#Rafael Barba x gender neutral reader
mlmbutmakeitgay · 3 months
"You're incredibly brave..." | Rafael Barba x GN!Reader 🩹🌸
Fandom: Law & Order: SVU
Pairing: Rafael Barba x GN!Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Tags: Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Random attack, Reader gets beat up, Hospital stay, Carisi & Benson around for a sec
Summary:You are in the hospital after a random attack on the streets, and at the same time of your emergency contact (Boyfriend Rafael) being called, the detectives come to talk to you.
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x-bluefire-heart-x · 1 year
Looks and Wine
Okay guys here is chapter six! This one focus' more on Viper's relationship with Liv and Amanda, only a little interaction between Viper and Rafael.
Also, not sure if I mentioned this previously but I don't plan on adhering to the timeline of the show overly much. There will be some cannon events but they will happen slightly differently, particularly in terms of timeline.
Warnings: None, that I can think of.
Prompt List
One , two , three , four , five
Tag List: @profoundtyrantharmony , @wanniiieeee , @zizzlekwum , @petemitchells
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You looked up at the sound of Rafael’s voice and grinned when he caught your eye. He smiled back before focusing back on Olivia, though you thought his eyes drifted over to you every now and then. Liv was giving an update regarding the current case and the need for a warrant for a possible suspects financials. In the several days since the two of you had been to the prison another victim had turned up, only this time there was a hit on his DNA, which allowed the team to trace his movements and finally get some answers. The latest victim had been a proud bisexual man who had last used his credit card at one of the gay bars in the city. Security footage showed him walking out, with his arm around another man, thankfully the suspect had used a credit card to pay for the last round of drinks.
“I honestly didn’t believe you when you said you and Rafael had sorted your shit out,” Amanda’s voice startled you, forcing you to realise that you hadn’t looked away from said man since he walked in. “But looks like there could be some different tension?”
“Shut it you,” you blushed. “There certainly won’t be. I was merely thinking and happened to be looking in that general area.”
“Uh-huh, a sloppy excuse if I ever heard one,” Finn joined in on the teasing. “Gonna make Nick jealous.”
“What?” you looked at Finn confused. “Why would Nick be jealous?”
“I think you me and Liv need to have some drinks tonight,” Amanda answered patting you on the shoulder before walking away leaving you even more confused.
“Come on Viper, you aren’t blind, you’ve seen how Nick has been with you lately,” Finn pointed out.
“I mean yeah, but he’s kinda like that with most people, he is a caring person,” you countered. “You said he hovered a little with Liv after, you know.”
“He did but the looks-”
“What looks?” You asked, waving your hands.
Finn was about to answer when Liv and Rafael walked over. Liv stopped at Finn’s desk but Rafael continued to yours and perched on the edge swiping some of the chocolate covered almonds you had in a container. You rolled your eyes at his thieving and flicked his thigh. As this was happening Nick walked into the room, pausing at seeing Rafael on your desk grinning smugly down at you while you looked up at him, the softest look of annoyance on your face he had ever seen. He felt a sharp stab in his chest, as he took in the situation, hands clenching.
“Hey,” Amanda nudged him, trying to force him to look away. “Nick, Liv and I talked to you about this. Rein it in. You know Viper doesn’t like being coddled or handled with kiddie gloves and they won’t stop being annoyed with you until you start to listen.”
“I know, I do,” Nick nodded.
“And you also can’t glare at Barba just because the two get along now,” Amanda grinned. Nick hung his head at her teasing, rolling his eyes the hard look leaving them when he looked back over and saw you looking at him. He smiled softly at you, chuckling a little as you raised an eyebrow looking between him and Amanda before smiling back.
“Oh Liv, apparently Amanda wants us to have drinks tonight,” you interrupted her and Finn’s conversation.
“Oh?” Liv asked. “Why?”
“Um…not sure,” your eyes shifted to Rafael before quickly looking back at her.
“Oh don’t be so coy Viper,” Finn grinned. “I think Amanda want’s to explain some looks-”
“I will stab you,” Viper growled interrupting Finn, pointing a finger at him and glaring.
“Detective,” Rafael’s voice was mock scolding. “That is a crime.”
“Justifiable,” you countered eyes going back to him, that same cheeky grin from the other day on your face.
“Hm, I could argue it,” Rafael nodded. “Carry on.” He snagged some more almonds before standing up. “I’ll get you those warrants.”  As he walked away Liv looked between the two of you, saw Nick and Amanda on the other side of the room near the coffee, looked back at Finn and then finally rested her eyes on you.
“Oh, I see. You, me and Amanda are definitely doing drinks,” she laughed walking into Cragen’s office to give him an update. Leaving you to groan and drop your head onto your desk.
“I hate all of you.”
“Oi Counsellor, got us those warrants yet?” You asked strolling into his office without a knock on the door.
“No, please just walk right on in Detective,” Rafael said without looking up, his voice dry as he waved his hand dismissively.
“Door was open,” you shrugged. Nick trailed in behind you.
“I see manners are still something you lack,” Rafael sighed finally looking up and glaring at you. “Open doors are not an open invitation.”
“Calm down Barba,” Nick muttered. Rafael shifted his gaze to Nick, the playfulness of the glare leaving slightly as he noticed Nick was not joining in with the teasing.
“We’re teasing Nick,” you nudged him rolling your eyes at his seriousness. “Relax it’s all in good fun now.”
Nick looked at you jaw clenching before he sighed nodding and accepting it for now. He truly did want to get things back to how they were between the two of you, before that night you got slightly drunk and cried on his shoulder. He thought the two of you had shared a moment and over breakfast the following morning he felt a connection even some tension, and he had wanted to try and build off of that but maybe he had over stepped too much with you. He had just been concerned, he had never seen you so vulnerable and it made his protectiveness flare, all he had wanted to do was look after you and make it better. He honestly should have known better after Maria. He knew he needed to take a few steps back, and wait for you to come to him if you needed anything.
“And those warrants are right there,” Rafael pointed to a folder sitting on the left side of the desk. “You have access to the financials of one Andrew Moore. I also have a warrant waiting to be signed for DNA and all electronic devices once you can put him in the same vicinity as any other victim.”
“Very efficient Mr Barba,” you said picking up the folder and checking over the warrant before looking back up at him. “We’ll definitely be back, maybe even with a profile.” You winked at him when he groaned and rolled his eyes.
“Of course you will be,” he muttered watching as you walked out of his office with Nick trailing behind. He stopped for a minute waiting to ensure you had left before turned back to Rafael. “Something else detective?”
“You changed your tune with Viper fairly quickly,” Nick said his hands in the pockets of his pants.
“And that is a problem is it?” Rafael asked his defences up. “I was under the impression that everyone wanted the two of us to start getting along.”
“No, it’s no problem,” Nick shrugged. “Just curious, the two of you are getting along quite well. Let’s hope it continues.”
“Detective, I do not see how any of this has to do with you,” Rafael said with a hard edge to his voice. “And I suggest you leave it be, it is between Viper and myself.”
“It is my business if you hurt them, again,” Nick argued, he was about to continue when he heard your voice calling out.
“Nick, we need to get going,” you called out coming back into the annex of Rafael’s office smiling at Carmen who was returning to her desk. “We need to get these back, it’ll take a while before all the finances are gathered so we need to get it rolling.”
“Coming Viper,” Nick turned away from Rafael ignoring him completely in favour of returning to your side. Rafael watched as you good naturedly shoved his arm, complaining about keeping you waiting and trying to get out of him what the two of you were discussing your voice echoing down the hallway.
Rafael sighed not liking how he had reacted to Nick’s statements about how quickly he and Viper had turned around your relationship nor did he like or appreciate how Nick had implied that he would hurt Viper. Again. Rafael couldn’t quite put a name to the initial flare of emotion but it had quickly become anger. And that was not something Rafael had expected, Nick and he had bumped heads and disagreed before but never had Rafael felt anger towards the detective. Nor had he ever felt whatever that first emotion was, or the one that followed as he watched Viper and Nick interact. It seemed he and Viper weren’t the only ones to quickly change the tone of their relationship. Last he had heard you and Nick had been at odds, with how overbearing the detective had been recently but it appeared as though that was on the mends, at least on the way to being mended.
“Mr Barba,” Carmen’s voice interrupted his musings. “You’re 3 o’clock is here.”
You opened the door to your apartment with the biggest put on sigh you could manage. Amanda and Olivia stood on the other side bottles of wine and cheese and dips, and grins that told you nothing good would come of this evening.
“No, absolutely not,” you muttered opening the door wider to let them both in. “Leave the goods and get out.”
“Ha ha, you are so amusing,” Amanda rolled her eyes as she took over your kitchen as if it were her own. Grabbing three wine glasses and the cheese board, as Liv started opening the cheeses and dips placing them on the board.
“Catch,” Liv threw the boxes of crackers at you.
You had situated yourself on the couch watching as your two friends invaded your kitchen not bothering to help since they had invited themselves over and you just knew there would be teasing. You caught them easily enough, opening them just as the other two come over and took a seat either side of you. Amanda passed you a glass of wine, placing the bottles on the table, you gulped down one mouthful.
“Alright, what is this about?” you muttered.
“Right to it, don’t want to have some causal conversation first?” Liv asked taking some cheese.
“Would rather not drag this out,” you sighed.
“You are no fun Viper,” Amanda said flicking your shoulder. “This is about you, Nick and Rafael.”
“And I have no idea what you meant by looks,” you pointed out leaning forward to grab some dip on a cracker. Amanda and Liv shared a look over you head before you sat back. “So please, inform me.”
“Let’s start with Nick,” Amanda said. “What happened that night we all went drinking? Things have been off between you and Nick since then.”
“I may have broken down a little,” you admitted sipping your wine. “I maybe felt a little something when he comforted me but I didn’t know what to do with that and I had never felt it before and I was drunk and then he stayed the night, nothing happened, he slept on the couch and made me breakfast in the morning.”
“That’s sweet,” Liv said.
“Yeah, I thought so as well, and I guess whatever that spark was before it came back and I really didn’t know how to handle it but I thought it might go away, I mean I didn’t think I was leading Nick on,” you continued. “I mean, I really hope I didn’t-”
“You didn’t, the way you acted with Nick didn’t change,” Amanda said through some cheese and crackers. “I mean you did start acting cold towards him.”
“Yeah, because the dude just took the shining knight thing to serious,” you groused. “I mean, look I really appreciate knowing that he, and all you care, and want to make sure I was okay but sometimes he is a bit much. Like, because I had a breakdown I suddenly can’t do my job or – or I don’t know.”
“We can all agree that Nick is intense, especially when he cares about someone,” Liv agreed. “Hopefully, he takes the steps back he said he would.”
“Wait, you talked to him about his?” you asked glancing from Liv to Amanda. “Both of you?”
“Maybe, we both noticed and you and Rafael were still at odds and we knew that having more tension in the team wouldn’t be good,” Liv said. “We also knew that you don’t like being crowded. You come to us for help when you need it. And I think Nick needed reminding of that fact.”
“He definitely needed reminding,” Amanda scoffed. “And he seems to be trying.”
“I hate this,” you whine. “And he does, well, he did. Until we went to Rafael’s office, we bantered and Nick seemed agitated about it. And he stayed back for a minute or two to talk with Rafael. He wouldn’t tell me about what.”
“Hm, yes, Rafael,” Liv grinned. “That is something else.”
“What? We dealt with our shit,” you said leaning forward to refill your wine, offering the same to the other two before swiping up a few more crackers and pieces of cheese.
“Hm, yes, seems like you two are now getting along very well,” Amanda giggled, sipping more wine.
“How did you two work things out?” Liv asked curious. “I know it happened when the two of you went to the prison.”
“I had another panic attack,” you started. “He helped me through it and I don’t know even before that it seemed to be better, he bought us lunch that we could eat on the way it was…I talked about my time undercover and he, he didn’t look at me differently.”
“Why would he?” Amanda asked confused.
“There are things that only Liv knows, Amanda,” you said softly. “About the things I did. Well, Liv and my psych and now I guess Rafael.”
“It’s okay Viper,” Amanda squeezed your arm. “If you ever want someone else. Well, I am here.”
“Thanks, Manda,” you leaned against her briefly before sitting straight.
“Anything else happen on that trip?” Liv pressed.
“Well, I mean we interviewed Cooper, I reacted as one might expect when we left and he comforted me again,” you smiled softly eyes going soft as you remembered the warmth of his hand on your arm. “And he reassured me that how I felt was normal and didn’t change who I was as a person. We then…well, we bantered a little and it just seemed to click.”
“And you felt something else?” Amanda teased. “Maybe a spark?”
“Why would you think that?!” you questioned, voice going up a little in pitch as you felt a flutter inside.
“Because of the looks,” Amanda was almost exasperated in her answer. “Just today you could barely keep your eyes off of him. And the way you looked at him, well, I have never seen you look at anyone like that.”
“I don’t look at him in any way,” you protested.
“Viper, you protest too much I think,” Liv laughed. “And you do by the way. On top of that I have never seen you argue with someone the way you did with Rafael. It was very sparky.”
“Sparky?” you asked. “I don’t think I have ever heard you use that word before.”
“But it is accurate,” Amanda agreed. “The minute you two met there was a spark. And sometimes when people don’t want to acknowledge certain things they can react in the opposite way. There was a spark of attraction so when you ignored it, it came out as frustration instead.”
You bit your lip staring into the wine in your glass as you took in what Amanda and Liv were telling you. You knew there was a spark, a feeling that came up every time you saw Rafael, every time you argued with him and now every time you were in the same room as him. Amanda was right, you just didn’t want to acknowledge it. And Liv was right you were protesting too much. But you just couldn’t and didn’t want to deal with it, you and Rafael had only just gotten to a friendly stage and to even think of anything beyond that was, just not something you could think of.
“Say, you two are right,” you started. “Say I did feel a spark with Rafael, then what about the spark I felt with Nick, I mean I was drunk and I don’t think I have felt anything since the morning after.”
“There is a chance it was just an effect of the alcohol, your argument with Rafael and the fact that Nick was there when you were vulnerable,” Liv explains, refilling everyone’s wine glasses again, it was definitely that kind of night. “Are you sure you haven’t felt anything?”
“Yes, I definitely haven’t felt anything for Nick. Even before he became overbearing, I mean before that night I didn’t feel any spark,” you shrugged, “He is attractive no doubt about that but there isn’t anything.”
“Then there is nothing to worry about,” Amanda answered. “Nick is a big boy he can handle it.”
“You mean you’ll help?” you teased.
“No, little bit like you in that regard,” Amanda laughed.  “Attractive but I don’t think I could do the knight in shining amor thing either.”
“Hm, poor Nick,” you cooed. “The man just needs someone who wants a shining knight and protective man. Now enough about me.”
“No!” Amanda complained. “We need to talk more about you and Rafael. You deserve a bit of happiness, Viper and honestly so does Rafael.”
“And Rafi needs someone like you,” Liv added. “Someone who keeps him on his toes and can banter with him.”
“Ugh!” you threw back the rest of your wine and pouted, cheeks completely puffed out and your arms crossed. Liv laughed as she took your glass and refilled it again. You all had tomorrow off baring an emergency in the case as the suspects financials were still being dug out for Amanda to go through.
“Alright fine,” Amanda agreed. “I have nothing new in my life.”
“I think Cassidy and I are going to break up,” Liv stated causing you and Amanda to turn your heads to her in such a speed she almost worried your necks would snap.
“What? Why?” Amanda asked.
“Did he do something? I swear they won’t find a body,” you promised.
“Viper! Jesus, death and violence should not be your first response,” Liv laughed, you rolled your eyes knowing she secretly loved that you reacted like that.
“I don’t know, some instances it’s right,” Amanda argued. “But back to the point.”
“We don’t seem to be in sync anymore and I don’t think he thinks about the future with me,” she said, her voice was sad. “I want to think about kids but he, I don’t think he does and I don’t know if I should bring it up or how I would.”
“Liv, I’m sorry,” Amanda moved to sit on the arm of the couch wrapping her arm around Liv’s shoulder. You squeezed her arm, even though you didn’t like Cassidy you knew that Liv loved him that he had been there for her during the aftermath of Lewis. You could see Liv finally letting her walls down as she stopped pretending.
“After Lewis I think, I think it was then that things started to slowly change,” Liv continued. “But since I become a Sargeant we’ve been missing each other even more. It’s been difficult.”
“Oh Liv, I’m sure it isn’t anything either of you have done,” you said. “But you should talk to him.”
“I know, we’re planning on meeting up tomorrow for dinner,” she sighed. “I think he wants to have a talk as well. I think IAB isn’t agreeing with him either, I hope he finds what he is looking for. I truly do.”
“Of course, that’s the kind of person you are Liv,” Amanda said lightly kissing her on the cheek. You had all shuffled along on the couch, with Liv now in the middle and allowing Amanda to have a seat properly. “Kind, caring and always wants the best for the people you care about.”
“Hm, too true!” you cheered holding your glass out, a cheeky giggle leaving you. “Especially, when you get to tease those people while setting them straight!”
“I don’t tease all of them,” Liv argued.
“Oh, well, just me then? How lovely,” you teased, poking your tongue out when Liv huffed in false annoyance.
“She teases Rafael as well,” Amanda grinned leaning around Liv, her arm still around her shoulder. “See, the two of have even more in common.”
“Oh god I thought we had left that entire…thing behind!” you whined.
“Not a chance Viper,” Liv tacked on. “It’s rare for us to have something to constantly tease you over.”
“Yes, and you can’t deny that you like him!” Amanda sang. “When you first saw him, before he pissed you off, you paused and your eyes roved up and down his body.”
“That did not happen,” you pointed your finger at her.
“I was there Viper, you can’t lie to me,” Amanda said turning to Liv. “Seriously, you should have see it, our Viper almost swooned. They took a moment to say anything after I first introduced them. Never seen them like that before nor how they reacted to Rafael refuting their profile.”
“You should have recorded that!” Liv laughed. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me that before. Viper, that is adorable.”
“You know, I meant it as a joke earlier when I said I hate you all,” Viper muttered. “But now I mean it. You had better not mention any of this to Finn, he will never leave it alone and the two of you are enough. And don’t you dare ask Rafael about it!”
“Oh I so am,” Liv promised.
“Won’t tell Finn…but come on Viper, the guy is a shark with stuff like this he will sniff it out and then never leave you alone anyway,” Amanda pointed out grabbing some more cheese.
“Stupid detective being too good,” you said. “You guys want food food?”
The other two nodded and you decided on ordering pizza, the perfect food for drinking. These were the nights you missed the most when you had been undercover, drinking and just talking with your team. Sometimes it would be like tonight where it is only you three, sometimes all of you or any other mix of the team. The three of you continued drinking, eating and chatting until midnight and even a little after. Of course they continued to tease you about Rafael and you took it good naturedly, finding that it helped a little with the feelings that…appeared when you were near Rafael or even when you thought of him. But still, that wasn’t something you wanted to think too much on or deal with at that moment wanting to work on your friendship with the man. You thought that it would be a very good friendship.
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electric-lights · 1 year
(un)welcome visitors
Rafael Barba x gn!reader
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"I didn't know every coffee maker between here and the DA's office mysteriously combusted."
He purses his lips in a humorless smile, leaning against the wooden sideboard and tapping his fingers impatiently as the machine heats up. "Carmen's out sick," he explains, his voice clipped. "The coffee stand's closed, and even I can't make myself drink the courthouse sludge."
Rafael may be using you for your coffee maker, but when a personal issue arises he offers some unexpected support.
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tags: established friendship, fluff, mutual pining, hint of family angst on the reader's side, gender neutral reader, no y/n, no reader physical description
word count: 1400
note: it's only vaguely alluded to but reader is a law librarian at the county law library, which happens to be located right across from 1 hogan :) essentially you research, gather, and analyze legal materials for the public, courts, and recently a certain ADA
read on ao3 here
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You lean back in your office chair with an amused grin. "Nice to see you too, Barba."
The man currently beelining it to your office's single cup coffee machine doesn't have the good grace to look chagrined. Rafael shoves his thermos underneath the spout, drops a pod in the machine, and slams the lid without even looking at you. "Yes, hello, you look good, how've you been," he rattles out dryly.
"You talking to me or the Keurig?"
The withering look he shoots you is mostly without teeth. It's not enough to deter you.
"I didn't know every coffee maker between here and the DA's office mysteriously combusted."
He purses his lips in a humorless smile, leaning against the wooden sideboard and tapping his fingers impatiently as the machine heats up. "Carmen's out sick," he explains, his voice clipped. "The coffee stand's closed, and even I can't make myself drink the courthouse sludge."
You raise your eyebrows.
He glances over, then does such an utterly offended double take that you have to turn your surprised snort into a cough. "That was under duress," he warns, raising a finger in your direction.
You can't help it.
"I come to you in my time of need and you mock me," he deadpans as you laugh.
"Right, except I was your third choice."
He opens his mouth to deliver what promises to be a scathing retort, but the machine chooses that moment to finally hiss to life and the aroma of vanilla beans starts to fill the office. Rafael sighs, and some of the bristling tension seeps out of his shoulders. You decide he's probably suffered enough.
"Look, not that I don't appreciate the visit," you lean forward on your elbows against the desk, "but have you ever thought about just buying one for yourself?"
You knew he rarely used the old drip maker collecting dust in his office, preferring to buy it fresh - or, when he's particularly desperate and can't get away, send Carmen out with his card. In fact, you weren't even sure the damn thing worked until you'd found half of SVU camped out in his office late one night, going over the details of a difficult case with the carafe passed around the table. But surely, when caffeine-withdrawal was at stake...
"Then people would ask to use it." Rafael's nose wrinkles at the thought as he watches the thermos fill.
The stunning lack of self-awareness doesn't seem to register.
"Hmm," you hum, "says the man raiding my coffee stash." He blinks, pausing as he screws the thermos lid on. "The man with his own snack budget at the 16th."
He rolls his eyes. "They should consider it payment for goods and services." He says it with no small amount of smarm, but as he turns towards the loveseat you managed to cram into the corner of your small office, you watch him cradle the warm thermos in his hands like a prized possession.
"Speaking of," you say slowly, reaching down into the bottom drawer of your desk and tossing the contents to him. "Here."
He deftly catches the bag, and you feel inordinately pleased when you see his eyes light up at the chicago-style popcorn. "What's this for?"
Because you see how hard he works. Because you like that your office has become a place he frequents. Because you want him to stay a little while longer.
Because you're starting to like him more than the professional bounds of your positions, even the personal warmth of your friendship, and a small, foolish part of you can't help but hope he might feel the same way.
You clear your throat a little, shifting under the way his observant gaze turns thoughtful at your silence. "Let's just say Sergeant Benson isn't the only one with a snack budget."
He huffs a laugh, murmurs his thanks, and just like that any moment you imagined is gone.
With warm drink and food in hand, he finally collapses into the old, worn loveseat. He settles, sinking into the cushions and letting his eyes flutter shut as he tips his head back with a sigh, the long line of his neck and hint of scruff bared above his slightly loosened tie. You give him a moment, quietly shuffling some papers around, trying not to think about the warmth in your chest at seeing him so comfortable in your own space.
It isn't until he sits back up, taking a sip from his thermos with a pleased hum, that you speak, your voice quiet. "So how are you Raf, really?"
"Tired." He breaks open the popcorn. "Sick of fighting off motions for this case. You?"
You grimace, thinking about the pile of work growing in your inbox. "About the same."
"Well aren't we a pair." He gives a little crooked smile as he says it, and you try not to look too pleased with his choice of words.
You settle into quiet conversation - about his mother (she's doing well, and he talks about her work at the charter school with no small amount of pride), about the latest inter-office gossip (there's at least two affairs going on but he only complains about O'Dwyer's latest promotional pet project), about the request his office sent over yesterday (you're already working on the case analyses).
He's just explaining what details he'd like you to look out for when there's a light rap at your door.
Rafael pauses. You unconsciously straighten in your seat before you call out. "Yes?"
The door creaks open and one of the front desk assistants steps just inside the threshold. "I'm sorry to interrupt." She looks between you and Rafael, then turns back to you. "But your father is here to see you."
You blink.
"That can't be right," you frown. "My parents don't even live in the city."
She glances again at Rafael - who's watching you intently over his thermos - before she turns back to you with a strained smile. "Just passing along what he said," she says, her voice apologetic.
"Did he give a name?"
When she says it you sigh, cursing internally. "Alright, I'll... I'll be down in a minute. Thank you."
And with that, she nods at you both and closes the door behind her. In the ensuing silence, the easy, friendly air from before seems to have been sucked out of the room after her.
"Should I go?"
"No." Your reply is fast enough that Rafael'e eyebrows raise in surprise. "No, I'll just see what he wants and send him home. He shouldn't even be - I can't believe he's - fuck." You trail off into a groan of frustration, burying your head in your hands.
"One of those, huh," he says softly. It's not spoken as a question.
"Yeah," you mutter into your hands.
"Want me to scare him off?"
You know he's just trying to lighten the mood but your heart still jumps when you look up at him, foolish and half hope. "Would you?"
It slips out before you can stop it but you can't regret asking, not when he holds your gaze with a kind of warmth and sincerity he usually can't afford to show.
"For you?" he murmurs, "Of course."
You're proud that your next breath comes out relatively steady.
"Thank you," you say softly. "But you really don't need to get in the middle of my family drama."
His lips twitch into a wry, crooked smile. "I'm paid to get in the middle of family drama all the time. Yours is no trouble, trust me."
Your chest shakes with a laugh despite yourself, and his smile softens, his eyes crinkling. In the light of the setting sun from your window, it makes him look younger. Lighter.
It looks good on him.
"At least let me walk you down."
He never was one to give up on a tough case. If you're honest with yourself, you never want him to stop.
"Alright, alright," you cede with a small smile. "It's a deal, counselor."
Looking entirely too pleased with himself, Rafael pushes up from the loveseat, thermos in hand. He takes his overcoat from the rack by the door and holds out your own, and your elbows brush as he steps out of your office behind you.
As the two of you walk down the hallway towards the elevator and whatever unpleasant surprise awaits you in the lobby, you realize that somehow - with Rafael beside you - you don't dread it.
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littleoddwriter · 11 months
Rules, Guidelines, etc.:
[Used to be: ronaldrx]
I'm a hobby writer and mostly write (x Reader) FanFictions and Headcanons. But I am also working on my original story whenever I can, so that I’ll hopefully publish it as an actual book someday. My Ao3.
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Dead Poets Society
Raúl Esparza
The Simpsons
Only ask for the characters I’ve got listed, please. I’ve written down all of the ones I actually write for, and the list is being updated regularly, as I often find new (actors, whose) characters I write for! (And yes, I always write for every character, so don’t ever worry if you wanna ask for one I haven’t written for in a long time, or ever, it’s fine!) Please always be patient with me. If I haven’t outright declined your request, it’s definitely in the works; even if it has been weeks or months since you’ve sent it in! And only send your requests via ASKs. No DMs or comments, please.
If you have a request, send an Ask to my inbox.
NO sexual NSFW requests, please (more details further down).
Requests = CLOSED (Max. Limit: 10)
Current number of requests: 10
Last updated: October 29, 2023
Masterlists are linked with fandoms/actors/characters below. I WRITE FOR:
ALFRED MOLINA characters:
Doctor Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus
Abner Krill/Polka-Dot Man
Bob Taylor
James Lewis
Kurt Goreshter
Lonny Crane
Philippe/Abra Kadabra
Simon Lynch
Thomas Schiff
ETHAN HAWKE characters:
Arthur Harrow
Ellison Oswalt
Goodnight Robicheaux
James Sandin
EWAN MCGREGOR characters:
Alex Law
Catcher Block
Christopher Robin
Curt Wild
Dan Torrance
John Bishop
Mark Renton
Obi-Wan Kenobi 
Roman Sionis/Black Mask* (Birds of Prey - Masc!Reader only) [Any other version of Roman Sionis/Black Mask can be with a Gender Neutral/Female!Reader.]
HUGH DANCY characters:
Adam Raki
Cal Roberts
Luke Brandon
Executive ADA Nolan Price
Will Graham
KARL URBAN characters:
Billy Butcher
Black Hat
John Kennex
Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy
Markiplier EGOS:
Wilford Warfstache
PAUL DANO characters:
Alex Jones/Barry Milland [Platonic only!]
Dwayne Hoover [Platonic only!]
Edward Nashton/The Riddler
Eli Sunday
Jay (Okja)
Joby Taylor
PEDRO PASCAL characters:
Agent Whiskey
Dave York
Dio Morrissey
Francisco “Catfish” Morales
Marcus Moreno
Marcus Pike
Max Phillips
Maxwell Lord
Oberyn Martell
Ricky Hauk
RAÚL ESPARZA characters:
Dr. Frederick Chilton*
Jackson Neill
Jonas Nightingale
Rafael Barba
Characters from 9-1-1 (Lone Star):
Carlos Reyes*
Eddie Diaz
Evan “Buck” Buckley
Howard “Chimney” Han
Josh Russo*
Mateo Chavez
Paul Strickland
Bobby Nash
Tim Rosewater
TK Strand*
Characters from Law and Order(: Special Victims Unit):
Detective/ADA Dominick “Sonny” Carisi, Jr.
Sergeant Mike Dodds
Detective Nick Amaro
Executive ADA Nolan Price
ADA Peter Stone
ADA Rafael Barba
Deputy Chief William Dodds
Little Miss Sunshine:
Dwayne Hoover [Platonic only!]
Our Flag Means Death:
Edward Teach/Blackbeard*
Izzy Hands
Stede Bonnet*
Prisoners (2013):
Alex Jones/Barry Milland [Platonic only!]
Bob Taylor
Detective David Loki
Renfield (2023):
Count Dracula
Robert Montague Renfield
Tedward “Teddy” Lobo
SLASHERS/Horror Film Characters:
Asa Emory/The Collector
Ash J. Williams [I will usually default to Ash from the TV show, unless requested otherwise!]
Billy Lenz (1974)
Billy Loomis
Bo Sinclair
Brahms Heelshire
Bubba Sawyer/Leatherface (TCM 1974 and TCM 2)
Charles Lee Ray/Chucky
Chop Top Sawyer
Corey Cunningham
Dewey Riley
Drayton Sawyer
Herbert West*
Jesse Cromeans/Chromeskull
Lawrence Gordon
Lester Sinclair
Luigi Largo
Mark Hoffman  
Nubbins Sawyer
Pavi Largo
Stu Macher  
Vincent Sinclair
William Easton
Star Wars:
Anakin Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Qui-Gon Jinn
The Girl Next Door:
Characters from The Simpsons:
Cecil Terwilliger*
Fat Tony
Frankie the Squealer
Jack Lassen
Johnny Tightlips
Moe Szyslak
Ned Flanders
Otto Mann
Seymour Skinner
Sideshow Bob
Sideshow Mel
Snake Jailbird
Timothy Lovejoy
Waylon Smithers*
What We Do in the Shadows:
Anton (Movie)
Guillermo de la Cruz*
Laszlo Cravensworth
Nandor the Relentless
* Please note that an asterisk (*) means that these characters are Male/Masc/GenderNeutral!Reader only (including non-binary, of course). Platonic relationships with Female!Reader are possible, but no romantic ones.
If it’s a character that is open to all Readers, and you do not specify in your request what you want, I’ll usually opt for a Gender Neutral Reader by default.
SHIPS, such as:
BlackBonnet (OFMD)
SteddyHands (OFMD)
Black Pete x Lucius Spriggs (OFMD)
Buck x Josh Russo (9-1-1)
Dracfield (Renfield 2023)
Buddie (9-1-1)
Eli x Klitz (The Girl Next Door)
Nandermo (WWDITS)
Herbert West x Dan Cain (Re-Animator)
McKirk (Star Trek: AOS)
Oluwande x Jim Jimenez (OFMD)
Barisi (Law & Order SVU) 
Renfield x Teddy Lobo (Renfield 2023)
Sickrent (Trainspotting/T2)
Stobotnik (Sonic Movie)
Tarlos (9-1-1: Lone Star)
AnderPerry (Dead Poets Society)
ZsaszMask (Birds of Prey)
Lastly, I would like to add things I will NOT write (about):
Sexual NSFW fics/headcanons (I used to write those as you can see in my Masterlists, but I have my reasons for not writing them anymore. Any hints at sexual topics are fine).
Anything related to death as the main subject (this includes deadly diseases, anything fatal, really, etc.).
Anything that romanticizes Mental Illness (my Vent Fics about my own disorders obviously do not romanticize any of it and I do not stand for that).
(Recreational) Drug Use
Extreme Possessive Behaviour and/or Jealousy
If you have something you would like me to write for, but you do not see it listed anywhere, please ask me before requesting it, so we can talk about it. I hope you enjoy yourself on my blog and have a good time!
My Asks and DMs are always open for any questions or simply to talk!
- Jesse
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theodoresgirl · 1 year
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Welcome to my Master List Link 2 Pinned/Intro
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What I Write - GirlxGuy sfw/NSFW
What I will try to Write for you - GuyxGuy sfw/NSFW GirlxGirl sfw
What i can't write - GirlxGirl NSFW
I tend to write from a female or gender neutral POV unless its stated otherwise. Below is a list and links to my already written story's, and below that is lists and or ideas of who I write for.
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Flynn Rider / Eugene Fitzherbert
Secret Romance - Sleepy!Eugene x F!Reader Villagers AU / Secret Romance
Moon Light - Eugene x Fem!Reader Part 2 , Villagers AU / Secret Romance
Bucky Barnes
Love Triangle - You and Bucky have a 6 year old daughter, But your love didn’t really work out on both ends.
Killian Jones / Captain Hook
Tavern Waitress - Killian Jones x Fem!Tavern worker!Reader / Killian and his crew come into your fathers tavern.
Lady Edith - Killian Jones x Snows!Daughter!Reader + 3 year old daughter
Odd Cat - Killian Jones x Cheshire Cat!Reader / Killian meets the Cheshire cat and he's completely in love with her strange personality and creepy appearance.
Just Shut Up - Killian Jones x Cheshire Cat!Reader / Killian and Cheshire meet again in story-broke after kitty falls into a body of water.
Theodore Nott
Burn - Theodore Nott x Female!Reader Hamiliton au 🙏🏻 / Reader finds out about Theodores affair he made public.
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Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Rapunzel Mother Gothel
The Little Mermaid
Ariel Eric ( 1989 & Live Action ) Possibly Ariel's Sisters
Anna Elsa Kristoff Hans
Beauty and The Beast
Belle Beast Gaston
Once Upon a Time
Killian Jones
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The Walking Dead
Daryl Dixon
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Golden Trio era
Draco Malfoy Ron Weasley Fred & George Weasley Hermione Granger
*FAN CASTS* Matheo Riddle Theodore Nott
The Marauders era
Regulus Black
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Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers Natasha Romanoff Peter Parker/Tom Tony Stark Loki Laufeyson Thor Odinson
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Scooby Doo
Shaggy Rogers Fred Jones Velma Dinkley Daphne Blake
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Jacob Black
The Vampire Diaries
Damon Salvatore Bonnie Bennett Jeremy Gilbert
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Jethero Gibbs
Law & Order: SVU
Elliot Stabler Dominick Carisi Rafael Barba Nick Amaro Odafin Tutuola
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid Derek Morgan Aaron Hotchner
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My Hero Academia
Dabi Katsuki Bakugou
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Dividers, repost divider By saradika
Word Dividers by CafeKitsune
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altsvu · 3 years
one true love
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pairing: rafael barba x gn!reader
wc: 361
requested by @itsjustmyfantasyroom: Hey lovely, for fluffy words promts! May I please have 7. My mother adroes you & 10 Did you just kiss me with Rafael pretty pretty please 🥰
tw: none, just fluff!
a/n: hey love, i hope you enjoy! ❤️
law and order svu masterlist! ✯ taglist!
Rafael wanted you to meet his mother for a long time now.
He thought it was too early but at the same time it wouldn’t matter because he loved you so much.
But you didn’t know that.
“Rafael, are you sure you want me to meet your mother?” You ask one night while you’re working at the precinct.
“Of course, I’m very sure! My mother adores you!” Rafael gushes.
“Wait. You talk about me to your mom?”
“Yeah.” He says sheepishly.
You found it super cute that Rafael talked about you to his mom, but why?
Maybe he thought you were his one true love? You’d probably never know.
“Plus, I’m not asking you to meet her now, but probably a bit later.”
That calms you down a bit.
Life went on as normal, Rafael never mentioned you having to meet his mother for a little.
One day you’re at his office getting ready for court - you know the usual stuff, you going over your testimony, Rafael making last minute changes to his opening and closing statements.
He was stressed, you of all people could tell.
Since Rafael was more of a reserved person, he tended to bottle up his feelings instead of talking to someone about them, it was easy for most people to not notice when he was stressing out about something.
But not you. That’s how close you were to Rafael.
“Raf, what’s going on? Anything I can do to help?”
“I- It’s nothing, I just need to make sure these compel the jury. We have to win this case.”
“It’s not nothing. Raf, please calm down. Sit next to me.” You pleaded. You hated seeing Rafael like this, even though it came with the job.
He was reluctant at first, but he finally gave in.
You listened to him as he talked about the case, and why it was frustrating him.
Then you did the unexpected.
You kissed him on the lips.
“Did you just kiss me?” Rafael asks, clearly flustered at your sudden gesture.
“Yes. You looked like you needed it.”
“Then it looks like you’re gonna be giving me a lot more kisses than that.”
taglist: @detective-giggles @lapaquerette @storiesofsvu @averyhotchner @ssaic-jareau @redlipstickandplaid
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inknopewetrust · 3 years
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Here is the first of many recommendations of my favorite fanfictions. Now, this is not a cumulative list of everything I've ever read, but it is what I've been enjoying most recently or can’t get over, and the ones I immediately believe deserve recognition and further exposure.
I hope those who decide to read these fics enjoy them as much as I have, and to those who I've included, thank you for sharing your gift with this community and continue pursuing your passion.
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Golden Cages // @aniqua
Aleksander Morozova x Sun!Summoner Reader x Malyen Oretsev // Firstly, let’s establish one thing: I am not the biggest fan of sun!summoner readers because of the initial reaction to Alina being one originally—but this fic is just *chef’s kiss.* It’s amazing. That’s plain and simple, taken as fact, an honest opinion and I love it. Plus I didn’t think I’d like Mal as much as I do in this?? I am a strictly Darkling girl and that surprised me a lot. A true testament to the writing and how it makes me feel.
Brighter Than the Sun // by @holden-caulfield
Aleksander Morozova x Reader // This is shorter compared to many of the other works on the list, but nevertheless angsty, heartbreaking, and truly invokes a sadness in the readers heart. Good angst writers know how to capture every sense needed to feel tension and truth, to which this author does spectacularly in less than 400 words.
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Five Times Olivia Benson Thought She Saw Sparks Fly (Plus the One Time She Saw Them For Herself) // by @hurricanejjareau and @qvid-pro-qvo
Rafael Barba x Gender Neutral Reader // Words cannot describe how much I love this fic. It is so wonderfully written and full of love, longing, and ultimately an adorable resolution. This was one of the first Barba fics I had ever read on here, and it certainly has remained a favorite. It’s a fantastic collaboration between great writers.
I Can’t Hold You Now (And God, it Kills Me) // by @qvid-pro-qvo
Rafael Barba x Reader // I absolutely adore fics that follow canon is some way, shape, or form. As a direct insert into 17 x 10—Townhouse Incident—it feels incredibly natural to the storyline. There isn’t a heavy backstory on the reader and I love it. It’s about the characters, their relationships to one another, and the revelation of reader’s relationship with Rafael. I am just smitten with this fic!
Masterlist // by @thatesqcrush
I know this isn't what is usually on a fanfiction rec list, but ya'll, I have enjoyed ever single fic I've ever read from this author. From Rafael Barba to Bryan Kneef to Nevada Ramirez and more, there are few who write them all exquisitely as she does. So, I couldn't just choose one because I love them all. They're beautifully written, sexy as hell, and leave me wanting more every time I finish reading one. (These are 18+ so don’t go reading unless you’re of age!)
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Sham, Pride, and Illicit Affairs // by @peeterparkr
Anthony Bridgerton x Reader // Seriously one of the best, if not the best, Anthony Bridgerton x Reader stories. It is exquisitely written and immediately pulls you in and asking for more. The reader is written in a way that feels natural, a continuation or addition to the story we know rather than an obvious insert. I cannot say enough wonderful words about this fic, so if you are a Bridgerton fan, you have to read this fic!
We'll Meet Again // by @siren-meets // on Ao3
Ronald Speirs (Band of Brothers) x OFC // I have read this story over and over again because it is simply amazing. Eleanor is the perfect OC to pair with Ron; their story is believable, the writing is respectful and flows so well with the episodic drama BoB so gracefully produces. Reading this, you can see the care and love put into the interpretation of each character (which is absolutely spot on), as well as the steadfast effort to make the female OC nothing like we'd expect her to be.
Dance With Me // by @zim-zam-goddamn
George Luz (Band of Brothers) x Reader // This fic is so heartwarming and cute. It's a really great interpretation of how Rick Gomez portrays George Luz, almost exactly what I'd imagine the character to be like if the situation were real. I think that speaks to the testament of how well BoB writers understand the characters and how to further them on the page (or computer, or cellphone, or where ever someone reads fics).
A Punchable Face I Want to Kiss // by @prurientpuddlejumper
Frederick Chilton (Hannibal) x Reader // This entire series is phenomenal. Chilton is a character you shouldn’t like. Irredeemable qualities, malpractice, etc., etc., but 1. Raúl Esparza and 2. this author knows how to make you love the character. It’s masterfully written, incredibly spicy, and full of heart I wasn’t expecting. An Absolutely wonderful series. (Chapter 1 is linked!)
Death of a Bachelor // @delos-mio
Logan Delos (Westworld) x Reader // I read this months ago and still think about it. Its a detailed, original story that I can get behind and it includes an entire trip to a city I hold very near and dear to my heart (it’s so descriptive and accurate too!) Definitely one of my favorite Logan stories written on any of the platforms. Plus Ben Barnes is having a MOMENT right now and Logan is one of my favorite characters of his.
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melk917 · 3 years
Do you have any HC’s for touch starved Rafael?
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Ohhhh yes. I do. This ask is hitting right where I need today.
And um, clearly I have LOTS of HC for this. It got out of hand. Please ask for more if you have specific thoughts. There is no way these are all of mine. I love touch starved Rafael who finally feels safe enough to welcome your affection.
He's held himself separate from people for a long time. But despite how lonely he is, he's also not comfortable opening up. So he stays alone and a bit prickly.
When he first meets you he's a mix of both horrified and longing when you touch him unthinkingly. A hand on his bicep, on his shoulder to get his attention...and when he finally asks you out for a drink, the way your thigh presses against his in the tiny booth, the way you placed you hand high up on his thigh when you leaned into his space on purpose to look at his copy of the menu vs your own.
He thinks he hides it well at first. How he'll lean into your touch. And the first few months he succeeds. It's easy when you're keeping things a secret in public but can't keep your hands to yourself in private. It's easy to hide his own desire for your touch when you can't keep your hands off him.
But as things start to settle, your relationship shifts. The sex is still hot and heavy but he’s letting you spend the night (well, not so much letting as asking in a roundabout way, trying to make it look like it’s not what he wants so much as what you want). He’s sharing coffee in the morning. He wants you there and it terrifies him and fills him with longing in equal measure.
And he’s really not as subtle as he thinks. You could tell from day one and just let him have the space he needs to get comfortable.
It’s obvious in how his fingers will twitch and flex when you brush yours over his wrist. How he’ll briefly lean into your hold when you rest your hand on his arm. How he sways closer, leaning imperceptibly further into your personal space when you’re talking to him, or even just pass by.
How he is slow to roll away as you’re both coming down after a spectacular set of orgasms.
The first time he really lets you see it, it’s unintentional. It had been a horrible day in court. But not one where he could rant and rave and go after someone. No, this time he had to offer a plea deal that was almost as good as letting the perp walk, and the victim had broken down in tears, sobs wracking her body at the loss of justice.
Later that night you found him in his office, rumpled, sprawled on his couch, head resting on the back, eyes closed. His jacket, tie, and vest all abandoned and quite a dent in the bottle of scotch he kept in his desk. He had made to shift away when you sat down next to him, but your hand on his arm and your leg against his were so warm. He let you pull him into your arms, his face tucked into the crook of your neck as you told him he did the best he could. There was a long moment where he held himself apart still, entire body stiff and hesitant. You ran your fingers through his hair, rubbing at his scalp, and you could feel his shaky exhale as he gave into what he wanted and melted against you, arms coming up to clutch at your sides as you held him for long minutes, not saying anything.
After that, it’s like the floodgates have opened when you’re alone. If you’re on the couch he’ll curl into your side, or lie with his head in your lap. He loves when you run your fingers through his hair or rub soft circles into the meat of his shoulders with your thumbs. He’ll come up behind you while you’re cooking and wrap his arms around you, tucking his face into your neck.
In bed at night, he is always touching you somehow. He 100% prefers to be the little spoon with you wrapped around him, fingers intertwined over his heart, your face pressed into his back and your legs tangled together. But most nights, he’s coming to bed second and will curl into you instead, letting you roll into his chest sleepily as he pulls you close. He loves how you’ll press kisses to his chest when he does this, even in your sleep, as though even your unconscious mind wants to feel him against you. It makes him feel warm and protected and wanted in a way he never had imagined, and even though he loves it, it scares him a bit, too.
You had definitely not had “desperate snuggler” on your Barba dating bingo card when you two started all this, but in the privacy of your bedroom with the lights off, he will press himself against you and not let go. (In the colder months, it's a godsend. But in the summer, you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night sweating as he throws off body heat like the steam radiator in his apartment while still complaining that he’s cold. And those NYC steam heat radiators are no fucking joke.)
In public, he’s still not wild about obvious PDA. But little touches, small gestures, especially when he’s feeling disgruntled or frustrated, will go a long way to calming him down. A hand on his low back, on his arm. A brush of your fingers over the back of his hand, or along his wrist. If there’s no one around, you’ll cup his face, running your thumb along his jawline and he’ll lean into your palm. Even just a small touch will go a long way to soothing his nervous system.
But you probably won’t get away with much in public. Even on dates, he’ll lean in close, pressed against you, a hand on your thigh, or yours on his. But no big public make outs or obvious gestures where he thinks people will see. (But pressed against him in the back of a dark bar with no one he knows around? 100% he has his hand on your ass and he’s pressing a kiss under your jaw.)
He holds to this except that one time at Forlini’s, when you joined the after-case celebration and Rafa ended up wasted after going head to head with Amanda with shots to make some point that no one remembered by the end of the night. And then he was curled into you in the corner of the booth, practically asleep and purring against your shoulder as you absently ran your fingers through his hair while you watched Amanda and Carisi try to goad Fin into replacing him in the drinking game. Rafa then turned to press his face into your neck, running his nose along the line of it before pressing wet kisses to your skin there and slurring filthy promises into your ear that made you blush but that you were absolutely certain he was in no condition to fulfill, given that your arm around him was the only thing keeping him upright.
You tried not to laugh at him too hard at the way he pouted and whined when you had to help him into his coat not too long after, making him keep his hands to himself as you did up the buttons and directed him to the door. When you finally got him bundled into the back of the Uber, he immediately curled into you and totally passed out before the car even pulled back out into traffic.
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qvid-pro-qvo · 2 years
ya know we really have a thing for making headcanons that are so specific for us, let’s continue that with aaron hotchner x rafael barba, your choice if you wanna add in reader or not
oh… oh, charlie. what a gift. rafael barba x aaron hotchner x gender neutral reader.
he’s finally gotten off the phone and onto unpacking when you start talking. “that lawyer sure knows how to push your buttons.”
aaron glances up from his suitcase to look at you, and can’t help but feel defensive at the smirk on your face. “which lawyer?” he asks, looking back down, disconcerted by the width of your grin.
“the handsome one with the special victims unit,” you tell him, and he hears you walk closer to the bed you plan to share. “mr. rafael barba. certainly had a way with words.”
“you can’t deny it.”
right. he scoffs as you say it. shaking his head. “a way with words. that’s one way to put it.”
“and another way?”
aaron looks up again, raising a brow at you. you haven’t stopped smiling at him, and while it’s usually a sight for sore eyes, today there’s something behind it that makes him pause. “he’s an assistant district attorney and we’re on his case. he doesn’t trust us. of course he was going to fight back when we came in to take over the investigation.”
“and what did you determine based on that profile?”
“so…” aaron sighs. crossing his arms over his chest. “he’s got a mouth, and he’s using it.”
“a mouth.”
he looks up again, he can’t help it. your tone can only be described as amused, and you sit on the edge of the bed with a smile that drives him crazy.
“you like a mouth.”
“all right,” aaron says, but he can’t help leaning over to kiss your temple. “i’m going to take a shower, and you are going to wipe that smile off your face.”
“and we’re going to stop talking about rafael barba,” he says firmly, before moving back toward the hotel bathroom.
“hey, aaron?” you call out to him. he sighs, gently, but turns to you with a smile.
“i have a mouth. and you like it a lot.”
“you married me for it.”
“… yeah.”
“he’s very handsome.”
“and i’m going to shower.”
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Rafael Barba x Reader
Written for @storiesofsvu​’s Fall Bingo, requested by @dreamlover31​​ for the square Reignite - Knox Brown. 
Warnings: Angst with a happy ending, the tiniest bit of smut
Summary: Barba returns after three years. Will your love reignite, or have you both moved on to new partners?
3,240 words
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It would have been inappropriate to date a paralegal who worked under him, and in those days, right and wrong were so black and white. So for years, all Rafael Barba had with you were longing glances held too long, and fingers brushed as you passed a file or a cup of coffee. Eventually, “inappropriate” began to feel like a cowardly excuse.
On your last day, after you passed the bar and accepted an associate position at Buchanan & Stilton, he finally asked you out. And for the first time in many years, Rafael Barba knew true happiness.
Two months later, he pulled the plug on the Householder baby.
Being found not guilty of murder should have been a relief, but it wasn’t. Not to Barba. You sat by helplessly as he frantically packed his belongings into cardboard boxes and suitcases. The apartment was a bare skeleton.
“Please, don’t go,” you begged. “Nobody blames you.”
“Really? Weird. Then what was this doing pasted to my door this morning?” He slid a paper across the kitchen counter and shoved it at you. “DIE BABY KILLER” was scrawled in red ink.
“It’ll blow over.”
“It isn’t about that. It isn’t just about baby Drew. I’ve been questioning myself for a long time—the legal system, what I’m doing with my life. I used to know exactly who I was, and I don’t anymore. That’s why I need to leave the city behind. I’ve lived here my entire life. I need to make a fresh start, to find myself again.”
“Then I’m coming with you.”
“If you have to leave, then you’re not going alone!”
He shook his head, eyes wet. “I’m not letting you throw your career away because I’m having a midlife crisis.”
“Rafa...” You smiled softly, cupping his cheek. “That’s my decision to make. And I don’t want to lose you.”
A fresh surge of tears flooded his wet eyes, overwhelming the banks of his eyelids. Tears spilled out and rolled down his face, mingling with your fingers. “I know. I know it’s your choice, but it’s mine, too. Cariño, you just accepted a job at one of the most prestigious firms in Manhattan. You’re not going to find another position like that in Iowa. At this stage in your career, you can’t afford to drop off the map, or you’ll never get back on it. You worked so hard to pass the bar. This is important to you.”
“But you’re important to me, too!” Your voice broke. You kissed him hard enough your teeth clicked, as if to merge together so he couldn’t leave. His lips were hot and salty, his tears mixing with yours as they began to fall. As you began to realize you weren’t going to be able to talk him out of this.
Lips trembling, he took a raspy breath. “You’re important to me, too, cariño. Te quiero, tú sabes eso. But I’ve spent years building seniority as an ADA. You can’t ruin your whole future for someone you’ve only been dating a few months.”
You shook your head frantically, causing more tears to spill over. “No. No, Rafa, I wanna come with you.”
He rested his forehead against yours, hand cupping the back of your neck. “We’d be happy for a while, I know that. Leaving would be so much easier if I was starting a new life with you. But one day, the passion would wear off, and you’d look around with clear eyes and see everything you gave up just to follow me. You’d resent me.”
“I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t. If I regretted my decision, I’d resent myself for making it, not you. It’s my choice. It’s my mistake to make if I lo—”
“Don’t. Don’t say it.”
“I don’t want to be the reason you resent yourself, either. Ever since you started as a paralegal, you always told me it was your dream to be a lawyer. I know I can’t make your decisions for you, but… but I won’t be responsible for you giving up your dreams.” He took a long, shattered breath, as if this were the hardest thing he’s ever had to do. “We need to break up.”
Any resentment that burned inside you over Rafael Barba leaving died like a smothered ember long ago. The flames of passion that once ignited your entire soul went out long before that, when he stopped writing after his first year gone.
Every fire starves without fuel.
You didn’t care about him anymore. You hadn’t seen or been in touch with him for two years, and only a few postcards and calls the first year.
He was just an ex.
So you told yourself until the moment there was a knock at your office door, and Rafael Barba was standing in front of you in flesh and blood, a sheepish little smirk on his lips. Then it felt like no time had passed at all, and your eyes were pricking with unshed tears because you didn’t know whether to jump into his arms and kiss him, slap him, or shake his hand. You didn’t know whether he was seeing someone else. In all this time, he must have been. He wasn’t yours anymore.
He wasn’t yours.
He didn’t even care enough to call you for two years.
“Rafael,” you stood and greeted him with a friendly smile. “What brings you back to the Big Apple? Surely you’re not just here to see me?”
“That might be part of it,” he winked flirtatiously. Both of you carefully rode the line of companionable banter. “Caught a case.”
“Are you back at the DA’s office?” you leaned forward, genuinely curious now. If he was back in the city permanently…
“Defense, actually.”
You laughed. “No kidding? So, you’ve come groveling for my help, then, have you?” you grinned. “Who’s the client?”
He shifted, scratching the back of his neck. “Actually, that’s not why I came. The trial is over.”
Your shoulders fell, and you tried not to let a tick of anger creep into your voice. “Wow. After making it sound like my career was so important, you didn’t even want my advice.”
For what felt like hours, he stood perfectly still except his green eyes flicking over your face. Your skin heated under his searching gaze. “I didn’t want you to think I was barging back into your life just to get professional advice.”
Your throat tightened, forcing you to swallow before answering, “So why are you barging back into my life?”
“The squad’s getting together at the bar tonight. Just like old times.” Hope and sentimentality hung around his head like grey hairs. He never used to be this old. It looked good on him.
“Oh. I don’t know, I haven’t seen any of them in ages, and the last few times were on opposing sides…”
“So was I. We’re celebrating Carisi kicking my ass in court,” Barba grinned.
A soft laugh rumbled in your chest and puffed from your nose. “What time?”
The bar was decorated with colorful holiday lights, but the mood inside was cheerless—at least for you. Why did Barba bother inviting you if he was going to ignore you all night? The ADA-turned-defense attorney was busy chumming it up with all his old friends from the SVU squad, leaving you sitting off to the side, ignored among relative strangers.
Worse, he seemed to be deliberately distancing himself from you. Every time you sat too close or tried to talk, he found a reason to chat with someone on the other side of the bar.
When you broke up, it was in a “maybe life will bring us back to each other,” and “I still want you, but I have to do this” way. You’d given that up as childish fantasy—nothing but platitudes to make the leaving easier—until he showed up at your office.
Then you thought… maybe he was in New York for you. Life was bringing you back together.
What a fool to get your hopes up. He was sending painfully clear “just friends” vibes your way, and it was time to go home before you got sad-drunk and cried in public. You discreetly paid up your tab with the bartender and slung your bag over your shoulder.
Then you turned around to nearly collide with two seawater-green puppy-dog eyes.
“Leaving already?”
You shook your head with a quiet, dry laugh. He had no idea how much your heart was breaking, did he? “This isn’t really my scene.”
“Can I walk you out?”
You tilted your head, trying to figure out where the contradiction was between his distant behavior and the longing in his smile. “I’d like to see more of you than the distance between the bar and the door, you know. I thought you might want to talk? Alone?”
His hesitant smile turned into a frown, and his eyes darted away from yours like scared mice. “Are you sure Buchanan would be OK with that? I don’t want to overstep.”
“My boss?” you nearly laughed with surprise. “I know you hate the guy, but—just to clarify, we won’t be talking about cases.”
“You know who I mean. Your fiancé?”
“My…? What the fuck are you talking about?”
Barba stared at you, genuinely shaken and confused. It was as if a fundamental, universal truth had just been reversed on him. As if he was just finding out now, at the age of fifty, that gravity pulled objects up not down.
Eventually, his mouth opened and closed, and he managed to say, “Liv told me you were marrying Buchanan’s son, Nate.”
“OLIVIA DID WHAT?!” you screamed, a little too loud, but your blood was on fire with disgust, betrayal, and a 0.07 alcohol content.
He muttered to himself as if in a trance. “I was going to come back to New York two years ago, but I heard that you were… And I couldn’t bear to…”
“I heard my name,” Oliva called as she squeezed past people and chairs to get to the bar. “What did I do?”
“Did you tell Barba I was engaged to Nate Buchanan?”
“Liv, how could you?!” Barba snapped.
Her eyes widened slightly at his tone, then narrowed as her jaw set. “I thought you had the right to know. I didn’t realize it was a secret.”
“It isn’t a secret—it isn’t true! Do you see a ring anywhere?” you held up your hand. “What the fuck?! Was this revenge because I started working at a defense firm? Or were you just jealous?”
“Excuse me?” She fixed you with a fierce stare.
“You took up so much of his time. It was always, ‘Liv needs a warrant’ this, ‘Liv has a family emergency’ that. I always knew you wanted him for yourself, but pushing me out of the picture?! I can’t believe… you kept him away this long… He might have come back if you hadn’t…” You sniffed. Shit, you were crying in public.
A warm hand pressed your shoulder. You expected it to be Barba’s, but when you opened your eyes, Liv had her arm around you in sympathy, holding out a paper napkin for a tissue.
“I didn’t know that,” she said as you wiped your eyes. “I didn’t know. Buchanan told me about the engagement. It sounded legitimate—he even tried to convince me to buy a wedding present.”
“Wait—that was what the pen was about?” It came in a gaudy silver box with a card that said “congratulations.” You thought it was for your promotion (and that it was a little weird an SVU lieutenant would be congratulating the opposing counsel).
“Liv...” Barba groaned, brow buried deep in his pinched fingers. “You’re a detective. You couldn’t have verified his statement?”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t think anything of it at the time. Why would he lie?”
You heaved a miserable sigh and dropped your forehead pathetically onto Liv’s shoulder. “I can answer that one,” you mumbled. “Nate did keep asking me out. We even went on a couple of dates. But not—for fuck’s sake—anything close to marriage.”
“So he just… wanted you for himself? And used Liv to keep me from interfering?” Barba growled.
Olivia added thoughtfully, “Or Buchanan hoped it might change your decision to return. You sent a lot of his clients to prison.”
“Well, it worked.” His eyes were blazing with rage, hand curled into a trembling fist.
He couldn’t settle on an emotion to feel—guilt? All that time, he could have just called you, but he was too afraid to face you being happy with another man. Anger at the Buchanans? Or joy?
You were here. Not married. Feelings he thought he’d buried flared up like a spark exposed to oxygen, and his instincts roared to pull you into a fiery kiss right here at the bar.
“It’s OK, Liv,” he sighed. “That manipulative weasel doesn’t run the most powerful firm in Manhattan for nothing. If he told me directly, I’d look into it, but to you, the news wasn’t important enough to question. And he knew I’d believe it if I heard it from you. Smart bastard.”
“I can’t tell you how sorry I am, Rafa. I can’t believe I let him use me as part of a… a gossip chain.” She looked between you, and at the way you were looking at each other. “I’ll, uh… give you two some time.”
Olivia backed away, and you were left facing each other in awkward, stunned silence. It didn’t take Barba long to recover—he always seemed to know exactly what to do.
“Let’s go somewhere quiet? My hotel is down the block.”
You raised both eyebrows.
“Just to talk,” he dismissed your scandalous expression. “Without prying eyes.” He flicked his toward Carisi and Rollins, who both conspicuously looked away.
“I can’t say no to you,” you smiled.
The suite Barba was staying in until he got settled was much cheaper than his old apartment. Hotel space in Manhattan was at a premium, and he was never exactly rich on a prosecutor’s salary. There was a reason you’d gone into defense first—you’d saved up enough of a nest egg in three years working for Buchanan’s sleazy firm that you’d be able to leave soon and start doing work that mattered.
Barba never compromised his ideals like that. All of his work mattered right from the beginning, even if it meant a shockingly high percentage of his income went toward suits. Even when it meant committing a crime to stop the suffering of a brain-dead child and his mother.
Even when it meant leaving.
“Were you really going to come back sooner?” was the first thing you asked as the door clicked shut behind you. It wasn’t a question for the walk over. You’d already cried in public once today.
“After the first year,” he nodded. “I missed you so much, and my role with the NAACP was ending soon. When I heard you were marrying someone else, I signed on to the voting rights task force. There was no reason to come back.”
He perked at the sound of his name spoken from your lips in a soft, familiar tone. Heat built in his chest.
You sat on the corner of the king bed that was the room’s centerpiece. “Is that why you stopped answering my calls? Why you never texted anymore?”
His face burned. “Yes,” he confessed as if to a crime.
“Fuck,” you deflated, scrubbing the prickling of tears from your eyes. “I thought you just… didn’t care. That you were too busy with your new life to bother with your ex. I thought I didn’t matter to you anymore.”
“I never stopped thinking about you. Not once.” His voice cracked as he sat on the bed next to you.
You cupped his cheek and pulled him into a tight hug. You couldn’t bear to admit that you had—you had put him out of your mind and squarely in the past—but now that he was in front of you again, now that he was in your arms and you could smell his cologne and feel the waves of heat pouring off his solid chest, it felt like he had never left. Your heart skipped with infatuation the same way it did three years ago when you were younger and more naïve… When you thought going with him would have been a good idea.
It was for the best; you knew that now. You were proud of the career you were building. Barba was right—your options would have been limited in pig-farm country, chasing him around from one temporary assignment to another.
“Still, after all this time, things have changed. I’ve changed,” you whispered into his hair, a shade lighter than the last time you’d been this close. The greys were coming in fast, now. “Do you have someone else already? Do you even know who I am anymore? We couldn’t just pick up where we left off like nothing ever happened. Three years is a long time.”
“I know,” he whispered back. A hot puff of breath tickled your ear as he pulled back to meet your gaze. He was always direct when he spoke, never hiding his face in a hug, concealing his emotions. A sheen of tears reflected the yellow light of the bedside lamps, but he straightened his posture and told you matter-of-factly: “I want you to know where I stand.”
You nodded.
“There is nobody else. Iowa isn’t the hottest dating scene, and… there was someone I couldn’t get over.” He gave a coy, wistful smirk. “I understand if you don’t want to rekindle our relationship, but I can’t stop needing you. Whoever you were, whoever you’ll grow into one day, I love you. I should have told you that back then—I love you, and I’ll never stop loving you.”
His suspenders were in your fists, and you were tugging him against you, lips crushing his in a fierce kiss. “I love you, too, idiot,” you panted between kisses. He hungrily reciprocated, warm hands flattening against your back, mouth opening to allow your tongue entry.
Your lips barely parted until you were tugging each other’s clothing off and falling back onto the blankets. “Are you sure?” he whispered, arms bracketed to either side of your body. “We’re not moving too fast?”
You caressed his jaw and drew him down into a soft, sweet kiss. “We have a lot of time to make up for.”
His head bowed as his hips canted forward, parting your thighs. You moaned against his lips, gripping the sheets at the familiar, yet different, pleasure. An old melody, but the rhythm had changed. Breath mingling, you rocked together gently and slowly. There was so much time to make up for, yet it made him less rushed. He savored every inch of you—every trembling muscle, every sigh and moan, your warm depths gripping him tight as he tasted the salt of your skin—never to forget the poetry of your body again.
The weight of those two stolen years was a heavy burden. There were so many moments you would never get to share that you could never get back. But there was plenty of time left. You were proud of what you’d accomplished in those busy years on your own. You and Rafael had both carved out your paths, and now, in the end, you could walk them together.
• ● • ━━━━━─ ••●•• ─━━━━━ • ● • Tags:
@beccabarba​ / @itsjustmyfantasyroom​ / @thatesqcrush​ / @dianilaws​ / @permanentlydizzy​ / @mrsrafaelbarba​ / @madamsnape921​ / @astrangegirlsmind​ / @neely1177​ / @onerestein​ / @dreamlover31​ / @isvvc-pvscvl​  / @shroomiehomie / @storiesofsvu​ / @welcometothemxdhouse​ / @feedthemadness-sweetie​ / @law-nerd105​ / @amelia-song-pond​ / @michael-rooker​ / @xecq / @madpanda75​ / @alwaysachorusgirl​ / @bananas-pajamas​ / @leanor-min​ / @mad-girl-without-a-box​ / @katierpblogg​ / @worldofvixen​ / @sassyada​ / @detectivebarba​ / @greeneyedblondie44​ /  @teachingpanda  @ms-panda / @zizzlekwum​ / @charlottegrice / @averyhotchner​​ 
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I can't believe I'm almost at 200 followers !! And in such celebration, I'm going to host my own little writing challenge.
Here it goes. The challenge lasts until I get to 200 followers (at the very latest, Jan. 20th) and the characters you're allowed to use are as follows:
Rafael Barba
Sonny Carisi
Nevada Ramirez
Will Graham
Frederick Chilton
Now the challenge itself, is something I actually want to challenge you all with. When you write with the characters, it has to be a Chara x Reader. It can be in any format; Multipart fic, imagine, headcannons, etc. No moodboards or any photo edits.
What I would like you all to do, is not use ANY type of gender specific markers or pronouns for the reader. 100% gender neutral. You can make the story fluffy, angsty, smutty, whatever. Just as long as the reader is gender neutral, it's fair game.
For example: The words beautiful and handsome are out of the question. But stunning and lovely are okay.
Every entry is a point, and also how many times you will be put into a random name generator. And if your story is more than 500 words, please use a "Keep Reading" tab.
To fully enter, you have to tag me and use the hashtag "barbasimp gen neutral writing challenge"
P r i z e s
1st Winner: I will write out a request of their choosing and pin one of my favorite writing pieces of theirs on my page for 1 month.
2nd Winner: I will write out a request of their choosing and pin one of my favorite writing pieces of theirs on my page for 15 days.
3rd Winner: I will write out a request of their choosing and pin one of my favorite writing pieces of theirs on my page for 1 week.
Enjoy everyone! And thank you so much for getting me to where I am ❤ If you have any questions on what may or may not be gender neutral, feel free to message! I don't speak for the whole community, but I hope I can make a judgment call
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x-bluefire-heart-x · 1 year
So I am not entirely sure what this time. I had a dream like this the other night and decided to write it.
Rafael Barba/Gender neutral reader. An age difference again, I do tend to write the readers as being roughly my age when just writing things for me. So late twenties.
There are no warnings for this. Other than it is probably a little odd and random. But I thought a little cute.
Master List
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Rafael slumped down in the booth at the Petal, papers scattered across the top of the table as he tried to organise a strategy for the latest case SVU had brought to him. A glass of scotch sat to the side and a menu was currently covering a medical report. His stomach had started to protest the lack of food he had had all day, other than the various snacks he had consumed, and the insane amount of coffee.
“Mr Barba, welcome back,” the sweetest sound filled his ears, his eyes moved away from the menu as a smile pulled at his lips. And there you were. One of the main reasons this place had become his favourite restaurant, especially after a tough day.
“Thank you, and please call me Rafael,” he said, eyes taking in your hair tied back with a few strands having fallen loose, your eyes scanning his face before a frown replaced the most beautiful smile he had ever seen.
“You haven’t been sleeping again?” you asked head tilted to the side and concern replacing the happy tone you greeted him with. “Are your migraines bad again? Or is it just work related? Also how much coffee have you been drinking? And this better not be your first proper meal again.” Your hands had found their way to your hips as you fired question after question at him, before settling on scolding him.
“My migraines aren’t too bad at the moment, the case at the moment is tough so sleep hasn’t been as good, I may have had too much coffee again today and it may be my first proper meal but I have eaten,” Rafael happily answered all of your question, it had been a while since someone had shown as much concern as you.
He leant forward, placing his elbow on the table and resting his cheek on his fist a soft smile impossible to stop taking over his normal cheeky grin. It had taken almost a week of Rafael showing up at the restaurant with his case work, hunger reaching the point where he would become irritated before you started dropping the customer service voice and smile. You had insisted that if he wanted to continue eating here that he doesn’t show up ready to bite someone’s head off, and from that moment Rafael had been fascinated by you, and eventually the conversation between the two of you had developed to what it was now. With you showing so much concern for him but also not afraid to scold him, Rafael couldn’t stop himself from gaining a little crush on you that developed beyond what he hoped would fizzle out but no, instead it grew and grew.
“Well, that is both good and bad, at least you have been eating something, wish you would cut back on the coffee,” you sighed. “But at least I know you will be eating something proper here. Now, since you have papers everywhere and you already have a scotch I’m going to guess you’ll be wanting…the seafood platter?”
“Am I that predictable?” Rafael laughed.
“Maybe a little,” you giggled leaning closer with a wink. “But you are my favourite regular so I may make it a point to remember certain things.” You blinked suddenly, leaning back and lowering your eyes a flare of red blooming along your cheeks.
“The seafood platter would be great, and maybe another glass of scotch?” Rafael nodded, hoping to get your eyes back on him, though he found your fluster adorable.
“I’ll get that started right away and be back with your scotch and some water,” you said pointedly. “I doubt you have been drinking enough of that.”
Rafael rolled his eyes as you walked away, he felt his eyes lower before he caught himself and looked away. He did not want to be that kind of customer who leered and made you uncomfortable, he just couldn’t help the occasional look. He gathered some of his papers to make a spot for you to put his food when it arrived, making sure the crime scene photos were hidden not wanting you to see anything like that.
“Alright, another scotch and some water,” you came back placing down the glass, a bottle of water and another glass from under your arm. “Now I had better see some of that gone by the time I get back with your food.”
“Yes Ma’am,” Rafael mocked saluted you causing you to huff and roll your eyes.
“Promise you will drink some water, Rafael,” you insisted hands once again your hips.
“I promise,” he smiled, you nodded and went to walk away the next words felt pulled out of his chest. “I appreciate all this. How you ask after me and scold me when I don’t look after myself.”
You turned back around your eyes soft as you glanced at him, noticing the slightly shocked look on his face as if he hadn’t quite meant to say any of that. It was the first time he wasn’t looking you in the eye since you met him. Your cheeks flared up again, and you reached up to lightly tug on one of the loose strands of your hair. You couldn’t help but start to care about this man in the fancy suits, who always had case files scattered around him. Almost jittery with caffeine. You recognised him from some news articles, and you couldn’t help but admire the lengths he went to for his cases but you were concerned as he always looked stressed when he would come in for dinner, and borderline hangry. The concern quickly turned into a little crush, he was an incredibly handsome man, probably at least ten years older than you. He was a snarky sarcastic man who was incredibly intelligent and kind.
“Oh, good,” you smiled. “I was worried that maybe I was overstepping.”
“No, not at all,” Rafael smiled, eyes back on you the momentary shock gone replaced by his normal smugness. “It’s sweet, and you have a terrible habit of making my day.”
“Well, how dare I,” you giggled, reaching out and pouring some water, you were sure the flush was a permanent feature on your cheeks. “Drink. And I do mean the water.”
Rafael reached for the water, took a sip and smirked as you gave one sharp nod before leaving to take the orders of some other customers. He bit his lip, wondering if he should take a chance or just leave this to be all that happened between the two of you.
You glanced at the clock once more, nibbling on your lip when you saw it was close to closing and Rafael still hadn’t shown up. He always comes in for dinner on Wednesday but today he hadn’t turned up. The case he had been working on had finished today and from what you read on the net he had won. You were looking forward to seeing him, he was always brighter after a case had ended, especially if he had won. The rest of the night went by slowly, until you were waving the last of the customers out the door. You were just finishing up your jobs for closing when you heard the door open.
“We’ve closed for the night!” You called not looking up.
“You closing on your own?” his voice caused you to stand up straight, it sent a bolt of lightning down your spine.
“Rafael!” you smiled turning to see him standing a little away from you. “Congratulations on winning your case.” Rafael had loosened his tie, his suit jacket folded over one arm the look of triumph on his face made him look all the more handsome.
“Thank you, I was out for drinks with the detectives,” he explained, without prompting.
“Ah, I was wondering a little if you had found a new place to have dinner on Wednesday night,” you teased. “And yes, I’m the only one still here. The other waitress had a family emergency told her I would finish it all up.”
“That’s sweet of you,” he smiled walking closer, he eyes alight. “Can I help with anything?”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” you smiled. “Besides, I haven’t got much left to do.”
Rafael walked closer stopping when he was right in-front of you. You looked up at him, before looking away suddenly nervous to be around him, alone. You fiddled with the cleaning cloth that was in your hand. Rafael reached a hand up and tucked some of your hair behind your ear, you had let it down from the messy bun it had been in all night, allowing it to flow down your back in loose waves. Rafael was entranced with it. You giggled, which Rafael thought was just adorable as your cheeks went pink.
“Would it be alright if I waited for you?” he asked. “I was thinking maybe I could take you out for a drink?”
“A drink?” you bit your lip.
“Hmm, could throw some food in there as well to sweeten the deal?” Rafael grinned.
“A lawyer through and through,” you shook your head. “Would this just be a drink or a date?”
“If you were okay with it, I was hoping it could be a date,” Rafael answered, his voice no longer quite so confident, a hint of nerves filling it.
“I would love it to be a date,” you smiled reaching out and trailing your fingers down his arm. “I won’t be too much longer promise, maybe ten minutes?”
“I would wait hours for you if needed,” Rafael grinned, as you gasped softly at his response cheeks flaming and the softest smile on your face he had ever seen and it was directed solely on him.
“Rafael,” your voice was soft and eyes looking down at the ground. Rafael took a breath before taking one more step closer and leaning down, placing a kiss on your cheek.
“I’ll be sitting down in my normal booth when you’re done,” he smiled as you just nodded a hand raising up to touch the spot he had just kissed.
You completed the last few jobs the fastest you had ever done before, the thought of what could happen tonight spurring you on. You could still feel the press of his lips on your cheek, a giddy feeling was bubbling away in your stomach. You kept glancing at where he was sitting, his eyes had never left you, watching as you completed your tasks. You couldn’t believe how you had never noticed the way he looked at you before. His green eyes so soft, and warm, the smile on his face almost adoring.
You grabbed your jacket and bag from the back, stopping in-front of the mirror to check how you looked and add a little bit more makeup, and lip balm. You took a deep breathe before heading back to the front of the restaurant. Rafael was still sitting in his booth looking down at his phone but at hearing your footsteps looked up.
“Ready?” he asked standing up.
“Yep, um, so were are we heading?” you asked leading Rafael out of the Petal, setting the alarm and locking it all up. You turned around and Rafael offered you his arm, causing you to smile and blush. You hooked your arm through his and let him lead you down the street.
“Well, there’s this lovely cocktail bar not far from here and they do food late,” Rafael answered. “Does that sound alright?”
“Of course, sounds perfect.”
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garbagecanfics · 5 years
I don’t know if you’re taking requests, but if you are could I request Barbas s/o having him play Phoenix Wright so they can laugh at his reactions?
of course! I’ve never really heard of this game so I did my best, but I’m sorry if there is some mistakes. 
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Playing Phoenix Wright with Rafael
pretty sfw but sex is mentioned. I think it’s gender neutral for reader.  ENJOY!!!!
“Hey babe? I had a question.”
“What’s the matter cariño?” his face wrinkled in worry.
“Nothing’s wrong so don’t worry.” he lightened up slightly.
“I just wanted to play a game with you.”
“What kind of game?” his voice brimmed with lust.
“Not that kind of game, get your mind out of the gutter.” you giggled. “I bought an xbox game today, only because I want to see how you react.”
“What kind of game did you buy?”
“Alright so it’s called Ace Lawyer or Phoenix Wright.”
“I’m nervous. This sounds like it’s not gonna be fun for me.”
“I know, I know. I just think a fake courtroom environment would be fun. And I kinda wanna laugh at your reactions.” you mumbled the last part somewhat hoping he didn’t hear it.
“Alright now we definitely won’t”
“Pleaseeee??” now you were begging and he could never resist when you begged for things.
“Ugh alright, but keep your laughing to a minimum and I cannot promise that I will not get upset.”
“Yay! I can’t wait.”
“Let’s get this over with.” he half whispered to himself. You both went into the living room where the xbox is. You popped in the disk grinning ear to ear. After only playing for 20 minutes Raf was already getting upset.
“THAT’S NOT HOW A COURTROOM WORKS. One good thing about this game is that I can say what's on my mind, which I can’t do normally.” you couldn’t stop laughing to respond.
“I love you honey.” you barely squeezed out through breathy laughs.
“I love you too hermosa.” he smiled at you and gave you a kiss on your cheek. After playing for about an hour you couldn’t stop laughing. His reactions just sent you over the edge every time.
“Alright honey I think we should take a break.” he was getting a bit too heated and he needed a break no matter what it was. he wasn’t looking at you, but you were leaned against the hallway door frame to get his attention.
“Just a bit longer?” he obviously didn’t see you.
“I think you might want to finish now.” he finally saw you and his jaw dropped. You could see his eyes lower with need and lust.
“I’m done.”
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thatfanficstuff · 6 years
Mi Vida - Rafael Barba
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Pairing: Rafael Barba x Reader (gender neutral)
Warnings: canon typical crime discussion
Currently you and the rest of the SVU squad along with ADA Barba were in a conference room surrounded by papers. Everyone had their own pile they were working on, searching for the illusive piece of evidence that would prove your suspect was lying about his whereabouts the day his neighbor was raped and murdered.
He’d been meticulous cleaning the crime scene and left no prints or DNA behind. He had an alibi, but the three men verifying it had been his best friends since elementary school. So now you were looking for proof that he was in town that day and not at his friend’s cabin in the woods. And there was so much paperwork. You were going to be seeing letters and numbers dancing in your dreams for days.
You groaned and ran a hand down your face trying to wake up. When you looked up your gaze fell on the man in the chair beside you, Rafael Barba. He gave you a little smirk before returning to the papers in his hands. You and Barba had been seeing each other for a little over three months now, but you had been doing your best to keep it from the rest of the squad for two reasons.
One, you both liked your privacy and didn’t particularly care to have everyone in your business. Two, the squad was like a big family. The teasing would be endless and you both knew it. 
Not that it had been easy keeping it a secret. At first it hadn’t been so bad. As you two grew closer and more intimate however it had become more difficult. Rafael and you were both passionate people. You liked to touch your partners in little ways like holding hands. You also liked to take care of your partners. There were only so many coffees or meals you could bring each other without everyone getting suspicious. You’d both been forced to curb your natural behavior a lot and it sucked.
“Is anyone getting anywhere with this?” Sonny asked as he dropped his pile of papers in frustration.
There was a murmur of ‘no’s from around the room. You however just continued to stare at the board that boasted the pictures of your victim, your suspect and the cabin that was his alibi. There was something obvious you were all overlooking, you just knew it.
“Y/N?” Oliva said and you glanced over.
“Yeah, boss?”
“You still with us?”
You nodded. “Just thinking.” A knock came at the door and you smiled. “By the way, I think I forgot to mention I ordered dinner.”
“I love you, Y/N. Have I mentioned that today?” Fin said as he opened the door and took the bags from the desk sergeant who’d taken the delivery for you.
Your boyfriend shot him a narrow-eyed gaze, shrugging when he noticed you looking at him. You smiled and shook your head.
Amanda started passing out the food. “When did you even order this, Y/N?” she asked as she handed you a carton. “I didn’t see you leave the room.”
You held up your cellphone even as you took a bite. “The internet in your pocket, Rollins. It’s amazing you should try it sometime.”
“Smartass,” she grumbled while everyone else laughed.
Everyone was quiet while they ate as you were all starving. You’d gotten in about five good bites before you slammed the carton down. “Son of a bitch,” you said as realization struck you.
“What?” Barba asked as he turned to face you with wide eyes. He knew that ‘son of a bitch’ well as you always said it when you figured out something that had been evading you.  He tilted his head and waited for you to convey whatever idea had suddenly come to mind.
“We keep searching for evidence of where he was. We just need to prove where he wasn’t.” You dug the heels of your hands into your tired eyes as you leaned back in your chair and laughed.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Fin said. “Would you like to translate for the rest of us?”
You sat up straight and looked him in the eye. “We’ve been combing through his records looking for a mistake. If he planned this as long as we think he did, we aren’t going to find anything.” You shifted your attention to your boyfriend. “But the poor assholes that lied for him? They wouldn’t have been hiding anything. There was no reason for them to. It’s not like he told them ‘hey I’m going to kill someone so make everyone think you’re out of town’. At least I hope not.”
“We’re looking at the wrong person’s records,” Olivia breathed out.
“And if we can prove they lied, we can file charges which might get them to talk about what they do know,” Sonny added.
By this point everyone in the room was beaming, invigorated with new hope for their case.
“Mi vida, you are a genius,” Rafael exclaimed as he hastily scribbled notes on his legal pad.
“I know,” you said with a nod of your head, agreeing automatically as always.
It took a long moment for you to realize how quiet the room had gotten. A quick glance around revealed everyone staring at you with smirks and lifted brows. You ran your mind over what had just transpired and silently groaned to yourself.
You patted Rafael’s arm with the back of your hand.
You did it again.
“What?” he said again, looking up this time.
You gestured at the rest of the team. “You called me mi vida,” you told him and cleared your throat.
“I did?”
“You did,” Olivia answered, laughter coloring her voice. “Something you two would like to share?”
He rolled his eyes slightly then grabbed your face in both of his hands and pressed a kiss to your lips. After the kiss, he linked your hands together and turned to the others. “Yes, we are dating. Three months, give or take. We didn’t say anything because our private lives are just that, private. And now that you all know I suggest you knock on my door before opening it.”
You buried your head against his shoulder as your team either laughed or groaned at his last comment. “Why would you say that?”
He kissed the top of your head. “It was only fair to give them some warning, Y/N.”
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littleoddwriter · 2 years
can you write kissing Barba please??
Kisses | Rafael Barba x GenderNeutral!Reader | Headcanons
Hey there! Thanks for the request, I hope you like these. <3
notes; Gender Neutral!Reader; Kissing; Making Out; Touching; mildly N/SFW.
Taglist: @gnrlkenob @plat-the-cat @detectivebarba
Reblogs would be appreciated, thank you!
Whenever you're at his office, he resorts to occasionally kissing you on the cheeks and giving you very quick pecks to your lips, because he's always mindful of the fact that somebody could come in at any moment, and he doesn't want to get carried away. Besides, you're there to work and not to make out with him.
But in the safety of your homes, he likes to steal small kisses from you every chance he gets. And whenever you're being extra lovely in his eyes, he'll kiss your forehead ever so gently and adds quiet praise.
At home, he also lets his kisses linger and travel. He kisses down your neck, licking and sucking on spots that are easy to hide.
He loves the sounds he elicits from you with those actions, which is why he keeps going, until you've had enough and cup his head in your hands to pull him up by it, so you can kiss him on the lips again.
Rafael is extremely skilled with his mouth, and every time he makes out with you, you are reminded of it. His tongue licks deep into your mouth and explores it thoroughly.
All the while, his hands find every inch of your body that they can reach, starting with your hair, down to your cheeks, your neck, shoulders, arms, chest, waist, hips, thighs, and ass. He's methodic about it, but it's never getting boring, and you always anticipate his touches.
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altsvu · 4 years
surprise, let’s be valentines
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pairing: rafael barba x gender neutral reader
wc: 341
tw: a bit of fluff
a/n: This drabble covers @thatesqcrush’s “Love You, Love You Not” love letters bingo square!
taglist: @lapaquerette @detective-giggles
February. Valentine’s Day was coming up and you already knew you were spending it cooped up on the living room couch with a box of chocolates and cheap red wine, watching cheesy soap operas like you did every year.
It was two days before Valentine’s Day and you were the only one left in the precinct. This was a normal thing for you, you liked being alone with your headphones in, doing paperwork and extra prepping for cases you were testifying in after spending hours prepping with Sonny. Sometimes you had company, like Kat, who became one of your closest friends very quickly, but most of the time it was just you.
As you were pulling out a case file, something in the desk drawer caught your eye. You surprisingly hadn’t noticed it before. A cream colored envelope with a red heart sticker was hiding under the case file.
“Where the hell did this come from?” you muttered to yourself. Flipping it over, you saw your name written in beautiful calligraphy in a crisp black ink. You flipped it back around and carefully lifted the red heart sticker to open it.
Y/N, where do I even begin? You mean the world to me. I never realized how much I needed you until I left. I’m back now, and I’d really like to treat you for Valentine’s Day.
You looked at the bottom to see an address and Rafael Barba’s signature at the end of the note. He’s back? He could’ve at least given you a call, or even visited you in the precinct. But the note was cute though.
When the time came, you made the decision to meet with him at the location he put in the letter. He greeted you with a living room decorated with balloons and colored lights, and served his most exquisite cooking with the world’s finest red wine. As everything was coming to an end, he cuddled with you on his bed and went into the night to make memories that would last forever.
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