#Risk Reduction
bfpnola · 9 months
🚨[emoji] want more materials like these? this resource was shared through BFP’s discord server! everyday, dozens of links and files are requested and offered by youth around the world! and every sunday, these youth get together for virtual teach-ins. if you’re interested in learning more, join us! link in our bio! 🚨[emoji]
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ortie-pnk · 1 year
I just want to get f*cked, i'm not ready to risk a covid for this.
Just canceled a date because the gorgeous girl "don't care at all".
I should have just to worry about STD. It's unfair !
My k1nk is risk reduction and I think not enough people have it.
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defensenow · 2 months
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startechengineering · 4 months
Risk assessment aims to ensure the safety of individuals, protect property, and safeguard the overall environment. In this system, a fire suppression engineer identifies fire-related risks, analyzes their potential impact, and implements measures to mitigate or eliminate risks. 
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servant-homecare · 4 months
The place where patients prefer to recuperate has a significant impact on their health and recovery. Some of them might be oblivious to this, but it is the reality. The place where they spend their period of recovery could either have a positive or negative effect on their recuperation. Ideally, they should strive to achieve the former. Therefore, they need to take careful consideration in choosing where to receive personal care services.
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daffodilsworldschool6 · 8 months
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World Calamity Control Day also known as The International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction was started in 1989, after a call by the UN General Assembly (UNGA) for a day to promote a global culture of risk-awareness and disaster reduction. In 2009, the UNGA officially designated 13 October as the date to commemorate the Day.
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Best Known Methods of Risk Management and Mitigation
Discover best practices in #RiskManagement, from risk identification to crisis management, and enhance your business's resilience. #BusinessStrategy #RiskMitigation
Risk management and mitigation are essential components of successful business operations and project management. In an ever-changing and unpredictable world, organizations must be prepared to identify, assess, and address risks to minimize their potential impact. This article explores the best-known methods of risk management and mitigation that can help businesses navigate uncertainty and…
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exceltricks · 1 year
Mit der Excel-Vorlage "WSJF-Matrix" können Sie Ihre Aufgaben oder Projekte priorisieren
Die WSJF-Matrix Die WSJF-Methode, auch bekannt als “Weighted Shortest Job First” Methode, ist eine Priorisierungstechnik aus dem agilen Projektmanagement. Sie hilft dabei, Aufgaben und Projekte basierend auf ihrer Wichtigkeit und geschätzten Dauer zu ordnen. Die Methode verwendet Wichtigkeitsbewertungen und schätzt die Dauer jeder Aufgabe ein, um den WSJF-Wert zu berechnen. Aufgaben mit höheren…
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shortfeedshq · 1 year
Boost Your Health and Reduce Cancer Risk with Moderate Physical Activity
According to a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), moderate physical activity could decrease the risk of cancer death. The research team analyzed data from over 750,000 adults and found that those who engaged in moderate physical activity for at least 150 minutes per week had a 20% lower risk of cancer death compared to those who were less…
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lycore · 1 year
Achieve Sensational Results with MVP Development: The Ultimate Winning Strategy
🚀 Explore the power of #Vuejs in our latest article! Learn about its practical use cases, best practices, and why it's becoming a popular choice for web developers. Build better web applications with Vue.js! 💻🌐 #WebDevelopment #JavaScript #SPA #PWA
When it comes to building successful software products, the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) development strategy has become increasingly popular. In this blog post, we’ll explore what MVP development is, why it’s a winning strategy, and how to implement it effectively to achieve sensational results. What is MVP Development? MVP Development is a product development strategy that focuses on creating…
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logicalnivesh · 1 year
Why is risk management essential in the financial world?
In the financial world, risk is inseparable from return. Financial risk management occurs when an investor analyses the potential for losses in an investment and takes the appropriate action depending on the investment objectives and risk tolerance.
What is risk management?
Risk management identifies, assesses, and controls strategic, financial, security, and legal risks of an organization’s capital. These risks can arise from multiple sources like legal liabilities, accidents, economic uncertainties, natural disasters, strategic management errors, technology risk management, etc.
In the financial world, risk is inseparable from return. Financial risk management occurs when an investor analyses the potential for losses in an investment and takes the appropriate action depending on the investment objectives and risk tolerance.
In the financial world, investing is essential while keeping in mind its repercussions and the techniques of risk management. Trading with proper planning results in excellent and profitable returns; for that to happen, financial risk management holds a prominent place in the entire journey.
Five steps of the risk management process
The risk management process involves a series of steps for effective management. This framework includes five basic steps, which are listed below –
Risk identification – The initial step is to identify the exact type of risk for the business to take apt measurements. There are many threats, like environmental, regulatory, legal, market, etc.
Analyze the risk – After identifying the risk, the risk’s scope must be determined to place the focus points. Risk analysis also helps highlight the common issues that cause such risk situations.
Risk assessment – Before taking any action, one needs to prioritize and rank the level of risk depending on its severity. Risk assessment allows exposure to a holistic view of risks to an organization. Risk can be assessed based on two types – qualitative and quantitative.
Risk treatment – Once the risk priorities have been set, it’s time to eliminate them with definite strategies and proper execution. This is best done by contacting the experts of that particular risk type. If you are looking for any financial risk experts focusing on investments, trade, the stock market, etc., our SEBI registered research analyst Ashutosh Bhardwaj and his Logical Nivesh team will help you find an effective solution. 
Risk monitoring – Keeping a constant check on risks and their solutions is essential to maintain efficiency. Some risks cannot be eliminated, primarily financial and environmental. Therefore, monitoring them with an expert’s advice helps find accurate solutions to reduce their impact.
Financial risk management strategies
Managing financial risk is essential for individuals and companies to operate productively within the economy and the financial system.
Risk avoidance – It involves avoiding the activities that end up in risk formation. For example, eliminating the use of credit for any purchases.
For corporates, activities like expanding operations in areas with high political uncertainty, etc., are a way to eliminate risk.
Risk transfer – It means transferring your risks to a third party. For example, purchasing a life insurance policy to avoid the risk of premature death.
Business risk management can be done by purchasing insurance on their property and transferring the risk of damage to the insurer.
Risk reduction – For individuals, diversifying your investment portfolio reduces the risk of potential losses and saves you from portfolio downfall.
Corporations can hedge foreign currency transactions to reduce exposure to currency fluctuations.
Risk retention involves accepting your responsibility for any particular risk after risk identification. For example, individuals do not insure their property consciously, or corporations deliberately get volatile input costs without insurance.
Financial risk management types
There are four types of financial risks that financial experts have to consider while proposing investment strategies.
Operational risk management is the indirect or direct loss caused by inadequate or failed internal processes, systems, or external events. It includes many risk types like environmental, legal, physical, and security. These are not revenue driven and can be managed within acceptable risk tolerance levels.
Foreign exchange risk management – When a financial transaction is made in a currency different from the businesses’ operating money due to unfavorable exchange rates between the two.
Credit risk management – A credit risk is experienced when borrowers default on their outstanding payments. Other factors, such as increased collection costs, loss of interest, etc., determine the extent of credit risk. Credit risk management solutions involve purchasing insurance, a debt guarantee by a third party, running a credit check, or holding assets as collateral.
Reputational risk management – Loss of financial capital from damage to an organization’s reputation is called reputational risk. It can even lead to bankruptcy. However, a proper financial risk management course from expert financial advisors can help eliminate such risks. Our Logical Nivesh team is happy to help you with the same.
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heypesky · 2 years
In addition to, "how confident do I feel this person is taking COVID as seriously as I am," in my decision-making around sharing air with somebody, I also ask myself, "how mad would I be if I caught COVID from this person?" when doing my risk calculations. What I mean here is: Am I hanging out with this person out of a sense of social obligation somehow, but I don't actually like their company and would be grumpy if I caught COVID from them? Or would I be like, "this sucks but I knew it was a risk and I value that I saw my friend."
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certaincollections · 2 years
Learn about the landscape of alternative investments
The first step is to get a high level understanding of what alternative investments exist. You don’t need to deep dive into the minutia of every asset. Instead, focus on getting an understanding of how it works, the benefits, and the risks associated with the investment. The goal here is to get a feel for what options are available to you and how they might fit into your portfolio. You can then map them out based on risk level, minimum investment needed, etc. so you can have a clearer picture of what will fit into your personal financial strategy.
Revisit your financial situation and goals
Once you have a high level map of the opportunities available to you, revisit your personal financial situation and goals. Start with big picture with questions like “What financial goals am I trying to accomplish in the next 5 years?”,\
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reasonsforhope · 11 months
With Spain and Portugal saying that hundreds of people have died from the heat waves sweeping through Europe this month, the longer-term view might come as a surprise. Over the past 50 years, the number of deaths attributed to weather-related disasters has actually fallen. Yes, you heard that right. The World Meteorological Organization says that the number of disasters has increased five times over the past 50 years, but the number of fatalities has fallen by two-thirds. Vox climate writer Umair Irfan has delved into this paradox and joins us now. Welcome to the program, Umair.
UMAIR IRFAN: Thanks for having me, Ayesha.
RASCOE: So how can this be? Like, how can the number of deaths be falling even though we hear the news, we see the disasters? You know, seas are rising, summers are hotter, hurricanes seem to be getting stronger. So how is it possible that deaths can be down?
IRFAN: Well, there are two main factors here. One is better forecasting - basically being able to get ahead of these disasters and then hopefully being able to get people out of harm's way. So that's really prominent with things like hurricanes and heat waves. We can actually see those things days in advance. The other side of the equation is how well we can cope with things like storms, fires and heat waves when they do occur. So we have better tools - things like sea walls. We have better building codes. We have firefighting teams that can get people out of fire zones. And so between those two aspects - you know, the better forecasting and the better tools - we've been able to avert a lot of deaths, even though the global population has grown about fourfold since the start of the 20th century.
RASCOE: Are the technological advances that you're talking about available even in less-developed areas?
IRFAN: It's not, unfortunately. And you're hitting on a very important point. You know, the WMO pointed out that about 90% of disaster-related fatalities that occur today are occurring in developing countries. And there's a huge gap in terms of being able to anticipate these disasters before they occur and being able to respond to them and being able to rebuild in their aftermath. And that really is a big shortfall that a lot of world leaders are starting to get concerned about...
You know, the World Meteorological Organization, they launched this initiative to basically say that they want the whole world covered by disaster early warning systems over the next five years. And they think that this is something that's going to be taking a big bite out of the fatalities and the casualties caused by these disasters. So I think it's worth highlighting the progress that's made, but also the progress that we still need to make.
-via NPR, July 17, 2022
Thanks so much to @gardening-tea-lesbian for the link!
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fairycosmos · 3 months
need to carefully control my alcohol intake and drink lots of water tn. need to listen to the mother inside my head for once
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snarltoothed · 5 months
huh, cool
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