#Rise Sky Bungalows
nitantgaurav · 4 months
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Rise Sky Bungalows | Rise Sky Bungalows Faridabad
Discover the epitome of luxury at Rise Sky Bungalows Faridabad located in the prestigious Suraj Kund area of Faridabad. Starting at Rs. 1.55 Crore, these elegant 3 & 3.5 BHK apartments offer state-of-the-art amenities across 3 acres. Enjoy facilities like a swimming pool, clubhouse, and 24x7 security. Proximity to Sarai Metro Station and key landmarks ensures unmatched convenience. Experience refined living with Rise Sky Bungalows.
Visit Our Website: https://riseskybungalows.in/
Contact Us: 8595808895
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ww2yaoi · 5 months
[here's a little taste of a multi-chapter clegan post-war fic I've been working on. note: I've taken creative liberties with the timeline and John and Gale's post-war lives. it's very much intentional]
Winter 1948
Marjorie Cleven dies on a Tuesday in December, two weeks before Christmas Eve.
John gets the call a few days later. Gale’s voice is steady on the other end of the line, but John knows his heart is broken. It’s the first time they’ve spoken since Marge got sick. After the wedding, there had been some letters exchanged, few and far between, but John has always been a crummy pen pal. There were reunions, but those were annual at most, and John rarely stuck around past a couple of drinks and a war story or two. When they got back stateside in ‘45, he thought the distance would be good for Gale, thought it would help put their past far behind them.
Now, in hindsight, it seems futile. John feels it all rushing back, like VE Day was just yesterday and Gale’s boots are still underneath his bed.
It’s warm in southern Florida. The sun beams down on the tarmac, hot enough to fry an egg on the airfield, sunny-side-up. John watches from the control tower as planes taxi below him. His trainees will be on furlough soon, but he won’t be going home for Christmas this year. Any excuse to maintain the two thousand miles between him and Gale.
It doesn’t last. John should’ve known he could never keep away for long.
Spring 1949
The back of the cab smells like menthol cigarettes and cheap cologne. John drums his fingers against his thigh, feeling suddenly restricted by his uniform now that he’s been let loose in the civilian world. Laramie, Wyoming passes by his window, a cluster of shops and banks and schools on a stretch of agricultural land bisected by historical railways and boxed in by mountains on all sides. The air is thinner here than in Manitowoc, and there are no waterfronts to be found. The terra firma is dusty and brown, the sun a sepia pinprick hanging low in the sky.
The cab weaves through neighbourhoods of modest-looking houses. John had handed the driver the address on a slip of yellowy paper, which Gale had relayed over the phone. John doesn’t know how close they are to his destination, but he can feel his anxiety rising like bile in his throat. He makes nervous conversation, the driver mentioning the geology museum, the fact that the town was named after a French fur trapper who disappeared somewhere in the mountains. It doesn’t do much to calm John’s nerves.
“What brings you to Laramie?” the driver asks, glancing up at the rear-view mirror to get a glimpse of John.
He’s young, probably around Gale’s age. Young enough to have served at least, but he doesn’t comment on John’s uniform. He just peers at him curiously, eyes darting back and forth from the road.
“Visiting an old friend,” John says and tries not to squirm uncomfortably under his gaze. “He goes to school here.”
A moment later, the cab slows to a halt outside of a quaint-looking bungalow. John regards it from his window: white siding, yellow door, slate roof. Rose bushes line the walk-up, not yet blooming, and the grass has recently been mowed.
“Thanks,” John says, fishing a few bills from his pocket and handing them to the driver. “Keep the change.”
The driver smiles at him, close-mouthed, and pops the trunk. John slowly gets out of the car, like he’s trying to delay the inevitable, then fetches his suitcase from the back. He rests it on the sidewalk for a moment while the cab speeds away, looking at the house once more. A gaggle of kids darts down the street on bicycles. A few doors down, a lawnmower springs to life. It’s picturesque, like a postcard Gale might’ve sent him a few years back. John immediately feels out of place, still used to Nissen huts and crowded mess halls and military time. If he wants to turn back, now’s his chance, but he picks up his suitcase from the ground and forces his feet forward, climbing up the porch steps.
He thumbs the doorbell and it chimes. A dog barks gruffly inside the house. John removes his cap from his head and smoothes out his hair. He feels ridiculous, like a socially awkward teenager picking up his sweetheart for prom. His heart is in his throat as the door opens gradually, almost startling as a golden retriever pokes its head through the opening. It squeezes outside and dashes into the yard, yelping happily.
“Archie, get back here!”
John recognizes that voice. The door opens all the way, and suddenly, Gale is standing in front of him. Everything John had thought to say on his way over dies on his tongue. Gale looks practically the same, if not a bit filled out in his middle than he was during the war. His cheeks are smooth and shaven, flaxen hair styled off his forehead in a coif. John could never get used to seeing Gale in civilian clothes, but that’s how he appears in front of him now, crisp, white button-down hanging off his shoulders, navy slacks belted around his waist and brown cap-toe shoes on his feet.
They look at each other for a moment, unspeaking, then a smile splits Gale’s face in two. “Hello stranger,” he says.
“Gale.” John can’t help but return his grin. “Well, I’ll be damned.”
He holds out his hand for Gale to shake it, but Gale takes one look at his outstretched palm and instead, pulls John into a hug. It surprises John, so much so that almost all the air shoots out of his lungs at the contact. Gale’s fingers meld into the muscle of John’s back. It takes John a moment, but he eventually returns the gesture, squeezing Gale gently. They part and Gale turns his attention towards the dog, Archie, who’s taken it upon himself to start digging around in the garden.
Gale whistles. “Come here, boy,” he shouts, clapping his hands, and Archie bounds over.
He pauses to sniff John’s shoes. John crouches down and pats the dog, rubbing his ears, and is instantly reminded of Meatball.
“He’s usually not so ill-behaved,” Gale says. “He gets excited around visitors.”
“I don’t mind,” John replies, smiling down at the dog.
Archie pants, long, pink tongue hanging from his mouth, then he retreats back inside the house. Gale reaches down and picks up John’s suitcase from the porch. John straightens. They look at each other again, a bit too long without words to be comfortable, but John knows they’re both adjusting to being in close proximity again after so long.
“Lead the way,” he says, motioning towards the open front door.
Gale seems to snap out of it. “Of course, come on in.”
John steps inside the foyer and closes the door behind him. The interior is small, but well-decorated and tidy. The ocean blue walls are hung with artwork, the hardwood floors carpeted with rugs. John sets his cap down on a table peppered with framed photographs but doesn’t stop to look at any of them. He follows Gale past the dining room, down a hallway, and through the kitchen to another hallway at the back of the house. Gale opens one of the four doors that line the hall and carries the suitcase inside. John peeks his head into the guest bedroom. A double bed sits against the far wall, night tables on either side of it that host brass lamps with cream shades. On the other end of the room is a cherry wood wardrobe and an armchair to its left, upholstered in a muted green. Above it lies a square window, lace curtains pulled together to drown out the harsh afternoon light. The bedroom is sparse and unlived in, like most guest bedrooms are, but John appreciates it just the same.
“Hopefully this suits you alright,” Gale says, setting the suitcase down beside the bed.
John nods. “Suits me just fine,” he says. “Better than what I have back at base. That’s for sure.”
Gale looks at him. An emotion John can’t exactly pinpoint passes over Gale’s face, something like recognition, bordering on wistfulness.
They return to the kitchen, and Gale beckons John to sit down at a round table in the corner. Archie laps water from a bowl as Gale putters around the kitchen, opening cabinets. He appears tense, but not in his usual stiff, reserved way. His energy is almost jittery, nervous, and he taps a rhythm on the countertop. It’s not like him, at least not like the Gale John knew during the war. He pretends not to notice.
“So, how was your flight?” Gale asks eventually.
“Good,” John says and adjusts his uniform, crossing his legs. “Felt strange not being the one flying the plane.”
“I’ll bet,” Gale replies with a suggestion of a smile. “Do you want something to eat? Some coffee?” He reaches into the cabinet and produces a tin of Foldgers.
“Just coffee, thanks,” John says.
He looks around the kitchen as Gale spoons coffee grounds into the machine. His eyes trace the checkered red wallpaper, the white-tiled backsplash, the laminate countertops, the icebox in the corner. He’s never seen Gale in such a domestic setting, not even during the wedding. Maybe that’s why he stayed away for so long, even when he was invited time and time again. Perhaps he didn’t want to experience Gale so far removed from the world they both inhabited for so many years, a world where the only people they could rely on were their men and each other. Now, there’s no avoiding it. It’s all laid out for John to see.
The coffee maker beeps and steams. Gale rests his elbows against the kitchen counter and looks over in John’s general direction, but doesn’t quite meet his eyes. John doesn’t know what to say to him. He doesn’t know how to fall back into the easy camaraderie they had at the beginning, before the stalag, before the march, before the end of the war. Seeing Gale has ushered back a slew of emotions John has been distancing himself from since they parted ways four years ago. He feels like an intruder in Gale’s home, looking for Marge in the corners of the room but not finding her. Guilt stirs in his stomach, and he asks himself again what the hell he’s doing here. This isn’t his place. This isn’t his life.
“How’s training?” Gale asks. “Are the boys following their orders, Lieutenant Colonel?”
John smirks at that, partly to hide his discomfort. It feels wrong that he should outrank Gale after everything they’ve been through, flight school, then serving together, then imprisonment.
“It’s busy,” John replies and drums his fingers against the table. “They’re good kids. Fucking caterpillars though. So damn young.”
Gale smiles softly. “Were we ever that young?”
“Maybe you were,” John quips. “I feel like my bones have been creaking since before our war even started.”
Gale laughs, and the sound hits John like a fist to his sternum. He realizes suddenly that he’s missed Gale’s laugh so goddamn much. It rings in his ears, out-of-reach and yet familiar, like a favourite song of his he hasn’t heard in years has come on the radio out of the blue. For a brief moment, John regrets denying himself this for so long, even if it was the only way he could get on with his life.
“How’s school?” John asks in turn. “Master’s coming along?”
“Yeah, it’s good,” Gale says, nodding. “I like my classes. Lots of grading, lots of writing, some teaching. I’ve got a meeting on Tuesday with my advisor about my thesis.”
“Well, well, look at that,” John says, the corner of his lips twisting into a grin. “Professor Cleven.”
Gale dips his chin towards his chest, almost shy. “Not just yet, John.”
“You’re getting there,” John says. “Y’know Marge wrote to me about your thesis a year or so back, not that I understood a word. Astrophysics, not exactly my wheelhouse.”
Gale’s face falters imperceptibly at the mention of his late wife’s name, and John immediately feels apologetic for bringing her up without much warning.
“It’s not done yet,” Gale says flatly, his gaze falling from John’s face to look at his interlocked fingers resting on top of the counter. “You can read what I have though if you’d like.”
“Yeah, I might,” John says and grimaces at his own inadeptness while Gale’s eyes are elsewhere.
The coffee maker beeps and Gale goes to it, removing two mugs from the cabinet and setting them down beside it. He takes the sugar out of the cupboard and the cream from the icebox.
John bites the inside of his cheek, knowing what he needs to say but unsure if he has it in him to say it. “Buck?”
Gale’s head snaps up at the sound of the nickname. He regards John with a puzzled look, like he’s no longer used to being called anything other than Gale to his face. The name is a relic from a different time, John supposes, something that belonged to them only, and when John was no longer around to use it, there was no one else around to take up the task.
After a moment, the expression on Gale’s face smoothes out. “What is it, Bucky?”
John swallows, then pushes the words out. “I’m sorry, y’know, that I, uh, I couldn’t make it. To the funeral.”
Gale looks at him for a moment, then his face softens. “It’s alright,” he says. “Marge didn’t much like being the centre of attention anyway.” He pours coffee into the two mugs, then adds sugar to one and cream to the other. “My mother-in-law appreciated the flowers you sent.”
“Oh, good,” John says. “Azaleas were Marge’s favourite, right? I remember them from her wedding bouquet.”
Gale’s eyes grow heavy with sadness. He nods. “Yeah, they were.”
As if on cue, John hears a grumbly cry coming from one of the bedrooms down the hall. It starts off quiet, like a baby stirring from sleep, then gradually gets louder until it becomes a full-blown wail. Archie’s ears perk up before he quickly sulks away.
“Sorry,” Gale says as he grips the coffee with sugar and hands it to John. “I just put her down for her afternoon nap, but she’s in that phase where she’s rebelling against sleep.”
John says nothing, frozen in his seat as Gale crosses the kitchen into the hallway and slips inside the bedroom. John had been so caught up in seeing Gale again that he’d almost forgotten. He stares into the inky well of his coffee, too stunned to drink from it.
Gale emerges a moment later with a bundle in his arms. Now calm, the little girl clings to him, her head tucked into the crook of Gale’s neck as she sucks her thumb into her mouth. She’s wearing cream-coloured footie pyjamas with pink roses on them, her curly blonde hair tangled from sleep. Gale draws circles against her back, rocking her slightly from side-to-side. John regards her carefully. She must be at least a year and a half now, much bigger than she was in the pictures Gale had sent him however long ago.
Gale approaches the table where John is sitting. “Lucy, this is your Uncle Bucky,” he says, pointing over at John. “Can you say hello?”
Lucy turns her head and looks straight at John, and John sees the Marge in her face right away, the slight upturn of her nose, the fullness of her cheeks, the pink purse of her lips, but her eyes are all Gale, blue and round and yawning. She quickly looks away, hiding her face back in her father’s neck.
“Sorry,” Gale says again and rubs her back. “She gets shy around strangers.”
John doesn’t expect it to, but the comment stings. The fact that any child of Gale’s could be a stranger to him is borderline unforgivable.
[To be continued...]
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astralnymphh · 9 months
unrelated but please write more fluff 😭😭 i loooove your way of writing sm 🩷
okay, let me just think of something random I can make into a poem to lighten my blog a little. think i'll do artist!ellie. first drabble thats mostly just poetry woop woop? (you'll see this kind of stuff in any fluff/angst/fantasy au i write) cw: internal organs mentioned, kinda angsty? idk sorry i get DEEP. thats it.
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There's an artist in the bungalow.
She's got a mane of fire and a heart of clay. She is everything but skin and bone— for she has borne houses of stars and planets alike. The cosmos is her, and she is the cosmos. In her kindled hand is a means to create, whether she a weeping willow or gone livid in the pursuit for her head. Anguish be her tale of past days over this bungalow, because when all hope was sunken without acquainting grace, you rose upon it on two feet in ache.
You've a body similar— wrists that rebuke gold and sprout isles of lichens interchanging of your fine sylphine hairs. Borne was you, arteries dropped like glue and fled this earth like wax into hot gas, rising and rising somewhere new— instead, branches lie dying with you, inside you, a part of you, giving life to the marrow that is pulsing you. Wood is rot, bark is flaying, you are falling, that is okay. For the cosmos are desolate and resplendent with corpses by the shedload too. She is you, and you are her.
That's why she reached out for you, gave a hand made for crafting— and crafted you her partner.
One day, she took you through her quaint, oaken bungalow. A finger she lifted, pointing out everything mundane and.. commonplace. She pointed at her casement brown—trim windows, calling them the 'eyes of our house', watching the eons age this house away. She then pointed to her hallways, and likened them the 'throats of our house', swallowing every being and spitting them out a whole new person. She would give a last point, towards her bedroom and deem it the, 'heart of our house', for it pumps with life and watches bodies lie there— aging, waning, ever becoming moribund with their lovers held dear, pulse to pulse.
And you question sweetly, "Why are you telling me this, Ellie?"
Why elucidate the likeness of a visual so natural and so unquestioned in the form of organs? You question, but you do not look. Ellie replies, smooth of her tongue, "Wouldn't be fun if I just said it was my house." completely skipping the main trigger for question— 'our, our.. ours' and no longer just, 'her, her.. hers'.
It is your house. It is her house. It is a bungalow.
No odds about it, be it a jerry—built swamp house, a boxy mansion cruelly boasting over a crag, or a cottage swarmed in pixies preordained to rot in the woods it relies life on; it is a being. It eats personage, lets them linger, and absorbs them at the end of their existence— just like the earth will when it dies. Houses are like us.
Roofs see the same night airglow we gaze at, splayed amongst the grass, you lay with her.
"There's the little dipper, and.. that's the big dipper." croaked Ellie, aiming that same pointer towards the realm above, the dotted fabric we call 'the sky'.
"How can you even tell so easily— is there something wrong with my eyes?" quipped you, pressing the flank of your fist into your cinched eyes, clearing them.
"D'ya need me to point them out again?" She rolls upon her side, rending grass stuck onto her back, "Cause I can point you all the constellations visible right—"
Silenced. You push up on elbows and toss a hand to cradle, bringing her face into yours for a word—gobbling kiss, letting the dying hum vibrate down your chest. Ellie talks too much.
Satisfied. Spit smacking apart, it draws a line from pink plump to your plump of lip, and severs when you depart enough.
Her lower lip rolls inward, sucking sweetly of the spit you laid upon her mouth, coughing, "Ahem— that.. so you don't want me to show?" Dumbass. "No."
"Ooh—kay," drawled Els', the shuffling of leather and lawn surfing through your senses just a moment as she adjusts, planting that charmed chin on your shoulder— smushed like a rotten apple, "No show." and smiled, bless her smile.
So you lay, let the lay of petrichor waft into your head, and sleep away. Sleep away the life, sleeping away with yours— and hers.
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just a teensy bit rushed but hope this is suitable
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dithschi · 2 months
Spatort Playlists für jede Gelegenheit
Heute: Adam im Bunkeroffice ist mit Abstand die atzigste Playlist aus der Reihe. Original Jogginghosen Adam lebt sein bestes Leben, ich fühls anders. Gönn dir Goldkettchen und olles Unnerhemd. So sieht ein Vorbild aus.
Einatmen, ausatmen. Rauchen.
(list might change)
Sido - Arbeit Shirin David - Bauch Beine Po Die Prinzen - Millionär Romano - Marlboro Mann PeterLicht - Sonnendeck - Schallplattenspieler-Fassung [Ekimas & Proppe Remix] Peter Fox - Haus am See Bilderbuch - Bungalow Trailerpark - Arbeitskollegen Farin Urlaub - Glücklich Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers - Learning To Fly Dota Kehr - Für die Sterne Yusuf / Cat Stevens - If You Want To Sing Out, Sing Out Stevie Nicks - Blue Denim Udo Jürgens - Vielen Dank für die Blumen Taylor Swift - Our Song Ben Harper - A House Is A Home Die Ärzte - Junge Bon Jovi - It's My Life The Beatles - I Want To Hold Your Hand - Remastered 2015 Nena - Ich bleib' im Bett Secret Service - Ten O'Clock Postman Marteria - Kids (2 Finger an den Kopf) 257ers - Holz Creedence Clearwater Revival - Bad Moon Rising Madsen - Hungriges Herz ABBA - Knowing Me, Knowing You AnnenMayKantereit - Lass es kreisen Das Lumpenpack - Tauben Udo Lindenberg - Ein Herz kann man nicht reparieren (feat. Inga Humpe) - MTV Unplugged The Beatles - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - Remastered Adriano Celentano - Azzurro RIAN - Schwarzes Schaf - Akustik Session MOLA - Du Du Du Udo Lindenberg - Club der Millionäre Fluppen Jupp und die Lungen Jungs - (Die Gute) Ernte 23 FiNCH - Kai hat frei Nina Hagen - TV-GLOTZER (WHITE PUNKS ON DOPE) CRO - Einmal um die Welt ENNIO - König der Nachbarschaft Bilderbuch - Spliff Ski Aggu - mietfrei Kapelle Petra - Arbeit Bosse - Müßiggang The Beach Boys - In My Room - Remastered
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rhythm-of-space · 1 year
Beach Baby
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You and Josh take a little time away.
notes - hi! this is just a lil mundane thought i had inspired by the cover photo & beach baby by bon iver. thank you @sunfl0wer-power and @pr41sethemoon for putting up with my indecisiveness <3
warnings - not much. some nakey josh, alcohol/marijuana use.
"Joshua, shhh. jesus." You grin as you dig in your tote for the keys to your airbnb.
Josh had just tripped up the shallow steps, dropping two arms worth of things in the process. He just giggles at his clumsiness, and follows you closely behind with a joint hanging from his mouth and sand between his toes.
Slightly tipsy, he insisted you two walk down to the water from your bungalow you were renting over the weekend. Despite it being far too late into the evening and your disapproving 'no's', he still meandered over to the door to put on his tevas - a little graceless as he used one hand to velcro the straps and the other to down the remaining sips of his modelo.
He grabbed his notebook, lighter and six pack of beer and made his way out the door, knowing you'd find your way behind him.
You found yourself sat on the cool sand with your legs stretched out in front of you. You prop yourself up with one of your hands buried in the grain while the other one ran through Josh's curls that peaked out the sides of his bandana. He was laying on the blanket you grabbed off the armchair with his head sat on your legs, looking up into the dark abyss of the night sky.
He was so... calm. His mind often wandered but you could tell from how he fixated on the world of stars and planets that were usually shielded by the light pollution of the city that his thoughts settled.
The sounds of the tide breaking were rhythmic and serene. Each wave that crashed kept you present in the moment you were in. You had the entire beach to yourselves - the only things keeping you company were the crabs scuttling along, the sea foam settling on the shore and each other's comfort.
Eventually, Josh moved to his feet and his hands reached for yours, pulling you up from where you were sat. With one last hit from his joint he set off towards the waves. When he made it to the sea line he shedded his white crew neck and swim trunks, leaving his bandana on, and with a wink he ran into the water before you could scold.
He was hip deep in the ocean when he yelled for you to follow. It was the complete joy on his face that had your feet moving towards the tide. Sometimes it was hard to allow yourself to let go. To be free and utterly yourself. Yet, seeing Josh express every bit of himself and embrace the beauty of life, you gave yourself permission. He was radiance. Spontaneity. Love. And you wanted to feel all of it.
After taking off everything but your undergarments, you stepped in and felt a chill run through you. Before you could convince yourself otherwise, you submerged your entire body and head under the darkness before springing back up. The bite was bitter and you tasted the sea on your lips, and when the water washed away you noticed Josh beaming at you where he was treading a few feet away.
As you swam to Josh you felt goosebumps rise on your skin. He reached out for you and wrapped your legs around his waist, holding you close with his arms holding you by your hips. 
His features were so dark and shadowed in the moonlight. You settled your arms around his shoulders and found his lips, sharing the sea salt that still hung on yours. He deepened it as he softly parted your lips with his tongue. The hint of earth and salt washed away as the taste of him and the alcohol he drank took their place. Despite his lack of clothing and you close to it, the space you shared stayed mostly innocent. 
He parted from you but his face stayed so close you could feel his breath hit your cheeks. He rubbed the tip of his nose with yours and smiled as your eyes met his deep brown ones. His cheeks were flushed, from the alcohol or your kiss you weren't sure, but he looked so gentle, so delicate. Soft. 
“Happy anniversary,” he whispered. A sentiment he wanted to keep close, despite being the only two on the beach. 
You returned it with another peck and sank into the kiss for a moment longer. You felt enveloped by him. His energy, presence and warmth felt almost too big for this world. Yet, he managed to ball it all up and direct it towards his love for you. 
The calm of the hour started to fade as the moon crested above you. The waves felt stronger and Josh's hold unconsciously became tighter around your waist. 
“We're going to get swept away by the tide if we don't hurry.” You joked.
“I could stay here forever..” he trails off. “...It's peaceful. Quiet in my brain.”
“I wouldn't mind that. I like seeing you like this, at ease. But, Jake would miss you too much,” You arch your brow at him.
He laughs, “Well we can't have that can we.” And lets your legs gently back into the sand.
Nothing but the brightness of the night sky led you back to where you started - an abandoned throw blanket and some half-empty cans of modelo. Truth be told, you didn't prefer Modelo but when he looked at you with all of his brightness, you swear you could taste a hint of sweetness on your tongue.
"Let's get going before we get arrested," you joked, shaking out the blanket.
He grabbed all he could carry in his arms and slipped the rest of his joint between his lips, "but it'd be so romantic."
Which brought you here, back on the front steps of the picturesque beach bungalow fit for two. 
“We've gotta be out of here early in the morning, I think we should get ready for bed hun.” You call as you set the keys in the bowl provided on the entryway shelf. 
You feel Josh's arms wrap around your waist from behind and place sweet yet pointed kisses right below your ear. You know what he's playing at.
He says, “Mmm, whatever you say, Love.” against your skin and his hands start moving south.
You work your way out of his grasp, “Not tonight,” he pouts his lips, always one for theatrics.
“You're crossfaded and you need someone to make sure you don't get up to anymore trouble,” you say as you use your finger to push at his chest, “Shower. Now.”
“Sir, yes Sir,” he gives you a look laced with attitude and starts toward the bathroom.
“And roll your eyes at me one more time and see what happens,” you slap his butt before he can get too far and are met with a yelp from your drama queen. 
Instead of taking a left into the bathroom he continues on into the master bedroom and plops down onto the unmade bed. He crosses his arms behind his head and lets out a hum of satisfaction. 
You look at him from the end of the bed, unimpressed, knowing it's going to be an ordeal to get him up. 
Crawling up to his laid out body, you move to untie his swim shorts to help him out of them. 
“If you wanted me naked you could have just asked,” he quips, proud of himself. 
You simply shake your head as you pull them down off of his body then move up to straddle his hips to work his shirt off of him. 
Once you tug it off with zero help from Josh you start to move off of him but he wraps his arms around your back and pulls you down into his space. 
His body heat radiates from his chest to your cheek and you think if you let yourself, you'd drift off right there like you have many times before. 
He fills the silence, “You want to know what I think?”
“Hm?” You start to draw lines on his skin
“I think we should get a house.” He mirrors your actions, rubbing circles on your back.
“We have a house.” 
“But a bigger one. One with grand windows, maybe in the country-side. With a yard for our kids to play in.”
“Oh, now we have kids?” You ask playfully, encouraging his little vision.
“Yes, two girls and one boy. They have your nose and my eyes.” He states matter-a-factly, as if he thinks about this often. That thought alone brings a smile onto your face.
You gaze up in interest, “What else?” 
“A space to explore and host and relax after a long day... Oh, and a treehouse for the littles.” 
“Are you going to build the treehouse?”
He ponders for a moment and shakes his head, “We’ll have someone else build the treehouse.” Probably for the best.
“And we should come back here every year. Make it a tradition for our little family. They need to know what it's like to swim under the starlight.” 
It is a sweet thought. Sometime in the future you hope, but he knows not to push. “You're a sappy drunk, you know that?” Josh breathes out a chuckle, “What do you say we table this sentiment of Joshua Jr and his treehouse for when you're sober?”
“I'd like that,” he yawns, tiredness glazing over his eyes. You two stay there for a moment longer imagining the same picture he painted.
You tap at his shoulder, “Alright sweet boy, up we get,” and start to wiggle out of his grasp.
“Not yet.” Squeezing around you tighter.
“Let's do it now and get it over with. I promise you'll feel better in the morning if you do.” You manage to breathe out despite his tight hold on you. 
“Baby.” You wait a beat.
“Sweetheart.” More silence.
“Joshua Michael.” He really wasn't listening. 
You tilt your chin up to see him staring down at you with a slight playful expression on his stupid, cute face, “Why are you being so difficult?”
You can feel his giggle vibrate in his chest, “because I love seeing your eyebrows furrow together like that, ‘s cute.”
“You're so annoying.” 
With pseudo-shock on his face he gasps, “You're so mean! Your words are like a dagger,” he moves his one arm and puts his hand over chest, “right through my heart.”
You take the opportunity to slide out of his grasp, finally able to breathe regularly again. From your stance you look down at all his glory. He really is beautiful.
He reaches up and does grabby hands towards you and it takes everything in you not to cuddle back into his soft form. 
But always the responsible one, you say, “I'm running the water, I expect you up when I get back.” Josh gives you two thumbs up in acknowledgment. But as you walk to the bathroom, in the corner of your eye you swear you see him close his eyes and sink deeper into the pillows. 
You linger in the bathroom as the steam fills the room and smile at yourself in the mirror. At the memory of the night and your time in the little bungalow by the beach. The impromptu short visit that you both needed to get some reprieve. It didn't matter where you went, you realize, a little vacation rental or big house amongst the trees, with him it felt like home. 
You meander your way back into the master and feel the slight coastal breeze filtering in through the cracked window. Painted under a bronze hue from the lamp, Josh was fast asleep and curled around a pillow. His body in a fetal position, he was so petite and tender; gentle and soothed. 
In his state, you leave him be. Tomorrow, your swift life can start again. But now, for the last couple hours in your little oasis, time can move a little slowly.
tag list - @sunfl0wer-power @pr41sethemoon @fan-girl-97 @wideminded-dreamer
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wulfnerd · 2 years
I Wanna Feel Your Heat, sterek, t, 100w ◌ Stiles and Derek enjoy their honeymoon. [ao3] Companion to: Feel the Rush @sterekdrabbles for 27 Jan (burn, bored, suggest; theme: Nature)
Stiles knew making love outside their bungalow was a good idea. 
The torches burned out before they finished, and looking at stars is a magnificent way to spend the afterglow. The only problem is he’s starting to get cold—being human has drawbacks. 
“Are you bored?” 
“You keep fidgeting.” 
Stiles looks over to see Derek staring at him, not the night sky. 
“I’m getting cold.” 
His mate smirks, rising onto his knees and climbing back over Stiles. 
“May I suggest a way of warming you back up?” 
Stiles rolls his eyes, pulling Derek into a kiss. 
Best honeymoon ever. 
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Avatar The way of War
Fanfiction Chapter 5
A lot of characters including a few ocs through out the entire story, yet it's mostly Spider. Or we'll the future chapters are gonna stay focused on him more. Anyways this one was difficult cause I have a friend writing an ocs part and she can't format to save her life and im too lazy or tired to edit every word she writes. In regards to that I am sorry if at certain parts with her it is difficult to understand. I'm sorry but hey, that's how she goes. ))
The way their bodies flowed in perfect unison was enough to give the bravest a cold chill. Warr ak stills the moment she thanks him, and he is ever frozen when she places her hand on his face gently. He reaches up to feel where a hat would be and laughs, "That it would" He replied before stepping out of the bungalow after she had.
Curious eyes stay gazing at the pair as he showed her past the clan and to where Ajake had been waiting for them. Sadly there wasn't much time to explore the island, at least not until things were settled and cooled down.
"Right on time" Ajake spoke up as he tightened his comm on his beaded necklace. "Go quickly and stay low" He commanded before making the bond and jumping onto his living vehicle.
Warr ak approached the banshee casually and with no fear, he ushers for Alice to join him.
"They can be gentle creatures if you don't do them harm" He explained softly before hopping up onto the creature, his can't reaching down to collect hers and pull her up to sit in front of him.
"see, kinda fun right?" He says as they take off after Ajake, on their journey back to the forest, back to family.
"It's a days ride" He added, giving her an estimated time of arrival, and hoping she did not mind the long ride, or the short distance between them.
She watches him link to it with a newfound fascination. A bit in shock, she takes his offered hand and finds herself astride the fearsome ride. They have never been closer but her fear is threatening to consume her and she barely notices. She presses back against him with a squeel as they begin to rise before she can mentally prepare for the ascent. The height dizzying, she squeezes her eyes shut and tries to just melt backwards into him, 'Fun?...He is mad' but she remains silent just bracing her palms against the flying beast. The unwelcome air hits her face and she mentally dies as she learns she has 24 hours of this torture.
Warr ak chuckles to himself knowing the first time riding one is the most grueling. His hands holding tight to the creatures natural reigns, and he follows Ajake lower until they are almost skimming the calm waters below.
" Remember Alladin? " He inquired, nearly about to bust out in song for her if it would help.
"I always think of this as me riding my very own magic carpet. I used to be obsessed with it when I was younger, when I was human. " he spoke happily and reminisced in his childhood as the moment faded on.
"It helped me" He adds, leaning forward to give her a sincere filled smile that shone within the nights sky like diamonds.
After awhile of them traveling in silence the water had vanished and they were familiar with the rugged terrain they were flying over.
"Beautiful isn't it? Kinda like a fairy tale right?" he says playfully as the wind picks up slightly and bundles them close. Within no time the light of day is gracing their faces with warmth.
"We are nearly there!" He called, knowing they were still off a bit, but hoping to ease her worries.
The next time they went out flying was early evening of the next day, and Spider had been following Quaritch around learning of the newer technologies aboard all morning through afternoon. Shadowing the man wasn't as mundane as one would think, there was still some good in the other.
Now in the sky it was quiet with only the animals calling around them from the forest floors, Spider huffed out some air as he reminds himself of his past home.
"You alright kid?" Quaritch asks the boy crouched on the banshee to his front.
Spider jumped at the sound of the others voice ricocheting from ear to ear, and he turned his head back to look at him. "Yeah" He responds and shakes his head slightly at the others concern pouting as he returned to face away from this man. Quite awhile would pass before his ears overheard the Colonels Comms going off in his ear, that never happened, he turned back to give a look of puzzlement.
"Change of plans, kid. We got movement in the sky, Na'vi.." He announced with a toothy grin, obviously excited about who it could be.
Spider stay silent in thoughts of a risky escape knowing it might be his last chance before he is sent to Earth. Soon enough the Colonel narrowed in on two banshees in the near distance, and the kid already could tell who the riders were.
" Yip!" He called out loudly to gain the attention of the others, and snapping his head to the side to look at Quaritch when he was pushed down.
"Quiet kid! I'll unleash a buttload of ass whoopin if you give away our position." He warned his son before forcing the creature to go faster.
Ajake heard the others faint call and his head snapped back to take in the scene, sighing in relief to see Spider. His stomach churned as the banshee flew close enough for the man to make out whom be the second body in the air.
"How?!" He growled in disbelief, "Warr ak! Eyes on Spider, to your east" He called behind him to the two also noticing the other banshee grow close.
Warr ak cursed under his breath now realizing they were in danger and with little to no weaponry or defenses to get them out.
"It's just one dude, how hard could it be?" He states reassuring them both as he tugs on the reigns and nose dives.
This is the moment Spider had been awaiting, and he made a mental note not to fuck it up.
"I owe you a life, but I'm done!" He tells the colonel before allowing his body to roll underneath now dangling by the creatures neck.
"Miles!" Quaritch yelled in utter shock at the boys next move. He immediately reached forward to grab the kids forearm and tried to pull him up.
"Bro!?" Spider calls out down below them where Warr ak was leveling up their banshee just underneath theirs.
"Go bro!" Warr ak replied as Ajake came flying past them and shooting a few rounds at Quaritch.
This frightened the animal and caused the banshee to jerk back making Spider lose his grip. He gave out a loud yell as he free fell almost 20 feet before grabbing ahold of the banshees tail and pulling himself up with what strength left he had.
"That was sick, bro" He gasped lightly with a relieved smile at the other.
He suddenly got a wave of un-surety and against his greater judgement turned to look back at Quaritch. He breathed yet another sigh of great relief seeing the Colonel un hit by the shots firing out at him.
"Is he in sights? Is Eagle out of combat?" Warr ak asked, holding it together as he flew as steadily as he could like so.
Spider focused on what scenes were unfolding behind them with wide eyes forced that way from pure adrenaline. He sees Ajake now swiftly catching up to them as Quaritch falls back, most likely retreating after such a loss.
"I see him!" He calls happily before hearing Ajake whistle low and they knew to seek cover under the canopy.
Once on the ground the group took a moment to take it all in and find shelter for the evening.
"Spider" Ajake fetched the boy and put a hand on each shoulder firmly. "I am happy to have you back, but I need you to tell me how Quaritch is still alive... Do you know?" The man interrogated, happy of course of their successful outcome, but solemn and on edge with it as well.
Spider instantly looked to his side as he could no longer meet the others desperate gaze, and he swallowed hard before the silence grew to be too much and he caved.
"It was me" He breathed low and finally looked back to Ajake with a deep settling frown.
"I couldn't let him die- he saved me first!" He found himself defensive and growing in volume.
"Sorry, Sir" Came Spiders next words as his body sunk forward in guilt and conflicting morals.
Ajake stood completely horrified in the admission the young kid had given him, even after Netayem has died,
"You bring back the man responsible for my sons death!?" He growled loudly but soon masked the anger and bewilderment locked inside.
"I don't know what to say." The man admitted, raising a hand to his brow for a second of peace.
"Thin ice" He warned before nodding for him to leave him be and give him space.
"Go, dismissed-" he ushered when the boy just stood in defeat. He watched him walk off to join the others, his steps seemingly forced and tight facial expression showed how much reuniting came with hurt beyond this world.
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thewholecrew · 1 year
@headstrongblake said: sender kisses receiver in the garage. / kass & nick, his new home garage tho :'))))
by the time kassy arose in the morning the sun was up high in the sky and there was no real sign of nick within the bungalow. this was beginning to be a pattern though, her sleeping in on the weekends to catch up since she's up so damn early for school most days. she doesn't bother to get dressed just yet as she pulled on her silk robe and headed to the kitchen to make herself some coffee.
it's then, when she heard the metal clatter of tools coming from the door leading to the garage, that a small smile curls on her lips, taking out an extra mug and pouring them both some coffee. taking a cautious sip of her own, she sighed happily, feeling safe here -- another reason she was catching up on sleep, she was finally sleeping better here too, (all thanks to being cuddled up to nick all night). with a few more sips of her coffee to wake her up, kassy then headed out to the garage to see what nick was up to.
"good morning," she murmured with a sleepy smile as the door opening caught nicks attention. was it even still morning? it was for her and as she handed him his coffee she took a curious look at the vehicle he was working on. "whatcha working on? want some company?" she offered as she moved to hop up on the trunk, crossing her bare legs and smoothing her robe. "you look like you've been at this for a while," she observed, dark eyes taking him in apprasingly, lips curling into a smirk behind her coffee mug as she took another sip.
she watched as he placed a few tools back into the box, using a cloth to wipe the grease on his hands as he drew closer. when he glanced down at himself at the observation, kassy grinned, "it's a good look, very rugged. i'd let you upsell me fixing my car any day," she teased before reaching out with a finger to hook his belt loop and tug him closer. her legs uncrossed, spreading enough for him to stand between as she then handed him her coffee to place with his own on the workbench beside them.
sleep well? he asked her and her grin softened, her hand smoothing up his chest as she offered him a small nod, "i slept ah-mazing," she reassured him but she suddenly wasn't in the mood for idle chitchat, not with him looking like this. her finger then hooked in the neck of his shirt, urging him down as she leaned up to catch his lips for a kiss. soft and lingering at first, before she then tilted her head to deepen it.
her hand slid up around his neck and into his hair, grabbing a soft fistful as one leg wrapped around his hip to trap him and pull him closer. the kisses turned heated and a pleased hum then escaped her as she nipped at his bottom lip, pulling back when her hand came up to catch his wrist before he could touch her face, "ah! no touching with your hands looking like that," she chided playfully with a soft tutt, lips curling into a smirk.
she could see the heat in his eyes and her own reflected it, her chest rising and falling with soft panted breaths, gaze sparkling deviously. "buuut..." she began, releasing his wrist as she then brought her hand to his face, nails lightly trailing through his beard along his jaw. "how about you finish up what you're working on out here..." she spoke quietly, voice a low purr as she admired the beauty of his face, dark eyes following her thumb as it brushed tauntingly over his bottom lip, "...and when you're done perhaps i can join you in the shower to pick up where we've left off, hmm?" she looked up at him through her dark lashes now, biting her own plump lip before letting it slide free as the corners of her mouth curled into a cheshire smile.
her head tilted then as her hand dropped from his face to his chest, giving it a gentle push as she slid off the car, her body brushing flush against his as she did. "okay," she said then with an innocent bat of her lashes, delicate hands settling on his hips before she slid past him to pick up her coffee mug once again. "i'll see you inside," offering him a wink, she took another sip of her coffee, strolling back towards the door. "don't forget your coffee or it'll get cold," she reminded him as if she couldn't possibly tell nicks mind wasn't on anything other than her. "don't leave me waiting too long now," she added as she looked over her shoulder before heading back inside with a triumphant grin.
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ecospacerealtors · 8 days
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Greetings from Eco Space Realtors!
A Walk Through Video of Bungalows in the Sky – Luxury 3BHK Project Walkthrough | Bengaluru’s Finest Living | Chaitanya Sakhya
🌿Take an exclusive tour of Bungalows in the Sky, a luxury 3BHK high-rise project in Bengaluru. Experience stunning architecture, expansive living spaces, and premium amenities in this walkthrough video. Located with easy access to IT hubs and offering unparalleled views, this project is designed for those seeking a sophisticated urban lifestyle. Discover why Bungalows in the Sky is the ultimate choice for luxury living in Bengaluru.📜🏠
Reach Us: 📞: +91 9900984444 📩 : [email protected] 🌐 : www.ecospacerealtors.in @ Your One-Stop Shop for Property Needs.
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nitantgaurav · 4 months
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Rise Sky Bungalows | Rise Sky Bungalows Sector 41 Faridabad
Discover Rise Sky Bungalows Sector 41 Faridabad offering meticulously crafted residential units starting at just Rs. 1.55 Crore. Spread across 3 acres with 207 units, it blends comfort and style seamlessly. Enjoy 3 & 3.5 BHK luxury apartments with top-notch amenities, including a swimming pool, clubhouse, and spa. Conveniently located near Gulab Vatika and Sarai Metro Station. Welcome to a lifestyle of simplicity and sophistication.
Visit Our Website: https://riseskybungalows.in/
Contact Us: 8595808895
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realestate899 · 26 days
Prestige Pine Forest
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Prestige Group Real Estate Trends in Whitefield: An Expert Analysis
The real estate market in Bangalore, particularly in Whitefield, has witnessed a dynamic shift over the years, with the Prestige Group emerging as a key player driving this transformation. Prestige Group, known for its expansive and high-quality developments, has consistently set benchmarks in the industry. As of June 2023, the group boasts 285 completed projects covering 170 million square feet, with 54 ongoing projects and plans for 48 more. This extensive portfolio underscores the group's commitment to shaping the real estate landscape in Bangalore, especially in high-demand areas like Whitefield.
Analyzing Real Estate Trends in Whitefield
Persistent Uptrend in Property Demand
Whitefield has consistently been a hub for real estate investment, with demand for properties in this area remaining robust. The region's appeal stems from its strategic location, burgeoning infrastructure, and proximity to major business districts. The area has become synonymous with luxury living, attracting a discerning clientele seeking high-end residential spaces. The latest real estate trends indicate that Whitefield continues to experience a steady uptrend in property values, making it a lucrative investment destination.Factors Influencing Real Estate Trends in Whitefield
Several factors contribute to the sustained demand and price appreciation in Whitefield:Proximity to IT Hubs:
Whitefield is home to numerous IT parks and multinational corporations, driving demand for residential units among professionals.Infrastructure Development:
The area benefits from ongoing infrastructure projects, including road expansions and the upcoming metro line, which are set to enhance connectivity and accessibility.Quality of Life:
Whitefield offers a blend of urban conveniences and suburban tranquility, making it an ideal location for families and individuals seeking a balanced lifestyle.Real Estate Price Trends: 2020-2023
The real estate market in Bangalore saw significant fluctuations during 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic. However, 2023 has marked a resurgence, with property prices in Whitefield experiencing notable appreciation. The demand for budget-friendly housing has surged, particularly in emerging hotspots like Kadugodi and Nallurhalli. While luxury units remain in demand, the market has seen a shift towards more affordable options as buyers seek value-for-money investments.
Prestige Group Projects in Whitefield: A Closer Look
Prestige Park Grove
Prestige Park Grove is a flagship project by the Prestige Group, offering a range of residential options from 1 to 4 BHK flats and villas. Spread over 80 acres, the development includes 3,849 living units and 111 deluxe villas. The project caters to a diverse clientele, providing metropolitan living with a focus on community and privacy. The units range from 650 to 3,700 square feet, catering to different lifestyle needs.Prestige Dolce Vita
Located on ECC Road, Prestige Dolce Vita is another premium project by the Prestige Group. This development is strategically positioned near Whitefield's major IT parks and business hubs, offering residents unparalleled convenience. The project spans 1.36 acres and comprises 66 units of 2 and 3 BHK homes. With prices starting at INR 1 crore, Prestige Dolce Vita represents an excellent investment opportunity for those looking to capitalize on Whitefield's growing real estate market.Prestige White Meadows
Prestige White Meadows epitomizes luxury living in Whitefield. This project features ultra-luxurious villas set within a sprawling 28.5-acre estate. The development includes 288 Sky Villas in four high-rise towers and 66 Independent Bungalows, each designed to offer a lavish lifestyle. These 4 and 5 BHK homes, priced from INR 3.75 crores, are targeted at high-net-worth individuals seeking exclusivity and grandeur.Prestige Lakeside Habitat
Prestige Lakeside Habitat is a premier township in Whitefield, offering a mix of luxury flats and villa homes. The project is set on 102 acres of prime land overlooking Varthur Lake, providing residents with stunning views and a serene environment. With 3,426 units available, the development offers 1, 2, 3, and 4 BHK homes, with prices starting at INR 95 lakhs. The project's location and amenities make it a highly desirable option for both end-users and investors.Upcoming Project: Prestige Pine Forest
Prestige Pine Forest is an eagerly anticipated prelaunch project by the Prestige Group in Whitefield. While details are still emerging, the project is expected to further cement Prestige Group's dominance in the Whitefield real estate market. Given the group's track record, Prestige Pine Forest is poised to offer premium living spaces that cater to the evolving needs of modern homebuyers.
Conclusion: Investing in Whitefield's Future
The Prestige Group's developments in Whitefield reflect the area's evolution into a premier real estate destination. With a focus on quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction, Prestige Group has played a pivotal role in shaping Whitefield's real estate landscape. The area's continued growth, coupled with the group's strategic projects, makes Whitefield an attractive investment for those looking to capitalize on Bangalore's booming real estate market.
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mysgprop-cstee · 3 months
The Giverny Residences
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雅悅轩 The Giverny Residences
黄金武吉知马地段,全新永久产权发展项目 "Villa in the Sky" "Very exclusive, stepping out of your apartment will be like walking into your private garden and pool, similar to the experience of living in a house" "the birds will build their nest here, and the butterflies will come" 💎3BR from 1636 sqft to 1873 sqft from $5,497,000 - Last 3 💎4BR from 2551 sqft to 2756 sqft from $9,566,000 - Last 3 ⭐ Freehold, prime location D10 ⭐ LIMITED Large format ⭐ Per floor per unit for 4BR ⭐ ONLY 3BR AND 4BR, latter with direct access from unit's patio to Sky Terrace and Swimming Pool ⭐ Within 1km to ACS (Primary), SCGS (Primary) ⭐ 5 mins' stroll to Stevens MRT (Downtown & Thomson-East Coast) ⭐ Near to Singapore Botanic Gardens (UNESCO World Heritage Site) ⭐ Plethora of amenities ⭐ 5 mins' drive to city https://youtu.be/LIfnEjtKL_o "Your Way of Living" Quick LinksFact Sheet The Surrounding Virtual Tour 3BR Virtual Tour 4BR Official Brochures/ Floor Plan Balanced Units & Price Giverny Residences is a freehold property located in the heart of District 10, one of Singapore's most coveted neighborhoods. This prime location puts you in close proximity to top schools, premium shopping destinations, and world-renowned attractions, making it an ideal choice for investors looking for long-term value. The development features only six units, with a mix of 3-bedroom and 4-bedroom units available. The 4-bedroom units come with a private lift lobby, providing added exclusivity and privacy. The development's location in District 10, near prestigious schools and popular amenities, makes it an ideal choice for families and individuals looking for a luxury living experience in the heart of the city. In addition to the excellent location and exclusive living experience, Giverny Residences also features a range of facilities and amenities designed to provide residents with the ultimate in luxury living. These include a Sky Terrace, Swimming Pool, and lush greenery, providing a tranquil and scenic environment for residents to relax and unwind.
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Large-format three- and four- bedrooms The units at The Giverny Residences are a mix of three- and four-bedrooms with sizes from 1,873 sq ft to 2,756 sq ft. Apart from the second level, where there are two units, the first to the fifth levels contain just one apartment each. “Every unit has a different layout and every floor has a garden terrace and a pool,” says A D Lab’s Liu, the project architect for The Giverny Residences. AD Lab has also designed many private houses and Good Class Bungalows in Singapore over the past two decades. Liu saw the opportunity to create The Giverny Residences as “villas in the sky”. “It will be very exclusive,” he adds. “Stepping out of your apartment will be like walking into your private garden and pool, similar to the experience of living in a house.” Adds Liu: “We wanted to create a lush, idyllic setting which is rare as it’s hard to achieve in a high-rise, urban environment in Singapore.” Inspiration for the garden concept came from the gardens created by French painter and master of impressionism Claude Monet at his home in Giverny, close to Paris and Rouen. To bring it to reality at The Giverny Residences on Robin Drive in Singapore, Liu collaborated with landscape architect Jelle Hendrik Therry, the design director at Henning Larsen, formerly Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl.
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‘Bringing nature closer’ Therry was part of the team that designed the Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park under the Active, Beautiful and Clean Waters Programme. He was also involved in the landscape design of luxury condos such as CanningHill Piers, One Pearl Bank, 15 Holland Hill and MeyerHouse. “We have increasingly stepped into the high-end residential market,” he says. “We feel that there’s a need for it. We need to bring people closer to nature, to have this conversation about biophilia.” By creating a garden nestled within the building at The Giverny, Therry hopes to bring nature closer to the future residents there. “And we hope the birds will build their nests here, and the butterflies will come,” he adds. Principles of biophilia permeate the architecture of the building. Facade walls are concrete form lines embossed with wood. “We want to create this natural, grainy texture against the vibrant and diverse flora and fauna,” says Liu. He adds that the roof has a leaflike structure depicting the trees’ filtered light. The external deck and terraces will be of timber. The landscape architect has also proposed harvesting rainwater at the rooftop. “We can store the rainwater and reuse it to irrigate the plants in the development,” says Therry. “We are reusing what nature gives us.” These efforts resulted in The Giverny Residences attaining the highest accolade in sustainability, a BCA Green Mark Platinum rating. Fact Sheet TypeDescriptionsProject Name雅悅轩 The Giverny ResidencesDeveloper NameRobin Development Pte Ltd (Lian Huat Group)Location6 ROBIN DRIVE Singapore 259035 (District 10)Tenure of LandFreeholdExpected Date of Completion (T.O.P.)31-Mar-2027Site area968 sqmTotal No. of Units6 units in 1 block of 5-storeyCar Parks6 Lost + 1 handicaped Updated Fact Sheet for The Giverny Residences
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Robin Development Pte Ltd is a subsidiary of the Lian Huat Group, a Singapore-based conglomerate with a diverse portfolio of businesses, including property development, construction, and hospitality. Founded in 1967, the Lian Huat Group has over 50 years of experience in the industry and a reputation for delivering high-quality projects. Robin Development Pte Ltd, in particular, has established itself as a leading property developer in Singapore, with a focus on luxury residential developments in prime locations. The company is committed to creating homes that are not just beautiful and functional but also provide a high standard of living for residents. One of Robin Development's notable past projects is Robin Residences, a luxury condominium located in the prestigious Bukit Timah area. The development comprises 134 residential units spread over two 20-storey towers and offers residents a range of premium amenities, including a lap pool, a clubhouse, and a gym. Another significant project by Robin Development is White House Residences, located in the heart of District 9. This exclusive development comprises only four premium apartments, each with four bedrooms, and provides residents with the ultimate in luxury living. In addition to these projects, Robin Development has also worked on several other high-end residential developments across Singapore, including Goodwood Grand and One Balmoral. Robin Development's success can be attributed to its commitment to excellence and attention to detail. The company strives to create homes that are not only functional and beautiful but also offer a high standard of living for residents. Their focus on quality and craftsmanship has earned them a reputation as one of Singapore's most trusted and respected property developers. In summary, Robin Development Pte Ltd is a subsidiary of the Lian Huat Group, a Singapore-based conglomerate with over 50 years of experience in the industry. Robin Development has established itself as a leading property developer in Singapore, with a focus on luxury residential developments in prime locations. With a track record of delivering high-quality projects, Robin Development is a trusted and respected name in Singapore's property industry.
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Giverny Residences -Design Team ⭐Freehold Property: Giverny Residences is a freehold property, which means that buyers will own the property outright and can hold onto it for as long as they want. ⭐Prime Location: The condominium is situated in District 10, which is one of the most sought-after residential areas in Singapore. It is located near various amenities, including reputable schools, dining and shopping options, and the Singapore Botanic Gardens. ⭐Limited Number of Units: Giverny Residences has only six units, making it an exclusive and intimate community. This limited number of units ensures that residents can enjoy a high level of privacy and exclusivity. ⭐Large Format: The development features large-format units that offer ample space for comfortable living. The 4-bedroom units also have a private lift lobby, ensuring added exclusivity and privacy. ⭐Direct Access to Sky Terrace and Swimming Pool: The 4-bedroom units offer direct access from the unit's patio to the Sky Terrace and Swimming Pool. This feature provides added convenience and accessibility for residents. ⭐Close Proximity to Reputable Schools: Giverny Residences is located within 1km of both ACS (Primary) and SCGS (Primary), making it an excellent choice for families with young children. ⭐Walking Distance to MRT Station: The condominium is only a 5-minute stroll away from the Stevens MRT station, which provides easy access to the Downtown and Thomson-East Coast lines. ⭐Near the Singapore Botanic Gardens: The Singapore Botanic Gardens, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is located nearby. This provides residents with an opportunity to enjoy a tranquil and scenic environment. ⭐Plenty of Amenities: Giverny Residences is situated in an area with a plethora of amenities, including shopping malls, supermarkets, and dining options. This provides residents with convenience and accessibility to daily necessities. ⭐Close Proximity to the City: The condominium is only a 5-minute drive away from the city, making it an ideal choice for those who work or frequently visit the city. Giverny Residences is located in an area that is packed with amenities, including premium shopping destinations, gourmet restaurants, and world-class entertainment options. This means that you'll never have to travel far to find everything you need to enjoy a luxurious lifestyle. 5 Mins' Stroll to Stevens MRT (Downtown & Thomson-East Coast) Getting around Singapore is easy with the Stevens MRT station just a 5-minute stroll from Giverny Residences. This station provides easy access to both the Downtown and Thomson-East Coast lines, making it easy to explore the city. Near to Singapore Botanic Gardens (UNESCO World Heritage Site) Nature lovers will appreciate the close proximity of Giverny Residences to the Singapore Botanic Gardens, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This stunning park offers a serene retreat from the hustle and bustle of the city and is perfect for a leisurely stroll or picnic with family and friends.
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Giverny Residences -Location Map
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Giverny Residences -Location at A Glance Within 1km to ACS (Primary), SCGS (Primary) If you have school-going children, you'll appreciate the fact that Giverny Residences is located within 1km of top primary schools like ACS and SCGS. This makes it a convenient choice for families looking for a premium education for their children. 5 Mins' Drive to City If you need to get to the city quickly, you'll appreciate the fact that Giverny Residences is just a 5-minute drive away. This puts you in close proximity to all the major business and financial districts, making it an ideal investment for those looking for convenience and accessibility. The Surrounding Trains (MRT) • STEVENS MRT DT10 TE11 220m Groceries/ Shopping • Cold Storage Chancery Court 970m  • Palais Renaissance 1.39 km • Tanglin Shopping Centre 1.42 km   Schools • Singapore Chinese Girls' Primary 310m • Anglo-chinese School (primary) 900m • Raffles Girls' School (secondary) 830m  Greenery, luxury of space Lian Huat Group has engaged celebrity designer Peter Tay of the eponymous Peter Tay Studio to create the virtual walkthrough of the interiors of the different units. “When I looked at the floor plans done by Warren , and the architecture and landscape design, I liked its simplicity,” says Tay. “It’s about creating an immersive experience, incorporating elements of exclusivity and sublimity.” Tay created a video walkthrough and renderings that reflect that immersive experience: “It’s about being wrapped around by the space and the greenery,” he says. “I used my signature reflective ceiling to capture the external spaces and greenery outside and the luxury of the internal spaces.” Tay, whose clientele includes tycoons and celebrities from Singapore and overseas, highlights that The Giverny will appeal to foreigners. “They like large units,” he says. What is appealing about the design is the fact that “there is no clear boundary between the internal and external space,” he observes. “Open your glass door and enjoy your private enclosed space. Even the external garden and pool provided by the developer become part of your private space.” The outdoor landscaped space and pool provided by the developer range from 380 sq ft to 1,133 sq ft, as every floor has a unique landscape design. “It’s like having your private pool and garden, but managed by the MCST board in the future,” says Lian Huat’s Kho. Outdoor spaces will enjoy a double-volume ceiling height. The living and dining area and all the bedrooms will have a 3m ceiling height. The interiors will feature marble flooring, top-end brands in fittings and appliances such as Miele kitchen appliances, quartz kitchen countertops from Caesarstone, Poliform wardrobes and cabinets, bathroom accessories and fittings from Gessi and Laufen. All the bedrooms will be en suite, with the master bedrooms provided with an en suite bathroom and walk-in wardrobe.
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Giverny Residences - Site Plan Level 1
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Giverny Residences - Site Plan Level 2
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Giverny Residences - Site Plan Level 3
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Giverny Residences - Site Plan Level 4
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Giverny Residences - Site Plan Level 5 At The Giverny Residence, prices of units will start from $5.5 million for a three-bedroom; and upwards of $9.5 million for a four-bedroom.  The appointed marketing agencies are PropNex and Huttons Asia. Interest from ultra-high-net-worth individuals has been for bulk purchases, says Dominic Lee, head of the luxury team at PropNex. The developer has indicated $48 million as the price tag for the entire project to a sole buyer. “We had multiple enquiries about buying all six units in the development,” adds Lee. Other enquiries included acquiring the two units on the second level and amalgamating them, while others are looking at acquiring units on two consecutive floors. In recent months, Lee has seen more interest from overseas family offices looking to purchase property in Singapore. “We are seeing an increase in enquiries, particularly from China and Taiwan,” he says. There are very few large-format residential units for sale today, says Daniel Lim, director of project sales and marketing at Huttons Asia. He sees the four-bedroom units at The Giverny drawing buyers. “Besides occupying an entire level, each unit has its own dedicated sky deck and pool accessible from their patio”, he adds. According to Lim, some wealthy families want to buy an entire development for personal use. He highlights Swire Properties’ sale of all 20 units at Eden at 2 Draycott Park to the family behind snack F&B manufacturer Want Want Holdings for $293 million ($4,827 psf) two years ago. “Unlike buying an investment property, buying a home has more considerations,” says Lim. “This is because many of them want to personalise their own space. We understand from the developer that they are happy to listen to some design requirements and customisation. Given that it’s a boutique development, it’s easier to customise the space for the owner’s use.” Unit Mixes:  If you're looking for a spacious 4-bedroom unit, you'll be pleased to know that each floor of Giverny Residences houses only one 4-bedroom unit. This provides ample privacy and exclusivity for residents. For the ultimate in luxury living, the 4-bedroom units at Giverny Residences offer direct access from the unit's patio to the Sky Terrace and Swimming Pool. This makes it easy to relax and enjoy the stunning views and beautiful surroundings. Flooring: Marble/ Engineered Timber  Fittings & Fixtures: Gessi/ Laufen/ Franke/ Johnson Suisse/ Monic Typical Ceiling Height: 3m No. Read the full article
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estatedekho23 · 3 months
Open Plots for Sale in Hyderabad Telangana
Discovering the Perfect Open Plots for Sale in Hyderabad
Hyderabad, the city of pearls, biryani, and IT hubs, is also becoming a hotbed for real estate investment, particularly in open plots. If you're someone who dreams of building a custom home, starting a farm, or even investing in land for future gains, Hyderabad's open plots might just be your golden ticket. In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of buying open plots for sale in Hyderabad, and yes, there will be some humour and personal anecdotes sprinkled in. So, buckle up and let’s embark on this real estate adventure together!
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Why Choose Open Plots in Hyderabad?
1. A Booming Real Estate Market
Hyderabad’s real estate market is like a well-cooked Hyderabadi biryani, rich, diverse, and full of potential. The city's rapid development in IT, infrastructure, and education has led to an increased demand for real estate, making it a lucrative investment option.
2. Freedom to Build Your Dream
One of the biggest perks of purchasing an open plot is the freedom it offers. Unlike ready-to-move-in homes, open plots give you the liberty to build a home that suits your taste and needs. Whether you want a sprawling bungalow, a cosy cottage, or a modern villa, the sky's the limit (or maybe just your budget).
3. Cost-Effective Investment
Compared to buying an apartment or a pre-constructed house, investing in open plots is often more affordable. Plus, with the appreciation rates in Hyderabad, your plot's value is likely to increase over time, giving you good returns on your investment.
Key Areas to Consider for Open Plots in Hyderabad
1. Shadnagar
Located on the outskirts of Hyderabad, Shadnagar is a promising area for buying open plots. With its proximity to the Outer Ring Road and upcoming developments, it’s a great spot for future investments. Plus, you might even spot a peacock or two who wouldn’t want nature as their neighbour?
2. Gachibowli
Gachibowli is not just the tech hub of Hyderabad but also a sought-after location for real estate investments. The area boasts excellent connectivity, top-notch amenities, and a vibrant community. Investing in open plots here can be a bit pricey but think of it as buying a plot in the middle of all the action.
3. Adibatla
Known as the aerospace hub of Hyderabad, Adibatla is emerging as a prime location for real estate investments. With several IT companies and industries setting up shop here, the demand for residential plots is on the rise. And who knows, you might end up having a rocket scientist as your neighbour!
What to Look for When Buying Open Plots
1. Legal Clearances
Before you get all excited and start picturing your dream home, make sure the plot has all the necessary legal clearances. Check for approvals from the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA) or the Directorate of Town and Country Planning (DTCP). A plot with proper documentation saves you from future headaches.
2. Infrastructure and Amenities
Look for plots that have good infrastructure and amenities around them. Proximity to schools, hospitals, markets, and public transport can make your life easier and also add value to your investment.
3. Connectivity
Ensure the plot is well-connected to major parts of the city. Easy access to roads, highways, and public transport can make commuting a breeze and enhance the plot's appeal.
The Fun Part: Imagining Your Future Home
Picture this: a sunny Sunday morning in your dream home. You’re sipping coffee on your porch, surrounded by a lush garden that you’ve personally designed. Your kids (or pets) are playing in the yard, and you have the satisfaction of knowing that you’ve built this paradise from the ground up. Sounds perfect, right? That’s the magic of owning an open plot: you have the freedom to create a space that’s uniquely yours.
Design Ideas for Your Open Plot in Hyderabad
Eco-Friendly Homes: Think solar panels, rainwater harvesting, and lots of greenery.
Modern Villas: Sleek designs, minimalist interiors, and smart home technology.
Traditional Bungalows: Classic architecture with spacious verandas and courtyards.
Farmhouses: A perfect retreat with vegetable gardens, orchards, and maybe even a few chickens.
Making the Purchase: Steps to Follow
1. Budget Planning
Decide on your budget and stick to it. It’s easy to get carried away when you find that perfect plot, but remember to factor in construction costs and other expenses.
2. Site Visits
Always visit the plot before making a decision. Pictures can be deceiving, and there’s no substitute for seeing the land in person.
3. Negotiation
Don’t hesitate to negotiate the price. A little haggling can sometimes get you a better deal.
4. Documentation
Ensure all the documents are in order. Get a legal expert to verify the papers to avoid any future disputes.
Open Plots vs. Apartments: A Comparative Table
Open Plots
Complete freedom to design and build
Limited to interior design
Investment Cost
Generally lower
Higher due to built-up costs
High, especially in growing areas
Moderate, depends on the market
Managed by apartment associations
Community Living
Less, more privacy
High, more social interactions
Depends on location
Usually comes with built-in amenities
The Lighter Side of Plot Hunting
While the process of buying an open plot can seem daunting, it’s also an adventure. Here’s a little story from my plot-hunting days. I once visited a plot that was advertised as "close to nature." Little did I know, it was so close that a family of monkeys had set up camp there! Lesson learned: always visit the site before buying.
Another time, I was so taken by a plot’s scenic view that I forgot to check its connectivity. It turned out to be so remote that even Google Maps gave up on it. But hey, at least I got a good laugh out of it!
Investing in open plots for sale in Hyderabad is not just about buying land; it's about investing in a future filled with possibilities. Whether you dream of building a home, starting a garden, or simply making a smart investment, Hyderabad’s open plots offer something for everyone. Just remember to do your homework, plan well, and most importantly, have fun with the process. After all, as they say, “Home is where the heart is,” and there’s no better feeling than building your heart's desire from scratch.
So, go ahead, start your plot-hunting journey today, and who knows, you might just find your perfect piece of paradise in the vibrant city of Hyderabad. Happy hunting!
Visit estatedekho.com for more information about Open Plots for Sale in Hyderabad Telangana. Estatedekho is an online platform that offers sellers, potential clients, buyers verified plots, and professional agents at service.
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investoxpertblog · 5 months
Buy Best Luxury Villas in Bangalore
Bangalore is a big city in India with many homes and buildings. Some of these are very expensive and luxurious villas. These Luxury Villas in Bangalore are made just for rich people. They have beautiful designs and lots of special facilities. They give people a very comfortable and high-class way of living.
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1. Prestige Golfshire
Prestige Golfshire Villas in Devanahalli, near Nandi Hills, is one of the best luxury villas in North Bangalore. It is a unique combination of a resort and private homes, offering residents high-end living. The villas are part of an 18-hole golf course, the first of its kind in India. Spread across 276 acres, it is a dream luxurious home with 228 units of 4 BHK villas.
2. RBD Stillwaters
Located on Sarjapur Road in East Bangalore, RBD Stillwaters by RBD Shelter is a luxurious property with high-end amenities and privacy. Spread across 17 acres, it has 119 units of 3 and 4-bedroom villas.
3. Prestige White Meadows
Prestige White Meadows in Whitefield, East Bangalore, is a township project by Prestige Group with bungalows and high-rise flats (sky villas). The villas are constructed with quality features for a dream-like living experience.
4. Total Environment After The Rain
Total Environment After The Rain is located off Bangalore International Airport Road in North Bangalore. It is known for innovative architecture that blends nature and modernism. The project has 358 units of 4 BHK residences spread over 56.4 acres.
5. Sobha Lifestyle Legacy
Sobha Lifestyle Legacy by Sobha Ltd, one of the luxury villas in Bangalore is located in Devanahalli, North Bangalore. It covers 55 acres and offers 4-bedroom villas with luxurious amenities and improved interior design.
6. Purva The Sound of Water
Purvankara Group's Purva The Sound of Water is situated on Bannerghatta Road in South Bangalore. It is known for its exquisite construction and beautiful surroundings. The project has 207 units of 3 and 4-bedroom villas spread over 19 acres.
7. Embassy Boulevard
Embassy Boulevard by Embassy Group is located off NH 7 in North Bangalore, near Kempegowda International Airport. The gated community has 170 units of bungalows and high-rise flats (sky villas) spread over 51 acres.
8. MIMS Northbrook
MIMS Northbrook offers 4 BHK villas with private gardens and modern lifestyle conveniences. It covers 1.57 acres and has higher ceiling and door heights than standard deliveries.
9. Assetz Leaves & Lives
Assetz Leaves & Lives is located in the Sarjapur Road area, known for its infrastructure and investment potential. The project offers a serene escape from the city while being well-connected.
10. The Gran Carmen AddressThe Gran Carmen Address by The Address Makers is one of the most luxury villas in Bangalore. Located on Sarjapur Road in East Bangalore, it offers modern amenities and a harmonious blending of indoor and outdoor spaces.
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airbnbblog · 5 months
Discover the Ultimate Bliss: Honolulu Beachfront Rentals and Apartments for Rent
Honolulu, the vibrant capital of Hawaii, beckons with its unparalleled beauty and endless opportunities for adventure. Whether you’re seeking a serene retreat by the ocean or a dynamic urban experience, Honolulu offers an array of beachfront rentals and apartments for rent to suit every taste and preference.
Imagine waking up to the gentle sound of waves caressing the shore, with the sun painting the sky in hues of orange and pink. This is the everyday reality for those fortunate enough to indulge in Honolulu beachfront rentals. From luxurious condos with panoramic ocean views to cozy cottages steps away from the sand, there’s something for everyone in this tropical paradise.
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One of the most coveted destinations for beachfront living in Honolulu is Waikiki. Renowned for its pristine beaches and vibrant atmosphere, Waikiki is a haven for sun-seekers and water enthusiasts alike. Here, you’ll find an array of upscale condominiums boasting modern amenities and breathtaking vistas. Picture yourself sipping your morning coffee on your private lanai, watching surfers catch waves as the sun rises over Diamond Head.
For those seeking a more laid-back vibe, the North Shore offers a slice of paradise away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Known for its legendary surf breaks and unspoiled beauty, the North Shore is home to charming beachfront cottages and bungalows where you can unwind and reconnect with nature. Spend your days exploring secluded beaches, hiking through lush rainforests, or simply basking in the sun with a good book in hand.
But Honolulu isn’t just about beachfront living – it’s also a thriving metropolis with a diverse array of apartments for rent. Whether you’re a young professional looking for a trendy urban loft or a family in search of a spacious suburban home, honolulu apartments for rent has options to suit every lifestyle.
In the heart of downtown Honolulu, you’ll find an eclectic mix of high-rise apartments offering unparalleled convenience and luxury. From sleek, modern designs to historic buildings infused with old-world charm, downtown Honolulu has something for every discerning renter. Enjoy easy access to world-class dining, shopping, and entertainment, all within walking distance of your doorstep.
For those craving a more suburban vibe, neighborhoods like Kakaako and Ala Moana offer a perfect blend of urban convenience and residential tranquility. Here, you’ll find a variety of apartments ranging from cozy studios to expansive penthouses, all nestled amidst lush greenery and scenic waterfront parks. Take a leisurely stroll along the Ala Wai Canal or explore the vibrant arts scene at nearby galleries and boutiques.
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No matter which Honolulu beachfront rental or apartment for rent you choose, you’ll be welcomed into a vibrant community that celebrates the aloha spirit and embraces the rich cultural heritage of the islands. Whether you’re a newcomer or a lifelong resident, Honolulu offers endless opportunities for exploration, adventure, and relaxation.
So why wait? Dive into the ultimate Hawaiian experience and make Honolulu your home today. Whether you’re soaking up the sun on the beach or exploring the bustling streets of downtown, you’ll soon discover why Honolulu is truly paradise found.
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flatsinbandra · 7 months
Exquisite Escapes: Exploring Luxury Living in Mumbai's Upcoming Real Estate Landscape
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Mumbai, known as the financial capital of India, is also home to some of the most luxurious real estate properties in the country. From sprawling penthouses with panoramic views to sophisticated high-rise apartments with state-of-the-art amenities, the city offers a diverse range of luxury living options to cater to every taste and preference. In this guide, we'll explore the various types of luxury properties available in Mumbai, along with some upcoming projects that are set to redefine urban living.
Types of Luxury Properties
1. High-Rise Apartments
High-rise apartments are a hallmark of luxury living in Mumbai. These towering structures offer breathtaking views of the city skyline and the Arabian Sea. With meticulously designed interiors and premium finishes, high-rise apartments provide residents with the ultimate urban living experience. Amenities such as swimming pools, fitness centers, and concierge services add to the allure of these properties, making them highly sought after by affluent buyers.
2. Waterfront Villas
For those seeking a more secluded and exclusive living experience, waterfront villas offer the perfect retreat. Nestled along the city's coastline, these luxurious estates boast expansive outdoor spaces, private gardens, and direct access to the beach. With top-of-the-line amenities such as infinity pools, home theaters, and personal spas, waterfront villas provide residents with unparalleled privacy and comfort in a serene waterfront setting.
3. Heritage Residences
Mumbai is also home to a number of heritage properties that have been meticulously restored and transformed into luxury residences. These historic homes feature timeless architecture, elegant interiors, and exquisite craftsmanship. From colonial-era bungalows to Art Deco apartments, heritage residences offer a unique blend of old-world charm and modern amenities, making them highly coveted by discerning buyers.
4. Gated Communities
Gated communities are another popular choice for luxury living in Mumbai. These exclusive enclaves offer a secure and tranquil environment with meticulously landscaped gardens, private clubhouses, and recreational facilities. Residents can enjoy a sense of community while still maintaining their privacy and exclusivity. Gated communities often feature expansive villas, townhouses, and luxury apartments, catering to a diverse range of lifestyles and preferences.
Upcoming Projects in Mumbai
1. Adani Bandra Reclamation
One of the most anticipated upcoming projects in Mumbai is the Adani Bandra Reclamation redevelopment. Spanning 24 acres, this ambitious project by Adani Realty promises to redefine luxury living in the city. The development will feature a mix of residential and commercial spaces, including 3, 4, and 5 BHK luxury flats with smart interiors and premium amenities. With 2.9 acres of open spaces, an imposing lobby, curated privacy, and a host of recreational facilities, Adani Bandra Reclamation aims to set new standards in urban luxury living.
2. Lodha The Park
Another notable upcoming project is Lodha The Park, located in the heart of Worli. Designed by renowned architect Hafeez Contractor, this ultra-luxury development will offer panoramic views of the Arabian Sea and the city skyline. The project will feature spacious residences with world-class amenities, including a private cinema, spa, and infinity-edge pool. With its prime location and luxurious offerings, Lodha The Park is poised to become one of Mumbai's most coveted addresses.
3. Oberoi Sky City
Situated in the upscale suburb of Borivali, Oberoi Sky City is a forthcoming residential project by Oberoi Realty. Spread across 25 acres, the development will offer a range of luxury apartments and duplexes with contemporary designs and premium finishes. Residents will have access to a wide array of amenities, including landscaped gardens, sports facilities, and a clubhouse. With its strategic location and upscale amenities, Oberoi Sky City promises to offer a truly elevated living experience in Mumbai.
Mumbai's luxury real estate market continues to evolve, with a diverse range of properties catering to the discerning tastes of affluent buyers. Whether you prefer the urban chic of high-rise apartments, the tranquility of waterfront villas, or the charm of heritage residences, there's something for everyone in the city's luxury housing landscape. With exciting upcoming projects like Adani Bandra Reclamation, Mumbai's skyline is set to undergo a transformation, offering even more opportunities for luxury living in the bustling metropolis.
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