#Rory Willams
twinge-of-cosmicangst · 8 months
A Taylor Swift song for each new who companion
Ruby hasn’t got one yet it’s too early days. Nardole and Dan haven’t got ones, nothing against them, but try finding a Taylor Swift song for Nardole or Dan. Ryan and Graham share their song. Mickey sort of shares his song with Rose, but it’s a pick or him, and Rory shares his song with Amy and also the young Melody a bit (in a platonic way with the latter obv) but it is a pick for Rory. A lot of these are self explanatory but some are more obscure (Jack and Donna’s) and I may make another post within the next few days explaining my picks if I can be arsed.
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bumble-lee3 · 9 months
MY BABY BOY IS BACK 😭😭😭 and hes being roman and hes being plastic and hes being the best husband in the universe 😭😭😭😭
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juanmecanico · 7 months
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El bisnieto de Henry Ford se unió a la realeza de UAW para convertir una pieza de la historia automotriz en un Centro Hare Krishna. ¡Wow! Este es un giro interesante en la dinámica entre los productores de automóviles y los sindicatos. Willam Clay Ford Jr., el bisnieto de Henry Ford, y Rory Gamble, el presidente del UAW, se unieron para hacer una declaración conjunta sobre la construcción de vehículos eléctricos y compartir su visión del futuro. Es cierto que la industria del automóvil está en medio de una revolución tecnológica, con la electrificación en el centro de todo. #ElectricVehicles (VehículosEléctricos) están cambiando la perspectiva de conducción y fabricación tal y como la conocemos. Pero, ¿qué significa esta transición para los trabajadores de la industria? El UAW ha estado en tensión con Ford durante bastante tiempo, especialmente durante las recientes discusiones laborales. Ford, junto con GM y Chrysler, constituyen los llamados "Tres Grandes" de Detroit, que durante mucho tiempo han sido el epicentro de la industria automotriz y las disputas laborales en Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, esta declaración conjunta es un gesto positivo. En ella, Ford y Gamble reconocieron la necesidad de mantener y crear trabajos en el sector de vehículos eléctricos. En términos de vehículos, Ford ha estado haciendo grandes avances en la electrificación, como se puede ver en su nuevo Mustang Mach-E. Este vehículo es un indicio de lo que podríamos esperar del futuro de Ford. ¿Qué significa esto para nosotros, los consumidores de coches? Bueno, más vehículos eléctricos significa un enfoque más serio en las infraestructuras de recarga y, a largo plazo, potencialmente reducir nuestra dependencia de los combustibles fósiles. Pero hay liquidez. Si Ford y UAW están trabajando juntos, eso también significa que se está pensando en los trabajadores. Estoy emocionado de ver cómo esta alianza entre el UAW y Ford puede allanar el camino para un futuro eléctrico y seguro para todos. Este es un gran paso hacia el futuro de la industria automotriz, y estoy emocionado de ver cómo Ford evoluciona con los cambios. Es importante recordar que, si bien la tecnología puede avanzar rápidamente, las personas y las comunidades que están detrás de estas innovaciones también juegan un papel crucial en el éxito de la transición. La colaboración de Ford y UAW demuestra que es posible trabajar juntos para proteger tanto el futuro de la industria del automóvil como el bienestar de sus trabajadores. Ante todo, esta noticia resalta lo dinámico que puede ser el sector automotriz. Siempre hay algo nuevo en el horizonte, nuevos desarrollos tecnológicos, nuevos modelos e innovaciones. Es emocionante ser testigo y compartir estos cambios con ustedes. Así que, manténganse en sintonía para más análisis y, por supuesto, más recorridos conmigo. ¡Hasta la próxima! #AutomociónDelFuturo.
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beatlesonline-blog · 2 years
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blueinfinity03 · 3 years
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Saw this. Remade it. My mind won’t be changed.
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omg the doctor literally came out of a cake and said you fiance cheated on you!
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nevermindigotthis · 5 years
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The rest of the companions. Donna, Martha, Pond&Williams und Team Tardis. Today has been a very artsy day for me. 😄
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neotrinitythinker · 6 years
Lets not forget that on doctor who, not only did twelve punch a racist, probably slave owning dick, but rory williams also punched and locked hitler in a cupboard at gunpoint i love a iconic show.
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singledarkshade · 6 years
Memory Wipe
Part Seven
Rip half-listened to Sara explain the mission to the team, his mind going over the past few months. Something had been trying to catch his attention but his brain was still a bit overwhelmed with everything making him a little slow.
“Anything to add, Rip?” Sara’s voice pulled him back to the bridge.
“Try not to destroy the timeline,” he said making Sara smile slightly.
Everyone headed to get ready and he turned to her, “Did we just send Mr Rory out to start the Great Fire of London?”
Sara nodded.
“Who asked for the marshmallows?” he asked before holding up his hand, “Let me guess, Ray.”
“Nate actually.”
Rip rolled his eyes, “You corrupted him.”
“Maybe just a little,” Sara shrugged before asking, “What are you thinking about?”
He grimaced, “When the Legion had the Spear they created a world where we were all prisoners and several of the team had their memories altered.”
“I remember the other version of us explaining,” Sara replied.
Rip grimaced, “I remember the actual world.”
“What?” Sara demanded, “How?” before stopping him replying, “And I swear if you tell me it’s complicated I will break something.”
Rip hesitated, “It is complicated and honestly I’m not completely sure. Amy’s bedroom had a crack in the wall which turned out to have been a crack in the skin of reality. Somehow because of this she managed to bring the Doctor back from the other side by remembering him.”
“Still doesn’t explain,” Sara told him “Or make any sense.”
“I spent a lot of time in that room as a kid,” Rip continued, “Slept there more than once. Especially after Amy and I started dating. I think that is why I seem to remember the alternate worlds I’ve lived in.”
“You know I didn’t think knowing a Time Master could get any weirder,” she told him.
Rip chuckled, “Try knowing a Time Lord.”
“Anyway, the reason you’re bringing this up?” Sara asked.
“Both Ray and Nate’s memories seemed to leak through the block,” Rip explained, “And this allowed Ray to create a gun to bring everyone’s memories back.”
“You think this would work on Amy?”
Rip sighed, “I’m hoping. I trust the Doctor but the way she reacted to his name means I doubt she’ll hold still while he enters her mind to remove the block.”
“And you don’t want anyone to hurt her,” Sara said.
He nodded grimly.
She rested a comforting hand on his arm, “We’ll get him working on it as soon as they’re back.”
  The TARDIS materialised and River frowned confused as she had no idea where they were.
“Come on,” the Doctor told her leading her outside.
“Where are we?” she demanded looking around the grey landscape from the door because the Doctor stood two steps in front of the box blocking her way out.
He held up his hand and took three large strides forward, stopping he turned to his right and took three more before sidestepping to his left.
River watched him make several more strange moves before she heard a hum go through the world, “Doctor?”
“It’s what I’m waiting for,” he told her.
River watched as a control panel materialised in front of the Doctor, “What?”
“This is a Time Lord outpost,” he told her, “Join me.”
With a shake of her head she moved to his side and watched him tap a complicated sequence of symbols. A sound similar to the one the TARDIS made surrounded them and River gasped as the world around them changed. Gallifreyan symbols covered the walls and she stared at the red sky outside the window.
“Do not touch anything,” the Doctor told her
  The Doctor left River looking around while he headed to check for the information he hoped was here. He was almost sure that it had been a Time Lord who had created the memory block within Rory’s mind which should be impossible but it wouldn’t be the first time he had been fooled.
By the same Time Lord he was sure he’d sensed.
If the Master was back then Amy was in more danger than he’d originally thought.
Finding the section he was looking for the Doctor started to search. The problem he had was that this information was not held in any form other than here and it could take some time to find it.
“River,” he called, “I need you to join me.”
She jogged across the room, “What do you need?”
“I need you to go through these volumes and check for any information you can find on STAR.”
River looked at him confused, “What is that?”
“I think that is what our mystery woman is after,” he replied, “And if she gets it she could destroy the universe.”
  “That was fun,” Mick noted as he marched back onto the ship a self-satisfied grin on his face.
Rip rolled his eyes, “Well done, Mr Rory. You started one of the most famous fires in history. Please tell me you made sure to start it in the right place.”
Mick slapped him on the shoulder, “You worry too much, Englishman.”
Shaking his head Rip didn’t reply and just waited for Ray to arrive back. The scientist grinned at him when he stepped on board.
“Rip,” Ray said, “Do you need something?”
“Yes,” he motioned the other man to join him. As they walked through the corridors he explained the memory gun that Ray had built in the other timeline.
“Well,” Ray mused, “I suppose I could recreate it. But you still don’t know how to find her.”
Rip grimaced, “Actually I’ve been thinking about that as well.”
“And?” Ray asked.
“Venice,” Rip replied.
  “Venice?” Sara asked confused as she sat across from him in the study.
Rip nodded, “Do you remember when we went to Venice I asked Gideon if we’d been there before?”
“Because I had,” Rip told her, “And I had been there in 1580. It was the first trip Rory took in the TARDIS.”
Sara frowned slightly, “Do you know you’re doing that?”
“Referring to yourself in the third person,” Sara explained.
Rip leaned back musing this over, “It seems to be the easiest way to deal.”
“Well stop it,” she told him, “You’re Rip and you’re Rory, we understand that.”
He nodded a little surprised.
“So, Venice.”
“The Doctor brought Ro...me on to the TARDIS,” Rip explained, “Then took us to Venice on a date.”
Sara smiled slightly, “How long had you been dating Amy?”
“We were getting married the next morning,” Rip replied, “It’s...”
“Tell me complicated and you will regret it,” Sara warned.
He laughed, “Just long and not relevant but I promise once this is over I will tell you the full story.”
Sara chuckled at his wry reply, “Deal. So your first trip with the Doctor was to Venice which is where we encountered Amy for the first time since you became Rip,” she mused, “So you have an idea where to go to find them?”
Rip nodded, “Florida, 1969.”
“Why there?”
A flash of pain flickered over his face before he replied, “Because that’s where they took her from me.”
  Sara checked on Ray who was working with Stein to build the memory gun. Jax had also joined them and was sitting with a look of irritation as they ‘conferred’.
“How’s it going?” she asked the youngest member of the team.
Jax shrugged, “They’re discussing the calibration of the beam. Ray’s is over thinking everything because this is for Rip’s wife...other wife...or whatever.”
Sara laughed although she could understand the confusion on how to process this, considering they’d spent so long trying to save Rip’s wife Miranda.
“Ray,” she interrupted the two scientists, “Have you almost got the gun ready?”
He grimaced, “I’m not sure. I think it’s calibrated but I can’t test it.”
“Mr Palmer,” Stein spoke up, “I have reviewed everything you have done and Jefferson has checked to ensure the wiring is correct. It is ready.”
Ray grimaced before lifting the memory gun, “I just want to...”
“Ray,” Sara cut him off, “Stop. We’re on our way to try and retrieve Amy so I need you to be certain that this thing will work.”
He firmed his lips, “Theoretically it should work but,” he added quickly, “We’re assuming the memory block will be broken by it.”
Sara nodded and started out throwing over her shoulder, “Be ready. We’re going to make the jump in an hour.”
  Rip stood in the doorway to the galley where Mick was sitting eating chocolate from what he thought might be Jax’s stash.
“Stop hovering,” the thief told him without looking up, “Tell me what you want.”
Stepping inside Rip folded his arms across his chest, “I need you to do something for me.”
“Which is?” Mick demanded.
“Whatever happens if we find Amy then I need you to make sure she gets on this ship,” Rip told him, “No matter what happens to me, I need to know she’s safe.”
Mick leaned back and stared at him, “Why ask me?”
“If we get her memories back Amy can be persuasive and I know I can count on you to ignore her or use this,” Rip replied before he placed a medi-pen on the table, “It’s a sedative.”
“If the thing Haircut is working on doesn’t work,” Mick noted.
Rip nodded, “Precisely.”
Mick stared at the sedative for a moment before looking back up at Rip who stared back at him.
“I know we have never seen eye to eye, Mick,” Rip told him, “And that is basically my fault. But I am asking that you protect her because I trust you to not let anything get in your way.”
“You know you’ve never called me that before,” Mick noted.
Rip frowned confused, “What?”
“My name.”
Rip stared at him for several minutes before shrugging, “It looks like my subconscious was trying to tell me something. Can I count on you for this?”
Mick picked up the sedative, “Just because I want to meet the redhead properly and see how insane she drives you.”
  The Waverider settled into the field in Florida in July 20th 1969. Rip sat watching Sara drive remembering that at this time somewhere else Amy was being held hostage by the Silence while he, the Doctor and River were on their way to rescue her.
“Please me find her this time,” he muttered before looking up as Sara called his name, “Alright, everyone knows what we’re doing?”
Nods answered him and Rip stopped turning to look at the Legends.
“I want to thank you all for helping,” he said sincerely, “This isn’t what you signed up for when you joined me.”
“Actually it is,” Sara moved to his side, “We agreed to help you save your family, just because none of us were aware how complicated your family is doesn’t mean we’re not still here to help.”
Rip smiled at her.
“Can we move,” Mick snarled, “I want to see if Haircut’s device makes someone’s head explode.”
Unable to stop himself Rip chuckled, laughing harder at the argument that broke out as they headed to the hatch. It was extremely comforting to have them at his back.
They exited the ship and just as the hatch shut a familiar noise sounded and a blue box appeared.
Rip’s smile faded when the doors opened and Amy appeared with the woman who had taken her from him.
“Hello, Rory,” the woman smiled at him, “Fancy meeting you here.”
  The Legends all readied to defend themselves but no one else appeared.
“So you’re a Time Lord,” Rip noted gripping his pistol tightly.
“That would be Time Lady, Mr Williams,” she smirked at him, “I’m very impressed. I thought it would take you longer to work out where to come.”
“Venice was quite a clue,” he retorted.
She laughed, “Well, I think it’s time you come with me and Amelia.”
“You’ll find we’re not on board with that idea,” Sara stated coldly from his side.
The woman laughed, “Amelia, why don’t you invite our friend.”
Rip didn’t move when Amy stepped into him a knife appearing at his throat, “Ray.”
The effect was instantaneous. Amy’s eyes widened in shock, the knife falling from her hand and Rip saw the woman step back surprise flickering across her face. Grabbing Amy he pulled her back into the circle of the team, Sara, Amaya and Nate taking up position in front of them.
“Rory?” Amy whispered confused, “What’s happening?”
He stroked her cheek, “It’s okay. I’ve got you back.”
“Actually,” the woman spoke up, “I’m afraid you haven’t. Did you think I wouldn’t have thought you might manage something like this, Rory? It’s time for you to come with me.”
Rip pushed Amy behind him before moving to join Sara, “Why should I do what you want?”
The woman began to laugh, “It was always you I wanted, Rory. Amy was just a little insurance policy or I should say still is my insurance policy.”
Ice slid along Rip’s spine, “What does that mean?”
The woman pulled out a detonator, “Well, you come with me or the explosives I’ve planted into your lovely wife will go boom.”
Rip spun to where Amy stood looking confused at what was going on before he turned back.
“If you hurt her...”
“I won’t,” the woman replied, “If you come with me.”
“Rip,” Sara warned but he ignored her.
“If you hurt Amy or any of my friends...” Rip started only to be cut off by a wave of the woman’s hand.
“I’ll give you a few minutes to make your goodbyes,” she said.
Rip stared at her before saying, “I watch them get on board and leave then I will walk into your TARDIS without a fight.”
“Just make sure to leave them your coat, your jacket and all weapons you’re carrying,” the woman told him.
Rip slid his coat off and handed it to Ray before following suit with his jacket. He then passed over his gun and the two knives he kept in his boot.
“Rory,” Amy started, her eyes flashing with anger, “You are not doing this.”
“I have to,” he breathed, “I can’t let anything happen to you again.”
Amy gripped his hand, “We go together.”
“No,” he replied glancing up at Mick, “We don’t.”
Before Amy could argue back Mick pressed the medi-pen against her neck and injected her with the sedative. Anger filled her eyes before she collapsed unconscious against Rip’s chest. Rip held her close for a moment kissing the top of her head before handing his sleeping wife to Mick who lifted her into his arms.
“Rip,” Sara said, “Don’t do this.”
He looked into her eyes, “Trust me, Sara. This is for the best. Now take your team to safety and get Amy to Gideon.”
She stared at him for several moments before nodding and motioned the Legends back to the Waverider.
Rip stood watching his ship leave before he walked towards the woman and her TARDIS. The moment he stepped inside something slammed into the back of his head and he collapsed to the floor.
The last thing he heard was the woman laughing.
Part Eight
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wholocktrashh-blog · 7 years
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Gahh 😍
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torchwoodwho · 5 years
fuck marry kill: ninth doctor, Clara Oswald, Rory Willams
umm fuck clara, marry rory (he’d obviously be a good husband) and kill nine but only because he’d regenerate
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Rory runs into an old man who goes by Anthony feeding the ducks at the pond in Central Park.
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lesbianbruabba · 6 years
Just me rambling about people I used to know on this hellsite, who at some point I was friends with. I miss some of them. This thing is solely for my own interest and keeping a record lol. 
2012 (pre-hellsite)
This actually doesn’t belong here but fit into the ‘people I used to know’ category. I met a bunch of people online who all had some sort of mental illness or another so I can talk about my problems freely with them. They were all very sweet people - CP, a Swedish woman who was unemployed and has the world’s biggest douchebag for a boyfriend, Nurse Kay, a Cali girl studying nursing, B.R. (who I still keep in touch with), an Australian goth who lived with her mum and liked sewing as much as I do, Ruthie, the Irish woman who loved horses and had a therapist called Mary, and Sam, a sweet Bahrani girl studying to be a doctor at med school, who we all called an angel on earth because she is seriously the kindest person ever. She referred to herself as Percy Weasley sometimes and she loved Ben and Jerry’s. 
2013-2015 (GRPC)
I used to talk to a lot of people, especially after Mission Bay closed down. I put my goddamn soul in that thing but it was kinda stupid tbh. Anyway there were two Tay’s, as I remember? One rp’ed Rory and the other Sam, both lovely. And L/Katelyn who was...an interesting personality, things didn’t go down well. There was Ines, who was very sweet and helpful, and Tango who was a huge fan of President Obama and his family, and he had a crush on a guy called Anton. There was Ken who rp’ed Kurt and dated Kes at the time, who had a sweet cousin called Farrah (rip), who rp’ed with Alli. Ray and Alex had their own 1x1 called Copper Springs that was a branch-off of HR. There was this enthusiastic girl called Hayley who had a lil sister called North (or her character was called North?) And there was Bay, whose real name was Becky, who used to skype me a lot, we were around the same age. Ray, Alli, Kes and Ken were in the skype group too, it was so fun then. And Megan, who was somewhat hot-headed but also gave great advice, and was my role model for a long while. Also lovely Rane, who was in our inner circle but didn’t have skype, she was so responsible and kept track of everything. There were Sara and Jess, both rp’ed Rachel, the former of whom I got into a fight with at the v beginning of my journey as a rper. And Leigh was always around, she never had a main blog so it was hard to communicate with her and she went on hiatus a lot. I remember a bunch of people who were in HR but had their own little clique - Spencer, Kristen, Louel. There was a catfish situation that happened with a dude called Geoffrey and a girl called Nicole I think? I remember someone called Judy who liked sex a lot and was studying to be a nurse, and a girl called Emily who was very gentle and soft. And Charlie who I was v close to for a long time, and Skits too, we used to play cards against humanity all the time. 
2016-2018 (AQ, but I kinda left it in 2017)
I believe the first person I spoke to from AQ was Fairy. That was when I submitted a depressing ass Biadore fic and she asked if I was okay. And then I kinda got to know more of the community. There was Aybike, who was a great artist (I believe they had their art retweeted by Willam). Wolfie, a drag queen in a poly relationship who waist trained. Danny wrote long multiship fics including Queens on Tour which was like 50 chapters? And he loved horses. There was Art, who was nice and also very manipulative so,, not as nice tbh. She formed the holy trinity with Sadie, who did a lot of livestreams and wrote Biadore exclusively (and vanished one day), and Fairy. There was Ramona who was like, the Queen of AQ because her fics got the highest amount of notes (deservedly so), and Lydia, who never really interacted with the community but I loved reading her writing. I remember someone called Stella who wrote Trixya, and quite well. There was also Morgana, who was a lovely and enthusiastic person, and Zula, who looked like a kid even though she was older than me XD And a sweet person called Spoky who spoke Korean and Finnish and recced me a lot of nice Finnish songs!! She would give me advice about how to get better from mental illness. There was Dane, who I used to chat to a lot about her fic Galactica. And Topaz, who’s a cheerleader at uni, I think I still have her on my instagram. I remember someone called Audrey (poppersprincess/vearl I think? she did the christmas fic exchange), and a girl called Lindsey who had a looooong fic, where she featured Alley/Red, who was a writer I was v good friends with, we used to chat all the time. She left our group chat around the time when Trump got elected. A lot of people left then actually. And there was this Portuguese kid, Alice, who asked me to beta her stuff for a while till I got too busy with school to do it. And there was this girl called Magenta who used to chat with me too? She wrote Spiral I think. 
I think that’s all the people that I used to talk to/that I don’t talk to anymore. (if I talk to you on a regular basis, or have you on my snapchat, you’re not in here.) I just like talking a lot about my life if that’s not obvious, and why not remember these people who I got along with well? I like keeping records and going over nostalgic things. 
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sorenmarie87 · 7 years
TV Shows
The Walking Dead Negan Ezekiel Simon Abraham Daryl and Jesus (150 Follower’s Giveaway) Daryl Dixon | Mechanic! Daryl
Supernatural John Winchester Benny Lafitte Sam Winchester | Fem version | Every girl likes a guy that can teach her a little something… | I flicker from time to time Dean Winchester | Fem version | Demon Dean | Demon Dean II | Mechanic Dean | Every girl likes a guy that can teach her a little something… | Winchester Garth Fitzgerald IV Gabriel Crowley | I’ll be a good girl in hell. Castiel | Cas Rowena Jo Harvelle
Stranger Things Jim Hopper Jim Hopper/Indiana Jones Steve Harrington Hemlock Grove Peter Roman American Horror Story Tate Kit Kyle Jimmy James Edward/Rory Kai Brooklyn Nine-Nine Jake Peralta Rosa Diaz Amy Santiago Charles Boyle Terry Jeffords Raymond Holt Gina Linetti Jake and Amy
Ash Vs. Evil Dead Ash J Willams Game of Thrones   Khal Drogo Drogon The Musketeers The Musketeers Parks and Rec Leslie and Ben Ron Swanson April and Andy New Girl New Girl Schmidt and Cece Nick and Jess
Dead Like Me Riverdale
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red-rocks17 · 5 years
Doctor Who companions in order from best to worst
Rose Tyler
Amy Pond
Rory Willams
Martha Jones
Clara Oswald
River Song(if she counts)
Sarah Jane
Literally anyone else in the entire multiverse
Donna Noble
I'm right, fight me.
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rory is filled to the brim with tally marks
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