#Ryan Clarke Soulmate AU
dd122004dd · 2 years
The Goddess of my Heart
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Hope Mikaelson tore apart the earth looking for Ryan Clarke but she was in for a big surprise when she finally found him.
The inspo for the mansion are from here:
Warnings: Mentions of murder, pain, torture, torture with magic, kidnapping,
It had taken Hope months to finally track down Ryan. It was as if he’d completely disappeared from the face of the Earth after he turned human.
She’d been looking for him because if anyone knew who the original vampire, werewolf and witch who created Malivore were, it was him. 
She found him in the most unexpected place, The city of love, Paris. 
Compelling a seat on an airplane was child’s play. She set herself up at one of the city’s multiple hotels before casting a spell to locate the newly mortal man but something seemed to be interfering with her magic so after trying repeatedly she gave up before looking for him the old-fashioned way, asking around.
‘Asking’ was putting it politely, she more-likely threatened the safety of multiple supernatural beings before a vampire finally caved and revealed that he was living at a mansion in Paris.
She arrived at the mansion, observing the large stature of the building. Though it was in Paris it opted for a Greek architectural style.
The mansion was large and white with three floors and a beautiful garden of olive trees surrounding it. It felt as though one was transported to Greece even though they were still in France.
The ground floor had an open courtyard. The walls and floors mirrored the Greek beliefs with classical Greek motifs depicting stories of the gods and mythical animals.
Stars and constellations decorated the high ceilings of the mansion, inspired by the Greek’s fascination with astrology.
Stately marble columns went through the mansion, making it feel airy and open. The mansion was sparsely decorated, focusing on a minimalist style that showcased the symmetry of the mansion.
Hope would have admired the gorgeous mansion if she were not on a mission.
She barged into the mansion, surprised that it did not keep her out. She was hit by strong magic in the air but never the less, she kept moving, trying to find the elusive man she was looking for.
Alas, the lack of presence in the mansion should have been her first red flag since only after a few moments the young tribrid was knocked out cold.
When she came to, she noticed that her surroundings were much darker, few candles flickered in the room she was kept in. She found herself lying in a wooden cot with none of her belongings, excluding her clothes.
She quickly jumped out of the cot before approaching the open doorway. Just as she was about to slip out a voice startled her, “I wouldn’t do that, youngling.”
She stared at the man, unimpressed. He was tall with curly blond hair and pale skin. He looked as if he’d stepped out of a time machine from  Ancient Greece, wearing nothing but a toga and a golden belt with his sword attached to his waist. He stood a few feet away from the entrance of the door, grinning widely.
“Really, why shouldn’t I? And who the hell are you?”
“No one, but try it, be my guest,” he said gesturing towards the doorway.
Hope approached the doorway cautiously, her hand raised as she exited the doorway when another voice broke through the silence.
“Now, now don’t trouble our guest, Ambrose, our mistress wants her unharmed.”
“But Caliopeee! I just wanted to have some fun with the ‘great and powerful tribirid!” Ambrose whined, seeming miles away from the serious man he was a few moments ago.
Out from the shadows emerged a beautifully tanned woman with long black hair and a pair of dark brown jeans with a leather belt for her swords around her waist, she strode next to the man with confidence. She waved her hand in front of the doorway, causing it to shimmer as the barrier between Hope and the pair dissolved.
“Come, the mistress wants to see you, tribrid. I must warn you, though, if you harm anyone within these walls, you will be denied what you seek.” Caliope spoke while leading the way down the halls to where Hope presumed her ‘mistress’ was.
“Oh, and how do you know what I ‘seek’?” She asked sarcastically.
“Supernaturals talk, especially when a stranger comes here, demanding information. It wasn’t until you started leaving a trail of blood that you truly caught our attention, Hope Mikaelson.” Ambrose answered, his voice grim.
Hope was silent as they finally reached a huge room, which seemed like a throne room. It was quite large with carved marble pillars on either end of the room with a throne at one end of the room.
On the throne sat a woman with a long, flowy Grecian styled dress, it was a soft pink color with a gauzy layer on top that made it seem like the woman was almost glowing. She sat on the throne as if she belonged there. Her grin was carefree on the surface but Hope could see that the woman was perhaps more dangerous than anyone she’d come across. Something about the seemingly harmless woman put her on edge.
“So, why did you so nicely ‘invite’ me here?” Hope asked rudely.
“Invite you, young tribrid? I think you’re forgetting that you attempted to break into my home. I do not take very well to intruders, and certainly not intruders who seek to take what is mine.” The woman answered with authority.
“What is yours?” Hope questioned, confused.
“You will know, soon enough,” she answered ominously, “You seek to find Ryan Clarke, the creation of Malivore, the mud-man who became a man.”
“Since you know what I’m looking for, let’s cut this short. Where is he?” Hope asked, impatiently. 
The woman merely smiled before raising her palm, as if she was asking someone to take her hand.
From behind her throne, he emerged, the one Hope tore the city apart looking for. He wore a toga which complimented his shape, his broad shoulders seemed to be perfectly molded for the cloth. His skin seemed to be glowing, radiant, unlike any human’s she had seen before. He seemed almost ethereal. He stood behind the woman’s throne, holding her uplifted hand. 
Grinning at Hope he asked her, “Why are you here, Mikaelson?”
“I was just in the neighbourhood, so thought I’d drop by. I see you’ve made some powerful friends here.”
“Cut the crap, Mikaelson. Tell me why you’re here.”
“Well, since you asked so nicely, I’m hunting down the werewolf, vampire and witch who created Malivore.”
“Why?” he asked, his voice slightly hitching. He’d thought that that part of his life was long behind him after he found his goddess but here she was, Hope Mikaelson, his brother’s lover, asking him to hunt the very people who created the bane of his existence.
“Simple, to kill them,” she answered nonchalantly.
“And what if I refuse?” He asked, unwilling to look away from the glare she gave him after those words slipped past his lips.
“If you refuse, I will kill each and every person in this mansion, starting with the little woman whose hand you’re clutching so pathetically.”
As soon as her answer was heard she was thrown back by an invisible force. She tried to break free or use her magic but she was unable to.
The woman on the throne glared at her threateningly, her eyes were now a molten gold, there were no irises left only swirling gold covered the entirety of her eyes.
“HOW DARE YOU?!” She thundered.
“HOW DARE YOU THREATEN MY REGENT, MY PEOPLE, MY EMPIRE WITH YOUR MEASLEY POWERS?!” She raised her hand, pressing Hope deeper into the wall, cracks forming around her from the sheer force.
“HOW DARE YOU COME HERE ARROGANTLY AND TRY TO DEMAND ANYTHING WHEN YOU SHOULD BE ON YOUR KNEES, BEGGING FOR ME TO SPARE YOUR LIFE?!” The goddess pushed forward, clenching her palm as she watched Hope Mikaelson cough up blood.
“Wh-Who? Wh-Who are y-you?” She rasped out.
“I am the Goddess Y/N, but you may know me more commonly by the name, Hecatae, Goddess of magic and you have trespassed into my territory, into my home, young tribrid. I am the progenitor of all magic, of all witches. My power flows through them and theirs through me and at this moment, you have no magic.” The woman revealed.
Hope stared widely at the woman in front of her. She was a Goddess?
“I-I,” she stammered.
“You-You what? Are you scared now?” The Goddess mocked.
“As much as I enjoy you hurting our dear guest, I think you should let her go, she is after all the only thing that can defeat Malivore if he returns and also her humanity is off.”
“Her humanity being on or off is of no concern to me. First I’m going to teach this tribrid some respect then because I’m so gracious, I’m going to grant her a wish,” saying this the Goddess once again turned to Hope, a wicked grin on her face as she raised her second hand and brought both of her hands together.
Hope screamed in pain as each and every bone in her body was broken, her brain suffering aneurysm after aneurysm.
After what felt like an eternity the pain finally stopped and the tribrid was left a sobbing mound on the marble floor.
The Goddess sighed before healing the young girl.
She went back to her throne. Sitting on it she leaned forward and said, “I shall allow my Regent to accompany you on your little adventure but if a single strand of curly dark hair is harmed, you will answer to me and trust me, the pain you just felt cannot compare to the eternity of pain I will shower upon you.”
Numbly nodding Hope turned to leave the room when a question popped into her mind.
“How do you know Ryan Clarke?”
“How do I know Ryan Clarke? Why wouldn’t I know my own soulmate? The one who has a piece of my soul?” she said, grinning at the shocked tribrid.
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indynerdgirl · 2 years
Topgun AU Ideas
As I was scrolling through the Topgun tag on AO3 the other night, I realized that I was starting to see the same tropes and AUs over & over again. And while not a bad thing at all, personally, I'm just starting to get a little bored of reading the same story over & over.
So I started thinking about what kind of AUs I would love to see in the Topgun fandom and then I started making a list and it kind of spiraled out of control. Oops. 😆
I now present to you all my somewhat organized list of AU ideas! And feel free to use them for any fandom, I was just thinking about Topgun as I came up with them all. It's also by no means an exhaustive list so I probably missed some obvious ones.
Military AU ideas: Pentagon/Joint Chiefs/White House Advisor (think The West Wing but for the military - this is the one I've been dying to see someone tackle!) Navy JAG NCIS Blue Angels Air Force Instead of Navy Astronauts/NASA Test Pilots Naval Academy Instructors Adversary/Aggressor Squadron Office of Naval Intelligence Sailors Instead of Pilots Submariners Instead of Pilots Naval Flight School Instructors (Aviation Preflight Indoctrination, Primary Flight Training, Intermediate Flight Training, and/ or Advanced Flight Training)
Character AU ideas: Natasha is Maverick's daughter/niece  Bob is Maverick's son/nephew  Natasha is Ice's daughter/niece Bob is Ice's son/nephew Maverick is Amelia's father Penny Is Also a Pilot Penny’s Father Is An Air Force General Obligatory Goose/Carole/Ice Lives AUs Maverick’s Dad/Mom Lives Any of the younger pilots is the kid of one of the other 86 boys
And a whole lot more under the cut!
American Historical AU ideas: Colonial/Revolutionary War Post-Revolutionary War Lewis & Clark War of 1812 Mexican-American War/The Alamo Wild West (good guys or bad guys) Organ Trail The Gold Rush (California or Alaska) Pony Express Civil War/Reconstruction Transcontinental Railway Cattle Drives Industrial Revolution/The Gilded Age WWI Bootleggers/Rum Runners/1920s Jazz Age Great Depression/Dust Bowl WWII Korean War Vietnam War 1950s/Greasers Moon Race/1960s NASA 1980s/The Cold War
Other Historical AU Ideas: Ancient Greece/Rome Middle Ages Renaissance Tudor Elizabethan Georgian Regency Napoleonic Victorian Edwardian
Fandom AUs: The West Wing Firefly The Avengers Agents of Shield Star Wars Star Trek Harry Potter Percy Jackson Ocean's 11 Mission Impossible Bourne Tom Clancy/Jack Ryan Jack Reacher John Wick Friends New Girl Supernatural How I Met Your Mother Chuck Downton Abbey CSI Jurassic Park Indiana Jones The Office Parks and Rec Pacific Rim
Other Profession AU ideas: Coffee Shop Book Shop Bakery/Candy Maker Winery/Distillery Restaurant/Chef Bartender/Bar Mechanic/Car Repair Shop Doctor/Medical/Hospital Firefighter/Police Officer/Detective Wildfire Firefighter Florist Tattooist Gardener/Gardening Horse Racing Motorsports (NASCAR/F1/Motocross, ect) Professional Sports (baseball, football, hockey, soccer, basketball) Rodeo/Bull Riding Olympians Air Racing (it’s a real thing!) Actors (movie or stage)/Celebrity Ballet Dancers Teachers College Professors Lawyers/Judges National Park Ranger Cruise Ship Pet Groomer/Veterinarian Farmer/Rancher Banker/Financial Bodyguards Zoo Museum/Living Museum Musician/Band Mall (everyone works at different stores at the same mall) Marketing Archeologist Spies Reporters/Journalist News Anchors Lifeguards Assassins Criminals/Thieves/Heist Bounty Hunter
Misc AU Ideas: Royalty/Lost Royalty Time Travel Fae/Fairy Mermaids/Selkies Witch/Wizard Werewolves/Vampires Fantasy/Magic (including modern/urban settings) High Fantasy Dragons Soulmates (color blindness, first words, timestamps, matching marks, can share emotions, Red String of Fate, can share dreams, can see/talk to each other in dreams, can write on each other's skin, telepathic, Soulmate Goose of Enforcement) Omegaverse/ABO (not everyone’s cup of tea, just putting it out there!) Roommates Pirates High School College Mob/Mafia Fairytale Arranged Marriage Accidental Marriage Fake Dating/Engagement/Marriage Superhero/Villain Apocalypse/Post-Apocalypse Forbidden Love Boarding School Space/Sci-Fi Road Trip Summer Camp Immortal/Reincarnation Hallmark Movie Amnesia Pen Pals Resurrection Animal Shapeshifter May this list inspire all of you amazing fanfic writers out there! 💜
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voldiebuns · 4 years
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
Snagged from @batsutousai :)
Tagging: @anytownrory, @captain-raven-knight, @naryrising, @spikedluv, and @thewightknight if you wanna!
Rest of the list is under the cut bc uhhh it’s a lot...
A KNIGHT’S TALE [*] blackout poetry AGENTS OF SHIELD college au BIRDS OF PREY acclimation [Dinah/Helena] BIRDS OF PREY soulmate au [Dinah/Helena] BIRDS OF PREY sugar mama [Dinah/Helena] BUZZFEED UNSOLVED [Ryan/Shane] creepy woods
CROSSOVER Clint Is William Brandt [Clint/Phil] CROSSOVER derek is superman [Derek/Stiles] DEADPOOL dne [Peter/Wade] DOOM before [Reaper/Sarge] FLASH no powers au [Cisco/Harry] HANNA IS NOT A BOY’S NAME [Ples/Veser] first date HANNIBAL [*] ravenstag HARRY POTTER [Draco/Snape] Draco’s Detention HARRY POTTER [Ginny/Pansy] mini fest 2019 HARRY POTTER [Harry/Tom] Green and Red HARRY POTTER accidental time travel [Harry/?] HARRY POTTER Compromise [Harry/Phineas Nigellus] HARRY POTTER crystal dragon HARRY POTTER demon!Harry HARRY POTTER femslash flash [Petunia/Sybill] HARRY POTTER harry is captured HARRY POTTER Harry mpreg [Harry/?] HARRY POTTER hp mast under cloak HARRY POTTER listening in [Harry/Voldemort] HARRY POTTER Lost [Draco/Ron] HARRY POTTER love potion [Harry/Snape] HARRY POTTER mpreg [Oliver/Twins] HARRY POTTER pansy’s mom HARRY POTTER random smut [Harry/Voldemort] HARRY POTTER rondracofest [Draco/Ron] HARRY POTTER running away but not [Harry/Voldemort] HARRY POTTER soulmates [Harry/Tom] HARRY POTTER super fucked up tbh [Ginny/Weasleys] HARRY POTTER The Fire In Which We Burn [Charlie/Draco] HARRY POTTER why do you hate me [Harry/Voldemort] HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL broadway happenstance [Chad/Ryan] HINABN Hanna Worth Painting HOBBIT [Bilbo/Thorin] abo sestina ICARLY truth or dare [Freddie/Spencer] INHERITANCE new generation IT 2017 [Eddie/Richie] daycare smau IT 2017 [Eddie/Richie] dr. k and richie’s head wound IT 2017 [Eddie/Richie] dream husband IT 2017 [Eddie/Richie] eddie in a coma IT 2017 [Eddie/Richie] house reno au JUSTICE LEAGUE coffee shop KINGDOM HEARTS Radiant Darkness Ch 5 [Axel/Roxas] KINGSMAN eglet [Eggsy/Harry] LETHAL WEAPON grief LORD OF THE RINGS [Gimli/Legolas] MCU [Clint/Phil] Sequel to On the Run MCU Attachments MCU confused identities [Clint/Phil] MCU phil’s hitty family [Clint/Phil] NCIS college AU [Tim/Tony] ORIGINAL dne treat [Male/Tentacle Monster] PERSON OF INTEREST Anthony survives [Anthony/Elias] PSYCH [Carlton/Shawn] christmas joy surprise PSYCH [Carlton/Shawn] not so former lovers Psych first kiss [Gus/Jason] PSYCH no divorce [Carlton/Shawn] RPF breakup [Chris Pine/Zachary Quinto] STAR TREK DS9 [Garak/Julian] STAR TREK DS9 room visit [Garak/Julian] STAR TREK kirk’s not really a ho [Jim/Spock] STAR TREK mutual awkwardness [Gaila/Winona, Jim/Spock] STAR TREK: DS9 injured nog [Jake/Nog] STAR WARS an impreial march STAR WARS ascension week [Eli/Thrawn] STAR WARS prophecy dreaming [Hux/Kylo] STAR WARS writing rainbow [Kylo/Leia/Luke] STARGAE ATLANTIS matchmaker Atlantis [John/Rodney] STARGATE ATLANTIS Rodney has a panic attack STRANGER THINGS chocolate box [Jonathan/Nancy/Steve] SUPERNATURAL [**] Fucked Up Family Verse SUPERNATURAL hs band au [Gabriel/Sam] TEEN WOLF darkest night [Stiles/dogs] TEEN WOLF ten year crush [Derek/Stiles] TORTALL [Alanna/George] WE BARE BEARS [Charlie/Panda] Sore Back WITCHER [Geralt/Jaskier] song for geralt WITCHER crack wtf [Geralt/Jaskier] WITCHER no apology [Geralt/Jaskier] WITCHER oops soulmates [Geralt/Jaskier] WITCHER trans woman geralt [Geralt/Jaskier] X-MEN prostitution AU [Alex/Armando] YOUNG JUSTICE ma kent gets pissed [Bruce/Clark]
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afaimsblog · 6 years
Die 20(+) verrücktesten Episoden aus dem Arrowmultiversum (Update):
In wenigen Wochen geht es in der USA weiter, allerdings wohl um einiges ernsthafter als zuletzt, da „Legends“ erst im April auf die Bildschirme zurückkehrt und nach dem Spaß der „Elseworlds“ war, „Arrow“ wieder deprimierend wird, „Supergirl“ lustlos weiter geht und uns im „Flash“ das düstere Geheimnis einer Hauptfigur näher erklärt wird. Also Zeit für einen Blick zurück auf Zeiten, in denen das Arrowmultiversum einfach nur verrückt war:
 20.   Haunted/Seelenjagd (Arrow 4.5/74, Buch: Brian Ford Sullivan, Oscar Balderrama, Regie: John Badham)
 "Your sister requires a restitution, a restoration of her soul to her body."
 Worum es geht: Um Sara zu helfen wendet sich Oliver an John Constantine, den er einst unter ungewöhnlichen Umständen auf Lian Yu kennen gelernt hat, und der Sara dabei helfen soll ihre Seele zurückzubekommen.
 Hintergrund: Mit dieser Folge wird die kurzlebige Serie „Constantine“ rückwirkend in das Arrowversum eingebunden. In dieser Serie spielte Matt Ryan ebenfalls John Constantine. Obwohl die Serie selbst auch in einem Parallel-Universum spielen könnte, scheinen ihre Ereignisse doch auf Erde 1 spielen zu sollen.
 Was ist verrückt daran? „Arrow“ begann schon in der 3. Staffel mit mystischen Elementen wie der Lazarus-Grube zu spielen, aber in der 4. Staffel wurde Magie richtig eingeführt. Diese Folge geht weiter als alle zuvor (und eigentlich auch als alle danach), was dieses Thema angeht. Man kann diese Episode vermutlich nur lieben oder hassen, aber eines steht fest: Sie ist anders als alle anderen „Arrow“-Episoden davor und danach und gemessen an „Arrow“-Verhältnissen eine der verrücktesten, welche die Serie jemals zu bieten hatte.
 Bester Moment: Schwer zu sagen, aber so ziemlich alles mit John auf Lian Yu scheint aus einer vollkommen anderen Serien zu stammen, ist aber sehr unterhaltsam.
 19.   Mr. And Mrs. Mxyptlk (Supergirl 2.13/33, Buch: Jessica Queller, Sterling Gates, Regie: Stefan Pleszczynski)
 "Kara, sweetest, like I said, I'm your one true love, your soulmate, your one true pairing, as the kids say. My name is Mxyzptlk and I love you, Kara Zor-El. Tell me, will you marry me?"
 Worum es geht: Der allmächtige aus einer anderen Dimension stammende Mr. Mxyptlk  besucht Kara, da er sie dazu auserkoren hat ihn zu heiraten. Was sie natürlich nicht möchte. Und damit nimmt das Chaos seinen Lauf.
 Hintergrund: Passenderweise war dies die Valentinswoche-Episode, obwohl sie Valentinsepisode selbst erst die nächste war. Wie auch immer, das hier ist eine Episode für Comic-Fans. Wer die Q-Episoden der „Star Trek“-Serien kennt, wird sich unweigerlich an diese erinnert fühlen.
 Was ist verrückt daran? So ziemlich alles, was Mxyi betrifft.
 Bester Moment: Kara denkt Clark wäre ihr zu Hilfe gekommen, doch als sich Superman zu ihr umdreht, stellt er sich als Mxyi heraus.
 18.   Welcome to Earth-2+Escape from Earth-2/Willkommen auf Erde 2+Flucht von Erde 2 (The Flash 2.13-14/36-37, 36: Buch: Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Katherine Walczak, Regie: Millicent Shelton, 37: Buch: Aaron Helbing, Todd Helbing, David Kob, Regie: J. J. Makaro)
 "So which one of you lounge lizards is in the wrong universe?"
 Worum es geht: Barry und Cisco besuchen gemeinsam mit Harry Erde-2 um mehr über Zoom herauszufinden und einen Weg zu finden Harrys Tochter zu retten und treffen dabei auf die Doppelgänger, der Leute, die sie kennen, die vollkommen andere Leben führen.
 Hintergrund: In der 2. Staffel wurde das Multiversum in „The Flash“ eingeführt. Zoom, der Hauptfeind der zweiten Staffel, stammte aus einem Paralleluniversum das hier besucht wird.
 Was ist verrückt daran? Erde-2 ist dabei vollkommen anders geraten als Erde-1, vor allem deswegen, weil wie bekannte Haupt- und Nebencharaktere in vollkommen anderen Rollen als gewohnt zu sehen bekommen. So ist Joe etwa Sänger, Iris Polizistin und Cisco und Caitlin sind Superschurken.
 Bester Moment: Floyd Lawton, Iris Partner, wird auch auf Erde-2 Deadshot genannt wird, und als wir ihn seine Pistole laden sehen verstehen wir warum das in dieser Realität ironisch gemeint ist.
 17.   Invasion! (2) (Arrow 5.8/100, Buch: Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, Wendy Mericle, Regie: James Bamford)
 "There's Flash and—and Supergirl and—and people with actual powers now. Whatever needs to be done, they can handle it. We—we finally have a chance to be happy. I mean, why—why can't you just for a second accept that maybe this is your reward for all of the sacrifices you have made?"
 Worum es geht: Oliver und seine Freunde wurden von den Dominators in eine künstliche Realität versetzt, in der die Queen’s Gambit niemals unterging. Unterdessen arbeiten Kara und Barry gemeinsam mit Cisco und Team Arrow daran die Entführten zu retten und Star City zu beschützen.
 Hintergrund: Die 100. Episode von „Arrow“ findet Mitten im Vierfach-Crossover „Invasion!“ statt und ist ein unerwartetes Stück Charakterdrama.
 Was ist verrückt daran? Diese neue Realität unterscheidet sich deswegen natürlich sehr von der, die wir kennen, hält aber auch die eine oder andere Überraschung parat, denn offenbar muss es in jeder Welt einen Kapuzenmann geben (drei mal dürft ihr raten, wer es hier ist). Außerdem hatten die Autoren sichtlich ihren Spaß daran Kara und Barry schreiben zu dürfen.
 Bester Moment: Olivers Abschied aus der Scheinrealität, wo er zum letzten Mal all seine Lieben sieht, ist weniger verrückt (das auch), als vor allem extrem emotional und berührend.
 16.   Doomworld/Böse Neue Welt (Legends of Tomorrow 2.16/32, Buch: Ray Utarnachitt, Sarah Hernandez, Regie: Mairzee Almas)
 "My name is Eobard Thawne. With the help of Damien Darhk, Malcolm Merlyn, Leonard Snart, and Mick Rory, I've obtained the Spear of Destiny, An ancient artifact with the power to rewrite reality itself, and we haveIt's a brave new world."
 Worum es geht: Das Schicksal der Welt wurde umgeschrieben und die Legion of Doom hat sich eine Welt geschaffen, die so ist, wie sie sie haben will. Mick muss nun die in die neue Realität eingegliederten Legends finden und versuchen alles wieder gerade zu biegen.
 Hintergrund: Die vorletzte Episode der zweiten Staffel zeigt ns also eine Welt wie Eobard, Damien und Malcolm sie sich vorstellen (Leonard durfte auch ein wenig mitmischen). Das sagt wohl schon genug, vor allem, wenn man bedenkt, dass sie dazu überredet wurden die Legends am Leben zu lassen, sich aber trotzdem rächen.
 Was ist verrückt daran? Um die Legends klein zu halten und zu quälen wurden ihnen neue Leben geschrieben, die nicht unbedingt das sind, was man erwarten würde. Etwa gleich zu Beginn der Episode bringen Sara und Amaya einen bekannten Arrow-Charakter für Damien Darhk zur Strecke.
 Bester Moment: Rip hindert sich offenbar daran seinen Verstand einzubüßen indem er sich selbst zu Konditor ausbildet (oder hat er den Verstand verloren und macht das deswegen?). Nein, wirklich, das muss man gesehen haben.
 15. Camelot/3000/Die Schlacht um Camelot (Legends of Tomorrow 2.12/28, Buch: Anderson Mackenzie, Regie: Antonio Negret)
 "All of these men are willing to die on the battlefield, not for some spear but for an idea. I get it that Camelot isn't about history. It's not even about dusty old books that got a lonely kid through childhood. It's about one noble idea: that we can all stand up for what's right, no matter what."
 Worum es geht: Dank des Schicksalsspeers werden Camelot, König Artus und die Ritter der Tafelrunde Realität. Artus-Fan Ray ist begeistert, Historiker Nate weniger und dann stellt sich auch noch heraus, dass Merlin ein bekanntes Gesicht ist (und weiblicher als angesichts des Namens gedacht), und Damien Darkh und der gehirngewaschene Rip Camelot mit Hilfe von Zukunftstechnologie bedrohen.
 Hintergrund: Trotz aller Verrücktheit hält sich „Legends of Tomorrow“ bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt bei seinen Zeitreisen meistens an die reale Geschichte bzw. die reale Geschichte gemischt mit der DC-Comicgeschichte. „Camelot/3000“ bricht dieses Muster erstmals.
 Was ist verrückt daran? Sara hat es natürlich auf Guinevere abgesehen und scheint die Inspiration für Sir Lancelot zu sein, Ray wird Ritter der Tafelrunde und Micks Gehirn ist eine bessere Waffe als das von Martin. Also ja: Eindeutig eine Episode „Legends“, allerdings eine die ziemlich weit geht – und das in jeder Hinsicht.
 Bester Moment: Ray, der uns erklärt, dass sein Lichtschwert nicht Lichtschwert heißen darf, weil das ein Copyright-Verstoß wäre.
 14. Witch Hunt (Legends of Tomorrow 4.2/53, Buch: Keto Shimizu und Matthew Maalaa, Regie: Kevin Mock)
 Nate: Well, I decided to extend my trip to 2018, and I may possibly be living a little bit at the Bureau.
Ava: You couldn't spring for a hotel?
Nate: Well, here's a fun fact about staying in the present: it costs money. And as a Legend, your salary is the... friendships you make along the way.
 Worum es geht: Während Nates Versuch sich mit seinem Vater auszusöhnen in eine ungeahnte Richtung geht, sind die Legends einer guten Fee auf der Spur, die sich zur Zeit der Hexenverfolgungen an ein junges Mädchen gebunden hat.
 Hintergrund: Mit dieser Folge wird John Constantine offiziell Mitglied der Legends, während Nate diese vorübergehend verlässt um einen Job beim Zeitbüro anzunehmen.
 Was ist verrückt daran? Die gute Fee ist ziemlich disney-haft und ziemlich böse zugleich. Und sehr sehr unterhaltsam. Und sie verwandelt Ray und Mick in Schweine, was dazu führt, dass Ray nackt in Nates Armen landet (unter anderen).
 Bester Moment: Jedes Mal, wenn die gute Fee singt, ist Begeisterung angebracht (es sei denn man gehört zu den Legends).
 13. Elongated Journey into Night/In die Länge gezogen (The Flash 4.4/73, Buch: Sterling Gates und Thomas Pound, Regie: Tom Cavanagh)
 „I promised there wasn't a single case I couldn't crack. And a promise made is a promise kept. Dibny detects."
 Worum es geht: Auf der Suche nach weiteren Bus-Metas nehmen Barry und Joe die Spur von Ralph Dibney auf, einen ehemaligen Polizisten, der wegen Barry seinen Job verlor und nun Privatschnüffler ist. Und seit neuesten auch … dehnbar. Unterdessen lernt Cisco den Vater seiner Freundin Gypsy kennen.
 Hintergrund: Nach der vergleichsweise düsteren zweiten Hälfte der dritten Staffel versuchten die Macher in der vierten Staffel die düsteren Elemente mit mehr Comdey zu gegenbalancieren, was nicht bei allen Fans gut ankam, oft aber zu wirklich witzigen Episoden und Momenten führten, wie diese, in der mit Ralph Dibney ein Schlüsselcharakter der Staffel eingeführt wird.
 Was ist verrückt daran? Breacher will Cisco bis zum Tod jagen, während Ralphs Dehnkräfte grauslicher sind als Reed Richards es je war. Nuff said.
 Bester Moment: Als Barry und Joe die Wohnanlage verlassen und meinen Ralph hätte sich nicht verändert, während Körperteile von ihm hinter ihnen aus dem Fenster gleiten.
 12.What’s Past is Prologue (The Flash 5.8/100, Buch: Todd Helbing und Lauren Certo, Regie: Tom Cavanagh)
 ·         Gideon : Good evening, Barry Allen. I was not expecting you this soon.
Nora West-Allen : She knows you?
Gideon : I know you as well, Nora West-Allen. Also known as XS.
 Worum es geht: Um Cicada zu besiegen beschließt Team Flash, dass sie eine Waffe bauen wollen, deren Bestandteile in der Vergangenheit versteckt sind. Barry soll sie nur schnell via Zeitreise holen, doch er nimmt Nora mit, und sehr schnell beginnt alles schief zu gehen.
 Hintergrund: Die ist die 100. Folge von „The Flash“ und hier werden noch mal die größten Böser Speedster-Hits durchgegangen. Die meisten anderen Charaktere werden durch Archivmaterial in die Folge geschummelt. Und die End-Sequenz leitet das diesjährige Crossover ein.
 Was ist verrückt daran? Zeitreisen ist im „Flash“ immer verrückt, doch diesmal wird es sogar noch eine Spur seltsamer als sonst, wenn Barry und Nora zu dem Zeitpunkt von Staffel 1 zurückreisen, an den Barry bereits in Staffel 2 zurückgereist ist, also gibt es ihn (wenn auch meistens ohnmächtig) dreimal in dieser Zeitperiode.
 Bester Moment: Tom Cavanagh dreht sein „bedrohlicher Eobard“-Spiel auf 100% in dieser Episode und beweist und noch einmal warum der Reverse-Flash der furchteinflößenste Flash-Feind ist.
 11.The Virgin Gary (Legends of Tomorrow 4.1/52, Buch: Phil Klemmer und Grainee Godfree, Regie: Gregory Smith)
 „I don't want to die a virgin!“
 Worum es geht: Gerade als der letzte Anachronismus eingesammelt wurde, kommt es in Woodstock zu einer neuen Zeitanomalie. Aus unterschiedlichen Gründen finden sich alle Legends dort wieder und begegnen einen mörderischen Einhorn, gegen das ihnen nur John Constantine helfen kann. Und Gary. Aus titelgebenden Gründen.
 Hintergrund: Diese Episode etabliert die magischen Flüchtlinge und Neron den Dämon als neue Antagonisten für Staffel 4. Außerdem kommt Hank Heywood zum ersten Mal als Erwachsener vor und John wird angeboten den Legends beizutreten.
 Was ist verrückt daran? Das Einhorn und seine Auswirkungen dreht den Legends-Verrücktheitsfaktor noch einmal eine Spur weiter hinauf.
 Bester Moment: Die erste Begegnung der Legends mit dem Einhorn, als sie es noch für eine schöne Kreatur halten. Tja, so kann man sich irren.
 9.       Helen Hunt (Legends of Tomorrow 3.6/39, Buch: Keto Shimizu und Ubah Mohamed, Regie: David Geddes)
 „I assure you, I am something far more ruthless than a Hollywood agent."
 Worum es geht: Helena von Troja taucht in der klassischen Ära von Hollywood auf und wird zum umschwärmten Star, der Heddy Lamarr und andere Kolleginnen schnell überflügelt und von ihren Karrieren abbringt. Nun liegt es an den Legends das zu richten. Nur dumm das Martin und Jax gerade erst unfreiwillig Körper getauscht haben.
 Hintergrund: Die Folge wurde vermutlich vor der MeToo-Debatte gepitcht, passt aber perfekt zu dieser, da sie genau diese Thematik behandelt und zugleich Heddy Lamarr als Wissenschaftlerin huldigt.
 Was ist verrückt daran? Helena, die schönste aller Frauen, und ein Körpertausch, zum Beispiel. Und alles, was aus diesen beiden Faktoren erfolgt.
 Bester Moment: Als Martin und Jax im Körper des jeweils anderen aufwachen und sehr sehr verwirrt sind.
 9.Fellowship of the Spear/Die Gefährten (Legends of Tomorrow 2.15/31, Buch: Keto Shimizu, Matthew Maala, Regie: Ben Bray)
 "Now that the Spear is whole it will try to lure each of us to use it. It will draw on our weaknesses, our desires, our regrets. It will promise each of us that we can re-make the world just as we want it."
 Worum es geht: In den Schützengräben des ersten Weltkriegs treffen die Legends auf J. R. R. Tolkien auf der Suche nach einem Weg den Speer des Schicksals zu zerstören. Aber die Legion of Doom hat sich einen weiteren Mitspieler besorgt dessen Identität besonders Mick hart trifft.
Hintergunrd: „Fellowship of Spear“ präsentiert mehr Tolkien und Peter Jackson-Film-Referenzen als man glauben könnte. Hier wird keine Gelegenheit ausgelassen um Referenzen einzubauen und zugleich wird und natürlich eingeredet, dass Tolkien seine Inspirationen für seine Mittelerde-Werke durch die Begegnung mit den Legends gefunden hat. Das Ende der Episode läutet dann das große Finale der Staffel ein und hat nicht allen Fans geschmeckt, aber es war genau wie die Ereignisse in der nächsten Episode vorherzusehen, dass es so kommen würde. Auf jeden Fall ein Fest für alle Tolkien-Fans.
 Was ist verrückt daran? Herr der Ringe mit Speer statt Ring und den Schützengräben des ersten Weltkriegs statt Mordor. Und ein sehr verwirrter Tolkien.
 Bester Moment: Rips Rip-Off von Aragorns berühmter „Menschen des Westens“-Rede und Tolkiens Reaktion darauf.
 7.       Luck be a Lady/Des einen Glück, des anderen Leid (The Flash 4.3/72, Buch: Sam Chalsen und Judalina Neira, Regie: Armen V. Kervokian)
„I'm sorry about that. But, maybe it's just their turn. Maybe for once, everyone else can feel for a second how bad I felt my entire life.“
Worum es geht: Becky Sharpe wurde durch den Bus-Zwischenfall zu einem Meta, der unglaubliches Glück hat, und allen in seiner Umgebung dafür Unglück bringt. Barry muss sie aufhalten, was gar nicht so leicht ist, wenn alles schief geht.
 Hintergrund: „Luck be a Lady“ ist die offensichtlichste Comedy-Episode von „The Flash“ in der durch Beckys Kräfte eine haarsträubende Situation noch der anderen entsteht.
 Was ist verrückt daran? So ziemlich alles, was durch Beckys Kräfte ausgelöst wird.
 Bester Moment: Die Art und Weise wie Iris‘ und Barrys Spontanhochzeit schief geht ist … sehr amüsant, wenn auch nicht für die beiden.
 7. Aruba/Zeitparadoxon (Legends of Tomorrow 2.17/33, Buch: Phil Klemmer und Marc Guggenheim, Regie: Rob Seidenglanz)
"Guys, I think we broke time."
Worum es geht: Die Legends wollen aus Doomworld fliehen, und beschließen, dass der einzige Weg die Zeitlinie zu retten darin besteht zu verhindern, dass die Legion den Speer je in die Hände bekommt und reisen dazu zurück in den ersten Weltkrieg zu ihrer letzten Mission. Doch damit verstoßen sie gegen die oberste Regel des Zeitreisens.
 Hintergrund: Das Staffelfinale der zweiten Staffel dreht noch mal so richtig auf mit Verrücktheit, Emotionen und Action. Und endet mit einem Cliffhangar.
 Was ist verrückt daran? Es gibt zwei Versionen von den Legends und mehrere Eobards. Was so verwirrend ist, wie es sich anhört.
 Bester Moment: Als Eobard der Legion auseinanderzusetzen versucht, dass die Legends angekommen sind, und damit aber die zukünftige Version der Legends meint, was Damien, Malcolm und Leonard so gar nicht eingehen möchte.
 6. The Good, The Bad and the Cuddly/Die Macht der sechs Totems (Legends of Tomorrow 3.18/51, Buch: Marc Guggenheim und Phil Klemmer, Regie: Dermott Downs)
All right. We're facing an army of Romans, Vikings, and pirates. But you know what today is? Today is the day that we prove that Rip did not sacrifice his life in vain. And today is the day that we prove that we are not losers. And today is the day that we earn the name "Legends"."
Worum es geht: Die Legends stellen sich Mallus im Kampf mit den Totems, doch sie scheitern und alles geht furchtbar schief. Während sie sich neu gruppieren, entwickelt Ray einen Backup-Plan und die anderen müssen lernen ihre Totems richtig zu nutzen.
 Hintergrund: Das Staffelfinale der dritten Staffel wirkt zwar teilweise etwas gehetzt, hat aber einen riesigen Beebo, der alles wieder gut macht. Hier werden viele Handlungsstränge oft sehr emotional abgeschlossen und manche weiterentwickelt oder neu begonnen.
 Was ist verrückt daran? Ein riesiger Beebo bekämpft einen riesigen Dämon.
 Bester Moment: Die Legends erschaffen ihren Champion mittels ihrer Totems – einen riesigen Beebo.
 5. Raiders of the Lost Art/Der Speer des Schicksals (Legends of Tomorrow 2.9/25, Buch: Keto Shimizu, Chris Fedak, Regie: Dermott Downs)
 "Look, George, I don't care about movies, but guys like them? They do. So before you get in that car and drive back to Modesto, just think about them, okay? Them, and all the millions of other people that your stories will someday inspire. The future of the entire world is at stake. And you're our only hope."
 Worum es geht: Auf der Suche nach Rip, der sich als amerikanischer Filmstudent in den 1970’ern ein neues Leben aufgebaut hat, treffen die Legion of Doom (so von Nate in dieser Episode betitelt) und die Legends aufeinander und schaffen es dabei George Lucas so zu traumatisieren, dass er sein Filmstudium aufgibt, was unvorhergesehene Konsequenzen für Ray und Nate hat. Und dann stellt sich auch noch heraus, dass Rip keine Ahnung hat, wer sie sind, oder wer er ist, obwohl er einen Film dreht, der verdächtige inhaltliche Ähnlichkeiten zu den Ereignissen der 1. Staffel besitzt
 Hintergrund: Die Autoren selbst meinten über „Raiders of the Lost Art“, dass das entweder ihre beste Episode werden würde, oder der Punkt an dem die Serie endgültig in den Wahnsinn ab- und auf ein verfrühtes Ende zu -driftet. Und, ja die Serie verfällt mit dieser Folge endgültig dem Wahnsinn aber auf gute Weise. Neben dem offensichtlichen Liebesbrief an George Lucas, stellt diese Episode natürlich auch eine Art Meta-Kommentar zum Rest der Serie dar.
 Was ist verrückt daran? George Lucas-Zitate, ein verängstigeter George himself, eine verwirrter Rip, der sich für einen amerikanischen Filmstudenten hält, Nate der Yoga-Lehrer und Ray der Chirurg. Und Martin und Mick.
 4. Beebo the God of War/Beebo, der Kriegsgott (Legends of Tomorrow 3.9/42, Buch: Grainne Goodfree und James Eagan, Regie: Kevin Mock)
 "Beebo hungry."
"And your god hungers for battle!"
 Worum es geht: Als die Legends einen Anachronismus zur Zeit von Leif Erikson nachgehen, treffen sie auf einen jungen Martin Stein, doch nicht dieser ist der Anachronismus, es ist der neue Gott der Wikinger: Der immer hungrige Gott Beebo – ein sprechendes Stofftier aus den 1990wen.
 Hintergrund: Die Weihnachtsfolge aus der 3. Staffel nimmt Bezug auf den Cuddle-Me-Elmo-Hype der Neunziger, während die Eröffnungsszene aber fast so wirkt als wäre sie direkt aus „Versrporchen ist versprochen“ entnommen. Die Folge spielt nach dem „Crisis on Earth-X“-Crossover und setzt sich außerdem mit dem Fallout dieses Crossovers auseinander. In der letzten Szene gibt es einen überraschenden Gastauftritt.
 Was ist verrückt daran? Wikinger, die eine sprechende Beebo-Puppe anbeten. Geht es noch verrückter? (Ja drei Plätze lang).
 Bester Moment: Als klar wird, wer der neue Gott der Wikinger ist.
 3. Legends of To-Meow-Meow (Legends of Tomorrow 4.8/59, Buch: James Eagan und Ray Utarnachitt, Regie: Ben Bray)
 Gideon: You missed calls from Barry Allen, Oliver Queen and Kara Zor-El.
Ray: Sounds like the annual crossover.
Nate: Ugh. Yeah, that's gonna be a hard pass.
Worum es geht: John Constantine hat die Zeit zerstört und eine neue Zeitlinie geschaffen, in der die Dinge nicht zum Besten stehen. Da er und Charlie aber bekommen haben, was sie wollten, versuchen sie nur Schadensbegrenzung zu betreiben und geraten dadurch vom Regen in die Traufe. Während Zari den Großteil der Folge als Katze zubringt.
 Hintergrund: Das Mid-Season-Finale dieser Staffel setzt das Crossover aus, und crossovert stattdessen mit sich selbst. Von verrückter Zeitlinie zu noch verrückterer, erfahren wir hier, worum es im Lauf der weiteren Staffel noch gehen wird.
 Was ist verrückt daran? Jedes neue Szenario ist neu verrückt. Und weniger verrückt sondern beeindruckend ist, dass die Welt von einem True Love Kiss zwischen John und seinem Liebhaber Desmond repariert wird.
 Bester Moment: Das Puppen-Szenario.
 2. Duet/Die Macht der Liebe (The Flash 3.17/63, Buch: Aaron Helbing, Todd Helbing, Greg Berlani, Andrew Kreisberg, Regie: Dermott Daniels Downs)
 "Everything is better in song. When you speak, it's just words. But when you sing, you open up your soul and let who you really are shine through."
 Worum es geht: Eine komatöse Kara wird nach Erde-1 gebracht in Verfolgung ihres Angreifers der seltsamem Music Meisters, der auch noch Barry ins Koma versetzt. Während Kara und Barry sich in einer Musical-Welt wiederfinden, müssen ihre Freunde den Music Meister in der echten Welt bekämpfen.
 Hintergrund: Dieses „Supergirl“- und „The Flash“-Crossover wurde von langer Hand vorbereitet und musste wohl irgendwann kommen, nicht umsonst besitzt das Arrowmultiverse eine hohe Anzahl an Tripple-Talenten unter ihren Stars. Also ja, die Musicalepisode –sie stammt aus der Joss Whedon-Schule, wie das gesamte Arrowmultiversum überhaupt, aber nirgends wird das deutlicher als hier, die Musicalstruktur ist ein Gimmick für eine hoch-emotioanle-Story. „Glee“-Fans können sich außerdem auf eine Mini-Reunion durch Music Meister-Darsteller Darren Criss freuen.
Was ist verrückt daran? Das gesamte Musical, in das Barry und Kara gezogen werden. Wo sonst könnte man zwei ein schwules Gangsterprächen als liebende Väter erleben? Ja, genau, nur hier in „The Flash“.
 1.       Elseworlds Part 1-3 (The Flash 5.9/101, Arrow 7.9/147, Supergirl 4.9/74. Buch: Eric Wallace und Sam Chalsen/Marc Guggenheim und Caroline Dries/Mac Guggenheim, Derek Simon und Rob Rovner, Regie: Kevin Tancharoen und Tom Cavanagh/James Bamford/Jesse Warn)
 Barry: You gotta admit, this is a little cool.
Oliver: I will find it a lot cooler when I wake up in my own bed tomorrow morning.
Barry: You woke up in bed with Iris?
Oliver: Mm-hmm.
Barry: [suddenly serious] We have to fix this right now !!
 Worum es geht: Oliver Queen wacht eines Morgens auf und wird von allen für Barry Allen gehalten. Barry Allen wacht eines Tages auf und wird von allen für Oliver Queen gehalten. Sie suchen Kara auf, die ihnen bestätigt, dass sie Barry und Oliver und nicht Oliver und Barry sind und ahnen noch nicht, dass das alles Teil eines kosmischen Tests ist.
 Hintergrund: Das diesjährige Crossover verzichtet auf die Legends, zeigt aber deutlich die Eifersucht der anderen drei Serien auf die kleine Schwester und will hier scheinbar alles nachholen. Zugleich wird Batwoman hier in das Arrowmultiversum eingeführt und das Crossover für das nächste Jahr wird vorbereitet.
 Was ist verrückt daran? Vor allem der Barry-Oliver und Oliver-Barry-Teil ist besonders verrückt und spaßig. Danach gibt es eine neue Realität, in der ein falscher Superman die Welt regiert und Barry und Oliver Flüchtlinge sind, auch diese Realität ist ziemlich verrückt und inkludiert Supermans Worst Pal Jimmy Olsen und eine Erde-1-Version von Alex Danvers.
 Bester Moment: Das Intro zu Folge 2 mit Grant Gustin als Oliver, der alle entsprechenden Szenen noch einmal nachdreht, ist zum Schreien. Ich zumindest habe vor Lachen geschrienen als ich es gesehen habe.
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dineshgilfoyle · 8 years
Drabble Jukebox
Send a letter and a number for a short fic, y’all!
A.     Dinesh Chugtai/Bertram Gilfoyle
B.     Richard Hendricks/Jared Dunn
C.     Jared Dunn/Bertram Gilfoyle
D.     Rachel Goldberg/Quinn King
E.     Veronica Lodge/Josie McCoy
F.     Gavin Belson/Peter Gregory
G.     Richard Hendricks/Gavin Belson
H.     Ben Wyatt/Chris Traeger
I.     Raquel Westbrook/Abby Vargas
J. Angus MacGyver/Jack Dalton
K. Josie McCoy/Valerie Brown
L. Mac MacDonald/Dennis Reynolds
M. Jake Peralta/Ray Holt
N. Joe MacMillan/Gordon Clark
O. Pablo Bolivar/Kelly Maxwell
P. Jessica Huang/Louis Huang
Q. Jessa Johansson/Marnie Michaels
R. Mike Wheeler/Eleven
S. Ryan Atwood/Seth Cohen
T. Riley Matthews/Maya Hart
U. Sterling Archer/Pam Poovey
V. Jonah Simms/Garrett MacNeil
W. Madeline Mackenzie/Celeste Wright
X. Buffy Summers/Cordelia Chase
Y. Ray Holt/Kevin Cozner
Z. Jeff Winger/Shirley Bennett
 1.     College AU
2.     Soulmate AU
3.     Stranded on an island
4.     High school theater kids AU
5.     Stuck at the airport
6.     Single parents AU
7.     Post break-up
8.     Married domestic life
9.     Your choice
0 notes
dd122004dd · 7 months
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Originally posted by weak-hero
Little Witch - 1 & 2  (Completed)
Pairing: Ryan Clarke x Witch!Reader
Genre: Angst with eventual fluff and a happy ending.
Summary: Ryan Clarke finally met someone to love him, a place of solace in his turbulent world. But what will happen when Malivore finds out about his son’s love? Will they ever get to be together or will they wither away apart? (Set in pre-puddle Malivore time + modern era)
Painting a New Beginning
Pairing: Human!Ryan Clarke x Painter!Reader
Genre: Pure fluff with a happy ending
Summary: After Ryan Clarke turned human, he began re-building his life in the human world. But, what do humans do when they get bored? They join a painting class!
“I Won’t Forget You.” (Requested)
Paring: Ryan Clarke x Sister!Reader
Genre: Angst with character death
Summary:  Ryan Clarke has grown to be more defiant of Malivore, so as punishment he takes away something precious from him, forever.
Soulmate One-shot Series:
A Soulmate for Christmas
Pairing: Ryan Clarke x Heretic!Reader
Genre: Pure angst, no happy ending. (Real tear-jerker if I do say so myself.)
Bond: You’re born with your soulmate’s name on your wrist
Summary: Y/N was a particularly rebellious heretic with a penchant for getting into trouble with Malivore’s monsters. So, what is a girl to do when Hope warns her about a monster in the dungeon? Disregard the warning and visit it, of course!
Bleeding Gold
Pairing: Ryan Clarke x Fairy!Reader
Genre: Angst with eventual fluff and a happy ending.
Bond: Eye contact for the first time.
Summary: A soulmate is one of the most revered bonds in the supernatural world, but what happens when your soulmate rejects you? Will you survive? Will he regret his decision? Well, you’ll just have to read and find out.
‘Calm, little one’
Pairing: Ryan Clarke x Vampire!Reader
Genre: Fluff with a hint of action (Not THAT kind of action, I meant fighting, get your mind out of the gutter)
Bond: A mark showing the place where your soulmate first touches you
Summary: What happens when you’re an immortal vampire and practically Hope Mikaelson’s foster mother and mated to Ryan Clarke, her enemy? And what happens when you find out he’s your mate right when he’s about to stab Hope with a magical artifact? Chaos ensues, of course.
Rings of Fate
Pairing: Ryan Clarke x Human!Reader
Genre: Angst with fluff and a happy ending.
Bond: You’re born with a ring on your finger that changes colors with your soulmate’s mood and turns gold when you meet your soulmate. (Also, IF YOU LIKE A THING YOU SHOULD’A PUT A RING ON IT!)
Summary: What happens when your soul-ring dissipates, signifying your soulmate died, then a few months later your soul-ring re-materializes. Did you get a second soulmate or is resurrection real? Maybe you should’ve paid more attention in Bible class.
The Moon and the Star
Paring: Ryan Clarke x Reader (Medieval Au)
Genre: Slight angst and fluff with a happy ending.
Bond: Eye contact for the first time.
Summary:  Y/N Cavendish is a member of nobility while her soulmate Ryan Clarke is a commoner. Will they ever be able to be together or will their different stations keep them apart?
“Paint me like one of your French Boys.”
Pairing: Ryan Clarke x Reader (Rennaisance Au)
Genre: Slight angst and fluff with a happy ending.
Bond: Body swapping.
Summary: Ryan Clarke is on a mission to track down a monster but what  he doesn’t expect to find is his soulmate. He meets her in such circumstances that would leave you clutching your pearls.
The Goddess of my Heart
Pairing: Ryan Clarke x Greek Goddess!Reader
Genre: Pain, torture, punishment and revenge
Bond: Soulmate Bond 
Summary:  Hope Mikaelson tore apart the earth looking for Ryan Clarke but she was in for a big surprise when she finally found him.
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dd122004dd · 2 years
Bleeding Gold
Pairing: Ryan Clarke x Fairy!Reader Soulmate AU
Genre: Angst, Eventual Fluff
Author’s Note: Ok, IK we hadn’t planned angst but ugh. What if Ryan rejects reader as his soulmate and she bleeds gold but she’s able to survive but when he comes back to her again, wanting her, she either accepts him or rejects him. Yes, I know that this is just the second fic of the soulmate series and you’re probably expecting fluff but I don’t know where all this angst is coming from but it seems like it’s all that I can write for now. I’ll try writing fluffy fics or at least 5 fluffy and 5 angst, we’ll see.
Also, PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF RYAN, comment and share your thoughts. (Because quite frankly I need the feedback, unless you have something negative to say, then just keep your thoughts to yourself)
Warnings: Angst (again), bleeding gold, chest cracks, attempted sewing up chest, internal and external pain, emotional trauma and physical trauma, and scars.
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Everyone in this wretched world wished to meet their soulmate. Someone to complete them, to compliment them and stay with them. Though there were people who never met their soulmates there were even fewer who got rejected by their soulmates.
Rejecting your mate was one of the most brutal forms of pain one could put another through. After a rejection, the soulmate’s bond would never be the same, forever burned into their souls, and as if the pain itself wasn’t enough, the universe had decreed it that the rejected mate would carry a crack in their chest for the rest of their lives, constantly bleeding gold until the scar turned black along with the soulmate’s heart leaving the mates numb, unable to feel anything.
The rejector, would have a similar scar on their chest but theirs would bleed gold forever, letting little pieces of their soul break away. The pain more often than not brought the rejector back to their mate but if the mate’s crack had already turned black then the rejector was forced to live with the pain and regret for the rest of their lives.
When I was younger, I remember my parents using the potential rejection of my soulmate to threaten me into doing my chores. They could’ve never anticipated how true their words rang as I stood there in that moment, in the little warehouse, staring at my soulmate as he told me that he didn’t want me, that he’d cursed the day I was born, that he’d rued our bond the moment it was formed.
I felt numb, yet I could feel his words pierce into me, into my soul. I could feel my chest cracking, tearing and bleeding. I could feel the warmth of my soul escaping my body slowly, tortuously. 
It was as if my soul wanted to escape my body and reunite with his, but as his boots were stained gold, he merely looked at me with contempt before spinning around, leaving golden footprints on the floor.
I was immune to Malivore’s magic because of my bond with him. Some might call it a gift, but I called it a curse. In the weeks after Hope jumped into Malivore with him, I constantly replayed the moment over and over in my mind. 
Why did he reject me?
Was it because of how I look?
Were my ears too pointy? Were my eyes too wide?
Is it because I’m too bold? It’s okay, I can change, I promise.
It was quite pathetic, really. Begging a deity to give me back the soulmate that didn’t want me in the first place.
After Landon had woken up, he’d come to me to ask about what happened to Malivore, but seeing me there with blood-shot eyes, a large crack in my chest and gold flowing from my chest, soaking into my clothes and into the floor, he called Alaric with trembling hands, informing him of the situation.
In the coming weeks, I couldn’t talk, too overwhelmed by the pain I felt. The only person who could possibly understand was Alaric, but he’d gotten to spend time with his soulmate before she passed. He got to cherish her and be cherished by her, while all I got was a stab to the soul and a crack in my chest. 
When the pain got too much to bear, I tried everything to make it go away, even trying to sew up my chest, but that just made it worse, it caused more cracks and burned my fingers. 
It was in that moment that I wished that everything could go back to normal, to before I’d met my soulmate, but fate was not as kind for after I had began to heal and get back to a somewhat normal, Hope came back and later, so did he.
What’s funny is that I didn’t even know his name. All this time grieving over a nameless soulmate. 
When he came back, I was certainly not ready to see him. My crack bled more than it had ever bled, but I needed closure. I needed to move on, plus the edges of my crack had already started turning grey. It wouldn’t be long before I was numb, but before I was unable to feel anything anymore I wanted to feel. I wanted to rage at my soulmate, I wanted to spend time with my friends, I wanted to feel happy just once before all of it was taken away.
“Why did you do it?”
“Reject me.”
“Oh...I uh-I don’t know.”
“Really?! You ripped out my soul and the only reason you could come up with is that you don’t know?! YOU DON’T KNOW?! LIAR! You knew perfectly well what it would do to me, what it would do to US. SO, TELL ME WHY, my dear darling soulmate.”
“It’s because you were,no, are a disgusting, pathetic little fairy who constantly needs someone to protect and defend her. I mean, who would want a weak little fairy as a soulmate? Hope would’ve made a better soulmate than you, at least she would have been able to fight. The good only thing that you could do is get absorbed into Malivore.”
“FINE, YOU WANNA KNOW WHY I REJECTED YOU? HMM? Why did I reject you without even giving you a chance? Why I ‘tore your soul out’ as you put it?! It’s because when I saw you I knew you were too good for me. A pretty little fairy destined to be the mate of Malivore’s disgrace, how ironic. Did you know, my father absorbed most of your community and guess who helped him?! Me! I helped him destroy most of your people, and there you were. My soulmate was part of the people whose blood was on my hands. Do you think this was easy for me?! To leave you bleeding there when all I wanted to do was to comfort you?! God if it were up to me, I’d have never rejected you but I couldn’t let anything happen to you and the best way to do that was to distance myself.”
His reasoning silenced her. She understood his reasons but that didn’t mean that she condoned his actions. She sighed before stating,
“You still hurt me.”
“I know.”
“You know, this was supposed to be my closure, but the only thing that every fiber of my being wants to do is to comfort you even though I’m hurting.”
“What does that mean for.....us?”
“Do you hate me?”
“Well, in that case I’d like to get to know you better. I’d like to give us a shot before I am unable to.”
“I’d like that too. And...uh...About before- I didn’t mean anything I said, I was just trying to hurt you. You’re amazing, just the way you are.”
“Uh-Thanks? You have a lot to make up for.”
“I know I do, and I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you.”
As promised, both of them spent time working on their broken relationship. It wasn’t the same as what could have been but it was theirs.
After a few years, the scars on their chests slowly closed, forming faint scars that eternally reminded the soulmates of what could have been. 
But in the end, they came together and were happier than either of them had ever been.
After Ryan had turned human, his soulmate and him had moved far away from the supernatural world. They lived in a picturesque cottage with plants crawling on it’s walls, making it almost blend into the nature surrounding it. It had those beautiful ornate bookshelves she’d always wanted and it had that pretty fire-place that Ryan had always wanted. 
Y/N was finally at peace with herself and the world. She was bonded to her soulmate, neither of them was in any sort of danger and they were immeasurably happy in their little slice of paradise.
And the blessings only continued when Y/N found out that she was expecting a little fairy child of her own. Ryan, of course, passed out when he got to know but he was an incredibly doting father, always buying the littlest of things that he thought that the baby would need. He was also probably the reason why you had a cupboard full of soft toys.
You were in the nursery softly humming to your baby while sitting in your huge, soft rocking chair. (The thing was like a huge arm chair with rockers) She was a beautiful little miracle named Alette, meaning small winged one, on account of the cute tiny wings that she was born with. 
Ryan leaned on the door frame, admiring his little family and his soulmate, thanking anyone out there that he had not thrown away his chance at a peaceful life with his soulmate and their beautiful baby girl.
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dd122004dd · 3 years
Hi! Welcome to my blog! I’m the Weaver of Words. How may I assist thee today?
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About me:
I’m a Virgo. (Yay!)
I enjoy horror.
I’m a Ravenclaw
I LOVE GIFS. (If you couldn’t tell.)
Requests are open.
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I like to write the unwritten, so name any character that you’d like to read about, most particularly the ones that have very few fics about them.
Also, I do not consent to anyone re-posting my work as their own. All my works are originals and are my intellectual property.
Below is my Masterlist of everything that I have ever written:
CHARMED (2018)
My Original Works
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dd122004dd · 3 years
A Soulmate for Christmas
This is the first post of my soulmate series, with a total of 10 Ryan Clarke fics. So, if you wanna see any specific bonds between Ryan and Y/N, SEND THEM IN!
Ryan Clarke with the name of his soulmate on his wrist and Hope figures out who’s her soulmate and warns her away from him. Reader is a Heretic with a rebellious streak and so she goes to visit Clarke while he’s in their prisons.
Okay, I don’t know why this one ended up angsty but my fingers that’s where the story led. I’m sorry
Warnings: Character death, angst, lots of angst, mentions of the word ‘Hell’
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Being a Siphoner was looked down by the witch community, being a Heretic was even more so. After walking the Earth for a little over a century I grew tired of looking for my soulmate.
Eventually, I decided to put down roots, but where does one go when they’re excluded from most supernatural communities? The Salvatore school of course!
Okay, to be fair it wasn’t as smooth sailing as that. When I’d arrived, looking for the Salvatores I came across Alaric, he’d been suspicious and downright hostile to me. Understandably so, his wife had been murdered by her Heretic brother and now here I was, another threat to his little family. But after a lot of...uh...we’ll call it bonding and totally not almost dying a few times  we eventually established that I was not a threat to his family and I also taught his daughters what I’d learned over the centuries. 
When the Salvatore school officially opened up to students, I had been offered a teaching position and I accepted. To be honest, I loved teaching the young witches, even though some of them held certain views against Heretics.
“Hey Y/N!” Hope called out after me. That was unusual, to say the least. The young tribrid rarely, if ever crossed paths with me, much less spoke to me so if she was coming up to me, she must’ve had a damn good reason to. 
“Hey...Uh I just wanted to tell you to not go into the dungeon. Okay? Because we’re holding another of Malivore’s monsters and I don’t want anyone to get hurt. Plus there’s a boundary spell around the bars to prevent him from escaping.”
“Uh-yeah. But, why are you telling me this?”
“No reason, just...he can be extremely manipulative and might make someone set him free so I’m going around warning the people strong enough to break the spell.”
Normally that would’ve been a good reason for me to believe her, except for the fact that her heart was beating slightly faster than normal. In fact the difference was so small that one wouldn’t have been able to notice it if they hadn’t been paying attention.
So, nodding I made my way to my next class, making up my mind to check out who or rather what was in the dungeon. After all, what’s life without a bit of risk?
Plus, when else am I ever going to get a chance to learn about seemingly mythological beings? Well....learning is more of a stretch, it’s more of almost dying but ya win, some ya lose some, eh?
I eventually made my way down to the dungeon, coming face to face with the monster I’d been warned away from. 
He looked just like a human and if I didn’t know better, I’d have bet good money that he was nothing more than a mortal.
“Who are you?” 
“I could ask you the same, little witch.”
“I asked you first.”
“Why should I tell you who I am? Names have power, don’t you know?”
“So does blood. Since you don’t want to tell me who you are, tell me what you are.”
He stared at me for a moment before responding, “Your worst nightmare.”
“Well, you’re welcome to my nightmares anytime. Plus, if you were my worst nightmare then wouldn’t you be caught in a dream catcher instead of in a simple prison charmed with a barrier spell?”
“You know your mythology.”
Playing games with this new monster was fun but my patience was running thin. I cast a truth spell on the monster before asking.
“What are you?”
“As if- I’m a Golem. A mud man. The creation on Malivore- wait why did I say tha- ugh not another truth spell! What is up with you witches and truth spells?”
Smirking, I replied, “Well, you shouldn’t have danced around the bush, then Mr-it’s-clobbering-time.”
“One, Golems are not people made of rocks with super strength and navy blue shorts. Second, since you know what I am, it’s only fair that I know your name in return, witch.”
“Y/N L/N, clobberin’ man.” 
He froze in his cell, staring at me with wide eyes. I stared back at him in confusion. “I suppose your soul mark says ‘Ryan Clarke’, doesn’t it, Y/N L/N?”
I looked at him with wide eyes, “What have you done?”
“I haven’t done anything, little witch. I haven’t harmed your soulmate because harming him would bring me great pain.”
“Then....where is he?”
“You’re looking at him.”
When I recovered from my surprise, Hope opened the door to the little prison. She looked between the two of us before sighing. 
“I suppose you found out, huh?” she said, nonchalantly. 
 “You-You suppose I found out?!? Hope. what the HELL were you thinking? You tried to keep me away from my mate! You KNEW that I spent centuries, CENTURIES looking for him. The LEAST you could’ve done was tell me. Didn’t I deserve to know?!”
“Y/N it’s not-not what you think. He’s evil! He cares about nothing but himself. He even used Josie when he tried to transfer his consciousness to me! I couldn’t let him get to you too! I just didn’t want you to be hurt. I’m sorry.” Her voice got progressively lower as she spoke.
“What do you mean he used Josie?!?” I bellowed. Turning to him with fury coursing through my veins I asked, “What the HELL did you do to Josie?!? And you dare come here, into my home, and try and harm the students under my care?! Soulmate or not, that is unforgivable.”
Ryan tried defending himself but he found that he had no defense. His mate was right in her ire towards him. 
“Well, there might be a way for you to make reparations. Okay, so one more of Malivore’s lovely creatures is up there spreading Christmas cheer. It appears that the three of us are the only ones unaffected. Probably because we’re miserable. So, Ryan, you need to help us find this creature.”
“Well, what would I get in return?”
“What do you want?”
“Well, apart from the forgiveness of my dear Y/N, I’ve never spent a single Christmas celebrating, so I want to spend one Christmas eating, singing and making merry before I die.”
Hope sighed before agreeing, but I was held up on one word ‘die’. What did he mean by that? 
As Ryan gorged on Christmas food, cookies and cake, Hope squeezed as much information out of him as she could about the Krampus and I was squeezing information out of her about Ryan’s....condition. She eventually fessed up and told me everything, or at least a summarized version of everything. 
To say I was shocked was an understatement, but I didn’t have time to dwell on anything as the reality of my situation sunk in. I wouldn’t have the life I’d dreamed of with my soulmate, in fact, I’d only have until the clock struck midnight, oh how nightmarish this Cinderella story was. Maybe he was onto something about being my worst nightmare.
After Ryan had had his fill, the party moved to a slower pace. Romantic Christmas music was put on and as the soft dulcet tones filled the air, I grabbed my soulmate, leading him to dance. Well, it was just us swaying with each other, but it felt perfect.
In that dance, we whispered to each other, learning about each other, trying to make the moment last forever, but alas the song ended and our bubble shattered. 
Soon, someone handed us slips of paper to write down wishes on. I figured what’s the harm in it, so I write down,
‘I wish I had forever with my soulmate.’
(Time skip brought to you by Lizzie’s Luscious Locks)
After Krampus was defeated, Ryan made his way towards the mini Malivore pit well aware that his mate trailed after him.
“I know you’re there. Come out.”
I approached my mate, glancing at the large clock in the town. Only 20 minutes.
“Walk with me, please. I don’t think I can do this alone.”
I silently nodded, holding his hand as we walked to his demise. We talked for what felt like hours. We joked, we laughed and told each other our secrets. Soon, we reached the Malivore pit before either of us realized that it was time to go.
It’s funny, isn’t it? The very soulmate that I was waiting so long for, the one that I hoped against all hopes was real and that I wasn’t cursed to roam the world alone was a literal mud man/ticking time bomb filled with Hope Mikaelson’s blood.
The mate I’d hope to walk the Earth with was leaving me before we could even spend a whole day together. In all of my fantasies of how we’d meet I never could have anticipated this. 
I knew that if my mate was a mortal I could simply change them into a vampire so that we’d never be separated, but no amount of vampire blood could stop our separation, and the sheer powerlessness I felt was enough to bring me to my knees.
It felt like a punishment. Like every thing my coven, the witches and the vampires said about me was right, that I was an abomination and I didn’t deserve a mate.
But as I stared into his beautiful brown eyes, eyes that I’d probably never see again, I knew that they were wrong.
He grasped by arms, pulling me closer and resting his forehead against mine. “I wish we had longer. I wish I’d have met you before, but I can’t say that I haven’t loved spending time with you. I was always curious of what you’d be like and now that I’ve met you I know that I am one lucky bastard to get you as my soulmate, even just for a night.”
At this point, slow tears trailed down both of our faces as our lips touched each other’s, our bodies melding into one, the way it was supposed to be all along.
“Don’t go.”
“I don’t want to, but if I don’t then once my father returns, he’ll come after you and everyone you care about. Even though it breaks my soul to leave you, I have to do this, not for anyone else, simply for you.”
“I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too, little witch.”
He walked a few paces before turning to look at his mate one last time, taking in her beauty, under the pale moonlight she looked like she was glowing, almost like a goddess.
“So this is what heroes feel like, huh? Never thought I’d be here, in this position, willing to sacrifice myself for someone, yet here we are. My only regret is that I didn’t find you sooner.
Ya know, you were the best thing to ever happen to me.
Perhaps in another lifetime, my soulmate.” He said before crumbling before my eyes.
The pain I felt at that moment broke me. It was as if my entire world collapsed under my feet. It felt like someone ripped my heart out, leaving me bleeding out on the floor.
The rest of the night was a blur but somehow, I made it back to my room before collapsing into bed and passing out from the intense pain I felt.
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dd122004dd · 2 years
‘Calm, little one.’
Ryan Clarke has the mark where his soulmate first touches him. It’s around his neck ironically and hers is on her hands. I was thinking, a little sub Ryan?
This is fic no 3 of the soulmate oneshot series, so if you have any bonds you desire to see, now’s your chance to send them in!
P.S. It took me a while to find the perfect gif, so here ya go!
Warning: Slight choking, mentions of dark magic, mentions of angst
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Soulmarks. The one thing that bonded you to your soulmate. The only way you could find them. Everyone had soulmarks of different varieties. Some had their soulmate’s name tattooed on them, others could taste what their soulmates tasted, others had timers, calendars or ages written on their wrists, but my mark was different, if a little unconventional. It was the first time my soulmate touched me. 
My marks ran across my fingers as if my soulmate was clawing at my hands. 
It’s funny. Centuries ago I had imagined how I’d meet my soulmate, picturing thousands of scenarios of how I’d meet my ‘one’ but that was before I was turned into the monster that I am now, and who would want a monster for a mate? 
It all made sense now, why else would my soulmate claw at my hands? I was destined to kill my mate and that realization almost made me flip my switch.
I was one of the first vampires turned by the Mikaelsons. I was with them through a lot and after they and a large portion of the vampire population was gone, I had vowed to protect Klaus’s daughter so I stuck by Hope Mikaelson’s side, which led us both to the Salvatore house, a place I’ll admit I never expected to end up in.
Alaric was reluctant to let me come along but he begrudgingly agreed once Hope made it clear that the both of us came or neither of us came to hims ‘school for the supernatural’.
As the years moved past, Hope grew more jaded, more distant, a far cry from the once happy young girl she used to be. It made my heart ache but I tried to reassure her that I’d remain by her side as long as I was able.
 All that was thrown out of the window when Malivore appeared with his plethora of mythical creatures that were beyond any threat we had ever faced. Survival was not guaranteed but I had to make sure that Hope was safe.
I watched as she grew to love that boy, what was his name? Lanfrey? London? Yeah, right. Landon. I watched her slowly resemble the happy girl I used to know. I hoped that the gods would finally leave her alone to let her be happy with that boy who, might I say wore more eye make-up than Batman. (Yes, I know what Batman is, I spend the days with MG and the kids to be ‘up with the times’ or was it down?)
But that was before she jumped into Malivore, erasing her from all our memories. When she came back, she was a changed woman. Landon dating Josie caused her great heart ache. It broke her on the inside, even though she tried to cover it up.
Then Alaric was replaced by that fancy-hat wearing, alligator hunter-looking, dark-magic encouraging little snake Vardemous, who used Josie to create this poke-y thing that let one exchange bodies? Also, turns out the snake was actually Ryan, Malivore’s ‘son’, I know, plot twist but I always knew that there was something ‘sus’ about him. (Look at me using modern lingo.)
When Hope was about to be stabbed, pseudo Landon arrived to help her. It was at this moment that I sped towards the mud-man, knocking the dark artifact out of his hands and wrapping my hands around his throat as his hands clasped mine.
I felt tingling in my palm which spread through out my whole being. My mind only processed one word ‘Mate’. 
I snapped out of my reverie when I felt him struggle against me.
“Calm, little one.” I said, looking into his eyes.
He looked back at me, eyes a little glazed before he stopped struggling.
“Never expected that this is how I’d meet my soulmate.” he exclaimed nonchalantly. 
“And how did you expect to meet me?” I asked, curiously.
“Well, I certainly imagined the circumstances to be a bit kinkier.”
On hearing that, Hope choked a bit while pseudo Landon simply laughed. I smacked the back of his head and told him to wait in my bedroom (To which he replied, “Oooh, wish to punish me so soon, soulmate? At least take me out to dinner first.” which got him another smack.) before escorting Hope to her room to rest. 
As she laid down, she looked at me with bleary eyes, saying, “Did it have to be him?”
“Well, we can’t decide our soul’s match, Hope. You can trust that I will not forgive him easily for all the heartache and backstabbing he has done. But I cannot allow you to hurt him either. This is such a mess, isn’t it?”
“We just love messes, don’t we?” she replied sarcastically.
I laughed at her comment before telling her to rest.
Ryan was pacing in his soulmate’s bedroom. How could he not? He’d hurt so many people at the Salvatore school that he didn’t know whether they would be able to forgive him. He didn’t care about the others, they quite frankly didn’t matter, but what about you? Would you forgive him?
I stood in front of my door. What would happen now? My soulmate had hurt so many people, most importantly, Hope.
Squaring my shoulders back I entered my room with a neutral look on my face.
“Hello, soulmate.”
“H-Hi. Ehm...How...is Hope?”
“Exhausted, no thanks to you. So, tell me dearest, what is your name and why did you attack my Hope?”
Her phrasing infuriated the mud-man. What did she mean by ‘my Hope’ were they a thing? But Hope loved Landon. Unless...
“Ryan. Ryan Clarke. And what exactly did you mean by ‘my Hope’? Are you two dating, because I was under the impression that she was dating my baby brother. By the way, where is he?” he said nonchalantly, as if her statement hadn’t bothered him but the older vampire knew better.
“I am Y/N L/N, Ryan Clarke. Hope is like a daughter to me, it is rude to assume otherwise, little one. And Lanfrey and Hope are no longer together. He started dating Josie after Hope jumped into Malivore. But don’t you dare use this information to hurt Hope or Josie because if you do, little mud-man I will rip you apart piece by piece before sculpting you together again and repeating the entire process. You understand?”
He shakily nodded at her threat before quietly asking, “Now, what?”
The older vampire sighed, rubbing her eyes before looking at her soulmate, “I don’t know.”
“They won’t trust me.”
“No shit, Sherlock. Trust me, after what you did I’m a bit surprised that no one has hunted your ass down and gone all Danny LaRusso on your ass.” (Yes, that was a Glee reference and a  Karate kid reference.)
“So...” he gulped, “How do I get them to trust me?”
“Well, that, my dear shall require a lot of time and patience and no backstabbing. I shall ensure that you are not physically harmed but you will have to brave a storm of emotional pain unlike any other you have faced in order to earn everyone’s trust. Including mine. 
Now, I’m open to forgiving you but it will take time to forgive what you have done to the people I hold dear to me.”
“Understandable. I would expect nothing less from such a formidable woman as yourself.”
“Flatterer, but I’m glad that we’re on the same page.”
A few moments of silence passed between us before I decided to break the silence.
“So, floor or bed?”
“Since you’re going to be gracing my chambers with your presence for the foreseeable future, what kind of sleeping arrangements would you be most comfortable with, Milord?”, I asked, dramatically as I put on an obnoxiously fake British accent.
“Are you always this dramatic, Downton Abbey?”
“It’s annoying.”
“You’re stuck with me.”
“I believe you mean ‘gladly entwined with you’, dear Y/N.”
“Whatever, you still haven’t chosen an option.”
“Your bed is big enough for two.”
“Nuh-uh. I kick people in my sleep.”
“I think I can handle it.”
He could NOT handle it. Whatever that woman’s feet were made of, it certainly wasn’t flesh and bone. It felt like he was constantly being kicked with a metal horseshoe. At some point in the middle of the night he’d had enough and slept in the bathtub of her adjoining bathroom.
I woke up without Ryan beside me and panicked. ‘What if someone got to him in the night? What if he left?’ I was about to go into a downward spiral until I saw the bathroom door cracked open with small snores coming from inside. 
Opening it I saw my mate in an uncomfortably small tub with his legs dangling off the sides. Chuckling, I slowly lifted him up, he was heavier than he looked being a Golem and all, and set him down on the bed to catch some extra sleep while I went down to get the both of us breakfast.
In the living room, Hope, Alaric, MG, Lizzie, Josie and Kaleb breaking apart from each other and pretending to be normal. Sighing I put together a simple breakfast of sunny side-ups, bacon and sausages with toast. I put the food out on a tray before turning to the group.
“Okay, so are we going to address the Golem in the room or do we ignore it for a bit more?”
This seemed to open the flood-gates, which eventually lead to a screaming match within the group before the group begrudgingly agreed that Ryan would be living with them in the Salvatore boarding house and that they may be able to use his help in case any other monsters escaped Malivore before pseudo-Landon destroyed Malivore. (Also, Ryan stopped disintegrating after Malivore was destroyed as his father’s tie to him was broken.)
As the days went by, Ryan worked hard to gain everyone’s trust, even receiving a few broken bones from Josie. During this time, they grew closer, going on long walks through the forest, talking for long hours into the night, even training together. Their bond grew stronger everyday as they fell for each other.
Anyone could see it, how Y/N made Ryan a better person and how he made her a less temperamental version of herself. She seemed more relaxed now, more at-ease. And although there was trouble brewing on the horizon, they knew that come what may, they’d face it together.
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dd122004dd · 2 years
The Moon and the Star
Y/N Cavendish is a member of nobility while her soulmate Ryan Clarke is a commoner. Will they ever be able to be together or will their different stations keep them apart?
P.S. I personally think that this has been one of my best works yet.
Warnings: Hints of suicide, angst with a happy ending.
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Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. The ancient grandfather clock in the main hall ticked as the hours dragged on. The clock struck midnight, echoing through the empty halls of the mansion.
The Cavendish household’s windows shimmered in the moon light, making the hallways almost glow in the dark as the light bounced of the marble tiles. 
The Cavendish family was a powerful family in the empire, the Duke of Arbittror was the head of the fine family. The duke, Armedius and his wife Andromeda were not soulmates, they were arranged together by their parents in order to strengthen an alliance between the two houses. Armedius had found his soulmate long before his parents had arranged his marriage to Andromeda, but due to her low social standing, his parents had come up with the arrangement. 
Oh, how it broke his soulmate’s heart to see her beloved wedded to another. She couldn’t bear to see the one fated to be with her in the arms of another. Some people said she took the easy way out but most pitied the unfortunate pair, destined to be together yet pulled apart by human hands.
 Armedius was shattered. The death of his soulmate left him completely numb. The years without his soulmate made him cold and jaded, thinking of nothing but duty and the progression of the family’s fortune.
Andromeda, on the other hand could be considered infinitely lucky. She had never met her soulmate. Some would consider her lucky, others cursed but she was simply content. She saw how soulmates were broken apart so viciously by an aristocracy which craved wealth, power and connections. In the world of the aristocracy she could be considered the luckiest of them all.
Her husband and her had four children through out their marriage. Two sons and twin daughters. Her sons Afton and Arken were formidable young men with good heads on their shoulders. They had both been married for quite some time, now. Both finding happiness in their soulmates. It was a rare occurrence that an aristocrat married their soulmate yet Afton and Arken had found their matches within their own social circle. Afton’s wife was previously a viscountess, while Arken’s wife had been a noble lady from a low-standing family but their pairing was not as scandalous as a noble marrying a commoner.
Her twin daughters and the apples of her eye, Y/N and Hope. Y/N was older than Hope by almost fifteen minutes and never failed to remind the latter of the same. And although they were twins, their appearance and demeanor made people almost think that they were siblings instead of twins.
Y/N being the oldest one was more modest and law-abiding while Hope was seemingly carefree, always described as a breath of fresh air by every one who met the young lady. She was the beloved daughter of the duke of Arbittror, the only one who could make him smile, while her older sister was considered as the reserved one, the one who was so stern that she made three governesses flee.
Y/N was perhaps as proper as they came, yet it seemed that fate intended to spice up her monotonous life.
She was lying in her chambers, the inhabitants of the large mansion were dead to the world and the staff had blown out the last candle long ago.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
The rhythmic tapping sounds on her window awoke her from her slumber. She woke up, annoyance thrumming through her veins. She yanked her balcony doors open, storming towards the edge before glaring at the person who dared to ruin her rest.
Her annoyance quickly evaporated once she saw who the culprit was.
“My love, I have missed you.” She said, breathlessly as the longing in her chest grew. He was so close, yet just beyond her reach.
“I have missed you as well, beloved. I wish to hold you in my arms once more. My arms have been empty without you and my soul has been longing for your presence.” He said, with a tinge of pain in his voice.
“Give me but a moment, my love. I shall come down.” She said as she slowly climbed down from her balcony. Her feet moving to the familiar bricks that jutted out of the mansion’s structure, providing her with a make-shift ladder that aided her in her escape.
She reached the youth with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes. It had been months since she last saw him.
The moment she touched the youth it was as if both their burdens were lifted. Their souls felt lighter and the dull pain in their chests was nothing more than a distant dream. They sighed in contentment, their arms wrapped around each other, their foreheads pressed against one another’s.
“I’m home, my love.” His voice fluttered through her ears.
“I have waited so long for you. I had begun to think the worst.” She replied.
“Don’t you dare leave me again.”
In the Past:
Ryan had always thought that he’d amount to nothing. With no mother and a father who wanted nothing to do with him, he raised himself, clawing his way through life, doing everything he could to survive. That was until he met her.
He could remember the moment their eyes met as if it was simply a few minutes ago. He was working as a merchant’s apprentice, he was in charge of deliveries but recently they had been short-staffed so he himself had to deliver their precious goods to their customers.
He was at the last house of the day, the Cavendish estate, when he saw her.
She was dressed in navy blue, her hair pulled back into a simple braid that fell to her waist. She was engrossed in a book while climbing down the stairs. After a few moments, she paused on the stairs, reading a few lines before sharply closing the book in frustration. 
Perhaps her favorite character died, perhaps the book stated a contradictory opinion, of that he did not know. All he knew was that in that singular moment, the woman on the stairs was a fire-y goddess and the moment their eyes met, it felt like he was being consumed by her dark gaze, his entire body was tingling with excitement and his soul felt at ease. He could almost swear he felt fireworks exploding around him.
It felt like an eternity before both were broken out of their gaze by the butler rushing into the room and taking the package from the young man. He was then promptly sent away after being paid, not even getting a chance to introduce himself to his soul bonded.
His nights were spent tossing and turning, his dreams haunted by the mysterious beauty on the mansion’s steps. Her eyes, her hair, her hands. Hours spent fantasizing on what she’d be like, how she’d sound, how she’d feel against his yearning chest. His heart cried for her and his soul ached in her absence. 
Even during his waking hours she refused to leave him, in every person he came across all he saw was her. In the rare moments that he was not haunted by her, he spent time cursing fate and any deity who would listen for pairing him, a low born commoner with a lady from a noble background, he knew that their love could never be, that they were cursed yet he craved another meeting, another chance to be with her, even if it was to watch her from a distance.
That opportunity came sooner rather than later, in a most unexpected form. His brother, Landon had somehow secured a job as a waiter in the Cavendish estate’s annual ball that kicked off the beginning of the social season. His brother knew of his plights and his longing to see the mate he never got to know, so he agreed to let his brother in through one of the countless back entrances so that he may get a chance to interact with his soul bonded.
This year’s theme was a masquerade ball, themed ‘the moon and stars’. It was a play on the classic ‘sun and moon’ comparison that usually depicted soul-bonds which were opposite to each other. This ball was often hosted in the hopes that the aristocracy could find their soulmates among the plethora of guests. For this reason it was one of the most well attended events of the social season.
The ball room was decorated in blue, silver and white with chandeliers reflecting the warm glow of the white candles adorning the room. The refreshments, too followed a similar color scheme, all plated on silver trays.
Every one was required to wear a mask, including the staff. Now, individuals could either bring their own masks or the masks could be provided for them by the host, but almost everyone opted for a disguise that complimented their outfits.
He was eager for the opportunity to see his soulmate but did not want to dishonor her by wearing clothes that betrayed his status, so he borrowed clothes from his employer, promising to give them back without damage, and found a mask with a dark blue background and faux diamonds on it to imitate stars.
The older twin sighed in frustration. It was their second season out in society and she did not enjoy the prospect of dressing up in tight, itchy dresses with her hair tightly pinned to her head in complex hair styles. She dreaded having to listen to countless noble men drawling on about topics that did not interest her in the slightest. Once, a man spoke right at her for half an hour without asking for her opinion or even picking up on her attempts to escape the man’s company!
She sighed, retreating back into her mind while staring at the mirror. In that moment she was not there, trapped in her gilded cage, bound by responsibilities and duty. In her mind, she was free to be whoever she wanted to be, to love whomever she wanted to love. She often thought about him, her soulmate. 
The man who captured her soul with a single look. His beautiful brown eyes reminded her of rich chocolate, the swirling warmth in her chest it evoked whenever she ate it. His curly hair was hidden by his hat that day, but she could see soft tufts springing forth from around his hat, she often imagined what it’d feel like to caress those soft curls but those dreams of hers were shattered, he was a commoner and she was the daughter of a duke.
Fate was sometimes quite cruel. People craved to meet their soulmates, yet fate dangled her soulmate in front of her like a shining treasure before snatching him away.
She looked back at the mirror with a blank mournful stare before sliding on her silk gloves and putting on a fake smile as she joined her family at the top of the stairs.
The ballroom down below was filled with women wearing beautiful blue, white, silver and even gold gowns, each one glittering like the stars with their lavish jewels, but no one dared to wear a fully white dress as that would be too close to a wedding dress, well almost all except her, Y/N.
She wore a white dress, embellished with lace and diamonds with a tiny tiara on her head, depicting her status. Her sister on the other hand, was dressed in a beautiful navy blue gown with white diamonds on it. It looked as if a goddess had crafted her dress out of the night sky.
The ball had commenced after her father finished his speech. Countless men crowded her sister, begging for a dance, while some asked the older twin for a dance she declined, as she was not feeling up for it.
Just then another man approached her. She looked up, just about to decline his invitation when she gazed into his eyes. It was him! Her soulmate! His chocolate eyes melted her icy gaze. His mask covered the top half of his face, creating a beautiful contrast between his pale skin and navy blue mask. 
His seductive lips curved into a grin, his palm opened towards her, wordlessly asking for a dance.
She knew in that moment if she accepted his dance she would be consumed by his chocolate eyes and seductive smile, but it was as if her body decided for her, her hand clasped his, accepting his invitation.
In that moment, it was as if both their souls came alive. In that moment, they were one. 
They waltzed together, the space between their bodies, electrified with want.
“Are you not going to speak to me, my fated bride?”
“Are you not going to speak to me, my fated groom?”
“What is your name?” she asked, wanting to know the name of her soulmate.
“I am Ryan, milady. Mr. Ryan Clarke, and you?”
“I am Lady Y/N Cavendish, first daughter of of the duke of Arbittror, but you already knew that, didn’t you, Ryan?”
His name felt right in her mouth, like it was made for her to say it. He could listen to her say his name for an eternity for the syllables of such a simple name seemed to become a symphony.
“I did, Y/N...You look stunning.”
“Thank you, you look quite charming as well. It seems like I’m the moon and you’re the star in the night sky, constantly shimmering whether the moon is present or not. People adore the stars, not many pay attention to the moon.”
“How can you say that, beloved? In grief or strife, one often looks at the moon. Lovers gaze at the moon’s pale face longingly, hoping for a chance to reunite with their beloveds. The moon is a comforting presence to everyone, for why would anyone look at a measly star in the presence of the moon?”
“What would humanity look to in the absence of the moon, if not for the star to guide them? Was it not the stars that guided lost, weary travelers and aided them to safety? A star may be one in a million but each star has a purpose and a place in the sky.”
“Just like the moon has a purpose and place in the sky, my Luna. The moon is the enthroned goddess around which the shines simply shimmer, hoping that one day, the moon might simply cast her gaze at them.”
“Is that what you are, a star hoping for a gaze from the goddess?”
“I’m merely a dim star hoping to catch the gaze of the goddess, hoping to enthrall her so much so that she’ll never look at anyone else.”
“You’re a star that shines so brightly on your own, why would you want the moon, the one whose mantle of light was bestowed upon her by the sun?”
“I want the moon because without her, I am simply a star but in her presence, the universe seems brighter.”
Saying that, the dance came to a close and the couple slowly bowed to each other, unwilling to let go yet forced to part.
Her sister inquired about the gentleman who seemingly caught her sister’s eye. 
“So, who was he? The man you danced with?”
“Hm? Oh, I don’t know his name, I forgot to ask.”
“Do you think you’ll meet again?”
“Hm. A pity, then. You’d make a handsome couple.”
“Forget about me, tell me how was your night?”
That night at the ball was unforgettable for both the ton as well as the secret soulmates. That night led to countless meetings under the moonlit boughs of the Cavendish estate. 
The couple spent countless hours in each other’s company, spending as much time together before life tore them apart.
The time to depart came sooner rather than later, Ryan wanted to be worthy of his bride, he wanted to be more than simply a merchant’s apprentice, he wanted to be able to give her the luxuries she was used to, so he set out on a journey to build his fortune.
In the Present:
Y/N had awoken in her bed, after being reunited with her soulmate, with a smile on her face. It had been a joyous occasion and his entrepreneurial endeavor was a success. He had established contacts overseas and within the country, finally able to trade and build a small fortune. Ryan felt that if business went well, then soon enough he would be able to buy them a large house, which his soulmate could call her own, along with that art studio that she’d always wanted and the big library with twirling arches that she often spoke about. He felt that soon, he’d be able to ask for his precious moon’s hand.
Things seemed like they were finally looking up.
It was the morning after their reunion and Y/N seemed lighter, happier. She spoke joyfully with her siblings in the drawing room, even going so far as to play with her little nieces and nephews.
After a while the butler walked in, informing her that her father wished to speak to her in his office.
He father, Armedius Anthony Cavendish the Duke of Arbittror was an intimidating man. He was stubborn and always got his way, no matter what. He was a cold man, though people claimed that he’d once been warm and joyful but he never showed that side of him to anyone other than his youngest daughter, Hope.
His imposing figure sat at his desk in his large leather chair that was eerily similar to a throne. He barely glanced at her when she entered the room and silently motioned for her to sit.
“Yes, father?”
“This is your second season in society and I have noticed that you have had almost no suitors this season. You also do not seem to be interested in a match so I have taken it upon myself to find a man of suitable stature for you.”
“Lord Bentley, the Duke of Nordstrom has taken a particular interest in you, and asked me for you hand in marriage. I have agreed to the arrangement as it will strengthen our family’s ties.”
“Do I not get a say in who I have to marry?”
“Y/N, as far as I’m concerned you have no suitors and no one you are interested in, so this match is a blessing that arrived on a silver platter. It is your duty to marry for the family. So, do you object to the match?”
“Excellent, since you have no objections, I shall send Lord Bentley your acceptance. The wedding shall take place in two months.”
And just like that her entire world shattered.
After the ‘discussion’ with her father Y/N promptly locked herself in her room. Her hopes and dreams had been shattered and now she could no longer be with her soulmate.
She laid in bed, arms wrapped around herself, her heart hurting as tears soaked into her pillow. She shuddered at the prospect of letting go of her beloved, the thought alone felt as though she was stabbing herself in her heart.
The Cavendish family was worried about Y/N. One moment she was on top of the world and the next she was locked in her room. Andromeda tried to get her daughter to open the door but to no avail, so she stormed into her husband’s office.
Andromeda was not a particularly bellicose person but when it came down to it, she would defend her children with her life, and she knew for a fact that somehow, something her husband said had hurt her oldest daughter, deeply.
Her husband was startled at her barging into his office but after some pricking and prodding, he disclosed what he had told Y/N.
Hope was the only one with a key to Y/N’s room, so she entered the room to find her sobbing bitterly on the bed. She rushed to comfort her sister, taking a seat on the bed before her sister launched her arms around her.
She’d never seen her older sister so vulnerable. She was always the strong one, the one who’d defended her against everyone, ranging from creepy suitors to the little gossips of society.
Eventually her sobs slowed down and Hope finally asked the dreaded question.
“What’s wrong, Y/N?”
“I-I couldn’t say no. Pa-He arranged a m-match f-for me. Bu-But I found my m-mate and now I-I’ll have to leave h-him. Hope, I CAN’T. P-Please. N-No.”
Her confession surprised Hope. Of all the things she was expecting, this was not one of them.
“Who is he? Do we know him?”
“N-No. He’s a commoner. Ryan Clarke. He-He has a small fortune a-and was p-planning to propose in a few months. B-But now it will not be possible.”
“Don’t worry, sister. I will talk to papa about this. You will have your soulmate.”
Hope entered her father’s office and told him to retract his acceptance of Y/N’s match but he told her that a gentleman never retracts his word. They argued back and forth on the issue, Hope disclosed Y/N’s secret yet their father still wouldn’t budge.
Their screaming match reached it’s climax when Hope yelled out in fury,
At this, both of them stilled. Armedius was shocked to hear the words pouring out of his beloved daughter’s mouth. 
Silence rang through the room and Hope took the chance to leave her father to his thoughts.
His eyes were suddenly opened to what was happening before him. Was he truly like his parents? He still remembered the feeling of numbness that spread throughout his body when he was permanently separated from his soulmate, it was a feeling that he’d never wish on his worst enemies, and he was subjecting his daughter to the same pain.
After careful consideration he summoned his daughter to his office.
Weakly, Y/N walked towards her father’s office, wondering what he would say to her now.
He was still sitting at his desk and told her to take a seat.
“I want to meet the man who has captured your heart.”
She was taken aback at that. How did he know- Hope. 
She simply nodded her consent and when she turned to leave her father’s voice stopped her.
“I never meant to hurt you, to make you go through what I went through all those years ago.”
In that moment, the father and daughter were closer to each other than they had ever been in years.
Ryan had been nervous to meet Y/N’s father, but the meeting went rather smoothly and soon, with Lord Cavendish’s he proposed to his beloved.
The ring was in the shape of a crescent moon with two sapphires on either side of the in-laid crescent. 
Their marriage was the talk of the ton, for decades to come. Their wedding ceremony was rather simple, yet elegant. But they were happy with each other and that was all that mattered. 
On the inside of her wedding band were the words ‘My moon’ and the words ‘My Star’ were engraved on his.
Her matron of honor was her sister, Hope while his best man was his brother, Landon, who turned out to be soulmates. This was certainly surprising but a welcome surprise, none the less.
After the wedding reception was over, Ryan and Y/N retired to their little estate that Ryan was able to purchase with his own money.
He carried his new bride over the threshold before retiring to their bedchambers.
In the chambers they grinned at each other. Finally able to hold each other without worrying about being caught. 
They now belonged to each other. 
Always and Forever.
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dd122004dd · 2 years
Rings of Fate
Okay so Ryan Clarke AU where they’re born with a ring on their finger and the ring changes colors according to the mate’s mood and when they die it just turns black and crumbles to dust or scars your finger as a reminder and this is when Ryan dissolves into Malivore and the soulmate is a human so he can end up with her in the end. But the ring materialized again, so was she going crazy or did her soulmate resurrect from the dead?
Okay, so Landon is not in Purgatory, they use someone else for the ritual and Malivore is locked away somewhere in Limbo.
(Also, P.S. Her old roommate was a witch so people resurrecting was not a surprise to her. In case you have any doubts.)
Warnings: Angst, mentions of suicidal thoughts, physical and emotional pain, scarring, witchcraft, bloodshed, cutting, deliberate self-harm.
Soulmate ring colours:
Blue- Sadness
Red- Anger
Yellow- Happiness
Green- Jealousy
Grey- Neutral
Pink- Love
Gold- Signifies that you found your soulmate 
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Long ago, according to legend, the gods were at war with each other. There was discord throughout the universe, no one was at peace and chaos reigned. Blood was spilt, both god and mortal. The war went on since time immemorial with seemingly no end until one day, a new goddess appeared. She was a manifestation of centuries’ worth of prayers for peace. She decided that the only way to create true peace between the two warring sides was to bind them in a bond more powerful than their hatred. The bond of love.
So, she created soulmates. She bound together the most compatible souls, forming a beautiful ring around the bonded’s finger, signifying their mate’s personality and changing colour with the emotion experienced by the mate.
The gods soon found out that the bond made it impossible to harm their soulmate, without dying themselves so they laid down their weapons against each other and learned to live in harmony, but the same could not be said about the mortals.
Centuries of war had caused deep rifts between them, some so impossibly large that a simple friendship or alliance could not bridge the barriers, so the goddess granted the gift of soulmates to every living creature.
As time went on, soulmates were believed to be your perfect half, the one person to complete you, Soulmates were revered. Harming a soulmate was a crime that warranted a punishment worse than death. 
The death of one’s mate caused the living mate incredible pain, similar to the feeling of one’s soul being ripped out. Once one’s mate died their ring turned black then faded into their skin, creating deep scars, digging into their fingers like thorns, a physical pain for the emotional pain they surely experienced. 
An everlasting reminder of what they lost.
It had been a while since she’d thought about her soulmate, the only reminder that she’d even had one was the ring around her finger changed from blue to red. It was troubling that through out his whole existence, her soulmate had only experienced sadness and anger.
Her ring occasionally flickered yellow but it only lasted for a few minutes before it turned to a neutral grey. 
When she was younger she’d spent almost all her time looking for her soulmate, trying to meet as many people as she possibly could but after a while she simply accepted that fate would bring her soulmate to her instead of her chasing after her enigmatic soulmate.
But how long was one to keep up hope until one lost all hope? She was nearing her 28th birthday without even a whisper of a soulmate. Her friends had all found their soulmates and were either engaged, married or had a little gaggle of children to chase after, while she was all alone in her beautiful apartment with no one to return to, for what was all the beauty in the world if you didn’t have someone to share it with?
She was visiting her old roommate, when it happened. She was enveloped in a dreamless sleep when her chest started to hurt, her mind filled with grief and a clawing physical pain embedded itself into her hand, almost as if it were trying to burrow into her very soul.
She jolted awake, looking at the ring that accompanied her, her whole life twist and fade until it was nothing but deep intertwining scars on her finger. 
The pain was unbearable, causing her to let out a ear-shattering scream. Her aunt barged into her room like a woman possessed, with her baseball bat, looking for an intruder, but on seeing her friend clutching her finger desperately, with tears in her eyes whispering, “No, no, no. Please, no.” her friend’s eyes softened with pity.
She’d gone through the exact same thing when her soulmate passed away a few years prior, so she slowly approached the grieving woman like one approached a wild animal, cautiously, and embraced her, letting her mourn the loss of a soulmate that she’d never gotten the chance to know.
It had been months since her soulmate’s death. The weeks after his death were the roughest days she’d ever had to weather. All she wanted to do was to end it all and join her soulmate but she knew she had to live on, for both of them even though she didn’t know him.  She’d spent days wondering what he looked like, what he sounded like, what he felt like but those thoughts only hurt her more, so she pushed them to the back of her mind.
After his death, she’d never been the same. It was almost as if a switch flipped inside her. Her routine was monotonous, followed day-in and day-out without the slightest hint of emotion, save for the moments where she found herself breaking down in the privacy of her apartment and grieving. 
She was simply surviving, not living.
It had been months and she’d returned to a semblance of normality when she felt a tingling in her hand. Her skin around her ring was glowing, her scars were fading and her ring was re-materializing. She stared at her finger in shock, concluding that she was probably hallucinating. She blinked repeatedly but the ring did not disappear from her finger.
She was shocked. How was this possible? Her mind reeling with thoughts, she scoured the internet for a concrete reason but not a single article on this popped up. 
With no other choice left she decided to go to a doctor but the doctors told her that her bond was a healthy as could be and that she should just go home and rest, she must have probably mistaken the fading of her h=bond with something else, but she knew what she’d seen, what she felt.
On the way back to her apartment, she decided to take a walk around the city to calm down and clear her thoughts. Her walk led her to a psychic’s shop. She thought, “What’s the worst that could happen?”
As she entered the shop she was greeted by a woman in her early thirties. She greeted her before sitting down and describing the seemingly crazy events of the day. The woman’s, whose name was Normani as she came to know, eyes widened as her story went on. She told her to stay put before she retreated to the back room, bringing forth two other women. 
Both were older than Normani, one was her mother, Kaiya and the other was her grandmother Mama Ople. The old woman took a seat across from the woman before asking her to repeat her tale.
After the story was finished, Mama Ople hummed in thought before telling the woman about the supernatural world. About the possibility that her soulmate was perhaps a vampire or maybe some other supernatural being who had been resurrected. 
Her mind was reeling with the new information, so much so that she was tempted to call the women liars before storming off, but then again, she’d seen her soul-bond break and then re-materialize before her own eyes.
The women revealed that they were witches and that they could help her track her soulmate if she so desired. Not wanting to be parted from him now that she’d experienced the pain of losing her soulmate, she eagerly agreed.
The women brought out a magical map of the entire world. The map’s design constantly shifted, so when location magic was performed on it, to told the viewer where exactly the object of their desires could be found.
The witches asked her for her palm, before carving an ancient symbol into her palm, letting her blood drip onto the map, combining with their own before leading to the place where her soulmate was. 
The Salvatore School in Mystic Falls.
The witches informed her that the Salvatore School was a school for the supernatural. A place where vampires, werewolves and witches went to learn more about their powers and abilities, a place where they could belong. 
It all seemed a little too Harry Potter for her taste but it was what it was.
Finding the Salvatore School was not very difficult, being let into the school however, was an entirely different story. 
So, there she stood with her suitcase, shoulders slumped with exhaustion from the long trip while waiting to be admitted into the huge grounds.
The person on the intercom had been suspicious of her intentions, sending three people to let her in. One of them was a tall man with black hair, sprinkled with silver hair, whom she came to know as Alaric Saltzman, the founder and principal of the school. Along with him was the tribrid whom she had been warned about by the witches, Hope Mikaelson but she seemed like a sweet girl, if a little defensive.....Okay, a lot defensive. And last but not least came her soulmate, Landon who seemed far more friendly and accepting than his mate.
“So, what brings you to the Salvatore School?” Alaric asked her, breaking her out of her silent musings.
“Oh, uh I was...uhm looking for my soulmate?” The three looked at her with wide eyes. 
‘Why were they- Oh! Ohhh...They thought she was a-’
“Oh, NO. No, I’m not a pedophile. It’s just- Okay, so a while back my soulmate died-”
“If your soulmate was dead then why are you here? I mean, you’re clearly lying because your ring is intact. So, what are you really after?” Hope interrupted.
Sighing she continued, “THAT’S what I was trying to tell you! My soulmate died but about a few weeks ago my soul-ring fixed itself. Almost like-”
“Like your soulmate resurrected.” Alaric realized.
“But how did you know to come here?” Landon asked.
“Well, obviously I went to the doctor and they called me crazy so I came across this Psychic’s shop, which turns out was run by witches. So, they performed a locator spell with my blood and saw that my soulmate was...here. So, here I am!”
After spending weeks interacting with the students and faculty of the school yet it brought her no closer to finding her soulmate. Over her weeks at the school she made many friends, including Landon, who was incredibly welcoming to her presence because he knew how it felt to be a new-comer, MG who was goofy and adorable with his major interest in comics and her personal favourite, Lizzie, whom she found incredibly entertaining and sarcastic.
But as time progressed she wasn’t any closer to finding her soulmate and thought that perhaps the spell malfunctioned. 
Her train of thought came to an end when someone sent her, almost sending her crashing to the ground. Thankfully the person who bumped into her caught her hand and prevented her fall. 
Just as she was about to go off on the stranger when she felt tingling in her hand. Their rings were glowing gold, solidifying their bond as the rings melded into a design that signified their unique personalities. 
Glancing up at her soulmate, she was mesmerized. It felt like time had stopped, as they gazed into each other’s eyes, their souls finally complete and at peace. 
The pair spent the rest of the day getting to know each other. He told her about his past and she told him about her discovery of the supernatural. He felt saddened and somewhat guilty that she had to experience the death of her soulmate who was still very much alive, but she brushed away his concerns stating that she was glad that he was there and that she got a chance to spend her life with him.
To say that the students at the school were shocked was an understatement. Many tried to dissuade her from pursuing their relationship, telling her all the bad things he’d done but she remained firm in her resolve, knowing that not having him by her side would hurt.
Eventually her new found friends begrudgingly accepted their relationship, after seeing how happy he made her and how different he was from the previous Ryan they had met. Their concern soon melted away as they saw how gently he treated her, like she was the most precious thing to walk the earth.
Both of them eventually moved out of the Salvatore School, away from Mystic Falls back to her home. There, she taught Ryan about humans and human life while he taught her about the supernatural and how to defend herself in case anyone tried attacking her. Their lives and relationship was pure bliss.
They were relaxing after a long, tiring day at work, entangled with each other, their rings glowing pink as they slowly submerged into the abyss of sleep, never to be parted in their waking and unconscious moments. 
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dd122004dd · 3 years
The Soulmate Series
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Okay, so Ryan Clarke soulmate AU and I mean, like, every type of bond we could possibly explore (Total: 10). I’m calling it ‘The Soulmate Series’. So, I need suggestions on the various bonds and I would really appreciate it if you sent in your ideas. (It will be reader inserts only.) Thank you!
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