#Rhea's abandonment
titan-wolfdog · 2 years
giving me the Soulsborne games to play was granting me barbie dolls and my own arena to throw them in like gladiators
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veikkoalen · 9 months
polaris is math and order. hiss is organics and chaos. polaris is about the importance of the individual which comes with the progress. hiss is about the community above individual's will.
polaris didn't help dylan because she wanted jesse to succeed as an individual and not as part of faden family, because her nature is to be unique – and ultimately, alone. that's why hedron ended up being destroyed, darling sent to hell, dylan being abandoned – because polaris already has jesse, a single, most capable host who put herself into the most unique position – the director of federal bureau of control – by herself.
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hapigairu · 1 year
Some Cyril appreciation featuring his mom:
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call-me-a-simp · 1 year
Heal My Wounds
Wedding Day (part 32)
Rhea Ripley x Reader
Summary: You are in a toxic relationship with an abusive man but manage to run away. A tall, black haired woman picks you up from the streets just in time so your ex doesn't get you. But who is she and why does she seem so familiar to you? As you get to know each other you start to notice weird feelings you never had before whenever she's around.
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Finally, it's the day you've been wanting to come for so long and were afraid of at the same time.
You were sitting in a small room, getting your makeup done. Outside they did the last preparations, making everything perfect in the way you wanted it to be.
After more than half a year you also finally managed to get back in contact with your family after your ex broke it off. You invited them to your wedding but were a little worried they wouldn't come because they were mad you, not quite understanding yet why you broke contact.
You hear a knock on the door and wonder who it could be. You didn't expect anyone, did you?
"If you're not Rhea then come in" you say and smile slightly at the thought of it being her. The door opens and you see your family behind you through the mirror. You immediately jump up and run into your mother's arms, embracing her in a tight hug before moving on to your dad and grandparents.
You were more than happy to see them and there was much to talk about, but right now it didn't matter, you had other, more important things to worry about.
Everything you and your soon to be wife had planned regarding location, decoration and stuff had worked out perfectly.
You got the permission to use an abandoned church in the middle of the woods, a rather creepy, old graveyard behind it and a nice open area not very far from it where you could set up tables and banks for your guests to sit and eat later on.
You decorated everything with purple and black candles, flowers, silk scarfs, bones, sculls and more. Here and there you scattered a few weapons, like daggers, bows and arrows and shields. Some of them were already pretty old and rusty.
The guests slowly began to gather themselves in the church, even Rhea's family came all the way from Australia and soon enough the ceremony began. You planned for Damian to lead you up to the altar, not knowing your dad would be there so you canceled him last minute.
He didn't mind it though, he was very happy for you. Quiet music was playing in the background and Rhea was waiting in front of the altar as you entered through the big front door.
Everyone turned their heads to you. A big smile capturing both your's and Rhea's face as you lock eyes. That's why she didn't want to come with you looking for dresses. She got herself a suit. A beautiful black one with a pattern and purple accents, just perfect. Your father leads you through the aisle and hands you over to Rhea.
"You're beautiful!" she whispers. You step up to the altar, facing each other and holding hands as the priest begins to speak. Time seams to go by slower than usual as the marriage officiant holds his talk. You didn't even realize how far he's already come until you hear your name.
"And do you, y/n y/l/n, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?"
You snap out of your thoughts. This is it. From now on forever.. or never.
"I do" you say, trying your best to sound confident but your voice is a little shaky. Rhea notices and squeezes your hands a little to reassure you.
You smile and put on each other's ring. "You may now kiss the bride" you hear the priest and you two lean in for a kiss, Rhea cups your cheek, signaling you that there's nothing to be afraid of, that you're making the right choice.
After the vows and everything have been said you walk out hand in hand, followed by the guests. You take place at the tables and enjoy the buffet and of course your wedding cake.
It's a very nice evening, you talk a lot, laugh a lot. Just enjoying your life, happy to be where you are and with who you ended up there.
Rhea sits next to you the whole time. Holding onto your hand or thigh whenever she can. It's one of the many, many thing you love about her. Her love language, physical touch.
Not the last part as intended, as I got a request for another part by @babybatlover ;) You needy, little whore.. XD
Taglist: @legit9thlunaticwarrior @thatonepansexual2000 @nox-fire
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randomnameless · 3 months
My husband came up with this idea that made me see Ionius in a slightly different way: Edelgard mentions that the Empire "demands many heirs" in her Goddess Tower support w/ Byleth, hence why Ionius had a load of kids by different women. Normally I'd think "wow that's stupid, way to invite a power struggle after you're dead" but what if it's actually an Empire tradition? Like, Ionius maybe is the first Emperor in a while to try to consolidate power but maybe only one of many to have a ton of kids, AND the reason is not only to have a kid with a Crest, but that the Slitherers practice Crest experimentation on each generation of heirs with the hope of creating a two-crested Nemesis clone to help them kill off the Nabateans. Ionius just happened to be the survivor of his batch of siblings. Maybe having 10-11 kids is to make sure that some of them will live long enough to be the next Emperor, and that's why the "Empire demands many heirs."
FWIW, the Index of Imperial Nobility mentions how House Vestra is supposed to "coordinate things such as Imperial Consorts", adding to that how House Vestra has been at the Hresevelgs' back since the danw of the Empire, yeah, we can make a pretty good case that Adrestia has a long standing tradition of, uh, imperial consorts and all.
It can be seen as dumb because it invites power struggles, but it avoids the issue that could very well have happened with the Kingdom, aka Dimitri ded = the King's direct line is dead and it's chaos because one of the first duties of a King/Emperor/Leader under those kinds of hereditary systems is, well, to secure a heir - the lineage cannot be broken!
(that's where we usually have sekrit heirs popping up from nowhere in some kinds of stories, or bastard children !)
Having multiple Consorts - thus a large number of heirs - makes it sure that the line will not be broken as easily as, idk, a baby choking on a pretzel or a serious flu.
However, as Hanneman mentions in Hubert's support, having dozens of consorts means creating dozens of families who suddenly have to get some privileges bcs the Emperor is figging their daughters - and depending on how powerful those families are, if the Emperor obviously favors one kid over the others (or pisses on one over the others) one of those families might not be happy and start shit in the Empire - taking more and more consorts means shaving little by little the power of the Emperor in Adrestia!
(and guesses who spearheads the insurrection? Arundel, one of those "consort kin"!)
The topic of Ionius' 11 children is sadly forgotten by the plot - but iirc Word of God said the Ordelias (Lysithea) were experimented upon as a test, and when the Agarthans had, uhhh, conclusive results, they experimented on the Hresvelgs.
Given who was in charge when Ordelia was ran over by Adrestia - even if no character mentions the consequences or make a link because you have tea bags to sell - imo it would totally make sense that Ionius killed two birds with one stone : flexing his underdeveloped muscles at peons who helped people who dared to betray him, and getting guinea pigs for his plans to get the strongest Emperor ever.
Bear in mind that the Ordelia fuckery was done before the Insurrection aka, Ionius had this plan before Ludwig'n'co decided to depose him!
(Was Vestra aware of what was going on? Who were the Agarthans working with Ionius? Is it a situation à la Manfroy'n'Arvis, people disapproving of the Emperor listening at shady people?)
The Ordelia experiments leads me to believe the plan to become "super strong with dual crests" was hatched and developed during the Ionius era, but again, the game is so crappy at lore building that we don't even know if Ionius had 10 (legitimate) sibs, or only 5, and what they are doing when Supreme Leader is running the show, or did when Ionius was defanged.
Granted, we don't know since when Agarthans are slithering in Adrestia - if we believe the "Willy's sekrit history" was tampered with and assume Supreme Leader was telling the truth, that it was passed down in generations, maybe Agarthans were slowly manipulating Adrestian Emperor to get their revenge on Nabateans (in Nopes, a book about the rebellion of the Southern Church mentions how the Emperor wanted to cut ties with the Central Church anyways since a long time, but doesn't explain why).
And so, maybe Agarthans devised several plans, that all failed, to make the Hresvelgs turn against the Church and be strong enough to be flattened in 5 seconds, and it only worked during Ionius' era ?
We will never know, but it's still fun to think and headcanon about!
To bounce back on the "Adrestia demands many heirs" thing, given how I am fond of a certain AU, what if
This came up as a reaction to the entire Lycaon debacle?
Wilhelm 1 picked a heir, his heir died "to a mysterious illness" and instead of assuming rulership or helping another heir to rule - like he did for Lycaon - Wilhelm bailed out of Adrestia.
It could be explained by Lycaon being the golden child and favourite kid of his dad, so if he's not the one ruling, Dad doesn't give a fuck anymore about his Empire... or -
What if Lycaon was Willy's only child, and the subsequent Hresvelgs are "cousins" or members of a branch family?
In that case, it wouldn't be Willy playing favourites, but bailing out because his own son "suddenly fell ill and died" and he wouldn't be as involved as he was in helping his own kid, if now we're talking about helping a great grand-nephew or someone else.
(Rhea would have had to give a transfusion to the subsequent Emperor - i name her by convenience Hildegarde bcs no imagination and it's faster to type than "the female emperor who succeeded Lycaon and dueled against Ferdie's ancestor who wanted the throne" - to make people believe there is a direct continuity between Wilhelm, Lycaon, Hildegarde and her future heirs).
In that "only kid" scenario, it would also justify why House Hresvelg became so obsessed with taking Consorts and having a lot of heirs - Adrestia was nearly left Emperor-less after Lycaon's death because they had no other heirs to pick a successor from...
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domysterio · 10 months
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Rhea Ripley & Dominik Mysterio | RAW - November 27th 2023
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zhindian · 2 years
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godsofhumanity · 2 years
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@theprodigalgenius sure thing :))
once upon a time, Lil Kro-Kro was bored of his marriage, and got himself a side-chick Philyra (who was also his niece -- she was an oceanid)... now one day, Rhea happened to walk in on her husband and his lover in the act, and Kro got such a bad scare that instinctively he turned into a horse (normal reaction) and galloped away from the scene... but Philyra was not so lucky; Kro had such perfect timing with his transformation that, a couple of months later, Philyra gave birth to a son who was half-god, half-horse... but, you probably know Kronos' bastard son better as Chiron, the wisest of the centaurs and tutor of heroes :))))))))
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attackmybutt · 7 months
A summary of my tav/durges
Rhea: Druid hippie, certified monster fucker (tav)
Sylonna: Cannibal with conflicted morals, trying to appease/please everyone because they crave love and attention. (Resist!durge)
(Current evil!durge) Drako: Murderous puppy. (He was supposed to be the super evil one. This mofo surprised me by acting smarter about his propensity to want to murder everyone.)
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queers-gambit · 1 year
Blue Moon Wreckage
prompt: your husband can often lose his temper and resort to the man he was before you. you grow tired of lashing your tongue, and learn your husband responds better to silence.
pairing: Daemon Targaryen x female!wife!reader
fandom masterlist: House of the Dragon
word count: 4.3k+
note: another stand alone, no sequel
warnings: cursing, talk of child abandonment, vulgar dialogue, old-fashioned views on marriage (maybe idk), not edited. small angst, small comfort. author probably missed some warnings.
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The entire city cleaned up in preparation for Princess Rhaenyra's nuptials to the heir of Driftmark, Lord Laenor Velaryon. It was refreshing to see citizens rejoicing in a common theme and going around to hang different decorations; chandeliers of strung florals, wreaths woven and hung, lanterns set all around to create an ambiance in the street.
Romance was in the air.
It put people in jolly spirits, brought them elation, and gave the ability to decompress from the woes of life. Wine tasted sweeter, the food saltier, and many merchants came into town for the week-long celebration of Rhaenyra and Laenor in the hopes of selling enough wares to pay for three of their month's expenses. Every room at the inn was filled, brothels hosting the leftover stragglers; money was simply made in an abundance after taking advantage of the citizens come to celebrate.
And yet, deep within the halls of the Red Keep, not all were so at peace with the state of things.
Maids and servants all skidded around the corridor that housed your bedchambers shared with your husband. The walls almost vibrated with the sheer force of the yelling that took place, and while the sun shone on the rest of the Kingdom, there was a dark shadow over the Red Keep.
Rarely, and it was the truth, rarely did you and Daemon ever fight. He was your best friend, he was the love of your life, you've known him for years, and had long since developed an effective way to communicate. Daemon wasn't easy to deal with, in fact, even to those who knew how to handle him, he sometimes pushed past boundaries and threw curveballs into the mix. You were not immune to his sharp tongue and wicked-fast wit, but in reality, Daemon never actively sought conflict with you, so fighting was incredibly rare - though, not totally unheard of.
Like a blue moon - not totally unheard of, but still considered rare. And in pale moonlight, the ship you and Daemon found yourselves sailing on seemed to crash into a set of cliffside jagged rocks, all but imploding the balance you had found yourselves in.
A shipwreck during a blue moon.
Before you, Daemon was violent and volatile. He was irresponsible, impulsive, stubborn, hotheaded, and blood thirty. Many Ladies all vied for the Prince's attention, but as he grew older, he became more and more reckless and more Ladies started keeping their distance. Expect you. You heard rumor his grandmother, the Queen Alysanne, meant to marry him off to Rhea Royce but your father was almost too smart for his own good. He devised a tantalizing offer that the Crown would've been foolish to refuse - thus binding you and Daemon to fate.
Before you, Daemon wasn't a man. He was just a second son trapped in a shell of his body, full of anger with nowhere to expel himself. A boy with a temper. A lad with attitude. He was knighted at 16, an impressive feat, and not a full moon cycle later, you and Daemon wed. He wasn't easy to love, but that was because he was so defensive in his life living in his older brother's shadow.
Before you, Daemon never believed in love or acceptance. Yet everyday he spent with you, he was reminded of his value and worth as a person - not just a Prince, or a Targaryen. You worked every day for his trust and confidence, and once you had it, it was an unshakeable foundation. Daemon was everything to you, and before him, you were shy and awkward and overwhelmed in the glaring eyes of court. Now, you were confident, humble, and weeping with power.
You kept Daemon balanced in his head and heart.
Before you, he was like a wild dog. Now, he was domesticated for you and you alone. He realized how much his recklessness hurt you and never wanted to be the cause of your pain, so, Daemon cleaned himself up. Most days, he was perfectly content in life, and others, he was still as stubborn as ever, but every so often, Daemon loses sight of himself and resorts back to who he was before you.
Fighting with Daemon was always difficult. He wasn't accustomed to losing, so, when you two went toe-to-toe, he was out for blood. He loses himself in his anger, fueled only by the need to cause the most harm with his sharpest words. Daemon jumped to conclusions faster than a grasshopper hops from blades of grass because he was vastly insecure, and it took most of your will to restrain your anger enough to soothe him of his worries.
Daemon hated fighting with you, and you hated fighting with him. There was never a true victor because you both hated it so much. Perhaps that was why your once-in-a-blue-moon fights turned so gruesome and emotional; you both hated fighting that it made you fight even harder.
How you came to this, you didn't remember. One moment, you were enjoying a morning feast with your husband, and the next, you were locked in your chambers, lashing at each other's throats with hateful words.
"I do not understand!" You sobbed. "You agreed to this - "
"No! No, I did not! You did not consult me on this matter, you just accepted responsibility. For the both of us!"
"He is my little brother, Daemon!"
"He is not our responsibility!"
"He is now!"
"Because you took action without a word to me!"
"I did not need to consult you; he is my blood."
"But not mine."
You scoffed, "For fuck's sake, Daemon, do you hear yourself? You are whinging over a child - you're bloody jealous of a child! Where is the man I married?"
"I have done all I am expected and required as a husband, it is you who refuses my seed. Who refuses to grow our family!"
"Oh, for fuck's sake! Now you want a baby!? Married ten years, we are, and NOW you want to whinge about babies!? I am busy in case you've not bothered to look around every once in a while," you snapped, "and I understand having a baby is not ideal right now!"
"So, you will not take my seed because you are busy raising another man's?"
"He was my father - oh, Gods be good, why're we fighting over this?"
"You need to understand, he is not mine," Daemon seethed. "He will never be mine and I do not wish to treat him as such. The life and luxury we live in are not meant for a child that is neither of ours."
"What would you have me do!?"
"Send him to your brother."
"Oh, spare me this notion, Daemon! I will not hear of it! No! We are not discussing this again and again!"
"You mean to disobey me then, wife?" He snapped, making your mouth snap shut. "Huh? Think you're immune to the duties you must uphold as a woman? Think that allows you free rein? You are luckier than most that I allow you to have a fucking opinion; do not abuse my generosity. You want the child to stay, fine, I hear you, but I say he goes. Guess who's want will triumph?"
You blinked several times, unable to find words.
"Nothing to say?" He taunted. "That is a first, wife, you surprise me. In your moment of silence, do well to listen to me now: the child goes, or I do. You either get rid of the child or I will remove myself from this sham of a marriage."
"I do not recognize you, you are not my husband," you finally sighed. "Do me a favor and figure you may speak to me again once you're ready to apologize. If not, I assume by week's end, we will be celebrating both Rhaenyra's wedding and our annulment."
"Too much time has passed for such - "
"I know a Septon that will forge documents. Now," you eyed him up and down, "once more, do not think to speak to me unless to grovel for my forgiveness."
"You will die before that happens."
You nodded slowly, then shrugged and dodged around him to exit the room. You could not bear to be around him any longer, storming away to where your small brother was being looked after by a Septa. You did not speak to Daemon the rest of the day, feeling yourself brimming with anger as you replayed his words.
How dare he find insult in your desire to do "the right thing" by caring for your brother after your parents met their untimely demise? How dare he cite "wifely duties" to you? Just how dare he!
The day was supposed to be merry. It was supposed to be lighthearted and fun and romantic and exciting and gossip worthy. Yet now, you were feeling annoyed, frustrated, weighed down, and plain stupid. You felt alone. You felt tired and worn thin. Your little brother, Jamie, always put a smile on your face, but now, you were simply ready to cry just by looking at him. This planted the seed of resentment towards Daemon, and through the day, only festered.
"My Lady?" You glanced in the mirror to see your hand maiden, who was doing your hair, humming in question. "Alyria has arrived, she will watch young Lord Jamie for the evening."
"Good, thank you," you sighed. "Has Daemon come around?"
"No, my Lady."
Not 30 minutes later, you were walking towards the decorated throne room with your hair braided back, make-up laid perfectly, and your dress a dark grey, black, and Targaryen red.
However, before you could walk in, someone called your name. You paused, letting Daemon approach you, his eyes raking you in as he realized you dressed to match him. "You look beautiful," he complimented, but you just stared; then sighed through your nose and straightened up. "What? You're not speaking to me?"
"I told you the terms in which you should find it acceptable to speak to me again."
Daemon scoffed, "You're still on that?" You did not answer, just stared forward. "Fine, be that way. Come," he offered his arm, but you brushed past him to finally enter the throne room. Your names were announced, albeit begrudgingly because most in the castle harbored ill-will towards Daemon. They just felt bad for you, not knowing of the man you had grown to know and love unconditionally.
You took long strides to shorten your journey, but behind you, your husband just sauntered in as if the center of attention. However, no matter where he was, Daemon was always the main character, and he was quite the peacock in flaunting himself. You bowed to the King and his daughter, heir to the Iron Throne, Princess Rhaenyra. You took your seat beside the Hand of the King, Ser Strong, as Daemon climbed the stone stairs with a smug expression before taking the seat beside you at the very end.
Needless to say, Daemon was not accustomed to being ignored. You did not look at him, did not speak to him, ignored his direct questions, even went as far as to slapping his hand away when he reached for your thigh. When your hand rested on the table and he laid his over yours, you pulled it back.
It drove Daemon absolutely up the wall.
"And how fairs your brother, my Lady?" Ser Strong asked gently. "How does he like life in the Capital?"
"He adores it," you hummed with a nod. "He is learning so much and loves watching the boats in the harbor."
"How old is he now?"
"Just shy of 4, my Lord."
"Well, what would the little Prince like for his nameday?"
"Oh, uh, no, he's not a Prince," you spoke gently.
"No? Well, I suppose until Viserys recognizes him."
"Well, Daemon's made it clear that if I do not give custody of my brother up, this marriage is null and void, so," you clicked your tongue cheekily, sipping your wine, "no use in titles."
You knew others heard you and smirked to yourself. Another gulp of wine and you were standing, excusing yourself, and moving onto the dance floor. Rhaenyra giggled when you gave her a playful twirl before taking your place with a partner, falling into rhythm with those around you. The entire time, you felt Daemon's eyes burning into you.
You didn't care. You carried on as if there wasn't a ring on your wedding finger weighing like a full fish net, like you weren't burdened by your marriage.
You danced with a Tully, Stark, Frey, and Lannister boy, all who looked at you like a delectable treat but were being effectively ignored, just like your handsome, white-haired husband. It was a lively time, twisting and turning and leaping and being lifted in ture with the instruments playing. Rhaenyra caught your eye a few times, grinning and giggling as she, too, let herself destress in the glee of the festivities. However, when the Frey lad spun you around, you had thought of the devil so much, there he bloody was.
Your husband smirked down at you, "You look startled, little bird."
You scoffed and moved to go around him, but Daemon's hand was darting out to grab your upper arm. He pulled you further into the crowd to use them as a layer of protection, turning sharply to leer over you. He snapped in High Valyrian, "What're you playing at? Hmm? You mean to embarrass my entire family by being so cold and shrewish?"
You scoffed, glaring at him for a moment before he reached forward to grab your neck and cheek in a possessive hold. "I dare you to raise a sharp word at me," he sneered quietly, keeping you in place. "You have ignored me all fucking day, these games are at an end. I have always known your voice to be a sweet remedy, do not deprive me of it longer."
"Then apologize," You snapped.
"For what? Speaking the truth? That you refuse to sire my children because you are too occupied with your wee brother? For taking in a child without so much as asking me? Tell me, what am I apologizing for?"
You scoffed, rolling your eyes, and swatting his hand from you. However, just as you meant to walk away from him, someone gasped and yelped from the people around you. Daemon brought you into his chest as a sudden crowd thickened, two bodies hitting the floor in a gruesome fight. This encouraged others to get rowdy, and before you could comprehend his actions, Daemon was stooping low to hoist you over his shoulder and stride away.
When out of the fray, Daemon slowed himself enough to set you down at the base of the stairs leading to the Royal banquet table, both his hands going to your cheeks. He panted lightly, looking you over, "All right? You hurt? They touch you?"
"No, I'm okay," you sighed gently, reaching up to hold his wrists in a brief show of affection. However, the crowd only grew in size and aggression; the Royals all taking refuge on the elevated landing to take a headcount. Not a moment later, Ser Harwin Strong, the Hand's eldest son, was emerging from the crowd with Rhaenyra hoisted up his shoulder.
But your attention was drawn elsewhere. You parted Daemon's side to get under Viserys' arm, lifting him up slightly as he coughed into a handkerchief. You frowned when you saw the blood, his eyes meeting your wide ones. You asked the only question you could think of, "Does Daemon know?"
"No," he matched your tone in a whisper.
You nodded and assisted him into the closest chair. After the death of Ser Laenor Velayron's paramour (Ser Joffrey, was it?) the hall was cleared of everyone to only leave the immediate family. In hopes of avoiding future turmoil, it was decided that the Realm's Delight, Rhaenyra, was to wed the Sea Snake's son, Laenor, now instead of at week's end. Viserys asked his brother to stay but you were quick to bow out, promising it was a family affair and you should get ready for bed anyways.
Daemon looked close to protesting your departure but was unable to utter a single word, only watching you scamper out of the throne room as the High Septon finally arrived.
Rhaenyra and Laenor married in front of his mother and father, Rhaenys and Corlys, and his sister, Laena. King Viserys was there with his brother Daemon and wife Alicent, leaving only the Hand present to pose as "unbiased witness".
Further into the castle, you collected your brother, Jamie, and quickly got him ready for bed. Your heart felt heavy with guilt as you looked at him, understanding on a deeper level that if it came down to it, you'd do anything to keep Daemon in your life... And if he said your brother had to go or he did, well, you feared to find out if he was serious.
Jamie fell asleep on the long bench at the base of your bed with a fire crackling in front of his face. He had fallen asleep listening to you read, your emotions catching up to you to let you finally sob quietly while preparing for bed. You hated the idea of losing either Daemon or Jamie, and the fact that you had to choose? It felt impossible. So, once ready for bed, you tied on your dressing robe and bent at the waist to kiss Jamie's forehead. You then found yourself standing at the floor-to-ceiling window, wine in hand, staring out into nothing as you were wrecked emotionally from considering Daemon's ultimatum.
You were overwhelmed.
The door opened behind you and your eyes screwed shut. You took an even breath in, heard the door shut quietly, and then turned to spy your husband already staring at you. His face was neutral, passive, and you knew he was sizing you up just as you were him; both waiting for the other to make the first move.
Your resolve crumbled.
As if your minds were connected by a string, you surged forward as Daemon took a few steps toward you, meeting in the middle, and wrapping your arms around one another. Daemon held your waist tightly as yours tied around his neck in a vice grip, breathing in his scent that seemed to mingle permanently with the smell of dragon. He felt gentle trembling from contained sobs, soothing you with hushed cooing; hand petting the back of your head.
When you pulled back, it was only just enough to find his lips; drenching yourself in sheer relief at the familiar taste and feel of your husband. Just before you could whimper you were sorry, truly being unsure what you were actually apologizing for, when he beat you to it.
The space between your lips was filled with Daemon's rushed words, both his hands cradling your cheeks as he spoke, "I'm so sorry, my love. I am. I am truly so sorry. I hate fighting, I hate us fighting, it just feels so fucking wrong, I'm so sorry."
"No, it is I who am sorry, husband."
"Nothing to apologize for," he rushed, forehead glued to yours as he moved you backwards to the bed. "You do not apologize to me; you have done no wrong. It's me, I am the one who should grovel. I do deserve your kindness; I am so sorry for what I've said." He took a long breath, just holding you carefully, "I was out of line."
"No, you were right. I did not consult you; I should have. It is not just you or I in this, but the two of us together. I shouldn't have acted without so much as a word."
"It is okay," he assured softly, "it is more than all right by me now. I just," he sighed, "I needed to think, process a little. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did, I should've listened to you and been a supportive husband, but instead, I just fought with you." He frowned, petting down your face with a dainty finger. "We fight because we care, but Gods do I hate it."
"I do, too," you whispered. "Can we just," you sighed, "go to bed or something? I'm exhausted."
He nodded, glancing at the foot of the bed before looking back at you, "One more thing."
"We will talk to Viserys in the morning about recognizing Jamie."
You frowned, "Well, hang on, I think I understand your point, too, Daemon. Listen, yes, I want us charged with Jamie's care, but I do not wish to replace his parents."
"He should still have a title, a place at court. Access to tutors and such."
You smiled fondly, whispering, "That is the man I married."
Daemon prepared for bed as you check Jamie, finding him fast asleep still. Your husband came to bed after blowing out all candles, leaving the fire simmering and you both under a single linen sheet. He laid on his back with you flush against his side, both hands holding your form and tracing idle patterns.
Every so often, he'd squeeze you tightly and kiss your forehead, but otherwise, you both just laid in peace. However, Daemon broke the silence, "I did not mean to cause you harm. I just felt panicked, I think, after the war."
You nodded with understanding, "Our time is on the horizon, Daemon, I promise, I just needed to find balance with Jamie. I've never been a mother before, 's very odd."
"Perhaps we can learn together, I've never been a father," Daemon offered softly. "I fear I have not been entirely welcoming."
"You've time to remedy it," you urged softly. "But you are not obligated."
"He will be our shared responsibility."
You smiled against his chest. "So, tell me of the wedding."
"Nothing special," he sighed. "Viserys fell ill. And I do mean literally fell."
"What? Is he all right?"
"Yes, he's being seen to... But I was thinking..."
"Us. Our family."
"Hm, and what of them, my love?"
Daemon sighed, reaching for your cheek in order to find your lips in the dark. "We will leave," he whispered, licking another kiss to your lips. "We'll go across the Narrow Sea together, raise a family away from the politics and chaos."
"You would miss your family."
"I would rue staying in this city. Away from here, we'd have liberties and freedoms Kings Landing does not offer us, nor our kids."
"I will think on it."
When morning broke through the window of consciousness, Daemon realized you were still sound and dead asleep, but there was something or someone poking his arm in an annoying repetition. When he blinked awake and looked to the culprit, he smiled slightly at Jamie. "What's wrong, little lad?" He asked quietly, voice heavy and hazy with sleep, seeing tears fill the kid's eyes.
"I-I didn't mean to."
"Mean to what?"
"I wet the bed," he frowned, looking at the lounge he slept on all night. "I didn't mean to. It was a scary dream."
"It's okay," he whispered, glancing at you before standing from bed. "C'mon, it's all right, we can clean it."
He nodded and let Daemon sit him at the bottom of the mattress, some two full feet from touching you. Jamie watched Daemon work, gathering any linens to set aside to be washed before plucking the child into his arms. He took his to the washroom and got him cleaned up before redressing him for the day, Daemon quickly doing the same, and then the two left for the day.
You slept while Daemon took Jaime to breakfast. You slept while the two ate and made merry; getting to know each other. You slept while Daemon answered little Jamie's questions. You slept while Daemon offered to introduce him to Caraxes, his dragon.
By the time you were awake, dressed, and approaching the mess hall, Daemon and Jamie were leaving to head for the Dragon Pit. When they saw you, Jamie grinned and squealed, "Sissy!"
You grinned when he rushed for your legs, greeting him with enthusiasm. You hoisted him onto your hip as Daemon approached you, pausing to lean in and kiss you. "Where are you two lads off to?"
You chuckled, "Yeah? Uncle's taking you to see the dragons? You're very lucky, not many people get to see them up close."
"Would you care to join us?" Daemon offered.
"No, no, that's quite all right. Thank you, my love, but perhaps this is best kept to a boy’s trip," you quipped, pecking Daemon's lips. "Bring him back in one piece, please."
"Of course," Daemon agreed, taking Jamie's hand when you set him on the ground. He stole one last kiss before leading Jamie away; where you watched them walk away and felt something stirring in your gut; suddenly come alive with tingling electricity. Instead of venturing into the mess hall, you instead continued your way to where you could meet the Grand Maester for a series of tests.
Learning you were pregnant was surreal, but incredibly elating. You were humored by the fact that, just hours ago, you and Daemon feuded for this very reason. However, after simply seeing your husband and little brother get along so effortlessly, you had no doubt in your mind you could handle this. Worrying about having Jamie and a newborn so close together was valid, of course - but it wasn't something you actually needed to worry about now.
Plenty of families had children with shorter age ranges, but none of that matters now - not when you were so explicably happy. All that was left to do now was tell Daemon and Jamie.
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requesting rules and masterlist
HOTD masterlist
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damiansgoodgirll · 2 months
i know it might be early but can you write about reader being in the judgment day and seeing her family breaking up at summerslam and so even if rhea and damian just lost they comfort her because they know how important was the jd to her? like they were her family.
oh i’ve been waiting for this request honestly
damian priest x reader (platonic) + rhea ripley x reader (platonic)
tw : mention of abandonment, family issues, feeling of loneliness, brief panic attacks
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don’t break my heart
if someone told you a year ago that you would have joined the most successful faction in the wwe at the moment you probably would have laughed at them in their face.
and yet, a year ago rhea and the rest of the judgment day saw your potential when you were just in nxt. they saw as the fierce and feisty teenage girl that no one could handle and they knew that they wanted someone like you in their team.
you were only twenty but it felt like you were in the business for forty years. you knew that wrestling was your passion and you wanted to trasform that passion into your everyday work.
your family didn’t agree. they didn’t see what you saw in wrestling and so they couldn’t see the talent you actually had. they said you had to focus on a real career path, that once you finished high school you had to apply for more colleges you could. they wanted a future for you that you didn’t want.
and when you tried to explain to them that all you wanted to do in life was wrestling, they kicked you out. they didn’t want you in the family anymore and you never felt so broken in your life. you were lucky your best friend let you into her house so you helped her with what you could. you found a part-time job so you could help her pay the bills or the food while you were still training to become a wrestler.
it was hard but somehow you managed to get signed into the famous wwe.
but once you joined, you realised that it wasn’t perfect as you thought it would be. you struggled with getting booked and the first time you actually got booked they set you to lose even if you knew you would have won those matches easily. but the pay was good and fans started to recognise you more.
in reality you felt lonely and alone. you barely made any friends as they labelled you as the new one and you didn’t feel welcomed at all. your family still didn’t talk to you and due to you constantly being on the road, you lost contact with your best friend.
one special day the judgment day surprised everyone in nxt, claiming that they were looking for you so when they saw you fighting on the ring, they decided to make a special appearance and shocking everyone.
“we want you y/n” you remembered rhea saying and the crowd screaming of joy “we want you in the team” and so you joined them.
you thought it was all for publicity but truth was that they really saw potential in you. you were young and you already had a big potential of becoming a real threat for the women division.
so they helped you train. rhea and damian showed you some moves and techniques you’ve never saw before, finn was like the mind, teaching you how to trick your opponent with simple mind tricks and dominik was your comfort person, he helped you gaining more confidence, especially during your first matches.
later on you opened up about your past with them. how you basically had no family as they kicked you out, how you had no friends because the girls at nxt didn’t like you and how lonely you felt but they made sure to change all of that. they always included you in their car trips, sundays together and movie nights.
you finally felt like you belonged somewhere.
so you couldn’t believe of what you were witnessing while watching rhea losing against liv at summerslam. tears in your eyes as you watched dominik turning on rhea and betray her like that.
you were backstage watching the whole match with finn and jd and you couldn’t stop your hands from shaking.
“no no no no…dom please…don’t do that…” you whispered as your eyes were glued to the tv.
you couldn’t deny there had been tension this past weeks but you were the judgment day, you always solved all the issues you had so why was it happening now?
“y/n…” finn slowly approached you. his heart was breaking for you, mostly because he knew what was going to happen and mostly because he knew you didn’t deserve to be put into this mess.
“finn…we have to do something we…” he hugged you because he couldn’t lie to you. he couldn’t find words to comfort you because what he was going to later was gonna make you hate him.
you cried into his arms until damian broke into the room and started screaming. he was visibly upset and he couldn’t understand why dom turned on rhea.
“did you know that?” he started screaming at finn but before he could answer you jumped in.
“of course he didn’t…”
“no i didn’t know man” finn lied. he didn’t care about lying to damian, but you, after he said that he simply left the room without saying anything to you.
you stayed there, confused while your brain was trying to elaborate everything that happened in the past 30 minutes.
you knew rhea wanted to be left alone so you guys waited for her to calm down. she joined you a few minutes before damian’s match started “hey” you smiled at her.
“hey…” she put her arm around your shoulder and let you rest your head over it.
“you good?”
“i’ll be okay…not the match i imagined but it will be okay” she softly smiled at you. you knew she was hurting and that she was clearly pissed, but she didn’t want you to worry for her so she pretend that everything was fine.
as damian’s match began, you both had hopes for him to retain his title but everything went downhill when you saw finn turning on damian.
“rhea…what-what is he doing over there?” rhea was as shocked as you were because finn wasn’t supposed to be there.
“i…i don’t know”
“rhea we have to do something! damian’s gonna lose and…” but before you could continue, she grabbed your arm when she saw that you were about to leave the room and she stopped you.
“there’s nothing we could do y/n…” she was hurting as much as you were.
“no no, please rhea…i can’t, this group can’t break up please…” it was like losing a family all over again “we have to go there and help damian, talk some sense into finn’s head and…and”
“hey y/n…calm down, come here” she hugged you as she sensed that you were panicking “there’s nothing we can do right now…they made up their minds”
“but finn…finn, he told me everything was going to be alright, he told he didn’t know anything about dom and now, now he’s just going to betray us like that…rhea we have to stop him…” you were visibly crying right now.
but before you could continue or before, she could answer you, finn did unthinkable and betrayed dam on live tv. he made damian lose his title and while coming backstage, he had this twisted smile on his face that made you sick enough.
“where are you going y/n?” rhea asked you when she saw you about to leave the room.
you stayed there for a minute, thinking if you should go to talk to finn or go to comfort damian “i don’t know…i wanna talk to finn, i need him to tell me to my face that he doesn’t care about us, that he doesn’t care about this group and…”
“love, please stop” rhea’s heart was breaking for you because she knew how much you loved the group as it was your own family “there’s nothing we can do now…finn and dom turned on us but me and damian aren’t leaving you, i promise you”
“rhea’s right…” you both turned your heads to face damian. he had a broken look on his face and it was clear that he was hurting “we ain’t going anywhere y/n…”
“damian…” you went for a hug and he softly smiled when he felt your arms hugging him as strong as you could “i had no idea finn was going to betray you like that…he told me everything was okay and then…”
“it’s not your fault y/n…you couldn’t have known that…”
“are you okay damian?” you asked, feeling guilty that they were the ones who just got betrayed and you were the one crying about it.
“i’ll be okay…you know finn was like family to me and see him betraying me like that. it will hurt for a while but we are a family and we stay together through all of this” he smiled at you.
“i just…i wish i could talk to them and”
“y/n, love…nothing you say would make them change their minds…” rhea softly spoke to you.
“i know but they can’t break this family apart…” you wanted to say group but you never felt like you were part of a group, you felt like you were part of a family and suddenly you felt 18 again, when your parents kicked you out and turned their backs on you.
damian and rhea knew how much that affected you, how scared you were of abandonment and they promised that you would have never felt like that again. but they couldn’t keep their promise as long as they wanted because finn and dom were breaking the group apart and they couldn’t do anything about it to stop them. they knew how much you struggled to make friends and apart from them and a few other wrestlers, you didn’t have many friends.
you struggled again in the women’s faction because they all were too focus on themselves to make space for someone else, apart from shayna or bayley, the rest of them never acknowledged you.
damian introduced you to jey uso and some other people like drew or la knight and even if they were all kind to you, you couldn’t really rely on them as friends because they weren’t.
so all you had left was the judgment day, until now.
“hey hermosa…we are not leaving you okay?” damian reassured you.
“everyone leaves at some point…”
“hey none of that nonsense okay?” rhea almost scolded you “you probably weren’t expecting this, i saw it coming eventually but trust me when i say that me and damian won’t leave you alone…you still are part of this group and we ain’t leaving you behind” rhea gently rubbed your back while you were wiping some of your tears away.
“rhea’s right…we are here and we are here to stay…” damian smiled at you.
“thank you…”
“don’t thank us love, it’s the truth”
maybe, in the end you still had a family that cared about you but for now, you couldn’t wait to kick finn and dom’s asses on monday night raw.
part two
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flowerandblood · 1 month
The Price of Pride (5/?)
[ canon • Aemond x Royce • female ]
[ warnings: the angst, sexual tension, targcest stuff, imprisonment, abuse of power, manipulation, mention of murder ]
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[ description: Prince Aemond finds a solution to the disproportion in the number of dragons between Dragonstone and King's Landing: he decides to find dragon blood and, like his half-sister, train dragon riders. He takes as his target the daughter of Daemon Targaryen and Rhea Royce, whom he abducts and imprisons in the Red Keep. Slow burn, darkish, insolent, arrogant Aemond. I have combined several requests here: (dragon blood female & prisoner female). ]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
I will treat you like my little sister.
He had no idea what had crossed his mind to say something so pathetic and absurd – he thought at that moment that he had to find a way to make her choose him, not Daemon, at the time of the trial.
Since her father had abandoned her, he would let her stay by his side, since her father had denied her her inheritance, he would let her be part of it, since her father did not want her to be part of his family, he would let her become it in his eyes.
Until they win the war.
He didn't know what he would do with her afterwards, once they had defeated his sister – she might begin to demand more, putting pressure on him, threatening that she had a dragon she could always take away from them.
He thought, trying to quell the inner feeling of guilt, that he might have to kill her.
Now, however, she had to love what he could give her.
What he could be for her.
He was sure that he had her in his grasp, that she craved him both spiritually and physically, that she would become a docile shadow of herself just to satisfy him.
She, however, once again acted as if nothing had happened.
Neither the way he had shamelessly touched her nor what he had said to her allowed the wall she had built between herself and him to collapse – worse, he had the feeling that for some reason she had closed herself in even deeper.
Walking with him through the valleys, she remained silent, not even bestowing a single glance on him, thoughtful and focused on her task.
She walked a few steps behind him – she did not seek his proximity, she did not try to start a conversation, she did not do what the ladies of the court did, hoping to fall to the fate of the prince's wife.
This made him feel uneasy and uncomfortable – he had the feeling that he had made a fool of himself and she had seen through his plan.
He wondered if this was all a good idea, or if maybe he should pull out his dagger and just kill her, instead finding someone else in her place, someone who would be easier to manipulate.
And then they heard it.
A screech in the skies.
They both fell to the ground as a large, dark dragon flew over their heads, landing in a valley not far away, burning several sheep beforehand that had tried to flee from it in terror.
They started to run in that direction, clambering down the stones, stopping only when the dragon's head turned towards them, concerned.
He looked at her and swallowed hard, watching with some kind of admiration as she moved towards the creature, several times her own size, without any hesitation.
A male dragon the size of Meleys, he thought with satisfaction.
He could fight and make a difference, protecting him and Vhagar.
The dragon roared squeakily, opening his maw, tense, ready to breathe fire, her hand extended forward.
"Daor!" She called out.
The dragon hesitated, the red flame in his maw extinguished, but he continued to hiss, shifting on his paws closer and closer to her, as if considering whether to devour her.
"Lykirī!" She said and, to his surprise, crouched down on the ground, still keeping her hand stretched forward.
The dragon stopped in his half-step, as bewildered as he was.
What the fuck was she doing?
She was supposed to get on its back, not sit down.
However, the dragon seemed intrigued. He closed his maw and leaned forward as if to sniff her – she sat with her legs crossed, placing her hands on her thighs, simply looking at him.
"Lykirī." She repeated, and the dragon croaked, however in a different way than before. He walked sideways around her and circled her figure, making a strange high-pitched sounds, and she watched him the whole time, a wide smile on her lips.
"What are you doing?" He asked loudly, feeling his heart pounding like mad in his chest.
He hadn't burned her yet.
A good sign.
"He can't feel I'm a threat to him. When I sit I'm smaller and I don't move. He needs to get to know me." She said lightly, extending her hand towards the dragon as if she was just trying to tame the dog – the dragon extended its muzzle towards her slightly, but did not touch her, instead gushing warm steam from his nostrils at her.
She laughed.
Gods, they didn't have time for this.
"Try to mount him." He commanded, seeing with excitement that this beautiful beast with spikes on its back seemed to accept her.
He will return to King's Landing with two dragons.
He will win this fucking war.
His cousin gave him a stern look from above her furrowed brows and shook her head as if she thought he was a fool.
"That's what gets people like you killed. Lack of patience." She said with an anger from which he felt himself boil inside. He moved at her suddenly, furious, making the dragon step back and hiss, and she rose from her place.
"– FUCKING MOUNT HIM, I SAID –" He shouted and froze as the dragon's maw aimed at him opened, the pillar of fire in his throat testifying to what he wanted to do.
"– DAOR – DAOR, SHEEPSTEALER –" She called out desperately, standing between them, extending her hand in front of her. "– Rȳbas! –"
The dragon stepped back at once and squealed, howling like a child being rebuked by its mother, writhing from side to side with its eyes fixed on him.
"– he is a dragon – how the fuck could I scare him? –" He asked in a voice trembling with rage thinking that she was talking some sort of tendentious feminine nonsense.
"– he was trying to protect me – he senses your lies, your hypocrisy – he knows you are deceiving me, he knows what you want – what you will do with me when it's all over –" She exclaimed to him with tears in her eyes.
He didn't know why he had lost his voice completely, looking at her with big eyes, feeling that he was quivering all over, his throat and guts clenched as if she had punched him in the stomach with her fist.
She sat down again and he stepped back, doing the same, simply watching as the dragon lay down opposite her and crawled closer, without touching her nonetheless.
For a few hours, he watched with a blank stare as she lay next to this dark beast with her arm outstretched, while the dragon rolled around her and squawked like it was a puppy.
He was trying to protect me.
He knows you are deceiving me.
What you will do with me when it's all over.
He swallowed hard, looking away.
He was doing all of this for his family.
He didn't want to kill her – he only feared she would become a threat.
A problem.
And with those, he didn't know what to do.
The easiest way was for them to just disappear.
He shuddered when he heard her footsteps, the dragon behind her squealed, but stayed where he was.
"What are you doing?" He asked, rising with her, escorting her away with his eye as she walked past him without a word.
"That's enough for today." She said, and he felt his jaw clench in rage and regret.
Now she was going to give him orders?
"You are to mount him."
"I will." She threw over her shoulder.
He clenched his eyes, shaking his head and cursed under his breath, following her to Vhagar's lair.
They didn't have time for this.
He watched with indifferent eyes as she, a woman, did what had been a man's task and vocation for centuries – with a sharply pointed stick she threw into the water she hunted for fish while he ate what he took with him.
When she returned, welted and pink with exertion, he watched as, with the knife he had used to cut bread, she cut off the heads of the fish and began to scrape the scales from them.
She rubbed some herbs into them that she had probably found along the way, and then impaled each one on a stick, which she rested on top of two others over the hearth so as not to burn them.
Curls of her dark hair that were not braided clung to her sweaty red cheeks, her lashes even longer in the flames of the fire, her irises infinitely black but not empty, filled with something he did not understand.
They were silent – all around them only the sizzle each time she added wood to the hearth and turned the stick of fish to roast them properly on all sides.
When she thought they were ready, she took out two wooden bowls and slid them into it.
He swallowed hard as she handed him one of them without a word, herself placing the other between her crossed legs, tearing pieces of meat from the bones with her fingers.
"I didn't poison them." She said softly, putting the bite into her mouth, swallowing it at last without even giving him a single glance.
As much as he wanted to think of it that way, her attitude wasn't aggressive or defiant – on the contrary, he had the feeling that something inside her had faded.
He lowered his gaze, shamefully grabbing a piece of fish and, like her, tore off a piece of meat, putting it in his mouth. It was tasty; the herbs she had rubbed into it added a pleasant, salty flavour, the meat was crispy and melted in his mouth.
For some reason he felt tears under his eyelids.
He was furious with himself for being so pathetic.
Even though he knew she was freezing, she lay alone on the other side, covering herself with one of the blankets as soon as she finished her meal.
Some part of himself kept telling him that he had a right to do this, that he had a right to think of her this way, to use her as his brother-king had used him.
However, another whispered that he was disgusting, that if his mother knew what he planned to do she would look at him with disappointment and pain from which his heart would break.
He couldn't be both the caring, sensitive son and the cold, shrewd prince who would protect them from falling.
Like his mother, brother and sister, he simply wanted to live and hold in his hands what was rightfully his.
He looked at her, her figure curled up from the cold, her small hands clenched into fists, and felt ashamed.
I will treat you like my little sister.
I will care for you, and your place will always be by my side.
He felt embarrassment because some part of him wanted this.
To have his little sister, a copy of his mother, who at the same time would not be his mother, but someone only his, his destiny, his relief, his solace, warm, gentle hands, soft, plump breasts between which he could cuddle his face and hide if only for a moment, the scent and warmth he so longed for but could never ask for.
Not out loud.
His body lay down behind her on its own, embraced her on its own, hugging her to his chest, wrapping the second blanket around them, his fingers tightening on their own around her shoulders, his face sinking on its own into the crook of her fragrant neck.
He closed his eyes and felt her gasp as his manhood pulsed hard, pushing against her buttocks, his hands ran over her wrist up to her fingers, entwining them together.
He felt a squeeze in his throat, felt painful tears under his eyelids, felt his eyebrows arch in the pathetic despair that was his realisation that he was alone because he had so decided, over and over again humiliating himself by chasing a simple tender embrace.
He heard her draw in a loud breath as his erection swelled all over, pulsing and twitching even harder, her fingers tightening on his as if she was afraid of what he wanted to do.
"Sleep." He whispered in a trembling voice, feeling a single tear run down the side of his face to the ground, his thumb stroking the soft skin of her hand.
I'm sorry, he thought, but no words left his throat.
I'm sorry, but I can't do it any other way.
The next day they waited by one of the herds, watching the shepherds and their flock from above, hoping, surely to their despair, that Sheepstealer would arrive, encouraged by the vision of a feast.
"DRAGON!!!!!" Shouted one of them, pointing a finger upwards – they both looked to the side and saw a shadow pass over them like an arrow – the men managed to dodge to the side and run away, however, several sheep were burned on the spot.
They both ran downhill, but this time he let her go ahead, surprisingly sure of what she wanted to do.
He decided, albeit reluctantly, that he would try to be patient and give her another day.
To his surprise, the dragon seemed overjoyed by her presence – he cackled high and swished his tail, then moved the carcass of one of the sheep towards her with his head, apparently wanting to share his meal with her.
She laughed, shaking her head, sitting down on the ground again.
"Daor. Daor." She said, but Sheepstealer didn't seem to understand what she meant after all, as he threw the leftover burnt bones and meat into her lap, looking at her expectantly.
She swallowed hard, tore a piece of meat off the bone and put it in her mouth, looking straight into the beast's eyes.
The dragon, as soon as she did so, fell to the ground and stared at her as if it was observing something beautiful. When she reached out her hand to him he put his muzzle out and let her touch him.
He closed his eyes and sighed, feeling relieved.
Feeling pride.
His cousin shifted to the dragon on her knees, and he watched with interest as she came to his side, placing her hand on his back – he felt his heart beat quickly when the dragon made no movement, the sound it made from its throat gentle, as if encouraging her to do it.
As soon as she had managed to get on his back, Sheepstealer rose, spread his wings and soared into the sky.
He gasped in disbelief, hearing her squeal and laugh, seeing her circling around them, wondering if she would burn him now for everything he had done to her.
She could have done that.
He was defenceless.
But after a short ride she commanded him to land in the same place, and as soon as she slid to the ground she fell to her knees.
She was panting heavily, staring at the clouds as if she was thanking the gods in her mind that she had survived this.
"I did it." She said, picking herself up from the ground and walked towards him, her face flooded with tears of happiness and disbelief. "Gods, I did it."
She stood in front of him, looking at him with her big doe eyes, for some reason looking more beautiful than ever, all welted and glistening with sweat, her lips swollen with emotion, her dark lashes with tear drops shining like stars.
"Take me home." She breathed out, and he felt a squeeze in his heart at her words, a pain, as if she had stuck a needle in his chest.
Take me home.
She didn't move away when he approached her, when his hand sank into her soft hair at the back of her head, when his forehead pressed against hers, his gaze fixed on her dark eyes.
She stroked his wrist and closed her eyelids as if she wanted to remember this moment – he did the same, concentrating on her scent, the pleasant cool breeze on his heated cheeks, the closeness that wasn't stolen or taken by force.
He stepped back and nodded, her hand stroking his arm as his thumb ran over the line of her jaw.
His little sister.
Only what he'd experienced when he'd tamed Vhagar could compare to the feeling of pride that filled his chest when he'd returned to King's Landing with not one dragon, but two.
He knew that the sight of them, together, gliding through the skies had spread throughout the keep even before they reached it on horseback from Vhagar's lair.
As soon as they crossed the fortress walls, one of the guards announced to him that the King had called a meeting of the Small Council, at which he and their cousin were to appear to report on how their mission had performed.
He stepped into the chamber confidently, upright, with his chin held high, feeling the weight of what he had done, what he had achieved on his shoulders, knowing that he had perhaps determined the fate of the war while his brother sat idly in the Red Keep.
He sat down in his chair and stretched comfortably in his seat, placing one of his hands on the table top, looking the King straight in the eye.
Aegon smiled and nodded.
"I have heard of your success, brother. Bravo. Our cousin has returned victoriously on the back of a dragon." He said, and he smirked, feeling satisfaction rather than blood flow through his veins.
"Indeed. Sheepstealer is the size of Meleys. He's still untamed and unfamiliar with warfare, but it's a matter of practice." He replied calmly, glancing at his mother out of the corner of his eye, hoping to see pride and warmth in her gaze, just what he needed.
She, however, looked at him with fear, her lips slightly parted, her eyebrows arched in worry.
He felt a tightening in his throat, his hand clenched into a fist.
Why didn't he deserve at least one gentle look from her?
"We will hold a feast in your honour, brother. And, of course, our courage-filled cousin." The King said, and he pressed his lips together, thinking that his brother was a complete imbecile.
"You will organise a feast when our subjects are starving?" He hissed with anger and frustration, not understanding how he could come up with such ideas and spout them with such ease, without thinking, without analysing the situation, whether it was appropriate.
Aegon grunted loudly, clearly displeased with his harsh response.
"It will be a small feast. You will have another reason to celebrate. Your betrothed, Lady Floris Baratheon, concerned that her beloved prince has set out on a solitary expedition with an unmarried woman has written a letter to our mother demanding an explanation. I thought it best if you, in your own person, explained your reasons to her. She is heading for King's Landing."
He stared at him dully feeling that he had suddenly gone deaf, his heart in his throat.
She is heading for King's Landing.
"NO, VHAGAR! NO!" he heard himself shout, the figure of his nephew and his dragon disappearing into Vhagar's maw with Luke's loud, childish cry.
He could only watch as the remains of their bodies fell from the sky.
"Fear not, brother." His brother continued, snapping him out of his reverie. "You have done your part – now the Crown will take care of our cousin and her dragon, and you will devote yourself to softening the heart of your beloved."
"She's not ready yet." He muttered, feeling his heart begin to pound like mad in his chest.
He wanted to take her away from him.
"Did you fuck her?"
He froze, as did the rest of those present at the table, their mother shaking her head, horrified and heartbroken.
"They spent three nights alone in the cold. I need to know if anything happened to my cousin during that time that she might be afraid to speak of of her own accord. We all know what my brother is capable of when he acts in a rage." He said lightly, throwing him a bored, cold look that made him feel like vomiting.
"I didn't touch her." He hissed, leaning over the table.
"There are rumours among Lord Lannister's servants that contradict your words." He said in a raised voice, making his eye open wide in horror.
"What rumours?" He scoffed through clenched teeth.
Fucking fool.
I'll personally cut out his tongue, he thought.
"I will not quote them out of respect for my cousin and you, my brother." He said, and he burst into a low, cold laugh, feeling his whole body quiver.
"So they are mere slanders. Gossip. You judge me by your measure." He hummed in a voice drenched with sweet poison, grinning broadly.
"The Maester can see who is right. Does he not, cousin?" Aegon asked her, and he glanced over his shoulder, seeing her eyes open wide in horror, her hands clasped in front of her, her shoulders raised slightly in a defensive posture.
Gods, what if she had lied to him?
If she was not a maiden?
"No, Aegon. I do not permit you or anyone in this room to humiliate her in such a manner." Queen Alicent protested.
"No." She spoke up suddenly, and all those gathered looked at her. "I have nothing to hide. The Maester can examine me."
He circled the chamber in fury, angry and bitter, glancing again and again towards the bed with the curtains covering each side, feeling both anger and remorse that she had to go through this.
It was her fault.
They were humiliating her because of him.
She had wanted it herself, fucking whore.
He himself had let her understand that he wanted to watch.
He wanted to watch, hoping it would end very differently.
That he would be the one to do this to her.
His brother, his mother and his lords were all looking at him, as if they had already prejudged the fact that he was guilty, that he had done this, that he was even worse than everyone had predicted.
He felt like crouching down, hiding his face in his hands and bursting out crying, mumbling that he hadn't done it.
He wanted to, but he didn't.
He shuddered as the Maester stepped out from behind the curtains, her sad, red face flashing before him for a moment, her gaze lowered in regret.
"She is a maiden, My King. I have no doubt." He said, and he swallowed hard and closed his eyes, feeling a wonderful relief full of satisfaction.
Praise be to the gods.
He left, not looking at the bewildered faces of his mother and brother, not wanting to hear their explanations or apologies, the false words that it meant nothing.
Only when the door of his quarters closed behind him, when he sat down alone in his chair did he lean forward, resting his elbows on his knees, hide his face in his hands and burst into tears.
His brother pretending to greet him like a hero, pretending to appreciate what he had done at the same time humiliated him, taking away his credit, his pride and her.
His little sister.
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randomnameless · 6 months
how would have Rhea raised Billy if Jeralt failed to take them from the monastery? Aside from actually giving a shit about them and not letting them starve on a semi regular basis I mean
See their enlightened one outfit?
They would have gotten tacky outfits in the same style from age 3 onwards, all "made" by the Archbishop herself.
More seriously, I think the plot would change?
Maybe Seteth wouldn't have been "summoned" at the Monastery, if Billy had been there, or he would and would have acted as Billy's caretaker ?
If Billy was raised by Rhea since day 5, I'm pretty sure they would have told her about the gremlin in their head, and that plot would have been solved way earlier, but as to what happens with Supreme Leader's war... idk.
I personally see Billy, in this verse, as someone raised like Sitri, maybe being a monk/random ward in the Monastery, but Billy likes to help people (and smiles at least in the jp!version!) so maybe they would have became some sort of kickass cleric, or a member of the knights of Seiros (Rhea'd disagree at first, she doesn't want them to be hurt and would have prefered if they became a fisherman or something that would keep them away from the battlefield, but Billy makes their own decisions, and wishes to protect the monastery and the people they cares about, maybe being triggered by another assassination attempt targetted at Rhea, maybe Christophe's or someone's else).
Billy'd be good friends with knighs and members of the CoS, maybe take Cyril under their wing (as much as they can) and have wednesday evening sessions of sitting with their "like" family eating Zanado fruits, or even fishing. When they want to become a knight or know how to use weapons "to protect", they could spare with Seteth'n'Rhea and end the "training" sessions with some of Rhea's cookies and Zanado fruit juice.
If Billy's still a teacher in this verse - well, I don't think the entire "crust + church BaD" spiel affects them, hell, they might be a bit more pissed at this entire nonsense and voice their annoyance, why are those nobles blaming the church for their own failings in ruling their lands?
(that's where Seteth has to remind them about this thing called "tongue in check")
Maybe they can decide to travel through Fodlan to make up for the regional branches' failings (but only after Rhea got from the gremlin the promise that Gremlin will keep Billy safe!) - when Supreme Leader comes crashing down with her army?
If Rhea survives, Billy hangs out in Faerghus, but if Rhea is caught, Billy leads a resistance force (like SS) - granted, in this AU, Sothis is around and less of a gremlin that in her canon appearances, so Rhea's freed from her Enbarr jail way earlier than in the game, the Agarthans are toasted and everything's well that ends well.
#anon#replies#fodlan AU#Billy stuff#lizard family time?#Rhea'd of course dote on them#Billy as a member of the CoS imo wouldn't have any of that crust bad shit or crust system#doubly so if they know the secret behind crusts#as for Jerry I guess Rhea would have had everyone who knew him if he really ditched the kid#swear to tell Billy Jerry was the former Captain of the Knights who died heroically holding off against dozens of 'foes' to protect GM#and the people living there - which will play a part in Billy's decision to become a knight too#sure sure it's a lie but it's better than to tell them the truth 'your dad abandoned you because you were not normal enough for him'#cue Billy wondering who is this captain jeralt leonie keeps on mentionning maybe someone who has a similar name ?#Billy teaching 'cousin' Flayn how to fish#cyril was so dumbfounded when Billy sat in front of them and remained silent for twelve entire minutes#before asking him if it's alright to call him 'brother' because otherwise it'd be too complicated#What happens with Sothis in this AU? Frankly idk#FE16#maybe the CoS would have started to look for Agarthans earlier? Or not#Rhea would have stopped being the Archbishop if the knew her mother refused to return and assume her role?#What if Sothis resurrects the dead Nabateans from their Relics selves what happens in Faerghus/Leicester?#will the secret about Nabateans be revealed earlier?#It's basically opening too many possibilities anon lol#what do you think would have happened?
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autumn-hiraeth · 1 year
Hobie brown x reader
angst but not enough. First part.
a/n: so many people asked for a second part. So i hope y'all like it! ( loved all the comments lol). Part 3? Gimme ideas pls
Find more here “ Hobie's masterlist 🕷”
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You knew that being with someone like Hobie Brown would change your life completely and you weren't wrong. It's been three years since you saw him, three years since Hobie not only broke your heart but also got you pregnant (how thoughtfu of him). You found out you were pregnant a month later and it felt so bad 'cause Hobie obviously didn't feel nothing for you. At first you thought he was just busy but soon you got the message; he was not coming back.
So all on your own, you move in, and do what you have to do to make sure your little girl grow up well and has a good life.
Your daughter has some of your features, but she's a mini Hobie Brown. So you try to stay away from him, however he's fucking Spider Punk, if he really wanted to know about you he would have already found you. :( Never mind, he would make a terrible father. You think.
But one unexpected day, Hobie Brown meets your daughter. His daughter. Hobie is panting hard, trying to save people 'til suddenly his spider-sense kicks in and his heart races 'cause he's never felt like this before.
Then he sees a little girl crying, her parents aren't around and no matter how hurt he is, he doesn't hesitate to swing her out of the danger. He looks at the little girl and is shocked 'cause the kid , who is still sobbing, is exactly like him. She takes after him.
So Hobie tries to calm her down, he's cradling her in his arms, not taking his eyes off her as he murmurs "don't cry, little girl"
Hobie knows he should be helping other people, but he can't, the kid looks so much like him that he doesn't want to leave her alone, he doesn't want anything bad to happen to her.
However, Hobie scoffs at his thought, of course the kid doesn't look like him, he's just tired. And when Hobie finally manages to calm the kid down, he hears a familiar voice. "Rhea! Oh thank god you're fine!" you are in front of him crying, in a frantic state and you don't even seem to realize that your daughter is being held by Spider Punk, her father, no, instead you take her off his arms while you sob happy to have found her safe and sound.
But Hobie is frozen watching the scene; you, the love of her life, whom he abandoned three years ago, holding your daughter while you kiss her cheeks in relief and his heartbeat races 'cause Hobie suddenly seems to figure out why the kid looks like him... It is her daughter. He's dad. "Y/n..." as soon as you hear his voice you hug your daughter as a defense mechanism.
“I gotta go” your voice sounds more serious and your look makes him feel guilty instantly. "Fine, I'll take you two home" he suggests and you frown because you can't believe he has the audacity to just act like everything ended well between the two of you.
"no way, I don't need your help" you are being cold and Hobie understands that; he understands that you hate him 'cause he abandoned you; he abandoned his pregnant girl; the thought of everything you had to go through to take care of his, your, daughter, burns deep inside him.
'cause if he had only stayed then now you and Hobie would be a family and he knows he would be a good father. Yes, being a father is a thought he never had but now, he knows that he would make a good father even a good husband.
"Y/n please" he pleads, he wants to talk, apologize and meet the kid, tell you that he's still loving you, but you don't care what Hobie wants so you pick up your daughter, who hides her face in the crook of your neck. "Stay away Hobart" you tell him and Hobie lets you go, for now.
But you two know that they'll see each other again, 'cause Hobie knows that he has a daughter with you.
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mazikeenhyde · 25 days
Oh Baby... Pain is Pleasure - Part Four
Y/W/N – Your Wrestling Name 
Tag List - @babybatlover
Oh Baby…Pain is Pleasure – Part Four
What felt like an eternity laying on the cold floor of the van was, in reality, just a few minutes. My senses were all a mess, you see it all the time in films; people counting the number of turns and times to travel a distance, well I could barely keep myself focused on the situation in hand. I worried to much about the others, they would be getting so worried, Rhea was a little… over sensitive when it came to our safety. If any of us were late home, sick, injured or all the above she was like firecracker at new year’s. Fussing and fretting in every direction and over every little thing. Sometimes it was a little overwhelming, but I loved her for it. 
Out of nowhere, the vans brakes hit hard as it skidded across the country lanes gritted road into a near lay by. I felt the cold chill flood the inside of the van as the backdoors flung open and someone grabbed me by my ankles, dragging me out. I could of screamed, but what was it going to do? How would it have made a difference? At least when I scream at home, I get some enjoyment from it. 
I guess when you consider all the bondage nights we have shared together, Priest and Finn being the ever instigators and professionals when it comes to BDSM, you learn a thing or two about ropes… 
About knots…
and how to untie them. 
These hooded fuckers had no idea I had loosened my bindings the second the van doors closed, but I was intrigued to see where this was going. Whether they liked it or not, I knew who they were. The side road abduction seemed more like a game then an actual threat. Call it the kinky side of me if you like, I was into it. 
I felt my feet leave the floor as I was thrown over someone’s shoulder and they were quick to make a fast pace walk away, abandoning the vehicle. The stale straw smell filled my nostrils, like an unwashed scarecrow left out through a winter night, the sun now baking off the morning dew that hung heavy on their hat. Hearing a heavy set of what sounded like old rickety wooden doors close behind me I was thrown backwards into a chair, my face still fully covered by a hood and those scarecrow style footsteps that had bought me here slowly backed away. 
A softer style gently made their way forward, pulling off the hood that covered my face and glaring back into my soul. I was quick to scan around the room. 
An old worn-down barn, torn apart and battered by many harsh winters with barley a solid wall intact. Opposite me stood a woman, dressed in a tattered white dress, and fractured China mask, her hair unwashed and unkept. She made not a single sound as she crooked her neck in my direction. Next to her, a few steps back stood an ever-growing atrocious figure, caught in the shadows of this ruin you could just make out the rabid fur across the ears. 
Then, out from of the corner of my eye, from the darkness he stepped forward. The bone across the creature’s face glistened in the bask of the sunset. Leaning down into my face it grinned, and I, in turn, smiled back. 
“Hi Dex…” I offered as he removed the mask and tutted his finger in my face. 
“tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk…. Y/N Y/N Y/N” He repeated, beginning to pace around the seat I was thrown on, his voice faking a cheerful tone. 
“Where you been girl, you didn’t forget about us did you? You didn’t forget… about little old us?” He stood in front raising his arms as the other two stepped forward. “You didn’t forget…” He lowered his head adjourning a menacing toothy grin as he looked back up directly into my eyes, “About your deal?” 
“What is this, Dex? What’s with the whole Kidnapping routine, it’s not very funny” I stated, shuffling in my seat as I tried to free up my hands from behind me, stuck on the final hitch in the knot. 
“You. Didn’t. Answer. The. Question. Y/N.” Dexter’s voice was low, monotone, and full of spite. “You made a deal…”
“A deal’s a deallllll” a higher pitched voice came from behind him, her face still emotionless but her voice full of entertainment at the situation I was caught up in. I’d always been a gambling girl, but the odds were not in my favor here.
“I didn’t make it with you though? Did i!” I spat out my words as I managed to free my hands. Pushing myself up and off the chair seat I went to leap up toward the three of them, but two hands clamped tightly onto me, one around my forehead and the other across my mouth, keeping my silent. 
That leather smell was all too familiar, that, that green and blue tinged skin tone, that cackling laughter of misfortune. My eyes filled with terror as my air supply became limited and in turn, pulling me back into the chair; my hands had been locked in place by my own body weight. I felt…his…breath against the nape of my neck, warm and humid as he laughed under his words. That indescribable laughter, the true stuff of nightmares. 
“A deal… is a deal y/n” His words were mixed in with absurdity as he leant in to smell the distress painted across my body in sweat, my whole form nervously shivering where it sat.
“And a debt…is a fucking debt. Dead or alive. The price must be paid… and we are here to collect.” He released his grasp around me as his hands snaked back through the chair and I found my hands had been re tied behind me, only better this time. There was no escape. 
Moving into full view for the first time, in an awful long time, there he was. 
Uncle Howdy.
Pacing around in a circle he twirled his wrists as he laughed mechanically to himself, by his feet perched in the dirt was Huskus too, ever as creepy as the others. Yet always seemed to be a little pet to his master.  
“Let. Me. Go!” I spat out each word in both fury and fear. “My deal, wasn’t with you either Howdy!” 
Before I could catch my breath back, Huskus almost threw himself backwards to be nearer the other two as Howdy ran straight at me, grabbing the tops of my arms and pushing the chair back onto its edges, as he closed the gap between us to leave millimeters between my face and his. His voice was enriched with the fury of an army and every word filled with hatred. 
“YOU FORGET YOUR PLACE Y/N” He spat through gritted teeth. “HE MAY HAVE LEFT THIS REALM BUT DON’T FORGET WHOSE WORLD YOU LIVE IN!” His eyes looked down and I followed, only now realizing just where I was sitting. 
“Even in death, he lives on. Even in the living days of now, the ghosts of our past come back to haunt us.” Howdy smiled once more returning his gaze to meet mine as he began pushing the infamous rocking chair back and forth. Throwing my head to the side at the sound of a matchstick strike I glanced at Abby, the witch, light that haunting lantern and the atmosphere in the room felt very dark in the split of a second. Dexter leant into the glow of the dim light and smiled, snatching his face to stare back at me. 
Howdy’s hand then came up to mine as his fingers turned my chin back to face him. 
“He… set the price. You agreed to the terms, The dice were cast, and you got what you wanted.”
“But I will lose what I have…” I offered my plea, but it fell on deaf ears. 
Uncle Howdy stood, straightening himself and shrugged his shoulders. 
“We don’t choose the cards we are dealt y/n, but we decide how to play the game. It’s a gambling world full of sinners, either win or lie to succeed, and we pay our debts to the ferry man on the way out. But you never cheat. There’s always… Witnesses.” He looked back at me at winked.  
“It was you… it was from you” I recalled that text. 
“Did you work it out yet?” How is Miss Morgan” Uncle Howdy smirked as his little friends walked forward to lurk at his side. 
“I don’t know what you are talking about. Work what out?” I played the fool, in regards to Liv anyway. 
Howdy snapped his fingers and his little witch stepped forward, scribbling with her chalks across the dirt floor with the words ‘LOCKER WITNESSES’, looking up to me and smiling she was quick to run her hand over and rearrange the letters. 
L.O.C.K.E.R    W.I.T.N.E.S.S.E.S
S.                                K.                                L.
E.                                N.                               I. 
C.                               O.                               E.
R.                               W.                              S. 
I couldn’t believe it, how had I not noticed that before. It was a fucking anagram, it was her, Abby, she had sent me that message just after Liv had text me while I was training with Finn. 
“Our secrets birth the lies that entangle us, until we suffocate, they restrict our souls with their never-ending depths of deception until we choose to reveal them. We set the truth free…” Howdy smiled, knowing full well I would never let that happen. 
“So here’s your choice Y/N… reveal your secrets to those you love most, set those lies freeeeeeeee….” He laughed as his words fell into a whisper by the end, that laughter was torturous and never ending. 
“Or… pay your debt” He stopped, arms stretched out wide, stating the terms blankly. 
“How…?” I questioned. 
“WrestleMania… The witch cashes in, you throw the match.” He put it out there, plain and simple.
“I can’t…” I whimpered, “It would break them, they’ve all worked so hard to get me there. Ive worked ridiculously hard to get myself to this point! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!!” My heart was breaking as i screamed... "Please..."  
“Secrets don’t stay hidden forever y/n… those are the terms. That is the price.” And with that Uncle Howdy grabbed the lantern and blew it out, his laughter was the last thing I heard before something caught me around the side of the head, I felt myself crash onto the dirt floor in a heap before everything went pitch black. 
My eyes fluttered in a daze as I could hear the sound of panicked voices around me, the ground had returned to the normality of the grit on a public road. Though everything surrounding felt like a jumbled mess and nothing sounded quite right, but I recognized those voices. Those soft, loving, gentle voices. 
“Mi Amor..”
“Lass? Can you hear me?”
“Bunny? Bunny!?” 
“Mi Vida, estás bien? 
It was all a bit like a dream as I sat up, had it really happened? Was I just dehydrated? My head hurt for sure, maybe I could just pass it off as dehydration. Then they wouldn’t worry so much, but I was struggling to ground myself and form a real sentence. Without hesitation, Damian had scooped me up into his arms and taken me inside.
That night I lay in between them all as they slept, wide awake and full of a million questions and a thousand more fears on top. I had no idea what to do, what was going to happen and how I was going to escape this mess. It was my mess, and they were right, secrets don’t stay hidden forever. 
Speaking of secrets, I pulled out my phone from under my pillow and turned my head to see Damien’s face, gently breathing on me as he slept. God how I loved him, my gentle giant in all his glory. It pained my heart to think of the hurt that was headed their way, because one way or another someone was going to get hurt. But I’d sooner die before I let it be them, and they can never find out. Not about her. 
I opened up my messages seeing the one I now knew was from Abby and closed it, to open instead the one from Liv. Taking a deep breath, I replied to her…
“The Wyatts know…” I clicked send, but as if like fate met fortune, like the nightmare needed its finishing touch, my gentle giant spoke…
“Know what y/n?” Damian locked eyes with me, and my face gave it all away. 
Now… I was well and truly fucked. 
He sat up, pulling me up with him. 
“What are you playing at, you don’t go around messing with the Wyatts…” 
I was frozen on the spot, how was I going to get out of this. 
Damien pulled me in to close the gap and with a tight grip around the back of my neck he was plain and clear with his words. 
“What the fuck have you done…?” 
Part 5??
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blueiscoool · 7 months
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Ancient Roman Silver Brooch of Romulus and Remus Found in Spain
The Department of Culture of the Generalitat Valenciana has recently announced the discovery of a rare silver brooch, depicting the iconic scene of Romulus and Remus being suckled by a she-wolf.
This remarkable artifact was discovered during excavations at Vilanova d’Alcolea, a site in Spain believed to have served as an ancient postal building during the Roman era. Archaeologists, led by Josep Carbó, made the discovery, describing it as an exceptional piece both for its rarity and quality.
Romulus and Remus, pivotal figures in Roman mythology, were twin brothers whose legendary tale forms the foundation myth of Rome and the Roman Kingdom. Born in Alba Longa to Rhea Silvia, the twins were the grandsons of the deposed King Numitor. Threatened by their potential claim to power, King Amulius, Numitor’s brother, ordered the infants to be abandoned on the banks of the Tiber River.
Legend has it that the twins were saved by a she-wolf who nursed them in a cave known as Lupercal, situated at the southwestern foot of the Palatine Hill in Rome. Upon discovering their true heritage, Romulus and Remus avenged their family and reinstated their grandfather, Numitor, as the rightful king. However, their story took a tragic turn when a dispute arose between the brothers, leading to Romulus committing fratricide against Remus. Romulus then went on to establish the city of Rome, solidifying his position as its first ruler.
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The silver brooch, measuring 4 centimeters in size and dating back to the 2nd century CE, portrays the iconic scene of the she-wolf nurturing the twins in their infancy. This depiction has become synonymous with the founding of Rome since the 3rd century BCE.
The archaeological site where the brooch was discovered holds additional significance. Situated near the Via Augusta, the longest Roman road in Roman Hispania, the site is believed to have been an official post of the Roman Empire, catering to officials and travelers alike. The proximity to this historic route enhances the importance of the find.
Archaeologist, Josep Carbó, emphasized the significance of the discovery, stating, “It is an exceptional piece due to its rarity and quality since there are very few pieces of this type that have been studied.”
By Dario Radley.
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