#Rated X
fuzzyghost · 1 month
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prog-rock-confessions · 6 months
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submitted by anon
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countryhixes · 6 months
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onenakedfarmer · 8 months
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Currently Watching
THE DEVILS Ken Russell UK, 1971
Oliver Reed and Vanessa Redgrave in a Ken Russell adaptation of an Aldous Huxley novel featuring a hunchback nun accused of witchcraft amidst charismatic orgies and medieval torture, with cinematography by David Watkin, score by Peter Maxwell Davies, production design by Derek Jarman, Twiggy uncredited, and an X Rating from the MPAA.
Yes, please.
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sw33tros3 · 3 days
Possibly your new fav Tumblr author?
Hi Guys!! (not even sure if anyone will see this, but what the fuck let’s give it a try :D). I’ve been reading smuts and short stories on tumblr now for god knows how long. I want to start writing. No, I need to start writing. So, reblog this or comment if there’s anything you want me to write! Can be NSFW, SFW, fluff— literally anything just please someone interact so I have some ideas!! 😩
Or I’ll be forced to pick the ones I already have in my mind :)
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moocha-muses · 2 years
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pink-evilette · 1 year
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rastronomicals · 5 months
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4:14 AM EDT April 15, 2024:
Miles Davis - "Rated X" From the album Get Up With It (November 22, 1974)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
GUWI is probably my favorite Miles, which says quite a bit about me, I know
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k1s5m3 · 6 months
The line "I'm not supposed to be here right now cuz' I'm dressed like a hooker and none of you like me" from euphoria is literally all that was going through my head during a lecture from my mother today. People at church have been offended by my choice of clothing saying 'we don't want to tempt the men' women will walk up to me and ADJUST -MY- CLOTHING so I'm not as reveling. This is the hottest I've ever been lemme be hot AND I wear a black zip up over everything I own so how slutty can I look?!?!
I've also consistently been told since Saturday that I lost my sparkle and I seem empty, So I guess I'm a dead inside 17 year old c0(k tease
The thing that is stupid is all health issues aside and not really having any friends this is the most genuinely happy I've felt in a while without drugs or anything
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gotankgo · 9 months
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prog-rock-confessions · 5 months
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submitted by anon
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pierreism · 11 months
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Bluebeard, 1972. dir. Edward Dmytryk
Almost glad Anna Biller never got to make her Bluebeard, because how can there be anything more Anna Biller than this?
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drakehavenelite · 3 days
Now Playing...
Artist: Rated X
Title: Matter of Taste
Album: Matter of Taste
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Played on: Thu Sep 19 2024 10:06:44 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)
#Rated X #sexy album cover #BEWARE THE SIREN
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wack-ashimself · 7 months
Microsoft 'logic'.
I have been banned on any video game device only ONE time in my life. Probably close to over 1/2 a decade ago at least. It was for only 2 days. And it was ONLY for online communication; I could still play any games I wanted.
And I am quite proud of it. I worked HARD to figure out the best way to tell someone to fuck off.
"I am going to fuck your dad in the ass."
<and coming from a straight white guy, that pisses them off even more!>
It's short, sweet, but offends ANYONE I've ever said it to (which has been...1 technically. Everyone else I have said it to was me telling THIS story of getting banned and why. But they admitted-that's a pretty fucked up thing to say to someone.) Try it out on someone who pisses you off. It's fun! Calls their dad gay, a submissive bottom bitch (I will never imply force, only choice), and 3x worse than a your mama burn.
BUT, I was caught cuz I wrote them a message. So I knew, no matter how mad, never send a message to anyone. If anything, say it in game. Don't even send them an audio message. Don't need to give them bullets to fire, ya know? And I only would say that in EXTREME circumstances.
Flashforward to sunday afternoon. Wake up and SOMETHING I did saturday night got me reported TWICE, back to to back. Which makes absolutely NO sense. Because, again, both reports came in at the exact same time, I can safely assume that it was for the same offense. And maybe 2 different people reported me? But you get...marks, I guess? 8 marks in one year and YOU ARE BANNED FROM ONLINE GAMING FOR A YEAR!? I got THREE in ONE NIGHT?! (I had ZERO before this.) And it must be from the same person: literally, to the second, they were reported in. One was 1 second after the next. Literally. But here's where it gets weirder. 1-the first report was 1 mark. The second report was TWO marks. WHY was the second report worth more? If they came in the SAME time, it's the SAME offense, but one is worth more? WTF logic is that? 2-when I complained, they said I was being 'sexually aggressive' in nature. Did NOT say what I did, when, or to who. WTF? I never said I would rape or murder. I didn't send a dick pic. I didn't do anything! I talked a LOT of shit cuz I was playing comp with the dumbest mother fucking teams ever. But nothing sexual. That's...boring. And distracting. Like that insult above is the MEANEST thing I have said online in years. And I said it once. 3-again, I have been told to KILL MYSELF by assholes online. I made a promise DECADES ago never to say that to a stranger. Cuz they may just do it. And I don't need that on my head. But those evil fuckers talking rape and murder get to stay online?
So not only am I banned till WEDNESDAY night (4 days. 2 days longer than the last ban) but I am not allowed to play ANY multiplayer games. Tho I OWN them and have online gold. Evil fuckers.
What's even stranger? RIGHT after this happened, I had a FUCK TON of friends on twitter AND facebook saying how they were being shadow banned, censored, and straight up banned off social media, In HUGE numbers, unprovoked. My newsfeed was drenched in claims.
This isn't a coincidence. I have been doing/saying the same borderline rated R but NOT rated x in online gaming. NOW they start mass editing what we can say/do? I think this is one of those times of they wonder 'just how much shit can we get away with?'
<Side note. This was overwatch. Which I have 5 star level endorsement. The HIGHEST endorsement you can get. YOU ONLY GET THOSE IF SOMEONE GOES OUT OF THEIR WAY TO ENDORSE YOU! So are they endorsing me then doxxing me? WTF?>
Also I know I won't look like the best guy here. I am just throwing it all out there: I am not always the easiest gamer to game with, however, I don't tell people I'm going to rape or murder them. So maybe handle the PSYCHOS first? I've been told to go die! Holy shit man. That's not as evil as anything I ever said to a stranger. They're usually stupid fucking kids being cruel too. So even if they did convince a kid to kill themselves, they'd probably get away with it....that's fucked up. Here's a fun story. 7th grade. Bully. SMART bully. Literally, TO MY FACE, said 'I could kill you, declare insanity, and be out in a few years.' SEVENTH FUCKING GRADE!
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onenakedfarmer · 11 months
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Currently Watching
THE DAMNED Luchino Visconti Italy-West Germany, 1969
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