bumblesimagines · 9 months
“i dunno. sometimes i just... feel things when you’re around.”
“sometimes you’re not annoying.”
“maybe i don’t wanna be just friends with you.”
Ruby Matthews
“i dunno. sometimes i just... feel things when you’re around.”
“sometimes you’re not annoying.”
“maybe i don’t wanna be just friends with you.”
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There were many things Ruby would never admit. Like how she'd been bullied as a child or how she sometimes struggled with helping her dad while her mom worked or the fact she never invited anyone over to her house cause she feared being ridiculed. Or, worst of all, how much she enjoyed spending time with Maeve Wiley's twin brother, (Y/N) Wiley.
They should've hated each other, hell, at one point they despised each other. But then they were forced to partner for a school project and it was history from then on. (Y/N) Wiley was everything Ruby should've hated. He was reckless, careless, irritating, poor. Trailer trash at its core and it disgusted Ruby. Until she got to see the compassionate, caring, and nurturing side of him that destroyed the image she'd conjured of him through the years.
It was why, despite the rules she made for herself over the years as Queen Bee of Moordale, she allowed (Y/N) to follow her home. To her small, one-story house on Carlton Close. Her house was underwhelming, she knew it well. Her friend's all had nice big two-story houses that she often frequented and envied. But when she looked at (Y/N), she only saw his typical expression. Not a hint of disgust, smugness, or even malice in his eyes.
"I live in a trailer, Rubes." He reminded her when he noticed her softened expression. She nodded, silently, and unlocked the front door. All she had to do was pray her dad wouldn't-
"Rubes, is that you?" Roland called out from deeper in the house and Ruby winced when she stepped into the hallway in his robe, a plain shirt with a stain on it, and his equally stained sweatpants. He blinked at the sight of (Y/N) and then a teasing smile slowly spread across his face.
"Hey." (Y/N) greeted, lazy grin ever present.
"Let me guess... you must be (Y/N). Boy, I've heard so much about-"
"Okay!" Ruby nearly shouted and sent her snickering father a scathing glare before ushering (Y/N) into her pink-colored bedroom to avoid her father embarrassing her further. She closed the door behind her and groaned quietly, feeling the tips of her ears heat up.
"Is this Baby?" (Y/N) asked and when she turned, she spotted him crouched down by the bed. Baby's tail wagged furiously, her fluffy tiny body wiggling along with it. The chihuahua lapped at his fingers and with confirmation he wouldn't be getting bit, (Y/N) scooped her up into his arms and plopped down on the bed.
"You didn't come here to cuddle with my dog, (Y/N). You said you'd help me with homework." Ruby huffed softly, trying to ignore how her heartstrings tugged at the sight of her beloved pet accepting (Y/N) so easily.
"And cuddle with your dog." He grinned at her and Ruby rolled her eyes, setting her purse aside on her vanity and shedding her coat. She took a seat on the bed and kicked off her shoes before tucking her legs underneath her. Her eyes remained locked on the gentle way (Y/N) handled Baby and a small smile appeared on her glossy pink lips.
"(Y/N)..." She began quietly, manicured nails picking at one of her fluffy pillows. When she'd gone to Otis for advice, he told her- after getting over his stunned silence- to be honest. "Can I... tell you something?"
"Sure." (Y/N) eyed her curiously and shifted to face her, delicately setting Baby down on his lap and letting her curl up on his thighs. Ruby inhaled deeply and his brows knitted, a mixture of concern and suspicion seeping onto his face.
“Sometimes you’re not annoying.” She stated and his brows raised, a soft snort leaving him. His fingers raked through Baby's fur, head tilting ever so slightly as his lips curled into an amused smile.
“I-I don't know. Sometimes I just... feel things when you’re around.” Ruby pushed out, uncertainty laced in her voice. She wasn't an emotional person. She never allowed herself to be vulenrable, even around Olivia and Anwar. She'd experienced betrayal and humiliation at the hands of the first and last person she let herself be vulenrable with. But with (Y/N), it felt different. Safer.
"You mean... the Ruby Matthews... is feeling human emotions? I'm shocked, truly. I really am-" (Y/N) ducked his head, laughter falling from his lips as Ruby swatted at his arm and clicked her tongue.
"I'm being serious, (Y/N)!" She huffed again and (Y/N) giggled, cradling the sleepy chihuahua close to his chest. He gently set Baby aside on a pile of blankets, watching her melt into the fabric and doze off.
"Okay, well, obviously you're feeling things, Rubes. Don't you feel things with Olivia and Anwar? It's called enjoying someone's company."
"That's not- It's not the same feelings. You're like... the complete opposite of them. I-I like talking to you. I feel like I can talk to you. You're honest. You're not afraid of me." Ruby explained, internally wishing Otis had just told her exactly what to say instead of being so vague. Being honest? When had that ever done her any favors?
"As much as it pains me to say this, Rubes... it's because we're friends. You might even be my closest friend." (Y/N) reached out and let his fingers brush along her tan arm. Ruby's heart fluttered and she pressed her lips together, summoning the confidence she knew she had.
“Maybe I don’t wanna be just friends with you.” She revealed quietly and his fingers stilled, eyes snapping up to meet hers. "Maybe... maybe I want to go on dates with you and- and hold your hand when we walk into school. Maybe I don't want to keep this a secret from Maeve and my friends. Maybe I want to kiss you and hug you and sleep with you. Maybe I want to be... your girlfriend."
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wistfulpoltergeist · 9 months
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Roland Nightmore (Rossetti)
Bold the facts!
I was tagged by @ethelgodehel and @honeybeenrw to do this bold facts about my characters, aww, thank you! This one is for @ethelgodehel!
The rules are simple! Tag people and name a character you want to know more about! If you want to let the person you tagged decide who to showcase, then don’t name a character and they can pick somebody. Easy! The person who is tagged will then bold the remarks below which apply to their character &, if they want to, include a picture with their reply!
$ Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty ✚ Medical: fit / moderate/ sickly/ disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable ✪ Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other ✔ Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other ✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed
◒ Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children ◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased ◔ Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent / not applicable
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between ♦ disorganized / organized / in between ♦ close minded / open-minded / in between ♦ calm / anxious / in between ♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between ♦ cautious / reckless / in between ♦ patient / impatient / in between ♦ outspoken / reserved / in between ♦ leader / follower / in between ♦ empathetic / vicious bastard /in between ♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between ♦ traditional / modern / in between ♦ hard-working / lazy / in between ♦ cultured / uncultured/ in between / unknown ♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown ♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
★ Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic / spiritual ☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✮ Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✯ Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ❃ Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✧ Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between /not religious ❀ Philosophical: yes / no
❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual ❥ Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless ♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless / romance suspicious ❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious ⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all ⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
☠ Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✍ Artistic Skills: excellent /good / moderate / poor / none ✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
☕ Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / Alcoholic ☁ Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / Chain-smoker ✿ Recreational Drugs: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict ✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess ☻ Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater $ Splurge Spending: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic ♣ Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler
I tag @glammoose, @goamazons, @its-adrienpastel, @napoleonfrost (Haven't heard from you for a long time, mate), @void-imp, @simsjerry,
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chimaerakitten · 8 months
Banned From Dover (Temeraire Filk)
so turns out posting about my filk frustrations got the rhymes to unstick somewhat. It helps that the first and last two verses are ripped from the original wholesale, with only as many changes as are needed to make it setting-appropriate. The rest of it might still get tweaked when I put it on AO3, but for now:
When we flew into Dover Town in need of R & R The crew set out investigating brothel, pub, and bar We had high expectations of their hospitality But found they were no friends to aviators such as we
Chorus: And we're banned from Dover, every one Banned from Dover just for having a little fun We spent a jolly ground leave there for just three days or four But Dover doesn't want us anymore
Our dragon’s aims were complex and his methods dramatized We found him with conspirators of every breed and size The ministry was on the way—we had to get out fast At least this little uprising’s less bloody than the last
Young Roland’s not the captain’s child; or at least so she claims But she’s got that same stubbornness a runnin’ through her veins Her chaperone swore upon her god she’d not be left behind And now they’ve shot a dozen men—and neither changed her mind!
Our unlucky first officer got his own dragon egg She decks him out in jewels and gold no matter how he begs They robbed him here of every stitch; at least the day was warm He came back with new bruises in a borrowed uniform!
The admiral’s at Dover and she was looking for a lay She found our captain ‘fore he was arrested for the day She flew home on Excidium with a bright and cheerful heart And the poor captain was scandalized with what he’d taken part
Our runners and our middies soon found themselves in a bind Whilst borrowing a courier whom they thought wouldn’t mind They stole a dozen casks of wine from a boat they nearly sunk And now all Dover knows to fear a dragon getting drunk
Our Captain was a navy man; his private life is quiet The admiralty arrested him for inciting beasts to riot We found him in the covert jail, broke in and pulled him free- Intact except for honor, and half his memory
Our dear guide speaks the dragon tongues; the ferals speak right back He took some down on leave with him and we thought they’d learned some tact 'Til the local gang of herdsmen wrote and cursed upon his name They said they’d lost a hundred head of cattle when he came!
A crew of frenchmen landed, and nobody seemed to care They marched into the nearest bar to announce that they were there Half our crew had cards inside, and invited them to play But the frenchmen only looked at us, and turned and ran away
Our crew is the corps’ finest, and our dragon is our pride And where we go we tend to leave a trail a mile wide We're sorry about the treason and the riots and the fuss; At least we're sure that Dover won't be quick forgetting us!
...Wonder why?
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halleyk7 · 1 year
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I started this in the middle of March and this was my first time making a wallpaper!
Tbh, while I really enjoyed drawing this (especially the interactions), a part of me created this out of spite. I was frustrated with some people from their respective fanbases fighting with each other. And although small, that negative feeling kept bugging me so I needed to channel it into something. I guess this was the result.
Will definitely try Wuthering Waves when it comes out! Is it WW or WuWa?
Lil’ thoughts::
Who else would love to see a musical/play acted by Yun Jin and Roland? Diluc’s got a lot of maids, poor Bambinatta. Is it weird that ever since I started drawing Childe and Watanabe fighting each other, I’m slowly starting to ship them? I wanna draw a Lucia and Paimon clothes swap pic. I can honestly see no. 21 treating Itto, the way she treats Noctis.
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theravennn · 3 months
The school of dreams & nightmares
Hi!! I'm new to this whole thing so I decided to post one of my story's . There's more chapters if your interested.
Love you besties❤️
Summary: When Anna Callaways mom calls her down the stairs her life changes, not knowing what this school is nor what it's meant for she is just happy not being with her parents,but meets someone she least expected comfort from , what happens when this fallen angel finds her ability to fly with the help of a siren......
Warning: abuse , anxiety,
Narrator POV:
Anna crept into her room as usual trying to avoid her parents' toxicity trying not to be plagued with such ignorance as them.
"ANNA RAY CALLAWAY GET YOUR ASS DOWN STAIRS" her mother called from the downstairs living room in a disappointed voice. Her mother never really cared how Anna felt she would just take as she pleased and give the broken left overs back. Anna…without question quickly scurried down the spiral staircase as her long raven black hair bounced back and forth behind her . She stopped in front of the living room door as she sighed deeply not wanting to enter . She gently opened the door to see her mother and a tall lanky man in a top hat and long trench coat standing by her. "What the hell is happening" thought Anna as she entered.
"Anna this is Headmaster Roland"
The man nods his head softly with a not so pleasant smile "nice to meet you mister headmaster Roland???" Anna said in a confused tone of voice "headmaster to you dear Anna" the man said in a mysterious evil sounding voice. Poor Anna's face grew more confused by the second as she wondered "why is this headmaster in my house. ARE MY PARENTS SENDING ME AWAY". "Anna darling we need you to sit down" her father commanded as he walked in the room with a tray of biscuits and Earl Gray tea, Anna's favorite. Anna sits as commanded "what is it? Why have you called me down?" Anna asked as she started to ramble anxiously "Anna stop you rambling and welcome the guest properly" her mother demanded as her patient started to wear off.the man sat there and watched with a smirk. Anna soon caught on and sat up straight with a elongated sigh"welcome mi- Headmaster to my humble home" Anna said defeated already not wanting to anger her parents even more than they already were. "Well thank you sweet child. Now we should get to business I don't have time for chit chat or rambling on-" he continued as Anna zoned out as her parents talked to the headmaster waiting to hear her name "what business what chit chat" she thought stilled zoned out
Mary(Anna's mother)POV:
I was sitting on the sofa as Simon(Anna's father)and Roland sat in the two arms chairs Front of the sofa and Anna was sitting in her chair beside the sofa. I noticed she zoned out as our conversation continued. I I took the chance to talk about what may become in the future "and as you know she has attention problems and other issues she needs to also learn a form of discipline and seeing as how as I went to the school of dreams and nightmares I think it would be an amazing choice for her it would also give her a chance to be more social and actually have a life instead of staying in her room all day" I ramble and ramble waiting to see what Roland will say "well we have no time for that at the academy we hold our students to a very high standard and curriculum we don't stand for dawdling or we have our own form a punishment" Roland said in a grimacing tone sending shivers down my spine "well the Anna would love it there she needs this .And I thank you for taking her I know it only one semester left but she will love to be there in upcoming year and years to come after" I said confidentiality as Roland and Simon nodded their heads
Anna's pov:
Is sit in my thoughts and as soon as I think of what they all were talking about I hear my name being called as if to lure me out of my simple self trance and I obey as always still being careful to stay on my parents good side "earth to Anna" my father waved In Front of my face. "You you will be attending the school of dreams and nightmares next term and you will enjoy it as I and your father did in our years there"
My mother said in an aggressive tone.
I wonder if that lady is on her period. She acts like it all the time anyways .
"Yes mother….as you wish" a said nodding my head downwards. My mother smiled in satisfaction as the tall man stood from his seat gently taking my hand in his raising it to his lips. "I hope to see you next term dear Anna" he said as he laid a small kiss on the back of my hand and walked out the door. I took the chance to stand and face my parents not caring to make them mad or not "y-your sending me away"I growled keeping my wings down "How could you. you didn't even talk to me about it" I said in an angered tone "why would we ask the mut if she would be willing.. you do as we say anyways we are your parents" my father said standing annoyed by the tone in my voice. I got scared as I saw anger swell in his eyes. I lower my head and slightly managed to say"I'm sorry" her father bawled his fist "you say that every time. Now go to your room just the sight of you right now makes me angry" my father said impatiently . I roll my eyes at my father which earns a back hand . Tears swell in my eyes as I gasp I turn to take my leave up the spiral staircase and into my room. I look at my cheek in the mirror and see the reddish purple mark starting to form where my father hit me. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad but Why would my parents do this? I haven't done anything wrong-i take that back I have done plenty of things wrong. I go to my drawer and grab black silk pajama top and matching shorts. I go and take my normal ice cold shower then change into my preferred pajamas and lay on my bed. As I lay and stare at the ceiling I bring light to my conflict and think it's okay . getting away from my horrible home will be good. I won't be social but I will go. I slowly close my eyes and drift into a deep sleep.
@cccaptain-clownyyy @baby-bloos
I posted the story mwah
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abracazabka · 4 months
🎶 when you get this, put 5 songs you actually listen to, then publish. Send this ask to 10 of your followers (positivity is cool) 🎶
it took me for fuckin EVER to respond to this cuz Life and also Indecision but I was able to Decide on some favorites
"The Tower" by Angel is one of my very favorite songs out of the 70s. It gives me the same vibe as one of my most beloved poems, the fantasy narrative by Robert Browning "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came" (which is also the inspiration for Stephen King's Dark Tower novels, btw!). The instrumentals are phenom!
Since I'm a Bruce Springslut, I need to put Brucie on here. He speaks to a lot of my experiences and reminds me of the stories told by my dirt poor east coast grandparents. Darkness on the Edge of Town is my favorite album, but "The River" is my all time favorite song of his, because it carves out my insides.
I'm a New Wave Weirdo, so gotta say "Revenge" by Ministry. I love the synth (I LOVE SYNTH!!!) and it makes me think of cheesy 80s horror and general whimsical spookiness. Ministry started as gothic new wave with poppy elements in the 80s, but has since evolved into heavy metal - which is great for me because I love metal! I saw them in concert by total accident when I saw Rob Zombie xD
"Urgent" by Foreigner which, come on. Firstly the sax in this is OUT OF THIS WORLD. Anyone who knows me knows that I will enjoy any song with a long guitar or sax solo. In fact I wish the sax solo in this was longer. Also this song (like many Foreigner songs) makes me think of LawRusso sex, so there's that HAHA.
"Dazed and Confused" by Jake Holmes is a song whose guitar scratches my brain in such a perfect way. Psychedelia and horror and urgent romance is all rolled up in this song for me, even if that's just me cuz i'm a wretched freak of a little guy :) The sounds, the sounds! This song is sort of unlike his other songs, but I like those easy going ones too haha
also uh. sorry for my monologuing.
and also that all of these songs are between the 60s-80s. that's mostly what i listen to BUT I do like lots of modern music too. just. not as much lol.
since i got to this so late, i kind of broke the chain. but if anyone wants this ask sent to them, go ahead and ask for it in the comments of this post! :))
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aemiron-main · 1 year
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General Creel Family Posts 
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Henry Creel
Henry and The Rabbit (He Didn’t Kill That Rabbit)
Did Henry Break The Rabbit’s Leg? (x)
Did Victor Set The Rabbit Snare? And Who (Or What) Actually Killed The Rabbit? (Hint: It Wasn’t Henward) (x)
Virginia’s Dinner Shirt vs Henry’s Rabbit Scene Shirt (x)
Panicked Chittering: An Initial Analysis of the “Henry Killing The Rabbit” Scene (x) (note: this analysis is outdated)
Henry Creel Costuming
Henry’s Slicked Down Hair and Control (x)
Why Did Young Henry Need  A Stunt Double In His Dinner Clothes? (x)
Henry’s Invisible Belt (x)
Young Henry’s Wardrobe/Converse (x)
Young Henry’s Wardrobe/Converse and Formal Shoes vs Casual Shoes (x)
Miscellaneous Henry Posts
Henry Creel, Seizures, The Exorcist, and Roland Doe: Did Henry Creel Have Epilepsy? (x)
Bastian From Neverending Story vs Young Henry (x)
The Chessboard In The Creel House (x)
The Use of Organ Music With Vecna vs The Organ In The Creel Attic and The Sheet Music Stand in The Creel House (x)
Initial Post About Henry Creel vs Charles Wallace and Not Speaking (x)
That’s The Same Damn Tub AGAIN! (Initial Post About ST vs Before I Wake and The Tubs in ST- Did Henry or Edward Get Drowned and Dumped in the Quarry?) (x)
Again, Is One Of The Creel Boys In The Quarry? (x)
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Virginia Creel
Virginia Creel Still Has Her Eyes and I Know How She Got Them Back (x)
We Can See Virginia’s Pupils and Irises When She’s In The Air- What Was She Looking At? (x)
Virginia Creel vs Crimson Peak Parallels (x)
If Virginia Did Infect Henry With Shadow Particles, Then How Did She Do It? (x)
Yet Another Shot Through Virginia’s Eyes (x) 
Mother Is God In The Eyes Of A Child (x)
Patrick Being Spotted In The Mind Lair Supports The Idea That Vecna Didn’t Kill Virginia (x)
Initial Post About Virginia Creel And Flowers In The Attic (x)
The Different Eye Blood: Alice Vs Virginia Vs The Lab Kids (x)
The Lyrics of Dream A Little Dream of Me That Play Right When Virginia Dies (x)
Chrissy’s Dad’s Eyes are Sewn Shut and Her Mom Has A Sewing Machine and How This Ties To Philip Cunningham vs Victor Creel Parallels (x)
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Victor Creel
Victor’s Reflection Looks Like Michael Myers’ Mask And It’s Not A Coincidence- And It Ties To Timeline Theory Stuff (x)
Victor’s Suicide Attempt Happened On The Same Day Henry “Died” (x)
April Fools: The Day Victor Gouged His Eyes Out, the Day Henry “Died,” and the Date on the Drama Club Poster (x) 
Victor’s Arrest vs El’s Arrest (x)
Victor’s Trance vs NINA (x)
I Could See He Felt Something Was Wrong: An Analysis Of Victor Creel, The Priest, And Heward’s “Demon” Drawing (x)
They Used It In The War To Communicate With The Front: Operation Overlord, Poor Communication, the Burning Baby, and Defending Victor Creel (It’s Not Really Your Fault, Victor) (x)
 Did Victor Actually See a Supernatural Vision or Was He Seeing Something Else? (x)
Victor Hid His Razor Up The Same Sleeve as Henry’s Tattoo (x)
Victor Creel and “Why Women Kill” Costuming Parallels (x)
Victor Rocks The Same Way In Pennhurst As He Did When Holding Henry On The Night Of The Murders (x)
Updated Post about Victor and Henry’s shared Nervous Hand Gestures And How That Changes For Henry In The Lab (x)
All Alone In This World: Another Joyce-Heney Parallel and Victor  and Henry Speculation (x)
Was Victor Watching Henry Draw? (x) 
I Am Still Very Much In Hell vs The Burning Baby (x)
Victor and Henry Chess Scene Speculation (x)
Thrain and Victor Parallels and The Keyhole On The Grandfather Clock (x)
Victor Creel and Joyce Byers and “I Don’t Know What That Thing Is But It’s Not My Son” vs “What Happens When My Boy Is Gone” vs “That Is Not My Boy” (x)
Larry Kline and State PD and Victor Creel (x)
Chrissy’s Dad’s Eyes are Sewn Shut and Her Mom Has A Sewing Machine and How This Ties To Philip Cunningham vs Victor Creel Parallels (x)
Victor’s Weight, Missing Motor Skills, and the Indianapolis Gazette Article (x)
Highway 49: Victor Creel and the Car Crash (x)
Brief Initial Post About Victor and Henry and Pet Sematary (x)
Loves His Boy: Victor Loved Henry and Robert Englund Agrees (x)
Victor’s Shadow During The Prison Scene (x)
Is Victor Henry’s Constant? (x)
Victor Creel Doesnt Talk To Reporters- So Where’d The Weekly Watcher Get Their Information? (x)
Initial Post About Victor Creel and The Fourth Wall (x)
Victor Frankenstein, William Frankenstein, and Henry Frankenstein (x)
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Alice Creel
Initial Post About Alice Being 15 According To The Indianapolis Gazette (x) Alice’s Clasped Hands Mannerism and How It Ties to Henry (x)
The Different Eye Blood: Alice Vs Virginia Vs The Lab Kids (x)
Henward Standing Like Alice Vs Standing Like Young Henward (x)
Original Connie Frazier is Alice Creel Post (x)
Original Karen is Victor’s Daughter, Virginia, Not his Wife, Virginia/Karen is Edward’s Sister Post and Connie as Mother Alice (x)
Creel Family Trailer: Alice Walks Towards The Rabbit Instead of Away From It And The Way She Walks Is Familiar (x)
That One Shot of Alice Near The Slide With Weird Lighting- An Explanation (x)
What The Hell Was Alice Looking At During The Dinner Scene? (x)
How Did The Possum Get Into Alice’s Bed And Why Was It There? (x)
Modine’s Purple Umbrella and Alice’s Dress (x)
Alice Creel’s Weird Age, TFS, and Interview With The Vampire (x)
The First Shadow, Timelines, Alice Creel, and Swapping Family Members: New Thoughts On Alice Creel vs Karen Wheeler Regarding the Edward Timeline- Karen Wheeler Might Be Alice, Just Not In The Way Anyone (Including Me) Thought She Was (x)
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ghawst37 · 1 year
Non-pgr CamuRo AU
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but what kind of au is it? I'm not sure, I just had a vision while on my way to class, made the sketch for this during //and I lied to myslef that it would be a quick draft, it's been five days ever since 0(-( //anyway, CW: mention of violence, abuse, there will be a TLDR if you still insist on reading ( ღ’ᴗ’ღ )
Story time: (just quote straight from what I told a friend, just with some adjustment)
The vision I had was young Roland buying steam buns and bringing them to Camu who's been hiding in the alley way near the stall, and Roland would settle down next to him, feeding him the steam bun because Camu's hands are injured at that moment and couldn't touch the hot steam buns by himself. Where they are at that time is some kind of underground slum, messy, crowded and cramped, pipes all over the place, all that kind. The world in this AU is also a bit of a futuristic dystopia(?) where most of the rich lives above ground, isolating the majority of the population that is the poor. The existence of human traficing is a norm, and for all sort of purpose, to flex their assets, slavery, entertainment, hybrid experiements, canibalism, etc... Camu escaped a human experiment facility above ground, with little to no memory prior being sold. After his escape to the underground, he's always on the run from the bounty that has been put on him by the people of the organization, and they want him back alive for the experiments to continue. The harsh experiments and environment has given Camu inhuman stamina, anyone came his way received a beating and, or have died. To fill his stomach, the bounty hunters that have came after him instead became the bounties. Despite that, Camu wanted to be free from the shackles of a runaway hybrid. He then accept a request of an underground organization to bring back a target, a celebrity specifically, doesn't matter dead or alive, in trade for his bounty to be removed completely, earn him a free life. Camu agreed, if it's a life of freedom, he doesn't care if it's a famous person or of importance or whatever the employer wants to do with them. Eat them? Sure, not his business.
But the celebrity named Roland that he needed to brought back, killed or alive, is no other than a child. Camu's hesitation to strike blew his cover, as he attempt an escape bringing Roland with him, the child became surprisingly obedient, even clinged onto Camu before turning back to look at him in the eyes, *"please save me from here,"* he begged, desperately, further confirming Camu's determination to just get them both out of that place, unscathed. The securities tracked them for a while, and for a brief moment there were gazes of curious children from within the place - to Camu's surprise, not much older than Roland. They escaped the chase before going down a narrow path leading down to the underground, blocked with scrap and garbage to clog the poor from going upward. The employer was more than satisfied with Camu's work, bringing back Roland in one piece. Celebrities, whether born from the poor or rich, after living the life of luxury from the above will bound to be a fulfilling meal. Roland, after being "saved" by Camu just to be tied up like a captured prey, his eyes filled with betrayed hope. Camu on the other hand, didn't care much of the employer's rambling, decided to cut him mid-way, asking of the deal. The employer laughs, before summoning in their underlings to surround them both. Of course, the way to get rid of a bounty target is to just deal with that target, the prize on Camu's head isn't cheap either by all means. In rage, Camu mauled through waves of people, injured the employer, no point in keeping a betrayer wandering around if the deal is broken. He staggers from the wounds, looting the valuables from the place - and of course, Roland - before making an escape. At least he's compensated a portion out of that shithole. The child does still seems to have some value anyway.
Not like he could just sneak back to the place and put the child back like he belonged in a doll house anyway, he mumbles to himself. Or maybe just leave him to some people, Camu would suddenly feel so kind as to not sell him. Roland would disprove at the options, that he would rather let be a stray than be in the hands of complete strangers; they would just sell him to someone else right away.
Camu scoffs, "sold? Wouldn't it be smarter to just keep then return you? They would be compensated a lot returning you to your mommy and daddy than selling you." Roland interrupted him after hearing that. "You would be mistaken," hands covered in scratches and dirt rubbing away a layer of foundation and make up, revealing a bar code on his left cheek. Only trafficked people would have this kind of bar codes, the moment one is marked with it, they've lost all rights to be human, much an object, transacted from one owner to the other, valuing less every time. Camu also has one on him. "I will just be send into another one of those place again, if you pity me brother, please let me go with you.." Didn't he just give Camu the eyes of a bretrayed puppy earlier? "I promise to not be a burden!" "What's with the change of heart? I'm not babysitting you." "Aren't you wanted? What if we make a deal..?" Roland beams at him, "I will take care of all your side tasks, I'll ensure they won't catch you just for doing those idly chores!" Bringing another stomach would be annoying, but being chased around just because he went out of hiding for a meal is also a hassle. Camu sighs, maybe he'll find an oportunity to get rid of the kid.
Camu is now also wanted above ground, anyone who caught the kidnapper of the imfamous child celebrity will be compensated handsomely. Even then, most underground people doesn't know of Roland from the information clogage. And while his face has yet to be plastered on every alley way in the underground, Roland take the chance to fulfill his part of the deal, including buying meals for the both of them from the sold valuables and bounty rewards, and getting supplies for Camu's injuries fending off others who are after their heads.
TL;DR: non-pgr Camuro AU, trope: some grumpy dude with ptsd and this random child he picked up because he suddenly bad leaving them alone (obviously) //In this AU, Camu is 17, Roland is 12, the age that me and said friend speculated were the age they were change into constructs in the game
Thank you for reaching this far into the ramblingヾ(◍’౪`◍)ノ゙If anyone has anything you want me to know about this (like take it down because it's cringe-) feel free to let me know(?) //idk how do you end things like this, it's my first time //I personally just a sucker for this overused trope lmao
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Times My Heart Snapped In Video Games
Spoilers ahead for several games mentioned in the tags.
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I don’t think I have to explain this one. I have to put down my controller for a bit and pause the game every single time no matter how much I try to prepare myself for it.
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Snapped my heartstrings even when I was a small child who could barely read playing this game for the first time. Poor baby Rosalina…
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If you have ever lost a pet, this hits so much deeper. His doggo was in deep pain and he had to say goodbye in order to end his suffering.
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It’s taking all of Kratos strength to abandon his daughter after he had just reunited with her and promised he’ll never leave her again. Her pleading makes it’s all that more difficult.
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Through this DLC my heart kept breaking more and more as I came to realize that the board game was part of Tina’s coping mechanism after Roland’s death. She’s so upbeat and energetic all the time so seeing her breakdown into tears made my eyes swell.
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thessalian · 9 months
Astrid vs Various Abandoned Buildings
Still wandering a shadow-cursed hellscape
Wyll: Oof. I see what they mean about the shadows being worse in there-- Wait. Who's that?
Roland: Oh GET TO FUCK!
Astrid: Awwwww, he came to save his friends! ...With almost no protection from the shadows whatsoever, the poor sod. And is being attacked by shadows GALE?!?
Gale: On it. IGNIS!
Wyll: He really loves that spell, doesn't he?
Gale: These things don't like light! Besides, you use Eldritch Blast like it's the only thing you know how to do!
Wyll: Well, the Arms of Hadar aren't going to do a lot here, are they?
Shadowheart: If the two of you would just stop arguing for five seconds...
Roland: No, no; bickering is nicely familiar. Just I'm used to it being directed at me.
Astrid: I really don't want to give you the headache that would entail. For instance: *ahem* *Vicious Mockery resonance* WHAT KIND OF MAGICAL DARKNESS ARE YOU? I CAN SEE RIGHT THROUGH YOU, YOU SHADOW-PUPPET PRETENDERS TO PATHOS!
Wyll: Pretenders to--?
Astrid: Have you looked at the stuff they leave behind? Those were people at one point and that's pathos however you slice it. *back to Vicious Mockery resonance* BUT IF THEY WERE OF ANY USE AT IT AT ALL, THEY WOULDN'T HAVE TO DO PHYSICAL MAIMING! I CAN HURT YOU WAY WORSE JUST BY TALKING!
Angry Shadows: *shriek in rage and pain*
Gale: ...Is it wrong that I love it when she does that?
Shadowheart; Wyll: No.
Stabnation: *ensues*
Stabnation: *finishes*
Roland: ...All right, fine, I can't do anything here, I'll go back to the inn and let you people handle it.
Astrid: If you're really keen to be nearby, maybe hang out at our camp? There's Halsin there, and--
Roland: And the pasty-faced smarm-merchant; no thank you.
Astrid: There's ... also a fantastic bard! And ... a ... fascinating character with aeons of stories to share!
Roland: You're dancing around that a little too carfully.
Wyll: Well ... the bard is Volo...
Gale: And the other one's some kind of lich, we think.
Roland: .............................
Astrid: ...They're totally safe! We promise!
Roland: Trekking back through this mess to the inn is safer than where you people lay your heads down for the night! Ugh! *stomps off*
Gale: ...Rather glad he didn't come along with us, to be honest. I was glad to be rid of the constant complaining when we stopped taking Astarion along.
The basement of a mason's workshop
Wyll: You know ... we skipped the toll booth because you didn't want to waste time fighting monsters. Please explain to me why we had to come down here and fight a bunch of shadows.
Astrid: *holds up a map of Moonrise Towers*
Wyll: ...................*heart-eyes* Fair enough.
Sneaking towards a graveyard
Arabella: Oh! Hi! You saved me! Guess it's my turn!
Arabella: *Entangled a bunch of shadows in roots*
Astrid: .........Kagha insulted, threatened, and basically cast out a baby druid?!? *bursts out laughing*
Arabella: Well ... I reckon it was that idol what did it, but...
Astrid: Oh, sweetie, go hang out at our camp. We're going to be rescuing all the tieflings those nasties took, and there's Halsin to talk to. Or ... you know, if you're interested in the effects of ancient artefacts, there's Wither...
Gale: You're encouraging a child to speak to a lich.
Astrid: Wither probably gets lonely. What better way to help him reacquaint with life than to speak to someone young and ... um ... innocent in that way that in no way suggests being naive?
Wyll: Well, I suppose someone needs to take the job while you're saving everyone.
Astrid: *sheepish grin*
Gale: ...what part of "I saw her first" was unclear?
And finally...
Astrid: Okay, this is what I was looking for!
Shadowheart: I thought we were looking for the House of Healing to help that Harper. This ... looks more like...
Astrid: The Gauntlet of Shar. Surprise!
Shadowheart: You ... found me trials, with potential death, and communion with a death god.
Astrid: I know, it's not even your birthday. I mean, unless it is. Do ... you ... remember when--?
Shadowheart: Actually ... no.
Astrid: Well then! We'll go with the odds. Before we go in... *pulls lute; starts singing "A Very Merry Unbirthday To You".
Raphael: *more or less appears out of nowhere* ...I oddly do hate to interrupt--
Shadowheart; Gale. Wyll: Then don't.
Raphael: Look, that way lies death but you eat that sort of thing for breakfast anyway so just let me flag up that there's something rather horrible down there and I want you to kill it. No questions asked.
Astrid: We are going down there and we are using our own judgement but it'd probably really help if you told us why you want that thing dead so badly. We're far more likely to do what you're asking if it's a reason we agree with anyway, right? Incentive is good, at least in some form or other.
Raphael: ...You're good. I'll owe you one. *poofs*
Astrid: Great. Too many people need favours from someone like him. We're going to have to boulder-parchment-shears for it if the time ever comes.
Gale: ...What about you?
Astrid: We get this tadpole out of my head, I'm happy, but we all have avenues for that. You don't blow up? I'm happy. Wyll gets out of his infernal contract? I'm happy. Astarion gets free of his sire? I'm happy. ...And Shadowheart gaining the blessing of her goddess is a happy for me too so let's go!
Gale: ...What do you do for people that selfless?
Shadowheart: My goddess will be blessing her too in all this. I'm good.
Wyll: She'll be helping me with the situation with my father. That should be good for something ... right?
Gale: .........Damnit, the Weave isn't quite enough.
Shadowheart: Anyone with sense would have offered flowers, wine, and a conjured bed by now.
Gale: That ... that is insufficient!
Wyll: She made the wrong decision, then.
Shadowheart: Or, to put it another way ... Gale ... you seduced a goddess. Your game has to be good enough to have impressed a goddess. Now for pity's sake, either you start seducing her already, or I will.
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deathsbestgirl · 2 years
i just really want to talk about mulder’s & scully’s empathy — how their empathy is one of their biggest draws for me, how they are so beautiful but so different, sometimes how it’s so frustrating (either because they disregard it or use it negatively/selfishly or misunderstand each other). it’s something i mostly credit to gillian’s & david’s acting but i know a lot of it is in the scripts, it just has to be. but gillian & david capture it so beautifully and it’s so necessary in a show like this.
i’m watching the field where i died and it’s episodes like this that really hit me. the way scully interacts with melissa & lily & even sidney is the softest thing i have ever seen and it fills me up with so much LOVE & tenderness. it’s beautiful to see scully walk the line of genuine sensitivity & care and professionalism to get the job done.
some off the top of my head (but i can’t necessarily remember all the specifics of why they stand out to me)
like in roland. they are both SO SWEET with roland. it makes me ache. and even when he is responsible, they don’t believe it’s really through his own fault and they do what they can to make sure he gets to go home where he belongs.
small potatoes — with amanda i think her name is. she thinks amanda’s a bit out there but she’s still so *kind* to her.
elegy — with harold. or even that psycho nurse before it comes to light that she’s the murderer.
unruhe — when she’s forced to empathize & understand gerry to survive but it’s still so real. she sees the very broken man he is who couldn’t accept that his father hurt his sister the way he did. it warped his mind. scully was scared out of her mind but her empathy was still real & strong.
clyde bruckman — when he tells her they’ll be in bed together & she’ll look at him with such care. she’s so kind when she lets him down (lol) and then in the end, she does hold his hand. she is so fucking saddened by his death and that they didn’t save him.
esther in kill switch. the woman kidnaps her at gunpoint (with her own gun) but when she discovers her boyfriend is dead and scully has the perfect opportunity to free herself, esther beats her to it and scully just talks to her/lets her talk. she is just so special.
any time she interacts with children (the little boy with the stigmata, the eves, the teenage girl who thinks her stepfather raped her and killer her sister & children)
emily — i know this is different because first she believed emily was melissa’s daughter then learns emily is her daughter. but the gentleness & extreme empathy she exudes with this child is simply unmatched. she would have done anything for this little girl, and i think she would have even if emily wasn’t her daughter. this poor girl was never given a chance
gibson freakin praise!! scully tries so hard to protect him every time. he thinks she’s the only genuine & real person he’s ever met. because she says what she thinks, and she says what she really believes. as opposed to lying or hiding what she thinks/feels. the only time she does it is when she doesn’t want the truth to hurt or scare gibson. scully talks to him like he can understand but still accounts for his age. (i am forever sad that she doesn’t adopt or foster him — his parents are fake so !!!)
with melissa in the field where i died. the way mulder felt this connection to her, he instantly believed melissa. when they take melissa back, to see if being where everything happens helps her open up. she goes into a room for the children & starts drawing. scully is so sweet with her, her voice gentle & soothing. melissa tells her to call her lily and she does. scully isn't sure the condition is real, but she's very conscious of acting as if it is (you can tell how intentional it is when she slips up calling her melissa)
absolutely have to mention oubilette. this episode is so good because of how mulder treats lucy, the way he believes in her and mourns her.
and in most of these episodes, we get to see it from both of them.
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binca21 · 2 years
A recap with feelings:
Starts with Sonja escaping policeforces through the woods. Lucas tries to fix things with Gerafi. Nina my beloved getting rid of all clothes linking her to the Rolands murder in s5. Sonja takes reguee in a barn overnight. Gustav being a shitty brother (as always) trying to justify arresting Linus in Linus’ cell. Linus breaking down 😭😭. Sonja steals a car with a child in it. Richard being an ass to Gustav, but with good intentions. Sonja being the major is leaked on dark web. That poor child. Sonja kind of takes a child hostage to get past the police. The child pees himself. The wrestler guy breaks into Ninas house with Gustav and Zac there. They try go kill her!!! Omg! He kidnaps Nina. Lukas to the rescue! Sonja continues to run. Police interogates Zac, Nina and Gustav. Emil being a lil bitch. Sonja bikes all the way to the majors house. Lukas tells Sonja about her identity being leaked on the internet. Linus is released? Gerafi visits Vera, they scheme to take down Sonja. Vera, fuck you! Everyone is now stressed about Linus’ release. Sonja is stressed about not finding Linus. Lukas: "call barry, make him help you". Barry agrees to help find Linus. Tanja 🤮 Gustav calls Tanja, she lies about being with him. Tanja is done with Linus’ shit. She loves him tho. They kiss. Linus has cash and is ready to bail everyone. OMG TONY IS THERE. He stalks him in the car with a gun. They work hard on finding Linus. Linus locks up the money and him and Tanja is at a train station? Tony is there. Linus is being stalked while talking with Barry on the phone. THEY TOOK TANJA. THEY KILLED HER!!!!!! Nooooo poor child. Barry takes Linus away. Linus is heartbroken covered in Tanjas blood 😭 Kevin my beloved 😍 taken into interegation? Ah the police is trying to get Kevin to tell them where Barry is. The remains of the scene is Linus getting to know Sonja lives through the scenes we saw spoilers off. Linus thinks he’s crazy for hearing Sonjas voice. He screams for Barry. MY LITERAL HEART😭😭 He thinks he’s dead. They break down in eachothers arms. Police arrests Sonja. Correction, Emil and Gustav arrests Sonja. Assholes. I need episode 2 now
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learnin about justin roland is a big blow for rick/morty fans
me an intellectual: Aww i really liked lemongrab...
this is nothing new at all with animation having abusers
lets see we got
chris savinio women abuser 90 percent of my childhood
john krifluski child abuser ren /stimpy=zero care for me i never watched it
steve russel/or what it ressel/ online child abuser second in command of invader zim again another part of my childhood.. note the crew had nothing to do with it tho it happened 5 years after th show wasa canned l still sucks tho. he also had that pedo rugrat comic so he should have been fired after that really.. hm/the others involved. (fun fact the voice of Gir hated working with that guy appraently he was very controlling /hard to work with.. unlike the Avatar creator who rikki praises who went on to do an amazing show) (this is an interesting read)
dan/bryan for various kids live action actions nick/disney. drake/josh/amanda show/icarly/ . dear god i dont want to go go into it : child abuser.. poor poor kids sick sick man.. again most of my childhood.. esp with danfuckface.
like its not shocking to me its just depressing.. i always fear someone i really love in the buisness turn out to be a monster.
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stardreamer28 · 1 year
so I plan on expanding this but haven’t fully formed chapter 2 yet so I thought I’d put chapter 1 here so far. enjoy!
Robin sat in front of the fire. It was getting colder. The Merry Men would have to move to a more protected shelter from the snow soon, maybe someone had an empty lodge. Marian slowly walked from the tent, pulling her cloak tighter. Robin sighed. He’d tried to convince her to wear warmer, modern clothes but she hadn’t listened. He turned back to the fire. He was surprised yet happy at her sudden return. Confused but pleased. So why did only part of his heart still feel for her? Another sigh. He knew exactly why. Why his heart ached the way it did. Rustling sounded from his tent. Roland had been tossing and turning the last 2 hours. As much as he and all of the Men enjoyed sleeping under the stars, he and Roland had gotten used to other sleeping arrangements. Suddenly a high cry broke into his thoughts. “Gina!” the 5 year old cried from his bed. “Gina, no, come back!” Robin ducked into the tent fast, scooping the little boy into his arms. “Shh, shh, my boy. It’s alright.” Roland’s wet brown eyes opened and he started to cry and shake his head. “G-gina - she - she was hurt. Papa, the bad witch took her!” the small child cried. This made Robin’s heart ache even more. “No, no, Roland. I promise she is ok. Safe at her big house, alright?” he tried to soothe. “No, Pa-papa! You have to go. Go save Mommy!” Poor Roland’s cries were frantic, his breathing getting choppy. “I’m right here, sweetie,” Marian called from the entrance of the tent. Roland clung tighter to Robin. His little face buried in his neck and repeating, “No, save Mommy, Papa. P-lease!” Robin looked stricken as he glanced at Marian. He didn’t want to hurt her but that’s not what his little boy meant. “That’s not - he doesn’t -” Not knowing what to say and knowing more people were going to have feelings hurt from this situation. Especially the one just a few miles away.... But right now he needed to calm Roland. Standing up Robin wrapped a thick warm blanket around his son’s Disney pajamas Henry had given him and moved out of the tent. “Shh,” he whispered. “Everything’s ok. Daddy will make sure of it.” “Nannas!” he suddenly screamed, trying to scramble out of his father’s arms. Robin held on though and hoisted him to his hip. “What? Where is it, son, where’s your monkey?” It was no where to be seen. He had it just earlier. “Did you leave it in the woods?” “No! Wh-where’s Nannas?” More tears fell down the boy’s cheeks. Robin continued through camp, asking Will and the very few others awake. Then he saw something; whiteish fluff in the mud. “Oh, no...” the outlaw whispered. How was this getting worse? He turned around hoping his son hadn’t seen. “We’ll d-do something about it, ok, my boy?” But it was too late, Roland had seen. The young boy gasped. “Nannas!” His tears became hysterical once again. “No!” He then pointed over Robin’s shoulder. “S-she did it! She hurt Nannas and she h-hurt Mommy!” “Roland, whatever are you talking about?” Marian wondered. “And I am your mama.” “No!” he cried again. Robin was at a loss. He looked between his inconsolable little boy and his confused and hurt...wife. He didn’t know how to tell her the child wasn’t calling her his mother....This situation was getting more mixed up. “Roland, I’m sure she didn’t hurt your monkey. Maybe an animal -” But the boy kept shaking his head and crying. “I-I didn’t -” Marian started and Robin’s eyes shot to her. “She gave it to him, right? That’s all he could talk about. I-I was sure the Evil Queen cursed the toy to harm our child!” But there was something off in the woman’s eyes. He squinted trying to figure it out. But as the boy’s cries increased he didn’t have time to dwell. Later on he’d wish he did. “Oh, Roland, please calm down. W-we’ll get you a new one,” Robin tried but it was no use. He knew how special that toy was. “Mommy’s monkey! She s-save me!” Robin wiped the boy’s tears with one hand, bouncing him a bit. Nothing could fix being separated from the woman he loved; just as nothing could repair his beloved toy. He looked at Marian. How was this one he used to love? Marian wasn’t cruel. “You should not have touched his things. That toy was close to his heart.” “B-but Robin -” The man turned around, lips to his son’s ear as he cradled him. “How about I tell you a story, son, hmm?” Roland peeked up at him, eyes still big and wet, but clearly still tired at this late hour. “About ours?” he asked. “Of course! Once upon a time....” Robin carried Roland through the woods. Marian stepped forward. What was he telling the boy? “Robin, don’t tell him -” but she was cut off by a hand to her shoulder. It was a tired looking Little John. “Let them be, milady.” He sighed as she went to protest. “I’m sure they’re thrilled you’re back, as are we. But they’ve built a life here. After you’ve gone. I’m sorry to give the news but Robin only has eyes for one and it’s no longer your heart.” As Marian went to again call Regina a monster the large man shook his head and moved back to his bed. She scowled. She’d think of something.... Away from camp father and son came to the clearing overlooking town. He then bundled them both in heavy blankets. “There was a queen who was very sad. She did some bad things once because of that. But you know what?” “W-what Papa?” the child’s voice got quieter the more he drifted off. “She changed, you see! She found the love of a sweet little boy. And then soon enough she found another boy and -” “That’s me and you!” “Yes,” Robin chuckled rocking him. “She finally found ones who looked past the bad she’d done and seen the girl beneath. She just needed reminding sometimes.” “We’ll remind Mommy...” Roland’s voice finally dropped into sleep. “Yes, we will, my boy,” Robin whispered. He kissed his son’s head. “Somehow....” They both knew Regina was taking Marian’s return badly and that hurt him deeply.
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thebonerpit · 1 year
I need to talk about Dragon Age Absolution because yeah I’m late to the party but I finally watched it...
First of all, I can’t get over the utter ridiculousness of Hawke failing to kill not one but TWO villains. Like. what the FUCK lmfao. This poor man/woman. And poor Varric too, holy shit. But I am a bit confused because Varric was viscount of Kirkwall at the end of DAI right? Was this already happening and he somehow just didn’t notice?? (There was also some weird timeline fuckery with Hira saying her family was killed by Venatori when she was a small child but now she’s at least 20 and the Venatori didn’t even exist until DAI. DA4 cannot be 15+ years later, that would be bananas.)
I was kind of spoiled for the Meredith reveal but I didn’t know she was fully aware and talking and controlling red lyrium templars?!?!?! I thought she was just gonna be the red crystal and that artifact was going to wake her up but I guess she’s already awake, so maybe it’s to give her a body again? IDK IDK.
Unfortunately I didn’t love Miriam. She’s just the type of character I don’t generally like... kinda 2edgy4u y’know? I mean she’s basically a female Fenris but the difference is we had a whole-ass game to get to know him and see his personality emerge and see him work through his trauma but this entire series was over SO fast that I never felt like I knew her at all. I knew Hira was going to betray them because there was absolutely no fucking way Fairbanks was the real traitor and if you played Inquisition you probably knew that too. It sucks he died but at least he wasn’t a bastard. Oh and speaking of Hira I just find it so funny that she was like “yeah I asked the Inquisition to go WAR with Tevinter and they said NO can you believe?!” and I’m like YES I can believe, what the fuck? Are you kidding me?? You think the Inquisition - who are already being scrutinized and accused of being power hungry and are dealing with mountains of other things - are going to start a war with one of the most powerful nations in Thedas? I have to laugh.
Rezaren had the personality of a piece of wet bread and I was zero percent interested in his whiny shenanigans. Although I do appreciate how he thought that keeping the reanimated corpse of his dead slave around to chat to every now and then was NORMAL. Horrific. I actually really liked Tassia though! Because for almost the entirety of DA we’ve sort of been told that Tevinter templars are weak as kittens and are basically pointless, but Tassia was a certified boss swinging that hammer around. It was weird that we never saw her use any templar abilities though (unless I missed it?) so maybe that is sort of frowned upon in Tevinter.
The real winners here are OBVIOUSLY Lacklon and Roland omg babessssss. Roland was by far my fave character. Optimistic and heroic with just the right amount of sass so he wasn’t boring. Qwydion was... ugh ok I am on the fence with her. There were a lot of parts where I really did like her but imho they just made her a BIT too silly. Like running away screaming from the demons... girl... you’re a badass mage, what the hell was that?!
Anyway overall I give it a solid 7/10. I think I was just so excited to see something new in the DA world again /sobs, so I can overlook some of the faults. I am both terrified and excited for DA4 because I thought we would be mostly dealing with Solas and his bullshit but now we have Meredith + red templars invading Tevinter which is already struggling to repel constant Qunari invasions?? Things are not looking good for Tevinter tbh and if that means something bad happens to Dorian I will RIOT.
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project1939 · 16 days
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100+ Films of 1952
Film number 147: The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima
Release date: August 20th, 1952
Studio: Warner Brothers 
Genre: drama 
Director: John Brahm 
Producer: Brian Foy 
Actors: Susan Whitney, Sherry Jackson, Sammy Ogg, Gilbert Roland 
Plot Summary: In 1917 three Portuguese children of shepherds see an apparition of the Virgin Mary. She brings warnings of upcoming war and strife if people do not worship the Christian god. The anti-religious government fears what could happen when thousands of people begin arriving to see Mary for themselves. 
My Rating (out of five stars): *** 
Full disclosure, I am neither a Christian nor religious, so I am not the intended audience for this. I wasn’t sure if I would even watch it because it’s so overtly Catholic, but I decided to give it a try because it was a major release by Warner Brothers in 1952. In my heathen opinion, this could actually unintentionally be atheist propaganda! Do you want to worship a god that delivers a “positive message” by making children suffer? Over and over again, this god refuses to intervene and stop the suffering of children! I could not find anything beautiful in it, but horses for courses, I guess. (some spoilers)
The Good: 
Susan Whitney as Lucia, the main girl. She was only about 12 here, and for a child actor in this era, she was quite good. Her face gave off a genuine seeming innocence and earnestness. 
I liked the character of Hugo just because he was the only skeptical one who wasn’t judged harshly for it. He was clearly written to be likeable despite his lack of piety. Of course, he had to have a tacked on “come to Jesus moment” at the end, but I was expecting that. 
The cast overall was pretty good. Both of the other children were capable and cute, despite the fact that the poor girl playing Jacinta had to cry more than speak. The adults were also effective performers. 
The crowd scenes at the sacred spot were impressive. I appreciated that the extras all looked like real people. 
The score was lush and pleasing, even if the non-diegetic choir got a little tedious at times.  
The WarnerColor looked nice. It’s not as beautiful as Technicolor, but it's not bad, either. 
The Bad: 
Mary appears to be cool with the suffering of children! One of her first messages is that two of the three children will soon die, which she says right to their faces! Then she stands back and lets them all endure trauma after trauma. Another time, a boy on crutches asks to be healed, and Mary basically says, “OK, chill- you'll be cured in about a year.” How can a loving god do nothing about, and even glorify, the agony and pain of children??
At one point Mary tells the suffering Lucia, “You are enduring these hardships for the conversion of sinners, as atonement for sins committed against God.” WTF?! I thought Jesus already did that?? Isn’t that the whole point of Christianity? Why does an innocent little girl need to atone for other people’s sins? I wanted to scream. 
Mary hates Commies, I guess?  
The spot where the miracles occurred was obviously a set. I understand that to make it otherwise would require a lot of location shooting, but the set felt stagey and lifeless. 
The ending “miracle” was highly disappointing! 
There was some absolutely hilarious rear projection where a road sign appeared to be a cartoon! 
The film was completely unskeptical of the events. No real inquiry was given to the story, because everyone who questioned it was either a villain or malevolent in at least some way. 
“Secular Governments are bad, I say, bad!” Because the theocratic monarchy that preceded it was so freedom-lovin' good?
In one scene an innocent little girl was scapegoated and handed over to the police to protect Lucia. We see her terrified face and hear her desperate cries... and that’s the end of the scene. The movie only cared about the “good outcome” of Lucia getting away. What about that little girl? Again with the suffering of children! 
Lucia’s mother was horrible in the first two thirds of the film. She screamed at her, slapped her, and grounded her, telling her to stop lying and admit the visions were fake. When she had a change of heart at the end, I didn’t exactly want to forgive her. 
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