#Raditz letter?
piccolopapichulo · 1 year
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yeowangies · 1 year
Blood Stains
CHAPTER III: Delicate Unspeakable Lines
PAIRING: Raditz/Reader RATING: Mature CONTENTS: Canon Divergence AU, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Enemies to Lovers. WARNINGS: Attempted Assault in this chapter, Drinking WORDCOUNT: 3506
You realize he’s standing well within arm's reach. You’re not exactly drunk, but you’re obviously not sober either. And the experience from earlier has left your mind more than vulnerable for any kind of thought. So you can’t help but stare at Raditz right back, determinedly inspecting his face. He has a few tiny scratches from wherever he had been before crash landing at your place, and he’s still damn handsome.
Please check the warnings.
I have a trigger warning for this chapter for attempted assault, it's some few very short paragraphs and I put the first word and last word in bold letters if anyone wants to skip them, you will still understand the story. And if you want to read them, it's nothing graphic
There's drinking involved in this chapter too, no one gets drunk, but just in case anyone is uncomfortable with that.
You can check the tag #*bs if you wanna see the previous chapters.
Dust and debris rain all over you, scratching your skin. You curse under your breath; Raditz blasted through the wall, again, and this time he left. Seemingly for good. 
You were positive he had warmed up to you, but apparently that wasn’t the case. And you’re not even sure what you’re supposed to do now. Piccolo was strong enough against Raditz when he was injured, but not now that he’s fully healed. And you don’t even know where Piccolo is to begin with. Maybe keeping Raditz alive was a mistake, you’re not sure he’s not going to hurt other people; but at the same time, you don’t actually regret having given him shelter. 
You’re just pissed. Why did he have to leave like that?
“So, he’s gone?” Bulma’s voice brings you back to reality as you try to get up. She holds your hand, helping you up as you dust off the dirt of your clothes. “I don’t think you wanna hear an ‘I told you so’.”
“You’re right, I don’t.”
“Well, we don’t always get what we want. He’s dangerous and he’s out now, I warned you about this!”
“I know! I didn’t want him to leave either…”
“Especially because you didn’t get to fuck him.” Bulma says in a disdainful tone.
“What did you say?!”
“This wouldn’t have happened if you hadn't been so damn selfish!”
“You have some nerve! Do you really wanna talk about being selfish? You, of all people?”
“What does that mean?!”
“It means you break up with Yamcha whenever he says he wants to focus on his training, and instead of supporting him you get pissy, thinking that he’s cheating on you!”
“What does that have to do with anything?!” Bulma yells, visibly furious as her brows furrow as deep as possible. 
“It also means you not even calling Chichi to tell her that her husband is dead and her son has been kidnapped!”
“You’re a hypocrite, you didn’t do that either, if I remember correctly!”
“I wasn’t even there!”
“Because you were taking care of Raditz! Just because he looked at you like any man would! Talk about being selfish!”
“That’s… only half true!”
“Oh yeah? Like you haven’t been trying to get into his pants this whole time?!”
“That’s not-”
“And he didn’t even give you the time of day! Because he realized quickly how boring you are!”
You can’t help yourself when you slap her across the face, surprising yourself and Bulma as well. She looks stunned before she growls angrily, attempting to slap you right back but you notice it from a mile away, grabbing her wrist just in time. 
“You bitch!” She yells with tears in her eyes. 
“I’m the bitch after all you said?” You step back, staring at her for a moment before turning around to gather your things. “Don’t worry, I’m leaving now.”
Bulma is looking at you with anger as you walk out the room, dusting off your clothes on the way out. 
This is the last thing you expected to happen, even when you knew Raditz would leave, sooner or later. You were hoping it would be later than sooner, but it was only a matter of time until he completely healed. But you should have known, Goku also had moments when he healed abnormally fast. 
The argument with Bulma had caught you off guard, but you were pissed. And she has always been insensitive. 
Upset, angry and sad all at once, you decide to just stay at your apartment. If Raditz does something like kill an entire city or something, it for certain will show up on TV anyway. If that happens… you’re not sure what you can do anyway. 
Surprisingly though, as the days go by, nothing happens. You were positive Raditz would be breaking havoc by now. You wonder what he’s up to, if he’s ok and where he is. Of course he would be ok, he’s technically the most powerful being on the planet currently (shivers travel up your spine when you think about it), and his injuries were all healed too. So what is he doing?
After a week, you convince yourself to go to Capsule Corp. and apologize to Bulma so she can help you find Raditz, she has his scouter after all; but as you stand in front of the entrance gate, you change your mind. You don’t feel like apologizing just yet, not after everything she said (some of the things she said were true but they she said didn't sit right with you yet). She’s for sure going to check the security cameras and see that you were there anyway, so you turn around to leave. 
Before going back to your apartment, you stop for groceries, and it’s already dark by the time you head home. You double check your surroundings as a habit, and a few blocks away from your place, you feel someone following you. You’re not sure, but you can sense they’re just trailing after you. You panic momentarily, before grabbing your keys in your hands, just in case. 
Everything happens so fast, you barely have time to register as the stranger who was behind you abruptly pushes you into an alley, leaving you momentarily out of breath. A large man dressed in black pushes your back against the wall, and you yelp, letting your bags fall to the floor. Instinctively, you jam your keys against his face. Hard.
“Let go of me!” You yell, struggling to get free.
Your attacker doesn’t let up, only groaning in pain when you push your keys into his face. Pushing your hand away, he holds your shoulders hard, and you scream as loud as you can, slapping and clawing at his face.
“You fucking bitch, stay still!”
You keep screaming in anger, yanking at his hair and kicking your legs, despite the fact that he’s a lot stronger than you, and you’re not exactly doing any damage. His fist draws back, ready to hit you in the face, and you close your eyes, expecting the blow. 
It never comes, and when you open your eyes, you’re shocked to see Raditz standing right beside your attacker, holding his arm in place. He effortlessly yanks him off you with one hand, throwing him to the floor. The alley is dark until your eyes adjust to it, but you had never seen Raditz look so menacing before, not even when he first arrived at Kame House. 
When you see that he’s lifting his fist, getting ready to punch your assailant in the face, you grab his arm.
“Raditz, no! Let him go.”
He growls, deep from his chest, and his arm shakes in your hold before he lowers it, yanking your hand away. 
“Get lost before I rip off your intestines.” Raditz says, and the man looks terrified, obviously seeing the same threatening aura around him than you.
Your attacker runs away, and the adrenaline you felt a moment ago starts to subside, making you shake. You kneel on the ground, panting and closing your eyes tight. Your thoughts are jumbled up, feeling upset, angry, surprised all together. 
Raditz is still standing there with his eyes on you, but he remains still. 
“What are you doing here?” You ask him after an eternity of silence that was probably only a couple of minutes; he doesn’t answer. 
The cool air hits your face as you stand up and you notice that you’re crying, a few tears streaming down your face. He’s looking at you, stoic, as you wipe them off with your sleeve before gathering the few items that are somehow still intact even after you had dropped them so abruptly. 
“What have you done to me?” Raditz suddenly asks, and you turn to him with a frown.
“I wouldn’t have even flinched before, under any other circumstance.” His brows are furrowed, and you notice his tail, tightly wrapped around his waist, bristling. “But I couldn’t…”
Confused, you stare at him for a minute. He’s gazing right back at you with dark angry eyes. You’re not entirely sure what he’s trying to imply, whether what he’s saying is something positive or not, but you’re too on edge to feel the need to engage in this conversation right now.
“Are you seriously telling me all this now?” Raditz doesn’t reply and you take the sight of him in, noticing that he’s dirty and his clothes are torn, with a few scratches on every visible part of skin. “What happened to you?”
He shrugs, and you don’t press for more answers. 
“Come with me, I’ll give you new clothes.”
He wordlessly follows you, taking one of the bags from your hands when you notice a couple of your nails have broken, and you’re bleeding a bit. You curse under your breath, and head back to your apartment with Raditz trailing behind you. 
He looks around when you open the door to your place, letting him in before locking it. 
“You stink,” You tell him, having felt his scent closely when you were in the elevator. “When was the last time you showered?”
“When I left your friend’s house.”
“You haven’t showered in over a week?!”
“There aren’t showers in the wild.”
“Fine… You can take a shower here, I’ll wash your clothes too.”
You get things ready for him, leaving out shampoo and a towel, along with fresh clothes before you basically push him towards the shower, frantic to get rid of the smell he has on him. 
After you order pizza for the both of you, you clean your hand, getting rid of blood on it and fixing your nails as best as you can. The incident left your mind rattled and your hand is shaking slightly. 
You don’t even notice that Raditz has already come out of the bathroom, wearing the clothes you left for him, until he grabs your hand to check out the small wounds on it. You jump in surprise but let him to as he pleases. 
“You’ll live.” He says with a smirk, and you snort.
“Yeah, well, that jerk owns me a manicure.”
“You fought well.” He lets go of your hand and sits across the table, in front of you. The clothes you gave him are from an ex boyfriend, and they don’t look that good on him; they’re clearly not his size, and everything seems too tight. 
“I hardly would call that a fight.”
“Whatever, you defended yourself and did a good job.”
You don’t answer as you get up to look for a drink.
“Do you drink alcohol?”
“Sure. What do you drink on this planet?”
You bring a couple of glasses and a bottle of wine, pouring some for the both of you. 
“This is wine. If you don’t like it, I have other drinks.”
You watch Raditz smell the glass like a sommelier would before he takes a sip, and nods. You smile, amused and happy, taking a long sip of your own.
“Is there alcohol in space?”
“Of course there is. Believe it or not, not all planets are that different from one another.”
“Really? Do they have trees, water, a moon and a sun?”
“Most of them do. Moons are not as common, sometimes there aren’t any, sometimes there are more than one.”
“That’s cool.” You look him over for a second, taking another sip. “I never thought aliens would look similar to us… Then again, I guess I’m an alien too.”
“To me, you are.” Raditz smirks before swallowing down the entire glass. “Most species have the same features, though.”
“Yes, as in, they have a head and arms and legs.”
“Well, I suppose that’s similar enough.” You chuckle. 
There’s a moment of silence as you fill both of your glasses again, and take a gulp out of your own. 
“Yours is the most similar to ours.” Raditz comments, looking around your kitchen briefly before landing his eyes on you. “There aren’t many species that look like us.”
“Didn’t you just say-”
“Having arms and legs doesn’t mean we are similar. There’s a reason why Kakarot could pass off as human on this planet. The skin tone of your species is as diverse yet exactly like ours.”
“I suppose… the tail is what tells you apart.”
“Our strength, too.”
“Yeah, I guess…”
Raditz opens his mouth to speak but closes it again. Whatever he wants to say dies in his throat, and you let it go, drinking more of the wine in your glass. 
“The structure of your species…” He says, catching your attention. “That’s also different.”
“What do you mean?”
“We didn’t always stay together like you humans seem to do. We mate but that doesn’t mean more than what it is.”
“You mean… you have sex just for fun, not to procreate?”
“We do that too.” You chuckle. “Too often, actually.”
“I’ve seen you go around in couples, or in groups.” He arches an eyebrow, questioningly. 
“Well, yeah. We have friends and families, and sometimes we date too. But not always.”
“You know, like… have sex exclusively with one person? And have a romantic bond and all.”
Raditz lets your words sink in as he drinks the rest of his glass at once. You watch him, intrigued by everything he’s telling, and what he’s not telling you as well. He seems curious about your culture, however, so you don’t mind this conversation. 
“Have you dated?” He suddenly asks. 
“Of course.”
“Are you dating right now?”
“No, I haven’t dated anyone in a while.” You snicker, pouring more wine on both of your glasses. You have to get a new bottle for the next round. “Do you Saiyans date, too?”
“No. Most of us didn’t, anyway. We rarely stuck to one person.”
“So, what? You have sex with anyone, no matter what?”
“I wouldn’t put it like that, but sure.” He smirks.
The doorbell interrupts whatever you’re going to say next, and you quickly get up, knowing that it’s the pizzas you ordered. 
“What’s this?” He asks when you open one of the boxes. 
“It’s pizza. It’s really good, you’re gonna like it. I bought six, because I know you eat like crazy.”
Raditz takes a piece in his hand, staring at the cheese that practically drips down before he shoves the entire slice into his mouth. You stare at him with amusement as he starts gulping down slice after slice.
“You like it?” You ask sarcastically. He grunts in agreement. 
You eat slowly, even more so when you notice your hand is still shaking a little; you don’t want to drop a perfectly good slice of pizza. You tried to sort out some of your thoughts, currently all jammed up in your head. The fact that Raditz is currently sitting at your table seems funny enough, you thought you would never see him after he left Capsule Corp. like that. That he showed up out of the blue in the middle of an alley when a man was attacking you was even stranger. 
“How did you find me?” You ask him when he was almost done swallowing the last slice of pizza. 
Raditz flicks his eyes towards you briefly as he takes a large gulp of wine. 
“I got used to your… energy when I was at your friend’s house.” He looks deep in thought for a second before he goes on. “I went looking for you there at first, but I couldn’t feel you until I started to fly off.”
So, he’s learning how to read and feel other people’s ki. Makes sense that he would, since he doesn’t have his scouter. 
“Why were you looking for me?”
He stares at you for a while, and doesn’t answer in the end. You don’t feel like dragging it out of him, so you let it go.
“Thank you for saving me, by the way.” You say, realizing you haven’t really thanked him. 
Raditz keeps staring at you, and you’re starting to feel a little self conscious after a while.
“Are you going to eat that?” He asks, pointing to the one pizza left, the one you ate only two slices from. 
“No, I don’t think I can eat all that.” You laugh. 
“Eat.” He says sharply. 
You breathe in deeply before taking another slice. You’re not actually that hungry; if you were, you would eat more than two slices. His gaze is fixed on you even as you munch, and you feel more uncomfortable the more he stares. He notices your hand trembling, and you don’t try to hide it.
It only takes a few seconds for tears to well up in your eyes once more, and you try to keep them at bay but you can only do so for so long until they start spilling out of your eyes. 
“Why are you crying?” Raditz asks flatly. 
“If-If you hadn’t shown, he…” You stutter, wiping off your eyes with a napkin. 
“I know what he would have done.” His muscles tense and his jaw clenches when you look at him. “You should have let me rip his head off.”
“I probably should have.” You say with a small laugh. “Why are you here?”
He looks away from you, still very much on edge. You get up to pick up the empty pizza boxes, putting them to the side to dispose of them later. You clean your nose before turning to sit by the table again, but you almost collide with Raditz’s massive body. 
“God, you scared me!” 
“I thought you weren’t afraid of me.” He chuckles.
“I’m not, but I didn’t feel you when you got behind me.”
“You’re a strange woman,” He says, with a smirk on his face. “You get rattled over an incident like before, but you’re not scared of me, a very real threat to you right now.”
“It’s different. I know you won’t hurt me.”
“How do you know?”
“You would have done so already. Besides, you… saved me earlier.”
Raditz’s smirk flattens as he stares down at you. 
You realize he’s standing well within arm's reach. You’re not exactly drunk, but you’re obviously not sober either. And the experience from earlier has left your mind more than vulnerable for any kind of thought. So you can’t help but stare at Raditz right back, determinedly inspecting his face. He has a few tiny scratches from wherever he had been before crash landing at your place, and he’s still damn handsome. You focus way too long on his lips, wondering what it would be like to kiss him. Is his skin soft to touch? You doubt they have moisturizer in space, and you doubt it’s even a priority for what are basically space pirates. 
The moment passes way too quickly (or way too slow, you can’t really tell).
Taking a step back, Raditz moves to let you walk to the table to drink more wine, though his eyes don’t leave you.
“I must look very sexy right now.” You comment sarcastically, feeling slightly nervous about whatever just happened (even if it seemingly just happened in your head). He laughs, to your surprise, and you turn to him with a raised eyebrow. “You’re supposed to say that I do!”
“Now, why would I lie to you like that?” He grins.
“Excuse me?” You look at him with wide eyes. “You’re such a jerk!”
Raditz laughs again at your face, and you playfully slap his arm. 
“How dare you! After I feed you and everything, you say something like that to me! You’re getting too comfortable here…” You scoff, blushing slightly the more he laughs. He chuckles, keeping his eyes on your face. “...What?”
“Nothing.” He says with a grin, making you glare at him. 
You look away after a second, feeling too embarrassed and tempted to kiss him. Whatever you feel hanging in the air seems too delicate, like if you were to overstep any unspeakable lines would somehow make everything disappear. 
“I’m leaving.” Raditz says, bringing you back to the present.
“Don’t you wanna stay? I… I have a comfortable couch, even though you’re so tall.”
“No, I’m leaving.” He looks you over with a smile before turning around. 
“Hold on, mister, you’re not thinking of blasting through the wall again, are you?”
“Am I not supposed to?” He chuckles, and you roll your eyes.
“I have a balcony, you can fly from there.” You grab his wrist to make him follow you to the balcony, and you open the door to let him out. “I hope you’re behaving, I don’t even know what you’ve been doing.”
“You didn’t ask.” He smirks, turning to you briefly. 
“I ask you a bunch of questions you didn’t answer!”
“I suppose you did ask. I must not want to answer then.”
Before you can respond, Raditz flies off the balcony, wind making your hair disheveled. You huff, staring at the dot in the sky that’s him until you can no longer see him.
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5tt3llar · 1 month
I'm curious, what did you base Nopatsu's name off of, if anything?
It’s based off on the not-so-known veggie Nopales/Nopal!
The variation came from how it would be pronounced in Japanese and a bit of letter playing, kinda how Raditz name is written in romanji adding that ending “tsu”
Nopatzu (No-pat-tsu)
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turtlemagnum · 4 months
there's this online recreation of the sans fight that i played religiously back in middle school before i even owned a device capable of running undertale, still up. i got good enough at it that under normal circumstances, i can usually do it first try. a bit of a banging my head against a brick wall thing, but damn did it eventually break. honestly i think doing that before ever actually playing undertale was a bit like goku training in 100x gravity, except instead of landing on namek to fight frieza he went and fought raditz again and just absolutely wrecked his shit. at least, until i got to undyne, still not great at her. god i love her. adhd, getting distracted, i had a goddamn point i was trying to make. so, notice that i said "under normal circumstances" as a caveat. what i would consider not normal circumstances would be, say, playing with fucked up arrow keys. such as, the ones that seem to be on every goddamn modern laptop where up and down are both collectively taking up the same amount of real estate as a single normal key, because apparently right shift needs that extra fucking space. like seriously who the fuck even uses right shift, top 10 useless keys right there, right next to caps lock and most of the function keys. guess i've just gotta suck it up until i can afford to get an actual gamer laptop and not a budget office clunker that i got for the admittedly nice CPU
honestly like, i think my ideal laptop would be halfway between the Ultra Gucci Gamer shit and what i have now. give me like, 16 gigs of RAM, a decent CPU for emulation, a low end but modern and power efficient discrete GPU, and a big fuckin SSD. no RGB shit, just a power waste, though i do like having backlit keys at times i think the more efficient way to go about it would just paint em with something glow in the dark. is glowstick fluid toxic to get your hands on? i remember hearing about a guy who died because he injected that shit at a rave, but i don't know how much of that is This Shit Is Poison vs Dont Put Things That Arent Blood In Your Blood Sacks You Moron, y'know. for some reason radium popped into my head, but after thinking about it for more than an instant i'm like 85% sure that shit's what done killed marie curie, and now i can't help but imagine that's something elon musk would tell his engineers to do. "yeah. just a, uh, gamer key-board. with, radium paint on the lettering. saves power, good for the planet." what was i saying
anyways yeah like. the only other specs i can think of would be just having as many ports as possible, 1080p screen @ 60hz, y'know the bare minimum in Current Year. i will say that my current laptop has given me problems with screens i've never had on a computer before, there have been times where i see something i know for a fact is a different, more saturated color on other screens and having it be barely different from the background. also? i want that motherfucker bulky god dammit, i'm tired of everything being thin and light and having absolute dogshit battery life. i miss when i could charge my gameboy once a week and have it entertain me the entire goddamn time, y'know. i'm lucky if i get half a day of consistent use out of a laptop or my switch without charging it, y'know. to be honest, you should be able to murder someone with your technology. i could kill a man with a gamecube or the PC my dad left me as a kid, if i tried to bash a man's skull open with my laptop the laptop would take more damage than the skull. like don't get me wrong, it'd fucking hurt, but i'm not sure there's any singular component in this thing less than 95% cheap polymer by volume. a goddamn disgrace, lemme tells ya. back in ancient rome we had the technology to build bridges strong enough to still be used today, there are guns from the world wars that you can shoot to this day, you're tellin me you can't make a laptop sturdier than a saltine cracker? well, i'm pretty sure they're mostly designed by crackers, so i guess i can't blame em too hard for their inadequacies. such is lief i suppose (sic)
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gripefroot · 2 years
Crooked Ways, a Bulma x Vegeta fanfic. 
Summary: Abandoned by her friends to ride out the years until the Androids appear on her own, Bulma has never felt so useless. Like a Capsule Corp spaceship left to drift in space forever after running out of fuel. Meanwhile Vegeta, her erstwhile tenant, steps his princely attitude over the line a few too many times. At least bickering with him makes her feel less alone. 
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This wasn’t the first time the woman had insisted on treating him like an invalid by smearing him in salves and bandages until his range of movement was so limited that even Raditz could take him down in this condition. It was, however, the first time she’d done so since That Kiss on the couch (already an event deserving of capital letters in his mind.) Try as he might, Vegeta, sitting on the edge of his bed with Bulma’s breasts too close to his face to relax, couldn’t manage to entirely ignore her sweet, slightly smoky scent washing over him as she wrapped a bandage around his shoulder. 
“Ouch!” he barked, more for show than actual pain. It got Bulma to back up a bit, anyway. 
“So sorry!” Her tone indicated that she was anything but sorry. Vegeta scowled back, and she stuck out her tongue before grabbing another bandage from the basket she’d brought in. 
“If you’re hurt, I’m not returning the favor,” he stated, lifting his elbow when she pushed on it. The cut on the back of his arm stung when she touched it, and he hissed. 
“I’m not hurt,” Bulma said quietly. Her hair brushed against his bare chest. She’d insisted that he strip the top of his suit so she could better reach his injuries. A mistake, clearly. Vegeta hid his relief in a dismissive grunt. “Thanks to you,” she added, so snidely that he immediately knew that she wasn’t actually thanking him. “Why did you do that, anyway?”
“What, save your life?” 
“Yes!” Her knees planted on the bed next to him, giving her more leverage. He looked away, wondering if she was doing that with her breasts on purpose. 
“So that you’d be alive to fix all the mistakes you made,” he said. “Whatever you did that made those robots go haywire.”
“They didn’t go haywire. You turned your back on them.”
“My mistake, wasn’t it?” Vegeta winced, squirming a bit while Bulma tied off the bandage on his arm. His back screamed in protest, even with the creamy salve she’d spread over his skin. An event he hoped not to repeat, at least not while she had a front row seat to the growing situation between his legs. 
“Dad would have fixed it,” Bulma pointed out. She hopped off the bed, rummaging through the basket. 
“If he didn’t kill me for letting his daughter be ripped to shreds by her own invention.” Vegeta felt her hand shove his head to the side, and he grumbled out a bleat of protest that went ignored. The stinging cold that went through his skin indicated a shallow at his hairline, which she wiped clean none to gently. Not that he deserved gentleness.
“Is that why you were crouching over me like a wolf protecting its hunted spoils from other predators?” she asked with a bratty lilt to her voice that he knew was for his benefit. He huffed. 
“The only spoil you are is a brat!” 
“I didn't ask you to save me!”
“You don't have to ask!”
The room went quiet. Hairs raising on the back of his neck, and with nothing to do with his injuries, Vegeta could have cursed himself for saying something so stupid. He didn’t want to look, but he peeked a glance at Bulma’s face anyway: her eyes widened in surprise, her lips parted with an inhale of breath he could hear far too well. 
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ap-kinda-lit · 2 years
Raditz: Sometimes I like to go through my old messages. Like this one letter I got from my mom and dad when I was away training with other Saiyan kids. Raditz, reading letter: "Dear Raditz, we hope that the rocks there are not too hard." At training camp, we would use rocks as pillows. And blankets.
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carnal-lnstinct · 2 years
Also happy birthday in advance! Hope you get to have a fun (and safe lol) day! 🎂🍰💖
Okay so my request :3 If you're cool with it, could I request something nsfw with a stalker yandere kind of Reader obsessed with Raditz? I have a few different prompt ideas I can't decide between so I'll list them and let you decide whichever!
-Reader breaks into Raditz's home in the middle of the night either to leave gifts and love notes or to finally stake her claim on him (this sounds very dub-con/non-con i don't blame you for skipping this one)
-Reader follows Raditz to an outdoors Halloween party/event to get handsy with him (look i like outdoor/public play too 😹😹)
-Similar prompt to first, Reader breaks into Rad's home in the middle of the night, except in this scenario this is actually a RP scene between Rad and Reader with Reader pretending to be a Slasher from a horror movie for a little fun and hot fear play and maybe even some knife play
-Crazy prompt: Werewolf!Reader chasing Raditz at night in the woods for more outdoor play and some pred/prey play :3c
-Even crazier prompt: Succubus!Reader
Literally any of these would be cool to see you handle but obvs only if you want to! I just want more Dom!Reader and you feed me so well (Kamidere of Destruction my beloved 😹)
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Raditz x Stalker!Reader〖 requested by @emmacornell 〗 ✦✦Content: M/18. MINORS DNI. unrequited love, rejection, hypnosis, raditz activates reader's trap card!, "I put a spell on you because you're mine~" intensifies ✦✦Warning: canon-typical violence, yandere themed, noncon/dubcon, implied somnophilia ✦✦A/N: Emma you are grounded for giving me so many great ideas to work with and me being incapable of picking just one! So I blended a few for good measure. 👀 ♥ You can ask for another one off the list of course. And thank you for the birthday wishes! ♥♥
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The smell hit him long before he reached the door, a blend of spices and smoking meats seeping through the windows and walls of his home. He opens the front door to a trail of flower petals and heart-shaped balloons flying out past him. Cute. A romantic means of one lover expressing fondness for another. But Raditz lives alone with no such company. Moreover, no one had access to his home without his permission. For a while, he would come home to anonymous letters tucked in the door with words of deep affection, longing for his attention in return or a gift box sitting on the doorstep coincidentally holding something he openly spoke of being useful to him. Someone had to be out to get him and naturally, he suspected foul play in it rather than accepting the idea some Earthling admired him. From the looks of it, he was about to find out who was behind it.
Raditz cautiously follows the petal trail towards his kitchen, ignoring the piles of new gifts decorating the living room and connected dining room. The sounds of pot lids rattling come in over a gentle humming before he reaches the threshold into the kitchen. He couldn't recognize the voice yet, but it sounds like they were still too preoccupied with cooking to notice him come in. He first peers into the kitchen, by some chance that the humming did belong to someone he knew. However, the aproned silhouette was unfamiliar to him, quickly prompting him to stand in the doorway with a stern glare.
You turn away from the stove and your humming abruptly ceases once startled by the larger man darkening the doorway. The shock was quickly replaced with excitement as a bright smile filled your face.
"Welcome home, Raditz!" You cheerfully greeted him, his brow arching over his fixated glare.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" He demanded, taking the chance to place your face in his memory, and surprisingly something does jump out to him. "Wait... I do know you. Bulma's assistant!" He remembers you from a brief encounter outside the Gravity Room, not that you stood out among the Saiyan Prince and his wife's bickering.
Your smile grew, cheeks darkening with color. He remembers!
"Thaaat's me. The cats out of the bag." You softly laughed, moving to the countertop to grab the dish rag to clean your hands. "I-I hope you didn't mind, I noticed you don't keep a lot of spices around here so I brought some from my home. But then I didn't really know if you had a preference for any ones in particular, so I just bought some more for you to have and try out." You gesture to the full spinning spice rack, also purchased by you, and give it a little spin to show the variety before giving a thoughtful pause before turning back to him. "...Unless, maybe... you don't like them- you're allergic, maybe? Vegeta and Goku never seem to have an aversion to foods, I should have known better than to assume-"
"I asked you what you're doing here?" He asked more firmly, moving further into the kitchen as if to corner you from the only exit. Blinking, you clear your throat and lower your gaze to set the rag back on the countertop.
"You...um, you accepted my letters, right?" You look back up to him with a softer smile and clutch your hands together taking a step towards him. "-And the gifts, did you like them? You always bring them inside when I leave them for you." You approach him more boldly, placing your hands to your chest as you bit into your lip to tame your widening grin. "...I'm your secret admirer." You let out a sigh, happy and relieved and with a giggle. "It feels good to finally admit that to you face to face! I didn't know how else to tell you before now, I was so afraid...But now...I understand you feel the same way."
Raditz's glare lets up only to let the blatant confusion show on his face. "I-...What?!" Someone was definitely messing with him to get that idea stuck in your head. Maybe it was Bulma! Pushing some weakling on him to take away any of Vegeta's distractions from training in the Gravity Chamber. Raditz has never even spoken to you before now, you're just one of many forgetful drones wandering around the Capsule Corp building.
"I'm sorry, I just feel so relieved and overwhelmed at the same time that we can be honest with each other now!"
"Don't go getting the wrong idea! I don't even know you!" He quickly lashes out, taking a step away from you before you get too cozy. "How did you even get in here?!"
"The spare key." You plainly stated. Raditz stares quietly at you. "-The one you keep in the capsule corp capsule in the gutter guard?" His eyes widened suddenly. No one knows about that key, certainly not Bulma. Only he knows, he's the only one who needs to. With a playful giggle, you move to close the space in between you as you continued speaking, "I put it back, of course. I just had a copy made to surprise you! Maybe next time I get to come home to you and you can greet me." Your hand reaches out for him and he immediately swats it away.
"Don't touch me! Just-" Raditz huffs and moves to the side to make an opening to the kitchen doorway. "Get out of here. Now!"
You stare at him with surprised wide eyes, holding your rejected hand from the impact and your smile only waning for a moment as you giggle again. "You're right-" You laugh, turning back to the stove. "It's my job to welcome you home now! How rude of me anyways, you've been home long enough that we should be eating dinner by now. Just let me set the table and-"
"No." Raditz grabs your shoulder and turns you back to face him, glare colder than before. He's warning now, "Get out of my house, you creepy human."
"But-...Raditz, I-I.." You try smiling at him again. "Are you having a bad day? You can talk to me about it." You pleaded to him, wanting to feel the skin of his cheek when you reached for him again to reassure him you were here for comfort. Instead, your forearm is grabbed painfully tight as he leans away, forcefully tugging you over to the threshold of the kitchen.
"I said don't touch me!"
"Y-You're...hurting me...Raditz, please!" You whimper, stumbling into the frame of the entrance when he roughly lets you go. You leaned against the opening, holding your arm to soothe the throbbing. Breathless sobs escaped you, tears falling down your cheeks before you knew it. It's not supposed to be like this. You did everything within your power and you did it just right!
"I don't understand it... why did you tell me that you loved me?" You cried, curling into yourself.
"You're supposed to be leaving. As if I would say such a thing to a pathetic human like you." He scoffs.
You slowly straighten yourself up, your shoulder leaning into the frame. "After you came in from training with your father."
"After we ate the dinner I prepared for you." Your tone sounds more even as you spoke, breaths calmed. You turn your head to speak over your shoulder to him. "After we tucked in our children..." A small grin pulls in the corner of your lips before you turn to face him, gingerly wiping away crocodile tears and tracing your wet fingers sensually down your lips. "After you…made love to me. Remember? You told me you loved me most of all."
Your switch from despair to delusionally smug was infuriating, Raditz moving to once again force you out of the kitchen and his home if he had to drag you out the front door. His hand reaches out to grab you but when his eyes meet yours, he freezes up. The sensation of energy around you changed drastically, coming off as less human than you appeared and paralyzing him. He feels like he's being repelled by you, and at the same time drawn to you. But it's more than that. He simply can't bring himself to harm you again. You lower your eyes to his outreached hand, your fingers aligning with his and then closing in between.
"It was just a dream to you then, but I gave you your perfect life with your parents again, with your brother, and our family. And you loved me." He watches you move in closer to him still frozen in his own body, unable to shake himself free of this hold. "Your heart told me what you wanted, so I helped you to see it. I couldn't resist...the call of my true nature. To please." Your other hand stretches out for his face once more, ignoring the subtle jerks of him trying to move away from it before you finally grace his skin with a soft caress.
"W-What are you?" Raditz grunted, struggling to even speak. "What power is this?!" Such admirable willpower on this one, still trying to fight your control. Such a saiyan. But you had bound him in his dreams and conquered him many times already. Whatever resistance he held was futile, quantities of his life force existed inside you. You are as strong as he is now. It was all but sealed with a kiss.
"Love." You answered, softly. Round pupils thin into slits as a bright venomous color fills the iris in your eyes and tears fall down your cheeks again. A gentle smile is given to him as you look back up into his hooded gaze. This was supposed to be a romantic experience, a profession of love to be answered in kind, shared over a feast with candles and kisses. He would die in his sleep beside the one he loved, not having to suffer the last of his spirit drained from his body. But he took that chance away when he rejected you. "I didn't want us to end like this my darling, but you left me no choice. I do...truly love you, Raditz. Can you forgive me?"You plead to him, pulling him down to you for that kiss and quieting the muffled "no's" he was able to choke out. It felt like fire going down his throat and consuming his insides, the sensation burning in his chest, down to his stomach, and up into his head. All his muscles tensed and pulsed, his grip on your hand was like a vise.
The kiss is broken and a sharp exhale fell from his lips in visible puffs of smoky air that matched your eye color, the heat inside his chest dulling with fresh breaths. He could feel his body still pulsing, hearing it in his ears and a heaviness in his head. Then his eyes met yours again, seeing not the monstrous stare but the eyes of his love, the wife of his dreams. He's soothed by their focus on him and your hand stroking into his hair. The touch, so provoking, letting his tail slack from his waist behind him. His body acted beyond his control, asserting himself on you with another kiss and backing you into the wall. Immediately mounting you up where your legs could rest around his hips. An all too familiar ravenous sensation spurs within him and for a brief instant, he regains some clarity.
"N-...N-no!" His hand snatches your hair and forces your head back against the wall as he held himself back, still fighting for his control. The illusion of you flutters right before his eyes to enough to see through it, but he cannot force out the heat stirring inside him. It only burns worse as he fights it. "No!" He snarls at you. "Stop t-this!" You watch him silently, impressed by his resolve however fleeting it was. But this seemed to be the extent of it. You reach for the hand tight in your hair and carefully loosen his fingers.
"It's okay." You smile kindly, running your other hand along his clothed chest. "I'm yours right now. And I will keep you cozy." You drop your tone to a sultry lure, dragging his hand down to your breast and holding his grip around it, letting the soft weight of it sit in his palm. "I'm yours right now, Raditz..." You pull at his shirt and he leans into you with less struggle, capturing your lips again. Your demonic spell working away his willpower once again. His hand squeezes your breast and pulls away the fabric and his tail wraps around your leg.
Piece by piece your clothing was stripped away, affectionate and spiteful bites left on your shoulder and neck by him. So rough, and yet so obedient. Your exposed skin felt so familiar but he just knows he has never consciously known your body. Raditz could only watch his own body surrender to you, his head swimming with your voice in his ears. You worshipping his natural beauty, his obligation to desire your destruction present in the way his hips pinned yours up against the wall with the thrust of his large cock inside you.
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Dragonball Z Games Week
Recently, I came up with the concept of playing a different Dragonball Z game for each day of the week. Highlighting what made it a great game and revealing my fondest memories of each game. Each game has a special place in my heart and I hope you enjoy reading my thoughts.
Name: Dragonball Z Attack of the Saiyans (1990) Platform: NES Description: In this game, you play as the heroes and re-enact the Saiyan Saga. Along with the fights against the saiyans you also battle Garlic Junior, an army of saibamen and a variety of saiyan forces. At one point in the story you can team up the heroes in groups of two, such as Piccolo & Gohan or Krillin & Yamcha. Your battle power represented by your character’s power level directly affects your attack and defense. The higher your power level the stronger you become.
Memorable Moments: It was a tough game. If your character dies, there is no way to revive them for the rest of the game. If everyone in your party dies then it is game over. You can activate the moon/tail combination cards in order to transform Kid Gohan into a Great Ape. One of the saiyan enemies can turn into a Great Ape as well!
Name: Dragonball Z Gaiden (1993) Platform: NES Description: In this game, earth faces a new threat and what’s worse is that the heroes have forgotten how to perform their signature moves! It’s up to the player to match the right cards, re-learn all their old abilities and save the world from this new threat! There is a wide variety of enemies who were designed specifically for this game. Along with a ghost warrior form of Frieza, some former movie villains also reappear such as Lord Slug, Cooler and Turles.
Memorable Moments: This game has a 6-slot tournament which allows players to face off against each other. After each major part in the story you can pick an extra card. You start with a maximum of three cards per turn but later on you can use all of you cards and activate the special signature moves of each character which can devastate the enemy. The hardest character to teach moves is Vegeta. Like the previous Dragonball Z games he can’t be controlled directly so what moves he learns is hit and miss.
Name: Dragonball Z Hyper Dimension (1996)
Platform: SNES Description: In this game, you pick one of ten characters from the Dragonball Z franchise and battle against another player or the computer player. There is also a story mode which has an increasingly difficult series of battles. Like Super Budoten 3, this game focuses very heavily on the Buu Saga. Of the ten characters there are only two that belong to other sagas, namely Frieza and Cell. Goku is in SSJ2 state and Vegeta is in the Majin state. The only time the characters have other forms are during the intro/finish pose or during an ultimate attack.
Memorable Moments: Story mode is really tough, you only get three lives in the form of Senzu beans. Once those run out then it’s game over. When I first played this game I thought that Adult Gohan was Yamcha and that Gotenks was related to Raditz somehow (they both have long hair and the Japanese lettering is similar). Despite the small roster, the characters are wonderfully animated and this game is very different to the more casual fighting games. This is first and foremost a hardcore fighting game. Newbies are likely to lose many times due to the tricky nature of performing special attacks and the unforgiving AI. By charging up you can also recover health which is an interesting mechanic and when you perform strong blasts your health decreases slightly, probably to avoid needless spamming.
Name: Dragonball Z Legacy of Goku 2 (2003)
Platform: Nintendo Gameboy Advance Description: This game faithfully retold the Android and Cell saga, the player has all the main characters and can learn new moves as they progress in the game. The game starts with the History of Trunks story, which not only serves as a good introduction to the game but also sets itself apart from the other games. This game is much easier than the first one as it eases you gradually into the game. There are also ‘level gates’ which require your character to be at a certain level. This ensures balance and also gives the player a good indication of how they’re doing. Being able to pick multiple characters rather than just Goku also makes this game stand out.
Memorable Moments: Fantastic graphics, the ability to scan enemies with the scouter and a world map where you could fly around and head to different locations. Clearly their attempt to make the game more like a RPG and less linear.
Name: Dragonball Z Budokai 2 (2003) Platform: Nintendo Gamecube Description: This game was the direct sequel to Budokai. But instead of faithfully continuing the story, they decided to have a less linear story and allow you to pick what characters you want as allies in any given mission. While this presents the user with a more freeform mission structure, fans who want to experience the story exactly as depicted in the anime will be disappointed, especially when comparing this with it’s predecessor. For the most part it expands on the original game by adding several new characters and ensuring a good balance. Some older characters were replaced or dropped from the roster and there are a few ways in which the game streamlines features in other games, such as reducing the number of kaioken transformations Goku has to make the energy drain more manageable. There are also new fusion characters and abilities which can be used by characters such as Buu.
Memorable Moments: The intro movie was excellent and the capsule system in particular is rather unique and provides the means to customise your character. There are some particularly funny moments in story mode such as Dr Gero with his Saiba-Rangers and the segments involving Majin versions of famous Dragonball Z villains. The AI could be annoying at times, being particularly challenging in the tournament modes. As with the first Budokai, the characters still move in a very sluggish fashion. This wouldn’t change until the sequel.
Name: Dragonball Z Supersonic Warriors 2 (2005) Platform: Nintendo DS Description: This game is a sequel to the game Supersonic Warriors which was released on the Gameboy Advance. This game is a 2D fighter in which the characters can fly and use energy attacks. They can use three different special attacks depending on whether they are above, below or on the side of the enemy. This game spices up the gameplay by refining the 3v3 mechanic and allowing characters to use support attacks. There are also team-based attacks which are determined by their battle partner. As you play through the game you gradually unlock characters. The weakest characters cost little DP but the stronger characters cost a lot of DP.
Memorable Moments: This game has some great tag team moves and most characters have a few, with characters like Gohan and Goku having a large amount of them. The music is good, the characters are well animated and the special attacks look cool. Makes good use of the touch screen and has a nice manga art style.
Name: Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 (2007) Platform: Nintendo Wii Description: In this game you can play as more than a dozen characters (161 different character forms) from the Dragonball Z franchise including characters such as King Vegeta and King Cold. You can also play as movie villains such as Turles, Lord Slug, Janemba, Dr Wheelo and Broly. The game features destructible environments, 360 degree battlefield action, beam struggle and an interactive storymode which combines cutscenes and battles to cover the important moments of the Dragonball Z story.
Memorable Moments: This game has virtually every Dragonball character and so you can really have a great time at mastering characters who often don’t get a spot in the limelight. There are 100 missions you can play and try to beat your best rank as well as a Sim Dragon mode which allows you to fight progressively harder enemies and gamble with your score. The motion controls really suit the game and making pulling off special moves really easy and enjoyable. You move your hands upward for the spirit bomb and you perform a 'hugging’ motion to perform your character’s grapple attacks. You can also buy and equip your characters with capsules to change their fighting style and add bonuses.
Worthy mentions: Dragonball Z Barcode Tournament (NES), Dragonball Z Infinite World (PS2), Dragonball Advanced Adventure (GBA), Dragonball Z Harukanaru Densetsu (DS)
This games week was really enjoyable and I look forward to revisiting this concept another time
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honeybeeblush · 2 years
Hello darling, im sorry if this letter took so long to reach you. you would think the frieza force would have some proper form of communication besides scouters but apparently not. unsurprisingly vegeta and nappa dont make the best company, so ive been thinking about you lately. i miss feeling you leaning against me while you hug me, the little kisses you give me. i miss the feeling of your hands in my hair as we rest together. the sound of your heart as i lay my head on your chest just being with you makes me happier than i thought possible, feeling you next to me is all i could ever ask for. i will find a way to be back to you soon. -raditz
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duhragonball · 2 years
DBZ Timelines
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I got bored, so I’m gonna go through the alternate timelines created by Bulma’s time machine.  I’ve done this a few times before, but I don’t want to look that up, and besides, it’s kind of a fun mental exercise to go over this again. 
I won’t be covering all the time travel shenanigans in the Zamasu Saga from Dragon Ball Super, because (a) I’m thinking about rewatching DBS next year and (b) fuck the Zamasu Saga, it’s dumb as hell.
Part of the reason I’m interested in this is because I want to analyze the role of Gero’s computer in Movie 7, but I think that might deserve its own post, so I’ll just stick to the timeline discussion for now, and we’ll talk about Android 13 another time.
Okay, so in the past, I’ve identified these timelines with letters, but I always get them mixed up, so this time I’m going to name the timelines after a character or plot point unique to that world’s history.  
Also, just to be clear, I’m only talking about timelines that diverged because of time travel.  It’s fine to say that some of the movies take place in “alternate timelines”, and it’s fine to talk about “what if” scenarios, and imagine a world where Raditz lived and married Launch.   But I don’t want to get into those.  I say this because sometimes I get so bogged down in scenarios like “Well what about a world where Trunks didn’t make the second trip to the past?” but Trunks did make the second trip to the past, and there’s no version of events where he only goes back in time once.  So it’s not worth getting into here.
Timeline A: The Gotenks Timeline. (Depicted in DBZ Episodes 1-291.)
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This is the main timeline, the one we know the best, and the one that got altered by three separate time trips: Two visits from Future Trunks, and one by Imperfect Cell.  I’m naming it after Gotenks because this is the only world that could produce a Gotenks.  Buu could potentially show up in any version of the Earth, because he’s been lying dormant there for millions of years.   And Goten might exist on some timelines where Goku survived the heart virus.  But the only way you get Gotenks is for Goku to survive the heart virus, die at the Cell Games, learn the Fusion Dance in the afterlife, come back seven years later, and teach the technique to Goten and Trunks.  
Anyway, I’m not gonna spend a lot of time on this one, because I think you all know the drill by now. 
Timeline B: The Future Trunks Timeline (Depicted in DBZ Episodes 1-118, 194, History of Trunks TV Special)
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I’m often tempted to call this the “unaltered” timeline, but it’s not, thanks to the events of Episode 194.  In this world, Goku dies of the heart virus, then Gero’s androids attack and kill all the Z-fighters except Gohan, who trains Trunks to help defend the earth.  After Gohan’s death, Bulma completes a time machine, and sends Trunks back to Age 764, where he warns Goku about the androids and gives him the heart virus medicine.  Trunks returns, refuels the time machine, and goes back a second time to Age 767, where he joins the battle against the androids in Timeline A. 
Crucially, Trunks learns about Cell during this trip, and he spends a couple of years in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, so when he returns to his native timeline, he’s a little older and a lot stronger, and he’s forewarned about Cell’s eventual attempt to hijack the time machine.  Trunks overwhelms 17 and 18 in a direct confrontation, then waits for Cell to make his move and kills him as well.
I call this one the Future Trunks Timeline because this is the one where Trunks actually saves his world and wins.  It’s also the springboard for all Future Trunks related stories that have followed.   The Trunks from Xenoverse, Blunks from Dragon Ball Super, the Trunks from the Bojack movie, whatever Dragon Ball Heroes is doing with him, those versions of the character might differ from one another, but they all share the same experience of winning the battles fought in DBZ #194.
Timeline C: The Remote Timeline (Depicted in DBZ 1-138, Movie 7?)
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This is a timeline whose events we never actually witness directly.  Still it’s heavily implied to exist, because the next timeline (see below) kind of depends on it.   Essentially, this is a world where Trunks’ two visits took place, but not Cell’s.  
What happens then is this: The Z-Fighters prepare for Gero’s androids, Trunks shows up to join them, only to discover they’re fighting the “wrong” androids, Gero withdraws to his lab and reactivates 17 and 18, who defeat Vegeta.  Everything plays out just like it did in Timeline A, except the abandoned time machine and Cell’s molt are never discovered. 
Instead, Dragon Team continues to cope with the android crisis they were already dealing with.  The conventional wisdom is that they eventually figured out that Gero had a sub-basement, which they raided and discovered the plans for #17, just like in Episode 145.  Bulma uses that information to build a remote control to shut down 17 and 18, and that solves everything. 
Presumably, Piccolo never fuses with Kami in this timeline, because Kami only agreed to merge with Piccolo because of Cell’s presence, which isn’t a factor here.  It’s possible that Goku and Vegeta resolved to train to surpass 17 and 18, but with Bulma’s remote involved, their efforts probably became academic.  
Movie 7 could function as an epilogue to this untold version of the story, since it features all the main characters just going about their business as if 17 and 18 were already defeated.  They don’t have to fool with Cell, because this timeline doesn’t get a visit from a future version of Cell.    And we never see Super Saiyan Gohan or Vegeta and Trunks in their beefy new “ascended” forms because they never went in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.  There’s a few other details to sort out, but I’ll save that for another time.  
So why does Timeline C matter if it was never directly shown in the manga or anime?   Well, you see, we need it to set up...
Timeline D: The Cell Origin Timeline (Depicted in DBZ Episodes 1-118, History of Trunks TV Special, Flashbacks in DBZ Episodes 143, 164, and 190)
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The other timelines each have their own version of Cell, but this is the only one that matters, because this version is the only one that survives long enough to fulfill his programming and achieve his perfect form. 
Most of what we know about this timeline comes from Cell explaining his backstory to Piccolo in DBZ Episode 143.  He lived in a world just like the one Future Trunks came from, only he’s from a few years later, after 17 and 18 have been destroyed.  So he eventually learned about the time machine and stole it, killing Trunks in the process.   Then Cell went back in time, entering Timeline A, and you know the rest.  
In other words, this timeline is almost exactly like Timeline B, where Future Trunks is from.   The difference is that in Timeline B, Trunks found out about Cell ambushing him in advance, so when the time came, he was ready for him, as seen in DBZ #194.   So that’s the difference between B and D.   In one, Trunks wins, and in the other, Cell wins. 
But it’s not quite that simple.   The only reason Trunks-B was prepared was because of his adventures in Timeline A.   Trunks-D had a similar time travel adventure, but it couldn’t have been in Timeline A, or he would have met Cell there and known to watch his neck later. 
And that’s why we need Timeline C, a timeline where this version of Trunks could visit and change to defeat the androids, but with no Cell in it for him to warn him about the ambush waiting for him back home.  It never gets shown in the official material because it would just be a less exciting version of Timeline A. 
This is also why I think Dragon Team used a remote to defeat 17 and 18 in Timeline C.  If they had trained and won through brute strength, then Trunks-D would have been a lot stronger, and he probably would have stood a chance against an ambush by Imperfect Cell.   But whenever we see the flashbacks of his death, it looks like Cell kills him with ease.   In this version of events, Trunks used technology to thwart 17 and 18, but the remote would be useless against Cell. 
The reason we see so little of this timeline is because Cell is literally the only major character left from that world. All of the Z-Fighters and androids are dead.  Trunks is dead because Cell ate him.  Bulma may have survived, but for all we know Cell had her for dessert.  Then Cell went to Timeline A and died himself.  So Timeline D may have finally found peace, but at great cost.
And yeah, I think that about wraps this up.   Now that I’ve gone through it again, I realize it’s pretty much just how I remembered from the last time I thought about it.   Stay tuned for some Movie 7 overanalysis, and remember: Fuck the Zamasu Saga forever.
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hanaflowersofficial · 2 years
I keep thinking of this very funny scene where Raditz is so desperate for relationship advice that he asks Bulma what earth women are into, and after Bulma gives him the whole “flowers, chocolates, dinner dates” rundown he’s like “is that how Vegeta courted you?” and Bulma’s like 😬💦 well…
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The shop and stickers have launched! They are on sale for the first week, going for $11 plus shipping, and a random five piece assortment for $9 plus shipping.
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myupostsheadcanons · 2 years
Talk about something a little different... hm....... How about.............. uhhhhhh.......... One Piece?
Ok.... *scratches head*
The Three Weapons, Pluton, Uranus, and Poseidon... are Terraforming engines. Pluton (the ship) raised islands and Red Line from the sea, Poseidon (the mermaids) controlled the Sea Kings and created calm seas, Uranus (likely) controls the weather. Their world is a colony world. The Celestial Dragons know full well they are from space. The rest of the population... not so much.
The Devil fruits are based off the Immortal Peaches from Journey to the West. A heck of a lot of One Piece is based off of Journey to the West, which also shares that inspiration with Dragon Ball. The Kai Tree in Dragon Ball Super is basically their version of that Tree (so was The Tree of Might and the Universe Tree things in SDBH).
Kind of a Voice Actor funny thing.... OP vs DB thing.... Ace and Piccolo have the same VA. Luffy and Krillin have the same VA. Raditz and Buggy have the same VA.... Ace (the older brother) died by getting a hole in his chest and then Luffy was carried off to safety by Buggy... harhar, unintentional funny thing... So out of Luffy’s brothers (Ace and Sabo)... one died with a hole in his chest and the other one got amnesia and was saved by Dragon (Luffy’s father)...
Kind of funny, considering Raditz got the hole in the chest and Goku (who had amnesia at one point) was saved by the Dragon Balls.... Also Dragon rebelling against the system, not unlike how Bardock was starting to get reeeeally tired of Frieza and the Saiyans being dumb as fuck. Not to mention Luffy’s Devil Fruit ended up not being the Gumu-Gumu fruit but a God Fruit that gave him Luck powers and cartoon-logic powers (he isn’t made of rubber, he’s got rubber hose animation powers)... so Luffy and Goku had plot armor from supernatural sources....  (now Gear 5 looking awfully sus to perfect Ultra Instinct).  Luffy = Sun God, Goku’s name Son Goku.... there is also SinGoku, the former Fleet Admiral, that turns into Budda... which is also a Journey to the West reference (Budda trapped Son Wukong under a mountain after eating all the Immortal Peaches)...
Also, keep in mind that the end of Journey to the West the scrolls of enlightenment were completely useless... and blank.
Stupid Fandom Thing that is tickling my jimmies right now: The CrocoMom theory... seriously it has been the funniest and one of the longest running crack theories out there and it is 99% likely not being true, but it is absolutely entertaining. Crocodile once being a woman, maybe more likely, but not really Luffy’s mom on top of that unless they’ve been running their double life longer than expected (Crocodile was being used as an Alias and wasn’t a real person, but someone they said they worked for bc nobody would’ve taken them AS seriously as a woman, and they took up the mantel officially after Ivankov did the change thing... maybe make sense considering how Buroque Works was set up to have double names and secret identities for everybody). Crocodile has a lot of Peter Pan influences, having a hook hand and his alias as Crocodile being the main thing (Captain Hook being hunted down by a Crocodile after Peter Pan cut off his hand and fed it to the beast) ... so my additional crack to this theory on this is that if Crocodile was a woman at one point, their name might have been Wendy, after Wendy Darling.....
there are, however, also some strange story parallels between Crocodile and Dragon.... the obvious one being their names. Crocodile in Japanese shares letters with the word for Dragon.  The Sand vs. (allegedly) Wind/Weather powers, there is over lap... both being elemental and amorphous... IE: Sand storms (Sabels). (Dragon could also have Uranus in his possession, which is that Sky terraforming machine.. but that is a whole other theory). Dragon and Crocodile were both at Roger’s execution (so was like half the old cast apparently)... they could’ve ran into each other at some point as Rookies (another thing that Crocomom advocates point out).  Dragon (or Luffy’s weird luck power) saved Luffy from being executed by Buggy, then he stopped Luffy from getting caught by Smoker and all of them were scattered by a wind storm.... Crocodile did save Ace from being executed (but Ace had this whole Marty McFly chip on his shoulder about not backing down from a fucking fight so... that didn’t end well later), and also stopped Luffy from being killed by Mikawk and even sent him away in a sand storm (to be caught by Buggy) after stopping Lava Admiral Dude.... so... Crocodile the MVP of Impel Down/Marinefort... and then vanished from the manga for the next decade-plus. (PS: also Crocodile’s VA also took over the voice for the Eternal Dragons in Dragon Ball... so... that’s cool too)
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risingsouls · 3 years
Recruited: Chapter 15
[A little slower this chapter with a nice little time skip and basically setting up the traumatic experience that Namek is going to be for everyone involved! Fun to write though because we’re ankle deep in more canon shit, so I get to play around and figure out how Nabs is fitting into it.
Oh, and it does get a little graphic and murdery. Which isn’t surprising if you’ve seen the series.
Find the full story and other junk I’ve written over here!]
The next year challenged Nabooru's sheer force of will to live and not lose her composure. Made her question if the deal with Frieza between him and the Gerudo would suffer if her life ended. Never in her life had she felt so devalued and miniscule, a complete joke. Outside of an occasional job tagging along with Zarbon and Dodoria once in a great while, Frieza kept her confined to his side, performing menial and degrading tasks for him or around the ship. Her status as a warrior had become almost completely null and void until he decided those skills were worthwhile. Otherwise, outside of training which became the best part of her days despite the beatings she endured for quite some time, she deeply felt the truth of his asinine reasons for promoting her. A mere bauble meant to make his entourage more aesthetically pleasing. None of her talents mattered.
The rare occasions in which she had a moment of privacy that coincided with Nappa's reports of his and Vegeta's missions offered small reprieve from the drudgery and humiliation of the position she occupied. Even if Nappa did not trust her as he led her to suspect that day, he spoke with her as if nothing happened, pressing her for the dirt on her new cohorts and telling her stories about their adventures. The latter bittersweet in its own way; while she did considerably less killing with less missions tossed her way, she missed fighting in the field at the very least. With Zarbon, Dodoria, and her new found power, the few missions she helped them with never lasted a full day before they returned to the ship. She missed Nappa and Vegeta. She missed Raditz who she couldn't even speak with any more.
Mourning Raditz had been reserved almost solely to the shower she took after her conversation with the Saiyans. In truth, she wished she had requested she accompany him or perhaps fought the decision to let him go in the first place. But Vegeta would have refused to let her for his own selfish needs as well as pointing out that the planet should be full of weaklings and only Raditz would be needed to retrieve his brother. Which was why fighting it the other way would have made her look silly as well. She understood death circulated their job and warrior status like a starved vulture, had known such from a very young age, before Frieza, before the gradual ripping of her life and sanity at the seams. And yet her tears still poured from her eyes, blending with the steady stream of water dousing her from above, loss and survivor’s guilt too strong to deny.
Outside of that, she stole a swig of Frieza's wine in his honor the first chance she got.
Nabooru only spoke with Nappa and Vegeta twice on the fateful day they landed on Earth. The first informing her of their arrival and the second an update from Vegeta while they awaited Kakarot’s arrival after apparently being wished back from the dead somehow. She kept tabs on them throughout the seemingly successful encounter out of curiosity, Earth’s defenses falling easily to Nappa’s might. Unfortunately, Frieza and her fellow generals shared her interest after questioning why her charges used their off days to venture to Earth after their comrade’s fall. With little choice but to respond, she elaborated on the details she knew: a quick retelling of Raditz’s death and that Nappa and Vegeta wanted to avenge their comrade as well as see if the Saiyan living there or anyone else might be worth a place in the force. 
Nausea and absolute dread swept over Nabooru quicker than a freak sandstorm in her homeland. The mention of how bringing the dead back to life came to light in conversation, as did the true reason Vegeta and Nappa traveled to Earth: to use something called the dragonballs to grant them any wish they wanted along with the realization that, since the Namekian on Earth refused to cooperate, they could travel to Namek to get their way. And, knowing Vegeta at least, she had no doubt he planned to use them to gain some kind of edge over Frieza. 
Any hope for his success crashed and burned in the wake of catching a glimpse of Frieza’s morphing expression: from mild boredom in listening to the situation play out, to slightly widened eyes in shock, a flash of fury, to finally resting on the expertly crafted blend of amusement and indifference that preceded a barrage of questions aimed at Nabooru and her knowledge of these mystical orbs and Vegeta’s plans for them at such a rapid fire rate she barely had time to respond: did she know about them? Did she know of Vegeta's plans to gather them to make some kind of wish? What did he plan to wish for? Did the filthy little traitor really think he could get away with this? Not telling his emperor about such a grand opportunity to tighten his hold on the universe?
Nabooru only answered the first two questions--"No, this is the first I've heard of them and his plans"--as Frieza deemed it enough information to assert two facts: they would head to Namek to secure the dragonballs for his own wish and that, once Vegeta and Nappa returned, both would be effectively cut loose of his service. The vicious smile on his lips suggested it would not be in the form of a strongly worded letter of severance. Their course was immediately set for Planet Namek, and Nabooru was more than grateful when Frieza excused her for the equivalent of an evening. Panic tore through her, ravaged her mind and picked her heartbeat up to a startling pace. 
She paced her quarters like a woman possessed, unable to contact Vegeta or Nappa and warn them as both scouters went offline hours ago, only feeding her panic. Chewing her thumb, she fought herself over which message to send their pods' messaging system: a warning to stay as far away from Namek as possible, as far away from Frieza and his claims to the empire as they could. To stay alive and just escape this damn life while they had the chance as Frieza meant to kill them on sight anyway. But on the other hand, she suspected they wouldn't heed such a warning, and her own pride recoiled at the idea of telling her former comrades to tuck their tails and flee after all they've been through under this regime. They deserved revenge, no matter how slim their chances had become.
The distress signal halted her threatening to create a trench in the floor of her quarters. A single signal. From Vegeta's pod. She tapped into the ship's systems and nearly choked at the readings of his vitals: the labored breathing, the dangerously low heart rate and brain activity, the loss of blood, all of which caused him to swim in and out of consciousness while connected to the emergency life support. With the coordinates days away, she ordered the fleet command to ensure he was routed to the nearest base and to have a healing tank prepared for his arrival. She asked if they had received any signals from Nappa's pod, but they claimed it had not been in motion since several hours before. 
What had gone so wrong? It sounded like Nappa alone had Earth's defenses under control. How had he ended up MIA and Vegeta on the brink of death?
Once it was confirmed Vegeta was headed toward the base nearest his location, this one half a day away instead of several, only then did she allow herself to sit on the edge of her bed. Part of her wondered if she should have let him take his chances with the longer flight. But she knew he would never forgive her for it, even in death. The thought helped her decide on the message to send to his pod. One hand balled into a fist on her thigh, she tapped into the proper channel to leave her message:
"Frieza requests your presence on Planet Namek. Stay alive, Vegeta. We end this there."
Pulling her scouter from her ear, she turned it over in her hands, contemplating the future. Namek. The stage of potentially their final showdown with Frieza. Her odds of survival were slim. If Frieza didn't catch wind of her treason and kill her, Vegeta likely would once he got what he needed as he, too, viewed her as a traitor, as appalling as Zarbon, Dodoria, or any of Frieza's most devout cronies. Still, she wanted to aid him in whatever way she could with his endeavor. She doubted he would do much better with his immortality than Frieza would, his ambitions after killing the tyrant similar enough as far as she could tell, but if anyone deserved to put an end to Frieza, it was Vegeta. She wanted the emperor to pay for all that he had done to the Saiyans, to her, and all the other races he subjugated and wiped out in his quest for universal dominion. If Vegeta didn't show, she would stop Frieza herself from, at the very least, obtaining immortality.
While she could now hold her own against Zarbon and Dodoria, she knew she would only have a few days left of training with them and little time between to strengthen herself further. She needed an edge on them, even a slim one. Her mind wandered to the Saiyans' adventures on Earth, the details about how they could sense power levels without a device like a scouter and could lower their power levels to near nothing to go undetected. Both abilities the empire likely never considered thanks to the technology they had. It wasn't much, but figuring that out could aid her in the coming clash. She would just have to use the time she had to sleep to figure it out instead.
She lowered herself to the floor and crossed her legs, setting her scouter across from her. If she could raise her power level to its limits, surely she could figure out pushing it down the other way. And meditation might help her find the focus to sense others' ki. Keep her focused on what the future may hold for her.
Namek exuded the peaceful atmosphere the reports hastily thrown together for Frieza, his generals, and the foot soldiers brought along for the missions touted. With three suns, it never experienced night. The green sky overhead and matching seas had a calming effect, and the lush, blue grass their ship set down on could pass as high end carpeting. As they disembarked from the ship, Nabooru in step with Zarbon and Dodoria behind Frieza in his hover chair, the Gerudo was well aware that they were about to disrupt the peace these people worked to maintain.
Scouts were ordered out to scour the planet for the dragonballs or information regarding them. At Frieza's behest, Dodoria tapped the button on his scouter to scan their vicinity. "There are several clusters of readings around. One only a couple hundred meters that way," he said, pointing to the north. Nabooru could sense them, a group of varying power levels, a gratifying and dread-inducing feeling. Others dotted the periphery of her senses’ field.
"Excellent," Frieza commented. "Since they failed to offer us a warm welcome, what do you say we pay the locals a visit and teach them to respect their betters?"
Refusal weighed heavy on her tongue, but Frieza took to the sky before any of them could attempt a response. She followed with Zarbon and Dodoria, the handful of other soldiers taking up formation behind them. She tried to quell the oncoming nausea with returning to the mindset that, scarily enough, had come natural to her over the years. A soldier on duty and following orders. She thought of her people back home and protecting them. She just had a play along a little longer, until she could find an opening to hinder if not outright thwart Frieza's plans. She could not afford to consider the Namekians as any more than another enemy. She planned to avoid getting her own hands dirty as much as possible (not that standing by while her fellow generals and Frieza likely committed atrocities to these people to achieve their ends felt much better), she had little hope in being successful on that front. Thus, she prepared herself for another game of pretend. Just like playing raid and soldier as a kid. Hopefully it would be her last.
They touched down before a group of white domed buildings. The green-skinned villagers paused in their business, those working in the surrounding gardens standing to observe them better. Their ears were long and pointed and short antennae extended from the center of their heads. Their expressions ranged from curiosity to trepidation. She could already imagine them twisted in fear and pain if they couldn't provide Frieza with what he desired. It wasn't a sight she particularly wanted to see, but it would only be avoided if they played along. She didn't particularly want that either.
The Namekian that finally approached them sported wrinkles on his forehead and face and appeared far more aged than many of the others. He was tall and fairly thin. "We don't have company here often. What brings you to my village, strangers?" His eyes passed between each of them, searching their faces for a preemptive answer.
"Since you seem...rather busy with what you pass off as agriculture, I'll cut straight to the point." Frieza ignored the Namekians glower at the slight against his village and way of life. "My cohorts and I are searching for something called the dragonballs and our intel says your kind creates them. Would you be so kind as to point us in the proper direction of finding them?"
The elder Namekian's brow furrowed. "The dragonballs are sacred relics of my people. Only those deemed worthy through a series of tests--"
"Oh, no, no," Frieza interrupted with a haughty laugh. "I apologize, but my men and I have no time for such frivolity. I have immortality to secure and an empire to run. I'm on a rather tight schedule and it was difficult enough to fit this little excursion into it. It would behoove you to streamline this process and tell me what I need to know and I'll be out of your antennae before you know it."
"I apologize as well, but it is not my place to impart such knowledge to someone seeking the dragonballs for such selfish gain." His frown deepened. "Look elsewhere for your eternal life."
The emperor sighed with dramatic flair. "I should have known better than to think the denizens of a backwater planet such as this would possess enough intelligence not to cross me." He glanced over to Dodoria with the barest tilt of his head. "Dodoria here has been itching for a little action and he specializes in squashing worms like you. I'll ask again: where can we find the dragonballs?"
"Get lost. Leave this planet," the Namekian growled. Nabooru admired his guts but she knew they would prove fatal. Frieza wasn't lying about Dodoria's brutality.
"Very well. Dodoria, choose your favorite Namekian and kill them."
Frieza barely finished the order when Dodoria disappeared in a flash. He reappeared feet from the elder behind another Namekian. Pink, meaty hands grasped either side of his head and jerked before he could think to react. Neck snapped, the Namekian slumped to the ground. 
"Have you changed your mind?"
The elder stared in horror at the villager whose face stared back in permanent shock and agony. "Y-you monsters!"
"I'll take that as a no. Two more Dodoria."
The next pair had a split second more warning. One tried to run only to be snagged by the neck of his robes and decapitated by Dodoria's palm slamming into the back of his head with incredible force. The second he blasted into nothing.
Nabooru bit the inside of her cheek to keep silent, fearing she would either beg Frieza to stop or implore the elder Namekian to cooperate. This was nothing new to her; she had slaughtered thousands in Frieza's employ. Why did this feel so different? Why was this harder to stomach and detach herself from?
Frieza tapped his fingers on the console of his chair, the clack of his onyx talons needling her nerves. "Still silent? Dodoria, thr--"
"No, please. No more. Spare them." He bowed his head and muttered under his breath, an apology perhaps to whoever the revered most. "I'll tell you what you need to know."
"Excellent." With a wave of his hand, he beckoned Dodoria back to his side. The general harrumphed but returned to Frieza's side, attack dog leashed once more. "Please. Continue."
The Namekian grit his teeth, and Nabooru noted his gaze slide to the fallen villagers, a glimpse of sadness and shame flashing in his eyes. "There are seven in total and they grant the wish of those who gather them. The Elders like myself are tasked with guarding them, one for each of us."
Frieza's cold chuckle sent a chill up her spine that spread throughout her body. "What luck. Then you have one here?"
"I-I, yes. There is one here."
"Very good. As thanks for your aid," Frieza's index finger rose parallel to the ground and extended toward the elder, "your death will be a quick one."
Nabooru barely saw the shot of pink energy leave the black-tipped digit and pierce the Namekian's chest. He stumbled and fell forward. Violet blood soaked the grass beneath him and spread slowly outward. Silence loomed heavy over Namekian and Frieza Force alike, though the tone between the two parties differed drastically: shocked terror for the former and cool indifference for the latter. In it, she could only think of the fact that they would likely repeat this six more times. Six more refusals from the proud people. Countless deaths to follow. Even if she did not lift a finger, her inaction to stop any of it placed the guilt just as heavily on her if she were to kill them herself.
The Gerudo. She had to think of them. Her home and the golden desert sands. Her friends, her mother, even her staunchest rivals. Had to remember that she only needed to bide her time a little longer before she could see them again and leave this life behind her.
"Search the village," Frieza commanded the soldiers at last. The wicked grin that alighted his lips made Nabooru inwardly flinch, dreading what further violence he would inflict upon these people. "Leave none left alive. These Namekians will serve as a wonderful example to their kin about what happens when you refuse to cooperate with me."
It was difficult to watch, and she did her best not to without harboring suspicion or doubt in her capabilities and willingness to serve. None of them possessed the strength or no how to fight back. They were slaughtered with ruthless abandon by the force soldiers until the last one fell to the grass in a heap. While the soldiers searched, she checked in on Vegeta's healing progress. The doctor responded swiftly: the Saiyan left hours ago in a rush. His coordinates suggested he was indeed heading to Namek. 
Her hand fell back to her side as a shout from one of the larger structures arose. A soldier emerged with an orange ball the size of his head, two red stars on its surface. The first of seven dragonballs.
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elisajdb · 4 years
BadaGine Week 2020: Day One
The Life We Share @bardineweek
Day One: Life on Earth 
“How much is it?”
 “Three thousand.”
 “Three thousand?” Mr. Anaheim whistled. “That’s a lot. How about Twenty-Five hundred?”
 No deal. Bardock glanced over at the three huge crates beside him. “I’m giving you a lot. Gine was kind enough to cut the meat in portion sizes which makes it easier for you to sell. Plus, you resell at a higher price. Three thousand or I go higher and to your rival.”
 Mr. Anaheim admired Bardock’s shrewd business mind. If Bardock went to his rival, he’ll lose a lot of profit. Half of his sells were due to his partnership with Bardock.  His rival tried to persuade Bardock to sell to him but Bardock refused. He had loyalty to Mr. Anaheim. He was the first to buy from him when no one else would. It was very strange that this tall, hard looking muscle man came out of nowhere wanting to sell fish and dinosaurs he caught on Mount Paouz.
 Mr. Anaheim asked around but no one knew anything about Bardock or his wife except the old hermit Son Gohan. He was a legend who created a name for himself as a martial artist. It was his reputation that allowed Mr. Anaheim to take a chance on Bardock. Bardock was definitely rough around the edges and inexperienced in business but he learned quick and two formed a good partnership. Bardock was still a mystery to Mr. Anaheim but he made him money and that was more important to him than Bardock and his family’s personal life.
 “You drive a hard bargain, Bardock, but deal.” Mr. Anaheim signaled his workers to step forward. Three men took two trips to pick up three heavy iced crates of fish and dinosaur meat Bardock carried in the shop. The three men weren’t skinny. They were strong but in comparison to Bardock, were very weak.
 As Mr. Anaheim counted Bardock’s pay, he asked, “How’s that wife of yours?”
 “Gine is good. Resting.”
 Mr. Anaheim raised a knowing eyebrow. He understood why Bardock’s wife was resting. “How much longer?”
 “Another two months.”  
 Mr. Anaheim placed Bardock’s money in a thick envelope. “Get as much sleep as you can. Once they are born, you’re never getting it again.”
 Bardock agreed as he took the money. “I know that from the other one. He’s a fireball of energy.”
 Just as Bardock turned to leave, Mr. Anaheim called out to him. “Bardock.” He handed him a flyer. “I think you should try this.” As Bardock read the sheet, Mr. Anaheim explained, “You’re strong. I think you can go all the way. It’ll be good money for your family, especially with another one on the way.”
 Bardock returned the paper to Mr. Anaheim. “Maybe, but it’s not my thing.”
 “Talk to Gine,” Mr. Anaheim insisted. “Maybe she will convince you.”
 “It’s a girl this time. I’m sure of it.”
 Gine sipped her lemonade on the patio in her front yard. It would be nice. She’ll have an ally among her with all these men if it were true. Gine was an idealistic and hopeful woman but she was also a realist, especially now in her new life. Still, Gine humored the kind old man with a, “You think so, Gohan? I would like a girl this time but Bardock will want another son.”
 Bardock’s son happily ran in the yard chasing his pet dinosaur. The dinosaur was three times the child’s size but the child didn’t fear it. He loved it, especially when the dinosaur carried him on his back and flew him around. The child was brave and reckless, playing with anything he touch. A year ago, he and Bardock came upon the baby dinosaur alone. Bardock couldn’t find the dinosaur’s parents and his son refused to leave the baby alone. His son decided to take the pet home and once Gine learned the dinosaur was an orphan the matter was settled. They were keeping it against Bardock’s wishes.
 The child stopped chasing his pet when he heard the familiar roars of an air truck approaching. He knew that sound. Daddy’s coming home.
 “Papa! Papa!” The little boy waved at the approaching vehicle.
 As soon as Bardock stepped out of his truck, he felt the tiny arms of his son wrap around his long leg. Bardock picked up the child. “Hello, Kakarrot. Having fun today?”
 Gine pushed herself on her foot as Bardock approached her. “Gine,” he greeted his wife with a kiss. Holding Kakarrot on his hip, he touched Gine’s round belly. “How’s the baby?”
 “Kicked a lot earlier but she’s fine.”
 “She?” A daughter would be nice but Bardock wanted a son. “You don’t know that. It might be a boy.”
 “Well, Gohan said it’s a girl. He might be right.”
 Bardock half rolled his eyes. He respected Gohan. Gohan welcomed him, Gine and Kakarrot to Earth after they crashed on Mount Paouz. He taught them about life on Earth and advised Bardock how his family can live but old hermit had some quirky ideas at times. “I rather wait until the child’s birth. Speculating the child’s sex is a waste of time.”
 Gohan chuckled as he poured himself another glass of lemonade. “Loosen up, Bardock. It’s fun speculating.”
 Knowing the two will get in a friendly argument over Bardock’s need to loosen up, Gine changed the subject. “How did the sale go?”
 “Good.” Bardock pulled out the envelop Mr. Anaheim gave him and placed it on the table. “I wanna take this money and buy more equipment. West City might have what I need.”
 “It should,” Gohan sipped his glass of sweet juice. “West City is one of the most scientifically advanced cities in the world. Dr. Briefs, inventor of the capsules, lives there.”
 Gine noticed a folded piece of paper with the envelope of money. She opened and read the letter. “What’s this, Bardock?”
 Bardock drunk from Gine’s glass. “Something Mr. Anaheim gave me. He thought I should participate.”
 “Ten….ka… chi Budo…kai?” Gine read the words carefully like one read something new in a different language. “What is that?”
 “Tenkachi Budokai?” Gohan’s eyes glazed over in nostalgia. He didn’t realize that time has come again. “Ah. The Strongest under the Heavens.”
 “Strongest?” Bardock inquired curiously.
 “It’s a tournament,” Gohan explained aware of Bardock’s renewed interest. “All the strongest martial fighters around the world compete in this tournament. There’s no killing allowed. It’s all in good fun and the winner is declared the strongest in the world. They also get 500,000 zeni.”
 “500,000?” Gine gasped. “That’s a lot of money. Bardock, you should compete. We can use that money.”
 “Anaheim said the same thing.” It was tempting. Bardock hadn’t a good fight since he landed on Earth. Gohan was a fair partner but nowhere near his equal. Still, the old man had tricks. He had an ability called the Kamehameha Wave. Bardock saw it once and as much as he asked, Gohan hadn’t taught him how to perform that trick. “But I can’t. We’re on Earth in hiding for a reason, Gine. We don’t want to bring attention to ourselves.”
 Gine waved off Bardock’s worry. “We’ve been here for two years. No one’s come looking for us.”
 “And they won’t as long as we stay hidden.”
 “I understand your concerns, Bardock.” Gohan knew Bardock and Gine’s story. “But from what you told me, Earth is a backwater planet compared to the planets you plundered. They wouldn’t be looking for two adult Saiyans here. They’ll be looking for a child.” Gohan eyed Kakarrot as he reached for the envelope and flyer on the table. The child’s curiosity could not be squelch. “Someone like Kakarrot.”
 It was as if a bomb was dropped on them. Gine became sullen and Bardock grimaced. The only sounds were of Kakarrot’s nonsensical babbling. Bardock put Kakarrot in a chair and walked off. Gohan wanted to shoot himself with a Kamehameha Wave. He didn’t mean it like that. “I’m sorry,” he apologized. “I was only saying….”
 “We know, Gohan.” Gine placed a kind hand on Gohan’s weathered hands. “We know you meant no harm by your words.” She looked at Bardock standing alone. She felt her own heart breaking in pain. “Could you watch Kakarrot while I talk to Bardock?”
 “Of course,” Gohan promised.
 Gine carefully waddled to Bardock. On Planet Vegetasai, women didn’t carry their babies in their bodies as Earth women. They were extracted from their bodies and grown in an incubator until they were ready. Being the first Saiyan women in generations to carry a baby like an Earth woman made Gine very nervous. She read all the books Gohan provided her but the birth slightly terrified her. Gohan insisted they will need a midwife to aide them but Bardock was very protective of Gine and against the idea of a midwife. There was something in the child’s birth that would bring attention to them not being from Earth and Bardock wasn’t ready for the world to know their secret.  
 Bardock stood on the edge of the yard. He wore a frown on his handsome face as he stared at the sky. With Gohan, he learned the use of Ki and could feel Gine approaching him. This new trick Gohan taught him was useful to warn him of a possible enemy but very comforting when he knew Gine was coming to him.
 “Are you okay?”
 “Sometimes I wonder what planet he’s on; what’s he doing; how I couldn’t save him.”
 Gine leaned on Bardock. Her hand rubbed her stomach as she gazed at the sky with her husband. “There was nothing you could do. Raditz was taken from us like all Saiyan babies when they’re measured for their power level. You didn’t know what planet he was one when we left. It was impossible to save him.” Gine was crushed they couldn’t rescue Raditz but as always, Gine saw hope with every bad news. “You save Kakarrot and our new baby growing in me.”
 Gine said the right words but it didn’t ease Bardock. “I have this premonition Raditz will come here one day. He’ll be a cold, evil warrior dedicated to Freeza’s regime. He finds us, sees the life Kakarrot and our child has; sees how different it’s from the harsh life forced on him and explode in a rage of fury that won’t be satisfied until we are all dead.”
 “I refuse to believe that. No matter what, Raditz is our child. No matter what anger or darkness that’s in him, we’ll push through that and get our child back. I know we can do it.”
 Leave it to Gine to look at things with a spark of hope. “You and your optimism.”
 Gine saw her optimism as a strength. She believed she, her husband and child can build a life here. Earth was more than what she hoped for. “So, will you enter the Tenkaichi Budokai? That money can help you buy the supplies you need.”
 The money would help. Since establishing their life on Earth, Bardock used what was savaged from his and Gine’s pods and built a satellite room to monitor everything from space. He could only monitor this solar system. He needed money to buy material to make equipment that can reach outside to other galaxies.
 “I don’t know. We’re here to hide, Gine. If I enter, I will win and my name will be in the news.”
 “On Earth,” Gine reminded him. “Not space. The people here don’t even believe life exists on other planets. It’s arrogant but we can use that to our advantage. No one thinks we’re aliens.”
 “They will if our tails are ever spotted. Damn Earthling clothes.” The jeans Bardock wore were more constricting than the Saiyan armor he used to wear. “I don’t think I will ever get use to this.”
 “I like the clothes here.” Gine caressed the soft material of her summer dress. It was loose and flowing. Perfect for a woman in her condition. “When we went to South City, they had beautiful clothes in their shops. We can use some of the money from the tournament to buy clothes. Kakarrot will need some, too. He’s growing so much and there’s the baby….”
 Bardock chuckled. “Okay. Okay. You made your point but we’ll lose some of the anonymity. If I become famous by that tournament, there might be questions about us. This world is very nosy about the lives of famous people. If someone becomes too curious….”
 “I think we’ll be fine. Maybe this tournament is a sign we need to start integrating more with the people on this planet.” Gine looked over at Gohan and Kakarrot. Her son was playfully being chased by the kind, old man. “Kakarrot is getting older. He’s ‘preschool’ age as Gohan says. Maybe we should consider integrating him in school; build more allies; let some people know who we are.”
 “What people? Like Anaheim?”
 “Maybe not him but what about that friend Gohan has? Gyumao. He has a daughter our son’s age. In the last letter to Gohan, he mentioned his daughter being a spitfire. Maybe we can arrange for the two to meet and be friends. Kakarrot should have friends and not just be around us all the time.”
 “What about you?” Bardock inquired. This wasn’t only about Kakarrot. “You keep bringing up the idea we need a midwife.”
 “I do need one.”
 “Gine…..” Bardock warned her.
 Gine wouldn’t let this go. If it was only her health to be concerned with, she would agree with Bardock but there was a life inside her and Gine wanted to give it the best possible chance. She read the books on giving birth but she also wanted someone in room that knew what they were doing.
 “We came here for a new life, Bardock. We escaped the one Freeza held over us. This world is so peaceful; so different from what we had. It’s time to stop hiding, live in it and take all it has to offer.”
 The corner of his lips turned up in a smile. Leave to Gine to get through his stubbornness. She was right; knew it for weeks but didn’t want to admit it. “You should be a, what’s that word I read in that Earth book, ‘motivational speaker’?”
 “I think that’s word.” Gine shrugged unsure herself. “Sounds like it.” Like her husband, Gine was still learning Earth terminology. “So….” Gine pursued carefully, “will you enter the Tenkaichi Budokai?”
 Bardock considered Gine’s words. She made a lot of good points. The money will help them a lot. He can buy the equipment he needs to build a better monitoring system and listen to transmissions outside this galaxy. Earth would be the last place Freeza would come to. It had an abundance of resources and the power levels of the people were very weak but it was so far off from any other galaxies and universes with life. It wouldn’t be of interest to conquer a planet so far out. As Gohan said, if they wanted, they would send a Saiyan baby before they sent an adult and all the Saiyans were gone except a handful.
 It meant Gine, Kakarrot and their new child can live a peaceful life here. It didn’t curb the nasty premonition Bardock had of Raditz returning as an adult; fighting his younger brother and wanting to kill him. If it came to that, Bardock was ready to fight his son but as Gine said, they couldn’t live in fear. That was definitely not the Saiyan way.
 “All right, Gine. I’ll enter the tournament. Maybe… maybe we’ll find a midwife.”
 “I’m sure there are plenty at Gyumao’s village.” She clapped her hands as an idea popped in her mind. “Let’s invite Gyumao and his daughter here. We’ll introduce Kakarrot to Gyumao’s daughter.” The ideas for this meeting raced so fast in Gine’s mind not even Bardock could stop her. “We can do it this week. I can prepare a lovely, yummy meal. You can brush up on your fighting skills with Gyumao and Gohan. Gohan told me Gyumao received the same training he did from his teacher, Master Roshi.”
 Bardock already knew what was going on in his wife’s mind. “If you’re trying to pair up our son with this Earthling child…..”
 “I’m only saying Kakarrot needs a playmate.”
 “I know what you’re doing.” Bardock was no fool. He knew what his wife had in mind with meeting Gyumao and his daughter. Gine used the television and books Gohan gave her to learn about Earth customs. She liked the idea of children playing together for fun, going to school and dating. She voiced more than once wanting that for their children.
 Gine raised herself on her toes to place sweet kiss on Bardock’s lips. “And??”
 Bardock laughed. He won’t win with her. He put his arm around Gine as they walked back to Gohan and Kakarrot. “All right. Set it up. If it’s safe, if we can trust Gyumao and if Kakarrot and his daughter get along, we’ll tell them about us. We’ll even get that midwife you want so bad.”
 “Yay!” Gine squealed.
 Bardock kissed the top of Gine’s head tenderly. “Like you said, we have a life on Earth now. It’s time we live in it.”
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radmanraditz · 5 years
Originally posted by dragonballchou
Tumblr media
name: Raditz
animal: Raccoon
boy’s name: Randal 
girl’s name: Ramona
color: Red
movie: Robin Hood Men in Tights
something you wear: Reeboks
drink: Ruby Red Grapefruit Juice
food: Ribeye Steak
something found in a bathroom: Running water
place: Rhode Island
reason for being late: Ran a red light and got pulled over by a cop. 
Tagged by: @saiyanandproud​
Tagging: @kiealer​, @sweeterbullets​, @saiyanmcther​, @indomitablepride​, and anyone who wants to do this! :3
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