#Roman gave me the ask that inspired this but I didn’t want to spoil it
cyncerity · 3 years
May we recieve angst? In the sizeshifter Tommy au?
tw: vore, brief mention of panic attacks, talk of throwing up
It was a harmless idea, how could it have all gone so wrong so quickly? The food was labeled, godammit! No one was even supposed to be coming over today! But no, of course fate had to hate him.
It was a good idea. A great one, even. He knew because it had worked flawlessly before. Ranboo didn’t have a clue what was happening last time, so realistically Tubbo wouldn’t either! He wouldn’t see it coming. He couldn’t use ice cream again, so a cup of coke in a non transparent glass would have to do. He had just enough so that he could breath, but duck under when he heard someone coming. And that he did, and it worked flawlessly. He was none the wiser! And Tommy was just about to shift bigger and scare the living shit out of him when he heard it. His mind screeched to a hault as the voice outside the stomach registered in his mind.
Tubbo’s voice.
Where the hell was he??
All that was going through Tommy’s head was *please be Ranboo please be Ranboo please be Ranboo-*
Tubbo was setting up the mics for another cricket crew stream when a familiar face walked through the door. He laughed a bit as he shot him a dirty look. “Finally came to help out, did you?”
Billzo feigned offense as he walked over to help Tubbo. “You thought I wouldn’t? What kind of a person would that make me, huh?”
*Fuck, NOT Ranboo. Definitely not Ranboo. Fuck!*
Tommy started hyperventilating. It was Billzo. He was inside of Billzo’s stomach. Shit, how was he supposed to get out?!
He frantically pulled out his phone and started to dm Ranboo.
‘Help fuck code fucking red fucking help I was trying to pull the prank I did with you again but on Tubbo and I left coke on the counter and put his name on it but Billzo drank it and I’m fucking stuck help me I’m panicking’
Tommy sent it and held his phone above the coke he sat in so it wouldn’t be damaged. He needed it in case Ranboo responded. Which he did shortly-
‘Are you saying that Billzo…you know? That you’re “with” him right now?’
‘No I’m saying that I’m fucking safe at home and have nothing to worry about OF COURSE THATS WHAT IM SAYING’
‘Oh god. He still doesn’t know. Does he feel anything wrong yet?’
‘Not as far as I can tell. He hasn’t mentioned feeling off at all. I don’t want him to find out like this.’
‘He might have to. He already knows something was up with what he drank.’
That made Tommy pause. ‘What do you mean?’
‘Tom you sent your SOS to the group chat’
“What the hell is that supposed to mean? Is that gonna make me sick? And I gonna have to go to the hospital? What did he put in that coke?!” Billzo shouted, pacing the room while staring horrified at the message. Tubbo just stared, face getting paler as he realized what that message meant. Tommy was…oh god…
“Where even is Tommy right no-“ “Nowhere!! I mean, it doesn’t matter!” Tubbo interjected. How was he supposed to do this? How could he get Tommy out of Billzo’s gut without having him notice? Telling him was a big no. And keeping Tommy small enough to be undetectable wouldn’t work since Tommy needed to be at least 2 inches tall to be spit out without hurting anyone, and he was probably only about half an inch at the moment, otherwise Billzo would be freaked out for a different reason.
“What do you mean ‘it doesn’t matter’? I want to know what that fucker did!” “I mean…I already know! So there’s no point in getting Tommy.” Ok, that was a good enough on the spot lie. Tubbo could work with that.
He continued. “Last time, this made Ranboo…really sick. Yeah…he was…uh…in bed for like 3 days.” Billzo’s face was priceless but Tubbo didn’t let his face show any humor. “But! If you throw it up in time, maybe it won’t do anything!!”
“Ok let’s do that then-“ Billzo was cut off by Aimsey and Ranboo bursting through the door. “I saw the chat messages, what wro-“ “You need to go empty your stomach now.” Ranboo shouted over Aimsey. “We kinda figured that out already.” Billzo said, going into the kitchen and grabbing a spoon to hopefully trigger his gag reflex. “I-I’ll get a bucket or a bowl or something.” Said Aimsey, visibly confused as she went to go search for one. Ranboo wanted to help but was quickly pulled into a different room by Tubbo.
The second they were out of earshot, Tubbo had his phone pulled out and Tommy on a call, which he answered within seconds. Tubbo put him on speaker so Ranboo could hear him, too.
“You dumbass what were you thinking?!” Tubbo whispered yelled into the phone. “Oh sorry, it was totally my fault that no one told me Bill was coming over today!” Ranboo sighed and took the phone from Tubbo, doing his best to mediate the shouting match. “Are you alright? Did you hear everything we were saying out here?” Tommy took a few deep breaths and continued. “Yeah, I’m fine. Had a bit of a panic attack earlier, but I’ll be ok. And yeah, I heard the whole conversation. That seemed like it should work. Aimsey’s here too, now, isn’t she?” “Yeah, she showed up with me.” Tubbo suddenly yanked the phone back. “Tom what are we gonna do about you being too small to throw up?” “I’ll just have to shift at the right time, I guess. I don’t know, I’ve never had to get out of anyone who didn’t know I was in their belly in the first place! If I may remind you, this obviously wasn’t supposed to happen!! I-” Tommy wanted to continue complaining, but he was suddenly interrupted by a different discord call. Billzo. The name on his screen made his heart spike for a moment as he clicked decline, putting him back on the call with Ranboo and Tubbo. And seconds after, he felt the wall in front of him hesitantly press in. He froze, to terrified to move, when the wall started to push in further. “Tommy? You still there?” Tubbo said.
“…Tubbo,” Tommy said quietly and monotone in a voice that not only contradicted that shouting he had been doing earlier, but also contradicted how truly terrified he felt, “where is Billzo right now?”
Tubbo and Ranboo looked towards each other, both visually confused over the question. Until they saw it out of the corner of their eyes.
Billzo was standing in the doorway to the room, a shaking hand clutched over his stomach, and his skin a ghastly pale.
“Tommy has to get out of where now?”
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stardancerluv · 3 years
When You Take Care of Each Other
Part 6
Summary: Roman wants to spoil you and it goes awry.
Note: I had a discussion with @blondekel77 the scene in Pretty Woman, (the 2nd, 3rd, & 4th gifs of the collage reminded me of how Roman would be with my reader!) so I decided it was the inspiration of this chapter. In doing so, it brought out some canon for Roman. Second, I would like to thank @antoniosbanderas for great Pretty Woman gifs! A flashback is in italics.
Warning: mentions of child abuse (canon for Roman!)
“We don’t dress whores.” The woman looked over her spectacles at you.
The last place was bad enough when they wouldn’t even acknowledge you. But this one, wow. Is this the price to pay for loving Roman? Tears stung your eyes as you walked back out to the Rolls.
“Where to now?” Zsasz ask you when you got closer.
“Back to the penthouse.”
“You didn’t buy anything.”
This was one of those rare occasions where Zsasz talked more to you then you were used to. You looked at him. You swallowed, “I’m fine.”
He grabbed your arm. You looked at his hand and up at him. You almost began crying then. His grip tightened. “Is there something I can handle ?”
“No. Just take me home.” You voice cracked but you wiggled free. And went into the Rolls.
“Ok.” He closed the door and once again he was behind the wheel and though now he was driving back to the penthouse.
You got out ad paused, “Please don’t tell Roman. He has enough to worry about then petty issues with me.” You pressed you lips together and tucked some hair behind your ear. “I have enough dresses in my closet that still have the tags.” You swallowed. “He won’t even notice.”
“I’m not so sure, but if that’s what you want.” He scratched the back of his head.
The tears finally filled your eyes and you nodded.
Once in the bedroom, where you so vividly remembered this morning, did you finally cry.
You were brushing your hair when Roman came up behind you and pulled you close. Your eyes had met in the mirror. Just as his strong arms enveloped you so did the delightfully crisp scent of his aftershave.
“Baby, I want you to go out! Go shopping, have fun. And later,” A smirk that always brought a delight to your insides curled his lips. “You can give me a fashion show.”
You turned in his arms. “Are you sure you want me to go shopping?” You always felt like you were just pouring his money away when he would send you off shopping.
“Yes! Don’t just shop at those cute little artsy boutiques. Go to the best! I want you in the finest Gotham has to offer!”
“But I love it when you take me to those places.” You tried not to pout.
He brought a gloved hand to your face and brought it up. “Baby.” He cooed. “Daddy, can’t always be there. Though you know how much I like to be surprised.”
You nodded. “Alright.” You smiled brightly. “I’ll find some special things.”
“That’s my girl.” And he pressed a kiss to your lips. “Now, I won’t be back till later. Would you wear one of the dresses to the club tonight?”
Your mood had brighten, you could go to those stores without him. “Are you assuming that I would buy a dress or two today?”
He rose an eyebrow. “You can buy whatever you wish, but you know I love the dresses you always pick.”
You giggled and smiled. “I suppose a new dress or two could be fun.”
“That’s my girl.”
The memory faded like smoke. And now, you were crying into your pillow. Why were people so mean? Sure you loved Roman, but you were just a simple furniture designer. Sighing, you buried you face into Roman’s pillow.
“Fake fucking fucks.” Roman’s roar, roused you from your sleep. You had not intended to sleep so long. “Where is she?”
You heard a muted voice, followed by heavy footfalls, had you really slept that long, you wondered. Oh you had wanted to get up and freshen up and meet Roman downstairs. You buried your face back into his pillow.
Moments later, the door opened and you could hear as he inhaled. The bed gave, as he sat beside you. “Baby?” A soft whisper came from Roman, as he placed a hand on the back of your head. “Baby, wake up. We need to talk.”
You sighed softly and turned to face him. “Hi Romy.”
“Baby.” He bent down and kissed your forehead. “Tell me, what happened? I thought when I got off the elevator I would be tripping over bags.”
You pressed your lips together. “They were mean to me.” You said flatly.
“What?” His eyes were already burning. “I won’t stand for this.”
You grabbed his arm, “Roman, it’s alright. I just won’t go back there.”
“I’m going to take you shopping. Come on.”
“What? Now? Don’t you have meetings?”
“Fuck them.”
“But I look like a mess.”
Roman looked down at you and smiled. “You don’t.”
“Ok.” You knew seeing the fire in his eyes and the hearing the tone in his voice, you better listen. And it was so rare for him to cancel his meetings, you were incredibly moved.
The traffic and gotten worse since you had been out. “Stop here Zsasz.” Roman got out of the car, he held a hand out to you. “Swing back around and get us.”
Still holding your hand, he led you through the slow moving cars. You were not used to this but you followed. You knew that Roman, could be incredibly protective and caring in his own way. This was on an entirely new level.
You couldn’t stop yourself from slowing when you two neared the store where the woman had been particularly cruel and and rude.
He squeezed, your hand. He turned, “Give me a moment.”
You watched as he strode into the store in his flawless suit. You saw as his face grew dark as he spoke to the woman.
Straightening his suit jacket he came back to you and took your hand again. What happened over the next hour was a blur.
Dresses, blouses, skirts and shoes flew by you in a colorful blur. Even a few purses were squeezed in.
Later, you were resting with you back against Roman’s solid frame. The two of you sipped on some chilled champagne, that Roman had insisted on opening for the two of you as you two reclined in the tub. The warm water and the powerful jets were incredibly relaxing.
You were enjoying all of this, yet part of you had never expected any of this from Roman. You knew he cared but this was an entirely new between the two of you. You were left with a loss for words. There was so much you wanted to say, to ask but you did not know where to even begin.
His fingers brushed some hair away from your damp shoulder and he pressed a kiss on it. You felt as he inhaled. You also felt as his heart had picked up speed.
“All my life, my parents compared me to Bruce Wayne. As I grew older, I didn’t resemble his classic good looks nor was I as well behaved as him. So they started hitting me over it. People always, thought I was happy since I came from the second wealthiest family. Everything at my fingertips. Well, I wasn’t. I had to, I still make all of this for myself and now you.”
His arms tightened around you. When they loosened, you turned to face him.
“Roman, I...I had no idea.”
He shrugged. “I’m not one to rest and rely on dramas of yesterday.” His mouth was a grim line.
“Well, you’re amazing.”
A ghost of a smile crossed his face. You could see a pain in his eyes, that rarely visited.
“It’s true. That’s why I love you.” You met his eyes with your own. “Look, you’re own man. You own the hottest club in Gotham, and you own most it.”
“That is true.”
“It is.” You pressed some kisses. “And you take such good care of me.”
“I never thought I’d enjoy that, but I do.” He finally smiled.
“I’m glad. Tonight, I’ll come down to the club wearing one of those lovely outfits you got me today.”
“I’ll enjoy taking it off you later.”
“I cerrainly hope so.”
He grew serious for a moment. “And baby?”
“I have a fairly good idea what is in your closet, you couldn’t have bluffed your way through it.”
You winced. “Zsaz, told you I said that?”
“I was just so upset.”
“I know baby, that’s why I stepped in.” He held you close then.
@darling-i-read-it @spn-obsessed-dean @vintagemichelle91 @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx @ewanfuckingmcgregor @zodiyack @angel98624 @frenchgirlinlondon @emyliabernstein @thepeachreads @nebulastarr @itsknife2meetu @omghappilyuniquebouquetlove @poe-kadot26 @babydoll97 @hazel-nuss @vcat55 @feelthemadnessinside @johallzy @foreverhockeytrash @frostypenguinoz @starwarsslytherin @professionalclown @chogisss @shantellorraine @xxinvisiblexx @blondekel77 @saphic-stories @drarrylov3r @i-cant-hear-you16 @deadlymistress24 @yesqueenofthelight @generallj @thebeckyjolene
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turtletimewriting · 4 years
TickleTober Day 11: Death Spot
Summary: There’s a new villain on the streets, and despite his friendly manner, he has found the most effective weapons! 
Note: This is inspired by fluffymary piece about a supervillain Patton! Just in case, this is shockingly a tickle fic! Not written as platonic or romantic so read either way! Ler Patton and Lee Roman, Logan and Virgil. 
Night fell upon Sanders City. The lights peering from the few windows did little but exaggerate how cold and dark the streets truly were. Streetlights had just flicked off. Families were now all settled into bed, waiting to fall asleep. The roar of an occasional car was the only sound that rumbled through the city. Yet, there was one man walking confidently through the streets. Clearly he had been doing this for years. 
This was Roman Prince, or simply just the Prince. The stark white of his hero costume looked a dark blue in the night, but his reflective red sash made him clear. He’d been protecting this city for going on two years now. His summoning abilities proving effective against any foe that dared set his sights against the city. 
But little did he know, there was another man walking around as well. 
The Prince paused once he circled round back into the town centre. He had only been circling around for fifteen minutes but somehow, someone had vandalised the entire main square. 
Toilet roll was flung pretty effectively to cover every inch on the place, there was chalk messages scrawled across many surfaces and there was one figure standing in the direct middle of the carnage. 
He was dressed... very casually. In a grey cat jumper with the hood drawn over his head, which perfectly showed off the jumper’s floppy grey cat ears. He was wearing a cat mask and seemed to be shivering in the cold a little. His hands sat in his hips. Everything about his pose screamed confidence but everything else screamed tired dad who wanted to go back to bed. 
Roman felt his stomach tighten. He couldn’t deal with fans at the moment. There had been rumours of another villain planning to run amok and he had to keep his eyes peeled. He was about to greet the man when the words died in his throat. What if this was a distraction! He stepped closer but now with his hands cupped in front of him, already summoning a perfect orb of water to protect himself. 
“Hello there! It’s a bit late to be out isn't it?” 
“It’s never to late for villainy, Prince!” The figure shouted back but didn't take any steps closer. Waiting for the prince to come to him.
“Easy there, that could be seen as uh a bit incriminating?” Roman was completely off guard. He didn't want to arrest the guy! He wanted to offer him his jacket and escort him home. But clearly he had done this... vandalism? But... real villains would use spray paint and break things.... cause actual damage. “I’m guessing you did all this then?”
“This city has had it easy for too long! It’s time Sanders got a better... Moral Compass!” The man now jumped forward. Roman could finally get a better look at him and every single first impression he had proved right. He had bouncy beautiful blond curls, partnered with a freckled face and him being a good few inches smaller than him all added up to the idea of this ‘villain’ being adorable. 
“I dunno… I feel like even on a good day that Fear Eater guy can give me the run around. I think Sanders has enough villains for the mean time.”
“Oh, you poor fool, Prince! You haven’t even asked what my grand plan is,” Moral Compass chuckled before slowly pulling out a weapon. It clearly wasn’t a normal gun. It glowed that same light blue as the chalk and he could hear it whirring away from where he was standing. “Meet my friend here, the death spot ray!” 
Roman frowned, he really didn’t want to fight this guy. He looked so unprepared for this. All Roman would have to do is throw that orb of water he still held and the man would be pushed back and soaked and even colder. Frozen cold water plus the October night would be quick to end to the fight. 
But even the title of death spot ray clearly screamed danger... he couldn’t afford to risk anything.
“I don’t want to fight! What are your demands?” Roman concentrated and prayed that Moral Compass wouldn’t see his new summon. It was more rushed than he’d like to admit but the last thing he’d want is his first impression to genuinely put people in danger. His summoned owl quickly appeared from his hands and he threw it behind him. Smiling when he finally heard it flap away into the night, he didn’t dare lift his eyes away from Moral Compass. 
“Demands? Oh um... Wait!” Moral Compass suddenly straightened before fumbling through the hoodie’s pockets, withdrawing a crumpled cluster of paper. “Oh yeah, Sanders City surrenders to me!” Roman waited a few moments to see if this was a list but no other response came. 
“Well. I can’t allow that Moral.”
“Then I demand you laugh!” 
Moral Compass thrusted the weapon upwards as he pulled the trigger. A sound went off and a cylinder of cyan blue quickly emptied but nothing was released. Roman had summoned a shield but frowned when nothing hit it. He waited a few more moments before peeking his head out the shield. 
Moral Compass stood there proudly with a wide smile. 
“Uh... hate to spoil the fun, but did it hit me?” Roman asked as he brushed down his costume. He wasn’t too panicked, he could hear the police sirens from the other side of the town. Good timing! 
“Oh you’ll see! You’ll become a laughing stock of the city Prince!” 
Well that wasn’t helpful but Roman brushed down his costume again, feeling a strange sensation run through him. Now, he wasn’t that much of an idiot, he knew what he was feeling was surely a result of the weapon. But for such a scarily named weapon, he expected more. He just kinda felt itchy. But he was also aware that the sensation was increasing slowly. 
From a faint sensation to a definite presence poking around his stomach. 
He huffed a sigh of relief once Logan finally got his act together and ran over. The summoned owl following after him. It wasn’t often that Roman wanted to drag police officers into his messes but he also knew better than to deal out his own punishments. And maybe also he liked the idea of someone having his back in case things went south.
“Prince! Any injuries?” Logan called before sliding to sit under Roman’s shield where he was also kneeling until he could gain a sense of what’s happening. 
“Uh, don’t thihink so...” He trailed off when he felt a stab of ticklishness shoot through him. Oh no... Death spot ray... Uh oh. “Um okay I know what he dhihihi heh did!”
“Prince?” Logan asked, now lifting his arms so he could at least double check the Prince’s abdomen since that’s what he was clutching. 
“No!” Roman cried out before feeling the laughter being punched from him. He was never good at hiding his laugh when people got his death spot. “HahahaHAAHAAHA!” 
Moral Compass smiled upon hearing that laughter. The laughter born from chaos and helplessness. He placed the weapon back in its holster and casually skipped over to the shield. 
“Okay? Right. Well, we need to get you out of here. There’s been reports of-” Logan started, pulling the Prince’s flailing arms around his neck but now this new bad guy was standing behind them. An excited, almost evil, grin started back at him. 
“Oh hello there officer! I just want to make a point here. Leave him be!” 
“Not a chance,” Logan snarled back and reached to grab his radio. Admittedly a tickle gun wasn’t dangerous but it was more if he had a tickle gun then what else could he have. But he didn't think about what that would look like from the villain’s perspective. 
He was shot with the bizarre weapon before he could even blink. 
Logan trusted his instinct and simply grabbed a hysterical Prince and ran for the car. But what started as confident running soon turned into dragging his feet like he had an itch. Before long, Logan was forced to a stop just right beside the police vehicle. “Heh! Uh, c’mon hah um Princeheheee!” 
“LOHOHAHAHAHAAA! MAHAKE IT STOHOHIAHAHA STOP!” Roman squealed, unable to focus on literally anything but the tickles digging into his ticklish tummy. Now that Logan was now hunching over, he slipped from his grip and fell on to the floor. Kicking his feet wildly like that would stop the frantic scribbling on his stomach. His face was a tomato at this point. 
“I cahahaaaaaaaa aAHAHAHAAHAAAHAHA! I CAN’T! HAHAHAA!” Logan finally gave in, there felt like they’re were fluffy brushes, light but firm tickles, swamping his feet. He leaned against the police car, hoping that he would at least stay on his feet. 
They were both laughing too hard to see the silhouette standing on a building overlooking the wrecked town square. A very familiar and dangerous silhouette...
“Now what’s going on h-”
“AH!” Moral Compass shrieked before firing blindly at the voice. 
Fear Eater stood there with an incredulous look on his face. “What was that for?”
“Oh! Fear Eater! Sorry! I uh just panicked?” Moral Compass now lowered the weapon. Finally sounding like how he looked. 
“You dare challenge me? You think you’re cut out for all this villainy stuff huh?” Fear Eater was clearly fuming but his hands were shaking and he was nervously looking away, “You wanna have an honest go at making a meaningful change to this city then you’re going to have to actually just try and steel your nerves. What a... what ar- What do you thihink you’re heh doing waving thahat thiihihihih hehahahahaahaaa!” 
Now, if Prince was under the influence of the all powerful death spot ray himself then this day would be the best day of his entire existence!
The all powerful Fear Eater, with his stupid edgy name and emo style, was curled up on the floor giggling away like a maniac! 
Now, if Fear Eater wasn’t currently laughing his ass off, he would have treasured this day for the rest of his life. 
The all powerful Prince, with his fake title and pompous style, was collapsed on the floor snorting away. 
But at the end of the day, all of them were being tickle tortured on their absolute death spots and it was only Moral Compass left standing. It was with way more people than he first intended, and his vandalism had kinda been forgotten, but he had achieved what he wanted. 
The heroes and villains of Sanders City now looked as ridiculous as they all acted.  
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soft-stormcloud · 4 years
Dear Happy
On ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26028052
Summary: There’s a side only Patton knows about. 
Trigger warnings: Hurt/Comfort, food mentions, insecurity, depression, lack of motivation, self-deprecating thoughts
A/n: @justmeandmygayships beta'd this for me and if it wasn't for xem there would be a lot of sentences in here that straight up wouldn't make sense so go thank xem by reading xeir fics 
I created a character to put Patton through some Angst(tm) and instead Gray and I ended up shipping him with Patton so cheers to that
Patton wasn’t sure why he was the only one who could see him, as he visited Patton the least of all. He wasn’t so much a side, not a function like Morality, or Logic. But he was a very real part of the Mindscape, despite the others not knowing about him. 
Sometime after the puppet video, Roman took Logan and Virgil into the Imagination for an adventure. It was Roman’s way of an apology, and a very effective one, at that. A day of being spoiled by a prince in a place where you can do and have anything had a way of winning people over. 
Patton stayed behind. They invited him, and seemed sad that he wouldn’t go, but he had to work on his own apology, no matter how many times they insisted it wasn’t necessary. He wanted to. 
He spent the afternoon preparing a surprise of all their favourite treats—Lemon poppy seed bread for Logan (with a brand new jar of Crofters), red velvet cupcakes for Roman, and sugar cookies cut into bats, ghosts, and witch hats for Virgil (with a promise to help decorate). 
Patton found himself getting lost in the music he put on; he danced around the kitchen, apron twirling around like a swing dress, as he sang loud and off-key. He went on autopilot, sliding the cupcakes in the oven, and kneading the bread dough. 
He hadn’t felt so light, so giddy, in a very long time. His stomach fluttered each time he imagined their faces, and he couldn’t help but giggle. He was going to make them so happy. 
“Such a lovely sight.” 
Patton screamed and whipped around, holding the dough like a shield. The boy in the kitchen leapt back like he was startled. He pressed his back against the wall, and they held each other’s gaze. 
“Are you a new side?” Patton shakily lowered the dough, just a bit. I hope not. He’s creepy. 
He shook his head. 
“Then who are you?” Patton flicked his gaze around, half expecting to see more Thomas look-a-likes pouring into the room. 
“I’m…” The boy cleared his throat. “My name is Eden. My function is, well, for simplicity's sake… Happiness.”
Patton blinked. “Happiness?” 
He set the dough down with trembling hands and smoothed down his apron. “Well, I’m… Sorry for the fright. You surprised me. I’m-”
“I know who you are.” Eden smiled a crooked smile, eyes crinkling. “Patton. I’ve been here since the start.”
Patton frowned in confusion. He’d been there the whole time, and he just now decided to show himself? He wanted to be diplomatic, but it was hard to trust him. How did he know Eden was being honest about his function? How did he know he wasn’t just Deceit in disguise?
Eden tisked and raised a pale hand to examine it. His honey-coloured eyes sparkled through his skin, the photo of Roman he was standing in front of showing through his fluffy, dark hair. 
“What’s happening?” Patton asked in panic. 
“Well…” He laughed weakly. “I don’t stay forever. I guess the scare changed your mood a bit. I really am sorry about that, I wasn’t trying to intrude. It’s just my job.” 
“Wait- Wait- Don’t leave!” Patton swiped out to grab Eden’s hand, but he went straight through. “We still don’t know why I’m seeing you!” 
Eden faded faster the more Patton panicked. He waved and smiled. “Until next time.” 
Then he was gone. 
It was a long time before Patton saw Eden again. He kept an eye out, but part of him was convinced he imagined the entire thing. How can someone be in the Mindscape without anyone else knowing about it? Were there other figments? Why could Patton suddenly see him? 
And why did Patton miss him?
He spent every day on edge, checking every inch of every room for a glimpse of lavender fabric. It was a month later with no Happiness in sight when Patton settled himself shakily at his desk and pulled out his favourite notepad. It had little cartoon cats all over the pages, the lines pastel blue. 
The clock read 2:03. The full moon shone through Patton’s open window, brittle breeze chasing a shiver down Patton’s spine. 
Dear Happiness, 
His hand hovered over the notepad. What the heck was he supposed to say? ‘I miss you, please come back even though we don’t know each other?’ ‘I want to abuse your function and not care about you as a person?’
Patton shuddered. This was a bad idea. 
I haven’t seen you around. Is everything okay? 
You should come over. I want to get to know you more. Maybe we can figure out why I can see you. 
<3 patton 
He waited several weeks before he accepted that he won’t get a response. 
One morning, Patton drifted around the kitchen to make breakfast, eyelids heavy and steps slow. He was halfway through when footsteps shuffled behind him. 
Patton smiled. “Morning, kiddo!” 
Virgil flinched. Patton’s smile faded as Virgil sat at the table, bringing his legs up and propping his head on the table. 
“Hey,” Patton said softly. He rested his hands on the sides of Virgil’s face, guiding Virgil to look at him. “Nightmare?” 
“Yeah,” he mumbled, eyes downcast. “It was… Worse than usual.” 
Patton stroked his soft, warm skin. “You want some coffee?”
Virgil nodded shyly. Patton kissed his forehead and bounced over to the coffee pot, starting a brew. “Breakfast is almost finished, too! Just go ahead and decompress, sweetheart, I got this.” 
Patton turned with Virgil’s coffee, and gasped. Eden had his chest pressed to Virgil’s back, arms wrapped around his torso and chin rested on Virgil’s shoulder. He brought a finger to his lips and smiled. 
“What is it?” Virgil asked nervously, and Eden started to fade. 
“No- Nothing!” Patton hurried over and set down his coffee. “I thought I saw something, but nothing’s wrong, love. There—Made just how you like it.”
Virgil blushed as Eden’s form came back. “Thanks, Dad,” he muttered. 
In the middle of breakfast, Eden reached out and rested a hand over Patton’s. A smile crawled over Patton’s face. 
After Virgil left, Eden stuck around. Patton stood awkwardly, hands clasped and pressed to his chest. 
“So, um…” Patton looked away, face red. “What have you, uh… Been up to? Seen any other figments lately?”
“I got your letter.” Eden smiled sadly. “I can’t just come when you ask, Patton. I come when I’m called.” 
Patton’s face crumpled in distress. “You don’t choose where you go?”
“I go where I’m needed.”
Patton bit his tongue. I need you. 
“You’ll be okay,” Eden promised. “We’ll talk again soon. Just… Keep on, okay?” 
Patton nodded, sniffling. “Yeah.” He forced a smile and straightened up. “Yeah! Of course.”
Eden smiled, then he faded away. 
The next few months were difficult. Patton’s mind grew groggy with constant exhaustion, and he found it hard to focus on anything for too long. One time Virgil had to stop him from pulling a tray of cookies out of the oven without a mitt. 
He found himself lying awake at night, and sleeping all day. He suppressed the urge to ignore Thomas and the other sides’ summonings, and reminded himself to put on a happy face. No one paid him too much attention or looked too closely. It was stupid, but it brought a deep dread to his stomach. 
He was still in bed when they came to check on him. He was half asleep, and didn’t remember answering the timid knocks on his door. 
“Pat?” Virgil’s cool hand brushed Patton’s bangs back as the bed dipped beside his hips. “Is everything okay?”
“Hm?” He rolled over, leaning into Virgil’s touch. Virgil chuckled and ran his fingers through Patton’s hair. 
“We’re worried about you.” Logan stood awkwardly at the side of the bed, clutching his flashcards. “You’ve shown an increase in symptoms of depression, more so than usual, and… Virgil?”
“We know you’ve been repressing again.” 
Patton sat up, face burning. “It’s not that big of a deal,” he mumbled. 
Virgil laced their fingers and shook his head. “We all talked about this. It’s not good for you, and it’s not good for Thomas. You don’t have to hide it.”
Logan nodded. “Virgil put it perfectly. I have nothing to add.”
A hand touched his back, and Patton jumped. Logan and Virgil looked at him in confusion. Eden’s soft eyes met Patton’s, his hand crawling up Patton’s back and rubbing at the top of his spine. 
“Sorry,” Patton mumbled, unable to hide his smile. He squeezed Virgil’s hand. “I just thought I heard something. I’m sorry I didn’t go to you guys.”
Logan hesitantly sat. “If I were you… I’d partake in some leisure activities. Virgil and I can join, if that’ll make it more enjoyable.” 
Patton wiped his wet eyes and nodded. “That’d be great.”
Eden followed them into the kitchen. Virgil and Logan helped him bake bread, Eden weaving between the three of them like a satin lace pulling them together. 
I can get through. Patton smiled as he pulled Virgil into a dance, one of his favourite songs playing on the radio. I can get through. 
The day after the Phases episode, Patton visited Roman, who’d been holed up in his room all day. He didn’t even come out for food. 
Patton knocked on the door with his foot, the plates on his tray rattling together. He yipped as he almost spilled the glass of juice. 
“Come in!”
“You mind helping me out here, Ro?” 
He shuffled around, and a moment later, he pulled the door open. His eyes lit up. “Cream of broccoli?!” He took the tray happily and settled back at his desk. 
Patton startled. Eden sat criss-cross at Roman’s feet, leaning back against the leg of the chair. He waved at Patton cutely. 
“Good day, Ro?” He sat at the edge of Roman’s bed, trying not to stare at Eden. 
“Mhm!” Roman spoke with his mouth full. “The Phases video gave me lots of inspiration! I’ve been working on a new project all day!” 
“Well, you gotta remember to eat, too.” 
Roman blushed. “I know, I just didn’t want to lose momentum.” He set his spoon down and wrapped his fingers around the glass. He stared into it with a blush. “Thank you, padre.” 
After eating, Roman got back to work. Eden stood behind him with his hands on Roman’s shoulders, gently kneading. Patton should’ve probably left- Even though Roman couldn’t see Eden, he felt like he was intruding on something intimate -but he couldn’t draw his attention away. 
Had Eden been with him all day? Was he able to be with multiple sides at once? How did Roman snag him for so long, did Eden like him better? 
“You’re overthinking,” Eden murmured, and Patton looked at him in surprise and confusion. He frowned, eyebrows drawn in sadness. “This is why you’re not supposed to know about me.” 
Patton got up to kiss Roman on the forehead, take his tray, and leave. As much as he wanted to, he didn’t look back. 
Over the next few weeks, he struggled with his feelings. It was difficult to take the others’ advice—His habit of shoving down any bad feelings was more ingrained than he realized. Every time he was upset, he tried to convince himself that he wasn’t and it was fine, until he caught himself. Then he sat there in a kind of stumped limbo. He wasn’t sure what the next step was. 
He tried talking to Virgil and Logan about it, but everything they suggested didn’t help much, and he regretted the waste in energy. 
He desperately thought back to all the times Eden had visited before. The only thing he could see in common was that he was in a good mood. It was a long shot, but if he could replicate that, maybe Happiness would show. 
He settled himself early into bed with hot chocolate in his favourite mug, topped high with whipped cream and sprinkles. He was dressed in soft pyjamas, his weighted blanket pulled over his lap and his favourite show on. 
His drink tasted just as good as it always did, and the show pulled giggles out of him throughout the night, but in the back of his mind, all he could focus on was if Eden would show up or not. 
He tried all night, but his frustration rose with the sun. 
He slumped at his desk before bed, letters messy and words running together. 
Dear Happiness, 
I miss you. 
I’m not sure what happened last night. I guess you must have been busy, helping another side or something. That’s okay. They deserve your help. But I miss you. 
What did I do wrong? 
Unsurprisingly, Patton didn’t get a response. He waited a few days before giving up.
Maybe Eden just didn’t like hanging out with him. Maybe he was repulsed by Patton, didn’t think Patton deserved his company. 
That was fine. 
He didn’t need Eden. 
Patton’s eyes fluttered open in the darkness of his room one night. His throat burned, and he groaned when he reached for his empty glass on the bedside table. 
He stumbled past the other’s rooms as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He returned with his newly filled glass, and stopped at the top of the stairs. The soft light from Logan’s desk lamp spilled into the hallway through his open door. He wasn’t inside. 
Patton’s heartbeat quickened. The bathroom was empty, and Patton hadn’t noticed him when he was downstairs. Is he okay? Did the dark sides do something with him? 
His hands trembled as he hurried down the stairs. Deceit’s snake eye, his shimmering scales, flashed in Patton’s mind. His gaze flicked to the spot by the blinds. 
His glass teetered on its edge as he dropped it on the table he passed. He threw the front door open, fully intending to cross the street and interrogate the dark sides- 
Logan laid in the grass. 
Patton pressed his hand to his heart. Idiot. He’s fine. 
His mouth creased into a frown. Eden laid next to Logan, hands clasped. 
Patton tiptoed back onto the porch steps. One of the old wood panels creaked, and Logan glanced back. 
“Oh. Patton.” He propped himself up on his elbow and adjusted his glasses. “Is everything okay?”
He nodded, cheeks burning. “Just wanted to check on you.” 
“I’m unharmed.” Logan laid back. “You should join me.” 
Patton’s heart fluttered. He shook his head. “Oh, no, I couldn’t-” 
Logan looked back, and Patton softened. His eyes were owlishly big behind his glasses, his mouth pulled into a concerned frown. 
“I can stay a bit.” Patton sat criss-cross on the soft grass, trying not to stare at Eden. He absentmindedly ran his fingers through the untrimmed blades, the thin slices tickling his palms. 
“You don’t need to worry if I’m not in my room at night.” Logan’s eyes flicked between star to star. “I like stargazing. I like the solitude of it. It’s… In honesty, it’s the only calm I get unless I’m working.” 
Patton stiffened. “I can leave you alone-”
“I enjoy your company.” 
He jumped as soft skin touched his. Eden laced their fingers and whispered, “I miss you, too. Stay.”
Patton blushed and looked away. “I can stay for a bit.” 
As lovely as his night with Logan and Eden was, Patton found his mental health rapidly decreasing. Thomas’s life was spiralling out of control, and Patton desperately tried to keep a handle on things, but every choice he made was a mistake. 
His family grew impatient with him. Roman’s creativity was stunted, and Virgil tensed when Patton touched him. Logan was more frustrated than usual—He shut down nearly everything Patton said. 
And after the Intrusive Thoughts video, things seemed hopeless. 
How had he been so… Wrong? How could he treat them all that way, without even noticing? Was he that bad of a person? Was he corrupting Thomas?
If he rarely got out of bed before, he lived there now. He didn’t get up to eat, only to make dinner when someone requested it of him. Anxiety seeped under Patton’s door from Virgil’s room, and the frustration in the house concentrated in Patton’s room. 
Indecision hindered him. He couldn’t get out of bed, because he couldn’t be faced with another day with the potential to fail Thomas, and everyone else in the Mindscape. 
And Eden hadn’t visited him in months. 
I miss you, too, he had said. He didn’t mean it. He would have shown up by then. 
The only time he was able to force himself out of bed was to make a decision he knew he couldn’t mess up. He pulled his hood up and wrapped his sleeves around his palms, trudging across the lawn to the dark sides’ house looming across the street. He crossed the black stone pathway and stopped at the porch, hand raised. 
Inside was chaos—Glass breaking, yelling, laughing, fighting. Deceit wasn’t home, then. 
He climbed down the steps and circled around to the back. He stretched up on his tiptoes to reach over the black panels of wood and feel around for the gate lock. He sighed in relief when he hit it and it came undone, the gate slipping open. 
He took a step into the garden, and voices stopped him. 
“It worked!” Remus’s voice was practically a squeal. Patton crept forward and peeked through the leaves of a yellow rosebush. Remus’s hands clasped Deceit’s, bouncing up and down. 
“And you’re sure?” Deceit asked. His mouth twitched upwards. “Everything went according to plan?”
Patton held his hand to his mouth as Remus pressed a sloppy kiss to Deceit’s mouth. “Yes! We’re gonna be light sides, JJ!” 
Patton inched closer, the new angle revealing Eden hugging Remus’s arm, one hand rested over Deceit and Remus’s. 
Anger bubbled in Patton’s stomach. He whipped around, intention of apologizing lost, and stormed back to his room. 
He scrabbled for the first piece of paper and pen he could find. He nearly ripped the fragile pages as he scratched ink. 
I’m glad you’re enjoying your time with everyone else. I’m so happy for you all. If you ever need me, I’ll be right here waiting, alone. But we both know that won’t happen. We both know you don’t need me, don’t want me, just as the others don’t. 
I don’t need you anyway. I don’t need you to help Thomas and I don’t need you to feel okay and I don’t need you to do my job. 
I wish we’d never met. 
PS: did you plan this? 
Patton forced on a friendly face and pulled the door open. It was a few weeks after Janus told them his name, and everyone was tentatively mending relationships. He couldn’t ruin that with his own anger. 
“Everything okay, Roman?”
He nodded. “We, uh… Well, we were thinking a movie night. Uh, now.” 
Patton blinked. They hadn’t had a movie night since they watched Frozen. “That sounds fun, kiddo.” 
“So you’ll come?” Roman smiled sheepishly. 
Patton twisted his fingers in his shirt. “If you want me there, I’m there!”
He grinned. “Perfect! Come on, we still have time to vote!” 
Roman grabbed his hand and dragged him downstairs. Patton’s eyes widened when they stepped into the living room. All of the usual suspects were there- Virgil curled at one side of the couch, Logan in the armchair, plenty of space for Roman and Patton to sit -but three new faces joined them. 
Janus and Remus sat on the loveseat, Remus clothed this time. Remus had his legs thrown over Janus’s lap, and Janus looked annoyed but ran his hand up and down his shin subconsciously. 
And Eden sat on the floor, back pressed to the couch, in the middle of them all. 
Patton settled in the empty seat behind Eden. He didn’t react as Eden said, “I have a good feeling.” 
Patton pursed his lips and glanced down. 
Eden leaned back and rested his head against Patton’s knee. “Hang out with me tonight,” he whispered. 
Patton relaxed into the couch. Remus cackled as he poked at the scales on Janus’s face, who continuously pushed him away. Virgil and Roman argued about Roman tampering with the votes, and Logan took it all in with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. 
“Okay,” Patton whispered back, unable to stop from smiling. “That sounds good.” 
Tag list: @mirror2thespirit thx babe lmao 
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kn1feinthec0ffee · 4 years
only angel - roman godfrey
roman godfrey x reader
title from the harry styles song of the same name
disclaimer: i’m not trying to distract from what’s going on by posting my work. that would never be my intent. times are trying, and i’m simply trying to provide some sort of entertainment or something to do with your time. i’m not fishing for any praise of any kind, i’m just putting my work out like i usually do. i love you all and please stay safe.
notes: in other news, if you haven’t noticed, i have a posting schedule now. it used to be every friday somewhere around midday, but that wasn’t really doing much with the algorithm, so i changed it to midday thursday. and i’ll be taking a week off next week bc i’m getting my wisdom teeth removed then. (which i’m incredibly anxious about) so if i go awol for a little while, that’s why. 
also, i have almost no knowledge of alcohol! and i don’t drink! so if i don’t have some commonly known drink or bartender knowledge, please forgive me.
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“i’ll take an old fashioned, please.” a woman asked politely, flashing her pearly whites.
“one apple martini with no olive,” a man requested.
“can i get a scotch on the rocks?” a man with a gruff voice asked. 
you were new to this job, but you had a bit of experience, both on the bartender end and the bar attender end. you quite liked this job; the customers were fairly friendly, and you were in a much less seedy part of town than the last dive bar you worked at. you didn’t mind it, though, it gave you your thick skin, something you need in a profession like this. 
you also liked this job better because you weren’t alone. this joint in particular had more bar space than seating space, so they commissioned two bartenders to work instead of just the one. the first few days you were a little rusty, not having worked in a while, but the two of you quickly got into the swing of things. 
his name was roman godfrey, heir to the godfrey fortune, who had a much different story on how he became a bartender. coming from such a wealthy family, he of course inherited the highest position at godfrey tower, which he quickly realized was way too much work for him to handle. roman had transformed from a spoiled rich brat to someone who had more respect for people who actually had to work to keep themselves afloat, and you’d say it changed him for the better. 
somewhere along the line he’d developed a respect for women, too, probably coming from some prior bartending experience. you admired him for that, mostly because you’d hate to work with the man he used to be. 
another reason you enjoyed working with him so much was the fact that his name was so well known across the entire state of pennsylvania that nobody really liked to fuck with him. they’d much rather stay on his peaceful side, because some, more than others, had seen his aggravated side before and were not too terribly inclined to see it again. this came in handy for you when a situation similar to tonight’s had arose.
it was a stormy night, much like many spring evenings. the bar was packed tighter than usual since it was raining much too hard for anyone to leave. it was nearing last call, and you and roman were trying to close up, much to the dismay of the customers. as you were starting to stack some glasses, a greasy older man sauntered up to the bar, plopping right down on the barstool you’d just cleaned.
“i’ll take a gin and tonic, and make it snappy, i’ve gotta get home,” the man demanded, tone devoid of any politeness. “and it’d do you some good to button that up a few more times.” he gestured to your uniform that had the first couple buttons undone to show some cleavage.
“excuse me?” you stammered, flabbergasted at his frankness. you paused what you were doing, frozen in shock.
“you heard me. now make me that drink, bitch, or i’ll climb over this fucking bar and make it myself.” the man insisted.
“you have no right to say that to me.” you defended. “this is my uniform, and if it makes me more comfortable to unbutton it, then i will. i don’t need input from people like you, and you certainly don’t deserve a drink for acting like that. we’re closing anyway, it’s too late.”
you’d handled customers like this before, but they tended to be much less blatant about their sexism and disrespect than this man was. you had started drying the glasses and putting them away at a much faster pace just to get this insistent man off your ass.
“come on, no ones over here, what’s it gotta take for a guy to get a drink?” the man’s inebriation became much more obvious now as he grabbed your forearm as you reached for another glass.
“let go of me!” you shrieked, much louder than you intended. this caught the attention of quite a few other customers and, of course, roman, who quickly made his way over to you.
“exactly what the fuck do you think you’re doing here, huh?” he growled, setting his piercing gaze on the man, who quickly unhanded you.
“i asked her very kindly if she would please make me a drink, and she said no.” he swallowed nervously, the mere presence and power seeping off of roman intimidating him.
“it didn’t sound very kind to me, man. i didn’t hear any fucking ‘please and thank you’s over here.” roman replied, trying to keep his calm with the man that he wanted to hypnotize into slamming his head on the bar.
the man stayed silent, his cocky asshole persona fading into fear at the hands of mr godfrey. roman nodded at his compliance and subtly placed a hand on top of yours on the glass you were holding.
“alright sir, if you would please kindly,” he put a strong emphasis on the word. “stop bothering my friend, get the fuck out of our bar, and head the fuck home, it would be much appreciated.”
as if entranced, the man pulled his jacket back up on his shoulders, shoving his hands in his pockets and walking straight into the rainstorm.
roman looked down at you and smiled his signature grin. usually that’d have your heart melting like a popsicle on a hot summer day, but you weren’t in the mood for it. the scowl on your face told him everything he needed to know.
“why the face? what did i do?” he asked genuinely. he had learned not to skip straight to defending his actions, finding that asking what his mistake was and how to fix it was a method much more popular with the ladies.
“you should’ve let me handle that myself.” you frowned, unhappy with the situation at hand.
“what? why would i do that?” he asked incredulously. “i’m not just gonna stand by and watch that cretin of a man treat you like that!”
“i know, and i thank you for that. your heart was in the right place, but you shouldn’t have stepped in.” you began. “for the longest time, almost every profession has been male-dominated, so us women get the short end of the stick when it comes to how we’re treated in the workplace.
“men have some sort of hero complex, thinking they can insert themselves into a situation they had nothing to do with and earn praise and thanks for their help that wasn’t asked for. men think that they can start confrontations with us and expect us to be silent and complient, to just sit there and take it because we’re not going to stand up for ourselves.” you watched the expression on his face morph to one of interest. “it was my situation, my job to deal with it, and my job to handle the repercussions, should there be any.
“men are accustomed to getting whatever they want, whenever they want it, and that’s got to change, and it starts with small things. small things like me, reprimanding that man for his actions and the way he spoke to me.” you took a breath. “i’m glad you recognized something was happening, but you should’ve only stepped in had things gotten more violent.”
roman looked stunned, almost like he’d gotten a slap across the face. you shouldn’t be surprised, this was usually the reaction you got from men when you tried to educate them on the trials and tribulations of women, but something was different. rather than shocked and confused as to why you would think that, he seemed more understanding of your struggles. sympathetic, even.
he stood still for a moment, as if he was a sponge absorbing all the information you’d dumped on him. “wow, i had no idea there was so much behind that. thank you for letting me know.”
“can i..?” his question trailed off as he leaned down towards you, lips meeting yours. you melted into his embrace, the weeks of yearning for this exact moment finally catching up to you. he started to pull away, but you stood on your tiptoes and chased his lips. you both pulled away breathlessly, lips wet and pink.
“wow, that was,” the rest of your thoughts fell short, but as you looked at roman it was apparent he had the same idea, whatever that may be.
“can i walk you home?” he asked, gathering his things. you nodded up to him, smiling sheepishly as he gently placed your jacket on your shoulders.
the two of you managed to close the bar for the night and fortunately, the rain had died down enough for you to head home. roman held his umbrella above both of you as you curled into his side to escape the cold chill of the rain.
he dropped you off at your place, turning to leave before you spun him around. you hopped up the first two steps and leaned down to kiss him again, easier this time since you were at his level. he smiled against you and kissed back fervently, placing a hand on the area between your neck and shoulder for some leverage.
you said your goodbyes, heading into your house, still feeling the tingling sensation where his hand was as you smiled giddily.
ignore the ending i cant write endings it’s a problem
the feminist jumped out a bit sorry not sorry
i wrote almost all of this last night bc inspiration suddenly struck and i had to take advantage of it and this turned out waayyy longer than intended oopsie
tags: @emmyrosee @jadelynlace @copper-boom @babyboy-cody @goblincxnt @hecohansen31 @skrsgardspam @bill-skarsgard-owns-my-ass @little-grunge-flowerz @manicpixiedreamguurl
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The Stacks Two Year Anniversary Thing’a’ma’jig
Hey, ya so two years ago, today, August 11th 2018, I published the first chapter of The Stacks. I realized a bit too late that the anniversary was coming up, but I wanted to do something. So first I wanted to make this:
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If The Stacks ever were to become an actual book, I would like to think the cover would look something like this (please excuse the poor coloring)
Secondly, I just wanted to talk about the story, how I came up with it and all, so yeah let’s do that-
So I didn’t have any actual plan for the book when I started writing it. The only ideas I had were: steampunk, and Virgil is a clockmaker. That was all I had. Then when I started to write the first chapter and began world building I realized two things: this isn’t steampunk, and Virgil being a clockmaker doesn’t make sense.
I honestly didn’t know what or where I was going with the story when I started it, and I only got an idea around chapter 15 (which was around where I had originally planned to end it.) But I credit @impatentpending‘s Powerless as inspiration and drive for my story. Her take on societal issues (although a superpowered one) really inspired me to continue my story and gave me a bit of direction (also what’s not to love about enemies to lovers). My other inspiration was John Steinbeck, one of my favorite authors, specifically his book Grapes of Wrath, since my story had a lot to do with poverty and social class issues that were similar to the Great Depression and the plight of the Oakies.
Once I had this goal of what I wanted to portray in mind I started to delve deeper into the main four characters.
Virgil: I wanted to show the anger and strife of the oppressed, as well as showing the comradery that tragedy often brings out in people. This as well I also wanted to portray the feeling of helplessness and entrapment that abuse situations often brings, but also the kindness that can come out of it. In addition: his ‘romance’ (or lack of one for the majority of the story) was meant to display how looking to other people in romantic entanglements due to trauma can often be harmful to one or both parties. I wanted to show that Virgil first took the time to work on himself and heal from old wounds BEFORE he went into a relationship.
Patton: I wanted to mainly use him as a way to show the differences of social class, since he was the only one two live in both worlds as a Stacker and as a Non-Stacker. His interactment with new ideas and technology was meant to show just how little the Stackers have and know due to their confinement.
Logan: He was a tricky one to develop, as he kind of had his own subplot all together and didn’t interact much with the other main four besides Patton. However, I decided to use him to show how ignorance of other’s issues while being in a position of power can actively cause damage for the suffering minority. Those in power should know the intimate lifestyle of all citizens so that everyone has their needs met and recognized. I also used his perspective to show the corruption in Politics, and how some politicians actively choose do to evil to specific groups because they view them as less than another.
Roman: I said that Logan was tricky, but Roman was a whole ass struggle to write. Roman’s role is similar to Logan’s but taking a different approach. He’s ignorant to the struggles of the Stackers not because he doesn’t know anything about them, but rather because he was raised and taught perpetuated stereotypes about them. This was to demonstrate how generations of people who look down on or abuse certain groups act because of conditioned thinking taught to them by parents/school/media, etc. Not to excuse the bigotism that these people exude, but rather to show that this way of thinking can be unlearned if given time and self-checking. (This and also that when it comes to romantic pursuits with someone who deals with trauma, to never pressure them into anything or make them feel bad for not being able to give themselves to you the way you’d want.)
Damien: Although I love and adore Janus, Damien can go burn in a pit of fire. Nevertheless the reason I wrote him to be so despicable was to portray those who take advantage of the suffering around them to benefit themselves. People who come from a harsh background and come out of it can sometimes shun those who live in similar situations that they did, or even make their lives worse, due to a lack of empathy, a feeling of superiority, and being a sociopa- I mean a dick.
Q/A Time! :D
 @dreamyzworldlove​ asked: do emile and thomas ever call logan dad??
A: Yes they do, they did in the last chapter. I tried to show the difference by having them call Logan ‘dad’ and Patton ‘pa’
Anonymous asked: Weird question I know but, in the stacks, if things had (from whatever point) played out differently, what other pairings do you think could’ve ended up together or you might have paired together in the World you built??
A: If Virgil hadn’t ended up with Roman than I like to think he wouldn’t date, at least not anyone from the main cast. I also think Patton and Roman would have made a cute couple if they interacted more in the beginning. 
Anonymous asked: did you have an idea in mind for Damien’s age?
A: I never thought too much on it but I had the idea that Damien took to power at age 17 or 18, ruled the Stacks for about three-four years before Virgil came to him to help Patton. That would mean he’s about 25/26, so around the same age as Roman and Patton
Final Thoughts:
The Stacks is my favorite work I have done so far, and I credit it for being the reason why I realized I wanted to be an author and what helped me develop my skills the most. It’s hard to believe it’s already been two years, and that it took took two years to write the damn thing. Nonetheless I am eternally grateful to all of you for being with me along the journey, and if you’re new, thank you for reading, and if you haven’t read it, then the story just got spoiled for you. Sorry.
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bi-bard · 4 years
I Think He Knows- Roman Godfrey Imagine (Hemlock Grove)
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Title: I Think He Knows
Pairing: Roman Godfrey X Reader (I tried to make this gender neutral)
Requested: Nope but I definitely annoyed my writing group chat about it
Warning: I mean... a very obvious crush but that’s really it
Summary: (Y/n) was the opposite of subtle. Maybe (Y/n) thought otherwise but when a crush becomes painfully obvious to everyone, including Roman... who is a little more pushy than others when it came to getting an answer.
Author’s Note: Inspired by “I Think He Knows” by Taylor Swift (takes place in season 1)
“Shut up,” I said, closing my locker and starting to walk towards my class. 
“You’re painfully obvious,” my friend walked next to me. “You’ve always been absolutely terrible at hiding your crushes... and Roman has been the worst of the bunch.”
“That doesn’t mean you have to bring it up every chance you get,” I basically hissed. 
“You need to say something-”
“I will when I want to,” I replied. I looked at my classroom door. “I’ve gotta go.”
“Alright, Cupid,” she teased. 
“Cupid’s the one who puts people together,” I pointed out before walking inside.
“Oh,” I heard her say quietly as I walked away. I chuckled lightly before sitting down. I opened my notebook and grabbed a pencil.
“Hi,” I looked up to see Roman leaning on my desk. I felt my cheeks heat up and I bit my tongue to keep from saying anything dumb as soon as I saw him.
“Hey,” I replied. “What’s up, Godfrey?”
“Not much,” he shrugged. “I need help with the next test.”
“Since when did you care,” I asked.
“None of your business,” he sassed back quickly. “You get really good grades in this class. Will you help me study?”
“Why not,” I played it off but my stomach was full of butterflies and I was beyond nervous. “Does tomorrow after school work?”
“Sounds great,” he leaned forward a little bit more, his signature smirk growing just slightly. “I’ll see you later.”
“Yeah, see you later,” I nodded. He walked away and I let out a deep breath. Goddammit. I pinched the bridge of my nose for a second before looking at the board and tried to focus on the lesson.
**That Night**
“So, (Y/n),” my mom said with a knowing smile. Man... I really was the opposite of subtle, wasn’t I? “Anything interesting happen at school today?”
“Maybe,” I gave her a similar smile. My dad looked between the two of us.
“Okay, what did I miss,” he asked.
“Well,” I looked down at the table. “There’s a boy in one of my classes...”
“Yeah,” my mom pushed.
“That I’ve liked for a while,” I continued. “And it sounds dumb but... he asked me to tutor him and I just want it to go well.”
“Aww,” my mom clapped her hands. “That’s great! When is this happening?” 
“Tomorrow, after school. I’ll probably be a little later than usual.”
“Okay,” she nodded. My dad looked hesitant but seemed to bite his tongue. “Good luck!”
“Thanks,” I chuckled, awkwardly scratching the side of my head with my index finger.
**Next Day**
Holy shit. I had definitely been to Roman’s house before. We had been some form of friends for a little while now. Still, every time I saw this house, I was blown away. I knocked on the door without sounding too excited.
“Hey,” Roman leaned on the door after it swung open. 
“Hi,” I gave him a small wave. He motioned for me to walk in. I nodded and followed him. 
We ended up sitting on the couch, going over practice questions and old notes. I tried to not think about how nervous I was. I would try to play it cool. A friendly high five for a right answer, trying not read into the long amounts of time that he seemed to be staring at me for. 
“There you go,” I smiled and closed my book. “We’ll go over these again tomorrow and then I can guarantee that you’ll get a good grade!”
“I’ll get an A,” Roman asked.
“I said a good grade,” I replied teasingly. “You’ll be alright.”
“Thank you,” Roman said. I gave a fake shocked expression and he rolled his eyes. “Yes, the great Roman Godfrey apologized. Hell must have frozen over!”
We both laughed. This was so much better than the normal Roman that was usually at school. This Roman seemed more relaxed, like there was no act or guard. I snapped back into my thoughts when Roman stopped laughing.
“Can I ask you something,” he asked. I nodded, slowing my laughter so I could listen to him. “Why won’t you just admit your feelings for me?”
“I’m sorry,” I questioned, basically scared shitless.
“You are very obvious,” he replied. Of fucking course. Why could I not play it cool for a fucking minute? “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“It’s dumb,” I shook my head. “I’ll get over it in a week.”
“I don’t want you to,” Roman furrowed his eyebrows. 
I looked down at the couch cushion. I wanted to die. He loved the attention and I was just giving him his daily dose of confidence. All of my nerves were on end when Roman cupped the side of my face so I would look at him. He slowly leaned in.
“Don’t kiss me out of pity,” I mumbled. He sighed.
“It’s not out of pity,” he whispered. “Please.”
I didn’t speak. He took that as a green light. Roman leaned in and basically pecked my lips. My eyes closed the second that our lips touched and stayed closed for almost a minute after that.
“So... what about dinner,” he asked. I chuckled, opening my eyes again. “I could find you something fancy and we could go to a very nice restaurant.” 
“You don’t have-”
“Let me spoil you,” Roman interrupted me. “What’s the point of being together if I can’t spoil you?”
“So... we’re together now?”
“If you think we are.”
“I can work with together.”
“So can I,” he smiled before leaning in and kissing me again.
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nightlovechild · 5 years
Wonder Prince - Deceit’s Week. (Day 3: Roceit)
Warnings: Lying, fighting, costumes, bondage, role play, forced confessions, bdsm, punishments, anal fingering, anal sex, fucking machine, blowjob, Hemipenis
Summary: Roman takes justice into his own hands when Dimitri tells one lie too many. Showing Dimitri the error of his way with the Lasso of Truth and a few other hedonistic toys. 
Note: Deceit’s name is Dimitri. 
Dimitri's job was to lie. Excelling well beyond the standard every time he opens his mouth. Lies pour forth from him like he was a raging river of disinformation. It made his blood pump faster and his tongue stronger when he went on a binge. The fact it irritated the living hell out of Roman was the icing on the cake.
Remember kids, the cake is a lie.
Roman's lips were pursed together in frustration as he tried to hold back. Dee really put a crack in his self-restraint some days.
"You know, Wonder Woman was based off of a drag queen that trained as an All-American athlete because she was as tall as an Amazonian woman." Dimitri told Patton.
The poor puff ball nodding along like it was the most reasonable plot twist of real life.
"Then the author of the Wonder Woman comics was an asexual aromatic." Dee compiled fib over fib. A growl tearing itself from the royal's chest when he just couldn't take anymore.
"You blundering fool. William Marston was not an asexual nor was he, and the word you were looking for was, aromantic! Aromatic makes him sound like a can of air freshener. William Marston was in a polyamourous relationship with his wife and their mistress that inspired Wonder Woman!" Roman aggressively pointed at Dimitri then shifted gears to a soft voice and a thumbs up towards Patton.
"Also there is absolutely nothing wrong with asexuals or aromantics, okay Patton! You are beautiful just the way you are pop-star!"
Patton's heart was so filled with support and understanding. He could only make high pitched noises as he held his hands out for Roman. Walking protectively over to Patton, he started to lean down. But the heart began hugging him so tight around the middle Roman could only side hug his shoulders while glaring at Dee.
Dimitri smirked, stood up and issued the last strike to the splintering dam of Roman's self-restraint.
"Wonder Woman was nothing more than a spoiled royal who couldn't get by in life without entitlement and a couple of cheap toys! Just. Like. You."
Roman's offended Princey noises came out like a wild animal's roar. Grabbing Dee by the lapels of his jacket, hauling him up and tossing him over his body as they sunk out of the room and landed on Roman's bedroom floor.
Grunting as his back slammed against the faux bear rug, Dimitri's head spun as Roman's hot body landed on top of him. With quick lighting strikes, Roman struck three pressure points, keeping Dimitri immobile for a short while. The snake side groaned as he could only watch Roman's ass as he walked over to a dresser.
"Sucker body slams seem like the perfect start of a clean fight."
"Shut it. I can only teach you one lesson at a time and I already have one in mind." Roman finished digging out what he was looking for. Stomping over to where Dimitri was splayed out. A golden rope was in the Prince's hand.
"So you think my toys are cheap, huh? Does this look cheap to you?"
"The lasso of truth is so real, oooo. I'm really frightened." Dimitri lied.
"Okay. If that's how you feel chee-tah of the truth. Try this on for size." Roman tugged Dimitri up by the collar of his shirt and stepped up behind him. Using his legs to prop the limp Dee into a seated position as he tied his lying arms to his lying body. Binding him from his shoulders down to his forearms.
"Let's see you lie your way out of this one." Roman gloated as he ran his thumb and forefinger between the ropes and Dimitri's body. Once he was sure the tension was right and not nerve damagingly tight, he stepped back. Smirking as Dee landed on his side. A captive audience.
"Might have the toys, but you'll never look like her." Dimitri bit back as the ropes started to glow the brightest golden hue. The blinding light filling the room for a flash then faded just as fast. His breath was stolen as he stared at Roman in all his glory.
Magically donning the Woman Woman outfit: headband, corset, booty shorts and knee high boots without leaving the spot. Sparks casting off the metal forearm guards as Roman crossed his arms with speed and strength.
"The Deceitful side known as Dimitri Sanders. I Wonder Prince command you to…" Roman paused for dramatic effect.
Dimitri was in lust...and is so much trouble… because he could feel it. The truth growing in his body and pushing at his lips as he bit down harder on them.
"Tell me the truth! Confess why are you being such a super villain lately?"
"I'm needy. I'm lonely and cold at night. Especially since I learned how you all 'take care' of each other's needs while...while I jerk off by myself." Dimitri confessed as the rope glows with its magical might. His eyes focused straight ahead refusing to look at Roman, trying to fight the spell.
"Are you saying you're being a cranky brat because you need a good hard fucking?" Roman growled the last words as he gripped the snake's hair, making him look at him.
Dimitri was warring with himself as the fire in his eyes were only matched by the glowing rope. The magic lasso guiding, tugging, forcing Dimitri to his truth.
"YES! God fuck yes-sss. Need your cock! Need every sss-single sss-side's love. Crave all four of you." Dimitri hissed then panted as if he had run a 5k marathon in seconds. Trying to stamp down the familiar euphoria that came with unadulterated honesty. It wasn't safe chasing that high. He had to keep struggling to be in control and moving on. Closing his eyes he focused on his lies, trying to lose himself in the mental web.
Dimitri didn't even realize Roman had left his side until the wonder royal was returning with a wide padded leather bench. There was a soft smile to Roman's face.
"Believe it or not, good solid woodworking takes time and is hard to safely conjure. So I keep the really good toys already premade." Roman said conversationally as he helped Dimitri to his feet. Letting the bound side lean back against the bench.
The lights overhead made rainbows cast off of the golden headband as Roman knelt down. His soft hands brushing against Dee's skin as he removed his shoes, socks and bottom clothing. The top of the shapely corset exposed more of the prince's broad chest at this angle making Dimitri’s cocks swell.
"W-why are…y-you being nice to me now? I thought maybe you would use me for some hate fucking then banish me away to the other side again." Dimitri's mouth ran away with him. Not like he could help it currently.
"You told the truth. Even though it was hard and maybe embarrassing. But you dug down deep and prevailed. You're not a villain Dee. Just an anti-hero with no guidance." Roman said as he stood up. "Plus, why would I send you away? Everyone desires the bad boy, Dee."
He let a moan slip at the Prince's words and then more sounds from his touches. Roman stroked his hands against the exposed areas of Dimitri's shirt. Watching the material disappear to reveal pale skin wherever the ropes weren't.
"I hate that you acted like such an insufferable cur, but I am glad you got my attention. Your body is stunning bound up in my lasso." Roman's words taking a sultry tone.
Caressing Dimitri's shoulders, past the glowing ropes, and down to his ass. Roman smacked Dee's ass hard enough to drive his hips forward with each swat. Letting the dark side grind against the crotch of his tight costume. Nuzzling against each other, small nips to collarbones and shoulders.
"You have two choices my fearsome foe: A slow and deep fucking with sweet kisses or fast and rough hate fucking that's too hard, but never enough. Either way, I am going to make you come over and over without ever needing to touch your cocks."
"Oooo god, please. Hate fucking but want kisses still. Can I ask for that? Am I allowed to?" Dimitri begged as the rope's magic kept his tongue loose. Shivering as his cocks jumped with the titillating truth.
"My wicked opponent you have no idea what you've just signed yourself up for." Roman smirked as he slipped back into character.
"You've terrorized my city for far too long. You have lied. You have created chaos and longing wherever you go. Now that I have you, I'm going to show you the error of your ways. Do you yield to this verdict, criminal mastermind?" Roman stood proudly as he gave Dimitri a way to consent or to opt out.
"I happily yield to your punishment."
Manhandling him to turn around and making him climb up onto the bench. His knees are pushed into position on the lower section. The soft leather padding has Dimitri off balance as he tries to fight back. The ropes shifting as he tries to use his hands to brace himself as Roman forces his bound half across the wide upper section of the bench. With Dimitri's ass exposed at the perfect height Roman could feel his foe’s trembling body.
With a wave of his hand, Roman conjured the tool of Dee's undoing. If the snake side could see it he would have gladly spread his legs open wider. Roman had to adjust his hard cock as he moved the fucking machine closer to Dee's ass.
"It's a pity you haven't let me catch you before, you have the perfect ass for caning and paddling." Roman said as he rubbed his lube slick fingers against his hole.
Letting Dimitri's moans and whimpering guide how deep and fast he opened him open. One finger quickly moving to two. A quick smack to his ass as Roman pushed three fingers into his clenching ass. The steady leaking of precome being a sign that he was ready.
"Y-you could spank me now? Want that. Dream of being used by you."
"No. I have a better plan." Roman said as lined the huge slick dildo from the fucking machine up against Dimitri's hole. Pressing it's tip right into him.
As Roman walked around to the front, the confused look on Dee's face was comical. If Roman was here? What was inside of him? The hardness of the cock still pushing into him. Bringing the control box with its many dials into view an obscene moan left Dee. Turning the dial making the slick cock pushing in so meticulously. Roman brushed the hair out of his face as he placed soft sweet kisses to his lips.
"Going to make you take your punishment while I finally get a good use for this dirty lying mouth." Roman growled as he pulled back. Ripping the blue booty shorts off, Roman's now freed cock slapped the side of Dimitri's face. Dimitri's tongue stuck far out trying to get it back, to taste, to suck on it.
"Such a desperate whore under all the lies, aren't we?" Roman tapped his cock off of his tongue while he turned the dial up again. The machines whirling is audible now as it is thrusting deeper into his ass. When Dimitri didn't answer, Roman flicked a different switch; Making the plastic cock vibrate as well.
Dimitri wasn't forming words, his couldn't get past how good he felt. Dimitri's body was speaking volumes to Roman still. As he touched his body seeing him leaning into each touch, cocks jumping when Roman started gripping his skin harder.
"Still want to suck this cock or are you too dickmatized, my little dark slut?" Roman bent over, gripping his hair and planting a rough kiss on him.
Mumbling yes and nodding his head was all he could do as the hero pushed his cock into his warm open mouth. Each truth was making the dark side feel more exposed, more open, he should be scared, but yet..
Dimitri was in heaven, his every hole being used. Struggling to breathe between the cock being shoved down his throat and the bindings against his body. Like a perverse hug, holding him close as the mechanical cock pounds deep into his body. Shaking and stroking over his prostate sending him over the edge. Splattering the leather padding with his come. Both cocks jerking with his release. Moaning around Roman's cock as the machine goes faster at his hero’s touch. Never stopping. Whimpering turns back to guttural moans as the Prince kisses him. Lips locked together, biting each other from pent up frustration. Dee immediately keeps his teeth away as Roman fills his mouth with his thick cock again. Focusing on sucking the cock in front of him made his own cocks grow heavy again.
Roman's hands seize the ropes as a leverage point. Holding Dimitri in place as he is trying to rock himself forward to take more of Roman into his mouth. If Dee moves too much he could hurt himself, that would never do. Roman needed this to happen again. And again and again. Taking control back by pinning Dee down, the prince is thrusting his hips forward to satisfy the snake’s hunger. Until Dimitri is gasping for oxygen when he pulls back because Roman is so deep in his throat.
A sinful symphony of moans, metal cranking, wet fucking sounds filled the room now.
"G-god you're such a good whore. Taking your punishment so well. Going to make me bust down your throat. Make you swallow my come like a good sidekick." Roman pants as he hears the metal gears grinding suddenly. Needing to work harder as Dimitri starts coming again. Clenching so hard it's making it strain to keep it’s pace. The sights and sounds are too much as Roman pulls out, stroking his cock fast as he spills across Dee's tongue.
"Gonna… gonna come again. Please. Please." Dimitri yelps. Legs kicking against the bench, whimpering and moving back and forth, another orgasm is forced from Dimitri's willing body as Roman finishes fucks himself through his own orgasm.
“Learned my lesson. Please no more, Ro.” Dimitri whimpers going slack as the cock slips free of his body.
Waving his hand, the machine is gone. Making Dimitri's hole spasm against nothing; making the emptiness fee overwhelming. Whimpering again, Roman pets his hair, laughing.
"You are a mess, you know that? Whining when you're getting fucked, Whining when it's too much, whining when it's over. Will you ever be happy, my woeful foe?"
"I-In your.. arms, close to you, being held by you, I'll be happy then." Dimitri struggles against the ropes, hands trying to move towards Roman.
"Oh, you do know how to land a fatal blow my sweet love."
A quick cut of the rope and Dimitri is being carried into the bathroom and down into a huge bath. The rose and lavender scented water encourages Dimitri to relax. The rushing water from the jets working all the stiffness from his body.
"Us good?" Dimitri mumbles against his hero's neck as he hugs the prince tightly since Dee is clingy when he is in subspace.
"Of course. We might argue or fight but we are parts of a whole. There is no me without you and vice versa." Roman says as he hand washes Dee from head to toe. Holding him close until his proper senses come back to him.
Then Dee is gently placed to the side of the tub as Roman washes himself. Rinsing off and being wrapped in a huge fluffy towel making him smile so big. Humming "a tale as old as time" as lotion is rubbed over all the rope marks. Roman issuing forth sweet nothings and telling him how well he did as he is dressed in cotton pjs. Then tucked into Roman's arms and under the covers.
"It was all a lie you know? You have no power over me. I'm not some simpleton to be won over so easy." Dimitri tried to get around the lies but frowned when he couldn't.
"Sure, you are. Night, Lasso Boy." Roman smirked as he tied a bit of cut lasso around his wrist. Knotting it three times over.
"Thank you. Night, my Wonder Prince." Dimitri smiled sweetly as he slept.
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spookiist · 5 years
take me to the rooftop
summary :: roman has to leave. but they’ll never see him again.
word count :: 1070
tw :: major character death, unknown illness 
inspired by “listen before i go” by billie eilish
He let his grades drop. He’s more carefree than ever. Something about the sudden change in attitude was concerning, but Roman was happier. Livelier. They were curious as to why Roman suddenly stopped caring about education, yet every time they asked, the answer would always be: “Life is for living. That’s what I’m doing!”
Once, they didn’t see nor hear from him for an entire week. Phone went abandoned, filled with missed calls and texts. That week, he took a plane back home. His parents never had the time for him, father being a doctor, and mother being a lawyer. Spending time with parents is great fun and all, but that wasn’t his reason for going back home to miss an entire week’s worth of lessons. He wanted to go back home to see his little brother, Declan. The poor boy was only 8, and he was always alone in the house. He needed to spend a lot of time with him.
Bringing his brother toys and candy always gave him great joy. He promised that every month he’ll send something to him, something to remember him by. But it’s not like he’s leaving, right?
“Don’t tell me you’re going to go away to somewhere far like… like Antarctica! They don’t have Broadway there!”
“No silly, I can’t go there! How will I wear shorts?!”
The two shared a laugh, and Roman held back his tears. This was not the time for crying. His parents were quite disappointed when they found out Roman was skipping school for one week, but they were secretly glad to see their son home. Roman told them his plan to spoil his annoying little brother, and they were fine with it. In fact, they even managed to be on leave for a week as well. They didn’t know what was going on, but it’s been years since they’ve had Roman back with them, communicating only through the phone when there was time.
Time. Roman didn’t have much of that left.
Unfortunately, the week passed like it was nothing and he had to fly back to where he was currently staying. The plane ride was hell. He couldn’t do much but miss everyone.
When he arrived back at school, his boyfriends gave him a bone-crushing hug right in the middle of a hallway, not caring whether or not they were blocking someone’s way. There were so much tears, Roman didn’t have the heart to tell them. So he didn’t. He kept it a secret from everyone, especially his boyfriends. He tried to spend as much time with them as possible, going as far as convincing them to skip class. Now Logan would never, but when his boyfriend disappears off of the face of the earth for one week, he didn’t hesitate. He was ahead of the class anyways. Virgil on the other hand, was more than willing. He loved his boyfriend to death, and not seeing that pretty face of his for an entire week had him crumbling. Patton couldn’t say “no” when he saw the look of hope on his boyfriend’s face, with eyes silently pleading for them to agree. He didn’t know what he’d do if Roman were to be removed from his life.
Every night was spent together. They were almost always together, except for when they have classes that they actually have to attend. Roman no longer cared about his grades and attended for the sole purpose of seeing his boyfriends. Other times, he would go back to their place and sit on the rooftop, drawing and doing his best to fill up his sketchbook.
Roman hated it when the day shifts to night. He wasn’t sure what would happen in the morning, or if he’d still be there to see his boyfriends waking up next to him then argue about who gets to shower first.
He got weaker each day but it wouldn’t show. He wouldn’t show it. Being a great actor and all, he finds that he can have various excuses for when signs of weakness appeared. He was losing time. He was making more calls and asking to talk to Declan, and he’d listen to his little brother ramble through the phone about his day and how much he loves snakes. The call would go on for as long as an hour, but that was alright. It’s not like he has a class he needs to go to.
When he got so obviously sick, his boyfriends wouldn’t leave his side. He kept asking for his phone to call his brother. He made them promise to send his brother gifts every month. They had to do it for Roman. Although they were very much confused about the situation they were in, they didn’t ask and complied with Roman’s needs. After all, a fever only lasts a couple of days. Soon, they would have their Roman back. Right?
One night, Roman requested that they all go sit on the rooftop and admire the scenery. They helped him get up their, and brought the fluffiest blanket. Roman’s requests got weirder each time, and he only got weaker.
All four of them sat on the rooftop, laughing and talking. Living like that night would be their last.
Then Roman started crying. He couldn’t stop them, they just started flowing like a dam broke in his eyes. Patton immediately held Roman close, asking him why he was crying, but doing his best to comfort him as well. Logan ran his fingers through Roman’s hair, and whispering that he’s going to be okay. Virgil wiped away his tears, and kissed his tear-stained cheek, hoping that he would be okay.
Roman started apologizing, saying stuff about how they deserved someone better than him. At that point, his boyfriends were crying as well, telling him how no one could compare to him. Roman explained about having not-so-pleasant dreams about them leaving him, and how he would avoid sleeping as much as he can because of it. They assured him that they could never leave him. They couldn’t, but Roman can.
After a couple more hours spent staying at the rooftop, the sun was starting to rise and pretty colors littered the sky. Somehow, the four of them have managed to fall asleep there. It was quite comfortable, due to the improvements that have been made because of Roman’s frequent visits there.
Only three of them woke up.
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beanyboobee · 6 years
The Prince and his Witch, Chapter 1  (Prinxiety)
Ship:Prinxiety (RomanxVirgil)
Setting:Fantasy AU
 Prince of the Cosalona, Prince Roman Sanders , is set to be the next in line for the throne. As his father fall’s ill, He is left to be crowned early, however there is a catch, In order to inherit the crown he must be married. The only problem, Roman has trouble settling down, and in return has had many crushes that all ended in vain, He eventually gave up on searching for love, that was- until an old frienimie showed up before him... 
Meet Virgil Anxly, The son of a well known Sorcerer and Healer, His Father is close friends with the newly ill king, and since a young age has been dragged to the palace as his Father was summoned by the King, let it be for assistance or friendly chats. In return he had the unfortunate fate to be forced into the presence of Prince Roman, an- (In Virgils words) self-obsessed, spoiled, idealist. 
However, They haven't seen each other since the age of 15, now 22, He is dragged back to the Palace, and when face to face with who he considered ‘the bane of his existence’ he feels- odd... 
Will feelings finally bloom between these two? or will they be stuck in their childish hatred? 
And when an old enemy shows up to crash the party, Leaving Virgil under the effects of a curse, and Roman having no way of knowing how to reverse the effects, what will become of our two protagonists?
Inspired by “The Swan Princess.” mostly the song “far longer than forever” from it. Ive seen obsessed with it for ages now, and my mind wont rest till i make a fic on it, however i dont feel like making a full fic right now, so instead im going to focus on a two-shot, (maybe) But if you guys like the idea and wish for me to expand on it. Please do let me know and ill see what i can do ;))
Also sorry if this chapter is poorly written, it is literally 3am and i am so tireeed i just needed to get this out of my system.  WARNING next chapter is basically what ties everything together and explains why the parents are so set on these two getting together.
As the morning sun creeped over the peek of the city's old bell tower, The soft chatter from the streets below caused a buzz to fill the crisp mid-day air, As the market square began to fill up with stall-keepers who were either offering their assistance to those who seemed well paid, or those who littered the paths browsing the stalls in wonderment. 
Some children running along the cobbled roads, giggling and laughing as they did so, other’s seeming to be rolling the metal lining of a barrel top, as some sort of make-shift hoop.All in all it was a rather calm and  basic morning in a town with-in the kingdom of Cosalona, Busy, yet- with a relaxed aura.. 
Many wouldn't even spare a glance to the simple wooden carriage that seemed to carefully maneuver it’s way down the stone path, As with-in this certain city, passing carriage’s were the norm. Seeing as the town was so near the beautiful palace it was no surprise.
However despite the basic out-look of the middle-class carriage, inside it held two rather important figures in the eye’s of the king. 
~~~~~~~~~~~~inside the carriage~~~~~~~~~~~
With-in the carriage sat a young man around the age of 22, his pale hand rested against his cheek as he slanted by the window broadly, Locks of what seemed like a dark purple hair, grazed his forehead in almost a ticklish manner, as they softly fell, brushing against his dark lashes, Eyes that seemed the colour of Mahogany in the afternoons light, held a cloud of uncertainty and confliction. Linned in a fashion that could scream to anyone, 
‘I am rethinking all my decisions up to this point, at this very moment’
of course, that would probably be tad bit of exaggeration, however you would most likely not catch onto this unless looking rather closely for you see, there always seemed to be this sort of powdery black substance, beneath the water line of these fixated eyes. It seemed to act as some sort of distraction, from what? who knows. But- that is not what we are questioning right now.. 
Along with this young man, was a clearly older man, who seemed around is late 40′s, that- or if he was older, time was very good to him, He held a stern look, dark hair that was pulled back by a ribbon into some sort of messy bun, done by no doubt his wife, earlier that morning before the trip, a neatly groomed beard, that in all honesty didn't deserve the tital, as it seemed to be more of- stubble, then a beard in all honesty. 
heavy bags hung beneath his eyes, that almost seemed to resemble the boy’s in front of him, only- dark... and more full of- wisdom and knowledge. In his left hand was a simple, yet smooth, oak cane, that was firmly pressed his the carriage floor. 
All was silent in the mode of transport. Only the sound of the grinding stones beneath them and horses hoofs ahead of them, filling the air, with a soft, 
‘click- clok- click- kreec’
That is- until the older decided to speak-
His tone was deep, almost smooth, if it weren't for the obvious dryness of his throat. 
He called, grabbing enough of the younger’s attention, for the one clad in a dark cloke to straighten in his seat, gaze dancing towards the wiser gaze. A hum of reconcision leaving his lips. This was enough for the hard gaze of the gent to soften, 
“you’ve been rather quite. I know you dont enjoy these trips but-” he paused.       “They will help you grow as a healer- i hope you know this, i only do it in your best interest... but just this once- please- Please try to get along with the Prince,”
The boy now known of Virgil made a look is displeasure, and opened his mouth to speak, only to be stopped once again by the partially grey haired male. 
“I know! you dont like him! hate him even- but just for me, please, dont cause a ruckus.. im sure you're old enough to realize- he might be going through a rough time, with his father falling ill, and he could use a hand, and seeing as he will be the future ruler. it would do you some good to stay in his good books, you always wanted to be a top notch healer right?” 
his tone was stern yet had a fatherly softness to it, as he kept eye contact with the smaller.
Virgil didn't feel a need to reply to that, He knew his father was correct, so instead gave a light nod, moving his gaze back towards the window. Taking this as a sign of a finished conversation, The aged man gave a small smile, and a satisfied hum, about to return his gaze to the carriage window also, before a quieter voice spoke up, still deep, but with a softness to it, almost shy. 
“i’ll try, But i dont make any promises. “ 
The Fathers gaze shifted towards the young adult in surprise, before letting out a breathy chuckle, followed by a few coughs.
“That is all i can ask of you son, try. Besides, who knows~ by the end of this you two might be the opposite of what you began as” 
A smirk itched it’s way to his lips, a mischievous glint shinning in the old souls eyes, 
This simple statement seeming to steer something up in the black and purple haired boy, as he jolted up so fast, his sharp cheek bones now on full display, as his pale complexion turned into a crimson painting,                                               A sound that resembled that of a stumbling fool left his lips as he tried to find his words, once the words were found they were spat out in a frenzy,
“if by that you mean dead? then please!”
~~~~~~~~~~At the palace~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
echoed through the halls, in a tone that almost seemed scandalized. 
The sheer surprise of the the loud exclamation causing a near by maid to almost drop the tray of china she carried. However she was lucky enough to have fast enough reflexes to balance out the tray before any mishaps. 
Sighing in relief, her gaze moved down the hall to the source of the disturbance, knowing damn well who that voice belonged to, if you were you were to follow it, it would no doubt lead you towards the study, that currently held what most would call, an Average looking Queen, and her seemingly scandalized son.
The Queen stood tall, a gloved hand raised to her lips as she did her best to hid her amused smile, by unfolding a white pristine fan, with a quick flip, aware that her amusement would only fuel her sons dramatic moment. 
Dark eyes somehow remaining calm as ever, as she watched the Prince pace the room, arms frailing about and waving madly, as he ranted, The Queen had learned to tune out of these ramblings, as most of the time, it was simply him rephrasing the same sentence on repeat, using a variety of different words to express his distraught and aggravated state.
I mean, of course, How dare she, his own Mother! suggest such a vile thought! the thought of- of- BEFRIENDING! that creature of the night! that- that! irritating! INSUFFERABLE! LITTLE WITCH! that somehow always found a way to get under Roman’s skin when ever he decided to make an appearance!
Of course- he supposed it wasn't compleatly like Virgil had a choose- he himself didn't seem to want to be anywhere near Roman either. It was simply for their parents convineance, Much to Roman’s dismay, he didn't take very kindly to Mr.Dark and gloomy. Of course- it had been many years since they had last seen each other.. even so! no one could make such a drastic change to make his company any sort of bearable. HE WASN'T EVEN ATTRACTIVE!                   ( in Romans eye’s anyway.)
Non the less the pacing continued, His Mother decided that she should shut her son down now, before things got too out of hand, so with a gentle sigh, she clasped the fragile fan down to her opened, and gloved palm. The sound of the slap loud enough, to drag Roman’s attention towards her, silencing him, and keeping him in place, arms lowering as his peircing Pine green gaze, caught to her Oak wood own.
“My dear one, you can rant all you like, but i am simply doing this for your own benifit. The Anxly family are very good to us, and in return we keep them as our family healer’s and sourceres, And we expect when you take over, to do the same. The both of you, are no longer children so please dont act as such, you will be personally meeting Virgil in the Gardens any hour now! so please! go get ready! Unless you plan to give off an unprofessional appearance.”
with a few steps forward, she raised a hand, and brushed a Tawny brown, stray curl from Romans temple, brushing it behind his ear, her gaze lingering on him for a quite moment, before she sighed openly, speaking once more, only this time more quieter.
“i know you two never started off on the right foot, but im sure this time will be different, from what i’ve heard he has turned into quite the gent! believe it or not.”
she couldn't help but praise, removing her hand to brush back a strand of her own light hair, that fell from behind her ear, 
“just- give it a chance. you know William is a good friend to your Father’s.” 
The Queen added, a sadness almost seeming to gloss over her gaze, at the mention of the King, thats what broke Roman. 
Seeing his mother in such a state he knew he would have to give in, But meeting in the gardens? he didn't see the point? shouldn't they be meeting somewhere more professionally? and why was everyone so hooked up on Virgil? unless-
a deep frown carved it’s way onto the Prince’s lips, squinting slightly, in almost a suspicious glare, as he spoke his thoughts out loud. 
“Mother, You're making this sound an awful lot like a potential suitor...”
That is when the Queen froze, Her cheeks pinkening ever so slightly, as her gaze moved just above Roman’s shoulder, looking as though she didn’t know what to say, Roman knew this look very well, and he didn't like what it was implying...
~~~~~~~~~1 hour till the long awaited meeting~~~~~~~
Roman complained loudly, As the tailor circled him, pinning and re-stitching,The white and scarlet finery, A small bundle of laughter leaving said tailor, as he listened to the Prince’s ramblings, 
“Im sure it isn’t as terrible as you’re making it out to be my Prince! i for one know Virgil personally, and he isn't that bad, He is actually quite sweet!”
 He hummed, sticking a pin into the small sponge patch that was attached to his arm, using a tightly secure blue ribbon for security, before reaching up and pushing up the circle lenses glasses, that were managing to slip down his nose, Blue eyes looking up through his lashes, from his place kneeling on the floor, grinning slightly. 
This however only made Roman whine even more, 
“Patton! you're not helping my case here! my case being! there is no way in all the 6 kingdoms i would ever even consider Tall,Dark and dreary a candidate for a friend never mind a husband!”
The prince all but huffed, arms crossing out of habbit, only to quickly straighten them out into a T pose once more, with a yelp, as 3 small pearl headed pin prodded him sharply, giving our lovely prince a small jump. 
“Heheh sorry kiddio! only speaking my mind “
The tailor couldn't help but muse, his gaze moving back down to the task at hand, re hemming this cursed hem of the princely jacket.                                       A half hearted glare was shot Pattons way by none other then Roman,
Before the Queen who was quietly observing this interaction spoke,
“My son i am not asking you to marry him, i simply wish for you two to talk things out and maybe get along. you managed it when you were bother 5! im sure you can do it once again, and if a little bit of woowing! happens along the way, then so be it, a point to me, if not. I’ll be satisfied knowing you have a allay thats a gifted healer.”
she explained further, having almost a tiredness to her voice, like she had explained this many times, even so, she couldn't deny this feeling she had inside, that somehow- she could feel That Roman was meant to meet Virgil, that there was meant to be something more between them. Then solid hatred.
She saw it the first day the two met.. when Roman took that shy boy’s hand,Smiling brightly as he introduced himself, and how he thought Virgil was pretty, before finally ledding the quite child, who looked at Roman in awe,down the long corridor, The small prince exclaiming how they were going to play in the garden.                     
To their final meeting at 15, where she could swear she saw Virgil nearly reach for Roman’s hand when walking down that exact same corridor only to retract it just as fast. Or how when Roman fell and cut his knee, After Virgil said he hadn't gotten the chance to test his healing on any-body yet, These small things, They didn't think she noticed, but- she did. 
Even so, she couldn't deny, that right now all of this was seeming like a waste of energy, She knew her son was stubborn, she blamed herself on that one, But she couldn't help it, she just had this feeling...
Roman stared back at the middle age women, his frown still playing against his lips, He knew he had no way of escaping this situation so instead. Let out a breath of air, 
“look fine, i’ll play along with your little ‘be nice’ charade”                                       his eyes rolled for emphasis on his un-satisfaction.
“BUT! i will NOT have any interest in him, not before,nor after this meeting. He is simply a possible ally. nothing more, nothing less. so please- dont get your hopes up Mother” he huffed.
His Mother smiled,
 “of course Roman! dont worry about a thing dear, i’ll keep my hopes low” 
she sighed in contentment, he gaze landing on Pattons, earning a grin from the tailor, who she has come to welcome with open arms.                      She simply smiled back, they both knew. Knew something was about to unfold from right under their noses.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Virgil and his fatherly unit~~~~~
It had been approximately 40 minuets since they have arrived, and with no time to spare, Virgils Father had opened up all their chest’s of clothing and ordered Virgil to change into something more proper when meeting the Prince,
He didn't quite understand why, seeing as in their previous meetings Virgil simply wore his usual cloke and some old clothes, messy, unkempt hair, and over all looked like a mess. Why was now any more important then those times? However he didn't dwell on the thought any longer, settling for the explanation of, They were older now, and Roman would soon be King, So it was only right to be proper in his presence, Even so,
Virgil knew that as soon as they were out of sight from their parents insults would more then likely be thrown. Shins kicked and bruised, the usual. 
So without any hassle, Virgil began to change, tugging on the Mulberry colored shirt, buttoning it up carefully, worried he might miss a button, or crinkle the shirt if he moved to fast, after all, Patton did work hard to make it and sent it all the way out to him, earlier that year. 
He was almost shocked it still fit, He then continued to change in silence,
black waist coat, raisin colored suit pants, brushed out hair,(for once styles, due to fathers orders) and finally his good old, tattered cloke, black in color, and decorated with different patches, all different shades of purple. 
Once his father seen him leave the changing area, he lit up more than Virgil had ever seen him, it almost made him flush, However his embarrassment was cut short when his Father whipped out a wash cloth and he knew what was coming, no matter how many times he pleaded, it was futile, His black under eye powder was cleaned away. well most of it was, there was still some under his eye, that gave a slightly smoky effect, 
Virgil felt naked without it, but he suppose still having a little bit of it, was better then having none of it. So he sucked it up, and sighed looking to his Dad, as they exited their room, beginning the departure, down the halls towards a familer garden, it wasn't till then, Virgil asked out loud,
“why is it you wanted me to get all dressed up? Princey and i are just talking over our differences right?”
He couldn't help himself in asking, This caused the older beside him to stop for a moment, cane making a very distinctive sound when it touched the tile, He seemed to be thinking over something and Virgil wondered what, That is- untill he got his answer, and when he did- he couldn't stop himself from stumbling backwards, he was shocked to the point he didn't see, nor hear Patton from ahead of them, instead he took one deep breath and took off in the opposite direction.
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team-free-squiggle · 6 years
T.A.R.D.I.S. Chapter 5: You Will Be Found
Warnings: language, innapropriate jokes, fight scenes, certain song lyrics, Sympathetic Deceit, mentions of fear and anxiety, mentions of weaponry near the end
Roman woke up happily. It had been a wonderful week since his darling Patton’s name reveal anniversary, and he honestly couldn’t be happier.
It had been an extremely productive week, full of new ideas for videos and filming with Joan and Talyn for other video ideas of his that had gotten finalized! Logan was actually ahead of schedule with everything by about a week, making Virgil a lot less anxious. And of course, that meant that Patton had them all make a cake and had shared it with everyone because things were going super well!
And, one of Roman’s favorite parts, he got to snuggle his boyfriends to sleep every single night. And now it was Saturday! One of his favorite days now, because of his amazing dates with his favorite people.
So if the sheer excitement had Roman up earlier than even Patton, well, he couldn’t be upset about it, now could he?
He wandered downstairs, grabbing some coffee and waiting for the pot to be ready when he felt a pair of arms wrap around him and snuggle into him. Roman smiled, turning around, letting Patton snuggle into his chest, which would be way more comfy than his back.
Soon enough, the coffee was ready, allowing the two of them to get fully awake and ready for the day.
“So Ro,” Patton was the one to break the easy silence between them after they had been sitting at the table for a while. Roman looked up from his coffee, smiling at his emotional love to let him know that he was being paid attention to. “Last time was about me. Our last date, I mean. And knowing you, you’d want to do the same for Lo and Virge.”
Ro sat up straighter, surprised that Patton had found him out so easily. Then again, it made sense, as Patton was one of the more emotional of his boyfriends.
“Yeah, you’re right. Today I wanted to do Virgil.” Patton smirked at that.
“Don’t you always?” Roman choked on his drink.
Then Logan came down. “Yeah I do.” He went to the coffee pot, leaving Patton and Roman in stunned silence.
Logan seated himself at the table with Patton and Roman as they all laughed (Roman and Patton after getting over the slight shock of Logan’s statement), enjoying each other’s loving company.
“So anygay, Ro, what were you thinking of doing?” Roman smirked lightly as he sipped his coffee.
“I want to do the Found Tonight song by Lin-Manuel Miranda, sung by us to him. We can go to a stage in the mindscape, we can dance as we sing if we want. In fact, maybe this date could just be all of us singing along and dancing to songs from different musicals!”
Roman’s eyes were lit up with excitement, making Patton and Logan smile. Logan nodded, smiling a soft, slow, easy smile that made him all the more beautiful to his boyfriends. Roman blushed at the thought that he was one of the ones who could put that gorgeous, rare smile on his Logan’s face.
“That’s a great idea, my love.” Logan looked Roman deeply in the eyes, smirking slightly at Roman’s blush. He still had that soft, shy smile that made Roman and Patton fall in love with him that much more.
Patton couldn’t contain his excitement and squealed happily, making Logan and Roman blush and half-heartedly glare at him. Patton giggled while Logan and Roman made eye contact and slowly smirked.
Roman stood up as Patton noticed their matching smirks and gulped slightly, the smile never falling from his face. He knew exactly what they were planning now, and he actually loved it a lot (though he would never say that out loud). Roman’s eyes softened as he looked at his emotional love, and he leaned down and kissed Patton gently. Patton melted into the kiss happily, before he felt Logan tickling him.
Patton couldn’t help the small giggles that interrupted his and Roman’s kiss, making Logan tickle him harder and harder. Patton knew that Logan and Roman loved hearing him giggle, and tickling him was the easiest way to get him to giggle. It was fine by him, honestly, though he was a little saddened because he knew he couldn’t be quiet and that it would probably wake up Virgil.
“Alright, Lo, we can let him up now.” Roman smirked at Patton softly as his love’s giggles became softer. Logan and Roman both had smiles on their faces as they finally let up.
Patton had at some point closed his eyes, and now opened them, smiling when he saw two of his boyfriend’s faces smiling above him, making him smile a soft, sweet smile at them both.
They allowed him to get out of his chair, and he did, smiling when he saw his Virgil leaning against the counter.
“Morning, baby boy.” Patton went over to the Anxious Side, kissing him happily. Virgil blushed, but was smiling.
“Did we wake you up?” Roman was concerned, he hadn’t meant to wake Virgil up. Virgil nodded.
“No worries, though, Princey. The best way to wake up is to the sound of Patton’s giggles.” He smirked at the Moral Side’s blush as Logan and Roman agreed.
Virgil walked over to the coffee pot, getting himself some as his boyfriends sat back down around the kitchen table. They all smiled, content to be together and happy. Soon enough, however, Virgil was sipping his coffee as the others tried to figure out how to tell him what they were doing without spoiling that it was for him.
It was Logan who figured it out first, letting Patton and Roman lean back a little and relax as the Logical Side explained the plan to the Anxious Side.
“So, Virge. It’s Saturday.” Logan began, Virgil jumping in.
“Night? By Panic! At the Disco?” Roman and Patton giggled, making Virgil smirk and throw a wink in their direction. Logan sighed and rolled his eyes playfully, too used to his boyfriends’ antics by now.
“Maybe later, honey.” He smirked right back, sending chills down Virgil’s back. Logan was hot when he smirked, and it never failed to make Virgil blush, dammit.
“Anyway, as it is Saturday, it’s date day.” Logan smiled as Virgil nodded happily (still blushing) and Patton softly squealed. Roman, in the meantime, was doing his best to not give away his surprise for his more anxious love. He thought this would be done the easiest by not speaking.
“And we… Logan and Patton and I… we wanted to take you someplace special. To all four of us.” Roman, obviously, had failed at the part where he tried not to speak. But he hadn’t given away the surprise, at least! Patton and Logan both breathed out a sigh of relief at that, making Virgil look at them weirdly before turning back to his Extra™ boyfriend.
“Okay? I guess? I mean I trust you guys. Just promise me we aren’t doing anything that will send my Anxiety through the roof. Again.” Virgil rolled his eyes good-naturedly as his three boyfriends giggled, all of them remembering what had happened the last time Thomas had had a huge Anxiety spike.
Virgil had been the one most present in Thomas’s mind at that time. Thomas had been playing a horror game with Joan and Talyn, and as much as he loved his friends, both he and Virgil hated the jumpscares that the horror games gave him.
And this time, it was super bad.
The three were playing the Evil Within 2, which was freaking Thomas out. This caused problems for poor Virgil, who was the embodiment of Thomas’s freaking out in that particular moment.
And when Thomas said that his Anxiety was through the roof, he wasn’t lying. A sudden jumpscare in the game had sent Virgil’s body through the roof of the Light Side’s house in the mindscape.
And even though the situation wasn’t funny at the time, looking at the picture Roman had taken later had made all of them laugh. And Virgil blush a little, but the other three had quickly kissed his cheeks softly, letting him know that they weren’t judging him. It was just slightly funny to see black skinny jeans hanging from a ceiling as Logan looked up in exasperation.
“Anyway, are we gonna get going to whatever we’re doing? I don’t want to waste the whole day.” Virgil grumbled, but the others could see that it was mostly playful. Roman stood up and held out a hand to his purple-clad boyfriend, smiling as Virgil took it and they walked off towards the Tardis.
Soon enough, the four were off flying through the Imagination, to one of Roman’s favorite places to be, ever.
“So what are we doing, exactly?” Virgil asked as they all stared out the windows, looking at the gorgeous world around them.
Patton smiled and put an arm around his anxious love. “We are gonna be singing, Virgil. We’re gonna sing for you and to you and you can sing whatever you want. You get to do what you love, Virge!”
Patton looked so hopeful when he said that, and Virgil couldn’t help the small smile on his face. He did love singing, be it alone or with his boyfriends. It was a somewhat strange concept, he had to admit. Virgil was the literal embodiment of Thomas’ Anxiety, so why did he love singing? Being in front of people, where anyone could judge him, should make him too scared to do anything, right?
Surprisingly, no. Virgil didn’t know why, exactly, but singing just helped him to let go.   And so now he was really excited, and opened the doors as soon as the Tardis was settled.
Virgil recognized where he was as soon as he stepped from the doors.
Roman followed him out, looking at Virgil hesitantly. “Is this okay?”
Virgil just nodded and smiled, looking around. It was the stage of the first professional musical theater production Thomas had ever been to. It was part of what inspired Thomas to do musicals in the first place, so it made perfect sense why Roman loved it.
But Virgil? Virgil loved it here because of what had been said that day. Thomas had been a kid, and Virgil wasn’t as strong, so Thomas was able to say hi to one of the actors from the musical. And Thomas had said that it was amazing and he wished he could do something like that. The actor had then asked a simple question: “Why couldn’t you?” It made Thomas try something new that ended up being something he would love for all of time.
For Virgil, it gave him courage. It told him that, he could be afraid, but it didn’t have to be crippling. He was able to be himself, and that made all the difference.
Virgil turned to Roman. “Can I play a song, babe?” He asked, to which the other three nodded. This was about Virgil. Because, as much as Roman loved to perform, Virgil’s nervous energy was what made it worthwhile. And Virgil loved to sing, too. It allowed him to express who he was without fear of judgement.
And he thought it was high time he showed that to the people he loves the most.
Am I brave enough?
Am I strong enough?
To follow the desire
That burns from within
To push away my fear
To stand where I'm afraid
I am through with this
‘Cuz I am more than this
I promise to myself
Alone and no one else
My flame is rising higher
I am the fire
I am burning brighter
Roaring like a storm
And I am the one
I've been waiting for
Screaming like a siren
Alive and burning brighter
I am the fire
I've been sacrificed
My Heart’s been cauterized
Hanging on to hope
Shackled by the ghost
Of what I once believed
That I could never be
What's right in front of me?
I am the fire
I am burning brighter
Roaring like a storm
And I am the one I've been waiting for
Screaming like a siren
Alive and burning brighter
I am the fire
I don't believe I'll fall from grace
Won't let the past decide my fate
Leave forgiveness in my wake
Take the love that I've embraced
I promise to myself, me and no one else
I am more than this
I am the fire...
I am the fire
I am burning brighter
Roaring like a storm
And I am the one I've been waiting for
Screaming like a siren
Alive and burning brighter
I am the fire
I am the fire
I am the fire
I am the fire
I am the fire
I am the fire
I am the fire
Roman, Patton, and Logan were in the audience’s seats as Virgil sang for them. They loved when he got so into something that he was able to let go of his Anxiety, and this was one of those times. He was himself, and it was him alone on the stage, and he was beautiful.
Not to mention the song - “I am the Fire” by Halestorm. All three of them had expected something emo, something like My Chemical Romance - but were pleasantly surprised. Logan was the one to realize that’s kind of the way Virgil sang, actually. He was expected to be one way, and did something completely different and did it stunningly well.
Patton loved how much stronger singing made Virgil look - he looked, and clearly felt, way more confident, able to be himself a little bit more. Roman loved that, too - how he carried himself like he knew what he was doing, because he did. He wasn’t nervous. He was having a good time.
All three of them stood up and applauded, Virgil blushing and smiling as he jokingly bowed. Roman conjured a red rose, and threw it right at his Anxious boyfriend, who caught it and smiled right back.
Patton rolled right up on stage next to Virgil, being to excited to sing with his boyfriend. It was something he always wanted to do actually, so good luck stopping him.
“Pat? What -” Virgil began to ask before Patton cut him off excitedly.
“Virgil! Virgil Virgil Virgil Virgil Virgil!” He bounced around the stage, Logan and Roman looking amusedly at their Moral boyfriend’s antics around their Anxious boyfriend.
“...Yes, Patton?” Virgil tried, hesitantly.
“WILL YOU SING A CLASSIC ROCK SONG WITH ME?!” Patton shouted, way too excited, as Virgil backed up automatically.
“Jeez, Pat, I will, but please don’t scream it? Literal embodiment of Anxiety?” Virgil whispered, holding his hands to his ears because wow Patton could be loud when he wanted to be.
“Yay! Also sorry!” Patton squealed, hugging Virgil, who smiled slowly and hugged him back. He wasn’t upset, just highly shook. It was all good.
“So? What song?” Virgil asked. Patton snapped his fingers, smiling, and the music came on.
Carry On My Wayward Son.
Logan and Roman, who had watched Supernatural with Virgil, cheered. Patton hadn’t seen the show, but he did love the music from it.
Carry on my wayward son
There’ll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don’t you cry no more
Once I rose above the noise and confusion
Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion
I was soaring ever higher
But I flew too high
Though my eyes could see I still was a blind man
Though my mind could think I still was a mad man
I hear the voices when I’m dreaming
I can hear them say
Carry on my wayward son
There’ll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don’t you cry no more
Masquerading as a man with a reason
My charade is the event of the season
And if I claim to be a wise man
It surely means I don’t know
On a stormy sea of moving emotion
Tossed about I’m like a ship on the ocean
I set a course for winds of fortune
But I hear the voices say
Carry on my wayward son
There’ll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don’t you cry no more
Carry on
You will always remember
Carry on
Nothing equals the splendor
Now your life’s no longer empty
Surely Heaven waits for you
Carry on my wayward son
There’ll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don’t you cry no more
No more
No more
Logan and Roman stood up, clapping and smiling as the song ended. That would always be a favorite song of all four of them, so it was really special that Patton and Virgil got to sing it together. Patton, still on stage, hugged Virgil. Virgil hugged back, and then Patton began to make his way back towards where Roman and Logan were.
Logan, then, had an idea. He hopped up on the stage, and whispered it to Virgil, who blushed but then smirked and looked right at Roman, nodding.
He went backstage, Patton and Roman exceedingly confused.
Logan explained.
“Virgil and I are going to perform a song for you two, from a musical we all know and love. We’re just getting changed.”
He winked at the two more romantically inclined Sides, before turning and running behind the curtain himself to change into whatever outfit was needed.
Then the stage changed. The curtains closed, and when they opened again, Logan was lying in a t-shirt and jeans on a raised circle with stairs on either sides.
Then Virgil walked out, in a blue blazer and dark grey mini-skirt and thigh highs.
The two in the audience gulped - they knew exactly what was happening, now.
Logan and Virgil were going to perform Dead Girl Walking, from Heathers. And Roman and Patton knew all too well that Logan and Virgil knew the exact moves to this song, from back when Thomas had played JD.
Virgil began to sing:
The demon queen of high school has decreed it:
She says Monday, 8 a.m., I will be deleted
They'll hunt me down in study hall
Stuff and mount me on the wall
Thirty hours to live—
How shall I spend them?
I don't have to stay and die like cattle
I could change my name and ride up to Seattle
But I don't own a motorbike
Wait—here's an option that I like:
Spend these thirty hours gettin' freakay!
I need it hard
I'm a dead girl walkin'
I'm in your yard
I'm a dead girl walkin'
Before they punch my clock
I'm snappin' off your window lock
Got no time to knock
I'm a dead girl walking
Then Logan came in:
Virgil? What are you doing in my room?
Sorry, but I really had to wake you
See, I decided I must ride you till I break you
'Cause Heather says I gots to go
You're my last meal on death row
Shut your mouth and lose them tighty-whities!
Come on! Tonight I'm yours
I'm your dead girl walkin'
Get on all fours
Kiss this dead girl walkin'
Let's go, you know the drill
I'm hot and pissed and on the pill
Bow down to the will of a dead girl walking!
And you know, you know, you know
It's 'cause you're beautiful
You say you're numb inside
But I can't agree
So the world's unfair
Keep it locked out there
In here it's beautiful
Let's make this beautiful!
That works for me!
Full steam ahead!
Take this dead girl walkin'
How'd you find my address?
Let's break the bed
Rock this dead girl walkin'!
I think you tore my mattress!
No sleep tonight for you
Better chug that Mountain Dew
Okay, okay
Get your ass in gear
Make this whole town disappear!
Okay, okay!
Slap me! Pull my hair!
Touch me
There and there and there!
And no more talkin'
Love this dead girl walkin'
(Whoa, whoa! Hey, hey! Yeah, yeah!)
Love this dead girl
(Whoa, whoa! Hey, hey! Wait, wait!)
Love this dead girl
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Roman and Patton sat in stunned silence. They were lost in their boyfriends’ performance, which had been done very, very, very well (in their oh-so-professional opinions).
Virgil and Logan got up, smiling, as Roman and Patton applauded heavily.
“Roman, you got anything to perform for us?” Virgil asked as he followed Logan down the stairs into the audience’s part of the auditorium. Roman looked at him shocked.
“What, you want to hear me sing, my sweet little Nightmare?” Roman smirked. Virgil blushed.
“Well, yeah, if you want to, I mean…” Virgil trailed off shyly. Roman looked at him, slightly shocked, but smiled hugely as he kissed Virgil.
When they pulled away, there was a blush on both of their cheeks. “As you wish.” Roman bowed, making Virgil giggle, as he summoned a piano on the stage.
It was a white grand, and so Virgil knew exactly what Roman was going to play - the piano version of “This Is Gospel” by Panic! At the Disco.
And he did, making Virgil smile as he cuddled close to Patton and Logan.
This is gospel,
for the fallen ones
locked away in permanent slumber
Assembling their philosophies
from pieces of broken memories
(This is the beat of my heart)
(this is the beat of my heart)
(This is the beat of my heart)
(this is the beat of my heart)
The gnashing teeth and criminal tongues conspire against the odds
But they haven't seen the best of us yet
If you love me let me go
If you love me let me go
'Cause these words are knives
That often leave scars
The fear of falling apart
And truth be told I never was yours
The fear, the fear of falling apart
This is the beat of my heart, this is the beat of my heart
This is the beat of my heart, this is the beat of my heart
This is gospel
for the vagabonds,
never-do-wells and insufferable bastards
Confessing their apostasies
led away by imperfect impostors
(This is the beat of my heart)
(this is the beat of my heart)
(This is the beat of my heart)
(this is the beat of my heart)
Don't try to sleep through the end of the world
And bury me alive
'Cause I won't give up without a fight
If you love me let me go
If you love me let me go
'Cause these words are knives
That often leave scars
The fear of falling apart
And truth be told I never was yours
The fear, the fear of falling apart
The fear of falling apart
The fear, the fear of falling apart
The fear of falling apart
The fear of falling apart
The fear of falling apart
The fear of falling apart
Virgil was shocked, at the way Roman sang. He didn’t even know that the Prince knew the song, much less how to play it.
But as Virgil listened closer and closer, he heard it. He heard the way that Roman let his emotions flow through the keys, through the words, right into Virgil’s heart. It was the way he had fallen in love with Roman, almost - slowly, softly, and then all at once.
Virgil let a small smile work its way onto his face as he heard his boyfriend perform a song that he knew was for him, and for him alone. And yes, Patton and Logan were there, but… in the end, that was a gift from Roman to Virgil.
Everyone knew it, and no one minded. The skill with which Roman played and sang was unbelievable, and they all stood up and clapped for him with enthusiasm.
Patton went up on stage, then, dragging with him Logan. Roman stayed on the stage, and the three of them turned to Virgil.
“So, this wasn’t just another date.” Roman began. Patton continued, too excited to contain himself.
“Roman wanted to do something special for you, like he did for me last week, and he kinda roped me and Lo into it.” The moral side stared lovingly at the two of his boyfriends that were on stage with him.
Logan smiled right back, before speaking. “And so, Virgil, this is our gift to you. We love you.”
Roman was the one to begin the song, the one that never failed to make Virgil tear up right away.
Have you ever felt like nobody was there?
Have you ever felt forgotten in the middle of nowhere?
Have you ever felt like you could disappear?
Like you could fall, and no one would hear?
Well, let that lonely feeling wash away
Maybe there’s a reason to believe you’ll be okay
‘Cause when you don’t feel strong enough to stand
You can reach, reach out your hand
Then Patton joined in, making Virgil smile wider than ever.
And oh, someone will coming running
And I know, they’ll take you home
Even when the dark comes crashing through
When you need a friend to carry you
And when you’re broken on the ground
You will be found
Logan came in next, and Virgil just couldn’t stop smiling and tearing up because his family was proving to him just how much they cared about him.
So let the sun come streaming in
'Cause you’ll reach up and you’ll rise again
Lift your head and look around
You will be found
You will be found
You will be found
You will be found
You will be found
There’s a place where we don’t have to feel unknown
And every time that you call out
You’re a little less alone
If you only say the word
From across the silence
Your voice is heard
(Ah ah)
Someone will come running
(Ah ah ah)
(Ah ah)
Someone will come running
(Ah ah)
Someone will come running
To take you home
(To take you home)
Someone will come running
To take you home
(To take you home)
(To take you home)
 Even when the dark comes crashing through
When you need a friend to carry you
When you’re broken on the ground
You will be found
So let the sun come streaming in
'Cause you’ll reach up and you’ll rise again
If you only look around
You will be found
(You will be found)
You will be found
(You will be found)
You will be found
And Out of the shadows
The morning is breaking
And all is new, all is new
It's filling up the empty
And suddenly I see that
All is new, all is new
You are not alone
You are not alone
You are not alone
You are not alone
You are not alone
(You are not alone)
You are not alone
(You are not alone)
You are not
You are not alone
(You are not alone)
Even when the dark comes crashin' through
When you need someone to carry you
When you’re broken on the ground
You will be found!
So let the sun come streaming in
'Cause you’ll reach up and you’ll rise again
If you only look around
You will be found
Even when the dark comes crashin' through
(You will be found)
When you need someone to carry you
(You will be found)
You will be found
The three sides finished strong, for their Virgil. Their sweet, surprised Virgil, who was crying tears of happiness.
They waited, on the stage, for Virgil. They wanted him to feel welcomed, to feel loved, to know that he belonged.
And he truly did, both before and now. He was just grateful that they cared enough about him to even consider doing something like this, all for him. So Virgil felt loved, and he made sure to tell the others as much.
“There are no words as to how much I fucking loved that.” Virgil smirked.
A soft, smiling “Language!” came out of Patton’s mouth, making everyone giggle lightly.
Roman, when finished giggling, went over to Virgil. The Prince picked the Anxious side up, spinning him around the way one would a Disney Princess. Virgil would blush happily, especially when Roman would set him down and kiss him with everything he had.
Patton would initiate a hug after that, pushing Virgil into Roman so that the three traits were caught in a group hug.
Logan would be standing off to the side, smiling, as he watched the men he loves. And then Virgil would turn those sweet, sweet puppy eyes of his on Logan. And Logan would be unable to resist joining the hug, and would envelop the others in such a way that made them feel safe and warm, at peace with one another.
“I love you. I love all of you.” Virgil would say with a smile, as soon as the hug let up slightly (which took a very, very, very long time).
“Aww, I love you too, Virge!” Patton would grin and giggle and blush in the most innocent, adorable way Virgil had ever seen.
“I concur with Patton on this; I love you too, Virgil.” It was one of the few sayings that consistently got a soft, sweet, rare smile out of Logan. Virgil loved that smile; he loved his Logan.
“I agree; you are my Emo Nightmare - no, even better; you are our Emo Nightmare, Virgil. And as much as I love you, I know they do too. We all love you - just as we know you love us.” And there was Roman, never failing to make Virgil blush.
“Well, it’s not like I don’t love you two as much as I love Virgil.” Patton would smirk, making all three of the others blush.
“We know, Patton; it’s only logical, considering how many times you’ve told us.” Logan would smile, playfully teasing the more emotionally inclined side.
“But Logan, I love you!” Patton, with his soft, wonderful enthusiasm, and his sweet nature, and the adorable innocence he carried with him wherever he went.
It never failed to make Logan blush, a feat that Virgil and Roman had each only accomplished once.
And as the four of them slowly made their way back to the Tardis, as they made their way to the home they had built together, they knew that they truly were in love with one another.
And if that wasn’t the best feeling in the whole wide world for the four of them, then nothing was. Logan, Patton, Roman, and Virgil. They were complete with each other.
And everyone in the Mindscape knew it.
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nowtravel · 3 years
Rejecting the nauseating mix of new age spiritualism and old age religion that defines the Camino de Santiago, Bert Archer embarks on the lesser-known Via de la Plata
The road is just wide enough for a pick-up truck loaded with building supplies to rumble higher up into the hills that overlook Baños de Montemayor, still terraced after 17 or 18 centuries. The road is mostly flagstones, mostly level, with tufts of beaten-down grass poking up between them. But every so often, there’s a stripe of more obviously found stones, rounded and less evenly spaced, laid around the same time the terraces were being carved, that gave the Via de la Plata its name (which, despite sounding like it has something to do with silver, actually comes from the Arabic al balat, which means “cobblestone road”).
Following the pick-up are five men, aged probably 25 to 50, Croatian by the sound of them. Three have wide-brimmed straw hats, the sort that were probably conceived as modest country hats but that stand out these days as the millinery equivalent of the peasant dress; two of them have thick socks under sandals; all have conspicuously large and conspicuously new backpacks: pilgrims, on their way to Santiago de Compostela.
I hate them on sight.
These are the people that make the more popular parts of the so-called Camino de Santiago so intolerable; these are the people I wanted to get away from when I took the Via de la Plata, a lesser known pilgrimage than the Camino.
I like the idea of a structured route with some heritage as much as the next guy, walking in the footsteps of thousands who have walked the same road. I just can’t stand the arch admixture of new age spiritualism with old age religion that infuses the very dust kicked up by every be-sandaled foot that strides the Camino.
Born in the Dark Ages from a myth about the mystical appearance of the clam-encrusted body of St. James, executed by Herod in Jerusalem in 44 AD, the pilgrimage route had slowly fallen into desuetude until the 20th century, when people realized they didn’t have to walk anymore. They still visited the church where the mythical body of the saint mythically rests, but they got there by 20th-century methods: planes, trains, and automobiles.
Then came the 1970s, a decade that has a lot to answer for: the Khmer Rouge, China’s Cultural Revolution, Idi Amin, Allende/Pinochet. To that list may be added a resurgence of pedestrian pilgrims, dedicated souls who cut through the undergrowth to reveal the neglected paths, going back to primary sources, like Pope Calixtinus II’s 12th-century guide to the camino, the Codex Calixtinus, to re-establish the route. There were some faithful in there, certainly, but the fact that the resurgence came at the same time as the international marathon boom is not pure coincidence.
As the line-ups at Machu Picchu and the final approach to Everest’s peak attest, an increasingly leisured and monied Western population has taken rather warmly to artificially reproducing the sorts of physical hardships their ancestors fought so hard to put behind them. Iron Man competitions, extreme sports, and the blooming of a hundred million six-packs all bear witness to a population for whom leisure has become oppressive and regular achievement—stable income, family, housing, a general lack of conflict—is too easy, no longer enough.
Marathoners and Everest climbers are noxious enough, but what makes the Camino so intolerable is the added celestial righteousness. I have no pilgrims in any of my social media networks, but I have read the comments elsewhere: regular reports on how far, how much, how great, with the added bonus of conspicuously quiet—but not silent—averrals of how grounded they feel now, or what inspiring people they met along the way, like the 82-year-old woman who did it barefoot, or the uncle who did it for his cancer-stricken nephew. Ugh.
And those who do not believe they have a friend in the sky, but follow the same route as those who for more than a thousand years did and made the trip in the hopes they’d escape the business end of his supernal hob-nailed boot (though for those who still believe, the route is still, as the Catholics say, “indulgenced”) seem to me disingenuous and possibly deluded, like mindful college kids who think Buddhism is an alternative to organized religion, or people whose third car is electric.
Robert Ward, who wrote two good books on the subject of being a secular pilgrim on the Camino, is neither disingenuous nor deluded. He started out as a guy who just liked walking. Then he heard about the Camino, and something happened to him. In the middle of many good sentences in these books, one about walking parts of the Camino several times over the course of a decade, the other about tracking down as many depictions of the Virgin Mary along it and similar routes, he comes out with ones like “While we’ve all heard it said that life is a pilgrimage, it is also true that a pilgrimage is a life,” and “I was a pilgrim and always had been one. It was something that dawned on me day by day, not a lightning flash on the road to Damascus, but a slow recognition that ‘pilgrim’ is another way of understanding who we are, and that to make a pilgrimage is only to formalize that understanding.” There’s something about walking holy roads that makes you think big, beyond what’s in front of you, that attempts to give it all a meaning that transcends the cafes and the bars, the jamon and the queso, the beer and the fina.
There is one very good thing about the Camino though: It goes through small towns that would otherwise never attract travellers. As the route increases in popularity, however—there were 237,886 pilgrims in 2013, according to the official count—they are becoming more and more like standard tourist towns, albeit catering to a very particular demographic.
The Via de la Plata is different. It’s been around as long, and has been used from time to time over the centuries as an alternative, all-Spanish route to the tomb of St. James (the standard Camino routes begin in France). But it has never been primarily that, and that has made all the difference.
The Via, also known as the Ruta de la Plata, began life as a pre-Roman trade route, first for the transport of tin, then as a way for the Romans to conquer various bits of Iberia, who later, according to Pliny the Elder, used it to trade gold and copper, running as it did between the copper mines of Rio Tinto and the gold mines in Las Medulas.
Practical people built practical settlements, unlike those who, from Charlemagne forward, built basilicas and monuments to saints and martyrs around which towns like Redecilla and Ourense grew. There are churches in Fuente de Cantos and Casar de Caceres on the Via, but they’re not the main attractions and not being on the Camino has meant they’ve been thrown back on their own devices to come up with economic engines to replace the trade no longer being done along the route, which is now the A-66, which, though it pretty much follows the old Via, allows you to efficiently bypass all the towns. (In fact, a drunken holler in a Seville bar asking if anyone had heard of Fuente de Cantos drew a chorus of equally bibulous “No’s,” and one meek response from the kitchen, “I think it’s a town.” Fuente de Cantos is just 37 miles north of Seville, and the A66 is the way you get from there to Madrid.)
When I got to Fuente de Cantos (population: 5,002), the church was shut, so I visited the house of the doctor of the mother of the second most famous Spanish painter of the 17th century. Francisco de Zurbaran lived the first 16 years of his life here, before his father sent him off to Seville to be a painter’s apprentice. Specializing in monks, nuns, royalty, and, in the painting that’s become his most famous, a cup of water, Zurbaran was second only to his friend Velasquez in esteem in their day.
Since then, he’s not fared too well in international circles, though in Spain, he’s still fairly well known. He’s Fuente de Cantos’ favorite son, and since the house he grew up in is still in private hands, the modest museum dedicated to his time here is in the house he was actually born in. It’s a small affair, renovated last year for the 350th anniversary of his death, so actually having any original Zurbarans was out of the question—as the museum-keeper told me, the security expenses will probably never be feasible. So, on the walls there are pictures of his pictures, blown up and framed. There’s also a new touch screen counter where you can flip through a PDF catalogue of his work. It is thoroughly charming, if earnest but underfunded and mostly amateur projects charm you.
Seville, where by some definitions the Via begins, is gorgeous. The Alcazar, recently re-celebrated as the stand-in for Game of Thrones’ Dornish palace, along with its cathedral, its jamon iberico, and many, is as glorious as you’d expect. But Fuente de Cantos, with its single visible bar, where the tapas is still free (even though the bars tend to close pretty early), and its streets lined with white-washed houses populated only by pint-sized Iker Casillases and David Silvas is unexpected, which is where its beauty lies.
The cheese you get a few miles north, in Casar de Caceres, a tiny suburb of the larger Caceres, is slightly more famous than Zurbaran. Torta del Casar is a raw sheep’s milk cheese; soft and either white or pale yellow, it’s most often served as a spread or dip. It’s a designated cheese, which means the sheep have to come from this part of Extremadura, where shepherds began making the torta accidentally, when bunches of the harder, more regular white cheese they were trying to make spoiled during humid spring seasons. Until quite recently the cheeses were given away free with the purchase of one of the more popular hard cheeses. Then an American food writer stumbled on it, praised it to the heavens, and, over the next couple of decades, turned it into one of Spain’s most expensive cheeses.
Every town along the Via has its version of the torta, something unique they’ve cultivated and are waiting for the world to recognize, from the never-quite-finished Gaudi-esque house in Los Santos de Maimona, lovingly constructed over the last three decades by a passionate septuagenarian builder named Francisco González Gragera, to Hervas, with its annual Jewish festival that celebrates the fact that it is one of the only towns in Spain that didn’t tear down its old Jewish quarter with its gentile citizens dressing up in their versions of Jewish costumes and doing little dances they think might also be Jewish.
But my favorite is the parador in Plasencia. A former nunnery, it provides a striking contrast to another one I visited just outside Fuente de Cantos, one of the few bits of evidence, aside from those Croatians, of the seeping influence of the religious pilgrimage into the Via de la Plata. The Albergue Convento Vía de la Plata de Fuente de Cantos was a modest but lovely little former convent turned into an albergue of the sort that dot the Camino de Santiago, cheap, with communal facilities and a cafeteria where you get your daily bread, and not much more, before heading out again.
Except here, it’s the exception rather than the rule, and when I called ahead to say I’d be coming, and that I thought I’d like to write about it, there was enough excitement that the mayor invited me to lunch in the albergue cafeteria, where big aluminum platters of modest food like cheese on toast and slices of jamon were served as we talk about tourism, the fantastic success that other route has made over the past couple of decades, protecting many of its small towns from the financial crisis that’s still going on here, and how she’s trying to get some of that sweet pilgrim cash out her way, to add to the mostly school group business of the Zurbaran house.
I sympathize, but later, as I sit in the vaulted brick cellar of the Plasencia parador and a waiter who knows his gin brings me a gin and tonic, served in a big-bowled stem glass packed with ice, the way they’re doing it in Barcelona and Rotterdam these days, with Fever Tree tonic and garnished with a sprig of basil, I silently hope she fails.
By the time you reach Baños de Montemayor, where I ran into my Croatian pilgrims, it’s almost time to turn off to Madrid. The Via continues, all the way north to Astorga, but this isn’t the Camino. There’s no one, in heaven or earth, tracking your progress or waiting to be impressed with your endurance, self-abnegation and weeping blisters. You can do the rest some other time if you like; the bars are open later in Madrid.
0 notes
panic-angel3314 · 7 years
War of Hearts : Alpha!Roman Reigns x Reader x Future Alpha!Braun Strowman Part 1/?
A/N: Ok so this is a series I’ve been working on. 1. Because I love Braun Strowman and Roman Riegns and 2. I love the whole werewolf AU. And 3 I’m a sucker for soulmate AUs😫😫It’s my first time ever writing something like this so please be gentle. I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea ☕️ Tagging my babes because they continue to inspire me and encourage me. I love you guys 🖤🖤 Pairings: Alpha!Roman Reigns x Reader ; Future Alpha!Braun Strowman x Omega!Reader Warnings: Cursing maybe? Angstish (like internally, it’s a love triangle people), Fluff, A/B/O dynamics Summary: Becoming a women’s wrestler is never easy, especially as an Omega. Finding love is even harder. Will you find love in one or will fate throw you to the wolves? Follow this story as the reader goes into battle in a “War of Hearts”.
“I can’t help but be wrong in the dark ‘Cause I’m overcome in this war of hearts”
Being an omega was never easy but thanks to my family and Grade A suppressants I managed it. It was extremely hard because on top of all that I was a pro wrestler trying to make my way up the ranks without the help of my superstar big brother Daniel Bryan or The Bella’s who were practically my sisters.
“So, what’s it like?” Nikki asked.
“Being on suppressants? I don’t know. Ok… so you know how during your heat all you want is the ’D’ but the only thing that can quell it is a knot?”
“Well the suppressants help it so that all I need is the ’D’ and it can be attached to some nice little Beta and not some asshole Alpha. It also helps me not be a slave to my own body. Just because I’m an omega, doesn’t mean I need an Alpha to function.”
“Of course, not Babe. You’re a strong independent omega!”
“Nik not so loud, would ya? Most people still think I’m a Beta and I’d like to keep that way.”
“Why hun you should be proud of who and what you are. “I couldn’t help but sigh at her comment.
"I am, Nik. It’s not how I feel about it. It’s how
others perceive me when they find out that bothers me. Alphas only want me hanging off their knots and Betas look down at me as if that is all I want as well.” I replied somberly.
“Hey (Y/N). I’m sorry I didn’t mean it like that I promise.”
“I know you didn’t Nikki. Hey, can I ask you a question?”
“What’s it like to find your true mate. Like with you and John. What was that whole experience like?”
“Gosh girl, I don’t think there are enough hours in the day to explain what it felt like but I’ll try my best.” She giggles before turning serious. “You know how everyone has their own scent and some are more appealing than others?”
“Yes, but with my suppressants a lot of other people’s scent have been dulled to me.”
“Really?” she paused for a split second shaking her head “I mean, as I was saying when you finally meet your true mate, or at least when I met John he smelt otherworldly. The first whiff had my wolf screaming, girl. She kept repeating things like mate, and home, and mine. The scent itself smelt like pinewoods and musk. Man, just thinking about it… whoo.” She had to stop and fan herself at the thought of her own true mate.
“Nikki!” I squealed.
“Sorry, hun. I can’t help it. Anyways that’s just the smell. When we touched, my body was set ablaze. Like first heat times 100.” I shuddered at the thought.
Every omega’s first heat is the cruelest. I was lucky enough to be in the comfort of my own home with suppressants on standby. While my family always thought I’d present as an omega, I was kind of a late bloomer.
“(Y/N/N) did you hear what I said?”
I sheepishly looked down shaking my head mouthing an 'I’m sorry’.
“What I was saying is that you also go into an instant heat and your mate goes into an instant rut to push the mating process. And if you don’t couple you’ll be in the most excruciating pain you’ve ever been in. Just driving to the hotel was a feat for me and John. What’s made you so curious about this all the sudden?”
“I don’t honestly know. I just know I’m getting older and still haven’t found my mate. Part of me wonders if the whole true mate thing is even real. Or maybe I just don’t have one you know?”
Nikki was having none of that. She practically lunged from her spot on the couch to pummel me in a big hug, scent marking me in a comforting manner. Omega instincts at its finest.
“He’s out there Babydoll. I just know it. And besides today’s a day of celebration remember? Your Raw debut is tomorrow and me, Brie, and Daniel couldn’t be prouder. You’ve worked so hard on your own, taking absolutely no hand outs and you’re finally here. So, no time for being sad. We have take- out on the way to the house as well as Brie and Daniel. Then we’re going to watch your favorite movie while we eat ice cream, standard pre-match ritual.”
I couldn’t help but smile because ever since I could remember, whether it be my brother or one of the Bella’s, they always spent a movie night in with me before one of our big matches. Now here was one of my biggest matches to date and all three of them were going to celebrate it with me. I love my little pack and couldn’t ask for a better family.
To my surprise even John Cena, Nikki’s Alpha, came to support our pack tradition. He really was a great addition and the love I saw between the two always inspired me and gave me hope that one day I would find a worthy Alpha.
The night went off without a hitch and even ended up with all of us in a puppy pile in the middle of the floor surrounded by pillows and blankets.
The one omega trait I could never seem to shake, even as a pup, was cuddling or puppy piling when I could convince the pack.  I guess that’s why my parents thought I’d present as an Omega eventually. Most days I was either cuddled between one of the couples or koala beared on the back of one of my pack mates. It was just one of those quirks I was known for. I mean I’m the baby of the pack, what did they expect? This also earned me my nickname Babydoll which most people even outside my pack would called me. Hell, even Stephanie McMahon referred to me as Babydoll. It also didn’t help that that was also my in-ring persona. And while most people’s in ring personas were a complete 180 to real life. I was just me and I love it that way.
The morning of my debut was spent at the gym for a light training session with my big brother, making sure I had all my submission moves down to the letter. I even made him genuinely tap out a few times, which had my confidence through the roof.
The rest of the morning was spent getting coffee and getting to the performance arena in a timely manner. Being a newbie meant having to get there early so that Steph could give me a quick rundown of how tonight was going to go. I was thrilled when they told me, my match was going to be a tag team match with Sasha and I versus Charlotte and Dana. And to top it off I was slated to pin Charlotte in a submission move, my brother’s yes lock, for the win. To say I was nervous was an understatement.
After the rundown with Steph and the pleasantries exchanges with the girls I was carded off to The Bella’s dressing room for hair and makeup.
Being the baby of the pack had its perks, I was spoiled beyond belief. The girls’ excuses were always 'for my protection’. And to some extent I would agree. Being submerged into a new environment where pack dynamics are almost nonexistent, it’s hard to find your place. To top it off my sense of smell is not as sharp as it should be so I wasn’t able to sniff out the good from the bad.
So, I was totally fine with being sequestered to the Bella’s locker room it was safe and I felt protected there.
“Knock, Knock. Can I come in?” It was Sasha.
“Of course, girl. I just finished putting on the final touches to my makeup. How do I look?”
Sasha was one of the few people I knew from the main roster. We spent a lot of time together during developmental. During my time there we were practically attached at the hip. We were so close in fact, she knew my true presentation.
Sasha was a beta with an Alpha complex, basically she was chill until someone tried to mess with her friends because then all bets were off. I cherished our friendship and I missed her dearly when she was moved up the main roster. But now here we were together again and on the same brand!
The next thing I knew Sasha was suffocating me in a bone crushing hug. As I hugged her back with as much enthusiasm, a foreign smell hit my senses prompting me to ask, “Sash what is that smell? Are you wearing a new perfume?”
She looked at me strangely, “ No…. Why?”
“I’m not sure I just got a whiff of something, is all.”
“What do you mean? I thought you said your suppressants dull your sense of smell.”
“They do that’s why I was wondering. But never mind. I can’t believe I’m here! I finally made it! And I get my best friend back!”
“Oh, Babydoll you never lost me, you know that.” She said rubbing my back.
“Yea but this is different. I’m seeing you in the flesh. And now we get to hang out just like old times.”
Sasha and I spent our time catching each other up on certain things we missed in each other’s lives, everything from matches to romantic rendezvous.
“I can’t believe you actually went out with him (Y/N)! What happened to your rule of no Alphas unless he’s the Alpha!”
“Hey, I don’t regret it. Roman is amazing and besides I gained an amazing friend because of it!”
Even though I had a thing about staying away from most Alphas, something about Roman drew me in. Roman and I had been on a few dates together and he was an amazing kisser to say the least but we both realized really early on that we were just meant to be friends, almost like platonic soulmates. Even though I was losing hope on the whole true mate Alpha thing, I still didn’t want to give myself over to someone who wasn’t my Alpha. Both of us were so in tuned to one another it was crazy that we weren’t true mates. Best parts about Roman though was the fact that he was a great cuddle buddy and more often than not he would scent mark me so other asshole Alphas would stay away.
“I don’t care what you say I still ship it.”
I couldn’t help but stick my tongue out at my best friend more than anything, I was just glad to have her back.
“Okay, so if not Roman. I should ask. Do you still have that school girl crush on Braun?”
“OMG Sasha!” I shoved at her shoulder. I can’t believe she brought up the “Braun” thing.
“Ok first of all Sash it wasn’t a school girl crush. I merely wondered who he was. He’s the 'Monster among men’. Can you blame me?”
I had seen Braun once in my life but have never even spoken to him, while I have seen his matches and think he’s an amazing athlete. I’ve never even spoken two words to him.
I was in the states from a stint in Japan and I had promised Sasha I would visit. I was trying to hone my craft across seas while my best friend was training in the new NXT performance center of WWE. I was so proud of her and missed her like crazy so I stopped in Florida before going home to Arizona where I had stayed part time in with my brother, Bryan and his amazing wife Brie, in their new home. Even Josie their French Bulldog was one of my favorites.
 That experience at the performance center was otherworldly, not because of “Braun” but just because it motivated me even more to make it to WWE. It was also the first time I met my Samoan superman of a best friend.
As I was kicking Sasha’s butt around the ring and trying to help hone her new submission move, the Banks Statement, I was also showing her possible opponent counters. What can I say I had made a name for myself as a submission specialist and grappler, having learned from all over the world. So, as I have her in a counter of a modified version of the black widow. Mind you I’m upside down. I see this amazing hulk of a man walking in and I nearly lose my breath. It wasn’t the size or stature, he didn’t hold himself menacingly. In fact, he looked quite sweet. His scent is what had me breathless, he must have felt me staring cause as he walked by us, we made eye contact. My heart nearly stopped right then and there. I immediately released my best friend not wanting to be seen in such a graceless state.
I couldn’t be more thankful for my scent blockers because damn did he scream Alpha. The fact that I could smell him was saying something.
Breaking eye contact I turn to make sure I didn’t pull back Sasha’s arm too bad.
“Hey girl you ok?”
“Yeah but what happened? You stopped before I could counter.”
I couldn’t help it when my eyes cut to Braun only for him to be looking back at me unashamed smiling sweetly instead of a typical douche smirk most men in general throw my way.
Blushing immediately I break eye contact but not before I see a damn smirk come into view and damn it if I didn’t actually like it.
Sasha caught the whole interaction even shaking her head at Braun who simply answered with a shrug.
“Babydoll, is there something you want to ask me?” Sasha asked fluttering her eyelashes in quick succession.
“Who’s that?” I muttered knowing full well she heard me.
“I’m sorry but you’re going to have to speak up, Baby.”
“You know what let’s forget it we have work to do my flight is tonight so I’m limited on time. Plus, I’m not gonna worry myself about someone I may never see again anyways.” I huffed trying to get back to sparring.
“Ok miss priss but his name is Braun Strowman and he a nice gentlemanly southern Alpha. But he’s with that bleach blonde over there starring daggers at your head. Her names Dana and she is one bitchy Beta with an omega complex.”
That explained a lot. While most betas took on a slight Alpha complex there were some, mainly women, who would take sort of an omega complex to seem more appealing to Alphas. Why? I had no idea, being an omega sucked sometimes, it’s why I take military grade suppressants.
“Like I said no time to worry about anyone but myself.”
And that’s how that conversation ended as you and Sasha started to spar again going back and forth between submissions and counters.
All the while a hulking Alpha looking on majorly impressed. And a bitchy blonde seething.
“Okay. Okay. Whatever you say. But! There is something I never got to tell you about that day.”
“What’s that?”
“After you left he came up to me and asked about you.”
Fighting my blush like my life depended on it I scoffed and said, “So what?”
“It’s so cute how you think you can fool me, you know that? Anyways…. he had asked me if you were an omega.”
My heart stopped upon hearing that. No one absolute no one should be able to sniff me out as an omega…. well except for my true mate….
I shook myself out of such dangerous thoughts.
“Sash how are you so relaxed about that and are now just telling me. You know there is no way in hell he should have been able to scent my placement.”
I look to my best friend trying to find some sense of understanding and then I see her light bulb go off.
“Omg! I never even thought of that (Y/N)! Omg stupid beta brain.”
“Wait so what did you say?” I asked panicked.
“I told him no that you were a Beta but he never did look quite convinced when I said that, come to think of it.”
“Sash what else, what else did he want to know?” I urged my best friend to talk faster.
“Nothing just who you were and where you were from, in fact he seemed real interested about you until Dana came sniffing around. I swear that girl needs a reality check.”
“I’m kinda freaking out here girl…. you don’t think…. this whole true mate thing is true, do you?”
“You’re seriously asking ME that?”
“I’m sorry I just …. idk I’m just really on the verge of a mental breakdown.”
A knock at the door broke me from my hysterics.
“Who’s that?!”
“Calm down girl, it’s probably just Roman. He asked where we were and I told him.”
As if he could fell my panic and was Superman to the rescue. I immediately felt a hundred times better even with the whole looming true mate business. Something about Roman just soothes my soul to its core. Before Sasha could get the door open I was bum rushing my Samoan Superman.
“Roman!” I squealed.
Pummeling into one of his bear hugs I totally took advantage, arms around the neck and legs around the waist practically gluing myself to his essence.
He just chuckled into the scent gland on my neck, expecting nothing less from me, kissing it before mumbling a quiet, “Hey Babygirl.” And I shivered at his touch.
“Ugh you guys need to get a room you’re disgusting.” Came from behind him the one and only Nikki Bella.
“Aww Nik why can’t I just borrow yours.”
“Eww no way I don’t want all of that rubbing up on all my shit.” She grimaced.
“Not all of it Nik. Just the couch, maybe the table right Roman?” I look up beaming with mischief as I stare into his beautiful gray eyes. Eyes that could calm any storm brewing within me.
“Behave, Babygirl.” He laughed swatting my butt in a reprimanding nature.
“Again eww.”
“Okay Nikki we get it but let the girl live she hasn’t seen him in months and tonight’s her debut.” Brie, always the voice of reason.
Roman walked us over to the awaiting couch, keeping me koala-beared to him, as the girls and Bryan all settled into the dressing room.
Making sure to cuddle as close to my Samoan teddy bear as possible I look to the twins and ask, “So how much longer until we need to head down to the gorilla?”
“They said they’d come and get us but I would say about 20-30 minutes.” Brie answered.
“Dang it and I just got comfortable.” I pouted towards Roman.
“No pouting baby girl.” He flicked my bottom lip, “You need to get up and get warm.”
Tucking into his neck further I mumbled, “But I am warm.”
“You know what I mean” he rumbled.
“Get that booty up and let’s get to stretching.” Nikki came and landed a swift smack on my butt for emphasis on her way out the doors with the others.
Relenting I looked towards Roman, “Scent me for good luck?”
“Of course, baby girl but wait til we get to gorilla okay?”
“Fine.” I pouted.
“Why are you in such a pouting mood babe? It’s your debut, you should be over the moon!”
“I am! I just missed you Ro and I don’t know I’m nervous as hell. Like I just want to curl up in a ball and demand that you hold me.”
“As appealing as that sounds… that’s gonna have to wait until later.” He replies leaving a lingering kiss to my temple.
“Love you,” he whispered as he pulled back.
“I love you too Superman.”
What no one knew about me and Roman was we were sort of more than just friends, while it never went past making out physically there was a deep and intense emotional bond. In fact, a couple years back I made a pact with him if I didn’t find my true mate by my Birthday of this year I would start a mate ship with him and eventually let him claim me as his omega.
It wasn’t an uncommon thing in our world many betas had mate ships with Alphas and many omegas took Alphas that were not considered their true mate.
Unfortunately, many of those omegas would find their true mate Years down the line and make things very complicated within pack dynamic. Trying to live without your true mate once you found them was like living without half of yourself. And that was a fate I’d hope to never face. While Roman was not my true mate I knew deep within my soul I could not live without him. Why, I may never know and with this whole Braun issue I was really scared that I would have to learn how to live without him sooner rather than later.
“Babygirl? You ok in there?” Roman asked, tapping me on my forehead for emphasis.
“Something on your mind?”
“Nothing just thinking. I’m scared.” I whimpered into his neck.
“Scared of what babe? The match? You’re gonna do great. It’s in your blood.” He reassured while rubbing my back.
“Not about that. About us…”
“What about us? We’re good and in six months we will be even better.”
“A lot can happen in six months! What if I find him and then I’ll lose you forever. I can’t lose you Ro. I know you’re not my true mate but we are connected on a soul level and I-I…” I couldn’t stop the tears that broke through that time.
“Shhh hey Babygirl. Listen to me I’m not going anywhere. Yes, a lot can happen in six months. But the one thing you will never have to worry about is losing me.” Gently he leaned down and started kissing my tears away making sure to leave one lasting and loving wet kiss on my lips.
“Promise. I love you Babygirl, more than my own life.”
“I love you too Superman. To the moon and back.”
“Good now let’s go we can’t keep everyone waiting, now can we?”
“I suppose not.” I giggled into his chest. Before getting up and catching everyone near the gorilla I caught Roman by the scruff of his neck and kissed the breath out of him. I made sure to make it count because in my gut I knew it could be one of our lasts.
“Babygirl…” Roman panted, “What was that?”
“What was what?” I answered cheekily, giving one more quick kiss before rushing out to catch up with my friends and family but not before I heard Roman say, “You little minx. You’re going to be the death of me.”
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enigmasalad · 7 years
Of Benders And Bonding Part 4
Forests were some of Roman's favorite places. Something about trees much older than himself and the abundance of animals made him both relaxed and energetic. Like that an ancient spirit or magic was on his side. That made little sense though. Growing up as a noble meant he stayed most of his life living near the Fire Nation Royal palace in the capitol city. He had only been to a forest once during his childhood. He didn't remember it much however. Most of what he knew about them was from tales of times older than his family. Legends of heroes both male and female using bending and weapons to save everyone. Now he was an adult and could go where he wanted. He was going to visit as many forests he wanted. However not everyone liked forests. For instance the nerd and the creepy cookie.
“Logan forests are amazing! Fresh air, birds, plants! Nature!” Roman said while spreading his arms out.
“Yes I am aware. However you do this every time we enter a forest. Every. Time.” Logan replied while looking at the map.
Patton giggled and ran over to Virgil, who was behind the group by maybe seven feet.
“Virgil isn't this awesome? We'll be camping in the forest! Roman will start a fire, we can tell stories and look at stars!”
Patton then got close and whispered in Virgil's ear. However it was loud enough for Roman to hear.
“Logan really likes stars. He managed to memorize a lot of them when we were little!”
Virgil raised a brow. However he was still quiet. And still uninterested.
“Well perhaps we should call it early today. The map is rather confusing and I would appreciate some time to figure it out. I knew we shouldn't have gotten it from the shady vendor.” Logan said while glancing at Roman.
“It was two Yuan! Two!” Roman argued while holding his fingers to the mentioned amount.
“Two Yuan wasted. Way to go Princey.” Virgil said.
“I would show you a gesture but I'm man enough not to do it.” Roman grumbled while glaring at Virgil. Virgil just smirked in response.
They found a small spot where they could set up a temporary camp. Logan managed to make two earth shelters instead of the usual one. Roman had to admit he was a little impressed. Logan was fairly good at his bending skills. However things like shelters were often tricky to him. And of course Patton would want to share a shelter with Logan. Those two were inseparable, no matter how much Logan denied it. Virgil didn't even hesitate. He immediately went inside one of the small shelters and sat in a corner. Roman huffed and put his hands on his hips in frustration. Of course Virgil would do this instead of wanting to explore. Heck even help. This wouldn't do.
“Hey guys, Virgil and I are going to scout the area.” Roman said loud enough for Virgil to hear.
“Alright! Be back before the sun goes down!” Patton said as he set up the supplies for cooking.
“Let me know if you find anything useful as to know where we are. And not a bunch of river seals this time. You know animals migrate." Logan added without looking from his map.
"I dunno Logan! Finding seals earns my-"
"Patton please don't."
"Seal of approval!"
Roman gave Patton a grin a thumbs up on his pun as Logan groaned. The sound of a hand hitting a face could be heard. Patton giggled with glee at their friend's reaction. Roman almost forgot about his goal. The goal of getting Virgil to not be dead weight and start experiencing life. Just as he entered the earth shelter Virgil snapped his head up and glared at him. Roman was slightly satisfied at the frustration in the younger male's eyes.
“I don't want to go.”
“Too bad. You're part of this group. That means helping out. And don't think I'll wont carry you out." Roman said with his arms crossed.
Virgil sighed and stood up. Without even saying a farewell to anyone he followed Roman into the forest yet again. Of course by follow it was more like lagging behind a bit and looking really pissed off.
“So what are we looking for?” Virgil grumbled.
“Well Logan wants us to look for landmarks like bodies of water or caves. However I like to explore a bit! You never know whats around the river bend!” Roman said confidently.
Virgil sighed and rolled his eyes. Roman knew that one's mood sometimes could make another feel the same way, be it good or...not so good. And Roman was definitely feeling the annoyance coming off of his “friendo” over there. He decided to try to ignore it for now.
“Its strange. I figured you'd be more eager to see the wilderness. But you're rather...bittery, jittery and not very glittery.”
“The fu-..Why would you think that?” Virgil asked.
"Well I remember reading books about the old heroes such as the avatars and others. In a few tales the freed people and when they did, the imprisoned were so happy to see the light again!" Roman enthused, hopefully making Virgil interested.
However the water bender laughed, and it wasn't a joyous laugh either. It was the laugh when you watch someone fail terribly at something. When you laugh at a fool. Roman was no fool to laugh at. He stopped and turned around. The darker person had a small smirk on his face. A smirk that was challenging Roman. If Roman didn't consider this person to be a team mate he would beat the shit out of them.
"What's so funny emo nightmare?" Roman said with a frown.
"Just..you base everything off of legends and children's tales? Seriously?" Virgil asked with slight dark humor.
"Well yes. The heroes are who I aspire to be! What's wrong with that?" Roman argued.
"That's not how life works Princey. It's not always sunshine and rabbits. Plus those tales are usually exaggerated and unreliable." Virgil said, knowing he had the fire noble stuck.
Roman groaned with frustration and clenched his fists. He was trying so freaking hard not to scream or shout.
"The heroes in the legends have honorable codes and touching relationships to be inspired by. Why on earth would you want to spoil that?"
"Then we must have heard different tales. " Virgil said with his hands on his hips.
"Pardon me for asking but how the heck did you have time to hear about these stories?" Roman replied with a frown.
Virgil went quiet for a moment and glared. It looked like he was about to say something but stopped himself. Now he was just glaring. Roman was too upset to care. This guy was stomping all over the people he considered his heroes from a young age.
"I don't have to tell you how I know. I just know. " Virgil eventually said.
Roman huffed in annoyance.
"Alright fine! What stories did you hear?" Roman asked with frustration.
Virgil's smirk was back and his eyes lit up with slight determination.
"Name one and I'll tell you."
"Snow White." Roman challenged.
Virgil gave a small laugh.
"We're starting from the earlier ages huh? Alright so first off consent obviously doesn't exist in that tale. Who would kiss a seemingly sleeping girl let alone a corpse?"
Roman gasped in offense.
"It was a farewell kiss! They were in love and He thought she was dead!" he argued.
"So you just randomly kiss corpses huh? Plus they barely knew each other" Virgil retorted.
Roman frowned. Two can play this game.
"I think I win on this one. Give me another Princey." Virgil taunted.
Roman couldn't bear to hear what Virgil had to say about the poor water bending mistress. However he was competitive so he would have to endure through the pain.
"The prince was so shallow he didn't even remember her face or her voice. Plus she didn't even do anything to help her situation. So basically wait around for some prince to save you. Never take action yourself."
"That's not the moral of the story! It's that dreams come true to those who believe!" Roman said as his voice rose in pitch.
Virgil chuckled and tilted his head in amusement.
"You're getting way too worked up over someone's opinion."
"Well ruining something for someone else because you hate it is cruel!" Roman argued.
Just then Virgil stopped smiling and his eyes widened slightly. Not in a shocked way however.
"Who said I hated these stories? I was just saying the morals aren't something to live by." Virgil said a bit quietly. He sounded...genuine for once.
Roman stilled and processed this information. Wait Virgil didn't hate them? That was definitely the most surprising thing he's heard in a while.
"You don't..hate them?" Roman asked slowly.
"No not at all. I learned how to read and write with those books." the water explained. The look in his eyes seemed fond and distant. He was obviously remembering something he cared about very much.
It actually felt kind of awkward watching him considering Virgil's previous behavior. Roman sighed and stuck his hand out.
"Well...I suppose there are different ways to interpret the arts. Shall I offer a truce?"
Virgil looked warily at Roman's hand and hesitantly reached his hand out before shoving it quickly back in one of his hoodie jacket pockets.
“Can it..be an understood thing?” He asked without looking at his fellow adventurer.
“I guess. I mean I don't see what's wrong with a hand shake.” Roman said with a shrug.
“There isn't. I-...never mind.”
Roman decided to drop it, which was pretty rare for him to do with anyone. Especially if it was important.  
“Lets keep going. I think I hear water ahead.” Roman said.
The rest of the way was quiet and very awkward. Roman could feel the emotions from Virgil. It was like..something disgusting. A cloud of vile and dreadful emotions. This guy was way more complex than he let on to believe. Roman could see him fidget and twitch in the corner of his eye. Was this..?
“Hey Virgil? I see the river up ahead! How about we have a small break?” Roman said, trying to sound a little bit cheerful.
“Uh..sure?” was Virgil's response.
The sound of the water seemed to make them both feel at ease. The smooth liquid slid and slipped on, over or between the rocks of the river. Roman felt a slight triumphant grin appear. Logan couldn't scold him now. They found a massive river! Roman turned his head and saw Virgil just..in a trance. Roman snapped his fingers in front of his companion.
“Verge? Hello?”
“Huh? Sorry I spaced out.”
Roman lifted a brow. In response Virgil's brows turned into a slightly frustrated frown.
“What? I space out. Got a problem?” Virgil said defensively. 
“What? No I was wondering why you spaced out. Have you been eating?” Roman asked.
Virgil hesitated.
Roman threw his hands up.
“Seriously? You rarely talk to us, you rarely sleep and now you're not eating? How are we going to get you to the fire nation? You'll perish before we even get there!”
“Mind your own business Roman.” Virgil growled.
Thats it. No more Mr. Nice Prince.
“Mind my business? Part of my business is you! You're part of this group. We're going to Thomas because of you! Here us three are trying to help you but what do you do? You make our journey longer. You don't eat. You don't help us ever and you don't even want to talk with us even though we're genuinely trying to be friendly!”
Virgil's eyes widened and went cold. His teeth showed slightly with his frown. His fists clenched and his eyes narrowed.
“Maybe it's because I don't trust you. Maybe I don't trust anyone! Ever thought of that?”  Virgil snapped.
“Why on earth would you not trust us? We helped you for goodness sake! We're not dangerous!” Roman argued.
“You're not dangerous..but anyone could hurt someone. Relationships, be it romantic, family or friendship can hurt anyone. Of course I'm sure your pompous ass doesn't understand that!”
Roman went still. Sure he was pissed off but..he knew that relationships hurt. With a sigh he pinched the bridge of his nose in some sort of effort to calm down.
“You are really a pain.”
Their break ended short and the two stormed back to camp. When they got there Patton was about to greet them but Virgil spoke up.
“We found a fucking river.”
Without another word Virgil went to the earth shelter. Patton looked at Roman with concern.
“Is everything okay? You two don't seem too friendly.” he said.
“Sourpuss hasn't been the best of moods even though I've tried to be friendly.” Roman said.
“Roman..what happened?”
Shit it was the dad voice. As Roman explained what happened Patton listened to every word. Patton was the type of friend to rant your problems to. When Roman finished ranting Patton placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Roman..I know it's a bit sad that Virgil isn't that...sociable with us but he has every reason not to. He has every reason to not want to get close to anyone. Letting people in can hurt sometimes. We just have to be patient!” Patton said with a smile.
“You're the only patient one in this group Patton.” Roman said with a sigh.
“True. We'll If you're feeling impatient maybe you should speed up the process by apologizing to him. If you're truly sorry and apologize it might help Virgil get over this road block sooner!” Patton offered.
“Well good luck finding him. He left.” Logan said while writing something on his map.
Roman snapped his head up.
“Why didn't you say anything?!” Roman and Patton screeched in unison.
Logan rolled his eyes like the answer was obvious.
“Because after hearing about the conversation Roman and Virgil had I knew it wasn't my business to impose. Plus he didn't have his things on him so he isn't leaving. He just needs some space.”
Roman immediately thought of where to find him. He quickly got up from his spot beside Patton and rushed into the wilderness once again. He knew he'd get to Virgil quicker if he ran. Of course luck wasn't being nice to the noble. Tree branches scratched him and since it was getting dark Roman was having a hard time seeing what was where. However it would take more than that to stop a hero.  The fire bender's determination would make him endure the trek.
“Holy shit!”
Roman skidded to a halt and looked up. He was panting for breath and his legs felt like they were on fire. And not in the good fire bendy way.
“Don’t fucking sneak up like that!” a voice screeched.
“So..rry..” Roman struggled to say since he was out of breath.
Oh Roman’s chest hurt so much. How long had he been running? 
“What do you want?” the voice said, which was clearly Virgil.
“Wanted...to..s’y...sorry.” Roman panted. He rested his hands on his knees and tried to catch his breath.
After what seemed to be twenty minutes (it was actually four) Roman let out a “whew!” sound and stood upright.
“I wanted to apologize for my behavior earlier.” Roman said.
Virgil's eyes narrowed.
“Patton put you up to this didn't he?” Virgil said.
“He suggested it. If I didn't care I wouldn't be here apologizing but here I am.” Roman said. That was rather hard to admit. Roman hated being wrong.
Roman continued after a few moments.
“I shouldn't have assumed that you trusted easily even though you've been through..whatever you've been through. I sometimes forget that sometimes a person you want to be friends with takes a while.”
Virgil didn't look fazed at all. His arms were crossed and he still had his glare. However his eyes lost its hate. Maybe this was progress.
“So..Ill try to be patient with you. Ill try to earn your trust.”
Virgil spoke up.
“Patton's the patient one.”
Roman didn't know if he should laugh or be frustrated. Before he could decide a slight laugh came from his throat. Virgil uncrossed his arms and scratched the back of his head slightly.
“The thing is..you all  already earned a smidge of my trust. I guess I consider you as..friends? Part friends? I dunno. I just like keeping relationships away. They hurt you y'know?”
Roman walked up to stand next to Virgil at the edge of the river.
“I don't know who's led you to believe that but not everyone is like that! Sometimes you just have to give them a chance.”
Virgil rolled his eyes slightly but he seemed a little more at ease. Roman was pleased with himself. However that didn't last for long. His foot slipped and he landed straight into the water. Luckily this was the shallow area.
“Ack! It's cold!” Roman whined.
However the sound of laughter distracted Roman from the cold water. He stood up and looked at his newly establish friend. Virgil was laughing in the moonlight. Not a chuckle or a sarcastic laugh. No this laugh was a higher pitched giggle filled with the occasional snort or gasp. Virgil was practically glowing in the silver moon beams. Roman swore to himself he wasn't going to blush. He wasn't going to blush. However the sight of his pale comrade with slightly flushed cheeks and a more upbeat expression was probably going to inspire him for years.    
“Yeah laugh it out.” Roman said sarcastically. However he couldn't help the smile coming on his face.
“Sorry but you failed so hard.” Virgil said before snorting again.
Roman climbed back onto the ledge and shook himself a bit. Virgil calmed himself down and moved his hand upwards. As he got into the proper stance most of the water on Roman was removed and put back in the river. His clothes were still a little damp but he felt much better.
“You're probably going to want to put those near the camp fire.” Virgil said.
“Or I could just dry myself off.” Roman said.
“Princey if you catch yourself on fire I will leave you to burn.” Virgil said. There was humor in his words now.
Roman grinned and snapped his fingers. A small flame appeared at the end of his index finger.
“You doubt my skill Water bender?” Roman asked with a smug grin.
“Yes.” Virgi replied with a smirk.
“Ouch! You wound me.”
Roman and Virgil went back to camp in a better mood. Roman was thankful that a new window of possibilities were opened and hopefully Virgil would open up more.
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fireandseaweed · 7 years
One Tequila, Two Tequila, Three Tequila, Floor || Jason and Percy
Jason and Percy get shit faced after the news about the Bill breaks.
Percy had been drinking in the ‘Spoils of War’ for several years now. It was basically a club for demigods that had killed enough monsters to earn their entry into the bar. Both Percy and Jason had earned positions on the wall of fame. The skull of the Trojan Sea Monster that Jason had killed was still mounted on the wall behind the bar, as he pushed open the door, Percy stepped towards the bar and held up two fingers. “Two tequilas senora,” the barmaid gave the two regulars a look that said she didn’t want to know why they were drinking before noon, before filling up two slightly greasy shot glasses with the golden liquor and placing a lime wedge on top. “Salt is over there,” she grunted nodding towards a cupboard behind them. Turning to Jason, Percy lifted up his shot. “To your good health.”
The minute Percy turned the corner to the entrance of Spoils of War, Jason breathed a sigh of relief. They’d both long since earned membership to the elite bar; and due to the incredibly strict membership policy they were unlikely to be disturbed. He waved to the familiar bartender as she filled their shot glasses, “Might as well leave the bottle,” he muttered, sliding a handful of golden coins across the bar towards her, “we’re going to need it.” He grabbed the salt and poured a small amount on his hand before clinking his shot glass against Percy’s, “and to yours likewise.” Before downing the burning liquid and taking a bite of the lime. “Gods I love this place.” He looked at their individual portraits in the wall of fame, his looking younger and more carefree, “Seems like a lifetime ago we got on that wall.”
Percy stared at his own portrait for a second, he couldn’t help but wonder if the gore splattered but smiling warrior up there was the same one as the demigod sat at the sticky bar. Clinking his glass against Jason’s, he downed his shot and licked the salt before biting down on the lime. “Pool?” he asked before sanding and making his way over to the faded green felt table, racking up the balls he poured he and Jason another drink and looked at it contemplatively. “I thought that this would be the one place where they didn’t care if you are Greek or Roman,” all they’d care about was how many monsters you’d brought trophies in for. Aside from Annabeth and Reyna, Percy didn’t know anyone who came close to his or Jason’s trophy count. Swallowing the shot, he throw his friend a pool cue. “Your break hermano.”
As Jason sauntered over to the pool table he looked at the wall one last time; the glowing numbers under his and Percy’s names ever so close, even if he was winning slightly. “All that matters is the ichor on your weapon.” He knocked shoulders with Percy he watched his friend rack up the balls. “Remember before life got crazy and we used to come here all the time.” He caught the pool cue easily and lined up his shot, listening as the sharp crack of the balls cut through the electronic music playing in the empty dim bar. He watched carefully as a solid ball fell in the pocket. “You’re stripes then, dude.” He took a swig from the bottle and winced, “Life used to be so fucking easy. This is a mess.”
Watching as Jason effortlessly caught the pool cue, Percy couldn’t help the lopsided smirk that crossed his lips. “I remember spending whole summer days hunting and then dragging our spoils back before drinking until the sun came up,” as he heard the crack of the balls smacking against one another, Percy took up his pool cue and lined up his own shot, the white ball sailed across the well worn felt and crashed into a striped ball which bounced off the corner and settled precariously close to the pocket. Taking the bottle from Jason, Percy swallowed another mouthful and winced on queue as the liquor burned the back of his throat. “Well, I’ve got to say that things were easier when the only thing we had to worry about was killing the biggest and baddest monster out there. It is weird that at under 30 we are already thinking about the ‘glory’ days.”
Jason laughed uproariously at the memories, “21 and singing war songs as we dragged dragon corpses through the streets then getting shitty drunk off cheap beer until sunrise. Gods we had fun.” He laughed again and took his shot, cursing as the ball he was trying to sink missed the pocket entirely. “We did have some glory days. But I think we’ve still got some glory left in us. At the very least we’ve got some shining days ahead where we crush this anti-Greek sentiment.” He wandered up to the bar and ordered a basket of peanuts for them to eat. “Gods I missed this, Percy. I missed us and Annabeth drinking and having no cares in the world. Being young and carefree before political responsibility and riots and all this shit.” He took another swig and cracked a peanut, chowing down and sighing. “All of this is just……… fuck.”
As Jason wandered about the table, Percy held uncharacteristically still. He evaluated the table, chose his shot and was rewarded with a ball sinking into the pocket. Finally. “I remember you turning up to battle without a t shirt on after one of those nights of drinking,” he smirked good naturedly as he took a peanut and chewed on it thoughtfully, “I remember Annabeth judo slamming a former centurion when he tried to hard to one up her…” this bar held so many good memories for them. “Wanna know what makes it all worse?” He said with a flat laugh, fishing in his pocket he pulled out the ring he was going to give Annabeth on the steps of the Open Hearth, but they’d been interrupted before he could. “I was going to ask her to marry me and all this shit happened.” It was hard not to feel miserable after that.
Watching as Percy sank his shot perfectly, Jason rewarded him by flipping him off across the table. “And was rewarded for my hangover and missing shirt by a awful scar across my back.” His hand rubbed across it under his shirt and he smiled at the memory. So much of their late teenage years had been spent here; demigod life tended to ignore drinking ages. He spun his cue idly before lining up his shot and sinking a bright blue ball. He sighed deeply as Percy brought the ring out of his pocket, “We’ll make this right, man. You’ll get your perfect proposal and we’ll make, somehow, the world see that demigods are demigods; regardless of patrimony.” He bent to look more closely at the ring, smiling wanly, “It looks beautiful, man. You choose well.” He sighed slowly, weighing some options in his head “Full disclosure… I slept with one of the centurions that helped with the raid before it happened. I haven’t talked to him since…. but it did happen.”
Sighing gently at the middle finger that Percy received from his friend, he bowed low in reply before wincing as Jason retaliated by pocketing another ball. “Well I am pretty sure you inspired several demigods that day, if nothing else.” He pauses to chew on a peanut before continuing.“I guess it wasn’t the right time and when the right time eventually does come along then I will do it, I can imagine that lady Aphrodite is having a field day with all of this, it must be such a juicy love story for her.” He sighed gently at the thought and took another shot before taking the bottle and swigging at it until everything felt that bit more fuzzy. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand he shrugged. “Which one?” He asked. “Don’t worry, I don’t care, you can sleep with whoever you want as long as they treat you right. Besides orders are orders, the centurions aren’t at fault really. I think it is more the senate and the powers behind the senate that are the problem.”
The pool game was nice. It smacked of tradition and Jason found himself regretting not wearing the purple letterman’s jacket that Percy had gotten him when they’d become full members of the bar. The number in its back changed to reflect his kill count, and it was one of the most comfortable things he’d ever worn. “everyone always loves a shirtless demigod screaming and summoning great gouts of lightning.” He shook his head, a brittle laugh escaping from his lips, “She probably is. I never know if she loves the love or the angst more. Knowing her it’s probably both at once.” He sauntered past and snatched the bottle from Percy’s hand, already comfortably tipsy but determined to be even more so. “Callum. I was a little drunk. We were texting. One thing led to another… you know how it goes.” He shook his head bitterly as he took another shot, “Centurions should know when orders given are not orders to be followed. Though the Senate is equally at fault.”
Percy hadn’t changed since he’d been taken in after the raid, but he too missed his own jacket. A mixture of a greeny-blue and black, looking at it always reminded him of the ocean floor. “Hey, even I was a bit turned on by that display, the monsters probably died because they were so distracted by dem abs,” he winked sloppily and smirked lopsidedly once more before slumping onto a stool for a moment. “Do you want a beer?” he asked before ordering Jason one anyway. “Both sounds right when it comes to her Greek form, Venus is an entirely different matter, she is much more difficult to read.” Shrugging Percy couldn’t find it in him to be mad about it. “Shit happens,” he grunted as the barmaid handed him a pint of beer that he took a long slurp from, “I don’t blame you, you didn’t know he was a demigod racist and besides he is pretty enough, I can understand why you picked him.”
Jason laughed uproariously and gestured to his abs with the tequila bottle “Listen, Jackson, you had your chance at these abs yeeeeeears ago and you threw it away for a relationship based on mutual love, respect, and trust so you can just suffer the loss, bucko.” He took the beer that Percy offered him, holding the tequila in one hand and the beer in the other, shrugging and taking alternating sips, “yeah. Shit happens. I was drunk and there were some dick pics and yeah. But now that I know he’s a demigod racist I feel pretty shitty about it. In drunk me’s defense…. it’s been awhile.” He set the tequila down and focused on the beer; this was a marathon not a sprint. “Next time we do talk though…. someone might get a bolt of lightning to the face.”
Shaking his head, Percy pushed Jason gently before snatching the bottle of tequila and chugging a mouthful. Washing it down with a swig of beer he got off the stool to take his shot. “If you had a better six pack then Annabeth then I’d have been all over you, but it is about quality and not just quantity and Annabeth has some real definition.” He took his shot with the pool cue and then took a literal shot of tequila. Smirking fuzzily, he placed an arm round his friend and shook his head. “You didn’t know he was a dick. I mean you did, but you get what I mean. Stop acting like you’re not allowed to make mistakes and make sure you zap him real good next time he tries to booty call you. Callum and I do not get along well. Despite my many efforts.”
“My six pack looks like it was literally sculpted by the goddamn gods. Don’t you stand there and tell me that it’s not the most amazing set of abs in the world.” Jason was drunk enough to talk about himself in such a grandiose manner; were he sober he’d never talk himself up like that. He took another swig of the tequila, setting the now empty bottle down on the bar. “Okay maybe we have a few beers and see where we are before I buy another one of those.” He shrugged broadly and took his shot, watching the balls scatter across the worn felt. “My mistakes tend to be a little more visible; which is why I’ve been so reticent to have any sort of hookup. If it blows up everyone knows.” He lounged lazily on his stool and smiled broad and loose at Percy, “But hey.. I had fun. Next time I see him we’ll have words and maybe some blows, but that’s next time and not something to worry about now that I’m spending time with you.”
“It is not the most amazing set of abs I’ve ever seen, those belong to Reyna’s eight pack or possibly Apollo when he is in his super saiyan form.” Percy shrugged gently, he was drunk enough to be brutally honest with his friend when he might have once softened the blow. Scooping up his drink, he gulped down a couple more mouthfuls before shrugging and smiling gently. He was drunk enough to have all but forgotten about the previous night’s events, at least for the moment. Leaning down, Percy lined up his own shot and took it, shooting the ball into the pocket and watching it rattle into the table. “Fuck them,” he replied with a shrug and a shake of his head, “we don’t need to play the game by their rules, we just get to live our life and you know what, you might’ve slept with someone who turned out to be an asshole, but that makes you no different from any other person who would be our age.”
“You cannot possibly compare my abs to my brother’s. He’s literally a god.” Jason shook his head as Percy sank another shot. Looking around the rough and humble interior of the bar he couldn’t help but smile; this place had seen them grow from boys into men, carrying bloody trophies through the door with them as they’d grown. They’d spent more than their fair share of nights sleeping in the bunks upstairs and Jason was glad that Percy had chosen this as the place to drink away their sorrows. Wandering away from the table just long enough to select a song on the jukebox in the corner, Jason returned as the bass started thumping. “True. We can put this firmly in the column of “Jason making normal adult idiot choices.”” He snickered softly and carefully lined up his shot; looking at all the angles before launching the cue ball hard enough to sink two balls. “Tell me something inconsequential and banal about your life these days. I’m tired of dealing with a whole city. I just wanna hear about you.”
“You didn’t preface your comment by stating that they had to be mortal abs, you just said the most amazing abs in the world…” Percy giggled gently at the topic and took another long gulp of something to drink. He had long ago stopped caring what he was drinking, as long as it was alcoholic he was happy. Alcohol was currently the only thing that was making him feel any better and so he kept going, knowing that with every mouthful his hangover tomorrow was going to be a hundred times worse. “Well, at least you’re getting to make normal adult idiot decisions,” Percy said in reply before emitting a loud laugh. Smiling absent mindedly, Percy sunk another shot into a pocket, apparently getting better with every drink that he took. “I got that new Assassins Creed game,” Percy replied with a laugh, “it is honestly something that is well made, and getting to explore the Pyramids is amazing, you should come round and play it sometime….”
“Well I would think that’d be self-evident. Now you have to tell me how pretty I am.” Spinning towards the bar Jason threw his brightest smile on and ordered them another bottle of booze before bringing it back to the pool table. He knew he’d wake up on his couch with the worst headache known to mankind but tonight was worth it; to just forget with his best friend and act like they used to. “I’ll have to come over. In the brief moments of gaming I can manage it’s been all Destiny 2 all the time. Been listening to a bunch of podcasts while I do it. Nice to just zone out, you know? Oh!!” He watched Percy sink his shot, winning the game, and flipped him the double bird before continuing to talk, “Finished a couple short stories. I’d love to have you read them before I send them off to your mom.”
Raising an eyebrow gently, Percy laughed, “Don’t worry, you are the prettiest boy in this whole bar and if I weren’t promised to another I would insist on you taking me in your arms and ravaging my supple virgin body.” Taking a long drink, Percy did his best to keep himself composed, which promptly failed and he found himself laughing, his drink spraying across the floor as he failed to keep a straight face. Percy placed his pool cue back on the table and shrugged, “What can I say, I obviously just seem to have a very natural talent for pool, but I have heard all good things about the new Destiny game, you’ll have to let me borrow it until I have the time to get it for myself.” Placing his beer glass on the bar, Percy nodded. “You know that I would always love to read them before you send them off, they’re always rivetingly good. I know Mom’s going to love them.”
“Listen, I have slept in enough hotel rooms next to you and Annabeth to know that virgin thing is a goddamn lie.” He flinched slightly as the spray from Percy’s drink hit him “Party foul!!! Hella party foul, dude.” Jason sashayed drunkenly over to the dartboard and beckoned to Percy, “We’ll have to play something else then. That I can win at.” He took his first set of throws, squinting one eye as he aimed, “Its fun man. It’s great time killer you don’t have to think about while you’re playing. You just zone and shoot. Which is always good fun.” Stepping back he wrote this round’s score on the chalkboard and let Percy have his turn. “You always flatter me, but this round of them is pretty good. There’s one I’m going to submit to a contest after your mom edits it for me.” He took another drink of burningly harsh liquor and smiled, “We should do this more often.”
Laughing, Percy shrugged gently. “What can I say,” he slurred, “Annabeth is a bit of a screamer, or is that me…” he giggled to himself, deliriously giddy from the alcohol and the stress and the amounts of pressure that they were under. Rolling his eyes, he sloppily stumbled over to the dartboard and laughed. “You’re definitely going to win this if my dart throwing abilities are anything like my archery.” Picking up a dart he tossed it at the wall, and completely missed the board. “Well, I think you’ve got this one, but hey, that was fun, I’ll try my best and see what I can do.” Grunting he swallowed a mouthful of beer and shrugged. “I don’t flatter you, I tell you the truth, if you write something shitty then I will tell you that it is shitty, but I’m sure you’ve got this. Two authors working on a piece, that is guaranteed to win it.” He aimed again and threw his dart, which managed to hit the board this time, even though it didn’t score, his final dart did actually score, but only a triple one, which Percy didn’t really understand how it worked, but apparently that was the rules.
Jason laughed and threw a hand over his now crimson face, “It’s you. It’s absolutely you. And I really wish I didn’t know that about you but I do.” Percy’s absolutely abysmal first set of dart throws made Jason fairly confident he could win as he wobbled slowly in place, the alcohol hitting him with the force of a cyclops swing. He turned back to the bar and slid a couple more golden coins across the counter. “We’re gonna need two bunks upstairs tonight. Pretty pretty pretty please.” She merely blew him a kiss and took the money as he stumbled back to the game in progress. “I gotta get your mom a dope ass Christmas present to make up for all the shit I ask her to edit. And you and Annabeth I gotta get you something awesome.”
Nodding gently, Percy shrugged and smiled. “Guilty,” he finally giggled and before shaking his head somewhat embarrassed, though he knew that Jason didn’t care. “Now you can say that there is not a single thing that you don’t know about me,” he winked gently and smirked. It had been a long time since he had been in a bad enough state to need to stay in one of the rooms upstairs. “Gods, I’m already so drunk. When did I become such a lightweight? There used to be a time when I could drink all day and still manage to get home in the evening, now I can’t do either.” He chuckled gently and shrugged. “I think we’re spending Christmas in New Rome this year, don’t really want to leave in case they won’t let us come back…” he sighed gently and shook his head, “but we’re going to get you something very good, I don’t know yet, Annabeth almost certainly does.”
At Percy’s giggle, Jason couldn’t help but let out a guffaw. “Gods I really do know everything about you, don’t I?” He shook his head, blonde hair falling out of his normally neat top-knot as he abandoned all pretense of looking decent and let it down. “We got old, dude. We’re not 18 year olds who can drag Chimera fangs in here and drink til sunrise and then go off to class. Now we’re old men who can drink til 1 and then crash in the bunks upstairs praying to Bacchus that we don’t have the worst hangover ever visited upon a demigod.” He balanced a dart on the tip of his finger, watching it wobble in the bar’s dim lighting, “I’m sorry, man. I know Sally would love to have you at home with her and Gabby. But I understand your reasoning. Terrible, but not a bad idea given the current political climate.” Smiling he reached over and ruffled Percy’s hair, “You don’t gotta get me shit, Briney. You keep putting up with me and that’s present enough.”
Percy snorted with laughter and shrugged gently at Jason’s giggle. Taking a few breaths in between his snorts of laughter, he shrugged and shook his head gently. “That is what happens after seven years of spending weeks together,” sighing gently he shrugged. “We got very old,” he snorted, “I’m not the warrior or drinker that I once was….” Percy sighed and looked at the nemean lion pelt pinned to the wall that he knew he had brought in almost four years ago now. “I am going to be in a state tomorrow, you’ll have to carry me back to my apartment, tell Annabeth that I love her and I’ll be fine…” he laughed again and sipped at his beer. He knew that he was only going to make things worse. “It isn’t your fault,” he replied with a shake of his head, “you are simply doing as much as you can and that is more than anyone can ask, I’m doing the same thing.” He laughed and shook his head. “Don’t talk shit sparky,” he replied glibly before shaking his head, “we are getting you something and that is the end of it.”
“We’re not a lot of what we once were. But I like to think we aged well. We both got excellently attractive too so I guess we really can’t complain too much.” Clasping his hand to Percy’s shoulder Jason laughed brightly, “When we wake up in the morning I’ll give you a piggyback ride back to your apartment for sure. Just like old times.” He chugged some more of the liquor and started to wander towards the stairs up to the bunks he’d paid for for them. “I talk shit as much as I want, you two give me enough. I don’t need a christmas present. But if you wanted to get me something…… I’ve got some notebooks on my Amazon wishlist I’d kill for.”
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pantton-sandacers · 7 years
My friend do you write fics? and if you do can you do some Patton angst? I'm a sucker for Patton angst and fics
Why yes, my friend, I do write fics.
Title: Martha, My DearRead it on AO3Tag List: @artisticlnsomniac @fandom-trash-5ever @mythicalquill @scaredysanders @screamingoutinrageWarnings: Death, Dog Death, Angst, it’s very sadShips: Logicality if you squint, could easily be platonicWord Count: 632Summary: Patton thought Logan was just being a stick in the mud, which is why he didn’t even think before giving his dog, Martha, the rest of his chocolate bar… A/N: The song lyrics used in this fic are from “Martha, my Dear” by The Beatles, and the song was written by Paul McCartney about his dog, Martha.
Patton hated that it had to come tothis, he hated himself for letting it come to this. Logan tried to tellhim it was only a matter of time and nothing else could be done, but Pattoncouldn’t hear him, his own mind was screaming it was his fault.
The day he saw Martha in the shelter,he knew it was fated they’d be best friends. They did everything together fromthe moment he brought her home.
They watched movies together, rested inhis bed together, and sat together at the table, even though Logan insisted itwasn’t good for a dog to be using furniture.
Patton often dressed Martha up to looklike him, placing his glasses on her nose and wrapping his cardigan around her.She loved this, and would always smile whenever they did this together. SometimesPatton would leave his cardigan on Martha, and she would cuddle up in it,falling asleep against him.
Martha always joined Patton for videos,though Logan kept saying Martha was only being a distraction. She constantlychewed on Logan’s heels, licked Virgil’s leg, though Virgil didn’t seem tomind, and barked along with Roman whenever he sang, which Roman enjoyed.
Patton always ate food with Martha, andeven though Logan kept telling him it wasn’t healthy for a dog to eat humanfood, Patton thought he was just being a stick in the mud again. Unfortunately,Patton should’ve taken Logan seriously, because when he bit into a chocolatebar, discovered it was bitter, dark chocolate, and gave it to Martha to finish,he didn’t think anything of it…
That unfortunate incident is what ledthem here, to the Vet, and with Patton softly holding Martha’s paw in his hand.
Logan watched Patton, concerned, hequietly asked the doctor what their options were, allowing Patton a moment withMartha.
As tears filled Patton’s eyes, he tookhis glasses off, placing them on Martha, “one last time,” he thought tohimself as he sobbed, trying to keep on a smiling face for his friend.
Logan walked back over, sitting next toPatton and gently placing a hand on his shoulder.
Patton turned to him, begging for onelast hope, asking if anything could be done with only his eyes.
Logan sympathetically shook his head, “no,”frowning.
More sobs escaped Patton as he forced agrin onto his face to comfort Martha.
The Doctor came back into the room withthe equipment, conversing with Logan for a moment before Logan turned to Pattonand gently asked, “Would you like to stay?”
Patton nodded his head, “I want you tostay too,” he sniffed.
Logan nodded.
Patton stood for a moment, taking hiscardigan off and wrapping it around Martha, surrounding her with the warmth andkind scent of her loved one. She smiled as Patton gently kissed her nose withtears flowing from his eyes.
Patton held her paw in his hand,touching it to his cheek as the doctor injected the medicine, becoming morechoked up as he watched all of her life quickly leave from her eyes.
He broke down sobbing, his smile fadingaway as every negative thought he’d been avoiding for the sake of keeping abrave face suddenly swarmed him.
“This was your fault, if onlyyou’d listened to Logan, you don’t deserve to be happy, you just messeverything up…”
Logan held the shaking, sobbing man inhis arms as he slowly rubbed his back, attempting to comfort him.
“ You gave her the chocolate, youignored Logan’s warnings, you were the one who spoiled her. This is all yourfault…”
  “Martha my dear you have always been myinspirationPleaseBe good to me Martha my loveDon’t forget me Martha my dear”-The Beatles, ‘Martha my Dear’
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