#Rapunzel 💃
harmoonix · 11 months
⚜️Eternal Flower⚜️
• Astrology Observations •
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⚜️ - Chiron square/opposition/conjunct North Node = Your path is healing one, this aspect can indicate frustrations that may disturb you from finding inner peace
⚜️ - Jupiter square/opposite/conjunct Saturn = They have a fight between freedom and responsibility, it can be very frustrating for them to choose one of those 2, they can feel locked up in their own world
⚜️ - Jupiter square/opposite Sun can make the native to miss great opportunities, in this case your ego can be very big with those aspects. Your ego can make you lose a lot of opportunities
⚜️ - Neptune trine/sextile/conjunct Moon are really great at listening to their intuition, you can have a powerful inner voice with this aspect
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⚜️ - North Node in Aries/North Node in 1st house, please make yourself a favor and put yourself one the first place in your life, you'll see things change. You gotta live for yourself, everyone once in a while..
⚜️ - Lilith aspecting Jupiter are so crazy and wild when they are horny. With this aspect Jupiter expands your libido. Another session of breaking bed??
⚜️ - North Node in Libra/Leo you really need to love yourself dear, loving yourself can be complicated for some people but is not impossible
⚜️ - Lilith in Leo Degrees (5°, 17°. 29°) degrees can have have feline typo of face. Like cat eyes maybe? Maybe yellowish/tanned skin? Also wear orange and yellow it will help you
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⚜️ - Venus in the 9th house/Venus in Sagittarius/Venus in Sagittarius Degrees (9°, 21°) always remember me about hearing a tropical song party, they have that tropical flow 💃
⚜️ - Sun in the 9th house/Sun in Sagittarius/Sun in Sagittarius Degrees (9°, 21°) did ever happened for people to confuse your ethnicity or the country where you are from? Yeah with these placements can give this vibe
⚜️ - Taurus/Libra Moons they are my Romeo and Juliet and no can change that, they often have this vibe because of their romantic aura (Taurus about finding love in herself and Libra finding love in the others this is literally everything)
⚜️ - Pisces/Cancer Sun/Venus/Mercury = They are the people who can have the most cutest voices ever. They also have an adorable face
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⚜️ - Moon - trine/sextile/conjunct Pluto = You can fall in love with them at the first sight. They are full of mystery and charm, is something like 'I love you since I first met you' with them
⚜️ - Pluto in the 1st/10th/11th house they literally attract envy everywhere they go. They are the reason why the haters can't sleep at night
⚜️ - Chiron in Aquarius/Chiron in the 11th house may find comfort in their friends. They can be really lonely people but with heart of gold
⚜️ - Lilith aspecting ascendant= misterious appearance, they are so full of mystery and secrets, people can be so curious of them
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⚜️ - Sun - Mercury aspects have that cute/shy voice, they may talk softly and so calm in the same time, literally so charming
⚜️ - Libra/Leo Risings have that beautiful shinning hair, literally go girl spin your hair around. Rapunzel Vibes
⚜️ - Don't be afraid for challenges when you have Aries/Sagittarius placements with you. They can take it all and risk everything for the adrenaline
⚜️ - Venus - Mercury aspect in someone's chart can be the type of native who may like to write love poems/letters and even songs sometimes
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💫 Good day to everyone reading my notes today… It's a great day to follow your dreams and to let every negative energy out of your body 💫
💫 Have a blessed day today 💫
- Yours truly, Harmoonix 💫
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sunshyni · 15 days
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New Ride | Hendery
♕ Notinha da Sun: SOMETHING COMING OVER ME TONIGHT 💃 Faz um tempo que eu queria escrever com o Dery e finalmente consegui 🙏
Avisos: tá bem cômico, parece que eu joguei “O Diário da Princesa” e “Barbie: Escola de Princesas” num liquidificador, e resultou nessa misturinha!! Me inspirei em “New Ride” do Wayv, e além de membros do nct, mencionei a Giselle e o Suho.
♕ Palavras: 1.2k
Boa leitura, docinhos!! 👑
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— Giselle, eu não consigo respirar — você disse à sua amiga, que tinha te colocado em um espartilho terrível que apertava suas costelas de uma maneira que nenhuma crise de pânico tinha feito antes. Um exemplo bem mórbido, mas era assim que sua cabeça funcionava. — Acho que vou chorar.
— Chorar por quê, boba? — Mark apareceu de repente, segurando uma taça de champanhe. Vestido elegantemente com um smoking decorado com pedrarias, ele realmente parecia um príncipe. Mas a questão era: quem ali não parecia um príncipe ou uma princesa? A única pessoa que se sentia deslocada era você.
Sua história era semelhante à de Mia Thermopolis, de “O Diário da Princesa”. Sua mãe era uma artista plástica renomada e seu padrasto, um compositor profissional. Recentemente, você descobriu que seu pai, que havia falecido precocemente antes de você completar 10 anos, também fazia parte desse mundo. Ele havia sido um dos fundadores de uma faculdade prestigiada, distante da civilização, quase como se existisse um mundo à parte, apenas para a elite. Claro, havia os bolsistas, mas a maioria dos alunos eram pessoas da alta sociedade, como Mark e Giselle, com quem você conversava agora.
— Eu preciso estudar um conteúdo que não entendi direito, mas estamos presos nesse evento idiota — você resmungou, pegando a taça de champanhe de Mark e esvaziando-a rapidamente. Sua garganta estava seca pela falta de ar, e aquilo te fazia sentir que desmaiaria a qualquer momento. Por que os humanos eram tão obcecados por cinturas finas?
— Para de ser dramática, até o Haechan tá curtindo a festa — você olhou para o representante de turma, que raramente aparecia em eventos, pois estava sempre estudando. Ele claramente já tinha bebido bastante, pois a gravata estava amarrada em sua cabeça.
— Eu acho que ele... — você começou, observando Haechan com o copo na mão.
— É, ele já perdeu toda a compostura — Giselle confirmou, tocando seu ombro suavemente. — Relaxa e aproveita a festa, vai? Esquece os estudos por hoje. Você é filha de um dos fundadores daqui, sua tonta.
Você concordou com sua amiga, que enlaçou o braço de Mark e descansou a cabeça no ombro dele de forma carinhosa.
— Me leva para dançar — ela pediu com os olhos brilhando. Mark revirou os olhos, mas, como sempre, cedeu.
— Eu ia flertar, mas tá, vamo lá — você sorriu para os dois. Depois de Hendery, eles eram as pessoas de quem você mais gostava ali.
Falando em Hendery... Ele era sua alma gêmea e, provavelmente, a paixonite de metade da instituição. Hendery era o sonho de consumo de qualquer um. Enquanto você preferia ficar no dormitório estudando, ele se envolvia em uma infinidade de esportes, incluindo esgrima, que sempre te deixava suspirando quando assistia a um duelo em que ele participava.
Você gostava dele, e ele parecia gostar de você. Às vezes, no meio de uma aula, ele deixava um doce na sua mesa com um bilhete fofo, elogiando sua confiança ao responder às perguntas dos professores. Você sorria, envergonhada, verificava se ele ainda estava na sala e balançava as pernas debaixo da mesa.
Não demorou para Hendery te encontrar. Vestido formalmente, como todos ali, ele parecia mil vezes mais atraente aos seus olhos.
— Dery, me leva para o dormitório — você pediu, colocando sua taça vazia na bandeja de um garçom que passava. — Eu odeio eventos sociais.
— Eu não vou te levar de volta para a torre, Rapunzel — ele disse, tocando a ponta do seu nariz com o dedo indicador. Você fez uma careta e cruzou os braços.
Hendery e você tinham uma conexão especial. Seus pais tinham sido grandes amigos, e talvez fosse por isso que, sempre que conversavam, parecia que se conheciam desde sempre.
— Mas posso te levar para outro lugar, um lugar mais interessante do que esse — ele continuou, se aproximando um pouco mais, fazendo você levantar o olhar. Hendery amava aventuras. Gostava de cavalgar, de carros esportivos e de acelerar, vivendo sempre intensamente, como se o amanhã não existisse. Você admirava esse lado dele e desejava ser assim também. — O que acha?
Ele te ofereceu a mão, e você fingiu pensar por um momento antes de aceitá-la. Vocês começaram a caminhar em direção ao exterior do castelo, nem parando quando Junmyeon pegou o microfone para falar, passando rapidamente para Kun.
— Você sabe que esse lugar valoriza muito as tradições, né? — Hendery comentou enquanto caminhavam em direção aos estábulos. Você sabia aonde aquilo ia dar, mas decidiu ignorar. Ele não estava realmente pensando em te colocar num cavalo à noite, só com a lua como testemunha, estava? — Mas algumas tradições se perdem com o tempo, e isso é triste, porque geralmente são as mais divertidas.
— Tá, e onde você quer chegar com isso? — você perguntou. Nem se lembrava de que estavam de mãos dadas, mas quando percebeu, suas palmas começaram a suar. Você soltou a mão dele, sentindo o coração e a respiração acelerarem, apesar do espartilho te apertar.
— Nossos pais costumavam fazer corridas a cavalo para desestressar. Era isso que eu queria dizer — ele respondeu, acendendo a lanterna do celular e preparando dois cavalos. Você riu nervosamente, lembrando-se de como subira poucas vezes num cavalo, sempre com medo de cair e bater a cabeça.
— Nem pensar, Hendery — você disse, mas ele já havia segurado sua mão novamente, dessa vez sem pedir.
— Se diverte uma vez na vida, Rapunzel — ele falou, te ajudando a subir no cavalo. Seu corpo parecia leve enquanto ele te levantava pela cintura. Você segurou as rédeas, mas hesitou.
— Hendery, isso não é uma boa ideia... — Antes que ele pudesse responder, o cavalo começou a galopar de forma descontrolada. Você se agarrou à crina do animal, sentindo o pânico subir. Droga, o espartilho estava te sufocando. Meu Deus, você realmente ia desmaiar?
Uma crise de pânico estava prestes a te dominar, ou talvez fosse a asma. Sem sua bombinha por perto, você só pensava em como morreria: pisoteada ou sem ar.
— Ei, você tá me ouvindo? — a voz de Hendery parecia distante, mas então você sentiu a grama te cutucando. Você tinha caído do cavalo, mas, surpreendentemente, não havia sido pisoteada. Talvez estivesse morta e Hendery fosse um anjo te guiando para o céu.
De repente, o sufoco voltou. Você precisava tirar aquele espartilho de qualquer jeito. Agitada, se virou na grama, com as costas para cima. Hendery não entendeu muito bem, mas ficou aliviado ao ver que você estava bem.
— Tira esse espartilho de mim, pelo amor de Deus! — você implorou, e Hendery começou a trabalhar nos botões minúsculos do seu vestido de princesa. Suas bochechas coraram ao perceber que a primeira vez que ele tiraria sua roupa não seria por desejo, mas para te salvar de um espartilho idiota. Ele ignorou seu sutiã rosa e desamarrou o espartilho com certa brutalidade, mas finalmente você conseguia respirar.
Antes que pudesse comemorar, Hendery te virou de barriga para cima e te beijou, devagar e delicadamente. Você se sentiu no céu enquanto ele envolvia suas bochechas com as mãos. Sem separar o beijo, você foi se levantando aos poucos, e Hendery te puxou para mais perto, acariciando sua cintura enquanto intensificava o beijo, explorando cada sensação.
Nem parecia importar que você estivesse seminua; tudo que importava era o momento.
— Hendery... — foi a única coisa que você conseguiu dizer.
— Desculpa ter demorado tanto para fazer isso — ele disse, encostando a testa na sua e acariciando suas costas. — Desculpa por enrolar tanto.
— Tá tudo bem — você respondeu, segurando o rosto dele para que pudesse te olhar. Sorriu, sem acreditar que finalmente tinha acontecido. — Só vê se não me mata da próxima vez que quiser uma desculpa para me beijar.
Hendery riu e te deu um selinho carinhoso, juntando as mãos em prece.
— Prometo que vou tomar cuidado.
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love-letters-blog · 10 months
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Soy de otro cuento!
No conozco el país de las maravillas,
ni tengo la belleza de Blancanieves,
tampoco el pelo largo de Rapunzel. ¡Y no canto como la sirenita!.
Yo vengo de otro lugar, ¡soy de otro cuento!.
Uno ¡llamado realidad!, donde las princesas se rescatan solas y besan sapos que nunca se volverán príncipes.
¡No buscamos un príncipe! queremos un hombre de verdad.
Un ogro como Shrek, ¡que se juega la vida por su Fiona!, un loco, ¡un Quijote de la Mancha!, que pelea a muerte por su amada Dulcinea.
¡No queremos siete enanos!, tampoco palacios y castillos, ¡nos basta un ser como la bestia!, que nos ame como él ama a Bella.
¡Soy de otro cuento!,
uno mucho más bello, donde no hay dragones, ni hadas madrinas, tampoco pócimas de amor, ni hechizos que te solucionen la vida.
Mi cuento no siempre termina en...
¡Fueron felices para siempre!, aquí se llora, y muchas veces se sufre, pero se aprende.
Lo que sí hay en mi cuento.
¡Es magia!.
Puedo romperme, quedar hecha pedazos, ¡pero reconstruirme!.
Como ves, mi cuento es diferente, porque yo lo escribo...
¡Y en este cuento, la Bruja soy yo! 💃💝
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alice-after-dark · 3 months
Heres a list of Disney princesss and heroines I think fits Bottom Vox
Cinderella 👠
Ariel 🧜‍♀️
Jasmine 🪔
Mulan 🐉
Anna ⛄
Beverly 🤡
Esmeralda 💃
Giselle 👸
Odette 🦢
Kayley 🗡️
Christine 🎶
I think he fits all of these what do you think 🤔
I can't say I see him fitting all of these as they are all very different people. If I had to pick out of this list though I would say Jasmine, Rapunzel, and Esmeralda. A creative badass bitch who says fuck you I do what I want to authority. But this is kind of how I see Vox in general (though I do prefer bottom Vox if that hasn't been made clear yet lol)
I am really curious to hear why you think he fits these characters! I'd love to hear your reasoning!
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The Princesses And Their Princes
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Snow White And Prince Florian 🕊️🍎
Cinderella And Prince Charming 🕛👠
Aurora And Prince Philip 🛡️😴
Ariel And Prince Eric ⛵🧜‍♀️
Belle And Beast/Prince Adam🏰🌹
Pocahontas And John Smith 🍂🏞️
Mulan And Shang⚔️🌸
Tiana And Prince Naveen 🐸🍲🥘
Rapunzel and Eugene ☀️🍳
Selena And Chris Perez 🎸💃🎤
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haircarecetres-blog · 3 months
🌟 Transform Your Look with Premium Hair Wigs! 🌟
Tired of bad hair days? Say hello to flawless hair every day with HairCareCentres' premium hair wigs! Whether you're aiming for a chic new style or seeking a confidence boost, our collection has you covered.
🔗 Discover the perfect hair wig for you at HairCareCentres.com and:
✨ Elevate Your Style: From sleek and sophisticated to voluminous and curly, we offer a diverse range of wig styles to match your unique personality and preferences.
💁‍♀️ Boost Your Confidence: Say goodbye to insecurities about thinning hair or hair loss. Our high-quality wigs provide natural-looking coverage and comfort.
💃 Unleash Your Creativity: Experiment with different hair colors, lengths, and textures without commitment. Our wigs allow you to switch up your look effortlessly.
🌟 Superior Quality: Crafted with premium materials and meticulous attention to detail, our wigs are designed to last, ensuring durability and natural movement.
The Perfect Hair Density for Different Hair Lengths in Human Hair Wigs | Hair Care Centre:
First, let us know what hair density in human hair wigs means.
Hair density is nothing but hair thickness. It is the number of strands of hair growing out of each square inch of your scalp. You can understand the hair density by measuring the circumference of a ponytail.
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Why is knowing hair density important before buying a human hair wig?
If you don’t know the hair density of your natural hair you might end up buying a wig too thick or too thin for your hair. It will not look natural on your head. Choosing the wrong density human hair wig will affect your wig look & wig care routine and you might end up burning your pocket as well.
What is the best hair density for human hair wigs? Once you get an idea about your hair density you might wonder how to choose the best density human hair wigs. Wig density measures how full your wig will look on your head.
Here are some tips for choosing your wig density based on your hair length.
Short Hair: We recommend a hair density that is between 120 to 150%. They look natural without making it look bulky on your head.
Medium Hair: Hair wig density between 130 to 180% will suit medium-length hair. You can choose your density based on the volume you are looking at.
Long hair: Higher density hair wigs between 150 to 250% are preferred for long hair to give enough volume.
Extra Long Hair: For extra long hair between 24 inches+, a wig density of 250% is recommended. This will give a fuller look from root to tip.
If you are in search of long hair wigs for women or Short hair wigs for women get in touch with us
Hair wigs for women | HAIR CARE CENTRE BANGALORE
While not every woman can have Rapunzel-like tresses,  women wigs in Bangalore offer a magical solution. Whether you desire long hair wigs for women, short, real hair selections, we bridge the gap between fairy tales and reality, providing the perfect look without the wait or extensive care.
Every woman deserves the confidence that comes with radiant, lustrous locks. Yet, factors beyond one’s control, from environmental stresses to genetics, can compromise our hair’s health and appearance.
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Hair is more than just a style statement; it’s an intimate expression of our individuality and a reflection of our overall well-being. At Hair Care Centre in Bangalore, we recognize these challenges and stand ready to assist.
Our extensive range of hair wigs for women offers a solution for every hair dilemma. Whether you desire the timeless elegance of long hair wigs, the modern flair of short hair wigs, or the natural look of real hair wigs for women, we cater to every preference.
Life’s stresses, be it diet, aging, or external pollutants, shouldn’t determine your hairstyle. With our quality collection, including both long and short hair wigs for women, reclaim your style, your allure, and most importantly, your confidence.
Dive into a world where beauty and affordability merge, ensuring every woman finds her perfect hair match at Hair Care Centre. Your beauty and confidence shouldn’t be compromised; let us be your ally in your hair journey.
Beyond Strands: Empowering Your Essence With Real Hair Wigs for Women
Beyond Strands: Empowering Your Essence With Real Hair Wigs for Women
Real hair wigs for women aren’t just fancy accessories you pick up at a wig store. They go way beyond that—they’re like confidence boosters and identity restorers, especially when dealing with hair loss. Whether it’s the lifelike synthetic wigs or the genuine human hair wigs, they’re more than just about looks.
They’re like your superhero cape, helping you rediscover and embrace the real you. Let’s dive into the world where these wigs aren’t just strands of hair; they’re powerful symbols of strength, self-love, and the amazing spirit of being a woman.
1. The Art of Installing a Real-Hair Wig:
Installing a real hair wig is more than just a process; it’s a ritual of self-love and transformation. Begin by adorning your crown with a snug wig cap, creating a foundation for a seamless fit. As you delicately align the real hair wig with your natural hairline, feel the connection between your inner and outer beauty. This simple act transcends the physical, empowering women to embrace their essence with each carefully placed strand.
Before you put on a wig, make sure to sweep your hair back and away from your face. Simply pin your hair in place and spray it with hairspray to keep it in place. Make sure you don’t spray your wig with hairspray as well.
2. How Long Do Systems Last? – Our hair systems have an average lifespan of three to six months. Although it can last longer, 3-6 months is a good starting point, and you should plan to change the piece 2-3 times a year.  
How well you maintain a system and use the suggested products can also have an impact on how long it lasts.   Here are 5 Tips for Maintaining your Hair System :
Don’t Over-shampoo
Conduct Regular Conditioning
Be Cautious With a Hairdryer
Stay Away from the Sun Rays
Take Care of Hair Knots
3. Here are its primary characteristics :  
Superb hair systems that need to be maintained every three weeks.
Totally imperceptible, enabling a fully extended front, without identifying boundaries or changes.
Not unpleasant, but cosy (noticable)
Completely natural (really good hair)
They are customizable, letting you choose the hairdo and density.
Most crucial, though, is that they let you carry on with your regular activities (supporting growth spurts, exercise, helmets, showers, and headgear).
4. The Role of Men’s Hair Systems :
Ever wondered about the mesmerizing transformation of men’s hair systems? Picture it as a peek behind the curtain before the show begins. Journey backstage as adhesives, tapes, and clips work in harmony to seamlessly integrate the hair system.
Transitioning from the technicalities, discover the profound psychological impact, where individuals not only transform physically but experience a symphony of renewed self-esteem and confidence.
Men’s hair systems become not just an external change but a catalyst for internal shifts, sparking personal growth and self-discovery.  
5. Bringing Back the Lost Confidence :
A men’s hair system is an effective means of regaining self-assurance. In addition to giving the illusion of being more natural and fuller, it empowers people and helps them let go of the fears connected to hair loss.
Beyond aesthetics, the transformational effect becomes a source of newly discovered confidence and a path towards personal development.
A recurring motif in the narratives of those who opt for this course of action is the rediscovery of confidence, the reinvention of self-belief, and the release from the limitations imposed by hair loss.  
Conclusion :
May this blog act as a compass for you as we explore men’s hair systems, helping you navigate the complex terrain of longevity, features, and confidence. Together, let’s unravel the tapestry, in which every thread narrates a tale of metamorphosis, self-awareness, and rediscovered confidence.   Ready to transform your confidence at our Hair Care Centre with our bespoke men’s hair systems? Contact us today for personalized consultations and solutions. Have questions or concerns? Drop a comment below – we’re here to guide you every strand of the way!”  
Contact Us
Branch 1:
No.14/1, Ruddrappa Compound, H.Siddiah Road, Bangalore - 560002
Branch 2:
No.22, Acj Pride Bhel Layout, Bannergatta Road, Bangalore - 560041
Branch 3:
No. 46, BHEL Layout, Bannerghatta Rd, Jayanagar, Bengaluru - 560041
Reach Us
+91-9916011339 +91-7975772751 +91-9844350727 [email protected]
Ready to experience the joy of flawless hair every day? Explore our collection now at HairCareCentres.com and embrace a new era of confidence and style!
💇‍♀️✨ #HairCare #WigLife #ConfidenceBoost
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luvrxbunny · 7 months
do you have a favorite disney princess? 💃
definitely Tiana and Rapunzel 🙏🏾
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“🎼🎶On the Ninth Day of Christmas 🎄 my True Love Gave to me:
Nine Ladies Dancing... 💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃 🎵”
ENTER Aurora, Belle, Cinderella, Tiana, Ariel, Merida, Rapunzel, and Snow White wearing fine Winter Holiday costumes, doing a dance together, one or two of them check offstage because someone is missing
Mira Nova enters last of all, trying to put one of her high heels on straight, then stumbles into the dance trying not to trip on the hem of her dress
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mamusiq · 1 year
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Disney Princess 💃 Cell Block Tango
A Parody of the song 'Cell Block Tango' from the Movie Musical 'Chicago' featuring SIX of your favorite Disney Princesses. Here your favorite Disney Princesses sing their very own verses from Cell Block Tango, straight from their prison cells, explaining their 'accidental' crimes!
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DISCLAIMER - (Parental Guidance advised. My parodies/channel is not aimed at children and videos my contain swear words and adult humour)
A Disney princess parody 👇 👸 👇
💃 💃🏻 💃🏽 💃🏿 💃🏼 💃🏾
Snow White (Snow White)
Ariel (The Little Mermaid)
Cinderella (Cinderella)
Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)
Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
Rapunzel (Tangled)
Comments 🗣 I've always loved the Cell Block Tango and seen many parodies. This is by far one of the best. You did so good using different voices for the characters and everything was wonderful. Great job! 🥰💜 🗣 “He accidentally ran into my frying pan….10 times!” Loved Rupunzel for that line alone!😄 🗣 The fact this is one woman is so dang impressive. The only thing I kinda wanted to see was them have more modern outfits to match the cell block tango “look” 🗣 Ariel: Uses one of her fishy friends to kill Eric Puffer fish: FOR QUEEN AND COUNTRY! 🗣 I see we aren't gonna talk about this "Sweet Nightingale" position lmao. I loved this though. Truly. Poor Snow White and the dwarves though 😢 🗣 Cinderella was my favorite! "The Sweet Nightingale" was a hilarious idea to replace "The Spread Eagle" from the original song. This was my first time watching your channel, but I'm coming back for more! 🦄 💃💃💃💃💃💃
Cell Block Tango (Chicago, 2002) + Sub (Eng, Rus) 👇 📺 👇
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It's Christmas Time! - Accepting
💃   ─  dance around the living room to christmas songs
Rapunzel didn't know that Kimiko could dance ballet, and she wasn't at all sure that Kimiko had known that she could dance ballet. But that didn't stop the two of them from going up en pointe and prancing about to Dance of the Sugarplumb Fairy as they decorated, acting as though they were sprinkling magic about everywhere they leapt and twirled.
It was a short piece of music, and when it was done, they both looked at each other, then burst out laughing.
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frapunzelgro · 2 years
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🌴El aceite de coco es tu mejor aliado para el cabello, tu piel, la salud de tu dientes y muchos beneficios más. 🥥💧👩
🏖Consiéntete con toda la familia de productos #Rapuncel.
📲 Envíanos un DM o escríbenos por #WhatsApp: wa.me/527331332823 💻Visita nuestro sitio web: https://xn--frmularapunzelguerrero-vfc.com/
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y0ung-4ever · 3 years
Pairing: Johnny Depp x reader
Description: You are Johnny are invited to a Halloween party. Whilst getting ready, some mishaps happen..or do they?
Warnings: Fluff
Ratings: -
Notes: I hope you all enjoy this!
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This Halloween we were invited to this Halloween bash that was being thrown by one of my best friends. It was a big party and I wanted my and Johnny’s costumes to be the best ones there. So as I was putting my makeup on, I sent Johnny in to get changed into his costume.
I had the hardest time choosing the best duo costumes that me and Johnny would portray perfectly.
I finally decided that Rapunzel and Flynn Rider were the couple that fit our personalities best.
Now, I know Halloween is meant to be scary, but let’s be honest, everyone wears cutesy costumes every year.
As I’m applying my makeup, Johnny is grunting and letting out aggravating noises.
“Honey? Are you sure this is the right costume? I think you ordered the wrong size..”
I placed my brush down onto the counter and turned around towards the closet door.
“Love, I got the right size, at least I think I di-“
As I opened the door, I stopped in my tracks and looked over the man standing in front of me.
He spun, tugged and pulled on the dress he wore.
“Um, the costume you got me?”
I grabbed my side and tried to stop laughing. Tears were starting to form in my eyes.
“Honey, that’s my costume! I mean you are rocking it though..”
“That is not funny. Why is it here? Where’s mine?”
“Oh I think it’s hilarious! I mean- wait give me a turn?”
He looked at me and slowly turned as he picked his wedgie.
“Ohh, yeah your butt looks amazing. You know this is supposed to be a flowy dress, but it’s skin tight and I’m loving it on you.”
I gave him a wink and bit my lip.
“I think YOU need to help me unzip this and stop trying to take over my vulnerable body.”
I laughed and stepped back out the door.
“Hmm, I think you should just go to the party. But then again, I think everyone would be all over you.”
I licked my lips playfully and ran out of the room.
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I think it’s safe to say that Johnny went to the party in that💃
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missbadideas · 3 years
Twisted wonderland au where Yuu has Rapunzel-based magic, and comes from a world that has magic, but different than twst’s.
They hid their unique magic, because they’re in a strange new environment and they don’t trust these people. None of them seem trustworthy, at all.
That is, until riddle’s overblot, where Riddle was half-dead because of magical exhausted post his overblot, and they decide to expose their magic in order to help him.
That’s where my thought process ends. Super sadje. Pls someone make a fic of this
Clarification on Yuu’s magic btw,
‘Reverse the hourglass’
This magic can ‘reverse’ the state of something to what it previously was.
This way, it can either be used to heal injuries (reverting damaged cells into when they were healthy)
Or, be used to make sure someone stays looking young (reverting the aging process 💃)
Idk, have fun with this ig
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the-meme-monarch · 3 years
Who's Mother Gothel in your Rapunzel AU?
gatser 💃
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Celebrating Princesses And Queens
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Snow White 🍎
Cinderella 👠
Aurora 😴
Ariel 🧜‍♀️
Belle 🌹
Jasmine 🧞‍♂️
Pocahontas 🍂
Mulan 🌸⚔️
Tiana 🐸
Rapunzel ☀️
Merida 🐻🏹
Moana 🌺
Elsa 🌨️❄️
Anna 🍁🍫
Selena 💃🎤
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