#Oliva Benson
x-bluefire-heart-x · 1 year
Looks and Wine
Okay guys here is chapter six! This one focus' more on Viper's relationship with Liv and Amanda, only a little interaction between Viper and Rafael.
Also, not sure if I mentioned this previously but I don't plan on adhering to the timeline of the show overly much. There will be some cannon events but they will happen slightly differently, particularly in terms of timeline.
Warnings: None, that I can think of.
Prompt List
One , two , three , four , five
Tag List: @profoundtyrantharmony , @wanniiieeee , @zizzlekwum , @petemitchells
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You looked up at the sound of Rafael’s voice and grinned when he caught your eye. He smiled back before focusing back on Olivia, though you thought his eyes drifted over to you every now and then. Liv was giving an update regarding the current case and the need for a warrant for a possible suspects financials. In the several days since the two of you had been to the prison another victim had turned up, only this time there was a hit on his DNA, which allowed the team to trace his movements and finally get some answers. The latest victim had been a proud bisexual man who had last used his credit card at one of the gay bars in the city. Security footage showed him walking out, with his arm around another man, thankfully the suspect had used a credit card to pay for the last round of drinks.
“I honestly didn’t believe you when you said you and Rafael had sorted your shit out,” Amanda’s voice startled you, forcing you to realise that you hadn’t looked away from said man since he walked in. “But looks like there could be some different tension?”
“Shut it you,” you blushed. “There certainly won’t be. I was merely thinking and happened to be looking in that general area.”
“Uh-huh, a sloppy excuse if I ever heard one,” Finn joined in on the teasing. “Gonna make Nick jealous.”
“What?” you looked at Finn confused. “Why would Nick be jealous?”
“I think you me and Liv need to have some drinks tonight,” Amanda answered patting you on the shoulder before walking away leaving you even more confused.
“Come on Viper, you aren’t blind, you’ve seen how Nick has been with you lately,” Finn pointed out.
“I mean yeah, but he’s kinda like that with most people, he is a caring person,” you countered. “You said he hovered a little with Liv after, you know.”
“He did but the looks-”
“What looks?” You asked, waving your hands.
Finn was about to answer when Liv and Rafael walked over. Liv stopped at Finn’s desk but Rafael continued to yours and perched on the edge swiping some of the chocolate covered almonds you had in a container. You rolled your eyes at his thieving and flicked his thigh. As this was happening Nick walked into the room, pausing at seeing Rafael on your desk grinning smugly down at you while you looked up at him, the softest look of annoyance on your face he had ever seen. He felt a sharp stab in his chest, as he took in the situation, hands clenching.
“Hey,” Amanda nudged him, trying to force him to look away. “Nick, Liv and I talked to you about this. Rein it in. You know Viper doesn’t like being coddled or handled with kiddie gloves and they won’t stop being annoyed with you until you start to listen.”
“I know, I do,” Nick nodded.
“And you also can’t glare at Barba just because the two get along now,” Amanda grinned. Nick hung his head at her teasing, rolling his eyes the hard look leaving them when he looked back over and saw you looking at him. He smiled softly at you, chuckling a little as you raised an eyebrow looking between him and Amanda before smiling back.
“Oh Liv, apparently Amanda wants us to have drinks tonight,” you interrupted her and Finn’s conversation.
“Oh?” Liv asked. “Why?”
“Um…not sure,” your eyes shifted to Rafael before quickly looking back at her.
“Oh don’t be so coy Viper,” Finn grinned. “I think Amanda want’s to explain some looks-”
“I will stab you,” Viper growled interrupting Finn, pointing a finger at him and glaring.
“Detective,” Rafael’s voice was mock scolding. “That is a crime.”
“Justifiable,” you countered eyes going back to him, that same cheeky grin from the other day on your face.
“Hm, I could argue it,” Rafael nodded. “Carry on.” He snagged some more almonds before standing up. “I’ll get you those warrants.”  As he walked away Liv looked between the two of you, saw Nick and Amanda on the other side of the room near the coffee, looked back at Finn and then finally rested her eyes on you.
“Oh, I see. You, me and Amanda are definitely doing drinks,” she laughed walking into Cragen’s office to give him an update. Leaving you to groan and drop your head onto your desk.
“I hate all of you.”
“Oi Counsellor, got us those warrants yet?” You asked strolling into his office without a knock on the door.
“No, please just walk right on in Detective,” Rafael said without looking up, his voice dry as he waved his hand dismissively.
“Door was open,” you shrugged. Nick trailed in behind you.
“I see manners are still something you lack,” Rafael sighed finally looking up and glaring at you. “Open doors are not an open invitation.”
“Calm down Barba,” Nick muttered. Rafael shifted his gaze to Nick, the playfulness of the glare leaving slightly as he noticed Nick was not joining in with the teasing.
“We’re teasing Nick,” you nudged him rolling your eyes at his seriousness. “Relax it’s all in good fun now.”
Nick looked at you jaw clenching before he sighed nodding and accepting it for now. He truly did want to get things back to how they were between the two of you, before that night you got slightly drunk and cried on his shoulder. He thought the two of you had shared a moment and over breakfast the following morning he felt a connection even some tension, and he had wanted to try and build off of that but maybe he had over stepped too much with you. He had just been concerned, he had never seen you so vulnerable and it made his protectiveness flare, all he had wanted to do was look after you and make it better. He honestly should have known better after Maria. He knew he needed to take a few steps back, and wait for you to come to him if you needed anything.
“And those warrants are right there,” Rafael pointed to a folder sitting on the left side of the desk. “You have access to the financials of one Andrew Moore. I also have a warrant waiting to be signed for DNA and all electronic devices once you can put him in the same vicinity as any other victim.”
“Very efficient Mr Barba,” you said picking up the folder and checking over the warrant before looking back up at him. “We’ll definitely be back, maybe even with a profile.” You winked at him when he groaned and rolled his eyes.
“Of course you will be,” he muttered watching as you walked out of his office with Nick trailing behind. He stopped for a minute waiting to ensure you had left before turned back to Rafael. “Something else detective?”
“You changed your tune with Viper fairly quickly,” Nick said his hands in the pockets of his pants.
“And that is a problem is it?” Rafael asked his defences up. “I was under the impression that everyone wanted the two of us to start getting along.”
“No, it’s no problem,” Nick shrugged. “Just curious, the two of you are getting along quite well. Let’s hope it continues.”
“Detective, I do not see how any of this has to do with you,” Rafael said with a hard edge to his voice. “And I suggest you leave it be, it is between Viper and myself.”
“It is my business if you hurt them, again,” Nick argued, he was about to continue when he heard your voice calling out.
“Nick, we need to get going,” you called out coming back into the annex of Rafael’s office smiling at Carmen who was returning to her desk. “We need to get these back, it’ll take a while before all the finances are gathered so we need to get it rolling.”
“Coming Viper,” Nick turned away from Rafael ignoring him completely in favour of returning to your side. Rafael watched as you good naturedly shoved his arm, complaining about keeping you waiting and trying to get out of him what the two of you were discussing your voice echoing down the hallway.
Rafael sighed not liking how he had reacted to Nick’s statements about how quickly he and Viper had turned around your relationship nor did he like or appreciate how Nick had implied that he would hurt Viper. Again. Rafael couldn’t quite put a name to the initial flare of emotion but it had quickly become anger. And that was not something Rafael had expected, Nick and he had bumped heads and disagreed before but never had Rafael felt anger towards the detective. Nor had he ever felt whatever that first emotion was, or the one that followed as he watched Viper and Nick interact. It seemed he and Viper weren’t the only ones to quickly change the tone of their relationship. Last he had heard you and Nick had been at odds, with how overbearing the detective had been recently but it appeared as though that was on the mends, at least on the way to being mended.
“Mr Barba,” Carmen’s voice interrupted his musings. “You’re 3 o’clock is here.”
You opened the door to your apartment with the biggest put on sigh you could manage. Amanda and Olivia stood on the other side bottles of wine and cheese and dips, and grins that told you nothing good would come of this evening.
“No, absolutely not,” you muttered opening the door wider to let them both in. “Leave the goods and get out.”
“Ha ha, you are so amusing,” Amanda rolled her eyes as she took over your kitchen as if it were her own. Grabbing three wine glasses and the cheese board, as Liv started opening the cheeses and dips placing them on the board.
“Catch,” Liv threw the boxes of crackers at you.
You had situated yourself on the couch watching as your two friends invaded your kitchen not bothering to help since they had invited themselves over and you just knew there would be teasing. You caught them easily enough, opening them just as the other two come over and took a seat either side of you. Amanda passed you a glass of wine, placing the bottles on the table, you gulped down one mouthful.
“Alright, what is this about?” you muttered.
“Right to it, don’t want to have some causal conversation first?” Liv asked taking some cheese.
“Would rather not drag this out,” you sighed.
“You are no fun Viper,” Amanda said flicking your shoulder. “This is about you, Nick and Rafael.”
“And I have no idea what you meant by looks,” you pointed out leaning forward to grab some dip on a cracker. Amanda and Liv shared a look over you head before you sat back. “So please, inform me.”
“Let’s start with Nick,” Amanda said. “What happened that night we all went drinking? Things have been off between you and Nick since then.”
“I may have broken down a little,” you admitted sipping your wine. “I maybe felt a little something when he comforted me but I didn’t know what to do with that and I had never felt it before and I was drunk and then he stayed the night, nothing happened, he slept on the couch and made me breakfast in the morning.”
“That’s sweet,” Liv said.
“Yeah, I thought so as well, and I guess whatever that spark was before it came back and I really didn’t know how to handle it but I thought it might go away, I mean I didn’t think I was leading Nick on,” you continued. “I mean, I really hope I didn’t-”
“You didn’t, the way you acted with Nick didn’t change,” Amanda said through some cheese and crackers. “I mean you did start acting cold towards him.”
“Yeah, because the dude just took the shining knight thing to serious,” you groused. “I mean, look I really appreciate knowing that he, and all you care, and want to make sure I was okay but sometimes he is a bit much. Like, because I had a breakdown I suddenly can’t do my job or – or I don’t know.”
“We can all agree that Nick is intense, especially when he cares about someone,” Liv agreed. “Hopefully, he takes the steps back he said he would.”
“Wait, you talked to him about his?” you asked glancing from Liv to Amanda. “Both of you?”
“Maybe, we both noticed and you and Rafael were still at odds and we knew that having more tension in the team wouldn’t be good,” Liv said. “We also knew that you don’t like being crowded. You come to us for help when you need it. And I think Nick needed reminding of that fact.”
“He definitely needed reminding,” Amanda scoffed. “And he seems to be trying.”
“I hate this,” you whine. “And he does, well, he did. Until we went to Rafael’s office, we bantered and Nick seemed agitated about it. And he stayed back for a minute or two to talk with Rafael. He wouldn’t tell me about what.”
“Hm, yes, Rafael,” Liv grinned. “That is something else.”
“What? We dealt with our shit,” you said leaning forward to refill your wine, offering the same to the other two before swiping up a few more crackers and pieces of cheese.
“Hm, yes, seems like you two are now getting along very well,” Amanda giggled, sipping more wine.
“How did you two work things out?” Liv asked curious. “I know it happened when the two of you went to the prison.”
“I had another panic attack,” you started. “He helped me through it and I don’t know even before that it seemed to be better, he bought us lunch that we could eat on the way it was…I talked about my time undercover and he, he didn’t look at me differently.”
“Why would he?” Amanda asked confused.
“There are things that only Liv knows, Amanda,” you said softly. “About the things I did. Well, Liv and my psych and now I guess Rafael.”
“It’s okay Viper,” Amanda squeezed your arm. “If you ever want someone else. Well, I am here.”
“Thanks, Manda,” you leaned against her briefly before sitting straight.
“Anything else happen on that trip?” Liv pressed.
“Well, I mean we interviewed Cooper, I reacted as one might expect when we left and he comforted me again,” you smiled softly eyes going soft as you remembered the warmth of his hand on your arm. “And he reassured me that how I felt was normal and didn’t change who I was as a person. We then…well, we bantered a little and it just seemed to click.”
“And you felt something else?” Amanda teased. “Maybe a spark?”
“Why would you think that?!” you questioned, voice going up a little in pitch as you felt a flutter inside.
“Because of the looks,” Amanda was almost exasperated in her answer. “Just today you could barely keep your eyes off of him. And the way you looked at him, well, I have never seen you look at anyone like that.”
“I don’t look at him in any way,” you protested.
“Viper, you protest too much I think,” Liv laughed. “And you do by the way. On top of that I have never seen you argue with someone the way you did with Rafael. It was very sparky.”
“Sparky?” you asked. “I don’t think I have ever heard you use that word before.”
“But it is accurate,” Amanda agreed. “The minute you two met there was a spark. And sometimes when people don’t want to acknowledge certain things they can react in the opposite way. There was a spark of attraction so when you ignored it, it came out as frustration instead.”
You bit your lip staring into the wine in your glass as you took in what Amanda and Liv were telling you. You knew there was a spark, a feeling that came up every time you saw Rafael, every time you argued with him and now every time you were in the same room as him. Amanda was right, you just didn’t want to acknowledge it. And Liv was right you were protesting too much. But you just couldn’t and didn’t want to deal with it, you and Rafael had only just gotten to a friendly stage and to even think of anything beyond that was, just not something you could think of.
“Say, you two are right,” you started. “Say I did feel a spark with Rafael, then what about the spark I felt with Nick, I mean I was drunk and I don’t think I have felt anything since the morning after.”
“There is a chance it was just an effect of the alcohol, your argument with Rafael and the fact that Nick was there when you were vulnerable,” Liv explains, refilling everyone’s wine glasses again, it was definitely that kind of night. “Are you sure you haven’t felt anything?”
“Yes, I definitely haven’t felt anything for Nick. Even before he became overbearing, I mean before that night I didn’t feel any spark,” you shrugged, “He is attractive no doubt about that but there isn’t anything.”
“Then there is nothing to worry about,” Amanda answered. “Nick is a big boy he can handle it.”
“You mean you’ll help?” you teased.
“No, little bit like you in that regard,” Amanda laughed.  “Attractive but I don’t think I could do the knight in shining amor thing either.”
“Hm, poor Nick,” you cooed. “The man just needs someone who wants a shining knight and protective man. Now enough about me.”
“No!” Amanda complained. “We need to talk more about you and Rafael. You deserve a bit of happiness, Viper and honestly so does Rafael.”
“And Rafi needs someone like you,” Liv added. “Someone who keeps him on his toes and can banter with him.”
“Ugh!” you threw back the rest of your wine and pouted, cheeks completely puffed out and your arms crossed. Liv laughed as she took your glass and refilled it again. You all had tomorrow off baring an emergency in the case as the suspects financials were still being dug out for Amanda to go through.
“Alright fine,” Amanda agreed. “I have nothing new in my life.”
“I think Cassidy and I are going to break up,” Liv stated causing you and Amanda to turn your heads to her in such a speed she almost worried your necks would snap.
“What? Why?” Amanda asked.
“Did he do something? I swear they won’t find a body,” you promised.
“Viper! Jesus, death and violence should not be your first response,” Liv laughed, you rolled your eyes knowing she secretly loved that you reacted like that.
“I don’t know, some instances it’s right,” Amanda argued. “But back to the point.”
“We don’t seem to be in sync anymore and I don’t think he thinks about the future with me,” she said, her voice was sad. “I want to think about kids but he, I don’t think he does and I don’t know if I should bring it up or how I would.”
“Liv, I’m sorry,” Amanda moved to sit on the arm of the couch wrapping her arm around Liv’s shoulder. You squeezed her arm, even though you didn’t like Cassidy you knew that Liv loved him that he had been there for her during the aftermath of Lewis. You could see Liv finally letting her walls down as she stopped pretending.
“After Lewis I think, I think it was then that things started to slowly change,” Liv continued. “But since I become a Sargeant we’ve been missing each other even more. It’s been difficult.”
“Oh Liv, I’m sure it isn’t anything either of you have done,” you said. “But you should talk to him.”
“I know, we’re planning on meeting up tomorrow for dinner,” she sighed. “I think he wants to have a talk as well. I think IAB isn’t agreeing with him either, I hope he finds what he is looking for. I truly do.”
“Of course, that’s the kind of person you are Liv,” Amanda said lightly kissing her on the cheek. You had all shuffled along on the couch, with Liv now in the middle and allowing Amanda to have a seat properly. “Kind, caring and always wants the best for the people you care about.”
“Hm, too true!” you cheered holding your glass out, a cheeky giggle leaving you. “Especially, when you get to tease those people while setting them straight!”
“I don’t tease all of them,” Liv argued.
“Oh, well, just me then? How lovely,” you teased, poking your tongue out when Liv huffed in false annoyance.
“She teases Rafael as well,” Amanda grinned leaning around Liv, her arm still around her shoulder. “See, the two of have even more in common.”
“Oh god I thought we had left that entire…thing behind!” you whined.
“Not a chance Viper,” Liv tacked on. “It’s rare for us to have something to constantly tease you over.”
“Yes, and you can’t deny that you like him!” Amanda sang. “When you first saw him, before he pissed you off, you paused and your eyes roved up and down his body.”
“That did not happen,” you pointed your finger at her.
“I was there Viper, you can’t lie to me,” Amanda said turning to Liv. “Seriously, you should have see it, our Viper almost swooned. They took a moment to say anything after I first introduced them. Never seen them like that before nor how they reacted to Rafael refuting their profile.”
“You should have recorded that!” Liv laughed. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me that before. Viper, that is adorable.”
“You know, I meant it as a joke earlier when I said I hate you all,” Viper muttered. “But now I mean it. You had better not mention any of this to Finn, he will never leave it alone and the two of you are enough. And don’t you dare ask Rafael about it!”
“Oh I so am,” Liv promised.
“Won’t tell Finn…but come on Viper, the guy is a shark with stuff like this he will sniff it out and then never leave you alone anyway,” Amanda pointed out grabbing some more cheese.
“Stupid detective being too good,” you said. “You guys want food food?���
The other two nodded and you decided on ordering pizza, the perfect food for drinking. These were the nights you missed the most when you had been undercover, drinking and just talking with your team. Sometimes it would be like tonight where it is only you three, sometimes all of you or any other mix of the team. The three of you continued drinking, eating and chatting until midnight and even a little after. Of course they continued to tease you about Rafael and you took it good naturedly, finding that it helped a little with the feelings that…appeared when you were near Rafael or even when you thought of him. But still, that wasn’t something you wanted to think too much on or deal with at that moment wanting to work on your friendship with the man. You thought that it would be a very good friendship.
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witch-craft-works · 1 month
My favorite characters having beef (multiverse beef)
Itto: WAIT! Hallie steals Marta's boyfriend?
Close: I don't know how many times I have to say this they were not fucking together
Shadow: Yeah not only that he was screwing him the entire time Marta was talking about getting back together with him!
Cure Custard:🫣
Cure Flora:😨
Cure Wonderful: 🤔
Cure Precious: 😨
Sailor Moon: 🫢
Mafuyu: 😐
Nene: 😳
Marcille: 🫣
Minori: 😨
Ace: 😬
Furina: 🫢
Sonic: 😬
Mitsuri: 🫢
Cure Felice: No...Why?
Bakugo: Because Haley is a two face cunt
Close: I'm not a cunt! YOU'RE THE CUNT!
Sargent Tutuola: Oh shit-
ADA Rafael Barba: 😬
Close: I am not a fucking cunt-!
Mickey Milkovich: Oh fuck😂 Also why are there so many fucking kids here?
Stan Pines: YES YES FIGHT!
Oliva Benson: LANGUAGE!
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asfaraswordscango · 4 months
" Why are you working so hard. They attack someone who matter?"
Law and Order SVU
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stefanmikaleson1864 · 2 years
I Choose You Everyday
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Requested By a Anon !!
I really hope you like it ! I’m sorry it took so long for me to finish it. I also didn’t know of any Indian names so I used a generic name so I hope that’s okay. 
Joe Velsasco X Indian Reader 
Hi , I was wondering if you could please  do Joe Velasco imagine with an Indian American reader ( civilian reader around 26 to 27  ) , where he has feelings for the reader and loves to get to know about her culture . The reader has feelings for him as well . She invites him and the rest of the SVU squad  to a Diwali party her parents are hosting .  Her parents like him , how ever there’s one problem , her family friend keeps trying to set her up with their Indian  American son , who is a quantitative analyst at Goldman Sachs . Joe kind of gets  insecure because he knows he doesn’t earn nearly close enough to what that guy gets . He is starting to think maybe that guy is better fit for her , which ends up with the reader and him getting in to an argument about it .
I Choose you Everyday 
Working as a Journalist was a dream. Always chasing a good story and being able to write was a passion. It also meant you worked along the police a lot. 
You worked alongside a lot of cops. Some were kind and some were nice. You did a lot of work with the SVU unit. Oliva and the rest of the team were really nice. 
Meeting Joe was the best thing that ever happened to you. He was so kind and sweet and always treated you good. 
He was a little over protective but you didn’t mind. The two of you meant through mutual friends.
He also showed a lot of interest in your culture. Always asking questions and participating in cultural activities with you. 
You were friends but it always seemed like a little more than that to you. But you were worried he didn’t feel the same thing. It also wasn’t that things were a little more complicated than that. 
Family friends kept trying to push you and their son together. The main things were the cultural reasons. 
That you should be with someone of the same background. But that’s where you thought different. 
It never even mattered to you. As long as they treated you good it never mattered where they came from. 
Like with Joe, it was love at first sight for the two of you. Those eyes and that smiled pulled you in everytime. 
You always tried to find the best time to tell him how you felt. But it never seemed like it was right. 
You never wanted to ruin the friendship between the two of you. Also the embarrassment of being turned down was to much to bare. 
Your parent’s always encouraged you though. They always said it was best being honest and open. That just being scared of something doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it. 
So when Diwali came along and your parents were hosting their annual party they thought it would be a good idea to invite him and the whole squad over to the party.
With Joe always been interested in the event so you knew he would come no problem. And inviting the rest of the squad could seem like a good time. 
Heading into work you decided to ask him. You were going to be spending a lot of time at SVU today.  There was a big case unfolding and you were getting first bite at it. 
You dressed up a little more cute today than usual and then made your way in. The precinct was busy today and there were patrolmen and detectives running all over the squad room. 
You tried looking around for a familiar face but then someone basically body slammed into you. 
“Whoa watch where you're going” You yelled. 
“Hey im sorry” That smooth voice you recognised so well asked you. 
You could feel the blush in your face heating up 
“Hey Joe sorry I uh I’m sorry I didn’t see you there” You stuttered   out feeling caught off guard. 
“No worries what’s up what brings you by” Joe asked 
“Captain Benson said she had a story that she needed to hit the papers by end of day” You said 
“Yeah cool let me take you to her” Joe said 
The two of you headed into that direction and it was pretty silent the way down. You could tell he was stressed out and tired. 
Capt benson was in her office on the phone. When she saw the two of you she waved for you both to come in and Joe shut the door behind him. 
“Yeah uh thanks gotta go” Benson said into the phone as she hung up. 
“Hey thanks for coming in Y/N i need your help with something” She said 
“Of course anything for you guys how can I help” You asked
“Were working on a case with a big name celebrity and right now we only got witness” Oliva said 
“And your hoping if I release the story that more people will come forward” You said 
“Exactly I’ll give you everything we got you can work here. If that is of course okay with you” Oliva asked 
“Of course thank you” You said 
“No thank you” Oliva said 
Joe walked you out and showed you to where you would be working. The paperwork and everything was already there. 
“So uh if you need anything I’m here you know where my desk is” Joe said 
“I do thank you”  You said smiling. 
He gave you a sweet smile back and then left. You started working, It was a lot to do your research. Then began writing it. You couldn’t just start writing without knowing anything. 
It took you a while to sort out everything. Going through all the victims and making sure every detail was perfect. You didn’t realize hours had passed you by.
There was a knock on the door and you looked up and saw Joe smiling at you with a pizza 
“Figured you would be hungry and you can’t go wrong with pizza” Joe said 
He sat down next to you and you moved all the papers to make room to eat. He opened up the box and started passing out the food. 
“Your just so sweet and kind” You went off 
“Shut up you only like me because I bring you food” Joe said 
“I mean of course” You said laughing. 
“So hows the piece coming along” Joe asked 
“It’s coming along good I am almost done it should hit the news channel prime time” You said
“Good this rat bastard deserves to be taken down.” Joe said
“I agree I hope more women come forward” You said 
“Enough about time shop talk what’s going on with you It’s been a while sense we talked about anything” Joe asked 
“Good uh I’ve been meaning to ask you my parents are having their traditional Diwali party and wanted to know if you and the squad would want to come it’s a huge party and a big deal” You asked. 
“Yeah of course when it is sounds like a lot of fun I’ll let everyone else know but I’ll def be there” Joe said smiling at you. 
“I can’t wait it’s always a lot fun” You said smiling. 
The two of you finished your meals and talked about everything just catching up. It was nice to be able to see him again. 
Joe had gotten called away back to work and you took the time to finish your piece. You left a copy on Oliva’s desk so she could have first look. Then you went ahead and sent it your bosses. 
Joe texted you later in the evening that everyone was down to come and that they were excited. 
About two weeks had passed sense then and things for the party were in full swing.
 Everything looked so beautiful everywhere. Lights and so many colors and traditional food. It really was a dream. 
It was finally the night and the nerves were getting stronger and the butterflies in your stomach was in full swing. 
Everyone was getting busy getting everything together. You always wore your traditional clothing. 
It always made you feel powerful and beautiful whenever you wrote it. Your whole family and friends were attending. 
But you only cared about seeing one person. Although on the other hand you were hoping not to run into Mike and his family. 
They always pushed the two of you being together and it always irked you. You were perfectly capable of making your own choices. 
You finished putting the final touches on and damn you looked good if you must say so yourself. 
You headed out and of course in you typical fashion you were running a few minutes late. Well a few minutes late in your opinion others would say much longer. 
When you got there you scanned the room looking for Joe.  But of course Mike and his parents got to you first. 
“Y/N hey how are you” Mike asked
“Good how are you doing today” You asked trying to be polite 
“So how’s the boyfriend situation going” He asked 
“Same as always you know” You said 
You looked up and made eye contact with Joe and he looked at you and had a weird look on his face. He kind of looked upset. 
He just shook his head and walked away. Mike was rambling about something that you had zoned out. 
“You know what I mean” Mike said 
“Yeah sure but uh enjoy the party but I have to run actually” You said walking away. 
You ran all over the whole place looking for him and saw him out their sulking. You ran out and it was a little cold out there. 
“Hey what are you doing out here” You asked 
“Nothing, just wanted some space.” Joe said 
“Dont do that don’t shut me out” You said 
‘I don’t belong here” Joe said 
“Don’t say that of course you do I want you here my family wants you here” You said. 
“What about Mike he want me here to” Joe asked 
You gave him a confused look 
“Is that what your mad about Mike because his family is friends with mine so of course there here” You said 
“Come on Y/n how do you truly expect me to compete with this guy” Joe said 
“I’m not expecting you to there isn’t even a competition” You said 
“I know who he is I know he works at Goldman Sachs I know he is loaded he’s probably better for you than me” Joe said 
“You think I am shallow that I care about money because I don’t” You said upset 
“I’m sorry I don’t mean it like it i just mean all things considered he seems like the better choice” Joe said 
“Well are things considered he is not the better for me you are and I love you” You said 
“I love you to Y/N I do” Joe said 
“ I choose you today and everyday because you are kind and smart and funny and the best person for me” You said 
“You are so beautiful and everything I could have ever wanted” Joe said 
He walked over and kissed you and you kissed him back. It made you a little weak in the knees and you melted. 
When you two pulled apart you looked at him and smiled. 
“Now let’s go back in and enjoy this wonderful party” You said
“Yes Ma’am” Joe said. 
You walked back in hand and hand. You saw the squad and walked over and they smiled at you. 
“I see were holding hands” Amanda said
“It’s about damn time” Finn said
“Were just happy for you two and a wonderful party Y/N so beautiful thank you for the invite” Olivia said. 
“Thank you for coming and celebrating with us it really means a lot” You said. 
The rest of the night was filled with lots of dancing and special traditions. It really was the best party of all time.
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honeyhaze5 · 2 years
Called the Pretenders series it’s also on ao3 and wattpad but it’s not updated on either 
Made by a author I loved and it has 3 books in the series 
The first is 1st-3rd year
The Second is 4th-6th
And the third is all of 7th year
The author also is planning a fourth book that cover the Mc 8th year 
Btw all are over 1000 pages !!!!!
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spexialvixtimxunit · 2 years
How I think Law & Order SVU characters would react to you eating too much candy in Halloween
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Pairing: All SVU Characters x Black!Afab!Female!Reader
Warnings: Halloween fluff!
Length: Medium
*there are writing mistakes in my works, I don’t proofread!
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||Olivia Benson||
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Every time you would go into Olivia's home office you would steal some candy throughout the day when she's not looking or when she steps out of her office into the kitchen. Well, it eventually backfired on you and you ended up getting caught in the act in the middle of the night being passed out in a candy coma in her chair, wrappers all over her files and on the floor. Olivia sighed as she cleaned up the mess you made and hid the candy away from you.
||Alex Cabot||
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You would visit Alex in her office and she would have this bowl of candy on her desk. She soon noticed that every time you would visit her, more and more candy would go missing until the bowl was completely empty. She eventually caught you taking her favorite candy out of the bowl and she scolded you for being addicted to stealing her favorite sweets and that she would never buy you any more candy because last Halloween you tried to steal candy from her you ended up eating too much last year.
||Casey Novak||
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Casey would always give you candy around Halloween but she later regretted it when she found out that you would go to her secret stash in your shared closet. She would come home to go and treat herself to some candy from the long day that she had just to see that the stash was completely gone. She questioned you and you acted like a deer in headlights, but inevitably she admitted to stealing the candy after you confessed that you had to stop because your stomach hurt after all the times you would steal too much candy.
||Amanda Rollins||
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You would come home after trick or treating with the girls. It was late and you and Manda put the kids to sleep and told them that they could have candy after school. Foolishly, the little children believed their parents and went to bed. Laster that might after checking the candy, you both ate most of the candy while watching scary movies. The next day you eventually had to buy some more candy for them when they were at school.
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A/n : I now write for Chicago Fire! So with that being said, you can dm me if you have a request for SVU, CM, Chicago Fire! 🫶🏾
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2inlovetoletitgo · 2 years
This is such a long shot. A ridiculous long shot, but here goes: I’m looking for a fic. It’s and SVU fic that was written between 2007-2009. It’s AU of Elliot and Olivia together - living together, but not married. They break up and then find their way back to each other and end of “making up” on in the living room. It was multi-chapter and on ff.net.
Again, I’m sorry for the extremely vague description. I’ve scoured the internets, but alas, I have nothing.
Thanks in advance!
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Good morning!
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svuobsessed · 7 months
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SVU team X Autistic Victim teen reader
Literally started watching Law and Order SVU yesterday and fell in love with the show well the sixth season at least.
This will be my first ever L&O SVU one-shot.
Summary: The team are called in after a Teen was beaten up by two other students.
Third person pov...
The smell of the hospital woke Y/N L/N up, they had always hated the smell of the rooms it made their sensory issues skyrocket.
Opening their eyes they are meet with bright white lights, groaning they close their eyes again, sitting up carefully being mined full of their injuries.
Slowly the teen opens their eyes again, this time the light was not as bad, Y/N looked around the spacious room, the teen was alone in the room.
They could not remember anything, rocking slowly trying to calm down they wracked their brain for something but could not remember. "Stupid stupid, what the hell happened to me" they shout smacking their head as they started to freak out.
As they were having a meltdown the doors opened and in came Detectives Olivia Benson and Elliot Stabler. "Y/N what's wrong sweetie?" Calls Olivia as they rushed over to the teenager.
Hearing voices they did not know made Y/N look up and crawl out of their bed as they stood searing pain shot through their head groaning in pain they wobbled; Olivia grabbed the teen to stop them from falling.
Instead, they struggled in her hold trying to get away from her. "Stop let go off me" they yell eventually Oliva let them go. The teen crumpled to the floor against a wall rocking back and forth hands in their hair trembling all over.
Olivia and Elliot look at each other. "What the hell happened there?" questions Elliot watching the distraught teen work they way through a panic attack. Suddenly the doors opened it was Y/Ns parents, outside the room they answered the twos questions. "Y/N is autistic which is why they reacted that way, the new room and new people triggered them into a meltdown" explained Y/Ns dad as he held his wife.
Crying the woman looked at the two detectives "what happened to our child, why where they attacked" she cried, Olivia and Elliot look at each other before telling the two.
During Y/Ns 4th period lesson they left the classroom for a breather as they got overwhelmed, as they did the teen was followed by two students. 15 minutes later the two students walk back joking and shoving each other in the hall, Y/N know where to be seen.
Lucky for them the janitor was passing by and found them unconscious and beaten up, at the end both Y/Ns parents wanted to press charges but could not without Y/N present.
Days later Y/N had woken up again in the hospital this time a lot more calm and not as anxious. The 13 year old was sat up in the bed, they had a bandage wrapped around their head their attackers got in a few good swings to their head.
The teen also had bruises on their arms, they had tried to protect themselves from the attack though being surprised, the door to Y/Ns room opened the teen turned their head, it was the detectives from before.
Sitting up they continued to look off sideways as the two detectives approached the H/C Haired teens bed. "Hi Y/N, I'm Olivia this is Elliot" she introduces them. Y/N does not look at them but nods.
Elliot looks at the teen and stands closer. "Y/N we wanted to ask some questions about the day you were attacked?" he asks the teen, sighing the teen turns their head to look at the man.
"I didn't see their faces" they whisper, the adults could tell they were lying by the way their voice cracked, the two detectives eye each other before Olivia sits next to Y/N on the bed.
"that's a lie sweetie and you know it" she tells them gently, Y/N looks up at her tears in their E/C eyes. "I know, I can't tell I won't" they cry hands shaking in their lap. Olivia holds out her hand to the teen as an invitation to hold hers.
Two both hers and Elliots surprise the teen grabbed her hand squeezing tightly as they cried.
The team are stuck at the precinct Benson, Stabler, Tutuola and Munch all stand around the evidence board in front of them, it was filled with pictures of what happened to Y/N, the footage of the two students.
"That poor child, who in their right mind would beat someone for being different" says Munch as he stares at a picture of Y/Ns injuries pissed off. "Your right partner, little shits" Fin pats the man's shoulder.
On the desk next to them stand Olivia and Elliot. "If only we could persuade Y/N to tell us their attackers" says Elliot slamming his hand down on the table, Oliva sighs and looks at the forage. "We can't push the, they are already traumatised enough" as the team stand around someone pats Elliots back.
This scares the man; he had not heard any footsteps telling him someone was there. Turning around he was shocked at who was there. "Y/N" the name made the others turn around.
Behind Elliot stood their 13 year old victim, the teen had numerous bandages around their arms and head, headphones around their neck and a small stuffed toy. "I'm here to report an assault" the relief on the faces of the detectives is seen.
Olivia stands from her chair and beckons the teen over. "Come on sweetie, I'll take you to an interview room" she takes the teen to an unused room, the teen looks around and sets their bag and stuffed toy on the table.
Munch and Fin are disgusted at how the arseholes beat up Y/N, turning to Elliot they see a pissed of look on his face. "Those bastards" growls Fin, Munch agrees "they deserve to be locked up for good" he says, Elliot follows after Y/N and Olivia.
Hours later Y/N had told the two everything that had happened to the over the past year, they had been beaten up before by the same kids but not so bad they had to go to the hospital, lucky for Y/N both attackers were charged with category 1 of grievous bodily harm with 26 month in juvie with 100 hours of community service.
Y/N was more than happy with the charges, their parent profusely thanked the SVU team for their help.
The end!
I plan to skip most of the court parts because I know nothing about how they work so sorry I only really know about the kind of charges you can get, anyway sorry for any grammar and spelling mistakes.
Requests are open!
Word count: 1171
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theshejen · 5 months
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Casey Novak X Reader
Chapter 1
You had just been transferred as a detective to Manhattan’s SVU unit. After working for the FBI and as a lawyer for big corporations, I wanted to do something that would make a difference. It seemed the team had been there before your 9AM start. A tall, beautiful middle aged woman with shoulder hair and bronze skin was arguing with a man with short hair who looked upset, he was about the same age.
“We are going to need a warrant for this….if we can get a man for the steakout.” The man shouted, his hands thrown in the air.
“Perhaps I can help, I’m your new detective. What have we got?”
The woman stepped forward and you made a face at each other. You had a one night stand with her eons ago. You hoped your face did not show that.”
“I’m detective Olivia Benson, this is Detective Elliot Stabler” I shook both their hands.
“Nice to meet you, we need a man in this house until we can get that warrant. Our ADA, Novak, is a bit busy right now.”
“I’d love to. Give me the address and I will steak it out” Olivia looked at you up and down admiring your more formal outfit of a waistcoat and tie. You weren’t out to any of your departments, even though your sexuality was probably obvious with the ties.
Hours went by at the address when Olivia called you. You had been reading files on your new precinct to gain information on your new colleagues. Your chest rose and your heart skipped a beat. You had wanted to be friends with her but had been so busy and did not want it to be unprofessional.
“Hello there”
“Hey it’s Olivia”
“Hey, yes, I know the work phone had everyone’s name in it. Can I help you with something?”
“We need fresh eyes on this work in order to get a warrant. Please come back to the station, a beat cop will replace your lookout.”
As you drove back, you kept looking at street signs, this is what real cops did but you knew your FBI trained brain could help the team and you were eager to prove yourself.
You walked into the bullpen with everyone looking at the board, including a new redhead.
“Any progress?” You asked
“We need to see if this is the same MO. If it is the damn Feds will get this case.” Elliot remarked
Olivia looked surprised at him, “She was a Fed before this, Elliot.”
“I understand your anger, the reason why the Feds step in is because for every case a great like yours has, there are a dozen horrible ones that but a dark mark on our jobs. Now, what comparisons do we have?”
The redhead stepped forward “These scars he leaves plus the ropes he ties them with, we also should look at the type of woman he gets, great tie, but the way.” She remarked in a deep, raspy voice.
“Thank you, and you are?”
She stuck out her hand, “Casey Novak, ADA.”
“Well nice to meet you Ms. Novak,” You said, shaking her hand
“Please, call me Casey” You smiled at each other. You turned back to the board only to see Olivia uncomfortable.
Stabler explained more of these things for you.
“I reckon it’s a copycat. The way the blade is dragged is in a different direction, like the original was left handed and this guy is right handed. The women are different two, this time there was no connection between them and last time there was and not just a physical one. I’m calling a copycat. Casey, let me know if the Feds try to take this, perhaps they will listen to one of their own.”
“One of their own?” Oliva asked.
“Yes, I was in the FBI for two years,”
“Well, I will try to get this warrant. If the evidence is just circumstantial they we have a problem, but 5 now 6 accounts is enough.”
“Is the perp left handed”
“Yes, honey, why don't you come with us to see what you can find during the raid?” Olivia asked, I nodded.
I drove with Olivia which started our silent then she asked, “ Did you tell anyone?”
“There’s nothing to tell.”
“Do they know?”
“Know what?” I enquired.
“Do they know…about you?” I held my breath for a minute. Since Olivia did not seem out to everyone, I figured I could confide in her.
“No, I never talk about these things, especially at work.”
“Me neither,”
There was a long silence then but you did admire the woman and had to tell her.
“I did think you were really cool and thought we would be good friends, if that’s possible after…everything we did together.”
“Considering we are partners, I wouldn't mind that,” She remarked with a smile and caressed your knee.
“Do people even date in the department? I should get back out there but was only planning on doing so outside of work,”
“Not sure,” Live replied before we got a passage on the radio. She sped up the 4 or so miles to the perps house.
They were arresting him and we put on gloves and began to roam the house. I began searching the whole house, trying to find Casey, I wanted to learn more about her. A young, bright attorney, we had a lot in common. I came back down toward the front when Olivia asked me for advice, that I advised and did the same for Stabler. I went back to Oliva and asked if anyone had seen Casey, louder than expected and she laughed and motioned to herself.
“You wanted to see me?”
“Just to see if you needed help, seems like you lead these things,”
“Ha! No it's more symbiotic, we get what we need, perhaps I’m the more needy one. You sure that was the only reason,” She enquired, you stuttered a bit.
“I wondered if you wanted to hang out, as I also have a background in law,”
“I thought you worked for the FBI,”
“I have done both, though, thought I worked with the bad guys before, helped big corporations screw other big corporations,”
Casey nodded. “Sure, I’d love to,”
Our suspected perp had gone to a gay club or sorts. You held your breath when they mentioned the event as you had been there. Your team would find out. Olivia seemed to notice your fear because she took you aside into the overtime bedroom.
“Everything ok?”
“Um, yeah, how about you?”
“You can’t like to me hon, you have been there, haven’t you?”
You were about to nod, as only Olivia knew your secret, then Casey came in, quite intensely.
“We’re talking, Case,” Olvia exclaimed in a serious voice.
“I need to talk to our newest detective, alone preferably”
“It’s fine, what is it Casey?”
“Why did you tell us you were at the Swinging Scissor event?”
You blushed and stood up, your arms crossed over your chest.
“It’s none of your business,”
“Well I got the footage and looked over it before anyone else did so the rest of the team will know,”
You felt so weak, like you were made of lead. Casey crossed over to you and sat on the bed.
“Olivia please give us a minute,” She looked at me and I nodded for her to leave as it was just Casey and you.
You felt like you were going to cry. Casey looked conflicted. “I’ve always wanted to go to an event like this, I haven’t been to something similar in over a decade. You know I swing both ways, right?”
You looked at the redhead before looking down. “The less people know about me, the better, why can’t someone else do this?”
“Because you have experience in this field. Hell, even long term undercover FBI agents are chosen based on what they know about the context of each assignment,”
You turned away from Casey and put your hands on your face, leaning against the wall. Casey came up behind you and gently stroked your arm. You turned to the redhead and gently nodded.
You felt tired as everything was explained, especially that you were at this event and would be a main part in the operation. You felt Liv staring at you even when you weren’t talking. The operation would take place in two days with that everyone left for the day, you first rushing out the door.
That night, you tossed and turned in bed. You had a dream about Olivia and not the kosher kind. She was beautiful, especially when you met her and made love to her. You woke up an hour and a half early, feeling unfulfilled and worked out to distract you.
You had your head in the clouds as you walked into the building when Casey came up behind you.
“Huh,” you muttered as your head came back down to earth. You had been thinking about your experience with Olivia all those years ago but now you needed your head in the game, not in your bed.
“We need to get your undercover outfit, it’s the best part of being undercover, so I’m told!” She beamed, the redhead seemed more excited about this that you did.
“Forgive my lack of enthusiasm, my coffee has yet to kick in. I’m glad you are excited for me,” you replied, striding over to your desk.
“I’m not just excited for me , I am excited for us! I was willing to go undercover as well. Most of the other women didn’t want to!”
“Way to go for lesbian stereotypes, I figured most of the women here were gay….until I found out most had boyfriends,” I sat down at the desk to check my emails.
“They could swing both ways,” Casey replied leaning over your desk, her hair swooped down, eyes on your, close to your face. You made your breath not hitch and raised an eyebrow.
“Let’s go look at those clothes, Case,”
As Cragen listed out everything that would happen. You felt Casey’s eyes on you and Olivia’s less so but hers had concern. There would be two extra cops there with Cragen and a few others with Stabler in a truck down the street. You would be given sunglasses with a camera and would drink milk and fatty food beforehand so if someone bought you a drink, it would not affect you much.
It was your job to give information on this event to everyone, which you weren’t fond of. “The event will be loud so only vision will be important. There are different balconies so I can see everyone, but I need to make it not look suspicious.” You saw Casey smirk, her arms crossed as she looked down. “Once I see the perp, I will briefly cover the camera. It will be hard to see and focus but you must follow her. Novak and I will leave roughly 30 minutes after, looking….frisky so that we have an excuse to leave. I reckon there will be security on the perp’s behalf so it’s important Casey and I look normal,”
“Perhaps you and I should go for a drink after this, to get to know each other a bit. You seem nervous that we won’t mesh,”
“Fine, I just want to make sure that this does not look like an operation from the perp’s perspective. This one especially knows police tactics.”
With that everyone dispersed to get ready for tomorrow evening. You spent the rest of the day researching the perp and staring at the blueprints of the place. One in particular when Casey came up to you. Despite the day being slow, you had spaced out.
“What a sexy blueprint!” She exclaimed. “Indeed,” you said haphazardly. “So you agree that that blueprint is sexy and it’s why you’ve been staring at it for 15 minutes. “What!” You say as you get up to get some water.
“I’m just teasing you, wanna go for that drink, it’s almost 5,” You looked at the computer, the clock read 4:32. “Not exactly 5 Casey,” “Close enough, technically this is a work thing to prepare us for tomorrow,” She said, shaking her shoulders. “You know, it'll look like I’m talking to you but I will be talking to the earpiece,” “So I’m just a body for you, or in the case of this mission, just a hot piece of ass.”
Your eyes bulged and you shook your head. “Such a feminist,” She walked over to you and crossed her arms, “Feminism is about choice,”
“Yes well, let’s continue this conversation elsewhere as I’m bored,” “Ah, I’m boring you, I see,”
“Not you, Casey, the work. Come on, let’s go have that drink!”
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Lucky Number Four
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Olivia Benson x reader Warnings: language, alcohol consumption, smut. Written originally for @alexusonfire but I took like, fucking six months to finish it so I'm using it for the "praise" square on @thatesqcrush 's kinktober!
Olivia knew the moment that she saw you in that little black dress there was no way she wasn’t going to invite you up to her apartment for a nightcap. Dinner had been your fourth date, and things seemed to be going swimmingly so far, so she doubted you would turn her down. You’d met a few weeks ago through a dating app, and while that wasn’t exactly either of your styles, you both had a good feeling about it and decided to trust your gut.
Date number one was coffee, nervous at the start, but after an hour you got a second round and wandered through Central Park, hand in hand by the end of it, a gentle kiss laid on your cheek and the promise of a second date.
Date number two was a movie, full of jump scares that you did your best not to shriek at, burying yourself into Olivia’s neck as she chuckled quietly, her arm protectively wrapping around you. In an attempt to calm down, and to not say goodnight yet, you went for drinks at a bar around the corner. After a couple of cocktails, you took the plunge when she dropped you off, leaning in to kiss her softly. She happily surprised you with a grin when the kiss broke, and she tugged you back in for another one, already wanting to feel your lips on hers again. Cheeks flushing, unable to stop smiling, the two of you said a quiet goodnight before making your separate ways.
Date number three Olivia had invited you over to her place to make you dinner. You were surprised that for a cop, she was someone who had an extensive menu of things she was incredibly good at cooking. She’d made a full spread for you, fresh beet and goat cheese salad, ricotta spinach stuffed chicken breast and the creamiest mashed potatoes you’d ever tasted. You helped with the dishes, little laughs and jokes surrounding the two of you before you settled on the couch with fresh glasses of wine. This time the movie lay forgotten, as a series of small kisses led into a rather steamy make out session. The unlucky part of that night was Olivia’s phone going off, getting called into a case and she very reluctantly said goodnight hours earlier than either of you wanted.
Tonight, she’d made sure that there was no way she was getting called in, booked a reservation at an adorable little bistro in midtown, and had even had flowers sent over to your apartment during the day. So, in return, you’d pulled on your favourite little black dress, the one that hugged in all the right places, and you knew you looked amazing in. Dinner went wonderfully well, there was never an uncomfortable lull in conversation, the flirtation was laid on heavily, and you happily accepted Olivia’s hand linked in yours while you walked the streets of Manhattan back to her apartment.
“I don’t suppose you’d like to come up? Finish off with another glass of wine?” She asked softly as she turned to you and you practically beamed up at her.
“I’d love to.” With a smile you leant in, leaving a gentle kiss on her cheek that caused her to smile just as brightly, wrapping an arm around your waist and leading you upstairs.
Inside the apartment you rid yourselves of the necessary outerwear, shoes coats and scarves left at the door. Oliva encouraged you to make yourself at home while she darted off to the kitchen to get the wine, smiling when she found you completely comfortable on the couch, flicking through tv channels. You thanked her for the wine, taking a quick sip before placing it down on the coffee table and nestling into the arm she laid over the back of the couch.
Naturally, it didn’t take too long for the entertainment to not be the exciting part of the evening. Olivia’s featherlight touches giving you goosebumps and all the right kind of shivers. Glancing up at her you smiled gently, the gleam in your eyes one that was familiar, one that she was definitely intrigued by. She let out a small chuckle as your lips met, not surprised that you were quick to deepen the kiss, not wanting to pull away. Her arms wrapped around your waist and you easily slipped into her lap, letting out a happy sigh at the sensation of being in her arms.
Your hands snuck up her shoulders, gliding over her body before linking behind her neck, hugging yourself impeccably close to her. Your lips danced with grace against each other’s, your tongue sneaking into her mouth as her breath caught in her throat. You could taste the wine, letting out a satisfied sigh into her lungs. One of Olivia’s hands rubbed up your back, cupping gently at the back of your head, pulling you even closer to her. She ached to never let you go, to hold you forever, to be able to wake up with you buried in her arms every morning from now on. Her hands moved from resting on your hips to glide up your sides, thumbs barely brushing towards your chest before the slipped up to your bare shoulders, toying with the straps of your dress. You very reluctantly broke the kiss, gazing down at her,
“Should we…” you nodded down the hall and she grinned.
“Did you want to?”
“Yes. Please.” You nodded feverously and she chuckled, gently nudging you off her lap and linking her hand in yours, leading you down the hallway.
The door swung shut behind the two of you and Olivia met your lips with another kiss, this one filled with more fire, but still tender as her hands wrapped around your body. Her fingers found the zipper of your dress, slowly pulling it down, letting your dress drop over your shoulders and slide to the floor.
“God you’re so beautiful sweetheart.” She murmured, stepping back to admire your lingerie. You couldn’t help but blush a bit, ducking your gaze from hers until you felt her finger curl under your chin and she tilted your head back up to her, “no need to be shy.”
You let out a small giggle, accepting the kiss she left on your lips before undressing herself, her hand curling into yours as she tugged you toward the bed, dropping down to sitting on the edge of it. You toppled onto her lap, smile on your cheeks as she kissed you, hands tickling across your freshly exposed skin, leaving goosebumps in their paths. You let out a happy sigh into the kiss and she smiled at the sensation, her fingers undoing the clasp of you bra and you let it fall to the floor. Olivia’s hands returned to your skin, gently cupping at your chest, squeezing and groping at the tender flesh, pulling a little moan from you, your head dropping back at the sensation. She took full advantage, her lips moving down your neck, teeth ever so lightly scraping at your skin while she continued to toy with your chest, pinching softly at your nipples, pulling more groans and breathy sighs from you as she did so.
“Lie back for me pretty girl.” She nudged you, guiding you to drop into the pillows and you let out a little giggle, adjusting so you were comfortable, “that’s it.” She murmured, kissing you gently, “so good for me already.”
Her lips trailed down your neck once more, nipping at your pulse point before they kissed across your collarbone, her lips wrapping around one of your nipples, sucking it into her mouth while her free hand mirrored her actions on the other side. You felt the heat beginning to build deeper within you, pulsing through your body with each lap of her tongue on your skin. Your hand loosely tangled into her hair as your eyes fluttered shut, head burying into the pillows behind you. Olivia’s lips made a wet path across your skin, down your body before she kissed right above your panties, fingers slipping into the waistband and she tugged them down your legs, tossing them to the floor.
“Spread your legs for me.” She cooed and you did as she asked, hips falling open so she could settle between them, “good girl.” You let out a little gasp when her fingers slid through your folds, gathering your wetness and smearing it around. The pads of her fingers rubbed at your clit briefly, smiling as you let out a little whine, hips rocking toward the movement. “So beautiful…” she murmured, fingers spreading you pussy open before one sunk into you.
“Oh god…”
Olivia pumped it a few times before adding a second one, fingers curling within you in search of that spongey spot. You let out a small gasp when she did, hips rocking up toward her and she pressed against the spot again.
“That’s it sweet girl.” She murmured, “doing so good for me, take my fingers so well.”
She leant over you, nudging your nose with hers to gain your attention, stealing a kiss while her hand continued to fuck into you. Her lips danced with grace against yours, swallowing your moans and whines as her fingers curled and twisted inside your pussy. Your hands clutched at her body, feeling the pressure building within you, pussy fluttering around her fingers. The heel of her hand pressed against your clit and you broke the kiss with a gasp, thighs attempting to close around her body. She simply grinned, picking up the pace of her fingers while her lips kissed down the column of your throat again.
“Feel so good sweetheart, so warm, nice and wet for me.” She husked into your ear and you moaned, your nails scratching at her back.
“Fuck… fuck… please don’t stop.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
Olivia pressed one last kiss into your burning skin before sitting up so she could use both of her hands, one continuing to fuck her fingers in and out of you, curling with every second thrust. The other one moved to your clit, starting off soft and slow until you were whining, shivering against the bed and she picked up the speed and pressure, matching with the tempo she continued to fuck you.
“Come for me sweet girl, I know you want to. Look so pretty like this…”
The burning prickled through you, your skin alit with pleasure, little whines and moans getting louder and closer together as you felt the tingling build higher and higher, shooting southward. You let out a cry, your body shaking, thighs trembling around Olivia as your orgasm washed through you, pleasure taking you to a peak you’d never hit before.
“Oh god!”
“That’s it sweetheart… god you’re so fucking beautiful when you come.” Her fingers lifted off your clit, giving you some relief as you shook lightly, her fingers gently fucking you through your orgasm.
Your hands reached out in search of her as you panted, eyes fluttering and she let out a soft laugh, fingers sliding out of you so she could crawl over you, accepting the embrace and peppering your face with kisses.
“Jesus…” you muttered.
“You did so well for meet sweet girl, so good.” She murmured, pressing a kiss to your forehead before she dropped onto the bed beside you, pulling you into her arms.
You let out a very satisfied sigh, nuzzling into the embrace as you settled on her chest, smiling at the feeling of her fingers coming to play with your hair. There was simply no doubt, date number four was an absolute swimming success.
__________________ @red1culous @imlike-so-gaydude @altsvu @svulife-rl @svushots @lesbianspacecowboy @whispered-tear-drops @wannabe-fic-reader @lawandorderimagines @venablemayfairgoode @whimsicallymad @oliviaswifey @alexusonfire @screenee @mysticfalls01 @naturalxselection @beccabarba @littlegaybabe @cmmndrwidw @bumblebear30 @enduringalexblake @molllss @wosoimagines @brienneseveruscalawayfanfiction @solemnnova @infernumlilith @yourtaletotell @australiancarisi @cerberus-spectre @wandas-wife @emskisworld @newyorker14 @lawandorderuswnt @wandasbrat @hbkpop @samwithnoplan @multifandomlesbianic @sia2raw @ladysc @narvaldetierra @dxtery @poisonedcrowns @borg-queer @momlifebehard @holycrapraewth
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timeguardians · 1 month
Updated muse page: By category
and yes I am, for the time being, bringing five of my other blogs onto this one. At least until I get out of being critically ill)
----Historical & Period Drama:----
-----Turn ----
Philomena Cheer (with modern actress verses, Bridgerton, Titanic verses)
Elsie Marion ( Swamp Fox's/Francis Marion's Daughter-- many AUs available)
Samatha Tallmadge
Eliza Smith (Mary Woodhull's sister)
Peggy Shippen (request only)
Abigail (request only)
Samuel Tallmadge (Private& request only)
Colonel William Bradford (Private & request only)
Rose Dewitt Bukater (Titanic with Turn & Bridgerton verses)
----Bridgerton ----- Kate Sharma (Bridgerton)
----Downton Abbey----
Sybil Crawley (Downton Abbey, Turn Verses, Titanic & possible Bridgerton Verse)
Mary Crawley(Downton Abbey, Bridgerton verses)
----Young Sheldon & BBT ----
Missy Cooper (With Turn & A-team Influences)
-----Dc, Marvel, Hero:----
Peggy Carter
Captain Stephanie "Stevie" Rogers- Fem Captain Rogers
Sergeant Jamie "Bucky" Buchanan Barnes
Diana Prince
Brianna Wayne
Jamie Michaela Rogers (Oc daughter of Peggy Carter & Steve Rogers)
Yovela Edina Jarvis (Oc daughter of Edwin & Ana Jarvis) fc: young brooke shields alternate tbd
----Disney & Movie ----
Elizabeth Swann -Turner
Anastasia Romanov
Susan Pevensie
Lucy Pevensie
Mia Thermopolis
Anna of Arendelle
----Star Wars----
Qi'ra (Low activity/request only)
female! Poe Dameron (Low activity/request only)
----First Responders & detectives:----
----One Chicago----
Gabby Dawson
Lizzie Novak
Kim Burgess
Vanessa Rojas
---- Law and Order SVU----
Oliva Benson
Juliet Higgins (request only)
Nancy Drew (1960s heavily influenced with smatterings of book canon)
____The Rookie____
Lucy Chen
Talia Bishop
Baily Nune
-----Villain Muses ----
-----60s-the80s muses----
Cherry Valance (request only)
Bonnie barstow
Ricki Tubbs
Justice Crockett
Jake Crockett (private muse with Smeagol)
Judy Hoffs
Amy Amanda Allen
John Hannibal Smith
HM Murdock (Shipped only with Avictimofthejazz's Kelley)
Pete Malloy- Adam-12
Dominic Luca 1975
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thedevilrisen · 5 months
The Archive - Celebration!
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The day has come! I'm back and ready to write. (Somewhat Consistently!)
To recognise the fact and get me back into the writing grove I will be writing from lists of prompts and songs, for your favourite hockey people!
I will have a list of prompts and players that will be methodically worked through via voting! (One a week maybe) This will be very similar to how my first celly worked. I will also be taking special requests from whoever asks for particular players and prompts or songs.
Sincerely thedevilrisen
Song List: Any Song from Tate McRae's Album 'Think Later' Any Song from Oliva Rodrigo's Album 'GUTS' She's all i wanna be - Tate McRae Feel like shit - Tate McRae Beautiful Things - Benson Boone You Proof - Morgan Wallen Last Night - Morgan Wallen Thinkin' bout me - Morgan Wallen Wasted On You - Morgan Wallen Fast Car - Tracy Chapman (Luke Combs) Dear Future Husband - Megan Trainor This Town - Niall Horan Stick Season - Noah Kahan Friday Night - Lady A
I'm happy to add songs should one be requested to be added to the rotation!
Prompt List: Finding the other wearing their clothes. Cuddling in a blanket fort. Head Scratches. Patching up a wound. Reacting to the other one crying about something. Prompts with dialogue: "what if y-" "if you seriously propose that i sit on your lap, i will kill you." "you're not okay, you're shaking. what can i do? please just let me help you." "do everything that i say, and we might both live to tell the tale of this night." "close your eyes, you don't need to see this." "Are you sure you're okay? You're sweating." "ive never been in a relationship before, so i don't really know how to do the whole...kissing thing."
If people want to suggest more prompts please do!
Sidney Crosby Evgeni Malkin Kris Letang Drew O'Connor Tristan Jarry Jack Hughes Luke Hughes Simon Nemec Nico Hischier Quinn Hughes Cole Caufield Tyler Seguin Trevor Zegras Jamie Drysdale
Again! Feel Free to request any players that aren't on my list.
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abfa-fics · 8 months
It’s been a long day. Hell, a long week…a long month. A long few months, when he reflects upon his time being undercover.
He switches on the television mindlessly, dropping the remote down as he wanders through to the kitchen, his growling stomach leading him over to the fridge. The shelves are insultingly bare.
‘Of course there are no leftovers,’ he mutters under his breath.
‘Tanya Garcia went missing from Paramus, New Jersey over a year ago,’ a man’s voice announces loudly from the television. Elliot pauses, recognition flashing up. A man odious in personality and temperament - someone Elliot would love to punch, if given half a chance.
‘But now thanks to the tireless work and dedication of the NYPD and Bergen County SVU, she is home and reunited with her mother,’ McGrath continues. Elliot abandons his search for food, striding back into the living room, where his gaze sweeps right past McGrath’s face on the screen in order to find someone else.
Olivia, standing underneath an umbrella, her expression tired and serious. McGrath is spouting all sorts of PR-style bullshit about the NYPD, but Elliot can sense immediately that there’s more to this case, more than a young girl’s homecoming.
Olivia wouldn’t look so haunted if this was a simple happy ending.
‘There are other-’ McGrath says, but his next words are cut off by a soul-crushing shriek of pain.
The cameras swing around, focusing in on a woman, her hair plastered to her head as she staggers through the rain.
‘What about my daughter?,’ she screams. ‘You promised me you’d find my daughter.’
The news crew are clearly loving this unexpected drama playing out in front of them, zooming out to capture the full scene. Elliot takes a step forward instinctively at the same time as Olivia on his screen does the same, desperate to shield her from the impact of the pain and anger being channeled her way.
Olivia’s saying something to the mother now, her body language calm and measured, but her words are carried away by the wind and the rain. McGrath stands uselessly by the microphone in the background, and Elliot feels his hatred for the man rise.
His phone is gripped in his hand, but it’s useless, the words ‘LIVE’ glaring out at him as a cruel reminder that right now, in another part of the city, Olivia is dealing with this while he simply watches.
The pain had always been one of the worst parts of working in SVU. The pain, the anger, the tragedy…the guilt. It washes over you, again and again, case after case. Until for him, the pain and guilt had become too much, and he had walked away.
Left Olivia to deal with it alone.
‘Where is Maddie?’ the mother screams, loud enough to be heard by everyone as her husband drags her away.
Except Oliva doesn’t have to be alone any more. Elliot doesn’t even bother to turn off the television before he’s racing out the door, not even second-guessing where she’d go after such a trying event. Home? Not Olivia Benson, not after that guilt-trip from a victim’s mother.
He arrives at the precinct before she’s back herself, barrelling past the desks and Fin’s questioning gaze, and settling himself within her office to wait. Surprisingly, no-one disturbs him.
It doesn’t take long.
‘El?’ Olivia says, pausing in the doorway. She’s beautiful as always, but her expression is even more worn out than he’d seen on the television.
‘Hey,’ he says, wishing he had thought of something eloquent to say.
He watches as Olivia hangs up her coat, her body language hesitant, as if she doesn’t know whether to step towards him or around to her desk.
‘I got your voice message,’ she says to break the silence. ‘Sorry I didn’t call back yet. Work has been…’
She waves her hand vaguely, and he nods. He knows.
‘Was there something you were wanting to discuss?’
She’s looking at him carefully, and a sinking realization sweeps over him - that she’s expecting there to be a problem with him, that maybe he’s come back from being undercover, and bringing her his trauma to solve.
He closes the distance between them, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. She tenses briefly, and then he feels her body shift as she sighs deeply, relaxing against his frame. Her arms tighten around his waist, face tucked into chest.
The world continues around them, but for a few minutes of peace, they hold each other upright.
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stefanmikaleson1864 · 2 years
My SVU recap thoughts !
Number one I feel like they need to stick to one plot like per episode like the whole Velscao thing felt so rushed and pushed away
Number two where the hell is Muncy ?? I miss her 💗💗💗
Number 3 I wonder if there ever gonna show him tuning agains his friend or will it just be over ?
Number 4 I really loved the story about the man and his wife it was so tragic yet their love story was so beautiful ! I feel like it was just rushed tho again like stick to one
The way svu does their episodes it only has time for one you know ? Like one case and that’s it
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ncwblue · 1 year
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"Not all cops? You're right. Detective Oliva Benson would never."
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