one cheek and a mini-highlighter settled comfortably in a fold of his wrinkled shirt.
You aren't much better off - you're no doubt a mess. Crumpled clothes, tangled hair, and what feels suspiciously like a drool trail running down your chin that you hastily wipe away. When you look up, Seokjin stands in the doorway to Namjoon's bedroom, a small smile playing across his lips.
Read on AO3!
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hey i love Aloners and i love Trash and this is a sick fic with a gender neutral MC coming down with a cold.
(two notes: 1, this is based on a small au that MC was chosen to be a “constant variable,” so they aren’t as healthy as some of the other participants in the Easter Initiative. 2, I never finished this??? I wrote this while I was painfully sick and never picked it up again. It’s been a while since I played Aloners, so I’m not going to try and write anymore after the cut //:)
By the time we return home from a successful scavenge around some far off, remote and deserted town, I can feel it in my bones. My body trembles under the unforgiving heat, and it takes all of my self control not to get sick on the path back or faint under the sun. Coupling that with my concentration stolen on the hefty backpack weighing me down - it's no surprise the conversation dries out. A cold ache crawls through my limbs as I shrug the bag off of my shoulders, growing lightheaded with the pleasure of finally returning to the homemade hut Trash owns. There is nothing I'd like more than to crawl into bed and rest my eyes for a second. 
"Uh, babe?" His familiar voice catches me off guard. I stutter in my steps, staring unfocused at his figure before finally discerning the surprise and concern on Trash's features. "You doin' alright? You're not lookin' so hot." 
Though his attention is appreciated, I wear a thin smile and nod numbly. "I'm okay. Just tired, I think." Trash doesn't reply to that - in fact, he does nothing other than squint at me, as though he will be able to read my mind if he tries hard enough. A sudden, uncomfortable wave of dizziness strikes me, but I do my best to school my expression as I reach out to the thick, heavy cloth of Trash's home to keep myself steady. "Is it okay if I take a nap for a few?" 
"Sure." Trash casts me another worried look, but he shrugs and rolls his shoulders. "I'll be out here if you need me." With that, he grabs the backpack I had dropped and drags it over to the fire pit along with his own bag of metal and tech. For a brief moment, I yearn to go sit by him and relax in his company, but a slight pain in my head reminds me it wouldn't be wise to sit in the sun. 
I let myself into the hut and drop the latch behind me. Growing suspicions begin to rise in my mind as I take the few steps to the bed and collapse onto the sheets. As someone dragged into the Easter Initiative as a constant variable, I find it wholeheartedly ironic to know I'm the only one who survived out of the dozens of patients who have passed. Even moreso knowing none of them would be feeling this ill were they in my position right now. I shake my head a little and bury my face into the pillow, finding a bit of comfort in Trash's scent on it. It's probably a heatstroke - nothing to get too concerned over. I'll probably feel better in the morning, if nothing else. 
 When I awaken, two things immediately come to mind. One: it is dark inside and out. And two: I am cold. A hard tremor courses through my body and leaves vivid goosebumps in its wake as I gasp and curl tighter around the thin blankets. As soon as my anxiety comes, it disappears into a thick fog clouding my mind. "Tr-Trash--" I whine shakily, tears cold against my cheeks. Another shiver rolls through me until I can hear my teeth chattering. Nothing about anything feels good, and at that moment, my only solution is to reach out to my companion. 
 "Trash," I murmur, trembling and crying while I reach out blindly from the bed. My hand bumps into the wall of the hut, so I roll over and try to peer through the darkness. Trash's space on the floor is empty, and it slowly occurs to me that he's not even in the shack altogether. I lie there clutching around the sheets, debating on the merits of going out versus staying in. Though before - before the laboratory, before the apocalypse - it would be far fetched to assume I'm dying, it becomes a real horrifying fear with my new surroundings. More tears pour down my face and I sniffle, trying my best to quell the terror in my heart before I do something reckless. 
 Instead, I drag my aching body out of bed. Without the blanket, I feel even more freezing cold, but there's sweat on the back of my neck and beading at my forehead. I wobble on unsteady feet for a few moments before stumbling forward until my hands grasp at the latch. Fumbling with it, I manage to undo it and push the hut door wide open. 
 To my relief, the open air does feel a little better on my skin. Not by much, but it's enough to stop the horrifying notion that I'll die of hypothermia. To my left, I spy a fire blowing strong in the pit, and a familiar shadow of a man. 
 "Trash--" I moan, staggering forward and crying now with relief. 
 At the call of his name, Trash glances up at me in shock. Something about my appearance must really rattle him, because all of a sudden, he's up on his feet and rushing to me before I collapse. "Babe? Holy shit, you look really bad." I laugh weakly at his words as he presses his hand to my cheek. "Christ--! You're burning the fuck up." That seems a little hard to believe. An inescapable chill continues to cling onto me as I shake my head, but Trash pays me no heed and leads me back inside. 
 "Am I dying?" I ask, another edge of fear cutting into my chest as he sits me down on the bed. "W-We have no antibiotics-- is th-this a Dust Bowl disease? Am I b-becoming a mutie? I don't want to die, n-not now--" 
 Trash, who had been throwing around the piles of junk scattered around the shack, pauses in his treasure hunt to kneel in front of me and level a sharp gaze. "Hey, relax. You're goin' be fine. I promise." Then, an easy smile graces his lips. "You just got a sickness, sweetheart. Billy got sick loads of times, so I probably still got a little something to help." At this, he stands and resumes searching through the sheets of metal, clothing, and broken devices. I replay his words over and over in my head, beyond grateful that he isn't as freaked out as I am. I'll be fine - I have to trust Trash that I'll live through this. 
 My teeth begin chattering again. I reach out for the blanket and swaddle myself as best as I can given my limited physical strength. Once again, I close my eyes and rock back and forth, and it only barely registers when I feel something heavier wrap around my shoulders. Peering through my blurry, uneasy vision, I catch the sight of Trash walking back to the piles, and a considerably darker blanket draped over me. "Th-Thank you." I murmur. If he hears it, he doesn't say anything.
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Always, Only. You 21.1
Talia had taken Y/N into her pack after your parents and their pack  were brutally murdered. For years she trained and learned under Talia alongside Derek , Laura and Cora. One night Talia tells you along with Derek that you two have to imprint on each other , to become each other’s mates. Your connection to Derek has always been stronger than his to you. So after the fire it killed you to be away from him , but you had to do it for your own survival. 7 years after the fact , you return home. Back to Beacon Hills. But the Derek you return to is not the same Derek you know. Will Y/N ever get Derek to accept the fact they are meant to be together?
Derek Hale x Reader
 A/N: Alright. So maybe it’s just me but I could never find a good or a specific GIF on Tumblr desktop or the mobile app. So I decided to teach myself how to make gifs and watermark them. It is a lot easier than I thought it would be. I also just found out, that my county will be under the shelter in place order for another month. Yay. (not). The Gov. is going to be making small changes though, I’m just waiting to see what those are. I really just wish everyone in other states would follow and just stay home. Please, stay safe, stay home, stay healthy, and wash your hands. 
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Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital
  You and Deucalion stood in the parking lot of the hospital just watching the chaos. With the growing storm, they were evacuating Beacon Hills Memorial. “You know she’s in there, don’t you?” Deucalion asked, but you remained silent. “You know why she chose Derek to protect her.” Again, no answer. “They’re gonna do everything they can to stop you from getting to her.”
 “I know.” You replied through gritted teeth. “And I’m going to take down every last person that gets in my way. Even Derek.” Your gaze was still focused on the hospital, you didn’t even notice the malicious smirk that had formed on Deucalion’s face.
 Beacon Hills High School
  You puked out an unGodly amount of black goo into the sink. The wounds were all healed and you were pretty positive you had finally emptied your system of the wolfsbane.
You looked up in the mirror to see Chris staring at you. The others were already headed to where you had told them.
You wiped your mouth of the excess and slowly turned to him. “I’m guessing you want some information in exchange for saving my life?” You leaned back against the sink and crossed your arms. 
 “Information would be nice, yeah. How did you know Ms. Blake was the darach?”
 “I didn’t know it was her. I was gathering information at first.
 “You’re lying. She wanted you dead for a reason, Y/N.”
 “I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.” You calmly replied. “I don’t what else to tell you, Chris.” You give a careless shrug and attempt to walk around him.
“You’re going to kill her aren’t you?”
“Kill her?” You played dumb. “I know she tried to kill me but right now my only concern is Cora.” You were doing well keeping your temper in check, but your patience was already wearing thin.
“Derek’s sister. She’s in the hospital for mistletoe poisoning.”
“Is that why you told Scott to go to him?”
You nodded. “I think she’s planning on using him. Against me. Cora is just a pawn.”
Argent took a moment to process your words.
“I cant tell you much. But.. I know she’ll be heading there.”
“What are you going to do when you find her?”
“Im gonna find out how to cure Cora and then i'm going to rip Jennifer to shreds.”
“If she doesn’t tell you?”
“I only have this one chance. You and I know who’s she’s going after if I fail.”
“You cant kill her. What about Stiles’ dad?”
“He’ll be found eventually. She’s not going to kill him.” Your turned your back to him and proceeded to walk away.
“Im sorry, Y/N. But I can’t take that chance.” He told you. “I’m not gonna let you kill her. Not yet.”
Before you could turn around your body was with a jolt of electricity.
“I made a few adjustments to this one. I heard you’ve gotten stronger. I just need a 5 minute head start.”
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 Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital
   You had caught their scents the second you walked into the hospital. You brought out your claws and scratched along the hospital wall.
“Isaac. Erica.” You tauntingly sang out. You turned the corner and saw the two betas standing in front of Peter with Cora in his arms. Ethan and Aiden stood beside you, quietly. “Let me guess. Argent called.” You stated unsurprised.
 “Why are you doing this?” Erica asked, nearly in tears. 
 “Isn’t it obvious? Jennifer is the reason for all of this.” You gestured around you. “And there’s only one way to stop it.” 
 “You don’t see what it’s doing to you.” Isaac chimed. “The old Y/N, she would never…” he trailed off.
  “What?” You feigned concern. “Kill?” You took one step forward and dropped your concerned act.
“Well, I remember someone once told me that the rules have changed. That it’s kill or be killed.” Your eyes moved from Isaac to Peter. “Ain't that right, sweetheart?”
Even from where you stood you could see Peter’s worry gaze drop and he looked almost angry that you were using his words against him. “Now I’m going to ask nicely. Hand. Cora. Over. Please.“
 “No.” Erica flashed her yellow eyes. 
“I know she’s with Derek.” You informed them. “I just need Cora for a trade. I’m not going to hurt her.”
 “That’s low even for you.” Peter snarled.
 “Rich coming from you.” You retorted calmly.
They weren’t going to give up Cora easily or Jennifer's location. You lightly tapped Aiden’s shoulder. “I didn’t want to have to do this...but,” the twins stepped forward as you spoke, grabbing the other’s arms as they morphed their bodies together, “you can’t say I didn’t warn you.”
The twins let out a roar in their super alpha form and ran towards Erica and Isaac. You locked eyes with Peter as Ethan and Aiden fought the two betas. You can tell he was considering his options. Help fight the twins or run away with Cora. He chose the latter.
 “Don’t kill them!” You ordered the twins as you ran past them after Peter. You rounded the corner of the hallway and yelled out his name. You stopped running when you noticed he had stopped as well. “You don’t want to fight me, Peter.” He slowly turned around to face you.
 “What are you doing, huh?” He wasn’t scared or worried anymore, he was mad. 
“Everyone keeps asking ‘what am I doing’ or ‘why am I doing this’? Without seeing what they are doing! Which is nothing!” You yelled. “She took innocent lives! And you’re helping to protect her! Derek is protecting her!”
  “Forget the killings.” He walked towards you. “I don’t give a shit about that. But those betas back there? I thought you cared about them. And you’re feeding them to the twins. And Cora.” He glanced down at her. “Leverage?” He stopped several feet away from you. 
 “I know what you’re doing.” You swallowed thickly, avoiding to look down at Cora. “And it’s not going to work. When this is all over. When Jennifer is gone, I won’t be this person. This monster you all think I’m becoming.”
 “It’ll be too late for you. If you stop now-” the doors around the hall burst open and the loud thudding footsteps of the twins echoed down as they got closer to where you and Peter were.
“Shit.” He muttered under his breath. He slowly walked back, his eyes leaving yours as the twins came to stand beside you. He looked behind him, calculating the distance between him and the elevator in the next hall.
“Derek better get here soon.” He shook his head and laid Cora down on the floor. He flashed his blue eyes as he let out a roar and charged towards the twins.
Even in his weakened state you were surprised to see Peter hold his own against the twins. You walked over to Cora and made sure she was still breathing. The twins pushed Peter so hard he slid across the floor into the other hall. When you looked up you saw Derek, Stiles, Scott and Jennifer. 
 Jennifer saw you, fear etched all over her face and she immediately stood behind Derek and grabbed his forearm. You quickly stood up from your spot and glared at her before looking at Derek. Derek’s eyes met yours, completely oblivious by Jennifer’s actions, and he seemed almost in shock to see you. You stepped over Cora and stood next to the twins.
“Hand her over, Derek.” Derek glanced at Jennifer then back to you. “You know what she is, don’t you? What she’s done? And you’re protecting her?”
 “It’s not about protecting her.” He corrected you.
 “It’s about Cora? I know ways to heal her, too. Just hand her over to me!” You snarled. He shook his head. “Fine. I’d just like you to know it’s not a fair fight, Derek.”
 “It is now.” Erica’s voice came from behind.
You only let out a disappointed sigh as you turned around. Isaac was beside her and they both shifted, without a warning and lunged at you. You defended yourself but also held back. You didn’t want to severely hurt them but just enough that it would take a while for them to heal before they would be able to come after you again.
From behind you could hear Derek and Scott coming after the twins as well. You threw Erica at Isaac causing them both to fall back. Jennifer noticed that you were clearly getting the upper hand and slowly began retreating towards the elevator. You turned to notice just as she was doing so. You couldn’t let her get away. 
 Stiles and Peter were trying to get Cora up off the floor. When they saw your gaze was set on Jennifer they dropped their current task to stop you. You pushed Stiles, roughly towards the wall and flipped Peter to the floor. Not once taking your eyes off Jennifer.
The twins had Derek against the wall, and even him calling out your name wasn’t going to break your concentration. Scott jumped up on the wall and came down with his arm raised ready to attack. You grabbed his arm, swung him around like he literally weighed nothing and slammed him hard against the wall.
Jennifer was more than frightened now. She took off running towards the elevator as you began charging towards her.
 She made it into the elevator and began pressing buttons to get the door closed before you could make it. You let out a frustrated grunt, your hands barely squeezing through the opening of the elevator doors. You easily stopped the doors from closing and used all your strength to pry them open.
Jennifer looked at you in fright. She looked behind you to see if anyone else was coming but no luck. Her eyes turned white and she slapped the elevator doors with so much force only to be disappointed.
 “What?” She gasped. She tried again. Your hands slipped an inch but you were still holding strong. She closed her eyes this time, channeling more power, and slammed her hands on the elevator doors, this time you flew back down the hallway. The second your back hit the floor you were already getting to your feet.
“NO!” You growled, watching the elevator doors shut with Jennifer still inside.
 “I lost her.” You informed Deucalion. “She wasn’t in the elevator anymore. Twins can’t find them either.” You found him sitting in one of the chairs downstairs in the waiting room. He didn’t say a word or bother to get up until you were within arms reach of him.
 “Don’t worry. I know how to lure them out.” He grabbed your arm to help himself up. He lead you to one of the patient rooms and gestured for you to open the door. You didn’t know what to expect but you certainly were not expecting to find Melissa in the room. 
 “This isn’t what we agreed to.” You pulled your arm from Deucalion’s grasp. 
 “Cora, Melissa. They’re all the same.” He calmly stated. “Mrs. McCall, if you will.” He opened one arm to gesture for her to come out of the room. She eyed you both cautiously as she slowly walked out. “Don’t try to run, Mrs. McCall.” He warned her. “I may be blind but Y/N can see just fine.”
 “Yeah.” She looked up at you in disappointment, “I’m aware of that.” You scratched the side of your head in frustration and followed after Deucalion and Ms. McCall. She stood behind the reception desk and waited for further instruction. 
 “Go ahead and pick up the phone. We have a little message for Scott.” Ms.McCall hesitated. “Now, Melissa, I do have other methods of persuasion.” He brought out his claws, causing Melissa to flinch.
You opened your mouth to speak but stopped when Melissa picked up the phone.
“Now tell Scott we want the woman that goes by the name of,” he looked to you.
 “Uhm, Jennifer. Jennifer Blake.” You finished. “When we have her, everyone else can leave.” You added. “They have 10 minutes.” 
 Melissa looked at you like she wanted to say something but instead remained quiet, picked up the receiver and clicked on the PA. “Uhm, can I have your attention please. Mr. Deucalion- Excuse me, just Deucalion and Y/N requests you bring the woman calling herself Jennifer Blake to the ER reception. Do this and everyone can leave. You have 10 minutes.” She placed the receiver down. “Now what? Are you going to let me go?”
  Deucalion retracted his claws, ready to answer when the phone began to ring. Melissa forgot about her earlier question and answered. “Scott? Oh. Ok. Thank you.”  She looked up at the two of  you nervously before hanging up the phone. 
 “Don’t make us ask.” was all you said.
 “That was the EMT. He’s down in the garage. He won’t be there for long though.”
 “And you let them know he was going to be here.” You pinched the bridge of your nose and let out a heavy sigh. “So, either they bring that bitch here to us or they try to make a run for it on that ambulance.” You pulled out your phone to check for any messages or calls from the twins. “Ethan and Aiden don’t seem to have made any progress.” You looked between Melissa and Deucalion. 
 Melissa looked visibly worried as she connected the dots. “I’m sorry.” you apologized to Melissa. “I can’t let her go.” You slowly retreated back, “I can't.” You raced down the hallway towards the garage leaving Melissa with Deucalion.
 “Don’t worry, Ms. McCall. You’ll come to see that you are safer with me.”
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paulvibe · 5 years
Could I request an imagine for George (The Beatles) where his and the reader's daughter just turns 16 and earns her license and they both surprise her with a car and George gets all emotional? Thank you!
Anon!!!!!!! im sorry this took 80 years for me to upload. Life happens and i’m taking all efforts not to end my life lol. Anways, here’s wonderwall. 
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Words: 777
Warnings: just fluff :)
Back to school season wasn’t always easy for you and your husband, George. It took a small toll on your significant other as he had always had a special bond with your child. This year however, it was even harder; this year your daughter, Heather, had turned 16 over the summer. Of course you were ecstatic over it; she was now allowed to wear makeup, flirt with boys, and even stay out past 9. It was exciting! George on the other hand, well, he was struggling that his baby girl was now an ‘adult’. Mainly because she didn’t spend as much dad/daughter time as she used to. Though he’s slowly learning to deal with it.
 You and George currently sat at your kitchen counter while Heather was off at school. George was writing some song lyrics and you were chatting with him as he flushed out ideas. 
“I think we should give Heather a car.” You spoke, looking at your husband. He blinked and set the pen down, then turned to face you.
“What?” The man asked as his dark eyes bore into yours through his lashes.
“C’mon, she’s 16 now! She got her license all by herself.” You responded. “I know we said that she has to buy it, but she's been really good lately.” It was true, Heather had come to you guys explaining that she wanted to get her license and you told her to go for it, but she had to save and purchase a car herself. However, now your mind has changed. She was behaving well at home, she did her chores when asked, and even though she had a later curfew, she came home early. 
“I just don’t like the idea of her being mobile so soon.” The man commented. You could tell he was worried about his daughter.
“C’mon darling,” You urged him to change his opinion. You stood up and rubbed your hand on his back while resting your head atop his. “Think about how happy she’ll be.”
You could tell he was contemplating before his head dropped in defeat. “Fine, we’ll go to the shops tomorrow.” You let out a triumphant squeal and kissed the top of his head repeatedly.
“Mom? Dad? I’m home!” Heather's voiced echoed throughout the house. Today was the day you and George were gifting your daughter her car. You'd gone to the shops, as George promised, and picked out a 1976 AMC Pacer; then George hid it in the garage under a tarp as to not ruin the surprise. 
“Upstairs darling!” You called out. George and you sat in your bedroom, eagerly waiting for your daughter. Her feet pattered up the stairs and she entered the room with a small smile.
“How was school?” George asked, giving the girl a hug. 
“Same old stuff, I’m exhausted.” She shrugged her shoulders before continuing. “Penny got a boy toy, and they ditched me at lunch.” Penny was Heather's best friend.
“Well,” You began, “We have a gift for you, baby. Maybe it’ll cheer you up.” Heather's eyes looked between you and George, still in her father's grasp. You led the way out of your bedroom and outside to the garage. Your daughter stood next to you as George opened the garage door to reveal the tarp covered car. 
“Did you guys buy a new car or something?” Heather asked unimpressed. You gave her a coy smile before gesturing at George to take the tarp off. He ripped it off, revealing the Pacer underneath. 
“Surprise!” You yelled, arms open wide. The girls eyes glanced between you and George before she started to squeal and jump up and down, running to her father, giving him a hug. The man laughed, holding her tight as they both jumped up and down now. George pulled the keys out of his pocket and handed them to Heather. She excitedly jumped into the car and started to play around with buttons. George made his way over to you and pulled you into his chest, wrapping his arms firmly around your waist. The two of you watched your daughter goof around in the car.
“She’s getting so old,” You heard George mumble. You looked up at his face and saw a tiny tear drip down his cheek. His dark eyes were slightly glazed over, and his cheeks pink.
“Oh, honey,” You gently spoke, wiping the tear. He looked down at you and then gave you a reassuring grin, showing off his sharp teeth. He kissed the top of your head before letting you go and walking towards your daughter in the car.
“Let’s go for a drive, yeah?” He asked, and Heather let out a squeal bringing the car to life.
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Shutting Down Part 3
Dean x Reader
!!!! PART 1 HERE!!!
!!!!PART 2 HERE!!!
Summary: Dean wakes up in a strange woman’s bed after getting plastered drunk. The reader and Dean have to deal with the consequences.
Warning: SUICIDAL THOUGHTS. (It’s not too vivid, but if this bothers you PLEASE do not read, I promise a happy ending though, if that helps?) angst, depression, everyone is a mess.
A/N: IM SO SORRY THIS IS SO LONG . I still don’t know how to do the “keep reading” thing on mobile. okay, so this got way darker than I though it would. But it’s okay! Just hang in there with me!
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You had tried so hard. SO hard. To move on from Dean. But how could you? You loved Dean. It had taken you almost two months, but you knew it now.
You loved Dean.
But that made you even more confused. Dean, your Dean, was kind and selfless, constantly putting others before himself. And he was funny and genuine with a heart of gold and a pure soul. So it didn’t make sense.
The man you loved wouldn’t have the physical capacity to cheat. It just wasn’t in his nature. Not even plastered drunk…at least… you hadn’t thought so…
You were so torn by all these thoughts being brought up again. There was so much emotion and yet, nothing.
You were still so numb. And world still so cold….
You didn’t want to think about it. You liked being numb. It was just better.
So you stuffed Sam’s note in your pocket and headed for the local bar. If Dean got to drown his life in a bottle, then you sure as hell got to too.
When Sam walked through the door to their room, he immediately knew something was off.
Sam strode quickly into the room surveying as he went. Nothing. He checked in the bathroom. Nothing.
“Crap.” He muttered quietly to himself. “I should never have left him alone…”
He noticed Dean’s duffel was gone too. Not a good sign. His guns were gone too. Really not a good sign.
Then Sam’s eyes landed on a folded-up note on the kitchen table. He raced over to the table and snatching up the note.
“No. No. Nonononono! You idiot! Crap!” Sam felt hot tears blur his vision as he raced out of the room, hopping in Baby, and driving away as quickly as possible with nothing but a loud screech of tires echoing behind him.
Back on the table Dean’s shaky scrawl lay scratched onto the note left behind:
“Found a hunt close by. I don’t think I’ll be coming back from this one alive. Please Sasquatch, don’t come looking for me. I love you Sammy.
Dean made his way in the forest towards the vamp nest he’d discovered. His machete shaking in his hand and his legs unsteady on his feet.
He was in pain.
And he was done.
He had seen the way that he had become a drain on Sam. That kid was the only reason Dean had left to keep going. But Sam was worried about him.
Too worried.
Sam had almost gotten killed on the last hunt they’d been on. Because of Dean. He had been beyond reckless since… and there was nothing he could do to shake it. He wish he could. But he couldn’t. And besides, without [Y/N] what was the point?
He had to keep Sam safe, at all costs. So the best thing for everyone was for Dean to take himself out of the equation.
But he wanted to go down doing the one thing that still made him feel:
He had no intention of making it out alive. But he was going to go down swinging.
About four shots in, you were feeling nothing but numbness. And it was wonderful.
The bar was smoky and stale, and the drinks were far too strong for your liking. But you didn’t care.
It’s amazing how one night could destroy two people so brilliantly, so utterly, in such a way that each person was left with nothing but a shell what they were before.
One night. Could do all that.
You had ordered another round of shots when a group of twenty-somethings ladies came waltzing into the bar, planting themselves in the table right behind you.
“Oh come on Cheryl, tell us about your latest conquest!”
You rolled your eyes and downed another drink. Great. Just wanted you wanted to be overhearing tonight.
“Oh yes girl! Do tell! I swear, there is absolutely no man that can resist you!”
A slightly tipsier voice cut into the conversation, slurring her words, “Well, asides from that one guy.”
“What one guy?”
At this point a woman who you presumed to be Cheryl groaned, “Ugh, don’t even remind me about that prick. What a jerk.”
“Ooh, do tell!”
“Yes Cheryl! Tell us.”
You tried to hunch your shoulders in an attempt to block out the disgustingly graphic conversation that you were sure was to follow.
“Fine. Okay, so you know when we were in Nashville?” Your ears burned. Nashville was where… you didn’t want to think about it. Down went another shot.
“There was this dude. Hot dude. I mean smokin’. And he was getting downright plastered at the bar. Girlfriend trouble, probably. So I sneak over and start working my magic. But he kept refusing to go home with me, kept mumbling about a girl back at his room. Finally, I told him there was a party at my place, lots of booze. Now that got him movin’.”
The conversation was starting to make you uncomfortable, wishing you could just block out the woman’s voice.
“Finally got him back to my place, get him into my bedroom, and suddenly it clicks in his head what I wanted. And he freaks out! Kept trying to make his way towards the door, but the dude was so drunk I managed to get him onto the bed. Still wouldn’t have it, and eventually he just passed out before I could persuade him to do anything. So I tucked myself under the covers and figured I’d wait and see if he changed his mind in the morning. But he was gone next time I woke up. Never seen him since. But damn, did he have the prettiest green eyes I’d ever seen…”
You head shot up at that, eyes wide.
“Wowwww. I can’t believe he rejected you!”
“When was that Cheryl?”
“About two months ago.”
Your breath was catching in your throat, and you couldn’t breath properly. No….
“Did you ever catch his name?”
“Um…I think it was Darryl? Or Derk? No! No, it was Dean! Pretty sure.”
You bolted out of your seat and sprinted for your car. Sam’s note was ripped out of your pocket within seconds and your eyes scanned it in frenzy.
Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.
All this time… You were such an idiot. This was such a mess.
You started running towards a nearby bus station, far too drunk to get behind the wheel of your car. Dean and Sam weren’t far away, just a couple hours…
All you wanted right now was to hold Dean in your arms. To kiss his lips until you couldn’t breath. Just to touch him, to know that he was real.
Dean hadn’t cheated on you…
A sob got caught in your throat, and your eyes were blurring over in tears. All this time…
At the exact moment you reached the bus stop, you felt your cell phone ring, the vibration rippling down your leg. You quickly pulled it out with still shaking fingers.
@supernatural13-13 @tftumblin @deans-baby-momma @deanwinchesterandpie @sasbb23 @itsjaybro16
Let me know if you want to be added to my tag list!
Also, if you leave me comments of what you thought, I will love you forever....just FYI
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kpoptart216 · 6 years
Path That Lead to You (Namjoon x Reader oneshot)
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Genre: fluff and angst (mostly fluff tho)
A/n: this is for my friend in Korea who inspired me to write this. This is for you, my childhood friend 💕 This is quite long and I do have the “keep reading” button added, but sorry if you’re on mobile~ Please let me know what you think! Should I do more oneshots????
Word Count: 8.8k IM SORRY ITS SO LONG
“Oppa! I can’t beliebe you’re going to be in (Y/C/N) for the tour!” Sooji yells across the phone to Namjoon.
“Calm down you brat, what’s got you so exited about that city?” Namjoon sighs as he prepares for his little sisters speech.
“It’s like you never remember anything I tell you! Remember I told you Y/n lives in that city!” She continues, slightly annoyed that her brother hadn’t paid attention before.
“Who’s Y/n..?” He asks, now genuinely confused. He can hear his sister gasp on the other end of the line.
“How can you forget you overgrown loaf of bread?!” Sooji all but yells. “Our friend from when we lived in the states you idiot! Y/n!!” She continues.
Oh. That Y/n.
Namjoon and his family had briefly lived in the states before moving back to Korea permanently. He was only there for about a year and he remembered his younger sister always with this one other girl from her class.
She was probably only 5 when they met, which made him 7 at the time. While his sister had claimed that she had found her “best friend for life” way back then, Namjoon swore he had found an enemy. He remembered always bickering with the girl, especially since she just always seemed to be around.
Namjoon usually kept to himself but Y/n found a way to crawl under his skin. But in a way, she became like a second sister he never wanted. Hell he didn’t even want the first one.
But sooner or later, Y/n had moved to a different neighborhood and his own family had made the decision to move back to Korea. He even remembers the tearful goodbye his sister had with Y/n on their last day. And well, that was the last time he really saw or heard from her.
Good riddance
“Ok and so what do you want me to do about it?” Namjoon sighs. It was late at night and he just wanted to sleep.
“Well, I may or may not have promised her VIP tickets...so cough em’ up” his sister demands.
“You did WHAT?” Namjoon asks angrily. “I told you to stop doing that! We’re not toys for you to showcase Sooji! I’m in no mood to meet your annoying friend let alone have her meet the boys” Namjoon continues.
“Can’t you do it just this once? It’s just one night? Please? She’s an important friend of mine oppa, pleaseeee?” Sooji pleads, knowing her brother can never really say no.
“Ugh why are you like this? I’m telling mom. Just this once, you understand me? No more. I’ll send you the details tomorrow I guess” Namjoon sighs, already regretting his decision. But what was he gonna say? No?
“Thank you thank you thank you!” Sooji squeals before hanging up.
“That brat...” Namjoon sighs as he finally heads to bed.
(4 months later)
You can’t believe the day is already here. 4 months ago, your best friend from Korea had told you that she had scored you tickets to see her brother and band mates perform in your city. Not just regular tickets either, VIP tickets too.
For some reason, you were really anxious. You felt really out of place at the venue when everyone else seemed right in place. All the fans were signing and dancing along to the BTA songs while you just shifted awkwardly in place.
It’s not that you didn’t listen to BTS, you actually really enjoyed their music. But that was about it. You never really followed what else they did apart from what Sooji had told you.
She told you all about her brothers accomplishments and you were pretty proud of them yourself. You remember always fighting with Namjoon as a kid but you both have matured since then...right? He always kept to himself and even at that young age, he would be messing around with various beats and tunes on his tiny keyboard his parents had bought him.
In all honesty, you weren’t surprised by all he had accomplished. You knew from a young age that he was smart, dedicated, and extremely talented. You always smiled when you saw new about BTS in the states.
So you were extremely nervous to see him again after 17 years. What were you even going to say?
By some miracle, you were let in an even managed to make to the barricade for the concert. You just simply stood there, watching in awe as fans filed in one by one and army bombs started the light up and fill the stadium.
And before you knew it, the show started.
Namjoon smiled as he could hear the fan chants from under the stage. In a few seconds, he’d be standing on stage with his brothers performing. And he never got tired of it.
The second they emerged on stage, the entire venue filled with cheers that it was almost deafening.
He felt so energized and he loved every second he stood on stage.
“Welcome to the love yourself tour!! Nice to meet you guys, I’m RM” he says, winking at the camera causing another eruption of cheers.
He just couldn’t wait to walk down the stage and see as many faces in the crowd as he could. So that’s exactly what he did. Namjoon took the lead as he walked down the stage and took his time as he looked at as many faces in the crowd he could.
As he scanned the crowd, his eyes met with a pair of doe eyes that almost resembled Junkook’s. The girl wasn’t exactly a screaming mess like the others. She simply smiled at Namjoon and a pang of familiarity struck Namjoon’s heart. Whoever she was, she was absolutely beautiful. Her long hair flowed down in soft curls and framed her face well. She had on simple makeup and rocked a simple outfit of skinny jeans, converse, and a simple long sleeve shirt.
Damn, she’s gorgeous
He makes a mental note to at least casually shake her hand sometime during the concert.
You couldn’t believe that you had made eye contact with him after all these years. You of course knew who he was, but he didn’t seem to recognize you. As he passed you, you suddenly got thrusted forward and your hand hit the metal barricade. You winced in pain, and decided that it was best to move to the back of the pit to avoid getting hurt further.
Namjoon was slightly disappointed when he couldn’t find the girl in the crowd again, but he forgot about it quickly when he interacted with other fans and had fun on stage with his members.
Before he knew it, the concert was over and he was already saying goodbye. He absolutely loved the energy tonight and he already couldn’t wait to perform the following night and night after!
As the boys took some pictures backstage and got a little cooled down, namjoons phone beeped.
Sooji: “did you see Y/n yet?? Did you did you??”
Oh, that’s right. He totally forgot he was supposed to meet you today. He knew that you were to meet him backstage after the concert ended, so it would be anytime soon.
“Guys, my little sisters best friend is supposed to come and meet us today. I think I told you guys before... anyways she should be here sometime soon. Hopefully she won’t take too much of our time ugh” Namjoon announces and as of right on cue, all the boys hear a knock on the door.
One of the staff enters “you guys have a visitor” the man announces. “You can come in, don’t be shy!” He says to whoever was out the door.
Namjoon eyes the door until a familiar figure walks through the door with her head down. It was that girl from before! Namjoon furrows his eyebrows in confusion till it finally hits him...
“Y/n...?” He asks slowly. Your head whips up at the name, looking directly at Namjoon again for the second time that night. There was that pang I’d familiarity again. Now it made sense...it was you. That’s why his heart was racing a million miles per second right now.. right?
“Uhm..hey there Joon” you say, using the name you called him as a kid.
Namjoon just smiles at you, not believing that you were actually standing here now. You had grown up to become a beautiful woman and honestly, he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. You were just so...alluring.
So he really couldn’t help what he did next. He takes quick strides over to you and gives you a nice big bear hug, causing you to gasp with your eyes widened. “It’s nice to see you, kiddo” he says
KIDDO? REALLY IDIOT? You couldn’t have used a better word?! KIDDO? Namjoon berates himself internally for his poor word choice
“It’s nice to see you too...” you say slowly, finally hugging him back.
“Hey no fair I want hugs too!” Taehyung says as he practically rips Namjoon off of you and hugs your tiny frame. “I’m Taehyung! But you can call me Tae!” He says still hugging you. He begins jumping around, causing you to giggle.
God Namjoon loved the sound of that.
Soon enough, the rest of the boys introduce themselves and invite you to sit down and talk with them.
Namjoon watches as you talk with all his member as if you guys had known each other before and he smiles how easily you got along with them. But he also notices how you keep pulling at your sleeve and rubbing at your left wrist.
“Hey not to interrupt you guys but Y/n is your wrist ok?” Namjoon asks.
“Oh uh, it’s nothing big” you say, trying to change the subject. But Jin, who was sitting the closest to you, had pulled your arm out, causing you to wince. He slowly rolled up your sleeve, only to find that your wrist was quite swollen and red.
“What happened?!” He said loudly, reminding you of your mother.
“Uh, I just hit the barricade earlier, don’t worry about it. It’s nothing a little ice and Tylenol won’t fix” you say, pulling your hand back to your side, embarrass by how much attention was on you now.
Namjoon simply got up and got some things out of the medical kit before he made his way back to you.
“I think my sister would kill me if she found out I let you leave without doing anything about it. And I’m pretty sure you were pushed so I feel slightly responsible” he says as he sits on the table right in front of you. He grabs your wrist slowly and starts to bandage up your hand.
“Thank you..” you say, taken aback by how kind he was being.
“Don’t mention it. Actually no, mention it to my sister and tell her how great I’m treating you” He Jokes.
“Yeah I’ll be sure to tell her. I’ll also be sure to tell her about your cringey pun at the end of the concert” you joke back.
“Don’t remind me!” He says, more embarrassed now then when he had said it.
But it made you giggle again and Namjoon knew that the pun was in fact worth it.
The rest of the boys had sensed the atmosphere around you two and excused themselves so that you two could catch up.
And while Namjoon wanted to continue talking to you, he knew that it was getting late.
“Hey, since this is your city and all, how about you show me around tomorrow? Unless your busy tomorrow then don’t worry about it.. or we could just get some coffee or something if you have time..” Namjoon rambled.
“I’d love to!” You say excitedly. “We can definitely do both, I’m free tomorrow” you say smiling, causing Namjoon to smile back.
“Perfect! I’ll see you tomorrow, kiddo” he says, causing him to internally wince again.
“Good night, Joon” you say with a smile, making your exit.
The following morning, you and Namjoon made plans to hopefully explore the city with minimal to no attention if you were lucky. You weren’t really sure about all the logistics but you were excited for the adventure nonetheless. Fortunately for the both of you, you had a car. Namjoon had already done some research on what he wanted to see. “You’re honestly just going to be my driver for the day” he jokes.
Namjoon made sure to sleep early and wake up early in preparation for his day ahead. He was oddly excited about seeing you again, and when he told Sooji about their plans he could only hear squealing on the phone.
You had texted him once you were parked right in front of the hotel lobby and pretty soon, you saw a y’all figure walk out the hotel with mask covering his mouth his nose and a hay to cover up his warm eyes. You always admired his sense of fashion, and it was even nicer now that he was dressed casually.
As he finally saw your car, he walked as quickly as he could to your car and quickly got in. “Drive!” He says laughing. “Fast fast we gotta get out of here” He says. You quickly put the car in drive and sped on out, not really knowing why you were being rushed.
“Why?! What happened?!” You asked the second you turned out of the hotel.
“I may not have told management about leaving with you today” he said innocently, laughing a little.
“you WHAT?” You ask, almost having the urge to turn around and drop him off.
“They wouldn’t have approved! Plus we’ll be back in time for the concert. Dont worry about it!” He says, taking off his hat.
You couldn’t really do much at this point. So you kept driving.
You and Namjoon had ended up visiting a lot of your local favorite places, including a small park, farmers market, and bakery.
At the end, you ended up at your favorite coffee shop and you ordered coffee for the both of you while you and Namjoon situated himself in the sofa of the corner of the empty cafe. The cafe was quaint and one of your favorite places in the whole city.
Namjoon smiled as you placed a cup in front of him and sat next to him on the small couch.
“This coffee is amazing. And the this shop is quite my aesthetic, I love it” He says as he takes another sip of his coffee.
“So how’d you like my city?” You ask, turning to face Namjoon as he does the same. You rest your head on the side of the couch as you get comfortable.
Namjoon also does the same, following you. “I love it here. When did you end up moving?” He asks.
“I moved here about 8 years ago for my dads job” you say. “I ended up going to university here too” you say, smiling fondly at the memories.
“And well, what do you do now?” He asks.
“I work as an interpreter,” you say, proudly. Your love for languages had always played a big role in your life and you owed a lot of it to Sooji if you were being honest.
“Oh no way! For which languages?” He asks
“Well as of now, I can translate for French, Italian, and...Korean actually” you say, nervously.
“Korean?” Namjoon asks, shocked.
“Well Sooji always made such a great effort to learn English while she was here and even after she moved back to able to talk to me and I guess I started off by wanting to return the favor, but I ended up falling in love with the language and learning about it” you say. Namjoon doesn’t miss the way your eyes twinkle like the twinkle lights hung around the cafe.
“I had no idea. That’s great, really” he says.
And soon enough, you both caught up on everything you had missed over the last 17 years.
“I just find it hard to believe that we’re here, right now, in this moment” Namjoon admits.
“Shouldn’t I be the one to say that?” you ask. “You get to travel the world all the time, why are you so surprised” 
“No, I mean with you. I never imagined I’d get to see you again. Sooji pretty much forced me to give you tickets, but I’m really glad she did” he says shyly, causing your cheeks to burn slightly.
“I’m glad I got to see you perform too. But I guess I always knew you’d end up doing it one day or another” you say, smiling.
“why’s that?” he asks, confused. 
“Oh come on! You were always so interested in music when we were young. You were always with that keyboard your parents bought you and were already writing lyrics at that age, of course you were going to grow up and pursue music, I had no doubt” you say.
“You remember all of that?” he asks, surprised.
“Yeah.. I do” you say, smiling. 
Time seemed to fly by that day and so it was already time to go drop Namjoon back off. His phone was bombarded with calls and texts from his members and managers, but he chose to ignore them all. “I’ll be safe and back on time” was the only thing he said when Jin had called.
Namjoon felt reluctant to get out of your car though when they were finally back at the hotel. He honestly just wanted to spend more time with you. Would it be too much to ask you for your time tomorrow as well?
“I uh.. Thanks for showing me around, Y/n. I had a really good time” he says, turning to face you. 
“I did too, Joon. Thanks for catching up your sister’s annoying friend” you say, half joking. 
“You’re no longer annoying, congrats” he jokes, causing the both of you to laugh. 
“uhm, keep in touch yeah? We should definitely meet up again if we’re ever in the same city” he says again, more serious. 
“I’d love that. Good luck at the concert today, they’re going to love you” you say, not really wanting him to leave. 
“Bye, Y/n-yah” he says, ruffling your hair before getting out of the car. 
Really? First Kiddo and now ruffling her hair? This is sad Namjoon-ah Namjoon thinks as he enters the hotel, ready to face the wrath of his managers.
After the managers had all taken turns yelling at Namjoon, the concert started and ended in a flash. Namjoon didn’t really care though. He just stared at his phone, hoping you had texted him. But sadly you didn’t. 
“Guys, we have bad news. Earlier at the concert, one of the fans had accidently pushed our translator for the show and he ended up breaking his leg. He can’t travel with us. Where are we going to find someone by tomorrow for the rest of the tour?” one manager says out loud in the room backstage. 
Namjoon looks up and thanks the stars for this strange occurence. “I think I know someone” Namjoon smiles. He pulls up his phone and texts you. 
Namjoon: How do you feel about new job?
“Wait so you’re saying you need a translator? for the rest of the tour? and you want me??” you say over the phone, not able to believe Namjoon.
“Yup! you were telling me earlier you wanted to travel! Now is your opportunity! Plus, Sooji will never let me live if I didn’t tell you about this opportunity first. Pkus... I kinda want you here too” he admits. It was crazy how much he had taken to liking you over just a day.
“Y-yes” you say, before you could really think this through. “Yes!! I’d love to!” you squeal. 
“Perfect! Meet us at the hotel tomorrow then and we’ll give you an orientation of sorts” he says, excited already.
At first you thought namjoon was joking when he offered you a job. But here you were, two weeks later, working right alongside him. It was the most fun you have ever had and you got to live out your dreams of traveling. 
Not to mention the amazing friends you’ve made too. You became quick friends with all the boys, but your friendship with Namjoon blossomed more too. Something about the way he smiled made your heart race a little more than it should. You knew you were catching feelings fast, but honestly, who could help it?
You got to go wherever the boys went for their schedule, which meant you got to experience everything they did. You honestly weren’t even needed that much since Namjoon spoke English so well. That just meant you got to sit down and experience the boys live out their dreams. 
Namjoon was so glad he made the decision to reach out to you about the job because since then, you two have practically been inseperable. He silently thanked his little sister for the opportunity to meet you again because now he couldn’t even imagine the tour without you. 
You both got to explore each city and learn to your hearts content and much to his annoyance, some of the boys usually tagged along. You didn’t seem to mind though. He honestly just wanted to kind of keep you to himself. 
It was one fateful night after about 3 weeks till he finally got you alone. He had invited you to dinner at one of the restaurants he had searched up online. All the other boys opted for seafood and both of you had made a face at the suggestion, so you both agreed to get something else. 
Fortunately, the restaurant was small and cozy, which reminded you a lot of the cafe back home. It was even near the hotel so you both opted to walk despite the drizzling. You both ordered some food, matching your mood for the rainy weather outside. 
“Thanks for coming along with me, though I don’t know if i’m as fun as the rest of the guys” Namjoon says hesitantly. 
“Oh don’t be ridiculous. You’re great company and you know it” you admit. 
Maybe it was the lighting in the room but you swore you thought you saw him blush for a second. 
“This kind of reminds me of the cafe you took me to!” Namjoon says, trying to change the subject. 
“I was just thinking that too. It’s nice, I like it” you say as the waiter comes back with your food. 
You both converse as you eat to your hearts content. Namjoon pays up and suggests you head back to the hotel before the weather gets any worse. The weather felt nice though, even if you were getting slightly wet. You had the urge to skip all the way back to the hotel, but you decided against it.
Namjoon offered to walk you back to your room, even if it only a floor below yours. But he insisted, claiming the walk could be dangerous. You don’t argue it though, because that just meant more time with him. 
Once you got off the elevator, you made your way to your room which was at the end of the hallway. You fidgeted awkwardly as you tried to find your room card in your purse. 
“Thanks for dinner” you say, finally pulling out the card. “are you going to sleep soon?” you ask. 
“Nah, I think I might do a V-live for the fans. Then I’ll probably call my family” he says. 
“Oh! Tell your sister I said hi! Your parents too!” You say excitedly. 
“Will do” he says, smiling. 
“Uh, good night, Joon” you say, affectionately. 
“Good night, Y/n” he says, smiling. 
You hesitantly go into your room before closing the door. You weren’t really sure what you were expecting, but you were sad that the night ended so soon. 
You walk towards your bed, about to throw your jacket on the bed when you heard the frantic knock on the door. Thinking something bad happened, you rushed to the door and opened it before even checking who was outside. 
Much to your surprise, it was Namjoon again. 
“What happ-” you started only to be interrupted by his soft lips on top of your own. You gasped slightly in shock, but you grasped on to the slightly damp sweatshirt he had been wearing. You close your eyes and revel in the kiss, melting as each second went by. His hands held onto your waist as you wrapped your hand around his neck, deepening the kiss. 
You don’t really know who pulled away first, but you both needed to pull away for some oxygen. He rested his forhead on top of yours while you both took a moment to catch your breath. 
“I’ve been wanting to do that since the moment I laid eyes on you at the concert, Y/n” he says, smiling. 
“Then what took so long” you ask, giggling. 
The kind of romance you were currently living was one you only read in books. You were dating one of the most sought after artists in the whole world, and yet no one knew other than the both of you. 
You stole glances in eachothers directions whenever no one was looking. Secret kisses when no one else was in the room. Dates literally all over the world. 
You were surprised that you never got caught, especially when the whole world had their eyes on the boys. 
It kind of stung during whenever Namjoon claimed he wasn’t dating anyone during interviews. It was worse when you actually had to translate that yourself. Namjoon didn’t miss the way your smile slowly faded when he says those words. 
But it doesn’t take much time before he’s assuring you that you’re the only one for him when he sneaks into your room later that night. 
Most days you were on cloud nine. In fact, there was dread in the pit of your stomach when you thought about how this would all end. It was one thing to be touring with the boys and getting to spend all your time with them but what happens when the tour ends? When you have to go back home and part ways with them?
It was something both you and Namjoon avoided talking about in fear of ruining what you both had. But as each day passed, you got more and more worried. There was only one more month of the tour left. 
So you mustered up all the courage you had and brought up the topic one night when you two were alone in your room. 
“I’ve thought a lot about it too Y/n” Namjoon admits. “I was wondering how to bring it up myself” he says shyly/ 
“Well, what are our options really?” you ask. 
“Well.. there’s two ways we can go about this I guess. One... we can part ways at the end of the tour. Keep our time together locked away in our memories. Or... you could move to Korea....” he says with a small voice. 
And in all honesty, those really were your only two options. There’s no way that Namjoon could move anywhere for you considering his career. 
“What about long distance?” you say half-heartedly knowing full well you were not strong enough for that kind of a relationship. 
“I don’t think I could do that. I mean dating me would already feel like a long distance relationship anyways considering how much time I spend for work. But spending all the time with you now like this and then having to resort to just seeing eachother on a screen would be unbearable for me..” he says. 
“I couldn’t agree more” you say as you play with his hair. 
“Just think about it ok? I know what I’m asking of you is a lot. And I’ll completely understand if you don’t want to move for me. But.. I really want to keep seeing you.” Namjoon says. 
“Give me some time. There’s a lot to consider” you say carefully. 
You had pretty much made up your mind when Joon had asked you. Over the course of the last couple of months traveling with him, you fell in love with him. Sure, you hadn’t said those words to each other yet, but you pretty much thought he felt the same way about you. Why else would he ask you to move to Korea for him?
The best part was that you would already have a job lined up if you ended up moving. Sooji had practically begged you to move to Korea when she first heart you were studying to be a translator and though you didn’t really have any plans to do so, you had found a few jobs right in Seoul. You had passed a few interviews over skype and when you reached out to a few of the companies after Namjoon had asked you to move, a few were still willing to hire you. 
It was honestly a pretty easy decision on your part, and you now you just wanted to find a special way to tell Namjoon. You were just too excited to start this new chapter of your life. 
Namjoon was anxious to hear your answer as soon as he had asked you. Though he knew it was a big decision and required time to think through all the logistics, he couldn’t help but want to hear your answer as soon as possible. 
The days following asking you was a real struggle for him. You hadn’t given him any sort of indication that you had made a decision and his nerves were starting to eat at him. Were you going to say no?
As if that wasn’t bad enough, his days were incredibly frustrating and tiring as well. Things just weren’t going his way. Interviewers were asking him the same questions during each and every interview. He messed up his choreography during one of the performances at the concert which earned him a scolding from Hoseok. He spilled food on some of his favorite clothes. Fans swarmed the boys when they were leaving an interview. Overall, it was just a really rough couple of days. 
What made it worse was that he didn’t really have much time to see you either. Due to some mishap, he ended up sharing a room with Jimin and that meant he couldn’t sneak out of his room without being asked questions. 
Thankfully, the boys got quite a big room, but that only meant all the other boys chose to hang out there that night to eat dinner together. But to Namjoon, there was still some silver lining since now was probably a good time to tell the boys that he was dating you and that there was a chance you might move to Korea to be with him as well. 
What he didn’t know however was that the boys already knew. They weren’t blind afterall. They chose not to say anything to their leader since they wanted to respect his privacy, but that didn’t stop them from congratulating you when they had caught you alone a few weeks ago. You were a blushing mess, but they made you promise not to tell Namjoon that they knew so that they could make fun of him when he finally decides to tell you guys. You felt bad, but you respected their wishes as well. In fact, you were quite glad they knew. Because tonight, you were going to tell Namjoon that you were going to move in with him and you kind of wanted the other members to record his reaction. 
As all the members filed into the room bringing their dinner as Namjoon shifted awkwardly in his seat. 
“So... I have something to tell you guys” Namjoon says as a few of the members placed a spoon full of food in their mouth. 
“What is it hyung?” asks Jimin, already knowing he’s probably going to talk about dating you. 
“I um.. I uh.. How do I say this. I uh, I’ve been dating Y/n for the last couple of months...” he says quickly. He wasn’t even sure if they understood him. He was almost scared to meet their eyes, which he felt on him, so he lifts his head slowly to find 6 pairs of eyes on him. 
“ok and?” asks Yoongi. Now everyone knew that Yoongi had a more laid back kind of vibe amongst the group, but he usually showed more emotions when it came to such bigs details like this. To say Namjoon was shocked was an understatement. 
“I uhm, just wanted to tell you guys now, so you don’t find out through someone else later...” Namjoon says almost sadly. He was genuinely shocked and saddened by the lack of a response from his members. 
“You know for someone so smart, you’re pretty dull. You must think we’re blind if you thought we didn’t know” says Jin, laughing. 
What? They knew?
“You guys knew already?” asks Namjoon. 
“Well obviously. You both had heart eyes for eachother since the night you met. And it was obvious you liked her if you snuck away from management the day after you met. Plus, your ‘secret’ glances towards each other isn’t so subtle hyung” says Jungkook as a matter of fact. 
“Plus, you’re almost never in your room at night anyways” says Hoseok. 
Namjoon was baffled. He thought he was playing it safe, but he probably really can’t hide anything from his members. They knew him too freaking well. 
You on the other hand had made your way to their hotel room which was thankfully located at the end of the hallway to a corner of the hotel. Jin had made sure to leave the door slightly open for you so that you could enter without Namjoon knowing and you had texted him letting him know that you were outside and ready to go. Now you just had to wait for the right time to go in. From the way the conversation was going, you could probably go in pretty soon. 
“I’m sorry for not telling you guys sooner. I know I always tell you all to keep me in the loop if you’re going to be seeing anyone but I just.. I just didn’t... I didn’t know what was really happening is all” he said in a blur. 
Didn’t know what was happening? What was that supposed to mean? You furrow your eyebrows in confusion as you listen in on the conversation.
“What do you mean hyung?” asks Taehyung. 
“As in, I wasn’t really sure what I was doing. Hell I’m not sure what I’m doing now either. I- I have a lot to think about right? I mean, we’re idols guys. Look at our lifestyle” Namjoon says as he points around the extravagant room. 
Your smile slowly fades as the conversation continues. What exactly was he trying to say now. 
“So what? She’s a sweet girl and practically best friends with your sister” Jin tries to ease the conversation. 
“So? Before the tour started she was just my sister’s annoying friend” Namjoon said. And honestly, that stung a little, but you understood since you both never really got along when you were kids. 
“Ok, but now she’s someone you really like right?” tries Jimin, also knowing you were probably outside now. 
“I.. I guess?” Namjoon says, confused himself. Now that he was saying these things out loud, he realized he had disregarded a lot of things. His infatuation with you had seriously clouded his judgement. He forgot all about his career and millions of fans for a fraction of a second. 
Meanwhile, the first couple of tears started to pool in your eyes. You wanted to tell Namjoon you loved him today since you thought he felt the same way for you by now, but all he could say was “I guess”? 
“Can I be honest with you guys? I really need your input now” Namjoon says, and he misses the tension in the room as he says so. But he ignores it and continues anyways. “Guys... I had asked her to move to Korea after the tour ends... And now that I’m sitting here talking to you guys, I realized I didn’t think things through. 
The first tear slipped from your eye. 
“I mean, I wasn’t even thinking about my job! Our job. Our fans. What would the company say?” Namjoon asks worriedly. 
“Hyung.. the company trusts us. You know we’re allowed to date now. And as for the fans, once you tell them I’m sure if they’re true fans they will understand and be happy for you” says Taehyung. 
“Tell the fans? Are you kidding? Why would I ever make this go public?” Namjoon scoffs. 
The second, third, fourth, and following tears fall next. 
“I’m not even sure where this relationship is going. Sure, we’re having fun now, but what is it going to be like once we’re back home? Plus, she’s never been or lived in Korea, she wouldn’t understand” Namjoon continues. 
Namjoon couldn’t help but think that perhaps he rushed things. 
“Hyung...” Jungkook starts, not really knowing what to say. “But if you really like her, then wouldn’t it all be worth it?”
“But what if it isn’t Jungkook?” Namjoon asks slowly. At that point, no one was eating and the entire room was silent. 
“I didn’t think things through you guys. I need to think about it again and talk to Y/n when I have it all figured out” he says. 
And at that point, it seemed like you really only had one choice. It was obvious that had thought too much of your relationship with Namjoon. 
You had opened the door slowly and Jin turned to see you entering with your eyes puffy from crying and rubbing at them. You looked absolutely heartbroken and he gulped at what was about to come. 
“Sorry to bring you guys down, but let’s finish out din-” Namjoon starts before he finally see’s you entering the suite. 
“Y-Y/n? What are you uh.. doing here?” he asks slowly, standing up. It only takes one glance at you for him to know that you had been crying and that you were incredibly upset. He had never seen this side of you and it made his heart drop. He instantly hated how it made him feel. 
“what’s wrong? Are you ok? Did something happen?” asks Namjoon, walking towards you in an instant with worry written all over his face. It hadn’t registered in his head that you had just heard everything he said. 
You took a step back as Namjoon got closer to you, making Namjoon freeze in his place. Never once had you backed away from him.
“Y/n what happ-” he tried again. 
“I uhm, didn’t mean to, but I heard everything you just said now. I.. I didn’t know that’s what you had thought of this whole thing” you said, trying your hardest to not cry more. 
“Y/n let me explain hhm?” he says again. 
“No, I think I understood. I um, guess I’ll make this a little easier on you then. I won’t be moving to Korea with you. And uh, whatever we have going on is over too. Don’t want to risk getting caught with management or fans or anything” you say, with a small fake smile on your face. You couldn’t even muster the courage or energy to look at him in the face as you said all this. 
Namjoon on the other widened his eyes at your statement, his heart falling to the pits of his stomach. You heard everything he said. And now.. now you wanted to break up. But.. But he didn’t want that. Not in the slightest. 
“Y/n wait, don’t do this” he tries again to take a step towards you but you put your hands out in front of you as if put up a wall between you two. 
“Before this tour started, I was just your sister’s annoying friend. I think it’s best I stay that way. I’ll uh.. I’ll finish my job as a translator here, so don’t worry about that” you say, not wanting to create a bigger hassle for the team. 
You look up to see the six other boys in the room, only to find them all staring at you with sad eyes. “I’m really sorry for any trouble I caused you all. I’ll be out of your hair now” you say before quickly turning and running out of the room, not even giving time for Namjoon to process what just went down. Namjoon could only plop down on the closest chair to him and bury his face in his hands. 
“We uh, knew about you guys dating since the beginning almost. Y/n knew we knew too, but we told her not to tell you so that we could give you a hard time one day. She was actually going to tell you that she was going to move to Korea for you, Joon-ah. She wanted us here to film it for her...” Jin explains, patting Namjoon’s shoulders. 
Namjoon’s head snapped up. 
“She was going to say yes?” he asks, shocked. 
Jin only nods and the room is filled with silence once again. 
What had he done?
True to your word, you had stuck around to finish your job as a translator for the tour. But you also avoided the boys any time you didn’t have to work. Thankfully, you weren’t really needed much 
Namjoon felt terrible about what went down between you two but he honestly didn’t know what to tell you anymore. But he missed you, so incredibly much. But you were avoiding him like the plague and he hadn’t even been able to take a proper look at you since the night you broke up with him. 
On part of him told him that this was all working out for the better in the long run. You probably would have been lonely in Korea with him gone all the time. You two might not have even worked out. 
But the other part, the bigger voice inside of him, told him that he made a mistake. That though he didn’t think things through before asking you to move to Korea with him, it would have been great having you there. He would have been lying to himself if he said he never thought of a future with you. He did. It was strange but over the last couple of months, you had come into his life in full force and he loved every single fucking second of it. He loved you. 
He only didn’t want to make things public because he wanted to save you from that kind of attention that he knew you didn’t like, not because he didn’t want to be seen with you. He only wasn’t sure about his feelings for you because he didn’t know if he could make you happy in the long run. 
But in the end, it wouldn’t really matter because you didn’t even want to see him anymore. And soon enough, he was going to lose any opportunity to talk to you and make things right and that very thought scared him to the core. 
Not to mention he missed you. He missed your touch, your hugs, your kisses. He missed being able to talk to you late into the night. He missed sneaking away with you. He missed just everything about you. 
So one night when he called back home, he came clean about what had gone down these last couple of months to his sister. He was surprised by how calm she was when listening to him and when he was finally done, he simply said “ok Sooji, let me have it”
“I don’t know what to tell you oppa. I’m sad that neither of you told me that any of this happened. I mean, I expected this out of Y/n, but you? Why couldn’t you tell your own sister?” Sooji Asks.
“What do you mean you expected this out of Y/n” he asks. 
“I mean, she’s been like this since we were young. Remember you had a couple of bullies in your class back when we lived in the States. Did you ever think why they just suddenly stopped bothering you one day? Well, Y/n, though we were younger than you all, confronted your bullies one day in the playground and stood up for you. I still remember her telling those guys to leave you alone and threatened to kick them if they didn’t” Sooji said, giggling a little. 
Namjoon had almost forgot about that. It was true. There were two other boys in his class who had used to pick on him for always being alone in school, but one day, the bullying had just stopped. Little Namjoon was curious about why, but he knew not to question it. 
“You might have hated her as a kid, but she always wanted to be your friend. She always asked about you, you know. Growing up I mean. She always asked if you made good friends and ended up pursuing music, even before you were a trainee” Sooji continued. Namjoon hadn’t realized himself, but he felt tears form in his eyes. 
“She’s always admired you, and I have no clue why. But I do know that you don’t deserve her. I know thats rude of me to say, and i’m sorry, but it’s the truth. She’s too good for you, oppa. I’m disappointed in you” Sooji says calmly, which was a stark contrast to her usual hyper personality. That’s how Namjoon knew he had royally fucked up. 
“I know I don’t deserve her, but what do I do? I still want her” Namjoon says mostly to himself. 
“Do you love her?” asks Sooji. 
“Yes” Namjoon says confidently now. “I do. So, so much. And I don’t want to lose her. But she won’t even look at me anymore” Namjoon says. 
“Well then get her attention” Sooji says. 
“How? She’s never in the same room with me unless we’re on a schedule” Namjoon says. And as he said the words aloud, it was as if a light bulb turned on on top of his head. “Unless... I.. I tell her during an event” Namjoon says to himself. 
“I think you know what you have to do oppa” Sooji says, smiling to herself. 
“Thank you Sooji-ah! Thank you!” Namjoon says excitedly. 
You don’t know how, but you were already at the last concert. Which meant this was your last night on the job. Tomorrow, you had booked tickets  for back home and pretty soon you’d be back to your life without bangtan. 
You sat through the entirety of the concert and still watched in awe as if it was your first. Luckily, the boys didn’t need any translation today, so you were able to enjoy the concert in peace. This was how you started this whole experience anyways, might as well end it the same way. 
Finally, the boys had wrapped up most of the concert and the ending ments were starting. You realized this was probably the last time you were going to see them, and you cried silently as you watched them talk to fans. You were hoping to slip out of the venue before the concert ended so that you can get a headstart to the hotel to finish up packing before your early flight tomorrow. 
You had gotten up from your seat backstage about to make your exit when you hear Namjoon’s voice again. You knew it probably wasn’t the best idea to stay, but you just wanted to hear his voice one last time in person. The voice you loved so fucking much. 
“ARMY! I hope you all had a really fun time tonight! We are so excited that we got to share this evening here with you all! I can’t believe the tour has already come to an end and I’m so happy I got to see as many ARMY as possible in this time. I will truly treasure these memories in my heart forever. Thank you so much ARMY!
Since it’s the last concert tonight, I want to tell you all something important” Namjoon says, and the crowd is already yelling. You furrow your eyes in confusion, since Namjoon was pretty much going off from what he practiced 
“Early on in this tour, I met someone, ARMY” he says slowly. The fans are all screaming various things, some clearly not happy already. 
“I um, met someone really amazing. Someone really nice. And someone really pretty, inside and out” he continues bravely. “Some of you guys might have seen her actually. Her name is Y/n and she is our translator for our tour. Now, I want to be honest with everyone here tonight. The members, my company, all of the fans here and around the world. And most importantly Y/n herself. 
She’s probably backstage listening right now. At least, I hope she is. I uh, fell in love with this beautiful woman. A woman who I have actually known since I was a kid and from the time I lived in the States for a while. I fell in love with... well her everything. She makes me so incredibly happy and makes me want to be a better person” he says. Now most of the fans are just screaming “awww” at the top of their lungs. 
“But, I made a mistake a few weeks ago. I think.. no I know that I really hurt her. And I’m scared I won’t get the opportunity for her to hear my heart if not for tonight. So in front of the world today, in front of all the people that matter to me, I want to say loud and proud that I, Kim Namjoon, love Y/N L/N. I want to be with her for as long as she will have me and I want her to know that I’m so so so sorry” Namjoon says, letting a tear fall. 
For a second, the entire venue was quite at Namjoon’s declaration and the boys all stared at the crowd, not really sure what to expect. But within a matter of seconds, the fans were all yelling and cheering for Namjoon. 
Namjoon let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding and smiled as his fans cheered for him. 
Somewhere from the back of the venue, a small chant could be heard. At first, the boys couldn’t really make out what they were saying but as more and more fans started to chant, it was clear. 
The fans were chanting your name. 
Pretty soon, every single fan in the venue was cheering your name and you stood backstage in shock at what just went down.
Namjoon had just publicly declared his love for you. This was something he could never take back. The whole world knew now. You stood frozen in your spot backstage, not really sure what to do. 
That was, until some of the stylists came behind you and quite literally pushed you onto the stage. 
You had stumbled onto the stage but before you could run back backstage, there was a spotlight on you and the fans erupted in cheers. 
The boys had turned to face you and Namjoon’s heart raced a million miles per hour after seeing you. He had to admit, you looked hella cute when you were shocked. 
He jogged up to you and the fans only cheered louder as he got closer. 
When he finally reached you, he held out his hand for you, waiting for you to take it. 
You looked around the fans were all telling you to take his hand and even the members were whooping and cheering for Namjoon behind him. With some hesitation, you slowly reached out for Namjoon’s hands. But the second you held onto him, all your nerves vanished. You had just missed him so incredibly much. 
You could only smile at Namjoon with astonishment. 
“Everyone, I’d like you to meet Y/n, my love” he says, as he ushers to the front of the stage. 
There, you stood nervously amongst seven of the most famous men in the world, staring at thousands of fans and their ARMY bombs. 
“Thank you so much, for coming back to me” Namjoon whispers into your ears, causing the fans to cheer even more loud if that was even possible at this point. 
“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” starts Hoseok and pretty soon, all the members and all the fans are chanting along with him. 
“Can I?’ Namjoon asks, turning to face you. 
you simply nod and within seconds, Namjoon’s lips meet yours as he pulls you into him. 
In that moment, you had forgot everything else. All the other members, all the fans, all the staff, and certainly all the news articles that would be coming out, if they weren’t out already.
In that moment, the only thing that mattered was Namjoon. 
He finally pulls away, only to have his forehead placed on top of yours. “I love you, Y/n. More than I can ever imagine” he says, smiling. 
“I love you, Joon-ah” you say, smiling back. 
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askvenomandthekids · 6 years
those brilliant eyes (harry osborn!venom x reader)
author’s note: man oh man...spiderman ps4 is WILD isn’t it? i’m excited to see that harry osborn is going to be the host for venom...it’s gonna be so ANGSTY and DRAMATIC, and im SUCH A FAN. warning, this will be a LONG fanfic, so sorry for people on mobile. hope y’all enjoy though!
pairing: harry osborn!venom x reader
genre: romance/drama/angst
The first time you saw him, he had brilliant eyes.
Though, that was probably an overstatement. You had seen him around before. You’ve certainly heard of him around your school. Afterall, it wasn’t everyday a rich and handsome teenaged boy attends your high school. Everyone talked about him. Despite his popularity, you’ve never seen him in person, let alone talked to him. You only saw brief flashes of him in the hallways and cafeteria - a tall and lean young man, with smooth brunette hair. 
Up until that point, that’s all you’ve seen of the enigmatic Harry Osborn. He didn’t go to clubs, do sports, or shared any classes with you. If you didn’t know any better, you might’ve thought he was a myth.
Who would’ve thought someone like Harry Osborn would’ve wandered into your crappy part time job?
It was a little later into the evening, after the dinner rush hour. Just one more hour until your shift was up. You decided to kill time by finishing up some English reading - Lord of the Flies. You rolled your eyes, when you remembered you had to read thirty pages for that night’s homework. Such a delightful school read. 
You spent some time like that, plowing through dense paragraphs and flowery prose. You were so absorbed, you haven’t noticed him enter the diner.
“You must be in the advanced classes.” Said a familiar and soft voice.
You sharply glanced up, to see Harry looking at the book in your lap. 
“O-oh? Really?” You stupidly said, your mind scrambled to recover from the surprise.
“Aren’t you?” He asked with an uncertain smile. 
“Er, oh yeah! Right! Silly me! Yeah, I think I’m in the advanced class. It’s uh, not hard though, we just have to read all these novels.” You lifted the book in your hand to illustrate your point. 
“Wish I could’ve stayed.” Harry wistfully commented. He leaned into the counter, closer to you. You secretly took note of how strong his jawline was. “Then we could’ve been in the same class together.”
You were taken aback. Harry Osborn was in your English class? You scoured your early school memories. Faintly, you could make out a tall brunette through your hazy memory. So it was him! How could that have slipped your mind?
“Really? I can’t believe it! I kinda forgot you were there!” 
You bit your tongue immediately upon saying that. That was a little rude, wasn’t it? But, Harry chuckled at your little comment, and ruffled his hair. 
“Yeah, I don’t blame you. I missed so many school days, I was forced to move to a lower level class.” 
“How come?”
Harry began to fiddle with his fingers. His eyes are completely averted now. In this light, they looked more blue than the brilliant gray you saw the last time. 
“I, uh, get sick easily. It’s mostly because my father frets so much over me.” He said, with a shake of the head. You nodded, thoughtful. That must explain why he wasn’t on a sports team, or appeared in any clubs. “I understand his concern, but I’d like to be a little independent, you know? Do normal teenager stuff.” Harry suddenly confessed. 
The novel is closed in your lap now, completely forgotten at this point. When you looked closer at him, you just noticed how...thin he was. His clothes hang off his frame, exposing his bony neck. There is a gaunt look on his face, thanks to the heavy bags under his eyes. You feared if someone so much as shoved Harry over, his body would break into a million pieces.
Before you could say anything else, Harry tried to laugh it off. 
“I’m - I’m sorry, I had no idea where that came from.” He glanced over his shoulder. “I just wanted to get out of the house, and I came here, for some reason. Probably because I was hoping - hoping to see you here. Isn’t that funny? We hardly know each other, and I - I just intrude. I’m sorry. I’m talking to some nice looking person I’ve only seen a few times, and I’m already dumping baggage on you. I’m sorry.”
Wait, he came here because you were here? And he thought you were nice looking? You ignored the thrum in your chest, and your hand shot across the counter. You grabbed his shoulder - it was painfully bony. 
“Hey, hey now. No worries about that. Now that we’re actually talking to each other, we can be friends now, right? So you don’t need to worry about dumping anything on me.” You reassured him, and gently squeezed his shoulder to prove your point. 
Something lit up in his gaze, and they nearly looked gray again. 
From that point forward, your shitty part time job, became a past time you actually looked forward to. Harry would come over, and sit at the usual place. You would give him a plate, piled with food - on the house of course, despite his protests. Between shifts or during shifts, you two could just talk about anything. 
Harry Osborn was no longer a myth - he became a tangible person, and somehow you both became good friends. You were sure if you two had more time together, you might’ve...might’ve even asked him out. Which, was wishful thinking, but what did you had to lose?
On the day where you finally mustered the courage, he didn’t appear at your job. You didn’t sweat it, of course. You knew about Harry’s medical condition, and how it could make him bedridden from a few days to a few weeks. But then, it turned into a few days. Then a week. Then a month. 
You didn’t have to wonder for long about where Harry disappeared to. At some point, Mary Jane and Peter told you that he got sick so badly, his father had to ship him off to a hospital in Europe. 
And just like that, when Harry became real in your life, he disappeared like a ghost. You didn’t had a chance to say goodbye. 
The memory of Harry Osborn faded with time, and the heartache wore off eventually. You still dreamt of those brilliant eyes, and every now and then, you wondered about what could’ve been. But, there was no point in thinking about that. Life had to move on. 
And then, it all came crashing back.
It was a dark and dreary night, and your night shift just ended. You were cold and everything was damp, and you wanted to drink something warm. The last thing you expected was coming across your old highschool job - the diner. Who would’ve thought such a dingy place managed to stay open after all these years?
Out of nostalgia, you entered. This proved to be a fatal mistake. 
The moment you stepped foot in the diner, something blunt is hit over your head. You cry out, and stumble onto the floor. Everything becomes blurry, and all you can feel is throbbing pain. Someone grabs a fistful of your hair, and drags across the floor. Tears streaming down your face, you try wriggling away, but your assailant only pulls harder. 
You make out a hooded figure wearing a horrid clown’s mask. The painted red smile is practically taunting, and hollow eyes coldly look at you. 
“Stay still and shut up if you want to live. You all hear?”
Other people whimper. You weakly twist your head, to see a few other unfortunate hostages, tied up and gagged. Good god, what did you walk into? You bite down your tongue, trying to will away the pain. Try to stay still as possible, when other men begin talking. When you peer from behind the counter, you see a few more hooded and masked men, harshly talking to each other.
“...Damnit, why’d you have to make a scene?”
“Can’t we just kill these bastards and get it over with?”
“No, he said this had to be the place. Now, if some certain jackass didn’t whip out his gun, then we didn’t need to have this hostage situation, huh?!”
“Who you callin’ a jackass?!”
“Shut the fuck up! He’s here!”
The bell jingles softly. Your head snapped towards the door.  A single figure enters the doorway. They’re wearing a black hoodie, their face concealed. The masked men immediately surround this figure, weapons brandished in hand. 
“About time you fucking showed up.”
“You have the goods?”
There’s a ripe silence. The hooded figure says nothing. This quickly gets the masked gang agitated.
“Hey? You listening to us? Where’s our supplies?” The leader jabs a gun at the hooded figure’s chest. Your heart leaps for this stranger. You can only watch from the side, helpless. “Start talking, or we’ll make you.”
“...We’re ending this partnership.” The stranger finally speaks up. His voice is so soft and raspy, you nearly couldn’t make him out. Whatever he said, made the masked men even angrier.
“You’ve got balls. If you think we’ll let you or anyone in this shithole walk out of here, you gotta another thing coming!” A gun is aimed directly at the stranger’s face. Seeing this, you recoil, and dive back behind the counter. The other hostages look at you with wide and frightened eyes. 
Gunshots go off. Your ears ring from the ear grating sounds. You try not to think how that stranger must be dead on the ground, now. Soon that will be you and the others. You shut your eyes, praying for some miracle to happen.
Everything is quiet for a moment.
And then, the masked men start screaming. More gunshots go off. Bullets ricochet everywhere, off the counter, walls, and ceiling. Some lights shatter, leaving half of the diner in the dark. Something growls - it sounded like a lion, but far more deeper and monstrous. You wasted no time panicking. You turn to the other hostages, and begin untying them. Some are asking you what’s happening, while others are crying. 
You tell them to go out the back door, and to get help. If escape was possible, they had to flee while those masked men were preoccupied. 
Just as you untied and ripped off the tape of the lost hostage, you watch her scramble out the door. Shakingly, you get up to follow her - and then something grabs you from behind.
A gun is pointed at your temple. Arms wrap your neck into a chokehold. A voice begins to scream next to your ear. Your captor sounds hysterical, on the verge of tears. 
“Come any fucking closer, and I’ll shoot!”
Weakly you look up to see who the man is talking to - and your heart drops. It’s a monster, a monster that has probably haunted you from your worst nightmares. It’s tall, easily towering you and the man. Inhumane muscles ripple through the creature’s body. Its skin is like solid oil - fluid and shiny, and ebbed with white veins. And it’s surrounded by eviscerated corpses. 
Blood has painted the walls and floors. You can even see bits of flesh sticking to the monster’s chest and its mouth. A freakishly long and prehensile tongue, licks the flesh from its skin. It drags its tongue across his draconian teeth. You gagged, horrified. Did that thing single handedly murdered and devoured those men just a few moments ago? If it weren’t for the adrenaline pumping through your body, you would’ve fainted on the spot. 
The monster hisses, cocking its head at your captor. Its jaw drops open, only to reveal rows upon rows of serrated teeth. Bloody saliva drips down the sides of its mouth. Its pale and pupilless eyes narrow. 
“Stay back!” The man shouts, and his grip on you tightens. You choke out, struggling for air, and begin clawing at the man’s arm. 
The creature lets out a terrible scream, and tendrils shoot out from its back. Something wet is punctured. The man freezes up. You glance over, just in time to see blood pouring out his mouth. Looking down, you see that a black tendril has gone through the poor bastard’s chest completely. 
Unceremoniously, he lets go of you, and collapses, dead before he even hit the floor. You stand there, frozen. The man’s blood has splattered across your cheek and clothes - it’s so sticky and metallic. And then there’s the monster. 
The tendrils retreat into its back. It approaches you, slowly, like a predator. Its teeth glisten in its dark mouth. You’re trembling. Your mouth opens but no scream comes out. You gasp, your mind desperately trying to register this horrible, horrible situation. 
If you were going to die right here, you pray it will be quick. The monster stands in front of you, crouched down. It was still so monstrously tall. It can crush you, like a bug. You’d be squashed and bloodied like those other men. You begin to hyperventilate. 
“DON’T...” It garbles, reaching down for your face. It can speak?
“Oh god, oh god...” You manage to whisper, covering your face in horror. 
“DON’T...BE AFRAID...” What was it saying? What was it saying? It touches your cheek. You try not to see how sharp its claws were. Was this a joke? Tears prick at your eyes. 
The monster stills. And then, its skin begins to peel back. It’s jaws open, peeling back to reveal - to reveal - 
You couldn’t breathe. It’s those eyes. Those - those eyes, brilliant eyes, but no they’re not the same. They’re now so dull, lifeless, pitch black and cold - it was Harry. Underneath the folds of this monster, it’s Harry. His pallid and bony face is dripping with black liquid. He looks at you, blank faced. If it weren’t for those eyes, you wouldn’t have recognized him. But it was him. Unmistakably, it was him. 
“No...” You hoarsely mumble. You couldn’t stand any longer. Your head is throbbing and your heart is beating so fast, it’s just about to give out. You collapse right into the monster’s taloned hands, and everything goes black. 
author’s note; WOWZERS, i wrote a lot. sorry this got so long! 
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oppatxtme · 7 years
Christian Yu: What’s On Sight (3)
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Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3 // Chapter 4 // Chapter 5 // Chapter 6 // Chapter 7  // Chapter 8 // Chapter 9  
WARNING: Just some curse words in some part. (sorry)
A/N: (Nhaks lakas maka-A/N HAHA!) First of all, I want to apologize if anyone one of you been waiting for this update for so long (but its only bout a week. haha) anyways, here’s the CHAPTER 3. It’s a bit long due to full of convo. If you might get bored along the way, im sorry. But please do read till the end. <3 HOPE YOU ALL LIKE IT. <3
Also, just keep in mind that English is not my native language so there might be some spelling and grammar error. Sorry for my lack of talent and I promise to work hard on this. Thank you and please enjoy. Any feedback is well loved. <3
Your sleep has been broke when your mobile rang.
 You open your eyes and immediately saw the digital clock on your bedside and saw its still 6 in the morning.
 You plan to just ignore the call, but when you remember that it might be Christian calling, you felt some chills run thru your body and thinking that he’s already on the Arrival of the airport waiting. You suddenly reach it.
 As you check the caller ID, Jamie name is on the screen.
 You felt relieved. And sad.
 “Hello?” you answered without energy for the lack of sleep.
 “Good morning to you too Madam.” Jane said in a full of energy.
 “Hah! What’s up Jamie? It’s better to be a good one on this early morning.”
“Well, I guess it’s good and a bit of bad.”
  “Fine. Nowadays I don’t think anything will surprise me after what happened yesterday. So tell me.”
  “Okay. First thing is that friend of yours who you asked me to look up his flight details, luckily I contact Rafael during his shift so he gave me the info and as he checks there’s two flight schedule under the same name and -” You cut her off on what she is saying.
 “What?!” ‘What the heck does he thinking booking in two flights.’
 “Heh Heh - and as I was talking to Rafael that time, the last additional booking been confirmed. Meaning that friend of yours check-in at that moment.”
  “And what time does he be arriving here Jamie? Please just tell me and I think my head will explode any moment.”
  “That will be exactly 30 minutes ago since his plane arrived at the airport.”
 “The fudge Jamie! Why did you just call me now?! Haaaish!” You got off from your bed fast as if it’s on fire.
  “Chill Madam, here’s the good thing. I have the idea that after that sudden visit from your father and that fine man yesterday you’ll be staying awake for the whole night. So.. as a good friend of yours, I took the liberty of picking up your friend and I’m currently driving my way to the arrival now.” Hearing that, you felt relieved and thankful for Jamie. “What’s his name again -” You heard some flipping papers.
 “Christian.” You continued.
 “Yeah. Also known as Mr. Ba Rom Yu. Gosh, being Korean must be cool, you can have two names.” You gave in for a small laugh. “Anyways, while I pick him up could you make your self-be at your gorgeous form for I already booked the two of you a breakfast reservation at the restaurant just in front your building. Or you just want me to bring him up there in your apartment?” You heard her laugh.
 “You’re crazy Jamie! But thank you so much for this.”
  “You’re thanking me because I will bring him up in your apartment?” You can’t help but laugh as well. “Well, I just parked my car and I’m on my way in the Arrival section.”
 “Okay. I’ll get a quick shower and just wait for you both at the restaurant. Thank you again, friend.”
  “No worries. Oh! I almost forgot.”
  “What is it?”
 “Could you possibly send me any current picture of this friend of yours? So I won’t look so clueless while waiting for him. And I bet that he doesn’t expect that someone will pick him up.”
  “Sure no problem. I’ll just send you now.”
  “That would be great.”
  “Later then.” You’re about to end the call when she says something.
 “Wait Y/N!”
  “What is it?” You asked on confuse.
 “You’re sure his just a friend? Nothing more?” You can imagine that she’s smiling like an idiot.
 “Oh, Jamie! You and your filthy mind. He’s a fri-” You pause for a moment because something inside you is against on what you about to say. “- a dear friend of mine, okay?”
 “Okay, okay. So he’s a dear friend. In short, he’s just a friend who’ll visit you all of a sudden?”
  “Can you continue interrogating me, maybe later? Or just after you pick him up and when we meet at the restaurant? You see, I can’t really do anything while you’re asking me these questions.”
 “Oh yeah, sorry about that Madam. Okay then, see you.” You heard her laugh and you end the call.
 After the call, you immediately send the picture of Christian on your Camera roll to Jamie.
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You inhale then exhale for two to three times before you finally move yourself to take a short shower.
 While drying your hair, your eyes is busy assessing your closet on what to wear and checking your phone time to time.
 Finally, over the clothes you have (you’re not that really into buying many clothes. and fashion for you is wearing anything comfy) not that many to choose from. You settled for an off-shoulder top, a ripped jeans and white rubber shoes.
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 Not so over the top, just casual enough for just a breakfast. And hell, why am I so conscious of what I’m going to wear?! Just relax Y/N. Damn Jamie, she got you on her plan thinking that this is a date or something. But you’ll be meeting with Christian.
 Christian, your dumb friend for so long.
Christian who confesses his feeling towards you not to long ago.
Christian Yu who came to Dubai from Seoul just to have a clear talk to you.
BaRom Yu who now gives you this different feeling every time he crosses your damn mind.
 It’s either your mind gone filthy or just gave up due to overthinking.
 You took the last look on your body size mirror before heading outside your apartment towards the restaurant just in front of your apartment.
 You send a message to Jamie that you’re on your way to the restaurant.
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 You can’t stop looking over the entrance of the restaurant (or more likely coffee shop but looks like a restaurant for its very sophisticated interior) you’re in every time you heard the waiter in front welcoming every customer’s coming in.
 You force yourself to focus on something else besides looking over the entrance, you unconsciously tapping your fingers on the table as if you’re playing the piano. And your eyes wondered on the menu on the table. You ordered already when you came in but still asked the waitress to leave the menu for Christian might want something else.
 As you take a zip on your Americano, you received a message. In the thought of it might be Jamie, you checked the screen immediately. But it’s not from Jamie.
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With that, you automatically grab your shoulder bag and walk-run towards the exit of the restaurant slash the cafe Jay mentioned.
 While saying a few things to the waiter in the entrance, you immediately call Jamie.
 “Where are you now?” You immediately asked cutting her hello when she answers your call.
 “Wow! Are you that excited Madam?” She laughs.
 But you’re in a hurry and your mind is going insane. “Seriously Jamie. Cut it. This is important. So tell me.”
 As if she somehow felt something is wrong on the way you respond to her, she gets serious.
 “Just a few blocks away. Why?”
  “Is that Y/N?” You are about to jaywalk when you heard Christian voice.
 Jamie’s about to answer him when “NO! Don’t tell him that it’s me!” 'What the fudge am I saying?!’
  “Wait. What?!” Jamie ignores Christian’s question.
 “Never mind.”
 “Are you sure?” Jamie sound worried.
 “Yeah. I’m doomed anyway. Haaaish!” You screamed not too loud for anyone but you and Jamie to hear.
 You heard he laugh. As you check the road before running towards the entrance of your apartment building.
 “Just gonna take this left turn, then we’re there.” She informed you.
 “Okay. I need you to just listen okay? Don’t overreact and don’t let Christian know. Just yes or no. You got it?” You strictly tell her. And she knew that this is no time for a joke so she said yes.
 “I just left the restaurant.”
 “Apparently,  Jay message me saying that he’s in my apartment lobby. And he asked me to eat in the same restaurant.” You heard Jamie Hummed, while your eyes are busy scanning the lobby. But you can’t find Jayfreakin Park.
 You went directly to the front desk.
 “Excuse me?”
 “Yes, good morning Miss. Y/L/N”
  “Yea. Did someone asked for me today?”
 As he checked the list, Jamie informs you that they’re in front of the restaurant. Meaning, just outside.
You looked outside and saw Jamie’s car and saw Christian on the passenger seat.
He is wearing a black cap and a black t-shirt. Even you’re far and your site is not that clear anymore, you can still see how fine looking and handsome he is just like the time you saw him.
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You notice that Christian is roaming the sidewalks so when he’s about to look at your way, you immediately turn around.
 'Fudge! I’m acting as if I’m a criminal or something. I hate this!’
 “Jamie, you there?”
  “So, here’s the plan.”
  “Well,  it’s about time.”
 The receptionists inform you that Jay asked you apartment number and probably already there and endlessly pushing the doorbell. So you head for the elevator and pressed for the 15th floor.
 “Ssssh! So, just take Christian for breakfast. And if I can’t make it still, then just settle him in my apartment. Just tell him that I had some urgent meeting that needs to attend to. He will understand it for sure.”
  “Okay, got it.”
 You dropped the call, and turned your mobile to silent mode.
The elevator chimed and it slides open. Along the hall, you saw a man standing in front of your door. As you walk towards him, somehow he felt someone is coming near him so he looked at your way.
 His face expression turned from surprise to amazement?
 Now that you’re getting closer to him. You suddenly notice what he’s wearing. Faith? Soulmate? Destiny? And your mind cursed that too many you lost count.
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“Hey there baby girl.” he greeted you with his million dollar smile.
 You’re about to say something back when he suddenly came closer. You froze. Talk about personal space. He gave you a peck on your cheeks.
 He grinned and licked his lips when he saw your reaction after.
 “What brings you here this early Oppa?” you asked when you try to recover from what he did.
 “Well, I taught you already seen my text giving the fact that you’re holding your phone.” He smirked when he saw how you react to his statement.
 You sighed deeply. Can’t believe he manages to make you surrender that easily. For the first time, your mind and body felt so drained. This change of events has taken a toll on you.
 As much as you hate it but you surrender. Thinking that Christian is just across the street. And Jay might see him. God knows what will happen once this two see now.
 Actually, you don’t have any idea, but you can’t take any risk now.
 “Hey Y/N? Did you hear what I just said?”
 You shake your head. And he laughs.
 “Aigoooo~ I guess I’m not the only one who didn’t get any sleep last night.” Then he reached for my head just to make my hair a mess.
 “Oppa!” You attempt to punch him but he easily avoids it. “Haaaaish! Whatever. I’m hungry!” And then you turn around and walk towards the elevator.
 “Wait up baby girl. Where are you going? This is your apartment right?” he said while walking quickly to catch up to you.
 “WRONG! So don’t go here ever again without informing me first or you might get a ban in this building.”
 You pressed B1 on the elevator.
 “Why B1?” He’s about to press G but you stop him. He looked at you surprised.
You quickly looked away and leaving his hand hanging. He chuckled.
“As if they can ban me, The Jay Park.” he softly bumps you on your shoulder just to make you react on his very lame joke.
 “Well, that just sounds like some literal park.” And you stick out your tongue to him.
 You just shut your mouth and tilt your head to the side. Trying to forget how his words affect you.
 You look at him as a reaction.
 He is about to tell something when the elevator chimed and slides open.
 Without any thought, you walked out and went to your parked car.
 “Where are you talking me? Don’t tell me we’re going to elope?”
 You tried to hold your laugh and say something to know that you’re mad, but when you looked at him you just can’t. He looked so so.. liked a kid.
 Fudge. I think this will be the death of me.
  Please, somebody, save me..
Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3 // Chapter 4 // Chapter 5 // Chapter 6 // Chapter 7  // Chapter 8 // Chapter 9
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Y/N Portrayer in collage is @Mari_jasmmn  ~ check her out in IG (GIRL CRUSH)
Hope that you guys enjoyed this. The next chapter will be uploaded within two days. Like and Reblog. It can really motivate me to post, haha! Time check: 3:05am
Anyways, what do you think about this chapter? Talk to me, don’t be shy. I won’t bite.
Have a good day/night everyone!
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