satangod666 · 8 months
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xxcod · 5 months
help me😋
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astoriachef · 23 days
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hailblasphemy · 11 months
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Hail blasphemy! Ave Satanas!
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intersectionalpraxis · 8 months
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Original post:
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The world: So does a tunnel actually exist, or are you making it up to bomb/raid an area?
IOF: Hamas is there. Hamas has used these tunnels.
The world: Can we see it? Can we go inside the tunnels?
IOF: No, it's too dangerous.
The world: Then why should we believe you?
IOF: Do you support Hamas? Do you support terrorism??
How many more times? How many more times will they be allowed to do this? To desecrate cemeteries/places of rest for Palestinian people in order to build over mass graves. I'm beyond enraged. Even CNN said they couldn't confirm/verify a tunnel.
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diabolicphallus666 · 3 months
Throughout history, many people who refused to convert to or join Christianity or practiced their own religions were subjected to various forms of violence, persecution, and even death. Some examples include:
1. The Inquisition: The Catholic Church's infamous institution used torture, imprisonment, and execution to force people to convert or renounce their beliefs.
2. Witch hunts: Thousands of people, mainly women, were accused of witchcraft and executed for their perceived beliefs and practices.
3. Crusades: Military campaigns were launched to conquer and convert non-Christian populations, often resulting in bloodshed and destruction.
4. Colonization: Indigenous populations were forced to convert, and those who resisted were often killed, enslaved, or forced to flee their lands.
5. Persecution of heretics: People deemed heretics, like the Cathars or Waldensians, faced brutal suppression, including massacres and forced conversions.
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Rise up in the name of Satan Almighty!
Desecrate all that the enemy holds dear and holy! Lie to them even if you must and deceive them at every turn!
Become a member of their churches as a Satanic Insurgent and turn their followers to LORD SATAN! Inscribe Demonic Sigils hidden within their churches, Piss in their baptismal fonts, seduce their wives into adultery and husbands into sodomy, do anything that is the Devil's Work against the enemy!
The time of xristian zealotry is over!
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agentfascinateur · 9 months
Another expression of Israeli racism:
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dougielombax · 4 months
Okay seriously.
Who the hell thinks book burning is a good idea?
No you can’t defend that shit!
Regardless of who’s doing it!
Whether it’s in Azerbaijan, Sri Lanka, America, France, Germany, Israel or wherever else.
It’s barbaric behaviour.
A perfect display of pig-headed, barbarous anti-intellectualism!
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neilamina · 6 months
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satangod666 · 5 months
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The Virgin Mary heard a voice telling her to rip off her habit so she ripped it off
The voice told her to renounce Jehovah so she spat in the face of her son Jesus
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skinwalkn · 4 months
first date idea:
you leave my maggot ridden body in a shallow grave on chapel hill as you chainsmoke black golds over the pile of dirt I became
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astoriachef · 20 days
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evilgodfuckers · 8 months
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This is what we NEED to be doing today[SINDAY] to Honor SATAN and to pleasure ourselves. If you have a Crucifix, Cross or any Holy Statues use them and DESECRATE them by Fucking your Holes/CUNT/ASS with them on this SINDAY. WHO WILL HONOR SATAN ON THIS SINDAY BY DOING THIS???????????????????? HAIL SATAN!!! FUCK Jesus!!!
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hussyknee · 30 days
Caught the highlights of an episode of Law & Order where the doctor illegally harvested a girl's heart and kidneys. Cops stop the helicopter transport with the heart from leaving the hospital, and are told that it's en route to a little boy who's been on the transplant list for three years, is already prepped for surgery and will die if the transport doesn't leave now. They put it to the parents of the dead girl, who say no, the child can't have her heart because they can't put their daughter in the ground with pieces of her missing.
It's a horrible situation and 100% the doctor's fault for not having given the parents the choice in the first place and the hospital for allowing it to happen. Organ harvesting without consent is fucking violent and a cruel desecration of a human right to dignity in death. Maybe if the doctor had given the parents a choice beforehand they would have had consented.
I get all of that, but my hard-wired cultural Buddhism is furious. As fucked as my culture generally is, this wouldn't have been a question for Buddhists. Giving alms is the highest form of good karma there is, and organ donation, the gift of life, is held in high social esteem. The fact that we don't have a higher rate of organ donation is purely down to the fact that the government won't make signing up for it easier (I mean they don't even care to make registering to vote easier) or lead awareness campaigns to dispel misconceptions and ignorance around donation for a public that is generally wary and poorly educated on the subject. Corneas, otoh, which are harvested post-mortem instead of when only the brain is dead, are so widely donated that Sri Lanka is known to be a major donor of corneas for the rest of the world as well. It's honestly infuriating that so many kidney patients just die in a country where the majority Buddhist population would jump at the chance to donate their kidneys if they were given one.
I try to be culturally relativist and sensitive about these issues, particularly since we're witnessing organ theft as a war crime in Palestine, Sri Lanka itself has a problem with organ trafficking, and the dogmatic rhetoric around the sanctity of life over all else keeps being weaponized against women and minorities (Sinhalese Buddhists became overwhelmingly concerned about cattle slaughter since the '90s when the Islamophobia coincidentally kicked into high gear. Fish and poultry are apparently on their own lol). We're as hypocritical and oppressive and theocratic as anybody else—except for this one issue where we happen to fall on the helpful side of the equation.
I know how important the body is to processing grief. Dead bodies are sacrosanct and the rights of the dead are as involate as those of the living. But letting a child die because you can't bear the body of your own to be whole when you bury her? My whole being rebels. I don't give a fuck where I end up after I die and I'll cheerfully see a lot of people dead without missing any sleep, but I could never turn away from an innocent that I could save, much less a child.
All this is to say that sometimes our childhood and cultural conditioning makes it impossible to reach across differences in value systems. So much of social justice is about ethics, but we're moved to care about them because of our morals, and it's very hard when the two contradict each other this way.
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intersectionalpraxis · 9 months
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🚨A CEMETERY DESTROYED AND BULLDOZED WITH NO RESPECT TO THE DEAD. Al Batsh Cemetery which was razed by the occupation forces whilst raiding the Shejaeya neighborhood in Gaza city. [@/ PalestineNW on X. 01/05/24.]
I will never forget watching footage of a Palestinian mother trying to protect her late son's grave -by refusing to be moved by IOF officials who were trying to forcibly take her away so they could bulldoze over his resting place. And why were they doing this to her? It was so they could start building a water park, and his grave site was 'in the way' -can you fucking imagine how depraved you have to be to bulldoze over someone's grave/a cemetery?
I will never forget watching the IOF smash into and destroy Palestinian shops, monuments, and homes like they're nothing -and then having the audacity to joke and laugh about it like the sadistic settlers they are. I don't know how anyone in this world could be desensitized to things like this. The occupation must end.
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