#solo developer
starshinesoda · 5 months
I'm finally starting on my visual novel after almost 6 years!
I'll update here, of course! But also follow my progress on The Clock App!
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sologamedev · 1 year
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my first idle animation sprite sheet for baby c'thulhu project
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vennyaki · 2 years
SO! The past few weeks, I’ve been working on a cutscene system. Just today, I finished up the bulk of it and I managed to make the short little scene above!
(note: this scene won’t be in the final game, it’s purely for testing) 
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It’s simple and still has areas of improvement, but I’m so excited with how things are shaping up. A good friend of mine is helping to review the story to make sure things flow correctly, and that’s going well so far. Speaking of which, opening the game’s main design and storyboard document lags my entire computer because it’s at 277 pages and it’ll only continue to grow. I also refuse to make a new document-
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Aside from my poor document management skills, my pixel art abilities are improving, the main foundations of the game are all mostly in... Development is going well!
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unculturedai · 3 months
Experiment #2.2 Doubling Down: Two Google Gemini AI Apps in 30 Days – My Journey
Hello everyone! 👋 Yesterday, I shared my pivot from my initial app idea due to a saturated market. This led me to explore new horizons with the Google Gemini API. Today, I’m thrilled to announce an even bolder challenge: developing two apps in the next 30 days! Two Apps, Two Purposes Public Project: Your Guide to AI App Development. My original concept, a goal-setting app, will continue…
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spielkritik · 6 months
GASTSPIELER: Der RPG-Maker – Das Werkzeug einer kreativen Subkultur
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shadow-scoundrel · 7 months
BLAM on Pause for now.
BLAM is going to be put on hold for the time being as scope creep took over the project. That is not to say it is gone... But for now I'll be focusing on smaller projects to improve at development. As of right now my skill set will not have BLAM done within a reasonable time frame and I wish to apologize for those who have waited for the project. Things are in the works but as of right now I wish not to promise something if I can't give a proper timeframe for it.
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theindieinformer · 8 months
30 Under 30: Small Indie Teams Making Big Waves With ID@Xbox
Making games is hard. Making great games is harder. But making great games with less than thirty people is unfathomable. Which is why The Indie Informer teamed up with ID@Xbox to laud thirty indie creators who decided to take on the impossible.
If you’re an indie fan, you should be watching Xbox closely. With ID@Xbox — an initiative helping independent developers self-publish on Microsoft’s console — offering opportunities like the empowering Developer Acceleration Program and recently announced spotlight Indie Selects, Team Green has been building an impressive ecosystem for gaming’s greatest smaller-scale gems. In its more than…
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iloveabunchofgames · 2 years
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After the first station
by Lsgamedev
Price (US): $5.00 (But it seems to be on a permanent 100%-off sale.)
Included In: Not in any bundles
Genre: Adventure
Pitch: Hop aboard a train that literally and metaphorically takes a Japanese high school student out of her small town and into the challenges and isolation of adulthood.
My expectations: Looks like a walking sim. The screenshots don't suggest much interactivity, nor do they show any text. I love when a mellow game lets me inhabit a space. A lot games do that and also have other, video game-y stuff, so unless they really have something to say, pure walking sims usually strike me as unambitious and pretentious. But I'm not even sure if that's the genre. The visuals are pretty. Everything else on developer Li Sheng's Itch profile page is a horror game, so maybe After the first station isn't really as cheery as it looks. My curiosity is piqued.
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I’m in a school. I enter a classroom. There’s nothing of interest inside. I walk to the another classroom. It’s not my class. I try another. It’s not my class. I try another door, and it opens! This must be my class.
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Class is not in session, but something is happening here. There are glowing circles on the floor, and they are freaking out. Should I stand on them? Do I need to walk along them in a certain order? Or are the circles, which are jumping around to ten different places at once, meant to draw my attention to the conspicuous box on the teacher’s desk?
I approach and see a button prompt. I can rotate the box, but how do I open it? I can move a cursor over the latch, but I’m pressing every button and nothing’s happening. Ohhhhh… I have to put the cursor on the lid, and then…rotate the lid?
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I get a key, which opens the library, where I find a camera, which I place on a scale, which gives me a train ticket, which takes me away from the first level. Thus concludes the best part of After the first station.
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+ Solid framerate at max settings. ("Meets expectations" shouldn't be cause for celebration, but I've played a lot of primitive-looking Itch games with terrible performance lately.) + It seems like a very personal story. As laughable as the end product is, I hope its development was therapeutic. If making games helps you process trauma, you have my full support. If you release those games to the public, though, I'm not going to hold back on what I think of the full product. And on that note... + Unintentional comedy is still comedy. This game is a riot.
– The Itch page lists, "Atmospheric and appealing graphics" and "Amazing and magical landscape to explore" as key features. The landscapes are a handful of assets copied and pasted at random a thousand times. I don't think I ever went a full minute without finding a new visual bug. Yes, "amazing" is exactly the word. I was in disbelief the whole time. – According to a YouTube walkthrough, I quit a little more than halfway through the game. I consulted a walkthrough because I was sure I had completed my objectives, but nothing was happening. As suspected, I'd hit a game-breaking bug and couldn't proceed. Awesome. – A full sprint in this game is more like a leisurely stroll—especially obnoxious since most levels are either about collecting glowing trinkets in huge, vacant, repetitive areas or walking straight ahead along huge, vacant, repetitive paths. How nice it is to slow down and take in all the nothing. – Sometimes you get Xbox button prompts. Sometime you get PlayStation. Sometimes moves like leaning to the side, zooming the view, or rearranging the inventory—useless vestiges of whatever template is driving this thing—simply stop working.
Bottom Line: If you're a streamer or you like to gather with friends to watch each other play single-player games, grab After the first station while it's free. You'll have no trouble finding material for your quips and zingers. If you're playing alone, or if you're looking for a real game, don't bother.
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dyinggirldied · 1 month
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mushroomwitchgames · 10 months
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CATS KNOW THINGS is a light-hearted game meant to tell a humorous story of intrigue, all while pretending to be a very nosy cat. 
But you are no ordinary cat.
You are a very special feline who, through some magic you cannot explain, can communicate with your human, an individual who wishes to make their mark in society by any means necessary. The two of you decide to start a society page, (a very fancy type of tabloid newspaper dedicated to a particular location) revealing the glitz, glamour, and inner turmoil of the town’s most notable individuals. 
As the cat you will travel across town, using your stealth and wiles to listen in on the most intimate conversations and encounters. At the end of the day you return to your human to relay to them all the town’s salacious gossip for the society page. The goal is to prepare 6-8 items for the newspaper before your human sends them to the presses for the week.
CATS KNOW THINGS will be available on our Itch.io store at 9am PST on November 22!! Please reblog to get the work out! We're really excited to share this game with you!
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lunadetta · 2 months
hey so i like shadamy (and amy rose) a very normal amount so here i am back from the artistic dead ❤️
maybe i'll do shadamy week stuff idk
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willowcrowned · 2 years
han and leia are three times divorced and four times married. han and lando are twice divorced and once married, but both of the divorces happened before the marriage. han and chewie had a beautiful religious wookiee ceremony but never did the paperwork. han and luke have been fiancés since the party right after the destruction of the first death star.
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have you done your daily click
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the-gem-in-i-blog · 3 months
Being a solo developer is taking a break from game development to work on another aspect of game development.
Tired of level design , time to code.
Tired of coding, open up aseprite and draw some sprites baby.
Sick of drawing, those sound effects need effecting bro.
All sound effected out, level design time.
Eventually it work out to completing something even though I never seem to make huge leaps of progress
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glugslove · 16 days
Don't want to solve puzzle, only want to electrocute self
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manawari · 1 year
Categorizing the MCs from the manhwas I've read because why not ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Overpowered, badass, (has zero chill):
Sung Jin-woo, Zephyr, Han Islat/Han Seo-jin, Gwon Gangu/Cassian, Seo Joo-heon, Arthur Leywin, Yoon Seul, Arut (Deon Hart)
Just wants to live a peaceful life and yet, life keeps testing them:
Yu Ijin, Yoon Gamin, Deon Hart
Needs therapy, likes putting themselves in danger, knows how to scam/trick people to their delight, "what's death? Is it my middle finger?", absolute headaches (yet you love them anyway):
Kim Dokja, Kim Gongja, Lloyd Frontera, Cale Henituse, Seo Joo-heon
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