#Rebel Moon is just BEGGING for you to take it seriously and BEGGING for you to make it the next big sci-fi cornerstone in culture
baronessofmischief · 5 months
Rebel Moon on Netflix is sooooooo soso bad guys 😂 like at least there’s space Charlie Hunnam with a Scottish accent and sometimes the main character has a flashback where she has a better haircut AND there’s a sibling duo who have the best costumes in the movie but the story? The script? The movie structure? Cohesiveness? Absolutely terrible. And there’s still 45 minutes left
#and it’s only part ONE#and it’s not interesting enough to compel me to watch a whole second movie of this#there’s a billion things going on but none of it fits together and they’re all just mostly disconnected events or ideas or just STUFF#and none of it is the basic things we need like. character connections and relationships.#it’s ALL flashbacks and EXPOSITION and world building#those things should be there when necessary. give us the minimum we need to know and move ON.#if there’s so much backstory that needs expositioning you should have made that movie instead of it was relevant buildup to THIS story#worldbuilding should be there for flavor - boundaries - and establishing the rules for how the story happens within its structure#this universe just. doesn’t seem like there are any limits. so there’s no tension or cohesive feeling to it. so I just end up not caring lo#at least Jupiter Ascending was CAMPY bad#Rebel Moon is just BEGGING for you to take it seriously and BEGGING for you to make it the next big sci-fi cornerstone in culture#but I swear it is just. so bad.#I don’t even know where to start with it 😂#there’s also like. some things they don’t warn for that they defo should have included in the rest? idk maybe that’s just me but#if you warn about attempted assault against a woman you should also do it for one of the men later#also I said ‘main character’ in the post but it really seems like they’re trying to make EVERY character the main character.#they’re too individual to come together. it’s just random ingredients not one dish.#it’s not structured the way an ensemble movie is supposed to be so it just doesn’t work 🤷‍♂️
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snellyboi · 5 years
Uneasy Lies the Head that Wears the Crown
The world has been changing for Glimmer.
words:1848 Summary: A day in the life of Glimmer, queen of Bright Moon Warnings: I don’t wanna start any shipping wars, but I do a lot of Glimmadora stuff, so be warned. (If you stan Catradora, I have something interesting coming up soon)
 Also dumb 80s names for some OCs because c’mon, if we can have castaspella, we can have some dumb names. 
Glimmer groaned and gently rose out of bed. She got on her royal garments, took her scepter, and walked heavily to the throne room. No time for breakfast this morning. There were important things to discuss. Of course, not just about the war. But that was definitely the thing on everyone’s mind. Especially after last night. 
“They...they were everywhere!” Perfuma was speaking through tears, openly sobbing into Mermista’s shoulder at the war table. Glimmer furrowed her brow.
“What were they in Plumeria for?”
“I have no clue...someone mentioned a monastery of some kind?”
“We need to strike them back!” Frosta said, slamming the table. “I say we find every horde soldier we can and SMASH ‘em!”
“Frosta, we need to address this more delica-” Glimmer stopped. She sounded just like her mother. “...we need to approach this with caution. If they found what they needed, it might have been something important for us. We have to be able to get it back, whatever it was.” 
“True.” Mermista said, supportively and warmly patting Perfuma’s back. “It’s okay, bud...you’re safe.” 
Plumeria had been invaded by the Horde. 
Granted, it was a very small portion, around the edge of its border, actually, but it was still a notable event. It proved that they were regrouped enough to mount such an attack, and so deep into Rebel territory? But such a specific location...they had to be searching for something. 
“We’ll look into it further, Perfuma, I promise.” Perfuma nodded, sniffling. 
“Thank you.”
“Now, onto the next order of business.” She said. “Namely, the problem with troops, or the lack thereof.” She heaved a sigh. “We’re running a tad low on personnel, even for Rebellion standards.” 
“Well what’re we supposed to do?” Mermista asked, “Get a bunch of people to wanna do it or something?”
“Well, a recruitment effort here and there would be nice.” Glimmer said. “It’s just that...we’re gonna need a lot more resources if the Horde is regrouping so quickly.” “Oh! We could make fancy posters and things!” Adora said. “Back at the horde, we had these neat poster things that said ‘enlist’ and ‘obey’ and stuff.” 
“We just need to get people interested. This isn’t the old rebellion, it’s a lot stronger.” Frosta said. “At least...i think it is. Was the old one not great?”
“There’s a new one for a reason, y’know.” Mermista rolled her eyes and sighed. 
“Hey, you don’t have to be mean about it!”
“I wasn’t being mean!” 
“You two,” Perfuma said, “Stop fighting!” 
“I don’t need to sto-”
“That’s ENOUGH!” Glimmer said, losing her temper. A group of gawking faces looked at her. She heaved in a breath. “...Adora.”
“You’ll be in charge of recruitment...if people will fight for anything, they’ll fight for the She-Ra.” She said. “That’s significant. Especially since you’re on our side.”
The rest of the princesses looked. “If more people knew that you were here, Adora,” Perfuma smiled, “They’d be more willing to fight for the rebellion.”
“...I mean, I can’t, like, Draw? But I can go around and do...speeches or something.”
“Great!” Glimmer tried to move things along. “Then it’s settled. So...other than that, and the battle reports covered earlier, we’re good for today. You all have safe travels, and don’t hesitate to let me know of any issues.” Glimmer got up, and walked silently back to the throne room. Adora followed her. 
“Heh, got ‘em pretty scared with that shouting, huh? In all seriousness, are you alri-”
“Adora, I-” She sighed. “I have a meeting that I’m late for. I need to go. I’ll catch you later, okay?” She smiled warmly up at Adora, hugged her swiftly and tightly, and walked into the throne room. 
Adora stared at the closing doors. “...sure.” -
“My queen, the coffers are luckily full enough to launch another building program.” A meeting with her financial advisor, Finara, and her political advisor, Legista, were all there, fronting ideas. “May I suggest a new building for the castle’s staff? The current one is rather old.”
“We could build them another building, yeah...why don’t we have someone draw up some plans? Make it nice, too.” She smiled. 
“And what of the new tariffs?” Legista asked. “Surely the people of Salineas will find another source for gold Silk?”
“Mermista has already agreed to it, and it’s such a specialty item that the people who need it will pay anything for it. The tariff stays. We need that money.” Glimmer hated this part of the job. Lofty, big decisions. She missed the action, and the romance of the soldier’s life. She missed adventures with Seahawk, and hanging out with Bow, and she especially missed hugging Adora and cuddling her for hours, running her hands through her long, blonde hair as she-...she shook her head. 
“Anything else?”
“Nothing comes to mind, your majesty.” The advisors left...she now had her open court. Citizens could voice concerns at their will. It took ages sometimes, but this was mostly just ‘we welcome the new queen’ stuff. Then one couple came in. 
“We want your majesty’s blessing for our marriage!” 
“Your blessing!” The woman looked up. “I love him dearly, but his father doesn’t want him marrying someone from my family, so-”
“I…” The queens blessing was for, usually, royalty. She walked down from her throne and placed the scepter on her shoulder. “I bless your marriage.” 
“Hooray!” The girl giggled and kissed her groom to be, and they ran off. Glimmer wanted to marry someone...someone who Angella would have never approved of. She laughed and headed back to her throne. “Next.”
“Hey, Glimmer!”
“I beg your pa-...oh. Hey, Bow.” She waved a little and beamed.
“How’s your day going?” 
“Oh, not so bad...boooooring, but-”
“Court questions are not for friendly visits.” A guard said. Bow put his hands on his hips. 
“Oh, aren’t they now?”
“No, they are not!”
“Well then, I-”
“Guard, stand down. When I’m in charge, they’re also for friendly visits.”
“...yes, your majesty.” The guard stood down. “I apologize.”
“We’re cool, man.” Bow smiled. “Adora and I are gonna go see how fast Swift Wind can fly...wanna come?”
“Of course I d-” She looked around. “...I have a lot going on.”
“Oh. Uhm...sure! We can figure out another time, I think.”
“No, no, if you’re gonna go and do it you go ahead and do it.”
“You sure? We don’t wanna leave you out!”
“I’’ll...I’ll make time for you guys later.” She smiled. “I’ll see you around!” Her smile carried a bit of disappointment and a lot of sadness.
“Alright, bud…” 
Adora sighed when she mounted swift wind. “I dunno, it’s just-” She helped Bow up. “She’s got a ton of work to do. Do you think I’ll ever be able to break it to her?’
“Break what to her?” Bow asked. 
“That I have a crush on her.”
“...you two aren’t dating?” 
“I-what? No! She doesn’t even know I like her!” Bow laughed at this. 
“Adora, she weaved flowers into your hair and said you were the most beautiful girl on the planet and you told her you would DIE for her! Is that not...wait…” He just couldn’t He was laughing so hard he started to cry. Adora wasn’t as amused, but...she was finding some humor in it all. 
“And the time I just looked at her and said ‘I wanna kiss you’ and she was just like ‘huh’ and I said ‘I mean I miss you’ and she’d been gone for, like...5 minutes!” The two laughed. Swift Wind spoke. 
“When’s the last time you all hung out?”
“Who, us two?” 
“You and Glimmer.” He said. 
“...a while ago. She’s a busy girl. She’s the queen now.” They were looking over the kingdom, flying close to the Opal. “I miss her a lot.”
Bow nodded. “I miss her too.” He said. “But it’s not like she doesn’t like hanging out.”
“You sure?” Adora asked. “I just feel like a background character to her sometimes nowadays.” 
“I saw her earlier, and she looked...upset she couldn’t come around.”
“I guess you’re right.” Adora smirked. “I have an idea. Swift wind, we’re moving the speed test to tomorrow.”
“You can’t be serious! I trained!”
“Did you, really?” Bow scoffed. 
“Well, no, but-....still. It’s the principle of it all!” Adora laughed and patted his neck. 
“Easy, bud.”
Glimmer sighed and laid in her bed, screaming into a pillow. “RrrrrrAAAAGH!” She threw it across the room. She looked out her window and leaned her head on the side of it. “I wonder if I’ll be able to go out when it’s bright again?” She thought aloud. She was growing more and more bleak with each passing day...report after report after meeting after meeting, no stopping, break for a meal, then go right back, then sleep. No time to talk to the princesses, or go on missions, or laugh with Bow, or-
No time for Adora. Only at meetings. Only at meals. 
It was straining her. She heard her door open. 
“Do NOT disturb the-”
“Adora!” She teleported to her, and then teleporter her back to her bed. She yawned. “I’m sorry, I just...I’m so tired.”
“You’re okay.” Adora held her hand. “Hey, so...I wanted to talk about us for a minute.”
Glimmer was beet red, and if she was tired before, her heart was waking her up now. “Go ahead.” 
“Well, I was just wondering,” She said, “We’re awfully close, and...I’m starting to feel the same way about you as I used to for Catra a while ago.” She added. “It’s this warm feeling. It’s nice. It feels all...fuzzy.”
“It’s Love, Adora.” Glimmer got closer to her. “I feel it for you, too.” 
“So are we…”
“Lovers? If you wanna be.” Adora got closer. 
“I’d Like that.” Adora said...she closed her eyes. 
“...tell him to wait.” Adora said. 
“This is a matter of utmost importance, I assure you, he-”
“Put him in a room and get him some rest.” Adora stood. “Is that clear?”
“I take orders from the queen.” 
“You do. And you will take orders from my LOVER as well!” Glimmer barked. 
“...yes, your majesty.” Angella was gone. Glimmer could be loud when she wanted to be. 
The guard scurried off. “Where were we?” Glimmer asked. 
“You get kinda frightening when you’re upset.” 
“We were about to kiss, alright? He interrupted us!” She laughed. 
“Yeah...hope you’re not like that with them all the time.” Adora said. “Gotta be a bad relationship if that’s the case.”
Glimmer laughed. “I’m not like that all the time! Just...today’s been rough, i wish I could just relax for a bi-”
A pair of lips pressed up against Glimmer’s. 
“...that’s a kiss, right?”
“A perfect one,” Glimmer said. “Well, almost.” She was blushing quite a bit, but...tried to stay confident. “Want another? Just...for practice?”
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richsretroreviews · 4 years
Star Wars Knights of The Old Repbulic II Review
Release Date: NA; 6th December 2004 (Xbox) 8th February  2005 (PC) EU; 11th February 2005 (Xbox & PC)
Developer: Obsidian Entertainment
Publisher: LucasArts
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I had gotten my Xbox Christmas of 2004. It was the crystal one too and I had been wanting one all year. I kinda spoilt the surprise for myself though because in a poorly chosen hiding spot by my parents I found the crystal box poking out of a bag. It was torture to occasionally look at it and do nothing with it but gawk and wait until Christmas and almost feign a reaction to it. Sorry mum and dad…
But Knights of the Old Republic II was the third game I got myself? I think? First two I can remember were Ninja Gaiden and Soul Calibur 2… let’s just say Kotor 2 was the third game I got for myself.
So I went down to Game, saw the cover with that haunting image of Darth Nihilus on the front, nabbed it, got home, played it for the weekend and got bored of it… Shamefully. There were parts that I liked but it played so differently to other action games I was already accustomed to at the time it threw me off. Little did I know how much of an RPG it was and the action was so different to what I was used to.
The initial problem I had with this game was it didn’t meet my expectations of what I wanted out of a Star Wars game, especially one where I knew you could create your own character and make them Sith or Jedi. Perfectly what I wanted. But after playing it for 12 hours and still on Telos and still without a lightsaber, I lost patience with it and gave up. How foolish my 13 year old self was. I then traded it in and got something else instead. If I remember right they even had Kotor there as well…
But so ignorantly did I miss out on one of the greatest games and greatest Star Wars games of my budding teenage years that it wasn’t until 5 years later I gave it another try and since then it might be one of my most played games without even realising it.
I got it again on the Xbox, played through it with a video walkthrough and I completed it. Although this first run through felt a little disconnected because I was almost playing it alongside the video and didn’t fully experience it all myself with my own choices and completely understanding what choices I was making. But the fact was I completed it regardless, I got my damn lightsaber—lightsabers even! Goddamn plural!—and loved the characters and every moment of it. The story was completely different to any other Star Wars story I was accustomed to which delved into themes I didn’t fully understand yet, but I loved it all the same.
I loved the planets, the characters, the combat I grew to love, the music, the voice acting, the twists, the scope it all conveyed and perspective it gave on the force and the Sith and what it is to be Jedi. All of it influenced me even and inspired my own Star Wars stories I want to write.
Since then I have played and completed it 3 more times. Once more on the Xbox, a save on the 360 I completed and a Sith run I started, and recently on PC. I’ve only ever completed it as a Jedi and the Sith run I still haven’t completed after… 6 years now I think? Maybe? Probably longer than that. But the best thing about all the times I’ve completed it is that as much as I have tried to stay close to what I will always do in the games I have always gotten a different outcome in the end. I’ve had an ending where no one survived, where some survived, and where everyone survived, and another where all survived but Atton died. And I know next time I play through it again I’m going to get another ending completely different. That’s the best thing about this I think, that each ending isn’t guaranteed to be the same even if you play close to the same as before.
So, how this game plays. It’s space D&D. The game uses a d20 system so it was akin to playing Star Wars D&D.  You can even see these roll stats in the game in the journal, message log and combat filter. Kotor also used this system. And you know what? The system works. Not only for its combat mechanics but for its character creation. You can have more freedom to play about how you want to build your character and class as you level up.
Want to be a Jedi Knight? Consular? Sentinel? Just be a Scoundrel or Scout and be allergic to lightsabers? (Weirdo, how would you not want a lightsaber?) A Techie? Sith Lord? Jedi Master? Sith Assassin? All these classes and builds gives such freedom and variety it begs for multiple playthroughs with its open ended opportunities for how you want to make this story go and develop your character. You can go on with a single lightsaber or sling dual lightsabers, optionally with a short lightsaber in your off hand (it works better that way), or go all Maul and swing about a double edged lightsaber, mow down rebel and Mandalorian scum with a mini minigun. You can rely solely on force powers and go all Palpy or completely ignore using the force and stick to your guns. (Seriously, why not use the force or lightsabers? Goddamn weirdo you are.)
You get a multitude of gear to equip that can help out your stats further, naturally. And you can modify your own lightsaber! When you’re on Dantooine, the home of the Jedi Academy that has long since been abandoned, you can delve into the Jedi caves that house the crystals that all blossoming Jedi in training go to when it comes time to build your own lightsaber. And in this crystal cavern you can find your own special character specific crystal. Of course you can find other crystals in this cave to help power up your lightsaber and other colours (I’ve always gone dual orange and yellow), but this crystal holds a special connection for your character both narratively and gameplay wise. As a gameplay mechanic; when you level up or change alignment from light to dark, or just get lighter and become Keanu Reeves or more darker and go goth, you can take the crystal out of your lightsaber, take it to Kreia and she will enhance it to better reflect your character’s growth. So if you’re majoratively light you can gain more damage to dark side, or if you’re dark you gain more damage to light, more attack power, more damage etc.
As a narrative device, it works for the Exile’s lost connection from the force.
Which, now I think it’s time to get to the main appeal of this game.
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Knights of the Old Republic II is possibly the best Star Wars story ever told next to Knights of the Old Republic and the films themselves.
You play as The Exile, a Jedi exiled by the Jedi council because you chose to defy them and go to war with Revan and Malak against the Mandalorians before they slaughtered everyone. The bastards. Who’s the bastards? The Jedi council or the Mandalorians? Maybe both? You be the judge.
Seriously, you get to decide who the bastards are. Disagree with the council? Agree with them? Resentfully chose to fight the Mandalorians? Or gleefully sided with them and fell to the dark side because everyone are bastards and you wanna watch the galaxy burn?
Hell, maybe you’re the bastard…
That’s all you’re given. You get to weave your own story throughout this. If you’ve played the first Kotor then you know the deal with Revan and Malak. If you’ve read the Revan book as well then you will know too that this Exile is canonically Meetra Surik. You can make and choose whoever you want easily. Want to be Revan again even? Go for it. But she’s the main character of this story and it finishes on the light side.
As Meetra, you wake up on a Peragus mining facility in your undies with amnesia. You run into a cranky old woman called Kreia and an imprisoned dodgy scoundrel named Atton. You eventually come across this game’s resident R2, T3-M4, returning from Kotor. You escape the doomed planet with the repaired Ebon Hawk-- also back from Kotor-- as the Sith arrive, who is led by the walking zombie Darth Sion. You arrive on Telos, get your barings, either help some environmental Ithorians or corporate Czerka, solve a few security cases before you’re off and on your way to the big wide galaxy ahead and the story opens up.
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Now, you’re being chased by Darth Sion because he and Darth Nihilus believe you to be the last of the Jedi (ha.) But you are not! Your task is to find the remaining hidden Jedi masters and, depending on your alignment, gather them together at the ruins of the Jedi Academy on Dantooine or kill them.
Along the way you’re going to meet new party members and Kreia will train you in the ways of the force.
Then, you get four planets to choose from to find these masters; Dantooine, Onderon, Korriban, and Nar Shadaa. And you can go to any of these planets in any order you like. Though, my order has always been Dantooine, Nar Shadaa, Onderon, Korriban.
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I’m not going to go through each planet and explain what happens and spell it all out, but you find more party members to help you along the way, find the masters and then shit unfolds in a greatly unexpected way…
Mandalore, another returning character from Kotor, at one point on the Onderon moon of Dxun has a confrontation with Kreia and tells a fellow Mandalorian “Forget the Jedi. Keep an eye on her…” Which, seriously. Keep a very close eye on Kreia, pay attention to what she says, what she does and how she can influence others. She’s the most curious of all your party members…
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Which, speaking of, as Kreia teaches your character and you grow and you attract more followers, you eventually get the chance to train your party members into becoming Sith or Jedi. Those who are force sensitive are the Handmaiden, Mira, Bao-Dur, Atton and the Disciple. Although, the Handmaiden is a character who you can only recruit when you play as the male. Taking Handmaiden’s place when you play female is the Disciple, someone you meet in the Jedi ruins on Dantooine.
And then comes the romance options! Because what RPG game wouldn’t have one. As the male character you get Mira, Visas and Handmaiden, and as the female you get Atton and the Disciple.
I’ve always gone the way of the male and choosing the Handmaiden. Helps she’s voice by Grey Delisle…
Time to get into the story more.
So, you’re trying to find these Jedi masters while running halfway across the galaxy from a zombie Sith and a gluttonous Sith.
Sion is a man who should long ago have since died, but is using the force to keep himself held together. His body is decayed and falling apart, he’s got one working eye, his voice is dried and husky. That is a man whose sheer force of rage and anger and willpower to control the force as such to keep himself together and alive is incredible. I’ve never seen something like that nor someone use the force so creatively.
And then there’s Nihilus. A man no longer who feeds on the force. A wound in the force who feeds on all life throughout the galaxy. He sees not the form of flesh and sinew in front of him, but the living force around him and all is his for the taking, to consume and draw on until there is nothing left. He is a vampiric, poisonous leech the likes of which no Sith has ever matched before. Again, something I have never seen before in how a character, or even how the game’s developers, has ever used the force, to bend it to his will and develop the force more into something greater and more mysterious and powerful than the films have ever elaborated on.
And that leads me into my next point; the force and Kreia. Which, spoilers for the twist and ending. (I know I said earlier I won’t spoil but this needs talking about! At least I’m leaving some mystery.)
Kreia is a Sith… Or is she?
Well, she is truly Darth Treya. If Sion is the Sith of pain, and Nihilus is the Sith of hunger and annihilation, then Treya is the Sith of betrayal. And therein lies the twist.
Kreia is seemingly a Jedi at first, perhaps even a grey Jedi the more you talk to her. I mean, her alignment on the character screen is permanently neutral, no matter which side you sway to the heaviest or how much you influence her. Until eventually you come to learn she was once Darth Treya, a powerful Sith Lord who once had the galaxy firmly in her grasp accompanied by her pupils Sion and Nihilus. Until those two overthrew her and imposed her into her own exile. Now, where else have we heard of that…?
So naturally, with Kreia wise to the force and of the Exile’s being, she works to control Surik and do her bidding no matter which side she may fall on. She manipulates all that occurs right up until the game’s final stage; Malachor V, the final battleground and graveyard of the Mandalorian wars, where so many Jedi died and where Meetra Surik became a wound in the force herself.
Once you have defeated Nihilus and convinced Sion to finally die and let go of the force, you face Kreia. Or, Treya, rather. And it is here you learn more about the force, its sides, its control, Treya’s motivations and the why of everything.
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Treya, hates the force. The reason why she does what she does is because she hates it. She wishes to see it dead and destroyed because of the hold it has on all those in life. And, as much as she betrayed Meetra Surik, she holds a special kind of love for her. She doesn’t wish her dead or any kind of harm or anything like that to have happen to her. But for her to understand more on the force.
This is where the best part of this whole game and story culminates, the reflection on the force and what the force is.
The force is a powerhouse. The force is a living beast. A galactic behemoth that is almost a deity or living entity that is all that lives. It is not these midichlorians, this kind of blood bacteria. It is not this mysterious magic. The force is an all-consuming, all controlling, all illuminating and suffocating creature that presides in everyone and everything. It controls the motion and flow of everything. It is reactive to emotion and try as they all might, the Sith and the Jedi may never really fully understand what the force is other than be a slave to it or try to control it to their will.
There was once this one interesting theory I read about what the force is and related it to a swimming pool. The Jedi only swim in the shallow to middle part of the pool. They can see how far the pool stretches and understand its breadth but dare not delve deeper into it else they get lost or drown within it, and so stay safe and respect the shallow part of the pool. While the Sith dive deep into the pool and swim far and wide into the deepest parts and soon find that it is really an ocean and discover all these other monstrous beings deep below. And that makes total sense honestly.
I love more the concept of the force being this uncontrollable being, this literal special force that is everything and there are a special number who are sensitive to it and can control and use it. And not just for magic tricks like lifting things and confusing chumps, but to use the force to manipulate, influence and shape things as sizeable as an entire galaxy. To control something on that scope with that kind of a power is intangible yet fascinating.
And so, regarding that, Treya hates that people in the galaxy might not have full control over themselves and she wishes to see the force die. And that is an immense ambition. How could you kill the force? Could you? Darth Nihilus fed on it and wiped out star systems, Meetra Surik was a wound and brought death and suffering to those around her and amassed a loyal following that fought when she fought (a very, very clever piece of writing to implement a simple game mechanic such as levelling up into the story as for each enemy you defeat or kill the stronger you become), and Sion relied on the force to live until he gave it up. There are those who rely on it who perhaps shouldn’t be around and those who are a poison with the force.
And, perhaps, even all of Treya’s ambitions aren’t really her conscious choices either? Maybe in that, the force controlled her choices because that is what the force wills and dictates…
Maybe the force wills to die too but learned it cannot…
Who knows!
It’s this writing and Sara Kestelman’s acting as the conflicted Sith Kreia which helped this game win awards and cement Kreia as one of the most recognisable and compelling video game characters ever.
And that’s another one of this game’s strengths; the voice acting. Everyone does stupendously and there’s not a wrong word put out or spoken.
Either way, Knights of the Old Republic 2 is an incredible Star Wars game and an incredible Star Wars story that is critical and self-reflective on itself, superbly creative, immersive, poignant, and did more to develop the Star Wars lore than it is recognised for.
Do yourself a favour and play it and play it again.
If you’re playing it on PC, get the Restored Content mod that fixed everything Obsidian didn’t have time to fix and which includes all cut content. Go fulfil your Sith or Jedi dreams and get lost.
I have spoken.
Where to Purchase:
Steam: £7.19, $9.99
Amazon: £2.33 - £15, $17 - $70
Ebay: £1.25- £59, $7.67 - $325
GoG: £7.69, $9.99
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Great Thing
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Part 1 Part 2
Part 3: Not Your Hero
“You a liar, T.” Erik swept casually through the small and crowded club toward the exit. He’d shown for one purpose and one purpose only. He wanted to support a nineteen year old boy from the outreach center’s young adult program in his rap dream. He was actually good and booked the gig on his own which had to be rewarded.
“I did not lie,” T'Challa shot, a step behind. Erik had ignored him through the entire performance and now, no matter how fast he walked, T'Challa remained on his heels, even despite the crowd. “What you witnessed was not habit, but spur of the-Why am I exp- I don’t owe you an explanation of my private affairs!”
“You don’t owe me a thing,” Erik tossed without looking back, “But if you’ll lie about bullshit that damn stupid? You’ll lie about real shit.”
T'Challa followed closely, stress etched deeply into his brow as he attempted to understand Erik’s frustration over something so frivolous. "That's hardly-"
“Ain’t nobody business what you do behind closed doors,” Erik quipped spinning to look his cousin in the eye. “Like father like son, right?” With that, he left the club, T'Challa no longer behind him.
Erik cruised the city, music blasting in his Buggatti Veyron, fully aware of the Dora tailing him though she stayed a distance away so not to be spotted. Since his resurrection in Wakanda, a service he never requested, he’d been crowded by a team of doctors, therapists, Dora, and T'Challa. More shit he didn't ask for. He felt caged and heavily judged. Every move was scrutinized. They all watched him from the outside like they were afraid he'd attempt to retake the throne and Wakanda. The hyper hyper-awareness made him want to rebel out of pure spite although he was past wanting the throne. He didn't need the throne especially when he knew he was being lied to and them muhfuckas were all involved.
“T'Challa the nigga they need to be watching,” he spoke aloud figuring the car was bugged. “The spoiled ass king who can do no fuckin wrong. He’s as reckless as me, yet they praise him because he was born into a position of power. That nigga ain't earn shit, but was born with allegiance. That nigga ought to check his privilege and these bald peons better check their king.” The number on the speedometer increased as he flew down the road, knowing every dip and curve like the skin of his own hands. “Me? I was born from struggle. Been at odds with the world all my life. Everything I got, I got on my own and that lying ass nigga? Ain't no better than me or any hood nigga I came up with. You can tell your king I said it. If he ain’t already listening.”
Erik kept his eyes on the road, driving faster. He sped past the Camburger getting a random flashback. He suddenly knew where to go. His current state was a far cry from his past, but Gia was one real nigga who had always been there.
The Past
Camburger was calling and Erik stood in line, hands in the pockets of his black Balr hoodie, waiting to cop a fat one. He shifted his feet looking down at his all black ACW*’s. They matched the all black theme of his fit with the under armour black long johns and the black basketball shorts. The woman in front of him stepped away and he stepped up to the counter to put in his order. “I'll take the beast burger.. and the camburger combo.. a Sprite.. yeah.. Thank you.” The woman smiled and he nodded.
“That him?” A voice aggressively whispered from a table to the right putting Erik on high alert as he angled his ear to listen around him. He didn't have to look to recognize the voice of the female that dude was with. They were making a scene.
“Stop, I don't know him,” she pleaded. “I don't know him! Von!” Sounded like Keisha, which meant her man probably found out they were fuckin and had a lot to say about it.
Erik claimed his order and checked the bag, grabbing hot sauce as Von approached. Neither of them spoke initially and Erik put his straw in his drink. What the fuck was Erik gonna say? He refused to fight over a bitch and that's what the nigga wanted. He turned on his heel to walk away when Von piped up.
“Pussy nigga,” he spit. “You runnin like a BITCH,” he yelled stepping back as Keisha stepped in between, holding him back and apologizing to Erik on his behalf. “Fuck that. I don't give a fuck who he is, I'll beat any nigga's ass in here if they gotta problem. Starting with this hoe.”
Erik stared blankly at the duo picking up his drink and turning on his heel to leave peacefully.
“I’m a slice that ass up, on crip,” Von snapped with wide eyes.
“That ain't you, bruh.” Erik specifically recalled Keisha saying the nigga was from Tennessee. He didn't look like he had hands, but Erik knew he probably had guns. “You ain't from round here, yeet dat ass with all that shit.”
“Von, let's go! Please, let's just go.. let's- please,” Keisha cried yanking on his arm after pulling herself up.
“Listen to your girl,” Erik said with a sip of his Sprite as he stepped toward the exit.
“Killmonger my ass. I'm a light ya block up, you better watch ya back nigga,” Von yelled. Erik stopped short at the threat, turning back. You could hear a pin drop at that moment, as the people around froze. “Yo ass shook,” Von sneered in Erik's face once he walked up. “Yeah nigga.. I'm a-”
He looked down at the blood seeping from his white tee and back up at Erik's unapologetic eyes watching the life leave his as he fell to the ground, panicked with no one moving a muscle to help.
Erik backed out the door with a nod to the woman behind the counter. As the door closed behind him, he heard another pop. He glanced back on his way to his black NSX to see Keisha next to a squirming Von, immobile, her head fucked up.
Sliding into the driver's seat, he turned the car on and it came to life. I hustle, I flex, the world is mine. So please believe, allow the greaze
These niggas disease, don't speak we squeeze (squeeze). I make the devil go weak the knees. You hate, you're lame, your loss.
Gia opened the door with no words letting Erik into her home. He went directly to her refrigerator pulling out plastic containers of food to make himself a plate. She sat a shot of Henny on the table in front of him and left him, heading sleepily to her bedroom while he gathered his thoughts.
When he was in a better state, he walked back to find her in bed.
“You you always so good to me,” he asked posted against the door frame. For years, she'd consistently fucked with him no matter what bullshit he was on, no questions asked. Going back to Camburger. She knew the old Killmonger as well as the new and she never made him feel like he was crazy.
“You good to me.. Why wouldn't I be good to you?”
“You remember that night at Camburger?”
“Damn, when I used to work there. Why you thinking about that?” She sat up fixing her bonnet. Slowly he made his way to her bedside sitting in the empty space. Looking at her concerned face, he could only think of how she'd shot that girl in front of everyone on command. Years later and still ain't nobody snitched or said shit about either death. “Erik, you know you got shooters out here. You good?”
“See, that's what I mean. You stay ready.”
“Who I gotta fuck up,” she stared blankly causing him to smile and gently palm the top of her bonnet.
“No one.. Go to sleep.” He dropped a stack on the kitchen table and made his way out back to his car. Smiling, he turned it on and rolled off.
T'challa’s chest heaved in the dim light of the basement. His mind swirled with fearful thoughts. He was afraid of himself and what he knew he might do. He pleaded with his heart to stop pounding and the ache hammering in her temples to cease. He’d sweat through his clothing. It clung to his salty, dark and smooth skin. Sweat from his forehead, from his brow, down his neck.
“Baba,” he pleaded to the light source above, dizziness setting in. He was seeing doubles. It felt like he was dying but he knew better than that. “Help me stop it, baba,” he cried. His arms were cuffed and tied behind him. On top of that he was chained and tethered inside of a metal cage. “Ancestors.. please,” he sighed fatigued, “I beg of thee. Purge me of this curse. Guide me! If not, then reinforce these bars so that I must stay here..”
Even as he was speaking his request, he felt his mind slipping. His sanity was beginning to flee him. “Nalani,” he whispered in mourning, “I am truly sorry.”
The moon, fully round and white rose high in the jet black sky and Nalani drove on the highway getting as far as she could away from her beloved fiance with much regret and pain in her gut. She wanted nothing more than to hold T'Challa through his ordeal and soothe him, letting him know that she still loved him no matter what happened. She knew his heart and he was a gentle man, one of the sweetest she’d ever known. She’d move mountains for him. However, the plan they’d come up with together was for her to tie him up, lock him up, then get as far away from him as she possibly could without him knowing where she was going. She had to follow the plan if she wanted to survive.
“Nalani.. Come, I must tell you something.. very important,” he’d said soberly when they’d gotten serious as a couple. They were in his home and he didn’t seem to know where to start, starting and stopping before looking her dead on. He exhaled. “I have.. a condition,” he said carefully. Nalani waited before shaking her head impatiently. He exhaled again. “When I am in love, which is rare… a certain frenzy will come over me. It is an animalistic..,” he searched for the right word, “obsession.” Nalani crossed one thigh over the other, the high split of her dress revealing smooth dark skin. He looked away as she grabbed his hand to play with his long fingers. “I don’t think you are getting the seriousness of this matter,” he muttered pulling his hand away when she attempted to kiss his pinky ring.
“T'Challa, I’ve been known to be passionate. You’ll soon discover we have that in common,” Nalani smiled moving to sit in his lap. He stood before she could.
“Nalani, on the full moon, I will transform into a creature of extreme animal lust. You will have to restrain me and get away, as far as you possibly can for I will hunt you and no one but you until the sun comes up.”
“And if you catch me,” Nalani teased. He was silent and his serious expression caused her smirk to falter.
“In the interest of full disclosure, those women are not on this earth today. Not in this plane. I understand if you wish to leave me. You would not be the first and you would be safe.” The sad note of his voice touched Nalani’s heart and she walked over to hear man, hugging him near to her.
“I fear.. that my lust for you is too great,” he sighed. “One of these full moons I will transform.” He handed her a gun with silver bullets. “I trust you to do all you can to escape.”
The gun laid in the console of the car. She prayed she wouldn’t have to use it. A tear fell that she wiped away with the back of her hand.
Okoye snatched her phone out of T'Challa's hand as he was reading, his brows knitted in hopeless confusion. He didn't know what to say or think, his face frozen.
"It's called wakandan fanfiction, brother, and you.. are the king of Wakanda so there will be stories of you. Get used to it," Shuri said through T'Challa's phone.
"Cannot the stories be true or at the very least believable? I fear that my lust for you is too great," he mocked, offense in his tone. Shuri smiled from her lab in Wakanda, finding it hilarious.
"Okay I called you to discuss the sneaker advancements. I snuck them in," she said proud of her pun. "I've added jets. You should be able to remain in the air went you jump."
"When will I utilize this?" He inspected the shoes on his feet. They looked and felt the exact same.
"Do you want to know how to work them or not?"
"Tell me."
Under her instruction he clicked his heels and the jets appeared, lifting him from the ground and causing him to fall on his face. He rushed himself upright ignoring Okoye's snort and Shuri's fit of giggles.
"I'm sorry brother," Shuri cried in laughter, "It had to be done." She watched him dust himself off to maintain his heir of dignity. "By the way... I heard you and N'Jadaka had a falling out."
"Not so much of that as I didn't divulge the full truth about something small, now he's upset with me."
"Was it about the lewd footage of you and that woman in Erik's house? I couldn't watch it without.. throwing up on my equipment so I deleted it.. but boy do your kinks run deep. Perhaps Erik had a point somewhere in his car babble."
T'Challa lifted his head defensively and Okoye looked away. He quickly ended the call with Shuri and took a step away, off to himself.
@muse-of-mbaku @imaginewhoever @whoramilaje @panthergoddessbast @thadelightfulone @misspooh @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @marvelpotterlove @youreadthatright @forbeautyandlife @theunsweetenedtruth @bidibidibombaclaat @myboyfriendgiriboy @dameshaemonique @blackpantherimagines   @vikkidc @hidden-treasures21 @mysidefanting @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @syndrlla97 @winteroflife @thotyana-in-this-hoe   @texasbama @gingerylimonte @princessstevens   @magic-madness-heavensin @wawakanda-btch @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @wakanda-inspired @blackgirloneshots @thegucciwaffle @thiccdaddy-mbaku   @ledouxange7 @drsunshine97 @purplehairgawdess @trevantesbrat @indigoxsummers @cccccx1   @dynastylnoire @iamrheaspeaks @blowmymbackout @fonville-designs @they-call-me-le @theblulife @raysunshine78 @sheisexcellent
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ace01taro · 6 years
🦉✨Weekly reading- All zodiac signs🌞✨
🍂 November 18th - November 24th 🍂
(Messages are lengthy but also insightful!! ✨ Also be sure to check out  your Moon 🌕 and Rising 🌎 signs )
♈️Aries: Aries, this week you will very much be in your head, some of you could be aware of a past “mistake” that you could have made around love, one that was done without “reflection” first. You want to make things right, but the problem is you don’t know where to start? So this leaves you feeling stuck in your tracks. Many of you have taken the time to “reflect” over the situation, the situation coming to mind and causing you grief and guilt for how it played out. Aries, at this time many cycles are finishing, jut as this “pain” and “guilt” you are feeling will eventually “come full circle. This situation will need your “compassion” and “unconditional love”, do not let our past mistakes rule you. If you can “seclude” yourself from the outside word ,do it. Your friends and even family members on the “spiritual plane” wish to help you, but you must take the “first steps” towards this healing cycle. You deserve to be happy Aries, you deserve to feel love again, never doubt that.
♉️Taurus: Taurus, the most challenging aspect of this week could be your sense of “self worth”, some of you could be feeling “guilty” about “moving on” with a certain situation. Many of yo had to release an “idea” or “expectation” or a how a situation was going to play out, while it could have worked for some in the long run, for others, they just did not want to “wait” any longer. So you did the only thing that you could do, you moved on,  found something else, or another person to fill your time. Some of you could even have started new projects and business, and are now in the begging stages off getting it “off the ground”, yet sometimes that “person” or “situation” comes to your mind, and you begin to question the “whats ifs?”. This situation calls for you to rely on your “intuition” Taurus, only you will know what is best for you, whatever you chose to do next, understand that you will continue to grow and develop, that this “process” is forever ongoing you in a sense are like a ”flower”, you are only just begging to “blossom”, your journey has only just begun.
♊️ Gemini: Gemini, this week you are going to be giving your attention and time to learning the art of being a “rebel”, this week you are putting your foot down and some could say “Growing a back bone”. Whatever this situation is, you are just tired of being “played” or labeled as a “fool”. While you do not know all of the steps that will be taken, you are planning on embodying the energy of the  “emperor”, this is someone who is “controlled” when it comes to their emotions, thy are calm, and do not need to shout or show anger to get something across, they simply give off the vibe of someone who is not to be “toyed” with, they are in sense the “Head honcho”. This old part of you is dying off Gemini, that new part of you that wishes to be see and taken seriously is now in the making. Spirit asks that you go out side if you have been at home  or working to much, take the time to surround yourself with “Mother nature” for she will show and lead you through this “transformation”.
♋️ Caner: Cancer, this week you are going to be doing your best when it comes to moving on from “difficult times”, there was something that could have been causing you to feel extremely “weighed down” it was if you had the “world” on your shoulders and you did not know what to do. It became a burden to you Cancer. Many of you could have been continuing to carry around a “relationship” or “connection” that was “going nowhere” or  was “one sided”, you did not want to deal with the “fallout” at the time,and you chose to simple “move forward” and keep the “Good fight”. Now you are finding peace in knowing that this situation has come “full circle”, within you there is a new sense of “hope” and “rebirth!”. Spirit says not to give up or back down! you re just begging to blossom and need to keep “open” and “receptive” to all things that the universe wishes to give you now! This “gift” or “miracle” will be coming in quickly! so be sure to be ready!
♌️ Leo: Leo, this week you will be healing an issue when it came to another opinions about you, Harsh or false words could have been used against you, and it might have done substantial damage to your sense or worth. Now you find yourself on a path that could be away from others, a solitude one that involves you seeking and restoring what was once taken away from you. Leo, Spirit wants you to be bold at this time! Unleash the adventurous side within you! While others might try and control the fire that now sparks within you Libra, know that even more energies are looking for you to “shine brightly!” they want you to show your true colors! to walk and be in your “Divinity!” Do not be afraid to show this side of yourself Leo, your energy is healing for many. You are a beckon right now, you are guiding and being a light to those who still do not understand their own Divinity!
♍️ Virgo: Virgo, this week the energy could be extra heavy when it comes to you having to leave a situation, this situation involving a connection that was made at a young age or was seen as “pure” and childlike to many. You will be going in this week so that you can “reflect” and “release” any and all old pain and hurts that could still be lingering. Virgo, if you feel any kind of compression or pressure on your chest this week, know that when this happen ( and you are not known for having any health condition), this usually means that your heart is being opened and “cleared’. This block could have had you feeling “numb” or even “empty” in  seance” for this is where the feeling of “love” is most strongly felt and understood. Virgo, if you have ever considered whether or not you are worthy of such an emotion, the truth is simple. Yes, you are. Many of you are now on a journey of self discovery and healing, it is a process that will need you patience,faith and dedication. Know that at this time, although you might feel surround by darkness, that you have many loving and caring energies around you, leading you back to the light. You are protected, just as the people you love and cherish are protected.
♎️ Libra: Libra this week could be challenging for you when it comes to seeking the “the place” that you “belong” to. At the moment, it might feel and seem as if you don’t have a place that you belong, but your most definitely do. This is something you will come to understand with time from “going within”. Everything you need to know is already within you Libra, you don’t have to go looking outside or else where to find it. Many of you at this time are also going thought a “Transformation” when it comes to your goals and dreams, you are learning how to “release” all of the “pains “ and “past disappointments”, this way December and the begging of 2019 will start off strong when it comes to you ambitions! Libra you really have nothing to worry about, know that everything is working out just fine! This is a process! you don’t have to rush! If you are worried about your home, things are already improving, the wheel has already turned.If you must, find a quiet place and just sit. Relax and let yourself feel “peace”, everything is working out just fine.
♏️ Scorpio: Scorpio! this week you are going to fee as f something has been “sparked” within you! maybe it a new project at home, or it could be a new goal! whatever it might be, you are now in the stages of planning out how it will look and even feel! some of you are looking back to a “failed attempt” and are now planning to give this situation a “redo!”, you just want a new start. The universe says to be bold at this time! let your colors shine! let your sassy side out! If you are worried about your home life and living situation,know that it is improving! a percentage of you even having the opportunity to move due to a raise in your salary! Spirit also wishes to let you know of an “important role” that you might have, many of you have experienced a “rebirth” that has caused you to become “masters” in a  sense. This means you will have many flocking to seek your wisdom, have compassion for these souls, they are going to need your patience and healing energies. You are a beacon in the darkness for many,lead the way, and they will follow.
♐️ Sagittarius: Sagittarius, this week many of you are going to be taking a “leap of faith” when it comes to making a decision about your “Next steps” in life, especially when it comes to your “emotional fulfillment” and “soul calling”. For some of you, this will involve another person, and for others, this will be a “solo mission”. Some of you could be diving into “dangerous situations”, and yet this is so something can be “cleared out” for good - this could very much involve your family's blood line and even your past life memories and situations. Where your ancestors might have “gone wrong”, you are choosing to “break” and “make amends” with the “universe”, you are making a “great sacrifice”, to clear many heavy and “Dark” energies from the  bloodline. You are renouncing and balancing it for the next generations to come! some of you will feel as if you are an “uncover agent” on a mission. Spirit wants you to know that this is only the “begging” and that you are still growing in to your true potential! be sure to have patience and don’t give up! keep your healthy boundaries up and have compassion for all people and parties involve in this situation! think of the bigger picture!
🛑 Sagittarius PS: You are going to be getting a “refresh” of what you have already learned! your new lessons and “training” will also be coming in! Think of yourself as entering “boot camp”.
♑️ Capricorn: Capricorn, this week spirit will personally be helping you face some of your greatest fears when it comes to the future. Spirit wants you to take a chance at “something new”, they have something good planned for you at you next destination!, they have something balanced, stable and full of love and emotional fulfillment. It might seem as if you have no help, and that you are alone, but that is only a trick of the mind! you have plenty of help, all you have to do is ask! ask the Universe and its “energies” to help you with any situations that have you feeling stuck or confused! Spirit wants you to be bold and daring at this time! Try new things that you otherwise never would have tried! Right now you are extremely fertile! not only in your abundance but also in your creativity! express yourself though this energy! You are getting somewhere Capricorn, believe in it!
♒️ Aquarius: Aquarius, this week you are going to be wanting to offer to “heal” or “mend” a situation that could have gone wrong not to long ago, this is something you do not “give much thought”, and yet you want to get it fixed. Aquarius whatever you chose to do, it will have a significant impact on your next couple of months! If you chose to reconcile with this person, you could end up getting hurt once more. There is something that spirit is trying to “communicate” onto you,something that you could be in “denial” at the moment. There will be much healing and learning from this experience, and there is also lots of Karma at play, if you are unaware of just what this “karma” is , spirit asks that you go “within” that way they can communicate with you, there will be deep “Transformation” going on within you.
♓️ Pisces: Pisces, something is coming to an end this week, and it could involve a relationship or situation centered around love and emotions. Some of you are ready to release “pan” and “hurt” from the past, you are ready to leave it behind so that you may start of something new and fresh! Some of you could have even been Visited by an old flame, maybe they offered you a chance to “make things better”- but there was a “Trick” to it Pisces, and so you chose to “decline” this offer. Pisces, you have broken a toxic cycle! and now have opened a “new path” before you, one where there is not only an abundance of “materials” but also an abundance of “love and emotions!”. This process will be a “balanced” one, and yet spirit and your Angles will be right by your side every step of the way. Things are looking bright Pisces! Do not give up! Be open to “receiving” all of the help that the Universe wishes to “bestow” upon you! this form can come in both the “physical plain” and the “spiritual plane”.
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An Ember In The Ashes By Sabaa Tahir
Synopsis- LAIA IS A SLAVE. ELIAS IS A SOLDIER. NEITHER IS FREE.     Under the Martial Empire, defiance is met with death. Those who do not vow their blood and bodies to the Emperor risk the execution of their loved ones and the destruction of all they hold dear.     It is in this brutal world, inspired by ancient Rome, that Laia lives with her grandparents and older brother. The family ekes out an existence in the Empire’s impoverished backstreets. They do not challenge the Empire. They’ve seen what happens to those who do.     But when Laia’s brother is arrested for treason, Laia is forced to make a decision. In exchange for help from rebels who promise to rescue her brother, she will risk her life to spy for them from within the Empire’s greatest military academy.     There, Laia meets Elias, the school’s finest soldier—and secretly, its most unwilling. Elias wants only to be free of the tyranny he’s being trained to enforce. He and Laia will soon realize that their destinies are intertwined—and that their choices will change the fate of the Empire itself.            
THIS INCLUDES SPOILERS                                                             
My review: Okay, where to start...so I was recommended this book by an aunt of mine and it was on my shelf for probably a year or so before I picked it up and I was most pleasantly surprised. First of all, the writing was FANTASTIC. You don’t find a lot of YA books with this quality of writing very often. Tahir really blew me away with the intense description throughout the book. I’m also not usually a fan of the whole doubled narrator thing but I think it was essential in this particular book. Using this really helped me to understand the characters better, especially Elias. I would’ve assumed he was just another mask and should not be trusted. But instead I was able to feel his frustration when Laia felt that way. Second, am I the only one that was just totally freaked out by the mask thing. Like these pieces of metal are just mended to your face for life. Even to the point of possibly taking your skin off if you tried to remove it. Oh, propaganda? Is that you? Honestly just the entire Blackcliff Academy training and teaching method is appalling but I guess that’s what the author intended. But like, dropping them in the middle of the desert to survive with no help at like 8 years old? That’s a little extreme. They’re raised to be killers from the moment they turn 6 and that’s awful. Something I would like from the author in the next book is to see more of the history of the scholars and the empire and whatever else. I know we were offered a little bit of this but I would like to go a little more in depth in the second book because it is a tiny bit confusing. Okay now let’s talk about the characters. Now I love every single one of these characters(except for you Mazen, and you Marcus, oh I didn’t forget about you Commandant) but they are REALLY FRICKIN STUPID SOMETIMES.                                                                     Laia- Ok, girl needs to get her stuff figured out. I mean throughout the book she has only one goal in mind. Save Darin. But then she has all that stuff going on with Keenan and Elias. And then she’s trying to decide whether to  trust the resistance or trust Spiro Teluman. And it’s all very confusing. What I do really like is that Laia is not a leader or very outspoken from the begging and that she kind of has to train herself to be brave and use her fear as fuel. I think that makes her character so much more realistic and relatable. However, I don’t like the reason she has for wanting to save Darin. She always says that he’s all she has left which is absolute bull. She has Izzy, and Elias, and Keenan, etc. But I think she should want to save him for him not for herself. But otherwise I really like Laia as a character. Also we see towards the end that she might have some weird power. What?! Side note: I would love to know more about some people having special powers like Helene.                                                      
Elias- He is my favorite character. I just love how throughout the entire book he talks about how he is such a horrible person for everything he's done but in reality only good people would care about what they did wrong. I think he puts the blame for everything on himself just because of how he was separately raised(meaning how he was raised by a tribe in his earlier years and he's grandfather in his later years). He's also the only person in the school that doesn't treat the slaves like crap; especially Laia. One thing I don’t really like is that his attraction for Laia was really inconsistent. Like, at some points it talks about how he thinks about Laia all the time but then other chapters he just really doesn't care. I just kind of get the feeling that he's helping her so he can feel better about himself. Regardless, I still love them. Now his friendship with Helene is really complicated. For example,  there were multiple instances where he wanted to kiss her but didn't. I almost wish he had just so we could kind of  get a glimpse at what that could be like.
Helene- Ah Helene. I know some people are going to attack me but I honestly am not a huge fan of Helene. Like she's fine but I just really hate her blind devotion to the Empire and Blackcliff. Like how can you not see that their philosophy is incredibly corrupt. That being said, I do like how loyal she is to Elias and their friendship. For example, when Laia was basically on the verge of death and Helene was all jealous like “she's just a slave blah blah blah why do you even care” I was seriously going to punch her(even though she is a fictional character lol) but then Elias hit her with that “you're a horrible person blah blah” and she went to save Laia. I mean I do wish she was a good enough person to do it on her own but still. And i've got to cut her some slack because she's going through a lot of crap with the trials, and the augurs, and Marcus. Also can we please talk about how she made a deal with the augurs to keep Elias safe. Aww how cuteeee!!!
Keenan: So sorry for all you Kennia/Kiai(I have no clue what their ship name is) shippers but i'm definitely on team Elias. Now don't get me wrong, i like Keenan i just don't like him with Laia. Again, I think his attraction for Laia is more for himself because he's only interested in her because they both lost their family. Also i'm kind of concerned because he says he usually agrees with Mazen and Mazen is like basically evil so what are Keenans beliefs? However, I do like the parts where we kind of get to see his vulnerable side but its only around Laia. We can kind of get a glimpse of who he is outside of the resistance. I'm also really curious to see how he’ll react to Izzi. Will he be mad? Will he still help her? Possible romance? Only time will tell.
Izzi: I'm going to keep this really brief but I absolutely love Izzi. I think Laia coming to the academy really changed Izzi’s life. It helped her become an actual person and escape as well. Laia really loosened her up and taught her how to live. That scene at the moon festival is sooo cute. I really hope we see more of her in book 2.
Now let's get to my main points:
-First and foremost, what the heck even happened in trial 3. I was honestly expecting it to all be some simulation and all of those characters were still alive and well but apparently NOT! And then Elias was about to kill Helene but then the augurs were like jk she has body armor on. (Side note: They said because she was wearing her body armor thing she was disqualified but then she still competed in trial 4? I am confusion.)
-Oh and Elias’s creepy field of dead people. Is he going to kill Laia? I mean he actually did end up killing the other people so who’s to say he wont kill Helene and Laia.
-So I was thinking maybe there is some kind of correlation with the augurs and the magic stuff. Because Helene was healed by agurs all of a sudden she has powers. Laia was saved by an augur and now she has powers? I don't know. Just a theory.
-Um Marcus as emperor… NO FREAKING THANKS. And are we just gonna leave Helene with him. He's a super creepy pervert and were just gonna leave HER with HIM.
-What the heck is going on with Cook. All I know is that she likes Laias father but not her mother. And i'm thinking she might be the traitor who ratted out Laias parent because she was talking about how you never know what you would say during torture until you've been there. Or maybe she had some kind of affair with Laias father and that's why her parents were fighting so much? Who knows?
-The moon festival part was definitely one of my favorite parts. Because we get to see both of our main characters when they're in a environment where they have the ability to be loose and carefree without having to look over their shoulder 24/7. And we get that really sweet scene with Laia and Izzi eating the foods. And the part where Laia and Elias dance together and he whispers in her ear and it's just so adorable eee!!!
-Ohh and the part where they come back from the moon festival and Elias has to pretend like he's drunk. SO GOOD. that was priceless and I loved it. I was doubled over laughing, seriously.
-I’m super curious to know why the augurs are helping Laia and Elias. If you think about it the only reason they got away with it was because of them. If that one augur hadn’t talked to Elias he would have escaped. Then he wouldn’t have been there to meet Laia. So Laia probably would have died and so on and so forth.
-I love at the end where Elias is all chained up and he's supposed to be executed, he's found peace. He's proud of himself because at least he didn't kill her. At least he still has a soul. And then Marcus comes in and Elias almost kills him. He's like I don't actually want to kill him i just want him to know that i could so sit down ya little cocky ass. SO GOOD.
-Ahhh the ending omg. I love how they they had Cook with her explosions and then Helene was there like “This is the last time i'm covering for you Veturius.” And then he asks Helene to come with him and Laia’s like umm I don't remember agreeing to this.
-I’m kinda pissed none of the antagonists died but so many good characters did. Why would you do this to me, Sabaa? Whyyyy?!
Anyhow, that's pretty much it. Let me know what you guys thought of the book. :)
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merryfortune · 5 years
Vrains Rare Pair Week - Day 8a
Day 8 / Dec 30 – Royalty / Dreams
·         Ship: Aoi/Miyu
  Once upon a time, in a beautiful and faraway past, there was an Empire of the Moon: glorious, serene, and platinum-plated. It was an idyllic, utopian Empire, something enjoyed by all, no matter the class. There was no lowest of the low nor was there a highest of the high, but there was variation of class nonetheless, it was simply not indicated by outrageous fortune or pitiful poverty.
  The Empire of the Moon enjoyed six regions, each bestowed with its own clan. Each region had a different purpose; be it to educate, such as with the Light Moon Clan, or to pursue agriculture, such as the Earth Moon Clan. Though all regions possessed such capabilities, others were perhaps more specialised. After all, the composition of the Moon itself was harsh but, the peoples had come together to create their truly special and ideal world, nonetheless.
  Each sector of the Moon possessed a Palace. Each Palace was a beautiful construction which reflected the elemental values of its place. They were all aloof buildings, literally detached from their sectors. Hovering, floating, and watching in guarded peace.
  The Empire of the Moon was ruled by Six Attribute Clans. The Clans held power intermitted and it was always such a joyous occasion, for the people of the Empire, to attend the ceremonies and coronations as the power was distributed once every six years. The heirs of the Clans were well beloved.
  Of the current heirs, there were five princes and one princess. Together, they were bound by a sacred bond; one guarded by a fealty. All would protect one, one would protect all.
  In the Cycle of the Elements, as the fluidly changing power dynamics were called, the first Heir was the Dark Moon Prince. He was reliable and calculated, but often times moody. The second position in the Cycle, was the Light Moon Prince. He was kind, sweet boy but was of frail health. Following on, was the Earth Moon Prince who was eccentric, yet unyielding loyal but there was something lurking beneath the surface of he, something sinister and callous. The fourth position was held by the Fire Moon Prince was every bit of zest as such a title would suggest. He was brash and courageous, but his impulsivity was, oftentimes, detrimental. The fifth position was held by the Water Moon Princess. She had a carefree smile and a tender heart but, she was cowardly and self-saving – though, she did try to strive to be otherwise. The final piece in the clockwork Cycle was the Wind Moon Prince. The fifth and final prince was [x] and [y] but flawed in that he [z].
  Each heir was also aided by a vassal. Each vassal was strangely suited to the needs and complexities of their masters; balancing them out, as peculiar seeming as it was. Their vassals were strange creatures made of something silky and synthetic, with all the powers of the universe stored within their strange little bodies. They were known as the Ignis.
  The Dark Moon Ignis, known as Ai, was playful and mischievous but far too lax and short-sighted to take things seriously. The Light Moon Ignis, known as Lightning, was cold and hard but knowing and wise, often called the leader of his troop of Ignis. The Earth Moon Ignis was known simply as Earth and he was good-hearted and kind, but socially awkward. The Fire Moon Ignis, he called himself Flame which was a name imbued with indomitable spirit, or so he claimed, was level-headed and intelligent, but unable to reliably state his truest intentions and often hindered by whims. The Water Moon Ignis, known as Aqua, was sweet with the gift to detect lies and truths, but she was of little courage or independence. The Wind Moon Ignis, nicknamed Windy, was fun-loving and self-preserving. Furthermore, in contrary to his female counterpart, independent to a fault.
  Regardless, all six of these lunar Heirs, who lived the life of luxury, were tied by bonds which were sacred and strong. Not just among each other, but among their Ignis too. Their lives were blessed by the soft, twinkling starlight emanating through the ever-expanding abyss of space, wherein their beautiful moon co-existed with the beautiful, blue planet.
  For as long as there had been denizens of the moon, there had been speculation about the beautiful blue planet the moon orbited.
  It was large. Far larger than the moon, or so by the mathematics of the scientists who watched this planet. It swirled with clouds and was, for the most part, enveloped with water. It was a point of beauty and envy in the culture of the Empire of the Moon. It was the centre point of many pieces of poetry and stories and conversations and it all culminated, essentially, in one question: are there people there too?
  Even the lunar Heirs couldn’t escape such questions. The Water Moon Princess in particular, she found it rather romantic. It made sense though; her bloodline had always had a magnetic attraction to the Blue Planet though. It was in the make-up of their souls, or so Aqua believed. It was a pattern she had seen in many generations of the Water Moon Clan.
  So, perhaps, it made sense that when the miraculous happened, it was the Water Moon Princess sent to marvel at it.
  “I am the Water Moon Princess, who are you? How did you get here?” she asked, fumbling with her voice as she could not believe the person who stood before her, totally unlike anything she had ever seen.
  “I am the Emissary of the Blue Planet.”
  The Water Moon Princess’s breath was taken away as her eyes fell upon the Emissary of the Blue Planet. She was a gorgeous young woman, with flowing blue hair, and angelic wings upon her back. She smiled but there was a sadness in her eyes; especially as they flicked to behind her, where her guard stood. He was a man and he was a hound, stern and tall.
  “I am called Blue Maiden.”
  “It is wonderful to meet you. But, for what purpose have you been brought here? And by what designs, we have never known such magic or science which permits such travel…?”
  “My longing is just so powerful…” the Blue Maiden mourned. “I am so terribly lonely, with just my brother and I.”
  “I see. I understand. Well, as the Water Moon Princess, I welcome you.” She drew closer, her gown flowing around her like liquid. “I hope that, from now onwards, you will never have to be lonely.”
  Their hands interlocked, and the moment held. Paused. Lingered. And their hearts beat swiftly, but as one. It was love, not just at first sight but a sustained infatuation. They spent their time together in dulcet bliss. Their love was an innocent love, marked in the exchange of breath and roses.
  The Water Moon Princess adored roses. There were flowers on the moon, but no flowers quite like the ruffled petals of roses. There were white flowers which were similar, carnations, but none with the colour variation of the roses the Blue Maiden had brought her. They were such a lovely hue of blue, so dreamy and soft. The Blue Maiden described the colour as being like the sky; something the Water Moon Princess was enthralled by.
  However, such days of idle, sapphic love had to come to an end.
  However, such days of idle paradise had to come to an end. After millennia of peace and serenity, the unthinkable had happened. An upheaval occurred. One which was violent and bloody, led by the Knights of Hanoi.
  The revolution was sudden and took the whole Empire by surprise and all denizens of the Empire suffered for it.
  The Princes and the Princess led their battered armies against the soldiers of the Knights of Hanoi but, it was in vain. The ambush had destroyed most of their resources and the whole moon itself seemed to crumble around the might of the uprisen Knights of Hanoi, so, the heirs did what they could.
  The Water Moon Princess, with a wavering heart, was forced to leave behind her lover, Blue Miaden. She took her to safety and begged her to stay. Blue Maiden sobbed as the Water Moon Prince regrouped with her fellow, lunar heirs. Aqua watched, silent, but knowing of things to come.
  The lunar heirs continued to herd their precious civilians, those who had survived the initial blows against their empire, to safety. Then, abandoned them with the hope that the last of their strongholds would protect them until the end was reached and resolved. As a group, aided by their Ignis vassals, they made their way through the destruction. Their Empire once beautiful was now shattered and smashed. It was hard to stomach, but they took it all with grace as they waded through the debris and found the leader, waiting, for them.
  “Who are you?” the Fire Moon Prince yelled.
  “What is your motive?” the Dark Moon Prince asked: his voice loud and firm.
  The other princes and the princess awaited the answer. Their weapons were drawn but their hearts too heavy, too laden with mourning, caused them to be unready. But their enemy did not mind. He appeared to require a game of them.
  He was a nefarious character. He wore a mask to conceal his identity and it left him seeming like a devil. He was dressed in garb which was not of the Blue Planet, something the Water Moon Princess was thankful of, but rather in a mockery of their own, lunar gowns and fabrics. He was a rebel, through and through. Signified as simply as how he wore his clothes.
  “I am Revolver.” their enemy replied. “And my Knights and I have designs far grander for this realm than any of you princelings could ever desire, after having lived for so long in want of nothing.”
  The Light Moon Prince coughed. His conviction wavered. He did not trust this person, not even slightly and he felt the scrutiny of Revolver from behind his mask. Especially as Revolver’s hand slowly lifted from his side and he reached out to his enemies.
  His movements were suspicious and rightly justified in that when he snapped his fingers, all hell broke loose. Beasts – magnificent, large, and with gleaming scales and terrifying claws – seemed to have manifested from nowhere and they lunged at the heirs.
  The Dark Moon Prince went to protect the others. His first instinct was to push himself, of course. His impulse was to put others above him and he had that in common with the Fire Moon Prince. Both attempted to take the lashings of the creatures on their own bodies than to let them hurt even a hair upon the heads of the other heirs.
  As they coursed forward, swords in hand, and screaming obscenities at Revolver who taunted them from the backlines, Blue Maiden made her move.
  She came out of hiding and she took the hand of her beloved Water Moon Princess.
  “What are you doing here?” she hissed unto her lover.
  “Please,” Blue Maiden begged, “let my brother and I take you back to the Blue Planet, we can keep you safe from these fiends.”
  The Water Moon Princess rejected Blue Maiden – with tears in her eyes – as she drew her convictions back to the awful fighting just beyond them. So, Blue Maiden, wept, but she fled: her heart still burgeoned with the desire to protect the love of her life, the Water Moon Princess. So, unwillingly, she turned her back on her and allowed the Lunar Heirs to run their course with their weapons. But the fighting which ensued was one-sided. Revolver’s draconic army was far more powerful than a handful for princelings could bear.
  When Blue Maiden returned with her guard and brother, the Tindangle Hound, in tow, her love and the princes had been near obliterated.
  The Moon had transformed from a place of beautiful, idyllic serenity into a wasteland. Rocks were torn up and the ground itself was gouged. Blood and dust and ash stained the debris and the air they swallowed. It was sickening to look upon, but Revolver still loomed.
  “And now,” he said as he approached the Earth Moon Prince, “I will take your Lunar Claims.”
  “No! Nooo!” the Dark Moon Prince screamed whilst the Earth Moon Prince, with tears glittering in his eyes, seemed to accept his fate. His Ignis laid, slain, beside him.
  The Lunar Claims were the very core of their beings. They were the manifestation of not only royal title, but themselves. It stored and amplified the powers which flowed through the Moon and through their weapons and through their veins. It contained celestial ichor and their souls. All of it stored as jewel upon their crowns, embedded deeply not just within the rose gold but within themselves.
  Revolver reached down and the Tindangle Hound, not knowing any of this, could only take the situation as he knew. That was, someone innocent was about to be murdered and he would not allow such a travesty to come to pass. With a grandiose howl, he did what he had to do to protect his sister, Blue Maiden, the one she loved, the Water Moon Princess, and those closest to him.
  His howl, so deep and coarse, disrupted Revolver momentarily and the magic of the Blue Planet began to surge through the carnage. It riffled through the debris, moving rocks in hesitant and errant flicks as this was not magic welcome here on such a different plane. It was erratic and grand, but the light filled the gouges Revolver’s army had driven through the Moon and he stopped. Paused. It was a hallowed moment and though he could hold his breath for it, there was no need. He realised something ill was about to happen.
  The heirs realised that as well. The Earth Moon Prince made an attempt, though in vain, to escape but Revolver awakened to his senses and pulled him away from the barrier slowly constructed itself in lucid, azure light.
  Blue Maiden’s hands intertwined with the Water Moon Princess. “Whatever happens,” Blue Maiden said, “we will find each other again.”
  She was grave with dew-drop tears in her eyes. She knew the spell her brother had recited. It was a spell which could assail time and space itself.
  “Yes, of course, I will always find you.” The Water Moon Princess promised.
  The princes spared grim looks among each other before the light, so bright and blue, ate away all they could perceive. And then. Nothing.
  The Moon fell. And the heirs, with exception of the Earth Moon Prince, for better or worse, were protected. Sent through time, reincarnated, and placed in protection by the Tindangle Hound. But such static protection would not and could not last. Not when the machinations of Revolver and his Knights persisted. Not when the promise between Blue Maiden and the Water Moon Princess persisted.
  And thus, Aoi Zaizen took a breath and she felt as though rather than sleeping and dreaming, she had just resurfaced after a very long time submerged in water. She glanced around. Foggy and mumbling about something… something – or someone – important to her. Dreams slipped through her fingers and she could feel hollow, hallowed touches on her hands as she got out of bed for the day.
  But today was not going to be an ordinary day for her dreams had come as close as they ever had to reminding her of the events from a thousand years ago and more.
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elizas-writing · 6 years
How A Single Pale Rose Changes Everything About Steven Universe
I haven’t talked much about Steven Universe in months because I honestly just fell out with the show, and my last year as an undergrad has quite the workload. Hell, I still have “How I Would Fix Steven Universe” drafts collecting dust (and I don’t know when I’ll get to them if ever). But, as many fans know by now, the show finally answered what happened when Pink Diamond was shattered.
She was actually never shattered.
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Rose Quartz was Pink Diamond in disguise the entire time and staged her shattering with Pearl to properly continue the rebellion and give the Earth to the Crystal Gems.
This got a lot of mixed reactions, especially as this was an old theory we thought was dashed after the end of season 3. It wasn’t totally out of the realm of possibility, but for where the show was going in revealing the truth, this still seems out of left field just to satisfy the fans who held onto this theory for so long. I was pretty annoyed since the show spent almost two years dragging on “oh, but murder is wrong” garbage, and it feels like we went through all of that for nothing since Pink Diamond was alive the whole time. Now it puts everything we thought of Rose’s motivations and purpose into question which makes the show walk on a super thin line.
To clarify, there is nothing wrong with recontextualizing a story in how we view the heroes and villains. Creating morally complex characters is infinitely more fascinating than leaving them one-dimensional. But when doing so takes a stab in the back with everything we thought a character was fighting for, it muddles up the themes tremendously. It’s like if Avatar: The Last Airbender tried to make Ozai sympathetic and excuse all the abuse he put his children through; some recontextualizing doesn’t fit at all in certain narratives.
And I’m here to break it down, cause dammit, I couldn’t stop thinking about it and had to catch up.
1. Contradictory Personalities
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There are a ton of little things which don’t add up to Rose being Pink Diamond like how her changed gem orientation stayed once Steven was born, how she can summon a weapon similar to a Rose Quartz, and how she was able to shape-shift for so long, even all things considered for how all-powerful she is. But the one that bugs the hell out of me the most is their personalities.
Rose Quartz always came across as a mature matron-like figure while Pink Diamond was more like a spoiled child as seen in “Jungle Moon,” and is often described as a terrifying tyrant. It begs the question how she was able to maintain two completely different personas at the same time and successfully fool everyone on both sides. This ain’t Prisoner of Azkaban; you don’t have a fucking Time Turner. Why not lead the rebellion as Pink Diamond? Wouldn’t that send a more powerful message to the other Diamonds? Was she seriously unable to tell them herself that there was life worth protecting on Earth? Did she feel sorry when she realized what she was doing hence why she began a rebellion? Why did she go out of her way to make a complicated deceit which ended with the bubbling of all Rose Quartzs ever?
Yes, Rose was still naive about humanity, but it always felt like it came from genuine love with the capability to listen and grow to be better than who she was before. It’s really hard to work that character development in when it turns out they were supposedly a childish, yet ruthless dictator bent on galactic domination just like the rest of the Diamonds, especially as one of Pink’s major feats was creating the Human Zoo. Maybe it started off to preserve humanity, so they wouldn’t have to get involved with the Gem War, but what the hell happened after the war ended? Did Rose seriously forget about them and never took a chance to go back and save them? What happened to her value in human life then?
It makes the line “I’d really like to play with you” when she first met Greg so much more uncomfortable when that’s coming from a distant past where she had no qualms conquering the Earth and taking humans away for whatever means she desired. There’s no forgiving the Human Zoo with all the currently known context we have about it.
And what really sucks is that I was kinda excited to see Pink Diamond with a stubbornly childish personality, because those character types make really intimidating villains. But that build up was for nothing now that I found out that character was also someone I was supposed to be rooting for; someone who saw Earth had beautiful life worth protecting and wanted to give gems a choice to be something other than what they were created for.
This isn’t a case of Rose making a mistake-- you don’t mistakenly make something like the Human Zoo-- or something was out of her control; everything was in her control from the get-go, both as an oppressor and a rebel.
2. The Crystal Gems Fought for Nothing
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There were possibly millions of gems shattered, corrupted, and forcefully fused for Rose’s selfishness. It was never for freedom, love, or preserving life; it was so a Diamond could run and hide from the consequences.
Not only is it confusing how Rose was able to maintain control of two opposing forces, but also with who she thought was best for each side. I can’t tell if she really cared who was on which side or why. And her being a Diamond anyway rips out the fight against oppression the Gem War was supposed to be when an oppressor disguised herself as a rebellion leader. Maybe she wanted to abandon her role as a Diamond to start a new life, free of Homeworld expectations, but that doesn’t automatically absolve the atrocities she did to get there.
What did she have to gain out of faking her death? Nothing but the Diamonds’ wrath, and now most of her allies are gone because of her recklessness. And it makes a lot of scenes from the previous seasons inconsequential. Jasper went through so much fury and grief, never knowing her Diamond was Rose all along. Ruby and Sapphire fled from Homeworld to be together, risking their lives for a leader who was just making complicated secrets and running from her own selfish problems.
But one of the worst of this goes to Bismuth, introducing the biggest plot hole of this twist: Pink Diamond being supposedly shattered by Rose’s sword.
Her faked death went exactly as described in “The Trial,” but according to Bismuth, the sword can only destroy a gem’s form, never the actual gem. If word got out on what went down when Pink was shattered, wouldn’t Bismuth have figured out something was wrong since the sword she designed herself wasn’t supposed to shatter a gem? Is that was led to her creating the Breaking Point? If so, why didn’t she mention anything after she was unbubbled?
Her bubbling was never about morality; it was so Rose could maintain her deceit. She had no problem silencing anyone who could’ve possibly exposed her, and Bismuth, who was so dedicated to fighting for freedom, was wrongfully punished for Rose’s selfishness.
But if silencing Bismuth wasn’t enough...
3. Her Relationship with Pearl
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Seeing Pride stuff with these two is... really uncomfortable now since their relationship is kinda abusive.
Now, was Rose intentionally manipulative in silencing Pearl as the only other person with their secrets? Possibly no, as there seems to be genuine intent to abandon their Homeworld roles, but it’s hard to deny Rose being an opportunist to maintain her secrets. And her pushing all that burden on Pearl was horribly unfair.
That’s not love.
I know Pearl hasn’t been the most forgivable character, but it’s no wonder why she never got over Rose. Of course, she freaked out about Lion, thinks Steven is “too important” to be in the battlefield, and feels useless on her own. Pearl was literally the only one in on Rose’s deception, played along hoping they would be something more once the war was over, and was ready to sacrifice herself to maintain a lie.
This twist takes a simple case of unrequited love and grinds it in the dirt with centuries worth of manipulation. It doesn’t matter if they wanted to abandon their Homeworld roles. Rose didn’t even trust Pearl to be quiet, and used her status and powers to ensure the secret never leaked out. Their original relationship as a Diamond and a Pearl never faded away and lingered for many years and took a horrible toll on Pearl’s psyche. And with this new context, it makes Rose seem even more selfish to not acknowledge Pearl’s feelings or how much she was doing for her at the expense of her own autonomy.
Pearl deserved so much better than to be continuously used as a tool. She deserved someone who would treat her as an equal-- Rose is a thousand miles away from that “someone.”
In Conclusion...
I know the show is treading on painting Rose as a complex character, but there’s a fine line between character flaws and irredeemable acts. If you’re going to mix the two, you have to be really careful on how much we’re supposed to feel sorry for a character and/or how their redemption plays out (i.e Zuko from ATLA not fully achieving his redemption until the series finale when he reunites with Iroh, or Azula being as psychotic as her father, but goddamn it, she’s just a fourteen-year-old kid who wants her mom).
Maybe you can give the benefit of the doubt and she acknowledged her mistakes. Maybe future episodes will elaborate on how she ran from the consequences of her actions or maybe she felt guilty for how the war dragged on from her own immaturity and lack of foresight. Maybe the show will play more with perspective, so we see more than just what Steven sees.
But it’s really hard to be patient with this show anymore with how much it pussyfooted around Pink Diamond’s fate for an entire season. And given the preview for the summer episodes, it seems like we’re repeating the Garnet break-up like in the Sardonyx arc where she (and by extension, Ruby and Sapphire) is rushed to forgiveness while her anger feels invalidated.
And really? “I’m seeing my own future now, and it’s nothing but Ruby.” Is this even the same Ruby who was about to throw down with Holly Blue Agate when she was praising Blue Diamond? Why isn’t she angry too?!
Like I said before, it’s fine to recontextualize a story where the heroes aren’t entirely good guys, and are sometimes accessories to actions like imperialism. But it needs way more properly constructed build up and characterization than what Steven Universe just offered in “A Single Pale Rose.” It drags the mystery on for too long, tries to psych you out on multiple occasions, and has little understanding on how to create morally gray characters. I love complex heroes with shady pasts, but if you expect me to forgive all their transgressions, you’ve come to the wrong part of town, my dude.
If you enjoyed this analysis and what I do here, consider buying me a coffee! It means a lot to see your support!
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fannishcodex · 7 years
Guys what if that royal monster expert was a holdover from the reign of Moon’s mom/the last queen, and the royal monster expert has been waiting for another Butterfly since the last queen to agree with her, and the last queen’s peace treaty was just about confining monsters to a separate island via explosions?
Moon’s Mom: ...and so after careful research in the field with assistance from the royal monster expert--
Toffee: Wait, you have a monster on staff?
Monster King: General, please don’t interrupt--
Moon’s Mom: Oh no, it’s quite fine, he’s a curious one.
Toffee: *feeling more on edge and with the creeping sensation his whole race is being belittled* Um...
Moon’s Mom: No dear, of course not.
Toffee: Don’t call me--
Monster King: General.
Moon’s Mom: *continues with the extremely polite air of someone taking pains to ignore a fool’s rudeness and ignorance* I’m afraid your kind would not fare well in the royal court--your simple nature is all well and good for your homes in the forests and swamps, but couldn’t keep up with the intricacies of politics and bureaucracy.
Toffee: ... *internally fuming*
Moon’s Mom: So no, we have no monster on staff.  Dr. Jelly Goodwell is our royal monster expert.
Toffee: *trying to remain calm* Surely an...insider’s perspective would be more valuable to her majesty, and more helpful to my people’s--
Moon’s Mom: I find an outsider’s perspective is more useful. It has the appropriate distance to see everything more clearly, don’t you agree?
Monster King: *cutting off Toffee before he snaps* Of course I agree. Now, you were saying, your majesty?
Moon’s Mom: Ah yes, my findings. They concern the peace treaty in progress. Based on them, I offer to provide monsters with their own refuge, on a newly constructed island, a comfortable distance away from the Butterfly kingdom.
Toffee: ...What.
Moon’s Mom: Pardon me, I should have gone slower. I--
Toffee: No, you’re insane.
Monster King: GENERAL!
Toffee: Sir, you can’t possibly be entertaining the idea of her banishing us like this, displacing us like--taking away our homes like her people have done for years--
Monster King: This is not the time--
Toffee: What are you talking about, this is exactly the time--
Moon’s Mom: I know it will take some getting used to, but this is really for the best--
Toffee: No, we’re not doing this.
Monster King: That is not your decision to make--
Toffee: We. Are. Not. Doing. This.
Moon’s Mom: I’m afraid I must insist.
Toffee: ...So much for your “offer”--
Moon’s Mom: Your kind simply does not know what is in their best interest. You’re far too close to the matter to properly--
Toffee: “Too close to the matter?” Are you /kidding/ me, you--
Monster King: Please disregard my general, he can be hot-headed at times.
Monster King: ...But I do beg of your majesty to give us time to consider your most generous offer.
Moon’s Mom: ...Why, but of course, dear.
3 hours later
Toffee: Are you seriously going to use explosions to make your damned island?!
Moon’s Mom: Now dear, I ask that you stay out of--
Toffee: What happened to giving us time to make a decision?!
Moon’s Mom: /You/ seemed to have already made your decision, and are far too stubborn and foolish to realize the mistake you’re making--which is to be expected, you simply can’t help yourself. For instance, Dr. Goodwell and I have found you simply lack the appropriate mental capacity due to the structure of your skulls, simply not large enough to hold much at all. I really can’t waste any more time waiting for your kind to finally get some sense--
Toffee: *raises his weapon* Drop the detonator! *Rasticore and other monster soldiers back him up*
Moon’s Mom: *cheek marks and eyes glow, transforms into Mewberty form* I really do insist that you reconsider this course of action.
Another 3 hours later
Toffee: *wounded and exhausted and dazed and holding the detonator* So, the queen’s...kinda dead.
Rasticore: *sincerely* Nice.
Monster King: *shows up* OhdearcornwhathaveyoudoneGeneral--
Toffee: *still dazed* Yeah, I...quit.
Rasticore: Us too. *the other monster soldiers nod*
Toffee: Really?
Rasticore: Yep! Now let’s blow this corn-shake stand.
Toffee and Rasticore and rebel monster army: *goes rogue*
Monster King: *is captured by Mina*
Basically what if Moon’s mom tried to use explosions to confine the monsters to a separate island before, and Toffee and the others had to kill her to stop that?
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amollion · 7 years
The AnitVirus (Virus continued)
The Anit-Virus
*Unknown scientist:
Since the development of the transwarpgate we have often theorized that the distance that we can send objects through may be infinite (We are still trying to figure out why living matter cannot go)
It may be possible to modify our current gates into a far larger one so that instead of connecting two gates we use one as a massive cannon. In theory at least (we have yet to do the maths) we can teleport objects into other galaxy's.  
*Unknown scientist
The mega transwarpgate is finished and finally, it's taken nearly 200 cycles and most of that was to get funding, the last bit of funding was redirected to the military after the Dewq uprising. Pesty insects interfering with our work.
*Scientist Bequtoni- Believed to be the successor of previous scientist.
The first test run of the Gate was....conflicting. What was sent was a probe that would send back data on the planets in the target system but it seems to have crashed on a planet, it sent only a few seconds of imagery and information saying the planet was a dead one then cut out. We might have to adjust the targeting array.
*Scientist Bequtoni log No. N/A
After a lot of trial and error tests we have successfully launched a probe into our neighbouring galaxy and the results are fascinating. Much like our galaxy the planets formed in a variety of ways but usually within a similar pattern. Only a very few were truly unique but that was not the best part. Life! Sentient life was in that galaxy and it was advanced or at least enough to roam the stars. We had our probes cloaked from view and their primitive sensors so we can observe them without interfering with their development. Such a unique insight to the development of our neighbouring galaxy.
*Scientist Popilon Log No.90
Something is wrong within our neighbouring galaxy, they formed into a coalition some three hundred standard Pholian years ago and have enjoyed relative peace but suddenly they are arming themselves and amassing huge fleets. Having watched these races all our lives we feel a sense of connection tot hem even if they do not even know we exist. Many of us are considering making contact but the Lords will not hear of it, they deem it a matter beneath our attention and our only mission is to observe. Many of us do not agree but we cannot defy the Lords.  
*Scientist Kogfirm Log 23
Our neighbours are at war on a galactic scale, using the information wee have gathered they seem to originate from the world where our first probe crashed, are we responsible for this? I hope not because whoever it is that our neighbours are fighting are spreading like a virus, even when our race conquered our galaxy we did not spread so quick..
*Unknown Military Officer
Because of our cloaked probes we can get detailed scans of this virus like aliens that are scorching their own galaxy, we have only limited scans of their actual bodies but their ships seem...alive. Our scientist say they are a combination of organic components and non organic components. One of their conquered planets we observed them growing a whole fleet in only a few weeks. We have classified these files should anyone get hold of them, if the subjugated races find them and start learning how to grow ships the whole empire would collapse.
*Unknown Biologist
We have gotten our first deep scans of these virus aliens and what we found was both terrifying and fascinating. Their entire body is full of mirco organisms and bacteria and even some parasites that are more symbiotic in nature to them, their touch is also deadly. We observed the transformation they wrought on a world just by simply being their, the soil died and the air became unbreathable to any but them. In a sense they are terraforming organisms. Their life spans are not long and it seems they are unaware of the carnage they are bringing to the galaxy. In the time it takes for them to take over a star system and move to the next many generations have passed. Whereas the other races of the galaxy have incredibly long lifespans and perceive time differently, the passage of months to them would be many years to the virus. Luckily they are not so advanced as to detect our probes, I shudder to think what they would do with such technology.  
*Unknown (possible scientist or military officer)
The last days of the coalition is upon them, they have fallen back to a single star system and are fortifying their position, we have begged the Lords to let us send aid but they simply say it would be pointless now. We watched as the virus arrived and began slaughtering them, it was heartbreaking to see an end of an era but it filled me with pride to see they did not back down and fought to the last even if the battle was brief. Many are talking about retiring the project as there is nothing left to observe, that whole galaxy is now dead and it is likely nothing will ever live there again. Not while the virus is there. I can only hope that they consume and destroy themselves.
*Gefensew (civilian star gazer)
Ever since the story of our neighbouring galaxy and their struggles became public I have been fascinated by them, I find myself steering my scope towards that part of the universe in a hope I'll catch a glimpse of one of their ships. In fact I may have found something else, a star that I charted has gone. It did not go supernova as it was not due to do so for man many more millennia. Since I saw this I have noticed other stars going dark, what is going on there?
*Scientist Veonp
The funding for our galaxy observation may have been cut to the bare essentials and now only a handful of the probes are working since we don’t send new ones to replace the ones we loose we are just waiting for them to go offline too. There is not anything to observe anyway, the virus just keeps swarming and swarming to every single planet or moon they can find. They will probably soon just consume themselves. That was until we witnessed something we have always thought impossible. It was a mega structure that covered an entire sun, at first we weren't sure what it was for but that soon changed. The suns light...went out. Just...gone. Has their hunger grown so much that they are resorting to consuming suns? How did they even do it? None of us can figure it out and only give random hypothesis. It seems our funding may go up.
*Unknown scientist.
We have launched a further 5000 probes into the galaxy, many failed to transmit but those that did are all telling the same story. The virus is consuming the suns of all the star systems and at an increasing rate. We calculate that in as little time as one of our centuries there will be no stars left.
*Unknown scientist.
There are no stars left, the galaxy has gone dark and can no longer be seen in the night sky on any planet. That galaxy's tale has finally and truly come to an end. As resilient as the virus was there is no way they can survive, nothing logically can. Even if they could, where would they go?
*Final transmission from outpost 6529 (believed to roughly some millennia later)
“Unknown vessels transmit your identification codes”
“Say again, transmit your identification codes”
“Still Inaudible but louder”
“Hold your position until while we scan your ships”
“Screeching sound”
***Transmission ends***
*Audio recordings of patrol fleet 183.987 investigating the situation from outpost 6529
“This is Admiral Oeal of the Pholion Empire please identify yourself”
“You are trespassing in Pholian space identify yourself or we will open fire”
“Say again”
**Log ends***
*Audio recording from the Pholian Empire's Council of Lords.
Lord 1: “Are you seriously asking us to believe that a space faring race that consumed a galaxy has crossed the vast void without the use of a gate and is now entering our galaxy?”
Scientist: “The evidence shows that is the case, these ships bare the same markings and designs as the virus”
Lord 2: “Impossible, these ships are obviously just another space faring race that has remained hidden and are now looking to expand their boarders”
Lord 3: “What if it is true though, I would be happier if we sent the Scourge fleet just in case”
Lord 2: “That fleet is only used to wipe out stubbornly rebellious systems, not to calm your worries old man”
Scientist: “With respect my Lords, the evidence is rather overwhelming and if we do not act now and eliminate them now they will breed and spread”
Lord 2: “You speak above your caste, the military shall decide on what cause of action to take”
Military officer: “This incursion into our space is simply a rebellion that has some backing from an unknown source. I will personally go and break them to show the might of Pholian Empire”
Lord 1: Then go, destroy these rebels and make sure all remember to fear the Pholian Empire once more”
**The fleet enters the Virus's system and disappears from then on all Virus controlled sectors are referred to as Dead Sectors**  
*Council of Lords Audio recording (Roughly one Pholian Century since the Virus's arrival)
Lord 1: “What did you say!?”
Scientist 1: “We believe more fleets of the Virus have made two more incursions into our galaxy”
Lord 2: “How did they break the containment?!”
Scientist 2: “We believe these are separate hive fleets, the same race as the first hive fleet but not connected to them”
Lord 3: “We are barley containing the first hive fleet how are we going to face two more? Even the Scourge fleets can't defeat them and their planet sized Hive ships”
Scientist 1: “Well...we do have an idea”
Lord 2: “Speak”
Scientist 1: “We have been studying the remains of the Virus and we believe we can produce an Anti virus if you will”
Lord 1: “What do you mean?”
Scientist 2: “It is the same way we treat virus's within our bodies, we copy their genetic structure then program them to search out their own kind and destroy it thus curing the patient”
Lord 3: “Are you saying you want to clone these things?”
Scientists 2 “Yes and condition them to seek out and destroy the Virus which they would see as another species”
***Silence as the Lords speak amongst themselves***
Lord 1: “Since we do not have any immediate alternative you may proceed”
Scientist 1 “We will need a planet to birth and breed the clones”
Lord 2: “You will have it”
***Clones of the Virus as birthed quickly and placed on a planet to grow at their own pace with technology slowly introduced till they give the AnitVirus a small Virus ship and they soon begin building their own. These AntiVirus's have an artificial gene that when activated by the Pholians will make them seek out the Virus and destroy them. By the time the Clones are deemed ready 20% of the galaxy is now considered Dark Sector. The gene is activated and the AnitVirus's head in the direction of the Dark Sector. Cloaked probes monitor the battles which seem to end in stalemate, this prompts the Lords to order the creation of more AntiVirus to take over from their current fleets who are loosing control of the containment areas of the first Virus fleet***
*Audio recording of Admiral Fewqol as he leaves to engage the Virus with his AntiVirus fleet, this is believed to have taken place some thirty Pholian years after the AntiVirus's creation*
“This is Admiral Fewqol ready to lead an offensive into Dark Sectors”
“Good luck Admiral bring glory to the Pholian Empire once more”
“What's left of it” (It is believed he turn off his com before saying this)
-Admiral's fleet enters Virus held system-
“Ready the AntiVirus”
“All AntiVirus ships are green and ready to engage”
“Unleash them”
“Sending attack command now”
-Recovered data shows this system to be a heavily infested system and Admiral Fewqol has enough AntiVirus to match it-
“Virus ships inbound”
“Have the AntiVirus open fire now”
-Silence for approximately 6 seconds-
“Why are they not firing?”
“I don't know sir I have sent the attack signal three times”
“Sir? I am getting a com signal from the Virus's main Hive ship”
“So? All they send is screaming, ignore it”
“No sir, this is words, spoken in Pholian”
“.....Put it through”
-Silence for 14.09 seconds-
“Sir...the AnitVirus ships are turning away from the Virus and locking weapons on us!”
“Get us out of-”
**All AntiVirus fleets suddenly turn on the Pholians, with no fleets available the Pholian Empire collapses, their homeworld is besieged but they do not fire but simply broadcast their screaming communication onto the planet. It is unsure how this caused the death of all 16 billion individuals**
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sjohnson24 · 6 years
Legends of The Moon & Poetry
Enchanted Moon Your heart is like a mirror and I am the seer of love. Words rise up from my lips and I can feel the sun kiss me. I am never alone. Your anger is like a natural disaster. I put the beast to sleep with a song. My halo is a divine flower growing from a seed I nourish with powerful thoughts. Our souls are like vines twisting, nurtured in green gardens of the underworld. Dreams pour from the moon and slip through my hands like memories. Diana Pagan Goddess of the Moonlight Diana is the goddess of the hunt. She transformed into a goddess of the moonlight. She is a great goddess and has been worshipped in many positive ways. She is the queen of Heaven. She is always standing up for women and their rights. She is fabled to have turned herself into a black cat and snuck into Lucifer’s chambers as he was sleeping. She then got pregnant in his bed with their daughter, Aradia who is the goddess of the witches.
Moonlight Can you feel the moonlight? Super moon come closer to me. Whisper secrets of the night into my ears like a flowing sea. Moonflower is growing in time with the song of outer space. You are the paradigm of beauty, Your visions and spells encase me in a magic shell like a glass coffin sleeping forever and waiting for you like Endymion and Selene dreaming dreaming my heart in the moonlight is blooming.
The Goddess of the Moon and Endymion The goddess of the moon has a different name in each culture. Diana is a derivative of a Latin word meaning bright sky. As the Queen of Heaven she rules as Inanna. In Greek mythology she can be compared to Selene. There are legends of love in each culture between her and Endymion. He was a very beautiful mortal. She found him to be irresistible. She wanted to have him forever yet he was a mortal. She begged God to put him into an eternal sleep and he did. He sleeps eternally dreaming.
The Legend of the Vampire In Greek mythology, the legend of the vampire began with Selene and Ambrogio. Ambrogio was a handsome Italian man with a desire to travel. He wanted to visit Greece to have his fortunes told. Recorded in the scriptures of Delphi was this tale. He met Selene at the moon temple and they fell in love. Apollo, the god of the sun was also in love with Selene. He placed a curse on Ambrogio that he could not go out into the sun so that he could not go back and meet Selene at the moon temple. Ambrogio ran into a cave where Hades was dwelling. He told him he would help if he could recover the hunting bow of Artemis. He sold his soul to the devil. After many days he began writing poetry for Selene and begged Artemis for her help. She decided to help him. The lovers were finally able to meet and Ambrogio wrote her a note asking her to meet him at his ship as he was to set sail back to Italy. He was sleeping in a coffin and he told her not to open it until after the sunset because the sun would burn him. She sailed with him and they were in love together. Artemis helped Selene to become immortal by teaching Ambrogio how to drink her blood and turn her into a vampire queen. This was the beginning of vampires in Greek mythology and also the beginning of Selene as the moon goddess.
Temple I am a temple made for a holy spirit, a vase filled with many dreams that pour out like water to form the mist upon my wings.
Space Goddess Shooting stars orbit those crystal souls a gold heart, glowing aura angel goddess cosmic tides rushing heat lava over coal diamond indigo children alien abductions locked minds, strange celestial emotions tragic memory white metal key seductions lost in our outer space spirit misplaced planetary alignment comets crosses faith prisms bows raindrop rebels tears erased terrible emotions dreams without purpose revelations, salutations, sky vibrations spiritual purpose star map magic serpent don’t give up the humanity of our touches hands together clasped forever in prayer Gods design fingers entwine his clutches.
Seraphim Love is my hunter My eyes fill up with the sea
Wings cover my face.
As I talk about a pagan goddess above, let me go back into time, back to 2014, in which I was inspired to write about a man-god, a half god named Hercules after watching the latest movie about Hercules.   I will call this The Legends of Hercules.
The Mythology Hercules is the legendary hero of the era of Greek and Roman mythology. He is a great force who is half mortal and half immortal. In Greek mythology he is worshipped as a God.The story of Hercules starts when Zeus and his mother meet. Her name is Alcmena. She is the daughter of a great warrior. His name is Amphitryon. His father is a king. His kingdom is Tiryns.The great goddess Hera discovered that Zeus had been with Alcmena. Out of jealousy she tried to kill Hercules as an infant- sending two snakes into his crib to kill him. Hercules killed the serpents.
Hercules married a woman named Megara. She was a daughter of a king that Hercules won the right to marry in battle. He ended up killing her and her children in a rage set in by Hera. Hercules is a hero so to him this is devastating. He needed forgiveness so he traveled to meet an oracle in Delphi. He could be forgiven if he performed 12 labors for his kingdom.
Here is the Twelve Labors of Hercules:
Slay the Nemean Lion The Nemean Lion was actually a shape shifting woman that would lure men into the rocks with her human damsel in distress tricks. Upon coming closer she turned into a lion and would eat them. Hercules destroyed her with her own sharp claw.
Slay the nine-headed Lernaean Hydra Hercules cut off the head of the Hydra with a golden sword that Athena had lent to him. Hera sent down a giant crab like monster to try to distract Hercules. Lolaus is his nephew and he fought alongside with him at this point.
Capture the Golden Hind of Artemis. The hind was very hard to capture, but Hercules did this even though it took him traveling through many countries to accomplish this.
Capture the Erymanthian Boar. Hercules has the help of a centaur to complete this task.
Clean the Augean stables in a single day. He reset the directions of two rivers to accomplish this task.
Slay the Stymphalian Birds. These are man eating birds with beaks of bronze and feathers of metal. These birds were sacred to Ares. Athena decided to help Hercules because the birds were destroying crops. She gave him a rattle made by Hephaestus.
Capture the Cretan Bull. Hercules battled this bull with his bare hands. He actually let it go free because his companion wanted to sacrifice it to Hera but Hera would not accept it.
Steal the Mares of Diomedes. Hercules kills the owner of the mares and feeds them the body which acts as a tranquilizer.
Obtain the girdle of Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons. A beautiful princess wanted a belt given to an Amazon Queen by Ares. He ended up killing the Queen because Hera interceded and made it so the Queen was paranoid instead of kind and she tried to go up against Hercules.
Obtain the cattle of the monster Geryon. Hercules captures each last cattle and has them disguise their tracks by getting them to walk backwards.
Steal the apples of the Hesperides. Hercules captures a shape shifting, Old Man of the Sea to figure out the location of this garden. Hercules agreed to hold up the world for a moment for Atlas while than shaking the fruit free.
Capture and bring back Cerberus. He learned from Eleusis how to enter and exit the underworld alive. Then he attacked it with his bare hands and dragged it up to the Earth.
After the twelve labors Hercules lived the rest of his life much the same way. He had many adventurous and the God’s were still highly interested in his acts.
The Constellation of Hercules
The constellation of Hercules is the fifth brightest constellation in the sky. The constellation is said to represent Hercules standing over the dragon that guards the entrance to the garden where the golden apple was.
Beta Herculis is the brightest star in this constellation. This constellation has fifteen stars with planets orbiting within.
The Two stars Vega and Lyra lay very close by.
Hercules – Starring Dwayne Johnson (Movie Review by Deanna Jaxine Stinson – Movie Critic)
The Hercules Movie was just released. The role of Hercules is played by Dwayne Johnson. It is based on the graphic novel Hercules: The Thracian Wars. Dwayne Johnson doesn’t wear his shirt for most all of the movie. He rarely has armor on. He is good at being intimidating.
In the movie, Hercules has companions that seem familiar to the people that he encounters in the mythologies of his twelve labors. The movie doesn’t explain the twelve labors exactly or the people that came from his past. The characters are all just there and there are no introductions.
The woman warrior in his group is an Amazon Queen so I am assuming they were trying to keep that labor alive yet they don’t explain how she began traveling with him.
His nephew is also by his side much like in the legends.
There is also a very funny oracle that travels with him. He has visions that he thinks his companions don’t take seriously yet they do because he foresees his own death at one point but is saved thanks to his friends that are listening despite their silence.
Hercules starts with the last labor. Hercules is just ready to finish his last task when he changes his mind and a new story is written and that is the movie of Hercules.
I recommend this movie because it stays true to the mythology of Hercules and continues on from that point with a new story. It is funny and intense. The monsters are beautiful to look at on the screen in the flashbacks.
It is a good movie if you know the legends well and even if you don’t. Hercules is a well-known story continued on through modern motion picture.
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