#Reverse Treasure Hunter AU
eyesoverinfinity · 1 year
Reverse Treasure Hunter AU
This is an au where the survivors are a small group that steal artifacts from museums and return them to their country of origin.
They still get into big fights with greedy white men who have no regard for other people, they just recognize that if artifacts should go to a museum, it shouldn't automatically be a British or American one. Because they mostly steal from those.
They also deal with cursed artifacts a lot, so those ones don't go to a museum or country. They get destroyed or disposed off.
The western world call then morally grey at best, but the countries who get their artifacts back hail them as heroes.
They call themselves: Velum Temporis (Vay-loom temp-poar-is), latin for 'the veil of time'.
More under the cut:
All survivors go out into the field and do some heavy lifting. But a team doesn't work if they all do the same thing, so here are their induvial skills.
Coach: He is the leader of this group, He make sure everyone that everyone is doing their job and that the operation is running smoothly. He also makes sure people are taking care of themselves and that victories are celebrated with lots of food.
Rochelle: She studies the artifacts they are extracting. After all, not everything the group goes after is a random vase. She makes sure that the client is who they say they are, the artifact is what they say it is and if it's dangerous: how to destroy or contain it.
Nick: He is the groups spy and mole for when they need to infiltrate something more high tech then a museum. He uses his charisma and general con artist tactics to navigate his way to his goal. He likes getting to the artifact more then actually getting it, complaining that: "History is always so god-damn filthy." He's also good at cracking safes.
Ellis: He is the handyman of the group, and backup if someone gets put out of commission. He has knowledge on how to do the basis of each job and is a jack of all trades, except for research. He is too trusting to conduct a proper background check and knows it.
Bill: Bill is mostly there so these kids don't get themselves thrown in jail or shot. He teaches everyone hand to hand combat and how to fire a gun. He also volunteers to be the distraction a lot, using his old man status to talk with the staff for long periods of time, yell at guards for no discernible reason and pretends to have heart attacks.
Francis: Francis is muscle first and foremost, He also has connections with a lot of people that are willing to work with criminals. And are more trustworthy then Nicks connections. He is willing to put himself on the line to help his team.
Louis: He his a hacker and gadget maker. His creations and ability to break pass every security system put in front of him as made him the best hacker in the country. His work, when combined with Rochelle's, is the backbone of the whole operation.
Zoey: She is the one who does most of the actual stealing, she is given the info and gadgets that she needs and is sent in. She is flexible, crafty and great at improvising. For example, if she's caught outside of her target's building, she pretends to be drunk, works every time.
here's the logo:
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Reversal Nova
(Here is what I have created so far in my Reverse AU)
A alternate universe where the roles are swapped, whether for the better or the worse...
Sonic: Dr. Boom, a hedgehog skilled in speed and mechanics. He was actually a kid, Robotnik took under his wing. He had a natural talent for inventing and machinery, but Dr. Boom saw potential in power such as the chaos emeralds to advance the machines, Robotnik didn't approve of this answer terminated all Dr.Boom's work. Feeling betrayed, the Hedgehog ran away and turned against the world that deemed him unworthy to advance it to a era of peace and freedom.
Shadow: Nocturnal Eye, partner of Dr. Boom and Leader of the alien race: Black Arms, on the planet. He seems relatively harmless to the unsuspecting eye, but he is a master of illusion and chaos energy.
Tails: Dr. Cosmos, a fellow technician and mechanical genius who sides with Dr. Boom. His machinery is known to be quite efficient and reliable, a master of words and creating machines that act as mimics around other mobians. Truly a terrifying feat for someone of his age.
Amy: Vermillion, Teller of the Future and Leader of the "Rosebuds" a group of warriors who can see into the future and protect the present to prevent disasters from occurring.
Eggman: Ivo Robotnik, Hero of Station City and the world as a whole, uses his mechanical prowess and power of lightning to defend the innocent from the hands of Dr. Boom and other villains that follow suit. Has a short patience and can be easy to annoy with petty insults tho.
Rouge: Carmine, guardian of the Master Emerald, and last of the Bat Treasure Hunters, a tribe of bats that would hunt treasure and steal from the rich to give to the poor. Has to deal with an annoying an Echidna that is also a treasure hunter with a strange connection to the emerald and tries to take it for himself.
Knuckles: Titian, an independent echidna treasure hunter, skilled in many forms of combat and is quite a people person, he has fierce personality which causes him to bump heads alot with Carmine, all he wants is understand why he feels so drawn to the Master Emerald, sure he always takes the Chaos Emeralds but that isn't the case this time, if only he could get Carmine to believe that.
Silver: Ivory, a prince from an alternate dimension that tends to interlap with Robotnik's, when it does, he tends to stick around and offer aid where he can with the help of his powers of ice.
Blaze: Lustre, a time traveler from the distant future that is both in distress and at peace given its destroyed state, has the power of Umbrakinesis and Aerokinesis, allowing her to use wind and darkness together to create bendable space matter for combat
Metal Ivo: A robot version of Robotnik created by Dr. Boom, a silent robot but he very much as attitude towards his enemies
Infinite: Zero the Jackal, member of the Rosebuds. He is able to harness the power of the purple chaos emerald and create illusions as a distraction while he disarms his opponents. Joined the squad because he is in search of his missing partner, Gadget the Wolf, who disappeared several years ago
Surge: Beryl the Tenrec, another member of the Rosebuds and childhood friend of Vermillion, knows why she created the Rosebuds and sticks by her through it all. Is raising a younger brother she adopted in all this chaos, and can harness the powers of lightning
Scourge: Jules Terios Hedgehog, Dr. Boom's twin brother, he fights on the side of the heroes and is the main reason Dr. Boom truly hasn't killed anyone yet and why no one tries to kill Dr. Boom. Jules hopes one day he'll get his twin back
Eclipse: Arcane "The Ultimate Hope" , the Nocturnal Eye's aka Spectre's younger brother. Created by Nocturnal Eye's hands, Arcane is symbolized as a beacon of hope, not only for Spectre and the Black Arms on the planet, but also for Dr. Boom. He is torn as he wishes to live life on the planet but is bound by his duty to his older brother.
Maria: Maria R. Lunae, a woman of unknown origins. No one knows who she is or where she came from, all they know is her research revolves around the Black Arms, protecting the leader that resides on the planet and a young alien from the Black Arms that tries to blend in with society (Eclipse)
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virusinfected-memes · 2 years
It’s August, that means it’s time for more AUs. Send a number for an AU, dynamic, or trope that will be used to write either a drabble or starter. Send 💫 for a random number instead. You’re welcome to send multiple in one ask to combine them.
001. aristocrat au  002. assassin au  003. bakery au  004. band / musician au 005. coffee shop au 006. college au 007. cyberpunk au 008. dark fantasy / grimdark au 009. dystopian au 010. high fantasy au 011. historical au 012. monster (vampire, werewolf, etc.) au 013. murder mystery au 014. paranormal au 015. pirate au 016. roommate au 017. royalty au 018. superhero / supervillain au 019. time travel au 020. zombie / undead apocalypse au
021. alien invasion au 022. circus / performer au 023. deserted island au 024. host (alien, parasite, etc.) au 025. host club au 026. imaginary friend au 027. mad scientist au 028. mmorpg / virtual world au 029. no humans au 030. penpal au 031. podcaster au 032. private investigator au 033. role reversal au 034. influencer / streamer au 035. space opera au 036. street racing au 037. treasure hunter au 038. underground fighting au 039. urban fantasy au 040. writer au
041. Alice in Wonderland 042. Among Us 043. Animal Crossing 044. Assassin’s Creed 045. Avatar: the Last Airbender 046. Battle Royale / Squid Game 047. Beauty and the Beast 048. Dead By Daylight 049. Dragon Age 050. Dungeons and Dragons 051. Mass Effect 052. Peter Pan 053. Phantom of the Opera 054. Pokémon 055. Scooby Doo 056. Silent Hill 057. Stardew Valley 058. Stranger Things 059. Studio Ghibli (any film) 060. The Lost Boys
061. bad guy won’t die 062. break the cutie 063. conjuring evil 064. dead cell phone 065. deal with the devil 066. everything is a simulation 067. false friend 068. final boy / girl 069. fire-forged friends 070. found family 071. found footage 072. hidden in plain sight 073. idealist vs. pragmatist 074. library full of secret knowledge 075. nightmare on Halloween 076. secret heir to the throne 077. the chosen one 078. the powerful artifact 079. the reluctant hero 080. the world that never progresses
081. aw, look! they really do love each other! 082. awesome, but impractical 083. bad guys doing good things 084. blessed with suck 085. condensation clue 086. dark is not always evil 087. dead all along 088. eviler than thou 089. false chosen one 090. genius bruiser 091. genius ditz 092. golden hero to anti-hero 093. good people with evil powers 094. light is not always good 095. mood whiplash 096. nature’s revenge 097. really 700 years old 098. villain is actually the hero 099. you are number six 100. you can’t fight fate
101. afraid to commit 102. bet / dared to date 103. dating app 104. drunk / Vegas wedding 105. enemies to lovers 106. fairytale retelling 107. fake relationship 108. fated mates / soulmates 109. forbidden love 110. friends to lovers 111. grumpy person with sunny person 112. holiday fling 113. love at first sight 114. marriage before romance 115. marriage pact 116. playboy / girl in love 117. right person, wrong time 118. secret admirer / unrequited love 119. there’s only one bed 120. work rivals
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thuriweaver · 1 year
When did your OC first know they were polyamorous? 
How many partners does your OC have? How did they all meet?
So I'm answering these for my Warrior of Light from FFXIV, R'aelyn Vahe. She's a Keeper of the Moon miqo'te (catpeople) with a Seeker of the Sun father. And since I have a "canon" version of her and several AU ones, depending, these are based around the verse @maplelantern and I call the "PolyAm AU" which is an alternate version of Etheryis that's more fantasy adventure without the calamities and ascians and MSQ plotline going on. So we can just have fun and play.
When did your OC first know they were polyamorous? 
So miqo'te culture is canonically rather interesting--there are two main clans, the Keepers and the Seekers. Keeper family groups are traditionally the mother and maybe a few other adult females raising their young together and only seeing males to mate. Seeker family groups are like lion prides--one or two males and a group of females.
R'aelyn grew up in a Keeper group with her mother, her mother's sister, and another female who was her mother's partner all raising all their kids together. And she's aware of how Seeker society works, too. So while she loves romantic stories and tales, she never had that societal expectation that monogamy was the only way. She didn't consider the logistics of her own particular polycule until it developed, but it was no great surprise to her to fall in love with more than one person.
How many partners does your OC have? How did they all meet?
Three total! And strap in, this gets LONG
The first is R'egan, @maplelantern's OC. R'aelyn was playing her lyre in a tavern when some of the drunk patrons got fresh--and R'egan jumped in to defend her, not realizing R'ae had a couple of long daggers hidden under her skirts. They ended up fighting back to back and R'aelyn helped clean up R'egan's bloody nose after. They got to talking and started traveling together and hiring on as caravan guards and other basic adventuring things--though they weren't together at the time. If one of them saw someone she liked, they'd spend the night with them and then move on. R'aelyn was definitely attracted to and interested in R'egan, but since R'egan had never shown any sign of interest in her, she was content to love her platonically instead.
Second is G'raha Tia (because if you dangle a short redheaded little shit in front of me I cannot resist them, OMG, yes I have a type, blame the Alanna books), though when she first meets him he's in disguise as an older Hyur (human) named Dahn. He claims to be a rich traveler and treasure hunter and hires her and R'egan to guard and guide him on the search for the "Unei's Shrine" where he's hoping to find the mysterious "Coffer of Unei".
They find out partway through the journey--when he helps in a skirmish against some bandits and overreaches himself, breaking his illusions--that he's actually miqo'te about their age, whose right arm is made of crystal--and that the coin he promised them was in fact a bag of rocks. He explains that his family has an affinity for artefacts of the ancients, and he messed with one that gave him a lot of magical power, but also is slowly turning him into crystal. And that he only wants the Coffer, they can keep whatever else they find in the Shrine.
Against her own better judgment, R'ae likes him, and agrees to help anyway. They find the Coffer, it manages to give him control over his power and reverse the crystallization--aside from a patch covering his palm--and they fall hard for each other in the process. Which is when R'egan gets jealous, realizing maybe R'aelyn meant things to her she didn't realize, but also that she likes this G'raha, too, and emotions are bullshit. But eventually they work it out and travel together and have their own little pride which @maplelantern talked about here.
Third and final is Haurchefant Greystone, an unfairly handsome elezen (elf). They meet him when working as guards for a larger caravan going through Coerthas. He's an experienced adventurer/mercenary, who is in charge of the caravan guards--and immediately starts flirting with all three of them, because they are a fascinating little pride and also it's what he does. R'aelyn flirts very happily back and catches G'raha doing the same, and while R'egan seems oblivious to his flirting, she's been staring at him every chance she gets. So the three of them have a meeting about it, to confirm they're all interested and what would they like to do about it? So when the caravan reaches its destination they ask if he has plans for the night and they spend a week or so in bed together. While some noises are made after about going their separate ways, they all blow past it very quickly and their trio becomes a quartet.
(for the "Polyamorous Ship Asks" meme)
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rainstorm-clouds · 1 year
83 AU ideas!
AU ideas for those who need them :]
​​​Demons&Angels AU ​​​Coffeeshop AU ​​​Medieval AU ​​​Royalty AU ​​​Gods&Godesses AU ​​​Red string of fate AU ​​​Soulmate matching Tattoos AU ​​​Reversed Roles AU ​​​Band AU ​​​Zombie apocalypse AU ​​​Fake marriage/Fake dating AU ​​​Arranged Marriage AU ​​​Assasin AU ​​​College AU ​​​Mythology AU ​​​Mermaid AU ​​​Reincarnation AU ​​​Detective AU ​​​Crime AU ​​​Bookstore AU ​​​Historical AU ​​​Ancient Egypt AU ​​​Mafia AU ​​​Pirate AU ​​​Time Travel AU ​​​Military/War AU ​​​Pen Pals AU ​​​Wrong number AU ​​​Arthurian AU ​​​Ghost AU ​​​Vampire AU ​​​Circus/Carnival AU ​​​Imortal AU ​​​Summer Camp AU ​​​Tattoo/piercings shop AU ​​​Boarding school AU ​​​Bodyguard AU ​​​spies AU ​​​Acting AU ​​​Social media AU ​​​Personality/Body swap AU ​​​Lab pertners AU ​​​Neighbours AU ​​​Dragons/httyd AU ​​​Road trip AU ​​​Opposites Attract AU ​​​Roommate AU ​​​Mythological Creatures AU ​​​Hiding Marriage/dating AU ​​​Sick!Fic AU ​​​Music school AU ​​​Art school AU ​​​Amneisa AU ​​​Blogger AU ​​​Secret internet identity AU ​​​Dance AU ​​​Childhood Sweethearts AU ​​​Hunter AU ​​​Fortune teller AU ​​​Modern witchcraft AU ​​​Hanahaki Disease AU ​​​Hospital AU ​​​"Imaginary" Friend AU ​​​Lovecraftian AU ​​​Cosmic horror AU ​​​Magic AU ​​​Ressurection AU ​​​Romeo&Juliet school play AU ​​​Steampunk AU ​​​Underworld AU ​​​Treasure hunter AU ​​​Vigilante AU ​​​Wonderland AU ​​​Archaeology AU ​​​Ballet AU ​​​Bartender AU ​​​Blind dates AU ​​​Cambion/Nephilim AU ​​​Space AU ​​​Hacker AU ​​Fell first/Fell harder ​Sprirts AU ​Hades/Persephone
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atinywhore · 2 years
prompts masterlist
hey loves here are some prompts because I literally have not been able to use my single brain cell to come up with anymore oneshots! Please feel free to ask and request some from me :)
please see my rules for requests before you get to requesting :)))
I am a full time college student and I Las have a job but I will get your requests out as soon as I can :) thank you loves <3
amnesia (a)
apocalypse (b)
arranged marriage (c)
assassin (d)
bakery (e)
blind date (f)
bodyguard (g)
business (h)
cambion (i)
cafe/coffee shop (j)
college (k)
criminal (l)
dancer (m)
dark fantasy (n)
delivery (o)
detective (p)
ella enchanted (q)
fairy tale (r)
fake relationship (s)
flower shop (t)
harem/ reverse harem (u)
highschool (v)
historical (w)
hitman (x)
holiday (y)
hospital (z)
hooker (1)
idol/ model (2)
imprinting (3)
magic (4)
nephilim (5)
pirate (6)
prison (7)
reincarnation (8)
reverse (9)
road trip (10)
romeo and juliet (11)
roomate (12)
royalty (13)
serial killer (14)
single parent (15)
soulmate (16)
space (17)
spy (18)
street racing (19)
sugar daddy (20)
time traveler (21)
treasure hunter (22)
urban fantasy (23)
vampire/werewolf (24)
wonderland (25)
"What? does that feel good?" (100)
"You're safe now, don't worry." (101)
"Do you want to sit on my lap until I'm finished?" (102)
"I'm never leaving you. You won't ever have to suffer by yourself every again." (103)
"It's never too early babe." (104)
"I can't take the loneliness anymore." (105)
"You had your chance, but you wasted it." (106)
"Do I look like I moved on?" (107)
"But you promised.." (108)
"You said you'd always be there for me." (109)
"Did it ever occur to you that all you're doing is hurting me?" (110)
"I think I might be falling in love with you.." (111)
"Please.. talk to me." (112)
"I know we don't know each other very well, but I can't seem to get you out of my mind." (113)
"She's not yours." (114)
"You think this will make me stay?" (115)
"All he did was use you. Why can't you see that?" (116)
"There is no us, there never was." (117)
"Don't you dare walk out on me." (118)
"Are you wearing my shirt?" (119)
"Bite me" (120)
"You broke me." (121)
"Where the hell have you been? (122)
"Isn't the thrill of getting caught half of the fun?" (123)
"Can I have my reward for being good now?" (124)
"Ass or tits, your choice" (125)
"Show me how you play with yourself" (126)
"Just you wait til we are in private." (127)
"The things I'm going to do to you baby" (128)
"You're gonna regret that (enter pet name)" (129)
"What were you dreaming about baby?" (130)
"I want to see that pretty mouth of yours wrapped around my dick." (131)
"Like what you see?" (132)
"Try to stay quiet baby girl, okay?" (133)
"We don't want to get caught do we?" (134)
"Beg for it slut" (135)
"Open." (136)
"Mine." (137)
"You better behave or else." (138)
"Tell me how bad you want it" (139)
"I need you now" (140)
"Did I stutter?" (141)
"Everyone keeps warning me against you." (142)
"You make even one sound and I stop" (143)
"God, you are so fucking gorgeous." (144)
"It's been you. It's always been you.." (145)
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uvobreakmylegs · 4 years
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if you want an easy way to find my stuff
a * being featured by a title denotes that the work is explicit
Hunter x Hunter
-Prelude (Mafia AU)
-30 Seconds (Bodyswap Soulmate AU)
-Fascination (poly!Feitan x reader x Chrollo)
-Last Day Out
-Lamp of the Body , (Part 2)*
-Fascination (poly!Feitan x reader x Chrollo)
-Error (poly!Phinks x reader x Feitan)
-Predetermined (Soulmate AU)
-Coffee Break , (Part 2) , (Part 3)
-Just Another Day
-Sick Day (poly!Franklin x reader x Shizuku)
-Reversal (Sharing Injuries Soulmate AU)
-Set Up (poly!Uvogin x reader x Franklin)
-Constrained (slasher!Franklin) , (Part 2*)
-The Graveyard (vampire!Hisoka) , (Part 2*)
-Floor 200
-Set Pattern*
-A Rock and a Hard Place
-Right Place, Right Time
-Enjoy the Silence (vampire!Illumi)*
-Afternoon Break
-On Golden Wings (seraph!Kurapika)
-Late Night Nuisance*
-Chosen (vampire!Machi)
-Haze (banshee!Morel)
-Trust the Process
-Endeavor (Names on Wrist Soulmate AU)
-Say Hello to the Night (poly!vampire! Uvo x reader x Nobu)* (Part 2) (Part 3)*
-Digging Deeper (College AU)*
-New Beginnings (Mafia AU)
-Red Thread of Fate (Soulmate AU)
-Initiation (Witch!Pakunoda)
-With Greatest Care
-Date Night*
-Error (poly!Phinks x reader x Feitan)
-In the Moment (convict!Phinks)*
-The One That Got Away , (Part 2*)
-Pet Project*
-Out of the Hands of Grace (Elden Ring AU) , (Part 2)
-Burst (demon!Razor)
-The Sixth Floor Game (demon!Shalnark)
-Moving Up (mafiaAU)
-Mountain Maiden (huldra!Shizuku)
-Sick Day (poly!Franklin x reader x Shizuku)
-When Push Comes to Shove
-Bad Decisions*
-Catch and Release
-Prey (werewolf!Uvogin)
-Intruder (Soulmate AU)
-Lucky Find*
-Say Hello to the Night (poly!vampire! Uvo x reader x Nobu)* (Part 2) (Part 3)*
-Change in Plans*
-Set Up (poly!Uvogin x reader x Franklin)
-Treasure Hunt (ABO Uvogin)*
Biohazard/Resident Evil
-Karl Heisenberg - Fair Game*
-Karl Heisenberg - Hephaestus’ Workshop
Psychopomp’s Lament - vampire!Pakunoda x reader
Chapter 1
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REVERSAL AU - Talking With the Locals
[A transcript of how Risky's talk with Blast, Rattle, and 'Pod in Shantae would go]
[In Water Town, RISKY walks up to BLAST, looking a bit annoyed. The cyclops doesn't even notice her, looking rather gleeful and chuckling to himself about something]
RISKY: Hello, Blast...what's got you so smug?
BLAST: Well, well, if it isn't my heroic rival? Or should I say FORMER rival, because I'M way out of your league now!
RISKY: Oh for-we never HAD a rivalry-
BLAST: Know why? 'Cause I just beat Captain Shantae!
RISKY: Wait, what!?
BLAST: Yup! The Chimera Pirates' ship docked, and she got out personally to demand the location of the Dribble Fountain!
BLAST: Heh, stupid pirate didn't even realize it was on the outskirts of town. Which I told her myself, before giving her the ol' 1-2-BOOM!
BLAST: And then she ran for it! Yeah, I know, I'm amazing.
RISKY: I...Wait, Dribble Fountain?
BLAST: Oh, yeah, it's this big monument that has a bunch of old ruins and artifacts inside. You can't miss it.
RISKY: ...out of curiosity, where did Captain Shantae run?
BLAST: Oh, she went in the same direction you came from. Surprised you didn't see her, really!
RISKY: And where is the Dribble Fountain?
BLAST: You would've just passed it.
RISKY: So, you're telling me...you "beat" the Chimera Pirates' invasion force of one, that being the captain herself...
RISKY: And then let her run off in the direction of the ancient ruins filled with valuable treasures...
RISKY: ...which she was trying to get to in the first place?
BLAST: Hmm...when you lay it out like that...WAIT...
RISKY: Do you have one eye?
BLAST: Oooooohh...I'll show that rotten pirate for tricking me! A little BLAM here, a KAPOW there, and then a big KABLAMMO!
[BLAST runs off in the direction RISKY came from.]
RISKY: I better follow him. No doubt Shantae won't make it as easy for him as she did last time...
[RISKY runs off in the direction she came as well.]
[RISKY walks into a stone room. RATTLE is at the other end, looking over some papers]
RATTLE: ...then if I add the eye of a Frog Fish, it should-
RISKY: Rattle? What are you doing in Oasis Town?
RATTLE: Oh, Risky! This is a pleasant surprise! Mimic sent me out here to do some research on some glyphs he found on his travels.
RATTLE: I've, uh...actually gotten all the research done that I can, but I heard he's busy with some kind of project...
RATTLE: ...so I've just been preoccupying myself with some magic until I figure he's done.
RISKY: Oh, please! We both the old man needs to get dragged away from his projects from time to time.
RATTLE: Hahaha...well, that's certainly true! But what brings YOU here, Risky?
RISKY: Unfortunately, nothing good. I'm sure you've heard of the Golem Stone, right? Do you know where it is?
RATTLE: Hmm...I do know of the Golem Stone, but neither Relic Hunter or archaeologist has ever able to track it down.
RATTLE: But! I have a hunch it's in the Golem Mine a few miles in the desert. With a name like that, it can't be a coincidence.
RATTLE: It's got a solid lock, though. Lucky for you, I've been saving this for a rainy day!
[RATTLE walks over to RISKY and hands her a flask of unknown liquid.]
RATTLE: One splash of this, and that lock will be good as gone.
RISKY: And you're sure it will work?
RATTLE: Naturally! I triple-checked my work with this one - I know how you are with magic.
RISKY: You're always reliable, Rattle. Good luck with your potions.
[RISKY turns and starts to leave, only to stop in place]
RISKY: Actually...can I talk to you for a moment?
RATTLE: Sure! What's on your mind?
RISKY: ...I was in Water Town, right before I got here. Went inside the Dribble Fountain. And in there, I found a...guardian genie.
RATTLE: Really? That's rather surprising! They're very rare to come by these days, you know.
RISKY: Yes, yes, big discovery, I know, but...she taught me something. A spell to summon some kind of golem.
RISKY: I found myself forced to use it at several points; my tools just weren't cutting it - and it worked FINE, I suppose, but-
RISKY: I'm worried. What if I summon it one day and it goes rogue? What if it attacks me? My friends? What if I CAN'T STOP IT? What if-
RATTLE: Slow down, Risky! Breathe. BREATHE.
RATTLE: ...now, magical constructs aren't my forte, but from my knowledge, they're pretty mindless. They only follow the orders of the summoner.
RATTLE: And I know for a fact that you'd never attack us! So don't worry so much about hypotheticals, okay? You're fine.
RATTLE: It's okay if you use a little magic here and there.
RISKY: ...heh. Thanks. You're a good friend, Rattle, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
[With a smile, RISKY leaves, and RATTLE goes back to his work.]
[RISKY is walking around, surveying the area, when she spots 'POD some distance away.]
[She walks over, catching 'POD's attention.]
RISKY: Are you a local around here?
'POD: Sure am! The name's 'Pod!
RISKY: 'Pod?
'POD: Well, it's actually Cephalo Pod, but doesn't 'Pod sound cooler?
RISKY: Well, I'm not one to judge names. Getting to business: I'm looking for a Simmer Stone. Do you know where it is?
'POD: Oh, that thing? It's in the Cackle Mound, where all the Shriekers are. Man, those guys are LOUD.
RISKY: Hmm...sounds like a tricky infiltration. I'm going to have to do some scouting.
RISKY: You've done some great work for justice today, 'Pod. Take care.
[RISKY starts to walk away, only for 'POD to let out a shout.]
'POD: WAIT! Hang on, I got an idea!
RISKY: Oh, for-...breathe, Risky, breathe...what is it?
'POD: I could totally get you in there!
RISKY: ...with your teleportation?
'POD: Pffft, nah! I can't teleport at all! I'm really good at picking locks, though.
'POD: But! I got one condition! You have to play a game with me!
RISKY: ...look. 'Pod, was it? I'm trying to be cordial here, but let me be perfectly clear.
RISKY: There is a PIRATE on the loose, trying to create an engine so destructive it can be used for a SUPERWEAPON.
RISKY: If I slip up here, than any number of crooks on the black market could have their one-way ticket to terrorize Sequin Land.
RISKY: So, needless to say, I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR GAMES!
'POD: ...oh...
RISKY: Now, if that's all, I'll be heading out. Good day.
[With a "hmph," RISKY begins to walk again, only to pause on her own as 'POD sighs and starts talking to himself.]
'POD: Dang it...I thought it'd be this time for sure! Guess it's back to waiting.
'POD: Sigh...stupid no-teleport tentacles...always ruin everything.
['POD starts to walk away. RISKY stands there, weighing her options, before sighing and turning around.]
RISKY: ...How long is this game supposed to be?
'POD: Huh? OH! Not long at all! Like, ten minutes, tops!
RISKY: Ten minutes could save me twenty scouting...alright, I'll play.
'POD: YES! Thank you! Do you know how hard it is to get people interested in this sort of thing? Here, I'll get you some cards!
['POD starts to walk off again, more jovial, but RISKY calls out to him before he goes off-screen]
RISKY: Hold on! I...want to apologize, for earlier. That outburst was uncalled for. It's just-I'm just under a lot of stress, okay?
'POD: Ah, water under the bridge! I'm no hero expert, but it sounds like you got a lot on your plate. Gotta be a ton of pressure, there.
'POD: If anything, I'm just glad I can relieve it a little, heh!
RISKY: You know, when this is over, I ought to introduce you to Rattle. I get the feeling you'd have a lot in common.
'POD: No idea who that is, but that sounds like a compliment, so thanks!
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aetherarf · 3 years
What are your favorite AUs?
This is a little bit of an odd question- I only have two aus, one I'm really bad at posting, and two... half aus...
TL;DR: I'm bad at keeping up on it because I'm not sure what I want to do, but my favorite is University AU. I still really adore Reverse Tomo AU, even if it's a pretty simple one.
Under cut because I'm being rambly but I'm too lazy to alter it.
My Two Genuine AUs are University and Reverse Tomo. I don't interact with the community a lot so the only other one I know of is Kindergarten AU. I like them all a lot, but since University AU is something I like across most settings, I'd say that's my favourite.
[Granted, I'm bad at posting University because I just don't know what to do with it, and people tend to want a lot of romance in that fic, which... I'm not the biggest fan of romance.]
My 'Half' Aus are very close to canon, just slightly off. One is 'After the Storm', where Tomo is alive but rendered mentally damaged and catatonic, and Kazuha is trying to help him heal. Other one is under the working title of "Spirit of Vengeance' where Diluc went off the deep end about a month after his father died, and disappeared from the world's view, hunting down Fatui, Treasure Hunters, and anyone he felt had wronged him, and later is saved by Baizhu.
I can't really say much for calling those AUs, since they're so close to normal Genshin, just sort of 'What If' rather than full aus. But overall I like all of them a good bit.
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eyesoverinfinity · 1 year
What au's do you want me to work on?
This post is just to ask what au's you want me to work on from the au April ideas that i flagged with logos. But if popular demand shows decided otherwise, I'll do a non logo au.
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ygocollablove · 4 years
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@augustwritingchallenge‘s 2020 monthly prompts have come to a conclusion, and YGO Collab Love would like to present all its members who participated this year!
Before that, I would like to give thanks/applause to @cieryuu for creating the banner above (and another round to @darkmagiattack/@crshrs for making the template). Look how adorable it is! <3
There are many pieces still in progress even after the challenge’s end day, and we are excited for the day that the fics will all come to completion. Otherwise, please give love and comments and feedback to the pieces listed below!
For Art submissions...
scemo vampire yami Bakura by @crshrs Vampire AU Rating: Teens and Up Blood warning
For General Audiences...
Step One College, Step Two Take Over the World by Souless_Robot ( @soulessrobot ) Status: COMPLETE College AU Characters: Chazz Princeton & Ojama Brothers Summary: “Step one: get into Neo Domino University,” Chazz lifted one finger and waved it in his spirit partners’ faces. “Step two: get a Ph.D. in dueling. Step three: get hired to teach at Duel Academy. Step four: take over the school.”
Dueling Royalty by Elexica Status: COMPLETE Modern AU Pairing: Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: Kaiba will block you on Twitter.
Diagnostic Don’ts by Souless_Robot Status: COMPLETE Hospital AU Characters: Jack Atlas, Seto Kaiba, Alexis Rhodes, Duke Devlin, Atem Summary: Dr. Seto Kaiba very much does not want any fellows in his diagnostic department. Unfortunately the hospital administrator Atem has different ideas. That's how Kaiba ends up with three fellows in his office. It's a good thing Kaiba doesn't plan to keep them for very long. He'll bet Wheeler he can get them to quit by the end of the week.
Mr. Jounouchi Will See You Now by Elexica Status: COMPLETE Role Reversal AU Pairing: Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: The CEO of Jounouchi Corp. is known for being charming and lucky—not just a shrewd businessman who bravely took over the company for his alcoholic dad. Seto Kaiba is a bright kid who really needs to pay for his brother’s eye surgery.
Succ's to be You. by Elexica Status: COMPLETE Flower Shop AU Pairing: Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: Kaiba is the worst at office plants.
For Teens and Up...
Cafe Nervosa by Elexica ( @elexica ) Status: COMPLETE Coffee Shop AU Pairing: Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: Good morning, Domino! Dr. Seto Kaiba runs a call-in psychiatry radio show, and whether he wants to or not, he's listening. His sound engineer, Joey Wheeler, unfortunately has to listen too.
All the King's Men by Souless_Robot Status: COMPLETE Soulmate AU Pairing: Rivalshipping (Chazz Princeton x Jaden Yuki), Spiritshipping (Jesse Anderson x Jaden Yuki), Supreme King x Chazz Princeton Summary: Or Chazz is the Supreme King's soulmate but not Jaden's.
Wasted by Elexica Status: COMPLETE College AU Pairing: Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: Kaiba gets drunk at Mokuba's fraternity initiation party and does the cute orientation leader's calculus homework. He's bad at flirting, but he's good at math.
Blank Slate by KitsunePhantom09 ( @kitsunephantom09 ) Status: COMPLETE Soulmates AU Pairing: Kingcrabshipping (Jack Atlas x Yusei Fudo) Summary: Everyone has a mark signifying their soulmate. Yusei doesn't.
The Voice in My Head by Elexica Status: COMPLETE Soulmates AU Pairing: Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: The month leading up to when you meet your soulmate is the only period in your life where you will hear another voice in your head, their thoughts streaming through your mind. For Jounouchi, it's hell.
Demon Days by Souless_Robot Status: COMPLETE Angels & Demons AU Pairing: Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: Joey never meant to be permanently assigned to earth after the events that take place in the Garden of Eden. Still, now that he is he really wishes he would stop running into his least favorite demon. Unfortunately, it seems the creator has other plans.
Cancelling the Apocalypse by Elexica Status: ONGOING Chapters 1/3 Post-Apocalyptic AU Pairing: Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: Are Joey and Kaiba drift compatible?
Straight to the Top by Souless_Robot Status: COMPLETE Band AU Characters: Joey Wheeler, Seto Kaiba, Yuugi Mutou, Chazz Princeton, Jaden Yuki Summary: Joey is a folk singer trying to break into the mainstream with her childhood friend Yugi. Too bad she gets nothing but problems most from the Kaiba corp record label run by the young CEO and music prodigy Seto Kaiba.
A Good Match by Elexica Status: COMPLETE Superheroes/Superpowers AU Pairing: Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: Or, Kaiba and Jounouchi can't wait for the whistle to start fighting.
Good Eggs by Elexica Status: COMPLETE Farm/Ranch AU Pairing: Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: Kaiba is forced to work as a farmhand the summer before college. Joey doesn't mind the company.
Mercy by Elexica Status: COMPLETE Crime AU Pairing: Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: Kaiba's a bit tied up at the moment.
Who You Gonna Call by Elexica Status: COMPLETE Treasure Hunters AU Pairing: Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: Ghost hunter Joey and skeptic Kaiba enlist Yugi's help in answering the question: Are ghosts real?
For Mature audiences...
And Quoth the Raven, “Nevermore.” by KitsunePhantom09 Status: COMPLETE Vampire AU Characters: Yusei Fudo Summary: Rule #1: Never answer when you hear them knocking.
Dark Web by Elexica Status: COMPLETE Pirates AU Pairing: Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: You wouldn't download a car. Kaiba would.
The line that stands between us is 100 lives worth living by SwordsAndSwongs ( @blue-eyed-priest ) Status: ONGOING Chapters 8/32 Pairing: Prideshipping (Seto Kaiba x Atem), Rivalshipping (Kaiba x Yuugi Mutou), Stoicshipping (Kaiba x Priest Set), and Puppyshipping (Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: In a world full of multiverses, who will Kaiba meet? Is it his Pharaoh, his enemies, his few friends? Or is it himself, waiting at the end of every step taken?
Demon in a Bottle by Elexica Status: COMPLETE Angels & Demons AU Pairing: Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: Kaiba overdoses.
Addicted (You’re My Favorite High) by KitsunePhantom09 Status: COMPLETE Crime AU Pairing: Kingcrabshipping (Jack Atlas x Yusei Fudo) Summary: Yusei has never felt like this before, and he desperately doesn't want it to end.
Netflix and Chill by auroraXborealis ( @xauroraxborealisx ) Status: ONGOING Chapters 11/? Pairing: Puzzleshipping (Yuugi Mutou x Atem) Summary: When the department of Human Resources from Kaiba Corp decides it is in the company’s best interest to send some of its employees on a team-building seminar for a whole weekend, Atem does not think his bonding experience with his colleagues will turn out to be this intense. Especially when he is thrown into a downward spiral of strange events with the one coworker he dislikes the most: Yugi. Now, they must work together to survive and figure out all the clues to make it back home.
Enemy Fire by KitsunePhantom09 Status: ONGOING Chapter 5/? Pairing: Kingcrabshipping (Jack Atlas x Yusei Fudo) Summary: Jack has just escaped a horrible alpha, but is in dire straits – heavily pregnant and out on the streets in the middle of winter does not bode well. But as his darkest hour arrives, so too does his savior.
Catalysts for Kindling by bewdofchaos ( @atems-leather-pants ) Status: ONGOING Chapters 11/? Pairing: Puzzleshipping (Yuugi Mutou x Atem), Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: In the eight months that Yugi and Atem have been roommates, they have formed a fast friendship over their fondness for coffee, late-night study sessions and video games. But recently, something has not been quite right. When Yugi receives a mysterious parcel, he is sent on an unexpected journey where each new step makes him reconsider everything he ever knew to be true… but mostly his relationship with his roommate.
The Dark Woods Circus’ Monster by KitsunePhantom09 Status: COMPLETE Circus AU Pairing: Kingcrabshipping (Jack Atlas x Yusei Fudo) Summary: Once, the circus was meant to wow and inspire its audience with feats of grandeur. Now it horrifies and terrifies them with unholy creatures of man's own design.
Time to fight fears, for once and for AUll by Seiyofira ( @seiyofira-doesntknowshiet ) Status: COMPLETE Chapters 11/11 Summary: These will be some scattered works for AU-gust 2020, which will either revolve around Yu-Gi-Oh! DM or JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, I will put the used AU prompt as well as either YGO or JJBA at the beginning of each chapter. They do not build a consistent story!
For Explicit audiences...
Forgiveness by KitsunePhantom09 Status: COMPLETE Angels & Demons AU Pairing: Kingcrabshipping (Jack Atlas x Yusei Fudo) Summary: An angel is offered as a sacrifice by a cult to appease their lord.
Scrubs by Elexica Status: COMPLETE Hospital AU Pairing: Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: The door to the supply closet doesn't lock, but that doesn't stop Drs. Kaiba and Jounochi from having an intimate moment.
Embrace me, Love. It's been a long day. by Cleopatra ( @writelovetomeempress ) Status: ONGOING Chapters 20/33 Pairing: Flareshipping (Seto Kaiba x Atem x Yuugi Mutou) Summary: Atem is gone, back to the Afterlife when the Ceremonial Duel was complete. A piece of Yuugi's heart went with him. Kaiba, with all his genius and all his tech, has found a way to use the Quantum Cube to claim the victory he was denied. Per a reluctant deal, Kaiba brings Yuugi along. All the bravado in the world couldn't prepare Yuugi for that final goodbye, and with shaky hands, he broke their world completely.
Porcelain Wings and Shattered Dreams by Life_0r_Death ( @life-0r-death ) Status: ONGOING Chapters 11/17 Pairing: Kingcrabshipping (Jack Atlas x Yusei Fudo) Summary: Paradox has come to take his revenge against Yusei Fudo, but a former king will sacrifice himself for the love of the greater good. Too bad sacrificing doesn't mean death, but a perpetual prison of different worlds, different dimensions where Jack gets to witness what could have been.
For fics Not Rated...
Doin’ Time by Elexica Status: COMPLETE Childhood Friends AU Pairing: Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: Joey is trying to get a contraband cell phone in Juvie Hall. Kaiba is a little more ambitious.
A huge round of applause for everyone who participated and who are still fighting the good fight of completing their fics! We hope to join again next year and provide a plethora of amazing YGO-related fics for you all to read! Congratulations everyone!!
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slashyrogue · 4 years
My AU-gust Hannigram AUs
1. Fantasy   ao3: I’ll Eat Your Heart 
2. College
3. Soulmate
4. Angels & Demons 
5. Post Apocalypse (A/B/O)
6. Hospital (A/B/O)
7. Childhood Friends    Part 2
8. Superheroes/Superpowers
9. Royalty (A/B/O)
10. Pirate 
11. Farm/Ranch 
12. Crime 
13. Rock Band 
14. Vampire (A/B/O)
15. Role Reversal 
16. Treasure Hunters
17. Firefighters
18. Bodyguard
19. 19th Century 
20. Single Parent(s) (A/B/O)
21. Professional Rivals
22. Futuristic 
23. Arranged Marriage (A/B/O)
24. Coffee Shop
25. Circus
26. Monster Hunters
27. Flower Shop
28. Fashion & Models
29. Tattoo Parlor
30.  Magic
31. Vampire & Coffee Shop 
Extra 1. Farm/Ranch & Single Parents
Extra 2. Magic & Arranged Marriage 
Extra 3. 19th Century Soulmates 
ao3: AU-gust Writing Challenge 2020
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classywritings · 4 years
Originally posted to Ao3. This is part 2 of my 2019 Halloween specials. Within this AU, Joker is a vampire.
A crash startles you awake. Jolting up in your bed, your sleep-blurred vision immediately turns to where the source of the sound came from. You swear under your breath and reach for the lamp at the side of your bed to turn it on, but, a foreign hand snaps out and stops you.
Another hand reaches forward, keeping you from crying out in alarm. You whimper, body shaking as your blood pumps hot throughout your veins. However, it’s quickly soothed when a pain filled voice whispers.
“It’s only me, treasure.”
Slowly, the hand at your mouth goes away. You keep silent, though, listening for any sound that someone is aware you’re no longer alone in your room. Outside the wind blows gently against the walls of your dorm as the occasional falling leaf brushes against the window. No other sound is heard, making relief wash through you. The last thing you want is someone coming to investigate the crash that sounded in your room. At the same time, you also thank the heavens you got lucky and don’t have a roommate.
“Joker,” your murmur, reaching out to the male as you shift to sit on the side of the bed. He’s breathing heavily, which is unsettling. “What’s going on? Is something wrong?”
He doesn’t say a word, instead only hovering close to you. You can feel his body heat all around you, keeping you sheltered from the chill of your room in the absence of blankets. You pull yourself closer to him, reaching out. He’s shivering, too, which is even more worrying than his silence.
You purse your lips. “Sit down, please. You’re worrying me...”
Being gentle, you help the male sit down beside you. An arm wrapped around his waist reveals him to be even worse off than you thought. Not only is he shivering and breathing heavily, but you swear you feel...
Ignoring the chill in the air as you step away from Joker, you move to turn on your lamp. He doesn’t stop you this time, but when you turn back to him his gaze is squarely upon you. You ignore than in favor of staring in wide open shock at the male’s ruffled appearance.
“Oh my god. Joker, what happened?!”
The dark colors of the male’s outfit hides most of it, but there's still no mistaking the dark patches of blood across his body. The majority of it flecks his torso as parts of his sleeves and undershirt have clearly been ripped and is showing skin. The most worrisome thing, however, is the fact the wounds you can see haven’t healed yet. As far as you’re aware, Joker’s accelerated healing due to being a vampire should have kicked in already, but it clearly hasn’t.
“I’m...” He grimaces as he shifts his position. “I’m okay.”
You stare long and hard at him. “No, you’re not. Don’t try to lie to me. Why haven’t your wounds already healed?”
Finally, the male looks at you. It’s a gaze filled with such pain that it makes your heart break a little. You’ve never seen him like this; he’s always so calm, smooth, and confident around you. “I was attacked by a vampire hunter,” he says slowly. “Their weapons are laced with a poison that affects my healing abilities.”
Your eyes widen. “Is… is there a way to reverse it?”
Once again, Joker looks away from you. You see him swallow, his Adam’s apple bobbing. He has stopped shivering and is instead sitting straight as a board, looking as if he’s going to bolt at any second. Just to make sure he doesn’t, you move closer to him. This only makes him stiffen further, but you'd rather him be uncomfortable than have him bolt on you.
“Well? You know I’m willing to do anything to help.” Carefully, you reach out to grab one of his gloved hands. He lets you take it between your’s, but still doesn’t make eye contact. “Please, Joker.”
The male inhales slowly, then lets the breath go heavily after a few second pause. Even more slowly, his eyes come back to your own gaze, meeting it with such an intensity it takes your breath away. It’s further stilled when a deep ruby color takes over the dark gray of his irises. “Drinking blood is the only way to counteract the poison,” he whispers.
Oh. Oh.
Such an answer should’ve been expected in your mind, yet your head refuses to wrap around it. You stand there, your hands still holding one of Joker’s. He doesn’t move, just watching you with that silent intensity.
It’s now your turn to gulp. Your stomach flip-flops anxiously, but you push it aside in favor of rising determination. Carefully, you sit yourself down upon Joker’s lap, also letting go of his hand. Once comfortable, the male loosely wraps an arm around your waist, his eyes narrowing in obvious confusion. Any other time you’d laugh at such an expression, but this time you just smile instead.
“Well, allow me to help you, than,” you say, gently smiling still. Joker gasps audibly, which draws that small laughter out of you. Before he can protest, like he clearly wants to, you speak again. “I told you: I’m willing to do anything to help. Even if that means drinking my blood.”
Red eyes search your own, his free hand rising to cup your cheek. His thumb brushes tenderly over your skin as he continues to search for any hesitation. When he finds none, he pauses, his lips pursed once again. “Are you sure?”
You nod. “Positive. I trust you.” Joker has snuck away and into your room many nights now. His first visits were brief, yet, due to his insistence on visiting, the male had grown on you despite the little amount of time spent together. He clearly had no bad intentions—he just wanted to visit someone who didn’t want to see him arrested. And once he had found out you were a fan of him and his merry band of thieves, he started coming over almost every night after their heists.
After a month of visiting, he entrusted you with an even deeper secret. Only his fellow thieves were aware of this; you were the first outsider to be told he is a vampire.
Then, it wasn’t until a few nights ago you found out why he decided to visit you in the first place. He had caught your scent while out on a heist. It had intoxicated him so much he followed it all the way to your dorm, where you slept peacefully. It explained why you awoke with a start that night, feeling like you were being watched in your sleep. Apparently he made a hasty, silent retreat when you awoke, but had vowed to himself to see you again and greet himself properly to you.
All this gathered together, you trust the male. You may not know the identity behind the mask, but that doesn’t matter. Joker is a thief, but honorable and compassionate. His actions alone are enough to attest to that.
Joker closes his eyes and when he opens them again the ruby is a much brighter shade than before. “It will sting when I first bite you,” he murmurs, his thumb circling the skin of your cheek again. “I will make sure it doesn’t hurt any more than that.”
You nod, that being all you can reply with. Once again, you hold your breath. This time it is in anticipation for what is to come. Joker stares into your eyes for a moment longer before he pulls your body flush against his. You gasp, it stuttering as you feel warm breath fan across your neck. A full body shiver possesses you, goosebumps rising up wherever they can. More further rise up when you notice the hand that was upon your cheek has moved into your hair, it entangling in it gently.
You resist the urge to swallow, still waiting with bated breath for Joker to do anything more. His breathing still fans across your neck as he seems to almost hesitate.
“Joker?” You inquire, unsure. Your response is a subtle peck of warm lips to your neck. You stiffen, your eyes widening. A few seconds pass before another small kiss is laid to your skin, then another and another. A deep exhale is stuttered past your lips as you shakily wrap your arms around the male, drawing yourself impossibly closer to him. His kisses should be soothing, yet, they only make your heartbeat skyrocket.
The hand in your hair scratches your scalp as the lips trail up to your ear. The tension in the thief’s body has completely disappeared. It seems to have leapt onto you instead. “Easy now, love,” Joker whispers into your ear. This eases your tension slightly, but it isn’t enough for the male. He pulls away, looking at you warmly. “Are you sure that you want to do this? I can feel your anxiety...”
It’s your turn to look away, a bashful color making itself known on your cheeks. “I already said I’m willing to do anything. I just… I just thought you’d bite me and get this over with.”
A low chuckle catches your attention. Looking back at Joker, you see him grinning impishly. You stare hard at him, almost gasping when you see a glimpse of his fangs. His red eyes are such a bright carmine they almost seem to be glowing now, too. “Ah, but where’s the fun in that, treasure?”
You gasp finally, caught off guard when the male swoops in for a kiss on the lips. It takes a moment for your brain to catch up with the present, but once it does you reciprocate. Your hands grab a fistful of the male’s long black coat to gain some sense of grounding, otherwise it feels as if you may float away.
Much to your silent dismay, the kiss doesn’t last long. Soon enough Joker pulls away, his head burying back into your neck. However, his lips don’t leave your skin as he continues his exploration of it. You’re putty in his hands as you wait for him to finally do what you’ve been waiting anxiously for.
He doesn’t make you wait much longer. He kisses your skin a few more times before you feel him hover his mouth over where you can keenly feel a vein in your neck pulsing. The only forewarning you receive comes in the form of a growl before a sharp pain makes itself known to you.
You almost cry out in pain, but a hand snaps out and encloses over your mouth. Instead all you can do is cry into the larger, gloved hand. You squeeze your eyes shut, the pain seeming to last an eternity, even if it is only a few seconds. When it washes away you still don’t relax, however, sitting deathly still in Joker’s lap. You must’ve calmed somewhat enough for the male, for soon you hear a low, crooning purr from him.
You hold still, yet, you notice something as the seconds tick by. There’s no more pain—actually, you feel something else entirely. Euphoria slowly settles over you, which makes your body relax from its tense position and your breathing settles into slow inhales and exhales. You’re not sure if it’s a side effect of your blood being taken or if Joker and his vampiric abilities have something to do with it. You’re starting to wonder if it’s the latter, though, considering he did state he wanted to make sure you felt no pain after the initial bite.
When Joker pulls away, you bury your head into his neck. “How do you feel?” He asks you. All you can reply with is a hum, which makes the male chuckle. “Good, I imagine. That’s all the better.”
His lips attach back to bite, but when his fangs sink into your flesh again no pain makes itself known. Instead, all you feel is a wave of warmth wash through you. It makes you groan quietly, shivering once again. Joker growls in response, and presses his body to yours insistently. Your eyes are squeezed tightly shut as the euphoria continues to wash over you, masking the slowly rising dizziness.
After a few minutes and with a rippling growl, Joker pulls away from your neck. You stay where you are, having no energy to move. It’s hard to miss the rigidity of his body. He must be holding himself back from drinking any more. A good thing, too, for your sure your dizziness would’ve gotten worse had he gone on any longer.
“How are your wounds?” You ask him. Normally you’d pull away to inspect them yourself, but you’re doubting you’d be able to check him over properly with the state you’re in.
“Completely healed. Thank you, treasure.” He kisses your forehead as he relaxes. Your grip on his coat falls slack, exhaustion creeping up on you. It’s only furthered as Joker strokes your hair and rubs soothing patterns into your back. “I feel much better, as well.”
“That’s good.” You nuzzle into his neck, humming. “‘M happy to have helped.”
Joker chuckles, kissing your cheek. “Why don’t you get some sleep? I’ll watch over you while you rest.”
Your vision begins to darken further as you feel sleep begin to cocoon your consciousness. All you can reply with is a simple “okay” before unconsciousness takes you.
The next morning, you awake to the sound of heavy rain pattering against your dorm’s window. Groaning, you roll over onto your other side and stare blearily at your clock on your nightstand. You’ve slept in until almost noon. Thankfully you’re classes aren’t until later in the afternoon today.
Slowly, you sit up. Your eyes trail across your room. You see no sign of anything out of the ordinary—no thief is around to greet you.
Suddenly, your eyes catch sight of something on your desk. Curiosity rising, you walk over to it, your eyes widening when you see what awaits you. Joker may not be here to wake you up himself, but a gift placed carefully on your desk is enough to speak of his presence.
Mindful of where you touch them, you pick up the bouquet that’s settled on your desk. Hydrangeas, gardenias, and red roses make up the large set of flowers, and they’re all tied together with a black ribbon. You eye to bouquet with a smile while your hand trails up to healing bite mark on your neck.
“You’re welcome, Joker,” you mumble to your silent room.
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aurumacadicus · 4 years
Alright y’all ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Can’t promise these will actually be posted on the correct day because I’ve gotta get my WinterIronShield Bangs posted and everything but here’s what we’re looking at:
Tony/Quill/Gamora—Fantasy AU
Thor/Tony—College AU
Tony/T’Challa—Soulmates AU
Sam/Tony/Bucky—Angels & Demons AU
Tony/Phil—Post-Apocalypse AU
Natasha/Pepper—Hospital AU
Pepper/Tony/Natasha—Childhood Friends AU
Natasha/Pepper—Superheroes/Superpowers AU
Tony/Clint—Royalty AU
Sam/Tony/Bucky—Pirates AU
Carol/Tony—Farm/Ranch AU
Bucky/Tony/Natasha—Crime AU
Tony/Scott—Rock Band AU
Tony/Eddie/Venom—Vampire AU
Steve/Thor—Role Reversal AU
Tony/Pepper/Bucky—Treasure Hunters AU
Sam/Tony—Firefighters AU
Phil/Steve—Bodyguard AU
Clark/Tony—19th Century AU
Bucky/Natasha—Single Parent(s) AU
Pepper/May—Professional Rivals AU
Sam/Tony—Futuristic AU
Bucky/Tony/Rhodey—Arranged Marriage AU
Tony/Bruce Wayne—Private Detectives AU
Clint/Natasha—Circus AU
Tony/T’Challa—Monster Hunters AU
Tony/Pepper/Steve—Flower Shop AU
Tony/Clint/Phil—Fashion & Models AU
Phil/Clint—Tattoo Parlor AU
Natasha/Rhodey—Magic AU
Clint/Sam—Two of any of the above combined
And the jokers turned out to be:
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Latest & Greatest Sherlollbrary Additions: Estrella3791 Edition 09/05/20
Royalty AU by Estrella3791 (Rated K+, One-Shot) Married Sherlolly, Royalty AU AO3 2020
Pirate AU by Estrella3791 (Rated K+, One-Shot) Piratelock AO3 2020
Farm AU by Estrella3791 (Rated K+, One-Shot) Teenlock AO3 2020
Crime AU by Estrella3791 (Rated T, One-Shot) Smooth Criminal, Different Job, Married Sherlolly, Secret Relationship AO3 2020
Rock Band AU by Estrella3791 (Rated T, One-Shot) The Arts, Different Jobs AO3 2020
Vampire AU by Estrella3791 (Rated T, One-Shot) Vamp!lock AO3 2020
Role Reversal AU by Estrella3791 (Rated K+, One-Shot) Swaplock AO3 2020
Treasure Hunt AU by Estrella3791 (Rated K, One-Shot) Kidlock AO3 2020
Firefighter AU by Estrella3791 (Rated K+, One-Shot) Different Job, Uni!lock, Shopping Sherlolly (Retail AU) AO3 2020
Bodyguard AU by Estrella3791 (Rated T, One-Shot) Different Jobs, Class Difference AO3 2020
19th Century AU by Estrella3791 (Rated K+, One-Shot) Victorian (TAB Ins), Married Sherlolly AO3 2020
Single Parent AU by Estrella3791 (Rated K+, One-Shot) Parentlock, Single Parent, 1st Meeting AO3 2020
Professional Rivals AU (Broadchurch AU) by Estrella3791 (Rated K+, One-Shot) Adapt/Crossover, Different Jobs AO3 2020
Futuristic AU by Estrella3791 (Rated K+, One-Shot) Sci-Fi AO3 2020
Arranged Marriage AU by Estrella3791 (Rated K+, One-Shot) Christmas, Royalty AU, Unilock AO3 2020
Private Detective AU by Estrella3791 (Rated K+, One-Shot) Different Job AO3 2020
Circus AU by Estrella3791 (Rated K+, One-Shot) The Arts, Teenlock, Different Job AO3 2020
Monster Hunter AU (Vampire AU sequel) by Estrella3791 (Rated T, One-Shot) Vamplock AO3 2020
Flower Shop AU by Estrella3791 (Rated T, One-Shot) Retail, Different Job AO3 2020
Fashion and Models AU by Estrella3791 (Rated T, One-Shot) Different Job, Sherlolly v. the Press AO3 2020
Tattool Parlour AU by Estrella3791 (Rated T, One-Shot) Tattoolock, Retail AU AO3 2020
Magic AU by Estrella3791 (Rated T, One-Shot) Fantasy/Supernatural AO3 2020
Coffe Shop AU by Estrella3791 (Rated T, One-Shot) Retail, Different Job, Unilock AO3 2020
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bittybattybunny · 4 years
TLC Parent Reverse AU
Okay guys! After a while of figuring how plot points would alter and stuff I do have a bullet point for a summery of the “what if snatcher found baby hattie instead” au!!!
I only did it to a certain point as it would spoil TLC and I don’t want to do that
This is a little wordy but I’ve been trying to figure it out alongside writing the main fic. Some of this was based on asks sent to me that are sitting in drafts :’3c thank you guys for your ideas <3 (I’d put credits but you all sent them to me on anon---
Eclipse works for Prometheus instead of being a dog trainer/treasure hunter
She’s extremely death seeking but won’t make active attempts at her life
She doesn’t live in Subcon City but instead lives in the Horizon Woods with Marcus. Is able to use minor threads magic from spending so much time in the woods. Can chew through the threads of fate.
Snatcher struggles as a single father even forgetting to name his damn kid for 2 years
Sena/Moon Jumper helps get clothing and food for the baby however he has limited time he can interact in the real world due to not having a threaded connection
Snatcher sinks ships to gather supplies for Sena to barter/sell to get things for the baby
When baby HK is about 2 years old Prometheus sends Eclipse to investigate all the sunken ships since it’s her home town and they think it’s dangerous and knows she won’t say no
Eclipse pinpoints the ship sinking to the sub and with the selkie twin’s help goes out on the rocks where she finds Baby HK chewing on a seashell and gets frantic
Snatcher uses his tail to block the wolf from his daughter
Shouting match between the two
Baby HK moves from her father to grab the wolf’s shoe
Snatcher is shocked since normally she’s afraid of others near the cove
Eclipse winds up sitting and playing with the baby while she gets snatcher’s story real fast
Calls Kubi for paperwork while talking to Snatcher 
Snatcher comes up with the idea if SHE was the human parent (granted he does know she’s not human) then he’s willing to do what’s needed as long as he’s still allowed to be her dad
She’s shocked but accepts because she’s drawn to baby HK
Calls Connie to bring the paperwork; asks him to not mention anything to DJ just yet until things are sorted with work
Connie brings the papers out and is confused that Eclipse is just sitting with a small child
She just starts doing the paperwork while Connie plays with the baby while snatcher is nervous dad
They decide to get a house in a secluded area so he can keep seeing her
Finds out he never named her and just calls her kid and kiddo
Says he kept meaning too but nothing fit
They discuss names and decide on Harriet ‘Hattie’ Kerrigan and decide to use Eclipse’s last name since she’ll handle anything on land like doctors offices and school
Even though he doesn’t want to he lets her take Hattie for the night and he goes and lurks near the dock near DJ and Connie’s even though she warned him about DJ’s hatred for leviathans.
They wind up getting some land where his castle used to be which is bittersweet for him but he’s glad he’ll be able to stay near Hattie
They end up building a lake from the ocean as well so he’s able to move freely and interact with her safely
Eclipse winds up talking to him about Marcus and how she lives there normally and goes and brings Marcus’s body
Marcus and his brother have a good reunion but Marcus gives his brother a stern talking to (i.e. WHAT THE PECK YOU MORON?!)
They decide to hold off doing anything with his curse until Hattie is older as when Marcus messed with it and made snatcher scream she started to cry
--anything more and we start spoiling TLC so I’m not going into detail---
I’ll add to it as tlc updates as well so spoilers don’t get in the way
also no i’m not gonna write like a full fic cuz literally it’s just TLC but with some timeline changes and minor relationship alterations
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