#Rapunzel answers
alittleplaytime · 13 days
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Rapunzel Agere & Caregiver Flynn Stimboard!
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🌼 media: tangled
🐝 age appropriate? yes! tangled is rated PG in most places as some scenes are a little creepy or violent but overall it is a very tame movie and it's disney so.... i'd say absoloutely!!
🍯 rqd by: anon! <3
🌻 note: they're like THE agere couple, guys!!
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tangledbea · 3 months
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Blessing your inbox with New Dream boops ✨💜💙✨
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moondwellerthatdwells · 5 months
came here demanding indepth info about your moonspawn Au :)
I mayy have an idea of what in depth means but ill try my best!! In a form of 3 important bits
Sundrop's role, Moonstone's goal: the reason the Moon went crazy is that she literally needs the Sun. Moonstone is... misunderstood, in a way, just like how the moon in real life needs the sun to actually shine, Moonstone needs Sundrop to guide her, find her true shine.
Their relationship with their holders: Sundrop has no problem with his holder, Rapunzel, he likes her so much he gave her many gifts and protect her from all sickness! Moonstone... not so much with Cassandra, in fact its actively draining her life away, so Cassie looks.. pale, sickly, hell she looks like shes on the verge of death! Because she is! If Cass wasnt separated from the Moonstone in time, then by the end of the episode Cass would be dead.
But Moonstone likes Varian so there's that!!
The Moon's adoption(wow nice this title is so weird): Varian is not related to the Moon like how Rapunzel is with the Sun. Hes not born with its power! He was granted it. The Moonstone has no owner originally, so in this context... Varian is adopted... so instead of the owner/holder of the Moonstone, Varian is her child, her spawn.
Okay this is getting complicated but feel free to ask more!! I like to talk about my stuff
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mintytealfox · 5 months
MINTY MY FAVORITE POOKSTER EVER I COME WITH MORE DELUSIONS!!! Pausing my pirate ramblings for a bit but just IMAGINE how hard a tangled AU would go !!! Norton and Flynn have way too many similarities given how both grew up with so little, and hide behind a mask and ego all while doing some questionable things that give him the name of a criminal. Orpheus also 100% works as a mother gothel-esq figure, since gaslighting and manipulation is kind of all Orpheus has going for himself. Is this my excuse to see long hair alice? yes. yes it is.
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And I keep thinking about the "I have a Dream" song with the
Norton: "On an Island that I own, Tan, well RESTED, and ALONE, SURROUNDED BY ENORMOUS PILES OF MONEEYYYY"
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pansy-picnics · 2 months
First off I need to just mention that your Uknighted dream art is top tier elite and i am in love. Like you have no idea.
Okay, now thats said, do you have any soft ot3 headcanons/scenes that you can imagine happening but can’t figure out how to write etc etc.? 💕
God is all of them an option bc the answer is all of them
I SWEAR I. HAVE SO MANY IDEAS AND THOUGHTS TAKING UP SPACE IN MY BRAIN (Both for ukd and for the entire family tbh) that i just CANNOT bring myself to draw or write or anything. If i had the time to be able to draw everything that popped in my head it would be OVER for yall i stg. And then theres my in progress fic i have up right now which i last updated in like (checks notes) January but i swear i’ve been THINKING about updating it again and that counts right
- Ummm. this is just something i find very funny but i absolutely love the idea that before they “Formally” announce their relationship, the public have just been spreading rumors left and right about the princess’s “affair”. cass and rapunzel somehow NEVER notice this but for a while it seems like eugene cant go ANYWHERE without someone either awkwardly being like “Soooo how are things going with the princess ^_^;;;” or just straight up asking “Hey is your wife cheating on you?” with no hesitation.
and eugene, being the attention whore he is obviously just Went with it and was like “Well yeah duh. Who do you think set them up”
before long literally EVERYONE has heard about it. rapunzel’s fucking Parents have heard about it. people in other KINGDOMS have heard about it. Meanwhile eugene’s having the time of his Life. He’s got disguises just to go in and listen in on the servants’ gossip. at this point he’s just started Making shit up and every day he’s spreading a proposition thats somehow even more absurd than the last. Most of them don’t even make sense. Like “Oh yeah no the reason rapunzel and cass are always sneaking off together isn’t because they’re having a steamy love affair it’s actually because they’ve been making blood sacrifices to the underworld to make sure zhan tiri never returns. Just girl things yk?”
“No see you’ve got it all wrong thats not cassandra at all. That’s shorty. He and rapunzel are having a book club together. It’s not going very well because shorty keeps eating all the books.” Or his personal favorite, “Wait you thought RAPUNZEL was the one having the affair?” gets them EVERY TIME.
Cass and rapunzel finally declare things officially only for everyone to become even MORE confused and they finally realize eugenes been fueling the fire for the past 3 months and he had just Assumed they were already aware of it
eugene: ….Wait you guys didnt know about that?
raps: i
raps: NO????
eugene: um. Oops
- this is kind of random but i PROMISE its going somewhere bear with me. In my head eugene is NOT the captain of the guard because a character becoming a cop is literally a fate worse than death. instead i like to imagine he does some kind of social work and is also an author…Eugene has a rlly strong connection to literature and is a great storyteller, hes got a flair for the dramatic and a strong imagination and seeing how much the flynn rider books meant to him in his childhood, i think he’d absolutely want to create something like that for other people 🥹
Anyways one of my favorite ideas w them is a modern au where rapunzel and eugene are both starving artists who are making a webcomic together…Eugene is still trying to publish his first novel and is writing for the comic in the meantime. theyre aspiring towards turning it into a graphic novel. Cass is literally just forcing everyone around her to read it. You’ve already read it? Read it again /J. She’s their number one hypeman but she’s trying to act sooo chill about it to keep up her Cool stone cold butch aesthetic. She’s like going to cons with them and hands out business cards and helps sell merch and she has a side account on twitter where she gets into heated arguments with anyone who hateposts about it.
Bonus points: it’s a fantasy comic about a lost princess, her knight girlfriend and her rogue boyfriend and is loosely a reference to the events of the canon show
- OH OH something that DEFINITELY fits this category has to be the girls taking eugene to the lagoon for the first time…….I think cass and rapunzel still spend a lot of dates there just the two of them, and no matter what it is very much Their Spot ™, but after things become official it just. Doesn’t really feel right to keep it exclusively between them anymore. i have a LOTTTT of thoughts on this…..rapunzel bouncing around and showing everything to him and cass just being dragged along for the ride…picnics together by the water while cass and raps are eagerly telling him all the stories of what he missed out on. it’s their quiet place i think they escape to whenever they don’t want to be bothered at the castle LOL. eugene officiates the cassunzel wedding there….. not to mention if/when they have kids 🥹 Augh. They make sooo many memories there i think🫶🫶🫶
- Not a specific scene so much as just a silly hc but rapunzel LOVES it when they “fight” over her. Usually it’s just a playful thing and rapunzel finds it so cute and endearing. They have the exact same banter every time and the same fake “duel” for her hand and raps will NEVER get tired of it
- oh and SPA DAYS. God cassandra’s self care routines by herself have always been SHIT. I love that girl but i think she absolutely reeks. Her hair looks like something died in it and whenever it gets too long she just grabs the nearest sharp object and cuts it off in one swoop. Eugene and rapunzel are UTTERLY horrified by this and they do not let that shit fly as soon as she’s living with them. They have little self care nights at least once a week, sometimes just with the three of them and sometimes the rest of the family gets into it too, it depends on the day. eugene helps do her hair for her and they pick out all sorts of fancy products for her skin and her curls and just absolutely SPOIL her. at first shes kinda whiny about it but once she realizes how much better she feels on a day to day basis she reluctantly apologizes for ever doubting them
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alchemicalwerewolf · 8 days
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Yep that’s me! I drew it actually! Thanks for the visit!
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twotangledsisters · 3 months
"Where did you get a man from?"
I read this in my notification and panicked because it came up without the quotes and I thought I was being asked for dating advice on tumblr XD
Had that been the case my advice is get into board games btw XD
But I love that line... It was the start of something big XD
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Everybody is so confused in this moment XD
I love these three.
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amourcherie606 · 6 months
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so yeah im kinda crazy for drawing another AU lmao BUT BUT my friend dared utter the words "heathmael rapunzel au?" and i fucking lost it I havent thought like to crazy into it, but like heath promises to help ish explore the city a bit while she helps him find a golden bough. :3
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story dump below the cut! cuz i am kinda crazy :3
ishmael has been living in a lighthouse near the lake for as long as she could remember, only making contact with her Captain Ahab and her crew. to conquer the lake and prevent the crew from losing their minds from trying to conquer the whole lake, Ahab has Ishmael sing sea shanties everytime they come back to this lighthouse. For Ishmael unknowingly was born with a golden bough inside of her. Shes a precious treasure one might even say. Ishmael is quite knowledgeable on how the city works, having read as many books as she could grab her hands on, she knows plenty on the city, probably moreso than the cities residents themselves. Her curiosity to explore the city itself has been continuously curb stomped by her captain however, Ahab having a way with words to drive Ishmaels desires. Ishmael lives with the stories the crew speak of however, hoping maybe one day to explore outside of her tower.
Heathcliff has been sent on a mission by his "dear cathy" to bring her an upmost beautiful treasure known as a golden bough, him hoping this can be enough proof to his dear cathy that he is worthy of her love and and hopefully marry her! he happens to stumble upon ishmael, tho he doesnt know she has a golden bough literally inside her. extra facts!: - ish's eyes, chest, and hair glows when she sings + she can heal and calm people with her singing - YES she carries around an anchor as a weapon cuz shes crazy like that - heathcliff i think might have like a compass or something that helps him find golden boughs? but he thinks its broken cuz it keeps telling him that hes right next to one! weird lmao (the compass looks like dante) - im thinking of making one of the sinners a lil animal companion for ish lmao
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nerdasaurus1200 · 2 months
I just learned that Rapunzel does this tiny, barely-audible sigh after Eugene dies 😭
As if that’s not bad enough, if your volume is high enough you can hear Eugene draw his last breath. And he even starts to smile when Rapunzel says he was/is her new dream
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bananaphone---t · 11 months
Fun question for the Tangled Fandom:
What is your biggest "Not a kids show moment" from Tangled: The Series?
(Please answer with reblogs so I can reblog your answers to show your responses!)
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paintbrushnebula · 3 months
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tangledbea · 9 months
Do you think that HYPOTHETICALLY, if given the option (again as a hypothetical question to Rapunzel), she would rather never have had magic hair, never gotten kidnapped, and grew up in the home she was supposed to…but never met eugene
Absolutely not.
There's actually an episode that Ricky Roxburgh pitched that was ultimately rejected (for being "too good" (Chris' words, according to him), where Rapunzel gets sent to an alternate timeline where she grew up in the palace (with magic hair, mind you), and that Gothel had gotten herself hired as her governess, to be close to the magic flower.
So she grew up a princess and kind of a brat at that, because not only was she their miracle child, she was also magical and it got to her head. Because she hadn't been in the tower, Eugene never reformed, and the two of them were kind of... rivals. He was more hardened against the world, and resented the princess who everyone loved, and she hated the man who committed so much crime in her kingdom.
Except now, the alternate timeline Rapunzel has been replaced by our Rapunzel, and she doesn't know any of this. She calls him Eugene and he panics, because no one but him knows that name. They get closer, something something, and at the big climax of the episode, he gives up his life for her.
She gets sent to a kind of void where she can choose to either stay in a world where she was never kidnapped or abused, or go back to the one she knows, and she chooses to go back because it would mean having Eugene in her life.
And I 100% agree with the characterization in this hypothetical episode that I'm so sad was never developed further.
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blue-solstice · 10 months
Varian is totally buff.
Change my mind.
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I wouldn’t dare
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nightowl1556 · 6 months
Redemption Arc Trio Poll
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nalidreams · 1 year
In your opinion, what is the hottest Eugene moment?
you cannot ask this of me and expect me to have just one moment. excuse me while i fawn over this perfect man for the millionth time.
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dude really thought he wasn't gonna catch feelings like c'mon. you're literally staring at your future wife AJKHSDAJHDK
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i go feral over respectfully admire his angsty expressions
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his hair is everything here. also this is where he knows for sure that the crown < Rapunzel (as he should)
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*proceeds to attractively break out of prison*
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more angst. love. passion. LOOK HOW MUCH THEY CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER!! also hand placement mmmm
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rare series shot LOL. always appreciate this white shirt. keeping what first came to my mind in my google docs for this akjsdhadjh
Eugene is hot. thanks for coming to my ted talk. :D
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queencaramilflinda · 2 years
Everyone during neverafter 15: oh my god these social interactions are going horribly they’re all doing so bad!
Me, neurodivergent and cannot read social cues: idk mostly these seem fine
#like… Pinocchio overshared for sure#but I didn’t think the rest of them were too bad? like they rolled poorly yes but the actual conversations went fine? I thought?#i at least didn’t think they were as bad as everyone else seems to think#like… with ylfa. when you are a young girl and you meet an older woman who is Like You and successful you are drawn to that#her questions didn’t seem invalid if a bit personal#like ‘how did this happen to u? how do u find the answers and the strength to be successful when your like this the way we are now?’#that was fair to ask! there was a moment before that where they even clocked eachother as beasts! and then ylfa asked about Pib#which seemed fine to me. like she was genuinely asking advice and she got shutdown with like a one word answer#I feel like la bête did worse in that interaction than ylfa did#none of the stuff with gerard was really his fault within that interaction. Brennan surprised Murph with the read the cards outloud thing#he handled it the best he could under the circumstances#Pib did great. Pinocchio overshared but his intentions and actual words were sweet! traumabonding!#Rosamund did great! she was kind and she said what she wanted like yeah! not too bad!#i don’t think Ally intended to actually put dirt in the cookies Brennan kind of pushed that and I don’t think a lot of what he said was bad#I think ally could’ve handled it better in the sense that they could’ve just told the truth and been vague abt the questions being abt#the book but the stuff about being so overly nice and a bit unnerving seemed like an accurate and not very offensive way of putting it#even before they knew about the nihilistic princess cabal stuff they thought rapunzel was creepy#cienna talks#neverafter
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