#Riya road x
local-mysterys · 1 year
POV I'm talking to my coworker as a podcast character slowly dies in my ears.
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bangtanficsforyou · 2 months
Hello, Love! (JJK)- 01
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: fluff, angst, probable smut (we don't know yet lololol)
Rating: 18+
Summary: You had a plan when you returned home, seven years later. However, falling in love with your sister's fiance wasn't it.
Word count: 2K (approx)
Warning: mentions of drug addiction, familial neglect.
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The ring fits Jungkook as if it was meant just for him. Not one bit tight nor is it one bit loose. Snug around his finger as if it has always belonged there.
A round of applause breaks out and he looks at the smiling faces of his family and that of his soon to be in law's. 
As the cheers and claps die down, he takes it as his queue. His hand makes it’s way to his pocket. However, when he is not met with a small square jewellery box, he immediately checks his other pocket. That pocket, too, disappoints him. 
He looks up awkwardly at his fiancee and tries to give her a reassuring smile. Now checking for the pockets of his trousers, he fumbles around to somehow make the box appear out of thin air. 
Realising that he is running out of time, he turns towards Jimin. “Jimin, did I not give you the ring box on our way here?” 
Jimin looks at Jungkook with eyes wide like that of a newborn baby. “No, you didn't.”
“Yes, I did,” Jungkook claims with more surety than he actually feels inside. 
“When we were outside–”
“You were talking on the phone—”
“And, I gave it to you while—”
“Here,” Riya offers, with the small red box resting on her palm. Before Jungkook can ask, she answers, “I found it lying on the floor of our balcony.”
Jungkook gives an awkward chuckle in response, trying to play it off. “Jimin has become very careless these days.”
Before Jimin can protest and defend himself, Jungkook shoots him a look that somehow shuts him up. 
Jungkook doesn't waste another minute before taking the ring out and putting it on Riya's fingers. The sooner it is done, the lesser are the chances of running into any other bumps on the road.
Another similar round of applause breaks out and Jungkook heaves a sigh of relief. 
The engagement is done. 
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“Dad,” Jungkook greets cheerfully as he takes a seat.
“Hmm,” his soon to be father in law doesn't bother looking up as his eyes remain occupied with the official documents he's currently working on. 
Jungkook remains unfazed by the lack of enthusiasm and continues. “You know I'm currently discussing a project with Mr. Elgin, right?’’
“And well I was telling him how I'm about to marry your daughter Riya Roy.”
“I see.”
“Do you know the praises he sang for you?”
Now that somehow catches his dear soon to be father-in-law's attention. 
“Did he?” He interlaces his fingers, and relaxes against the chair, temporarily discarding the documents in the process.
“Yes!” Jungkook nods excitedly. “He was telling me how well you would display and advertise your designs to potential investors during the early business days.” 
“What else did he say?” he muses.
“He also told me how well you have single handedly managed the business. How you started it from scratch and made it what it is today.” 
The older man lets out a chuckle. “It doesn't sound too odd for someone to praise me for advertising my clothes in a clothing line business or for working hard when I am the one who started it.”
There's a brief pause where Jungkook seemingly processes the words.
“Now tell me, how much money do you need?” 
Now, it's Jungkook who lets out a chuckle, albeit an awkward one. “You haven't even listened to what he said on learning that you're planning on expanding your business.”
“Trust me, I don't need to know,” comes the reply. “You tell me the amount, I need to get back to work.”
Jungkook considers his options then in the blink of an eye, his whole demeanour changes. “You know how I almost have the contract for this year's cricket world cup?” 
Much like earlier, the man hums. 
“However, suddenly, they have raised the bid by six million.” 
“So you need six million dollars?” 
Jungkook nods, hoping that the amount doesn’t sound as big as it is. 
There’s a pause and then there’s a low hum in response. “Did you return the one million dollar you had taken from Riya?”
“Well I almost have. There’s only a little left to pay back.”
“How much are you yet to pay?”
Sometimes, Jungkook wishes he knew how to read this man a little better. His father in law, undoubtedly, is every bit of the businessman you’d think of him to be. He thinks like a businessman, walks like one and talks like one in every sense possible. 
Jungkook knows that one would never find this man speaking one word, that is not required. And that just makes it all the more difficult to ever get a hint of what his father in law is thinking. 
Sometimes, Jungkook thinks speaking to this man is the equivalent of playing chess with a computer. You’d never know what the next move will be but you can rest assured, that you'll never outsmart them. 
“Some two hundred thousand.”
“That’s the amount you are yet to pay?”
Jungkook pretends he hadn’t heard the question properly, the first time. “Uhm, no that’s the amount I have paid.”
“So what’s the amount you are yet to pay?”
“Eight hundred thousand—,” he replies and then quickly adds, “—but I will pay everything back as soon as the contract is finalised.”
“Sure,” his father in law nods. “I’ll get back to you on this, soon.”
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“Listen, no matter what, I anyhow, need a meeting to be scheduled with Mr.Shro—I don’t care what his manager is saying about him being busy.”
The wind blows at a steady pace and somewhere in the lobby, a toddler shrieks in joy. 
“Mail his manager as many times as you need to. Just refuse to accept no as an answer.”
Poor Sam, Jimin thinks, pitying the poor boy who didn’t know what he was signing up for when he agreed to be Jungkook’s manager. 
“Yes, yes! Mail them again—not now Jimin!”
Unfortunately, Jimin doesn’t seem to catch the hint and taps him on his back, again. 
“What is it Jim—”, only it is not Jimin. “Sam, I’ll get back to you later.” 
“You asked dad for money.”
Uh oh. Jungkook could tell Riya wasn’t in the brightest of moods, but nothing could have prepared Jungkook for this. 
“Riya why don’t we take this inside?” Jungkook suggests, keeping his voice soft and calm. He hadn’t thought much of it when he was screaming at his manager left and right in the balcony, for everyone to hear. But an arguement between the freshly engaged couple, might just not be that ideal.
“Jungkook, do you not have any self respect?”
I do, in fact that is why I am asking you to move this inside, Jungkook thinks to himself. Instead of speaking the words out, he again, mildly tries to guide her inside a room. 
Riya, however, remains adamant on not cooperating with him. “You tell me, Jungkook, how can i respect a man who has zero self respect?”
“You do—”
“You know what keep your ring, I don’t want it.” In the blink of an eye, the ring that had almost managed to cause a commotion merely a few hours ago, now rests on Jungkook’s palm, again. 
“Riya, what is your problem?” Long gone is the calmness Jungkook was trying so hard to keep. Now, he sounds extremely confused and perhaps frustrated. 
“My problem is the fact that I cannot marry a man who has zero self—”
“It’s not self respect that I lack! Its ego!” Jungkook snaps. “If I know asking for help could get me the opportunity that I have worked so hard for, why shouldn’t I? Plus, it’s not like I have ever failed to pay back.”
There’s a beat of silence, where Jungkook tries to regain his composure. “I don’t understand Riya, the years when you were struggling to make it into the industry, I supported you in every way I could. So now that I'm the one who’s facing struggles, why can’t you find it in yourself to do the same?”
Something in Riya softens at the mention of all the times, Jungkook stood by her side like a rock. Every penny Jungkook earned was spent on Riya’s then struggling career. Lord knows, there were times when she felt like giving up but Jungkook wouldn’t let her. When she lost faith, Jungkook would believe in it for both of them. 
She inhales shakily and looks at the ring and it somehow manages to ground her to why she said yes to Jungkook in the first place. 
“And if it bothers you so much, I won't ask dad for money.”
She nods and then gently takes the ring from Jungkook. It's in that gentle touch of her's that Jungkook knows things are settled, at least for the time being. 
“I'll go look for Mili aunty, I heard she was looking for me,” Riya says, and somehow the abrupt end of argument doesn't surprise Jungkook, in the least. 
As Riya walks back inside, Jungkook releases a breath he didn’t know he was holding. He finds it a little difficult to believe that Riya almost broke off the engagement. Although he probably shouldn’t be so surprised. 
Over the years, Jungkook has become very familiar with Riya’s habit of breaking up with him at the slightest inconvenience. Now that they are engaged, breaking up means...well, calling off the engagement. 
Arguments with Riya are always like this, short lived but very frequent. Riya would state the reasons why she thinks this won’t work and all the reasons why Jungkook is wrong and then Jungkook would have to remind her of all the reasons as to why the both of them have stuck together for so long. 
Maybe it has always been like this, be it for Riya’s career, or for their relationship, Jungkook has always kept faith on behalf of the both of them when Riya couldn’t. 
Perhaps securing the deal he's currently working on, would finally give Riya the reassurance that she's looking for. Well, he sure hopes so because if this contract doesn't, Jungkook doesn't know what will. 
Getting this deal has the potential of turning you into the equivalent of Leonardo DiCaprio of the event organisation industry. There's simply no looking back from then on. You'd have career stability, money and a reputation among your peers. 
It's probably everything a woman looks for in the man, they are marrying. 
So yeah, he genuinely hopes that he can prove himself to be capable and can put rest to this constant breaking up and patching up cycle the two of them have found themselves in, for years. 
And he's definitely going to give his best, even if that means being rude to his innocent, sweet, doe-eyed manager. 
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Chapter two will be up on my Patreon on early access by the end of this week!
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etes-secrecy-post · 1 year
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
My Wangan Maxi Tune Career Returns 2023 Edition [Timezone Arcade Trinoma] - Part 5 [second half] (Recorded: May 21st, 2023)
Hey, hey! It’s me! 😁 And welcome back for another installment of "My Wangan Maxi Tune Career"! I've returned in 2022, and now I'm gonna continue it, this 2023! Man, I've got ton of progress, on May 21st (Sunday) of that year! So, here's my "second half" of Part 5! 🚗🔧🏁
Before we continue, if you haven't seen my "first half", then please [CLICK ME!].
So, without further ado, let's get started:
7th to 10th Screenshots via Wangan Navigator:
• Alright, let's continue with the Speedster Twins' Impreza cars! I wish I would continue to upgrade their Imprezas to 840HP from finishing "Story Mode", but I'd run out of funds. 😕 So, I decided to go to "Ghost Battle" instead. Sorry, twins... ☺️
• Well, all decisions aside, their today's "Ghost Battle" 👻🚘🛞 opponent; Spot 🐶🏎️ will take on Enzo [Lan Evo X], ASUKA [Skyline GT-R V-Spec II], and FUSE [Mazda RX-8] at the Hiroshima Area (The latter of whom, you may know him), while Riya 🐰🏎️ will take on the same two aforementioned Wangan Maxi players, but with CAS3Y [Dodgle Viper SRT-10] at the Fukuoka Area. And so, how's your battle, you twins?
Spot 🐶🏎️: Damn, I almost had ASUKA to overtake despite how good that blue tuning Skyline is! 😣 But hey, I got 2nd in Hiroshima Area with 2 trophies earned. 🙂🥈What about yours, Ri?
Riya 🐰🏎️: Well, if you can't beat ASUKA the Skyline tune car, then I will! And man, I beat it by sheer luck & timing! So, I take the lead w/ 3 trophies! 😁🥇
Spot 🐶🏎️: WHAT? HOW? Danm, you lucky twin! 😲 You beat three ghost players at the tight Hakone road, and now you beat three at the Fukuoka Area! I might give her a BIG APPLAUSE, Ri! For real! 👏
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Riya 🐰🏎️: Aww thanks! It's too much, twin bro! Knock it off. 😅 👋 *patting on his back*
Me 🇵🇭: Yeah, great job, Ri! You make your parents proud & me! 😊👍
Riya 🐰🏎️: It sure is! We're both winners & no losers! 😁
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20th to 25th Image(s):
• Not only that, but they received new parts to fit their tuning Imprezas. What do you think?
Spot 🐶🏎️: Oooow, I loved the color of our new frame plate! And Ri, you finally have the same rims as I equipped! 😁
Riya 🐰🏎️: Yes I do! 😄 Blue seems fitting for me, but if I there's a pink color, then I'll changed.
Spot 🐶🏎️: Fair enough, Ri! Wait, I noticed something... Where's your twin stripes? 🤔
Riya 🐰🏎️: About that... It was removed when we transferred our car data from WMMT6. I mean, your twin stripes had removed from yours, too. 😕
Spot 🐶🏎️: Aww geez, yeah... 😟 Looks like we gonna need to level our dress-up parts & retrieve our signature twin stripes! ✊😠
Riya 🐰🏎️: I'm with ya, twin bro! ✊😠
*the twins are fist bump*🐶🏎️🤜🤛🐰🏎️
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Mixed Image(s) [ 11th & 12th Screenshots via Wangan Navigator, and 2nd & 3rd phone screenshots]:
• Finally, here are their updated cars after equipping new dress-up parts. Nothing major around their twins' Impreza, but the only thing that changed was Riya's new rims, which is the same rims as Spot's. 🙂🛞
Riya 🐰🏎️: Heck yeah! But wait, what's up with your title, Spot? Did you change it? 🤔
Spot 🐶🏎️: Uh... hehe yeah. I mean, "My mother is a designer" is pretty obvious. Considering, that we're celebrating late "Mother's Day". 😅
Riya 🐰🏎️: Haha! You've got that right! lol 😅 But, one tantalizing question is -🤔
Spot 🐶🏎️: Where that title come from? 🤔
Riya 🐰🏎️: Exactly! 🤔
Me 🇵🇭: Perhaps, we have to find out in our last half. 😉
Spot 🐶🏎️ & Riya 🐰🏎️: We can't wait! 😁
• The twins' Imprezas are quite well in another round of "Ghost Battle", especially Riya, who had another bite the dust on three opponents without breaking a sweat! Right now, the twins are now planning to unlock more dress-up parts. However, I suggest that they should finish the "Story Mode" to unlock the 840HP fully tuned, so just saying. 😉
Well, that’s all for now. More Wangan Maxi experience, coming up soon.
If you haven’t seen my 2019 Wangan Maxi Tune 6 & Wangan Navigator app (on the alternate blog), then I’ll provide some links down below. ↓😉
My Wangan Maxi Tune 6 Experience:
My WMMT6 Progress (2019): Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5, Part 6 , Part 7, Part 7½, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14 [Final]
My Wangan Navigator app (2019): Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14 [Final]
My WMMT6RR Progress (2022 - present): Part 1 [Nov 19th, 2022], Part 2 [Nov 19th, 2022], Part 3 [Nov 19th, 2022], Part 4 [Final] [Dec 28th, 2022], Part 5 [first half]
Also check out my previous moment from my WMMT5DXPlus - Please CLICK ME to see it all.
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roadxtranscripts · 2 years
ROAD X — Story Trailer Transcript
RIYA: “Okay, we are rolling. Introduce yourself for the tapes please!”
ANEY: [AUDIBLY STRAINED] “Not. right. Now Riya.”
RIYA: “Be that way grumpypants!”
[WALKING] “Your turn first then Daniel.”
DANIEL: [SURPRISED SCOFF, GRUMBLE] “Are you shitting me- we-we’re in the middle of PACKING dude come onnn.”
RIYA: [LIGHTHEARTED RETORT] “I’m just trying to get everyone’s introductions!”
DANIEL: “… What else do you want me to say?”
RIYA: “Uh your age, what we’re doing, and your relationship to the victim.”
“The basics!”
DANIEL: [WEARY] “Why are we doing this?”
RIYA: [DETERMINED] “Because I want to record it! This is a missing person’s case, we need evidence! It’ll be fun, c’mon.”
DANIEL: “Fine.” [SIGH] “But let the record show I think you’ve got one of those fucking “born in the wrong generation” complexes.”
RIYA: [UNBOTHERED] “Noted. Go ahead.”
DANIEL: [SLOW, UNSURE] “Uhhh… I’m Daniel, I am 19, and we’re about to head out on a road-trip to find our missing friend.”
ANEY: [IN DISTANCE, YELLING] “I think it’s pointless!”
RIYA: “Your turn!”
ANEY: [IRRITATED] “Are you serious?” [SIGH] “I’m Aney, I’m 21 and I’m the one with the van so I guess I’m coming along for this Scooby Doo crap-“
RIYA: “He’s my big brother so he’s like…” [MAKES PBBLT SOUND] “obligated to sound like he’s being held hostage or some shit. Don’t worry, he loves me.”
ANEY: [ANNOYED] “Can you get out of the way so I can put your suitcase in the van?”
DANIEL: [SIGH] “Can you move dude? I can’t shove my suitcase in while you’re blocking the whole way-“
ANEY: [GRUMBLES BEFORE INTERRUPTING DANIEL] “A little bit of patience while I pull all of this together for you guys would be appreciated! Maybe-“
ANEY: “Don’t be so dramatic.”
DANIEL: [STILL PISSED] “Ha; Ha- DRAMATIC?? I’m not dramatic for wanting to keep my” [THROUGH GRITTED TEETH] “TOES ATTACHED TO MY FEET.”
ANEY: [SCOFF] “A suitcase isn’t going to cut off your toes, idiot”
DANIEL: “But it could break them! And then the damage is IRREVERSIBLE and the doctors have to amputate all my-“
ANEY: [INTERRUPTING HIM AGAIN] “See? This is THE most dramatic horsecrap I have EVER heard.”
DANIEL: “EVER. What about the time when you were-“
ANEY: [INTERRUPTS HIM ONCE MORE] “You bring up the swimming pool incident I will throw your suitcase IN A RIVER.”
RIYA: [LOUD AND CLEAR] “Alright, my turn. I’m Riya, I’m 18 and we’re investigating the case of Ashley Clark. She’s been missing for almost a year and has been presumed dead, but she recently tweeted from her old account. The police refuse to take the lead seriously, so it’s on us to investigate now.
We have to find her, and hopefully bring her home. Ashley Clark was Daniel and I’s best friend, so no matter what it takes, we will find her.”
RIYA: [EXASPERATED] “Fucking FINE you buzzkill.” [SOUNDS OF TAPE RECORDER BEING PICKED UP(?)] “I try to have fun with ONE thing-“
ASHLEY: “Oh my gosh. This is so embarrassing, it’s not a big deal. It’s just my eighteent-“
0 notes
roadxpodcast · 2 years
Introducing Daniel Santiago [ THE HERMIT ]
“ Road X is a supernatural murder mystery audio drama podcast. “
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natashasfilms · 2 years
Chapter Seventeen - Fire All Around
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Summary: After fighting monsters from a different dimension the year prior, Aria is soon to find out that this was just the beginning. As she and her friends work together to close the gate to the Upside Down, Aria has to deal with her secret feelings for her best friend.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Original Female Character
Warnings: This story contains mature themes such as sexual content, strong language, violence, mentions of alcohol and drugs, blood, gore, and death.
Note: I imagine Aria Kaul as South Asian but I have decided to let you, the reader, imagine her appearance, hence the reason why I have not given her a face claim. However, her race does not affect the story, whatsoever. You, as the reader, are free to imagine her however you want. If you don’t see her as South Asian, then that’s fine. It won’t affect the storyline.
Series Masterlist
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Max drove perfectly fine. Aria didn’t know what came over her when she let her drive. Her hands were pretty fine and she could drive but she trusted the redhead to not kill them. She heard her talking about being a zoomer and thought Max would be fine to drive. Lucas was giving Max instructions from the backseat on where to go.
As Aria was paying close attention to Max, Steve woke up from the backseat, groaning. Dustin held an ice pack on his forehead and smiled at him. He looked next to him and saw Mike, furrowing his eyebrows. “Nancy?” Mike looked at him like he was crazy and Steve turned the other way to see Lucas and Dustin.
“Hey, you good back there?” Aria asked Steve from the passenger seat. Steve mumbled a “yeah.”
“It's okay. You put up a good fight,” Dustin told him as Steve looked around, groaning in pain. “He kicked your ass, but you put up a fight. If Aria wasn’t there, you’d be dead.” Dustin laughed.
Mike snickered. “Yeah, Ari saved your ass.”
“That’s enough boys.” Aria told them.
Lucas kept speaking the directions to Max. “Okay, you're gonna keep straight for a half a mile, then make a left on Mount Sinai.”
Steve took a good look at who was driving and then at Aria, who was in the passenger seat. His eyes kept moving back and forth between Max and her until it hit him. “Woah! Woah! Woah! Riya! Why are you not driving?!”
He started to struggle against Dustin’s hold but the curly haired boy ushered him down, trying to not panic him. Aria didn’t say anything as it would panic her boyfriend even more so she stayed quiet, still watching over Max drive. Max sped faster and they all started screaming, everyone losing their cool.
“Shut up!” Aria screamed as Lucas told Max to make a left. Aria took the wheel from Max and made a sharp left turn, crashing into a fence but getting back on the road. “God, would you just calm down?!” She yelled at everyone. Max parked onto the grass, Steve still yelling.
They all got out of the car, opening the trunk to get out all the materials they stuffed in there. Steve stumbled out of the car and started yelling at the kids to stop what they were doing. Aria started gearing up, telling the kids to do the same.
Aria ignored Steve, knowing he wouldn’t stop complaining. Steve managed to regain his composure and grab Aria’s wrist, pulling her towards him so now they were face to face, noses almost touching. “What are you doing?” He said, voice low.
She felt his breath hit her skin and her eyes moved from his eyes to his lips, back and forth. His eyes did the same. “Steve, do you trust me?“
“What? Yes, of course I trust you.” He answered, as if it was the easiest answer in the world.
“Then trust me that we can do this,” she told him. “I know what I’m doing. Trust me.”
His eyes held hers for what felt like an hour but really was only a few seconds until he exhaled deeply, nodding his head. “Wait,” he stopped her from moving, still holding onto her wrist. “Where’d you learn how to fight like that?”
Aria chuckled, stepping away from his grasp. “Don’t worry about it.” She grabbed the safety gear for him from the trunk, shoving it into his chest before following the kids towards the hole in the ground.
They slowly used the rope to climb down into the tunnel, Mike leading the group to where the main source was. The kids started to walk before Aria stopped them. “Okay, hey, no, wait,” she stepped in front of them. “Behind me, alright?” They all nodded, Steve moving to stand next to her.
They started walking as Mike gave the two teens instructions, leading the way towards the tunnel they needed to go to. As they were still walking, Dustin screamed for help.
They all ran back to see Dustin, frantically asking what happened. “What happened?!” Aria asked, crouching down.
“It’s in my mouth! Shit!” Dustin shrieked, spitting out whatever was in his mouth. He then stopped and looked up. “I’m okay.”
Everyone sighed. “Very funny, man.” Steve said, walking away.
It wasn’t long until they found the hub, using their flashlights to look around. “Alright, Wheeler, I think we found your hub.” Said Steve.
“Let’s drench it.” Said Mike.
They started to pour gasoline all over the tunnel, ready to set it on fire. The entire hub was filled with gasoline in no time and Steve held up his lighter, ready to set it on fire. They all started to run as it caught on fire, running back towards the way they came out from. “Let’s go!” Aria yelled, running with the kids behind her and Steve.
Steve held onto her hand as they ran, as if he was going to lose her if he let go. They kept running until Mike fell, calling for help when something caught his leg. They ran back towards him and Steve hit it with his bat, the creature letting go of Mike instantly.
They were going to start running again until a tiny demogorgon came in their way, blocking their path. “Dart?” Dustin called out, stepping forward. The group started to yell at him, warning him to get away from it but Dustin held up a finger at them. “Trust me.” He said.
Dustin pulled down his mask and took his goggles off, crouching down. “It's Dustin, all right? You remember me?” Aria, Steve, and the kids listened to Dustin speak to Dart, trying to let us pass through. Dustin then gave Dart a nougat, Dart instantly eating it. The curly haired boy motioned for the group to go, whispering a goodbye to the creature. He pulled his mask back and and goggles back on, following the group as they made their way to the exit.
They finally found the exit but then heard the roars of the demogorgons. They could hear it coming closer and Steve and Aria started helping the kids up, quickly. The last two people left were them but it was too late, they were too close. Steve grabbed his bat in one hand and grabbed Aria’s waist in the other. They waited for the demogorgons to run towards them as the kids screamed at them to climb up.
There were too many of them at once. The two knew there was no way they were going to get out of this so they held each other right and closed their eyes, waiting for the impact. However, it never came.
They opened their eyes and saw the demogorgons run right past them, their heads turning towards the way they ran to. “Eleven.” Aria whispered.
Aria and Steve looked at each other and their hearts were beating rapidly. They quickly climbed out of the tunnels, the kids giving them a hand. As their feet planted on the grass, Max hugged Aria tightly. “That scared the shit out of me.”
Aria chuckled and hugged her back. “Yeah, me too.”
They stepped away from the hole in the ground as it started to grow bright, light illuminating from the ground that they had to cover their eyes from the brightness. It soon began to simmer down, the light fading away into darkness. The group looked at one another, wondering what just happened.
Aria knew. Eleven finally closed the gate.
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silhouetteincolor · 3 years
Begin again
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Pairing: Logan x MC? Mona x MC? Still not sure, can't decide, I want them both
Book: Choices: Ride or Die (~4 years later)
Word Count: ~3847
Rating: PG (some swearing)
Summary: Soon after Ellie arrives in college, she discovers her new city's racing scene and quickly dives into it. It all works out for her until a certain someone from her past shows up and dares her to a race, threatening to take the one thing she took for granted: her freedom.
Author’s Note: Written for @rodappreciationweek Day 6 - Wildcard. I've had this idea for ages and finally sat down to write it. It's a very rough first chapter draft for a sequel book. It's my version of how Ellie finds her way back to the crew and finally goes after what she wants. It's also my first fic, so any feedback is greatly appreciated. I recommend listening to this playlist while reading. Enjoy :)
Chapter One: The Tourist
Ellie Wheeler never disappointed. From a young age she proved to be a very smart girl, a compliant daughter, a reliable friend and an outstanding student. Everything she set her mind to, she achieved. College wasn’t supposed to be any different, it was certainly not much of a challenge –she excelled at her classes and was constantly praised by her teachers–, soon she found herself settling once again into a familiar routine, into her old self.
Her dad was talking to her again, Riya and Darius called every now and then and she even made a couple of new friends. Everything was going great... except she couldn't remember the last time she had felt this lonely. What a strange thing it is, to be perfectly fine and completely broken down at the same time. Everyone around her acted like the past months hadn't happened, and soon she started to act the part too. Langston College and the west coast were supposed to be a bright and new beginning, the start of her promising future, a clean slate. That’s what she needed, wasn’t it?
She’d stopped driving.
Her valiant, flaming red 1969 Chateaux Panther XX was a painful reminder of L.A. and everything that happened there. Of everything she lost. On her way to the east coast, she felt so excited and euphoric with all the possibilities that the wind and open road brought her. But all that quickly came to a halt when her car’s engine went quiet and she finally arrived at school. After that, each morning was like waking up from a fever dream. Had she really done all those things? Steal cars in the dead of night, aid career criminals, betray her dad’s trust, kidnap a man, get her driver’s license, fall in love. Every day for the last few months she detached herself more and more from those memories until they felt foreign, like they belonged to someone else. But a tattoo sleeve made of bright red peonies always seemed to do the trick and pull her back.
You’ll forget all about me soon enough, Logan had said to her on the last night they saw each other. But in that moment, lying in bed and softly touching her inked skin, she remembered.
Driving became harder and harder because she neither wanted to look back nor to forget, and her car always fell somewhere in the middle of those things. Until one day she made a choice, the first one in a while. After a couple of weeks of digging up information and skimming through the local news and social media, she found a video; a crowd of people taking over the street and cheering on a neon green Crown Centaure, not a car to Ellie’s taste but that wasn’t the point. It was showing off, doing burnouts at a sideshow, a cloud of smoke growing and the engine roaring. Ellie thanked the idiots who possibly risked their lives filming the whole thing, because she was able to track down the original video and username –someone called JesseSpeeds777– who posted it. It took a little while but finally, after stalking their account for days, they tweeted a date and place. She stood up, looked at her phone with determination and scribbled down the address in a piece of paper. The post was deleted a minute later. Bingo. Tonight, she would go out, and she would drive.
Ellie arrived fashionably in her Chateaux Panther, wearing red lipstick and a black leather jacket she borrowed from Mona but never returned. The spot was next to a stretch of a highway currently under construction. She heard loud music in the distance and that calmed her down a little, at least she knew she was in the right place. Ellie wondered how long they’d had before the police came around. She parked the car and got out. She shivered as the cold air met her and smiled. The scene before her was alive with people chatting and dancing and drinking. Some had a beer in their hands, others were showing off their cars’ engines, a few couples snuggled up together and there was a guy with a camera. The road was lit up with the cars’ high beams. It wasn’t the biggest crowd, but it was enough to make her feel the littlest bit at home. A couple of people turned to look at her, but no one seemed to pay too much attention. Ellie approached the guy with the camera, figured that if she wanted information she should start somewhere.
Camera guy was wearing a hoodie and baggy pants, a DSLR camera hung from his neck. The lid was off and he was angling it to get a good shot of the Crown Centaure’s driver – the one Ellie saw in the video–, who was currently revving the engine to a scream. The car was going around in circles doing doughnuts, a cloud of smoke was raising up into the night sky and the concrete stained with tire tracks. Ellie cleared her throat before interrupting his shot.
“Hey.” He barely noticed her; all he did was give her a side-eye. After a moment of awkward silence, Ellie persisted. “Is it hard filming it?” She thought he wasn’t going to answer her and turned to go, but then he finally spoke.
“No”, he replied to her question in a toneless voice. “You just gotta know when to get outta the way.” Ellie scoffed; her dad told her something similar when giving her driving lessons. You have to leave enough room for stepping on the brakes, he advised, and know when to quit. Something she failed to do. She quickly brushed the thought off and continued the interrogation.
“What’s going down tonight?” This sideshow had a much more relaxed vibe than in L.A. Not a lot of action going on.
“Slow night, just an ‘08 Crown Centaure,” he pointed to the green car and then nodded towards a white one, “and a ‘17 Devore GT doing burnouts or whatever.” Ellie felt something sink inside her as she recognized the second car. It wasn’t exactly like Logan’s, his had different mods. Still, her heart went out to him as she imagined how long he kept on driving and where he ended up. Probably the furthest possible place from her.
“Do they race?” she inquired, changing the subject to what really interested her.
“Sometimes.” He crossed his arms in a slightly defensive manner. “You're an awful lot of curious, aren’t you? Who did you say invited you?”
Ellie froze in mild shock, were there really invitations or was he just messing with her? She decided to tell the truth, kind of. “JesseSpeeds777?”
“Oh, you know Jesse?” His brows raised in surprise; he smiled a little.
“Yes,” she stuttered. “I mean, I’ve been following him for a while. Saw him posting a couple of videos and an address, thought I’d come check it out.”
“Uh-huh, and are you from around here? That your ride?” He pointed to her Chateaux Panther. Ellie didn’t like the tone of his question, like he couldn’t believe she owned a car like that. She instantly stood straighter, as if to appear taller.
“I moved here a couple of months ago. And yes, that is my car.” Her voice was low and had a hint of indignation. She self-consciously leaned on the hood of her Chateaux Panther in a protective way.
“Sorry.” He noticed the shift in her friendly demeanor, took a step back and lifted his palms in a playful way. “It’s just- Well, you don’t look the type to drive that,” he sounded way too amused, “but I bet it’s not the first time you’ve heard that. Cool paint job, by the way," Ellie gathered that Toby would have loved to hear that, as if his ego needed more encouraging. "I bet it can seriously run.” A smile tug at her lips.
“Yeah, it does.”
Camera guy squinted at her with curiosity, now he was the one with a lot of questions. “You race?”
“Not for a while.” She stated softly, like a whisper.
The sound of sirens in the distance cut their conversation short. Camera guy was startled but didn’t look scared, if anything he was annoyed. He took his fingers to his mouth and let out a loud whistle. “Beat it, people!” Not two seconds later everyone began to run to their cars, flashes of movement and color passed in front of Ellie, she was too entranced to do anything but watch.
Everyone hurried to get to a car before they were left behind. It was a scene of chaos, almost a beautiful one. Their panic was all the action Ellie had come looking for. She couldn’t help but chuckle at the sound of the engines revving and horn blaring, she had missed this. Camera guy took his time walking to his car, a beaten down Voyage Encounter with a couple of dents. He didn’t look worried in the slightest. He gave Ellie one last look before getting inside, “You got a name?”
“I’m- just a tourist, passing by.” Colt called her that once, too much of a coward to either be part of the crew or go home.
He laughed. “Okay, tourist girl. I’m JesseSpeeds777, but just call me Jess.”
Ellie laughed too, in complicity, the kind you share with someone whom you’ve just met but realize you’re going to be good friends with. Ellie got in her Panther and started it; Jesse did the same.
“You plan on sticking around?” he asked from the driver’s seat.
“I think I will.”
She drove away, leaving the sound of sirens behind. Her hands gripped the steering wheel tightly and she pressed the gas pedal just a bit hard. The wind and open road embraced her once again with the promise of trouble, and this time she wouldn’t back down.
By her senior year, Ellie 'the Tourist' Wheeler was her city's underground celebrity. She would show up randomly at different sideshows across town, do a few stunts here and there and then disappear until the next time. The spots changed regularly to avoid the police, but Ellie always got the invites. But whenever she raced? That's when the crowds were the biggest. Everyone who was into racing or cars went out to see her.
There were rumors about her, who she was and where she came from. Ellie's personal favorite was one that claimed she ran away from a band of car thieves and was currently wanted by the FBI back home. Others said she had an auto shop and could hook you up with all sorts of cars. Someone even spread the gossip that she was a preppy student who dropped out of school to become a stunt driver. They all had a little bit of truth in them but either way, people knew better than to piss her off, in case she was involved in illegal stuff. That worked for Ellie, because she was able to continue her studies at Langston by day, and then go out and drive by night. The only one who was familiar with the full story was Jesse. They became good friends, as predicted, and eventually she decided to tell him the whole truth. It only made him like her more. Plus, he'd get a ton of views from filming The Tourist on the road, so he liked her alright. There were a couple of close calls over the last three years, when she had to escape police pursuit, but they both managed to get away.
It was the summer break before her last term and everything seemed to be alright, Ellie had found her little routine. Jesse invited Ellie to a meetup, a private one. Apparently, someone wanted to challenge her to a drag race. Over the years, Ellie's pride had gotten bigger, so much that she was intrigued enough to meet whoever wanted to dare her.
Ellie had been thinking a lot about what she would do once she graduated. Could she continue to live like this? She didn't see herself working a 9 to 5, but she also couldn't picture leaving everything behind to become a getaway driver. She hated the solitude that both options inspired in her. All Ellie knew is that she expected more.
Jesse and her arrived at the meetup together. A straightaway in the industrial district, a part of town that was abandoned a long time ago. If the cops were alerted, it wouldn't be a quick response. Very few people lived around, and the authorities didn't seem interested in protecting them. It was deathly quiet and Ellie didn't like this at all.
"You know you don't have to do this, right?" Jesse uttered, he too felt something wasn't entirely right. Ellie nodded gravely, her curiosity getting the best of her.
Soon, a couple of high beams showed up in the dark. The engine grew louder as it approached them, there was a distinct turbo sound that accompanied the machine. Once she was able to see a car with tinted windows, a little gasp escaped Ellie's mouth. It was a pitch black Revello Vipere hypercar. One of the fastest, mightiest, most exclusive sports cars built to date. Ellie read that they only made a couple hundred of them, and they were customizable. It was truly a thing of beauty; a lustrous and muscular display of what money can buy. Ellie and Jesse looked at each other in disbelief.
"Who's that?" he whispered.
A man in a matching black suit got out of the car. He straightened the lapel of his jacket as he walked towards Ellie. He looked like he was in his mid 30's, the yuppie type. His hair was gelled back and had an icy presence that left a trail of silence in his wake.
"Good evening, my name is Roman Bright." He saluted Ellie and Jesse, offering a handshake only Jesse accepted. "And I've been looking for you, Ellie Wheeler."
Ellie froze in horror, she felt like a thousand little needles pricked her from the inside. She hadn't thought of L.A. in a while. It took her a few seconds to recognize him. That name.... he was the billionaire who bought the Verratti Le Mans Sport cars. The same cars the MPC stole in order to get the Brotherhood off their backs, which didn't work out in the end. Ellie took a step back.
"I see you remember me." He added in a honeyed voice, with a cold and condescending smile.
"Why are you here?" Ellie questioned him. It had to do with the crew, she was sure of it. Why else would he be looking for her?
Jesse stared at both of them in confusion, but didn't utter a word.
"I wanted to meet the great Tourist, of course. I've heard so much about you, I feel as though I already know you." That didn't make any sense. If Ellie remembered correctly, Roman lived back in the west coast and even if she was street-famous, there was no way they'd hear about her all the way back home.
"Really? And how do you know my name?" Ellie's breath became unsteady and her heart leapt in her chest. "How did you even find me?"
"A pretty bird." Roman smirked, he was enjoying this, the distress on her face as she tried to puzzle things out.
"I just had to come out and meet you. I mean, that stunt you pulled at the Grapevine? I was impressed, but not so much that I forgot the ten million dollars that you stole from me."
Ellie's words failed her; she scanned the place for a way out. But even if Jesse and her managed to get to their cars, she wasn't sure they could outrun him. How could this happen? She hadn't felt at such a disadvantage in a long time, ever since she started racing again, she had been in control. Even when she had to make a getaway, she always knew it was up to her to protect her freedom.
"Why now?" That was all she could ask.
"Glad you mention it. As it happens, I'm in need of a big favor. And I believe you are the perfect person to help me." Roman emphasized the word 'perfect', taunting Ellie, as if he was preparing to reveal a big secret.
"Or what? You're going to charge me the 10 million if I don't help you? Go to the police after all this time?"
"You don't really think I'm here for the money, do you? I thought you were supposed to be a smart kid." Ellie didn't know when she started clenching her fists, but she could feel her body tensing by the minute. She was like a bomb's timer running out of time.
"Why don't we make a game of it? A race." Roman proposed nonchalantly, perhaps this is what he came looking for after all. An opportunity to get a sort of payback for his wounded pride and millions stolen.
"If I lose, I'll leave you be. You won't hear from me again, and we can just say I came to meet you as a fan of your skills." Ellie didn't believe for one second that he would really leave her alone. He had come to her with a purpose, and he was definitely the entitled type of person that wouldn't stop until he had his way. Still, she listened carefully.
"But if I win, you have to help me." Ellie was all but ready to tell him to fuck off, and he seemed to notice that. So, he added, "I'll even tell you how I found you."
That was enough to send her spiraling. He somehow knew this was only way she'd be tempted to accept.
"Ellie, wait-" Jesse intervened when he saw her face and realized what she was about to do.
"Okay. Let's do it."
Roman smiled widely, it was the first time it looked genuine. Jesse grabbed Ellie by the arm and dragged her a couple steps away, out of Roman's reach.
"Are you crazy? What the fuck is going on? Who is this guy?" She didn't feel like explaining. She was already high on adrenaline. But mostly, this was the first time in a while she acknowledged how badly she wanted to welcome back her old life.
"A job I did with the crew back home. You remember the one with the Verratti cars? That's the guy we stole them from, the Silicon Valley prick who bought them."
"No fucking way." Jesse rubbed his eyes and sighed. It was too early in the night to already be neck-deep in so much shit. "We could just make a run for it." It wasn't a bad suggestion. In retrospect, they should have. But even Jesse knew, in the time he'd known Ellie, that once she made up her mind there was no convincing her otherwise.
"I don't know what he wants, or how he tracked me down. It doesn't make sense, unless..."
"Someone sold me out." That was what got to her, the prospect of finding out who gave her identity and location up. "It had to be someone from the crew. Besides them and my dad, no one else knows about that job." She was both furious and incredibly relieved to at least have some news from the crew. Whoever it was, at least they were alive and, presumably, well.
"I do." Jesse asserted as if he wanted to be a part of the suspects' list.
"Yeah, but something tells me you're not best friends with this rich asshole." They both cracked up and the tiniest bit of tension dissipated.
"I can win this, don't worry." Ellie assured him, whatever happened, she would make sure to keep him out of harm's way.
"Pfft, of course you can. It's just a supercar with a W-16 turbocharged engine, 1'500 horsepower and it goes up to 260 MPH. Definitely nothing to worry about." He did that every time, enlist a car's specifications as if it meant anything other than it can run really fast. Ellie rolled her eyes. Toby and him would have definitely hit it off.
"I'm messing with you, you got this. I got you." He gave her a grin and an awkward pat in the shoulders.
They walked back to Roman, more confident, and asked, "You ready?"
"So exciting." He smirked again, nodded and applauded in manic fashion. He and Ellie got into their cars and started them. Both engines roaring and screaming as they pressed on the acceleration. They lined up besides each other. Jesse stepped between them.
"When I give you the sign, you can go. First driver to make it to the lamp post wins." He pointed to a post that was something of a quarter mile away.
"Let's see what you're made of, Elizabeth Wheeler." She didn't bother to reply, one way or another, it would end fast.
Time appeared to slow down. A lot -and nothing- can happen in a 10-second race. Despite running against the Revello hypercar, she took the lead. Ellie knew there was little in the world that could compare to the thrill of racing. Her heart hammering on her chest so loud and hard it might actually burst out, the sheer force of gravity pulling her to the driver's seat, the blood thumping and rushing to her brain, the way the world becomes blurry and all that's left are streaks of light passing her by. She liked all those things, but the thing she loved the most was the silence that followed once she passed the 165mph mark. The wind drowned everything else out, and for a few seconds, she truly felt alive.
Right before reaching the finishing line, she released the gas pedal ever so slightly. Barely, but just enough for Roman to catch up to her and pass her by at the last second. Ellie always wondered if she did it on purpose.
When it was over, he came out of his car triumphantly. He slammed his fists on the car's hood. Jesse's face said he knew what Ellie had done, he understood. She was still inside her Panther when Roman strutted to her door and leaned on the window's frame, invading her space.
"Looks like you're coming back to L.A. with us, Tourist. I have a job for you."
"Us?" she slowly turned to really look at him, perhaps for the first time.
"Oh, didn't I tell you? My mistake. You'll be working with an old friend of yours. I'm sure you have a lot of catching up to do." He nodded towards his car; the passenger's door opened and a pair of boots became visible. She had no idea there was someone else in the car with him.
"Mona." Ellie muttered to herself, if only to say it out loud and make sure she wasn't hallucinating.
"Nice to see you, gorgeous."
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batarella · 4 years
The Commander - Epilogue (Arkham Knight x Reader)
To everyone who liked, reblogged, or took the time to read The Commander series, to all the sweet, kind comments I receive everyday, to everyone who motivated me to post this story, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
The Commander took me five years to finalize, three times I had to rewrite it, and it wasn’t until I’d posted it when I knew this was how I was going to thank you guys. I am a writer because of all of you.
I already have a Commander Sequel in mind, and I’m so close to finalizing the story. You all made this happen. Thank you.
Like they never left a mark.
Was this peace?
There were barely any clouds. Every crevice on the cement road, she could make out. Everything was light. Even with such noise, it wasn’t much of a disruption. No weight for her to lug around, nothing standing at the top of her head. She could hear a conversation a few yards away, from two girls her age. They seemed to be a couple, since the one was holding the other’s hip and had her lips on her nose.
And on the other side, a kid tying his bike onto a post. He walked over to a hotdog stand and gave the man a few coins from his pocket. No one was screaming, or crying. Everything was comfortable.
It was like she could hear the faint playing of piano keys, and someone humming a soft, beautiful song. It matched the slow beating in her chest, and how her thoughts have never been so calm. Everything around her, it was soft. Was this even Gotham?
Y/N took the hood off her head and felt the warmth reign over her scalp. No one turned their heads at her. She was just somebody standing on the curb of a street. She wasn’t Deadshot at the moment, nor the Commander ever again.
On the three days she spent at the abandoned apartment, she had more sleep than that of the past several weeks. That was all she needed. Rest.
She’d eventually decided, on her time alone, to take a long-needed break. Just to be at peace. Visit Zoe. Visit her uncle’s grave every week. She needed to be Y/N. At least for a while. She’s done more than enough to prove herself. This was what she really needed.
She crossed the street to Pauli’s Diner. It opened for the first time since the incident today. On the first day of everything feeling normal, she just wanted to feel like she was. A full breakfast meal at nine o’clock, with the sky this bright, at least once, she could say she tried.
She stepped back, a bike almost running her over. She heard the boy on it scream ‘SORRY!’ before eventually driving away. Y/N continued walking, and the further she got, the more people surrounded her. The diner was almost full, but she could see a few empty tables.
As Y/N stepped on the curb and turned to the corner, she saw him. Even with the crowd, even with the noise, she could always see him more than anyone else.
A brown leather jacket, a black shirt underneath, and no cap nor a hoodie. Jason looked absolutely radiant. And his smile, she was going to remember that. His hair was kept, his hands on the side and not stuffed to his pockets. His head was held a bit higher, and he no longer hid his face.
And from the way he looked at her, she felt just as beautiful.
Y/N froze, so he walked nearer to her, slowly. As if after his every step, he took one more part of her in. Jason stopped at an arm’s length in front of her. He didn’t pull her, or kiss her. He just looked at her.
She did too. The sight of him would’ve brought tears to her eyes if not for everyone else around them
But it didn’t feel that way. Everything else around them, it was like they weren’t even there.
They weren’t the Arkham Knight and the Commander, nor Deadshot and Red Hood.
They were just Jason and Y/N. And if anyone who were to look at them, knew this wasn’t something one would usually see. Them without their suits, wearing normal clothes, looking much like everyone else. They wouldn’t believe it. But she did, and it was the most beautiful version of Jason she’s come to see. Because this was him, the boy she fell in love with.
Jason’s voice. Even that seemed lighter. She opened her mouth, swallowed before she’d choke. “Hi.”
He smiled and turned his head over to the diner’s entrance. “You hungry?”
She nodded, still keeping his eyes locked onto him. Jason walked to the door and held it open for her. She walked closely past him, wanting to be close to his body, inhale his scent. Jason closed the door.
All the red seats pressed against the window were taken. They only had the smaller tables and chairs at the center, so they took the one furthest away from everyone else. Y/N sat down, her hands firmly on her lap, while Jason took the menus lying on the table.
“What will it be?” a waitress came up to them and licked the tip of her pen.
“Two chocolate smoothies and two burgers,” Jason said, handing her the menu. The waitress left.
Nothing was holding them back. She’s never felt so free. Y/N kept staring at Jason’s face and he couldn’t help but look down and laugh.
“You gonna say anything at all?”
Y/N slowly shook her head and grinned with her teeth. “I’m fine like this.”
He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table. “How are you?”
“I’m good. But I’m gonna have to move out soon. Can only do so much without electricity or water.”
Jason looked at her, and there was so much shine in his eyes, she could get lost in them forever. “You clean up real nice,” he said.
“Likewise.” She leaned forward, and the moment her hand touched the table’s surface, he took it.
And at that moment, she no longer held back. She touched his forehead with her own and felt him smile, felt his warmth, felt him as he is. The kind, gentle side of him.
“I have something to show you…”
Y/N pulled back. “What?”
Hurriedly, Jason took out his phone. It was new, she could tell. He took a second finding something and placed it on the table so she could see.
It was pictures of an apartment. An empty one. The kind of pictures he’d find on a rental website. A one bedroom flat with a small living area, kitchen, and bathroom.
“I was gonna get the studio,” he swallowed. “But I thought, if I wanted someone to move in with me, might as well go all in.”
The look on her face was one she couldn’t have read if she saw it herself. Y/N pulled further away. “Move in?”
Jason tightened his hand around hers, and the other held her knee, squeezing it so lovingly. “Come live with me, Y/N.”
She didn’t even have to look at the pictures, and the tears, they were sure to fall some time. She could hold them back for now. She could cry when they were alone.
Or now, because a tear defied her efforts and fell down the side of her cheek. This was all too beautiful. He was too beautiful. A relationship. A proper one. With him. The man she’s looked at more than the stars.
And she was on that island again. And she’d swam from the unmoving waters of the lakes, onto the bottom of the bristling waterfall. And the water was hard on her skin, pressing, but it was cool and brought out any blackness left within her. Jason was her light. She could be his.
The smile on her face was too telling. Yes. Fuck yes, of course she wanted this. More than anything anyone could ever give her. Yes.
“You ask me to move in with you before you ask me on a date?” she smirked, and Jason sat back on his chair.
“Alright,” he said. “Will you go on a date with me at Pauli’s Diner for some burgers and smoothies?”
Y/N laughed, but as she fell forward, Jason caught her face and leaned against her again. And she didn’t say anything more. She just looked at him, stared at him. Then she leaned in for a kiss.
Soft. Gentle. But something she needed. Jason slightly moved his lips to graze so delicately over hers, that when she pulled away, he leaned in for more.
Sooner, she pulled away again, leaning against his arm that had made its way on top of her chair. “I love you…”
Her words made Jason kiss her again, harder this time. “I love you, too.”
Their noses slightly touching, Jason whispered to her so softly, “Is that a yes on the apartment?”
“Yes,” she closed her eyes. “Yes.”
“Good. I was hoping on that half of the rent.”
She pulled away, scoffing, but Jason just laughed and pulled her back in again, his hand on her hip and the other around her shoulders. She leaned into him and felt his lips soft against her head. Y/N closed her eyes.
This was what it was like. To be held by someone so tightly that the world didn’t seem to matter much anymore. To be in love, to be cute. To be peppered in kisses and be told they loved them. To feel so light. To have nothing be so complicated.
She knew it was always going to be complicated. They can never back out from the life they actually had. It will never be easy. And she could see it now, worrying about each other’s life at risk every night, crying, fighting. She could see that. But it was the moments like these, the sweet, short, but soft moments, that she was willing to go through anything just to have.
Neither of them mentioned Batman, or Crane, or Slade, or anything about that night. They looked at each other, kissed, pulled them closer, for such a long while until the waitress came in with their orders and set them on the table.
If it meant giving up the life she had for this, she’d give it away in a heartbeat.  But with Jason, she didn’t have to give up anything at all. He was that few hours every few days when she hadn’t an idea what to do, no one to talk to, or the arms she’d long for at her darkest, or the smile she needed to see when she couldn’t smile herself.
Nothing about her had to change. He loved her just as she is.
Taglist: everyartistwas-firstanamateur  @sarcasmismyfirstlove @damned-queen-of-gotham @idkmanicantenglish @wunderstell @birdy-bat-riya @get-loki@everyday-imfangirling @comic-nerd-dc @multifandoms916 @icequeen208@offendedfishnoises @egdolan @xemiefx @arkhamtoddler @elsenthal@mythicbitchx @supremehaunter @ burning-alive  @lucy-roo  roseangel013bf 
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onemore2morrow · 4 years
Hot Choices Take
Ride Or Die could have been a god tier book if the writers had planned for a three book series instead of making it a “bad boy romance”. First of all, make it a male and female book. Also, add another female love interest (whether in the gang or a friend of MC or something). And instead of rushing through MC’s senior year, they could have done it in sections like in High School Story. Fall, winter, spring. The Brotherhood should have been introduced in the second book, along with Detective Shaw.
The first book would start out relatively the same. Instead of rushing the plot though it would focus more on becoming a part of the gang, and the major antagonist wouldn’t be the Brotherhood but some sort of rival gang. They could really focus on MC’s struggles of balancing their two different lives, and it would also give the writers an opportunity to flesh out the background characters like Riya, Darius, and Ingrid (Ingnrid was supposed to be our sworn enemy, and she had like five lines). The lie and reveal plot of Logan using the MC would still be a part of this book. MC would no longer feel welcome in the gang, and the book would end on a cliffhanger with MC leaving the Mercy Park Crew to try and rejoin normal high school life. If the writers didn’t want to do this, instead the Mercy Park Crew could decide that it’s too dangerous to have MC around and send her/him home. Either way, we’d be left on a cliffhanger.
The second book would start with MC missing the Mercy Park Crew, but doing relatively well in high school. They haven’t said anything to their father, but they still miss their love interest. This is when Detective Shaw would be introduced. Should be brought on to the task force in order to hunt down the Mercy Park Crew. Feeling like they have no other option, MC would find the gang and ask to re-join as they now have the police on their tails. Logan would be against the idea, but Kaneko would decide it was a good idea so that way they would be one step ahead of the police. Eventually, MC‘s grades would start to slip. They would draw back further and further from their high school friends, and their dad would start to pick up on this. There would be some big fight between MC and their dad, which would result in MC running away to live with the Mercy Park Crew. The Mercy Park Crew would also be struggling here, as they are dealing with increased police activity. The last few chapters would involve some sort of stand off, and this is where Kaneko would sacrifice himself. The gang would be distraught without their leader, causing a shift in power dynamics. Colt would want to get immediate revenge, but the gang would decide it would be better if they lie low until everything calms down. This would result in Colt leaving the gang in order to seek revenge himself. MC moves in with Riya as they have nowhere else to go (Riya would make it very clear she is still mad at them. But she won’t kick them while they’re down). Book would end with seeming break up of Mercy Park Crew.
Third book would start with MC still living at Riya’s place. Their days are really bland and painful. They go to school where they are ignored by old friends, are struggling to catch up with Ingrid, and miss their dad. Occasionally Toby and X would drop by or send a text, and act as an older sibling to them, and try to brighten their day and keep them happy. One day while having dinner they’d be watching the news, and find out that Salazar has been found dead. The Mercy Park Crew would regroup to try and figure out what was going on (not all willingly though. Mona would show up last minute, Colt still wouldn’t be around). In this meeting, someone would mention the Brotherhood, and it’d be revealed the Brotherhood sent the rival gang after them way back in the first book, and the Brotherhood is also the police task force that killed Kaneko in book 2. (The Brotherhood are corrupt cops after all). Logan wants to get the crew back together, otherwise Kaneko would’ve died for nothing. Colt shows up, and agrees, he has spent the last month or so gathering intel on the police which led him to the Brotherhood and wants to take them out permanently (this is the first time Colt and Logan agree on anything). MC would realize they need to go back to their dad if they want any police help. Reconnecting with their father would NOT be paywalled. It would just take a few chapters before anything is close to normal between them. Feeling their father won’t help them, they instead turn to Detective Shaw. Cue reveal about Shaw being leader of brotherhood. MC would be held for ransom, trade off for one of the Mercy Park Crew. The rest of the book would follow the end of the original book kind of similarly. Just less moping around as MC has already done that. Also, no Mercy Park Crew tries to kill a cop plan. MC’s father would be with the FBI agents at Shaw’s house when Shaw confesses. MC would realize they can get everyone out of this mess, but will put their future on the line to do so. MC would testify against Shaw and Brotherhood for immunity, and would have to let the Mercy Park Crew go for good. They’d get one final goodbye with every gang member, reminicising. When asked about the Mercy Park Crew, they’d give vague answers. Make up stories. Pretend they were blackmailed or forced to join, etc. MC would return home to dad, and the two would finally reconnect and have some closure. When they graduate, instead of seeing their dad in the crowd they’d see their love interest, before said love interest disappears. Final chapter would be packing for college (MC spent the summer with high school friends and doing community service). They aren’t going to their dream school, but they are going to their second choice (Hartfeld University) instead. MC would get to say goodbye to high school friends, and to father, before going on the road. We’d get a flashback of all memorable scenes throughout books as they drive away. Then comes the line “man, this would’ve made a great college essay”.
Book ends.
(Constructive criticism is welcome. Hate is not. Also Pixelberry, if you see this, I am a writer and need a job)
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Late Night Confessions...With Father Jimin (Chapter One)
𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺: 𝘈 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘦𝘧 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘶𝘯 𝘢𝘤𝘤𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘬𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘴 𝘢𝘯 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘤𝘩𝘶𝘳𝘤𝘩 𝘧𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘦, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘢𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘱 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘶𝘳𝘤𝘩. 𝘔𝘦𝘢𝘯𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦, 𝘈 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘯𝘶𝘯 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘵𝘰𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘶𝘳𝘤𝘩 𝘢𝘴 𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘭. 𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘦𝘹𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵?
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𝒢𝑒𝓃𝓇𝑒: Romance, Smut, Forbidden Relationship
𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔(𝓈): Priest! Yoongi, Fake Priest Jimin, Nun! Reader, Accidental Murder
𝒲𝑜𝓇𝒹𝓈: 2k+
𝒫𝒶𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔: Jimin x Reader
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Next →
“It was an accident!” The man yells towards the fallen priest.
“Of course it was. An accident that you hit me with your car just as we were crossing the road.”
“But the horse came out of nowher-”
“Bishop Francis?” The distraught priest shakes the other man, and just as he reveals his lifeless body to the younger, thunder strikes. The man’s eyes are wide open, the sockets having a yellowish tint around them. The corpse is fresh but already rotting, enough to make anyone want to empty the contents of their stomach.
“It’s going to rain, get up.” The younger male helps him to his car, offering to drive him to where he needs to go.
“You did this. You killed the bishop, and now you must pay.” He coughs wretchedly, his stomach churning as he eyes the shorter male. He noticed he has a similar build as the previous bishop, and a similar face, if he didn’t know any better, he might have mistaken him for the head of the church. An idea begins forming in his mind.
“I know what I did was wrong, but forgive me, I was in a rush, running away from people who aren’t particularly fond of me…”
“Why might that be?” It is in the priest’s nature to listen to others and tell them how to repent.
“I stole his watch.” The priest turns to him in disappointment. “Don’t look at me like that, we’re close in age, I can tell. I was born in the year of the pig, when were you born?” He asks the distraught priest.
“Ah, only 2 years older than me?! Can I call you hyung?” The older man glares back at the younger one as he quickly focuses back on driving.
“Sorry father.” He murmurs to the priest. If it only went a different way, he wouldn’t have killed someone. He wasn’t a natural killer, it wasn’t in his blood. Heck, he’d never even hurt a fly. It was an unfortunate accident.
“Listen, I have an idea that may allow you some grace from murdering the most important person in the church.” 
“What might that be?” The priest begins digging through his large brown bag, and surprises the younger man by pulling out a robe and belt. The type that only priests wear.
“We’re gonna make you into half the man he was.”
“Half?” The thief steps on the break.
“No one will know, you guys are practically identical, physically. Now how good are your acting skills?” Oh dear, was this priest really gonna help him get away with murder?
                      ��                ✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
“Reverend Mother, are we really going to send this...imposter to the church of St. Paul?” A nun wearing white goes cribbing to the head nun again.
“Sister Gertrude, now is not the time to argue. My decision is final. We will help that poor girl keep her cover, in case those bad men come to find her again. This is all to protect a child of God.” 
“But she isn’t even a real nun, we would be lying to the Catholic Church, and fooling everyone!” The reverend lights a candle and hands it to her student.
“No dear, we are helping a fellow nun. Go find Sister Rosemary and bring her to me. I will personally help her get...adjusted.” The nun coughs before sending the woman to fetch the other girl. 
“Hey, you fake nun, Reverend Mother Flora is calling you. Go to her, and don’t whine this time.” Sister Greta tidies her corner of the room, making sure there is nothing messy in sight. She turns her head and her smile fades when she sees Sister Rosemary’s pig-sty of a bed. Right in the middle is the woman herself, covered head to toe in her own clothes, wearing an uncomfortably tight nun’s uniform. The real nun is offended that such a person could fool the others in the convent so easily and even get a prestigious honor of moving to the Church and serving God through mass and other important things that nuns do. In the short time that she’s been here, she’s accomplished more than Greta, and that infuriates the nun. Sister Greta knows that envy is a disgusting thing, but she can’t help it, she wanted to go to the church to complete her special nun duties and appease everyone. Instead, it’s this mongrel that has reserved her spot in the church and stolen the spotlight for being the “best.” 
“I don’t wanna. But I guess I will, since I’m bored as hell—heck.” She catches herself before leaving Sister Rosemary to attend her meeting with the reverend.
“Sister Rosemary, so nice to see you again. Pray tell, are you ready to move to the Church of St. Paul?”
“Don’t call me that.” The girl hisses at her senior, anger boiling up in her veins. It was bad enough she had a bunch of bad guys chasing her on the orders of her dear brother. She just didn’t understand why he would condemn her like this, she just wanted to get away from her evil stepfather and his awful family. Not to mention away from the grips of her emotionally abusive brother–step-brother.
“Okay, Y/N.” The nun lets out a chuckle at her indifferent behavior. It had been a week but she was still the same girl she found hiding in the alley behind the convent. “You know your name is a dead giveaway, we need to keep your identity concealed.” 
“I really don’t wanna be anywhere near a church right now but I guess I have no choice, huh?” The Reverend mother nods, giving her a basket of flowers, and clasps her hands together. 
“It’s temporary, dear. But it’s hard to say how long you will be staying there, until the police get their hands on those people and you’re completely safe again.” 
“I may not seem like it, but I really wanted to thank you reverend mother. You’ve treated me the best, even better than my real mother ever did. Thank you, so much.” Y/N sinks into her arms, hugging her and burying her tear-stained face in the nun’s shoulder.
“It’s alright, dear. It is our job, after all.” The Reverend Mother strokes her back until she stops sobbing, and she sends her off to help prepare a meal in the kitchen.
“When will you be leaving, Sister Rosemary?” Asks another nun as Y/N walks into the room.
“Evening. When the sun sets, I will get in a car and be driven to the church.”
“It’s nice there, I wish I could stay there forever but they only accept a couple sisters there every year, and I heard you have to attend four masses each day.” The said girl groans and makes her way to the table, setting down a plate of fruits.
“It sounds exhausting.” Another girl says, much to Y/N’s dismay.
“Let’s just ignore the negatives, Sister Hilda always said to keep your chin up, and always be happy!” 
“Sounds like a depressed nun to me.” Y/N mutters under her breath. 
“Mmhmm! I always hear good things from the nuns there, but they are very strict.” Sister Riya warns.
“Sisters, time for lunch!”
Second Person POV
After supper, you find yourself packing and getting ready to leave the place that you found comfort in. Strangely enough, you found yourself growing attached to the abbey and the sisters in it. 
                                         ✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
“Father Yoongi, do you think we’re gonna pull this off?” The thief asks with sweat droplets trailing down his chin.
“Yes, Jimin. As far as God lets us. You can act well, right?” Jimin nods, running his fingers through his fluffy hair.
“I even look like a priest now, what the hell?” To his dismay, Jimin looked like a real priest. He would’ve never imagined ever being part of a church, at least before his parents passed away. He needed a better job anyway, being a thief wasn’t a choice, he had to make money somehow. He doesn’t know how it’s going to go anyways, he could be really good or bad depending on whether he gets caught or not. He knows some people in the church are super observant.
“Priests don’t curse.” Yoongi grits his teeth, making Jimin stand up straight.
“Come with me, I’ll introduce you to the others. Except the archbishop, he’s too busy.”
“But aren’t I the bishop?” Jimin remembers when the priest told him he had murdered an important figure in the church, something starting with a “B.”
“Yes. I’m surprised you remember.” He takes him into another room, which looks to be a chapel. Inside, three priests stand at the altar, fixing the decor.
“Father Jin, have you replaced the flowers?” A tall priest stands at attention when he sees Yoongi.
“Yes, father Yoongi. I’ve replaced all the flowers in the church.”
“Is the clergy house clean?”
“Spotless.” Jimin looks back and forth, a bit confused as the other priests bow to him in greeting. He puts his hand up, like he’s seen bishops on the tv do when he was five. 
“Father Taehyung, have you marked the readings for today?” 
“Yes.” Jimin is left in awe as he discovers new things he didn’t know about the church before. Everyone has a job to help it work, together.
“Ahem, Father Joseph?” Another tall priest picks himself up, looking to have fallen asleep.
“Do you take this job to be a joke?” Father Yoongi’s tone frightens Jimin. So far, he’s been calm but seeing him angry is kind of offputting.
“N-no sir.”
“Dismissed.” All of the other priests in the room gasp, as the other priest makes his away out of the room, removing his belt and holy robes. It looks as if he has been stripped of his rights as a priest.
“Did you just fire him?” Jimin whispers to Yoongi.
“Yes. Bishop Francis, you might want to go into the back and start blessing the water. We must change it.” Father Yoongi gives him his first orders. “I can’t come back with you since I’m busy but here is the prayer of blessing.” He gives him a small paper with the prayer and Jimin makes his way into the place where they prepare everything before the mass. He sighs, holding his right hand up and trying to sell it to the others. He knows he isn’t worthy to bless something because he is cursed, in his own ways. Just a day ago he was robbing houses and now, he’s dressed in holy attire and reciting prayers. He doesn’t even know what he’s doing here.
“Father Francis, there’s a new nun who says she was sent by the convent.” 
“No, you’re supposed to call me for that, I’ll take care of it, sorry Bishop Francis.” Yoongi glares at the other priest before dashing to the entrance to meet with the woman. Father Yoongi had been exchanging phone calls with the Reverend Mother, since the girl first assumed her identity as a nun. He didn’t know exactly what happened but just that she was in grave danger and the church of St. Paul was to aid her, until she was completely safe. And he was to let no one else know, just like how the Bishop’s identity is concealed from the rest of the priests. Yoongi is a little exhausted from keeping so many secrets, afraid that he might accidentally let it slip. 
“Hello dear, you must be Sister Rosemary?” You nod, a little bit uneasy.
“I’m the only one who knows who you are, so feel free to be comfortable around me. I promise I won’t hurt you.” While Father Yoongi speaks to you, Jimin watches you from the glass-stained windows as you stroll through the garden.
“I’m really thankful for this, but I’m still scared of getting my cover blown.” 
“Don’t be, our church will make sure you feel at home.”
“Please don’t do that. My “home” is scary enough, if anything I’d rather be here.” You explain,
“I’m sorry. If there’s anything I can do to make you feel a bit safer, let me know.” You giggle at Father Yoongi’s efforts to help you fit in. You hate the feeling of butterflies in your stomach, and catching yourself as you stare at him a bit too long. He’s handsome, more handsome than your step brother, or the boy you liked in middle school. 
“Is there something on my face?” You shake your head as Yoongi points at his face.
“Sorry, I was just thinking.”
“Anyways, as I was saying, there are fewer nuns here so instead of going to a separate building, you will be staying in the clergy house, but you will have your privacy and your room will be off-limits to anyone else.”
“How many other nuns are here?” You ask, out of curiosity.
“About 3 others,” You nod, accepting that you might be doomed after all. Your brother will find you here and you will be torn from limb to limb, probably being chained up and beaten black and blue after. Probably. “Y/N?” He breaks your train of thought, snapping you back to reality.
“I’m sorry, Yoon-Father.” You look away, ashamed.
“You poor thing, just what did you go through?” You find yourself crying profusely, tears rolling down your cheeks. Hot tears, too.
“I kn-know we just met, but can I h-hug you?” You ask, feeling vulnerable again. As an 18 year old, this kind of trauma is something that cannot be healed. You’ve been suffering for seven years, since your mother married that man.
“Of course.” The priest opens his arms to you, and you gratefully accept, your heart beat increasing, your cheeks become red, and your eyes even redder. Jimin watches intently, his gaze burning holes into your back. You don’t see him at first, but you notice the movement in the window, and you break the hug first.
“Thank you.” You whisper meekly to him. 
“Would you like to see the room you’re staying in?” You nod, as Father Yoongi leads you into the church through the back door. “Ah, Bishop Francis, you were here?” He forgot all about his new problem, the man posing as the Bishop. The murderer.
“Who’s this?” Jimin peers down at you with an unreadable expression. You gulp, feeling a familiar heat in your stomach that you feel when your brother is near. He gives off the same vibes.
“This is Sister Rosemary, she will be helping with the services.” Father Yoongi leads her into the chapel, and ignores Jimin’s burning gaze. Did Jimin imagine it or did he see a priest hugging a nun in an intimate manner? Wasn’t physical contact forbidden in the church? If not, he has a lot to learn.
Later that evening, all the priests and nuns gather for the last prayer of the day, which is supposed to act like a sendoff of sorts, relieving them of their extraneous duties for the day. You found yourself liking it a lot more than you thought you would, and praying was actually making you feel better. Maybe it was the subtle glances of pity from Father Yoongi, or the calm gentle humming from Father Taehyung, or even the voice of Father Jin as he read the last gospel, but you felt a lot better, and at ease. Of course, the Bishop was looking at you the entire time, not even hiding his doubt one bit. He suspects you, and the only thing you can do is to evade it. Make him believe that you are a nun as well.
Jimin, however was not suspecting you of anything. His thoughts were fixated on when he was getting out of the church, before they found the body of the actual Bishop. Him and Yoongi had buried him, after all, but it was only a matter of time, before they condemned him.
After the prayer, Jimin remains in the chapel, his eyes closed as his mind wandered. It wasn’t just him, but you who decided to stay as well, praying for your wellbeing, and all the others who had helped you thus far. You look towards the Bishop, confused as to why he wasn’t the first to leave. Isn’t he the head of the church? After praying for awhile, you blow out the candles in the chapel, from the back to the front, finally reaching the dimly lit alter.
“Don’t blow those out, please,” You nod, as Jimin keeps his eyes shut. You take that as a sign to leave. “I hope you won’t make any of us stray away from God, we’re all men of the church, you know?” His comment makes you freeze in your tracks. What did he just say to you? And then you remember the incident in the garden. He must’ve seen.
“I know.” You simply reply, running to your private room and locking the door. You just wanted to sleep, but your mind wouldn’t let you. You’re in too deep. The Bishop doubts you, but you’ve barely said a couple words.
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tempesrature · 4 years
Dedicated Emotions: Logan (Part III)
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV
Pairing: Ride or Die | Ellie x Logan 
Summary: An imagining of what happened months after RoD1 where Ellie and Logan reunite after one year.  
(This is an accompaniment to the Colt Series with the same title, you don’t need to read the other series to understand this series don’t worry!)
Word Count: 1,094
Warnings: PG-13 (curse words) 
 A/N: The Colt series will be posted tomorrow. I hope you enjoy! 
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Logan takes a deep breath, letting the air cage against his chest until the last second, before he lets it out in one big rush. He drops his head on the steering wheel of his Devore and grips it tight in his hands.
God, he’s so fucking nervous. 
It’s been a year after all, things have changed.
For the better or the worse, he doesn’t know. But he tells himself not to hope—not to expect. To keep his expectations low so his heart can handle the ricochet of seeing the new Ellie for the first time in a year.
He could have left her alone, let her move on with her life. That’s what he wanted in the first goodbye and that’s what he told himself in the second one. So he really shouldn’t be here in Langston, nervously waiting for her class that Riya texted him was about to end in ten minutes. But he’s a weak man.
And he can’t stay away.
He lifts his head from the steering wheel, his eyes sharp and focused as he looks on to the throng of students exiting the building. His heart is on alert, his eyes fliting left to right to find her—and there. Her hair is shorter now, she’s smiling, and she’s laughing—good.
He exits the Devore, nervously adjusts his jacket and quickly rehearses all the things he wants to say: how are you, how’s Langston, are you dating anyone—no, no. Not that one. He has no right. Quickly, before he leaves all of his courage on the gravel, he takes purposeful steps towards her.
And it’s almost as if time just seems to speed up. Because in one moment, he’s approaching her with a smile and an awkward hand wave, and in the next his blinking back the surprise in his eyes as he looks down to his arms full of Ellie.
She’s crying. She’s sniffling. She’s sobbing.
Well shit. He doesn’t have a plan for that.
“Baby—” He bites his tongue, clears his throat and wraps his arms around her shoulder. And he tries again as he always does. Because that’s what he’s good at. “What’re you crying for, El?”
“I…thought…you…hated me,” She confesses between broken sobs, burying herself into his chest. “Vaughn…wouldn’t tell me where you were. I…tried so hard to find you Logan. I tried so hard to…to come back.”
Well shit. Now he’s tearing up and he definitely doesn’t have a plan for that.
He feels the eyes of people settling on them and he carefully peels her off of him, holding her blubbery face in his hands. He smiles brilliantly, wiping away the tears from her cheeks as he searches her watery eyes. “Let’s talk in the Devore okay?”
She nods, wiping away her runny nose with the back of her hand as he settles his hand on the small of her back and leads her to the car. She takes her place in the passenger seat and his in the driver’s seat. He turns on the engine, letting the cool air filter into the space before he begins and unravels days, weeks, and months that blend into nothing behind high walls and small spaces.
“I turned myself in. I told Vaughn not to tell you.”
He turns to look at her—shock, pain, guilt, awe. All valid and all warranted.
Ellie’s face falls, her lips quivering at the thought of a whole year. Twelve months of time she should have given him.
Yes. A resounding and definite yes.
“Logan, I could’ve…” Could she?
“I would’ve…” Would she?
And he knows, the smile he gives her spells out he knows.
“I didn’t want you to see me like that Ellie,” He reaches out, wiping away a stray tear. “Not that side of me.”
She bites her lips to stop the hypotheticals that threaten to tumble out of her in rush. Because it won’t help, not when time has already passed. So she chooses a question that focuses on the now, of a question that maps out the future. “Is everything…okay now?”
Logan lets out a laugh, the sound soft and freeing. “Yeah, I gotta report to a parole officer though. But everything is okay now El, maybe even better.”
Logan hesitates, his hands almost twitching in uncertainty, before he takes the chance and reaches out to her hand. She takes his hand readily as she searches his face, hope and uncertainty staring back at him. He tests his voice with a cough before he pulls out the truth straight from his heart, molding and materializing it into a concrete and tangible promise of forever.
“The moment I closed the door on your car, I already knew what I needed to do. I thought I could do it El. I thought I could say goodbye a second time,” He chuckles ruefully, the memory so heavy in his mind it keeps him up night and gives him strength in the day. “But I can’t. I can’t do it anymore. I can’t disappear again knowing I’ll be leaving the best parts of me behind. I…I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way before.”
Ellie lets out a choked sob, nodding before she takes his face and gently guides him to her lips. He expected an explosion of desperation, of need, of hunger—but it’s slow, steady, soft. It’s full of nights on the hood of her car watching the stars, it’s full of fast food and laughter in the middle of the night, it’s full of roads and hair whipping around his face.
She breaks the kiss, her thumb running over his lips as a slow and easy smile captures hers. Her eyes light up, searching his own before she leans forward again and brushes her lips against his. Time so arbitrary in the atmosphere they’ve built around each other.  
“So I’m thinking of skipping the rest of my classes today…”
She waggles her eyebrows at him and he blinks once, twice before he laughs and throws his head back—the kind of laughter that causes an ache in your stomach. The kind of laughter he hasn’t experienced in almost a year. He surges forward and captures her lips in a playful and loving kiss that leaves her with a loopy smile.
Logan gazes at her, her hand and fingers fitting in between the spaces of his life he’s only ever opened up to her. His next words are full of promise, affirmation and affection as a loving and teasing smirk pulls his lips.
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omgjasminesimone · 4 years
24 for Logan x Ellie, please?
Ellie watches as Logan’s blinking gets slower, as his head starts to droop, before snapping to attention a moment later.  “Pull over. You’re falling asleep.” Ellie instructs. 
“We have to get across the border first.” Logan insists, glancing over at her. “Stopping at a hotel in the states is too risky.”
“Then just pull off the road and we can sleep in the backseat.” Ellie suggests. She would offer to drive herself, but Logan insists if they get pulled over she’s supposed to tell the cops he kidnapped her so she doesn’t get in trouble for harboring a criminal. He thinks this story will be more convincing if he’s the one driving.
“I’m not letting you sleep in a car. You deserve better than that Ellie.” Logan presses, biting his lip worriedly. 
“Stop thinking whatever you’re thinking Logan. I chose this. I choose you, and I have no regrets about it. I can do online college.” Ellie insists. “Hey.” She calls so he’ll look at her. “I love you.” She adds. 
His eyes soften. “I love you too troublemaker.” He returns, looking at her for a long moment before his eyes return to the deserted country roads. 
“Since you refuse to stop, I’ll have to keep talking to keep you awake.” Ellie decides. 
“Great. I love talking to you.” Logan returns, complete with flirty smile that never fails to make her heart skip a beat. He takes one hand off the wheel, interlacing his fingers with her’s.
“Want to hear about the time Riya and Darius got their braces stuck together while making out and had to go to the emergency room to get detached?”
Logan chuckles, squeezing her hand. “You know I do.”
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flowerpowell · 5 years
The Boy Next Door (Colt x MC ? / Logan x MC ?)
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A/N: This is the last chapter! And the epilogue is being worked on too! I really hope you’ll like it and thank you SO much for reading and reblogging, commenting, liking and supporting this series. I meant A LOT to me. Characters belong to Pixelberry. 
Rating: PG-16
Word count: 1911
Tagging: @brightpinkpeppercorn @desiree-0816 @lovehugsandcandy @walkerduchess @liamzigmichael4ever @emceesynonymroll @emichelle @hellomynameisdevi @client-327 @badchoicesposts @blackcatkita @pixel-thirsty @drakeismyweakness @donutsgirl36 @miss-raleigh-carrera @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @lovemychoices @mskaneko @missameliep @cora-nova ♥
“Ugh, the jet lag is killing me,” Ellie murmured, inhaling the scent of her coffee in hopes it would wake her up.
“You know, you can’t really blame jet lag if you’ve been here for over a month,” Logan noticed and Ellie looked at him narrowing her eyes.
“I can blame whatever I want,” she stuck out her tongue at him. “Why are you so happy, though? Where do you get your energy?”
“I dunno. I just love it here. My classes are amazing, the people I met are cool, my job is going great. You’re here too. I can’t complain, really.” He took a sip of his tea and Ellie rolled her eyes.
“I miss my bed. I’m tired of having a panic attack anytime I see someone driving on the wrong side of the road. And it is freezing here.”
Ellie wrapped her fingers around the mug and closed her eyes listening to the noises of a campus cafe. The past month was very... interesting, to say the least. Nothing bad happened but Ellie had the hardest time adusting to a new country, new university and a new lifestyle. Copared to Logan who seemed to love being there, Ellie counted down the days till she could go back. She missed her dad, she missed her professors, she missed Riya, she missed Annya. And no matter how hard she tried to hide it, she missed Colt the most.
They talked every day, sometimes even twice a day. He called at times that were the most convenient for Ellie and at some point she found out he would stay up late just to talk to her. They talked about Ellie’s classes, about Colt reuniting with his mother, about Logan who was living his best life. The only thing they didn’t discuss was them. It almost felt like a taboo subject but she knew from her conversations with Annya that he missed her too.
They also never talked about what would happen after her London adventure. She wasn’t sure where she would go, back to California to her father? Find a new appartment in Colt’s neighborhood? It was driving her insane but she tried to not to think too much about it.
Ellie tried not to doze off when Logan was telling her something that happened during one of his classes. She smiled involuntarily. He was always very excited when talking about his classes and Ellie was really happy for him. Everything was good between the two of them and she was glad to have a friend like him in her corner. They even went to a weekend trip to Paris because Logan refused to spend the money he earned for it on anything else.
“Logan, seriosuly, I can’t... You don’t have to spend the money on me anymore. We’re not a couple or anything.”
“But we’re friends. And I want to take you there as an apology for lying to you. Come on, I know you want to go there. Please?”
“Ughh, okay. You don’t have to but if you must, I’ll go. After all I lied to you, too.”
Logan raised his eyebrow trying not to laugh. “Oh poor you. Going to Paris with me is such an awful punishment for almost cheating on me with Colt. How will you bear so much suffering?”
The trip was very successful and Ellie sent tons of pictures to Colt, Annya and her Dad. Colt was a little jealous at first, even though he tried to hide it, but Ellie explained it to him that her and Logan would never be able to be more than friends. And she was okay with that.
“Ellie?” Logan’s voice brought her back to reality. “Maybe you should skip classes today? You look really tired. I could drive you back to your dorm,” he offered concerned.
“Yeah... I think I need a break today. Thank you.”
As soon as she entered her room, she jumped on her bed and fell asleep. Her phone woke her up a few hours later.
“Mmm, hello?” She rubbed her eyes trying to get out of bed and turn on the light.
“Ellie? You sound... different. Is everything okay?” Colt’s voice was full of concern, which made her heart skip a beat. He cares.
“I just woke up from a nap. Was tired all day,” she murmured sleepily and Colt let out a chuckle.
“I’m sorry I woke you up.”
“No, it’s fine. What’s up?”
“I met my grandparents today. My mom’s parents. By the way, she says hi.”
Ellie smiled at the words and closed her eyes, climbing back to bed. She might as well make herself comfortable. “And? What they’re like?”
“A couple of assholes. No wonder my mom doesn’t like them. They suck.”
“No seriously! They were complaning all the time about everything. Why I never reached out to them sooner, and it’s not like I just found out they existed. Why I look so much like my father, why I don’t look like my grandfather, who apparently was very handsome when he was younger. Well, I couldn’t tell because he looked like a fucking raisin. And then my grandma told me to stop wearing my leather jacket because I look like a cultist. And she got offended when I said I was in an anti-grandparents cult. Then she proceeded to criticize my mother. I’m tellin’ you. Assholes.” She couldn’t see Colt but she could tell he was rolling his eyes in this very ‘Colt’ manner. She chuckled.
“Well then, I’m glad I didn’t have to meet them,” she said stifling a yawn.
“Ellie? You’re tired. Go to sleep a little earlier and I’ll call you before your classes tomorrow, okay?”
“Mhm, okay! Love you!” she blurted and her eyes widened as she realized what she just said.
No... No... Please, no.
“Ahem, okay then, I... I’ll call you umm...tomorrow. Night!”
Ellie hang up and facepalm herself hard.
Did I just say I loved Colt? Yes.
Did he hear it? Probably yes.
Did he say it back? No.
Does he feel the same? Probably not.
Did I scare him? Most likely.
Am I an idiot? Totally.
She buried her face in her hands. She didn’t mean to say it, at least not like that. They were still figuring things out and now she ruined everything.
“UGH!!!” She groaned. Colt didn’t say anything back. He was probably surprised too.
Maybe he didn’t hear it...
Maybe I can pretend I never said that. Maybe it was nothing.
Colt didn’t call before her classes.
Ellie waited for him to call but she gave up when it was already time to leave.
He heard.
And he is avoiding me.
She didn’t pay attention to her classes that day at all. She didn’t even notice Logan driving her back home. She was done with London and she wanted to go back home. Wherever it was.
She came back to her dorm, turned on TV and mindlessly watched different shows for a few hours. It was almost uncanny how much the lack of conversation with Colt affected her. Her days were much better when she could hear his voice at least for a few minutes.  
I need to go on a rehab.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. It was already late in the evening and she didn’t expect anyone. She wanted to ignore at first but the knocking didn’t stop for a few minutes.
“I’m coming!” She groaned and crawled out of bed. She opened the door and her heart stopped. It was either a dream or she was hallucinating.
“Hi,” Colt said nervously as she started at him. He walked inside and closed the door while Ellie was still in shock.
“C-Colt? What are you doing here?”
“I-- I don’t know.” He ran one hand through his hair and looked at her. “I-- I thought it was all over and I prayed for a sign and when you blurted out those three words, well, two, I thought...”
“You heard it.” It was more of a statement than a question and Colt nodded.
“I... did. And I... I figured it was true and I wanted to take a leap of faith and come here. It gave me hope that maybe there’s still a chance.”
“Chance? Chance for what?” She asked and Colt’s expression softened.
“I don’t know much about feelings, emotions and crap like this. I don’t know how to be with someone, I don’t know what it’s like to have a normal, healthy relationship but I would like to try it if... if you want it too.”
“Colt? Are you...?”
“I,” he swallowed hard and closed his eyes before opening them again and locking them with Ellie’s confused eyes. “I think I love you, Ellie. No, wait, I ruined it, I know I love you. No wait, it still sounds bad, I--”
“You... you do?” Ellie’s eyes welled up with tears as Colt nodded. “Oh my gosh, I thought you didn’t feel anything for me anymore.”
“What? How could-- No, Ellie, I was worried you hated me after I told you to get out. I thought I messed up for good. And when I heard you saying these words I thought... I thought that maybe there’s still a chance?”
“So you came to London?” Ellie couldn’t believe it. Maybe it was indeed a dream.
“Well, yeah. I missed you. Home is not home without you. Ellie,” he took her hands in his as he looked into her eyes. “I know I screwed up. I know I’m not perfect, hell, I’m the opposite. I know I suck at showing I like someone and I have many, many, maaaany issues. But I promise, if you’ll take me, to work on them, on myself, on everything for you. I know I don’t deserve you after all you’ve done for me and after all I’ve done to you but if you’re willing to forgive me I would like to ask you for a second chance. I want to be whatever you want me to be, your boyfriend, your best friend, your shelter from any storm in your life, your roomate, anything, Ellie, just say I word and I’m yours.”
Ellie sniffed as tears were rolling down her cheeks.
He loves me. He loves me!
And I love him too.
“Ellie? Please say something or I’ll die.”
Ellie let out a laugh as she threw her arms around his neck pulling him closer. She kissed him and he kissed her back and she never felt happier in her life. Their kisses were slow but passionate, full of love and hope. Full of promises and new beginnings. He deepened the kiss, pulling her even closer and she put her hands in his hair.
“I love you too, Colt. So much,” she said breathlessly between the kisses. She’d never seen Colt being so happy. He lifted her effortlessly and spun her around, peppering her face with gentle kisses. They stayed like that, kissing in the middle of Ellie’s dorm room, for a few minutes before pulling away. Colt rested his forehead against hers as both of them tried to catch their breaths.
“Ellie?” Colt asked, his breathing still heavy.
“Let’s go home.”
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lilyoffandoms · 4 years
March 2020 Drabbles
Choices March Challenge
Day One - Sensibility - Blades drabble
Day Two - Mixed Signals - Ethan x mc
Day Three - Pride - Tyril drabble
Day Four - Tea - Thomas Hunt x mc
Day Five - Midnight Stroll - Tyril x mc/Maiele
Day Six - Love Letter - Logan x mc 
Day Seven - Mistake - Tyril x Mal x mc/Maiele 
Day Eight - Party Tattoos - Blades drabble 
Day Nine - Euphoria - Tyril x mc/Maiele 
Day Ten - Murder - Blades drabble
Day Eleven - Meadow Field - Prince Aerin
Day Twelve - Whiskey - Olivia
Day Fourteen - Tulips - Tyril x mc/Maiele
Day Sixteen - High Road - Tyril & Nia
Day Seventeen - Prom Dress - Riya & mc/Ellie
Day Eighteen - Candy Store || Trust - Grant x mc/Cian
Day Nineteen - Fever || Sunny - Tyril x mc/Maiele
Day Twenty - Sixteen Candles || Promise - Tyril x mc/Maiele
Day Twenty-one - Flatline || Hope- Tyril x mc/Maiele 
Day Twenty-three - Superhero || Brave - Syphax x mc/Arin
Day Twenty-four - Rollercoaster || Confident - Blades Drabble & Beckett Harrington x mc/Eli
Day Twenty-five - Dawn || Change - HftH - Nick x mc
Day Twenty-Six - Tender Offerings || Love - Dr. Bryce Lahela x mc/Merida
Day Twenty-Seven - Caterpillar || Growth - Hero - Grayson Prescott x mc
Day Twenty-Eight - Bayou || Lively - Cal x Vera x mc/Mariposa 
Day Twenty-Nine - Seaside || Peace - Tyril x mc/Maiele
Other Drabbles
Drabble - Tyril x human!mc
Drabble - Tyril x human!mc/Raine
Drabble - for @rideorparadise
Drabble - for @lovealexhunt
Drabble - Colt Kaneko x mc
Drabble - Tyril x mc
Drabbles that never saw the light of day
Tyril x mc/Bella
His hands ghosted across the exposed areas of skin causing goosebumps. His body pressing her’s against the crumbling temple wall. Her stomach doing flips as his hands started toying with the laces of her top & exploring beneath the thin fabric. The flames flaring with his building desire to consume her. She had wanted a simple kiss, just to taste him again, but she was not disappointed in where this was heading. “Tyril. Bella?” Nia’s voice echoed down the hall. If only they were alone.
Mal x mc
If Tyril was of the heavens and starlight then Mal was of the earth and soil. The one was lofty and out of reach. Cold and mysterious. The other was comforting and always there. Warm and welcoming. She watched as they walked through the forest toward Undermount. Even now, in this clearing, they mimicked these traits. Tyril looking up to the sky and to the things found high around them and Mal looking to the dirt beneath them and the things that lay hidden there.
She watched the latter stoop to pick something up, he turned grinning, he shot a wink at her as he pocketed the shining coin. He was of the sand of a deserted island. He could be coarse at times but you found yourself making your way back to those sun-drenched shores to lay in the soft sand that melted around you in a warm embrace.
He was of the forest floor. A mystery, not of the impenetrable stars, but a mystery waiting for the right adventurer. Waiting for one bold enough to venture into those dark, damp, moss-covered ways to find what was hidden in that veil of trees. He was of the rocky and lofty mountains. The ones that touched the stars and yet remained rooted to the earth. He held the same hidden paths within himself that the craggy mountain passes held trapped in their folds.
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lovemychoices · 5 years
W.I.P Sunday Wednesday. What day?
Thanks @desiree-0816 @annekebbphotography @thecordoniandiaries for the tag. I know I suck at keeping up with these things. Between work and my social life right now everything is just HECTIC and will probably stay that way until after the new years Chinese New Year. No promises when all of these will be out but like hopefully within this month?
Leo was just outside the stables working on his motorcycle shirtless, when Eve happened to pass by. She paused on her feet, her eyes gazed at his perfectly toned body, how it glistens under the afternoon sun. Damn those Rys brothers and their greek god bodies. She swallows hard before clearing her throat.
“Is that a Harley Street Rod?”
Leo stopped at what he was doing to look over his shoulder. “Good eye, you have one of these two?”
“I’m more of a Ducati person but this is pretty sweet too.”
Leo tosses the wrench into the toolbox next to him and gets up. He takes the towel on his bike and wipes the sweat off his face and body before tossing it back on his shoulder.
“Yeah I have one of those too. But the street rod is more cross country friendly. Don’t you agree?”
He grinned
Her eyes widened and her mouth slightly opened as he stood there in front of her. Stop staring at his abs you IDIOT! Eve quick shook her head moving her attention from his body to his face. “I uh.. Yeah.. Totally agree.” She stutters.”
“So how are you liking the country side of Cordonia so far?”
Eve shrugs. “I don’t know. I haven’t really been outside of applewood manor since we got here. Between the seasonal events and ethics class from Bertrand, Liam always being busy. There never was the right time to go exploring.”
“I’m pretty free now, I could show you around?”
“Mind telling me what’s this?” Riya asked holding up an orange pill bottle. “What do you even need Oxycodone for?”
“Omg.. Did you just go through my stuff without my permission?!” She retorted, her hands balling into a fist. “You have no right to do that Riya.”
“I was short on cash and looked through you purse to borrow some. Maybe it’s a good thing I did or who knows how long your drug addiction was going to continue.” She xxxxxxx. “Is that why you’ve been so chill the past few months? Because you’ve been using? What else have you been using? Heroin? Cocaine?”
“I’m not a drug addict if that’s what you’re implying, I only use them when I go to parties or when I’m feeling stressed out.” She folds her arms her with her eyes downcast. “And for the record I don’t do heroin or cocaine. I’m mostly on prescription pill and occasionally Molly.”
“Kaela how could you be so stupid?! Grieving is one thing but this?!”
“Don’t talk to me like you know what it’s like to feel grief. I tried to grieve him, Riya. Trust me I've got grieving down to a science at this point. But every time I let it sink in that I'm never gonna see you again, I feel like I'm gonna die.” She whimpered. “I— I want to die!
“You can’t say things like that Kaela.”
“And why not? It’s the truth! I can’t do this anymore.. I’m sorry.. I need to go somewhere.” She said taking her purse from the counter and storms out of the apartment, Riya chasing her shortly after into the parking lot “Kaela where are you going, you can’t do this you need help. Just talk to me please!” She pleaded reaching to take her hand but Kaela
“Omg! Riya can you like not!” She belted as she pushed Riya’s hand away. “Just leave me alone!” She quickly gets into her car and drives away while Riya watches her from behind.
Spring 2012
After dinner and some cake Colt and Emma got ready to head to the mall. They were at foyer about to leave when Emma remembered something. “Colt, wait I almost forgot. Wait here for a minute.” She said and hurried up the stairs coming back a few seconds later with a baby blue colored gift bag in her hand. “Happy birthday Colt, I hope you like it.” She beamed, handing the gift bag.
“Emma, you really didn’t have to give me anything.”
“Of course I do, it’s your thirteenth birthday. You’ve officially entered the teen zone and you deserve something special to remember it by.”
Colt smiled, he opened the bag and took out navy blue colored polaroid camera. “This is…”
“You don’t like?”
“What? No.. I was going to say this is the best gift I have so far. Thank you Em.” He said pulling her into a hug. They pulled a part a moment later Colt gave her curious look. “How did you know I wanted one of these?”
Emma chuckled. “You know by now not to underestimate how well I know you Colt Kaneko.”
“I guess I should know better by now huh?” He grinned. He looked down at the camera in his hand and had an idea. “Hey Em, smile at the camera won’t you? You’ll be the first official photo I take with it.”
She gave her best smile and he clicked on the button, a polaroid photo came out of the camera. Colt gently shook the picture to let it dry, a few seconds later he looked at the picture and smiled. “How do I look?” She asked. “You look perfect.” He replied and showed her the picture, she smiled then tiptoes up to kiss him on the cheek. “C'mon let’s go before the mall closes.”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you?” Riley asked leaning against the door frame with her arms folded as she watched her husband packed his clothes into a suitcase. “I don’t understand why cant send Hakim like you always do?”
Liam puts the last of his clothing and zipped his luggage shut before turning to his wife. “ Because they wanted to meet with me personally and nobody else. Besides ...” He turned and sauntered toward Riley placing his hands on her shoulder, placing a kiss on her forehead. “I need you here to look after things while I’m gone, especially since we’re expecting visitors from Auvernal in a few days.”
Riley gave a forced smile, ever since she mentioned about the whole surrogate thing he has been acting a little differently, like there was something he was hiding from her. She was beginning to think he was doubting her as his wife. “If I must.”
“I promise to bring you a box of cronuts from your favourite shop in New York.”
“Make that two boxes.” She grinned and tiptoed to kiss him on the lips. Not having a clue about the secret her husband was keeping from her, that he wasn’t going to New York for a diplomatic meeting but was traveling to LA instead to meet with the son he never knew he had.
Coming Soon
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Reign impatiently taps her foot on the carpet of the taxi, the traffic approaching Madison Avenue was a nightmare. It was already 0930am, she had less than 30 minutes to get to her interview and she wasn’t going to make it at this rate. OMG. I’m never going to make it at this rate! Time for plan B. “Excuse me, how far is it from here to Foredale Consolidated?”
“Three blocks..”
Three blocks? I can make it. “Here keep the change.” She said handing the driver a 20 dollar bill before bolting out of the yellow cab.
You can do this Reign, you’ve ran marathons before. Not in heels but if that lady in Jurassic World can do it, so can you! Two blocks.. pfft.. childsplay.
A little while later Reign finally reaches the opposite road of Foredale consolidated. She bends down, both hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath. “I… made it..” she pants, straightening back up a while later, trying to compose herself. “Just a little bit more.” My feet is going to kill me after this.
She was so focused on getting to the building didn't look twice before crossing the road and almost gets hit by a town car. BEEP! BEEP! The driver honks at her. “Sorry! Sorry!” She apologize raising both hands up before continuing to walk towards Foredale Consolidated in a fast pace.
*************************************************Whatcha working on? @client-327 @lovehugsandcandy @furiouscloddonutpeanut @flowerpowell @princess-geek @zaffrenotes @brightpinkpeppercorn @hellospunkiebrewster @whenyourheartskipsabeat @ao719 @jessiembruno @emceesynonymroll
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Blurred Lines - Chapter 1
So, this is chapter 1 of my Jason Shaw x MC RoD AU. I've got a small taglist, I feel like I missed some people and if I did, I apologize!! This chapter is kind of an intro to my MC and how she fits into my whole AU RoD storyline. In this fic, Shaw isn't married, MC isn't in high school and it's basically like 6 years down the road from when the book takes place. It is canon besides those things though.
Perma tags: @cora-nova @drstrange46ers if you'd like to be added/removed please let me know!
Jason tags: @lilyofchoices @msjpuddleduck @desiree-0816
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters! They all belong to Pixelberry!
Warning: If you don't like Jason Shaw and people who do like him, don't read it!
"Douglass! My office. Now."
Both Mable and her father begin to stand, causing their police chief to sigh.
"The old man." He turns and strides back into his office, grumbling under his breath.
She made eye contact with her dad as he stood, nodding with a slight smile as he walked in the office, shutting the door quietly. Mable sat back in her chair, releasing a breath as she flips through a file.
"Gunshot wound the chest, point blank range." She speaks under her breath as her finger traces the sentence. Her mind hanging onto each detail the case file gives her.
"Right this way, Detective Shaw." Mable looks up and watches a uniformed officer lead a tall, handsome man towards the chief's office.
The brown haired man looks towards Mable, his eyes locking with hers for a moment before his attention is stolen back by the street cop.
She watches as the man disappears in Chief Sorrento's office and the door shuts behind him.
As she gets back to the case file, her mind wanders back to that new guy. She rereads the same sentence multiple times before the chief's door opens again.  Her dad and the younger detective walk out, talking animatedly about something. They begin walking towards her desk and she immediately stiffens, unsure where this sudden nervousness is coming from, Mable starts flipping to random pages in the file on her desk, trying to distract herself.
"Mable, meet your new deskmate" Her dad, Robert leads the taller, athletic built man towards the desk opposite hers. "Detective Mable Douglass, meet Detective Jason Shaw. He just got transferred here for the M.P.C. case. We'll be partnering up."
Mable stands up, walking towards Shaw, her hand outstretched.
"Douglass. It's nice meet you." When she shakes his hand, she sees his dark eyes sweep over her slender body before settling on her face.
He smirks subtly, his hand squeezing hers once before releasing it. "Nice to meet you too. Aren't you a little young to be a detective already?"
Her lips turn down into a scowl, her eyes boring into his. "Well, I guess you're just going to be like everyone else before they realized I earned this spot just like you boys."
Without another word, she walks back to her desk and sits down, reopening the case file and starts reading through it. She mumbles under breath and glances up at Shaw who has a smug look on his handsome face.
"Ok then," Robert clears his throat, hiding a smile as some of the other detectives around chuckle quietly, "I'll get you all the files we have on the M.P.C. that way you can get settled and get right to work."
She glances up, glaring at her dad as he walks away to retrieve files for the new jackass.
Shaw sits at his new desk, leaning back in the chair and she can feel his eyes on her. Her hands grip the file tighter as she tries to read it, but it was impossible with him watching her. She forcefully throws the file on the desk and looks at him, fire in her emerald eyes.
"What?" She pushes a strand of her chestnut hair behind her ear as she glares at him.
"What are you reading?" He smirks at her, kicking his feet up on his desk and he rests his interlocked hands on his stomach.
"Shouldn't you be more focused on your own case?"
He chuckles and shakes his head, but before he can say anything, Robert comes back. He hands Shaw two case files that were the size of old school phonebooks.
"This is everything we have on the Mercy Park Crew." Her dad checks his watch and sighs. "I guess you would probably better off to go home and read through these files so we can get started early tomorrow. Not much we can do this late at night."
Shaw nods and stands. He shakes Robert's hand and smiles slightly. "Sounds good. I'm ready to take this group down. We'll get them."
Mable's dad nods enthusiastically and smiles widely. "You're what we've needed around here."
She scoffs mentally and closes her file, standing as she begins gathering her things so she can go home for the night. When she gets everything gathered, her dad and Shaw grab her attention.
"Let's all have dinner together tomorrow night at the house." Robert smiles and looks at Mable, pleading with his eyes, knowing she wouldn't want to.
A small sigh escapes her before she nods reluctantly. "Okay."
He claps his hands together excitedly. "Perfect! I've been wanting to try a new roast recipe out. You two will be my guinea pigs."
His daughter rolls her eyes, but she can't hide the smile tugging on her full lips.  "I know it'll be great, Dad."
His smile grows again and he pats her arm softly before he walks passed her towards the door. "Night you two."
When he exits the squad room, Shaw walks closer to Mable, a genuine smile on his face. "I hope you know, you've got quite the reputation around here and all these guys respect you. I just like to talk big shit. Eventually, you'll get your big break and you'll show the chief you deserve to be here. Because apparently, everyone else knows you belong at this desk, with that badge."
She forces a smile down and looks away. "We'll see how long you think that, pretty boy."
Jason chuckles and grabs his files, starting for the door. "See you around, desk jockey."
Her laugh escapes her lips before she can stop it and she covers her mouth. He glances over his shoulder with a wide smile when he reaches the door. As he disappears down the hall, she is left standing at her desk, smiling like a fool.
That one is trouble.
She gathers her things and heads out for the night. As Mable steps out into cool, evening air, her phone vibrates in her pocket.
"Hey Riya, how's it going?"
She pulls her purse up over her shoulder and instinctively checks her holster to ensure her pistol is in its place.
"Oh, you know, it's going. Darius is working long hours, I'm planning for the wedding, we hardly see each other because my job has normal hours and his has ridiculous hours. Our dish washer quit working today so I'm having to do them all by hand and I don't know what to make for dinner." Mable hears her best friend take a deep breath before she begins again. "But, enough about me, how are you?"
She laughs before answering, "I'm doing good. Just working. Have you two set a date yet?"
Riya sighs as Mable's apartment building comes into view. She walks through the main doors and begins her voyage up the stairs.
Riya finally answers when she makes it to the second floor. Only two more floors.
"Not yet. Dar isn't sure when he can get off work long enough for the wedding and the honeymoon."
Mable frowns at the disappointment in her best friend's voice. "Well, surely his boss would be a little lenient since it's your wedding."
She's past the third floor now and nearing the fourth. Her floor.
"He's a hard ass. He thinks Dar should earn his place in the company before he gets a vacation."
Mable rolls her eyes, her door comes into view and she sees a yellow envelope on the floor. Confused, she listens as Riya goes on about the wedding can wait, the job is more important at this point in time, but when Mable opens the envelope everything fades out. All she can hear is her heart thundering, all she can feel is her stomach twisting into knots as her eyes take in all the details of the photos in her hands.
She holds the phone up to her ear with her shoulder, not listening, as she flips through the different surveillance photos of herself and then her father.
The last item in the envelope isn't a photo, but rather a note. It's typed with a type writer and the message sends chills down her spine.
"Miss Douglass,
I suggest your father drops the case on the M.P.C. If he doesn't, you and he both will be sorry."
She feels herself breathing rapidly and she looks around the hallway, searching for anyone or anything out of place.
"Ri, I'm going to have to call you back."
She doesn't wait for a response as she pockets her phone, stuffing the photos and the note in her purse. Her hand unsnaps her holster and she pulls her sidearm out before she unlocks her door and steps in tentatively.
Her footsteps are quiet as she searches the apartment thoroughly before holstering her 9 mil. Deciding on a whim she didn't want to stay at her home, she grabs a duffel bag and throws necessities in it before shutting all her lights off and walking out. She locks the door with her key and puts it back in her purse before walking back down the stairs, headed for the station.
When she gets back out to the sidewalk, she texts her dad, hoping, praying he is still awake.
"I think we need to meet at the station."
After just a few seconds he texts back.
"What's up? Everything ok?"
She types out a quick response, informing him she has new evidence for the M.P.C. case and he needs to see it tonight.
His response is faster than the one before.
"See you in 15. Shaw is on his way as well."
As she begins her walk back to the station, her eyes and ears are alert, surveying the street and listening for anything out of the ordinary. Mable was sure she'd never felt the sick before.
A loud clang comes from behind her, causing her to jump. Her hand immediately pops the snap on her holster and wraps around her pistol, prepared for whatever may be following her.
She slowly walks toward the source of the noise. Three metal trash cans come into view down a dark alley and another clang comes. Her eyes strain to see anything, when they focus, a fuzzy tail emerges from behind the cans and then a cat backs away from them, sees her and turns to run away.
Mable sighs, her whole body relaxing and she shakes her head, chuckling quietly as she begins walking again.
This is going to be a long walk.
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