lonestarflight · 5 months
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Pegasus satellite housed inside the adapted service module of the Saturn I Block II (SA-8 through SA-10). Metroid Technology Satellite Mission
Date: 1963
NASA Doc: link, link
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terengineer · 2 months
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New chick the link video!
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bmgmw · 2 months
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The trigger warnings still did not prepare me for how much this show wrecked me 🥲
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leafykat · 2 months
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ok i found it
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yourlocalholler · 1 month
i didnt notice this on my first watch of supernatural but yikes
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10.12 “about a boy”
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wszczebrzyszynie · 1 year
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choroba mózgowa nie ustaje. jutro pokażę rzeczy zrobione w pracy bo tego też się nazbierało xd dzieci wybiegły i beksa to muzyka którą utożsamiam z tym au
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too-much-tma-stuff · 2 months
Can't Help Himself (18+)
Pairing: Jason/Danny
Inspired by this wonderful piece of art I wanted to write some non-con with pit mad Jason and Danny, with some random LoA assassin holding Jason's leash.
Trigger warnings (seriously y'all); rape, vaginal penetration, degradation, manipulation, Pit mad!Jason, sexual violence, forced breeding.
This is Dead Dove
“Keep a tight grip on the leash,” Talia said as he handed over the chain with a personable smile. “He’s very well trained but that doesn’t always help when you’re not holding the leash. I’m loathe to part with him of course, but grandfather says you have an important prisoner and Jason is an excellent guard dog~” She ran her painted nails through the young man’s black and white hair.
The masked assassin nodded, looking down at the young man at the end of the leash, he glared back with glowing green eyes, swirling with the sort of mindless rage particular to the Lazarus pits. Such people were little more than animals but they could still be useful. “I’ll take good care of him,” She assured the leader’s daughter, bowing to her before she turned to leave. When Jason was reluctant to follow Talia made a sharp hissing sound that made him flinch and follow his temporary mistress without resistance. 
It was a quick walk to the cell in the depths of the league base that held one of the more interesting things they had managed to capture. “I brought you a friend, Phantom” the assassin said cruelly as she flipped on the lights. 
Inside the young man with slow white hair and intelligent Lazarus green eyes hissed at the sudden light. He glared at the assassin baring too sharp teeth and snarling, he had talked a lot when he had first been brought here but when he seemed to realize it didn’t do any good he had stopped. Now he was giving everyone the silent treatment seemingly out of spite, occasionally yanking on the Lazarus treated shackles, the only things they’d found that could hold him. He was wary as he glanced down at Jason, his eyes widening slightly. 
Jason too had fallen still and stopped snarling, the two men were just… staring at each other. Well that was odd. The assassin clicked her tongue and gave Jason’s leash a brief tug, reminding him who he was answering too and his purpose. He blinked and, rather than falling back into line he strained towards their captive, trying to get closer. 
She hissed sharply and kicked high, bringing her foot down on the chain connected to Jason’s thick collar, using her weight to drag him down to the floor. Jason let out growling oof as he barely caught himself enough to break the fall, finally looking away from the prisoner to look at the woman now standing on his leash, keeping him down on the floor by his neck. What shocked her was the whine that Phantom let out in response. When she looked up she saw that he was also straining towards Jason, matching green eyes filled with sympathy. 
“He doesn’t want to help you, you know,” She scoffed at Phantom. “The violence of the Pit runs deep in this one, he barely has enough of his mind left to know his own name. You should thank me for keeping him away from you, he probably wants to tear you apart,” she laughed only to be met by an Extra glowy glare from Phantom.
“You want him Fine,” She said, rolling her eyes and taking her foot off the chain, letting Jason get to his hands and knees. He moved towards Phantom hesitantly, expecting to be pulled back again, but this time she let him, following with a tight grip on his leash. She didn’t think the Demon Head would be pleased if he actually let a Guard Dog hurt his prize so she had to be ready to yank him back if he got too violent. 
When Jason realized that he wasn’t going to be pulled back he sped up and practically pounced on Phantom who let out an oof as he was pushed down to the stone floor. Before the assassin or, it seemed, Phantom, knew what was happening Jason was scrambling at the being clothes. 
“No, Don’t-” Phantom yelped, the first words he’d said in days as Jason tore Phantom’s shirt open from collar to waist like a child unwrapping a present. He lashed out to try and push Jason off but bound as he was Jason was stronger and didn’t seem to be struggling to hold Phantom down. Despite not needing to breath he gasps as Jason bears down on him, grabbing at the front of his shirt. What was interesting though was that despite looking scared and saying no Phantom was not fighting as hard as he could, wasn’t going for Jason’s throat or eyes.
“Well this is getting interesting~” She laughed, Phantom’s gaze snapped to her as if he’d forgotten she was there. 
“Make him stop,” Phantom gasped and she grinned unapologetically down at him, her mouth still covered by her mask but judging by his despair he saw it in her eyes. 
“No, I don’t think I will. I think I like where this is going~” She laughed. She did pull Jason back but it was not to stop Jason, but he was so mindless right now she wasn’t even sure He knew what he wanted. But she did~ When she pulled him back onto his knees she could see that his cock was rock hard and straining against the loose pants he was wearing. 
This was wrong of course, but she wouldn’t be an assassin if she didn’t have a sadistic streak, or cared at all about what was right. So she was just going to have fun, and right now what that means was shoving Phantom over onto his stomach with her foot and leaning down to grab the back of his pants with one hand, yanking them down and fully ignoring his screams for her to stop. 
Jason was staring, his eyes roaming over the curve of Phantom’s ass and when she yanked Danny’s hips up she saw how Jason’s pupils dilated when he got a good view of Phantom’s pussy. She planted her foot on the back of Phantom’s neck to keep him down and semi-still. “Good boy Jason,” She told Jason, talking over Phantom’s objections, knowing Jason would listen to her, the one holding his leash, like he was trained to. “Now you, take off your pants.” She ordered, and of course he obeyed though never did he take his eyes off of Phantom the entire time.
“Well, I think you know what you want, go ahead and take it~” She told Jason, pushing off of Phantom’s neck and leaning against the wall, though of course she still kept a firm grip on Jason’s leash. She'd step in if she had to, but she’d much rather just enjoy the show.
Jason hesitated for a moment, but as soon as Phantom started to pull away it broke through whatever was holding Jason back and he lurched into motion. He grabbed Phantom’s hips and yanked him back making the being yelp. Jason leaned down, his nose was nearly pressed into Phantom’s pussy as he breathed deeply, scenting the other as Phantom whimpered his protest. 
“You might as well shut up again Phantom. He only listens to the one holding his leash,” She mocked. Not that Jason seemed to be listening to her very much right now, whatever innate instinct to breed Phantom seemed to be overwriting just about everything else. “Besides it looks like he just can’t help himself.”
Jason ran his tongue over Danny’s pussy, a long sweep from his clit to his taint making him gasp and shudder. Jason did it again and Danny yanked against his chains, trying to cover his mouth but coming up just shy. “Jason Stop!” He pleaded but was completely ignored, just as she had warned him he would be. 
Jason growled and pushed deeper, his tongue disappearing inside the boy’s cunt. It was only a little disappointing to see Phantom bite his lip to silence himself, less so as she watched green blood drip down his chin from where his fangs had sunk into his own lip. Behind him Jason’s growl slowly morphed into a purr before he pulled back. His dick was an attractively desperate shade of pink as he adjusted his grip on Phantom’s hips and then ground against his ass. 
Phantom yowled like a furious cat and thrashed, but chained and pinned as he was there was nowhere for him to go as Jason wrestled his legs apart. Danny fought, until with one quick, clumsy thrust Jason forced his way into the pale being body. Pinned and penetrated Phantom finally fell still with a keen that would have been heartbreaking, had anyone who was listening been sympathetically inclined. 
She cackled and yanked on Jason’s leash, dragging him further over Phantom, further into his unwilling pussy. Jason’s face was read, his strong back covered in a thin sheen of sweat and his eyes glowing more intensely than ever before, fixed down on the object of his unwanted affections. 
He pulled out and pushed back in and Phantom yelped and shuddered, clawed fingers digging into the very stone beneath him as Jason wasted no time in fucking him. He looked up at her with hatred in his eyes that… if she was honest scared her a little. His gaze seemed to promise that the second he got out of these shackles she would pay, but she didn’t show that fear of course. 
“Don’t look at me that way~ I’m not the one fucking you,” She mocked him and he gave a broken snarl before spitting blood at her feet. Huh he must have bitten his tongue at some point. 
Jason’s eyes slid closed, his breathing coming in shallow moans and keens as he rutted into Phantom’s body with reckless abandon, uncaring and eager. He found some sort of rhythm, his moans and the sound of flesh on flesh the only sounds in the cell. Phantom had bitten his lip again, his eyes closed tightly and his fists clenched so quickly she could see the blood where his claws were digging into his own palms. 
Jason’s moans took on a new breathy tone as he lost track of his rhythm, bucking his hips in frantic shallow thrusts until he came. She knew he must have because Phantom wailed so loudly she knew it would be ringing in her ears for days.
Jason let go abruptly and Phantom collapsed to the floor, curling up in a ball and hugging himself tightly. “Wonderful performance everyone,” She laughed pulling Jason away. “But I don’t think you’ll be a good guard for him after all Jason. Sort yourself out. I’ll take you back to Talia and find someone who won’t fuck the prisoner.”
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squishe · 4 months
im baffled about how so many people are suddenly shitting on transmascs for having the audacity to label our discrimination and making fun of terms like transandophobia and mocking us for talking about transmasc-specific issues and discrimination (which is a documented thing! and we have different factors intersect with our oppression than tma folks have intersecting with transmisogyny! and NOONE is saying that transandrophobia existing makes it worse than transmisogyny either!)
like what do you want us to do? are we just supposed to shut up and take it because us being afab means our problems are "lesser"? are we supposed to say that every other trans person has it worse so we can't talk about it anymore? what is the proposed solution here? mocking transmascs and harassing them and sending horrific anons to them isn't exactly a solid answer.
i genuinely truly don't understand why people are so upset about this and why it's such a big deal for us to label our experiences and talk about it when everyone was falling all over themselves to adopt new phrases when the terms transmisogyny and tma/tme started gaining traction. it's gross and weird. we're all siblings in the same fight here, infighting is pointless and a waste of energy. why are we trying to to beat each other down when this energy would be, y'know, actually progressive punching up and fighting the oppressive structures CAUSING these issues instead?
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sasukesharingan · 2 months
The only reason why Sarada exists is bc of artificial insemination. No I will not be elaborating.
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lonestarflight · 5 months
Cancelled Missions: Gemini IX rendezvous with the Pegasus 3
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Concept art of a Gemini IX capsule rendezvous with the Pegasus 3 micrometeorite satellite.
"Gemini XI would see a dramatic increase in EVA complexity. The spacecraft would intercept the 10.5-ton Pegasus 3 satellite, which was due to be launched into low-Earth orbit on a Saturn I rocket soon after the GEPG submitted its report. Like its predecessors, Pegasus 3 was designed to assess the likelihood that spacecraft in low-Earth orbit would suffer meteoroid impact damage. To do this, it unfolded a pair of 4.3 meter wide by 29 meter long 'wings' containing a total of 400 meteoroid-detection panels.
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Pegasus 1 shown during ground testing with its wings deployed
The Gemini Extravehicular Planning Group (GEPG) reported that discussions with NASA Headquarters and NASA Marshall Space Flight Center had already led to Pegasus 3 modifications for Gemini rendezvous and EVA mission. Pegasus 1, launched February 16, 1965, had achieved an elliptical 510-by-726-kilometer orbit, while Pegasus 2, launched May 25, 1965, had entered a 502-by-740-kilometer orbit. When launched on July 30, 1965, Pegasus 3 entered a near-circular 535-by-567-kilometer orbit. This made it a more readily accessible rendezvous target for Gemini spacecraft.
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In addition, sixteen of Pegasus 3's meteoroid-detection panels had been replaced with removable aluminum meteoroid-capture panels and panels containing thermal control test surfaces. After rendezvous with the giant satellite, the Gemini XI spacewalker would use a Hand-Held Maneuvering Unit (HHMU) to jet over and remove the panels for return to Earth. The GEPG stated that '[d]etermination of the method of accomplishing this task. . .must still be accomplished.'"
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Due to setbacks and troubles with EVAs experienced by astronauts during Gemini IX and X, the ambitious plan to rendezvous with the Pegasus 3 and recover the meteoroid and thermal control test surface panels was cancelled. Instead, Gemini XI focused more on techniques for the Apollo missions. It performed the "first direct-ascent (first orbit) rendezvous with an Agena Target Vehicle, docking with it 1 hour 34 minutes after launch; used the Agena rocket engine to achieve a record high-apogee Earth orbit; and created a small amount of artificial gravity by spinning the two spacecraft connected by a tether." The Pegasus 3 satellite re-entered the atmosphere on August 4, 1969.
Posted on Flickr by Drew Granston: link
source, source
NASA ID: link
Smithsonian Institute Archives: link
Information from Wikipedia: link
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vhscorp · 8 months
Attacher trop d’importance à l’avis des autres, c’est leur donner du pouvoir sur ta vie, c’est mettre en danger ta liberté, cette liberté qui n’appartient qu’à toi, car toi, et toi seul, as le droit de décider de ce que tu fais et feras de ton existence…
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timbermeshivers · 3 months
It’s always “I’m sure she didn’t mean anything by it” and never “I’m sorry that happened to you”
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jtl-fics · 8 months
*people shouting in the streets* MATH NERD!! MATH NERD!! MATH NERD!! MATH NERD!! MATH NERD!!
Give the people what they want!
- @neilimfinejosten
WIP Wednesday - 10/18/23 (Closed) | Math Nerd AU
Andrew's tired of this whoel song and dance in an instant.
"Cass what do you want?" he asks just wanting this all to be over holding a hand up to silence Neil. Neil's mouth audibly clicks shut. "Say it and leave." he looks at her.
He watches her face shift from tightly controlled anger to one that he knew was going to be uncomfortable. "Drake was a good brother to you Andrew, won't you please testify that those other kids a-are just...they're just lying! They have to be. Drake never ever touched any of them or you." Cass asks pleadingly.
"Drake was a monster." Andrew says, "He didn't touch me because he didn't get the opportunity to touch me." he says and tries to ignore the quiet table, "Since I had a friend who looked out for me." he says.
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prisonpodcast · 3 months
People are so ridiculous Dream’s response is fine
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deadespeon · 2 years
I've been watching that Korean drama with the Autistic attorney, and what I like about it, is even when the plot is not at all about autism, it is still *about* autism. So far it seems like every episode tackles something different about life with autism.
Ep 1 finding a job is hard. Learning the social rules at new job is hard.
Ep 2 Becoming psychologically independent from your parents because their expectations from you don't match the real you, with two brief allusions to how clothing is hard for autistic people (both in social understanding and texture bad)
Ep 3 Autism is a spectrum but people with vastly different experiences with autism get grouped together anyway. A person seen as highly intelligent is actually struggling with school to the point of suicidality. People online give hate speech about autistic people and we just have to deal with it. Asperger's Nazi etymology.
Ep 4 How friendships form when you are Autistic. Being manipulated by the people you trust (especially family)
Ep 5 People lie, how to tell, and how to deal with it. Also the autistic character is seen as erratic to the point of being called "Wild Card."
Ep 6 Spending all your time trying to do something difficult only at the end having to have pointed out there was a much easier way. (Admittedly this a stretch. The episode seems more to set up drama about the main character's origins.)
Ep 7 Metaphors, figures of speech, all the non-literal language, and desperately trying to follow along and getting left behind. When someone else os just better than you and you can't possibly compare and have to work around awkwardly.
Ep 8 acting with integrity vs acting in a political manner. Being shielded from hard things as a form of infantilization.
Ep 9 Children get treated terribly but it's in a way that is supported by the current social systems so the harm isn't stopped at all despite people advocating for it.
Ep 10 People with developmental disabilities being infantilized and seen as completely incapable of having romantic or sexual relationships. Having a relationship with someone with someone with a developmental disability is assumed to be predatory and abusive.
But seriously I think it's really cool how it stays com topic" with autism while still doing other stuff. Like with episode 2 and 9, while there are clear parallels to autistic experiences, those experiences are not being sexperienced by our autistic character. This is still good and important, because autistic people are still human, and autistic experiences are part of human experiences.
I'm seriously would recommend any autistic person to watch it because it just feels so nice to be seen/represented. (Of course if you don't like it that's fine too.)
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psyaurorak · 1 year
Alright… so a year ago I went and joined the LO discord…
And lemme tell ya, they legitimately SUCK
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There’s more but this got me SO MAD last year. Led to me leaving.
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