#Rako Hardeen
its4am-pal · 7 months
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Just finished watching the Rako Hardeen arc! The fact that there is no mention of the 212th or their reactions is absolutely criminal,, 
I have a whole storyline/au in mind for how they got here,,, trying to decide if I’ll write it but I think it might be fun.
If anyone knows some good fics set during this arc please let me know!!
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aberrantcreature · 2 months
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tragedy-for-sale · 3 months
The Point of no Return
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Because I will never shut up about the Hardeen arc- I really need to emphasize the importance of this moment right here. When we think of the Hardeen arc, we only ever think about the aftermath, after the lie and after the pain. But I have never thought about the before. The moments right before.
Obi-Wan takes a deep breath, he brings his lightsaber to his chest and he gathers himself. He has to take a moment to think about what he's about to do.
This is a complete turn of feelings from when we see him wittingly ask how his funeral was, it's that simple and easy commentary that makes them all think this was easy for him to do. He shoves down what he's feeling right here and instead he jokes and laughs. He's fun and easy, he's funny, he's great, but he's not, he's not, he's in a lot of pain and he hurt everyone close to him in the worst way. Obi-Wan would never hurt them, but he has, and he'll never be forgiven.
He made this choice for the greater good, but the greater good is seldom so. It's in this moment we understand his full awareness of the deception he is about to undergo, how there is no forgiveness for the action he is about to commit, how after all this is over, Obi-Wan cannot expect forgiveness and understanding because this is for the greater good, this is for the Jedi and all they protect.
This isn't a choice for Obi-Wan. It is an assignment to a Jedi Master. Attachment is forbidden, become a part of the cosmic force, and the galaxy will benefit from your sacrifice. But the undercurrent of remorse is there, and all the people he left behind will never forgive Obi-Wan for dying.
So, Obi-Wan holds his lightsaber to his chest because it is his life, it's a silent goodbye to who he is because of what he is. He chooses the Jedi and that choice kills him. It's in that moment that he says goodbye to Anakin and Ahsoka, to Cody and himself. His identity, his lightsaber, are about to no longer exist. Obi-Wan would willingly sacrifice who he is for the sake of the Jedi but that doesn't mean it is easy for him to do. So he holds his lightsaber close because he's not becoming a part of the cosmic force, he's becoming something much worse.
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darth-memes · 10 months
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fat-tasty-krogan · 1 year
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meebles · 5 months
So for the wip game u posted how about Rako Hardeen w/ Force-Sensitive!Cody 👀👀👀👀👀
Hi thank you so much for the ask! <3
Essentially it's a Rako Hardeen fic where Cody just. Refuses to believe Obi-Wan is dead and refuses to act as if he is. Partially because he just cannot believe that Obi-Wan could actually be taken out by some random bounty hunter, but also he just has this unshakable gut feeling that he can't fully explain or put into words, and swears that he can still feel Obi-Wan alive somehow... ;)
But his vode are worried, as it's not like Cody to be in such vehement denial over something like this.
Here's a little snippet of my medic OC Scabs discussing with Cody
“You’re implying they faked his death. What reason would they have to do that?” Cody shakes his head, and shrugs. He’s still staring at the damned wall. “There've been times when this war has made less sense than that, Scabs. I’ve believed more outrageous things with less intel.” Scabs sighs, and frowns. He absolutely hates arguing with any of his vode, but with the way Cody has been acting, so unlike his usual self… Scabs just wants to understand. “What about Skywalker? Kix told me he’s been a mess since the funeral. Wouldn’t he have been able to tell if Kenobi was still alive?” Cody finally meets his eyes, fixing him with a steely gaze, one that Scabs has seen used against unruly shinies countless times. It doesn’t have the same effect against Scabs, no— instead that cold, hard, ache in Cody’s eyes leaves Scabs feeling pained for a much different reason. “I think that Skywalker is too often blinded by his own arrogance and rage to consider the bigger picture.”
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obes-kenobes-benos · 2 years
[At Obi-Wan′s funeral]
Cody: I need a moment with him.
Everyone: Of course.
[They leave]
Cody, leaning over Obi-Wan′s coffin: Okay, listen here you little shit. I know you’re not dead.
Obi-Wan: Yeah, no shit.
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antianakin · 5 months
do you have any fic recs for ones focusing on episodes commonly used by anti-jedi people (👎) to criticize the jedi and specifically obi-wan? like zygerria arc, deception arc (genuinely one of my fav obi-wan arcs tbh), wrong jedi arc, even like the fives and citadel arcs. you def don’t need to find recs for all of those episodes, but i know it can be hard to find fics for individual episodes so figured, ✨options✨ lol. thanks in advance!!
I think the only fics I have dealing with Zyggeria are more character-focused on how the stint in slavery impacts Obi-Wan and usually how Anakin ends up feeling about it rather than anything specifically dealing with the Jedi as a whole. I don't think I have anything for the Citadel arc at all, unfortunately.
But I definitely have stuff for the Deception/Rako Hardeen and Fives arcs, so you can find those below.
Gentle Welcome by Miandraden1
For want of a horse the rider was lost by LacieFuyu
Reversi by LacieFuyu
Needed to be Done by WanderingJediHistorian
This Family is My Home by Batsutousai
The Burden of Secrets by Peppermint_Shamrock (this one also deals with the Tusken massacre pretty heavily)
Caesura (a moment of respite) by silveryink
in our hearts some ancient song by whimsicalimages
That's Not How It Happened (This Is How It Happened) by cacodaemonia
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redstuffs-ig · 4 months
isn't it weird how in the Clone Wars TV show we find out there's a maximum security prison in Coruscant staffed by clones and a big deal is made out of escaping it when fucking everyone has escaped the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center at least once off the top of my head I can count Cad Bane, Aurra Sing, Bossk, Boba Fett, Moralo Eval and Obi-Wan Kenobi all escaping (Ziro was technically released and let's be real that fat fuck couldn't break out if he tried). All of these individuals were maximum security prisoners and enemies of the state. And in the span of three years they all broke out. Hell, Cad has escaped at least three times like did Jango Fett fuck up Oovo IV so badly they couldn't put them there? was palpy breaking them out? how in the hell are all these terrorists escaping what should be the best prison in Coruscant. a fucking tween and his lizard friend could break out. what the fuck
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graylinesspam · 7 months
Ahsoka has plenty of experience guarding others. It's her primary purpose on the battlefield. Wielding her saber to deflect blaster bolts away from her troops so they can push forward. She's used to being a shield, using her small body to cover others. She doesn't feel so small when she has her sabers anyways. Like a bird with it's feathers ruffled.
Never before in her life has she been in this position though. Guarding Anakin. Actually guarding him. Not watching his back while he sliced into the droid network. Not waiting on the ramp for him to get a ship started. Not going through the motions of guarding his back as they train together. Anakin forcing himself to slow down to her pace so she can learn teamwork.
This is real.
Anakin is unconscious face down on the ground. His limp limbs splayed awkwardly just like Obiw-wan's had been only a day earlier. But Obi-wan had been dead. Despite all the CPR she performed, despite pumping his chest until a trooper had to pull her off of him, his ribs threatening to break under her hands.
Obi-wan died. And now Anakin was unconscious on the ground with the most prolific bounty hunter in the galaxy stalking towards them. Ahsoka felt her chest rip itself open in a growl. Her teeth bared and dripping. She flips over his body dropping her center of gravity low, spreading her sabers like great bird wings to cover as much of his body as she can.
She can see the gleam in Bane's eye, the challenge.
This will be a fight to the death. She knows it the same way she did staring down Grievous when she was a fresh padawan. She can only hope it won't be Anakin's life she loses.
Her muscles tense as she waits for him to strike, eyes zeroed in on his faintest movement but before he can make a move he's called away by Eval.
Bane calls her lucky and as much as bile rises in the back of her throat she does feel lucky. Relief welling in the place fear had taken up in her chest. when their ship lifts off Ahsoka finally drops her protective stance and her hand flies to Anakin's throat. She knows he's not dead, she can feel him in the force but her mind won't accept it until she feels his pulse fluttering under her fingers.
He groans as she tilts his head and nothing has made her feel as safe as the tensing of muscles in his neck as he moves. Truly really alive. Not forever limp as Obi-wan had been.
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fanfic-obsessed · 2 years
What's in a death
Here’s an idea that makes me giggle. What about an AU where absolutely everyone in the Jedi Order faked their death at least twice.  It is practically a right of passage to die in your Padawan/Master/Grandpadawan/Extended Lineage’s arms then stroll in six months later with a captured criminal and a smoothie. 
It changes the grief. Everyone kind of treats the dead like they are on extended undercover assignments.  Like they still hold funerals because no one ever knows but everyone is really casual about death because there’s a 40% chance that person you watched die would pop back up (60% if the death was witnessed only non force sensitives, 95% if all that was found was a corpse) at some point in the future. The Jedi even have some kind of scoreboard for who was currently ‘dead’ that only the Jedi and Jedi adjacent(like the clones) know how to read. Things like how many times someone ‘came back to life’ or longest time ‘dead’ (The current record for longest time is Jon Antilles, who was declared dead for three decades before popping back up. No one, not even him, is quite sure that he wasn’t actually dead for part of that time. His life is weird.)
Of course they make sure to inform the Clones. It would be cruel not to make sure that the Clones didn’t know that this was something that happened around Jedi. They are the only non-Jedi that spend such a significant amount of time around the Jedi. 
Just picture the Rako Hardeen Arc. No one thinks to tell the Chancellor that the reason they are hesitant in having Obi Wan fake his death is because Dooku, as a former Jedi, knows not to trust a Jedi dying. They hold Obi Wan’s public funeral in front of the scoreboard.  So the entire time Mace Windu is giving a eulogy, the entire Jedi Order is watching the time ‘dead’ on Obi Wan’s entry tick upward.
Palpatine is watching eagerly, waiting for Anakin to be torn up about Obi Wan’s assisination so he can encourage him to take revenge. Except it doesn’t happen.  No one, including Anakin, appears to be grieving at all. This entire plan was supposed to get Anakin to kill his Master in a fit of revenge and. It. Just. Wasn’t working.
Anakin’s not even feeling abandoned or betrayed. How is Palpatine supposed to work with this?
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sendpseuds · 3 months
I’m told you became consumed with cutting down the man who murdered your master and yet you look at me now as if you’d rather my death had been reality all along.
If that’s truly what you want, please—
Just fucking do it, Anakin.
I am sorry to say you cannot make me fight you.
I did not put up a fight against the man who shot me dead on that rooftop, so why would I try and defend myself against you?
You know, I really thought it would be a bit more dramatic than this. Poetic even — when my padawan finally sent me into the living Force — but I’d rather it not get more pathetic.
Do it now, Anakin.
Make the galaxy you wish to see.
End it. For both of us.
Or move on.
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tragedy-for-sale · 3 months
Just thinking about how Umbara, Kadavo, the Rako Hardeen arc and Maul's returns are all back to back chronologically too not just in release.
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liltaireissocute · 11 months
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fem!obikin in infamous Rako Hardeen arc
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fat-tasty-krogan · 2 months
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Я начала работу над стикерами для Телеграма. Давно не делала ничего смешного)
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