soup-scope · 2 years
the only thing darlin did when they were “recovering” in washington was get fucking jacked
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fighting-naturalist · 2 months
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team cohesion designed to give jack a tension migraine ft. sam and daniel "urgo" 3.16
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swift-kwikster · 10 months
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A comic about Sam and Max being trans guys, taking place at Sam's old job as a stewardess before he transitioned. Being that it's Sam & Max, weird ridiculous hijinks ensure.
So... After two years of working on this on and off, it's finished! I had posted pages as I was making them on here before but those posts are no longer on my blog- I actually redid most of the pages with new jokes and panels, and fixed a lot. I'm really proud of how far this has come. :)
Please reblog if you can if you like it, so more can see it! It'd mean so much! Thank you. <3
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obsessivecelestial · 1 month
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C’mon y’all! Suck it up and help get LaES back up and running again!!
Tags; @pinkieglitterheart @bipolar-sad-and-ready-to-cry @wonders-sunlight @inkyucu @bittyfromquotev @bumble-the-sun-bee @compulsiveimpairment @peachyfnaf (sorry for the pings..)
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2sw · 4 months
hey guys. I don't mind people reposting my gifs on other sites to express their own love for sam, I love to see it actually, but please do not use mine for archive/gif accounts. thanks xx
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lumosnite · 3 months
Blah blah blah ratfish this ratfish that
As many have already pointed out Samuel Dalton probably possessed Sam during Deja Vu and now all he is doing is making himself the true ratfish of the game by being a pretender amidst the cast and crew. Pretending to be Sam Reich
Also idk it’s pretty sus that when Grant asked for a town with an Ivy League school that Sam didn’t immediately say Cambridge Massachusetts and he used a different Ivy League town. THIS IS NOT MY SAM
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don't think about sam with his lips painted with blood, dried ruddy brown and shiny. don't think about how it got there - a finger dipped into an open wound, dragged slow across the bottom lip while he stares unwavering at dean. don't think about dean holding his breath as sam dips his finger again to paint his upper lip.
don't think about dean's eyes flicking to black at the pain he welcomes because it's sammy's gift to him, and don't think about how yellow bleeds across sam's eyes.
don't think about a a king and his knight sprawled across the throne of hell, ignoring but not oblivious to the demons watching them, shifting uncomfortably as they wait for their monarch to finish riding his brother.
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lucky-clover-gazette · 4 months
extremely long essay-adjacent post about female representation in the captive prince
capri is interesting bc i dislike the lack of female characters, but knowing the way that people are treated in vere and akielos, i kinda feel relieved that we don’t see many women.
like idk, gender stuff is complicated. it is a double standard, that seeing female characters in the same positions as the men in these books would just feel different. given how women have been treated and continue to be treated in real life society, it’s almost escapist fantasy within itself to see this world where we don’t have to really look too hard at women being abused and oppressed. and in addition to real life, we get that in plenty of fiction already, written mostly by men, often in a way that feels condescending or fetishizing.
capri’s male-dominated cast comes at the expense of really seeing women on the page, but the few female characters do seem to be intentionally written in positions that don’t feel disempowering or misogynistic. vannes holds her position of authority through similar means to the powerful men, and she’s just as morally questionable as the rest—no exceptions are made. jokaste is authoritative simply by her characterization, and uses her femininity in as a tool to put herself in higher stations. like, that woman has a uterus and she knows how to use it to her advantage. and then there’s the vaskian women, like this entirely separate matriarchal warrior society, and we really only get a peek into whatever the hell they have going on.
we know, logically, that there are plenty of female slaves and pets and prostitutes, almost undoubtedly abused and undervalued wives of men in the nobility. the regent's court is male-dominated by choice. kastor, i would bet, is similarly misogynistic. the male characters we follow are explicit misogynists, gay and disinterested in women, or like legally forbidden from any heterosexual romance they might want to have. gender roles and sexual taboos run deep in this world. we know that women are out there, suffering, just like damen and erasmus and laurent. but pacat shows us women who are not suffering instead. and that, to me, is something.
but like, i think the instance of womanhood that’s most interesting to me in the series is actually the absence of it in laurent and damen’s lives. the characters and story we follow are so steeped in masculinity and patriarchy—but there are women in this world. they are up to things, and i think pacat has given their existence thought. i can't know her intentions for sure, but i sense that she might have made them absent in our protagonist’s lives for a reason.
becauseeeee who is the person to finally Beat the regent? a female character who you are meant to ignore, who appears to be a random bystander, but reveals herself to be mindful and caring. a woman who, just like damen and laurent in book 1, is relatively powerless in this society but left with very little to lose. loyse is the closest thing to like… a just kinda average woman we see in this entire series. she’s not partaking in the debauchery of veretian, akielion, or vaskian nobility. she’s not playing power games with her body or sexuality. she’s basically just, like, the normalest person in the room, full of people like fifteen feet deep in a pool of power struggles, sexual depravity, manipulation, politics, and war strategy. she has her head above water, at least after aimeric’s death. that isn’t a gendered quality by nature, and i hate the implication that women are more likely to be level-headed, good advocates or caretakers, etc… but i don’t think that’s what i’m trying to say here at all.
because loyse, like… isn’t a perfect mother. she either completely missed or knowingly enabled horrible things happening to her son because her husband wanted to social climb. i’m not sure if she knew, during aimeric’s childhood, exactly what was going on with guoin, the regent, and aimeric. it might say somewhere (i hope it does!) but my skimming yielded nothing. i think it would make the most sense if loyse only found out after aimeric’s death, like on the road with guion and the main characters. she clearly spoke to laurent about it at some point, and didn’t tell guion that she planned to testify against him. regardless of when she found out, she’s just over it all at the trial, and finally speaks her mind.
loyse being a woman doesn’t inherently make her more likely to be wise or compassionate than the main characters—but it’s more like, idk, being so far removed from the very male-centric story that we see, it allows a character like her to have the clarity to essentially defeat the final boss everyone else has been struggling to fight for three entire books. loyse really just said, “hi. fuck you all. my son is dead because my asshole husband made a ‘gentleman’s agreement’ with him as a bargaining chip. i’m not delusional, i know this is wrong, and im not going to shut up about it to appease this depraved and cowardly court. also the regent killed his brother, because i know you assholes don’t care about my son and never will.” and that is the first domino in the regent’s defeat.
so, like… what if damen and laurent had been written with loyses in their lives? women who weren’t there to have sex with them, in damen’s case? mothers and sisters and friends? what qualities could they have then developed in themselves, so much sooner than they do in the series?
if more of these characters were women—if more women were Involved In The Story, in general—would it have been as brutal or difficult as it was? could things have been better communicated, would social reform have happened sooner? would damen and laurent (especially laurent) have had the same experiences that so strongly define who they are? it’s a slippery slope to assign traits to gender, i know, but i think there is something to be said for the different ways men and women handle intellectual and emotional problems—especially if they’ve been socialized heavily based on their gender, which does seem to be the case for this world. if damen had a mother or a sister or a simply platonic female friend, do you think he would have more quickly realized some of his own ethical blind spots re: sex and consent? if laurent had a mother or sister or female friend, do you think he would have been protected from the regent, and given more opportunities to feel safe and unsexualized? if there were actual authoritative women in the venetian royal bloodline, would the regent have been able to take over, and make the court so male-dominated in the first place?
it’s like that meme, “x media (image of giant book), x media if character had a gun (very short book).” i think, fundamentally, that capri would not have been able to tell the same story if more female characters were involved. and to be clear—that is not an excuse to exclude female characters, because i fucking love female characters. it would almost certainly be a better series with more women thoughtfully involved, but the point is, it wouldn’t be the same. and i do admire that pacat seems to understand that there are differences between men and women, in many ways, and doesn’t just like… write a character she means to be a dude, and then genderswap. or write an character who’s in essence genderless, insert them into this very gendered society, and then spin a wheel to see what pronouns they use.
i’m not sure exactly what point i’m trying to make here, but i’ll leave two related excerpts for your consideration. actually, yes, i do know my point, and i’ll say it with conviction: simply thinking to put female characters in a story, does not make it a story with thoughtful female characters. and capri, as a series, is defined by its thoughtfulness to me. i cannot fully commit to the suggestion that its lack of female characters is inherently misogynistic, because i think that lack of female presence is a character within itself. and more than anything, it’s an ongoing flaw of fandoms in general, people in general, to either want women to be 1) absent, so they’re not in the way of the men’s stories or 2) simple and archetypical, to check a box for inclusion. but there are other options. i like those options more.
to truly want female representation in a misogynistic world is to want to see the complexity of womanhood, both in its presence and its absence. and i think if cs pacat ever decided to take on a female perspective, intentionally, as the main point of a piece of writing, it would be masterfully done. i would love to see her write women, but i want those women to truly be the main characters. and i never want to tell anyone what they should want to write about.
capri is what it is. and to its credit, i do believe that this series both considers and values the female perspective much more than the fandom seems to acknowledge. the real problem to me rests with fandom and the society it reflects, rather than the story or its author.
excerpt #1, from the summer palace by cs pacat, author of the captive prince series:
‘My mother planted these gardens,’ said Damen. His heart was pounding. ‘Do you like them? They’re ours now.’ Saying the word “ours” still felt daring. He could feel it mirrored in Laurent, the shy awkwardness of what was so dearly desired. ‘I like them,’ said Laurent. ‘I think they’re beautiful.’ Laurent’s fingers found his again, a small intimacy that had him overbrimming. ‘I don’t think about her often. Only when I come here.’ ‘You don’t take after her.’ ‘Oh?’ ‘Her statue in Ios is three feet tall.’ The corner of Damen’s mouth twitched. He knew the statue, on a plinth in the north hall. ‘There’s a statue of her here. Come and meet her.” It was part of the nonsense they were sharing, a whim, to show Laurent. He tugged; they came to an arched open garden. ‘I take it back, you’re just like her.’ Laurent said it looking up. The statue here was bigger. Damen was smiling; there was delight in seeing Laurent explore himself, a young man who was sweet, teasing, at times unexpectedly earnest. Having made the decision to let Damen in, Laurent had not gone back on it. When the walls went up, it was with Damen inside them. But when Laurent came to stand in front of the statue of his mother, the mood changed to something more serious, as if prince and statue were communicating with each other. Unlike in Patras, it wasn’t the custom in Akielos to paint statues. His mother Egeria looked out towards the sea with a marble face and marble eyes, even though she’d had dark hair and eyes like himself and his father. He saw her through Laurent’s eyes, the old-fashioned dress of marble, the curled hair, her high, classical brow and outraised arm. Damen realised that he didn’t know how tall his mother really was. He had never asked about it, and had never been told. Laurent made a formal Akielon gesture that matched his chiton and the gardens, but was different to his habitual Veretian manners. Damen felt his skin prickle with strangeness. It was part of Akielon courtship to seek permission from a parent. If things had been different, Damen might have knelt in the great hall in front of King Aleron, asking for the right to court his youngest son. It was not that way between them. All their family was dead. ‘I’ll take care of your son,’ said Laurent. ‘I’ll protect his kingdom as if it were my own. I’ll give my life for his people.’ Above them, the sun was high and bright, and encouraged a retreat to the shade line. The boughs of the trees around them were heavy with scent. Laurent said, ‘I won’t let him down. I promise you.’
and an excerpt from the captive prince fan wiki.
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ziggykatzfan · 1 year
i just think that it's insane we don't talk about sam and bela. like she stole from him & SHOT him and he was still all 😍 😍. that dream was soooooo..... sam loves evil fuckedup hot sexy women and he's so right
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mxltifxnd0m · 1 month
(not my edit; creds to @ jaredaep on tiktok!)
*sighs dreamily* sam wesson the man that you are <33
please enjoy @prentissluvr
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datshitrandom · 2 months
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Darren Criss with John McDaniel at Provincetown Town Hall | John McDaniel's Broadway Series | July 21, 2024 | 🎥 via Sam
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sampegger · 9 months
omg hello everyone. now that i have people following me i would like to also let u all know that i DID in fact document my entire experience as someone watching the cw's supernatural in 2023 by briefly writing my thoughts in my notes app after every single episode in real time. PLEASE ask me to post my real time reaction to any episode and i will very gladly oblige. i have nothing else to do with them please they must go somewhere
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visionthefox · 5 months
this is how you deal with ships ya dont like
ok may be a bit of rant? tho im mad just a bit annoyed- im also happy! in the last video, as we know, NewMoon had a small chat with Monty, they try to make some time, in those moments they mention shippers, BUT only those that want Moon to Date Monty AND EARTH - is mess up- they call it out (good) but seeying this and how they jumped to BloodMoon, I just felt they CAN indeed mention and call out people, but since they didnt touch the bigger ship, I felt it , personally, as a win! (they could have said "oh like me and Solar" like come on, they mention him around Moon is used to say his name ) but when I did, as a comment , among others, just a idiot feeding the algorithm - someone had to come AT me, to say me "they are sibblings" and look, sure ok, kids will be kids, but I REALLY wish they would not do this, is not wrong really! but let people enjoy a fictional ship that does not hurt anyone! (in a sense that, is not wrong to ship robots, it wont trigger you) and before I could do it.. someone had my back ,someone that CLEARLY doesnt ship it
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they dont like the ship, neither of them. yet while one comes at shippers - the other let it be - and I do often talk wit cool dude when we meet in the comments we dont always agree but is so fun to talk to! just.. be like Cool dude please! let people have fun ! and you! keep yourself safe and out of stress with shippers! (I know many get wild over it- I just get too nervious and spill words like an idiot)
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innerchorus · 16 days
A question popped up as I thought about some future chapters of my AU regarding Saam. How much is actually known about him in the novels? I don't think there is much about him like family, his past and such, right?
(Do tell me if I already have asked somehting similar)
I can't recall if you asked this before, maybe it came up when we were discussing Sam in general at some point? In any case, your suspicion is correct, Tanaka doesn't provide any other details. We don't know his age, which part of Pars he's from, any details about his past or his family, nothing. The only thing we know (and this is mentioned in the manga, too, when Sam visits the imprisoned Andragoras in Chapter 56) is that he was made Marzban by Andragoras.
However, I think we can infer a few things and speculate about a few others based on that scene. One being that while Sam is a noble, I don't think he necessarily comes from a line of high-ranking generals like Kishward. It feels like Andragoras recognised his talents. And its these talents that Sam defines his own worth by, stating "I am a man of no ability, except to fight." His honour as Marzban and how his position allows him to serve the country he loves are what matters most to him and what gives his life meaning, and also the source of his loyalty to the Parsian royal family.
In terms of his military past, again there are no specific details other than what we're shown in canon; at the time the series opens he is entrusted, along with Garshasp, with protecting the royal capital of Ecbatana. I've theorised before that this is a prestigous position given only to those with a wealth of experience who are trusted completely by the Shah (because after all, when the king leaves the city to go and fight, he must know that it is in good hands). We know Sam is an expert at attacking and defending fortresses, and is familiar with Zabul (but presumably visited rather than being stationed there for a long time; perhaps he was sent to advise, or perhaps to reinforce temporarily when it previously came under threat?). He must have taken part in plenty of siege battles on both sides of the walls which means he's most likely participated in campaigns outside the borders of Pars, as well as potentially in taking back Parsian fortresses that may have fallen to the enemy.
(Personally, I headcanon that he was with the troops Andragoras led in Badakhshan. Maybe he proved his worth in the swift taking of the capital, Helmandus?)
Regarding when he became Marzban, it's tempting to say 'after Osroes died' but it could even have been before then. See, when Osroes became Shah, he actually instated his younger brother Andragoras as Eran and turned over control of the entire army to him. It's possible that he even allowed Andragoras to select his own Marzbans, subject to approval, of course. So there's room for various headcanons there. Either way, Sam feeling some loyalty specifically towards Andragoras even before Osroes's death fits with the fact that Andragoras did have the overwhelming support of the military in general, and it may have been a factor in him choosing not to believe in the rumours that Andragoras killed his brother and burned Prince Hilmes alive. It's clear in his later questions to Andragoras that he longs for it not to be true but can no longer deny the likelihood that it is.
The fact that he recognises Hilmes even years later tells us that he had contact with him in some form, presumably within the grounds of the palace. He's also familiar with Gotarzes, specifically the flaws that overtook him at the end of his reign. Of course, it may be that he simply has knowledge of this through having heard it, but it's also possible he spent some time at court and witnessed it first hand (this may be where his distrust of sorcerers comes from...).
Like I said, his family is a total blank in true Tanaka form so we can imagine whatever we want there. I always felt that Sam seems like someone who would at least spare a thought for his loved ones during the turmoil that Pars descends into, and even though I know it's just Tanaka not seeing fit to mention stuff like this, I can't reconcile it with how I see Sam's character, which is why I ended up with a headcanon that he had a wife who died (sorry to heap yet more angst onto this man, but there you go).
I don't think I have anything else to add. Maybe just that in terms of his familiarity with Prince Arslan, they obviously know each other but not well. I assume he didn't personally have anything to do with Arslan's education etc, and they just saw each other from time to time in the palace or at functions, etc.
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jenanigans1207 · 6 months
All I’m saying is that in the supernatural universe, I firmly believe that the most popular destiel fics are written and posted by one Sam Winchester under a pen name. And he doesn’t even come up with elaborate plots. He just dictates, almost verbatim, interactions he witnesses Cas and Dean having and then just tacks a kiss or a love confession on the end.
And everyone comments about how he just gets their characters, how he builds such convincing sexual and romantic tension, how the characters feel like real people instead of words on a page. Sam is the most popular destiel ao3 author, his fics on every single rec list, and it’s simply because he got tired of watching Dean and Cas pine uselessly for each other so he decided to make it everyone’s problem.
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ambrozians · 3 months
truthfully i do think marvel offices sometimes forget (or perhaps choose to forget) that ororo is a black woman. she is the most prominent black female superhero of all time and has been such for decades, and yet, i feel like that part of her is ignored, which is strange considering how intersectionality is an incredibly significant theme for her as a character. she has appeared in thousands of stories but only a handful really try to engage with her heritage and how being a black woman in addition to being a mutant informs her worldview. i am on my hands and knees asking for more of that! and, to be clear, the last thing i want is to see her be hit with anti-blackness and misogynoir because 1) that is not the only way to engage with her identity (and very low on the list of ways to do so), and 2) being a black woman is so much more than the oppression we face and experience.
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