#S.K edits
skhardwarevers1 · 25 days
Alright come and get your low quality edit of the month
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rottingangelic · 7 months
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potatomountain · 3 months
CIY- CH 10
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Chapter Ten
📍pairing: detective ateez ot8 x detective afab reader 📍word count: 3.1k 📍network: @pirateeznet 📍Warnings: tbd 📍Beta readers (and sole motivation): @flurrys-creativity , @candypop1611 , @yourfatherlucifer, @yessa-vie and edited by the amazing: @daesukiii
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There was a good chance you overdid it at the shooting range yesterday, if your sore muscles and oversleeping were anything to go by. The fact you dismissed all of your alarms at different times, without even attempting to get out of bed, was also a good indicator.
When you had realized you were late for work, the momentary panic was quickly chased away by the realization they probably weren’t even aware of when you got there so why worry about being on time? That mindset had you falling right back to sleep, not even the idea of San worrying about you could keep the sleep at bay.
Your phone going off startled you awake, knocking it onto the floor in the process and leaving you scrambling for it out of habit. You didn’t even check caller ID, hitting answer and expecting an emergency because why else would you be getting a call? After grumbling out your name, you froze up at the familiar voice on the other side. “Ah so you’re not dead?” Your nose scrunched up as you flung your feet over the side of the bed. “No Yunho, I’m not dead. Is there a reason you have my number and are calling me?” You scoffed out, taking one glance at your clock on your desk and wincing. Oh, it was that late? “I’ve been tasked with finding out why our beautiful Goddess hasn’t arrived at work yet despite it being an hour after her usual time and no notification was given. Considering how prideful you are of your job, I assumed death was the only reason to miss out.” He easily drawled over other muffled voices in the background, which did wonders for your imagination. It even overlooked his heavy sarcasm that might normally be a reason to bite back.
You spent several hours shooting targets to get these damned curious thoughts out of your head and apparently it was all for naught. Not like you could hear what was being said, but with all their secrecy, you could only blame it on one secret you now knew. “Just overslept, and didn’t think anyone would miss me enough that an hour would matter.” While that was true, an hour did have your panic spiking a little bit.
It was very unlike you to be this late, and the reason just had shame bubbling in your gut. Like hell you would tell Yunho that of course, trying to play it off as nonchalantly as you could. 
“Aw, already tired of us? Every second counts, especially if you want to do field work so how about you get that cute ass out of bed and down here to the Precinct? You have work to do.” “Yunho you could say it nicely!” This time you heard the other voice, trying to pinpoint who. Yunho scoffed, pulling away from the phone a bit. “If you wanted it said nicely you could’ve called, Vice. It’s done so stop yapping.” “May I remind you that you insi-” Seonghwa’s voice was cut off as the call was dropped, leaving you a bit confused and plenty awake now.
The one thing that really stuck from that phone call was that, to an extent, your presence was noticed, and your absence was cause of enough concern that Yunho called you.
Whatever emotions were going to blossom from that, were derailed when you noticed many many notifications on your phone: all from the S.K Unit.
Right, your probation was up regarding them now. That was… you weren’t sure how to feel about it, but being late on time already you ignored the messages and started getting ready. Thirty minutes later and you were stepping into the precinct, unsure of what to expect. The lack of bodies around when you walked in was a tad disappointing, which you wouldn’t ruminate on, but finding a coffee and lunch on your desk from the deli was a nice surprise.
Since you were late- was left on a note in handwriting you didn’t recognize, but of course you haven't seen any of theirs enough to tell. San would be the most likely option, since he was the only one who knew your order, but you couldn’t put it past any of them with their ability to surprise you. Either way, you smiled down at the drink, just as you liked it, and didn’t care who it was from.
You sat down to enjoy your gift just as the phone on the desk beeped, line 3 flashing red. Right, probably should have let them know you arrived. “Yeah I’m here Seonghwa, sorry about that.” You called out after hitting the button to connect.
“We thought we heard the door. Glad you made it safely.” “Mhmm. What would you have me do? Captain mentioned field work but said it would take a few days?” Better to keep the conversation on work. Keep it on work.
Seonghwa chuckled on the other side, humming a bit in thought. “Wooyoung is taking care of San’s injuries so that will take a few days anyways. I suppose we can test your undercover skills, would you be up for that? I can talk to the Captain about the suggestion, we can get back to you by the end of the day. Why don’t you get more familiar with the other gangs in the meantime, we have a new board set up for you back here.”
One surprise after another, it was really throwing you for a loop. “Oh uh, sure. I’ll head back there after I eat then?”
“Take your time.” The line went dead afterwards, leaving you a bit lost.
“Huh… are they sucking up to me? This is… weird.” Mumbling to yourself, you shrugged it off after a moment and enjoyed your free meal and drink, checking the notifications finally from S.K. You only really looked at the names, not ready to read what they had to say.
Most were from Jisung and Felix, quite a bit from Changbin and a few from the two youngest as well. Hyunjin’s chat was the only one you read, which consisted of a miniature spiel about a cute guy he saw at the gym this ‘fine morning’ that could spice up your lack of a sex life. You scoffed, sending him a few choice emojis to tell him to kindly fuck off before finishing up your meal.
You couldn’t help but notice not a single message or call or anything from Chan or Minho, and it somewhat hurt. Did you really expect them to apologize though?
If they did, would they mean it?
Sighing, you grabbed your coffee and headed towards the back. No use worrying over those two, not when you just wanted to move on and do your job.
“Ah there she is, definitely not dead.” Yunho startled you when you stepped into the back, a smirk on his features as he leaned back against his desk. “Come to join the party?” Rolling your eyes, you ignored him and instead turned your attention to the board. It was definitely set up differently, several different faces and gangs by the looks of it. “What’s this?” “This is how downtown is run.” Mingi stood before the board, tacking up a picture before stepping back. “Downtown is where a majority of gang activity goes on. It’s mostly prostitution, illegal gambling rings and brothels, drug rings. It’s considered neutral territory despite being part of the Golden Circle and heavily run by the Pink Boas- but they’ll let anyone operate there for a fee. Most independent players will operate there as well.” “Like Hwon Taejin?” You sought out his picture instantly, jaw clenched as your eyes landed on the familiar face that had your blood boiling.
Mingi and Yunho shared a look before Mingi stood in your way. “Yes, but that’s not the point.” He narrowed his eyes on you while Yunho wouldn’t even look your way now. What the hell had suddenly gotten under their skin? Sure you expected hostility but this felt different. “Oookay, then continue.” Not your problem, that's what you told yourself, glancing back at the board. 
“The point is, that downtown is where all the action happens. As ‘neutral’ ground, any deals or talks between gangs will happen here. Drops of product, money, but the most important is that fights don’t happen downtown, meaning less likely to get killed accidentally.” Yunho offered, a chip in his tone that was hard to miss at the end.
They couldn’t actually be worried you would get yourself killed? Is that where they were going with this? “So what I’m hearing is, this is the area I am most likely going to be in the field. Plenty of opportunities and information to pick up without my head getting blown to bits or choking on poison?” They both nodded solemnly. “New players are always watched carefully by the Pink Boas, and they don’t have to take you out on their turf. So it will also be a test to see how well you can maintain undercover. Course, no idea what you’ll be doing in the field, could just be doing stakeouts like Captain does.” You narrowed your eyes on Yunho as he shrugged, but he still wouldn’t meet your eyes.
Mingi also hadn’t insulted you once since you got here. Something felt off.
“What the fuck is it? What did I do this time or not do? What did you fuckers do?”
Both of them paused as you cocked your hip, hand nestling there with coffee in the other. “Uh, nothing?” “Exactly! No insults and you’re acting like a sad kicked puppy for fucks sake-” You jerked your chin at Mingi before pointing at Yunho. “And you were so snarky on the phone and when I walked in and now you’re like a ball of anxiety or some shit. The desk is going to break if you grip it any harder.”
Once more the two shared a look, Yunho’s grip relaxing on the edge of the desk so his veins weren’t popping out- which you totally hadn’t noticed multiple times- and Mingi’s cocky grin was back. But neither could give you an answer before Yeosang stepped in, calling your name. Great, another ass to deal with. “We were given orders to give you a bit of a break from our… abrasiveness. And I have some things to upload to your laptop, may I?” He held up a flash drive, his sculpted face impassive of any emotion. You couldn’t tell if he was good at hiding it or just didn’t have much emotion. Annoyance he had shown plenty of, is this what was left under it?
It felt… odd. You didn’t like it. “Yeah, I’ll give these two some time to, I don’t know, pull the sticks out of each other’s ass? Suddenly being nice to me? No thanks.” You shivered at the thought, making your way towards the hall to your desk. The laughter from the two that were left behind eased a knot in your chest you didn’t know was there.
“What do you need to upload?” Glancing back at Yeosang, you tried once more to get a read on him. A vibe or something, but he resembled a walking doll almost.
He opened his mouth to reply, eyes moving past yours and brows pushing together. You turned to see what had gotten his attention, just to visibly stiffen.
“Hey there Trouble.”
“Don’t even start.” You pointed your finger at him, hoping he didn’t notice the sudden tremble. “You don’t get to call me that any more, Chan.”
Really, what right did he have to walk into your new workplace as if he was here for a friendly visit or lunch? As if he wasn’t the reason you were here in the first place. As if he hadn’t turned his back on you.
He didn’t need to come into your new space, looking fine in his jeans and tight tee, watching you with that smile of his that said “I’m here” as if to take on all your problems for you. There was no need for him to remind you of your feelings… the same feelings you had hoped you had smashed in the last month.
“Who’s this?” Yeosang stepped around you, clearly a bit annoyed that their space was being trespassed on by someone unfamiliar. “My old unit Chief. Who was just leaving.” You snarled out, crossing your arms over your chest. “You can just upload whatever you need to Yeosang, don’t pay him any mind.” Chan’s smile faltered, shoving his hands into his pocket. “I was worried about you tr- sorry, won’t say it again.” He chuckled nervously when you hardened your glare. “I know you weren’t happy about this-” “Who would be happy that they got kicked off their team? Seriously?” You took a step closer. “You didn’t want me there Chan, and I don’t want you here. So fucking leave.” Chan didn’t back down, lifting his chin a bit as he pursed his lips in thought. “Can I… Can I at least apologize?” You scoffed, rolling your eyes as you shook your head. “I don’t want to hear it. You made your choice Chan, just fucking live with it.”
When he called your name out in a plea, taking a step closer, you would have preferred “Trouble” instead. “Please let me explain, I didn’t want to hurt you.” He closed the distance enough to reach for you, just for you to slap his hand away. “I think she told you to leave.” Yeosang’s voice rang out behind you before you could tell Chan off yet again. “And frankly speaking, we don’t allow anyone else here in the Precinct unless you clear it with our Captain or Vice. I don’t think you did, so I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”
Chan looked between you two, shoulder’s slumping in defeat. “Alright. I’ll talk to you another time.” Before you could make a quip back, he was walking out the door.
Your head pounded from the sudden increase in stress, hand going to your temple as you turned to Yeosang. “Was that true? The Vice or Captain needs to give permission for visitors?” Yeosang steeled his expression the moment you turned back, gently pushing your open laptop towards you. “Yes. Considering our work, we can’t just let anyone walk in. Especially other cops. Your pin?” It was comforting to hear, typing in your password quickly before pushing it back towards him. “That’s… reassuring. I didn’t think any of them would bother me here.” “Would… would you prefer they not?”
Shrugging, you leaned against the desk while he plugged in the flashdrive, dozens of screens popping up as Yeosang got to work. When you didn’t answer right away, he glanced at you. “Oh well, definitely not him. There’s one or two I don’t think I’d mind- wait no, that’s just a bad combination waiting to happen.” You grimaced, thinking about what would happen should Hyunjin come here or the two worrywarts. The conversation would get far too sexual or the poor beans would get too worried about you and most likely plan, very poorly, your kidnapping away from this unit.
Changbin could be the only one you saw getting along well enough but chances of him keeping quiet to the others? Unlikely.
Yeosang nodded as if you had just given him vital information, odd but somewhat endearing of him. “I see. I’ll let Seonghwa know.” His fingers flew across the keyboard, focused on whatever he was doing. “Can you… not? Or at least avoid the details. I don’t like how much you all know of me and my unit already. My beef with Chan I would like to keep on the downlow.” “What makes you think I would keep it as such?” Yeosang asked, lacking any sort of condescension or malice, just pure curiosity in his voice.
You shrugged, standing back up. “You didn’t like it when I dug into you all when I first got here, so privacy is important to you. And whether it’s personal morals or because you were told to play nice, I don’t think you are going to go around sharing my business.”
He paused what he was doing, turning to you confused. “You have reason to believe I would though?” “No, I don’t.” You sighed, leaning back down. “Just because you don’t like me or haven’t been the nicest doesn’t mean you would purposely exploit sensitive information about me. You can still have morals even as an asshole. Anyways, what are you doing? I can’t follow along with any of this.” Yeosang let his head fall forward a bit so his hair blocked his eyes from your sight, his fingers moving once more. “It’s a program I built that only we here at A.Z use. Takes a bit to install, connect to our servers here. I'm still working on the mobile version, but this has to be installed with a copy of the program. If anyone without access to the program tries to get in through one of you, the program will wipe itself clean and the connection.” “That’s… a bit scary of a protection measure.” You mumbled out, but also quite impressed. “These gangs have access to multimillion dollar security companies and tech, better not to risk them trying to get our information. We also have different levels of information. Right now, you are getting access to level one, which is a bit more detailed than what you already had on the Green Vipers. We’ll move you up if you gain a successful cover,” he explained, moving a few things around and code flashing across the screen. It took you a moment to realize what he meant, what this all meant. “Is this… I thought I still had a trial run?” Your voice was soft, afraid to speak any louder as if it would scare off the possibility.
Yeosang paused once more, hunching further over the computer. “Well uh, I- that’s not for me to…”
“Welcome to the team, Firecracker. Believe it or not, we are happy to have you.” Hongjoong called out, drawing your attention to the hall, a smirk on his face. “He means on the team. Happy to have you on the team.” Seonghwa sighed behind him. “Well that too.” “Joong- is it really a good time to try and flirt?” “It’s always a good time. Especially now that she knows what we do around here- oh? Is it that funny?” Hongjoong broke off, brow lifted as laughter had bubbled out of you.
“It’s just- mmm, I think I’m a bit happy to be here. When ya’ll stop trying to act so damn friendly fake.” Hongjoong and Seonghwa shared a look before the Captain matched your very real smile. “I knew you liked the bickering. Ready for your first mission briefing?”
You practically bounced up straight. “Yes, Captain, ready.”
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Taglist (form): @mingsolo | @wowie-hockey | @crispybaguettes | @tiny-apocalypse | @philijack | @lelaleleb | @idfkeddieishot | @isiloiale | @vannabanana1995  | @piratequeen-queenofgames | @starstruckforyou | @minheeskitten | @amphiroxx  | @cloudysannie | @sugarnspice630 | @hongjoongswifefr | @sanhwalvr | @plutoneu |  @sousydive |  @fatalt | @bts-army380 | @iwishiwasrichasfuck | @bitchwhytho | @st4rhwa | @thesafecafe
Taglist will be continued in a reblog!!
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taones · 1 year
If You Can Hold On (2) - A.A, S.K, S.D
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rewrite of the second part of the series (first part here and original series on my masterlist) enjoy <3
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pairing ~ poly asadaisuga x gn!reader
warnings ~ pining, angst, Daichi sleeps shirtless bc c'mon now, reader is in the pool being sad but no mentions of drowning! not edited bc I'm lazy
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Soft murmurs woke you from your restless sleep. After their last conversation, it had obviously been hard for you to get any good rest. The car rolled to a stop inside a motel car park, bathing you and its other occupants in the red sign light. 
“I went in but they only have one room so the four of us will have to share”
The disappointment in Daichi’s tone was palpable, like an arrow through your heart. You guys were best friends, you had obviously shared rooms and beds before. Why would it matter now? Ever since you had known them you had been comfortable sharing beds etc, even after they started dating. The fact it was different now obviously made you think back to the conversation you overheard. Maybe the person they were adding didn’t like you or they thought it would be inappropriate considering they were courting another person. 
You felt Asahi shift beside you and slammed your eyes shut once again. 
There was no way you were letting them know you were awake. If you had to face them before you fully calmed down, there was no question on if you would end up crying. Also you deeply did not want to give Asahi his hoodie back. There was a lingering feeling in your mind that you would never have an opportunity to steal it again. A sharp twinge of panic rocketed through your stomach at the thought. Of course, there was a chance their new s/o wouldn’t mind, but not many people were comfortable with their partner being that close to someone else. 
“It’s okay” Asahi soothed, “i’ll carry them”
Yeah, like you were going to let that happen. If any one of the three men touched you right now you were sure to burst into tears. Deciding that was the best time to break your facade, you pretended to stir. You hoped the red lights didn’t reflect on the glimmer of tears in your eyes. The cold, wet gravel seeped through the mesh of your shoes as the boys started leading you towards the room. No noise was made apart from the crunches under your feet - small victories, you mused to yourself. You adjusted your bags in your hand so you could grab the room key from Daichi’s hand. It was bronze in colour with a red plastic tag, slightly faded but you were able to make out the number 32 on the front. Locating the room, you were quick to pull away from the rest of the fatigued group, finding it easy to speed away from the sleep-addled men under the guise of dinding some comfort from the rain. Behind you, Daichi held his hand to his chest as if your hasty touch had scalded him. You chewed on your lip slightly, feeling bad at the upset you might have caused. Only hoping he would take it as you being tired, you shifted your gaze to the room door and marched on. 
The room itself was painted a gaudy yellow, with a brown patterned carpet that had obviously been unchanged since the motel itself was built. There was a large bed in the middle of the room, big enough for the four of you easily, but your eyes were driven to the sofa to the side of it. It was a loud red, sticking out sorely from the rest of the room. The harsh red was an assault on your retinas. How fitting, you thought to yourself. Scoffing, you laid your bags on the couch, pulling out some shorts and one of Koushi’s t-shirts to sleep in - rushing into the bathroom to change as soon as the other men walked in. 
Thinking you had escaped, you sighed and leant against the door. Only to hear the voices of the three men loud and clear. The thought of escaping out of the tiny bathroom window became suddenly very tempting. 
“I wonder what’s wrong with y/n” Koushi asked, seemingly dismissive.
“I’m sure we’ll find out soon, they don’t hide anything from us” 
You scoffed again under your breath, if only they knew. Still, you couldn;t fault Daichi for comforting his partner. 
“Wait look what I took the other day Suga, it’ll cheer you up”
You heard Azumane pull out his phone and then a resounding ‘aww’ from the grey haired man.
“I wish we could ask them to join us sooner but we have to wait till we’re back huh?” Suga lamented, “wish this trip could be over already” 
Ouch, that one hurt.
He was obviously showing a photo of this mystery person. You really didn’t understand why they hadn’t told you yet. It wasn’t like they could predict your horrible reaction, or that they even knew about your feelings. It made the doubtful pit in your stomach grow and twist, pulling you into a nauseous state. If they really wanted this to be over so soon after it began, there was really no point in you staying. They were obviously preoccupied with this other person - it was like you were never even there to begin with. 
A knock on the bathroom door made you jolt. Reluctantly, you peered at yourself in the dirty mirror and cringed at the sight. There were tear tracks dried onto your skin and your eyes were rimmed with an irritated colour. The sadness couldn’t be more obvious. Hastily, you rinsed your face in the sink, patting it down with your t-shirt. Taking a moment to breath and calm yourself, you turned the door knob. 
Daichi’s concerned face met you on the other side. Well, there goes being inconspicuous. You shot him what you hoped was a reassuring grin and pushed past his shoulder slightly. It was obvious he wanted to say something to you, but he stayed silent. They all watched you hastily grab a blanket off of the end of the bed and reach for the door. Not looking back you called behind you.
“I’ll be right back i just have to, uh, make a call so don’t wait up”
Well done, very convincing, you mused as you shut the door behind you. 
The gravel once again let the damp seep into you. Cold air prickled the skin on your legs while you walked towards your destination. Like all good motels, there was a pool a little bit away from your room, cold and full of rain water from the earlier weather, but it was a welcomed solace from the suffocating presence of the room. It was dimly lit but had no cover, so you assumed nobody would yell at you for using it. The water was surprisingly clear and cold from the earlier rain. Perfect for you to dangle your legs in while you waited there. Rain always calmed you when your thoughts were racing and you assumed the pool would work the same way. Relationships and people might change to you but water, the feeling of it moving over your skin, that would always be the same. 
You thought back to one of your earliest memories with all three of the boys, after you had come to the realisation you were hopelessly in love with all three. It was during first year, towards the end of the summer months, when the leaves had begun to tinge into soft yellows and deep reds. The rain had started pouring that day unexpectedly, breaking through the muggy weather that the last three months had left behind. The icy cold raindrops were a welcome feeling on your heated skin. All three of you had ran from volleyball practice to the courtyard outside, spreading your arms towards the sky like uniform-donned angels - thanking the sky for it’s gift. Of course, you had all got soaked but you smiled even after you had all separated to walk home. 
Simpler times, you thought to yourself sarcastically. The feelings had been so new and exciting at the time, hardly the depressing lingering in the back of your mind as it had been recently. There had come a time in school, you’re not sure when, where you had sort of accepted it would never happen and promptly gave up. Whether this was before or after the three announced their relationship, you had forgotten. Not that it mattered either way. 
Reflections in the water rippled when you dipped your legs into the surface. You stared as your reflection was distorted, mussed about in the small waves. The water settled once again and you were left with the cold, hard truth of the image you had become. Your rimmed eyes and tear tracks seemed to only accentuate the already exhausted look on your face. It was as if you hadn’t slept in weeks. Suga liked describing the sparkle in your eyes when you got excited about something - apparently it reminded him of a snowglobe or something, whatever he had said. You sighed, meeting your own eyes in the water. They were empty of any sparkle. 
You swished your legs around the water again, a weight lifting off your shoulders as your face was contorted once again by the waves. 
A ringtone rang out from next to you and you scrambled to shut it off. Bringing the phone up to your ear, you were met with the soothing (if not minorly monotone) voice of your club manager and best friend. 
“Hello?” you sniffed into the receiver. 
Luckily for you, Kiyoko had escaped your seemingly never ending list of crushes. She had been a fast friend when you had met and, luckily for her, she was currently driving somewhere around the Japanese countryside with her girlfriend. 
The dark-haired girl was also one of the only people in the world that knew your secret. Which was most likely the reason for her phoning. 
“How are you holding up y/n?”
You scoffed. 
“As good as i can i suppose” you joked, shoulders tensing at the lack of response. 
“Okay, i’m doing horribly, i swear they’re doing it on purpose”
She hummed, never one for many words. 
“Did you know they wanted to add another person to their relationship? They won’t talk about it when they think i’m awake but i caught them in the car. They seem so,  so excited and i hate that i can’t just be happy for them”
Gnawing on your lip, you waited for a response.
“Do you need  us to come pick you up?” she questioned, almost hesitantly. 
You stopped and thought about it. Was it the best idea for you to stay? There was a feeling poking at the back of your brain that this trip would go horribly wrong but you weren’t too sure it would be the best idea to leave either. There was no real excuse you could give the boys and you had been planning this for a while. Chewing on your thumbnail, you made a choice. 
“I don’t think you need to get me” you began, “i’ll see how it goes but, uh, be on standby i guess”
A melodic hum rang from down the phone. You weren’t sure what it’s inflection was. 
The call ended quite quickly after that. It was expected, the hour was late and Kiyoko definitely had better things to do than audibly observing her friend having a breakdown. It would be a lie to say you didn’t sound as pathetic as you looked. The rain had started falling again towards the end of your conversation so you had stuffed your phone in your pocket and hugged the worn blanket tighter around your bare arms. 
You had failed to see a shock of cropped, brunette hair disappearing behind your room door.
The cold rain drizzled down your scalp and down your neck, leaving goosebumps in it’s wake. The rain seemed to peel some of the pressure of of your shoulders. It gave you something to focus on so that you didn’t have to think so hard for a while. Quieting the thoughts spinning round your head like whirlpools. Closing your eyes, you laid back on the wet tile and imagined spinning your hands around in the frigid water, creating your own whirlpools. Ones so powerful you could jump right in and they would suck you away from the motel - to wherever you wanted to go. Maybe you could stay underwater for a while, away from everyone. Kiyoko was a strong swimmer, she could bring you food and company. Maybe you could make some less complicated friends with the fish and little crabs that lived on the seafloor. 
When you peeled open your wet eyelids, your reality confronted you like a slap to the face. The motel was still the motel, and the pool's surface remained unchanged. 
“y/n!” yelled a voice from behind you. 
Rolling your eyes, you peered up from between your lashes. Suga had run out of the room, holding one of his partners' jackets above him in a mockery of a shelter from the rain. You would think he would have the sensibility to choose a waterproof one. 
His shoulders were drawn close to his body under his knitted cardigan, silvery brows drawn close to each other. There wasn’t much exchanged between the two of you but the worry on his features was hard to miss. You suppose you did look somewhat like a corpse at the time. Even worse - a cold, damp one. Even now, you looked back up towards the sky and snorted at your own silliness, as if they were even thinking about that. 
Asahi looked at the exchange from the winder, choosing to accompany his boyfriend outside when he saw your body twist and return to its previous position. Being one of the more sensibly dressed of your group - he grabbed a parka and headed out next to the shorter man, perching his chin on Suga’s shoulder. 
“I wish i knew what was going on in their head sometimes” Asahi commented from next to Koushi’s ear. 
His voice was soft enough and they were far enough away that you couldn’t hear them. In all fairness, without facing them anyone would have been completely unaware that they were talking. They both observed your sodden state, noticing your eyelids fluttering closed as you slipped off to sleep. 
“I would love to know how on earth they can sleep in this weather” Koushi commented dryly, “they’re going to catch their death because of the damn rain one of these days”
The brunette chuckled, wrapping his arms around his lover’s waist. Asahi had a comforting effect on almost anyone that truly knew him. A real gentle giant, his presence had the ability to both command attention and become a bean of solace for anyone that needed it. It was hard not to feel comfortable around Asahi Azumane. Something his boyfriend could attest to enthusiastically as his shoulders finally withdrew from next to his ears.
“They seemed happier out here in the rain than they have on the entire trip so far”
If he hadn’t been right next to his jaw, there is no way the taller man would’ve heard Koushi’s bitter muttering. And some part of him wished he didn’t, because then he wouldn't have to face the fact that his statement was entirely true. Even now, as you drifted off into sleep, the smile that had been missing the entire trip had somewhat returned to your face. It was refreshing to see but the two men only wished they had been the cause, not a weather pattern. The lines of your body were less harsh, less bunched up into each other. Your limbs hung loose on the tiles and the water instead of coiling and wrapping around each other like fishing line - the desperate attempt to make yourself smaller had not gone unnoticed by your companions. 
Asahi bit his lip. 
“We should get them inside” came the sleep-addled voice of their third and final partner. 
Daichi was dressed the least sensibly of all of them, only wearing a pair of chequered pyjama pants. Of course, as he was leaning in the doorway and not actually outside, there was no need for much else. A flower of guilt had bloomed in the pit of his stomach at overhearing the other two’s conversation. Your behavior had not gone unnoticed by him, but he had initially assumed you were just tired. It was overtly obvious to him now that something was very wrong. 
The three men trudged the small distance to your snoozing figure, not caring much if they got soaked. Daichi sat you up next to the pool as the other two worked on drying your chlorine-coated legs. The coarse fabric of the towels did little to disturb your slumber, only causing your knees to draw up to your chest and a small hum to escape your parted lips. The gaze of the shorter brunette man would probably have burnt holes in your skin had you been awake at the time. However, the contentment of your slumber went undisturbed and you turned your face into his bare chest, snuggling into it. 
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part two is up! i've already finished part three so I will hopefully post that tomorrow <3 reblogs and comments are always appreciated, stay sexy!
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dilfwaynes · 2 years
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summary: the vampires successfully burned the world and rebuilding the edges in their hierarchy, gotham included — but selina’s thing for strays remains, just more enhanced.
⚢ pairings; dark!vampire!selina x fem!reader.
✗ warnings; dom!selina x sub!reader, noncon/dubcon, degradation, virgin!reader, choking, fingering, slight praise, selina claiming u as her little slave. NOT PROOFREAD/EDITED.
✎ word count; 2.2k.
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gotham coalesced to a mass of utter disaster by the vampires, any ritzy of the city gone and longed with languid, and there was not one thing you could do about it, batman’s dead and so was the rest of your family; but nightwing emblazoned quite well his act of innocence with zero suspicion gained from you all on his below the surface.
you somehow survived, or richard allowed your breathing, far from delighted at his generous grace of kingship — you presume it’s his twisted way of making you suffer, knowing he was the grim reaper of your siblings and bruce, fooled them and betrayed them far worse than any enemy, and there’s nothing you can do about it, or at least knowing selina’s short lease keeps you tight far enough.
abrasive you suppose, but selina onuses herself for you when she’s farthest from being required to do so, and you hope your gratitude for selina beams brightly, maybe her reasoning for clothing, feeding you, guarding you from the despair of gotham and whatever else was some profoundly sense of duty of debt to bruce; you truly don’t know why selina took you in but you’re thankful regardless. you’re jaunty of selina, and in ways you know she retracts the same from the fact of her allowance of you sneaking in her room every night to seep comfort.
any buoyant of such is bleary tonight though, her reaction nulled to hearing your presence entering the living room, the large area purging somber and murk more than usual, and from the raised peaks of your top, colder too. the ambience blatantly indignant, perched perfectly cat-like on the stem in the nook under the window overlooking, her face scowled in anger.
“where’s harley?” you ask quietly and padding towards the nearby wooden table next to selina,   genuinely curious, as well as wanting to spark a conversation, maybe also seeking some attention from her.
her gaze intakes yours with her attention  focusing on you now, features algid and spleen, and for a second you think her brise fire is aimed at you, the mere thought almost has you bawling hot tears with a deep pout. her features softens from your flash of expression, her brows creasing a frown, albeit towards an approach.
“she left us, a stupid dream of escape out of gotham.” selina rolls her eyes and turns back to the darken green outside the glass, the angst of her mien side forge; induce flawed compared to her other acts of facades that it almost infuriated with the weak ink ticking at her nerves to put better effort, until she reminds herself you’re the naïve ever trusting human of hers, probably the only bat that ever trusted her. the thought of her being asinine about harley’s self demise is funny enough to take strength for selina not to laugh, with harley out of the picture you’re in the free ground of her complete taking. sparing a side glance to your reaction, deferring a hiss from the glimpse of excitement and hope in your eyes.
a burning rage engages in her chest, her gums throbbing in an effort of withholding her fangs, seemingly it goes unnoticed by you, probably endeavoring cloud your senses and  surroundings with all sorts of rebellion and hopes to reunite with what remains of the justice league; she couldn’t —wouldn’t— allow you to have any dreams or chance for any of those thoughts and ideas swimming in your head. she’ll break you down and crush any batman form of sense and value in you, hallow you out to be perfect as minutes before, or even better than before.
“why didn’t you tell me? why didn’t she take me with her?” you ramble out frantically, vexation snapping your tone, why wouldn’t selina tell you harley found a way out of gotham? she’s privy to everything you could accomplish if your foot touches outside of the city. pinning on your heel impatiently for a reasoning, facing her and becoming taken aback at selina’s anger pointed at you, her jaw strained and lips stretched in a snarl. you  swallow some and shake your head, in another state of mind you would probably be crying from selina staring at you with her expression but with any chance of being able to leave gotham has your full heed.” if i leave now i can maybe catch up to her.”
“no!” you stumble back in haggard afeard steps, selina’s hand gearing your head towards her now exposed fangs wide in a hissing, her eyes bright with scarlet instead of green, torrid acid strips your throat to your stomach; that quite literally feels like it dropped to the stone floor with your heart rapidly beating to the point for a good solid second you think it’s actually out of your chest with the intense drubbing. shock startles under all the nerves connected within, fear and a jolt of seething betrayal following suit. selina’s features still clinched with her fangs retracing barely some, her grip remaining sturdy.”greedy little brat, i clothe you; i feed you and you wanna leave me?”
“get the fuck off me!” you scream as your thrusts of your arms glosses-over, your attempt evidently occurred to her already at her lack of faze other than brief annoyance.”i fucking hate you, you’re one of them, a filthy leech.”
flaming skin presses against yours, strangling a choked high pitched whine with your head coming into contact towards the desk, selina fully towering over you with your back spread across the hard oak; the sharp of her slight abjured fangs now gleaning in full effort of their beauty. throwing your head to the side, screwing your eyes closed to escape your view, selina being a vampire slamming a jack hammer into the same wound of the realization of dick’s true self, maybe even more with your newly blossomed feelings since she’d taken you in.
her lips gliding back into a growl,”you’re mine honey, my darling human slave,” you keep your eye sight closed, wishing to close off her words as well, especially with the unwanted aroused pulling at your stomach. her nostrils twitch some before inhaling deeply, a smirk calming down the storm on her face”does my little bat likes being addressed as my slave?.”
you draw out a whine that quickly results into a hitch, selina’s nails engraving into your flesh as you feel a butterfly’s jitter against your senses, her lips barely brushing yours has you letting out a meekly moan unconsciously.
“i can smell you little bat, begging to be devoured extra tonight,” you opted still with silence, ignoring her words and the waving flood of embarrassment of unknown, your mind flashing of each time you were titillate by her throughout the months.”i’ll fuck you tonight, finally make you a woman, something bruce never had the chance to do..” you squeezed your already closed eyes, your legs following along as far as they can with selina being slot between them, her words painfully having an effect as she takes another deep inhale.
“open your eyes,” her demand that quickly gets dismissed from your lack of operating and sealing your eyes shut, bursting a gasp when selina’s hand coaxing one out of you, grasping your throat to it feels like your windpipe is crushing on itself, with you clawing at her hands serving no justice.”open your eyes sweetheart.”
unable to breathe you fly open your eyes and mewt her darken green ones, her lips craving into a smirk again, grip lighting but leaving her hand in place without the strength.” you look so darling like this,” she coo’s gently, composure smooth without any wrinkles from past seconds of behavior before, her fingers nimbly jutting downwards to the exposed opening of your sundress, ghosting along the lace lining of your panties. pulling and letting them snap back to your hips with a sting, exhaling a breathy whine out of you, enduring any sense stored in you from whatever twisted arousal you’re feeling.”stop.” you faintly whisper that goes undermined.
“if only bruce could see you now, sprawled out so pretty for me,” her words weighting down your guilt evermore, the heat from the confusing swirl of anger and lust directed at selina, she seems perfectly occupied with other matters with her hand gripping inch and inch your thigh under your dress, this time roughly pulling down your panties that you’re sure you heard a ripple, until you’re confirmed so when shreds of the material comes in your eyesight.”all mine.” she purrs happily in a possessively manner, nuzzling her nose up and down across the base of your throat.
her thumb pressing down on your clit while  ravishing in your meek response of delight or complaint, you, yourself couldn’t separate the borderlines, she assumes it’s the first with your pitched whine when her lips attach in the dip of your  shoulder blade and neck and kissing along, suddenly sinking her fingers inside you and earning a high breathy moan out of you with a jarring of your back going upwards, feeling her lips  stretching into a smirk against your skin. open palm brushing your nerves as she set a steady trusting, clear that she’s not merciful in the path with her rhythm harsh and no warm-up, tears burning the back of your eyelids from the rush ample stretch of selina’s digits, the pain twisting itself in pleasure.
the pain subsiding some and the pleasure of selina rolling her fingers inside you taking over, biting your lip to contain any noise and give selina the satisfaction of letting her know she’s fucking you good, her fingers edging to the tip of your g-spot as she splits you open so good, her lips skimming your neck delicately that it reminds you of your selina, almost, blaring a gasp with sudden fangs barring into your skin; crying out in a blend of an intense added pleasure from selina’s fire sunk in, a weird feeling sense of burning euphoria, selina continuing to pump inside you roughly.
your legs shaking and only feeling selina to the point of being blind to anything else but her, your eyes beginning to roll to the back of your head and becoming faint with the blood selina is withdrawing out of your system, pulsating every jagged trust of selina’s. a white-hot flash comprehending your sense of awareness entirely, a strange coil-ready feeling emerging at the bottom of your stomach, selina tugging your clit forcibly gives you enough of a push towards your climbmax and has you crying out and seeing dotted jetted stars.
she softens her pace to help ride out your orgasm and releasing her fangs from your neck. “i wonder if you taste as good in other areas,” she questions teasingly and pulling out her fingers, staring at you while putting her fingers in her mouth, stopping midway abruptly,”but i do prefer to taste from the source.”
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jinreality · 2 years
no one cares (clearly) but about 85% of S.Korea's GDP or gross domestic product (basically how much the country makes in revenue) is exports. so yes, in theory, armys boycotting Korean goods makes sense. The first issue though, is that S.K's main exports aren't anything average consumers buy. According to investopedia.com, the largest exports are "electronics, automobiles, telecommunications, shipbuilding, chemicals, and steel"….you not buying tteokbbeoki and banana milk from hmart isn't going to do anything. BuT MaSk KpOp AnD pOp CuLtUrE iS a HuGe InDuStRy- yah sure it is but the amount of boycotting it would take for the kpop industry to cause any change to the situation is insane. You boycotting Hybe or BigHit or whatever is not going to do anything. AND we know well enough that if this little ruse affects other companies, groups, ect. fans will go even more feral and a little Twitter beef among kpop stans will do absolutely nothing to stop enlistment. The 2nd issue is stopping the enlistment in the first place. Like why do you care? every other male idol of age has enlisted and come back. Can you really not handle ur fave doing their civic duty instead of dancing in a harness to the point where you think boycotting a country is a good idea? yall need therapy and a lot of it. you look dumb as hell. BTS doesn't seem to care, probably because they knew this would happen. The government can't really justify them as an exception to enlistment. anyways find something better to do with your time. This might be hard for your little hive mind but try just once to think critically
Edit: I'm a senior majoring in global studies with a concentration on east Asia specifically....yall look like fools
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garadinervi · 1 year
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All Keyboards are Legitimate: Versions of Jules Laforgue, Edited and introduced by Suzannah V. Evans, Guillemot Press, Cornwall, 2023 (book launch here)
Feat.: Kayo Chingonyi, Isabel Galleymore, Holly Corfield Carr, Christopher Reid, Ella Frears, Jessica Mookherjee, Cliff Forshaw, Degna Stone, J. R. Carpenter, Bhanu Kapil, Maurice Riordan, Gillian Allnutt, Gareth Reeves, Kayo Chingonyi, Jennifer Wong, Walter Conrad Arensberg, Khairani Barokka, Rowan Evans, Mark Ford, Vidyan Ravinthiran, Jay Gao, Hannah Hodgson, Nick Makoha, Hannah Sullivan, Will Harris, Katharine Towers, Jennifer Lee Tsai, Niall Campbell, Zoë Skoulding, Beverley Bie Brahic, Hart Crane, Francesca Bratton, Romalyn Ante, Suzannah Evans, Emily Hasler, Angela Leighton, Nancy Campbell, Seán Hewitt, Harriet Tarlo, L. Kiew, Rishi Dastidar, Tolu Agbelusi, Mina Gorji, Helena Fornells, Marina Martino, Jenna Clake, Sam Bootle, Gail McConnell, Douglas Dunn, S.K. Perry, Eley Williams, Tina Kover, Clive Scott
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COVER REVEAL! Shatter Me: An MM Anthology releases September 29!   Loving a possessive alpha has never been so easy...   Special pre-order price of only 99c!   Pre-order today➩ https://amzn.to/3D0EcNM Goodreads link ➩ https://bit.ly/3OdzcvL   Cover Design: Lee Taylor, Coffin Print Designs Anthology Organiser: Phoenix Book Designs In this MM romance, limited edition anthology, all the stories are written about a broody, possessive alpha. We all love a sexy alpha, right? A bad boy that will stop at nothing to make you theirs. In this anthology, you can enjoy a variety of stories ranging from college frat parties, sports romance and even a naughty priest. These authors and a mixed variety of genres will have you caught in a trap of want and need with each page and may even introduce you to some new authors. Features stories from Crea Reitan | Kady Monroe | Kelly Lord | Lizzie James | Raven B. Stone | S.K. Graves
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skhardwarevers1 · 2 months
Disappears for the rest of the day
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Cary Grant and Marlene Dietrich in Blonde Venus (Josef von Sternberg, 1932) Cast: Marlene Dietrich, Herbert Marshall, Cary Grant, Dickie Moore, Gene Morgan, Rita La Roy, Robert Emmett O'Connor, Sidney Toler, Morgan Wallace, Sterling Holloway, Hattie McDaniel. Screenplay: Jules Furthman, S.K. Lauren, Josef von Sternberg. Cinematography: Bert Glennon. Art direction: Wiard Ihnen. Film editing: Josef von Sternberg, Costume design: Travis Banton. Music: W. Franke Harling, John Leipold, Paul Marquardt, Oscar Potoker. At once fascinating and perfectly ridiculous, Josef von Sternberg's Blonde Venus is a domestic melodrama with music and a bit of road movie thrown in. For most viewers it's chiefly of interest as an opportunity to see Cary Grant before the familiar "Cary Grant" persona had fully developed. He's a little rough around the edges still, slipping from an attempt at a fully American accent back into whatever his particular blend of British and American accent is, and his gift for looking faintly amused at absurd or difficult situations -- with which he's often confronted in Blond Venus -- hasn't quite emerged yet. At this stage of his career, he was little more than a useful leading man -- or second lead, in this film -- on the order of a John Lodge or a John Boles, there to show off the real star of the film, like Mae West in I'm No Angel (Wesley Ruggles, 1933) or Loretta Young in Born to Be Bad (Lowell Sherman, 1934) or Jean Harlow in Suzy (George Fitzmaurice, 1936). Or, of course, Marlene Dietrich, who is the reason Blonde Venus was made at all. Sternberg's obsession with Dietrich is on full display here as he crafts another story about a man willing to sacrifice his own love to make a woman in love with another man happy -- the role played by Adolphe Menjou in Morocco (1930) and here played by Grant, whose Nick Townsend, a rich playboy (he's identified as a "politician" in the screenplay, but we never see him either run for office or perform the duties of one), who gives up Dietrich's Helen Faraday twice: both times to let her return to her husband, Ned, played a little stodgily by Herbert Marshall. Of course, the real man in Helen's life is her son, Johnny, played by the terminally cute Dickie Moore. I like the way Sternberg both exploits and undercuts Moore's cuteness, as in the scene in which Johnny wears a hideous Halloween mask on the side of his head that's usually facing the camera. But then the whole film is full of Sternbergian tricks, such as the two amazing narrative jump cuts. The film opens with the meeting of Helen and Ned as he and some other hikers come upon her as she's swimming nude in a pond with her fellow chorus girls. She sends him away, though he discovers where she's performing before he goes. Cut from the girls splashing in the pond to Johnny splashing in a tub as Helen bathes him. Sternberg and his screenwriters omit what might have been a movie in itself: the second encounter of Helen and Ned, their courtship and marriage. Similarly, after much ado has reduced Helen to poverty and implied prostitution, there's a scene in which she gives a fellow derelict the $1500 Ned has paid her off with and goes off to, we assume, commit suicide -- or "make a hole in the water," as she has put it. Cut to a shot of an expanse of water, but then to a montage which tells us that Helen has resumed her career as a cabaret performer and has become the toast of Paris. Again, stuff that might have been almost an entire movie on its own has been (fortunately) elided. If Sternberg's tricks had been applied to a story that made more sense to start with, Blonde Venus might have been something of a classic. Instead, it's an extraordinary but often entertaining mess.
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cinn48 · 2 years
'Tis the season for scares and eating
It's someone's favourite month and it's probably because of Halloween, or maybe Thanksgiving, or maybe just the cooler days and earlier nights. To celebrate The Bookshelf is hosting a bunch of events about just those things.
Steph and Candice catch up on all the scary stories they are reading and all the food they wish they could cook in this month's episode.
October 20th - Carrie and The Forbidden Body with author Douglas Cowan
October 26th - Film viewing and Author Interview with Nina Nesseth
October 18th - Author talk and cookbook samples with Emily Richards
The Forbidden Body: Sex, Horror, and the Religious Imagination by Douglas Cowan
Nightmare Fuel: The Science of Horror Films by Nina Nesseth
Best of Bridge Comfort Foods: Recipes for Family and Friends by Emily Richards
This Is What It Sounds LIke: What The Music You Love Says About You by Susan Rogers and Ogi Ogas
Across The Void by S.K. Vaughan
The Dark Tower V: Wolves of the Calla by Stephen King 
and for the very big stans of the Dark Tower Series
Charlie the Choo-Choo: From the World of the Dark Tower by Beryl Evans
Secret Ingedients: The New Yorker Book of Food and Drink edited by David Remnick
Movies / TV
Spontaneous Trailer
Slash/Back Trailer
Bad CGI Sharks Trailer
Sharks of the Corn Trailer
The Bear Series Trailer
The Afterparty Series Trailer
A League of Their Own Trailer
Prom Night 3: The Last Kiss Trailer (with an excellent example of the school announcements right away!)
Follow Candice on Letterboxd
Find Horror Movie recommendations by scrolling through #100HorrorMoviesIn92Days on Twitter
Find all of our past episodes at Stories From The Village
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Theme music from the Free Music Archive, by The Underscore Orkestra
New episode from The Village at the Bookshelf
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taones · 1 year
If You Can Hold On (3) - A.A, S.K, S.D
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rewrite of the third part of the series (first and second parts here and here, original series on my masterlist) enjoy <3
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pairing ~ poly asadaisuga x gn!reader
warnings ~ pining, angst, arguments, swearing, general stress tbh, my horrible attempt at writing purposefully cringe flirting, mildly suggestive, very brief editing and spellcheck so
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You sniffed as you stirred, pulling the soft fabric underneath your cheek further into you. It smelt like sandalwood with a hint of coffee and you were instantly reminded of Daichi. The man’s coffee addiction had become serious during his final year. You supposed yours would too, if you were in charge of Hinata. His scent was a big reason why you enjoyed stealing Daichi’s clothes so much. Gripping the fabric in your fingers, the underneath was oddly warm. The further you returned to your sleepy state, the less you found yourself caring about the odd warmth of your cushion, or the slow rise and fall of it under your head. 
“Still sleepy, huh?”
Jolting, you snapped your eyes open. A strong heat flooded under the skin of your cheeks, you shot up. An action that brought the blanket that was covering you tumbling down your form, settling at your waist and exposing not only your body, but Daichi’s. You had heard several times from his partners that the man likes forgoing shirts when he sleeps, but observing it was a whole other story. Usually, when you stayed around, he was up and dressed before any of you and you never saw him without a shirt. It soon became clear why this was a good thing. The man was laying in the bed, under where you just laid, dressed in nothing but pajama pants and an unzipped hoodie. Honey coloured skin peaked out from the gap between the zipper, a toned and yet perfectly soft stomach just begging for you to reach out and run your fingers down it. 
Shuffling from the other side of the bed alerted you to the other two presences in the room. Asahi was sitting against the headboard, the other side of where you had evidently slept last night. His curly hair was piled on top of his head and he had those damn reading glasses on, the ones that made him look just as intelligent as you knew he was. He smiled closed mouthed, obviously bemused at your shock, and waved with the hand that was currently holding his book. Sugawara was curled under his arm, on the far side of the bed - still snoring, of course. Koushi was the sleepiest of all three of you. Hyper, undeniably, but once he was asleep, he was down for the count. 
Asahi slid a hand onto the thigh that was closest to him. His hands were large and calloused against the soft skin of your exposed thigh. Why you decided to pack shorts was a mystery to you. Especially now as you flexed the muscles, trying desperately to not squirm and pay attention to what he was about to say. 
“We were gonna grab some breakfast” he explained, in an unfairly attractive morning voice, 
“We passed a diner last night, probably swinging back ‘round to that”
“Once sleeping beauty wakes up, that is”
You smiled, biting your lip in an attempt not to laugh. The three of you would have an easier time herding cats. Asahi’s hand slipped off of your thigh. You tried to suppress the shiver that ran up your spine and desperately ignored the way you missed his touch as soon as it left. Getting breakfast together was a routine you were all well versed in. You had all spent the majority of weekends before your exams meeting in a small cafe near your homes to get waffles together. Simpler times, you guessed. You knew each others orders like the back of your hands, and you always got fed portions of their individual orders no matter how many times you went. The contrast between each order was evident and matched perfectly with each of them. 
“I’m up for waffles”
The diner was relatively busy when you got there. Of course, with Daichi’s team dad skills and Asahi’s somewhat intimidating stature, you had managed to secure a booth just fine. As tradition went, it was you and Asahi on one side, Daichi and Koushi on the other. Asahi trapped you against the wall with his broad shoulders, but you liked the security of it and this is something the others had very clearly noticed. You were almost 100% certain that the seating was done this way so you and Asahi wouldn’t comment on the obnoxious amount of chocolate and cream the other two piled onto their waffles. 
Conversation flowed easily. You were too sleepy to even entertain the thought of your wallowing that morning, much rather preferring the simple reminiscing and idle chatter the boys filled the silence with. At one point you had said something that made Daichi laugh so hard that he had snorted his milkshake out of his nose. There was some hope that they didn’t notice the way you preened like a cat at getting the usually stoic man to laugh that hard. It was a beautiful noise, but his true laugh was rare. The dad-like chortle making way for wheezing towards the end of his laughing fits was enough to get even the most stone-faced of people to crack a smile. 
You handed him a wad of napkins. He took them with both hands, lifting one to wipe his face and keeping the other firmly grasping yours. Your breath hitched. 
Eventually, after the fifth time of Daichi wiping the wrong spot, Koushi grasped a few more napkins from your hands and wiped the remaining chocolate off of Daichi’s face. You held out another napkin for the silver-haired man's fingers, being met by his signature dazzling smile. 
“What would we do without you, huh gorgeous?”
The bliss was interrupted by all of their phones pinging a notification simultaneously. Suga read the text and visibly grimaced. In an effort to protect yourself from the hurt, you cast your gaze towards the table. It was very obviously a group chat you were not on. The little bubble of joy you had experienced just moments prior popped sharply and it was if the room had dimmed under the morning sun. That was fine, they were allowed to be in chats without you, it wasn’t a big deal, it might not be their new addition, right? You repeated the question in your head like a mantra to calm yourself as you tapped on Asahi to let you out.
“I’m gonna order another drink” you mumbled, smiling brightly at the boys.
The last couple of seconds replayed in your head over and over, even while stammering out your drink order. It was slightly easier to hide your scorned feelings when you weren’t facing the cause. Your back was aimed towards the table of boys, even as you reached the coffee station and made a grab at a few paper packets of sugar. 
The paper was flimsy in your hands, not aiding the clumsiness that was already plaguing you. The coffee was intended for Suga and the man liked his coffee in a very particular way. You counted out exactly two packets of white sugar, and one packet of brown sugar. E preferred the wooden stirrers, even when spoons were available, said they reached the sugar in the bottom of the cup easier. Of course, this was most likely complete nonsense but you couldn’t help but entertain the thought as you took yourself through the motions. You smiled gently at the routine and just how absurd it would look to anyone else. How were you supposed to explain the oddity that was Sugawara Koushi and his fantastical coffee routine?
A hand settled next to you on the coffee counter. 
“That’s a lot of sugar for someone already so sweet looking”
Turning, you came face to face with a man a little bit taller than you, he had dark hair and a decently attractive smile. He was cute, sure. But he wasn’t quite as tall as Asahi, he didn’t have Daichi’s warm smell and his flirting was kind of wooden to anyone who was familiar with Koushi’s cheekier flirting. In your peripherals, you could see the inquisitive glances from your friends and you really couldn’t help yourself after that. Was it kind to lead someone on? Maybe not but you were tired of morality and interested to see how this would play out. 
Giggling, you looked up at him through your lashes. Screw it, if you couldn’t have who you wanted, you were at least gonna have fun. 
“Maybe I like sweet things, don’t judge” you mused, taking the wooden stirrer between your teeth.
The man leaned his other arm on the coffee counter, effectively trapping you against the cart. It was a move you assumed was meant to come across as sexy. However it just made you feel like you were a caged animal, cornered and ready to claw your way out of the situation. His hand retracted, holding more napkins than any one man could possibly need. The dark haired man shot you a wink and you forced out a smile in return, shooting a glance at your now empty table. The brilliant smile of the man in front of you began to fade, causing you to snap your head towards him.
“I’m so sorry, what was that?” you questioned politely, putting the clueless act on once again. 
A throat was cleared next to you. There was really no denying how intimidating the boys were when they wanted to be. Daichi’s arms bulged from where they were crossed over his chest. It was a display that would usually make your mouth water, but only proved to further fuel your anxiety in the given moment. They weren’t scary to you of course, but the sharp glare Suga was sending the man as well as Asahi’s unimpressed look caused a flush of anxiety to run through you. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” Suga hissed at the poor man, who was now looking about ready to run.
“Sorry” the man stuttered, “I didn’t realise they were taken, know when i'm not welcome”
He put his hands up in a mock surrender and turned to leave. 
“Wait, no i’m not-” you started, but he was gone.
They had, not for the first time, rendered you speechless. Embarrassment curled in your gut, bubbling up into something more volatile when you saw the satisfied looks they sported, eyes following the man back to his table. Disbelief didn’t even begin to cover the cocktail of emotions that were currently mixing within you. 
If you didn’t leave, you were going to lose your temper very quickly. Chest heaving, you recentred yourself and spun on your heel, pulling your wallet out. 
The lady behind the counter looked only mildly intrigued at the odd display that had just occurred in front of her. She curled a perfectly manicured eyebrow at you as if to ask if you needed a hand. It filled you with a certain sense of irony, that this random woman was more concerned as to your feelings at that moment than your actual friends, who had known you for years. You stuttered out an apology and slammed some cash on the counter, probably harder than intended. Then you promptly turned and marched out of the diner. 
The mad scramble behind you was ignored in your attempt to walk to the car without bursting into tears, punching something, or both. You heard the protests in the background but they were muffled by the buzzing of rage in your ears. Fists curling and uncurling, you tried to think back to the last time you had gotten this angry. You had been plenty angry in the past, school was a difficult time for everyone, but the three men you had left in the diner were usually the first ones to calm you down. This was one of the only times they were the cause of your wrath. Most likely, they would also be on the receiving end of said wrath soon enough. 
Kicking the dust of the car park, you watched as stones and dirt scattered away from you. You wanted to scream, hit things, throw yourself in the dirt and cry - anything that would take some pressure off of the crushing weight in your torso. The flame twisted and gnashed at your insides, growling and clawing its way up your oesophagus until it released itself in a small scream of frustration. Would things ever be simple for you?
Telepathy had never been a skill you particularly craved until that moment. There was no way of understanding what those three idiots were thinking. Even if you did know, you were doubtful it would soothe your frustration. You threw yourself on the ground behind the trunk of the car, yanking your phone out of the pocket of your jeans. 
“Kiyoko” you seethed down the phone, “will you please come and pick me up”
She gave you the affirmative and set the loose time limit to her arrival. No doubt Yachi would be with her. You weren’t sure whether you would be able to deal with their romance in your face at that moment, but anything was better than being stuck in a car with Asahi, Daichi and Sugawara. 
Jangling alerted you to the three men in question. They had obviously paid and were frantically looking around the cars to locate you. With any luck a sinkhole would open in the earth and swallow you whole before they spotted you. 
Luck was never your thing.
The sky had opened up once again. It was almost beginning to grate on your nerves how much it had been raining this trip. The irony had been entertaining in the beginning, bordering on humorous how cliche it was. Now the weather you usually took so much pleasure in indulging in was maddening. You wanted to be angry with them for once, yell even. But the rain was washing your frustration away, leaving an empty feeling. A feeling that made you want to give up. 
Your prayers went unanswered, the three men walking up to you in due time. 
“What was that?” you questioned, voice resigned. 
“What do you mean? He was flirting with you”
The sound of genuine confusion in Asahi’s voice made your food feel like it was curdling inside of you. You breathed out in disbelief, brows knitting together tightly. 
“And just what does that have to do with any of you?”
None of them replied, taken back by your outburst. You stood abruptly and continued. 
“You’re all dating! You literally have two boyfriends and I know you’re talking to another person. So really” you paused, “why the fuck does it matter if i don’t want to be alone anymore? Do I not deserve to be wanted? You evidently don’t want me”
Your voice cracked towards the end of your rant. Three pairs of eyes stared at you in disbelief. The hints of hurt mixed into all three was evident, but you felt like a bottle that had been shaken and the lid was off. You erupted once again.  there was nothing more that you wanted than to be loved on purpose. it was inexplicably unfair that even unconnected attempts at finding a relationship had to be ruined by the three men in front of you.
“God it hurts, can you not see that? It hurts so bad. You won’t ever understand how much it pains me to be around you and see just how happy this new person is going to make you, knowing that’s not me? That hurts” you spat the last sentences, vitriol coating your words.
The storming sea inside you had calmed somewhat, leaving you to assess the damage your words had done. It wasn’t the most ideal way to confess your feelings but the weight that was lifted off your shoulders felt tremendous. The pain you were feeling was paralysing, stopping you from running like you desperately wanted to. It knocked the wind out of you, reducing your last statement to a pathetic whisper. 
“I get you don’t want me around, but other people will. It’s not okay to take that away from me”
As if some God had heard your plea, Kiyoko’s tiny blue car sped into the car park just as you broke down crying. The womans tiny blonde girlfriend sped out of the car, catching you before your knees could meet the wet sand beneath you. Yachi cooed at you softly, placing her entire body in front of you as if to form a shield between you and the cause of your heart ache. Her eyebrows furrowed in concern, eyes filling with sympathy at your curled up figure. 
It was truly humiliating. 
Kiyoki motioned for her to pull you into the car, stepping out of the driver's side herself and towards you. The dainty hands of the younger girl were soft and comforting, her rose scent filled your stuffy nose while she led your stumbling form to the welcome shelter of her girlfriend's car. The difference in posture between the two of you was like night and day. You were hunched over, protecting yourself from outside view. Your wounds were gaping, horrible open pits with your rawest emotions in the middle for everyone to gaze at and laugh. She wrapped a soft blanket around you, bandaging you up and keeping you safe in the backseat of the car. 
There were muffled voices from the outside of the car, but the sound of the heater being cranked full blast muffled them. There was a lot of angry words, not quite yelling but scolding certainly. You whimpered at the noise, not being able to distinguish who it was. You were certain they would never want to see you again, let alone speak to you, after your outburst. If only there was a way to scoop all of your words off of the floor and shove them back down into your mouth. Daichi, Asahi and Sugawara had never been in love with you, you could deal with that fact. Them cutting ties completely would surely kill you. 
A polaroid of Yachi and Kiyoko, perched on a wall and smiling at each other, was stuck to the centre of the car, directly above the stereo. It hung there, mocking you. You stared and tried not to think about how you would never be able to achieve that, not where it counted. In the end, it was easier to avert your gaze than confront what you couldn’t have.
Fuming, Kiyoko wrenched the door open and threw herself into the driver's seat. It was a miracle she managed to make even that look graceful. Her face was unnaturally contorted by an anger that was uncommon for her. It marred her beautiful features viciously. In staring at her, you caught sight of yourself in the mirror. It was a distressing look to say the least. Your hair was messy from your own grip and the bags under your eyes had only gotten worse. What little effort you had put into your looks this morning had all gone to waste, either washes away or dampened under the rain. 
Yachi stroked her hand over your shoulder and climbed into the passenger's seat. 
Staring out of the back window as the car pulled away, you caught sight of the three you had left behind. Koushi was patting Azumane’s back from where he crouched on the ground, dragging large hands across his face. Daichi was beside them, head buried in his arms on top of the car. You blinked. They had no right to be upset, you thought. You tried to block it all from your mind as their figures turned into tiny dots in the distance. All the years of friendship, the lives you had built together and the dreams you had created - they were buried in the dust where you left them.
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me: says I'll post part three the next day, also me: takes a week to post it. I'm not sure when I'll get around to posting part 4 but hopefully I'll remember to actually post it
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laksh34 · 2 years
Syed Hashmeer Memorial Football Cup concludes
Under drug free Bandipora initiative, the final match of the eight edition of Syed Hashmeer Memorial Football Cup 2022 was played at S.K Stadium, here today. The final was played between Hashmi XI and Arco Sopore. A total of 24 teams participated in the tournament which was organised by Hashmee FC in memory of late Bilal Ahmad Tantray. DC Bandipora Dr Owais Ahmed along with SSP Bandipora Mohd Zahid attended the final match of the Football Tournament at SK Stadium. While interacting with players Dr Owais appreciated the youth for participating in the various sports activities and staying away from drugs. He urged all the participants, organisers and spectators to spread the message of drug free Bandipora and motivate youth to participate in sports and developmental activities. He said the Administration is committed to promote sports in the district and urged youth to come forward on different platforms to showcase their talent. Both Deputy Commissioner and SSP lauded the efforts of organisers to provide a platform to youth and engage them in sports activities.
To Know More Visit- dailyexcelsior
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cortland · 3 years
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Literature A - Z [ 12 / 26 ] ⟶ L for Love From A to Z by S.K. Ali
Maybe that's what living is--recognizing the marvels and oddities around you.
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haleyincarnate · 5 years
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“Give yourself time to grow” by Gi and S.K.
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skhardwarevers1 · 6 months
Hi I got possessed and put this together and immediately died but I’m stubborn and cross post everything I make ever. So.
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