vennyaki · 2 years
I finally made the feature that this game is named after-
SO. In this game, you have a meter called your “desperation”. It’s the blue bar in the video and that meter is constantly creeping up in almost every battle you get into. Once it hits a certain threshold, the amount of damage you take multiplies. HOWEVER, the amount of damage you dish out ALSO multiplies.
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Once the desperation meter maxes out, you take 4x the damage you normally would (so if a slime were to hit you and only deal 10 damage normally, you’ll now take 40 instead). The trade-off is that you also dish out 4x the damage... AND you can “reenvision” things.
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When you reenvision, you can change things into something else. In this video, I changed the funny slime lad into a plant monster and back!
The biggest challenge of this game’s battle system is meant to be managing your desperation. The higher your desperation is, the more damage you do and the more special moves you can use (because those are also despair dependent), BUT the more damage you take. Which means you have to be on your A-game with your dodging skills.
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Oh yeah... I should probably mention that you only have 100 max HP throughout the entire game, and enemies can hit hard. So be careful out there!
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reenvisiongame · 2 years
End of the Year!
The year is coming to a close and ReEnvision’s development is at the 9 month mark!
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I first had the concept for this goofy game waaay back in 2019, started writing it in late 2020, and only this year am I finally making the effort to make it a reality. It hasn’t even been a full 365 days since starting this project and yet so much has already changed.
SO, why not take a little trip through memory lane to end off the year?
A then vs now menu comparison!
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And here’s what the old item menu inside a battle used to look like, horrid placeholders and all.
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Speaking of battles, those looked pretty goofy, too...
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The sprites weren’t spared either!
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Or the portraits...
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Or even the basic scenery.
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Looking through everything, I think it’s been a pretty productive year so far! March 1st will mark the day this game’s development officially reaches the 1 year mark. Let’s see how much more I can accomplish by then. >:D
Main goals for next year are to finish up the game’s storyline, start working on the script, finish up implementing the game’s core mechanics, and then start figuring out how to go about things like story progression! As well as polishing what I have so far, and adding some more enemies. If I’m really ahead of the game, maybe I can even start making a few locations that would actually appear in the final game? Who knows!
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dezimaton · 2 months
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Artfight Day 5!
Characters belong to: Lunatic_Psyker_08(@lunaticpsyker08 / AF / X / IG / TH), RockShun(@rockshun / AF / FA / X / IG / TH)
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rin-chan32 · 2 years
I'm like knees deep into my Danganronpa hyperfixation again and. grrrrr all the maggots in my brain rn
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aeide-thea · 2 years
god. source redacted for 'letting the person it was originally inflicted on live peacefully' reasons but i can't stop thinking abt the assertion i saw earlier that "SFF is supposed to be based in an understanding of the natural world"??
like. speculative fiction is literally for speculating in! hence the name! like i do probably in general agree that things you aren't deliberately changing shouldn't be jarringly different than our existing reality for no reason (although like. 'it fits the flavor of the new world i'm creating' is sufficient reason!), but. actually going 'what if things were meaningfully different in X way' is a foundational principle of the genre and not something to ~rebut~ by going 'actually in reality they're Y though'???
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kamreadsandrecs · 3 days
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kammartinez · 25 days
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townpostin · 2 months
XLRI Hosts ReEnvision 3.0: Digital Transformation Conclave
Experts discuss data-driven consumer strategies at XLRI’s Digital Transformation event The conclave explored India’s data-driven digital transformation across various consumer sectors, featuring insights from industry leaders. JAMSHEDPUR – XLRI’s PGDM (GM) Batch 2024-25 organized ReEnvision 3.0, a Digital Transformation Conclave centered on data-driven consumer world strategies. The event…
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no-gender-only-rage · 7 months
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icyaliyah · 10 months
Delgato's Reenvision
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vennyaki · 2 years
SO! The past few weeks, I’ve been working on a cutscene system. Just today, I finished up the bulk of it and I managed to make the short little scene above!
(note: this scene won’t be in the final game, it’s purely for testing) 
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It’s simple and still has areas of improvement, but I’m so excited with how things are shaping up. A good friend of mine is helping to review the story to make sure things flow correctly, and that’s going well so far. Speaking of which, opening the game’s main design and storyboard document lags my entire computer because it’s at 277 pages and it’ll only continue to grow. I also refuse to make a new document-
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Aside from my poor document management skills, my pixel art abilities are improving, the main foundations of the game are all mostly in... Development is going well!
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reenvisiongame · 1 year
A bit about the Inn + Other news
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Been in the grind zone once again for some weeks, and good news: We’re finally moving on from Liza purgatory! In exchange, we’re now in the Inn Pit.
It’s been another few weeks since my last post on just about any of my socials, but on my Twitter, I showed a small little clip of Liza’s boss fight. It’s not much of a looker (yet), but man oh man was it working! It’s still not very flashy (I’m not worrying about overly flashy visuals and effects until towards the end of development), BUUUUT I can say that since that last post, it’s done!
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All of Liza’s possible moves have been implemented and I’ve even added a few little neat things. For example, on certain frames of some of Liza’s attacks, you can hit her and her attack will instantly be interrupted, meaning you can basically cancel the attack completely. Although the “reenvision” mechanic doesn’t work on bosses, you can still use it to instantly end Liza’s current attack and reset her position in the arena (so if she’s cornering you, you can reenvision her and both you and Liza will be reset to the positions you started the boss fight in!)
There’s more things like that I’d love to add to not just Liza, but future bosses as well. This game does not have a level system and depends entirely on player skill. While this is turning out to be quite the challenge in figuring out how to give the player the feeeeeeling of gameplay progression, it also opens the doors for quite a number of cool little tricks like this. Letting the player be in complete control of battles like this as long as they know exactly about their opponents... There’s so much potential with this, it’s a little crazy!
ENOUGH about Liza though, she’s been the center of attention for long enough. Let’s talk art. Let’s talk about Clemence Inn!
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SO. THE INN! I mentioned it vaguely at the end of my last post (and “promised” to post more about it the week after... Aha) but Clemence Inn is the name of the main location of the game. It’s a rundown inn in the middle of a small, sleepy town named Clemence. It has a total of 4 staff members: the mayor, a janitor, the town’s bounty hunter, and the Nurse. I’ve shown off the Nurse frequently in the past, so the other 3 will be new characters I’ll show off in time! The Inn is also where you, the player, will live. As the inn comes together and I fill out more rooms (the pictures above and below are only of the inn’s lobby area), maybe I’ll give a bit more of a proper room tour! As well as give a proper introduction the wonderful Inn staff. Who knows? 😳
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With the foundation of the game done and Liza + the store system as a whole also being done, my focus will be shifting to some other very important, yet not as “exciting” things to show off. Basically, I’ll be focusing on game locations, art direction (for said locations), more monsters, more enemies, writing and finishing the script, more smaller things I’ve been putting on the backburner ingame (such as some smaller features and tweaks I’ve been meaning to get to). All of this is very important to the game and uh... Well, it’s literally the rest of the game. However, it’s not as “exciting” to show off as it slowly comes along. I’ll continue to show off these WIPs nevertheless (I love blathering about this game, and I’m sure there’s some who love hearing about games in active development), but if things start to feel a weeee bit like a slog, then it’s because it is! Everything will come together with time though. We’re only in year 2 of development, and I suspect this game will take 4-5 years at least.
To end off this long update post, I’ve also been working on newer, more “finalized” tilesets for the game. That’s right, plot twist: The tilesets currently ingame were always just temporary. I had changed the screen size of the game (384x216 to 320x180) a year ago and surprise surprise, big pixel art assets do not scale down very well! I needed new tilesets, but wanted to take is as an opportunity to practice :P
The new tilesets aren’t that different, but I made sure to make the colors easier on the eyes. Here’s the new (top) vs old (bottom) "main” forest tiles!
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lonestardust · 1 year
"If someone asked me at the end, I'll tell them put me back in it. Darling, I would do it again, If I could hold you for a minute, I'd go through it again.. I would still be surprised I could find you, in any life. I would not change it each time.." Francesca, Andrew Hozier-Byrne
Inspired reenvisioning of mediasedits edit
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teamcosplaycouture · 9 months
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Cosplay couture Kazuhira Miller
Photography by Vespa Photography
Costume by Courtney Coulson
Despite Miller’s limited wardrobe and static body language, I find him endlessly inspiring. The challenge of portraying him through cosplay, and reenvisioning him through fashion is all about subtlety and the little details. I kept the silhouette functionally the same, but draping the trenchcoat like a cape to entirely obscure his missing arm added a touch of theatre. Essentially I built everything around the velvet double breasted blazer, it read to me as the formal fashion equivalent of his military uniform.
Most of this costume was assembled, the most work I did was cut the wig myself. I’m surprised what I could get out of a $15 eBay wig, it’s a half-wig too, it needed to be thin enough to fit under the beret. The downside is I could only cut it so short, but I think this length works for what I’m going for.
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worldhistoryfacts · 11 months
In the modern era, artists continued to reenvision Charlemagne. In the 1700s, an era that saw renewed veneration of the Roman Empire, artists depicted him in more ancient garb, as in this statue from the Vatican:
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This drawing by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld also imagines Charlemagne being crowned by the pope, amidst a bunch of people dressed like ancient Romans:
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See more here:
{WHF} {Ko-Fi} {Medium}
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coldgoldlazarus · 3 months
Something else I've come back to while thinking about my theoretical Metroid II re-remake, is another interesting thematic element of the descent.
I commented in a previous post several weeks back, that it's kinda interesting how for the most part Samus Returns and AM2R are pretty similar in how they interpreted most of the areas, with the distinct exception of The Tower. But on looking back at fully-detailed stitched map for Return Of Samus, it actually makes a lot of sense, and I was somewhat underselling the strength of its design before. The fact that the remakes mostly match up on what's a temple, what's a factory, and so on, stems in no small part from the tilework in the original game.
(Even the divergence between interpretations of The Tower comes from emphasizing different aspects; AM2R focuses more on the interior with all the beams, and the lake of acid/lava at the bottom, to make it a weapons facility and geothermal plant, while Samus Returns instead focuses on the twisting vines and thorns climbing up from the surrounding caves, to make it into a marshy jungle.)
But taking a step back to look at the big picture, there's a very very interesting progression as you delve deeper. The first section you visit seems to be a temple or a place of residence. Some weapons in the basement, and expansions out the wazoo, but the actual area is pretty innocious.
Second area, some sort of water processing facility given the pipes and the lake out back, which AM2R stuck close to, while Samus Returns reenvisioned it as more of a big dam structure. I actually like that slight modification a lot and will be incorporating that, partially because it fits slightly better with the following thematic progression IMO.
The third and fourth areas are sorta thematically linked with two sides of manufacturing; the factory, and the mines supplying it with raw materials. Here we see a more heavily industrious side to the Chozo, something AM2R in particular picked up on and emphasized further in a lot of ways.
Then there's The Tower. Has one of every beam, sits atop a lake of lava, thorny vines growing up the sides of the cavern it resides in. Setting aside both of the remakes' more colorful interpretations, there's something just very grandiose and dark about it, and one area where MII's level of screen crunch is kind of a detriment to fully appreciating. And I think, even in the absence of the need for redundant beams, AM2R had the right idea in labeling this a weapons facility.
(Following this is where AM2R inserts the Distribution Center. I love it, and it is a great extension of the industry idea, but in hindsight the placement after the Tower feels a little bit awkward.)
Long long tunnel, classic Metroid bubble area and Omega gauntlet. This all seems to be nature, so less relevant to this discussion, though the bit in the middle where the first Omega is introduced is something I wanna shine a spotlight on in a later post. Anyway, it's a long remote trek away from all the other places of civilization, ending with ascending a huge abyss to the final facility built above it.
And that final location, where the Queen resides, is a lab. Even before it was ever explicitly stated anywhere that the Chozo created the Metroids, I have zero doubt that the implications here were intended when the game was originally made. But it's an especially interesting thing when you look at the sequence it is the capstone to.
It's easy to miss otherwise, but looking at them all in context to each other, you wind up with a clear progression in the roles each facility plays. Simple hallmarks of civilization, to mild use of nature for that civilization, to heavier industry, to war. And beyond that, genetic engineering and extinction.
The Ice Beam is available again in the laboratory, behind a shattered statue. A gameplay convenience, but also a key piece of storytelling.
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