enii · 1 year
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grumpy-old-patriot · 6 months
Wide awake, laying in bed rethinking my life choices. ☹️
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promitey · 2 years
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I feel that if I don't post something here now, I will block this page for another two years. So let there be my not-so-successful sketches from studies. The task was to rework some not very expensive thing, add a new function to it, just completely change the function of the thing or make it more sensory, I didn't have much time to think. So these sketches are the first thing that came to my mind, most of the things that are on the foot page generally already exist, someone guessed to do this before me. Maybe someday I'll come back to it and come up with something better.
Я відчуваю що якщо зараз щось не викладу сюди ,то закуну цю сторінку ще на два роки . Тож хай будуть мої не дуже вдалі скетчі з навчання . Завданням було переробити якусь недуже дорогу річ додати їй нову функцію , просто повністю змінити функцію речі або зробити її більш сенсоричною в мене не було багато часу на роздуми . Тож ці скетчі це перше що прийшло мені в голову більшість речей що знаходяться на пешій сторінці взагалі вже існують хтось здогадався так зробити раніше за мене . Можливо я колись повернуся до цього і вигадаю щось краще .( Підписи польською ,бо я навчалась в минулому семестрі в польщі і це недороблене завдання:"почніть зараз доробите в наступному семестрі"- звідти )
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cirums · 2 years
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robertogreco · 2 years
If the representational theory of the mind says that plants can’t perform intelligent, cognitive behaviors, and the evidence shows that plants do perform intelligent, cognitive behaviors, maybe it’s time to rethink the theory. “We have plants doing amazing things and they have no neurons,” he [Paco Calvo] says. “So maybe we should question the very premise that neurons are needed for cognition at all.” […] “The mistake was to think that cognition was in the head,” Calvo says. “It belongs to the relationship between the organism and its environment.”
”What Plants Are Saying About Us” by Amanda Gefter
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imperatoralicia · 7 months
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I get a lot of entertainment thinking about how containers are used in video games sometimes.
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duubsite · 1 day
Rethinking Cancer's Blueprint: New Study Shatters Enduring Theories
Cancer research has been an ever-evolving saga with numerous breakthroughs and equally numerous frustrations. The fight against this pernicious disease is like an ongoing chess game, with researchers and the malignancy locked in a delicate dance of strategy and counter-strategy. Recently, a groundbreaking study has emerged, challenging the foundational theories that have underpinned cancer…
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strikingamatch · 1 month
like i was something they thought could break
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anxietyjay82 · 3 months
I might start a new tumblr. That has nothing to do with sex. And focuses on love. Like. Real love.
Just sayin.
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infinitedoorsystem · 5 months
Growing up in a household where eating disorders were not a thing and very “normalized” has been something im realizing is affecting me and has affected me my whole life in various ways,
The psychology behind “beauty” in society.
Not having routine or positive guidance around food as a child.
Diet culture influenced home.
Not knowing how to or what to eat “healthy”
In every form of that word
Too much,
Too little,
Anxiety around that and anger associated with food.
A household where my guardians copied my behavior instead of helping me learn that innreality IT’S NOT HEALTHY OR NICE
being shamed when expressing why things are popping up now.
Facing underlying shame and understanding what is right and wrong
I’m an adult now,
an adult realizing that my childhood was warped around parents who have un healed trauma of their own,
I do not wish to be like that.
But, I see so many traits coming out in my adult form.
*reprogramming* *relearning*
Going into a fitness career with these realizations has been really challenging to navigate around, becoming triggered and voicing the wrong thing,
*rethinking* *unlearning*
Everyday im reprogramming my psychology from learned behavior.
It’s not fair.
It was never.
But now I have to live that knowledge,
And own that truth.
And accept that I can’t go back and re live it.
*only relearn* *rethink* *reprogram*
Honestly, I want to voice what I know now to the child that was learning from observation.
And the worst part is, I feel those words and “lessons” from my childhood, from now constantly trying to change me,
pulling me away from what I KNOW NOW.
It was my truth for a while,
Generational trauma,
And the
healing of parts that succumbed to survive.
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aca-panic · 7 months
"That was a disaster"
That has been calmly popping up in my brain the whole way home today. Let me give you context. I arrived on campus early today and chilled in the car, continuing to listen to my audiobook, before heading in to get things set up for class. Two of my three students are already there. Yay! I unlock the classroom door and see the desks still set up from yesterday. Yay! I start to unpack my bag and…
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blackholesfilm · 7 months
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wovetherapy · 8 months
Rethinking New Year’s Resolutions
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As the last week in January quickly approaches, I find myself wondering what happened to my New Year's resolutions. Four weeks into the new year, I have already abandoned the lofty goals I set for myself. If you're anything like me, you've also made ambitious promises to yourself fueled by a burst of motivation and the allure of a fresh start. Every year, we pledge to hit the gym regularly, eat healthier, learn a new skill, or finally conquer that ever-growing reading list. But as the days turn into weeks and weeks into months, it's not uncommon for those resolutions to fade into the background. So, why do we continue to set New Year's resolutions, and why do they end up as fleeting aspirations rather than concrete changes?
Why Do We Make New Year’s Resolutions?
For many of us, the start of a new year symbolizes a clean slate and an opportunity to leave behind the shortcomings of the past. This symbolic fresh start is a powerful motivator, fueling the desire for positive change. New Year's resolutions provide a structured framework for people to channel this desire.
Societal norms and cultural traditions also influence our desire to create resolutions. The shared experience of setting goals for the coming year offers a sense of camaraderie and collective motivation. However, the drive to make resolutions for the year doesn't always stem from friendly competition among friends and family; companies also know that New Year's resolutions create potential revenue. Ever wonder why gyms are at full capacity the first week of January? Health and fitness companies use this time to advertise their latest products, services, diets, and workout plans. According to a Forbes Health/OnePoll survey conducted in October of 2023, 61.7% of respondents felt pressured to set a New Year’s resolution (Vinney, 2024). And so, while some people set New Year’s resolutions, others are sucked into them.
Why New Year’s Resolutions Often Fail
Despite good intentions, our resolutions often fail. In fact, studies show that over 90% of New Year’s resolutions will be abandoned within just a few months (Vinney, 2024). Here are four reasons resolutions often fail:
Unrealistic Expectations: One of the primary reasons we often cannot stick to resolutions is that we set unrealistic expectations. The enthusiasm of the new year can lead people to aim too high, setting unattainable goals within an unrealistic timeframe. This sets the stage for disappointment and diminished motivation. Instead, meet yourself where you're at and set smaller, more attainable goals.
Lack of Concrete Planning: Setting a resolution without a concrete plan prevents us from following through on our goals. Many overlook the importance of breaking down larger goals into manageable steps, making it challenging to stay on track. A lack of strategic planning can contribute to feelings of overwhelm and frustration. Instead, be specific about the goals you want to achieve, plan how to achieve them, and implement a timeline to execute steps toward those goals (Chan, 2024).
Failure to Address Underlying Issues: Often, resolutions focus on external changes without addressing the underlying issues hindering personal growth. Ignoring the root causes can lead to repeated cycles of setting the same resolutions year after year, with little success. It is important to reflect on why setting a particular goal is important to you and what has prevented you from changing in the past.
Lack of Social Support: The journey towards achieving resolutions can be challenging, and having a support system is crucial. Without a network of friends, family, or mentors to provide encouragement and guidance, people may struggle to stay motivated when faced with obstacles. Humans are social creatures, and the best way to stay consistent with goal setting is to find a buddy that will empower you and keep you motivated.
Ultimately, you don’t have to set New Year's resolutions if you don’t want to. In the grand scheme of things, New Years is an arbitrary date, and you can decide to make changes at any time of year! After reading this article, you may have decided to let go of the expectations and pressure of the new year. However, if you want to create sustainable change, consider setting realistic goals, creating detailed plans, addressing underlying issues, and building a supportive network. Remember that change is not easy or quick, and achieving your resolutions may take time—stay patient and meet yourself where you’re at.
If you’re interested in scheduling an appointment or you’d like more information, please contact us.
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bettermortgage · 8 months
Bonds Rethinking Last Week's Rally
While last week saw a generally narrow range, bonds managed to reverse two weeks of losses with 10yr yields moving down from 4.05 to 3.95.  The gains certainly wouldn’t have been as big without Friday’s PPI data.  As the new week begins (or rather, as it began), bonds are rethinking last week’s level of aggression.  At first glance, it may seem like a big mysterious jump in yields–one that takes…
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whats-in-a-sentence · 9 months
Even if we cut waste and reach political utopia, we'll have to rethink how we grow food, because our cropping land is losing fertility, and much grazing land is becoming desertified.
"Soil: The incredible story of what keeps the earth, and us, healthy" - Matthew Evans
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ekoglaze · 11 months
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An old bathtub can tell many stories, but sometimes its appearance becomes a reason for replacement. Reglazing offers a solution that combines beauty and functionality, giving your tub a second life.
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