#did not bother to look these quotes up we die like men
What do you think are some of LMKs most prevalent themes are? besides the power of friendship of course
I'll just throw 'em into a list!
Fate VS Freewill / Destiny (2x05, 2x10, 3x10, EYD, 4x07-4x10 ; characters love to run from destiny/the narrative in lmk)
Identity ("You are not the Monkey King" "You're right—I'm the Monkey Kid!" ; "This thing, whatever you are, embrace it. Embrace your destiny." ; etc.)
(Bonus post where I point out how Destiny and Identity get a little too closely linked for my comfort)
Self-worth/Self-Reflection [Kind of a subset of Identity] ("Just believe in yourself! Even a smidge makes all the difference")
Companionship as Salvation ("As long as we stand together, there will always be hope!" ; "You're the one always running off! [...] You're the one who wouldn't quit while we were ahead!")
Exchange ("You don't know, we'd risk it for sure! I won't abandon them when they need us." ; "I'd do anything for my friends! But at the cost of the world?" ; "This is Azure's utopia, and this barren wasteland is the price he paid to build it.")
Not knowing what to do and how to move forward with that.
Pain being inevitable ("Don't you realize you're hurting the people who care about you the most?" ; "All my lady ever desired was a world no longer plagued by pain" ; "No matter what I do, it’s going to lead to pain.")
Perfection being unachievable (1x05, "You can't judge things by their worst quality!" ; "A perfect world is what you make it. So as long as I have my friends by my side...this world, is, perfect!" ; "Look around brother! This is not the change we dreamt of.") But there also being beauty in imperfection. The imperfect being worth fighting for.
Heroism (Perception VS Reality) ("Sometimes the path of the hero may seem chaotic and directionless" ; Heroes "inevitably bring darkness to those they hold dear" rip. ; "But it took me far too long to learn what real heroes look like.")
Trust ("That Monkey is not to be trusted!" ; "We trusted you! All of us!" ; "He's a villain MK! We never should have trusted him.")
Power and the point of having it ("Now do you understand? From the start you never had what it took to defeat me. All your power could do was make me stronger." ; "I needed something so powerful even she wouldn't be able to win—a weapon." ; "Only we decide who we are and what we do with the power we have!" ; "But it wasn't in my power—it was in yours.")
Change ("Forever's a long time bud." ; "But we can't! Not after all we've seen—all we know and all we don't?" ; honestly just look at s1 vs s4)
Legacy (*gestures at pilgrims* ; "MK, from the moment you picked up the staff their stories became our stories—it's our responsibility to write the final chapter, no matter the outcome." ; "Why would our legacy be any different? Actually no no—the chaos and destruction we'll bring upon the world will make Wukong's past look like nothing.")
Leaving the world a little better than you found it (even and especially in spite of your mistakes and shortcomings)
and of course the Power of Friendship (plus the themes Tang literally lists in 3x14 "We're comforted by familiar tales of friendship, courage, redemption.").
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delafiseaseses · 1 year
The First NCR Trooper
What do I mean by the first NCR Trooper? The one in Primm. The first NCR Trooper you're likely to meet. This one
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His dialogue tree is decently fleshed out, well, it's more one 'follow up questions' path and 2 'end the conversation' paths, but still, that's more than some named characters and its only a 1-time thing. So, rather than do the bold dialogue quotes thing, why not screenshot every line? I make bad descisions. Hahahaa.
This is gonna get a bit big because of that, so, uh, read more.
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Anyway, first options first "What's going on in Primm?"
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This line is notable to me because it's basically the only time the Vipers and Jackals are mentioned by a character in FNV. I had thought there were no actual references to 'em, but there is this (let's not get into Fallout's use of the word 'tribe').
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Anyway, 3 more options. Again, we'll go first first. And then loop back to the other options later, alright?
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A slightly useless extra first option rather than him just saying the next line after this line.
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And that's the end of that tree. Now, we all have to accept the fact that in-story these Troopers can't just walk into the low-level poorly-armed Escaped Convicts and win instantly, in spite of our ability to clear out the Escaped Convicts with ease. If we am bein' generous the reason is that they don't want to lose any men due to their 'low manpower'.
When you say 'I can take care of myself.' he says this
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I appreciate how succinct that one is.
Next is the final one 'Thanks for the warning.'
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No idea why that needed to be 2 lines, except to mean I had to go through it twice.
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And that's that. This Trooper now only had Primm NCR and Generic NCR dialogue.
So, maybe you're thinkin' "Delafiseaseses, why did you bother spotlighting this Trooper? With screenshots, no less? Well, I know you can find the faces of characters like Easy Pete or Andy Scabb. But this bloke? Never. To find an image of him you'd need to look for a playthrough. But his face is always the same. Those weird New Vegas Pale Lips. He's unnamed, but he has that entire dialogue tree. That's 9 lines. And he's the first NCR Troop you probably ever met in-game. That's special.
The dialogue is also, while a bit gruff in places, a sign this man cares about life. He knows of a danger, he warns you, you don't take his advice, he dismisses you and can say 'at least I warned them' if you die. No blood on his hands there.
He says he'd love to help Primm, but the systems around him prevent that. That's probably how all the unnamed Troopers here feel (hence the 'we'). Hell, that's how most of the NCR is, innit? He's a good introduction to it all.
He's probably not incompetent, but he's not making the decisions. The NCR collectively, who collectively caused this convict situation to begin with, cannot fix it due to a mix of lines like 'it's not our jurisdiction' and 'supplies and manpower'. That's the NCR across the entire game.
And it was first shown here, perfectly in very few lines, with an unnamed Trooper who warns you about Primm's situation and refers you to someone higher up the command structure.
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leojurand · 11 months
house of niccolò reread rambling thoughts: niccolò rising edition (final part)
writing this like a week after finishing the book because i'm lazy but hey! at least i'm doing it!
i think niccolò rising is a great introduction to the series. it's not as emotionally gripping as the game of kings, but it is way more polished and easier to understand and get into, i think.
that being said, it's still one of my least favourite dunnett books. which says a lot about the quality of her novels because i still really, really love it.
so yeah, a couple of reread thoughts before i (eventually) move on to book 2 :)
“Although,” said Tobie, “we’ll never know, will we, what brought it on? Relief or disappointment?”
i think it's fascinating that after 8 books, and considering nicholas is one of my favourite characters of all time (possibly even my number 1!), i still can't 100% tell if something is a part of his plan, or fate making those things happen.
did he always plan to marry the widow? on paper it seemed like a last resort because he didn't want her to sell the company, and it gave him status so it was, mostly, a win/win situation (if we ignore the fact that she brought him up and he was ten, which i definitely can't ignore, but i do wonder if it bothers nicholas especially considering his childhood).
did he want felix to die, even if he wasn't happy about it? he was the one to encourage felix to go to battle, though trying to convince him not to go would've had the opposite effect. and right before felix gets shot, julius was thinking that people on horse make an easier target (something nicholas would know because the dauphin's men threw him off his own horse before that). so maybe if nicholas hadn't tried to save felix, felix would be alive. but who knows!!
and i love this. i think some readers are frustrated by how little they understand of nicholas as they read the series, but to me that just makes him more complex and more real. it's a testament to dunnett's prowess as an author that she can create a protagonist like this, and not only does she make it work, she keeps adding layer upon layer as the series continues. and nicholas is already super complex in this first book! by the end of his series there's so much going on with him, and somehow it's not chaotic at all. or, well, it is a chaotic, but a controlled and deliberate sort of chaos.
i could talk about nicholas's characterization forever. and i will in this ramblings 😁
let me finish this part with THEE quote of this book for me:
Nicholas said, “I thought of a way to do it. That was all.”
“And did it,” said Adorne. “Why?”
“To see what would happen,” said Nicholas flatly.
For himself, Julius felt neither anger nor envy but a growing pleasure, and a growing curiosity. For whatever reason, it had begun. And now, what would come of it?
i know for a fact there are fans who don't like the julius reveal in gemini and don't think it makes sense on reread. i can't say i loved it when i read it, and i don't know yet how much sense it does or doesn't make, but at least i can say that in book 1 it was super fun to look at julius under a microscope.
i think i've mentioned this in my previous post, but julius was one of my favourite characters in the series because i think he's funny, and i love his reactions to the things nicholas does. because most of the time he's out there winning the idgaf war while everyone else is horrified. like tobie, he fulfilled his role in the story perfectly, but he was never that deep; and i was never going to write essays about him. he was just a silly guy.
but julius going from an amoral, selfish, entertainingly idiotic jerk, to a perfect example of lazy and opportunistic evil (while still being all those other things lol)? i do criticize dunnett's choice of leaving the reveal for the last half of the last book, but i do think that's really fun. and whether or not there are enough clues, or if they don't add up or only add up when dunnett wants them to, i will judge for myself. either way, taking a character that i enjoyed a fair amount on first reread because he was kinda dumb, and making me look at him really closely on reread... well i think that slays and i commend dorothy for it
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kzele · 2 years
The Man Behind The Spider 5(?)
@hermesserpent-stuff and I did a back and forth convo. I was Peter and they were Tombstone. This is legit copy-pasted from our chat with their permission.
Tombstone: how much does the spider pay u?
Peter: What? That's. . .Look, it's really not about the money, alright?The Bugle pays me for Spider-man photos. That's it.
Peter: *not liking the sound of that* You have something to say? Not everyone is in it for the money, you know.
Tombstone: then why cover for him? Why do you make his gear, take his photos, and presumably do other things for a person who seems more of an endangerment to you and yours than any sort of benefit?
Peter: Because he's also saved me and mine a lot. Before either of us had anything to do with the Bugle, he saved Mr. Osborn from dying and Harry got to still have two parents. If I can help make sure that no one else has to get hurt, I will. Money or no money.
Tombstone: ah I see.
Peter: *raises a disbelieving eyebrow* You do?
Tombstone: somewhat. Blood loyalties are the hardest to break. Especially among good men. And I think you are a good man at heart Peter.
Peter: *flushes* I, uh, thank you? But I think just about anyone could do the same.
Tombstone: *shaking his head slowly* I can count on my hand the men who would rather fight and die for loyalty. The number that would turn against their own brother or anyone who's saved their sorry skin is akin to the number of stars in the sky.
Peter: You're getting pretty philosophical. Maybe you don't see many of them with your lifestyle, but they are there. It sucks you haven't been able find them around you, though.
Tombstone: Im not sure if your optimism is born of youth, foolishness, or is some inherit personal trait. And perhaps your right. But I've lived many lives with many faces. Trust that I might have picked up some wisdom along the way.
Peter: Don't see what's foolish about finding a reason to get out of bed in the morning. My aunt and uncle are *pause* and were good at finding a way of looking up, so it's definitely not an age thing. And besides, isn't the whole point of wisdom knowing you haven't experienced everything yet?
tombstone: *there is a note of delight in his smile* it seems you have had some very valuable teachers. And youre not incorrect. Wisdom relies on learned experience and seeing that you have not experienced all there is to learn. Though patterns tend to speak for themselves. as they say: history does not repeat itself. but it often rhymes.
Peter: *relaxes and smiles back a little* The best teachers. Makes learning from experience much more fun. Glad we're on the same page with something, then.
Tombstone: *immensely pleased* Indeed.
Peter: Sooo, where do we go from here? How are you going plan around me now? Since you decided not to threaten me and stuff.
Tombstone: *he lets out a hum of consideration* I think it would be unwise to tell you. You have the ear of my enemy after all. But rest assured, my network wont bother you. Unless strictly necessary.
Peter: *rolls eyes* That's all I wanted to know. I'm not dumb enough to think you'll just let me in on your detailed plans. But what exactly do you mean by *air quotes* strictly necessary?
Tombstone: I dont think Ill elaborate. I do believe you would find reason to be irritated with the guidelines I have in mind
Peter:. . .How do I know if I crossed a line then? *frowns* Also, how did you come across me at all today? I would have thought I was too far beneath you for you to notice me.
Tombstone: *sidestepping the first question* I make it a goal of mine to keep a thumb on the pulse of the underground. and you have entered one of her main arteries. Working for spiderman will gain you many eyes. Including mine
Peter: *narrow eyes* That's not an exact answer for my second question and you didn't even answer my first. Did you talk to someone I know about me and they told you where to find me?
Tombstone: So you wont turn on spider-man but you expect me to turn on my source of information? *teasing* For shame.
Peter: *crosses arms* When it concerns people I know, yes. It's not like I'm asking you for a list of underworld informants. Was it Jonah? I know he donates to your charities. Or what about Mr. Osborn? You two run into each other from time to time and catch up on rich people things?
Tombstone: What benefit does it give me to tell you who my informant is?
Peter: . . .Are you actually saying you want something in return for that info? You're the one who cornered me using someone I know as an informant.
Tombstone: *shaking hsi head slightly* no. I did not mean to imply that. Rather, that would end in a burnt bridge where i get no more information from that source for other things. Though the bridge may be burned anyways, given that we have spoken, despite their... reservations
Peter: *thinking it over* Not Jonah, then. He's totally bought into your public persona. Same with May. I can't see Captain Stacy being happy about giving you info but I can't see that being called a burnt bridge either, since you two don't hang. I'm not in contact with the Connors now since I was let go. Burnt bridge crosses out anyone my age, which leaves Mr. O?
Tombstone: *smiles with a little more teeth, definitely pleased* Oh, you are quite quick on your feet. Im not going to confirm or deny. But your logic is sound.
Peter: *sighs* I'm quick enough to know that's as close as I'm going to get to a yes.
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semitascriptorum · 2 years
Flash Fiction Ten: The Deep Sea
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Kai arrived in her designated room, that room was going to be her little comfort zone while she is on vacation. Kai scanned the room “This room is much better than my apartment I wish my vacation never ends.” She sighed. She took her phone out to let her mother know that she is on vacation and not to worry when suddenly someone knocked on her door “I didn’t order room service” Kai shouted enough for the person at the opposite door to hear her, another knocking was heard on kai’s door this time she ignored it hoping for the person to go away on their own an aggressive knocking came next “Miss can u please open the door? Please help me.” The person begged on the other end, and this made Kai frown “who is it?” Kai asked “please miss open the door. I need your help” the person begged kai immediately stood up from her bed to open the hotel room door. Kai was shocked to see a woman who was distressed “Miss please you have to get out of here this place is not what you think it is” the woman cried, “Miss please, you need to get out you must sur-“, the woman was immediately cut off when 2 staff came “ Is something wrong here?” the staff smiled “is she bothering you ma’am?” the staff asked Kai “Miss you must not trust anyone, you must survive” the woman demanded the staff immediately took control of the woman who was chanting as they walked a different way while Kai was left dumbfounded “I’m sorry for the inconvenience ma’am we value our customer’s comfort we will make sure that something like this will never happen again don’t be alarmed ma’am we will take care of her” the other staff reassured kai as for she to nod in response “then I’ll be leaving first” the staff smiled. Kai noticed a man standing at the opposite door 3 meters away from her door, the man was wearing swimming trunks and a hoodie the man watched the staff disappear into the endless hallway of the hotel Kai brushed off the presence of the male figure, and was about to get inside her room and suddenly the man asked Kai “When did you arrive?” Kai was confused as to why this man was curious about her business Kai didn’t want to be seen as unfriendly so she answered the man “Just a while ago” kai shrugged “that figure” the man muttered, “what do u mean?” Kai asked “You just seem…Lost and clueless” Kai rolled her eyes at the man’s comment “You should take advice from that woman, this place… is definitely not a paradise” Kai and the men started to ring both parties looked at the screens of their phones and alert showed on their screen ‘GAME ALERT DIFFICULTY LEVEL; 5 PLAYERS TOTAL: 127’ the phone quoted “Game?” Kai questioned, “players, find the key to the safe room” the speaker announced “what’s this?” kai panicked “ relax you just got to find the key to the safe room no big deal” the man smiled “I’m Ceasar” the male introduced himself “Kai” the female replied “Well, Kai we are given 5 hours to look for the keys to the safe room if we don’t find the keys within the given time chances are we will die” Ceasar warned.
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the-firebird69 · 4 months
Minoru Suzuki makes a severe attack on Saki Akai. Maki Ito is surprised ...
And he looks really bad now he had the fighter and show that he's not that weak and she kicked him and it didn't do much and he's just stopping he's really out to lunch and started choking her it looks like it's some sort of idiotic murder of women and that's actually what he is they broke it up and the other guys pretended to hit her didn't do much and then she jumped out of the ring the other one ran off too and I'll tell you what these men are mean and it's saying the stupid s*** about her son her son says if I kick you in the face your face is going to break I don't have your face bit off for the comment you f**** and he starts saying oh s*** it says what you're hearing is the sound of your people quotes on the twos and your computers and robots I'm going to send them back at you and your big huge s*** is
It started blabbing and blabbing finally said this I can't stand it everyone hates me and said no you're bothering me I hate you you f*** off or you're dead permanently and it's coming up you're going to die then we can stand you is right and just sit you here cuz you're a stupid f*** and they're going to go too I'm going to beat on tons of them and have a way to do it because of you and your stupid mouth that's what you've done you've destroyed your kind.
You can say all sorts of stuff not really you're very limited person so he started blabbing and saying things finally said I'm not going down for this I didn't do that it looks happy to says I actually did and I ratted it on everyone and stupid. And he shows up as Andy dufresny on the beach and you can hear Garth sing it you did no great thing it doesn't take any effort to pee and that's what you did and he says I know it felt good and nobody else could do it and I did it and I kind of sucks he says I want you dead I don't care what you're saying from this point on you see me you should know you're going to die he gave that guy every break and he's with me and you broke it and you're broke back stuff and the Max and you're just a moron who works for him because you can't help yourself cuz you're messed up in the head and I don't know how you made so many idiots he hates you but they're not around anymore and you keep railing away on it so he said it again and left and a lot of people are saying that to this piece of s***
Thor Freya
Holy s*** are you a loser you're saying all this stuff after the fight I did this I did that you look like Jack the ripper or something and a whole bunch of women want you dead and Men for abusing me and abusing their women cuz they're telling them stories about you and they're going to kill your ass I can see hatred in their eyes and it was just like when you were cracking in the hospital and you have put him in there because of what you did saying he had you do it then you said he did anything what in the hell is wrong with you you're in office getting screwed because of what you're doing to me and he goes oh s*** this is you probably stop doing it and he actually got you out of there and it slowed down and he says why don't I just keep doing that off it on that's what he said and you said you're just he's not doing any off and this guy is a f****** huge loser I'll tell you what he's got to go a lot of women saying about their husbands LOL and he's a lot of people wanted him dead and I'm not really his girl anymore he left the building he died got shot in the head so many times I'm going to write it up properly
Me too and I got to send it in this is disgusting
Terry c
I do have something to show what he is partially and you're not going to like it and you're going to want to move them away him away not them
I think you're right she sits around heels tries to learn what you forgotten he does nothing he's a loser
He expects us to do and then we help screw him up in the first place but adult s but I'm all damn day talking about the screwball loser who works with screech and the guys that nobody to start and finish you're praising and really you're learning abuse run things is the beast it did not help you worship the beast
Thor Freya
Praise Thor and Freya
We shall and tonight we are going to give them an awards ceremony and our father and mother say dinner too they're recognize that and we're going to
Nuada Arrianna
This is great everybody needs to eat and we're always meeting and meeting and we need to eat s*** this is getting awful
Thor Freya
Okay from now on we're going to have food there
Nuada Arrianna yeah a little thinner I get that
0 notes
goodnightmemes · 2 years
just some great Doctor Who quotes
❛ Let me be brave. ❜
❛ I don’t want to go. ❜
❛ Together or not at all. ❜
❛ How about that? I win. ❜
❛ Laugh hard, run fast, be kind. ❜
❛ To save you, I can do anything. ❜
❛ Look how far I went for fear of losing you. ❜
❛ Whole worlds pivot on acts of imagination. ❜
❛ Nothing’s sad till it’s over, then everything is. ❜
❛ Everybody lives. Just this once. Everybody lives. ❜
❛ Never trust a hug. It’s just a way to hide your face. ❜
❛ Have a good life. Do that for me. Have a fantastic life. ❜
❛ Stories are where memories go when they’re forgotten. ❜
❛ I’ll be keeping you safe. One last victory. Allow me that. ❜
❛ Who I am is where I stand. Where I stand is where I fall. ❜
❛ We’re all stories in the end. Just make it a good one, eh? ❜
❛ I’d forgotten not all victories are about saving the universe. ❜
❛ All that pain and misery and loneliness, and it just made it kind. ❜
❛ Does it ever bother you that your life doesn’t make any sense? ❜
❛ I made my choice a long time ago, and I’m never gonna leave you. ❜
❛ No, I mean it. I would rather die. It’s better to die than to live like you. ❜
❛ What happened to you? When did killing someone become an option? ❜
❛ The only way anyone can live in peace is if they're prepared to forgive. ❜
❛ Don’t play games with me. Don’t ever, ever, think you’re capable of that. ❜
❛ You were fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. And do you know what? So was I! ❜
❛ Never be cruel and never be cowardly, and if you are, always make amends. ❜
❛ Everything’s got to end sometime. Otherwise, nothing would ever get started. ❜
❛ Oh, look, I’m angry. That’s new. I’m really not sure what’s going to happen now. ❜
❛ Good men don’t need rules. Today is not the day to find out why I have so many. ❜
❛ Do you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make any difference? ❜
❛ Sometimes, the only choices you have are bad ones, but you still have to choose. ❜
❛ Is there a word for ‘total screaming genius’ that sounds modest and just a tiny bit sexy? ❜
❛ You're stone cold brilliant, you are, I swear, you really are. But you could be so much more. ❜
❛ Just because my pretty face has turned your head, do not assume that I am so easily distracted. ❜
❛ Some people live more in 20 years than others do in 80. It’s not the time that matters. It’s the person. ❜
❛ It doesn't matter if there's nothing under the bed, or in the dark, so long as you know it's ok to be afraid of it. ❜
❛ If you're very wise and very strong, fear doesn't have to make you cruel or cowardly. Fear can make you kind. ❜
❛ Shut up! I can't let you die, without knowing you are loved. By so many, and so much. And by no one more than me. ❜
❛ If it's time to go, remember what you're leaving. Remember the best. My friends have always been the best of me. ❜
❛ Letting it get to you. You know what that’s called? Being alive. Best thing there is. Being alive right now is all that counts. ❜
❛ Come on! Look at me. No plan, no back up, no weapons worth a damn. Oh, and something else. I don’t have anything to lose! ❜
❛ Okay, this is bad. At the moment I don’t know how bad, but certainly we’re three buses, a long walk, and eight quid in a taxi from good. ❜
❛ You asked me if you were a good man. And the answer is… I don’t know. But I think you try to be. And I think that’s probably the point. ❜
❛ Love, in all its forms, is the most powerful weapon we have. Because love is a form of hope. And like hope, love abides. In the face of everything ❜
❛ The universe is big. It’s vast and complicated and ridiculous. And sometimes, very rarely, impossible things just happen and we call them miracles. ❜
❛ You're all the same, you screaming kids, you know that? "Look at me, I'm unforgivable." Well here's the unforeseeable, I forgive you. After all you've done. I forgive you. ❜
❛ The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t always spoil the good things or make them unimportant. ❜
❛ Because every time you see them happy you remember how sad they’re going to be. And it breaks your heart. Because what’s the point in them being happy if they’re going to be sad later? The answer is, of course, because they are going to be sad later. ❜
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rphelperblog · 2 years
Lord of Shadows Book Quote RP Meme
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book two in the TDA book series by Cassandra Clare- feel free to edit the quotes or change pronouns for rp purposes
“Everyone is afraid of something. We fear things because we value them. We fear losing people because we love them. We fear dying because we value being alive. Don't wish you didn't fear anything. All that would mean is that you didn't feel anything.”
“If you steal any of the books from the library, I will know, and you'll be sorry.
“Break my heart,break it in pieces. I give you permission.” 
“Fiction is truth, even if it is not fact. If you believe only in facts and forget stories, your brain will live, but your heart will die.” 
“Those who cannot love do not understand it” 
All dreams end when you wake.” 
“Sometimes the most ruthless heart speaks the most truth” 
“There is truth in stories,”
Who would ever want movies or TV when there are books?” 
'Now get out of here before I risk his life by waking him up so he can turn you into a garbage fire. Something that would match your personality.'
"I kill plants just by looking at them."
I'll never be in love with anyone again who isn't you.” 
“When people die, our dreams of what they could be die with them. Even if ours is the hand that ends them.” 
“I think you cannot root out love entirely. I think where there has been love, there will always be embers, as the remains of a bonfire outlast the flame.” 
Am I the only one who's read X-Men and realizes why this is a bad idea?” 
“Wikipedia knows about everything. It might be run by warlocks.”
“ ‘We are dust and shadows,’ ”
“Some of us are very handsome dust,”
I mock you with my sugar cravings.” 
“To make a true choice, we must have true knowledge.” 
“Lex malla, lex nulla,” [a bad law is no law.]
“I need to be whole again. Even if it doesn’t last.”
“The bad things can't matter more than the good things” 
"Does anyone want to tell him that goldfish are freshwater fish and can't survive in the ocean?"
I've heard roling out of bed in the morning helps you build up resistance to surprise attacks.”
Not my favorite nickname. I prefer, "Our Lord and Master" or maybe "Unambiguously the Hottest.” 
“I am saying the choices we make in captivity are not always the choices we make in freedom. And thus we question them. We cannot help it.”
“When a decision like that is made by a government, it emboldens those who are already prejudiced to speak their deepest thoughts of hate. They assume they are simply brave enough to say what everyone really thinks.” 
I did. So is this like a high-five-slash-chest-bump- situation or an oh-my-God-what-are-we-going-to-do-situation?” 
“Your pretense does not fool me, gnome,”
Just words I like. If I say them to myself, it makes my mind - quieter. Does it bother you?”
"Hold on to me." 
“There's never going to be anyone else for me. That's just how it is.” 
“That is love, son of thorns. We welcome its cruelest blows and when we bleed from them, we whisper our thanks.”
“We fear things because we value them. We fear losing people because we love them. We fear dying because we value being alive. Don’t wish you didn’t fear anything. All that would mean is that you didn’t feel anything.” 
“You took my life apart and put it back together.” 
“To consider possibilities was to open yourself up to pain.” 
We all have wounds that are sometimes better cared for by somone else.” 
“There's something about a place you've been with someone you love. It takes on a meaning in your mind. It becomes more than a place. It becomes a distillation of what you felt for each other. The moments you spend in a place with someone... they become part of its bricks and mortar. Part of its soul.” 
“People say we're unlucky because we don't have parents. But I think they're unlucky because they don't have a brother like mine. -”
“The difficulty is not so great to die for a friend, as to find a friend worth dying for,’ ” 
"But I can't go live with him, because him and his hot girlfriend are going off on some sort of secret mission."
“A strange evening, forsooth,”
“Don’t you forsooth me.” 
“Few of us are lucky enough ever to know the whole truth about anything.” 
“I have won for you a fish, my fair one," 
"Women are too savage,” 
“If you believe only in facts and forget stories, your being will live, but your heart will die”
I thought you didn't love me anymore. But that isn't true, is it?”
Your life isn't wrecked. You're still alive. You can have a good “
'I came of age in the Dark War. I was baptized in blood and fire.” 
“People are flawed,"
the better, brighter half of him, who tempered his ruthlessness, who forced him to acknowledge the light when he saw only darkness.”
I need you, always, always think about you, I was wishing you were with me in that goddamned attic and then I turned around and you were there, like you heard me, like you're always there when I need you ...” 
“A pure fountain gives pure water” 
“Human emotions are so foolish to them, and human minds and hearts so fragile.”
I should never have touched you. I never thought what we had could break so easily.”
It's not broken. We made a mistake - but being together wasn't the mistake.”
“That is the problem with revenge - you wind up destroying the innocent as well as the guilty.” 
“It was terrifying to love someone who was forbidden to you. Terrifying to feel something you could never speak of, something that was horrible to almost everyone you knew, something that could destroy your life.”
I need you. You might be surprised to hear that.” 
All the lights and the shouting and the people. It's like broken glass in my head.”
“There's a legend about that clock. For a second, when it chimes the hour, the gates to Heaven open.” 
“You’ll find that the crisis is never over.”
I am sorry if I ever led you to believe anything else.” 
“Truth is to be found in dreams,”
"How dare you tell me it's a tragedy?”
“We fear things because we value them. We fear losing people because we love them. We fear dying because we value being alive. Don't wish you didn't fear anything. All that would mean is that you didn't feel anything."
I get my caffeine the way right-thinking people get it. From chococlate!” 
"We fear things because we value them. We fear losing people because we love them. We fear dying because we value being alive. Don't wish you didn't fear anything. All that would mean is that you didn't feel anything.” 
“Each family has a history we pass on to each successive generation. We bear the glories and the burdens of our name, the good and the bad our ancestors have done, through all our lives. We try to live up to our names, so that those who come after us will bear lighter burdens.” 
“Hate like that can tear down the world.”
“What was one lie among so many others?” 
“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” 
“She remembered what it felt like to have her hands in that hair, how holding him had anchored her not just to the world, but to herself.” 
“If you believe only in facts and forget stories, your brain will live, but your heart will die.” 
“People often run even when they have nowhere to go," 
'You want to live. Just like everyone else does. You don't want to be trapped, is all.” 
“The world isn't the way you want it to be, it's the way it is.” 
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lostonehero · 2 years
Here is the first half of the Johto chapter
Sends asks too helps me write
Anyway here we go
Warning the boys have no brain cells
     It was a normal day, Ethan, and Silver decided to play with Ho-oh to her annoyance, but they were adults so she really couldn't say anything. Ari sighs helping Giovanni brush out his tail, the summer was coming to be annoying since Giovanni got fur, but it wasn't the worst. Watching his pupils blow up from happiness never got old, and neither did the blush on his face. "Do you think they are being safe?"
    Giovanni purring. "They are both strong trainers, they know their limits, Ari. We raised Silver right he will know when to put his foot down." He sighs. "We can't protect them forever, we will outlive them."
    Ari frowns putting the brush down. "I know that he's just my baby, and I worry about him. He's only 23, and I know the trouble we got in at that age."
     "We were also in one of the most dangerous organizations." Giovanni argues, wrapping his tail back up. "He's in  the international police, he's safer than we were."
    Ari smiles softly as Giovanni turns to face her. "You're right you're right. I guess the mothering instincts never really go away. I think I want to try again soon."
    Giovanni's ears perked up. "Are you sure now that we are like this, do you think the child would be ok?"
    "Two half pokemon would make another half pokemon granted the species would be a coin flip. It has happened before Gio, don't worry, and I think Silver would like a younger sibling." Ari smiles. "We always wanted a big family."
    Giovanni chuckles and pulls Ari into a kiss. "Oh of course how could I forget, now that we are good guys." He says in air quotes. "They won't bother us."
     Ari chuckles and pulls herself into Giovanni's lap. "No they wouldn't, besides I think I'm ready to explain things to Silver. We couldn't hide this forever. We both look too young to be his parents."
    "Oh is my brave Ari back?" Gio teases kissing her forehead.
    "Oh hush up Gio he's old enough to know why we haven't changed, well you changed I really haven't." Ari smiles. "Come on, let's make him a nice meal to help break the news, and some for Ethan too."
     Giovanni hums. "Alright alright, but then tonight you're all mine dragon fly."
     Ari giggles. "Of course my pretty kitty."
    The front door was forced open as the two men fell through it. Ari and Giovanni were prepared for the worst when the door swung open, but once they saw who they were they rushed over to help them.
    "Silver you're covered in blood, what happened. Ethan you are too? Giovanni, go get the med kit." Ari hefted the two men up and onto a bed in the guest room. "Boys are you ok, can you hear me?"
     Silver lets out a whimper. "Mom I couldn't feel my legs, I, we fell. Ho-oh dropped us like we were toys then just healed us like we didn't die. " Ethan was already crying, clinging onto Silver.
     Giovanni rushed in with several medical kits; the new senses he had were overwhelmed with the scent of blood. "Are they ok? Do I need to call someone?"
    Ari frowns. "Can you get them clean clothes? Ho-oh was playing with them. I use playing in loose terms." She watches them curl up together. "Here let me help you."
    "I'm sorry mom, I should have listened." Silver starts to cry as well clinging to Ethan who was shaking both scared to death. 
     "It's Ok my baby boy, and you too Ethan just rest, we can get you both clean clothes." She moves to Giovanni's side in a quiet voice. "They both either died or were near death and Ho-oh brought them back and just wanted to keep playing."
     Giovanni shivers. "Fuck alright, I'll get the clothes, and can you get the desserts out of the oven."
       Ari nods. "Of course I'll get the ice cream too, forget dinner, they just need comfort." She heads to the kitchen as Giovanni heads to the bedrooms. 
      It's been a week, and the two decided to stay with their respected parents. Silver had vacation days to use, and he honestly didn't want to get out of bed. The feeling of falling and snapping his back has refused to leave him, the sound of everything breaking, Ethan's scream then suddenly quiet. He felt like throwing up. He felt phantom pains up and down his back, his mom said that should go away but he felt something move under his skin. 
     A soft knock on his door, it was his father. "Hey kid, I brought you some lunch. Your pokemon are looking for you." He sighs watching Silver slowly get up. He looked awful, he might actually be getting sick on top of the trauma he faced. "Here let me see if you have a fever."
    "I'm fine dad, my back hurts, that's it." Silver sighs. "Thank you for the food but I'm not hungry." He hugs his knees and frowns. 
   Giovanni sighs he loved being called dad again but he hated what Silver went through. He didn't ask as he sat on Silver's bed. "Silver I'm really sorry about what happened, but you'll get past this." He sighs. "Here, want to know a secret."
    Silver moved back to sit again, his bed frame grimacing as he put pressure on his back. "And what secret would that be dad?"  He knew his dad was trying, but he was being harsh so he could leave him alone.
     "Well the day that happened, we were going to tell you some important stuff. Of course it didn't pan out, but against your mother's judgement I'll tell you." He sighs looking over to Silver. "I'm going to tell you this once, you'll have to ask your mother for more details. It's her side of the family."
     Now this got Silver's full attention. "What was so important that you both agreed to hide from me in the first place." He scowls. "Is it Team Rocket?"
     "Now Silver I just said it's your mother's side of the family, don't jump to conclusions." He chuckles. "Even traumatized you still are daddy's little policeman." He ruffles Silver's hair.
     Silver pouts and looks away. "I have a reason to be Giovanni." A small smile tugged at his lips. "Now what really is it?"
     "Well if you let me start you'll know." He smiles there was that son of his. "Alright now what I was saying, this is your mother's genetics not mine so you can't blame me for any of it." He smirks seeing a small smile spread across Silver's face. "So your mother isn't normal, and before you interrupt me I mean it in the literal sense Silver, she's half pokemon."
     Silver rolls his eyes and chuckles. "Thanks for trying to cheer me up dad, but that's impossible. Mom is normal, she just has weird hands."
      "Silver I am serious, she's part flygon." Giovanni sighs. "I will get your mother in here."
     "Go ahead Giovanni, she'll just think you're crazy." He has a full blown smile on his face. "You know for a guy who built an empire on being shady and lying you are terrible at it." He chuckles mind completely off his back pain and now forming a headache. 
     Ariana overhears Silver laughing after putting away the towels. "Oh what's so funny you two." She smiles looking at both her boys. She is happy to finally see Silver smile again. 
     "Dad says your half pokemon, and a flygon to bat. He's crazy right?" Sliver giggles watching his mom enter his room.
      Ari gives Giovanni a look as if to say are we really doing this, and the subtle nod makes her sigh. "Well I mean he isn't lying Silver it's true here." She removes her custom gloves and then the bandages around her hands reveal inhuman talon like clawed hands covered in scales. "I'm sure these will match the scar I gave you on your arm."
       Silver stopped laughing and looked stunned, then upset. "Why did you hide this from me? Why did you never tell me until now?"
      Giovanni sighs. "It wasn't my secret to tell, and when you were born you were normal." He pauses watching Ari rebandage her hands. "We were just happy you were healthy, but things are complicated."
      Silver looks down at his hands then back up to his mom. "Are uncle Maxie and uncle Roark the same?"
    Ari nods. "They are." She sighs. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier I was just so scared of you getting hurt. I mean I scarred you for life by accident Silver I didn't want to risk your safety." She frowns. "I'm sorry, we were going to tell you, but then that happened, and I just broke and just couldn't."
     Giovanni holds her hand. "Relax Ari, you're going to make Silver panic again."
    Silver scoffs. "I'm fine, I'm just trying to digest this information. Giovanni, you should be kinder to your wife." A small smile was back on his face. "So what if I'm normal? I don't care."
     Ari smiles and kisses his forehead. "You'll always be special to me Silver. Now come on, eat your lunch. I need to have words with your father."
     "Oh no Ariana you were never going to tell him if I didn't say anything." Giovanni chuckles as Ari playfully hits him. "Ah Silver, your mom is such a brute save me."
      Silver loses his glare and starts to giggle. "You two are terrible, leave me alone, let me eat and be gross somewhere else."
    Ari gets up. "Oh you heard him, kitty cat, our son needs his privacy."
    Giovanni gets up after her. "Oh my little dragonfly we should leave him be."
     Silver throws his pillow at both of them. "Gross get out." He giggles through making a face at them. Quietly after he watches them leave. "I love you."
     Ethan was pacing his room, feathers kept appearing in his bed, and he couldn't find the source, his skin felt prickly, and he was always so hungry. He really felt bad for his mom who had to deal with that. Most of all he missed Silver, maybe if he asks his parents they could help, Team Rocket did human experiments right yeah they will know what to do. 
      Ethan called Giovanni, but he forgot it was 3am. "Pick up pick up" He mumbles to himself as he paces his bedroom. He finally hears Giovanni. "Ah Mr Giovanni sir I wanted to know if I could stay over, I miss Silver, and I have personal questions to ask." He waited for an answer and shuddered when he heard a low growl on the other end. "I'm sorry uh-"
    "Don't start, kid." Giovanni sighs and yawns. "You called at 3am to ask that?" His annoyance can be heard over the phone along with Ari mumbling to go back to bed. 
     "I'm sorry sir I didn't realize it was so late, so can I, and I promise I'll be good I just gave a lot to ask. Your experiences could help with them." Ethan is talking a mile a minute. 
    Giovanni sighs again, rubbing his face. "Alright alright I'll help you out kid." He sighs they were both grown adults for fucks sake they literally lived together. Why Ethan needed to call him to ask to come over he will never understand. "The next call at this hour better be requesting to marry my son or I will hang up on you." He says as he hangs up the phone and promptly goes back to sleep. 
      Ethan, totally missing the last part of the conversation, pumps his arms in victory. "Good he said yes. He can see Silver again; he just had to wait for a reasonable time to go over there." He sighs he was way too wired to go back to bed. He starts to clean his room again to pass the time.
    Bright and early at 7am there is a knock at the door, which Ari answers her binder loosely on. "Ethan, what a surprise." She says with heavy sarcasm while taking a sip of her coffee. 
    "Hello Mrs Ariana I waited this time." Ethan looks proud of himself and also extremely sleep deprived. "Is Silver awake?"
    "He is not, but come in." She sighs watching Ethan walk pass her. She frowns and pulls a feather from his neck making the kid jump with a startled yelp. Examining the feather there was fresh blood at the end of it.  She frowns, this was a side effect of the resurrection, she knew it. "Sorry Ethan, you had a feather stuck to your collar."
     Ethan blushes rubbing the back of his neck. "Thank you sorry for the yell, I guess I'm just a little sleep deprived."
     Ari sighs, a little is being generous. "I'll make you some breakfast." She shuts the door behind her following Ethan to the kitchen. "You know how Silver is in the morning." She pauses opening the fridge to take out eggs. "So why else did you call at 3am."
      Ethan is sitting at the table messing with his nails. "I well uh." He starts to stammer. "Team Rocket has experience with human experimentation." He blurts out.
     "We only created a biological weapon with a human trigger, that's the extent of that Ethan." She sighs, beginning to make scrambled eggs. "What rumors are you even listening to, kid?  She shakes her head. "We weren't in that business."
    Ethan's face turned red from embarrassment. "Sorry Mrs Ariana." He sighs. "I just thought you could help me with something."
     "The feathers, the one I pulled from you, were attached to your skin Ethan. I'm not blind." Ari hums giving Ethan a plate of eggs. "We can help you, and keep it secret."
     Ethan nods looking down. "Do you know what's happening to me?" He sounds scared and quiet.
     Ari smiles and holds Ethan's hands. "It's probably a side effect from Ho-oh resurrection, but I have dealt with something similar." She smirks seeing Ethan look up at her with curiosity.
     "What? You have? How? When? Were they ok?" Ethan was talking super fast burying Ari with questions.
    She sighs, giving herself a plate and sits across from Ethan. "You know I said biological controller before." She waits for a nod from Ethan. She gets one and continues. "Well while creating Mewtwo we had every precaution set in place. Giovanni was the one who volunteered to be the one to have his DNA to be the controller. Well the side effect of that was if he used Mewtwo powers. It would alter his DNA permanently. What we couldn't predict is the fact Mewtwo pulled the trigger themselves."
     Ethan listened full attention to Ariana. "Giovanni is ok right, he isn't dying is he?"
     Ari snickers. "No he isn't dying, Ethan. What happened was he was transformed into a half pokemon."
     "A half pokemon?" Ethan asks curiosity overriding his fear. "What does that mean?"
     "Well besides having a cute tail and cat ears now, he does have powers like Mewtwo, he just hasn't figured out how to use them properly yet. He was always more of a physical fighter." She smiles. "But you don't seem as sick as he was when it started."
     "Sick? I feel fine, just hungry, and itchy." He pauses. "I want to see Giovanni's cat ears and tail." He smiles, picturing it in his head. 
     Ari hums and chuckles. "He will threaten you…. And you aren't listening anymore." She sighs watching Ethan nod off into his empty plate. "Alright you're getting the couch." She pulls his chair out and picks him up to lay him on the couch. "Sleep well Ethan." She smiles as she cleans, but it turns to a frown. She needed to check on Silver. His back pain hadn't gone away the last time she asked him, and he went to bed early which he never does. 
     Silver woke up later than he normally does, which has happened a lot since that incident, but finally the pain I'm his back and head are gone. He stretched not noticing the two giant wings attached to his back with a matching tail and new patches of scales across his entire body. He trudged over to his bathroom and got cleaned up for the day.
     He didn't want to get dressed yet so he just trudged into the kitchen in his sleep pants and no shirt. Yawning he opens the fridge to get the milk for cereal. He looked over the fridge door to see both his parents just stare at him. He frowns and stands up. "I know I'm not dressed, I'm sorry."
      They both look at each other then back to Silver. Ari sighs and finally speaks up. "Your boyfriend is on the couch, and uh." She trails off looking back at Giovanni giving a he really doesn't notice look.
     Silver's tail starts to wag. "Ethan's here, is he in the guest room?" 
     Ari suppresses a smile. "He's on the couch and fell asleep after he ate breakfast." He hits Giovanni's leg under the table to stop him from laughing. 
     Silver closes the fridge. "I'm going to check on him before I eat." He stops and stares at Giovanni. "Dad, are you ok?"
    Giovanni's face red from holding in laughter. "Just fine kid, your mom accidently kicked me."
     "I'm still getting used to the fact you have talon claws like feet mom." He just shrugs and heads to the living room.
    Ari holds her head in her hands. "Don't say a fucking word Gio." 
     Giovanni lets out a quiet laugh. "I'm sorry but that's our kid, our pride and joy is so oblivious." He snickers finally calming down. "To be fair to him he has normal hands and feet."
     Ari huffs and groans. "You aren't making this any better, Giovanni." She gets up and sighs. "Ethan will tell him right? We didn't do anything wrong. Silver just woke up." She glares at Giovanni. "Stop making that face, it isn't that funny." She huffs and throws her hands up. "Ok it is that funny, but just stop." She can't stay upset; she starts to giggle as well. "I feel terrible laughing at my own son."
    Ethan yelling about Silver's wings and tail from the other room made them both start laughing uncontrollably.
     "Guess we know what his back pain was." Giovanni barely gets out through his cackling. "He's a late bloomer."
    Ari playfully hits him and laughs along with him. She watches Silver, and Ethan rush in, Silver's face is red with embarrassment. Ari finally calms down enough to stop laughing. "I'm sorry I'm sorry but how did you not notice?"
     Giovanni puts back on a neutral facade. "Ethan your trailing feathers across the house." He sighs. "I'm not apologizing, that was funny."
     Silver actually looks down from where Giovanni was pointing, and his embarrassment was replaced with concern. "Ethan, are you ok? Is this like a a Giovanni thing?"
    Ethan nods. "I'm fine, just itchy really, your mom explained it to me." He smiles softly. "Did you really not notice?"
   Silver scoffs and stomps back off to his bedroom. "I don't want to hear it."
    Ethan chuckles and runs after him.
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The Reunion - Part 2
Summary: We meet up with our crew after they have left Barab and after Friday’s episode of the Bad Batch getting their chips removed. Hunter x Reader. Echo x Reader.
A/N: Italics - Past conversations
The quotes Crosshair says during his nightmares are directly from the Bad Batch episodes.  All rights for those quotes, belong directly to the geniuses working on the Bad Batch TV show at Disney.  
Warnings: Slight mention of a beating, nothing described.  Medical procedures.
If I miss a warning, just let me know.
Words: 4,608
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Drop some love, a comment or a reblog, it’s all appreciated.  If you want to be tagged, let me know.
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“We don’t usually work with regs”
“Grow up, Wrecker”
“If your plans are so good, why did Commander Cody have to call us in?”
“An order is an order”
“Since when?”
“Good soldiers follow orders”
“He had us disobeying orders”
“I never thought you disobeying orders was a problem”
“Disobeying orders again over a kid?”
“You’re becoming a liability”
“You disobeyed orders”
“I did what I thought was right”
“You should have killed that Jedi, you disobeyed orders.”
“You never could see the bigger picture.  Now surrender.”
“Best stand down sergeant, make it easier on yourself.”
“Have you lost your mind?”
“Your move”
“Bad play, Hunter”
“You want to know why they put me in charge? It’s because I’m willing to do what needs to be done.”
“What seems to be the problem with CT-9904?” Lama Su asked Nala Se
The two Kaminoans looked on behind the one way mirror, “medic, what seems to be the problem with CT-9904?” asked Nala Se.
I looked towards the mirrored glass, “he’s having a nightmare”, I glanced from the mirror to Crosshair that laid on the med bed before me.  The Kaminoans wanted his inhibitor chip to be constantly activated and operating at peak efficiency; if they lost him, they would lose the backing of Admiral Tarkin, something they couldn’t have.  
How I wished Hunter was here?  How I wished I got to the ship in time?  I wished for a lot of things, mostly I wished that Crosshair’s chip hadn’t been activated, and that as the medic for Clone Force 99, I wasn’t the one in charge of keeping his chip activated.  Every time he laid down on that med bed, a little bit of me died.  I had to do this to my friend, my family, Hunter’s brother.  I tried at first to say that the chip was damaged, it wouldn’t activate, but they quickly dealt with my deception, in the form of a beating from two of the Clones who had taken me under their wing.  The beating from the two had knocked me out, when I came to Bad Batch was gone, Omega, my little helper, was gone, and Crosshair had tried to kill his own brothers.  
What’s worse is that Crosshair looked for every opportunity to wound me with his words, he wasn’t my Crosshair, he wasn’t the man I had grown to know and love as a brother.
‘Must be miserable to know you fell in love with a traitor.’
‘How does it feel knowing they left you?’
‘Only the Empire can provide what you need’
‘Join them and die’
“He seems to be having a particularly disturbing dream, he keeps thrashing” that voice, oh I hated that voice, it was responsible for the so called War Mantle project, Vice Admiral Rampart.  How I wish he could be the one on this bed before me, so I could make him suffer, the way he’s making Crosshair suffer.
“Indeed” oh there’s that other voice, Admiral Tarkin.  I loathed both men, and would be happy to see both die a very slow painful death.
“I do not believe we should continue for much longer, the procedure could cause irreparable damage”, I suggested.  I’m sorry Crosshair, I hope you can hear me.  I’m so sorry.  
“Very well” Admiral Tarkin’s voice filled the room, I could almost feel his breath on my skin.  It was revolting.  
“End the procedure, medic Kambe”
“Yes, Prime Minister”
I turned off the machine and watched as Crosshair's tortured face relaxed.  I moved beside him, and disconnected him from the machine, he was still unconscious, at this moment and I could pretend he was still my family, he was still the same Crosshair.  The one who taught me to shoot a target five klicks out.  The one who would tease Hunter and me, when we would go out on a date.  The one who said he always wanted a sister, and was happy I was his.  I discreetly held his hand, rubbing circles with my thumb on the back of his hand.  I’m sorry Crosshair.  I’m so sorry Cross.  
- - - - - - - -
“That medic seems very attached to CT-9904” Admiral Tarkin noticed
“Yes, she was the medic for Clone Force 99.  She got to know them very well and went on several missions with them.”
“Interesting.  She may prove useful.”
“How do you mean Admiral?” Asked Vice Admiral Rampart
“She may know something the clone doesn’t, or she could be used as bait, to bring in the others”
“Admiral, I must protest” Nala Se interjected, “she, unlike the clones, is not Empire property, she is hired by the Kaminoan facility, and works directly for us.”
“And yet, she gets paid via the Empire, does she not?  Or do you pay her directly, Prime Minister?”
“Uh … I would have to check our records, Admiral Tarkin”
“Don’t bother, I have checked already.  She gets paid by the Empire.  She used to receive funds from the Republic, and has subsequently received funds from the Empire, therefore she is a servant and employed by the Empire.  As such, we have the right to do as we wish with our workers.”
“Admiral, I would be more than happy to take over … keeping an eye on the medic” offered Vice Admiral Rampart.
“That is not necessary, it seems we have the best thing to keep an eye on her already” he motioned towards the unconscious clone.  
- - - - - - - - -
Although, I couldn’t hear what was being said behind the glass, I could sense eyes on me.  I grabbed a data pad and pretended to check Crosshair's vitals. If they were going to stay there watching me, then they wouldn’t get anything except a medic doing her job.   There had to be a way to get the chip out of his head, someway to go under the radar.  If Cross was back to normal then he and I would be able to get off of Kamino and find the boys.
I heard the door slide open behind me, “Medic Kambe”, I turned to face Nala Se, she was the only Kaminoan that I could somewhat tolerate, although in the end she was the biggest problem of all, as the Chief Medical Scientist, if it wasn’t for her, so many soldiers wouldn’t have been killed and treated less than they deserved.
“Yes, Nala Se?”
“You can move clone CT-9904 to the recovery room”
“Yes, Nala Se”
She stepped closer to me, it was odd and threw me off.  She disliked me more than anyone else, simply for making the clones feel like people and not property, it was one of the reasons I was assigned to an actual team, rather than the Kaminoan facility in general.  “You need to be careful,” she said in a lowered voice.
I kept busy preparing Cross for transport, “what do you mean?” I asked in a similar whisper, “they’re watching you, they want to use you to bring back Clone Force 99 and Omega.  We can’t have her land in the hands of the Empire.”
“I understand”
“Please be quick about transporting the clone, Admiral Tarkin wishes to see what effect the new enhancement has on CT-9904” she said in a louder voice.
“He has a name”
“He is a clone.  Clone CT-9904.”
“His name is Crosshair!”
“Medic Kambe! One more outburst and I’ll have you restricted to your quarters and brought up on charges of treason. Do you understand?”
“Good” without further word she stepped out of the room, maker I hated her.  I really did.
I looked at Cross one more time, he had a slight scarring from where the machine had performed it’s procedure. My only hope would be to perform surgery at night, or maybe if I was able to go on a mission with Cross again, distract him, get him isolated, and perform the surgery.   We both needed to get out of here, and soon.
- - - - - - -
“I don’t know if the plan will work” Fives offered
“Oh I’m sorry, do you have something better, vod?”
“Listen Phoenix Ghost, we are not judging you, it just seems risky” offered Hunter
“Well, what do you want to do?”  I asked, Rex had just left after we were able to get the chips out of the remaining Bad Batch, the idea was to take the med pod with us, or at the very least take it and hide it on a planet that we could bring Crosshair to.
“Why can’t we just use the method you did before, with the other clones?”
“That would require us going to a safe clone planet, the nearest one has over 500 of your brothers, inhabiting it.  I would gladly take you there, if the Empire thought you were dead.  However, as of right now, the risk is too great that someone would follow you, or someone spot your ship and decide to report you to the Empire simply for credits.  I’m sorry but I’m not putting your brothers at risk.  Either we find a way to bring Crosshair here, or find a way to bring the med pod to Crosshair.”
“Cyar’ika, it’s okay.  We trust you”
“Really, cause if you trusted me, you wouldn’t be questioning the plan right now”
“It’s just dangerous” Tech tried to reassure me.
I couldn’t help the glare that had appeared on my face, “seriously Tech? That’s your pathetic platitude, that it’s just dangerous.  Everything we’ve ever done, from the moment we either joined or were sold to the GAR has been a life filled with danger.  I personally have a scar on almost every quadrant of my body from one injury or another.”
They all looked to Echo, who simply nodded.  Oh that was it, “WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT HIM? DO YOU HONESTLY THINK I WOULD LIE ABOUT THAT?!!!”
“No, of course not” Hunter tried to calm me down, but the anger within was growing from their… I guess lack of trust.  
“Don’t Echo! Don’t Cyar’ika me!”
Echo let out a frustrated breath, being back with Echo was amazing, it’s like we hadn’t missed a beat, all those years being apart had evaporated within a matter of minutes.  
“Fine, ner riduur”
Ugh! Why did he have to tug that cord? All the anger I had a second ago washed away at remembering that we had indeed gotten married, I  dropped my shoulders and my head to my chest.  As soon as we were off Barab, we had found a place to lay low for a few weeks.  Echo didn’t want to waste anymore time and proposed, I didn’t want to waste any time either and said yes.  We both had wasted too many years apart, to waste another second not being with each other, was downright idiotic.
Fives had been his best man, Omega was my flower girl, Hunter walked me down the aisle, Tech officiated and Wrecker stood in as my man of honour.  Rex had come to wish us well, after the ceremony, he pulled me aside and gave me a big bear hug, “I’m happy for you ad’ika.  I wish you nothing but happiness.”
The words were there, but the warmth in the eyes weren’t, “I’m sorry Rex.  I’m sorry I couldn’t…”
He didn’t let me finish, “nothin’ to be sorry about, little one.  You followed your heart to the man you love.  It’s the heart I fell in love with, so how can I be upset about that” his warmth finally reached his eyes, we hugged one more time, “thank you, Rex.  I love you, vod”
“Love you too, vod’ika”
“Alright, let’s come up with another plan than” I offered calmer, I looked over at Echo, and smirked.
“How do you do that?” Whispered Wrecker
“It’s my gift” Echo chuckled, I simply shook my head, “what if we make a medical droid?” Asked Omega
“It is possible” Tech advised
“We are at the scrap yard so we could find the parts we need, it won’t be pretty, but it’ll get the job done” I added, Tech and I sat down to work out a plan and design for the medical droid.
“While we are doing this, maybe the five of you could try to find an actual droid, maybe if there is an actual medical droid, we won’t have to make one” suggested Tech.
“Fine, we know when we’re not wanted,” Fives teased.
“Hey Omega”, I called, she turned towards me, “good suggestion” I winked at her.  She ran over and hugged me, “thanks mo…I mean, thank you Phoenix Ghost”, I returned the hug and looked at Hunter, he had a smirk on his face, “hun, I think your dad’s waiting for you”.  Hunter shot me a look, I couldn’t help but smile back, at the end of the day we were all co-parenting, so what was one or two more parents, uncles, or aunts.  Whatever way she looked at us, we were family.
- - - - - - - - -
“How does it feel, vod?” Fives asked Echo
“How does what, feel?”
“Being married to the love of your life?” He elbowed Echo
Echo couldn’t help the blush that appeared on his face, “like I’m living a dream that I never want to wake up from”.
“Awww, that’s so sweet” shouted Wrecker
“Alright you guys focus, Omega and I will go done here" Hunter motioned to the corridor to his left, "Wrecker, go with Fives and Echo” as Hunter motioned to the corridor on his right.
“Copy that” Fives answered.
Hunter and Omega headed down what looked like a medical hallway, there were all kinds of beds, against the wall, “Hunter?”
“Yes, Omega”
“Are you married?”
“Like Phoenix and Echo?”
Hunter didn’t answer for a minute, Omega could see something was bothering him, “I”m sorry, should I not have asked?”
“It’s okay, kid.  No, I’m not married.”
“But there was someone?”
“Medic Kambe?”
Hunter stopped and looked at Omega, “how do you know that?”
“I trained under her as a medical assistant, she always used to mention Clone Force 99”
“That’s how you learned all about us”
Omega nodded, “she treated me like I was …”
“Like you were a person”
Omega nodded, “that’s how she treated us too.”  Hunter continued examining the rooms, and realized more than likely his love had seen what was happening to Omega and how she was treated.  He could see his tiny love stepping up to protect Omega.  Knowing her, she probably even had to fight to be Omega’s trainer.
“Do you think we’ll see her again?”
“I don’t know, kid.  I hope so, I really do.”
“Why didn’t she come with us?”
Hunter let out a sigh, “I don’t know, but something must have happened, otherwise she would have been waiting for us in the hangar.”
“I hope if we do find her, you two get married”
“Yes, she makes you happy.  You clearly make her happy.  She always had a smile on her face when she spoke of you, she kept her biggest smile when she mentioned you specifically.”
Hunter smiled at that, hopefully soon enough, he’ll have his brother back, and his love in his arms.  
- - - - - - -
“Any luck?”
“There’s no such thing as luck” chuckled Fives
“What are you? Obi-wan?” I asked
“Hey how do you think I got so good with the ladies?  I learned from the best” he laughed.
“Fives, you were good with the ladies, because they took pity on you.  Not because you had any of the charm, Obi-wan had.”
“How do you know about Obi-wan’s charms?” Asked Echo.
“Hmm… what, my love?”
“We will discuss this later”
“Whatever you say, ner cyare”
“Oh don’t try and placate me with sweet sayings”
“As fun as it is to be in the middle of what’s probably your first argument” Tech interrupted, “did you find a medical droid?”
“I did!” Shouted Wrecker
“Good.  By the way", Tech directed towards Echo and I, "I would like to see how an argument between married couples proceeds, it would be interesting to learn and see first hand” inquired Tech.
“Yeah, not gonna happen” I said, “let’s get this droid adjusted. Faster we get this thing on the ship, the faster we get out of here, and the faster we can get to Crosshair.”
“I think I have an idea about how to get Crosshair out in the open,” Hunter offered.
“How?” Asked Wrecker
“I’ll tell you guys when we’re back on the ship”
- - - - - - - - - - -
“That’s a bold plan” Fives commented
“But it has the potential for working” I appeased
“How do we know we can trust her?” Tech questioned, “how do we know she didn’t wilfully not show up? Had a change of heart?”
“Come on Tech, you know her.  She loves us.” Hunter looked to the ground before continuing, “she loves me, she would never … She was detained.  I know it.  Something prevented her from meeting us in that hangar.”
“Okay, so you want to send a message that will undoubtedly put her in danger, either on the mission, or before the mission, and definitely after the mission.  Basically, you are okay painting a giant target on her back, Hunter?  Cause that’s what you’re doing by sending that message.”
“I know Phoenix, but it’s the only thing I can think of to do.”
“Then I’ll help to try and limit the damage.  First things first, we are going to need to split up, find a planet to draw their attention to, hopefully one that’s uninhabitable.”
“With lots of ground coverage” offered Wrecker
“No high ground” suggested Tech
“With lots of animals” said Fives, we all turned to look at him, “what? If he can get distracted that gives us an advantage, I’m not crazy”, we all nodded along.  “He does have a point” chimed in Echo.
“What about Felucia?” Hunter suggested
“It’s not inhabitable.  I actually think I have a place.” I offered
“Where?” They all asked at once.
“I can’t say.”
“Well if you can’t say, how can we use it then?” Fives asked
“Because I have to ask permission to go there, it could put someone in danger, and that could be worse then …”
“Then having the Empire after us right now?” Wrecker inquired.
“Yes, actually.  They’re very dear and special to me, I need to …sorry guys, I’m gonna have to take over the bunk for now.”
“Oh” said Echo
“Oh” I nodded.
“Oh what?” Hunter asked
“Ohhh!” Clued in Fives adding, “I thought he was dead.
“About as dead as you and I are”
“What are we talking about?” Wrecker asked Tech
“I don’t know” Tech answered shrugging his shoulders.
“Sorry guys, I can’t say more, or talk more about it.  Like I said, I need the bunk, no one come in until I emerge.  It could be several hours, I suggest we stay in hyperspace as much as possible.”
“What’s going on?” Omega asked as she stepped out of her room.
“Sorry guys, but we can’t talk about it” Fives answered, “just trust us, when we say she needs to do this, and you really can’t disturb her, she needs the quiet.”
- - - - - - - - -
It had been a while since I sat here meditating, trying to connect with my older teacher.  I had been a force-sensitive child, and was about to take the Jedi trials, to be ordained as a Jedi Knight, but the anger within me had proved to be too volatile, with the war in effect.  It was important to not let those who could be in situations where the constant fighting, the constant bloodshed and the insurmountable injustice would be present all the time.  It could lead one to use the force in an unnatural way, causing one to take actions into your own hands.
I closed my eyes, and focused on the force, being one with the force was always easy for me, which was why the Council was concerned when they felt my anger.
“Little one, hmmm? Yes, hmmm”
“Hello Master Yoda”
“Why reach out through the force did you, hmm? Alright are you, hmmm?”
“I seek advice, Master, the advice is not for me, I’m alright, but it is to save two innocents.”
“To save a clone called Crosshair you wish, and medic called Kambe.  Innocent, Kambe is.  However, shed innocent blood, Crosshair has.”
“It’s not his fault, Master, it’s his chip.  If we remove the chip, he’ll be back to his old self.”
“Possible, removing stone from a puddle is, damage the stone caused when thrown in is permanent.  Back, what makes you think the Crosshair you once knew would come, hmm? Hmmmm.”
“Because it happened to one of the clones I am travelling with.  His chip activated, and he tried to kill Omega, the little clone girl, once his chip was removed he went back to normal, although he remembered the incident.”
“Wrecker activated for, how long was, hmm?”
“Not long, maybe about 20 to 30 minutes.”
“Crosshair been activated, how long has, hmm?”
“Since the start of the Empire”
“Over time weeds grow over stone, in the puddle, that is.  When you pull out stone, pull out weeds too.  The damage caused, irreversible, could be.  Prepared to face that consequence are you, hmm? Hmmm?”
“At least he would be free.”
“Of clone life free from, hmm? No.  Free from the Empire, hmm? No.  His other self free from, hmm? Possibly.  Plague his mind constantly, the nightmares of what he has done will.  Carry, can you soothe the pain his soul will, hmm?  If this chip you free him from, have to help carry his burden, you will.  Ready for that are you, hmm?”
“Then I offer, what advice can hmm? Yes, hmmm”
“We need a planet that is shrouded in darkness, with no major high ground, lots of foliage and animals”
“You use Dagobah to draw him out want to, hmm?”
“With your permission, Master, yes.  But if you feel it is too big of a threat, maybe you can recommend another planet, one that can wreak havoc on a sniper.”
“My permission, you have.  I will give you coordinates that will put any in danger not, and your purposes that will serve.”
“Thank you, Master.”
“Your anger and your fear I no longer sense.  Changed, what has, young one, hmm?”
“Ever since my ‘death’, I no longer lived for myself but for others.  With the help of others and my skills we were able to save 2500 soldiers.  Brave men, each one.”
“That is all not. Herh herh herh”.
“No, Master.  Ha, never could hide anything from you.  I married the love of my life, Echo”
“Happy for you little one I am.  Continue learning from the force.  Serve you in the future, it will.  To the dark side within you I no longer sense the temptation.  However, to say goodbye to the man you love, be prepared, when the time comes, or to the dark side again find yourself on the path.
“Yes, Master.  Thank you.”
“With you may the force be.  Hmmmm”
“And with you, Master.”
- - - - - - - - -
“How long does this usually take?” Hunter asked Echo
“Once it took her - - - what was it? Fives, 12 hours?”
“I thought it was longer, closer to 15 or 16”
“It depends”
“On what?” Asked Tech
“On how easily I can connect to the force”, I answered.  They all turned to see me emerge from the bunk room, “how long was I in there for?”
“About 8 hours,” Echo answered.
“Do we have a plan?”
“We do, Hunter” I smiled, not only did we have a plan, but I had the privilege to continue learning about the Force, who knows what will happen in the future, but as of right now I was very hopeful.
“So where are we going?” Asked Omega
“Dagobah, we’re going to Dagobah, but first I need to eat, secondly there are a few things we need to discuss and thirdly, only three or four of us should go, the others should keep Omega safe.”
“I feel like there’s going to be a whole Jedi sort feel to this story” Fives laughed
“Well not completely, but you’re not wrong either” I laughed along with him.
“Does that mean, you’re going to tell me how you know about Obi-wan’s charms?” Asked Echo
“You’re never going to leave that alone, are you?” Hunter and Tech got up and headed for the cockpit, Omega headed for her room, Fives and Wrecker headed for the bunk room, leaving Echo and I alone.
“Why won’t you just tell me?”
“Why do I need to tell you about something that is so trifling, and doesn’t matter in our current predicament?”
“Because I need to know”
“You don’t need to know, what you want to know is if I personally experienced his charms, isn’t that true?”
“I … how … that’s …” Echo rubbed the back of his neck after his failure to start his sentence, “that’s not what I want to know.”
“Then why do you keep asking that question”
“I just didn’t think that Jedis, you know”
I just looked at him, “Echo, I married you.  I was learning to become a Jedi, remember?”
“Yeah, but I just didn’t think you were with anyone before me, I thought we had that in common”, that’s what he wanted to know! Man, why was he beating around the bush?
“Echo, my love” I kneeled before, cradling his face with one hand, holding his right hand with my left, “I love you.  Obi-wan is just a horrible flirt.  I was never interested in him.  I wasn’t interested in anyone other than you.  You have been and always will be the love of my life.  No one can compare to you.  They can’t hold a candle to your bravery, your courage, your kindness, your sweetness, the way you care for me, the way you look after your brothers, the way you look after Omega.  You are the best man I have ever known.  No one will ever change my opinion about that.  I love you and only you, and I have never been with anyone other than you.”
Echo looked into my eyes, leaned forward and kissed me, with all the passion he could muster.  “I really wish we had our own room, and our own ship, right now.”
I laughed out loud, “well let’s get to a safe haven where we can pick up another ship, and you and I take an hour for ourselves.”
“I think maybe four hours is needed”
“Ha, if only we had that kind of time my love, an hour and a half?”
“Done, but then we have to get this plan under way as soon as we land.”
“I know”, I pressed my forehead against his, soaking in his scent; Master Yoda was right, I would have to prepare myself for the eventuality of losing him for real, one day.  When I had thought I had lost him the first time, it nearly destroyed me, and it was because I wasn’t able to have a future with him.  Wasn’t able to live freely with him.  Now, I could.  If I were to lose him tomorrow, I can be comforted in knowing that I had married, and had been able to love him without reservation.  I would have no regrets with how I loved him.
“I love you, Echo”
“I love you, Phoenix”
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rebrandedbard · 3 years
A little drabble exchange for @theamazingbard that accidentally became more of a ficlet. Threw in a little hispanic nursery rhyme since I don’t know if we have them in english for making pain go away. I tried googling but it was unhelpful. 
TW: Descriptions of blood, drinking it, gross stuff like that. Canon-typical wounds. References to drinking and inebriation.
WC: 2617
Lips Black as the Rose
Featuring highervampire!Jaskier as he tries to figure himself out after being turned. A bit of spice in there. Am I picking and choosing parts of the lore as I see fit? Yes. Is it very sexy of me to do so? One hundred percent. Will I beta this before posting? Oh absolutely not, you know the drill. ‘No beta, we die like men and get our shit wrecked in the comments’ is my go-to Ao3 tag for a reason.
Under no circumstances would Jaskier ever cause harm to another living thing, but the world did not reciprocate that exact philosophy. He’d been chased and held at the business end of many a sword, dagger, lance, and—on several unfortunately memorable occasions—a startling variety of available flatware. Things were rougher after meeting Geralt and having his usual human pursuers overshadowed by the threat of monsters.
Where once a spoon in the hands of a rabid duke would seem a most threatening opponent, Jaskier now found himself on the run from a more literal array of rabid beasts, and he could quote the running speeds the prove that having an extra pair of legs did indeed give certain monsters a leg up, so to speak, on the competition. But then, having no legs at all could prove a better advantage, and such creatures as those often had the additional advantage of long, venomous teeth.
Suffice to say, it was a difficult thing to be a lover in a world of fighters. Particularly when one falls into the company of another presumed lover, only to discover that their invitation to dinner was, in truth, an invitation to be dinner.
A vampire. Young, wine drunk, and foolish, Jaskier allowed himself to be led into the vampire’s den. It had been many years ago, he no longer remembered the details. He only remembered a sharp pain on his shoulder, followed by a woozy numbness, and he awoke in a strange bed, in an inn he did not check into, with his reflection missing from the mirror. He’d run away from home shortly after, fearing a bloodlust that was never to come.
It was a strange thing, being a vampire. After months of research, Jaskier came to no conclusions as to what it meant to be one exactly. He experimented with the content of old myths, touching silver very cautiously, taking delicate bites of foods prepared with garlic. He could cross a river just as well as any man. All in all, there was not much wrong with him, and he wondered what all the fuss was about. Well, there was a bit of fuss in that he could no longer be sure of his appearance, and he’d become more vain than ever, relying on the opinions of others to assure him that he looked presentable. This was a particular bother where Geralt was concerned, for he rarely paid compliments—if ever—and was not inclined to offer opinions concerning such trifling things as fashion or appearances.
Jaskier felt sure that Geralt would have noticed right away, but when their paths crossed again, Geralt seemed entirely ignorant of Jaskier’s dramatic change in biology. Running his tongue over his teeth, he could find no fangs. People complimented him on his eyes, still cooing over how bright and blue they were; and he’d been so afraid they’d turned a ghastly red as in the stories. From what he could tell, he appeared human. He had no violent urges to drain the blood from red-cheeked virgins, nor had he transformed into a bat and flown into the night. Sunlight only burned his skin as much as it had before, though it might have been harder on his eyes. He found himself squinting more in the afternoon, and it was unpleasant hot at times.
All in all, he was relatively normal.
“Such beauty ought to be preserved evermore.” That was what the vampire had told him that night. A great favor, immortality, but he wished he might have been offered a list of instructions to go with it. Figuring things out on his own was exasperating. And though he was not quite compelled to drink blood, there were times when he was … drawn. By curiosity.
When Geralt returned from a hunt, his flesh torn and body bleeding, Jaskier found it challenging to tend his wounds. Many times, he’d almost given into temptation. It did not help that he’d wanted to know the taste of Geralt’s skin long before the transformation. Now, there was an intoxicating layer to the fantasy, and the smell of Geralt’s blood made him hazy, like the bouquet of a strong wine. Or more realistically, the cloud of bitter vodka. If it had been a particularly nasty fight, Jaskier was sure he could taste Geralt’s blood by the smell alone, so powerful it made his nose wrinkle. He could get drunk on the fumes, and it was not always so pleasant.
He never dared try. There were too many things to consider. For a start, there was no telling what the blood of a witcher would do to him—and that was before factoring potions into the equation. Having never fed of blood, Jaskier did not know how his instincts would react, and he was sure he had some animal instinct to him now. He might drain Geralt dry in a matter of minutes, or the taste of blood might make him go insane and start tearing at his surroundings like a mad beast! Or, simplest and frightening of all, Geralt might kill him. So Jaskier kept his secret, never giving in to his curiosity.
But one day, he’d slipped.
“Fuck,” Geralt grunted. He clenched his hand and a sharp smell pervaded the air. In sharpening his sword, his hand had slipped. He’d cut the meat of his palm, just above his wrist.
Jaskier was up at once, Geralt’s bag in hand, ready to wrap the wound. He was very quick these days in getting things bundled up as soon as possible. Once the wounds were wrapped, the smell was not as pronounced. He fished out a strip of cloth and had it round Geralt’s hand in a matter of moments, working efficiently with good practice.
Geralt smiled ruefully. “A clean wound, at least. Should stitch itself up by morning.” He chuckled and inspected the wound, his eyes flicking over to Jaskier. “Haven’t done that since I was a child sharpening my first dagger,” he said.
“Did you cut yourself often in training?” Jaskier asked.
“No, not so often. We didn’t waste wrappings on such small scrapes either.”
There was a distracting shadow of red seeping through the cloth. Jaskier scoffed. “So you let it bleed into the open air, did you?”
“We were less inclined to coddle than humans.”
“Coddle?” Jaskier said, raising an offended hand to his chest. “My dear, a dressing is hardly evidence of coddling. If I wished to coddle you, I’d kiss it better and sing a little chant.”
Geralt presented his hand to Jaskier, smirking humorously. “Then do it. I’ve never heard of humans having such power as to kiss wounds better. Would save me a lot of trouble.”
“Erm … ” Jaskier flushed, considering the proffered wound. He nearly made a joke about lacking such power, being no longer human, but he bit it back. To cover his hesitation, he took Geralt’s hand and gently sang the rhyme his nurse used to calm him after a scraped elbow or knee. His tongue rolled musically as he rubbed the dressing carefully. “Sana sana colita de rana, si no sanas hoy, sanarás mañana.” Then he bent his head down to kiss the place.
“I don’t see what frogs’ tails have to do with my hand,” Geralt joked.
But Jaskier did not hear him. Instead, he felt oddly fixed in place, a metallic tang on the tip of his tongue. He opened his mouth slightly, closed it, and licked at his bottom lip to chase the memory of the taste. As he did, his tongue scraped the end of a long, pointed tooth. He stumbled back unsteadily, muttered his excuses, and fled to the safety of his bedroll across camp. There he sat, writing nonsense in his notebook as though struck by sudden inspiration.
He’d tasted Geralt’s blood. And now he wanted more.
The next few hunts were blessedly without injury. Jaskier found he was able to breathe again. It twisted his gut whenever Geralt went off to fulfill a contract, and his conscience was at odds with this new obsession. He wanted Geralt to come back whole and unharmed. But he wanted some cut, some smallest scrape upon which to lathe his tongue. When he thought of it, he felt a stirring in his gums, and touching the place, he found the fangs had grown in again. It took concentration to hide them again. He took to smiling with his mouth closed after the first incident, and he developed a habit of biting his lips.
When they came to a larger town, Jaskier went straight to the butcher. To quell his growing need, he bought fresh meat, sneaking a sip from the blood dish beneath the draining sheep’s carcass while the butcher’s back was turned. It had the strangest effect on him. Within minutes of leaving the butcher’s shop, he felt light-headed. He felt drunk, in short, and he wobbled his way to the inn, a giggle in his throat.
For dinner, he asked the potmaid to send the loin to the cook and surprised Geralt with it: a small treat to celebrate his recent hunting success. In truth, he wanted nothing to do with it, festering in the shame of his lie. The loin had merely been an excuse: something to keep the butcher busy while he drank his curiosity like some writhing leech dredged up from the water.
It made him drunk. He made note of it in his book and swore that would be the end of things. This odd affair made it easy to forget, his stomach turning in guilt and disgust at the thought of repeating the act. He was fine and healthy without blood, therefore there was no need to partake. He could go the rest of his life perfectly happy never drinking another drop. Until the day it fell from Geralt’s lip.
Jaskier stared at it from across the room. Geralt had just returned from a fight, his eyes and blood black with potion. His armour was scratched up, covered in foulness from monsters unknown, but he was alive and whole, hardly bruised. Jaskier tried to focus on the smell of the guts dripping from his armour. It was still as disgusting as ever, even with vampiric senses to influence his opinion. The wretched blood was still unappetizing. But above it, he smelled a strange scent: sweet, a touch of iron. And there, shining on Geralt’s lip, the wet glisten of blood.
He swallowed hard as Geralt wiped the cut on the back of his hand. The blood smudged along his chin, all the more enticing. His knuckles turned white on the sheet of his bed as he held himself in place. Ordinarily, he would be up on his feet to help coax Geralt out of his armour by now, but he did not trust himself to be so close.
Geralt shed his shoulder pads, looking at Jaskier from the corner of his eye. “It’s a bit slippery,” he said. He inclined his head, beckoning Jaskier over. That was their way. They did not ask things from one another. It was simple routine, and the brief lapse was something awkward to acknowledge.
What excuses could he provide? Jaskier stood on trembling legs and made his way, biting his own lip to hide the fangs he felt beginning to grow. His fingers were clumsy as he fumbled with the clasps, far too close to Geralt’s face. His breath caught, watching a bead of dark blood roll down his lip, over his chin. His lip was stained black.
Geralt had always had nice lips, Jaskier felt. He was always reminded torturously of this fact when he helped Geralt out of his armour. How could one undress such a man without indulging in the fantasy of what came after, even a little? But oh, it was a dangerous line of thought. Now he was bewitched by his senses, his focus single-mindedly drawn to that point on Geralt’s lip. To kiss him now, to lick the blood from his lip—it would be divine. He felt his heart beat faster at the prospect, his hands stalling to unbuckle Geralt’s breastplate as he stared. Just one taste. One kiss was all he wanted.
A hand pressed against his chest, stopping him short. Jaskier startled out of his unconscious reverie and looked at Geralt in horror. He hadn’t—! Had he? His attention flicked between Geralt’s eyes and his lip, and to his relief, the blood remained untouched.
“Not just now,” Geralt said, voice rumbling in his chest. “The potions might paralyze you—at least for a day. Anything lesser would die from a drink of it. It turns my blood to poison.”
Jaskier blinked, edging back. “I … don’t understand your meaning,” he feigned.
Geralt followed him, stepping forward. He raised a hand, caressing Jaskier’s cheek gently. “I know,” he said. “You’re not the best at keeping secrets. I noticed some time ago you stopped aging, and there’s no shadow at your feet, even on the brightest afternoon.”
He swiped his thumb over Jaskier’s bottom lip. Jaskier gasped, his lips parting, and Geralt pushed in. Then, his thumb was pushing Jaskier’s top lip away, revealing a glistening fang. He nodded, satisfied, and stepped back once more.
“You’re a vampire,” Geralt said. “And not a common one either. My medallion doesn’t react to you at all.” He chuckled and added, “As if you could be common by any measure.”
Jaskier turned away, picking up one of Geralt’s shoulder pads. He clutched it to his chest, whether for protection or for comfort he could not say. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I was afraid to tell you … afraid what you might say. What you … might do.”
A warm hand smoothed down his arm comfortingly. There was a teasing quality to Geralt’s voice when he spoke. A hand wrapped around Jaskier’s waist, making him nearly jump in surprise.
“In regards to what: the knowledge that you’re a vampire, or the knowledge that you want to kiss me?” Geralt asked, words hot against Jaskier’s neck.
Jaskier shivered, the adrenaline of his fear quickly turning to something sweeter. “Both,” he sighed. He closed his eyes, trying to focus, to understand Geralt’s intent.
“You cannot drink of me tonight,” Geralt whispered, “but I can satisfy that other hunger, if you only have the discipline to keep your teeth to yourself.”
“What are you saying, Geralt?” The way Geralt’s hand slipped lower and lower down his front, Jaskier thought he knew. Even so …
Geralt chuckled, nose pressing to the back of Jaskier’s neck. “I’m saying I’m tired of the way you look at me like a man starving and refuse to do something about it. It’s gotten worse. It was bad enough before, waiting for you to make your move, but since your turning, it’s insufferable. I feel like the centerpiece of a banquet, waiting to be devoured.”
“You said I couldn’t kiss you,” Jaskier said, breath coming up short as he felt himself pressed back against a firm chest, a second hand coming up to tug at the edge of his chemise. “I have no discipline whatsoever. And you know that.”
“Well then.”
Jaskier dropped the plate of armour as he was pushed backward. He fell, his knees caught by the edge of the bed. Arms caged him on either side, and above him. Geralt smiled, a drop of blood falling onto the sheets below. He pressed his thumb to Jaskier’s mouth once more, something ravenous in his eyes.
“Well then,” he repeated. “Looks like I’ll have to devour you instead.”
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youngclaire · 3 years
One Last Final Goodbye
I rewrote sending Claire back through the stones at the end of book 2 but from Jamie's POV. I thought it would be a nice way to ease myself into writing these two. This is very book compliant, I actually bad the book open next to me whilst I wrote this in order to translate it from Claire's POV to Jamie's and it was a lot of fun. It's not a copy of the fuller chapter, it's been shortened down in places but the essence is there. I've also removed bits and pieces. Uhh yeah...all dialogue in this belongs to Diana and the book I'm just responsible for remixing the words. Anyway, I hope whoever bothers to read this likes it :)
(This is also my first fic in this fandom with these two so don't expect it to be perfect, it probably isn't)
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He wouldn’t stop for anything; not food, water, or rest. He keeps the horse at a constant gallop at all times, scared that if he paused or hesitated for even a moment he would lose all courage and go neither back or forward.
I shall see my wife safe, is a mantra that keeps him riding. If he is to die tonight or on the battlefield tomorrow, he would not take her down with him; not her or the innocent being she carries inside her.
The stones come into view just above him. A cursed salvation of granite and Jamie tries not to see them, his gaze fixated forward. Behind him, Claire lets her displeasure be known, protesting against the idea. Jamie steels himself against them, clenches his jaw and gallops harder, fighting the urge to give in. This was the only way to see her safe and unharmed, he tells himself.
She protests still, even while he urges her up to the ruined cottage. She doesn’t realise he has no intention of parting with her right now, he just wants time to breathe, to think, to let the panic and worry abate. He sinks to the ground, his body cold and his mind racing.
“It’s alright,” he thinks he hear himself say. “We have a bit of time now; no one will find us here.” He shivers, though from the cold, and wraps his plaid around him.
God, he could still see it; Dougal’s lifeless eyes, the blood pooling out of him, the shock on Willie Coulter’s face. How long before everyone knew? How long before everyone found out he had committed familicide?
Jamie’s head falls forward onto his knees, a tiredness washing over him, fatigue clutching at his bones and eyelids. Tired as he was he could not sleep for fear of the images in his mind’s eye.
His breath comes out in ragged pants and he can barely stand the sound of it. He feels Claire’s warmth and presence beside him, uses it as something to anchor himself to.
What happened in that room and who knows wasn’t the priority, while Claire had yet to explicitly say so Jamie’s fate waited for him on Culloden Moor. Tomorrow he will die and all this will cease to matter. Claire will be safe.
His breathing eases back into its natural rhythm, the panic wilting away from the edges. He’ll take hold of Death’s hand, gladly accept his destiny knowing he did one thing right at last.
“I won’t go, Jamie,” she says, as if she’s read his thoughts. “I’m staying with you.”
Jamie shakes his head. She couldn’t persuade him, he couldn’t change his mind. He needed to do this.
“No,” he says. The firmness bites at him, makes him wince. He hopes she can hear the gentleness that lies beneath it. “I must go back, Claire.”
“You can’t,” she cries. “Jamie, they will have found Dougal by now! Willie Coulter will have told someone.”
Aye, that was a fact he had resigned himself to, a fact she must resign herself too as well. He grieved for Dougal, for the second father he had, but Jamie had done what he’d done- he would take whatever consequence waited for him behind that door. She talks of fleeing to France but it’s no use, he’s chosen his fate, set his heart and mind to it, accepted it. A traitor twice over, a rebel, a murderer…The English will hunt Prince Charles. The English and the clans will hunt Jamie. He was dead either way.
“Claire, I am a dead man.”
He watches the tears freeze on her cheeks. “No,” she says but the effect is lost, she knows he speaks the truth.
“I wouldna get very far anyway.” On its own accord, his hand runs through his red hair that makes him a beacon at all times. Not exactly inconspicuous. “I can save you, Claire,” With his other hand he brushes away the tears that continue to fall. “and I will. That is the most important thing.”
Then he will go back. If he finds he cannot do it for himself then he will find it in him to do so for his men.
“I think I can get them away,” he says thinking the plan through. “Even if it’s known what I’ve done, none will stop me wi’ the English in sight and the battle about to begin.” The plan visualises in his mind and he nods to himself. “I will bring them safely away and set them on the road toward Lallybroch.”
“And then?”
Well…wasn’t that obvious?
“And then I will turn back to Culloden.”
He lets out a breath, strong and final as his decision. He catches Claire’s worried look and gives her a smile.
“I’m no afraid to die, Sassenach,” he says, but then he thinks of that door, black and foreboding, the unknown behind it. “Well…not a lot, anyway.”
He hears a sound a human being should never be able to make as arms fling around him. He finds himself surrounded by Claire, caught in her tight embrace as the scent of her overwhelms him. He clutches her back, trying with all his might not to succumb and cry.
“It’s all right, Sassenach,” he says into her hair as she cries once more. “A musket ball. Maybe a blade. It will be over quickly.” A lie, they both know it, but Jamie will them both to believe it. He’s seen men die in battle, knows how horrifically slow it can be but it was better than waiting for the hangman’s noose, that would be the one thing that does not lie behind that door.
“I’m going with you.”
Lost in thought he barely registers it but when he does he reels at the notion, startling backwards.
“The hell you are!” He has a plan, damnit, and not even Claire will deter him from it.
She displays her argument but he will not listen to it, will not give it thought.
“No!” he says. “No, Claire!”
How could she suggest such a thing, knowing what they both knew? How could she be so selfish?
“If you’re not afraid, I’m not either. It will…be over quickly. You said so.”
You said so. What he said was a lie, did she not see that? A lie to comfort them both.
“Jamie- I won’t…I can’t…I bloody won’t live without you, that’s all!”
He had a thousand things to say and none at all. His mouth opens and closes before he shakes his head. Through the gaps in the ceiling he can see daylight dwindling, night approaching. The sky is painted red. Blood of a battlefield, blood of childbirth.
He reaches toward her, pulling her close. He knows where this fight comes from, if the tables were turned he would say the same thing, knows because he feels it too.
“D’ye think I don’t know?” His voice is soft, a whisper. “It’s me that has the easy part now. For if ye feel for me as I do for you- then I am asking you to tear your heart out and live without it.”
She lets out a whimper, clutching him closer. He fingers stroke her hair, whispering soft coos towards her.
“But you must do it,” he finally says, feeling his stomach twist and turn. “Ye must.”
“Why?” She is angry, considerably so. Confused and hurting. “When you took me from the witch trial at Cranesmuir- you said then you would have died with me, you would have gone to the stake with me had it come to that!”
He had said all that, and to this day, it remains true. He’d have rather died than to be parted with her.
“Aye, I would,” he says. “But I wasna carrying your child.”
The reason he is allowing them to part.
She is surprised, shocked, frozen in place as she looks up at him in bewilderment.
“You can’t tell,” she says at last, shaking her head. “It’s much too early.”
It makes him smile, brings amusement to him.
“You havena been a day late in your courses, in all the time since ye first book me to your bed. Ye havena bled now in forty-six days.”
She hurls insults at him, shocked he even managed to keep track of such a thing during a war but he had for hope they would have a second chance at raising a child and for fear that it would end like this.
“It doesn’t mean anything,” she tells him, rattling off reasons for why she might not have bled. It’s no use, she forgets he’s seen her so before, studied all the tell-tale signs of her body changing, committed them to memory.
“Claire…” His voice is quiet, not sounding like him. “Tomorrow I will die. This child…is all that will be left of me- ever.” He reaches for her hands, needing some part of her to hold. He casts his gaze to their joined hands, running his thumb over her fingers. “Claire, I beg you, see it safe.”
He keeps his eyes downcast while he waits for her answer, scared she’ll say yes, scared she’ll say no. The silence feels long and he shuts his eyes against the twisting of his stomach.
Finally her answer comes.
“Yes.” A whisper in the darkening cottage. “Yes. I’ll go.”
He nods, swallowing back the lump in his throat, hearing the sound of a flower stem snap.
After telling her to sleep, she doesn’t sleep himself. Time seemed wasted on that and they didn’t have much of it left anymore. In a few hours he will take her to the fairy hill and part with her forever.
He wanted to rage at the unfairness of it all. To brandish his sword and yell and scream and cry but he knew there was no point to it. He knew that what he had been handed was more than fair, that not many men live the life he’s led and are allowed to be rewarded in such a way.
Lord, ye gave me a rare woman, he had said to her, quoting what he would say to God when he met him. God! I loved her well. He had, he could really say that. He took this woman, in all her unbated strangeness, into his broken hands and within her found company and peace, a place to call home.
She loved me well, too, he adds, watching her sleep for the last time. Content and safe, here in his arms and their fortress of cloth. He had healed him with her touch and love and perseverance. Picked a broken man off the floor and carried him through towards the light at the end of the tunnel no matter the setbacks. She really was a rare woman, his sassenach.
He wraps his arms tighter around her, murmurs a quick thank you in Gaelic to God and to the fairies for dropping her into his life.
Pressed against her, safe in their fortress of clothes, her skin warming his bones, his eyelids grow heavy and he succumbs to sleep as the first inklings of tomorrow break across the sky.
She was gone.
Disappeared in the same manner in which she had appeared. Gone through the stones and back to Frank.
Jamie presses his hand against the stone. The hard granite presses back on his wound, her mark, the letter C, reminding him it was real, she was real.
Her arisaid lies on the grass, forgotten in their haste to love each other one last time. Jamie picks it up, bringing it to his nose, inhaling her scent still lingering on the tartan. Tears fall on their own accord as he prays she made it back, prays that she and the bairn are safe.
A cannon in the distance booms, startling the birds and startling him. It’s beginning.
He is hesitant to move, to leave the place of their last coupling, his last connections to her.
Yet destiny waits for him on Culloden Moor, along with his men. He pictures the thirty men waiting for their laird.
There is nothing he can do for Claire now but there is something he can do for his men.
He kisses the inside of his fingers, presses it to the stone and bids his soulmate one last final goodbye.
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Ahsbejsnfjr Mia!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!
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I'm so Happy for you :)))) 💛💛💛😁😁😁😀😀😀🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
Anyways can I get Sirius and Lily brotp please......💛💛💛
You can't tell me she wasn't bestie with Sirius before James. They are so amazing!!!!!!
@secretsongdeer thank you!!!  to celebrate a very exciting/big reader milestone of We Can Be Heroes on fanfic.net (I still can’t get over it, I much prefer ao3 but anyway!), I asked for prompts and so... Okay so this got out of control and ended up being more that just Blackevans brotp but I hope you like it...
   Prongs, what did you do?
 “I hate men!” Lily said, flinging her bag onto the floor of the Gryffindor common room and throwing herself onto the sofa.
Sirius Black, who was already seated on said sofa and had been pretending to read when she came in, looked up briefly, raising his left eyebrow.
“What?” said Lily.
“I am a man, Evans,” he said.
“And?” Lily said, sending him a petulant scowl.
“Oh, it’s like that, is it?” Sirius said, trying not to smile as he went back to pretending to read said book.
“Very like that,” she said, sliding down the sofa and crossing her arms in front of her chest.
“Any particular chap bothering you today?” he asked lightly.
“I told you, all of them!” Lily said, rolling her eyes at him.
“All of them in particular?” Sirius asked.
“Well... I can’t tell you about one of them,” she said, kicking her foot against the low footstool.
That had to be Snape. Sirius made a mental note to hex the bastard as soon as the opportunity arose.
“I can’t tell you about the other two either,” Lily said, throwing her head back against the cushion and sighing again.
Snape’s friends. The six mini Death-Eaters Snape hung around with could all do with additional hexing, the bigoted bastards. He clenched his jaw.
“And?” he said.
“And your stupid, infuriating friend!” Lily said, looking up at him again and glaring.
Her emerald eyes were utterly beautiful, but most people found them scary as fuck when she was angry.
Sirius Black was not most people. He knew Lily Evans like the back of his hand. This was only a recent and rather startling discovery.
“Ah, Prongs?” he said, failing to keep a straight face. “What’s he done this time?”
“He’s... well, if you must know, it’s more a case of what he hasn’t done!” Lily scowled.
“You’ve lost me there,” Sirius said, putting down his book and turning towards her. “Evans?”
“I’m notoriously impatient.”
“That’s not a virtue, and you need to work on it,” Lily huffed.
“Duly noted,” Sirius grinned. “You’re pretty impatient too, by the way, old thing.”
“So, à propos de rien, what did Prongs do?”
“French doesn’t suit you, Black.”
“I think it does, actually,” Sirius said, flicking his hair and settling back into the couch more comfortably.
Lily glanced up at him briefly.
“Oh fine. I’ll allow that.”
“I’m always right,” Sirius said, with a smug grin.
Lily gave him an exaggerated eye roll.
“Name once!” she snorted.
“I said you fancied Prongs and I was right,” Sirius said, casually biting into the apple he had been holding in his right hand.
Lily’s cheeks infused prettily.
“You’ve literally never said that!” she yelped.
“I did just now, Evans,” Sirius said smoothly. “And I was right.”
Lily opened her mouth to protest and then closed it.
“Kneazle got your tongue, old thing?” Sirius said, grey eyes sparkling.
“Fuck off!” Lily said, jabbing his shin with her foot.
Sirius folded his arms and stared back.
“I can’t believe I’m telling you this!” Lily said, covering her face with her hands and groaning dramatically. “If you tell him, I swear to-“
“My lips are sealed,” Sirius replied, taking another bite of his apple. “Do tell!”
“I’m going to die of-“ Lily said, still hiding behind her hands.
“High stakes. Sounds like Prongs,” said Sirius, taking another bite.
“Listen, you’d have lost it too if you have just worked up the courage to ask Remus out and another person beat you to it at the last minute!” Lily said, flinging herself back against the armrest with force. “Two seconds ahead of me! Two bloody seconds!”
“What?” said Sirius, looking mortified, and pointedly ignoring the reference to one of his best friends.
“James, Prongs, whatever you call the useless, dorky git.”
“He didn’t say yes though, surely?” said Sirius, who still seemed a bit flummoxed.
“Didn’t he?” Lily said, her voice rising. “Desdemona asked him to go to Hogsmeade on a date. He said, and I’m quoting here, thanks very much that’s so kind of you I’d love to go only in his stupid polite voice.”
Sirius winced.
“And?” said Lily, cheeks bright red at this stage. “And then she said oh James, that’s, like, so amazing? I’m going to, like, die of happiness? I can’t wait to, like, tell all my friends, they’re actually, I’m not going to lie, going to scream?” Lily said, putting on a highly convincing version of a snooty pureblood accent. “And then she kissed his cheek and ran off! He stood there, like a deer caught in the headlights! And she’s not horrible or anything, she’s actually quite nice despite her snobby voice, and very attractive to boot, and I’m just being mean and-“
“Fucking hell!” Sirius said, staring at Lily. “What the fuck was he thinking?”
“I know, right?” Lily glared. “Tosser!”
“Blithering idiot!” said Sirius, growling.
“Stupid git!” Lily added.
“Wanker!” said Sirius.
“Gobshite,” Lily said.
“Merlin’s sake, man!” said Sirius.
“Well at least we’re on the same page,” said Lily, shooting Sirius a small smile.
“Blindingly incompetent...” said Sirius.
“Incompetent what?”
“Incompetent flirt? He’s meant to be asking you out?”
“He is?” Said Lily, staring at him in confusion.
“Hand on, when did this happen?”
“A few minutes ago.”
“Merlin, fuck!” Said Sirius, pacing up and down in front of the fireplace. “He’ll come flying in through that door in the next few seconds, Evans, mark my words, so you need to leg it upstairs and let me handle him, alright?”
“Is that wise?” Lily asked, biting her lip.
Sirius stopped pacing and stared at her momentarily.
“Well. I’d say wise would be pushing it,” he said. “but still preferable to your future husband pulling a Prongs.”
Lily raised her right eyebrow.
“Fucking it all up monumentally,” said Sirius, resuming his pacing. “I shall fix this, old girl, leave it to me.”
“What have I done,” groaned Lily as she hurried upstairs.
 The door of the Gryffindor common room flew open and James Potter stormed inside.
“Spot of bother with the fairer sex, Prongs?” Sirius said, lounging against the mantelpiece looking suave and sophisticated.
“Why, Padfoot?” James said, slamming the door so hard that the Fat Lady shrieked in fright. “Why is this happening to me, eh? What the ever-living fuck am I meant to do now, eh?”
“Prongs, care to enlighten me as to why the fuck you said you’d go on a date to Hogsmeade with Desdemona Demelza de Mimsy-Porpington?” said Sirius, his voice hard as steel.
James glared back at him and then threw his arms into the air helplessly.
“I have no idea, Padfoot! Literally no idea what possessed me, okay? I’m disgusted at my absolute barminess! It’s like I can’t be rude to a girl and then I can’t tell her she’s wrong either? I’m a disaster, Padfoot! A walking disaster area!”
“I agree. Your idiocy has risen to stratospheric heights, Prongs,” Sirius said, folding his arms crossly. “! just had Evans in here, in literal tears, all your doing!”
“In tears?” Said James, looking appalled and tuggi8ng at his hair with both his hands.
“Howling,” confirmed Sirius.
“Merlin’s tits!” Said James, turning white. “Do you think I-“
“I think your mother shall hear about this,” said Sirius primly, pursing his mouth shut and shaking his head with a disappointed sigh.
“What!” James shouted, looking horrified. “You are not telling mum, Sirius Black, you traitorous turd! It wasn’t my fault! I didn’t mean to-“
“All you have to do is ask the damned girl out, Prongs, it’s not exactly rock ’n’ science.”
“Rock ’n’ what? Oi! Now listen here, you little shit! I won’t have you chastising me like a bloody two-year-old when you are literally doing the exact same thing when it comes to Moony!”
Sirius’ elbow promptly slipped off the mantelpiece.
“Ouch!” He yelped, digging his elbow into his side. “What the fuck is that meant to mean!”
“Oh don’t you try this palaver on me, Padfoot! I damn well know you’ve had the hots for Moony for at least the last six months, and you’ve done fuck all about it, so don’t get on your high horse and-“
“What?” Sirius croaked, his voice shrill with fear. “I haven’t ever-“
“Oh shut up, Pads! I’ve had to listen to all sorts of Godforsaken moans coming from your bed as you call out Moony’s name. Darling Moony! Remus yes! Moony don’t stop!”
“What?” Sirius is now white as a sheet. “B-but I put up silencing charms every single night?”
“Yeah, about that, you never learnt how to cast a very effective silencing charm, mate. Which was fine, I covered for you, until you started mouthing off this gross stuff about Moony. I sent a remedial charm so don’t worry, Remus didn’t hear you mooning over him. He just thinks you are obsessed with Benjy now.”
Sirius stared at him, momentarily speechless.
“Excuse me?” he croaked. “He what?”
“Yes, well, I may have charmed your voice to say Benjy every time you said the word Moony or Remus,” James said, not looking at all apologetic.
“What? Why? Why would you do that?” said Sirius, looking at James with abject horror.
“Because I was sick of you both! Useless gits!” said James. “You’re both besotted and doing fuck all about it!”
“Fuck all? I’ll have you know, you may not have noticed, but I’ve been flirting my arse off with Moony for MONTHS now Prongs, months! And where has that got me? Nowhere! I don’t think I could be any more bloody obvious!” Sirius said, looking affronted.
“Don’t be ridiculous! You and I may think it’s obnoxiously obvious you fancy him when you send him  origami notes telling him stuff like Can I have your picture so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas? Or even Guess what's on the menu? Me-n-u, but Moony,” said James.
“But Moony what?” said Sirius, looking frazzled. “What the fuck could he possible think that relates to?”
“I bet he thinks you’re joking around, old chap,” said James calmly. “I did at the start.”
“Merlin, what the hell could he possibly think when I said Here I am. What are your other two wishes?” said Sirius.
“It’s Moony we’re talking about, not an ounce of sense in him when it comes to you, Padfoot!”
“He doesn’t like me!” said Sirius, his voice rising. “The time I sent him that note saying Are you French? Because Eiffel for you, do you know what he did? He turned around and told me, and I quote here, You’re a fucking idiot!”
“Merlin’s tits, Sirius!” shouted James, grabbing a hold of Sirius’ shirt collar. “That’s Moony’s way of flirting with you, you imbecile!”
“What?” said Sirius, eyes as wide as saucers.
“You’re blind!” said James heatedly.
“But how the fuck does Moony thinking I fancy the pants off Benjy help me?” Sirius said, grabbing a hold of James’ Quidditch top in turn and shaking him.
The door of the Gryffindor common room burst open once more. Remus Lupin stood there, eyes narrowed, lip curled, fists clenched, looking as though he planned on taking on every single wannabe Death-Eater in Hogwarts at once and could easily beat them. Sirius drew in a short breath, suddenly aware he was standing very close to James.
“Pray continue, don’t let my presence interrupt the snogging session you two had planned there,” Remus said, in a voice so icy that the dripping disdain had solidified.
“This is how it helps,” said James pleasantly, beaming at Sirius proudly.
“Oh fuck,” whispered Sirius. “Prongs, what did you do?”
If you liked it I can finish it??? It’s basically Jily & Wolfstar both oblivious idiots with wingmates Padfoot & Prongs (major Jily & Wolfstar shippers respectively) to the, ahem, (supposed) rescue....
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ricaffeine · 4 years
𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 | 𝐎𝐧𝐞
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an: i'm sad because of hyunji drought and this is helping me cope :( but fr if tvn decides to make hotel blue moon then yeaji needs to be in it!!
also very annoying, i can't reply to comments bc this is a side blog (bruh wtf tumblr, i'm so sad should i make a new one?) reblog if you feel like it and my asks are open if you wanna chat 🖤✨
Weekdays at Seoul's National art gallery were usually the same. Buzzing curators dealing with hot-tempered clients. One thing or another was typically going not right and art directors cried about their wrong coffee order.
Although today was not the usual as to the crowds of bubbly news reporters and dazzled art critiques swarming up the wide place. As to Munyeong on the other hand, she was not pleased to the slightest.
"Just smile at the cameras, don't forget about the paycheck you're getting today." Sangin repeated himself for the fifth time. "Don't cause a scene, just think about the money."
Ah right. The paycheck.
As to The Nightmare Garden was bid off for over ten-million dollars, all of today's fanciness was dedicated to her, nation's celebrated female illustrator. However in all honesty, Munyeong barely liked her so-called masterpiece, but considering the amount of cash it will make her, she could be appreciative for the sake of it.
Behind her oversized sunglasses, Munyeong glared at her pesky manager– if looks could kill, he'd already be eleven feet under his grave. Sangin shut his mouth.
"Let's just get this over with," she simply responded, hooking off her eyewear then strutted into the hall with her long legs. Eyes whipped at her and cameras started to flash intensely, almost blinding her and Munyeong wondered how much those little pests could afford her if they got her blind.
And so the event played on. More pictures were taken– as if they hadn't blind her enough cheerful compliments flowed along with the spring breeze. The insincere joker smile she mastered whilst she met her million-dollar client– according to Sangin a hotel owner, though the woman did not have the looks for it– and the glass of filthy wine she almost had a chance to taste if Sangin's sixth sense was not so creepily fast.
Another dreadful two hours later as the dusk had set, hitting the edges with its golden flare, everyone had left. They got their articles and Munyeong will certainly be getting her pools of cash.
To her displease Sangin had informed her to wait as he had to take care of some paperworks she doubted he went to bribe the press into censoring her quoted inappropriate words. 
Nevertheless it was not her bother. She gave his plead a second before storming off to the complimentary section of the building.
Luck on her side, for nobody was there and she was able to grab one of the wine bottles with her– as for a fact it definitely was not stealing.
"Don't be shy, I know you want it."
Munyeong stopped within her steps as soon as an obnoxiously familiar voice echoed from the gallery she previously was in. Curiosity taking the lead, she peaked through the corner and had to muffle her own snort. Stood there, nation's art historian with the sharpest tongue– Choi Seojin.
She finds it hard to believe that his articles are highly known around, or even relevant, when his mouth is full of complete shit. However not disregarding the nastiest tea yet– a frightened girl seized under him. Her hands were locked, frightened eyes grew larger as the man spewed out nasty things.
Instantly, she took out her phone to film the disgraceful scene. Munyeong grinned to herself, reminiscing the rage she felt last time when he mentioned about her mother, and how her irritating manager had interrupted her before she could've sent him down the stairs to Satan.
The man reared into the poor girl's cheek when she attempted to fight him off, and Munyeong's smile dropped.
That piece of shit.
Munyeong entered the room, arms crossed, head high. Her wedge heels clicked against the hardwood as she let out an unamused wow.
Mad dog– what she personally thinks he should be called– 's head whipped at her with wide eyes. Like a child getting caught of lying.
"Oh my. Your hobbies are quite interesting Mr. Choi. Talking shit and sexual harassment?" Munyeong spat. "The girl looks like she'd rather kill herself, why are you even trying?"
As if he thought he could get away with what he just did, mad dog released his foul grip on the girl. Munyeong clicked her tongue and tauntingly held out her phone.
"Oh no, don't bother pretending. Judging by the looks, that won't even favor you at this point." She spared a glance at the quivering girl. "Why are you waiting? Go."
Shakingly and with thankful eyes she nodded and left, her footsteps filling void of silence before it coated the air again.
Mad dog snickered, as if there was something to laugh about. "Don't mess with me Ms. Ko. You know me, I won't die alone."
"Certainly I'll drag you and Mr. Lee down with me. Why do you think they call me the suicide bomb?"
Munyeong walked towards him and spreaded a smile, though even dogs could tell you shouldn't push her further. "You mean the bastard you can't fall down without dragging everyone else with him? Why?"
"I can destroy your career with the tip of my pen, I'm sure you know." He gave her a look, panning out his hand. "Now if you hand me your phone, I think we can compromise something."
Munyeong unraveled her arms, eyes hardening at his next sentence. "You think so?"
"Nation's beloved artist turned out to have antisocial personality disorder. What do you think will happen when people find out?" Mad dog sneered. "Her mother who mysteriously commited suicide–"
"Shut up." She warned. His words lit up the flame from their last encounter, adding fuel to her burning fire. Her head pounded, hard. For a moment she had hoped that if he proceeded as she said, then things would not have to get ugly.
"And her father? Spending his last days in the psychiatric hospital."
But men never listen, do they?
Munyeong tightened the hand around her bottle and striked it at him with full force. The bottom part crashed the wall behind him– just above the hung painting- glass shattered as rich burgundy stained its way down, smearing all over. Its taste fused with the air and Munyeong glowered at the creature who dodged her flawless aim.
"You crazy bitch!" He yelled, scrambled on the floor. But Mad dog was quick to lunge at her, they both hit the ground, stumbling as her open purse had been knocked away– and Munyeong's eyes landed on something very specific.
She was quicker, getting on her feet and spared the bastard a strong kick in the groin, leaving him groaning as she reached for her pen.
Her favorite calligraphy pen– its lining was stunning, coated in shiny teal with hints of gold, but most importantly, the dangerously sharp tip. The way it writes like reaping out blood from your hand– hence why it is a favorite.
She hawled back over and he screamed at her, though she didn't hear him. Her head was light as she felt blood rushed through her veins. Munyeong raised her arm and struck it back down.
Both of them froze. No, not her and mad dog, but him.
Deafening silence had lied between the walls and there they stood, eyes pierced into another's souls. Hers burned like fire, but his were dignified like the deep ocean.
Droplets of blood trickled down his forearm and splattered the floor, staining the rolled up sleeves of his crisp white shirt. What a waste.
"Let go. You can't kill him." The man– still with a bloody pen graved in his palm said.
Munyeong couldn't help but scoff, especially after that fucking bastard had just strangled her. "Don't be dramatic. I was just going to give him a few scratches."
Well maybe that's not entirely true.
Rough scrambling erupted underneath them, but when Munyeong turned to look, the mad dog had just ran off, like a lost puppy. Angrily she bit her lip, close to drawing blood until she felt the man draw his own hand back.
She watched as he did. The way he carefully slid her pen into his jacket and brought out a black silk handkerchief. Very rarely, she'd be astonished by something, and now it's him. Though she found it quite difficult to understand him– since when do you interrupt another's stabbing session by screwing up your own hand instead, and also the audacity to tell her she could not stab somebody?
So lost in her thoughts it took her a few seconds to realize her pulse was not pounding anymore.
"Did anyone not tell you that it is basic etiquette to not pry into someone else's business?" Munyeong said– seized the napkin from him, and began to tie a knot. She shot him a glance.
No reply. The man simply stared at her.
"Hmm?" She raised a brow, amused at his slight flinch when she tugged a little harder.
"Don't stress it too much, my manager will take care of our little incident." Munyeong chuckled as he proceeded to ignore her. "Do you know what? There are a lot of people in this world who deserve to die. And some very thoughtful freaks secretly take care of that, so clueless humans can sleep peacefully at night, completely unaware. Which one do you think I am?"
She dropped his hand, anticipating for his answer. Flares of light shined through the blinds, sharpening at his strong features and she noted his small– yet devilish smile.
"A clueless freak."
He finally responded, leaning towards her. His eyes traced her face, gazing down at her lips for a second too long, before their eyes were locked once again. "And of course you will have to pay, but at what price?"
taglist -> i could not tag some of ya'll :( @anotherdush @callmeashipper @ourcoffeeaddictme @nothingcreativeyet @pancat @hotstuff-benswolo @lookingatthesunset @evielovesfood @waywarm @gloster @hello-79 @ailander
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rileymarie · 3 years
Fahrenheit 451 Quotes
“Let you alone! That's all very well, but how can I leave myself alone? We need not to be let alone. We need to be really bothered once in a while. How long is it since you were really bothered? About something important, about something real?” And then he shut up, for he remembered last week and the two white stones staring up at the ceiling and the pump-snake with the probing eye and the two soap-faced men with the cigarettes moving in their mouths when they talked. But that was another Mildred, that was a Mildred so deep inside this one, and so bothered, really bothered, that the two women had never met. He turned away.
Once, books appealed to a few people, here, there, everywhere. They could afford to be different. The world was roomy. But then the world got full of eyes and elbows and mouths. Double, triple, quadruple population. Films and radios, magazines, books levelled down to a sort of paste pudding norm, do you follow me?”
Do you see? Out of the nursery into the college and back to the nursery; there's your intellectual pattern for the past five centuries or more.
Politics? One column, two sentences, a headline! Then, in mid-air, all vanishes! Whirl man's mind around about so fast under the pumping hands of publishers, exploiters, broadcasters, that the centrifuge flings off all unnecessary, time-wasting thought!”
School is shortened, discipline relaxed, philosophies, histories, languages dropped, English and spelling gradually neglected, finally almost completely ignored. Life is immediate, the job counts, pleasure lies all about after work. Why learn anything save pressing buttons, pulling switches, fitting nuts and bolts?”
More cartoons in books. More pictures. The mind drinks less and less. Impatience.
Surely you remember the boy in your own school class who was exceptionally 'bright,' did most of the reciting and answering while the others sat like so many leaden idols, hating him. And wasn't it this bright boy you selected for beatings and tortures after hours? Of course it was. We must all be alike. Not everyone born free and equal, as the Constitution says, but everyone made equal.
Coloured people don't like Little Black Sambo. Burn it. White people don't feel good about Uncle Tom's Cabin. Burn it. Someone's written a book on tobacco and cancer of the lungs? The cigarette people are weeping? Burn the book. Serenity, Montag. Peace, Montag. Take your fight outside. Better yet, into the incinerator.
You can't rid yourselves of all the odd ducks in just a few years. The home environment can undo a lot you try to do at school. That's why we've lowered the kindergarten age year after year until now we're almost snatching them from the cradle.
If you don't want a man unhappy politically, don't give him two sides to a question to worry him; give him one. Better yet, give him none. Let him forget there is such a thing as war. If the Government is inefficient, top-heavy, and tax-mad, better it be all those than that people worry over it.
Cram them full of non-combustible data, chock them so damned full of 'facts' they feel stuffed, but absolutely 'brilliant' with information. Then they'll feel they're thinking, they'll get a sense of motion without moving. And they'll be happy, because facts of that sort don't change. Don't give them any slippery stuff like philosophy or sociology to tie things up with. That way lies melancholy. Any man who can take a TV wall apart and put it back together again, and most men can nowadays, is happier than any man who tries to slide-rule, measure, and equate the universe, which just won't be measured or equated without making man feel bestial and lonely.
And the second?” “Leisure.” “Oh, but we've plenty of off-hours.” “Off-hours, yes. But time to think? If you're not driving a hundred miles an hour, at a clip where you can't think of anything else but the danger, then you're playing some game or sitting in some room where you can't argue with the fourwall televisor. Why? The televisor is 'real.' It is immediate, it has dimension. It tells you what to think and blasts it in. It must be, right. It seems so right. It rushes you on so quickly to its own conclusions your mind hasn't time to protest, 'What nonsense!'”
“Jesus God,” said Montag. “Every hour so many damn things in the sky! How in hell did those bombers get up there every single second of our lives! Why doesn't someone want to talk about it? We've started and won two atomic wars since 1960. Is it because we're having so much fun at home we've forgotten the world? Is it because we're so rich and the rest of the world's so poor and we just don't care if they are? I've heard rumours; the world is starving, but we're well-fed. Is it true, the world works hard and we play? Is that why we're hated so much?
Lord, how they've changed it — in our 'parlours' these days. Christ is one of the 'family' now. I often wonder it God recognizes His own son the way we've dressed him up, or is it dressed him down? He's a regular peppermint stick now, all sugar-crystal and saccharine when he isn't making veiled references to certain commercial products that every worshipper absolutely needs.”
The same infinite detail and awareness could be projected through the radios and televisors, but are not. No, no, it's not books at all you're looking for! Take it where you can find it, in old phonograph records, old motion pictures, and in old friends; look for it in nature and look for it in yourself. Books were only one type of receptacle where we stored a lot of things we were afraid we might forget. There is nothing magical in them at all. The magic is only in what books say, how they stitched the patches of the universe together into one garment for us.
"Number one: Do you know why books such as this are so important? Because they have quality. And what does the word quality mean? To me it means texture. This book has pores. It has features. This book can go under the microscope. You'd find life under the glass, streaming past in infinite profusion. The more pores, the more truthfully recorded details of life per square inch you can get on a sheet of paper, the more 'literary' you are. That's my definition, anyway. Telling detail. Fresh detail. The good writers touch life often. The mediocre ones run a quick hand over her. The bad ones rape her and leave her for the flies.
“So now do you see why books are hated and feared? They show the pores in the face of life. The comfortable people want only wax moon faces, poreless, hairless, expressionless.
Only if the third necessary thing could be given us. Number one, as I said, quality of information. Number two: leisure to digest it. And number three: the right to carry out actions based on what we learn from the inter-action of the first two.
They're Caesar's praetorian guard, whispering as the parade roars down the avenue, 'Remember, Caesar, thou art mortal.' Most of us can't rush around, talking to everyone, know all the cities of the world, we haven't time, money or that many friends. The things you're looking for, Montag, are in the world, but the only way the average chap will ever see ninety-nine per cent of them is in a book.
Don't ask for guarantees. And don't look to be saved in any one thing, person, machine, or library. Do your own bit of saving, and if you drown, at least die knowing you were headed for shore.”
The old man nodded. “Those who don't build must burn. It's as old as history and juvenile delinquents.”
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nymerias-heart · 4 years
Maggy allowed Cersei three questions and made the prophecy of the valonqar (High Valyrian for "little brother"), which haunted Cersei thereafter.
If Aegon is really Elias son, then he would be Rhaenys' younger brother.
Maggy: Aye. Queen you shall be... until there comes another, younger and more beautiful, to cast you down and take all that you hold dear.
"Younger and more beautiful", nowhere does it specify that the person to take cersei down will be a woman.
Cersei is 30+ years old, Aegon is not even in his 20s. So he's younger than Cersei.
Now unto the "more beautiful" part of the prophecy. Cersei says this about Jaime.
Next to Rhaegar, even her beautiful Jaime had seemed no more than a callow boy.
We also have this:
"Everyone says that Prince Rhaegar was beautiful. Was Viserys beautiful as well?"
And finally the most important one:
Many a night she had watched Prince Rhaegar in the hall, playing his silver-stringed harp with those long, elegant fingers of his. Had any man ever been so beautiful? He was more than a man, though. His blood was the blood of old Valyria, the blood of dragons and gods.
Cersei considers Rhaeger to be the most Beautiful. I don't think the gender matters.
When she had been presented to him, Cersei had almost drowned in the depths of his sad purple eyes.
And who else looks like rhaegar.
This beardless boy could have any maiden in the Seven Kingdoms, blue hair or no. Those eyes of his would melt them.
(I could have put up more quotes showing the similar appearance between rhaegar and young griff but I think you get it. Also, I'm lazy 🤫)
Aegon will also be the only character who fits the prophecy to be in Kingslanding other then margaery. But I see margaery as a red herring.
And when your tears have drowned you, the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you.
MAYBE Jon Connington will die at some point during the seige of Kingslanding. A grief-stricken aegon could be the one to kill cersei. He will also have tommen and the soon to arrive/or had already arrived myrcella. I'm not sure whether he would kill them or not. I would hope that he doesn't but you never know. George could make Aegon go mad but I'm really hoping he doesn't.
Another option is that Jon Connington has Myrcella and Tommen killed and then maybe Cersei has the mountain kill Jon Con. And THEN Aegon kills her.
I think Jon killing the children would fit better because he would see them as a threat to aegon. It would also parallel to what Tywin did to rhaenys and aegon/(f) aegon.
The girl had been recognizably the Princess Rhaenys, but the boy ... a faceless horror of bone and brain and gore, a few hanks of fair hair. None of us looked long. Tywin said that it was Prince Aegon, and we took him at his word.
We know Jon Con is already going to be acting a lot more ruthlessly like Tywin.
For years afterward, Jon Connington told himself that he was not to blame, that he had done all that any man could do. His soldiers searched every hole and hovel, he offered pardons and rewards, he took hostages and hung them in crow cages and swore that they would have neither food nor drink until Robert was delivered to him. All to no avail. "Tywin Lannister himself could have done no more," he had insisted one night to Blackheart, during his first year of exile.
"There is where you're wrong," Myles Toyne had replied. "Lord Tywin would not have bothered with a search. He would have burned that town and every living creature in it. Men and boys, babes at the breast, noble knights and holy septons, pigs and whores, rats and rebels, he would have burned them all. When the fires guttered out and only ash and cinders remained, he would have sent his men in to find the bones of Robert Baratheon. Later, when Stark and Tully turned up with their host, he would have offered pardons to the both of them, and they would have accepted and turned for home with their tails between their legs."
I wouldn't put it past him.
So yeah, I think Aegon is going to be the one to cast cersei down (he's honestly the perfect candidate but ya'll would rather fight over which teenage girl it will be) and this is how I think some of the things will go down in Kingslanding. Let me know what you think.
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