#Rivers stories📜
riveramorylunar · 2 years
What Lurks In The Dark
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist
Pairings: Vampire Natasha Romanoff x Human Reader
Warnings ⚠️: Bloodsucking, Biting, age difference, height difference, Stalking, broken glass, Cut & blood
Pet Names/Nicknames: Little Human, Darling, дорогая девушка(dear girl), Tasha
Word Count: 2,603
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There are monsters that lurk in the shadows feasting on human blood. Their blood red eyes that glowed in the night their sharp canines that would pierce through a human or animals skin before drinking their blood dry. Y/N never believed in such creatures throughout her life. Up until now just after she turned 19 she still doesn't believe in them. She moved to New York where there were many sightings of these blood thirty creatures.
She had gotten a job as a barista at a local bakery and coffee shop. She was about to enter the bakery and coffee shop when she bumped into someone. She looked up to see a woman with Blood red hair and blacked out sunglasses on. Her skin was pale and she was a good 6 inches taller. She was wearing an oversized black leather jacket with black ripped jeans and a dark red shirt. She was wearing black combat boots and black fingerless leather gloves. Her lips were stained a dark red color. Y/N heard the woman cough making her snap out of it. She looked up to see a slight smirk on the woman's lips making her face flush. "S-sorry" Y/N said before stepping aside. The woman just walked past Y/N while sipping on her cup of coffee or that's what Y/N thought.
Y/N shook her head before walking into the little building. "Look who finally decided to show up" someone said and Y/N looked up to see the shop owner standing behind the counter smirking. "Sorry Tony" Y/N said and the man laughed before patting Y/N's back as she walked past him. "It's fine kiddo it's your first day so I'll let you off this time" he said before going into the back. "I'm surprised that, woman didn't kill you when you bumped into her" someone said causing Y/N to look up as she was putting her apron on. "Why would you say that" Y/N asked the girl with brown hair. "One thing she owns the biggest night club here and she also has a bad reputation" the girl said and Y/N rolled her eyes. "Doesn't mean she would kill someone for bumping into her" Y/N said and the girl chuckled before holding a hand out. "Wanda Maximoff it's nice to meet you new girl" the girl said and Y/N shook her hand. "Y/N Y/L/N and it's nice to meet you too" Y/N said before she pulled her hand away.
Wanda and Y/N were closing the shop up for the night when Wanda stopped and looked at Y/N. "Do you need a ride home it gets dangerous here at night" Wanda said and Y/N looked up. "No it's alright my apartment building is just a block away" Y/N said causing Wanda to frown. "Don't worry I'll be fine I promise" Y/N continued and Wanda sighed before taking her apron off. "Alright I guess I'll see you tomorrow then" Wanda said before squeezing Y/N's shoulder. Wanda left leaving Y/N in the dark shop. She hung her apron up and made her way to the door after grabbing her bag when she heard something behind her. She turned around but didn't see anything so she opened the door and closed it behind her. She locked it up before pocketing the keys. As she started walking towards her apartment building she felt like someone was following her. She started walking faster before looking over to see no one there. She turned back around just to bump straight into someone. She stumbled back and someone grabbed her from behind. "Well aren't you a pretty thing how bout we go back to my hotel and we could all have some fun maybe have a few drinks as well" the man said and Y/N gulped trying to get free from the other man's grip. "No thank you I'd rather kiss a rat then go with you you're even uglier than a rat" Y/N said and the man stepped closer. He raised his hand and was about to slap Y/N but a hand around his wrist stopped him. "I suggest you let the girl go" the woman said and the man that was holding her scoffed. "And who are you to tell me what to do" the man spat out as his grip tightened around Y/N. Before Y/N could blink the man was punched in the face as she was pulled into the woman's grip. Y/N looked over her shoulder to see the man knocked out on the ground with a broken and bloody nose. "I suggest you scram unless you want the same thing to happen to you too" the woman spat out in a thick Russian accent. The man scrambled away carrying his friend with him.
Y/N looked up to see the woman from before looking down at her still wearing her sunglasses. "I didn't need help I could have handled it on my own" Y/N said and as she tried to pull her wrist away but the woman's grip tightened. "I beg to differ you're lucky I was near here" the woman growled out causing Y/N to shiver. "Can I at least know your name" Y/N asked and the woman looked around before leaning down and whispering into Y/N's ear. "It's Natasha Romanoff darling and you better be careful around here at night things can jump out of the dark" The woman said as she felt something scrap against her ear making her gulp. Natasha pulled away and lifted Y/N's hand up and kissed her palm before letting go. "Hope to see you tomorrow at the shop" Natasha said before she disappeared down the sidewalk. Y/N looked down at her palm to see a lipstick stain on it causing her to blush brightly.
Y/N shut her door to her apartment and locked it. She dropped her bag onto the floor before switching the lights on. Y/N made her way around her apartment before sitting down on the couch after taking a nice hot shower and getting some food to eat. After watching two movies she headed to bed and fell asleep not knowing someone was watching her. "God I can't wait to make you mine дорогая девушка" the person said as they licked their blood stained lips.
Y/N arrived at the shop the next morning and walked in to see three customers already sitting in the booths. Y/N walked behind the counter and grabbed her apron before putting it on. "Well look who's on time" someone said causing Y/N to look up. She saw her boss leaning against the counter while smirking. She rolled her eyes before putting her hair up in a half messy bun leaving some of it down. "Thought I would come in on time so I wouldn't get on your bad side" Y/N said making Tony laugh before he pushed himself off the counter. "You'd have to do something really wrong to get on my bad side but I don't think that's gonna happen" he chuckled out before walking away as a customer walked up. "Well well well fancy seeing you here darling" a woman said and Y/N looked over to see Natasha standing there with a smirked plastered onto her face. "Good morning to you too Tasha" Y/N said as a smile appeared on her face as well. Natasha pushed her sunglasses up onto her head and leaned forward on the counter. Y/N saw that Natasha's eyes were a forest green color. "So what's on the menu today darling" Natasha said as she watched Y/N look back up at her. "Oh uh the same as every day" Y/N stuttered out as she blushed. "I'll have a Mocha Latte then with a black cherry muffin love" Natasha said and she took her wallet out. She placed a 40 dollar bill on the counter and Y/N took it. "Keep the change" Natasha said and Y/N opened her mouth causing Natasha to raise an eyebrow which made her quickly shut it.
Y/N walked over to where Natasha was sitting and set her drink and muffin down in front of her. She also placed a piece of chocolate in front of Natasha which caused the woman to raise an eyebrow. "This is to thank you for saving me last night I want to know how I can repay you" Y/N said and Natasha smiled up at Y/N before thinking. "You could go on a date with me" Natasha said and Y/N's eyes widened in shock. "W-what" Y/N stuttered out and Natasha took a sip of her Mocha Latte before humming. "I think you heard me perfectly clear darling but I asked you if you would go on a date with me" Natasha said as she set down the drink. It was quiet for a few seconds until Y/N spoke up. "I would love to go on a date with you" Y/N said causing Natasha to smirk. "Perfect how about tonight after you get off work we could go anywhere you'd like" Natasha said and Y/N's eyes lit up. "Anywhere" Y/N asked and Natasha nodded her head while she took a bite of her muffin.
After Y/N's shift Tony said that he would close up for the night. Y/N excited the shop and saw Natasha leaning against a red and black motorcycle holding a helmet that matched. Y/N walked up and Natasha causing the woman to smile. "Have you ever ridden a motorcycle before" Natasha asked and Y/N shook her head no. Natasha pushed herself off her motorcycle before helping Y/N put the helmet on. "Where are we going darling" Natasha said as she flipped the visor up. "Mmm you'll find out when we get there I'll tell you the directions" Y/N said as she put the visor back down. Natasha smirked before she got onto the motorcycle before helping Y/N on. "Well you better hold on tight" Natasha said and Y/N hesitated for a couple seconds before wrapping her arms around Natasha's waist.
After a couple minutes of driving Natasha stopped in front of a huge building. She looked up and cursed under her breath when she realized what it was. "A library and museum seriously" Natasha said and Y/N got off the motorcycle before taking the helmet off. "You said anywhere so don't complain Tasha" Y/N said and Natasha glared at her causing the girl to giggle. "And plus there's barely anyone here at night so we won't get disturbed" Y/N continued as she grabbed Natasha's hand and dragged her towards the huge building. "There's only one other car here" Natasha said and Y/N nodded. "Yep the janitor's car" Y/N said before she opened the door that was unlocked. Natasha followed her in and the door shut behind them. "You guys aren't supposed to be here the building is clo- oh Y/N it's you" the janitor said. "In the flesh and thank you for letting us come here at night" Y/N said as the janitor walked over to the two. "It's no problem but please no funny business I don't want to have to clean it up in the morning" he said and Y/N looked away blushing as Natasha rubbed the back of her neck. She had a faint blush across her face. "We won't we promise" Y/N said and the janitor looked between the two before handing Y/N the keys. "Alright I'll be leaving now, lock the door when I leave everything else is already locked" he said and Y/N nodded.
The two were enjoying their date until Y/N accidentally dropped a glass causing it to shatter. Y/N bent down and was about to pick a piece up when Natasha stopped her. "Don't I don't want you to cut yourself I'll go find something to clean it up with" Natasha said before she rushed off. Y/N ju rolled her eyes before she started picking some of the pieces up when she sliced her pointer finger open. She dropped the pieces and looked at her finger before she looked up to see Natasha standing there frozen while holding a dustpan and broom. "Natasha are you alright" Y/N said as she stood up. She walked towards Natasha but the older woman just backed up towards the door. "I need to go I uh I'll see you tomorrow" Natasha said but before she could take another step towards the door Y/N grabbed her by the wrist. "Tasha what's wrong please you can tell me do you not like the place I picked for the date" Y/N asked and Natasha clenched her jaw. "No it's something else" Natasha grunted out. "Please tell me then I won't run I promise" Y/N begged and Natasha sighed before she slowly turned around. Her eyes were blood red and her fangs were showing. Y/N gasped before she let go of Natasha's wrist. Y/N started backing up before she was caged in between the librarian's desk and Natasha. "S-so you guys are actually real" Y/N stuttered out and Natasha licked her lips before nodding her head. She looked down at Y/N's hand to see blood drip onto the carpet. "Can I" Natasha asked quietly and Y/N lifted her hand up. "S-sure" Y/N said and Natasha grabbed Y/N hand before licking Y/N's wounded finger. She looked away as she felt heat rise up her face. She yelped when she felt Natasha's fangs sink into her palm. She looked over and saw Natasha's eyes closed. Natasha pulled away after a couple seconds later and looked at Y/N. "Didn't mean for you to yelp" Natasha said and Y/N just smiled. "It's fine just warn me next time you want to sink your damn fangs into me" Y/N said before she glared up at the vampire. Natasha smirked before she licked up the blood that had escaped from the bite wound.
"So how long have you been a vampire" Y/N said as she watched Natasha patch up her hand and finger. "Let's just say I've been alive for a long time little human" Natasha said and Y/N rolled her eyes before grabbing Natasha's face with her free hand. Natasha looked up since Y/N was now sitting on the desk. "So you're old than" Y/N teased and Natasha squeezed slightly on Y/N's wounded hand causing her to whimper. "Alright I'm sorry but I just have to say you're fucking hot even if you're over a thousand years" Y/N said causing Natasha to smirk showing off her sharp fangs. Before Y/N could think she closed the distance and kissed Natasha on the lips. Her eyes widened in shock and she was about to pull away but Natasha grabbed her face keeping her in place as she kissed back. Natasha pulled away before resting her forehead on Y/N's. "Bold move darling" Natasha said in her thick Russian accent causing Y/N too shiver. "You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into, you're mine now and there's no way you can escape" Natasha whispered against Y/N's lips before kissing her again.
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A/N: I think this might be one of my most favorite fics I have written!
I hope you guys like it!!!
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farmerstarter · 1 year
Could you possibly write some random hcs for my man Elliott? Hope all is well <3
ʚ📜ɞ ˚ · . random Elliott HCs:
tags: elliott x gn! reader
hi! thank you so much for requesting :) Elliott is my number 1 favorite bachelor in sdv, so writing this was a treat. I hope you enjoy them 💐🤍
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🪶 You had to be the one to initiate your first conversation. The two of you exchanged smiles and gave each other waves when you crossed paths. But apart from that, you and Elliott never spent time together that lasted more than a minute. He was always so caught up in his own world, distracted and staring off into the distance. You later found out that he tended to zone out a lot, thinking about his drafts and meticulously judging his own writing prowess. "Being alone tends to do that to you," Elliot would muse. The two of you soon made an effort to spend Friday evenings in the Stardrop Saloon, hiding away in your little table in the corner. He would drone on about ideas for his book and you would complain about crows picking at your crops. It would usually end with Elliott drunkenly dancing on the table while you laugh at him. He's a happy drunk, no shame hiding under his lucious hair whatsoever.
🪶 He helps Willy tend to the shop sometimes when he doesn't have the energy to write. Or he would be with Leah in the saloon, both of them complaining about their art/writing block.
🪶 He's a master of calligraphy, I decided. His letters to you are always so well done. You end up keeping his letters instead of throwing them away because they were too pretty to be lost in your endless letter drawer. He writes poems to you, most of them about you. He always signs it at the end with "Yours, Elliott"
🪶 He collects sea shells. Makes them into bracelets after Leah taught him how to do it. It was no wonder why you couldn't find any shells when you would wander to the beach in the afternoon. Elliott already got to them first. You've noticed that both Leah and Willy have shell bracelets, wearing them wherever they went. When you and Elliott became friends, he sent you a bracelet and a letter accompanying it in your mailbox. Elliott bashfully told you that he got your wrist size correct because he would hold onto your wrist when crossing to the other side of the beach, across the wooden bridge you built for it. And here you thought he was holding onto you so neither of you would fall in the water. Turns out, that was only half the reason.
🪶 When he moved in to live with you, he spent his first few weeks reading about crops and farm animals so he can help you around the farm. He enjoys spending time in the coop with the ducks the most. He even bought a duck from Marnie to have as his own, much to your amusement. It's the only duck that lives inside the house. He gave you the honor of naming it.
🪶 He and Willy would have dinner together sometimes (Elliott and Willy friendship, my beloveds). Willy made him his famous crab cakes and Elliott has never known peace since. Willy had to give Elliott the recipe so he can make his own batch to eat anytime he wanted. Elliott cooks them for you too.
🪶 He keeps a notepad tucked in his pocket for when inspiration strikes. He told himself that he would write ideas for his book the moment he gets them. But he doesn't end up doing it. He tells himself that he'll remember them when he gets home. Most of the time, he doesn't.
🪶 I like to imagine that Elliott is a merman that Willy accidentally caught in a net one night. He got into writing after he realized he can hold paper without ruining it now. He rarely talks to anyone aside from Willy, who caught him in the first place, and Leah, who accidentally caught him swimming in the river as a merman. But honestly, this is a story for another time.
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babyyhoneyyyyy · 5 months
༘⋆🛡️𝓜𝓮𝓭𝓲𝓮𝓿𝓪𝓵 📜₊˚ෆ - One Shot [h.s]
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Storyline: Three centuries before the conquest of Eldoria, the monarch showcased his grandeur alongside his loyal soldiers—those brave individuals willing to sacrifice everything for their homeland, hoping to achieve significant progress. In this scenario, we find Sir. Styles, the most prominent knight of the five kingdoms, acknowledged by the king himself and invited to a royal dinner in his honor and that of all his companions. However, upon arrival, he discovers that neither the oracles nor his adversaries from all corners of the world could have forewarned him about what he would face upon encountering the mesmerizing and exotic beauty of Lady Revna, the king's youngest daughter. Word count: +8k Smut: 🔞
"These would be two lion coins".
The elderly individual responds calmly, leaning on his cane while the man in front of him nods in acceptance. The coins are carefully deposited into his frail hand, which reflects the imprints of time and wrinkles that narrate the story of his life. The hand closes firmly, holding onto the money, but upon feeling its weight, it opens again, revealing surprise at the man's unexpected generosity.
"Oh, blessed be the gods. This is considerably more than I expected-" the old man says, although his voice is interrupted by the sudden disappearance of the man, leaving his words hanging in the air.
The street market had always been one of Sir Styles' favorite destinations. He would meticulously explore the small stalls, giving donations to those he considered truly in need, to the friendly and to the nobles. This environment was even more pleasing to him, as it was the only place where he could go unnoticed, experiencing a sense of belonging and familiarity.
Sir's childhood unfolded in an environment identical to this, running through the land, enjoying the grass, and exploring the rivers, where he could end the day in serenity. Although this stage was fleeting, he preferred to preserve that particular memory.
Consequently, every time he returned to his hometown, he chose to immerse himself in the same routine, reliving those experiences. However, this time, the course of the day would take a different turn compared to previous routines.
King Arthur, with an insistence surpassing Sir Styles' preferences, had made it clear to him and all his knights that the royal dinner would take place on the first day of his return to the homeland, emphasizing the grandeur with which they would be received.
"As if returning exhausted wasn't enough, now we must attend a banquet in your honor," remarked William, one of Sir's main companions, upon receiving the king's message.
"It's a celebration in honor of all of us," corrected him. He observed the ironic expression on his companion's face, who raised his eyebrows before responding with a sarcastic "Of course".
None of them addressed the issue again since that moment, until the present day, where a change in William's mood was noticeable, showing renewed enthusiasm to return to his place of origin to deliberate on the choice of his attire for the imminent royal celebration.
Meanwhile, Sir Styles opted for silence, avoiding any allusion to what his companion had previously stated, even though he himself experienced palpable fatigue.
It is worth noting that large-scale festive events, such as the royal ball, were not to Sir's liking, who had never participated in one of such magnitude in the past.
While he had the opportunity to observe festivities held in different regions, each with its peculiar customs, banquets, and dances, he even actively participated when he was in a considerable state of intoxication. However, such experiences always ended the same way: waking up the next day with an inevitable headache and in the company of a woman of unknown allure.
It is valid to say that he truly enjoyed the celebrations, even if they were not a requirement imposed, as was the case this time.
With the arrival of dusk, he discerned that it was the opportune moment to return home and undertake the corresponding preparations; however, he chose to make a brief stop at one of the local establishments, solely to acquire some portions of his favorite fruit. On this occasion, upon receiving the price information from the merchant, he was unexpectedly interrupted by a commotion coming from a few meters away.
The plums were reinstated to their designated location by the individual, who hurriedly secured his belongings in fear. Frowning, Sir Styles observed him for a brief moment before immediately distancing himself and heading toward the surrounding tumult.
Initially, the suspicion of looting crossed Sir's mind; however, he quickly realized that the situation was rather an act of blatant robbery. An armed man, wielding a dagger, was committing the criminal act, threatening an unfortunate fruit vendor at her stall.
Indignation and fury quickly seized his bloodstream, prompting him to react instinctively by unsheathing his own weapon. However, surprise overcame him as he realized that someone else had acted swiftly, anticipating his own actions.
Before him unfolded a skirmish between a criminal and a hooded figure who emerged unexpectedly. Both contenders exhibited presumably advanced martial skills; however, he discerned that the hooded individual displayed a higher level of proficiency, evidenced by the mere fact of wielding a sword during the confrontation.
This exceptional mastery of the art of war did not escape Sir's perception, who reflected on the irony of encountering a warrior with skills comparable to those of a member of the royal guard, a detail that did not fail to intrigue him.
The contest persisted with the agile dexterity of the criminal and the strategic cadence of the hooded figure, both eager to wield their bladed weapons mercilessly. Even he experienced an unusual concern, subconsciously fearing that the hooded figure might be injured while seeking justice for those around them.
However, in the end, this apprehension dissipated when the thief succumbed to the ground after an unfortunate move, collapsing and letting his dagger slide momentarily in the air before finally plummeting in front of Sir Styles.
Instinctively, he leaned forward, about to grasp the weapon; however, once again, he found himself bewildered as the dagger he was about to take remained inches from his chin, carefully lifting his face. His gaze remained unflinching, fixed on the hooded figure who stood triumphantly before him, assuming a position of supremacy while he remained kneeling.
He couldn't help but feel a profound bewilderment at this moment, aggravated by the inability to glimpse the face of his counterpart, leaving him enveloped in absolute intrigue that seemed within reach of his fingertips.
For Sir Styles, this moment seemed to linger for several minutes, although in reality, only a few seconds had passed before the hooded figure resumed their march toward the thief. The latter lay vulnerable as his own dagger plunged into his leg, unleashing a scream that reverberated in the space, initiating the flow of blood.
For many, this episode might represent the end of victory, but for him, it signaled ironically that, this time, the thief would not only be prevented from walking to commit robberies but would also face the uncertainty of whether he would survive such a serious injury.
At that precise moment, Sir Styles became fully aware of the crowd that had gathered around him, as applause began to resonate in his ears, intertwined with enthusiastic cheers of celebration. Even the distressed lady, who was once on the brink of threat, now joined in the jubilation in honor of the victor.
However, not even the festive uproar managed to distract him from his fixed attention on the individual. With meticulousness, he observed every step, every movement, until witnessing how a subtle crimson curl stealthily emerged from the hood of the mysterious character.
Although he perceived the situation, he was not the only one to notice it. As the hooded figure approached, precautions were taken to adjust their hair and protect it immediately. Firm in determination, they tightened their grip on the hood and swiftly fled towards the woods. Even though he briefly contemplated the possibility of following, the growing darkness in the sky indicated the imminent arrival of the night. If he did not leave immediately, he risked being late for the banquet.
With a final sigh, Sir Styles made his way towards the hills.
The monarch bestowed upon each of his principal knights a moderately-sized property as a token of recognition and gratitude, providing them with a stable place to return to after military campaigns. This generous action by the king was one of his many ways of expressing gratitude to those who served him faithfully.
Although William suggested that this gesture might be a kind of relief for the monarch's conscience, Sir Styles, regardless of the motivations behind such a gift, chose to accept it. For him, the donation implied no significant loss. He had grown up without the warmth of a family, a circumstance to which he had become accustomed over the years.
The land assigned to him was located near the hills, and while its location significantly distanced him from the village, it brought him closer to the castle. Although not much time had passed since he received the property, Sir Styles had already dedicated himself to organizing it with the necessary resources for his comfort and functionality.
Finally, observing the alignment of the stars in the sky, he realized it was the right time to embark on his journey to the palace. During the journey, his steed accompanied him, encountering his comrades and other soldiers on the way, all dressed in the same war uniform. This consisted of layers made from the skins of animals he had hunted as part of his survival tactics during various campaigns, complemented by a bronze armor resting on their robust figures. Although they all looked uniformly equipped, Sir Styles stood out as the only one with braided hair.
Sir Styles boasted a mane that had reached a considerable length, extending to his shoulders precisely. Although initially challenging to deal with this hair extension, he had gradually adapted to it. Progressively, he adopted the habit of showcasing his honor through his hair, allowing each battle victory to be reflected in intricate braids. Thus, his hair now unfolded in a braided pattern that enveloped his contour, preventing his natural curls from sliding over his forehead.
The duration of the journey noticeably shortened when, finally, the majesty of the imposing castle revealed itself to the onlookers. The structure shone under the dim light of the night moon and the flames of torches held by the guardians of the enclosure. At the forefront of the procession, Sir Styles led the soldiers, dismounting from his steed with the purpose of making his formal entrance before the castle's main Lord. However, the said Lord dispensed with the need for any formal introduction, granting the knight immediate access and stating that His Majesty was already awaiting his arrival.
As they advanced through the castle corridors, the lighting highlighted every detail before the attentive gaze of the onlookers. From colossal paintings displaying portraits of ancestral monarchs and prominent personalities of the nation to ornaments that, for the most part, seemed to be made of gold, adorned the walls of the enclosure splendidly. The parade of individuals captured the essence of the aristocracy, who meticulously observed every visible corner.
In their journey, some ladies-in-waiting crossed their path, offering curtsies and smiles to the passersby, except for the main leader, Sir Styles, who remained in a reserved attitude, focused on keeping his gaze forward, trying to limit his observations of the surrounding environment as much as possible.
Sir Styles showed no enthusiasm for the ostentatious jewelry and the magnificence of the castle, perceiving them as mere appearances and even ironies. This perception was based on the belief that all the opulence accumulated in such structures was ultimately attributable to the contribution of the people and the decisions made by those who had once chosen their monarchs. Sir's preference was to establish connections with specific individuals, directing his attention to the impression that the king and some select Lords might potentially have in the more distant future. He had internalized the premise that existence revolved around building relationships and bonds, either with strategic contacts or facing loneliness, with no room for in-between terms.
The Lord finally stopped his advance in front of an imposing wooden door that stood out for its considerable height and the golden ornamental details that surrounded it. In a decisive gesture, he signaled to the herald, who in turn conveyed the order swiftly, allowing one of the service sentinels to proceed to open the magnificent doors. It was the voice of the herald that resonated in the enclosure, announcing the arrival of the royal guard to all present, immediately capturing the attention of every individual in the room, directed towards their conspicuous leader.
Sir Styles kept his attention focused forward, leading his fellow soldiers as they advanced along the main hall's corridor. By his side, he walked in step with Sir William. Together, they headed towards the imposing table at the end of the hall, where the most prominent personalities of the kingdom, including the monarch, gathered.
Sir Styles experienced a palpable increase in the speed of his heartbeats as he advanced, yet he found it challenging to determine the exact cause of this phenomenon. He was aware that it was not solely due to the attention he garnered when passing before the king's gaze or the anticipation of the crowd watching them. Although accustomed to being the center of attention, he perceived that there was something more underlying, something that escaped his certainty but somehow guided the rhythm of his heart as he advanced, urging him to maintain a harmonious pace with his own steps while attempting to regulate his breathing.
Sir stopped his advance upon reaching the end of the hall, bowing his head slightly in a reverential gesture as he perceived the monarch advancing to stand in front of him. Upon hearing the issuance of his title by the king, he raised his gaze again. The king's smile revealed deep enthusiasm, and rightly so; his army had displayed its prowess in every confrontation, conquering the most prosperous lands and amassing wealth in their wake. With another expression of joy on his face, he initiated the celebration ceremony.
Sir Styles settled in proximity to the main Lord, while on his right, Sir William took his place, both distinguished with pure gold medals that rested with notable weight on their necks. They were immersed in the enjoyment of a lavish banquet, where the table was adorned with an abundance of suckling pigs, a varied selection of vegetables and exquisite fruits, including plums. However, when he attempted to take one of the latter, he received a disapproving look from one of the Lords present. Initially confused, he responded with a gesture, but understanding dawned when he was informed that such fruits were exclusively meant for one of the princesses. It was then that he realized, at the main table, only knights were present, and he had not been introduced to any titled lady. About to express his discontent to the Lord with a gesture of displeasure, the doors of the hall opened again, followed by the voice of the herald announcing the arrival of Their Majesties.
Two young ladies, approximately the same age, even slightly older than him, stood out in height and had wavy brown hair. The distinction of their faces was evident in their delicacy, further accentuated by their silk outfits in vibrant colors that, if not for the crowns elegantly held in their curls, would have clearly proclaimed their elevated status. Although one of them was of shorter stature than the other, both were adorned in fine jewelry that revealed their opulence even from a distance.
The reverence of the entire hall materialized as an act of homage to the ladies, and in a matter of seconds, Sir Styles stood up, following the example of the group. In the distance, he perceived the king's laughter and the enthusiastic greeting that elevated his daughters, culminating once again in the resumption of the festive atmosphere.
Both women walked gracefully towards the royal table, where Sir carefully observed the strategically reserved places for them, located next to the monarch's seat. With meticulous attention, he witnessed how the ladies took their cutlery with grace, performing an elegant synchronized movement. In a mirror effect, both raised their knives to carve the pork, bringing the fork to their lips to taste the first bite.
While enjoying their meal, their gazes remained fixed forward, occasionally exchanging laughter as they watched the attendees participate in the dance and whisper in murmurs of conversation. Sir Styles, with patience, waited for a couple of additional minutes after the princesses finished their feast, hoping to see if either of them ventured to reach for the plums laid out on the plate. However, more minutes than necessary passed, and although their plates were already empty, neither of the ladies showed any sign of wanting to extend their attention to the additional fruits.
With a final expression of discontent, Sir chose to redirect his attention to the surrounding environment, marking the initial moment of the evening when he surrendered to detailed observation. The hall came to life with a symphony of laughter, intertwined with the graceful movements of the dance participants. Sumptuous and exquisite dresses extended across the shiny floor, while the knights' shoes occasionally emitted the characteristic squeak during their movements. The music, skillfully performed by the orchestra, had the violin as its main companion, imparting a melodic and refined atmosphere to the surroundings.
Unexpectedly, a voice beside him spoke directly to him: "Are you Sir Styles?" In response, he immediately turned and found the princesses now positioned on both sides of him.
With courtesy, he simply nodded affirmatively. "Yes, that's correct". He replied succinctly.
One of the ladies initiated the conversation by praising his latest campaign, and the other continued with more specific details mentioning the lands of Thundervale. "We've heard extraordinary tales about your feats in the campaign," one of them expressed, followed by the other who added, "Particularly, we are intrigued to know if it's true that the largest marine creatures inhabit those lands".
Thus, the conversation began, with Sir Styles leading the exchange, willing to share details about the journey through the blue land that had piqued the alleged interest of the ladies. They paid meticulous attention to every word the knight uttered, although as he delved into the story, he could observe more closely the proximity of both women, skillfully identifying certain characteristic gestures of female closeness.
He noticed how both their eyes stared intensely into his, although at times they wandered towards aspects beyond his person, whether contemplating his attire or occasionally resting on his hands. These gestures, marked by more than evident curiosity, manifested through glances that pierced beyond innocence, as well as smiles that deviated from mere charm.
Sir Styles struggled to maintain a respectful distance, not expressing indifference but rather intending to preserve space and the surrounding atmosphere. As he progressed in his narrative, the laughter and the wine he savored contributed to creating a set that resonated with his emotions. His visual acuity diminished, and words escaped his lips with slight difficulty, although his level of awareness remained intact.
At a critical point in his narrative, when the story turned towards the red lands he had explored and his encounter with the legendary figure of the "great lion" in one of those regions, a practically mythical creature that guarded one of the territories visited by him and his fellow soldiers, a female voice decided to interrupt instantly. This act left Sir Styles' words hanging in the air, while his gaze shifted in another direction, disrupting the flow of his story at a crucial moment.
In front of him stood a young lady, with reddish hair reminiscent of the glow of fire and blue eyes evoking the vastness of the ocean, of which he had spoken on occasion. Her gaze was directed towards him with an ironic, almost challenging and playful tone, reflected equally in her words, in which she expressed her skepticism and refused to believe him. She referred to the fact that, according to her perception, the only individual capable of defeating the creature in question had been her own great-great-grandfather.
However, the knight's attention was, at least apparently, focused on the possibility of refuting this claim. In his surroundings, a brief moment of stillness took hold, and for Sir Styles, it was uncertain whether the cause of his momentary silence came from the influence of the wine and its sweetness, or whether the surrounding noise had deafened his senses, or perhaps neither. The lady's words lost audibility for him, although he observed that her communications were directed solely to the women on his side, although occasionally, the lady kept her gaze on his.
The woman's pale complexion evoked the whiteness of milk, and from his low position, he could distinguish the freckles adorning her rosy cheeks. In response, the knight felt compelled to blink several times, experiencing a subtle discomfort from the warm flush that began to invade his body. With embarrassment, he promptly averted his gaze to divert attention from that moment.
Soon, Sir Styles realized that he was alone at the imposing royal table. On this occasion, his gaze sought only the face of the young lady who had shared the space in front of him, finally locating her engaged in a lively dance with an unknown Lord after a few minutes of searching.
Faced with such a scene, the knight directed his questions about the lady to one of the refined Lords who had previously conversed with him during the course of the evening. The response he received was that she was "Lady Revna, the youngest daughter of the king."
"And the one with the strongest character," added another Lord with laughter.
The hue of her red hair serves as an indicator of that, Sir Styles reflected to himself. However, he chose to remain silent in the presence of others, keeping his own thoughts to himself.
Sir took another sip of wine from a distant land, whose sweetness rivaled that of honey itself, intoxicating him with its mere flavor. An intensive and instantaneous thought crossed his mind as he continued to observe Lady Revna's dance.
The question of whether she would appreciate such sweetness as that of the wine troubled him. He immediately lowered his gaze, striving to redirect his attention to his empty plate. The mere idea of engaging in conversation with her was strictly forbidden, and his mind was torn between curiosity and respect for established norms.
A sigh, almost involuntary, escaped him, plunging him into reflections for a brief moment before deciding to take another sip of his drink.
Understanding of the situation only materialized when Sir Styles directed his gaze forward again, and the lady's reddish hair dissolved once more into the density of the crowd. It was then that he noticed the absence of an element on the table: the plum plate.
Plums were his favorite fruit. Just as they were for Lady Revna.
At that instant, Sir Styles was unaware that, as he crossed the ballroom aisle with his peers, attracting the gaze of the assembly, whether due to his revealing attire or his imposing demeanor, a young lady had also become captivated by his presence. However, unlike the other astonished spectators, this lady had the audacity to follow him as he advanced before the gathered crowd.
Lady Revna moved alongside, a few meters away from him, in the vicinity of the public, unnoticed by the knight himself, remaining inconspicuous despite her appearance, characterized by her hair and attire.
While he and his fellow warriors positioned themselves in front of the king to pay homage, Lady Revna inquired about him, receiving the concise response that he was "Sir Styles, one of the lord commanders of the royal army".
From that moment, the young princess dedicated herself to observing him throughout the evening, adopting an almost predatory attitude, similar to that of a hunter scrutinizing its prey. Every movement and gesture of Sir Styles fell under the watchful gaze of Lady Revna, although at a certain point, paradoxically, she herself experienced the sensation of being the prey, enveloped in the subtle dance of his movements and gestures.
The culmination of the dance occurred when the lady, to distract her thoughts, engaged in conversations with various Lords who approached her, some characterized by their courtesy, while others, influenced by excess libations, lacked verbal coordination. Despite the disparities, the lady usually enjoyed such encounters, whether due to the splendid feast, the accompanying dance, or the limited freedom that, ultimately, was allowed within the confines of the castle.
Minutes extended into the magnitude of hours as the imposing hall began to dissolve. Although a considerable number of guests still remained, their attention and thoughts were immersed elsewhere. Therefore, when she noticed Sir Styles beginning to withdraw from the room, she hesitated briefly before her own feet took the initiative and led her towards the outskirts of the grand hall.
Her heart beat with vigor as her mind insisted on recreating a single scenario, one in which she found herself in a skirmish in the small market of her town, and a gaze of a green and mischievous tone, similar to the liveliness of the forest itself, caught her.
There was a latent fear in her, the unease that Sir might have truly recognized her during the only unfortunate 'exchange' of words they had had earlier. However, such a perspective did not even cross her mind initially. The alteration of her attire and, even more significantly, the marked change in his demeanor compared to the encounter in the market, provided her with an unexpected anonymity. It was inconceivable that these were the same eyes that, on another occasion, had observed his intensely while she held a dagger beneath his chin.
This circumstance stood as her justification, whether she eventually recognized it or not. Her priority was to confirm that Sir had not identified her, and if he had, to take measures to ensure that her silence prevailed.
As she moved through the corridors, they seemed to lengthen, simultaneously acquiring an increasingly profound silence, a circumstance that did not bode well for her situation, as she was forced to hide more frequently than initially anticipated to avoid being heard or spotted by him. However, all these complications dissipated when she found herself alone in the corridor, with no signs of the knight she had followed at some point.
Her eyebrows took on a furrowed expression as her head turned in all directions to scrutinize every visible corner of the extensive hallway, whose familiarity she recognized precisely as it connected directly to her own quarters. In the middle of the soft carpet decorating the floor beneath her feet, she stopped, expressing her disappointment and almost frustration with a sigh. The unexpected disappearance of the knight, occurring in a matter of seconds, bewildered her, especially considering that the confirmation of his presence in the street market was fading away, leaving a bitter taste on her lips.
She then decided to return to the hall from which she had chosen to withdraw, only to once again meet the penetrating and green gaze that sought her. There he was, standing in front of her in person, but this time, she lacked a hood to hide her identity and did not carry a dagger as a warning gesture.
"What is the reason for your pursuit?" Lady Revna's slightly parted lips sought air, which suddenly seemed scarce to her, and although she tried to disguise it immediately, the deep inhalation she took was undeniable to the knight standing in front of her. It was the first occasion on which the knight's voice materialized in her presence, even after having crossed paths a few times, coincidentally on the same day. Although she had formulated some assumptions, she had never managed to perceive the reality of the situation. His voice came as a hoarse murmur that enveloped her more intensely than the wine he had consumed throughout the evening. Lady Revna, hastily, responded, "On what basis do you think I am doing so?"
Sir's head tilted to one side, a look clearly incredulous towards her. Lady Revna then looked away, with an almost mischievous smile, a result of her bold response when she clearly knew the answer. However, any trace of a smile began to fade when Sir Styles took the initiative to approach, allowing his back to collide with one of the large walls supporting his property.
"My Lady, my intention is not to be impolite; I simply wait in the hope that you provide an answer to my question". The knight's words slid with a light grace, in a characteristic hoarse whisper that caused a momentary silence in the lady, before she decided to respond: "I refer to your previous words, spoken so comfortably in the midst of your tale with my sisters," she began her justification, maintaining a soft tone similar to that of the knight. "I do not give credence to it". She concluded firmly.
"You made it clear at that moment," he replied, showing no annoyance, but rather awaiting the lady's response.
"So, you don't intend to deny it?" she inquired, showing curiosity.
"Would there be a reason to do so?" he responded, formulating his counterquestion with the same calmness that characterized the exchange.
"Perhaps," the lady whispered finally. Lady Revna, guided more by her intuition than her reason, took an additional step, allowing the game of closeness to begin. She distanced herself slightly from the knight for a moment, leaning against the wall, then delicately circled around him and finally positioned herself behind Sir Styles, who watched her attentively. "Do I not cast doubt on your honor? I thought you stood beside the strongest warrior of the five realms".
"I am". He affirmed, turning his gaze back, watching as the lady's face approached even closer and then withdrew.
"Then, prove it," the lady replied, allowing her face to return to proximity with his, exacerbating the marked height difference between them and directing the knight's eyes directly into hers. "Is it true that you single-handedly defeated the great lion, or is it just another ruse?"
A smile slid across Sir Styles' lips, leaving the princess's expectant expression before he answered, "Not alone, certainly. It was with your army," he explained. Lady Revna watched him continuously, waiting for him to conclude his words: "Although I would be willing to do whatever is necessary to prove it to you if that is your desire".
Lady Revna experienced an inexplicable sensation on the tip of her tongue, an apparently appetizing yet unexplored taste, after hearing the knight's words.
She had always valued the inherent power of her title and was not ashamed to admit that, on various occasions, she had used her position conveniently. However, in this situation, she was intrigued by a different feeling, even surprised to feel a growing warmth in her body, unable to look away from Sir Styles. She was not willing to make a proposal directly; she appreciated the idea of maintaining intrigue and ambiguity. "The proposal is simple," she responded calmly. "Engage in a conversation with me, if you are capable".
Sir Styles was immersed in confusion, not precisely understanding the nature of the lady's words, and questioning whether it was some kind of ruse or trap.
In any case, the knight maintained only an unwavering certainty, that he had never before had the privilege of meeting a lady of such caliber. This conviction was supported by his extensive experience, having interacted with numerous women throughout his journeys on the sea and in distant lands. In those encounters, he had been fortunate to come across ladies of delicate beauty, others endowed with singular intelligence, from whom he had learned valuable lessons and adopted some customs for his own life. Some looked at him with admiration, while others expressed an evident desire and lust. However, none of these women could compare to the uniqueness embodied by Lady Revna.
No lady possessed those copper-toned curls, imbued with the strong character that characterizes a haughty princess. None exhibited so much confidence, manifested in a charming smile as she engaged in the dance with another knight, nor showed the audacity to express her thoughts so frankly, generating in him a desire to know more.
Lady Revna, on her part, awaited with anticipation. Like Sir Styles, she had never before encountered a knight with such characteristics, although, it should be noted, her encounters with men of this kind had been scarce.
Her life unfolded among the same guards and nobles, forming a closed circle around her. Even when she ventured to visit the village, the familiar faces of lifelong merchants remained her only reference, never encountering a knight of the stature of the one before her at that moment.
The knight in question exhibited a masculine face that, at the same time, revealed fineness in his features. His presence stood out with an imposing figure, broad shoulders, robust arms, hands marked by prominent veins, and even visibly silky hair through the braids. A set of attributes that gave a unique and captivating presence to the eyes of the world, and now, were only for her.
In this way, Lady Revna provided Sir Styles with a more secure environment to carry out such a conversation, and that place turned out to be, significantly, the closest available space at that moment, namely, her quarters.
The journey down the hallway became smaller as both advanced in parallel, now side by side, allowed by the lady with a subtle gesture directed at the knight. Noticeably absent on the way was the presence of any Lord, and, for some reason, no lady-in-waiting was in sight either. The imposing wooden door, adorned with what seemed to be golden details, stood before them, and with a delicate push, Lady Revna facilitated entry for Sir after she herself entered the room.
The quarters were characterized by the predominance of warm and golden tones, imbuing the atmosphere with the pleasant scent of jasmines and roses dispersed in the surroundings. The room was adorned with some large pieces of furniture, elegantly displaying their presence. Lighting was mainly obtained through strategically placed candles, constituting the only source of illumination, apart from the windows that allowed the filtering of the scarce night light provided by the moon.
The feeling of contentment that enveloped Sir Styles in that environment surpassed any previous experience, endowing the atmosphere with a particularly pleasant resonance.
And that delight reached its zenith when Lady Revna directed her gaze towards him.
He was in a state of palpable anxiety, sensing the accelerated beat of his heart as his mind faced internal challenges. He walked a thin line, equidistant between what was ethically correct and immoral, tempted by the forbidden personified in an ethereal countenance and a blue gaze that acquired a darker hue as it approached him.
Despite his nature being less prone to pleading, he was willing to do so in order to have her in proximity, to experience her closeness and touch. His hands experienced a persistent tingling, and he was forced to clench them into fists to restrain himself from any impulsive act. A feeling of warmth ran through his body, intensifying to a painful point, longing to be released from this incessant tension.
Nevertheless, Lady Revna had proposed only a conversation, and that was the only allowed ground for him, despite the impulses urging him to go further.
However, his desires seemed to play an untimely hand as the minutes passed. In that interval, Lady Revna's figure took shape on one of the small armchairs, and her dress lifted in a nearly inappropriate manner, forcing him to avert his gaze and suppress a gesture that partially closed his lower lip between his teeth. Initially, he chose silence, allowing the lady's words to resonate in the air, accompanied by her distinctive floral scent.
For a moment, Sir Styles struggled with momentary doubt, questioning if all of this was nothing more than a product of his imagination, a side effect of the wine that was beginning to take its toll on his perception. However, Lady Revna, with her characteristic grace, brought him back to reality with a subtle touch, dispelling any ambiguity that might have lingered in his mind.
Sir's eyes opened with a slight surprise, finally realizing the proximity of the lady in front of him. Immediately, he wondered at what moment she had come so close, as her presence left him momentarily speechless, and the expressions forming in his mind did not seem suitable to be spoken aloud.
His breathing began to show signs of irregularity, forced to allow his lip to free itself and his mouth to slightly part, attempting to deal with the sensations that the unexpected closeness provoked in him.
"Allow me to inquire, Sir Styles, do you possess the real capacity to fulfill your word?" the lady whispered, her words delicately brushing his ear, granting him a moment to regain composure before responding: "Mostly, yes".
"Mostly?" she questioned with a light laugh. Lady Revna turned her gaze ahead, letting her blue eyes settle on the green forest that stretched beyond the knight, watching him with an evident challenge, waiting for him to say what they both knew. And that was precisely what he did.
"I have recently discovered that it is not always the case".
With these words, the proximity between them finally ended, and Sir Styles' lips met Lady Revna's in a fleeting moment. Neither the knight nor the lady managed to confirm who initiated that first move, but when the body of the red-haired woman reclined on Sir Styles' lap, his self-control was finally released. The touch of the knight allowed his hands, freed from the chains that had held them cruelly, to rest on the lady's body.
The intensity that both bodies shared at a certain moment seemed to converge at that instant, causing the clothing to lose its relevance. Sir Styles' hands were positioned directly on Lady Revna's back, delving into her rebellious curls and sliding unrestricted between the strings of the corset.
Kisses imbued with pleasure were indelibly marked on the woman's neck, causing her lips to part in search of air. The constriction of her attire heightened the feeling of confinement, and a gasp escaped her when she felt her body lifted in the air, fitting even more closely to the knight's body, who held her firmly with one hand, while the other continued carefully untying the laces of her corset.
Finally, her back rested on the soft surface of the bed, covered by the elegant fabrics of the canopy, intensifying the focus of the intimate encounter and the warm air enveloping their bodies. Moans and sighs began to resonate, manifesting the growing fervor of the moment. Although Lady Revna tried discreetly to preserve some caution, the man on top of her was not exactly contributing to maintaining serenity.
Sir Styles' bare torso stood before her, his warrior attire lying on the floor for a few minutes, allowing the lady's hands to explore unrestrictedly, ascending and descending on his biceps. In her explorations, she occasionally stopped in lower areas, observing the reactions on the knight's face. Sir Styles' forehead, already covered by a fine layer of sweat, enhanced his beauty and accentuated his features in the dimness of the night.
Simultaneously, as a playful expression began to appear on the lady's face, her corset finally yielded, revealing a fine fabric that almost immediately disappeared, exposing her bare breasts for the knight's delight. Sir Styles did not grant her the necessary time to react, as his lips went directly to one of her nipples, causing a more intense gasp than usual that hung in the air.
Lady Revna's gaze remained fixed on the ceiling of the chamber, and despite her attempts to keep it there, it closed easily due to the pleasurable contact her body was experiencing. Not satisfied with limiting himself to that, Sir Styles' fingers materialized on the nipple that remained free of saliva, exerting occasional pressure that left her breathless. Although it was certainly bearable pain, she finally reflected on facing wounds caused by daggers, coming to the conclusion that this nipple squeeze was at least something she had no reason to complain about.
Sir Styles' skillful free hand did not remain idle, skillfully sliding from the waist to the prominent hips of the woman, finally reaching a sensitive region where his movement provoked an involuntary reaction, and increased pressure became evident. Sir Styles' hoarse laughter echoed in the air, barely contained by his chest, while she looked down, mentally evoking the image of his sinful eyes and saliva-dampened lips.
A sigh escaped the lady, watching as the knight's body descended gradually, exposing his bare chest and extending his attention to the lower part, initiating the process of sliding the fabric of the dress that still covered her forms and culminating in the removal of her underwear.
Finally, Lady Revna lay stripped of garments on the imposing bed of her quarters, lying beneath the figure of a man who gazed down at her with an eager look, as if he had been deprived of savoring a morsel throughout his existence, expressing an insatiable hunger for her essence and a craving for more.
Lady Revna's head tilted back accompanied by an unexpected moan when she again experienced the dexterity of Sir Styles' tongue, directed this time towards the region that claimed more attention. Her clitoris, the object of stimulation, began to awaken sensations that, despite having been pleased on various occasions over the years, bore no resemblance to any previous experience, highlighting the skillful moisture generated by the knight's tongue.
Lady Revna's hands gripped the sheets, while her hips were stirred repeatedly, as if they had a life of their own, seeking to intensify the fusion with the man's eager tongue. Meanwhile, Sir Styles' hands remained firmly placed on her hips, either attempting to smooth the movements or enhance them, however, for both, the experience proved to be extremely satisfying.
When Sir Styles finally withdrew, realizing that Lady Revna's body was adopting more uninhibited movements, he fully confirmed his theory. Lady Revna indeed possessed a sweetness comparable, if not superior, to that of wine.
An almost exuberant smile manifested on the knight's face, observing her at his feet, filled with anticipation, panting from the effort as she looked at him with eyes half-closed, still corresponding with her own smile.
Sir Styles experienced a noticeable increase in the intensity of discomfort in his sensitive area, a sensation that manifested uncomfortably through the pressure against his clothing. At that moment, he did not hesitate to dispense with the last reserves of decency he held, allowing his member to finally rest on his pelvis, while the discomfort transformed into a more constant pulsation.
Holding his member in his hand, he made slight pumping movements as he approached a region that was already sufficiently stimulated for him. Before proceeding with any further action, he directed his gaze towards the lady accompanying him, observing her intently once again.
"Are you sure about this?" he questioned at that moment, approaching abruptly. He experienced sudden regret for not addressing this conversation earlier and for waiting until their garments had faded away on the room's floor. Lady Revna took Sir Styles' face between her hands, allowing the softness of her skin to become evident through delicate gestures, causing Sir's eyelids to close in response.
The lady's hands descended gradually, while the knight's gaze remained shadowed. Her touch acquired increasing delicacy until reaching the region he craved, causing a groan to materialize in response to the lady's subtle caresses on his cock. The action he once performed himself was now being executed by smaller but equally gratifying hands, holding his member firmly and stroking its tip with her thumb. The knight's body gradually descended, adopting an inverted position, with Lady Revna now on top of him, allowing herself to be guided by her skilled hands.
Curiosity prompted her hands to transition from a slow to a faster movement in a matter of seconds, intensifying the knight's anticipation, who was eager for more. It wasn't until he felt Lady Revna's warm breath on his cock that his lips parted more firmly in search of air.
Lady Revna chose to venture, letting herself be guided by the satisfaction sounds emitted by the Sir that resonated beneath her. At times, she looked up to contemplate the knight lying on the bed, with his eyes still closed and lips slightly parted.
Her tongue made an effort to traverse the entire length of Sir's member, while she struggled to contain her breath to encompass it completely with her mouth. Intermittently, she leaned on her hand to ensure complete coverage. Finally, when she perceived the pace accelerating, she decided to ascend again towards him, repositioning her face against his.
"I've never been more sure in my life". She responded with conviction, causing the green hue to return and a darkening to intensify in the surrounding forest.
"You must know how long I have awaited this moment," he expressed with a whisper that filled the nearby space, leaning over her once again, holding his member between his hands and settling between the lady's extended legs. "Since your pretty face manifested in my mind, I haven't ceased to contemplate you".
"Is that the same speech you deliver to everyone?" she inquired with a mocking tone, although her voice carried a bittersweet undertone. She could no longer conceive the idea of sharing it with anyone else. Her desire focused exclusively on having him for herself.
"No woman comes even remotely close to your presence". Sir Styles' expressions remained anchored in her mind, gradually enveloping her with his words as she felt them penetrate her being. In this moment, Lady Revna, once again, tightly gripped the sheets, focusing her attention solely on the intense gaze of the knight on her.
"I would mutilate my hands to never touch another". He declared, causing an involuntary groan from Lady Revna's lips with the first thrust. "I would pluck out my eyes to never look at another". He continued with another thrust. "I would cut off my tongue to never taste anyone else". He added, this time accompanied by a soft scream that she tried to stifle by biting her lower lip. "Because no woman would come even remotely close to your level". He concluded, amid shared moans, permeating the atmosphere with encouraging words that further fueled the fantasy and ego of a princess who, at that moment, felt no shame in considering herself selfish. "Neither in your taste, nor in your touch, nor in your scent".
Lady Revna experienced with greater intensity the thrusts, feeling her body move in a predetermined rhythm. Her hands left the sheets to focus exclusively on the knight's back, scratching it fervently and desiring to see the marks they would leave the next day. Her legs exerted pressure against his hips, contributing to making the movement more fluid.
"Tell me how you feel," she heard the growl of a hoarse voice in her ear, and just that gesture caused another moan to escape her lips.
"Blessed gods," she responded with effort, chanting the prayers she had heard throughout her life, expressing gratitude for the mercy that had been promised to her at some point and that she now experienced materialized in one man. "It feels so good".
"Oh yeah?" she heard a gasp from him, while his pace progressively accelerated. "How good?" he reiterated his inquisitive question with surprising eloquence, contrasting with Lady Revna's struggle to articulate words. "Tell me, my princess, talk to me".
Finally, she replied, "So good. Too good. Holy shit". Lady Revna's lips were bitten once again, while she experienced the intensity of movements deepening into her being, merging with her fluids, allowing Sir Styles' cock to pass smoothly. "Keep it up, Harry, please," she pleaded. His name acted as a stimulus that increased the acceleration of the movements. While she didn't exactly remember when she had revealed his name, Sir Styles internally thanked that her lips had finally pronounced that acknowledgment, and the sweetness of her tone gave a more intimate dimension to the shared moment.
However, Sir Styles perceived how the tight walls of Lady Revna's vagina contracted around his cock, recognizing that it was only a matter of minutes or even seconds for all that tension to burst. Knowing Lady Revna's playful nature, he did not hesitate to say, "It's 'sir' for you". While holding the woman's hips more firmly, watching her closely.
For her part, Lady Revna showed no surprise; rather, she experienced a notable excitement, which she confirmed by dropping her head on the mattress, while her grip on the man intensified. Her body experienced shivers, even slight tremors, while her breathing became increasingly irregular, struggling to maintain firm control.
"Y- yes sir," she pronounced a nod with difficulty, and it was at that moment when an expressive scream, immediately muffled by Sir Styles' lips, echoed in the room they shared.
The release manifested in both parties, with Lady Revna's walls being the main recipient, impregnated with both her own fluids and those of the knight, as both let themselves be carried into the abyss of climax, experiencing the peak of pleasure they had never known before.
They remained in the same position for an indeterminate period, with Sir Styles on top of Lady Revna, practically enveloping her with his presence, while both struggled to stabilize their breaths. The knight, taking the initiative, rose first, showing indifference to the possible stain on his shirt, and proceeded to address the task of cleaning the lower area of Lady Revna, where their fluids had begun to saturate the bed linen. With skill and tact, he moved the lady gently, allowing the fabric to slide between her legs, restoring order after the small incident they had caused.
Upon completing this task, Sir Styles observed that the woman's body now rested on the bed, making space for him, while a lazy smile appeared on Lady Revna's lips.
However, before lying down on the bed beside her, he proceeded to clean himself. He diverted his gaze downwards as he scrutinized for any sign of residual fluids, at which point the luminescence of the sword caught his attention on the expanse of the chamber's carpet, dazzling with its exquisite elegance and hue.
His attention immediately shifted between the lady with red hair and the sword in a kind of bewilderment until, even through a drowsy gaze, he managed to confirm the connection between both elements.
No verbal expressions were necessary for Lady Revna to understand the shared sentiment, and Sir Styles saw no need to articulate it, as both were already aware. He took a moment to reflect on his emotions, once again experiencing the deafening intoxication and numbing curiosity, both originating from the same person. In an instant, he blamed himself for his lack of insight, as it was as clear as the ocean in the lady's eyes and in the tousled curls falling over her face. However, it was imperative to acknowledge that perhaps he would have never discovered the depth of those feelings if he hadn't witnessed the display of the sword on the floor.
Nevertheless, such considerations became secondary upon waking up with the sensation of a body embracing him, and the gentle scent of flowers filling his nostrils. The magical night became ingrained in his memory, promising to be relived every night, eclipsing any other eventual assumption.
Thus passed a night in the splendor of a medieval castle, alongside the lady who represented the incarnation of his idealized princess.
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Thank you, @sallysavestheday! I have been thinking of unwritten daydreams for this ask, and I've remembered my old Maglor in the Shire thoughts. Always charmed by any Maggie Took AU variation, but I am a little bit invested in the Maglor Baggins possibility...
Hobbiton's oldest, most respectable family is winnowed down, but you mustn't forget to invite Second Cousin Maglor Baggins to wedding, if you want your funeral to be well-mourned. Courteous, delicate, gentle, capricious and petty, Second Cousin Maglor (Mrogo?) Baggins is everyone's fiddle and flute and viol teacher, the best storyteller and worst gardener this side of the Brandywine. He lives in a small but well-appointed smial/shed near the river, and you can always trust in him to look after your faunts if you need a helping hand - most of the time, anyhow. He is deeply entrenched in the local politics and social machinations of gentlehobbits, and has taken to the habits and manners of the Shire with the relish of performance.
He is, in short, quite, quite boring; the greatest frustration in his life is young Lobelia Sackville's wasteful choice to set aside her prodigious skills with the clarinet to focus on social climbing. He smokes his pipeweed against the pain in his hands, avoids Rangers and the occasional wizard, and mostly focuses on the simplest life possible - embracing it with all its cherry pies and scones, deserved or not, if only because in the Shire, he could be certain the ease of the air kept the mighty danger of his songs tame, the order of the days and the conversations and generations of the same families kept him rooted and present enough to remember and share the adapted stories of his people in a way the repetitive tides could not manage.
A great many hobbits grow up asking for retellings of the tale of the Prince in the mountain and his beloved, the wise sculptor and her seven mischievous children, the two little faunts - very much like you indeed! - that were born of a ship and a star, and went on a great many adventures, and never grew apart.
The fact that he is much taller and considerably more ancient than the Shire is not to be mentioned - a dreadful faux pas, and quite unkind, really. He can't help looming, really. Whether he cares to notice any changes in old Bungo's son or this changes any of the Hobbit or LotR's events, of course, depends entirely on how interesting the developments of the local rose-bush competitions are that century.
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Kubo & The Two Strings | Writing Prompts
Quote Prompts
❝ If you must blink, do it now ❞ ❝ You are my quest ❞ ❝ The most powerful kind of magic there is ❞ ❝ We hold their stories, deep in our hearts ❞ ❝ We grow stronger, the world grows more dangerous. Life has a funny way of keeping things balanced. ❞ ❝ Whatever your quest, it is now my quest too ❞ ❝ This was a happy story. But, it could still be a whole lot happier. ❞ ❝ I still need you ❞ ❝ Heroes come and go ❞ ❝ Cold and hard and perfect ❞ ❝ Well, that’s kind of a long story ❞ ❝ Paper runs out, as does patience ❞ ❝ Always stay hidden from the night sky ❞ ❝ In recognizing [their] compassion, I recognized my own. ❞ ❝ You have questions, I can tell. You get three. ❞ ❝ You’re out of questions now, so just listen ❞ ❝ I spared [their] life. [They] gave me mine. ❞ ❝ Do you need a little help? ❞ ❝ This is real. This is not a story. ❞ ❝ Memories are powerful things ❞ ❝ We can't trust anything you say, because *you* can't trust anything you say. ❞ ❝ They’re family. ❞ ❝ No, they are monsters. ❞ ❝ Promise me you will never let this happen. Promise me. ❞ ❝ Before you went on this great adventure, you were still very much a hero ❞ ❝ Tell us your story, then we can sleep! Please? ❞ ❝ [They] looked into my eyes and uttered four simple words. Those words changed everything. ❞ ❝ Even with just one eye ❞ ❝ Concentrate on what is in front of you. Let everything else fall away. ❞ ❝ I seem to have forgotten my story ❞ ❝ Can you help me? ❞ ❝ The end of one story is merely the beginning of another ❞
Sensory/Imagery Prompts
A meal sitting between two people
Boats made of leaves
The strumming of strings
Skimming rocks across the river
Catching fireflies in the mulberry fields
The warmth of a gaze
Crane songs
The full moon over the ocean
The cold night sky
Braided strands of hair
A father’s clothes
Folded paper
Flowers and stars
Scurrying beetles
Busy market streets
A charm for protection
Lantern light
Long evening shadows
Soaked with sea water
Fishing lessons
Feather cloaks
Broken porcelain masks
Eyes full of secrets
Interrupted stories
Soup that’s too hot
Speaking to lost loved ones
Quiet, lonely mornings
Forbidden festivals
Childhood toys
Making your own wings
Golden armor
Silver moonlight
Hidden caverns filled with treasure
Waking up in the snow
Prominent Theme Prompts
To be looked at and be seen
The sharing of stories
Finding each other again in another life
Remembering what was lost
Fighting the past for the future
The power of humanity
Life takes on a new form
Being the hero of your own story
A mother’s love
A child’s devotion
For every horrible thing, there is something far more beautiful
Memories are the strongest magic
To look someone in the eye and see their soul
All stories must have an end
Making beginnings out of ends
Mementos of the lost
Love endures beyond death
Running from the night
Fighting to see the day
There is beauty in imperfection 
A messy life is still one worth living
Longing for something you never had
Stories are stronger than the sword
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betsysbooknook · 1 month
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📚: Embers in the Outfield by Stefanie Castro
👉 Enemies with Benefits
👉 First Responder MMC
👉 Secret Relationship
TWs 😟: Mentions of 9/11, car accident, fire related injury
Main Takeaway 🏹: I love a story that makes me cry!
Synopsis 📜: Kennedy and River have tested each other from the moment they met. When their best friends get married, the chemistry between them combusts and they finally give into their feelings. What starts as scratching an itch quickly becomes more for both of them.
Personal Thoughts 🤔: This book was so much more than I expected! I signed up for the banter and the spice between two people who didn’t think they liked each other but what Stefanie Castro created was brilliant. The unknown connections between the two main characters were what took this story above and beyond my expectations. I love a book that makes me react! I spent a good portion of the third act of this book crying (happy tears, sad tears, laughing tears) and Imwouldnt change a thing about it!
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horseshoegirl · 10 months
Set Me Alight - Part 1: Seventeen Going Under
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📜I know I should be working on FFA (Forever After All). However, I got bit by this idea of a fire look-out of all things, then had a whole dream about it. Naturally, I had to fic it. Due to story choices and plot later in the series, I have made a fictional National Park. However, it is loosely based on Mount Rainer and Olympic National Park in Washington.
❗️+18, Strong Language, Enemies to Lovers, Original Female Character, Anything Can Happen in the Woods, Forced Proximity, Bradley Bradshaw x Natasha Trace, post-college daggers, Camping/Hiking AU.
Thank you to @desert-fern for helping me with the title!!
#6k Words
Masterlist | Part 2
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Camping was the last thing you wanted to do on your week off.
It will be fun, Nat said. It won't be just the two of us going, she said. It's just hiking and a campfire and seeing the sights, she said.
It was not fun. It was not just hiking and a campfire. It was a fucking bad idea.
Why, you might ask?
It was hiking in a state national park, deep in the wilderness, with only a few fire lookouts as the closest thing resembling civilization. It was miles, miles, from your home state. It was going to be fucking cold, and wet, and rainy. It would be muddy slopes, climbing up cliff faces, and watching out for blind roots and sharp rocks haphazardly sticking up from the ground. You knew you wouldn't even get to enjoy the amazing scenery because you'd be too busy making sure you didn't accidentally die by stumbling over said rock or root down a cliff.
No, all that you could have handled, despite your initial protests. That wasn't the issue.
Because 24 hours post leaving your house and arriving in Seattle, she had failed to mention that fucking Jake Seresin had been invited along too.
It wasn't as if she didn't have a chance to. Oh no, there had been many ample opportunities for either her or her boyfriend, Bradley, to let you in on that secret. Like when the two of them picked you up from your apartment in the extremely early hours of the previous morning to start the journey to Seattle. Or the long drive there, or when you checked into the hotel that night.
Nat and Bradley had been shifty about who else had been invited in general too, but you suspected the usual group. Maybe their girlfriends, if the prospect of leaving the city wasn’t too much for them.
Despite your initial protests, you were actually excited to go. Lakespur National Park was a beautiful sight at any time of the year. The mountains were snow-capped and tall, like they were touching the sky. The trees were the brightest shades of green, especially after a bout of rain. The lakes and rivers were deep pools of unreal bright baby blue, and you knew from the website that there were a couple of waterfalls hidden amongst the trails. The cliffs were high enough, too, that if you managed to find a nice lookout, the views could have stretched on for miles. And neighbouring nearby, you could spot Mount Rainer standing non-threateningly as it could in the distance.
You wanted to paint as much of it as you could before the week was over.
You had awoken in your hotel room that morning in a good mood. You appreciated the few hours of sleep you could get before you had to spend a week in the literal woods, surrounded by bugs and animals who probably wanted to eat you, sleeping in a tent with nothing but a bed roll.
That same feeling carried over to now as you opened the truck door, the scent of dirt and fresh pine invading your nose. Grabbing the support handles on either side, you carefully lowered yourself to the ground, sunlight hitting the sides of your face. It felt good to be out here; the warmth, the fresh air, the sounds of nature going on around you in the early morning light.
Nat sighed affectionately, throwing her arms wide as if she was trying to hug the entire forest. "Ah, Nature!"
You rolled your eyes, but your smirk gave you away. "You said that yesterday morning when you picked me up. It's going to get old, really fast."
She closed her eyes, giggling to herself and starting to spin on the gravel, tilting her head back. You couldn't help but laugh with her as she twirled around, the stones and dirt crunching under her feet.
Nat’s friendship was the only one that had survived College. You’re not entirely sure how you became friends either; it just kind of happened out of the blue one day. She had been in a sorority and ran in the popular crowd, so to speak. You worked in the campus art supplies store selling paint and double-stapled-backed canvas’. And when you weren’t there, you were in the studio, painting or sculpting or doing something creative that usually ended up with you covered in whatever messy medium you had decided to work with.
From those things alone, she had no real reason to want to be your friend.
You suppose you could at least trace it back to that group project the two of had been assigned to do with two other people. Two other people who didn't do jack shit, despite multiple protests from both of you. The two of you had ended up pulling an all-nighter in your apartment off campus, and to your surprise, a girl from a high-ranking sorority had been way kinder than you expected her to be.
You wanted to say the two of you bonded that night, sharing stories and laughing at funny social media posts when you forced yourselves to take breaks. And when the project was done and over with, you didn't expect her to stay around.
But she did. Suddenly, in the aftermath, she was there, texting you about her favourite book series, dragging you out of the studio, and lifting your head off a literal canvas to ensure you had something to eat or drink. She'd sit with you in the library when you had to study art history and bring coffee. And when drama hit at her sorority residence, she moved into your apartment off campus.
That's how you met Bradley. And then his football team. And the biggest asshole to ever live. You regretted a lot of things on that night, and you not standing up to him was at the very top. Written in red. And underlined.
After what he said, after what he did, you never wanted to see his face again.
Once Nat steadied herself against the truck, you turned to catch your gaze on a few familiar figures unloading their gear. You waved hi to Mickey and Ruben as they made their way over to the three of you, gear and supplies thrown over their backs. Mickey was the first to reach you, sweeping you into a hug and ruffling your head over your baseball cap. You're smiling up at him when he pulls back.
"Ready for some adventure, Maeve?" he grins.
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe we’ll find some interesting things to get up to. Sightsee, tell ghost stories, see a bear or two.”
“Really, a couple of bears. You think I could take them on?”
You snorted, reaching up to slap the rim of his baseball cap down. “Only you would want to have a fight with one.”
“Come on, you’re not scared, are you?” he said, dramatically holding his hand over his heart before reaching for you. “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.”
Suddenly, a new voice pitched up from behind him. "You are joking, right? You know he will be pushing the two of us in front of him and then running for the hills screaming like a little girl."
You giggled at Cora, his girlfriend's, remark as she pushed him out of the way to give you a bear hug. “The only way you’d ever come close to looking good in that scenario is her painting it.”
Mickey frowned. "That hurts my heart, baby. Really. You really think I'd leave you ladies alone to fend for yourselves?"
You and Cora snorted at the same time. "We know you would."
Mickey pouted, and Cora only laughed, resting her cheek on the top of your head as she laughed. But you were too focused on watching Jessica, Ruben's girlfriend, approach the group, and you had to brace yourself. While you hadn't known her long, Jessica's presence often accompanied an undercurrent of tension. Her lips were curled up in what you deemed a practiced, superficial arc, the kind of smile that was more a social formality than a genuine expression of pleasure.
"Hey Jessica," you greeted her with as much warmth as possible.
She offered you a smile, but it didn't reach her eyes, and you had to force yourself not to take a step back out of Cora's arms or shutter at those eyes, wanting to tear you apart. She looked harmless, with short brown hair that framed her bubbly cheeks. But inside, you knew and felt the familiar twinge of discomfort that came from interacting with someone who clearly harboured less-than-friendly feelings about you.
Instead, you searched for Nat, who was saying something to Bradley as she lay across the front seat of the truck, leaning across the centre console with the door wide open. You called out to ask her, "Who else are we waiting on?"
There was a long-standing pause before Bradley was the one to shout out, "I don't see Javy's truck yet!"
You were about to open your mouth to reply, the retort on your lips, before someone honked a horn, and you came face to face with Javy’s Blue Chevy, kicking up stones as the massive tires rolled into the parking lot. The metal frame sparkled against the early morning sun, and you had to cover your face with your elbow to shield your eyes from the glare. Ruben called out, clapping his hand against his fist, calling out, “They arrive, finally!”
Mickey reached over and slapped him on the back, letting his hand rest on his shoulder. “Fifty bucks says pretty boy spend forever getting out of the shower?”
You jolted at the nickname. To anyone outside the group, the pretty boy reference could have been referring to Javy. But you had the context. There was only one person they could have been referring to, and like a volcano, you wanted to blow your top.
It was at this very moment you realized Nat and Bradley had purposely lied to you by omission.
“Oh no,” you grumbled out, and Cora instantly stepped back, taking her hands off you as if you were on fire and holding them out in front of her. And the two idiots realized what they had admitted, eyes wide as they took you in.
“Oh, Maeve, we thought…”
“Thought what?” you seethed. "What did you think, exactly?"
Javy cut the engine of his truck and swung open the driver’s door, turning in his seat to see everyone, a huge smile on his face as he took everyone in. That was until he landed on you.
“Maeve…” he called out cautiously, hopping down and holding his hands out in front of him nervously.
Don’t Maeve me! Who is in your truck with you? And don’t tell me it’s just Veronica.”
Javy bit his lip, contemplating what he could possibly say to you that would get you to calm down and just listen. But the longer he took, the more you came to the realization that that asshole was, indeed, riding shotgun in his truck.
And when the front passenger door opened and closed, the second you saw the flash of blonde hair, your vision turned red.
And just let that - every single good feeling, every thought of not needing to worry about him showing his face - quicken into flashing white anger. The whole group seemed to know it too, tensing up as your face started to turn beat red, and your mouth was poised open, ready to give the worst shout of their lives.
"Fuck no, Nat! Absolutely fucking not!” You practically screamed, turning to face her with your hands on your hips. Mickey dropped his chin to his chest with a sigh. “Yup, there’s the Midge we all know and love.”
Natasha sighed, mocking your stance as she readied herself for the argument. "Come on, you wouldn't have agreed to come had you known."
"You're damn fucking right, I wouldn't have agreed!" you fumed. "Why on God's earth would you think a whole fucking week with the two of us in close proximity would be such a good idea?!"
Nat went to reply, but the sound of shuffling gravel and a low, resonant thud of weight shifting on the side of Javy’s truck interrupted her, letting all of you know who inserted themselves into the conversation.
"Good to see you still have that mouth on you, Midge."
You slammed your eyes shut in annoyance at the sound of his voice.
The not-so-subtle nickname he had bestowed upon you that everyone had suddenly taken to using. They all figured it was in reference to your height, or maybe for short for your weird ass name, as Jake once called it. Out of all of them, including Nat, you were the tiniest of the group. The entire football team towered over you, and while they meant it affectionately, endearingly, in the kindest way possible, Jake had to be the cocky smart ass.
A Midge was also in reference to a fly. A small but fucking annoying fly. He just had to double-whammy you twice.
Bradley came around from the driver's side of the truck, a slight grimace on his face. "Sorry, Maeve, I thought she had told you he was coming.”
Nat might have played a part in not telling you Jake would be here, but she wasn't solely to blame for his presence. No, that was entirely Bradley's fault.
Jake was his best friend, after all.
You marched forward, staring into his face, a finger pointed and pressing deep into his chest. "Why the ever living hell did you invite him!?"
Bradley regarded you for a moment before letting out a sigh. "You know why," he mumbled under his breath only to you, looking down at the breast pocket of his jacket.
Your heart twinged in your chest. You did know why. You helped him pick out that ring. Bradley wanted to propose to Nat on this trip, and it only made sense he'd want his best friend around when it did happen. It quelled your anger for a few seconds.
You could have handled a day. Maybe. A morning or afternoon. A few hours. An hour. Yes, you could have managed to be in the same space as Jake for one single hour. One hour, with doors and indoor plumbing and a driveway where you could park your car for a conveniently easy escape.
Not a whole fucking week. In a forest. With him.
"Please, Maeve," Nat begged from behind you. "This week is important to me. To us. We just want to have a good time with everyone together.”
With your back still facing her, you slammed your eyes shut.
Only if she knew the real truth behind such a statement.
Letting your head rest back on your neck, you opened your eyes to stare up at the sky. You knew you had to do this for Nat. She was one of the few friends you really had, and she had done more for you than you ever thought possible.
You owed her that much.
You turned to face her, taking in her pouting lip before your eyes finally tracked to Jake. He had crossed his arms, still leaning up against the side of Javy's truck. You watched as he wetted his lips in amusement. Your eyes stalked the movement, and for the first time since he arrived, you finally set your eyes on him.
"Oh, come on now, Midge," the asshole grinned at you. "Surely we can get along for a couple of days."
You gritted your teeth, your face scrunching up in disgust.
It had been close to six months since the last time you saw Jake Seresin. He had brought some chaotic tramp who was obsessed with horoscopes and star signs to Nat and Bradley's housewarming party, offering up no conversation except she was a Cancer and that it had to be the explanation and answer to any bizarre behaviour she might possess. You hated that. You hated her, though hate was too strong of a word to use on someone you'd probably never see again.
It made you want to throw up to see how she clung to Jake like he was her personal meal and how he ate it up with no shame.
But Jake didn't look like he did back then. He was more laid back now, in a button-up shirt and a short beard, ray bans hanging from the hem of his shirt. Nothing like the stereotypical playboy college type with rich parents that you knew him to be. Not the man with sharply defined edges and polo shirts as if he was about to descend on his mother’s fancy golf club. Not if he had been handed everything in his life on a silver platter.
Turning your head, you saw Nat's pleading gaze, and when you turned to Bradley, he mouthed a desperate "please." Sighing, you motioned for him to open the tailgate, only to grab your hiking bag from the flatbed and hoist it over your shoulders dramatically.
Adjusting the straps on your shoulders, you huffed out, "Hell better be fucking freezing over if I was ever forced to get along with you."
Collective sighs went up around the group, and you swore you could even see a few sag their shoulders in relief. Yet, that cocky asshole only continued smiling, maybe even wider than before.
"Chin up, sweetheart. There are worse people you could be stuck with out here, in the wilderness."
Your cheeks felt hot. "I'm not your fucking Sweetheart, Asshole."
"Would you like to be?"
Six fucking months and he hadn't changed. Even before that, with how intermittently you saw him. You were too scared to do anything back then about him and his attitude and his fucking mouth.
Now? You’d hit him in a heartbeat now. You were about to, if not for a gentle hand on your arm that prevented you from stepping forward to take a swing at him.
"Come on, Midge, you can stay back with us."
You allowed yourself to be turned, coming face to face with Bob and his girlfriend, Grace. You unclenched your fists almost immediately.
You liked Bob. He was sweet and kind and always had a smile on his face. And Grace had been nothing but kind to you since the day you met her. She looped her arm through yours, securely holding it to her side.
"He's not worth the brain cells," she whispered in your ear. You giggled loudly.
Bradley whistled loudly, making the group gather around, placing him and Nat at the center.
“Thank you all for coming! We all need to check in with the park ranger first,” Bradley started. “But first things first, we need to go over the rules and responsibilities!”
Nat pulled out a piece of paper from her jacket pocket, unfolding the edges and holding it out in front of her.
“Bob and Grace, you’re in charge of campfires! That includes the wood, the setting up and putting out! We don’t need to create any forest fires, so you guys are on this one!”
It made sense, you thought. They were probably the most responsible out of the group. Though you were slightly surprised they didn’t put Bob in charge of the map.
"Bradley and I are in charge of food! You carry your own shit during the day, but at the end of the night, it goes in the bag to hang up in a tree."
Collective murmurs of agreement went around the group. Nat continued to sound out names and tasks. It was obvious Mickey and Cora would be deemed the group's first aid leaders, Mickey being a firefighter and Cora being a nurse. Javy and Veronica were assigned to be on the lookout for freshwater, though you suspected Javy would be more cautious of looking for the designated spots than Veronica would be. And Ruben and Jessica, you had to hold in your laugh when her face dropped into an absolute look of displeasure when Nat called out they'd be on trash and trail sweep duty.
“Finally, Midge and Jake.”
You raised your eyebrow at the implication behind the ‘and' and what form of torture she might have in store for you.
"Navigators," she called out, eyeing the two of you cautiously. "The both of you will take turns navigating us to all of our campsites, trading off the compass and the map. One day, it's Maeve, the other Jake."
You wanted to argue, to call out that Jake wouldn't be able to navigate himself, let alone a group of people, through a national park, but you stopped yourself. You knew of the delicate balance you needed to maintain. Nat knew it, too. It's why she approached you with a careful eye
“Don’t kill Jake,” she eyed you sternly before turning to Jake and pointing her finger. “Don’t kill Maeve.”
You sallowed. "I won't if he doesn't start it first."
From the sound of the shift in gravel, you knew Jake had set his eyes on you, and you could feel them burning holes into the side of your skull. You resisted the urge to meet his gaze, to challenge or confront the unspoken thoughts you felt hanging between you. Instead, you focused on Nat, nodding to acknowledge the assignment.
Nat knew better, glaring at the two of you discerningly. She knew the two of you well enough to sense the undercurrents of tension. You had been careful with her, never revealing the true reason behind why you held so much disdain towards Jake. And you had no idea what he might have disclosed to them, but you were sure it was laced with the same damn message as always, shouting it as loud as he could to the first person he saw.
Midge is a bitch. I don't know why you’d waste your time being around her. She is as two-faced as they come, and whatever she's said or done, it's a personal attack on me when I've done nothing wrong.
Nat sighed, her frustration evident. "I mean it. If you two can't get along, at least be civil. Or so help me, I'll feed both of you to the first wild animal I see."
You knew she was joking, but the seriousness in her eyes conveyed the underlying ultimatum.
"Fine," you huffed first. Jake rolled his eyes, huffing out a less than enthusiastic, "Fine."
You could almost hear the single collective thought of the group: 'This should be interesting.'
Although the pair of you agreed with Nat's terms, tension remained between you. Nat gave each of you one final, pointed look before rejoining the others, leaving an awkward silence in her awake.
Jake, with a knowing and equally cocky smirk, couldn't resist throwing in a final quip. "Who knows, maybe at the end of all this, we might share a tent," he called out over his shoulder as he began to walk away, his voice loud enough for others to hear.
Yet, all he did was loudly laugh at your reply when you heatedly shouted back in kind, "Fuck off, Seresin! Unkindly, fuck off!”
You reached the first campsite around early mid-afternoon, having navigated these woods thus far with the agility of a deer avoiding a thicket of thorns and stones, always aware and always at least several feet apart from the one thing you were sure would kill you if you weren't careful.
You had stayed at the back of the group with Bob and Grace as much as possible, catching up with them while Jake took the lead, navigating everyone toward what would be your home for the night.
Grace spent the time talking about her job at the museum. She was a curator, which is probably why you got along with her so well. While she was passionate about the history surrounding a piece of art, you loved the actual creation process. That's how she met Bob, who had been hired there as an archaeologist.
Somewhere along the way, you realized you were only catching snippets of the conversation, her latest exhibit she was building with Bob. You felt bad but placed the blame entirely on the asshole with the compass.
It was a miracle the group ended up at the actual campsite. Jake had done everything wrong. From holding the compass incorrectly to naming the wrong trail markers or reading the map as if it were a field guide to an 18-hole golf course at a rich man's club. With each move he made or every word he spouted, saying it was "This way" or "That," you had to bite your tongue. Even if you tasted blood, you weren't going to start something he couldn't finish.
It didn't stop the glares, though, or the dirty looks. Or the fact your brain couldn't stop trying to figure out what point he was trying to prove by dressing like that?! If you hadn't spent as long as you had hating him, you'd even go as far as to say he looked good.
Fuck Maeve, you are not going there!
Your home for the rest of the afternoon and night was a sparse little clearing framed by several big trees, the branches high enough that it seemed like they were protecting the space below. Everyone had instantly split up, searching for a spot where they might set up camp. You found one easily enough, not too far from everyone else but enough to make the space your own.
Setting up your tent, you watched with a smirk from a distance as Jake wrestled with his tent, the poles flying in all directions in some comedic fashion. You contemplated whether or not to go over and help him, though it almost seemed sweeter to watch him struggle.
The further away he was, the better.
You had strategically chosen a quiet corner, just close enough between Bob and Grace and Cora and Mickey. You wouldn’t dare go anywhere near Nat and Bradley’s tent unless you didn’t want to get a decent night’s sleep. You were already scarred from College. You didn’t need another instance topping that one.
Grace and Bob had already taken the liberty of making the fire for tonight, rearranging the designated stone pit in the middle of the site into the correct shape and loading it with firewood. Everyone was already sitting around it, off in their own stories and conversations before dinner. You’d initially been drawn into the conversation with Nat and Grace sitting next to you, but it had taken a different turn, and your initial laughter had sounded more forced than you’d care to admit.
And you were too busy watching Jake on the other side of the fire, waiting for the moment he’d strike. But the afternoon lagged on, and he never did. Not until he finally caught your eye, that familiar smirk playing on his lips - the one you know he knew got under your skin - that your ability to tolerate his presence cracked hard.
You stood abruptly, not allowing him the chance to wind you up like some toy.
"I'm going to go for a swim," you said pointedly to Nat and Grace, ignoring the asshat sitting in the corner. "I shouldn't be long."
They only nodded at you, continuing back to their conversation. Bob was the only one who seemed to address your remark.
"Be safe!" He called out after you. "The park ranger said to be on the lookout for bears!"
You mocked-saluted him with two fingers. "Scouts honour!"
You didn’t hear the hushed whispers or giggles you left in your wake from Jessica or Veronica, nor did you see how Jake’s eyes narrowed, watching you depart from the group.
The lake wasn't far off from the campsite, maybe about a five-minute walk. The promise of cool water and some peace and quiet to sort out your thoughts was enough to entice you away from the group and lift your spirits. You didn't know how many opportunities you would be able to find on the rest of the trip to escape like this, so you knew you needed to take them when you could.
In addition to the warning you got about the bears in the area, the other wildlife you might encounter, and even the strict warning the group received about this being peak wildfire season, the Park Ranger also mentioned this particular campsite would be the only one with decent cell service. If you wanted to call anyone before you ventured further into the park, you had better do it now.
You called your aunt as you walked. She picked up on the fourth ring.
“Did you step on a snake, or did you get mauled by a bear?”
“Hello to you too, Aunt Viv.”
Your Aunt Viv was considered the crazy one out of your family. Not because of her mannerisms or personality or the fact she probably was borderline close to adding “Friendly Wine Aunt” to her title, she was the only one to have broken off from tradition. She was, perhaps, one of your favourite people in the world for that reason alone.
“Well, when you told me you’d be spending a week out in some fucking forest, I assumed you wouldn’t have cell reception.”
You rolled your eyes, haphazardly avoiding a sharp rock sticking out from the ground, when you finally realized it was in your path.
“At this point, I wish it was one of the above. That way, I’d have an easy and reasonable way out,” you pouted.
There was a pregnant pause on the other end until you heard the thump of a bucket drop to the ground somewhere. “You were so excited to paint those landscapes. What happened? Is he there?”
You huffed. She knew you better than your own parents and your own brother.
“That obvious?”
She sighed through the phone, and you could picture her shaking her head. “Honey, nothing ruins your excitement more than that fucking waste of a man.”
You giggled at her remark. “I regret ever showing you his photo.”
“A woman my age can fantasize all she likes, even if he is a downright bastard.”
“And did say mention of said bastard just make you drop a bucket of apples?”
It was harvest season for her, all the way back in California. Aunt Viv’s apples were probably some of the best you could ever get on this side of the West Coast. Growing up, you always loved to run through the lanes of Galas and Smiths, climbing the trees for the best and brightest apples to eat.
“Don’t you worry, my dear. You know the worms aren’t that fast.”
You shook your head affectionately, finally lifting your eyes off the trail to take in the water. There was a part of you that regretted not bringing your sketchbook down with you, but you knew you could never do it justice. The blue of the water would never have matched the correct shade, and you wouldn't have been able to get the curve of the shoreline the right way or shadow the rivets of water at the right depth.
Sitting on a nearby rock, you dropped your head between your shoulders, letting it hang low.
“I don’t know what to do, Aunt Viv,” you sighed into the phone, pressing your hand to your forehead. There was another pause.
“Maybe you could talk to him about what happened?” she offered hesitantly.
“No, absolutely not,” you rushed out in a single breath. "I barely knew him for a single night before he started running his mouth about me. Why should I give him a chance when he never gave me one in the first place? Besides, he doesn't even know I know what he said."
You were met with more silence on the other end before she affectionately admonished, “Maeve, you don’t have to be scared of him. He’s just a man.”
Her words echoed in your mind, a gentle reproach that chafed against your pride. You weren't scared of Jake. Not really. Not of him, exactly, but of facing those feelings his words had stirred in you - feelings of inadequacy, of not being enough.
It held your breath hostage in a vice grip, tight.
“It’s one week,” you said, the words a half-hearted attempt to convenience yourself of the idea more than her. “It’s just one week where I can find ways to stay out of his way and not be a bother, and then I can leave and come help you out and drink all the dirty apple cinder I want.”
“You can have all the dirty apple cinder you want when you get here, but Maeve, don’t you shrink yourself down for a man who wouldn’t know a diamond if he held it in his hand, okay?”
Your grip on the phone tightened, her words stirring the embers of your resolve. “I’ll just keep to myself and the painting. That’s what I’m here for, right?”
“And your friend, right? Nat?”
You were. But even then, there was a small part of you that was deeply unsure of the why.
“Yeah,” you replied softly. “Bradley, too.”
She gently reminded you to have fun and to be safe before she had to go. The second you hung up your phone, you sighed, rubbing your eyes.
Pushing your towel off your shoulder and placing it on the rock beside you, you reached for the hem of your shirt, peeling it away from your body before doing the same with your leggings. You let your fallen pieces of clothing pile on the ground, and you closed your eyes, letting out a deep breath as you breathed in the clear air, finally allowing yourself to relax.
“Boyfriend trouble, Midge?”
Gritting your teeth, you made to cover your body, your arms wrapping themselves tightly around your torso, your nails digging hard into your skin.
"Why the hell would you want to know, of all people?" you snapped at him, turning slowly on your heel. Standing before you, it took you a second to remember just how massive Jake was.
It had been a while since you’d been this close to him. His height and build, attributes that in another context might be admired, now served to remind you of the vulnerability you felt around him. You, with your smaller, short frame staring up at his face, were only reminded of that fact. The broadness of his shoulders, stretching the fabric of his button-up in a way that spoke of strength, with the way he always seemed to carry himself, made him see larger as if he was occupying more space than what was physically possible.
You stood there, trying to hold your ground, but the disparity in your sizes made you feel exposed, almost childlike. He's just a man, your aunt had reminded you.
Yeah, he is a man.
A man you hated with a burning passion. That was clear as day.
"Why are you here, Seresin?" you asked pointedly, ignoring the absence of a reply. He eyed you back. "Same as you. Bradley's going to purpose and wanted his best friend here."
You rolled your eyes. "No, what are doing fucking following me?"
"Fishing," Jake shrugs as if it's the most obvious thing in the world, spreading his arms out to prove a point, the rod and fishing line bouncing in his hand.
You raised your eyebrows at him. “Fishing? Really? Then please, be my guest. Poaching is a great way to get yourself kicked out of the park.”
Jake scowled at you. “You ever hear of catch and release, Midge?” he scoffed.
The laugh you let out was heartless. “Clearly, you know the concept all too well.”
You were dead set on escaping him, turning on your heel and marching towards the water without another word. Jake clearly thought the opposite, reaching forward to grasp at your elbow, pulling you back.
"Midge, stop! It's so like you to run off and ignore all your problems!"
Your turn towards Jake was sharp, a swift pivot that tore your arm from his grasp. Your eyes blazed with raw, unfiltered fury and resentment.
How dare he touch you!
"My problems!? What fucking problems would those be? I'm not the one purposely playing show and tell with my ego!"
Jake's face hardened. "My ego? You're the one making a scene every five minutes. You're the one that needs to calm down."
You glared at him, unwrapping your arms from around your chest to hang them at your sides, balling your hands into fists.
If he wanted calm, you'd show him the exact opposite.
"I'm not the one offering up cheap shots with every other breath. If you throw it at me, I'm going to throw that shit right back!"
Jake's eyes dropped to your exposed skin and the black bikini you had quickly changed into when you set up your tent. You saw it happen, and with each pass over your body, it felt like scrutiny, as if he was picking apart your every flaw, every scar, every wrinkle or flabby piece of skin. It was more ammo for more cheap shots later, no doubt.
Oh, so it's my fault then?" he sneered. "You're the one always ready to jump down my throat at the slightest provocation. Maybe if you weren't so defensive all the time, we could actually have a civil conversation and not ruin the fucking weekend for everybody."
You went to cover your body once again. "What do you fucking suggest then? Considering you cannot stand to call me out on something every two seconds?"
"Me?" he scoffed. "You're the one that seems to shutter in complete disgust every time I'm within breathing distance of you."
The retort was there, right on the tip of your tongue, ready to be unleashed on the world. That he said the same about you first, behind your back, no unless. It hung on your bated breath, waiting for the first word to be spoken, but something tethered you remain silent.
You couldn't admit that you knew, not know. You couldn't confront him about it either. He had proven here, and many times before, that the fault solely rested within you. And if you confronted it, that meant dredging up all the pain you meticulously buried under your disdain.
Admitting the real reason behind your spite, acknowledging the hurt he had caused, felt like giving him power over you, and that was the last thing you wanted.
You were going to back out before you said something you might regret.
"Okay, how about this? " You stated, holding your hands up in front of you, equal width apart. "This is you, and this is me. And this," you exaggerated, moving one of your hands into the center of the imaginary space you created, "is the boundary. We do not cross the boundary. We do not talk unless necessary, and we don't get into each other's way but to pass off the fucking compass to one another."
Jake scoffed. "You can't expect me to believe that is going to work?"
You dropped your hands to your hips. "Well, Mr. Smart Ass, have any other ideas that don't involve ruining Nat and Bradley's week?"
"I'm not that fucking heartless, Midge!" Jake retorted, his voice rising. "I'm not going to ruin it for them, but I won't tiptoe around you either. Whatever your problem is with me, it's yours to figure out on your own. Until then, put your selfish feelings and attitude aside and let them be happy!"
Something hit you square in the chest with his words. Your eyes began to sting, the sensation warning you of the impending overflow of unforgivable tears, and you tried to covertly blink them away. Everything was converging into a single, painful point in your chest, your mind now racing past every insecurity, every moment that had been magnified by Jake's previous words the night you met him - now being echoed yet again.
It was a raw exposure you hadn't anticipated, nor one you were prepared for.
"I'm not being selfish." You tried to hide the hurt from your voice. "But I guess that's a little too much to ask from someone like you."
Jake clenched his jaw. "Fine," he shouted, throwing up his hands. "You stay out of my way, and I'll stay out of yours!"
You stomped off with a shaky breath towards the shoreline, trying to ignore the tremor in your hands or how your stomach was flipping inside out, falsely warning you of some unknown danger or threat. Jake stormed off at the same time as you, stones crunching under his boots, and you had to force yourself from turning back to watch him leave.
Instead, you stepped into the water, the cool temperature shocking your system, but you pushed on, stepping forward until your waist was level with the lake.
Wading deeper into the water, you try to cast him from your mind. The lake water enveloped you, the cold water soothing on your skin and joints. You tried to pay no mind to Jake as you heard him cast his line off down the shoreline, letting your hands glide along the water's surface instead. You watched how the ripples cascaded out, surrounding your hand, and you found the motion soothing.
You suddenly sprung forward, diving under before you kicked yourself up into a dead man’s float, trying to push every single intrusive thought from your mind. Slowly treading the water with your hands, you let the silence flood your ears.
It wasn't an impossible task. You could do this: ignore him for the entire week and get away without interacting with him unless absolutely necessary. You could stay back with Bob and Grace or Cora and Mickey while he did whatever with the rest of them. You would let Nat have her moment to celebrate with her friends when Bradley did decide to pop the question, and you would smile and hug and toast to whatever came of it.
In some ways, you already had been. Because if staying at the back of the pack, away from Jake and out of everyone's hair, was the one thing you could do to make this experience the happiest for her, for them, you would do it.
So it was at that moment you decided Jake fucking Seresin was not going to have any opportunities to drive that fucking wedge any deeper than it already was.
But if a bear did decide to show up, you knew just exactly who you were tripping first.
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Tagging a few people from the tag list form! Let me know if you want to be tagged! Or if you're interested in being tagged in fics now or in the future, Click here.
@desert-fern @sarahsmi13s @teacupsandtopgun @fanficfandomlove @dakotakazansky @startrekfangirl2233 @hookslove1592 @dizzybee03 @kmc1989 @lynnevanss @dempy
@shanimallina87 @wildxwidow @keyrani @atarmychick007 @buckysteveloki-me
@stargazer-88 @tinytotontheoversizedpony @alldaysdreamers @The-dark-and-the-mystery
@formulafun @djs8891
Part 2: Abracadabra - Coming soon!
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📜 📜📜
Five facts about my favourite OC(s):
Fox (Dystopian Story) - Was brought up by her father and his best friend; Thinks outside of the box most of the time, even when people try to encourage her to think inside it; Overcomes her fears when it will help others - seriously, her growth with that is one of my favourite things to write for; Loves art, particularly sketching; She’s left-handed, and is stubborn with sticking to this rather than being a little more right-handed because it’s easier for others.
Alia (Magical Entrepreneur Story) - Started looking into magic because she was bored one day; Little but feisty - especially if someone insults her friends, then they are in for a world of payback; Only admitted to Freddy about her peanut allergy because she was having an attack, and it was Carolyn who explained how she is with it all; Has a soft spot for Marty even if she doesn’t really realise this easily; Hates parties, Alia would prefer to sit in and read than put herself through one of those.
Sylvester (Countdown Story) – Is a massive science nerd, like anything to do with science and he’s researching it just because; Watches the news in the mornings much to the teasing of his friends who think he’s already old before his time; Over time he has learnt to kind of ignore Countdowns over people’s heads – like how your brain forgets your nose is there; He and Brooke are basically attached at the hip, and he is just as protective of her as she is of him, his is just a little more subtle; Isn’t actually a massive fan of the theatre, but has been to so many things because of his little sister, Annie-Mae, and wanting to support her.
Four things I’m most excited to write for:
Alia working with her father on a magical case (Magical Entrepreneur Story); Sophia and Mathias (Superpowers Story) having their first official canon date; Emmie (Vampires Story) first meeting the vampires that are going to be in her life; Rina and Clyde (Magical Crime Story) discussing all the weird things that have been going on in the school.
Pretty much anything for Fox and co. (Dystopian Story); Chelle and Smokes’s (Pirates Story) first meeting; Marie and River (Soul Collection Story) just anything where those two interact while the tensions are there between them; More for Bennett and Dalton (Vampires Story).
Robbo and Izzy’s first date (Superpowers Story); Extra scenes for Willow and Mungo (Superheroes Story); Cammie and Seph dealing with the maze killer (Haunted Maze Story); More for Jamie-Leigh, Tony and David (Demons Story).
Three OTPs and why:
Collie and Badger (Dystopian Story) because they’re opposites in many ways but my gosh do they end up falling hard for each other; Sophia and Mathias (Superpowers Story) because they challenge each other to be better, and remind the other that the darkness in them isn’t the thing that defines them; Willow and Mungo (Superheroes Story), and I don’t really know why but I’ve been thinking about them a lot recently and I love them.
Robbo and Izzy (Superpowers Story), yeah it’s a little Romeo & Juliet without the heartbreak of the end, but their dynamic is one of my favourites; Ronan and Layton (Experiment Story), there’s something really wholesome about their domestic life in my eyes, and I don’t know what it is, but I love it; Arabella and Markus (Multiple Worlds Story), because they’re opposites in personality and manage to balance each other out in a really nice way.
Chelle and Smokes (Pirates Story), because the sarcasm that they use in the beginning is hilarious to me, and the slow burn of them falling for each other is something I’m excited to work on; Charlie and Bea (Zombie Story), because even with the world falling apart around them, they help keep each other – and their friends – slightly more cheerful; Atlas and Amelia (Dystopian Story), because they’re two of the best adults in that world, and their relationship is one that always brings a smile to my face.
Two fic authors I adore and their OCs:
heirsoflilith - All of the main cast, but I think Llwelyn might have stolen my heart a little tiny bit more; scienceoftheidiot - Desden is one of my favourites.
I can’t remember names, but fiercefray had some original story ideas with really intriguing characters in them; I always really enjoy learning more about codenamekryptonite’s Wynter.
I can’t remember names of characters, but richitozier had a brilliant piece with engaging characters that was based around a bridge; I also couldn’t really do these without talking about heirsoflilith’s Kay as well.
One WIP paragraph:
From Murder Mystery Story: The rest of the evening past in something of a fugue state for Dom. He didn’t remember much of the party. Didn’t remember his father arriving, or the fact the whole party seemed to have sobered up to some degree, just to answer questions. He heard his name floating about, but didn’t really tune into any of it. He could guess where the fingers were pointing, knew that Andrew would ask him about it all in time. But he was questioned by some desk sergeant and gave his statement.
From Countdown Story: I’d sorted out the spare bed in my room when Brooke showered. It still astounded me that she preferred sharing a room when at home she slept in with the twins, constantly checking up on the three year olds. But tonight I was more than grateful for it. It made talking to her easier, especially in the darkness. Her Countdown still gave off a faint glow, reminding me that it was there. Her number always tugged at my heart, but I tried not to think about it. One day we’d find a way to change it.
From Experiment Story: Zee watched as Ronan headed into the fuzziness, as he allowed it to consume him without so much as a flicker of doubt about him. She watched as he disappeared, lost to an abyss she wasn’t yet ready to follow him through. His words of warning still rang in her ears, her own disbelief threatening to send her back home, to forget about the sentence that he’d hung over their heads.
0 notes
indiantiquest · 2 years
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. . Ram Janma - Lord Ram was born on a Navami Tithi during Shukla Paksha of Chaitra month, during Treta Yug, Madhyahna kaal to King Dashratha of Ayodhya, Ram is considered to be the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Every year millions of devotees take a holy dip into river Sarayu and visit Rama temple to participate in his birthday celebrations...Today is the day, Ram Navami wishes to everyone . . INDIANTIQUEST ® : On a 🧭Quest to Curate 'Objects through Time'⏳,with Clean History📜 & Untold Story . GST Regd, MSME Regd, Regd TM , IEC Certified . . IAQ Logo & Tradename INDIANTIQUEST ®️ are the registered ™️ of Indian Antique Quest All the Images with the IAQ logo watermark is our ©️ copyright All rights reserved . . #indiantiquest #antiquestore #antiqueshop #antiques #antiqueart #myantiquestory #antiquesforsale #vintagevignettes #ram #artifacts #vintagedecor #indianantiques #curiocollection #interiorstyling ##lakshan #ramayan #dasaratha #auction #yardsale #maharaj #ramjanma #vintagehomedecor #bhoomi #oldworld #antiquedecor #interiordecor (at Indian Antique Quest) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci9r9ShAIg-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ariadne-mouse · 3 years
First Lines Meme
Thanks for the tag @saturdaysky! This looks like a fun one. I'll pass an open tag onto anyone who would also like to do it! Also, Sky, I like your emoji formatting so I am affectionately yoinking it <3
Rules: List the first lines of the last ten (10) stories you published.   Look to see any patterns you notice yourself, and see if anyone else notices any. Then tag some friends.
Observations: I tend to start with dialogue to drop the reader into a scene right away, or with more slow-build narration from the POV character that establishes a mood or perspective they have that is important to the story.
1. 🔥 the fire kept closest (burns most of all) (Caleb/Essek, rated M)
“Essek!  You’re smoking hot!”
The shout came from behind him in Jester’s familiar catcall.
“Yes, thank you, I am aware!” he yelled back flatly, concentrating fully on the swing of his rock hammer into a breakout bubble of lava.
2. 🌅 path of the traveled sun (Verin & Essek, Caleb/Essek)
Verin isn’t sure he’ll ever get used to seeing his brother wear a genuine smile.
He’s watched Essek don the political mask of the Shadowhand for so long - that slightly eerie, pleasant grin - that he’s half begun to believe it had changed the man underneath, and become him. But since accepting a party invitation to the tropical island of Rumblecusp, of all places, Verin has seen his brother smile widely and laugh freely for the first time in decades.  Maybe a century.
3. 👻 ghost is a verb (Jourrael & EXU party)
This new, transformed Exandria is strange.
Jourrael has inhabited it for a while now, and still it seems soft.  Stunted.  False.  Her memories are of battles that blotted out the sky and rivers tinted pink by blood, to which she contributed her fair share.  The conflicts of the kingdoms that have sprung up in the thousand years since then are petty and small.
4. 😈 a weird soup (Caleb/Essek)
“Cooking is merely a branch of alchemy,” Essek told himself, hands on his hips as he surveyed a countertop full of supplies. “How hard can it be?”
5. 📜 desired qualifications (Beau & Essek, Caleb/Essek)
“Hey. Essek.”
Beau was draped halfway over the back of the couch, balancing her full wine glass with preternatural grace. Yasha had twisted in her seat and leaned her cheek against Beau’s hip, joining her in staring at him.
6. 🌸 strewed flowers upon the barren way (Caleb/Essek)
The Zemnian orchard is in full spring bloom.
Each tree is like a dawn cloud that drifted to earth, fluffy swaths of blossoms in pale cream, parchment white, flushing pinks.  The branches are gnarled crowns of carefully-pruned old growth, with willow-thin spires of last year’s exuberance shooting out from the top, left to flourish.
It takes precise cuts over a long time to create that shape.  Someone loves this orchard.
7. ❄ that sadness of mine that you know (Caleb/Essek)
Ice crystals formed in Caleb’s beard as he counted under his breath: eins, zwei, drei, vier...
Counting was a comforting activity to Caleb.  He counted his possessions when he needed to settle his head, taking stock of each item and its condition so that he would have accurate information about them at any given moment.  Over time, without really meaning to, he’d begun to do the same thing with his friends.  Were they all there?  All safe?  All well?
8. ⏳ multitudinous echoes awoke and died in the distance (Caleb/Essek)
Caleb opens his eyes and finds he is on a battlefield.
9. 🥂 as the dawn kisses the horizon (Caleb/Essek)
“Mama, are you sure you want to spend the Eve of New Dawn with us?  Isn’t it like, a big romantic evening for your clients?  I bet they all want to kiss you at midnight.”  Jester held her mother's hands, looking up at her imploringly.
Marion Lavorre laughed, the sound filling her sitting room like so many bells.
10. 🍷 the lying game (Lucien/Astrid)
Lucien supposed that Rexxentrum could be considered a rather attractive city, if one was in the right mindset.  The buildings were tall, angular, and imposing, with intricate carvings tucked like secrets into the eaves and door frames.  Built to withstand biting winters.  A hardy home for hardy people.
Currently, Lucien was most interested in Rexxentrum’s hardy wine.
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riveramorylunar · 2 years
Who Were They?
Pairings: Dean Lady Lesso x Student Reader
Warnings ⚠️: past teacher x student relationship, height difference, age difference (legal age gap), blood magic, burn marking, forbidden love, mentions of death, blood & running away
Pet Names/Nicknames: Darling, Little Raven, Gorgeous, Handsome & Leo
Word Count: 3,315
A/N: Italics is the past
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"Who were they" a student had asked as he looked at a statue with two women which was next to two gravestones. The Dean of Evil and the Dean of Good stopped and turned around to see their students looking up at the statue. "Leonora Lesso the former Dean of Evil and Y/N Y/L/N a student of the school of Evil" Dovey said as she looked up at the statue. "What happened to them" another student said. "They were executed for falling in love with each other which is Forbidden" The Dean of Evil said. Dovey looked away frowning because she knew something no one else did.
10 years ago
"Miss Y/L/N get your head out of the gutters and pay attention" someone shouted startling Y/N out of her daydreaming. She looked up to see Professor Bilious looking at her. "Why don't you mind your damn business old man" Y/N sneered back and the class ohh'd making the Professor angry. "To the Dean's office immediately" he shouted and Y/N rolled her eyes before standing up. She grabbed the bowl she was using and smashed it onto the ground causing the liquid to splash everywhere. As she walked out she heard Professor Bilious screaming causing her to smirk.
Y/N was walking down the halls when she bumped into one of the guards. "Oh hiya Wolfie" Y/N said causing the wolf to growl lowly. "I told you to stop calling me that" the wolf guard said causing Y/N to smirk. "Would you rather me call you pup or better yet puppy" she said causing the wolf to huff before walking away. "See you later Wolfie" Y/N shouted before giggling as she continued her way towards the Dean's office.
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She knocked on the Dean's office and waited for a couple seconds until the door swung open. "You better have a good explanation on why you're disturbing me" the Dean said before looking down to see Y/N standing there smirking. "I don't think I need an explanation as to why I'm here" she said causing the Dean to roll her eyes before stepping aside. "Thank you" Y/N said before walking into the office.
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"Your office is nice" Y/N said before she heard the door close behind her. "You say that every time you come here it's starting to get annoying" Lesso said causing Y/N to giggle. "Well it is" Y/N said turning around to see that Lesso was in front of her towering over her. Y/N just looked up at Lesso while smiling. Lesso grabbed Y/N by the jaw and walked her back until she was pinned against the desk. "Tell me why you're here this time. Did you set something on fire again" Lesso said humming causing Y/N to smirk. "I wasn't paying attention in Professor Bilious's class because I was thinking about you kissing me" Y/N admitted causing Lesso to smirk before leaning towards Y/N. "Oh darling you get distracted so easily" Lesso said before kissing Y/N on the lips. Lesso pulled away before going down to Y/N's neck and kissing it. "Can you blame me you're fucking hot I don't know how people can't be distracted by you" Y/N said causing Lesso to chuckle before pulling away. "Well we can't leave you unmarked darling or they'll start getting suspicious" Leonora said causing Y/N to roll her eyes. Leonora grabbed Y/N by the arm before dragging her towards the doom room.
When they got there Leonora shoved Y/N into the chair causing Y/N to grunt. "What was that for" Y/N huffed out causing Leonora to chuckle. Y/N watched as Leonora took off her trenchcoat before walking around.
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"So what are you going to use on me this time Leo" Y/N said before smirking making Leonora turn around and smirk back. "Oh darling we are going to do something different this time" Leonora said causing Y/N to stiffen up a little as she watched Leonora walk up to her. Leonora grabbed Y/N's head and tilted it to the side before putting her pointer finger on Y/N's neck. She traced her pointer finger down Y/N's neck in a weird shape before pulling away. She watched as fire appeared on Y/N's neck tracing the shape causing Y/N to scream out. The scream echoed throughout the whole school causing all the students and teachers to stop what they were doing. Leonora covered Y/N's mouth and rested her forehead against Y/N's. Once the fire was done Y/N let go of Leonora's arm which now had crescent indents.
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"I'm sorry Little Raven" Leonora said as she removed her hand from Y/N's mouth. Y/N sighed and smiled. "It's alright Leo I'm okay" Y/N said before pulling Leonora down into a kiss.
Y/N left the doom room as she felt Leonora's eyes on her. She went to her room and saw Hester sitting on her bed. "Hester what are you doing here" Y/N said causing Hester to stand up. "I heard you scream I think even the school for good did to" Hester said before smirking causing the both of them to laugh. "So what did she do this time" Hester said and Y/N showed Hester the mark. "That mark is sick I like it" Hester said before they high fived each other while smirking.
They arrived at the school for good because they were getting their glowing finger today. Y/N was at the back of the line with her hands shoved into her pockets. When it was her turn she held her pointer finger out towards Leonora while smirking causing Leonora to raise her eyebrow. She stabbed Y/N's finger quickly before winking making Y/N smirk again. Y/N walked away holding her finger up as she headed to the dining room. "Hello Wolfie" Y/N said and the wolf looked down before groaning. "What do you want now" the wolf said as Y/N and Hester looked at each other. "We want to scare the little royals if you're up for it" Y/N said causing the wolf's eyes to gleam before he smirked. "Alright I can get behind that, what do you want me to do" the wolf said and Y/N told the wolf the plan.
Y/N had made the wolf look like a zombie wolf with damaged armor. Hester and Y/N watched as the wolf walked towards the evers, dragging one of his feet behind him. They watched as the wolf slammed his hands against one of the tables causing the evers to jump and scream loudly causing all the Nevers to laugh. The wolf leaned forward towards Beatrix and she leaned back terrified. "Alright that's enough" Professor Dovey shouted getting everyone's attention. Leonora just smirked before looking at Y/N who was giggling with Hester. The wolf walked back over towards the two of them and High fived each other. "Alright I have to admit you're pretty fun" the wolf said before patting Y/N's head.
"MISS Y/L/N" Y/N heard Leonora shout and she looked over to the other side of the dining room. Y/N just smiled before waving causing Leonora to grip her cane. "You did this" Y/N heard Beatrix shout and she looked over to see her walking up to them. "Looks like little miss princess is mad" Hester said and Y/N snorted before covering her mouth causing Hester to laugh. "You did this" she hissed out and Y/N looked down to see food all over her clothes. Y/N just laughed and Beatrix clenched her jaw. "Uh oh princess is getting even more mad" Hester said and before Y/N knew it she was shoved backwards.
Y/N clenched her hands tightly and started breathing heavily. Beatrix's eyes widened as she started walking backwards as Y/N shifted into a melanistic tiger.
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"What the hell" Beatrix said as she stared at the tiger who was Y/N. "Oh you messed up big time princess" Hester said before laughing. "LESSO CONTROL YOUR STUDENT" Dovey shouted at Lesso who was just watching in amusement. "Lesso" Dovey warned and Leonora sighed before walking towards the three. "Y/N stand down" Leonora said and the tiger looked up at Leonora. The tiger growled at Beatrix before turning back into Y/N. "You're no fun" Y/N said looking at Leonora who had a unreadable expression on her face. Y/N just rolled her eyes before walking over to an empty table and sitting down. Dovey walked over and looked between the two of them. "Lesso you need to get your girlfriend under control before she kills someone before graduation" Dovey whispered to Leonora who huffed. "Fine" Leonora said as she looked at Dovey who smiled. Lesso looked back at Y/N who was talking to Hester. "Maybe not right this minute" Leonora said causing Dovey to scoff before rolling her eyes. "You're impossible" she whispered before storming off.
Leonora looked back over at Y/N to see her making fun of Beatrix while some of the Nevers laughed. Leonora shook her head before walking towards the teachers table and sitting down next to Dovey.
"Wolfie" Y/N shouted and the wolf walked over looking down at Y/N. "Give this to Lady Lesso for me will you" Y/N said holding a small bag of something. The wolf nodded as Y/N dropped the black bag into the wolf's paw. Y/N watched as the wolf walked over handing the bag to Leonora before walking off. Y/N watched as Leonora opened it before smirking.
Leonora looked up to see Y/N smirking causing her to shake her head as she took a mouse that had something tied around its neck. She took the thing off the mouse's neck before setting the mouse down onto the table. Leonora unfolded the peace of paper and growled when she saw what was on it. Leonora balled it up before setting it a blaze in her hand. Leonora looked at Y/N angrily causing Y/N to giggle before looking away. On the paper it showed a middle finger. "She is so going to regret that" Leonora growled out getting Dovey's attention.
"So what did you send your girlfriend she looks angry" Y/N heard Hester say. Y/N picked her mouse up and set him on the table. "Just a middle finger is all" Y/N said making Hester start laughing causing Y/N to smirk. "Oh you're in big trouble" Hester said causing Y/N to giggle.
9 years ago
"LESSO" Y/N shouted as she stormed into the Dean's office but stopped. The girl that was running after her ran smack into her causing her to growl out. She looked between Dovey and Lesso before huffing. "What's the matter Y/N" Lesso said and Y/N narrowed her eyes before grabbing the girl that was behind her and shoving her in. "This pesky Never keeps following me around and it's getting annoying" Y/N growled out as the blonde haired girl fell onto the ground."I'll leave you to it" Dovey said as she smiled softly before leaving the room. The door shut behind Y/N as she folded her arms. "And what do you want me to do about it" Lesso said as she raised an eyebrow while she stood up from her chair. "Anything I just want this girl off my back" Y/N huffed out as Lesso walked up to the two of them. Lesso walked past the girl who was now sitting on the ground. Lesso stopped right in front of Y/N before grabbing Y/N's jaw. Y/N looked up at Lesso as her nails dug into her cheeks. "And why haven't you done anything about it" Lesso said and Y/N just smirked. "Because it's much more fun and hotter when you do it" Y/N whispered out causing a wicked smirk to form on the Dean's lips.
Lesso leaned in before whispering something into Y/N's ear causing her to shiver.Lesso pulled away before turning to the girl that was still on the floor. "Why are you following her around" Lesso said and the girl gulped before standing up. "Well uh I just find Y/N interesting and I'm new here so" the blonde haired girl said and Lesso looked back at Y/N who rolled her eyes. Lesso looked back at the girl to see her brushing off her clothes. "God she even acts like an Ever dirt's not gonna hurt you blondey" Y/N growled out and the girl glared at her. "Alright that's enough you stop following her around" Lesso said pointing to the blonde girl who rolled her eyes before huffing. "You can go now" she said and the girl's eyes widened in shock. "Aren't you going to say anything to this two eyed colored freak" the blonde spat out and Y/N froze in place. Lesso slammed the girl against the wall harshly before grabbing her by the jaw. She dug her nails painfully into the girl's cheek causing her to whimper. "Don't you ever say that again do you understand me" Lesso growled out and the girl nodded. "Y-yes I understand L-lady Lesso" she stuttered out. "Get out of here" Lesso spat out before letting go of the girl. She watched her leave as she slammed the door shut behind her.
Lesso looked over at Y/N to see her still frozen in place making her frown. She walked over and stood in front of Y/N before cupping her cheek's. "Little Raven don't let those girl's words get to you, you have the most beautiful and enchanting eyes I have ever seen" Lesso said and Y/N looked up at her with tear filled eyes. "R-really or are you just saying that because I'm your girlfriend" Y/N stuttered out and Lesso wrapped her arms around Y/N's head and pulled her in. "Yes and no, you're the most beautiful person I have ever laid my eyes on and I'm not saying that because you're my girlfriend I'm saying it because it's true" Lesso whispered against the top of Y/N's head. "And I guarantee other people think that two like your friends" Lesso continued and she felt arms wrap around her. "Thank you Leo" Y/N muttered out and Lesso kissed the top of Y/N's head.
Next Day
Lesso and Y/N were called to the Headmaster's office the next day. They both made their way towards the Headmaster's office but before they could reach the single tower they were both knocked out. When they woke up their heads were pounding. "Oh thank God you two are alive I thought I hit you too hard" someone exclaimed making the two look up to see Professor Dovey and Hester standing there with a couple wolf guards. "What's going on" Y/N was the first to speak before she looked around to see she was in the good castle. "This is gonna be hard to say but you're gonna be executed well your clones are" Hester said and the two immediately looked at her. "What, what the hell are you talking about" Lesso said as she stood up staggering a little bit before clutching the back of her head. "When I was on my way back to the evil castle I saw a blonde haired girl making her way towards the Headmaster's tower, so I followed her and I heard the headmaster and the girl talking" Hester said and Y/N slowly stood up as her fists balled up. "That bitch" Y/N growled out. "They talked about how it was forbidden for a Dean and Student to have a relationship and planned on executing both of you in front of everyone" Hester continued and Y/N felt uneasy. Lesso looked over at Y/N and frowned before pulling her close. "When is it happening" Lesso asked the two that were standing in front of them. "Right now" Clarissa said as she looked out the window. They were all up in the highest room in the good castle.
"We can't possibly run away this is our home" Y/N shouted after Clarissa said that they had to disappear. "Y/N you have to understand you're technically dead well your clones are and if the others saw you they would know what happened" Clarissa said as she took a step towards Y/N but she backed away. "N-no I can't leave this place means everything to me, it holds so many memories I can't just leave" she said as tears started falling down her face. "Y/N Professor Dovey is right you have to leave" Hester said as her voice cracked a bit. Y/N was about to collapse to the ground but Lesso caught her. Y/N started crying as the two sat down on the ground. "I hate to tell you this Darling but the two of them are right" Lesso muttered out and Y/N cried more. The three never ever saw Y/N cry no one did she was always the tough Never. "We'll go pack your things well the wolf guards will I'll show you where you'll be living for now on" Clarissa said after a couple minutes. Lesso silently stood up before helping Y/N up.
Present Time
After the kids had gone back to their schools and went to bed, Dovey used her magic to turn into a dove before flying off. After a while of flying she landed in the grass next to a lake house. "AUNT DOVEY" someone shouted and she looked up to see a girl running up to her. The girl jumped into Dovey's arms causing the woman to laugh. "Hello Annalise" Dovey said before smiling as she rested the 6 year old on her hip.
"ANNALISE DON'T RUN OFF LIKE THAT" someone shouted getting Dovey's attention. She saw Y/N running out of the lake house causing her to smile.
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"Hello Y/N dear" Dovey said as Y/N stopped in front of her. "Hello Dovey" Y/N said before smiling. Leonora came out holding a 1 year old boy while holding a 3 year old girls hand. Following her were two twins at the age of 9 and they were both boys. "Oh good lord you two" Clarissa said causing Leonora to smirk while Y/N rolled her eyes. "Hello Auntie" Seymour one of the twins said. "Hello Seymour and Axel" Clarissa said putting Annalise down. "So who are these two" Clarissa said kneeling down to the girls level. The girl hid behind her mother. "This is Eleanore and the boy is Blade" Y/N said grabbing the one year old from Leonora's arm. Blade clung to Y/N tightly hiding his face. Annalise, Seymour and Axel had Y/N's hair while having a purple and green eye. Eleanore and Blade have Leonora's red hair and green eyes looking exactly like Leonora. "I'm hoping for one more" Leonora said before smirking causing Y/N to smack her arm. Clarissa just chuckled before standing back up.
They heard squawking making them all look up to see a raven flying down before transforming into Hester. "AUNT HESTER" Eleanore shouted running to the black haired girl. Hester picked Eleanore up before hugging her tightly. "How's my little never doing" Hester said causing Eleanore to squeal. "Evil as ever Aunt Hester" Eleanore giggled out causing Hester to smirk. "That's my girl" Hester said. Y/N and Lesso looked at each other before smiling. They truly loved their little family and they couldn't be any happier.
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A/N: This has been in my drafts since November and I finally had motivation to finish it!!!!
I hope you guys like it 😊
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joyffree · 2 years
Our Book Picks for the Week of June 19th 💖
💕 Shackled Hearts by T.L. Smith "I don't believe in happily ever Afters. I'm a realist, not a sadist." This series to date is one of my top favorite darker mafia reads Solid storylines that interconnect yet stand alone A balanced blend of dark and light, angst and happiness, snitches and stitches, and let us not forget snark and subservience 😂
🔥 Midnight Sacrifice by C.R. Robertson It is a dual POV and OMG there is so much that happened that I would never have thought. This has all kinds of crimson rivers (torture and bloodshed) Twisty holy crispy cracker reveals that will steal your breath And some hot as Hades smexy moments
👶 Perfectly You by Claudia Y. Burgoa This has all the feels - What do I mean by that? I laughed - I connected - I got angry - I laughed some more - I worried I fell in love
📜 Binding Contract by Amelia Wilde A beautiful ending that honors both their journeys Quite possibly the best trilogy to date in this universe This is the final book in Mason and Charlotte's story. It was an emotionally charged read.
🧛 The Vampire's Curse by Valerie Twombly She’s fated to break his curse. He’s destined to kill her. What a fabulous to start to the series Sonia was truly a force to be reckoned with - I enjoyed how she was not going to give up. Andrei was such a gentleman - His old-world grace kind of mixed with modern trends.
🧝 Quinn's Gambit by Bellora Quinn Things go upside down and sideways. I could spend paragraphs outlining all that happens but a quick summary is what I have - I don't want to spoil anything! This is a fast-paced urban fantasy romance that has A great cast - instantly love or loathe them A solid storyline that engages and entertains and the sweetest MM romance
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A family connection to a legendary cowgirl sent the author on an exhaustive research roundup
#nonfictionbooks✏️ 📜 🐴 📈 📖
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Award-winning author and historian Diana Allen Kouris grew up a cowgirl along the famed Outlaw Trail in the region where Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah converge.  Decades of research and writing have rendered Kouris an authority on the spellbinding history of the area.  She’s authored three nonfiction books including “The Romantic and Notorious History of Brown’s Park,” “Riding the Edge of An Era: Growing Up Cowboy on the Outlaw Trail,” and “Nighthawk Rising: A Biography of Accused Cattle Rustler Queen Ann Bassett of Brown’s Park.” Kouris is the 2020 recipient of the Spur Award from Western Writers of America for Best Western Biography. 
The following is an interview with Diana Allen Kouris.
Each week, The Colorado Sun and Colorado Humanities & Center For The Book feature an excerpt from a Colorado book and an interview with the author. Explore the SunLit archives at coloradosun.com/sunlit.
What inspired you to write this book? 
Aspirations to research and write the life story of Queen Ann Bassett, and of those who wove the fabric of her life, likely began early in my childhood.  I grew up absorbing the enchantment of the valley of Brown’s Park, while it and its history encircled me and my cattle ranching family.  My mother’s voice swept me into the past, time and again, as she recounted stories about our legendary home.  Those moments led to my commitment to be a nonfiction writer.
The actual inspiration for this book arrived the morning that Queen Ann’s whispers urged me to write her story.  The moment in time had come for me to devote all I could muster to seek out and write her truth.  I knew that much of what had been written about her was not based in fact, and that it did not mesh with the Queen Ann who became my grandmother’s friend when both women were in their 20s. The parodies of Ann didn’t resemble the gracious cattlewoman my elderly uncle said he loved and admired from the time he first saw her when he was 5-years-old.  After doing years of research, I’m convinced that embellished accounts can’t compare to the real life story of Queen Ann Bassett.
Place this excerpt in context.  How does it fit into the book as a whole and why did you select it?
Taken from Chapter Sixteen, “Becoming Queen Ann,” this excerpt portrays a detailed description of Ann, no longer a child but grown into a beautiful young woman, in love, and with a future innocently planned.  She was, however, living in dangerous times.  Eerily foreboding, the text reveals that the toxic brew of range war was upon her, and it foreshadows a shattering of her life. 
Tell us about creating this book; any research and travel you might have done.  Any other influences on which you drew?
This book required a tremendous amount of research and an exhaustive effort to gather, sort, organize, absorb, and write.  Research came from a multitude of sources.  Some of those include Ann’s writings, university collections, museum collections, old newspapers, census records, family records and write-ups, oral histories, letters, state and federal documents, legal papers, military records, interviews, court documents, and legal testimonies.  I sought out new research and photos even as I was writing chapters.  My husband Mike assisted me with every aspect of the research. Although we did a fair amount of travel, we were thankful that many documents and historical newspapers are accessible online.
I had a unique perspective while writing Queen Ann’s story, not only because of my family’s connection, but because she and I both received the rare providence of being the daughters of Brown’s Park cattle ranchers. My family’s ranch house sat just across the river from the meadow on Willow Creek where Ann was born.  Although our ages were seven decades apart, Queen Ann and I rode the same trails and breathed the same ancient fragrances when we worked cattle on the range.  At dusk, after long days in the saddle, we were both escorted home by the grace of nighthawks flying overhead as they fed upon the insects stirred into the twilight by the rhythmic beat of horse hooves.  I wrote about Queen Ann’s surroundings with personal knowledge.
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What were the biggest challenges you faced, or surprises you encountered in completing this book?
The volume of research was beyond daunting, as was the challenge to transform it into a manuscript worthy of becoming a book of historical significance.  One principal surprise was the discovery of extraordinary government documents concerning the Meeker Massacre. Direct testimony given by three white women soon after they had been held captive enabled me to share their harrowing accounts of the massacre and of their captivity, for the first time and with vivid and intimate detail.
I discovered and laid out new truths about the men Isam Dart and Mat Rash, long maligned as common cattle rustlers, and the terrorism stock detective and assassin Tom Horn inflicted on them both.  These revelations are a major part of Queen Ann’s story.
The Museum of Northwest Colorado in Craig provided a wealth of archived research and many rare photographs. Director Dan Davidson was enthusiastic and tireless with his assistance and knowledge.  Incredibly, more than once, brand new and significant research, destined to be included in my manuscript found its way to the museum and then to me.  I was astonished that these things, almost always, arrived at the precise time I needed them.  It was, for me, a mystical and humbling experience.
Walk us through your writing process: Where and when do you write? What time of day?  Do you listen to music, need quiet?
Writing the lives of those who came before is an awesome responsibility, and I take it most seriously.  There is a factual history to be told, but there is also an emotional history to be revealed.  I came to know Queen Ann and the other history-makers around her.  Occasionally I smiled; other times I cried. 
When I write, sometimes with the magical inspiration of music, I always feel an innermost connection with not only those I’m writing about, but also with those who will one day read the words that I write.  Even when I’m overcome by the pursuit of perfecting a phrase, a page, a chapter, I never lose my sense of the reader.
What is your next project? 
There is so much history waiting to be written.  My next challenge is to update my first book, “The Romantic and Notorious History of Brown’s Park,” published in 1988.  I have many new stories to add.  Perhaps I will be moved to write a fourth book.  I’m not sure.  I will continue to give talks about Colorado history and the life journey of Queen Ann Bassett chronicled in “Nighthawk Rising.”
— Buy “Nighthawk Rising” from BookBar. — Read an excerpt from “Nighthawk Rising.”
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Beautiful, self-confident and hot tempered, “Queen” Ann Bassett stood up to Colorado’s powerful ranchers
A family connection to a legendary cowgirl sent the author on an exhaustive research roundup
Denver Public Schools taking the plunge as districts plan to get kids back in the classroom
Denver “proactively” removes Kit Carson statue from downtown monument ahead of protests
Colorado Springs will shut down its two coal-fired plants by 2030. Now it’s time for Xcel to do the same, environmentalists say.
from https://ift.tt/2A6iLOi https://ift.tt/3g4qnAh
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riveramorylunar · 2 years
Hot Detectives
Pairings: Emily Prentiss x Jennifer Jareau, Emily Prentiss x Reader, Jennifer Jareau x Reader & Emily Prentiss x Reader x Jennifer Jareau
Warnings ⚠️: Alcohol Consumption, guns, tiredness, bruises, cuts, slight blood, flirting, teasing, age difference & height difference
Pet Names/Nicknames: Sweetheart, Princess, Em & JJ
Word Count: 1,534
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It was a busy night at the local bar. Men and women who just finished up their jobs for the week came piling in when it hit after 4:30pm. Some men and women were wearing expensive suits while others just wore casual clothes. Y/N started her first day on Wednesday and the customers absolutely loved her. She had just turned 19 a week before she became a bartender. She was nice to all of the customers occasionally scolding some of the drunk men and women when they got too drunk, telling them to take an Uber and go home. They listened to her of course. Although she looked sweet she was sometimes scary.
"Hey Y/N" a man said as he slid onto one of the bar stools. "Oh hey Greg you want your usual" Y/N asked and the man nodded before taking his wallet out already. He took out a couple hundred dollars and placed them on the bar top. "Rough day I'm assuming" Y/N questioned as she filled one of the bear glasses with beer. "Yeah everyone there are complete idiots and they don't know how to do their jobs, I had one guy jam the fucking copying machine" he grumbled out as he took a drink of his beer. Y/N chuckled at that before whipping a glass out. "Did they get it fixed" she asked and Greg set his glass down and sighed before rubbing his forehead. "Unfortunately but it wasn't until after lunch" he said causing Y/N's face to scrunch up.
The bell above the door rang as two women walked in looking tired. They had guns strapped to their hips as they made their way to the bar. They took a seat at the bar and waited for a bartender to come serve them. As they were waiting they heard an angelic laugh making them both look over at the other end of the bar. "Who's that" Emily said causing Jennifer to shrug her shoulders. "I'm beating she's new since we haven't seen her around here before" Jennifer said right before her and the girl locked eyes. The girl smiled softly before walking over and standing in front of the two women. "What can I get for you two" the girl said and Emily rested her arms on the bar top. "Your name would be lovely" she said causing a tint of blush to cover the younger girl's face. "It's uh Y/N" the girl stuttered out making Emily and Jennifer smile. "Pretty name for a pretty girl" Jennifer said and Emily agreed. "Thank you" Y/N said as she set a rag down. "So what can I get you two to drink" Y/N asked the two women. "Scotch please sweetheart" Emily said and Y/N nodded before getting their drinks. She handed the two women their drinks before walking off to attend another customer. "She's a cutie" Jennifer said as she sipped in her scotch. "Yeah she is" Emily said as she sighed heavily resting her head on her hand.
Y/N sighed as she saw a drunk man passed out on one of the booths. She walked over and tapped him on the head causing him to jolt awake. "Huh what's going on" the man said before looking up to see Y/N. "Oh Y/N what are you doing here" he asked causing Y/N to raise an eyebrow. "Uh I work here you're still at the bar big guy" Y/N said causing the man to look around before groaning. The man reached into his back pocket and took out his wallet trying not to drop it. He plucked out a hundred dollar bill before holding it out to Y/N. She snatched it from him before helping him out of the booth. "Can you get home safe" Y/N asked and he nodded before leaving the bar stumbling a little. Y/N just shook her head before hearing a voice behind her. She turned around to see the blonde woman from before standing in front of her now. "Everyone seems to like you did you put a spell on them" Jennifer said causing a faint blush to cross Y/N's face. "No" Y/N said as she started walking back to the bar. "I'm Jennifer by the way" the blonde woman said causing Y/N to look up. "Pretty name" Y/N said as she walked behind the bar. "And this is Emily" Jennifer said as she sat down next to the black haired woman. "It's nice to meet you both" Y/N said as she smiled and the two smiled back.
"You're detectives right" Y/N asked and the two nodded. "How'd you know" Emily said and Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Your guns and badges of course" Y/N said causing the two women to look down at their belts before looking back up. "Right" Jennifer said as Y/N poured two more glasses of Scotch for them. "I'm heading out, have a nice night Y/N" Greg said and Y/N nodded. "You to Greg drive home safe" she said and the man waved before exiting the bar.
It had been a couple weeks since they met each other and Emily and Jennifer came into the bar every single day at the exact same time. Y/N had their drinks ready to go when they walked in and took their usual seats. "Hello Princess" Jennifer said as her and Emily sat down. Y/N blushed at the name while setting the glasses down in front of the two. "Hello Em and JJ" Y/N muttered out as she looked up at the two. Her eyes widened in shock as she saw a couple cuts on their faces and a bruise on Emily's neck. "What happened are you two okay" Y/N said and the two nodded making Y/N frown. "Nothing to worry about sweetheart just a couple cuts and bruises nothing we didn't have before" Emily said and Y/N furrowed her eyebrows. "Doesn't look like nothing you still got some blood on you" Y/N said and Jennifer reached up to her forehead where her cut was to feel dried blood."You didn't even try to clean your cuts did you" Y/N asked and the two looked at each other before shaking their head no. "We didn't want to keep our favorite Bartender waiting so we just came here after we got back" Emily said causing Y/N to blush before she rolled her eyes.
"You don't have to do this we can do it" Jennifer said as the two turned around to face Y/N. "Well I want to" Y/N said as she put the first aid kit on the bar top next to Jennifer. "Are you a nurse as well" Emily said causing Y/N to chuckle. "No my mother was so she taught me a few things" Y/N said as she grabbed some of the stuff to clean up the cuts. She stood right in front of Jennifer and looked up at her. "May I" Y/N asked and Jennifer nodded. Y/N stepped closer and started to clean the deeper cut on Jennifer's forehead. Jennifer winced as she clenched her jaw shut. "Sorry" Y/N said as she pulled back slightly. "It's fine Princess" Jennifer said as she saw Y/N look down at her lips. She smirked slightly and Y/N looked back up before going back to cleaning the wound. Jennifer looked over at Emily and her smirk widened. After Y/N cleaned up Jennifer's cuts she was about to move over to Emily when Jennifer grabbed her and pulled her in. "I can't wait any longer" Jennifer said before she grabbed Y/N's face and pulled her into a kiss. Y/N's eyes widened in shock before she melted into the kiss a couple seconds later. She kissed Jennifer back and the woman hummed before pulling back. She smiled down at Y/N before licking her lips.
"We want to know if you'd like to go on a date with us" Emily said as Y/N cleaned her cuts up. "Isn't it supposed to be a date then kiss" Y/N said causing the two to smirk. "So is that a no then" Emily asked and Y/N rolled her eyes before closing the first aid kit. "I guess I could go on a date with you but I have to see what my schedule is like" Y/N teased causing the two women to roll their eyes as Y/N giggled. "I'd love to go on a date with you two" Y/N said after she stopped giggling. "Perfect" Jennifer said as she grabbed Y/N's hand and pulled her in. Y/N watched as the detective wrote her number on her arm with a pen. "We got to get going but we'll see you soon Princess" she said kissing Y/N's cheek. Emily stood up and kissed Y/N's other cheek before they both left leaving Y/N flustered as she looked down at the phone number on her arm.
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riveramorylunar · 2 years
You're Vampires
Pairings: Alice Cullen x Swan Reader, Rosalie Hale x Swan Reader, Alice Cullen x Swan Reader x Rosalie Hale & Emmett Cullen x Swan Reader(Platonic)
Warnings ⚠️: Vampires, huge age difference, height difference
Pet Names/Nicknames: None
Word Count: 1,722
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Y/N Swan daughter of Charlie Swan and Renee Dwyer. She was two years younger than Bella and was in her Junior year of high school. Bella had already graduated from highschool and left forks with her boyfriend Jacob leaving her single father behind. Y/N had arrived a few days later and she had run up to her father before hugging him tightly. "I missed you so much kiddo" Charlie said as he hugged his youngest daughter. He pulled away and looked down at Y/N to see her hair was dyed a dark purple color and she had a nose piercing. "Well you sure have grown" he said as he ruffled Y/N's hair up. "Come on dad don't do that" Y/N grumbled out as she swatted his hand off before fixing her hair. "Still a grump though I see" he said before picking up Y/N's suitcases and walking into the house. Y/N followed him in and shut the door behind her. "Your room is still the same I hope you don't mind that" Charlie said as the two made their way upstairs. "No I don't mind" Y/N said as they walked to her room. Charlie set the suitcases down before opening Y/N's door. "Y/N walked in and looked around the room.
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"I'll let you settle in then we'll go to the diner alright" Charlie said and Y)N nodded. "Thanks dad" Y/N said as she kissed her father's cheek before shutting the door. She walked over and flopped onto the bed sighing as she rolled onto her back. She looked up at the ceiling before sitting back up. She criss-crossed her legs before looking around the room smiling.
Y/N walked into school the next day looking at her schedule when she heard someone speak to her. "You're Y/N Swan right" a boy said causing Y/N to look up. "Yeah I am" Y/N said and the boy smiled before holding his hand out. "I'm Eric" the boy said and Y/N just smiled. "Well it's nice to meet you" Y/N said and the boy rubbed the back of his neck. "Guessing you don't like contact much" he said and Y/N just stayed silent and went back to looking at her schedule.
It was lunch time now and Y/N was sitting at a table with Eric and his friends when she felt two pairs of eyes on her. She looked up and over her shoulder to see five people sitting at a far table. The two women were looking at Y/N already causing her face to flush before she looked away. "Who are those five" Y/N said causing the group to look at her before she motioned towards the far table. "Oh those are the Cullen's the black haired boy is Emmett Cullen he's so hot, the blonde haired boys name is Jasper Hale the brown haired boys name is Edward Cullen and the two girls Rosalie Hale & Alice Cullen their dating each other" Jessica said and Y/N looked back over to see the two woman staring at her but with slight smirks this time. Alice had looked Y/N up and down before looking at Rosalie who looked back at her.
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"Y/N" Angela said snapping her fingers in front of Y/N's face causing her to snap out of it. She looked back over at her friends to see them all looking at her already. "What were you saying" Y/N said and they all sighed. As her friends went back to talking she glanced back over quickly to see them all looking at her now causing her to whip her head back.
"I crave you in the most innocent form" Rosalie said as she stepped towards Y/N who was standing in the middle of the room. "I crave to say good night and give you forehead kisses and to say that I adore you when you feel at your worst" Alice said as she put her hands on Y/N's shoulders causing her to jump slightly at the cold contact. "I crave you in ways where I just want to be next to you and nothing more or less" the both of them said as Rosalie stopped in front of Y/N and leaned in while grabbing Y/N's hands with her cold one's causing Y/N to shiver. Rosalie's lips touched Y/N's before she gasped. She looked around the room and realized she was in her bedroom in her bed. She touched her forehead and she felt sweat making her rub her arm across it. "What the hell was that I've never had a dream like that before and why the hell did I dream about those two" Y/N muttered out as she stroked her hands through her dark purple hair. She fell back onto her bed and looked up at the ceiling. She sighed before getting out of bed and walked towards her computer desk.
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The next day at Lunch Y/N waited by the door the Cullens had walked in through the day before. The group stopped when they saw Y/N standing there waiting. She pushed herself off the wall and looked at them. "What are you doing here" Edward said and was about to walk towards Y/N but Rosalie stopped him with a hand against his chest. "I want to know why you guys were staring at me all day yesterday at Lunch" Y/N muttered out. Rosalie and Alice looked at each other before looking back at Y/N. "We don't have to give you a reason on why we were staring at you and it's our business" Rosalie said with an annoyed tone causing Y/N to roll her eyes. "Now if you'll excuse" Rosalie said before the group walked past her. Y/N huffed before looking through the glass windows to see her friends looking at her. She groaned before rushing up to the group and grabbed Rosalie's wrist. The two froze in place when Y/N realized Rosalie's skin was cold to the touch. Rosalie froze since she never let anybody touch her except her family. "Get your hand off of me" Rosalie growled out as she turned her head. Y/N immediately let go and looked away.
Y/N was at the salad and fruit bar in the cafeteria when she dropped on apple. She looked up to see Emmett standing there holding the apple in his hand while grinning. "What you did just a couple minutes ago was brave" he said as he held the apple out. Y/N slowly took it and smiled up at him since he was pretty tall. "T-thanks I guess" Y/N said and Emmett nodded before grabbing a pear and walking away. Y/N watched as he sat down before he was hit on the back of the head by Rosalie causing Y/N to giggle quietly.
When Y/N got home she immediately went to her room and shut the door behind her before going to her computer. She searches through the internet for hours until Charlie knocked on the door. "Y/N dear come down and eat will you" her father said and Y/N looked at the door before looking back at the computer. "I'll be down in a minute" Y/N shouted and a couple seconds later she heard her father's footsteps disappear. She looked back at the computer and sighed. She was about to close it when she saw a weird website in the search history. She decided to click on it and he eyes widened in shock. She scrolled through the website and saw some words like Cold-skinned, pale, incredible speed, enhanced strength. When she scrolled all the way to the bottom she gulped. Vampire.
Y/N had stayed far away from them after that. Y/N was sitting outside in the gloomy weather. It was foggy and the sun wasn't out. Ever since Y/N had grabbed Rosalie's wrist that day she has been acting weird. "Rosalie why don't you go talk to her" Emmett said as he slightly shoved the blonde forward. "No" she growled out as she hit him in the chest. "She's looking this way" Edward said and Rosalie as well as Alice looked up to see Y/N looking at them. She looked away before grabbing her bag and headed towards the woods. "Go go follow her" Emmett said shoving the two stubborn girls towards Y/N. They both glared at Emmett but he just looked at them causing them to huff. The two went after Y/N and Emmett smiled. "You owe me 30 bucks" he said as he looked at Edward. Jasper looked between the two before rolling his eyes as Edward slapped a 30 dollar bill into Emmett's hands. "Did you really have to bet against them" he said and the two looked at him. "Loosen up brother it's called entertainment you should really try it instead of being quiet all the time and reading" Edward said as he snatched the book out of Jasper's hands.
The two followed Y/N into the forest and stopped when Y/N stopped while dropping her bag to the ground. "You're impossibly fast and strong. Your skin is pale white and ice cold" Y/N said not daring to turn around. You don't go out in the sunlight" Y/N said as she felt a breath fan across Y/N's neck causing her to gulp. "How old are you" Y/N continued. "We're both 19" Alice said as she stepped in front of Y/N "How long have you been 19" Y/N said still not looking at the two. "A while" Rosalie muttered out as her breath fanned across Y/N's neck from standing too close. "I know what you are" Y/N muttered out and the two looked at each other before their eyes darkened. "Say It" Rosalie growled out causing Y/N to gulp. Y/N stayed quiet for a couple minutes. "Out Loud. Say It" She said and Y/N breathed in and out. "Vampires" Y/N said as she finally looked up to see Alice standing right in front of her.
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riveramorylunar · 2 years
To Love & To Kill
Pairings: Mafia Boss Leonora Lesso x Reader
Warnings ⚠️: DARK THEMES! Gun Violence, Motorcycle Crash, Severe Wounds, Blood, Age Difference, Height Difference, Shooting, Cussing, Angry/Pissed Leonora, Killing, Flirting & Alcohol Consumption
Pet Names/Nicknames: Dear, Darling, Leo & Nora
Word Count: 4,057
A/N: it's not as dark as the Serial Killer Leonora Lesso fic I wrote but it will still be somewhat dark. And I decided to have Leonora wear her signature outfit in this fic!
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Being the wife of a Dangerous Mafia Boss has its pros and cons. The Pros consist of never having to buy stuff for yourself, learning how to use weapons and fight, being able to go into bars without showing your ID, having a second family and more. The cons well you'd be a target of the rival Mafia groups, you'd probably get kidnapped as a bribe to get what the other Mafia groups want & lots of training. There are lots of pros and cons for being part of the Mafia.
Y/N was an ordinary girl all her life until two years ago at the age of 18. She lived in the city of London, England. A beautiful place with amazing food and gorgeous views. She had gone to live with her father who lived in the United States. She had finished her last year of high school there before saying goodbye to her father. Y/N was finally home in her home city where she grew up. She was standing in front of her home slightly nervous since she hadn't seen her little sister and mother in a year. She took a deep breath before walking up to steps. She walked over to the door and knocked on it before tapping her foot on the ground. After waiting a couple seconds the door was thrown open and someone jumped onto Y/N causing her to stumble back a bit. She dropped her bags before wrapping her arms around the person. "Y/N you're finally home I missed you so much" her little sister said as she clung to Y/N like a koala. "I missed you too Riley" Y/N said as she looked up to see her mother standing in the doorway smiling. "Riley dear get off of your sister" their mother said and Riley just clung tighter causing Y/N to chuckle. "It's alright mom" Y/N said as she bent down and grabbed her bags before walking into the house. Y/N's mother shut the door behind Y/N after she saw a car pull into the mansion across from their house. "Someone lives in that mansion now" Y/N said and Diana turned around before nodding her head. "Yeah 9 months ago" she said as she looked the door. "Mother doesn't like them even though she's never met them" Riley said and Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Really mother" Y/N said and Diana rolled her eyes before walking away from the door. Y/N looked at Riley who just shrugged before hugging Y/N again. Y/N watched as her little sister rushed after her mother.
Y/N made her way over to the window before pulling the curtain back slightly. When she looked over at the mansion she saw someone tall get out of their car and watched as they moved around. "Are you watching the neighbor" Riley said causing Y/N to jump before closing the curtain. Y/N laughed nervously before looking away. "Haha no I was just uh watching a uh squirrel run around the yard" Y/N stuttered out and her sister narrowed her eyes before shaking her head. "Sure but whatever" Riley said before walking out of the living room.
It was the next morning and Y/N was meeting up with her friends. Riley was going with her because she said it was fine. They got in the car before Y/N drove off towards the cafe. The two got out and made their way into the cafe. When they got in someone shouted Y/N's name loudly causing everyone to stop talking and look over. Y/N looked up to see one of her friends run over. Y/N opened her arms and the two hugged tightly rocking side to side. The others walked over and hugged Y/N as well. They all pulled away before Fiona dragged Y/N over to the table they were sitting at. Y/N sat down on the outside of the booth. "Y/N kiddo welcome back" the waiter said when he arrived. Y/N looked up and smiled "it's good to be back I missed all of you guys" she said causing the man to chuckle. As he was getting everyone's orders the bell above the door rang. Y/N looked over and her eyes widened in shock. A woman with copper red hair and piercing emerald green eyes walked in. The woman wore black slacks, a white buttoned up shirt with a black tie and black heels that had silver carvings on the back. She was wearing a trench coat that dragged along the ground whenever she walked. She had dark burgundy lipstick on and smokey black eyeshadow with some sparkles. Her nails were silver and she had two tattoos one on each wrist up to the hand. The tattoo on the right was two black roses with thorns and leaves while the tattoo on the left was a two headed black snake.
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"Who the hell is that" Y/N muttered out and her friends and sister looked over before their eyes widened in shock. The waiter turned his head before turning back. The waiter was about to speak up when they all heard a shout. "Watch where you're going bitch" a man shouted and they all looked over to see a man standing in front of the woman who was clearly taller than him. The woman just looked down at the man who had clearly bumped into her instead of the other way around. The man was clearly drunk when he staggered a bit after bumping into the woman. The woman just stood there was a neutral expression as coffee and food ran down her trenchcoat. Y/N got up and was about to walk over when Riley grabbed her wrist. "What are you doing" Riley whispered out and Y/N pulled her wrist free before walking over. Y/N tapped on the man's shoulder causing him to turn around. "What do you wan- wait Y/N" The man said as his eyes widened in shock. "Alexander" Y/N said as she smiled sweetly. "What are you doing back here I thought you left" Alexander said and Y/N nodded. "I did leave but I'm back" Y/N said before she looked over at the woman who was already looking at her. She looked back at Alexander and shooed him off. He left the cafe with a huff while slamming the door shut. Y/N turned to the woman who was still looking at her. "Are you alright" Y/N said and the woman nodded. "I'm fine" the woman said with a cold tone. Y/N looked down at the woman's trenchcoat and saw a piece of cake on it.
Y/N grabbed a napkin and was about to wipe it off when a hand wrapped around her wrist. She looked up to see the woman looking down at her with a clenched jaw. "What do you think you're doing" the woman growled out and Y/N just rolled her eyes. "Just trying to help" Y/N said and the woman released the grip on Y/N's wrist. Y/N took that as a sign and started wiping off the food and drink that was on the woman's trenchcoat. Y/N's friends and sister watched in shock as they saw Y/N clean off the woman's coat. "Looks like Y/N got to the stone cold hottie" Richard said as he chuckled quietly. The others rolled their eyes at what he said. "Would you shut up Richard she could be in danger in the next month or sooner" Fiona muttered out as she glared at the blonde haired boy. When Y/N was finished the woman grabbed Y/N by the wrist before yanking her into her. "What's your name dear" the woman whispered out and Y/N blushed at the close proximity. "It's uh Y/N ma'am" Y/N muttered out and the woman smiled before loosening her grip on Y/N's wrist. She plucked out a pen from the countertop jar. She took the cap off with her teeth before writing down her phone number on Y/N's arm. Y/N just watched as the woman focused. The woman dropped Y/N's wrist before putting the pen away. Y/N looked down to see a phone number on her arm before seeing two initials. "What does LL stand for" Y/N said as she looked up at the woman. The woman chuckled before leaning down and whispered her name into Y/N's ear. Leonora Lesso, what a beautiful name for a handsome woman.
After the group left the cafe they headed to the park. None of them spoke until Y/N groaned before stopping in her tracks. "Why are you guys so quiet you're all usually chatting away" Y/N said and she watched her friends and sister look at each other before looking back at her. Riley grabbed her sister's wrist. "You need to stay away from that woman she's dangerous and she's extremely cold" Riley said and Y/N raised an eyebrow before she started laughing. "Y/N she's being serious she's bad news" Dustin said and Y/N rolled her eyes before turning around. She walked off and the others rushed after her a couple seconds later.
Y/N and Riley went home after a while. Y/N walked straight up to her room before shutting the door shut. "What's up with her" Diana said and Riley just rolled her eyes. "She's mad at me and her friends for saying someone was dangerous" Riley huffed out before folding her arms. "And who would that be" Diana questioned with a raised eyebrow. "The woman from across the street she met her in the cafe and we went to the park after and told her that she was bad news and dangerous" Riley said and Diana's eyes widened in shock. She stood up and made her way to the stairs when Riley stopped her. "She's in a bad mood" Riley stated and Diana sighed before walking backwards over and sitting down on the couch.
Y/N snuck out of her window and up onto the roof of the house. She took her phone out before typing in the phone number. She pressed the dial and waited as it rang a couple times. "Hello" Someone said on the other line and Y/N smiled as she pulled at the dry skin on her lip. "Hi" Y/N said and she heard a gun shot causing her to widen her eyes in shock. "Oh hello Y/N didn't expect you to call so soon" Leonora said and Y/N blushed slightly. "Sorry I can uh hang up if you're busy playing videogames" Y/N said and she heard Leonora chuckle. "No it's fine dear I could use a distraction" Leonora said with a hint of darkness behind it. "So what videogame are you playing" Y/N asked as she looked at the mansion across from her to see all the lights turned off which made her frown. "Oh uh it's Destiny" Leonora said after a couple seconds of silence. "Oh that game is good" Y/N said and Leonora agreed even if she wasn't playing it.
They stayed on the phone all night long until Y/N yawned and said goodnight. She hung up before going back into her room and collapsing onto her bed. It had been weeks and they talked every night. Y/N woke up one day when she heard something moving in her room. She grabbed her pillow and threw it causing someone to grunt. Her eyes flew open and she sat up to see Leonora standing near the window while holding her pillow. "What the hell are you doing here get out" Y/N whisper shouted causing Leonora to smirk. "Feisty I see" Leonora said as she tossed the pillow back onto the bed before walking over and sitting down on the edge. "How the hell did you get in" Y/N questioned and Leonora raised an eyebrow. "Your window of course" she said and Y/N looked over to see the window was open causing her to frown. "I locked it though" Y/N said and Leonora's lips twitched before she looked away. "Well guess you didn't since I'm here" she said and Y/N fell back on her bed and looked up at the ceiling.
"Come with me I wanna show you something" Leonora said as she stood up before holding her hand out. Y/N grabbed her hand before getting out of bed and standing up. Leonora looked Y/N up and down before smirking. Y/N looked down to realize she was only in a oversized shirt and underwear. "Let me uh get dressed first" Y/N stuttered out as she blushed. "Alright dear" Leonora said teasingly before making her way over to the window and climbing out of it. After Y/N got dressed and fixed her hair up she climbed out of her window. She shut it behind her and walked along the roof. Leonora helped her down and held onto her waist. Y/N stepped back as she looked away causing Leonora to chuckle before grabbing Y/N's hand. They made their way across the street and towards the mansion. Leonora stopped at a matte black Lamborghini. She opened the passenger door and Y/N got in. Leonora shut the door before walking around the car while smiling. She got into the passenger side before locking the doors while wrapping one of her hands around the steering wheel in a tight grip. She drove off and Y/N looked out the window watching the scenery pass by in a flash.
Leonora drove for a while until she stopped outside of big Ben. She got out and walked over to the passenger side before helping Y/N out. "What are we doing here" Y/N asked confused and Leonora stayed quiet causing the mood to change immediately. Y/N gulped as she looked around to see no one was around. They walked into the building and Leonora stayed quiet as they walked throughout the building. "Leo your scaring me what's going on" Y/N said as she pulled on her wrist to try and get free. Leonora stopped in front of a wall before looking around. "I told you I had to show you something" she said as she pushed on a brick making it move back. Y/N watched as the wall slid open. Leonora pulled Y/N with her and the wall closed behind them. They walked down the dark stairs before walking down a dark hallway and more stairs. Leonora stopped and Y/N bumped into her from behind. Y/N rubbed her face before stepping back a little. Leonora opened a door and Y/N immediately heard chattering and gun shots going off making her eyes widen.
The place was huge. It was basically the size of 6 or more football fields. Men and Women were all around the place wearing dark outfits. Some had scars while others had missing body parts like their ear, eye, legs, arms or half of their face. Leonora felt Y/N start backing away. She looked at Y/N and pulled her close before wrapping her arms around Y/N's shoulder. "Come on don't be scared dear" Leonora whispered into Y/N's ear with a hint of amusement. There were two floors, one for the bedrooms and one for the rest of the stuff. There was a huge living that had a huge flat screen tv plastered onto the stone wall. Under the TV was a long shelf with tons of DVDS, Blu-ray and CDs. In the middle of the shelf a fireplace was lit up. Couches and chairs were scattered in front of the TV along with a coffee table that had drinks scattered on top of it. Let's just say there were a lot of rooms. "HEY BOSS YOUR BACK" someone shouted over the gun shooting. Y/N looked up to see a ruff looking man walk over. He walked with a slight limp as he had a prosthetic leg. He had a mask covering the left side of his face. He had short black curly hair with the bangs blonde and the bottom half blonde as well. The eye that you could see was blue with a hint of green in it. "Atticus my man" Leonora said as she let go of Y/N to hug the slightly older man. Y/N took that as her chance to back up but she bumped into someone.
"Hey who the fuck are you how'd you get in here" a woman growled out and Y/N turned around to see a woman with grey blue eyes and ash brown hair. She had a scar across her right eye that made the eye slightly lighter than the other. She had a scar across her neck that was slightly red which meant it was fairly new. She was wearing a dark red sports bra and black sweatpants. She had scars littered all over her body and full sleeve tattoos as well as hand tattoos. "Uh I-" Y/N was cut off when Leonora turned around and grabbed her by the waist. "Reese stop scaring her" Leonora said and Reese looked Y/N up and down before walking away. Y/N watched as the woman whose name was Reese walk away. She saw that Reese had a full back tattoo of a Chinese dragon. When Y/N felt Leonora's grip loosen around her she pulled away from her. Y/N turned around and looked up at the taller woman and the man. "Who are you really" Y/N muttered out and Leonora smirked. "Well I'm a Mafia Boss darling and this is my crew" Leonora said as she motioned all around her. Y/N looked around before she backed up. "I uh" before she could finish her sentence she ran out of the door and up the many stairs. The man was about to get his gun out but Leonora put a hand on his chest. "Don't she'll realize soon enough that she will need us" Leonora said before she told some of her crew to follow her and keep in the shadows.
It had been 2 months since Y/N saw Leonora. Weeks since she found out that Leonora was a Mafia Boss. She wanted to tell people so badly but she knew she couldn't. One reason is that she felt like she was being followed. And other times she would always see people with grey hoodies hanging around wherever she went. She had taken a job at the cafe where her and her friends always ate at. The bell above the door the door ran and Y/N looked up to see a person in a grey hoodie walk in. The person took their hood down and looked up at Y/N before smiling. Y/N darted out of the back door and she heard footsteps behind her. She was slammed against the brick wall causing her to grunt. "So you're the girl that Nora is obsessed with I must admit you are a cutie" the man said before he chuckled. "Who the fuck are you" Y/N spat out and the man chuckled. "Let's just say I'm an old friend of hers" he said before two other people in grey hoodies showed up. One was holding a knife while the other was holding a gun. The four heard a motorcycle and looked over at the entrance of the alleyway to see a person on a motorcycle. The person drove towards the four before getting off and letting the motorcycle crash into the man that was holding the gun. The person took their helmet off and threw it aside before pulling their gun out.
Y/N's eyes widened in shock when she saw it was Leonora. "What a nice surprise to see you Nora" the man said as he shoved Y/N towards the person with the knife. Y/N looked up to see the person had a mask covering half their face. She realized it was the man she saw when she was at the hideout. The man put a finger up to his mouth and Y/N stayed quiet. "Gabriel" Leonora said as she pointed the gun at him. "It's been awhile" Gabriel said as he smirked. "Yeah it has wished it was longer though I hate seeing your ugly ass face" Leonora said in an annoyed tone. The man chuckled before reaching behind him. He reached into his back pocket slowly and Y/N got out of the man's hold. She rushed over and grabbed Gabriel's arm causing him to jump. He yanked out his hand and sliced across Y/N's chest causing her to cry out. Leonora rushed over and caught Y/N before she collapsed to the ground. "Ashton" Leonora growled out and the man with the mask knocked out Gabriel. Ashton ran off to grab the van.
Ashton had sped through the streets of London swerving through traffic and getting honked at. When they arrived at big ben Leonora lifted Y/N out of the van before they rushed into the building. They made it into the hideout and everyone stopped what they were doing when they heard the door slam against the stone wall. "Someone find Alison" Leonora shouted and some of the crew rushed off to find the doctor.
Y/N woke up and looked around. She winced when she tried to sit up. I wouldn't do that if I were you" someone said. Y/N looked over to see a young woman sitting down at a desk next to the bed she was laying on. The woman had similar hair to Ashton but instead of black it was chocolate brown. The woman had grey eyes and freckles scattered along her nose and cheeks. "What happened" Y/N said and the woman looked over. "You got sliced across the chest you're lucky it didn't go too deep but you'll still have a huge scar" the woman said as she stood up. Everything came rushing back to Y/N and she looked up at the woman. "Where's Leonora" Y/N asked in a rush. "I'll go get her she's been waiting for you to wake up for weeks now" the woman said before she walked away.
Y/N waited awhile until she saw Leonora rush over. Leonora almost fell which caused Y/N to laugh which made her wince. "Are you okay" Leonora asked as she saw Y/N wince. "Yeah I'm fine how long have I been out" Y/N said and she saw Leonora hesitate. "2 weeks" Leonora said which made Y/N stiffen. "W-what" Y/N stuttered out as she tried to sit up again. Leonora helped Y/N sit up against the headboard of the small bed. "Be easy you're still healing" Leonora said and Y/N glared at her. "If I hadn't met you none of this would have happened" Y/N blurted out and Leonora frowned before looking down. Y/N looked down at the bandages that were wrapped around her bare chest. "Well we can't turn back time now our rivals will be coming after you now" someone said. Y/N looked up to see Reese standing there with her arms folded. She was wearing a sports bra and sweatpants again. The scar around her neck was barely visible now. "Great" Y/N muttered out as she looked away. "You could always join us I'll personally train you" Leonora spoke up and Y/N looked at the green eyed woman. "I don't think I have much of a choice so" Y/N said causing Leonora and Reese to smirk.
Fast forward to 2 years later Y/N had become the wife of Leonora and the second Boss of the crew. Everyone absolutely loved her and treated her as part of their family. Let's just say she got a couple more scars and a few tattoos. Leonora Lesso couldn't be more proud to call Y/N her wife and partner in crime.
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