#Rosalind Lutece imagine
lootzest · 2 months
from a request from @sadsideart: how about Robert giving Rosalind a flower/flower bouquet but it's actually a message in flower language/symbolism
This was really fun to research - people really were out here sending complicated messages through floral arrangements. I tried Robert being a bit more subtle about things but it required a level of oblivousness from Rosalind that I couldn't get to work. Plus, the Luteces are forced to interact with a third party which is always fun.
(also @sadsideart, you could request something every single day and I'd be delighted!! this goes for you and anyone else - prompts very welcome!!)
Red Gardenias
“Would you object to stopping in at the florists?” Robert stroked his empty lapel. “Really this coat requires a buttonhole and there was nothing suitable at home.” Rosalind laughed. The idea that their home - overflowing with papers, laboratory equipment, and discarded experiments - was the sort of household in which a gentleman might pluck a bloom from an arrangement in the hallway on his way out the door, was absurd.
“If you insist.” 
The afternoon was so appealing that even Rosalind had agreed that being shut indoors with their research was a waste. The sun was bright over the rooftops, a pleasant breeze carrying the occasional cloud across a brilliant blue sky. It was, in short, a perfect day: all the more perfect considering that those rooftops were floating thousands of feet in the air and that she had put them there.
Even the poorly hidden stares from their fellow citizens could not spoil it. She had once scolded a newspaperman who referred to them as “reclusive”, but the Luteces did keep their own company enough that their presence on the street drew notice. Identical twins were notable enough but famous identical twins, responsible for the very streets they walked on - not to mention their impeccable sense of style - gave the citizens of Columbia plenty to stare at.
And, as Robert had said while Rosalind straightened his tie before they left, “Imagine how much more they would stare if they knew how we spent the morning.” He had wrapped his arms around her waist and taken his last opportunity to kiss her until they returned home.
Until then, they had to settle for being arm in arm, Rosalind occasionally holding his elbow a little more firmly, reminding him of her presence. She did not catch his eye because if she did so she was likely to grin and she did not grin in public. Robert meanwhile could glance down at her and assume the detached smile he often did; no one need know the cause.
They slowed as they approached the florists, buckets of flowers filling the pavement outside, their scents mingling to an overwhelming, though not unappealing, perfume. Robert stooped to inspect them, sliding his arm out from Rosalind’s, his fingers grazing the inside of her elbow as he did. He pulled one stem from the display and held it to his lapel.
“Your thoughts please.”
“Not with that tie.” Popular opinion said that always dressed identically, another oversimplification by Columbia’s press that Rosalind had derided over the breakfast table. They dressed to complement each other, the sash around her waist the same green silk as his tie.
“You’re right,” he said, replacing the flower.
“As always.” She turned from the flowers; this decision could not be rushed. His knuckles grazed hers. In return, she flexed her fingers against his. That would have to do.
Across the way, a young couple read a menu outside a bistro. The woman had her arm through the man’s, his hand resting on hers, her head leaning towards his shoulder. Rosalind’s teeth ground against each other like screeching brakes.
“Mr. Lutece!” Rosalind looked back to see who was speaking. “And Madame Lutece too. As one would expect, of course. An honour.” A man stood in the entrance of the shop, a green apron over his clothes.
“My sister and I could not resist such a fine day.” Robert raised the bloom he was assessing. “And I find myself in need of flowers.”
The florist looked at the flower and his eyes disappeared with his smile.
“Now I must say that that is a fascinating choice!” Robert was nonplussed - he looked to Rosalind for explanation but, on this rare occasion, she had none either.
“I thought it brought out–” but the man cut across him.
“Perhaps you are aware of the language of flowers?” The concept was not unfamiliar to either Lutece. In one world, Robert’s fellow students had regularly fallen foul of the messages they had inadvertently sent in bouquets to girls they were courting; in another, Rosalind witnessed those same girls sobbing in the common room over bunches of yellow roses.
“‘There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance’ and all that?” he offered. Rosalind’s foot tapped impatiently behind a bucket of hyacinths.
“Yes indeed - but this one is much more interesting. Whoever is to receive them - she’s a lucky woman indeed!”
Rosalind’s foot stopped tapping.
“Ah, you mistake –” Robert started but the florist continued, his eyes bright and blinded by his own enthusiasm for the subject.
“After all, Mr. Lutece, you are a very eligible man, no doubt you have your pick of young ladies…and your sister can’t expect to keep you all to herself.”
The stench of the mingled flowers caught in the back of Rosalind’s throat. Robert’s jovial tone dropped away.
“And what does this flower mean precisely?”
“That Mr. Lutece is a red gardenia - for secret love.” The florist had the audacity to wink at him. Rosalind had thought it was a rather pleasing plant until this moment when she realised it was the ugliest flower she had ever seen. The inner corners of her eyes prickled, no doubt from being next to all these awful flowers.
The back of Robert’s hand pressed against hers.
“And what would not secret love be?”
“Beg your pardon?” The florist’s smile faltered.
“If this love were not a secret?” Robert continued. Rosalind dared to look up at him. He still had his easy, relaxed expression but the sharp, serious eyes she usually saw looking back at her from the mirror.
“Well” –the man exhaled– “anything red. Roses, of course, but that’s rather old hat - a red camellia, that’s ‘you’re a flame in my heart’. Carnations are ‘deep love’, tulips, ‘passion’. And baby’s breath is ‘everlasting love.’”
“I shall take them.”
“Excuse me?”
“Put that together as a bouquet. All the most unsecret loves you have.”
“Robert,” murmured Rosalind.
“Who knew, dear sister, that one could say with flowers what one cannot say out loud?”
The florist, in his obliviousness, put together a terrific display. After all, he was the first in the city to know that Mr. Robert Lutece had a mysterious paramour and that was gossip one could dine out on. He presented the flowers to Robert for his approval.
“Almost as beautiful as the woman they are for.” Robert took them from the florist, who was already thinking of a shortlist of plausible recipients. “Perhaps my sister would assist me in carrying them home?” He looked deep into her eyes, blue like the skies she had put a city in, blue like his own, and handed her the bouquet.
“I shall keep an eye out for the lady who receives them,” said the florist.
“You won’t have to look hard, I’m sure.”
The sun was beginning to dip beneath the clouds they walked among. Rosalind had one arm around her brother’s, the other, holding her flowers. 
“People will think that these are for me.”
“Good. They are.”
“I mean that people will wonder who gave them to me.” Robert stopped and faced his not-twin. The street was quiet. He dared to stroke her cheek.
“Well. Your brother can’t expect to keep you all to himself.”
“I hope he might.”
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The Luteces x reader (”How come you never do that with us?”)
Request: Hello, I don't know if this is where we can make requests but if so could I please have prompt 26“How come you never do that with me?” with the luteces and reader? (If you are comfortable writing for a poly (not really??) relationship of course). This prompt gave me the idea of the reader being very affectionate with friends but not with them even if they are dating because the Luteces really don't seem to like physical affection and all... Anyways, your work is lovely, thank you for writing them!!
Fandom: Bioshock
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
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Robert and Rosalind Lutece watched from the steps of their home as their significant other, (y/n) had their arms wrapped around a friend of theirs. The Luteces looked emotionless as they both watched the love of their lives hanging off of someone that wasn’t either of them.
Not that (y/n) was ever affectionate with the Luteces. The twins wanted nothing more than for their significant other to wrap the two with kisses and other forms of affection but (y/n) simply wouldn’t.
The Luteces wanted to find out why. 
With stern gazes, the Luteces watched as (y/n)’s friend slowly sauntered off of the property and down the road, finally far from the throuple. 
The twins waited until (y/n) was facing them and only a few feet away to finally explain their concerns, "How come you never do that with us?" They spoke in unison, which would be creepy for anyone else but (y/n) was used to it. 
To answer the question, “Do what?” 
Rosalind, being a tad less patient of the two, dragged them inside the large establishment before she and her brother explained their frustrations. 
The Luteces stood in front of (y/n), finding their composure before they spoke to their partner, "Why do you only show affection to everyone else-" started Robert.
"But not us?" Rosalind finished. 
(Y/n) knew that they had some explaining to do. They never really pegged the twins to be the romantic or affectionate type. So, (y/n) never bothered to try, even when the three decided to start a relationship. 
"I'm sorry. I just didn't think either of you liked physical contact,”(y/n) explained. 
The twins glanced at each other, silently seeming to communicate before they surrounded (y/n); one in front of them and one behind. 
“Then let us convince you,” Robert said.
Robert stood in front of (y/n), one hand interlaced with (y/n)’s and his other rested on their hip, tugging them close enough to feel their heartbeat through their chest. While Rosalind was behind (y/n), wrapping her arms around their incredibly nervous form, moving as close as she could to the two in front of her.
"I know that we look busy most of the time, but we absolutely love you and crave your affection, so please don't hold back," Rosalind finished. 
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The Lutece twins visit often, but are behind the scenes as imaginary friends for the children. Elizabeth doesn’t want ice-cream before dinner? Damn, the girls (and Jack) mysteriously have ice-cream cones in their hands. She knows that they’re there and begrudgingly accepts it. 
They kind of go away when the girls get older and move on with their lives, but make a comeback for the new little ones. No one else can see them but the children. 
Robert, though, loves to visit the babies like Mitzi. He loves to play with her little feetsies and tickle her tummy and he’s such a sucker for babies! Rosalind stands there and rolls her eyes the entire time at how embarrassing he’s being. 
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lostlegendaerie · 3 years
Would you explain why BaS fucks up Liz character? I know they fuck it up just by playing it but i cannot get it into words. Brain just goes "ew yucky"
Hello, sorry this is late, I have no idea what happened but this will be. a little long and angry. Also, full spoilers for both Bioshock Infinite and both DLCs, I cant find read-mores on mobile
1) her abilities
literally the first thing they do is rip all of her super cool reality bending powers out of her? they couldn’t find a way to integrate them into the DLC itself, even though they could have just Used The Mechanics They Already Had to have her manipulate tears + they added the idea of This Is The Only Elizabeth Left to make things even MORE shitty for her (if I’m remembering things correctly, I don’t care to look it up because the developers certainly didn’t). They basically remove everything about her that made her interesting and cool in the first place to... make her section be a stealth focused one? Because only female characters should be stealthy? Genuinely I don’t know why they made this choice, or any of the choices in here, other than a lack of imagination/resources to do something Actually Really Off The Wall with this but on that note:
2) her intelligence
really this section should be “the writing was bad” but I don’t. Listen to me. I don’t care if you have people in the narrative state that a character is being stupid and the character defends their actions/acknowledges that it’s stupid. it’s still bad writing to have characters do objectively dumb things for objectively pointless reasons, especially for *objectively stupid plotlines.* you really want me to believe that FONTAINE didn’t know the code phrase to control Jack, and the ONLY WAY to get it to him was to have a slip of paper hand delivered to him? the game has teleportation plasmids and a huge mechanic is characters talking to each other over the radio, you are absolutely killing me personally and everyone who signed off on that should go do manual labor for the next ten years to build character.
3) her relationship to Booker/the character
she’s your kid she’s your kid she’s your kid she’s your kid she’s your kid she’s your kid she’s your kid she’s your kid she’s your kid she’s your kid and you made her a femme fatale ‘interested’ in an alternate universe version of her biological dad. literally if I ever meet ken Levine or whoever wrote this it’s on sight. it was bad enough seeing her first period pad on display in the base game and her inhuman proportions (seriously look at Elizabeth’s character model next to Rosalind Lutece or any other woman in the game, she does Not Look Human) but you just. you. you went the whole nine yards. You couldn’t even for posterity’s sake make up a new character for BaS one. All you would have had to do was model different hands and get a new voice actor. But no. we had to make it incest. In a triple A game.
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littlemrcaprisun · 4 years
all the writing asks!
Lets gooooooo
1. Do you listen to music while your write?
Oh yeah. I make playlists for just about everything I write.
2. Do you prefer to write oneshots, series, headcannons, imagines or other?
I wish I could write longer fics but I always end up writing oneshots
3. How long is your average fic?
1200-1500 words. Every time 😂
4. What was the first fic you ever wrote?
It was definitely an 11th Doc x River fic
5. Why do you write fics?
I have so many ideas that I think other people would enjoy and I want to share them
6. What character is your favourite to write?
Right now Lady Dimitrescu. But the last fandom I was in where I wrote, which was ages ago, was BioShock and I loooooves writing Rosalind Lutece
7. What ship is your favourite to write?
I guess Lady D x Reader?
8. What type of fic is your favourite? (eg. fluff, angst, ect.)
Angst 😈
9. How long does it take you to write a fic?
Too long 😫
10. What is your favourite fic you’re ever posted?
I wrote a Rosalind Lutece x Reader fic years ago based off the movie Somewhere in Time and it was 🥺
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imaginedatstuff · 7 years
Rosy Love
Robert Lutece x Female Reader //FLUFF Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rDVb8q8KWw I feel like you could also look up a few pitures of Michael Fassbender with his natural hair if you’d like that (Michael Fassbender because  i could imagine him playing Robert if there’d ever be a Bioshock Infinite Movie)
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You worked yourself in your new dress you bought a few days ago for occasions like this while listening to the gramophone (Song linked on the top).You and Robert wanted to spent the afternoon with each other, walking around the streets of a bright and sunny Columbia while taking a stop at a coffee shop and wasting dreaming looks into the endless blue of the sky.Before you were able to finish dressing up Robert stepped into the doorway and leaned against the frame.
"No." he said as his glance turned from you to the opened balcony door. "No?" you raised your eyebrow. Robert walked towards you.His hands rested on your shoulders. "Well yes, a no from me."No mimic in his face. "Now I suppose you have a better suggestion?" You turned around leaving him staring at your back while bending down, slipping out of your shoes.Robert accepted the situation and took a tight grip of your hip, pushing you against him. The next second he bent over your back placing a few slow and soft kisses from the top of your head down to the end of your neck, his crotch pressing against your butt. You turned yourself around in his grip facing him and smiling into his eyes. He slightly smiled back, placing a rushed kiss on your forehead while turning you again around pulling down your dress carefully. You stood up after the dress layed on the floor, still facing him with your back.He came closer, opening the silk ribbon from your corset, his hands grabbing around your waist to your front, opening up the little clamps.The corset fell down followed by Lutece getting down on one knee letting his hands travel around your lower back and waist.He squeezed your waist slightly before letting his hands again travel on your soft skin.He then placed kisses on the back of your thighs. Everything he did to you was always filled with pure love and passion for one another. You suddenly felt his touch on your body missing, you turned around seeing him disappear in the next room, you followed him with fast steps. There stood the red haired man taking a close look at your warderobe, his finger resting on his chin while the other hand leaned on his hip. "Do i have to wear a dress?"you asked leaning against the wall taking a look at your nails. He looked at your barely covered body, "Your body is like a pasture for my eyes hungry for a gaze on you but dear god or whoever may be even further up there than us forbid me taking you on the street like that. Another man might take a look at this body and might even try to take you away from me, no i can't take this risk.I want to say this body is mine, meaning you're mine but it would be a foolish thing to just assume my property.So, may i ask if you are mine ?"He closed the warderobe door while taking a few steps in your direction, placing his hands behind his back. You could not prevent yourself from giggling, he totally misunderstood you. "My dear pearl, I am yours ! But i actually wanted to stay here with you instead of going out." You took a few steps towards him holding one of his hands. "What an relieving answer and I'd also like to stay here but what a shame it would be not to go out in the sun." He said while taking off his jacket, folding it and laying it onto the bed. "Don't worry my love I've got an idea." You said smiling at him. You walked from the bedroom back into the living room taking your cigarettes and a pack of matches with you , going to the rose covered balcony, still barely clothed. You fell in love with this apartment as soon as you saw the roses growing up and around every inch of the parapet.The streets where quite empty for a day like this one.The people must have been in the middle of the city drinking coffee and eating ice cream enjoying the weather. You lit up a cigarette playing with one of the roses.Roberts hand suddenly layed on your back. You turned around, his face nodded down to the cigarette, his arm now laying around your waist. You held the cigarette in front of his mouth watching him taking a deep breath looking at the roses.You followed his gaze your hand making its way with the cigarette to your mouth. Robert looked into the distance back to you.He took the cigarette and layed it on top of the parapet resting his hand under your chin pulling it up. "My dear." he said before placing a kiss your lips. The smell of the roses crawled in your nose, your hand running through Roberts sun warmed hair, slightly grinding against his body.The kiss got so passionate Roberts hand wandering under your bra starting to message your boob remained unnoticed until a whistle broke your affection reciprocity.Your eyes travelled down to the street seeing a young boy giggling while running a way with a little girl wearing a baby pink dress.The little Gentleman seemed to have taken a rose with him for the little girl.You smiled. As soon as the children were gone behind the other houses you began to feel Roberts hand again on your boob. "Well Mr.Lutece?"you smiled up to him raising an eyebrow. "Mrs.Lutece?" He smiled back at you trying to get his hand out of your bra placing it on your lower back slightly stroking over your butt while resting his forehead against yours.You stayed like that for a few minutes, prancing around to the sound of the singing birds, before you began to tie your hands around him while burying your face into his chest. He hugged you back kissing your hair over and over until his voice whispered in your ear:"The prettiest rose here is you, growing in my heart instead of a balcony." A last kiss was placed on your head before you began to talk: "I want to celebrate us, we should go out for dinner."You laughed running into the living room followed by Robert. "Oh now after you presented yourself to some younglings its time for dinner? We will go if I'm allowed to choose the dress!" He ran to the warderobe waiting for you before he layed his arm around you, already knowing which dress you should wear. I hope you liked it, I've so far seen pretty much nothing for Robert Lutece so i decided to write a little something.
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eloarei · 4 years
list 10 different female faves from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people
Tagged by the lovely @chocochipbiscuit . I’m a little late to the game, but let’s see what I can come up with.  In no particular order:  1. Komugi (Hunter x Hunter)    A blind teenage Gungi champion (like chess but infinitely harder)-- hold on, did you hear me when I said she was blind? She beats the shit out of everyone at this board game without seeing a thing. She’s the breadwinner for her whole family, but they don’t even care about her. She gets sacrificed to the Chimera Ant King because he’s bored, and then she’s so damn talented and nice that he ends up developing real human feelings and not murdering everyone. TBH one of my favorite things about her is her design: big old pigtails, dark bushy eyebrows, and snot running out of her nose constantly. She’s not a beauty but you love her, and I cry all the time.  2. Moira Brown (Fallout 3)     She’s just so damn cute and cheerful! She’s a trader, inventor, and probably a lot else, and she always has something fun and nice to say. I just love how positive she is, even though (or maybe because) it often comes off as childish or purposefully obtuse. I think a lot of Fallout fans find her annoying, so it makes me happy that if you bomb Megaton, she’s the only one that survives. =D  3. Cassandra Pentaghast (Dragon Age)     Be still my heart! Cassandra is such an underrated character. I love her sharp somewhat-masculine design. She’s a hardened warrior with a strict personality!-- but when you get to know her, she’s very sweet and has deep insecurities. She’s extremely sincere, which is one of my favorite things in a character. Also, she has a charming secret romantic side. <3 Again, I think a lot of people don’t like her, and that’s a real shame.  4. Nice Robin (One Piece)     Imagine having such a rough childhood and still being a good person at heart. Of course one of my favorite things about Robin is that she’s not an overtly sweet bleeding-heart type; she’s calculating and logical, and polite, kind, and loyal. She’s goal-oriented with a very chill personality-- probably so easy to get along with, although she’d call you out on your shit too! But she wouldn’t let that ruin your friendship. Also, she has a very morbid sense of a humor, and a weakness for cute things. (Just, what she considers cute might not always be what everyone else does.) 5. Hatori Chise (Ancient Magus Bride)     A relatable depression-feels character. Everything went wrong in her childhood, and it’s obvious that her mistreatment still affects her all the time, which drives the whole story. Even though the anime is about magic and monster romance, the real story is about Chise (with Elias) learning to grow past all their traumas, and holy crap it touches me so deep. So many lessons to learn from her, watching her go from having no sense of self worth, no desire to live, to awkwardly forging friendships and helping herself through helping others. All my cries! (Also, her design just... simple and perfect (and redheaded).)  6. Aloy (Horizon Zero Dawn)     Do you know I think I’d die if Aloy smiled at me once? I’d also be okay if she bossed me around a little. I mean, can you get any more wildly beautiful? Not to mention saving the world pretty much single-handedly. She doesn’t take shit from anyone, and never gives lip service. She’s harsh! But she’s also kind. She gives people what they need, not what they want. As all her would-be suitors know, that’s a very attractive quality (especially when you’re a man who’s floundering in his own misery and failure and she just swoops out of nowhere to stylishly rescue you).  7. Rosalind Lutece (Bioshock Infinite)     An absolute paragon, pioneering practically impossible science in the 1920′s. She was responsible for the floating city, for traveling between dimensions, and, well, for the whole game. So absolutely stylish and no-nonsense, but with a clear sense of humor. And then there’s Robert... Rosalind is so literally peerless that the only person she really respects is her mirror image, ‘separated by a single chromosome’. I find them very beautiful and tragic.  8. Honda Tohru (Fruits Basket)     Can you say role model? I have been charmed by Tohru since my teenage years, when my mother had just died and I felt like... how was Tohru so kind and good and optimistic when she’d just lost her mother and her house? Every setback was like an opportunity for her to better herself or help others. She always always tried to see the best in every situation, and I will always admire that~!  9. Yamato Rinko (Ore Monogatari)     A girl with some taste! When the main character Takeo saves her from being groped on a train, she immediately falls for him, as one should! Everyone else thinks he’s big and scary and off-putting, but she knows how kind and sincere he really is, and appreciates him like he deserves! She clearly tries her best to be a good person, and it’s wonderful how much she and Takeo are on the same page (even though he’s a little dense sometimes). Also, she’s a killer pastry chef! Those cakes, man.  10. reserved because I swear there was someone right on the tip of my brain and I’m gonna remember later, I know it  No tagging, but please feel free to do this yourself. I know you wanna talk about some awesome ladies! 
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thecoolkidsbasement · 5 years
I just realized I don’t think I’ve ever talked about my AUs for Butch and Winona and some of the gang from Inventor’s Absolution on my blog???
So here are a couple for funsies!
Bioshock: Infinite
Butch is a young Native American (the rich white folk of Columbia constantly mistake him as being Italian because of his last name, DeLoria) who’s come to the city in the sky to strike out his fortune, much like other non-white people in Columbia have done (if they weren’t forcefully carted up there for slave labor). He works at the piers/ports, unloading cargo and riding the sky rails with a confiscated skyhook for funsies with his port buddies, Wally and Paul.
Winona is a well educated inventor, which is obviously unheard of in Columbia due to her not only being a woman but her being a black woman. She’s the daughter of a head scientist that works under Rosalind Lutece, James Parker, but their relation as father and daughter is unknown to the public... mainly to protect his reputation given the racial tensions of the city. Winona stays inside all day working on her inventions but will sometimes leave their home, dressed as a male, to walk the bowels of the city to scrounge for metal and parts. This is how she meets Butch, from playing ‘sticky fingers’ at the port, and Amata, who will sometimes collect up junk for her and Winona pays her in return for the pieces she finds.
James, being one of Lutece’s top scientists, was apart of all the work and experimentation that was being done on Elizabeth as well as Songbird. During the course of Infinite where Elizabeth escapes with Booker and are tearing up the city, he spends the entire time struggling just to get home to Winona so they can escape Columbia, thinking that it’s futile to try and recapture Elizabeth by Comstock’s orders.
Amata is a woman working a soup kitchen and ‘temp agency’ in the bowels of Columbia. She services the miserable public suppressed by the rich of the city and helps to keep them fed, clothed, and gathers up odd jobs for them. Out of her own fury and hurt she joins up with Daisy Fitzroy’s rebellion eventually.
Still working on how Glasgow, Harriet, and Sumner would work into the AU, but imagining splicer Glasgow gives me chills. I think he’d be a spider splicer, for sure! I’m replaying Bioshock 1 - Infinite so I can feed my Infinite AU with more accurate information, though I’m never going to write about it--it’s just fun for me to think about x,D sorry <3
Fallout 3: Springvale
Basically the entirety of Vault 101 and it’s residents living in pre-war America--specifically in Springvale, the little town down the road from Vault 101, where all the kids (Winona, Amata, the Tunnel Snakes, Freddie, Susie, Christine, etc. etc.) attend the local Springvale High School. James and Catherine (who’s alive!!) are the science and biology teachers respectively, and Overseer Alphonse is the principal. It’s basically just an AU of them being normal kids in the pre-war world some few weeks before the bombs drop and they force their way into 101, making for the first generations of 101ers alongside their families.
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falsefatale · 5 years
@svperposition​‘s Rosalind
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  she is sucking up, like usual. how unfortunate that her first day interning on this project, whatever it is, is on Valentine’s Day. usually, her schedule would be jam-packed with enough dates to fill the entire day. but Dr. Markus had impressed on her that this was ‘important’ - and even better, that if she did this he was willing to pretend, for the entirety of the next month, that she had done her work in spite of not showing up at all. imagine the spring break!  so here she was, strolling through the security of the laboratory (in Maine! oh, she hates it here already. but it’s not like anywhere can compare to New York.) in her unprofessionally-high heels, with a Starbucks drink carrier. one for her (overly-complicated, and highly caffeinated!), and one for her new supervisor (simple - a green tea & coffee frappuccino. something for everyone.).  “Dr. Lutece?”  she called, to no direction in particular.
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kaxen · 6 years
The heir and the heiress as the Lutece twins from bioshock 👀
I love the Lutece twins, but I never finished the game because first person shooters give me severe motion sickness. Even Slime Rancher gives me motion sickness (I mean not as quickly as the motion sickness of screaming while people try to kill me, but still). I think Portal is the only first person game that doesn’t make me want to pass out.... maybe because it’s short.... 
Heiress is more similar to Rosalind than heir is to Robert. Like I can totally imagine heiress getting into quantum physics out of curiosity. While the heir like.... he’s probably taken physics, but I highly doubt he understands it. 
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bioshockaudio · 7 years
Robert: Heads?
Rosalind: Or tails?
Booker: Come on, let me through.
Robert: Heads?
Rosalind: Or tails?
Booker: Tails.
Robert: Told you.
Rosalind: Hmm
Robert: I never find that as satisfying as I’d imagined.
Rosalind: Chin up. There’s always next time.
Robert: I suppose there is.
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lootzest · 13 days
from @fuchsiamae, for that bird based WIP meme: 🦚 (a sexy quote)
Do I have a document simply called filth that is twice the length of any of my finished fics about the first time the Luteces do it? Yes I do. And here is some of it, in which I learned that maybe I have a thing about men's chests? Choosing to rationalise it as a) it's part of their bodies that is very different and b) Rosalind knows her own heart is beating under it and that's nice and c) chests are hot!!
“Of course you have the advantage here, dear sister,” he said, unbuttoning his shirt. “Given I woke up in this world wearing pyjamas in which I did not enter it -” he shrugged off his braces and removed his shirt “- one assumes you have seen a lot more of me than I have of you.”
“I may not have much experience but I do not imagine that mopping blood out of someone’s chest hair is a usual part of…erotic proceedings.”
He joined her back on the bed. “It was much appreciated all the same.” He kissed her on the cheek. She paused, then returned it.
“And it was a very nice chest. Once I’d got the blood off it.” He took her in his arms and kissed her, an unspoken thank you for all she had done.
“I suspect your chest is even nicer.”  
“Erotic proceedings indeed,” he muttered into her cheek. “And why are you still wearing so many clothes? It’s an outrage.”
“You should complain to the authorities,” she said, finally unbuttoning her blouse.
“In this house, darling sister,” he kissed her newly exposed shoulder, “you are the authorities.” With a newfound sense of urgency, Robert pulled off his socks and shoes, while the rest of Rosalind’s outerwear and petticoats made it to the back of the chair with an increasing lack of care. He knelt before her, reverentially taking her calves in his hand and unlaced her boots in turn, sending lightning bolts of desire up her legs, and he grinned at her and pulled his undershirt off over his head, mussing his usually immaculate hair. She ruffled it gently, then moved her fingers to stroke his chest hair, her fingers tracing the freckles across what felt like acres of exposed skin.
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Robert Lutece x reader (Delivery for Lutece)
Not requested
Fandom: Bioshock Infinite
Genre: Fluff
Pov: Reader’s
I smiled lightly as my eyes glanced over the next order: Lutece, Rosalind. It seemed she wanted another order of books; quantum physics, Philosophy, Psychology and… a romance novel. I smiled knowingly at the last part of the order, knowing Rosalind didn’t like many people knowing that she liked cheesy romance novels. Not even Robert knew. I quickly collected the books she ordered before letting them fall into my bag before I exited the small bookstore and walked toward the Lutece household. The walk was nice and breezy as always, Columbia was as peaceful as it could get.
I stepped up onto the steps, ringing the doorbell and waiting for an answer. I straightened out my dress as the door opened to reveal Robert.
“Good morning Mx. (y/n),” Robert greeted. 
I smiled sheepishly and tucked a loose strand behind my ear.
“Hello, Robert. Is Rosalind home?” I asked.
Robert opened his mouth to say something, but Rosalind shoved him out of the way.
“Please come in, (y/n),” Rosalind said rather hastily.
I glanced at her disheveled hair before entering their home; placing the books on the coffee table in the main room. 
“Would you care for a cup of coffee?” Rosalind held up a cup of coffee for me to take. 
Robert popped up behind me, holding up a similar-looking cup.
“Or perhaps tea?” Robert cut in.
Rosalind gave her brother a side glance, almost menacing.
I could hear Rosalind start to get angry, whilst Robert remained calm, I always did like that about him. I gently grabbed the tea from Robert’s hands; I felt a spark as our hands touched for a split moment. Rosalind grinned toward me before gesturing towards the long couch. I sighed slightly but sat in the corner, dropping my bag on the floor next to my feet. Rosalind picked up the books and held them to her chest.
“Brother, why don’t you keep (y/n) company while I put these away?” Rosalind asked.
Robert gave her a small nod before he sat next to me. Rosalind, satisfied with her little setup, left the room to shelve the new books; no doubt to take a peek at that romance novel of hers.
“I should really go, I’m sure I have other deliveries to do,” I said, ready to leave any second. 
Robert leaned against the couch, placing his hands on his lap in a polite manner.
“We should indulge Rosalind a little. You know how she can get a little antsy. Just a few minutes, that’s all I ask,” Robert said, but I knew that he wanted to be around me as much as I desired to be around him. 
I smiled, he had always been so nice to me. I could never figure his reason behind it. 
“Okay,” I said as I took a few small sips of my tea before Robert asked what  I knew had been on his mind since Rosalind rushed to the door.
“What books did you bring for my dear sister? She doesn’t usually dash to the door that quickly,” He asked curiously.  
I shifted nervously on the couch, I promised Rosalind a long time ago that I wouldn’t tell anyone about her guilty pleasure, least of all her brother.
“Well, I promised her I wouldn’t tell,” I muttered. 
I felt the teacup disappear from my grasp, causing me to look toward Robert. I watched as he diligently placed the cup on the table in front of us before he slowly hovered over me, carefully placing his hands on either side of me to trap me against the couch. My heart rose up to my throat as I became acutely aware of my breathing and how close he was to my face, my lips.
“So you do know. Please do tell me, the curiosity is eating at me,” Robert whispered to me. I could clearly see him staring at my lips before his gaze shot back up to my face.
“Don’t tease me unless you plan on doing something. It’s rude to play with someone’s feelings,” I said to him. 
Robert smiled one of those smiles, the kind that was only meant for one person, me. Robert slowly leaned forward, placing his lips gingerly onto mine, pushing himself forward. My eyes fluttered lightly once Robert slowly pulled away.
“I would never play with your feelings,” Robert gently said. 
I slowly sat up with his help, his fingers stayed intertwined with my own.
“Romance, she likes to read romance novels, but please don’t tell her I told you,” I finally confessed. 
Robert’s smile became slightly bigger, a small chuckle danced at his lips.
“That would explain her hiding in her room at nightly hours as of late. Thank you,” Robert said. He stayed quiet for a few moments, passing the time by playing with my fingers; being positive that he had touched every inch of my hand. “I have something to give you, as thanks.” Robert quickly stood to his feet, helping me stand as well. “You’re always been so patient and kind to my sister and I… We’ve never really had a companion like you before… Someone I--We… We cared about before.” Robert released my hand for a moment before retrieving a necklace from a small box I hadn’t noticed before. “Would you mind turning around for me a moment?” I gave Robert an unsure look. I liked Robert and all, but…
“Robert, I-” 
He gave me that charming smile that made me weak at the knees. Did he know what effect he had on me?
“Do you trust me?” Robert asked out of the blue. I opened my mouth to respond but found myself turning my back to him instead, lifting my hair away from my the back of my neck to give him better access to clasp the necklace over me. “Alright, done.” I slowly released the grip of my hair before picking up the pocket watch. It was beautiful…
“Robert… Thank you. You didn’t have to do this.” I felt my heart fluttering as Robert gripped the back of his neck nervously, a light rosy shade of pink drifting onto his face.
“I’m aware. I wanted to. I care about you, more than I thought I initially would,” Robert confessed. His eyes widened slightly as Rosalind entered the room.
“Having a bit of fun? Are we, Brother?” Rosalind teased.
Both of his hands came to lay stiffly at his side. What was Rosalind doing? Her twin brother’s face only became redder with her statement. I didn’t know what to do, should I say something?
“I Don’t, I um…” Rosalind quirked an eyebrow, fully amused.
“My, brother, I’ve never heard you stumble or stutter on your words. Then again, I’ve never caught you alone with (y/n),” Rosalind teased once more. Robert took a deep breath, the color quickly faded from his face, a neutral face plastered onto his face once more. “I’m only teasing, Robert.” I watched with curious eyes as Robert leaned down to my ear, brushing away the hair to whisper a request.
“Would it be pleasant for you to have a night in, without my dear sister in the way?” Robert asked into my ear.
I laughed silently at Robert’s emphasis on ‘Dear’. I gave him a small nod.
“My place?” 
Robert gave me a firm nod as an answer before he stood to his full height, placing his arms behind his back as he always did. I grabbed my bag from the floor and slung it over my shoulder before I headed toward the front entrance, Robert close behind me. He glanced back at his sister, who had taken the liberty of reading one of her new books, she wasn’t looking in our direction. Robert quickly turned back to me, placing a quick, but passionate kiss to my lips before he opened the door for me. 
“I-I'll see you later, Mr. Lutece.”
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God, imagine Porter’s story touching the Lutece’s so much that they pull some strings so that he can really say goodbye to Pearl. Like, Rosalind is such a jaded, negative person, but seeing the love Porter has for Pearl just warms that cold ass heart for a moment. 
Robert’s a blubbering mess, though. He’s ugly crying.
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r-lutecelabs · 7 years
Robert Lutece, 1893
Journal is as follows:
After I was pulled through the tear, I found myself with quite a predicament. These past few days I’ve been hemorrhaging nearly continuously from my nose. I find myself doing this every time I look at her for too long, or even think about her too long, and then I start.. wandering. A victim of myself, I suppose. She is better than me, this is for certain. I never would have imagined such a woman as she. I find myself enraptured with Rosalind, and then I realize she is but another version of me; a better version of me. She is better than me, this is for certain. She is better than me, this is for certain. She is better than me, I’m hemorrhaging. 
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myrcella · 7 years
bobert/lizzy - whisky :eyes emoji:
The canvas was drenched in an assortment of colours Robert wouldn’t have necessarily thought to use himself, and it painted a vibrant Paris skyline. Blotted against its horizon, the Eiffel tower stood as the centrepiece, only marginally detailed as per the style. The entire thing resembled looking through a camera lens when it was wet, what one might glimpse, hopeful, in their mind’s eye.
It conveyed everything that was the girl in the tower. “That’s very good, Miss Comstock,” Robert told her, stroking his chin. “You have a good eye for parodying Monet.” 
Elizabeth stopped biting her lip in anticipation and let it slide free through her teeth, her mouth curving up into a grateful smile. “Thank you, Dr Lutece, but that wasn’t really my intention.”
He glanced at her before turning around and sitting at his designated chair. From that very chair he had dictated most of Elizabeth’s life through teaching: Comstock implied Rosalind was the less patient, more self-observed one, and he was inclined to agree. Rearing a child from a distance had been thoroughly enjoyable for Robert, but now Elizabeth was a young woman and perhaps his tenure was finally ending. 
“It was not?”
She wrung her hands together a little anxiously and walked around her easel. “I just like to paint what I find beautiful, and…” She sighed. Robert had seen her pour herself into atlases over many years. “Paris is my favourite.. This is what I imagine it looks like at night, when all the musicians are out in the street and the lights are everywhere, glowing… I’d like to go there someday.”
Such admissions made him feel uncomfortable, because he couldn’t respond how he’d want to. “Well,” he said, feeling the words around his mouth, “perhaps your father will grant you day release, err, one day.”
“’One day’ is what people say when they don’t want to say never,” Elizabeth muttered. He couldn’t help but be shocked by her newfound boldness, but he washed it down with a drink of whiskey from his nearby glass.
“I believe we should halt fine art, then.” Attentively, he picked up a pen and started to cross the subject out in his list, on the table. “Rather like my sister, hm… You’re more invested than I initially believed, in freeform and expressionism–”
“What’s that?” Elizabeth was by him, and she pointed to the amber liquid. He looked up slowly at her. “Is it alcohol?” 
She had freckles in close proximity and good lighting. They dusted her nose, just slightly. Though she never could get up to much, her studies and activities had moved hair forward, chocolate brown framing her face, and her blue eyes pierced his own. She was definitely a pretty girl, far, far removed from Comstock–
“Whiskey,” Robert answered, half gruffly. “As I was saying, Miss Comstock…”
“Can I try it?” 
“Certainly not,” he admonished. “You’re a young woman.”
“And?” Elizabeth frowned. 
She reminded him of his sister again, who held no patience for societal norms, and right she was to do so. 
“I suppose you’re right, that means nothing.” 
“So let me try it.” 
Now she was unraveling her hair from her ribbon, making Robert’s face begin to grow hot. So many equations he had discovered in his own timeline, so many breakthroughs, still he could never hope to unlock what went through the minds of women. 
She was almost, unnervingly, seductive, when she pursed her rose pink lips and asked, “Please?”
When Robert shook his head and went to rebuff her again, he felt, for perhaps only the second time in his life, his entire being freeze. Elizabeth had shoved herself forward and pressed her lips to his. For the first few moments the less moral side of him savoured it, but that side was not as dominant as his sister’s.
He gently pried her off him. “Miss Comstock,” he said stiffly, locking his hands around her small arms. He had pushed her so gently – reluctantly, Robert – that her lips had practically melted as they broken apart from his and it had been so, so– 
“I can still taste it,” Elizabeth whispered. She was still close so it was almost against his face, soft, silky. Feminine. “The whiskey.” 
She looked helplessly, dreamily at him. Robert wanted to kiss her back. His heart would not let him. 
“Don’t do that again.” 
It was the look in her eyes that had haunted him, after. Elizabeth was still a girl in many ways. She knew nothing of the world and its cruelties, of what people could do. She was sealed in a tower and her want to experience anything and everything would so easily be abused in the outside world.
But Comstock was cruel too, and he was wrong to keep her isolated. 
Robert sank into bed beside his sister; one bed was satisfactory, if they didn’t mind each other’s company. He patted her shoulder to wake her, and she stared curiously through the dim lamplight.
“What is it, brother? Oh, you were late.” She looked annoyed. “You didn’t–”
“I believe it’s time to intervene in Comstock’s plans,” Robert told her, plainly. 
He thought of when she’d kissed him. Elizabeth had always liked him more. She was probably only confused by hormones, but, when Robert thought about it, she had bloomed into something significant and special in her circumstance. In this city of weeds, he supposed she was the flower. 
And flowers couldn’t grow without light, they’d stunt. 
“I don’t think I can stand by any longer.” Rosalind’s frown sealed the deal for him: you have to join me, or I’ll leave. “We have to free Elizabeth, the girl. She has powers beyond our comprehension, and she has to be free.” 
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