darthhope999 · 1 year
DT incorrect quote #4
Icicle: I am the Alpha of Arcticlan. What are you, rouge?
Roman: Currently? Questioning my sexuality
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pixiecaps · 9 months
finally got around to watching carres introduction to the qsmp so little recap for yall
he spawned in the same building as qbagi did however this time it was completely dark though noticeably the same area with the big tree in the center.
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when he opened a chest there was pizza, an energy drink, a book, and a flashlight. the book stated it was quite dark and instructions on how to use the flashlight.
when he walked further into the building he discovered the same roulette wheel qbagi had seen. and also a book that stated, “let the roulette decide” and as a hint to follow the light. so he spun it and it landed on the roman numeral 7. he was immediately dropped below into the overworld which was notably a different area than where qbagi was dropped into. this was more mountainous but still had the same cold snowy appearance and the black concrete scattered around.
as he followed the light he found another chest with a bubble blower inside and a book that mentioned how weird the weather was. as carre looked around it was thundering and the sky was grey.
carre then finds a little tunnel area which has a bunch of icicles hanging from the roof and another chest.
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theres a skateboard inside and a book that stated, “you’re going to need it :) have fun!”
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he gets on the skateboard and ahead theres a skate boarding course that he more or less successfully traverses on the board.
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as he nears the end theres a white building surrounded by ice and black concrete. he steps into the structure and inside theres a single table with a ticket laying on top.
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and there he sees a boarding pass for quesadilla island and qcarre is officially #0002! as a side note qcarre seemed to have no clue where he was or how he got there.
twitch vod - 56:28
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facets-and-rainbows · 5 months
Blue Exorcist 147 summary
The official translation is delayed relative to the raws this month so I get to paraphrase a chapter just like old times! The nostalgia!
Fairly detailed spoilers and no images:
Asmodeus goes on about how Shura is full of contradictions (young but also somehow aged, cold like ice but with a burning passion, full of life but death has always been close by) and says she's his type (ewwwww) Shura says Asmodeus is not her type, sorry, and shoots him full of icicles XD He tells her to go deeper with it (eeeewwwwwwwww), the pain makes him feel alive
Rin and Yukio have another round of "BUT SHURA!" "BUT THE WHOLE MISSION!" and the mission wins out They safely make it to the door with the rest of the team, but the door won't open normally so we've got some kind of RPG style door puzzle on our hands Yukio sees the L (probably Left) and R (probably right) on the doors but that doesn't explain THAT MESSED UP LITTLE DISPLAY OVER THERE So the real question is what on EARTH does the bleeding corpse suspended over a meat grinder with the inscription "VL" mean Yukio and Neuhaus together wonder if the V is roman numeral 5 and 5L means you have to give it five liters of blood (one person's worth) to open it They get as far as wondering if you could just borrow like a freshly dead corpse from the battlefield, (they're not using their blood anymore, does it HAVE to be fresh?) before Rin is like….yeah we could take a look at the whole thing from above first though? Heh I think Rin is using fire to burn some footholds as he and Yukio climb? (Edit: wait I'm dumb it's Satan's fire, I already forgot that the walls burn you when you try to climb them lol) Yukio showed off his fireproofness and Rin was all impressed and Yukio very nearly almost smiled
MEANWHILE Amon is struggling with Osceola more than he thought In fact, the fight has damaged/destroyed his emerald ring! His 10.8 carat emerald ring!! Tragic He stomps on Osceola brutally while yelling THAT WAS WORTH MORE THAN YOUR DUMB HUMAN LIFE and OH JESUS IS THAT A DISEMBODIED ARM My Concern For Osceola Gauge just spiked again guys Katoh please he's two days from retirement!! Amon decides screw it, he's just gonna blow everything up at this point. Apparently being a sun god comes with the ability to go supernova and be reborn later (Huh! The sun disk over his head is his demon heart! and he's able to shatter it and have it reform) It'll take like ten minutes for this drama man to do his drama thing so let's cut back to the kids
Rin and Yukio find that the door leads to a bottomless pit even if you DO get it open So what gives? L might be "left" but what's the V? Rin observes that there's some patterns/symbols/something on the ground. Yukio recognizes them as Indo-Arabic numerals. V is 7. So I guess the seventh symbol on the left is the real door. They go there and find a little hidden entrance. No blood sacrifice required! The weird meat machine is a gross red herring! I feel like this is a lil jab at the first anime ending XD
On the way to bring everyone to the entrance, we run into This Asshole Again ("BUT SHURA!" "BUT THE WHOLE MISSION!") Asmodeus says that it's a pretty sweet gig, being a demon of his or Amon's level. Easy to find hosts and they don't disintegrate too fast. But BECAUSE of that, you don't REALLY get to feel alive (He shoots nasty energy beams at the kids and Shura defends them as he's saying this) Asmodeus says that pain and fear and despair are all proof that you're alive! And he can live vicariously through Shura by making her feel these things! Ew!
Cliffhanger on him winding up to kill someone or other in front of an exhausted Shura, while Osceola tries to stand up Osceola is just absolutely maxing out my Concern For Osceola Gauge in that last panel. Concern levels are off the charts here
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cat-loving-elf · 2 months
"The Fight" (part 2/2)
Abarant starts with a classic fireball
Scrumptious counters with an icicle
The Teal Mage places a fire wall
Lizzard's right now in a pickle
The opponent sees Lizzard's eyes bawl
The lizzer quickly summons an ice sickle
Quick counter, Abarant goes with flame crawl
Time for the Lizzard to use his big deal
As flames crawl up to him, he lets himself chill
And so, he casts the meta spell, great blizzard
Scrumptious the Lizzard, truly a great wizzard
But even the Roman Empire fell one day
And so The Great Lizzer Wizzer also may
Teal Abarant sees the blizzard, he thinks fast
He has a good idea, time for him to cast
His spell was or would have been "Time travel"
He goes back in time, what a marvel
As this spell only creates eternal loops
Resumes the earlier Fight of the two elite troops
Abarant replaced his earlier self with himself
When it again gets to the great blizzard
The Teal casts "Time travel", what a wizzard
The Fight is now looped, Abarant forever stuck
Nobody will win, nobody will loose, a tie, fuck
The hillside slowly will deteriorate
But Abarant saved lots of wizzers, no debate
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makerofmadness · 4 months
I'm still back
with a vengeance (uh link to the post where I actually came back)
(Linking 'Cus I'm not putting a block of text here explaining everything I'm doing differently from my translation posts before a second time dnndndndnd)
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Less than the other post because I'm hoping that I can do more in a week when I see my parents again in person. (I texted these to my maman [except for the two without dialogue] and she fixed Olive, Icicle Yeti and Herb's but I got the others right by myself she said :3)
I'm not gonna put the romanization under the cut this time 'Cus it's not long enough to warrant it I think? If anyone asks me to I will:
*Wizard Cookie: بیسکویت جادوگر (biskwit jaadoogar)
*Strawberry Cookie: بیسکویت توت فرنگی (biskwit toot farangi)
*Olive Cookie: بیسکویت زیتون (biskwit zeytoon)
«!در انتظار آثار باستانی» ("dar entezaar asaar baastaani!")
*Silverbell Cookie: بیسکویت زنگ نقره (biskwit zang noghreh)
«!...یک روزی ما همه خوشحال خواهیم شد» ("yek roozi maa hameh khoshhal khaahim shod...!")
*Pomegranate Cookie: بیسکویت انار (biskwit anaar)
«!برای اربابم» ("baraa-ye arbaabam!")
*Icicle Yeti Cookie: بیسکویت یتی قندیل یخ (biskwit yeti ghandil yakh)
«خواستی با دوستم باش؟» ("khaasti baa doostam baash?")
*Herb Cookie: بیسکویت سبزی (biskwit sabzi)
«.سلام! به باغ من خوش آمدین» ("salaam! beh baagh man khoosh amadin.")
*Alchemist Cookie: بیسکویت کیمیاگر (biskwit kimiyaagar)
«!راهنمایی من را پیروی بکن» ("raahnamaayi man raa peyravi bekon!")
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lexiklecksi · 1 year
A cold winter night
One droplet to another whispered
Crystallise, crystallise, crystallise
This was no fall from grace
Earth called for her cold cover
A trillion of snowflakes hover
You're longing for a warm embrace
A kiss of snow, a kiss of frost
From the love of the frost, no escape
Icicles hanging low from trees
Wandering in the forest, utterly lost
A crushing symphony, snow cracking under feet
Taste of lost lands floating in the air
Barren branches breaking in the distance
Frozen grass and borrowed sounds
An inquisitive hare, vainly searching for a bite
Of something other than frost — a cold and regretful attempt
Deer bolting through the fir trees to escape the hunt
Birds chirping, desperately searching for a seed
Branch snapping with a deafeningly quiet crunch
Hunter's on the move but he's walking on eggshells of snow
A quick glance back reveals the nearing danger
An impulsive hop, deer straying to the side
Saved for now, saved by snow, free to dance
Once again in light frozen, until the fall of night
Tender, yet shy, life longs to die
On this cold winter night
Written in collaboration with @unholyspaceprophet (their verses in cursive) Tag list under the cut! My last poem for this year ;-)
Tag list: Never miss a poem or a short story I write! Comment + if you want to be added or - to be removed from my tag list.
@matcha-chai @dg-fragments @silversynthesis @heartofmuse @scatteredthoughts2 @rhapsodyinblue80 @alaskaisnothere @stoic-words @september-stardust @wordsforsadpeeps @writingitdown @intothevortex @aubriestar @warriorbookworm @raevenlywrites @alex-a-roman @artsymagee @giantrobocock @theheightofdepression @writing-is-a-martial-art @beautifulimposter25 @a-musingmichelle @kirkshiresloss @rhythmiccreatorofbeuty @eos109 @azriel-alexander-holmes
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pumpkin-padparadscha · 6 months
roman in a crown of icicles, and remus with his lips tinged frostbite blue
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koolkat9 · 1 year
GerFra Week 2023: Day 7
Prompt: Office AU/working together || Hurt/comfort || Free day
Paring: GerFra
Word Count: 793
Read on AO3
Author's Note: For the sake of this fic, Germany is HRE
Francis’s eyes were never cold. Not even in their worst moment, when their lands were under siege and they felt like they were dying. Vacant, tired, but no piercing glare that chilled Ludwig’s very soul.
But here they were, appearing much younger, sword pointing directly at Ludwig, eyes stabbing into him like icicles.
Ludwig himself felt much smaller, staring up at the Frenchman. He didn’t know where they were. Considering the bodies and the weapon pointed at him, it appeared to be a battlefield, but it didn’t look anything like the trenches of the World Wars. Before he could ask anything he felt a sharp pain shoot through his torso, and he screamed.
He bolted upright in bed, finding himself in darkness, in bed, far from whatever battlefield he had just dreamed up. His skin pricked with cold sweat and his eyes burned. He shut them tightly, wrapping his arms around himself and trying to get his breathing under control. It was just a dream. It was just a dream.
“Mon amour?” Came Francis’s tired voice. He reached out to drape his arm over Ludwig, but Ludwig scrambled away, falling out of bed. “Ludwig?”
Ludwig looked up at him, eyes wild like a caged animal.
“Okay…Okay…I’ll stay up here,” Francis assured him. “You’re safe Ludwig. The year is 2023…We’re in your farmhouse. The one just outside of Berlin.”
Ludwig took a few deep breaths, the information seeping into his brain, calming him.
Something nudged his hands, causing him to tense again, but it was just Aster. She climbed into his lap and nuzzled his cheek. A small smile spread across Ludwig’s cheeks as he gave her a scratch on the head.
After a few minutes, he patted Aster to get off of him, and he rose to his feet. His legs still felt shaky, but he managed to climb back into bed.
“Can I touch you?” Francis asked.
Dread sunk in Ludwig’s stomach for a moment, but he nodded.
Francis reached out, hand coming to rest on Ludwig’s cheek. Ludwig flinched, and Francis went to pull away. “Wait!” Ludwig blurted out, grabbing Francis’s hand, “I-I’m okay.” He rested his cheek against Francis’s hand.
“You sure?”
Francis scrutinized Ludwig’s face, searching for any hesitancy. Finding none, they caressed Ludwig’s cheek. “Okay…Now, what’s this about?”
Ludwig bit his lip. How could he tell his lover that he dreamed of them killing him? Francis had always been understanding, especially when it came to Ludwig’s night terrors, but he was still fearful of how Francis would react being the source of what had shaken him.
But those warm, tender eyes always had a way of peeling back Ludwig’s defenses. He swallowed hard. “I-I…We were on a battlefield…You were so young…I must have been young too…a-and…You stabbed me.”
Francis’s kind gaze fell into one of horror. In the moonlight, his eyes gleamed as if he was on the verge of tears. He pulled away from Ludwig, taking a few deep breaths.
Next thing Ludwig knew he was smothered by Francis’s chest. They were shaking and gasping, almost like they were crying. “Francis?”
“You…You really are him…” he whispered into Ludwig’s hair.
“I was a growing empire back then, and it was such a power high. Nothing could hurt me, and I’d destroy whoever got in my way.” Francis cringed at the memory. “It was a battle like any other, but the Holy Roman Empire had been extremely weakened. It was never stable, to begin with, but…We were in the final stretch a-and…I was face to face with Holy Rome, so I drew my sword and stabbed my enemy right through.”
Just like Ludwig’s dream. His stomach churned and his mind spun. He was Holy Rome? Francis, his lover…the one he went to to feel safe had killed him once, in some kind of past life? It shouldn’t have hurt this much to hear that–nations hurt each other all the time and still somehow ended up together later down the line.
“You had always looked so much like him,” Francis went on, trying to smile despite his sobs, “But I-I just thought that was because you shared similar land. I’m sorry…I’m so sorry.” He pulled Ludwig closer to him.
Ludwig returned the embrace just as tightly. He could feel a headache coming on as all his thoughts banged around, trying to make sense of it all. But he knew one thing, Francis was still his lover, and he hated seeing them upset.
They gripped onto each other like it was the end until Francis’s breathing finally became even again. “Let’s…” Francis blubbered, “Let’s get some tea…or alcohol. We need it…”
Ludwig nodded, a ghost of a smile on his face, and pressed a kiss to Francis’s brow.
And that's the end of GerFra Week for me. Thank you to those who put it on!
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tziporarosen · 2 months
Burn The Devil:
Chapter Two
sorry for being MIA, I know most of you are following me for Sevika content, and I am working on it but life has been a little hectic so haven't had the time to keep writing as often. I'm posting this because its been sitting in my google doc, hopefully lesbian content is enough for you to keep your horny little minds occupied
Warnings: Mature Content, men and minors DNI, Marking, torture? idk anymore, its dark lol idk what to tell ya, she's a psychopath
word count: 1614
I open my eyes to be met with her staring at my legs, her pupils dilated with perversion. I move my arms over to my thighs to cover them as I edge towards the car door to be as far away as humanly possible. "Move your arms," the woman said drily, almost as if she was too bored to deal with the consequences of her threat. Terrified, I moved my hands back onto my lap slowly, my mouth dry from the tension around us. "Good girl" she whispers with a sly grin on her face, clearly amused by how easily I obeyed. After an hour that felt like an eternity, the car halts to a smooth stop, allowing me to get a glance at the large gates closing behind us, sealing my fate behind these tall walls.
The cold winter breeze hits my face as the front doors of the car open, each one of them stepping out, while I don't dare to move a hair on my head. The tall woman’s shadow appears on my side of the door, opening it as she leans down slightly. "Oh, how rude of me, I forgot to mention my name" she states with a chuckle. I kept my head tilted towards the floor, my eyes glued on the scratches that formed on my knees while I was on the ground. Suddenly, she grabs my face, lifting my chin up harshly. "Always look at me when I'm talking to you" she says with a grit in her teeth. "Do you understand?" she questions. I ignore her remarks and stay silent, hoping she will take my silence as compliance. " I said, do you fucking understand?!" she growls as another slap hits my face for the night. This time, it stung.
"I understand," I murmured out tearfully.
A smile crawls onto her face as she lets go of my face, rubbing the fallen tear with her thumb. "As I was saying" she cleared her throat. "My name is Carmilla" I put on a weak smile, acknowledging her words. Carmilla moves back and nudges for me to get out of the car with an open arm, her smile still remains as she watches me step out. A crunch is heard as my foot hits the layer of snow beneath me, each step dragging as the others stand beside us. Carmilla points her arm out, signaling me to walk towards the home in front of me. I stare at the mansion in front of me as she follows behind me, my heart tightening with every step I take. It's beautiful, warm brick and long windows overlooking the woods, its architecture spawning out of the Victorian era, perhaps even Roman, statues crying snowflakes and icicles. I walk over to the staircase leading up to the door, an overwhelming blanket of dread warming me against the frozen air. The smell of burnt wood and coffee hit my nostrils, as the howl of wind tickles the back of my neck. I take a deep breath to prepare my mind for the night ahead and look back at Carmilla as she places her hand on her gun, warning me silently. I quickly turn back around and make my way to the tall double doors, death greeting me with warmth.
"Walk to the staircase going down" she asserts as the door closes behind us, making my shoulders jolt as the trap is sealed.
"I don't want to, please, I just want to go home" I plead in a whisper, knowing if I go down there, I'm never coming back up alive. Carmilla takes a few steps towards me, her breath warming my neck as the bulge of her gun presses against my lower back. 
“You don't get to choose, Jane," Carmilla murmurs into my ear. The warmth quickly fades away as chills seep in, her voice more dangerous than the bullets in her palm.
A painful screech of a woman is heard through the halls of the brick cellar, followed by a loud whack before silence echoes around us. I look back at carmilla with horror in my eyes, only to be met with nonchalance and stoicism. "please" I sob out, falling to my knees, my body desperate for a way out. A groan is heard as she looks down at me, frustration lingering behind the boredom.
"You are starting to get a little annoying" she complains as she grabs onto the back of my hair, her fingers wrapping around the muddy strands. "If you won't walk there, I'll drag you there myself" she threatens as I keep crying, unable to compose myself for a task so simple yet the most difficult thing to do. A swift moment passes as she waits for my decision but my knees are glued to the floor, inviting her to fulfill the threat.
"Ahh it hurts, please stop!" I beg but it's to no avail, her fist remained tight around my hair as she dragged me across the tile floor. My lower back and legs start to burn as it's being scraped, my hair on fire as my heart thrashes against my ribcage. "I hate you!" I shout out in between cries, making the latter laugh as she halts.
"Oh, you'll understand hate in about an hour" she cooed as she opens a door before tossing my body into the dark room, followed by Carmilla shutting the door behind her. I crouch down on the floor in pain as my hand travels to my scalp, carefully soothing the sting.
"Get up." she ordered flatly as she took her suit jacket off before rolling up her sleeves. I catch a glimpse of her as her back is turned to me as she switches the warm light on. Her ironed white shirt is tight around her shoulders, veins seeping through the skin on her arms. I hold my position, too weak to get up as she steps towards me.I shut my eyes as her shadow towers over me, blocking the somber light in the foreign room. All I hear is my heart pulsing in my temple down to my toes as silence takes over before a harsh kick lands on my side, causing me to open my eyes in an instant as I yelp. 
"AHH" I scream out in pain as I curl up into a ball to attempt to soothe the pain burning onto my bones. She chuckles behind me and taps me with her foot before landing another kick to my back, this time hitting right in my spine. 
"I'll keep going until you listen. It's up to you" she elucidated composedly, yet her voice echoed in the distance of my ears, fading from the shooting pain. Mustering up the strength, I slowly get up with a wince, wishing for the kicks to stop. Holding my side, I stand up to face her, only to see the room I'm in.
The room is covered in gray cement where shadows clung to the walls like whispers, with endless shelves everywhere, caging the terror shrieking to escape. A clump of chains are situated in the corner, followed by a row of saws hanging on top of it. A metal chair, right at the center of the room like a stage, awaiting an audience to watch the unfold. A dangling bulb lightening up the room to show all its horrors. My eyes dread as I look over to the table in the left corner that holds an array of knives, guns, and throwing knives before my attention shifts back to the devil standing in the room with me. "You like my room?" she questions, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "This is for pretty girls just like you" she whispers as she digs her finger into my chest. It finally dawned on me that I am not simply getting killed, I’m about to be tortured to death.
"I promise I will listen to you. I didn't mean to act like that, I was just scared" I plead in a broken voice, praying that somewhere behind the evil lies a little sympathy. 
"Oh, but it's too late now, my love” Carmilla gently explains as she walks towards the chains. "Sit down, you're my guest after all" she says with a mocking tone in her voice. I was never religious, but for the first time, I searched around me for a glimpse of God, hoping he would make a deal with the devil on my behalf. 
Fighting reflex, I slowly walk over to the chair as she brings over a few chains. She pushes my body down to sit after I stay still, unsure of what to do next. "I swear, I have to do everything around here," Carmilla complains with a sigh leaving her lips. A cold chain hits my skin as my arms get tied to the back of the chair, the metal cold awakening my nerves. I feel myself trembling in fear as unconsented tears roll down my eyes, waiting for my untimely demise.
Her cold hand is placed on the back of my neck as she grabs all my hair into her palm. I flinch, expecting a pull, but to my surprise, she tucks it into a hairband. "What? Did you think I was going to pull your hair?" Carmilla questions, almost surprised by my reaction. "I just don't want your hair to get all bloody," she explains softly with a smile. My stomach drops as I look up at her with fear in my eyes, disturbed by her need for kindness. "What? It's so pretty, I don't want it ruined" the latter says admiring my tear-stricken face. 
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jiubilant · 2 years
the romans also frequently greeted one another with handshakes (we have knowledge of this from historical accounts and depictions of handshakes on reliefs and funerary steles) which seems to be a practice interchangeable with the custom of greeting people with a kiss. the grumbling of people who preferred handshakes about people who went in for the kiss instead has survived in verse...here's martial ribbing a friend (?) in his ninety-fifth epigram
It is winter, and rude December is stiff with ice; yet you dare, Linus, to stop every one who meets you, on this side and on that, with your freezing kiss, and to kiss, indeed, the whole of Rome. What could you do more severe or more cruel, if you were assaulted and beaten? I would not have a wife kiss me in such cold as this, or the affectionate lips of an innocent daughter. But you are more polite, more refined, you, from whose dog-like nose depends a livid icicle ... If, therefore, Linus, you have any sense or decency, defer, I pray you, your winter salutations till the month of April.
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notaguidinglight · 6 months
Eras Tour Imagery - Fearless/evermore transition
The gold glitter of the Fearless set transforms into water droplets.
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The water droplets give way to a scene of ice melting on leaf-covered ground. The leafs we see are red and orange in color.
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We see more images of ice melting. Here, it's icicles on a ledge or a roof.
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A forest is revealed, and it appears to be sunrise. Trees start to emerge from the stage.
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The forest scene is set with the stage beginning to be enveloped by fog and an orange glow.
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This is possibly my favorite transition on the tour. Not only because evermore is my favorite album, but because I think the transition is very revealing.
The transition begins with the motif of ice melting on ground, which brings to mind early springtime. To me this feels wrong when you first remember evermore was released in December. So shouldn't the snow be falling? I think the melting, the thawing could have more to do with what evermore represents. A thawing out of certain feelings, or the idea of transitioning to something new. Evermore has both of those themes. Returning to an old lover, and becoming ready to step to the next phase of your life. Taylor has also used the theme of being frozen and frozen ground multiple times in her songs.
"My, my love had been frozen" (Dancing With Our Hands Tied)
"This has frozen my ground" (hoax)
"A red rose grew up out of ice frozen ground" (the lakes)
"He's got my past frozen been glass" (it's time to go)
"Did you ever hear about the girl who got frozen?" (right where you left me)
"Soldier down on that icy ground" (The Great War)
Is the real Taylor slowly unfreezing? Is her muse, her love thawing out with her?
The denotation of springtime also sets us up to go on a journey through time during the evermore set. As we will see in the next songs, the scene continually changes until we have reached winter.
The red leafs on the ground also spark thought of Red the album. Very autumnal vibes. At first glance it makes sense that autumn leafs are being revealed under the snow in spring. But another connection to the Red album, which Taylor keeps pointing us back to (e.g. the Wildest Dreams glitch video). Is the Red muse becoming unfrozen? Autumn leaves were also seen under the willow tree in the Willow music video and all over the Spotify Global Top Artist image.
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In the forest, we see that it's sunrise. The dawn of a new day. We saw the addition of daylight in the new Lover house, and we see it here too. "But the monsters turned out to be just trees/When the sun came up, you were looking at me."
The trees the come out the stage are interesting. They look most similar to Mediterranean cypress trees because of the smaller diameter and the height of the trees. There are some on the screen in the very foreground as well. Mediterranean cypress have symbolism for mourning, cemeteries, and the underworld. They are also linked to Roman goddess Diana. "I'd meet you where the spirit meets the bones/In a faith-forgotten land."
Video image credits: Liu Andy/Youtube, Taylor Swift/Youtube, Spotify/Youtube
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darthhope999 · 1 year
OC Whump day Eleven
Whumpee: Roman
I wrote this at 11:30 Am because that seems to be the time the inspiration strikes.
I am open to suggestions!
Ao3 link:
Roman woke in a cold sweat, queasiness filled his stomach and his head felt as if it had been inflated to ten times its normal size. His nose was shinny with snot and his breath rattled in his lungs, every so often turning into a hacking cough that left him shaking and gasping in pain.
He could hear his breaths filling the small cave, struggling to breath through the mucus lining his aching throat.
Today was going to be a long day, he knew he should talk to Icicle, see if he could have the day off. However, Roman was a determined worker. And, besides, he probably only had a cold.
Sun began to stream into the cave and Roman took a shuddering breath, suddenly feeling nauseated. He swallowed painfully, throat burning.
He groaned, lowering his head to the ground as he felt a jet of hot liquid begin to travel up his throat, making it burn even more.
“No,” he whimpered, gritting his teeth and forcing the liquid back down.
It settled uneasily on his nauseated stomach.
Roman sniffled, and tried to force himself to his feet.
He failed.
His legs weren’t ready to support his weight and sent him tumbling to the ground, collapsing beneath him.
Roman fell to the cold cave floor and curled into a ball, fighting the urge to stay there all day, whimpering.
Apparently this was worse than he had thought.
He knew better than to continue his work while ill, he felt like he would end up vomiting on someone anyway.
He would have to talk to Icicle. Only problem was; he was currently too weak to stand.
Roman cleared his throat noisily, trying to clear the mucus sticking firmly to its walls. He only succeeded in causing a coughing fit to wrack his body.
His chest ached when he was finished, every breath in was a challenge, and every rattling breath out was torture.
Roman curled tighter around his stomach as it started to churn, upset by his sudden jerking movements. He groaned again, feeling the liquid bubble up his throat once more.
His gut started to churn faster as if his digestive tract was suddenly caught up in a hurricane. “Ooh,” He groaned, pulling his legs in to press against his throbbing stomach.
Okay, he had to talk to Icicle.
Forcing his shaking legs to support him, Roman clambered out of the den, insides rocking back and forth as if he were on a boat.
Luckily for him, his clan was not yet up. No one needed to see him like this.
He staggered to Icicle’s den, swallowing thickly as he felt sick making its way to his mouth.
“Icicle?” He coughed when he had managed to make it to the entrance.
“Roman, come in,” The alpha’s voice called.
Roman staggered in, right as he did so, his stomach spasmed painfully and he was forced to clamp his mouth shut and drop his head to stop the surge of vomit from escaping.
“Roman! You look horrible!” Icicle cried, rushing over to his ailing friend.
“Uh, y-yeah, that’s what I-” Roman was cut off by another painful spasm, he snapped his mouth shut and squeezed his eyes closed against the sudden stabbing pain.
He swallowed forcefully, inhaling sharply and looking up at Icicle with tears starting to spill, unwantedly, from his eyes. “What I c-came to s-speak to a-about,” Roman whimpered haltingly.
“Okay, you need to lay down,” Icicle commanded, “And you need to go to the medic’s den.”
“No,” Roman shook his head, “Seiko is busy with the pups, I’ll be-” Once more, he was cut off. A terrified look filled the beta’s eyes as he choked out “I-I’m gonna-” Before swallowing painfully and darting out of the den.
Icicle waited for a few minutes to give his friend some privacy before slowly emerging from his den, walking over to the forest's edge.
Roman stood, head lowered over a pool of regurgitated food, breaths coming in chest-rattling gasps.
Icicle walked up to him, pressing his warm pelt against Roman’s damp one. “That’s it, get it out,” Icicle encouraged gently, beginning to lick Roman’s fur flat like a mother soothing her pups.
Roman inhaled raggedly, “I’m fine-” His stomach twisted and he felt liquid rocket up his throat. He didn’t even have time to comprehend anything besides the burning, cramping pain before his insides had been emptied once more.
A whimper was torn from his mouth as a wet gurgle escaped his stomach, forcing more of the digested food up his esophagus.
“Shh, it’s okay,” Icicle comforted. Even though the alpha normally had an iron stomach, one had to, being in as many wars and battles as he had, just the sight of his pained friend made him feel slightly ill.
Roman gasped sharply, swallowing back more vomit as his intestines started to twist again.
But it didn’t matter what he did. The moment he swallowed, his stomach rebelled against it, propelling more into his mouth and forcing him to, once more, spill the contents of his intestines to the ground.
His stomach gurgled again, pain stabbing through his insides so suddenly he barely had time to think before he was curled on the ground, writhing in pain.
Roman felt Icicle curl around him, holding him still, and whispering comforting words into his ear.
But it only made it worse. His stomach was not giving up so easily.
It heaved and retched, shaking Roman’s entire body, but was merciful enough to spare him the burning pain of puking again.
Roman felt liquid splash from his mouth. No. Not from, into.
Slowly, he came to. Icicle had gotten water from a river, probably hoping it would ease his churning stomach.
Roman gasped and looked weakly up at the alpha, staring sympathetically down at him. “I-I sorry,” He coughed out, body shuddering with dry heaves.
“Don’t apologize, it’s not your fault,” Icicle said, laying down next to him again, “My guess is you won’t be moving anytime soon?”
Roman swallowed and laughed weakly, “I think my legs have turned to jelly,” He muttered, relaxing as he melted into Icicle’s comforting flank.
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17, 39, 56 and 78!
hi fio!!!
big year for roman roy fans i'll just say that.
i loved this song (and this band, bless harris' memory) when i was a teenager and i've grown really fond of it again lately!
jason webley makes perfect songs for me to write to and. i've done a lot of writing this year what with my undergrad thesis and starting grad school. so he shows up quite a bit.
the scary jokes put out a great new album this year for any psych pop fans!!!! but i am such a sucker for their old stuff so. well. here it is.
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parentsbesluts · 3 months
icicles by the scary jokes is both a roman and a remus song .....
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silvestromedia · 10 months
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Saint of the day August 19
ST. MAGNUS, MARTYR IN LATIUM-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnus_of_Anagni#:~:text=Magnus%20fled%20to%20Rome%20to,near%20Fabrateria%20Vetus%2C%20in%20Latium.
St. Andrew the Tribune, The "Great Martyr," and the leader of converts in the Roman army, his men faced a battle with a Persian host. Calling upon Christ for aid, the Romans were victorious. Andrew and some of his troops became Christians as a result and were discharged from military service. they were arrested by the military governor and executed in the Taurus Mountains of Cilicia. .Aug. 19 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Stratelates#:~:text=Andrew%20Stratelates%2C%20also%20known%20as,Orthodox%20Church%20on%2019%20August.
Bl. Peter Zuniga, Roman Catholic Priest and Martyr of Japan. A Spaniard from Seville, he grew up in Mexico, where his father was the sixth Viceroy of the Spanish colony. Upon his return to Spain, he joined the Augustinians, and, after ordination, he requested to be sent to Japan and the missions there. Going first to the Philippines in 1610, he was later assigned to Japan, arriving there in 1620. Two years later, he was arrested and, with Blesseds Louis Flores, Joachim, Firayama, and the captain and crew which had transported them, was put to death. The crew was beheaded while the others were burned alive. Feastday Aug. 19 https://www.augustinian.org/saints-1/september-28
Bl. Bartholomew Monfiore, Bl. James Denshi, Bl. Paul Sanchiki, Roman Catholics and martyrs of Japan. Japanese crew members of Blessed Joachim Firayama's ship. Arrested for his Christian faith, he was beheaded at Nagasaki. Feastday Aug. 19 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/205_Martyrs_of_Japan
Bl. John Foyamon, Roman Catholic Martyr of Japan. A scribe on the ship carrying Blessed Peter Zufliga, he was beheaded at Nagasaki with Blesseds John Yano and John Nangata. Feastday Aug. 19 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/205_Martyrs_of_Japan Bl. Thomas Koyanangi, Roman Catholic Japanese martyr. Arrested as a passenger on the ship of Blessed Joachim Firayama-Diz, he was beheaded at Nagasaki, Feastday Aug. 19 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/205_Martyrs_of_Japan
Bl. Michael Diaz, A martyr of Japan. He was a Spanish merchant on board the Japanese ship carrying Blessed Joachim Firayama. Michael and others were arrested by Protestant Europeans who turned them over to the Japanese authorities. Everyone on the ship was martyred at Nagasaki. Aug. 19 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/205_Martyrs_of_Japan
St. Mochta, 535 A.D. Bishop of Ireland. He was born in Britain but was brought to Ireland as a child. There he became a disciple of St. Patrick. During a visit to Rome, Mochta was made a bishop by Pope St. Leo I. He founded Louth Monastery with twelve companions and was probably consecrated by St. Patrick. He died at the age of ninety, the last known disciple of St. Patrick. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mochta
St. Sebald, 770 A.D. Patron Saint of Nuremberg. Hermit, missionary, and a patron saint of Nuremberg. Most likely an Anglo-Saxon from England, he arrived on the Continent and became a hermit near Vicenza, Italy, and then participated in the missionary enterprise of the times, assisting in the work. of St. Willibald in the Reichswald. Many miracles were attributed to him, including turning icicles into firewood. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sebaldus
St. Credan, 780 A.D. A Benedictine abbot of Evesham, England, in the reign of King Offa of Mercia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Credan
ST. JOHN EUDES, PRIEST, FOUNDER OF THE EUDISTS, https://www.catholicapostolatecenterfeastdays.org/feast-days-and-solemnities/st-john-eudes#:~:text=Jesus%20and%20Mary-,St.,and%20the%20Blessed%20Virgin%20Mary.
ST. SIXTUS III, POPE, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Sixtus_III
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snowwhirled · 11 months
"Icicles don't soften when they die; they sharpen into sabers and they stab you in the eye."
Hometown: Inkwell Isle IV Occupation: Snow Cultist, Cafe Owner (Formerly) Loves: Chocolate Hates: Cops
R-XC was Isle IV's former beloved barista until his sudden, unexplained disappearance early into the year. Having always been feeling lost in his life, he wasn't the most well known in the city, his only real friendship with the next door baker. One day, he had a delivery to a snowy dome he had never visited before, and soon found himself face to face with Mortimer Freeze. Exhausted from emotional struggles back at home, he requested to join the icy cult and unintentionally found himself at a high rank.
Have you seen him?
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why did i write this like a flipdeck
R-XC! My silly cupsona. Other dumb notes:
His outfit is supposed to resemble my A-90 (Roblox Doors) design.
The white on his face is chipped paint which is supposed to be put in place of acne.
R stands for Radtea (Play on my "main" name, Radley, and Tea). XC is roman numerals for 90. This name is pronounced R-90 though snow cultists usually just call him ninety.
He is not actually tea, rather hot chocolate. Most of the contents of his head have frozen over though but can be easily reheated.
His weapon is an icicle knife but he also has a sled resembling a stop sign.
It might be hard to see here, but his nose is an octagon.
[I'll add more if I can remember it!]
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