#Romantic Terusai
Y'all know those fanfics where Saiki is an asshole to Teruhashi or really rude to her until they start dating? Yeah, this is what I imagine what that Saiki meeting Canon Saiki would be like.
Canon Saiki: So do you still deal with Teruhashi?
Fanfic Saiki: I can not avoid that woman. The other day she was bothering me when a mob of her fans showed up so I teleported away and-
Canon Saiki, surprised: You revealed your powers to her?! I mean, her fans do suck, so I can understand panicking and teleporting the both of you away-
Fanfic Saiki: What? No, I teleported myself away and left her there.
Canon Saiki: You what.
Fanfic Saiki: I teleported myself away. Well actually, I was the one who kinda summoned that crowd so that she'd be too overwhelmed with them to go find me-
Canon Saiki, shaking with murderous rage: You what.
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oceanwithouthermoon · 5 months
oh my god i just. remembered this. sorry. one of the things people do in the saiki k fandom (cough cough specifically tiktok cough cough) is that people call every terusai moment "fanservice.." FANSERVICE..? WHATTTTT ?
as if you guys get to make the choices in what the anime SHOULD be like, and which duos get better moments.. thats so funny oh my GOD.
and im saying the anime specifically because none of these people read the manga.. there was this one pretty fucking viral tiktok i saw a few months ago where this person was talking about this and saying that the anime "tried to set up teruhashi and saiki as a couple" when it "wasnt like that in the manga" and then proceeded to talk about scenes that WERE in the manga and did NOT get changed for the anime.. mf why are you just LYING. AND WHY ARE THE MASSES BELIEVING YOU. THATS CRAZY.
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minipisi-is-dumb · 9 months
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saiki comic for my au that I progressively lost wrist capacity to continue. not sure if I should commit to the bit and at least line these since they're so rough but !!! might as well get them here.
in one of my scenes teruhashi confesses and saiki (after a long day of feeling really alienated) just confesses that he "can't love" wink wink
i like the idea of them just Not Having The Vocabulary yet. also internalized aphobia dunno if you could tell
it goes on a more overarching story (and im debating on whether or not let Teru be the first one to know any his powers but i wouldn't Not consider it
oh how much I have care for them
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rainbowpiss34 · 4 months
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here’s a little valentines’ day gift from your fellow aroace :333
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rosey-blog06 · 8 months
Ok, I've just recently found and finished "The Disastrous Life of Saiki K" and while interacting with the fandoms content, it has come to my attention that many many people say that Saiki is AroAce, And I would like to add my own headcanon onto Saiki's Sexuality.
I believe him to be Demi-Romantic & Asexual.
And I have claims to back this headcanon up
1.) All Saiki see's is Muscles and Bones, therefore Gender/appearance (really depending on whether you ship him with anyone or not) doesn't have any kind of impact on how he would feel about someone
2.) He can read peoples thoughts and would see who they really are underneath, and so he would (again this is my headcanon so) only feel any kind of Romantic feelings for someone based off of the personality, (and would have to have a deep connection to this person)
3.) that whole "I see naked bodies all the time (due to the x-ray ability he has no control over) I don't see the hype" (I'm paraphrasing, I can't remember the actual quote or what Episode it's from (I've only seen the Anime, but I want to get the Manga soon)
4.) the whole scene where Aiura Mikoto & Rifuta Imu had that "have you done 'it' yet?" "of course we've done 'it' before" convo and Saiki just looks really uninterested/uncomfortable (Again this my perspective about these points)
Anyway, I've been thinking about this for a few days and have nobody irl to talk to about it :/
(Btw please don't try and force any of your opinions onto anybody about anything, this was just to share mine, You don't have to agree)
Anyway Here are some Pretty Saiki Pictures I found on Google Images
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Her delusionally making herself think she has a crush on saiki, the one boy who doesn’t publicly/openly react to her, is so comphet of her.
Look he said the thing! Might not be for the reason Teruhashi wanted but he still said the thing!
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kusuokisser · 9 months
my favorite part about being aroflux is looking back and seeing how i project differently on characters depending on how my capacity for romantic attraction is doing.
lately ive been. Somewhere in the middle. meaning that my heart is full of romantic terusai, but looking back to some of the things i wrote in various spaces when i was more strictly aromantic is like Wow i dont think these headcanons could exist in the same reality at all.
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transmasccofee · 11 months
falling into the depths of saiteru brainrot free me from my mind prison
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ledians · 1 year
ok heres what happens.
#saiki has that crush on satou throughout highschool. ok we know that.#thats one sided and it never goes anywhere#saiki and akechi go to the same university. and while im not sure if i can describe it as romance#they do end up with a Weird Gay Thing going on yk#but ultimately they don't actually end up in a long term relationship. they're besties tho#teruhashi actively chooses to try to live averagely like saiki. she definitely doesn't become an actress or that kind of famous because#she doesn't want to be heavily associated with her brother. and maybe after saiki reveals he had powers she's inspired by that idk.#she's still perfect and popular and stands out in a crowd and she gets extra angel points for trying to live normally#bc ppl go omg so humble we expect nothing less 🥺#although aiming for average saiki likes comfort so when they eventually cross paths again as adults they get closer#neither are attracted to most people but they share an undying respect and appreciation for each other and#idk if they ever fall in love romantically. i suppose they could. but they do get married regardless because they're like#well we're both 30 and single and comfortably well off. might as well. but its not a bad marriage or anything they're both happy with this#and again maybe they do fall in love idk#this is what post canon looks like in my head and if you disagree... thats cool idc#saikechi is gay college shenanigans and a connection that doesn't die#terusai is predictable normalcy averageness. and thats fine
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kanna-kizuchi-enjoyer · 3 months
Analyzing the versions of Terusai
How well it fits within canon and with the characters general personalities
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Kokomi and Kusuo: Theyre already close friends and Kokomi has been shown to have a crush on him, when his powers went away, he stared at her and did say that her face would be considered pretty. Also the combination of gorgeous and psychic would be unstoppable.
It would also help both of them out, both of them get considered more than human, by their family especially. Kusuo already considers Kokomi to be a regular girl which is part of why she likes him so much, platonically or romantically. I think that opinion would do wonders for her, she would be allowed to have a break and wouldn't have to keep up her performance around him. And for Kusuo, Kokomi doesn't know him extremely well as shown by her fantasy version of him. However, she could get to know him better as time progresses. Even if she does learn about his powers, she would be shocked at first obviously, however she would grow to accept it, and given how shes been treated and how she is favoured by God, and her ability to guess people thoughts on her with extreme precision (see: average boy from the 3 legged race) her experiences border on psychic, this would allow her to be able to see Kusuo more as a regular boy than most people who know do, an example being Kuusuke.
It would also most likely help with their familial issues given the similarities. Both their older brothers have their issues, albeit different degrees, this would allow them to understand each other's problems and therefore let each other work through it.
Makoto and Kusuo: Who doesn't like enemies to lovers? They hate each other but they keep interacting, one time Makoto even halfway hugged him, strange behaviour to a guy you hate, not to mention how many times Makoto has randomly showed up at Kusuo's house unannounced. Also, Makoto is shown to be very jealous of Kusuo due to his friendship with Kokomi, a good twist on this would be that he's jealous of Kokomi but can't handle those feelings so he copes in the strangest manner. This would improve Makoto's character and the fanbases opinion on him. He is definitely the most hated Saiki K character, why? Because of his blatant obsession with his own sister, if you remove that, you can focus on his better qualities more. He's a funny and interesting character with a great design but that gets overshadowed by the sister thing.
Aside from that idea, it still works even if you keep the sister issue. Learning to love someone else would be good for him. His obsession hurts him and especially Kokomi, so being separated from her would give both her time to heal and him time to learn to love someone else, and allow the siblings to develop a healthy sibling bond.
Kokomi and Kuusuke: I believe it would be toxic as hell. Kuusuke has been shown to be actively hostile towards her (and most people) and given how much of her pride he shattered, she probably holds a deep grudge against him. I think if they were to date they would act nice to each other around people but it would be very strained and fake, but they would end up trying to best each other constantly, Kuusuke because he dislikes her, and Kokomi because she dislikes him and to regain her damaged pride. They would be like the couples who actively despise each other but Kuusuke and Kokomi would not tell people that.
However, in the scenario of a healthy relationship, It could benefit them in some ways. As I said with Kusuo, Kuusuke doesn't consider Kokomi anything more than a regular girl, (he actually believes that she's less than that, or more accurately, all humans are, except Kusuo and he likely places himself between the two categories.) Since he doesn't consider her godlike, she could be free to be herself, and be somewhat free from that pressure. On top of that, Kuusuke figured out her entire characters based on about 20 minutes with her, so there wouldn't even be a point of being a perfect pretty girl since he already knows who she is. I would say it would help him get over his competitiveness against Kusuo, however, I doubt he thinks highly of anyone else's opinion so Kokomi's input would have no effect on his behaviour. However, seeing the Cambridge scenes, he seems extremely lonely, so companionship, romantic or not, would benefit him.
Makoto and Kuusuke: Honestly, there's no telling how they would react to each other, they have no dynamic to go off of. However, everything I said about Makoto and how Kusuo would improve him, goes for Kuusuke as well so it would impact Makoto at least, and with Kuusuke, as with Kokomi, it would help dwindle his loneliness. Also, they have a lot of comedic potential, they are both very eccentric and strange men, being around each other's influence would probably amplify those traits. Imagining the amount of disapproval Kusuo and Kokomi would have about it is great on it's own. Overall, they are up to interpretation, they can be whatever the viewer wants them to be, and that in of itself is wonderful potential.
My personal opinions on them
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What does "Positive but neutral" mean? It means I like the ship but I do not indulge in actively shipping it. Other than that, I post about Makoto and Kuusuke everyday without fail, I love Kokomi and Kusuo's friendship and see them more as best friends rather than lovers, and I am not very fond of Kuusuke and Kokomi (as a ship, as characters I adore them)
Overall, I respect all ships and the people who ship them.
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aoki553 · 3 months
IDK what ships you haven't talked about before... Uh... Terusai? Chiyomiko? Mikotori?
IK you've definitely talked about torisai but I'd like to hear what you have to say about that too lol.
OKAY SORRY FOR LATE REPLY BUT I HAD MY GF OVER i can finally reply to this ask (referencing this post) <
terusai - makes sense, doesn't compel me
i know where people are coming from with this one bc duh like it's very obvious but at the same time the dynamic is just.. not there for me. maybe its bc of my hyper specific taste. they work in canon but fanfic wise i'd have nothing to add myself. they are still quite awesome and an adorable duo who have their own supernatural abilities and struggle with them sometimes.
chiyomiko - makes sense(kinda), doesn't compel me
i get the concept but i just personally don't ship mikoto with anyone ig,, but they're probably the first femslash ship i could get behind if i really thought about it honestly. they're both obsessed with romance… the more i think about it the cuter it becomes, honestly. even as i'm writing this right now…
mikotori - doesn't make sense, doesn't compel me
this one is probably one of my biggest notps. they're awesome as friends but romantically it has nothing going on or interesting for me. i think the idea of mikoto being the one who could keep reita in check is hilarious though.
torisai - makes sense, compels me <333
haters will say it doesnt make sense but i heavily disagree. it doesnt matter to me if kusuo thinks of reita as human garbage with zero morals. they're a cute pair that develops past the "master and apprentice" thing and become friends. i see them as equals in a way, kusuo keeps reita away from trouble.. and their personalities just… WORK. GRGRGRH i wanna bite them and squeeze them "but uhkm saiki actually hates him so shut up dumbass (nerd emoji)" i just burped so loud mm
thank you for the ask and sorry for the wait!! (i have like 30 more unanswered asks i couldnt let this become one of them)
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ureunyung · 4 months
I love Tumblr bc whether you ship Terusai or not, we can agree that Saiki doesn’t actually fucking hate Teruhashi 😭.
Romantic or Platonic, he really does care for her and it’s so clear 😞.
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oceanwithouthermoon · 7 months
nah wait terusai and yumeyasu go on a double date and accidentally become a polyamorous relationship ☠️
straight couples accidentally turn each other queer (/lie they just realize it together but they all have comphet lol)
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recklessracoon · 25 days
My feelings on Terusai are really weird because I think that their dynamic in canon is pretty compelling but if they actually ended up getting together I would find it rather unsatisfying. Saiki could very easily end up just sort of doormatting his way into a relationship with her because going along with her is in many ways the path of least resistance which means Teruhashi never has to learn to be okay with not being adored or look more deeply into the true nature of her feelings for Saiki (which aren't necessarily NOT romantic but to me it really just seems more that she likes how normal he is about her and how safe she feels around him). I personally prefer it when they somehow manage to work things out and become friends because they provide some much needed enrichment in each other's lives and really do have a lot in common they could bond over.
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silvyslayer42 · 1 year
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ok so (explanations under the cut)
in order of worst to best we have-
F - satosai. get out of my face, satosai.
full disclosure though- i used to really like satosai, but then i grew as a person and part of that is realizing satosai is painful amounts of overrated and mid (im joking obviously, though i do truthfully dislike it, no shade to you if you do. plus i still look at ship content of it sometimes because it’s there in mass amounts and they’re cute sometimes). also some satosai fans are so annoyingggg (you know the ones) and will go after other saiki ships and be like “anyways satosai better” and i do genuinely think you’re annoying and should get off of my page if you do that.
E - kuboyasu x teruhashi. it goes in E tier for “Eh?” because i do not get it
i have nothing to say about them, to the point that it’s not even funny. this is like, a very sober crackship to me. im sure someone who does really like this ship could sell me on it but it hasn’t happened yet. i see this ship around sometimes and just get so confused. i do not see the chemistry
D - kubosai. even more confusing than the last one in some ways but i kind of see the charm of it.
again though, nothing much to say. they work aesthetically, like—the bones of a good ship are here, but there’s no meat to tear into. in their canon/close to canon versions i cannot see it at all (probably because i like other ships with both of them a lot more), but in a good fic or au i do very much indulge in the BAMF x BAMF content. yeah idk what else to say, they’re so low on here because i just do not think about them as a romantic pairing or seek it out. i don’t know why it’s so popular (unless there’s some solo chapter with them as a duo that ive never seen)
C - imuteru, hii x satou, and makoku (with one u). yeah, I know, C tier for “Contreversial Take” i suppose.
imuteru used to be higher up on the list, but then terusai took over my body and soul, and i just can’t really see them together anymore. whenever i think of imuteru i think of unrequited imuteru on imu’s end and that makes me sad :( for some reason this same effect didn’t happen with teruchiyo or mikoteru but that might be that those two have other ships with the characters aswell idk
satou x hii would be further up because i do really like them together and i think the whole luck balancing thing is super cute, i just don’t think about them enough to put them higher. yes, your boos are understandable, and your tomato throwing. someday i’ll decide to read a fic about them and it’ll probably become B tier idk
.. ok now you REALLY HAVE TO HEAR ME OUT. makoto x kusuo could be so funny. this is a true crackship, and one laced with the absolutely most fatal drug cocktail you’ve ever seen. in a world where makoto isn’t literally a walking incest joke and is just a protective and pretty idiot it slaps so hard. kokomi would hate it, kuusuke would hate it, his parents would be questioning how kusuo managed to bag a famous actor without mind control. it is utter chaos and so so much better for it. i think they should be more popular and it’s probably my worst saiki k take. still, putting them any higher is basically saiki k fandom sacrilege atp so.
B - nendou x saiko, mikosai (+mikoteru and teruchiyo which weren’t on the tierlist for some reason), kaisai, and yumekai. now we’re getting somewhere. i quite like all of these.
nendou x saiko is just very fun to me. idiot for idiot but it’s in the romcom rich guy who doesn’t know shit meets guy who doesn’t know shit either. silly x tries to be serious but can’t really pull it off. i think they can both mutually make each others lives better + their interactions in canon were great. i wish they were more popular
oh boy mikosai!! oh boy, mikosai… mikosai is the first sight of my polyship i like to call “psychicshipping” which is where i ship all of the PK psychickers together romantically as a weird kind of OT4. i have so much to say on mikosai and a lot of thoughts about them, and i do genuinely like them as a pairing a lot, BUT. it ranks lower than the other psychicships because the fandom put a bad taste in my mouth with it. often, i see a lot of people hating on terusai in favor of mikosai or saying that mikosai is somehow more valid and im like “?”. it often feels like mikosai is the het saiki ship for teruhashi haters, which SUCKS because i do see the vision. like, THIS:
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this is great, yk? they look good together and the dynamic is great, but the way the fandom treats and characterizes them is not even close to how they should be, at least to me it’s not. this image sums up my feelings on them pretty well:
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closing thoughts: i should be the only one allowed to ship mikosai because only i understand them NEXT
mikoteru + teruchiyo bonus round because i like them too and they deserve to be here: these ships are both great in my professional opinion, but their paragraphs get combined because i don’t have a lot of vested interest in them specifically despite really liking them. I think teruhashi’s problems could all be fixed if she had at least one girlfriend (preferably more) and that is my only thoughts really. i get very happy when i see people making ship content for either of these, please make more yuri content with teruhashi now thank you !!
kaisai!! this was the first saiki k ship i read a fic for and the first ship i enjoyed. it’s very nostalgic to me because of that. to me they give “greasy gamer who could be blown over by a ghost of wind boyfriend who likes getting himself into trouble x stoic but secretly sweet boyfriend who subtly protects him” which is a rare and overlooked dynamic i think, and something you can’t really get from kubokai. kubokai might still be better but that doesn’t mean kaidou doesn’t have two hands now does it? closing thoughts: i think they’re very cute and need more people to see that, romantically or platonically.
yumekai. i think they should’ve been canon in the end idc idc. i might like other ships with these two more but that does not mean i won’t acknowledge how much i like them. they are honestly one of the best het ships in the entire fandom and need more recognition!! they can be angsty mutual pinning. they can be toothrottingly fluffy. they can be so infuriatingly stupid (they are always stupid but shush). they can be the incarnation of young love. they can and should grow old together. the only reason they aren’t higher up is because, like i said before, i like other ships with either of them so much already so there’s not enough room in my heart for them 😞
A - mikosuka (plus aikechi and torikechi bonus rounds that will both be getting their own paragraphs this time), saikechi, torisai, kubokai, and nendou x hairo. OH YEAH BABYY! all of these are solid and the fandom hasn’t ruined them, in fact all of the stuff ive seen of them slaps. 10/10
mikosuka. please be more popular aaa!! the only reason it’s not is because of how much toritsuka got done dirty in canon for the “pervert character” trope- and how much the fandom just despises him. they’re hilarious in a “married couple who do nothing but fight all the time but everyone can tell they love each other anyways” way to me, not to mention how they’re also a part of psychicshipping. i do think they work better as part of a polycule with saiki to center them, but i saw a post about how aiura could’ve been mistaken and toritsuka might’ve actually been hinted as her soulmate and it’s been a majority of my thoughts since. i think they should get married after a long journey of selfdiscovery for them both where at the end of it they decide they both like life better with each other. i think they should stay in a “will they won’t they” like idiot love interests in a bad but popular tv show forever. i live laugh love mikosuka. i think they both deserve better (mostly aiura but toritsuka too in some ways). closing thoughts: brain running wild all the time 24/7 for these guys forever and ever.
aikechi. i hadn’t really thought about them before making contact with @/no-psi-nan’s posts about them but now my eyes are OPENED!! honestly before that i just saw them in the polypsychiccule as connected via their mutual love for saiki but not with each other directly, but now they are so much more than that to me. he’s the right amount of calm to nicely contrast her passionate fire in a way that the other two just aren’t. they are the pinacle of competent 4 competent while still being idiots in their own ways. aiura shows a picture of him to someone and says “this is my loser pissboy husband. i love him so much”
torikechi. i started liking them in a similar way that i started liking aikechi but the vibes with them are so very different than aikechi. compared to toritsuka, akechi is the cool one and that is crazy 2 me. really really dumb x only a little bit dumb but extremely unhinged in other ways. akechi can finally talk at someone who and be halfway listened to without annoying the other person because of toritsuka being used to ghosts randomly appearing to talk to him all the time and he is ecstatic. toritsuka is just happy to be here and also very confused tbh.
saikechi. what’s there not to like about saikechi tbh. a lot of canon backing and the childhood friends trope? peak. the potential that this ship has for angst and hurt/comfort is sososo good gahhh!! akechi being torn up about saiki leaving and saiki feeling guilty. saiki thinking that he’s done something horrible and not expecting forgiveness, but receiving it anyway :((( aaaaa!!! “you really shouldn’t forgive me. you should hate me” x “i already forgave you, and how could i ever hate you when i love you so much?���. like??? hello??? they make me cry. they make me so happy. they can help each other heal and become better. they could even make each other worse if you play your cards right (you’d be evil for it tho). closing thoughts: screaming crying shaking sobbing throwing up clawing the ground and punching my pillow because of how much i care about them
torisai. they are so funny lmao. also they complete the psychicshipping love square
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(^the psychicshipping love square. pink line between names means those two characters are dating, in love, married, etc.) so ofc i love them. as mentioned, i think they’re very funny (a common trait of a lot of the ships i like) and i think saiki could fix him (/j). not much to say since they are my head empty ship but yeah i like me some torisai
kubokai. do i even need to explain?? like torisai there’s not much i really feel i need to say about them but like. who doesn’t like kubokai? these two could not go an episode without doing something gay and we love them for that. not to mention the piles upon piles of content for them. closing thoughts: ofc i like kubokai, who doesn’t like kubokai?
nendou x hairo. HELL YEAH BABYY!! <- my reaction when i see a post about them. underrated as hell, just like how these two are as characters. they’re my sillies. the silliest gay couple ever. aso shuichi agrees trust me. also that chapter where they got mistaken for a couple was so fucking funny. it’s a shame like no one knows about it since it’s basically softcore in some parts so it didn’t get animated
S - terusai and aichiyo. MY FAVS! i eat breathe and live on this. i have a current pintrest board of these ships because i love them so much.
aichiyo. give me more aichiyo content, NOW. aichiyo is seriously my favorite aiura ship, and i look it up on this godforsaken website, and you know what i find? LIKE THREE POSTS. THREE. THATS BASICALLY NOTHINGGG. and there’s not really a lot of fics ive found about them either (if you have recommendations i want them. please). that episode where they interacted was so gay it outshined nearly everything else. like- they’re so in love!! *shakes you* listen to me damnit!! they love each other!! they’re just so adorable i don’t know what you want me to say. look at them LOOK AT THEMMMM
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(^made by @/wowneh_toon on twitter) closing thoughts: they make me feral
terusai (ending with this one instead of going in order because they are my number one favs out of any saiki k ship to have ever been concocted). AAAAAHH!!!!!! I LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCHH!!!! terusai is the kind of ship that grows on you the longer you’re a fan of the show, and now it’s my straight up comfort ship. anyone who disagrees is WRONG this whole fandom is WRONG and im not afraid to say that. if you don’t like them at least queerplatonically i think your takes are immature and stupid and im blocking you. terusai is perfect for a fluffy future au where teruhashi is the breadwinner and saiki is her housewife. infinity/10 best romance ever written no complaints. there’s so many terusai moments and chapters (remember when teruhashi was about to confess to him as kuriko and he was blushing???like??? how could anyone see that shit and still think he genuinely hates her… i know i sound so mean here but idc im so so tired of this fandom and the absolute DISRESPECT terusai goes through on a daily basis) thank you aso shuichi for gifting the world with teruhashi and terusai. closing thoughts: i love them and if you don’t i do NOT want to hear about it. id fight the whole fandom over them if i had to im not kidding.
phew that was a lot of writing. i hope you enjoyed my ramblings because all of these came from deep within my heart. also my opinions are all cosmic truths so if you disagree then i guess we’ll just have to both live with you being wrong 🤷
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ind3cisive-cl0wn · 2 months
Not trying to change your opinion, but I would like to say that terusai is absolutely the ship the makes the most sense in Saiki K haha. The mixer scene, the "offu" scene, and the meteor scene are absolutely the most romantic seeming affection/tension that saiki has with anyone in the show. My personal favorite ship is saikechi to be honest, I'm not a big terusai person myself, but it's definitely the ship the mangaka most intended the readers to ship, and it shows!
I totally agree that it makes sense- it's the most obvious that's what they wanted for sure it's the intended.
I meant mostly that I just don't get it - they don't seem romantic to me. I guess even the scenes you pointed out don't really feel that romantic on both sides, mainly just one-sided teruhashi.
I don't hate the ship. I can definitely see the appeal I just can't see them together without squinting real hard
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