#Ramblings of a MADGOD
church-of-the-madgod · 4 months
Light is cosmic horror, white is blank, empty; yet it is comprised of all visible light, and beyond; it is nothing, yet it is everything, it is all that exists and all that does not, it is how we perceive that which can not be percieved, empty and blank, yet full of things we can not even imagine.
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Cool Sereyna stuff
1. Sereyna's hair poofs up even more in high humidity areas. Imagine their hair in a sauna
2. Even though Sereyna's demiprince existence is kinda laying low, but also not: Her pupils reflect like the ones of khajiit or cats in general. But obviously not as aggressive as Sheogorath's eyes.
3. I have no idea if my readers even noticed: Sereyna is sapphic and I have her coded in a very autistic way. If you have noticed both, I will kiss you.
4. She doesn't just have all of Ben's or Martin's traits but because of the gene jumbler that are daedric genes, they also have a Ton of her grandma's traits. Maybe Sheogorath noticed that right after her birth. Maybe Sheogorath just gave Sereyna her grandmother's middle name out of fun. Who knows? ;)
5. Sereyna can ONLY regenerate in Sheo's chaotic creatia. (Totally not out of balance reasons nooo)
6. Sereyna can only travel to realms she is invited to through her own little pocket realm. (Also totally not balance reasons)
Please gods someone needs to listen to me about my Sereyna ideas. I wanna ramble for the first time in MONTHS
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ray-elgatodormido · 1 year
So… Non Ghost Skyrim Lucien
I’ve been sorta just brainstorming ideas of Skyrim Lucien. Overall he’s like Shadowmere but I kinda wanted to add more to him in my Skyrim au and so I bring forth theses ramblings.
It starts off with him being dead and the guard of Bruma finding the nightmarish scene in Applewatch. During the investigation, Sithis got pissed that is Dark Brotherhood fav died like an idiot so the Dread Father did the same void stuff he probably did to create Shadowmere but with Lucien this time. Lucien starts, for lack of a better term, regenerating from his wounds and gained powers such as super strength and regeneration. However that resurrection wasn’t perfect since he’s blind from an eye, deaf to everything that isn’t Sithis or his own voice, more bloodthirsty, less subtle and his lower jaw occasionally falls off.
Well he made quite a ruckus in the North of Cyrodiil for obvious reasons, eventually word spread across the entire province about the man who literally sprung back to life. Some say it could have been necromancy gone wrong, others would point to the deadra. Lucien would enter the Cheydenhall sanctuary and haunt Arquen for a week before brutally killing her as revenge for the whole traitor situation. I don’t think he’d seek revenge on Arquen if this was regular Lucien, but yeah this Lucien is quite vindictive and really really pissed. Not in the loud anger but in the silent rage kind. He eventually makes his way to the Night Mother’s crypt to discover what happened to Bellamont, the Night Mother eventually tell him to calm tf down and that Baadahil deserted her position as Listener, at this point Baadahil is Lucien’s wife and locked herself in Cloud Ruler Temple out of heartbreak and anger.
They both confront each other and Baadahil seeing how dangerous Lucien ended up becoming (he nearly kills Martin and did a lot of collateral damage because he did not calm tf down) , she freezes him solid and seals him in a Dwemmer ruin. This event only made the Deal Brotherhood finale worse for her and Martin’s death was the final straw for her to mantle the madgod. Around 200 years later, before the events of Skyrim, Astrid learns of a legend of the Dark Brotherhood being sealed off inside a Dwemmer ruin. And so Astrid ventures in, defrosts Lucien who finally calmed down and gets him as an ally in the same way she probably got Shadowmere aka he can be brought to Nirn from the same void pool as Shadowmere.
And then the Skyrim time fuckery Au happens and that makes for a very awkward reunion. I mean if I were a 200+ year old undead assassin and found that my long lost wife has been isekaied and is now possessing the body of a Dragonborn and at one point divorced the leader of rebels in the ongoing civil war I too would be weirded out.
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Anything to put a soap opera in Skyrim for pure entertainment.
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glittergummy · 2 years
I’m not ready to write fics yet but I wanna at least put out there:
- Haskill having to help Madgod P/C get dressed every morning and every night for bed
- Haskill tutoring Madgod P/C in simple small things while they listen intently
- Haskill reassuring Madgod P/C that the ‘Sheogorath’ changes are normal as they live on the Shivering Isles and to not worry
- Haskill being a nice and quiet shoulder to cry on, who might not always have a lot to stay but enough intuition to give Madgod P/C a hug and pat on their back when they need it
- Haskill smiling when Madgod P/C looks away while rambling on about their new ideas for the Shivering Isles
- Haskill helping Madgod P/C write lyrics and script for their plays and amvs they have in their head
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t00thpasteface · 2 years
id love to hear more abt any martin/lucien hcs you have!!!! also more abt suzy she seems so cool i love her
god i have SOOOOOO many fun and conflicting headcanons for these guys, and as a result i have like three different multi-chapter work-in-progress fics i'm writing about them where i keep writing these huge rambling chunks and then cutting them back out because hey wait i got something even BETTER--
i do want suzy to at least have cameos in these fics though bc she's so off-the-wall nuts that it ends up being a very specific kind of hilarious when she only shows up in a supporting role. idk i know a lot of tes oc's naturally veer into mary sue territory by the nature of the base game, so it's really fun to toy with that kind of narrative by delegating the reality-bending demiprince superheroine to secondary character. yes the madgod is her dad. yes the player.placeatme cheese wheel 100 console commands are canon because of her daedric shenanigan magic. but this story isn't about her. it's about her two loser friends and their silly little relationship. martin and lucien are like holding each other's hands and having this weepy moment of emotional vulnerability while listener-champion suzy q sweetroll is having a great time doing gods-know-what in the background.
anyway. regardless of whatever contrivances set them up in the first place, i think martin and lucien's dynamic is some mix of:
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crysdrawsthings · 2 years
What would happen if Sheba and Lanaraume met? (Also I love the way you describe your characters)
Oh, it would be interesting! As a matter of fact they do meet once in the weirder part of Things Crys Did to TES Canon, thanks to Elanor abusing her "Alduin" privileges and fucking with space-and-time continuity.
I think for the most part I can say that Lanaraume (aka Deer) would probably have two major things to say:
embedding shards of welkynd stones in her body to combat the negative effects of being born under the Atronach was metal and just about the right level of flipping off fate fully in accordance with the family traditions
out of ALL possible options to hang out with post her ascension to the position of your neighborly Madgod she picks MANNI-FUCKING-MARCO? Girl, can't you do better???
On Sheba's side? Mhm. Most likely will just continuously ramble Deer's ears off for hours on end in the classic "I am saying some nonsence, but trust me, in a few centuries it will all make SO MUCH sense" fashion.
The main part will probably be about noting how there are just so many things and so oddly right and wrong at the same time about Deer's existence, this is marvelous. So much potential. Should probably watch out for the Boethiah and maybe go stab her first.
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superlativesamsara · 3 years
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Calling all Comic fans: We Got 'Em.
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((OoC Note! I won't be doing these concurrently! I'll do them in the order I received them until I run out! And it'll probably be around 8 before I get started on them because I've got a few more hours of work to go ;p
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mxd-gxd-blog · 7 years
why am i like this?
why is this happening to me?
why do i do these things to myself?
why can’t I stop?
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slimy-eye · 3 years
Can you really blame Sheogorath for The Red Year?
So today I got into a discord debate with a friend of mine. For those of you that don’t know, the Red Year, which resulted in the destruction of Morrowind and the near extinction of the Dunmer, occurred when the large moonlet (Baar Dau) hanging above the city of Vivec suddenly crashed into the island after the disappearance of the deity, Vivec (Yes, he named a city after himself). The resulting impact set off a lethal chain reaction that ended in the violent eruption of Red Mountain, a huge volcano that made up the bulk of Vvardenfell. But how did we get there? What exactly took place?
It was Sheogorath who flung the moonlet toward the city of Vivec in the first place. He wasn’t too happy about being shown up by a former mortal. Sheogorath had once been a prominent figure in Dunmer culture and worship, so when the Tribunal rose to power and, in a sense, replaced the daedric lords, you can imagine how The House of Troubles was not very pleased. Now keep in mind that all of that is ‘alleged’. While it’s generally believed that Sheogorath is the one that tossed the moonlet toward Vivec, there’s no actual proof of this. The Madgod himself has never come out and said outright that he was responsible, but either way, the general consensus is that he is.
But let’s go beyond that. We have Vivec, a mortal who gained divinity, not through the normal practices of CHIM (such as like Talos), or mantling (HoK) but through a more unconventional method of stealing divinity from the Heart of Lorkhan. Anyways, Vivec is fairly new to the whole ruler and god-king thing by the time Baar Dau ends up flying from the void and towards his new city. Many Dunmer still don’t trust him, or even like him. To some, he is a breath of fresh air, a vision of the future. To others, he is a usurper, a murderer, and a traitor. So what does Vivec do when he sees certain doom descending upon his people? One might think he’d use his newly stolen powers to send the moonlet back into the void, far away from where it could potentially cause harm.
But no. Vivec decides to hold the entire country hostage. He stops Baar Dau from hitting Morrowind, and instead of shooting it back into space, he suspends it above his future city as a symbol of his protection. He wanted the people to love him, and Baar Dau served as not only the perfect display of his divine might and power, but it also acted as a warning. Worship me or else. To scorn Vivec was to lose Morrowind, for he made it clear that he, and he alone, was the one keeping the moonlet suspended above the city. Could the other members of the tribunal do anything about this? Possibly. But Almalexia is a broken shell of her former self, a deity that can no longer tell fact from fiction (in Sotha Sil’s own words), and Sotha Sil himself is withdrawn, and has likely already seen the destruction of Morrowind in the distant future, and thus, believing that it cannot be stopped, has simply not bothered with trying to change what he perceives as the absolute. The inevitable, if you will.
Does this make the tribunal bad for what they did? They betrayed and murdered their friend. They stole power from the Heart of Lorkhan. They raged war on the Dwemer. But Sotha Sil himself says that they are broken people. He tells us that Vivec does what he does because he can never be satisfied. He’ll always want to be more than he can ever possibly be.
But whatever your thoughts on the Tribunal, on Vivec, on whether or not they’re good, or bad, you can’t deny the simple fact of the matter. Sheogorath might have been the one to toss the moon at Morrowind, but it was Vivec that chose to suspend it in place above the country. It was Vivec that decided that forcing the love and reverence of the Dunmer was more important than their lives, their very future. Surely, when he was drawing close to his end (wherever he might have gone), he must have known that without his power to keep Baar Dau in place, that it would crash into the earth and destroy the entire country? But even close to his disappearance, Vivec chooses to do nothing about the moonlet, leaving it to nearly annihilate his own people upon his departure.
So I don’t blame Sheogorath. Vivec had many, many, many long years to be rid of the moonlet, yet he made the conscious choice to use it as a bargaining chip. The Red Year is almost wholly Vivec’s fault, and Vivec’s fault alone. At least in my opinion. Of course, I already know there will be plenty who disagree with me, but that’s what makes discussing lore so enjoyable. All the different view points on things make the deep depths of TES lore much more interesting.
In any case, ramble finished! Lmao
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madam-whim · 4 years
So I decided to try my hand at actually writing something that is not just a headcanon list and here it is! It’s based on @sweetrolls-and-draugr’s post about bards playing a tamrielic version of Jenny of Oldstones while Sheogorath dances through Cloud Ruler Temple. This is my first attempt at writing fanfic in English, which is not my first language, so there will probably be mistakes. Feel free to point them out so I can fix them!  The Dragonborn in this one can be whoever you want them to be, but Sheogorath is based on my own HoK, Arri. Oh, and it also turns out I am utterly hopeless as a bard. You have been warned!
Dances Among The Clouds
Winter in Bruma is always an uncomfortable affair. It’s too close to the Jeralls, too close to the bitter cold of Skyrim. The Nords don’t mind all that much – they are used to the harsh climate, but no one else ventures outside unless they have no other choice. This goes for Jovian as well, especially with the blizzard outside not showing any signs of letting up. There are worse fates than being trapped inside a tavern, though. He is a bard after all, even if he’s just playing for the owner’s child at the moment, keeping them distracted from the howling of the wind. Children are so easily scared, he knows, but this one, at least, seems to enjoy his songs.
“What’s this one about?”, they ask from their spot on one of the tables as soon as he starts playing again, brown eyes fixed on his hands. Jovian smiles. They’re good with melodies, and they ask about the song whenever it’s one they don’t recognize. “Well, it’s a sad one”, he replies. “I’m not sure you’ll even like it.” “But you’re going to sing it to me anyway! So tell me!”, they pout. He sighs fondly. “If you insist... I don’t know the whole story myself, you see, because this song is hundreds of years old.” The bard watches their eyes light up with interest. “Really?”, they ask. Jovian nods. “It’s sung in Bruma every year, near the end of Evening Star, because that’s when the lady who inspired it appears. She’s a ghost, I think, of a woman who lost her love. Do you know the ruined temple in the mountains above the city? You can see it on a clear day.” The child nods. “The one where the Blades used to live, right?” “Right”, Jovian says. “That’s where she’s appeared every year ever since the Oblivion Crisis ended.” “What’s an oblivion crisis?”, the child asks. They still seem interested, Jovian notes. That one’s definitely not a future innkeeper. “That’s a very long story, little one. It was a war between us mortals and a Daedric prince, and we won. Maybe I’ll tell you more when you’re a bit older. Anyway, my guess would be that this lady lost someone, and when she died as well, she became a ghost and began haunting the temple. There are several songs like that all over Cyrodiil, you know. The Imperial City has one too, and so does Kvatch.” “That’s a lot of ghosts”, the child says, frowning. “Will you sing that song to me now? Even if it’s sad. I want to hear about the lady.” Jovian smiles. “As you wish, little one.” He picks up his lute and starts playing again.
She dances among the clouds each year Her eyes the color of amber To a song that only she can hear When the closing of gates we remember
In robes of purple and gold she’s dressed Her pain they could not be masking Through day and night she’ll never rest As she pays no mind to time’s passing
And when you ask why she is dancing She’ll say she forgot how to weep And when you ask why she is mourning She’ll say her dearest was not hers to keep
The one that she loved, he haunts her still For every room holds a memory She cannot forget and never will Forevermore she remains lonely
And when you ask why she is dancing She’ll say she forgot how to weep And when you ask why she is mourning She’ll say her dearest was not hers to keep
Oh, if you ask why she is mourning She’ll say the dragon was not hers to keep
Many years later, trying to escape from the mind of a mad emperor, the Dragonborn remembers the song.
Sheogorath started rambling almost as soon as they got here, and then they made the mistake of interrupting him. But they can’t help it, when Sheogorath describes Martin Septim’s sacrifice, him turning into the avatar of Akatosh, as ‘hardly sporting’, so they blurt out “Hardly sporting? He saved Tamriel!” They know they’ve made a mistake right away, and they instantly back away, because Sheogorath is... angry, and changing, and something he wasn’t a moment ago. “Hardly sporting indeed”, he hisses, “Because he didn’t even give me a chance to stop him, and then he was gone and dead and he left me and I died too, but then again, I can’t really die and I wanted to -”
And as Sheogorath’s voice rises, the man fades away, and in his place is a woman in a dress of purple and gold, with red hair and eyes like amber, and she’s staring at the Dragonborn, looking like she wants to cry. But the Dragonborn knows with absolute certainty that she can’t, because she forgot how to cry, is no longer human enough to know how to do it, and they wonder if old Jovian is still alive, and if they’ll ever get to tell him that the ghost wasn’t a ghost at all.
Carefully, they take a step closer to the... Madgod? They’re no longer sure who Sheogorath really is. “I’m sorry”, they whisper, because they’re not sure what else to say. “Truly.” “I can’t even dance anymore”, Sheogorath mutters. “They ruined it. They took Cloud Ruler from me, and now the good memories are fading and I...” She trails off, the anger slowly draining from her, and as the anger fades, so does the woman, and within a few moments, the other Sheogorath returns. “Sorry about that one”, he says, as if nothing had happened. As if the Dragonborn hadn’t just found out what became of the Hero of Kvatch, who was presumed dead after vanishing from the Imperial City, and who is dying, yet cannot die. “She still gets out sometimes”, the Madgod continues. “One of the nastier side effects of someone else being you, I suppose. I wouldn’t speak to poor Sanguine for years because of her, too, can you believe it? Years! Now, where were we?”
The Dragonborn leaves the mind of Pelagius Septim III. with the Wabbajack in hand. They are certain they will never have reason to use it, but if they keep it next to the small shrine to Akatosh they have built in their home, well... nobody needs to know.
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I’m thinking of getting into the illegal name trade.
The joke being that, rather than trading names by methods prohibited by law, I would trade names by methods that were not recognized by law. Such as religious, spiritual, and/or majjyckal methods. I’d even offer my services in a variety of styles, Faustian deals, witchcraft, fae name stealing shenanigans, religiousy ‘born again’ baptisms, shady back alley deals, etc… I’d probably include some two for one special, free pronouns with the purchase of a new name! And for any who fear rejection from friends/family I could always pose it as a curse. After all people tend to be more considerate of someone who’s suffered a ‘terrible tragedy.’ Simply explain that it’s not your fault, an evil witch cursed you to trans your gender, or a fairy stole your name, or whatever.
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Game Journal 05/05/20: Time For TESO Vol 2: Mystery Of The Skooma Cat.
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Who is the Skooma Cat?  Why does he watch over us?  Where did he get that collar?  Why is he extremely not at all the iconic madgod Sheogorath?  All these questions and more and will not be asked, nor answered, in today’s game journal.  They sure do lead into my post today though, which will mostly be aimless ramblings about my day of playing TESO with my friend! The Elder Scrolls Online is silly as hell, and one thing I truly do like about it is the way you can stumble on some incredibly weird quests. Quests like the aforementioned Skooma Cat, seemingly a billion different heists, and even a detective story featuring a Khajit named “Thunderboots”.  Hell, just in this Eleswyr expansion alone I found out that apparently talking cats, normal cats not cat people, are just a thing in this universe?  There were cats in Elder Scrolls before right?  Am I just nuts?  Has there been a long standing lore precedent for talking cats wearing eyepatches?  No?  Wearing little collars and talking in thick Scottish accents?  What was up with that one?  What’s that cat’s deal?
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The Skooma Cat was leading us on a grand adventure here, if only we could figure out who he was.
It’s hard for me to believe that this expansion pack is about Dragons, because I’ve seen, like, one of them.  Granted me and my friend have been playing a lot of side quests for the most part, so I guess we just haven’t really run into them, but right now Dragons seem like the least bizarre thing I could stumble onto at any given moment.  Elder Scrolls Online sells itself as a much more serious minded game than it actually is.  If I were on the marketing team for these games I think I’d lean into the goofball charm a lot more than it seems like they do.  Then again, what do I know?  I barely even read the quest dialogue in this game, for all I know this thing should win a Pulitzer.  
Also, you know what?  I’ll parlay with the dragons and let them burn Tamriel to the ground if they really want to, as long as one of them explains to me why all of a sudden there’s talking cats.
Random Screenshot Of The Day:
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But that Skooma Cat!  Who was that?!  Maybe I’ll ask this guy, odd name but he seems nice.  Seems to enjoy cheese!
Stray (Game?) Notes: 
- The mystery of Skooma Cat will endure, I’m milking this joke as hard as I possibly can.
- What’s the over under on them making a Shivering Isles TESO expansion pack?  They gotta right?  They have to be running up against sections of Tamriel that Bethesda wants to do in Normal Elder Scrolls games.
- I bought the Season Pass for South Park The Fractured But Whole, it’s....been a long time since I played that, but I think it might be fun to get in on some DLC for that one?  I remember enjoying it quite a bit at the time.  Not as good as Stick of Truth, but still really fun! 
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uesp · 6 years
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"A change is coming. Everything changes. Even Daedric Princes. Especially Daedric Princes."
Sheogorath, Sheggorath, Forth Corner of the House of Troubles, Lord of the Never-There, The Gentleman With a Cane, The Sithis-Shaped Hole of the World, The Skooma Cat, Ann Marie, Lord of the Creative, Lord of the Deranged, Mad One, Mad Lord, Mad Star, Mad God, Master of the Madhouse, Sovereign of the Shivering Isles, and Daedric Prince of Madness.
Sheogorath, as Prince of Madness, is best known for spreading his craft throughout Tamriel. Some noted examples of this have included driving the son of a boring king mad to end his dull but oppressive reign, sentencing a man to death for growing a beard, making it rain flaming dogs on a village of Khajiit, murdering a woman so he could make the first musical instruments in history from her corpse, forcing a reincarnated Dunmer hero to stab a Bull Netch with a fork, and individually besting every other Daedric Prince through some form of trickery. Perhaps his most noted action as a Prince was the destruction of the Island of Vvardenfell by hurling Baar Dau at Vivec City, causing the Red Year.
Sheogorath, in truth, is the Daedric Prince of Order, Jyggalag. Before recorded history, Jyggalag's expanding realm frightened the other Princes into an alliance against him. The Princes united against him, and defeated the Prince of Order by cursing him with madness. Only returning to his original form once an Era, the reborn Jyggalag would conquer and destroy his realm, before reverting back to Sheogorath. Jyggalag would be forgotten by time, as nothing but a historical footnote.
Sheogorath has produced more known artifacts than nearly all of his peers. The most famous of his artifacts is his Wabbajack, which causes random magical effects on those its used on. There is also the Gambolpuddy, which makes its wearer both stronger and weaker. Another is the Fork of Horripilation, also affectionately called "Forky" by Sheogorath, which curses its wielder's ability to use magicka, or just drains it completely. Next is the Staff of the Everscamp, which causes four scamps to follow around the staff bearer until the bearer finds someone who is willing to take the staff from them. One more is the Folium Discognitum, which is a nearly incomprehensible scrawl of the ramblings of madmen. There is also Neb-Crescen, a blade which gives its wielder the desire to kill everyone when they hold it. His most powerful artifact is arguably the eponymous Staff of Sheogorath, with the power to stop time itself, and is a Symbol of Office of the Madgod.
Sheogorath's Plane of Oblivion is most commonly referred to as the Shivering Isles, but has also been called the Madhouse, or the Asylum. His realm is notable for its high population of mortals living there as citizens of his Realm. Divided between the "two shades of madness", Dementia and Mania, the Realm is fraught with conflict and various displays of insanity.
Sheogorath has appeared in Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, ESO, and Legends. Sheogorath has also had two different game expansions based upon him, Oblivion's Shivering Isles and Legend's Isle of Madness.
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Hey, this is asexual discourse. Please turn away if you’re not into this kind of stuff, but I feel the need to say my piece. Hate me if you will for my opinions, but I hope that you will at least hear me out and respect them.   
So anyways, a friend decided to show me a post about asexuals right here on tumblr, and holy shit was it bad. Well, the comments, anyways. Apparently, a good chunk of tumblr dislikes asexuals, and happily excludes us from lgbt, despite the fact that our lovely heterosexual friends often exclude us as well, which, of course, leaves asexuals out in the cold. Alone.
So here I go, decidin’ to take a fancy look through the asexual tag. Yikes! And my friend informs me that when asexuals attempt to form their own community here on tumblr, their posts immediately get hijacked by assholes. From what I found, this is quite true some of the time. 
In case you’re curious, I happen to be asexual myself. Biromantic asexual, meaning I’ll date literally anyone regardless of gender or whether you’re cis or not or whatever, but I am repulsed by sex. I realize not every asexual is sex-repulsed, I think? And that’s fine, but anyways, back to the point. 
The asexual community here on tumblr appears to be scattered by the hatred of exclusionists both in (some) of the lgbt community, and (some) of the heterosexual community. I’m not going to say all, because that would be generalizing everyone, which is bad. Don’t generalize people because of their sexuality, folks.
So anyways, here I am rambling my disappointment and sticking my nose where it probably doesn’t belong, but I just wanted to say that:
1. I support asexuals.
2. This is an asexual safe blog. 
3. If you hate asexuals, shoo. Get lost. Away from me! Hissssss.  
And finally: 
Our great lord Sheogorath will not discriminate against you, and will lovingly accept asexuals into his realm should they fall into his sphere. All hail Sheogorath, our great Madgod, and may he bless you eternally. 
Blessed is the Madgod!  
Anyways, this is all I will say on the matter. I don’t want my blog covered in drama.
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kinda random but:
the great thing about critical analysis is that you can listen to some rando rambling about absolutely nothing and learn that if you drink a little too much, placing your hand on a flat, stable surface can help ease the dizziness and nausea.
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