#Regular monitoring of health
mindbodyhealth-blog · 7 months
Understanding the Crucial Role of Regular Health Check-ups for Optimal Wellness
Regular health check-ups refer to the routine medical examinations or tests that are conducted to assess an individual’s overall health status. These check-ups are crucial as they help in early detection and prevention of potential health issues. They can include various tests such as blood tests, physical examinations, screenings, and consultations with doctors. The importance of regular health…
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kawaiianimeredhead · 1 year
Last time I went to my dentist appointment the dentist called my teeth boring and the hygienist agreed and said it was nice to look at boring teeth for a change
This time around, the dentist (a second one, the first's husband) said everything was looking good and then paused a moment and asked if he could take a photo of them. He said they look very nice and he'd like to use them as references for people who need cosmetic procedures
And so I've been incredibly pleased today to see that I'm getting a good grade in teeth
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In maintaining cardiovascular health, incorporating lifestyle modifications can be key, especially when complemented by professional homecare services in New Jersey. Creating a heart-healthy environment within the comfort of your home is not only feasible but also highly beneficial. Let’s delve into some practical steps you can take to nurture your heart’s well-being without stepping outside.
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High blood pressure, or hypertension, affects millions of individuals worldwide, making it crucial to prioritize effective management strategies. At our primary care provider in Lanham, Maryland, we understand the significance of personalized care in addressing this prevalent health concern. With tailored approaches and close monitoring, we aim to empower patients on their journey towards better health.
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3 Ways to Stay In Compliance During COVID-19
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The COVID-19 pandemic has presented unprecedented challenges for businesses worldwide. Beyond the immediate health concerns, companies must navigate a complex landscape of regulations and guidelines to ensure the safety of their employees and customers while maintaining operational continuity. Staying in compliance during this period is critical not only for legal reasons but also for fostering trust and ensuring the well-being of all stakeholders. Here are three essential strategies to help businesses stay in compliance during COVID-19.
1. Adhere to Government and Health Agency Guidelines
The first and most critical step to staying in compliance during the COVID-19 pandemic is to adhere to the guidelines and regulations set forth by government bodies and health agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and local health departments. These guidelines are designed to minimize the spread of the virus and ensure public safety.
Monitoring Updates
COVID-19 regulations and guidelines are constantly evolving as new information about the virus emerges. It is crucial for businesses to stay informed about the latest updates. Designate a compliance officer or team responsible for monitoring announcements from relevant authorities. Regularly review official websites, subscribe to updates, and participate in industry-specific webinars and briefings.
Implementing Safety Protocols
Based on the guidelines provided by health agencies, businesses should implement comprehensive safety protocols. These may include:
Social Distancing: Reconfigure workspaces to ensure employees can maintain a safe distance from one another. Limit the number of people in common areas and consider staggered shifts or remote work arrangements where possible.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Ensure that all employees have access to necessary PPE, such as masks, gloves, and face shields. Provide training on the proper use and disposal of PPE.
Sanitation and Hygiene: Increase the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces. Provide hand sanitizing stations and encourage regular hand washing. Display signage promoting good hygiene practices.
Health Screenings: Implement health screening procedures, such as temperature checks and symptom questionnaires, for employees and visitors. Establish protocols for managing suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19.
Documenting Compliance Efforts
Maintain thorough documentation of all compliance efforts. This includes records of health screenings, cleaning schedules, PPE distribution, and employee training. Documentation not only helps demonstrate compliance during inspections but also supports internal reviews and continuous improvement efforts.
2. Foster Clear and Consistent Communication
Effective communication is essential for ensuring that all employees understand and adhere to COVID-19 compliance measures. Clear and consistent communication helps mitigate confusion, reduces anxiety, and fosters a culture of safety and responsibility.
Developing a Communication Plan
Create a comprehensive communication plan that outlines how information will be disseminated to employees, customers, and other stakeholders. The plan should specify the channels to be used, the frequency of updates, and the key messages to be conveyed.
Using Multiple Channels
Utilize a variety of communication channels to reach all employees, including email, intranet, virtual meetings, and physical postings. Ensure that communication is accessible to all employees, taking into account language barriers and varying levels of digital literacy.
Regular Updates
Provide regular updates on COVID-19 developments, changes to safety protocols, and any new compliance requirements. Regular communication helps keep everyone informed and reinforces the importance of adhering to safety measures.
Encouraging Feedback
Encourage employees to ask questions and provide feedback on the implemented measures. Create a safe environment where employees feel comfortable voicing their concerns. This feedback loop can help identify potential issues and improve compliance efforts.
3. Leverage Technology for Compliance Management
Technology can play a significant role in helping businesses stay in compliance with COVID-19 regulations. By leveraging digital tools and platforms, companies can streamline compliance processes, enhance monitoring, and ensure accurate record-keeping.
Health Monitoring Apps
Consider implementing health monitoring apps that allow employees to self-report symptoms, log temperatures, and receive notifications about potential exposures. These apps can help quickly identify and respond to health risks, ensuring timely interventions.
Digital Training Platforms
Use digital training platforms to educate employees about COVID-19 safety protocols and compliance requirements. Online training modules can be updated regularly to reflect the latest guidelines and can be easily accessed by employees, ensuring they stay informed and compliant.
Contact Tracing Solutions
Implement contact tracing solutions to monitor interactions within the workplace. Digital contact tracing tools can help quickly identify and notify individuals who may have been exposed to COVID-19, facilitating timely isolation and reducing the risk of further transmission.
Compliance Management Systems
Adopt comprehensive compliance management systems that integrate various aspects of COVID-19 compliance, from health screenings and PPE inventory management to documentation and reporting. These systems can automate many compliance tasks, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.
Staying in compliance during the COVID-19 pandemic is a complex but essential task for businesses. By adhering to government and health agency guidelines, fostering clear and consistent communication, and leveraging technology, companies can navigate these challenges effectively. These strategies not only ensure legal compliance but also promote the health and safety of employees and customers, helping businesses maintain trust and resilience in uncertain times.
Businesses that prioritize compliance and proactive safety measures will be better positioned to protect their workforce, sustain operations, and contribute to the broader effort to control the spread of COVID-19. As the situation continues to evolve, ongoing vigilance and adaptability will be key to staying compliant and safeguarding the well-being of all stakeholders.
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Beginning a weight loss journey can be a significant step towards a healthier lifestyle. Behavioral therapy in Arizona is a crucial component of this process. It offers valuable insights into eating patterns and lifestyle choices that are often the underlying causes of weight gain. By tackling these psychological aspects, individuals are equipped with the tools for a more effective and sustainable weight loss journey.
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thequeenllc · 4 months
Effective diabetes care can enable individuals with diabetes to manage their condition properly and maintain optimal health. If this is something you would like to learn more about, THE QUEEN LLC, your trusty retail pharmacy in Humble, Texas, is here to help you out!
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athomerehab · 4 months
Falls can be a serious concern, especially for those 65 and older. A slip or trip doesn’t just threaten independence but can lead to significant injuries. As you age, implementing safety precautions becomes imperative to prevent these accidents.
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drforambhuta · 4 months
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Comprehensive Examination Components for Managing Peyronie's Disease
1. Blood Tests:
• Complete Blood Count (CBC): Evaluates red and white blood cell counts and platelet levels to detect signs of anemia, infection, or inflammation.
• Lipid Profile: Assesses cholesterol and triglyceride levels to gauge cardiovascular risk.
• Liver Function Tests: Examines liver enzyme levels to monitor liver health, crucial for overall well-being.
• Kidney Function Tests: Measures creatinine and blood urea nitrogen levels to evaluate renal function, which can affect medication processing.
2. Hormonal Evaluations:
• Testosterone Levels: Assesses serum testosterone levels to identify hormonal imbalances linked to erectile dysfunction and Peyronie's Disease advancement.
• Prolactin Levels: Examines prolactin levels for indications of underlying endocrine issues.
• Thyroid Function Tests: Analyzes thyroid hormone levels to rule out thyroid disorders impacting metabolism and sexual function.
3. Cardiovascular Checks:
• Blood Pressure Monitoring: Tracks blood pressure to detect hypertension, a common risk factor for cardiovascular ailments.
• Electrocardiography (ECG): Records heart electrical activity to detect arrhythmias and cardiac abnormalities.
• Echocardiography: Utilizes ultrasound to assess heart structure and function, identifying anomalies and signs of heart disease.
4. Imaging Techniques:
• Penile Ultrasound: Uses ultrasound to visualize penile plaques and assess curvature severity, aiding treatment planning.
• Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): Offers detailed penile anatomy and plaque composition imaging, particularly useful in complex cases or pre-surgery.
5. Psychological Evaluations:
• Questionnaires: Administers standardized surveys to gauge psychological distress, depression, and anxiety linked to Peyronie's Disease.
• Interviews: Engages patients in discussions to explore emotional and psychological responses, identifying areas for intervention and support.
Doctors suggest undergoing a regular full body health checkup for the early detection and better management of conditions like Peyronie's Disease. There are many good hospitals in Mumbai that offer different types of health checkup packages to choose from based on your individual health condition and requirements.
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servant-homecare · 7 months
If you’re responsible for the well-being of an elderly loved one, managing health conditions becomes a significant concern. One such condition that requires attention is high blood pressure—a silent yet potentially dangerous health issue. No worries, though, if you’ve enlisted professional home care in Indianapolis, IN.
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wellhealthhub · 10 months
Managing Diabetes: Strategies for a Healthy Lifestyle
Are you feeling overwhelmed with managing your diabetes? Are you looking for practical strategies to improve your daily routine and overall well-being? You’re in the right place! In this blog, we’ll discuss the details of diabetes management and the many benefits of implementing effective strategies. Imagine having the power to manage your diabetes and live a healthier, happier life. Picture a…
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allpleasuer · 1 year
Diabetes Management: Health Care Information
Diabetes Management: The Role of Health Care Information ALL PLEASUER   Introduction Diabetes Management: The Role of Health Care Information Managing diabetes is a lifelong commitment. It requires consistent monitoring, a balanced diet, regular exercise, and mental resilience. But what role does healthcare information play in managing this condition? Let’s explore. Understanding…
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nasa · 5 months
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Sharpening Our View of Climate Change with the Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem Satellite
As our planet warms, Earth’s ocean and atmosphere are changing.
Climate change has a lot of impact on the ocean, from sea level rise to marine heat waves to a loss of biodiversity. Meanwhile, greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide continue to warm our atmosphere.
NASA’s upcoming satellite, PACE, is soon to be on the case!
Set to launch on Feb. 6, 2024, the Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) mission will help us better understand the complex systems driving the global changes that come with a warming climate.
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Earth’s ocean is becoming greener due to climate change. PACE will see the ocean in more hues than ever before.
While a single phytoplankton typically can’t be seen with the naked eye, communities of trillions of phytoplankton, called blooms, can be seen from space. Blooms often take on a greenish tinge due to the pigments that phytoplankton (similar to plants on land) use to make energy through photosynthesis.
In a 2023 study, scientists found that portions of the ocean had turned greener because there were more chlorophyll-carrying phytoplankton. PACE has a hyperspectral sensor, the Ocean Color Instrument (OCI), that will be able to discern subtle shifts in hue. This will allow scientists to monitor changes in phytoplankton communities and ocean health overall due to climate change.
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Phytoplankton play a key role in helping the ocean absorb carbon from the atmosphere. PACE will identify different phytoplankton species from space.
With PACE, scientists will be able to tell what phytoplankton communities are present – from space! Before, this could only be done by analyzing a sample of seawater.
Telling “who’s who” in a phytoplankton bloom is key because different phytoplankton play vastly different roles in aquatic ecosystems. They can fuel the food chain and draw down carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to photosynthesize. Some phytoplankton populations capture carbon as they die and sink to the deep ocean; others release the gas back into the atmosphere as they decay near the surface.
Studying these teeny tiny critters from space will help scientists learn how and where phytoplankton are affected by climate change, and how changes in these communities may affect other creatures and ocean ecosystems.
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Climate models are one of our most powerful tools to understand how Earth is changing. PACE data will improve the data these models rely on.
The PACE mission will offer important insights on airborne particles of sea salt, smoke, human-made pollutants, and dust – collectively called aerosols – by observing how they interact with light.
With two instruments called polarimeters, SPEXone and HARP2, PACE will allow scientists to measure the size, composition, and abundance of these microscopic particles in our atmosphere. This information is crucial to figuring out how climate and air quality are changing.
PACE data will help scientists answer key climate questions, like how aerosols affect cloud formation or how ice clouds and liquid clouds differ.
It will also enable scientists to examine one of the trickiest components of climate change to model: how clouds and aerosols interact. Once PACE is operational, scientists can replace the estimates currently used to fill data gaps in climate models with measurements from the new satellite.
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With a view of the whole planet every two days, PACE will track both microscopic organisms in the ocean and microscopic particles in the atmosphere. PACE’s unique view will help us learn more about the ways climate change is impacting our planet’s ocean and atmosphere.
Stay up to date on the NASA PACE blog, and make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of sPACE!
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reasonsforhope · 5 months
The population of giant pandas in the wild has nearly doubled as China steps up its conservation efforts.
China’s National Forestry and Grassland Administration said on Jan 25 there are now around 1,900 pandas in the wild from some 1,100 in the 1980s.
This has been due to China’s efforts to protect the species, considered a national treasure, said Mr Zhang Yue, an official with the administration.
The Giant Panda National Park was established in October 2021, covering a total area of over 22,000 sq km and providing a home to around 72 per cent of the wild giant panda population.
Protected areas for giant pandas have grown from 1.39 million ha to 2.58 million ha since 2012.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature has adjusted the status of giant pandas from “endangered” to “vulnerable”.
“This indicates that China’s giant panda conservation efforts have been recognised by the international wildlife conservation community,” Mr Zhang said.
The global captive population of giant pandas, meanwhile, has now reached 728, with 46 pandas successfully bred in captivity in 2023.
The genetic diversity of captive giant pandas has also improved. The current captive population of giant pandas can maintain 90 per cent genetic diversity for up to 200 years.
As for giant pandas living abroad, Mr Zhang said China has organised field inspections and assessments of 23 overseas cooperation institutions in 19 countries since 2023.
“The cooperation institutions generally meet the requirements in terms of venue construction, feeding and nursing, and disease prevention and control measures,” Mr Zhang said, adding that pandas living abroad are generally “in good health”.
He said China will further improve the international cooperation management mechanism for giant pandas, carry out regular daily health monitoring and field inspection and assessment, and continue to strengthen cooperation with international partners for the protection of endangered species and biodiversity.
-via The Straits Times, January 25, 2024
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deadsetobsessions · 2 months
Pt. 3
Again, the timing is icky but pretty much everything about it is icky.
Bruce wondered when Talia al Ghul would stop upheaving his life.
He loves Damian, but one surprise child was a lot, considering the cult deprogramming they’d had to do.
A second, older, surprise child? That was a bit overkill.
At least this time, the conception was consensual.
Bruce cradled his head in his hands, still-gloved fingers gripping onto sweat-soaked hair. The glow of the bat computer shone on his lone figure, sat huddled before endless screens of investigations and the unraveling threads of Bruce’s sanity.
How was he to cope with the knowledge that a child- his child, like Dick and Damian and Tim and Jason and- suffered so at the man he thought he had beaten so soundly?
It was his fault, Bruce thought, that Ra’s al Ghul tortured his… Bruce’s… daughter so brutally. It was no doubt, a way to assuage his anger at Bruce’s denial of being his heir.
His mistakes always came back to haunt him, but it never laid its furious eyes and hands on his own person. No, when Bruce made mistakes, his loved ones paid for it.
He tried his best, pushed harder as Batman, in penance. But this… his unknown daughter, trapped in the shadows of the league where it is cold and cruel and brutally painful…
How could he repent for the sin of letting his daughter suffer and chained at the hands of Ra’s al Ghul? How could he show her that the shadows could be kind? That he would rather break his own spine and get lost in the time stream again before he could even fathom hurting her? He found himself stuck in the same loop of thoughts that plagued him when Damian first came into his orbit.
The screens turned black, and Oracle’s call sign flashed onto the dark pixels.
“Oracle. I hadn’t finished looking at the cases.”
“Go to sleep, Bruce.”
“No, there is still work to be-” his voice, dipping into the growl, died a quick death when Barbara cut him off.
“Your daughter is coming tomorrow. So, unless you want to look like a disheveled grease racoon when you meet her, go shower and get some actual sleep.”
Bruce paused, feeling oddly offended. His eye bags weren’t that bad.
Bruce caught sight of his reflection in one of the blacked out monitors.
He sighed. “…Thank you, Barbara.”
“Anytime, Bruce. I’m always here to kick your ass into gear.”
Bruce huffed, but obligingly got up to change and shower. Alfred silently appeared at the elevators, polished shoes tapping against the stone floor as he raised an imperious eyebrow at Bruce.
“I see Miss Barbara has managed to persuade you to retire at an hour common to regular man, Master Bruce.”
“Ah, yes, she… did.” Bruce felt the urge to apologize, because if Alfred’s up because of him, it’ll wear down harsher on the older man’s health. If there was one thing he took seriously, it would be the health of his loved ones. “Sorry, Alfred. I’ll head up to bed soon.”
“See to it that you do, Master Bruce. I will warm dinner that you had missed by many hours and bring it to your room.”
Bruce lingered as the butler turned around and began making his way back to the main house.
Alfred paused and turned around once more. “If I may offer you some advice?”
“Please. Always.”
Alfred sniffed delicately, most definitely thinking of the times Bruce decided not to take his very well reasoned and seasoned advice. “You have done well with Young Master Damian.”
“Most of that was Dick,” Bruce interrupted, man enough to admit that he wasn’t a present or a particularly good father figure before his jaunt through time and space. Alfred shot him a chiding look, reprimanding him for interrupting. Bruce rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
“Perhaps, but you have put in effort towards all of your children in a way that I have yet to see since Master Jason had… gone.”
“I’ll never make that period of time up to Tim.” Bruce whispered. Another thing he was guilty of. Tim still avoided some spaces in the manor, even when Bruce had-
“That is because you sit here, wallowing in your guilt,” Alfred returned. He added a belated “Master Bruce,” and it sounded like ‘you utter buffoon.’
“You must take the first step, Master Bruce.”
“What if she hates me? What if I’m not ready- what if I can’t help her?”
“You will try. She deserves that, at the very least. You must try. Even if you are not ready for the day, Master Bruce, it can not always be night.”
“… You’re right.” Bruce straightened his shoulders. Time doesn’t wait. He, of all people, knew that.
“You will find that I am hardly ever wrong.” Alfred primly rested his hands atop each other.
“Thank you, Alfred.”
“Of course. It was also meant literally, Master Bruce, for the sun shall try its best to peek out of Gotham’s smog in approximately three hours and fourteen minutes.”
“I’m going, I’m going,” Bruce grouched.
Her mother gave her a slow, cautious hug, akin to approaching a wild animal.
She huffed, and pulled her mother into a crushing hug. She allowed herself, for the first time in a long time, to linger and cling onto her mother’s shirt. Another tendency that Ra’s had thought he’d beaten out of her.
“Be careful,” the reincarnation whispered.
“You as well, my beloved daughter.”
‘You do not have to remind me that I am beloved, mother. I know.’
Talia al Ghul tucked a strand of the reincarnation’s curled hair behind her ear. “No, I do not believe that you do. But that is… my own fault. I will tell you and remind you that you are beloved to me as long as I can. I have two decades of it to make up to you, habibti.”
The flight attendant- a League operative- returned from placing her bags onto the private plane.
A sleek car made its way up Wayne Manor’s winding driveway. She’d declined the offer to pick her up from the airport. She had wanted a vehicle of her own, and some time before she met every one else. No doubt, knowing what she knew of her brother and Bruce Wayne, not to mention the little photographer, they were most likely tracing her path to Wayne manor obsessively.
She tapped her nails on the wheel as she drove towards her brother. Brothers. And… Bruce Wayne. On one hand, she’s kept them safe. On the other, she’d sacrificed years of getting to know them. It was odd, to feel this intensely awkward and nervous after years of intense hatred or apathy sprinkled by the the occasional love and fondness for Damian and her mother.
“Hmmm.” She hummed, slight smile spreading a bit more as the sound came out without pain. Two weeks, and the novelty of freedom had not worn off. She thinks that it would never wear off. She cherished it.
The gate had opened without needing a code, so they most definitely knew she was here. It’s a good thing she had prepared gifts in advance. Dodging Gothamites as they drove and jaywalked had been a rather unforeseen ordeal that she was not looking forward to repeating.
She rolled to a smooth stop at the front doors, giving the intricately carved oak doors a passing glance. She huffed a laugh as she saw Damian, flanked by Bruce Wayne and Alfred Pennyworth, staring proudly outside at the front door. They’re anticipatory of her arrival. Warmth spread through her heart, and for the first time in a long while, it wasn’t the heat of rage.
She opened the doors with a quiet click and hiss, stepping out onto the heated paved driveway, and closed the door. At the steps, the two older men had frozen but Damian had come walking quickly towards her.
“Damian,” she whispered as he came near her, suffusing as much fondness as she could into his name. Her little brother all but sprinted towards her, screeching to a stop in front of her with excited eyes.
“Welcome to Wayne Manor, ukhti.” He said formally. Her eyes softened and she pulled him into a hug.
(yā waṭawāṭī alṣṣḡīr is the phonetic spelling.) ("وطواطي الصغير" is the actual spelling. I think.)
“I have missed you, ya wat-wat alssgirr,” she whispered. The familiar endearment, “my little bat,” rung warmly like a warm crease ruffling his hair. The silks of her clothes and the ever present warm sand and candle scent wrapped around him like a hug… like the hug she was currently giving him.
(Her clothes were in blues and silvers. It suited her, she who had been forced in green and golds and cuts of black.)
“I still can not believe you all but told me who father was and I still could not figure it out until mother told me.”
She pulled back. ‘Damian, you were five.’
“I have little doubt you were smarter at my age, ukhti, so do not lie to me.” Damian grumbled. Nevertheless, he stepped back.
‘No, you were smarter.’
And to her, he was. It’s not like Damian had the edge she did, and he wasn’t the one trapped for twenty something years. She had foolishly thought that Ra’s wouldn’t dare to harm her too much, seeing as she was his blood, but Damian knew from day 1. She made sure he did. If she was half as smart as Damian, she would have bent her knee and obeyed, no matter how she felt about killing. She would have taken warning Ra’s issued and soaked in the poisonous praise to bide her time to escape. She could not- she did not- do what Damian found effortless, and paid the price for it.
“Unlikely,” Damian said, turning around fully, but she could see the tips of her brother’s ears burning. Ah, perhaps she had been to stingy with compliments if he was shy hearing a mild one, sincere as it might have been. “This is Alfred Pennyworth. He is the butler, and an integral part of the family.”
Damian glanced at her, taking in her suddenly impassive face, and nods. Good. His attitude towards Pennyworth when he first arrived was… mildly shameful. His ukhti was smart enough to know that and therefore he won the argument.
On her part, the reincarnation followed along like she hadn’t mildly stalked this family for decades. It was nice to see excitement rearing on her brother’s face. It was rare in the league and Gotham’s gloom had ironically cheered him up far more than the suns of desserts ever did. She nodded at Alfred Pennyworth, who had admirably recovered from his earlier shock.
“And this is… Bruce Wayne. Our father.”
She tucked a strand of curled hair back, impassive blue eyes meeting her… father’s.
She offered him a short nod.
“My word,” Alfred Pennyworth muttered as his charge’s (his son’s) daughter step out of the car. Her steps were silent, graceful, and lighter than a gazelle.
The way she moved, even as she hugged young master Damian, whispered of leashed lethality and treacherous waters. She moved like if grace had a form and Alfred was willing to bet his entire career that not an iota of air got close to her without her knowledge of it, and it reminded the aging man of the young Miss Cassandra. He knew then, that she could have pretended to be unassuming and that he would have had a hard time equating her with danger. That she showed them her potential for death was a sign of trust.
But it was not the way she claimed death as her own name that caught the former spy’s attention.
It was her blue eyes and the way they ever so slightly crinkled fondly as she laid eyes upon her younger brother. It was the way her hair, curled in a nostalgic style, that curtained her face as she spoke to the young Wayne heir, though he could not hear her voice. It was the way that she tucked Damian against her side, protective but encouraging.
It was the way that she, despite Talia al Ghul’s features, resembled his dearest friend, Martha Wayne, in her every movement.
Alfred Pennyworth felt like he was decades younger, standing before Martha as she fondly tucked Bruce against her side and successfully needled Thomas into going to see Bruce’s favorite movie.
It felt like he had his best friend once more, just a little.
From the way Master Bruce stared, it seemed as though he thought the same.
Alfred straightened when young master Damian introduced him. He was the Wayne Family Butler. And she was definitely a Wayne.
Master Bruce stood there like a lout as his daughter greeted him. Alfred shot him a scathing look- he had taught Master Bruce much better manners than to gape, the nerve!- before smoothly directing the attention away. His hands moved as he spoke.
“Welcome to Wayne Manor, Miss-”
She made a sharp motion to cut him off and signed something. Alfred might be a tad rusty in Arabic sign language (like he and the rest of the family hadn’t spent the last two weeks frantically memorizing and brushing up on their sign language) but he knew a name sign when he saw one.
“al Ghul.” Damian recognized. He did not use regular Arabic Sign Language with her often, vastly preferring their own established sign, but that did not mean he slacked. “You may call her al-Ghul.”
‘Or nothing at all,’ Damian’s sister signed. She looked at him like she was waiting. A test, Alfred realized.
Alfred pushed the slight twinge of disheartening disappointment away. He had wanted to call her Miss Wayne, to perhaps indulge in a bit of nostalgia for a while longer. But he shan’t do it at the expense of his charge.
“Miss al Ghul,” he continued, not missing a beat, imitating the name sign with pin point accuracy. She lifted her chin. Alfred sighed in relief. He passed. And now, perhaps he should revive Ra’s al Ghul and have a nice, entirely civil conversation about Miss al Ghul’s expectation that her wishes would go ignored.
Alfred will bring his shotguns and most likely would abandon pretenses as soon as that old goat got into his crosshairs. Old as he might be, he was still a very good shot, and civility was reserved for those with honor.
“Please head inside. I am sure young master Damian would love to guide you on a tour,” Alfred continued like he didn’t think of violent second deaths for Ra’s al Ghul. “Perhaps Master Bruce will join you, if you are amendable, once he has managed to stop imitating the rather life like form of a smooth brained sloth.”
Alfred congratulated himself on the small crinkle of humor that graced Miss al Ghul’s otherwise expressionless face. Well, expressionless to those that did not know where to look. Fortunately, Alfred and the rest of the family were used to stoic caveman micro expressions, courtesy of Bruce, and therefore it would not be much of a problem.
“I will bring your bags up to your room.”
She scrutinized him and then dipped her head.
‘Be careful. There are dangerous things in there.’
“I assure you the utmost privacy in regards to your belongings,” Alfred said.
“Pennyworth will not peruse your belongings, ukhti. He has more honor and respect than that.”
Alfred would like to interrogate Talia al Ghul to see who he must introduce some lead to, that clearly disrespected Miss al Ghul’s privacy like so. But for now, he will bask in the warmth of young master Damian’s implicit trust.
Miss al Ghul nodded. She opened the trunk of the car- the interior of which Alfred could now perceive to be entirely customized and of extremely quality material. She handed the keys and gave him access to her luggage. Then, placing her hand at young master Damian’s shoulder, followed the young master into the halls where she ought to have been raised. Or, at the very least, ought to have taken a step in at least once before today.
Master Bruce lingered at the doorway, torn between following the siblings and helping Alfred with the luggage (read: running away.)
“The daylight is wasting, Master Bruce.”
Master Bruce skittered in behind them like a newborn colt, wobbling and anxious.
Well, it’s time for Alfred to do his job. There was only a single duffle bag.
Hm. He’ll have to tell Master Bruce to take her out for necessities. He hardly doubted that a single bag could last her very long. And Alfred Pennyworth was hellbent on convincing his granddaughter to stay, may the gods have mercy on whichever poor soul that tried to convince her otherwise for he won’t.
She followed Damian as he led her deeper within the walls of a home she knew by heart from afar. She was like the little photographer in that way. Bruce Wayne trailed behind them like a particularly awkward ghoul, and she found it amusing to equate this turtle necked man was the illustrious Dark Knight. How dangerous.
“This is the first parlor. It is for guests of the… regular persuasion.”
Ah, for the civilians. She nodded.
“Ah, the silverware was selected by Alfred.” Bruce interjected, gesturing to the display silverware by the door. Their cabinets were intricate without taking away from the paintings upon the delicate ceramic.
She looked at him, wondering why he was following before giving up and nodding. It was his house.
(Bruce, for his part, felt like his daughter had laid judgement upon him… and found him lacking.)
‘It is… adequate.’ She sighed to Damian. Damian tutted.
“It’s fine to say quaint, sister. It could hardly compare to the palace.”
Bruce jolted, plans for converting the manor into a palace already in the making.
No, he couldn’t. Alfred would murder him with his favorite dish.
‘I like it, even if it is smaller.’
“….you do?”
‘You are happy here. It is warm to you. I like it.’ She repeated.
Damian latched onto her sleeve. “I- I shall show you my art. And then introduce you to the rest of the bumbling fools we have for brothers-”
She tilted her head. Bruce paused as well when Damian’s words cut off.
“If… you want them as brothers. It would be… helpful, to integrate.”
She waited.
“But… I am the first. Your blood. And-”
‘I will make room in my heart for them, if you wish it. I already know some of them.’ She allowed a small smile to show. ‘But that does not mean you will ever lose your place, little bat.’
Damian felt extremely thankful that father had not managed to pick up their version of sign language yet.
“Well… as long as you’re aware.” He marched further into the manor. She followed, once more, a look of fond indulgence gleaming in her eyes.
She stood in front of a painting her younger brother had done.
‘I made it two weeks ago,’ he’d told her, fingers curled into her palm.
It was green. She hated green. And gold. And ominous. Rage. Harsh, bold strokes and spots where the texture of the canvas were either globbed over or painfully showing through.
Her hands traced the single stroke of blue amidst the turbulence of green.
She tucked Damian against her side and realized that perhaps he understood after all, what it felt like. Perhaps not all of it, but enough.
“Here is your room, ukhti.” Damian stood watch as his sister scanned the room. She quickly removed three listening devices as Damian sighed.
‘You’ve gotten better.’ She crossed the room and plucked the listening bug from its place on the door frame.
“Clearly not good enough.” Damian huffed. “But I have beaten your knife game record. What do you think of the room?”
His sister rolled her eyes and handed him a blade she pulled from somewhere on her person.
An implicit challenge.
“No cutting your fingers off, please.” Father interceded.
“Begone, father. We are doing sibling bonding, something I remember you insisting that I participate in.”
Damian shut the door on his stupefied face, matching his sister’s sharp smirk as he splayed his hand on the dresser and raised the blade.
Alfred walked in with a covered plate and paused at the sight of the dresser.
Then, he looked on as Damian sat at the desk, rapidly signing to his sister in their own version of the language as said sister pulled out an entire wardrobe and a half to fill in the walk-in closet.
Alfred made a note to study some more magic.
“Miss al-Ghul. I bring you a snack that young master Damian made and to inform you that the others will be arrive en masse, within an hour.” Alfred paused. “Might I interest you in a mat before the two of you decide to… take a gander at furniture redecoration in the future?”
“Of course, Pennyworth. Apologies.”
“I’ll try to make sure they won’t overwhelm you. They can be a lot, at once.” Bruce said from the doorway. Miss al Ghul glanced at him and dipped her head in thanks. Her eyes wandered right back to the dessert.
Alfred made another note.
‘You made this for me?’ She asked, switching to standard.
Damian grumbled. “Do not eat it. I could not get the spice quite right, no matter how many variations…”
‘I am sure it will be good.’ She took the plate from Alfred’s hand and uncovered it.
They all had the fortune of witnessing a true, genuine wide eyed smile from a stoic face.
Alfred inhaled sharply. He had thought Master Bruce and young master Damian had inherited Thomas’ dimples. But she had inherited his entire smile.
‘Bstilla!’ She turned to Damian. ‘My favorite! You made this?’
“I know that. I am not incompetent as to not notice when you snuck three of them from the palace kitchens. You must give me the recipe from the cooks. I could not get it to taste like the spices they used. I even imported spices!”
Miss al-Ghul, like she had forgotten he and Master Bruce were there, stabbed a fork into the pie and put it into her mouth.
“Ukhti! Don’t- do not eat that! Spit it out! The pastry is too thick and-”
She held up her hand. ‘It’s good. I know what it is missing.’
She strode to her magic bag and pulled out a bottle.
She sprinkled flakes on top and offered a forkful of b’stilla to the young master who, shockingly, did not insist on his own utensil.
His expression lightened. “This is it. What is it? You know of the chefs’ methods?”
She sprinkled the mysterious spice on the food. ‘You’ve never eaten anything the chefs have made. I made your food by hand to prevent assassinations and inoculate you against toxins. Also, this is poison.’
Alfred stiffened.
“It’s what?!” Bruce spoke up, rushing into the room, finally to try and look Damian over.
‘It is fine. He has been immune since he was three.’
Miss al Ghul placed a piece of poisoned b’stilla in her mouth and ate. Young master Damian batted his father off, saying that poison inoculation was hardly a surprise. What was a surprise, though, was something else.
“That is- you- you’re the one who made my meals?” Young Master Damian demanded, looking guilty. “But- I- why did you not tell me? I made all of those demands in the middle of the night- what about the time I sent back the knafe fifteen times?”
She nodded.
“Why would you- why did you not tell me?”
‘You knew what grandfather thought of women. And besides, it was the only time I was allowed sweets. He did not want me to ruin my figure as it would lower my marketability.’
Alfred itched for his gun.
“You are not a commodity,” Master Bruce stated, intense as he tended to be. Miss al Ghul blinked at him.
‘… I am aware. But… thank you.’
“Ah. Yes. Of course.” And there went the emotionally intelligent Master Bruce. May he rest in peace until the next time he decides to make an appearance.
“I believe today is a chocolate chip cookie day, do you not, young master Damian?”
“Yes, Pennyworth, I believe it is.”
‘I have never tried it before.’
“You will love it. Pennyworth’s cookies are the best in the world, as is expected.”
Alfred watched as young master Damian tugged his sister out and marveled. The sides of his grandson they rarely get to see was so easily pulled out by his older sister.
Y’all I wanted to write her meeting the siblings but Alfred came out of no where and went haha nope feel the angst of a man who lost his best friend and had to raise her vigilante child.
Alfred, seeing Bruce put on the bat cowl for the first time: martha, why have you forsaken me
Me: what would baby assassins play as a binding game?
Me, remembering my past as a kid: I Spy, but with trackers and bugs. oh wait… THE KNIFE GOES CHOP CHOP CHOP
Also, I think B’stilla was food meant only for royalty and was probably rooted in slavery, so I thought it would be a meaningful nod to her position of privilege and how she are like a king but was treated as a… bed warmer and a slave. Yeah. If anyone knowledgeable on food history wants to school me on b’stilla, feel free to do so. I did like, a cursory research at best.
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olomaya · 7 months
It's been a while so I thought I'd share some Private Clinic wip updates with y'all.
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I'm pretty much finished with the Optometry module. With it, certain Sims will get an astigmatism and will need prescription glasses. Sims will need to get regular check ups to avoid worsening their astigmatism. There are also other issues Sims can get, particularly kids and elders that optometrists can treat. It's the smallest of the 5 medical modules I've planned so that's about the extent of it but as someone who's been wearing glasses since I was 10. It makes me happy to curse my Sims with an astigmatism too.
Also added some new features to the Clinic Controller to make it easier to run a clinic, including the ability to schedule appointments, either for yourself or for a family member (even babies and toddlers), which you can do in person or online.
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I've started on the ObGyM stuff now for females/pregnant Sims though it's really more just obstetrics. Here's my Obgym giving an ultrasound to a patient (and probably prescribing she get a new husband 😅).
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Pregnant Sims can get ultrasounds, blood tests and examinations to make sure the pregnancy is on track. Having daily check ups will improve the pregnancy and ensure a healthy baby or avoid any issues. You'll also get a sonogram from the ultrasound to show to other Sims to announce your pregnancy.
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Thanks so much to everyone that replied to my request for pregnancy ideas, some of which I've incorporated. The module makes pregnancies less predictable and a bit more challenging. Being pregnant drains hunger, bladder and energy, gives variable due dates and weight gain, and monitors blood pressure, blood sugar and iron levels which are affected by diet and can bring on health complications if too high or low. Sims also get more nausea, heartburn, gas (fun!). I'm also thinking of making the pregnancy books more useful by including information about how the custom pregnancy state by reading them.
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I love the original NonaMena breastfeeding mod but have always wanted something that has more impact for both nursing parents and babies so it makes sense to incorporate it into the obgym module where nursing has health benefits for the baby. Also the state/health of the mother affects how effective nursing is and how it impacts the baby. Stressed moms may have trouble producing milk.
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Finally, I have decided to do live hospital births so OBs can deliver babies in the clinic. I'll share more details on that at a later date but I'm excited to put some interesting gameplay aspects in it.
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