#Remember when the name Monkie Kid was fun.
What do you think are some of LMKs most prevalent themes are? besides the power of friendship of course
I'll just throw 'em into a list!
Fate VS Freewill / Destiny (2x05, 2x10, 3x10, EYD, 4x07-4x10 ; characters love to run from destiny/the narrative in lmk)
Identity ("You are not the Monkey King" "You're right—I'm the Monkey Kid!" ; "This thing, whatever you are, embrace it. Embrace your destiny." ; etc.)
(Bonus post where I point out how Destiny and Identity get a little too closely linked for my comfort)
Self-worth/Self-Reflection [Kind of a subset of Identity] ("Just believe in yourself! Even a smidge makes all the difference")
Companionship as Salvation ("As long as we stand together, there will always be hope!" ; "You're the one always running off! [...] You're the one who wouldn't quit while we were ahead!")
Exchange ("You don't know, we'd risk it for sure! I won't abandon them when they need us." ; "I'd do anything for my friends! But at the cost of the world?" ; "This is Azure's utopia, and this barren wasteland is the price he paid to build it.")
Not knowing what to do and how to move forward with that.
Pain being inevitable ("Don't you realize you're hurting the people who care about you the most?" ; "All my lady ever desired was a world no longer plagued by pain" ; "No matter what I do, it’s going to lead to pain.")
Perfection being unachievable (1x05, "You can't judge things by their worst quality!" ; "A perfect world is what you make it. So as long as I have my friends by my side...this world, is, perfect!" ; "Look around brother! This is not the change we dreamt of.") But there also being beauty in imperfection. The imperfect being worth fighting for.
Heroism (Perception VS Reality) ("Sometimes the path of the hero may seem chaotic and directionless" ; Heroes "inevitably bring darkness to those they hold dear" rip. ; "But it took me far too long to learn what real heroes look like.")
Trust ("That Monkey is not to be trusted!" ; "We trusted you! All of us!" ; "He's a villain MK! We never should have trusted him.")
Power and the point of having it ("Now do you understand? From the start you never had what it took to defeat me. All your power could do was make me stronger." ; "I needed something so powerful even she wouldn't be able to win—a weapon." ; "Only we decide who we are and what we do with the power we have!" ; "But it wasn't in my power—it was in yours.")
Change ("Forever's a long time bud." ; "But we can't! Not after all we've seen—all we know and all we don't?" ; honestly just look at s1 vs s4)
Legacy (*gestures at pilgrims* ; "MK, from the moment you picked up the staff their stories became our stories—it's our responsibility to write the final chapter, no matter the outcome." ; "Why would our legacy be any different? Actually no no—the chaos and destruction we'll bring upon the world will make Wukong's past look like nothing.")
Leaving the world a little better than you found it (even and especially in spite of your mistakes and shortcomings)
and of course the Power of Friendship (plus the themes Tang literally lists in 3x14 "We're comforted by familiar tales of friendship, courage, redemption.").
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py-dreamer · 4 months
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Ok I honestly don't know if I'll ever finish the other WIP...
I've had this in my files for a while now, got the guts to finish it and so here it is.
Y'know that one painting in Rapunzel's tower? The one with the floating lights?
Yea so I wanted Red Son to have something like that but I thought that the prince is an inventor and while is still technically an artist so I wanted to give his piece a new format.
(art isn't necessarily a 2D format after all)
Then I remembered the wishing machine from the greatest showman.
And I thought like why don't we combine the two?
Like a stained glass wishing machine thingy!
And it makes sense cause with his firey powers and all, I imagine Red could easily melt sand if he ever got access.
So it would make sense that he'd experiment around with stained glass
He wouldn't need a blowtorch or soldering iron cause again, he's got his hands.
I imagine his tools are quite limited in the tower so he'd make his own and for a kid who never left his tower, he's quite the craftsman I imagine!
think about it:
there are just hanging glass pictures everywhere.
You look in his bedroom and instead of the blank skylight you have a bit of a glass rook with shingles missing but replaced by stained glass pictures the prince made over the years
and we have that epic shot in the end of the movie where light streams through all the tiny windows and glass all showing the samadhi flower and Red Son realizes they're the goddamn lost prince!
Like wouldn't that just be magical?
Pay no mind to the gold ring in his hair, I genuinely don't know what its for.
I was trying to render the hair, made a part too shadowy like something was meant to be there so I just went:
"Slap a ring on it!"
I have to credit my friend (no name drops for privacy's sake) for pushing for the idea for the colorful spots of light
(ignore how it looks like circus polka dots)
during the performance I was working on, I spent like 50% of my time drawing when I wasn't needed (a lot of the time) and could just work on my projects which was really nice
And the performance was a hit!!
Gosh I still miss it so much, its only been like 4 days
I've honestly really put off this project cause I was really scared to do the stained glass but personally, I do really like how it came out!
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anonoob · 1 year
here are some underrated (in my opinion) media's I recommend!
Lackadaisy (Animated PILOT - Webcomic.) Lackadaisy has its own Animated PILOT on YouTube, and a Webcomic you can find on the official lackadaisy website! The series is about a webcomic set in Prohibition-era St. Louis, Missouri. It chronicles the events of a cast of anthropomorphic cats as they struggle to keep the titular speakeasy afloat.
Murder Drones (Animated series) Murder Drones has recently gained popularity, but is still a small project. You find it on youtube. On a post-apocalyptic exoplanet, worker drones struggle to survive by hiding from rogue robots called Murder Drones
Epithet Erased (Animated series - book) you can find the first 7 episode Animated on YouTube! Season 2, however, Is a book. based on the tabletop roleplay series Anime Campaign! With unique powers called epithets, and characters attempting to steal an amulet rumored to have the ability to take a person's epithet.
Lego Monkie Kid (Cartoon) The tale begins when an ordinary boy, Monkie Kid, finds Monkey King's legendary staff, and he becomes the chosen one. You can watch on PRIME VIDEO!
Recreyo (YouTube channel!) Oddly enough, I'm recommending a YouTube channel.. a Comedy podcast with a group of friends with trust issues are thrown into different chaotic scenarios where they have to survive by learning to trust each other.. or not.
I'm running out of ideas or media's so.. uh yeah guys you should watch those silly fnaf rps like Oddities or The Famous Films!!! There's more, but I don't know them all lol
Also the sun and moon show is pretty cool yeah
EDIT ; The amazing digital circus is a new media too! Though, the fandom has grown largely. It's a animated pilot on YouTube, under the GlitchProductions channel. (creators of murder drones)
EDIT ; Spooky Month! Halloween is one of everyone's favorites, and so is October! I'm sure you've all heard of this show, made by Sr. pelo. Every year, near Halloween, a new episode for this series released! Last year, it grew huge in popularity.
There obviously tons of smaller projects out there, and I totally recommend them! Make sure to support small creators!
Fizz back w/ another banger
Y'all have obviously heard of hazbin hotel and helluva boss (I think helluva boss currently is better, especially in it storyline.)
Ramshackle ! An animated pilot on YouTube and it's 1st episode!, with many other small contents (webtoon, merch, art)
(Not really a media, but a nice nostalgic moment for old time flamingo fans) rewatch Roblox myth videos! They're actually nice to go back and remember, Especially if you were around when the vids came out.
An anime for once! Madoka Magica is great, actually. It's a dark spin on the magical girl ordeal, and it's probably the only anime I really like.
Object shows. There's a LOT of these. Most popular; Inanimate insanity, BFDI. Best recommendations; ONE (hfjcheesy), love of the s*n
Robloc area ; Regretevator, Evade, etc are lowkey fun games with good fandoms (sometimes)
EDDSWORLD OH My God please watch eddsworld it's made by this dude named Edd Gould and it's awesome
Indigo Park. Play it. It's so fucking cool/gen
Kinitopet, nice ai spin game!
Class of 2009 is epic and funny (also has triggering topics tho)
Musicals! It's nice to find new and different musicals!
Horror! +Favs ; Mandela catalogue, the walten files (there's more but it's been a bit)
Dead end, cold front, etc! The creator has amazing games :3
I had more but. Forgot oops
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sketching-shark · 11 months
Hello! I know you aren't a big fan of LMK, but there's a sideblog run by @digitalagepulao named @digitaldoeslmk that is doing a rewrite of the show by following book canon, and their ideas and art is FIRE so please have a look if you have the time. Also, I remember seeing a few lines that Sun Wukong has medical training during his years of learning. Would he count as having a degree in medicine in modern terms? How is he during childbirth? Do you think he'd be able to do a human childbirth successfully? Have a great month, enjoy your food, and don't forget to sleep early regularly!
As a matter of fact @angstandhappiness I am recently familiar with @digitaldoeslmk and let me just say WEH @digitalagepulao has done an amazing job at creating one of the most fun and interesting Monkie Kid aus out there!
I'm honestly really appreciative of the though and care they've put into a version of the lego show where JTTW happened according to Wu Cheng'en's version, and particularly the way this means that A) Sun Wukong is a genuinely good mentor & that therefore there's many a lovely shifu-tudi moment between him and MK (plus SWK is his book canon size here so that's an automatic improvement over LMK canon lmao), B) Red Son gets more time in the spotlight both as a character and as a source of insights into the histories of the JTTW canon characters, and C) the stakes aren't of the constant end-of-the-universe levels & therefore MK gets a Fucking Break from the Horrors & also gets to make a lot more friends in stuff like a theater group.
tbh I was pretty delighted by this plot idea @digitalagepulao put out where MK is getting ready for a theatrical production of Havoc in Heaven where he's playing Sun Wukong but then both the actor and the understudy who played Erlang Shen got ill, & that this was resolved by MK getting SWK to play his one-time nemesis. That's a really fun idea for a number of reasons, not the least being it seems like a great scenario for the Monkey King to have actually understandable stage fright & some genuine conversations about his past & what he learned from his experiences BUT ALSO for it being a great way for Monkie Kid to give a respectful nod to past retellings of Xiyouji even while letting MK & co. shine.
In conclusion people should definitely check out @digitaldoeslmk.
As for the second part of this ask, you probably couldn't say that the Monkey King has anything like a contemporary medical degree going strictly by Xiyouji canon, but he does prove himself to be a clever primate when it comes to medicine! Honestly it could make for a kind of funny JTTW future story where SWK goes through medical school to get an MD so that he can be an officially licensed doctor in the 21st century lol. And while we never see SWK helping someone with pregnancy or childbirth in the og classic (discounting the mpreg arc lmao), his status as both an extremely old communal grandpa who's seen a lot and a protector of children seem to both suggest that he'd be pretty good at assisting in childbirth for humans, monkeys, and yaoguai alike.
Enjoy your food and sleep too!
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yuusaris · 9 months
Vacant Space, Empty Nest
Summary: Someone in the troop is pregnant. It couldn’t be hidden forever.
(Pregnancy themed, but no descriptions of going through it, other than mention of a belly. Fear of loss, connection-seeking) Read on AO3 Here
The troop knows things, and remembers for what feels like forever. What one knows well, two remember better.
This is why there’s a silent rule on the mountain, ever since the immortal troop had and lost their first batch of mortal children - the nursery was empty.
It was supposed to stay empty.
The question pops out of him one night, just before the two of them were truly cozy - “Do you want a kid?”
“No.” Macaque answers immediately, as though he hasn’t been blanket-cocooned and imobile for twenty minutes.
It doesn’t sting; a hole in Wukong’s chest swallows the answer like it meant nothing. Wukong lays back down, staring up at the ceiling. “I want a kid.”
“No, you don’t.”
The troop knows many things. They know ‘love troop, love King, take care of home, have fun’.
They know better than to shun the expecting mother - but the air around her changes the more she starts to swell.
“I just, y’know, didn’t have a chance with MK,” Wukong shrugs, nail-carving a nothing pattern into a peach, rocking his kitchen chair on its back legs. “And it’s not like--”
Macaque cuts him off. “I’m not changing my body for a year for a reason like that.” He snatches the peach from Wukong’s hand, biting into it and talking as he chews.“Unless you’d want to carry it?”
“Fuck no.”
Macaque shrugs. Clear, saccharine juice shines on his mouth from the torn fruit. “Then you don’t want one that badly, do you?”
She wasn't sure whether to carry the baby. She wanted it, but she knew of the pain from when the firstborns drifted away. 
But the King always knew what was best. The King would decide and all would be well.
“I want something that’s partly you and partly me,” Somehow, the vulnerability of explaining is more tender than asking at all. “I want something that’s us.” Something unifying. Something he can love to near-death.
“You want someone to rely on you now that MK’s Monkie-Kid-ing it up without you. And it used to be me and could be again if I get knocked up.” Macaque cuts both proposals down, exposes the excuses to Wukong’s embarrassment.
“Is it so wrong to want both?”
Macaque’s quiet, turning his pen between his fingers and across his knuckles. “There’s a reason things are like this.” Before Wukong can respond, he leans in and says, “I’m talking about you killing me.”
No one wants to survive their child. No child wants their child not to survive their grandparents. No child wants their child not to survive their great-great-great grandparents. But that's what happens. Some of them ask - and ask and ask - if he can’t just pick on Yama again, give it time, let them grow, then cross the name out. Just this once. 
Wukong knows if he does ‘just this once’, he’ll be doing it again and again and the resulting trouble could prevent him from protecting them anymore.
His people are together, but his people are lonely. There’s nothing else Wukong can do.
“I’ll take responsibility! Marry me.”
At some point, the children-no-more leave. They make new families. They stop coming back because they stop knowing how long ago those grandparents were great. 
Sun Wukong, they ask themselves, what has he ever done for us?
“It’s gunna die.” Macaque says into Wukong’s fur.
Wukong tightens into a smaller ball. “I know.” For all his newfound brusqueness, Macaque is still capable of soft pets in Wukong’s hair. "Is this what they need?" He bites his lip, wondering if the punishment was worth it, for them, whatever it may be. "If I leave again, would they be happier?"
Macaque keeps his nose pressed against Wukong’s temple, lashes brushing his hair. “You're doing the right thing.” 
Wukong was there for the birth. 
That’s what Kings do.
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thateldribitch · 2 years
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Update: Fixed that awful nose.
SO, I've been writing and reading a lot of the Yandere landscape for Lego Monkie Kid, namely @lopsushi 's Yandere Wukong and @zarinosa 's Yandere Macaque. They're both really interesting characters! Both have horrifying elements, and both have sympathetic elements. But I've always loved writing psychological horror and high emotion. Hence why I've had a lot of fun with Lopsushi's yandere boi.
Regardless, I've broken down into finally making my own XD THIS is God of Revenge Wukong--also known as Petty Bitch Wukong. I can't remember who called him that, but someone on Zar's server did.
I wanted to differentiate him from the current Yanderes, too! So his design is based on Macaque's theater outfit (hence the clouds) and you might also note he has the shadow lantern. There are... reasons, for this. <_< And not the ones you might think.
Anyway, here's a few basic characteristics of this bastard man:
Main characteristics: manipulative, methodical, patient, calculating.
He's polyamorous.
He doesn't often kill--he can, but death is just too quick.
He will ruin someone's life, get them to the point they want to die, and then trap them in the shadow lantern to suffer forever.
This man is excruciatingly patient, and will wait thousands of years to craft the perfect revenge. And when all the dominos fall, the target will be utterly and completely ruined.
This largely happens if someone messed with his lovers.
Yandere Behavior:
This Yandere is not a "lock them up and throw away the key" kind
Similar to how he'll set up the perfect revenge, he will set up the perfect way to bring a new lover into his harem.
He is very, very patient, and even if it takes centuries--he'll convince them to come to him, willingly.
He doesn't kidnap anyone; he doesn't lock anyone up. He just makes them want to be with him--usually through emotional manipulation.
But if I had to be honest--he's kind of like a cult leader in general mentality. Extremely charismatic, very smart, and very dangerous.
I've labeled him as a psychological horror character for a reason lol.
How He Treats His Lovers:
Wukong is actually very sweet to his lovers. They have freedom to come and go; the only important thing is they come back to him.
If any of them go missing for more than a day, he will immediately start searching for them.
He's very, very affectionate with all of his lovers and likes showering them in gifts and kisses.
He's kind of like a dragon, hoarding his gems close--and if anyone hurts them, then his wrath is immense.
He's very picky about any potential new spouse, and has thorough discussions with his lovers about anyone else he might be interested in.
He's never harmed any of his lovers.
He wears a ring for each lover he has.
How he treats other people:
Wukong almost constantly smiles--around his lovers, it's really sweet and loving; with anyone else, it's very fake and unnerving.
If he stops smiling--run.
Generally, he doesn't like talking to anyone outside of his harem. But if he has to, he's very cordial and polite. Almost passive aggressively so.
Mortals worship him as a God of Revenge, because if you invoke his name, he might settle a score for you--if you give him the proper offerings.
He's also venerated as a God of Love.
There's a bit of a scale of how fucked you are, a
You bad mouth him: Prepare to be sassed back; you're fine.
You bad mouth his lovers: Gossips probably gonna lose their jobs; but you'll probably live.
You treat his lovers poorly: Listen here Karen, you're losing your house; but you'll probably live.
You hurt his lovers: Yeah, nah, your life is destroyed; into the personal-hell lantern you go.
You severely injure one of his lovers: Out comes the staff, off goes your head.
You kill one of his lovers: Ÿ̶̳́̾̾̏͋̆͘͝͝o̷̢̹̣͕̺̰̤̞͋͆̿̅̉̉́͘ų̵̲͍̩͈̮̮͚̯̈́́͝ ̴̧̗̳̘̥̈̋̕ͅD̷̨̖̝̲͔͎̊́̈́͐̚͝ǒ̸̲̞͆̅̂̊̇ṅ̷̦̲̑̀͜'̶̼̯̟̞̏ṯ̶̛̌͗͒̍͗͑ ̵̡̪͈̜̘͔́̈̀͊̓͐̊͘͝D̷͕̾̓̅̾́͋͝ȩ̸͈̥̬̫̞̦̒̿͊̆͘̚s̶̢̡͍̝̭͈̆͋̐̊̇ẹ̷̮͌̒͘r̷̥̮̝̩͕͐͜v̷̦̾͒̍͐̆̄̚͝ẹ̶͕̖͈͕̱̹̔̎̃́̈̐̏͘ ̶̢̼̟̬̃̊̈́́͘̚͜T̵̢̬̯̫͓̤̣͆̿͗̇o̷̢̗̯͍̰̠̲̞̱̒͌ ̸̧̛̻͍͎̹͎͕̜́͐̒͗Ȩ̵̛̲̟̤̤̯͋̌̔́͂̕͝x̶̛͈̥̌̈́̄͑̀͆͠ͅi̶̫̟̲̦̽͌̏s̷͇͇̠̞͋̑̈͗͐̀͘t̶̡̗͚͎̼͔̟̤͔̋̆̇.̵̲̼́̄͊̽̕
This Wukong doesn't often use his staff, unless he's planning on killing someone.
His main weapon is his brain, though he does still have a lot of brute strength.
Shapeshifting is largely used for espionage, and scouting out foreign situations.
He also likes using the people trapped in the shadow lantern to terrify potential targets.
Eventually, he does gain the ability to travel the multiverse--by accident. He was actually trying to make a time travel spell.
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ghostenluvs · 1 year
alright so i’ve had this little au for lmk in my head for a while and i’m just setting it out here in a really long rambly nonsensical explanation, but i think it’s fun so to tumblr it goes!
is gonna be a bit long.
Ok so it goes like:
Random stone monkey child just materializes out of nowhere one day (MK), and some random guy in heaven sees that and goes “remember what happened last time guys?” and they just decide no this guy has got to go.
 But it's a mystic monkie and they remember the last time they tried to deal with one of those so they tell the only other mystic monkey guy they can think of to do it with this fancy “he’s totally gonna grow up and bring unimaginable chaos you gotta get rid of him” prophesy (which was not true at all) and he just. Has a crisis over it because it was accompanied by some edgy god threat probably but its a baby. So yeah morals and such.
So he just seals away the kid’s magic monkie powers and makes them look like a human, and just tells god that the kid is gone.
And then of course word gets out about that so people think he actually did it.
And meanwhile he’s just teaching some toddler how to exist and it's adorable and fluffy.
And then Macaque shows up all like “alright i was already mad at you and then i heard you killed a baby because heaven told you to what the actual heck Wukong”
and then the aforementioned baby just peeks his head out from behind Wukong’s legs and it's just.
“Ok i know you’re mad but can you please at least wait to fight me until the kid won’t die on his own? Please?”
“Fine okay geez but also what’s their name?”
“Wukong did you not name this child?”
“I couldn’t think of anything okay!’
“Just keysmash until you find some good syllables then!”
Leading to the boy child having a very long and nonsensical name but just using their initials of MK.
And of course MK gets out and makes friends and lives life mostly as in canon, he just lived on flower fruit mountain and has to hitch a ride from his “older brother” to and fro. Because heaven would be very very upset if they found out he existed and Wukong is not leaving him somewhere random alone.
He's still a noodle delivery boy for Pigsy and best buddies with Mei.
But then DBK just randomly starts rampaging and he sees they have Wukong’s staff and panics and runs in and steals it before DBK can absorb it. And then panics bc he can hold it but also Wukong told him not to screw with magic (bc the glamour or the power seal might fritz out but MK doesn’t know that bc you can't just tell a child the gods ordered a hit on them now can you.)
Then Pigsy finds him in the street and everyone goes to bring the staff to monkey king not knowing that MK already knows him.
When PIF attacks in the flaming mountains Pigsy and Mei also get yeeted and end up on ffm with MK somehow and he has to do some actingtm [they can tell something is up but just chalk it up to nerves] but they cant get through the waterfall barrier and MK goes in alone and just panic ramble word vomits to Wukong like
Dbkstafffightrampagewhattheheckdowedoomgomgomgomgomg also my friends from human city are here help me
And they just like
We have never met before today got it? Total strangers. No hugs, no inside jokes, no making fun of eachother. Polite strangers' courtesy only.
And then they go back and chat with the others for a minute or so and then go back to the city and Wukong kicks DBK’s butt but right when he's about to win PIF wind tornado teleports them all away. Wukong giving a very rushed polite goodbye and then leaving the others to do their mortal stuff cue end credits.
And then MK starts getting actual stone monkey powers and just accidentally punches a hole in a door being kinda tired at Pigsy’s and missing the doorknob. And then getting struck by lightning and being totally fine. Then his friends know something magic is going on and Wukong knows that “oh crud the power seal is wearing off early bc he was in contact with the staff oh no.” 
And then it's just a nice plot song and dance of MK being so confused bc he doesn’t have superpowers he's a human why would the staff give him powers and his friends being really worried and pestering Wukong about it bc why is he getting your superpowers mister what happened here. And Wukong just screaming internally because he’s trying to figure out how to break the news to MK about the gods ordering a hit on him as an infant and the him not being a human thing. It turns out fine ish in the end tho nobody hates each other for it after they have some hurt comfort and then some healthy communication and reconciling later. And then they move on to the issue of avoiding the gods being a bit upset. And macaque has been periodically checking with the  
“is he grown yet?”
“How much longer until killing you doesn’t basically orphan someone?”
“A while.”
“Are we there yet?”
“We get there when we get there, macaque!”
so yeah. i like this au just because i can fit so many funny bits in it i haven’t listed here. hope it’s not terrible!
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Welcome to the AU! This is an interactive blog filled for asks!
Wukong gets trapped in the scroll before the series began and fuses with the Ink, releasing it from the scroll. Both act like a hivemind, desperately fighting for control over the other, but as soon as MK walks into their life, their sanity for fusing for 500 years takes a toll on them.
Characters you can ask
Ink Wukong
The Camel Ridge Trio
Tongbei Gibbon
No NSFW (Creator is a Minor)
No Bullying (Except the characters lol)
No Homophobia or anti-lgbtq, if you are leave this blog
Nothing Toxic please.
Be kind and take care!
Refrence Sheet
MK and Wukong
Arc 1: The first installment of the blog, a talk with MK and Wukong, however the plans move to the lore once the anons go crazy. The Brotherhood seek help with the crisis by calling upon the Four Primates
Arc 2: The Monkie kids arc, The monkie kids try to find MK and Tang, while MK returns but is he the same? Eventually they end up in the Palace of the Kings of Havoc, where they try to rescue Wukong from his circumstances
Arc 3: Wukong makes his way to the Palace with Bo, Chikao’s undead son. They try to find a way to split their souls into separate minds.
Arc 4: 13 years later a mysterious figure named Xiu begins to terrorize the lands under the influence of a mask made by one of Sun Wukong’s quintuplets…our heroes find a way to survive and handle the dangers of the villain who hunts them.
Arc 5: Into the multiverse people! The Spirit Trio have been kidnapped by the Evil Versions of the Kings of Havoc and come from an even messed up timeline of the original! It’s up to our gang to save both realms before shit gets messy.
Arc 6: After a plane crash, Wukong’s family discovers his whereabouts in the Bermuda Triangle, finding the rest of the Quintuplets of Paramita
Arc 7:
Wukong comes home from vacation! So as a fun little get together, the children of chaos (minus Macaque) go into a store full of enchantments and curses, little do they know what trouble lies in wait the moment they enter the maze game
Arc 8:
After the deaths of Antonio and Rin, Zazhu and Zhong return home from America after 3 years only to be greeted by familiar faces as old friends come together as one.
Arc 9:
Daedalus’ Labyrinth has reopened into the mortal realm and has been encased Wukong in the center of its core. Now the Havoc family, Camel Ridge Trio and MK have to put a stop to this madness before the Labyrinth seeps into the mortal realm and consumes it into its dark paths…wait, what do you mean this is about saving Wukong?
Arc 10:
An old friend somehow remembers Mathias and Zammy despite being reincarnated. How will this change the way things are handled now that no one remembers them?
Arc 11: When Wukong takes a vacation and hangs out with his old pal Hermes, Poseidon gets in the way and the gods of greek mythology come to life in an effort to stop all out war.
Arc 12: Just a normal lovely vacation arc…right?
Arc 13: The Timeline’s been broken! The world is in shambles! What will our heroes do for this grand finale?
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beatupcorpse · 2 years
look I made that AU for me and my need of my monkey brothers bcuz this fandom has me completely starved. I JUST WANT BONDING AND PAIN TIMES
the title refers to -SWK's- greatest fear, which is to fail MK so badly that this is how things end up, the kid the Lady's new weapon.
i already said it and kinda showed it in my post but MK takes the hit instead of SWK and immediately this is bad this is terrible he attacking right out of the bat. his hits actually hurt. SWK realizes this is full power MK.
since we know that the possessed are still aware of everything, on MK's sight, getting himself trapped like this just kinda leaves him defeated and becomes the perfect vessel for LBD. doesnt help that he is terrified of this demon
This whole situation is a bit different from possessed!SWK who could hold back punches and fight off his possession even if just a lil bit at first. MK won't get that. He is the perfect weapon for LBD basically. doesn't take much energy to control, equal to SWK in power and cannot hold back. DISASTER
Even worse! His friends don't want to hurt him in the first place! w SWK it was easy because fuck the guy amiright, but this is MK! their friend! Mei's bestie!!!! Dadsy's son!!!!!!!!!!!! it hurts to see MK and be met with souless eyes and murderous intentions
haha.... haaaaaaa...this means that when Mac teams up with them....he and SWK get to have moments oh god I can't let my shipper brain take hold. is FIEN, WE JUST GET MORE DIVORCE ARGUMENTS but also perhaps maybe they are very in sync as they talk about the plan? Mei would probably make fun of em. ok thats it thats all Im giving myself .... and the rest of the time they spent together
aND MAN!! SWK IS JUST SO FILLED WITH GUILT!! probably super numb and serious now. trying to make a plan. muttering to himself. Mei forces him out of his bubble and demands him to act like he is part of the team and share ideas or else they (and MK) are TOAST. and he has to SUCK IT UP AND LISTEN. FOR ONCE!!!!!
we get a "you're right pony girl" "I HAVE A NAME" to light up the mood anyway
bcuz at the end of the day, the team would have to be divided just like in the show, just that instead of MK is SWK. Lucky for Mac tho, in this au he doesn't have to fight MK alone, now he has SWK to take half of the hits. its his time to suffer as he tries to defend himself against his own power, take the staff and try his hardest to not hurt the kid.
whenever he does land a hit on him!! man that feels terrible. LBD taunts him about it. careful there, u wouldn't want to take out ur own student. SWK could maybe win if he put his all, he is the monkey kiing after all. but he would rather take a beating and hear her laugh her head off.
Im not talkin much about Mac bcuz I think he would be taken out of the competition so fast. sad sight. he still tried tho. hes bleeding but not dead he is fine i promise. he is happy to just let SWK take it from there
btw don't think too hard about the staff and how its in MK's hands and not stabbed into the ground just shhhhshshshs. wireless charging the mecha (i actually dont remember if thats what it was doing)
but fuck the staff man. IS DESPERATION TIME! SWK starts talking to MK. he apologizes for everything. he begs. "MK. forget everything Ive told you, listen to me now: you cannot give up"
MK seems to stutter in his next attack. SWK blocks it and keeps talking
"Don't give up on me and especially don't give up on yourself. fight it out kid. I believe in you"
The blue glow of MK's eyes weakens. the sounds of LBD struggling increase the more SWK talks to him. she tries to shut him up. MK now has SWK on a chokehold. Still, the annoying ass monkey won't shut up.
The grip in his neck tightens but he continues
"You have such great friends. You need to keep on fighting for them. They miss you too."
"You're something special bud and not because you are the monkie kid."
His expression starts to change
"I'm proud to be your mentor. Please come back"
and MK snaps out of it.
from there I feel like itd be pretty much the same. as u can see the au is not terrible different. is just different enough for me to get SWK being honest and sweet to MK and MK to listen everything he needed to hear. and also pain. I could span on many lil things but is very late and im basically ripping this off my chest so its just out here
oh and also
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I get a real hug between them in this AU
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redysetdare · 1 year
Monkie kid headcanons for fun
Red son headcanons:
Red son has bad memory and he only calls MK and Mei Noodle boy and dragon girl because he legit cannot remember their names to save his life.
Red son's glasses are shades, which aren't normal for prescription glasses which makes me think he actually uses them to control light intake due to his pupils not adjusting to light properly.
Red son has chronic pain but doesn't even realize it because He's lived with it for centuries so it's basically just the norm for him. His pain is mostly centered in his back and joints.
Red son has neurodivergent swag. Idk what kind but he sure as hell has it.
Red son doesn't like being touched. He probably has to be the one to initiate the touch to feel comfortable. (You could read this as him being touch starved but tbh i don't really read him one way or another :P)
Red son has the nonbinary swag. Source: trust me bro.
Red son can't cheat on anything. he legally is not allowed to cheat. this may or may not be related to the fact he feels the need to prove himself. Source: he tried to win the great wall race fair and square instead of just stealing the peach or cheating to win.
Red son just genuinely finds racing fun. Source: His truck literally turned into a race car before he ever had to race. he just likes going fast and building cool cars. also the fact he chose to race in the great wall race when there were other options to get the peach.
Red son has low empathy.
Red son isn't very good at comforting and instead is someone who tries to find a solution to a problem. He struggles to realize that sometimes there is no solution and some people just need comfort.
Red son is non-partnering aroace. He used to just say that romance got in the way of his work because he didn't realize that romantic interest wasn't just something you could turn on or off at will.
Red son actually doesn't have any bull-like features and he is rather self conscious about the fact he doesn't look like his father at all.
Red son is a cat person. Cats tend to flock to him due to being a living heater and he just accepts his fate and gets buried in them.
Red son doesn't know how to handle compliments or people being nice to him so he usually mistakes his confused feelings towards them with anger.
Red son is able to get "burnt out" in which he uses too much energy and his fire dies out for a while, in which he is only able to produce smoke. Usually after resting he is able to use his fire again.
His fire responds to his emotions. It can become hard to control when he is emotionally unstable.
When angry or stressed Red son turns to work. usually he will lock himself up in his room or workshop until he's calmed down or finished what he's working on.
Red son talks to himself and thinks out loud often. he finds it easier to work through his thoughts when he is able to verbalize them out loud as compared to them floating vaguely in his head.
Red Son doesn't really have a filter and will reply bluntly with his exact thoughts. he struggles to take into account how his words could upset others which has made him come off as rude.
The only time he is aware of what he is saying is when speaking to his parents. Source: Red son will seem to speak without filter until his parents show distaste in what he said in which then he will backtrack and try to change what he said to make them happy. (the "I have made it's power my pow - our power" scene in the pilot)
Red son doesn't eat beef because of his father being a bull. (more of a silly headcanon rather than serious)
Mk Headcanons:
Mk has the transmasc swag. Source: trust me bro. Also just him mentioning how he used to go by something before MK, how he wears a shirt when swimming, and how much he screams about being a monkey MAN. Very transmasc of him.
Mk cries over movies all the time. It's basically expected that every emotional scene in a film will end with him sobbing.
Mk is Gay AroAce. I imagine him being Demi or gray aro and then just plain ace!
The more power MK uses the more he shows monkey-like features.
Mk was actually decently strong even before he got monkey king's powers. basically he's got a bit of muscle on him.
Mk has a war form like Wukong, he just hasn't activated it yet :) (iirc Wukong's "war form" is really just Wukong's power to multiply his limbs so MK can do that too)
Mk will make weird noises as he does things, usually as sound effects to the task he is currently doing.
Mk can't swim. Source: He has monkey floaty :)
MK is sensitive to sound and uses his headphones to help control that. He often uses music as a stim and to help him focus. Source: he wears headphones a lot. also trust me bro. it's the adhd
MK talks to himself a lot, usually as a way to sooth his nerves to talk his way through a problem. He will also talk to plushes and other inanimate objects as a way to talk thought his thoughts as they get all jumbled in his head.
He tends to stay up incredibly late, even when he is tired. He can't ever seem to go to bed at a reasonable time.
MK is unmedicated for his ADHD. Not for lack of trying he just keeps forgetting to go get it prescribed.
MK can't drink coffee has it has the opposite effect on him in which it causes him to crash intensely. he tried to use it as a sleep aid once to go to bed earlier but instead it made him late for work as he slept way longer than expected. source: very common for ppl with ADHD to consume caffeine and become sleepy instead of energized. ofc this isn't how it is for all ppl with ADHD but it's common enough that i put it on MK ;)
MK tends to snack as a stim. He often will find himself missing full meals because of hyperfocus and his snacking stim making him forget he's hungry.
Mei Headcanons:
Mei also has the ADHD swag sorry I don't make the rules.
Mei is Lesbian Ace. I feel like she is either Demi-Ace or Gray-Ace.
Mei has a physical dragon form as well as the energy dragon. The energy dragon is a lot easier to summon compared to turning into a dragon - plus takes less energy.
While Mei likes cats, She is more of a dog person overall.
Mei used to be pretty shy as a kid mostly due to her trying to fulfill her parents idea of her. She only really came out of her shell when she became friends with Mk. Hence why Mei's parents, specifically her mom, didn't really care for Mk all that much. if anything they found him to be a bad influence for a while. also why Mk was never invited to Mei's house until S1E3
Mei has a better relationship with her father as compared to her mother. While both her parents are more traditionalists her father always was a bit more lenient and supportive of his daughters eccentricities.
Mei met Mk when out in town with her family. She saw him trying to win a crane machine and ended up helping him get the monkey plush he wanted...even if it was cheating the system. (also yes the plush he is seen with I headcanon to of been won by Mei and gifted to him)
Mei was a late bloomer when it came to her dragon powers which just added to the stress she had of being the family disappointment.
Mei often speaks without a filter when around the rest of the monkie kid group as she feels like she can truely be herself with her friends as compared to her family where she feels constantly stifled.
Mei is a variety streamer. She most often streams video games but sometimes will do vlogging streams along with MK as they go around the city. She has definitely streamed MK fighting a demon before.
Mei has raced illegally at least once and she totally WON.
Mei made the upgrades to her bike herself, such as the ability for it to come to her when she calls it. It made it easy when she has the sudden burst of motivation to drive it.
At first Mei was incredibly polite when meeting Pigsy and Tang, not fully coming out of her shell right away. At first Pigsy thought Mei would be a good influence on MK - he was proven wrong when Mei became more outgoing and starting causing mischief with MK.
Mei definitely crashed through MKs window while in her dragon form at least once (she was probably trying to visit him while he was grounded lol). Pigsy was not impressed.
Mei went to private school when she was a kid meaning that her and MK were only able to hang out after school. Though as she got older she had a tendency to start skipping class to go crash MKs classes instead.
Some mixed headcanons that don't belong with one character or another:
Mei and Mk are literally the only friends each other has. MK always struggled to make friends due to kids finding him obnoxious. Mei struggled to make friends due to her upbringing along with her ADHD making her rather abrasive.
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mexcraziness-art · 2 years
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Commission for a Friend
This was another commission for a Friend of their LMK OC Xiao Wang, he's Wukong's son! This was super fun to do, charachter references are always my favourite commission and he was super fun to design! Here's a little description from my friend: "Born to a lonesome Monkey King in the dead of night, he was named Xiao Wang, or Little King by his Father after a long week of pain and drunken stupor, but quickly forgotten by the Monkey King and raised by a strange village that only had women in it from young Xiao's eyes. One day, he was told about the Monkey King and told he was his Father by the woman he knew as his Mother, travelling to him and telling him his story though... The Monkey King laughed and waved the boy off with the words: "The great sage has little time to remember every woman he's wooed with his looks." This was the sentence that convinced Xiao that his Father was a horrid man, not even taken care of before he met another just like him, only black and red, similarly slighted by the monkey king. This was when he would take up his own mission after training with the Six-Eared Macaque, Take the throne and his rightful place as Monkey King, but he would need to bide his time. After centuries, he saw the king grow old and soft, taking on an apprentice and saving normal humans. He had grown compassionate, where Xiao had grown prideful and strong in his own eyes. He would take his birthright. And his Father would be made to grovel at his feet one way or another." Art by @mexcraziness-art Monkie Kid belongs to LegoXiao Wang belongs to my Friend
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junsei-draws-rotasu · 2 years
MONKIE KID S1E7: Impossible Delivery (Live rewatch blog)
No comments, can't recognise the title again
Finally! I training episode!
Waoh, ok.... It's a good thing MK got powers or else he would've died from being thrown at that height
"I'm the number one focus guy!" MK, even as a neurotypical, I can see you have something needed to be diagnosed
Your not a focus guy either Wukong
Yeah! Go at him MK!
Ha! MK got him at the Buddha comment
MK's got a point there. Sometimes the same method won't work on a different person SWK
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Is LMK animated in China or America? Because sometimes I wonder if this was in China, was the words in English or Chinese
Because Pigsy, SWK enchanted MK's forgetfulness. And this episode needs some sort of conflict
Music is sooooo good!
Yeeeaaah, no
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Loving the resume here. And I can see the question mark on the name part
Poor guy
And, MK hold up a traffic
That little boy's voice reminds me of the gingerbread from Shrek saying "The muffin man!" Wait! I found my Leo(lmao nah)
Surprisingly, I don't know what's going to happen in this episode, and I'm already half-way through
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Read this, as I'm about to turn this hilarious scene into angst!
MK has this feeling sometimes that he isn’t good enough. Good enough to have this life. He didn’t know when did this feeling started, maybe when he realized that he was abandoned by his birth parents? Or maybe it started when he got the staff. The sudden weight of the “Successor of the Great Sage Equal to Heaven and Earth” title thrown onto him might be it. Or maybe the guilt when he messed things up, like the first time he used clones or… or…!
It's half-assed done, but you can see what I'm going for! Besides, it's not like I'm the first one to give this boy some self-worth issues lol
Man, MK getting paranoid/delusional/obsessive like his clones.
!!! I didn't expect those children to be demons! I mean, it is a bit odd that the child's voice sounds that way but there are people whose voices are like that!
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Oh, MK is going to deliver noddles to SWK
Very inconsistent to the fact the origin episode of LMK , they had to take a boat to go to flower fruit mountain
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Easy choice, which route is much more fun?
*MK picks the scary path* Knew it *sips lemon tea*
You can't be a master of focus instantly, MK.
I'll be honest, SWK advice on 'Focus' sucks. It's a good thing that flawed characters
Man, I thought this forest was just scary faces, but apparently, it says no to me and decided to use thorny vines to prove me wrong
Ok, the voices are too much, its either MK hallucinating or SWK is doing this
Ok, what???? Did I misunderstand SWK's advice on focus? If so, I'm sorry :(
"I also summoned monster trees because I'm stressed, should I see a doctor?" YES! YOU SHOULD! Also, I'm right on the hallucination part!
I didn't know there's little hut in FFM for the monkeys
Yeah no, pretty sure he just wants noodles, MK
Oooow, but for the customer and delivery boy, cuz wrong order! Those are the worst!
AND finished!
Wow, can't beilive I didn't remember anything in this episode
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Welcome everyone to my funky little fanfic with my OC Min Li (which if you haven’t had the pleasure of meeting her, you can do so here) and Macaque! Now I’m not really looking to do this for likes or reboots but both would be appreciated. I really just want to write this and just get the ideas out of my head. If anyone has any ideas for how the story could go feel free to send some asks, but otherwise I’m just doing this for fun and I hope you enjoy nonetheless! Thanks and have a great day!
Chapter 1
Min Li was lounging on flower fruit mountain by her dad’s request to “watch over the monkeys for me and make sure they don’t get into trouble!” Which sounded dumb, why would she need to watch the monkeys? They can handle themselves, but she was never one to argue!
Min Li was drawing in her sketchbook in her room when she heard some people talking at the entrance,
“So what do you think we should be looking for? Like a magic crossbow? Or a cannon? Or a—?” She heard a younger, familiar, voice say, only for him to get cut off by an older voice,
“A vase,” said the older voice.
Min Li raised a brow and snuck to the main area of the cave to see an older man with glasses and a young adult boy with spiked hair who looked unimpressed.
“Come again?” Said ‘spiked hair’ as ‘glasses’ groaned tiredly,
“That dumpling looks to be more of a Guàn tāng jiǎo, meaning that it is potentially filled with some kind of delicious soup! Simply blasting it won’t do!”
‘Spiked hair’ crossed his arms and raised a brow, “and a vase is gonna help, how?”
‘Glasses’ then turned away from ‘spiked hair’ and started speaking in an ominous tone, “legends say Monkey King sought help from Guanyin to defeat a demon I…don’t remember the name of. He used the vase that contained pure water, enough to flood a whole mountain range. It seems logical we should use THAT to suck up the soup and save the world from third degree burns.”
‘Spiked hair’ shrugged with a smile saying, “sounds good enough to me! We can probably find that with all of Monkey King’s other junk behind this GIANT DOOR that I never even noticed before!”
Min Li giggled, startling the two as she hopped down, “seems like you two know your stuff. Now mind telling me who you are?”
‘Glasses’ yelped and jumped behind ‘spiked hair’ as he looked at her in shock!
‘Spiked Hair’ raised a brow, “um…I’m MK? The Monkie Kid?”
Min Li smirked playfully, “so YOU’RE the infamous Successor my father talks so much about?”
‘Glasses’ started sputtering nonsense before yelling, “FATHER?! There are no legends of Monkey King having a child! How is that possible?!”
MK looked at Min Li skeptically, “yeah, if you’re really Monkey King’s daughter why hasn’t he talked about you? How do we know you’re not some demon pretending to be related?”
Min Li thought, “fair point kid! Tell ya what, hand the staff to me for a second and I’ll prove it!”
MK laughed, “not a chance! Only someone with Monkey King’s power can hold it!”
“Then why are you scared? Worried I’ll be able to hold it and replace you?” Min Li raised a brow.
“No! Fine here!” MK snapped and tossed the staff to her.
Min Li smirked and expertly caught the staff, twirling it for a second before slamming it on the ground and hopping on top of it to balance, saying with confidence, “that proof enough for ya?”
‘Glasses’ and MK stared in awe as Min Li tossed the staff back to MK and said, “so what’s this I hear about a Guàn tāng jiǎo?”
‘Glasses’ cleared his throat and said, “I’m Tang. And—.” MK cut Tang off!
“Monkey King contacted me through telecommunications and told us a giant dumpling was gonna crush us all!” He then pointed to the dumpling in the sky!
Min Li looked and scoffed “of course, couldn’t fix it himself. C’mon, let’s go grab that vase, I know where it is!” She then led the way to the door.
Before Min Li could open it however, Tang put an arm out and said, “allow me.” And went to try the barrier.
MK sighed tiredly and looked at Min Li, “sorry about him. He’s kind of unbearable right now.”
Min Li just snickered and said, “it’s fine, I wanna see this.” She then leaned against one of the pillars and watched Tang with an amused look.
When Tang was thrown back Min Li started laughing like a little kid would at something dumb, she then smiled at MK and said, “go ahead kid, if you guys got in here without me and HE can’t open it, then it has to be you of course!”
MK smiled, “thanks” and he then opened the barrier and went in with Min Li and Tang.
When Tang saw the room he shoved past MK and Min Li, grabbing a mirror and saying, “that’s the legendary demon revealing mirror,”
“Hey—.” Min Li tried to get Tang’s attention but was cut off by Tang’s gasp of excitement,
“And the fire tipped spear!”
“Excuse me—!”
“And,” he screamed like a school girl, “MONKEY COP’S LIMITED EDITION 1982 ACTION FIGURES!” He then turned to MK and Min Li with a childish smile and said, “this could take awhi—,” but was quickly cut off by Min Li screaming,
Tang then immediately did so and looked at Min Li like a child in trouble,
Min Li looked at MK, “follow me, YOU! Stay put!” She then led MK to find the vase as Tang looked in his spot for the vase.
Min Li started scouting through the room when MK picked up a box and made a noise as he set it back down, she turned to him about to ask a question when Huntsman crashes through some of the rubble and MK starts screaming, “ah! He just looked tiny ‘cause he was far away!” And slid back
Min Li immediately stood on defense and looked at MK, “who is this guy?”
MK laughed nervously and said, “one of Spider Queen’s goons.” Making Min Li groan and seen Huntsman looking at the demon revealing mirror.
When Huntsman webbed the mirror MK stopped him with the Fire Tipped Spear, only for Huntsman to gut check MK and send him flying.
Min Li then growled and grabbed Huntsman by the wrist, throwing him back harshly as she grabbed the mirror with her tail, saying “you want it? Come and get it!” Then grabbed a few strands of hair and blew on them, sending clones towards Huntsman as she climbed a pillar and yelled, “MK! Help your scholar friend while I keep him busy!”
Tang then yelled, “MK! I CAN’T FIND THE VASE ANYWHERE!” Only for MK to snap,
“UGH! DO I HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING?!” And use his gold vision to find a box a vases, yelling, “THERE THAT CRATE IF FULL OF THEM!”
Min Li then snapped, “NOT THE TIME YOU TWO LETS GET THIS DONE!” As she yelped and was thrown back by Huntsman as he took the mirror from her!
He then webbed two swords as he crashed through rubble to attack MK and sent them flying!
MK used the fire tipped spear to block the sword attacks as he slid backwards.
Huntsman sent one of his swords towards Tang, making MK shove Tang out of the way and almost getting cut in half!
Tang crashed into the vase filled crates and looked at the vases nervously.
MK continued to block the sword attacks as Huntsman said, “I can smell your fear, boy!”
“It’s my conditioner!” Yelled Mk!
Huntsman sent the Fire Tipped Spear flying and tried to slice MK, only for Min Li to tackle Huntsman and start trying to hold him down, yelling, “MK GRAB THE VASE AND GO! I’LL MAKE SURE HE CAN’T GET WHAT HE’S AFTER!” Min Li yelped as Huntsman shoved her off then kicked her into a pile of junk and pin MK down!
MK yelled to Tang, “TANG HURRY!” Causing Tang to look for a weapon and find a sword!
“Time’s running out little Chimp!” Sneered Huntsman
“You know if we don’t stop that dumpling you die too right?!” Said MK, throwing Huntsman off in enough time for Tang to shoot him away from MK!
Tang dropped the sword and threatened Huntsman!
Huntsman then proposed a truce and took off.
Min Li got up and ran to the two heroes, “what happened? Is he gone?”
Tang looked proud of himself, “yep!”
MK then started fanboying and Tang threw the sword away, grabbing the vase and saying, “this is it! The legendary vase that will save the-no wait hold on!” He then started digging for another, and held one up saying “yep, that’s it! That’s the guy!” And MK and ushered Tang out yelling “LETS GO!” And Min Li followed quickly!
When they got back to the city the dumpling was almost seconds away from impact as they landed and hurried to Pigsy and Mei!
Pigsy looked at the two worriedly, “did you find somthin’ to stop this thing?”
MK looked at them with determination, “yeah! I mean, maybe?” He laughed nervously as he looked to Tang who just shrugged.
The two then started fumbling over words and laughing at each other as they tried to explain to Mei why they grabbed the vase only for Pigsy to snap, “would you Morons hurry up?!”
MK then opened the vase and started to use the water from inside, but he started to slip so Pigsy, Mei, Tang, and Min Li helped him stand his ground as the dumpling was sucked up into the vase…only for the vase to shatter from so much of the dumpling!
Tang, MK, and Min Li started looking embarrassed
Tang laughed nervously “maybe we should have grabbed a few more vases” only for MK to laugh nervously and agree.
Pigsy and Mei then realized that there was a newcomer that looked a lot like Monkey King!
“um, MK? Who’s this?” Asked Pigsy.
MK glanced at Min Li then smiled at Pigsy, “oh! This is uh…what did you say your name was?” He looked to Min Li confused.
Min Li smiled and held a hand out to Pigsy, “Sun Min Li at your service sir. I’m the daughter of the Monkey King!”
Pigsy stared at Min Li for a moment before shouting, “WHAT?!” Then passing out
Min Li sighed tiredly, “this is gonna take a moment to explain.”
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eeveewishes · 2 years
I’m considering scraping the Monkie Kid x Pokémon fanfic idea. Originally I wanted to use my character who’s been isekai’d from Hisui using my end team from the game and a few years had past and now she’s in her mid 20s. But considering Hisui’s Japanese inspiration and aesthetics, I’m worried that it would be culturally insensitive in a Chinese setting. I did decide to change her name to Ai and I already decided to have her change her clothes to better match the cast, but I don’t know if that would be enough. It was just a fun idea for me, but if I had to tiptoe around the fact that she came from Japanese influences… Well, I think it would be best to just scrap it altogether.
Which is disappointing, cuz I pictured her having a close relationship with MK and Sun Wukong. Like with MK, how she could relate to him with having big expectations on his shoulders considering the events of the Legends Arceus game. And that she could be something akin to a mother-figure for him. I also see her becoming close to Sun Wukong as everyone starts to distrust him more and more, she gives him a benefit of a doubt and knows what it’s like to have people believe the worst in you. You know what I’m talking about.
I was also planning for the Traffic Light Trio to catch their own Pokémon. Remember when I drew MK with a Pichu?
Ai’s purpose of being sent to the world of Lego Monkie Kid would be to catch Pokémon that came through the Space-Time distortions . Or if, for whatever reason, they decide to actually live in this new world, Ai could become a bridge between them and the residents of the Lego Monkie Kid world.
These ideas got me really excited. But again, considering the Japanese feel of Pokémon Legends Arceus, I don’t wish to culturally insensitive by mixing it with a Chinese setting. The only alternatives that I can think of to salvage the Monkie kid X Pokémon crossover idea is to have Ai be from a different region that isn’t inspired by Japanese culture, which won’t be easy. Or maybe I could instead have my avatar, Eve, be isekai’d. You know, sense I already made fanart of it.
For example, here and here.
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sketching-shark · 1 year
Mk being a stone monkey gives me sm headaches like no it doesn’t mean swk is his father. They’re family depending on how u look at it. For example they could be brothers or mk being swk grandkid in the similar vein as Sun Luzhen.
My issues is just that literally pulled a naruto on all of us
Like he pull out the cudgel and it gave him his powers but are those powers actually his or swk??? Wgeres those it start and end??
DONT GET ME STARTED THATBY HAVING MK BEING A STONE MONKEY N PULLING SWK MOVE OUT OF THE MOVE UNDERMINE THE YEARS OF EFFORTS SWK TOOK TO MASTER IT(i know mk did a little training but that not what im talking about. It seen like him being a stone monkey had bypassed him the need to do actual cultivation one must need to do in order to do cool shit or be immortal. Remember that scene when he plucked his hair n then it became a clone? Yea like this kid hasn’t even exercised n yet?? Hes able to use qi like that?? Huh??? even wukong was mortal at his early stages n didn’t do the thing mk was doing besides that one timehe shoots laser from his eyes)
Like mk became a daoist immortal in a day than the 50+ years swk took to be one😭😭 it doesn’t even work like that mk. It just feels like they made mk be this way to show hes a better swk than swk himself.
N it already complicated the idea of swk somehow giving mk some of his powers(this kid would actually be dead like how azure lion was w je golden core) that u don’t actually know if its mk that’s doing these things naturally or is infused w that.
Did swk do ritual like how hd did in the novel with the three prince??(the arc introduces three prince who became the pilgrims disciples n so theyre were to wield weapons similar to that of the pilgrims via a ritual. One of the prince got extra buff stats in order to wield his replica of the riyu jingu bang that still the same weight ss the og)
^i doubt this bc lmk had diverge sm from jttw that u can swapped out the names w others and its be its own show completely unrelated to jttw.
Monkie Kid spoilers & complaining below:
Hmmm well you know anon as it is I actually found the insta-powers in the first few seasons pretty funny and charming specifically because they were often played for laughs in a pretty light hearted way. And it made sense for what the show was at that point! Monkie Kid set itself up as a relatively low-stakes and fun cartoon where a goofy and kind hearted delivery boy would get to go on all sorts of wacky adventures under the tutelage of the Great Sage, often going against some delightfully hammy villains in the Demon Bull family. Even when the stakes were still "save the world" the tone of Monkie Kid still made it pretty clear that we weren't dealing with the grimdark dramafest that has come to define so many other works. But of course a grimdark dramafest is in many ways what this cartoon would soon become (even while there is still some silly funtimes to be had), what with the world routinely being in danger of destruction, the constant trauma MK has been subjected to significantly because of his connection to the Monkey King, and with everyone and their mother yelling at Sun Wukong for being a terrible person, with the cartoon itself then often bending over backwards to prove just how true these statements are. Hell even SWK himself admitted that he's a bad teacher and described his entire existence in the season 4 special as little more than multiple lifetimes worth of mistakes (maybe he'll go on another genuine journey of self improvement and atonement but tbh I'm not holding my breath given that his miserable spot was where the journey to the west got him lol), and yeah at this point you do have to kind of laff that Xiyouji's ruthless murder monkey SWK is a more loyal friend, selfless individual, intelligent leader, and even a better shifu than Monkie Kid's. It is these writing decisions that have made me pretty leery with where they might be taking Qi Xiaotian being another stone monkey, especially since yeah lot of people seem to think this is going to lead to a fight between the two stone primates. Plus given the very recent indications that MK was both enraged that Azure Lion was using him for his own ends--something that other characters besides Azure have said SWK is also doing to Qi Xiaotian--along with the pretty blatant hints that MK's terrified he'll end up exactly like SWK I can easily see that fear turning into violent anger :(
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purble-turble · 3 years
Okay... so I see you love trans headcanons COULD I PLZ GET ME SOME!? Like some trans red son and trans prince red headcanons? I need some for spicynoodleshipping! I honestly crave it maybe a little to much... but I really haven't found any trans red stuff yet, only stuff with MK and I think of Monkey King too now that I think of it.
But could I have some please I would to see what you come up with. I also don't know why but seeing MK with a preggers Red just seems so fricken cute to me!🥰🥰🥰
I do love trans headcanons!! Trans!MK is my favorite because there’s just so many lil bits about his character in canon that lend credence to that theory such as his unknowable name.. People have really latched onto that headcanon for MK specifically, which is fun because I love seeing it, but yeah you’re right, having Red Son be trans is also amazing! I have seen some people make content using that headcanon but not nearly as much as there is for MK. And tbh there’s some canon backup to the Trans!Red Son theory too. Remember this moment?
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“S-son?” Like it was a big deal for DBK to call him ‘son’ specifically.. yeah I buy it. Also if this is the first time Demon Bull King calls Red Son his son, maybe he transitioned while DBK was under the mountain or something? Would certainly make sense if that were the case considering their first interaction. Red Son gives a whole big speech about how it was “I, RED SON, WHO REMOVED THE STAFF” and yeah it can just be chalked up to what a freakin theater kid he is, but putting his love of drama aside, it could also be because he’s like Hey I’m your child! I’m gonna reiterate that you’re my father and my name is Red Son. It’s SON, I’m your son now!
Oh and let’s not gloss over the fact that he loves repeating his own name all the time throughout the series. “I, Red Son,” is something he says all the time. Just pointing out to everyone around that he’s Red SON… Also about the name, I may be wrong about this because I don’t read Chinese so forgive me, but the name for him from JTTW in Chinese is Hóng hái'ér (红孩儿) and hái'ér (孩儿) also appears to translate to child or baby which is a gender neutral word… so in this English version at least, the deliberate use of Red SON could mean something in terms of his gender identity. Again, I don’t know for sure that my interpretation of the Chinese word is accurate, so if not then my bad. I tried to find an answer to if it was specifically masculine but could not get a straight answer online :U
Anyway, besides the name, there’s other things about his role in Lego Monkie Kid and its version of JTTW that are interesting for Red. In JTTW, he is the demon who is defeated by Monkey King with the help of Bodhisattva Guanyin and their vase that can hold an ocean of water inside it. In LMK, when Tang is recalling the lore of the vase to MK, he says he can’t quite remember the demon that was defeated using it. Either Tang knows and is just like a great queer ally for not outing his enemy, or maybe Red Son actually did some kind of magic to make it so people don’t remember who his was before he transitioned. Either way, I thought that was an interesting point… there’s also the fact that in the first special, when MK goes to Flower Fruit Mountain for the first time and is given visions of Monkey King’s life and it includes a shot of all the villains he’s faced, Red Son is noticeably absent.. despite the fact that both his parents are there. Curious.
As far as far as some spicynoodles trans headcanons go, I think it’s fun for both of them to be trans! That just seems like it could make for a great coming out scene for the both of them. Like, Red Son doesn’t take it lightly to come out to anyone because he’s worked really hard on his image (and maybe even make the world literally forget that he ever wasn’t Red Son) and he doesn’t want anyone to think of him differently, especially not MK. But if he’s dating the Noodle Boy, then he should be able to trust him… and he should know… right? Anyway, Red tries to be all serious and dramatic as he tells MK, but MK is just like :O DUDE! SAME! And he lifts his shirt to show he’s wearing a binder with the trans flag on it. And Red is just like omg of course he is. I knew I loved this idiot.
Also, you mentioned Prince Red in your ask specifically, and yeah I think this would be a great AU for Red to be trans in. The previous headcanons having to do with his name don’t really apply here, since he doesn’t use ‘Son’ in his name at all… but he does go by the gendered title of Prince, so that’s something. Maybe in this version his mother was less than supportive of his transition. When he was released from Guanyin’s service (which was probably the time in which he came to terms with his gender identity) he probably went back to his mother, grieving the loss of her husband, and tried to console her while also trying to help her understand that he’s a boy now.. and she just either doesn’t get it or doesn’t care to try and it makes it so much easier for Red to walk away….. eventually she comes around, but only begrudgingly, and it’s after a few centuries of Red giving her the cold shoulder.
When it comes to the spicynoodles in the Prince Red AU, I see no reason this couldn’t be the AU where it’s Red who has their children instead of MK.. there’s a lot of MK babies out in the fandom, Red should get to have some of them, right? :U
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