seaofdaydreams · 2 months
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Moments later...
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Some doodles inspired by a fun Discord chat, courtesy of @tragedybunny @leomonae @vixstarria! 🤣
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youtappedout · 8 months
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There are a few things Seth and Becky can't live without.
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artbyfuji · 1 day
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Rosebird Week Day 6: First & Last Kiss 🥀
"The Lovers II" - Rene Magritte (1928)
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wttcsms · 7 months
what do we think about single mom reader who comes to work stressed and upset bc your young son gets bullied at school for loving science, and he comes home one day and immediately rips down his science themed posters and tries to toss out his science themed graphic tees and it's because all his elementary classmates deem it to be "uncool"; you don't know how to convince him that enjoying science isn't lame, and you've just received full custody of him only last year, and raising a young boy alone is tough. some time before this all goes down, you brought your son to bring your kid to work day, and he meets your boss, kuroo, who he thinks is the absolute coolest person ever. kuroo notices that you've been upset lately and he asks abt it, to which you tell him the situation w your son & kuroo ends up not only showing up to work with a ridiculous science themed tie but he also got professional vball players to go on camera, wearing dorky science-y graphic tees, and to personally address ur son and say that science is so cool & worth pursuing and to not listen to anyone and !!! ofc your son is geeked out over this gift, but you can't believe that your workaholic, always dressed to the nines boss would do something like this!!!
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murdleandmarot · 2 months
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Cats art has stalled just a tad bc of artfight (a problem I plan to remedy soon), so I just wanted to share an old Lonzo from when I was in Germany :)
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bunnieswithknives · 1 month
in the nature au how long ago did Dev get his leg amputated
Id say slightly longer than a week before Hazel showed up? Its a very recent incident.
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undeaddrabble · 9 months
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They’re just chillin
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solargeist · 3 months
I love the long rambles- can we get how Grian and scar met in evo au? Pretty please? I love them so much
Ohhh !! I’m not sure if I have a lot to ramble about with this one.
They meet in 3rd life ! And 3rd life more or less goes as it did in canon, with a few somewhat minor changes.
Originally, Aether didn’t want Grian to play in the games yet, he didn’t even have wings yet ! But once it’s set, she’s a lot more encouraging. She tells him the basics of the game, but they’re usually always different.
At this point, Grian knows how to defend himself, nothing crazy, but he’s sword fought before in Evo. He hasn’t been completely spoiled by the Watchers yet so he still knows how to survive with nothing—make a fire and fish.
Grian and Scar meet the same way, Grian accidentally taking Scar’s first life and then pledging to return that life with his own.
They get along much faster than Grian thought, it’s been awhile since he’s been able to talk to someone that wasn’t family.
Their relationship sparks quickly, even despite Grian saying Scar is crazy, a conman, a bad guy ! He’ll leave the moment they’re even—but he doesn’t.
Scar’s his first everything, their relationship is fairly intense, the devotion, it all gets out of hand quickly as the game progresses.
Even when he’s betrayed, even when Scar tells Grian to kill him, they go home together
Things still end the same way.
Grian wakes up back in the Watchers’ void, being congratulated on winning his first game—so impressive—he’s so talented, see ?—wowww woww—but his hands ache and he can still taste Scar’s blood in his mouth.
Winning didn’t feel very good
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vapolis · 23 days
Cant stop thinking about a merc that fell in love with Jax, but didnt want to work for Orla anymore and made the mistake of telling Jax their plans to idk go against Orla and pleading with Jax to come with when they leave. Jax, loyal to Orla, of course refuses and as Merc turns to walk away Jax pulls out his gun and shoots them. One clean shot straight through the chest. Merc crumpling onto the ground like a broken puppet. No one to grieve them.
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pyotrkochetkov · 1 year
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BRADY SKJEI October 11, 2023 | © Josh Lavallee
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stuffeddeer · 11 months
i randomly thought of pm!dazai and ada!reader and……
You shifted uncomfortably on the wooden seat, hands fiddling with the hem of the black tablecloth. Dread isn't strong enough to describe what you felt leading up to this.
"You haven't even looked at the menu, darling," Dazai smirked across from you, a glimmer of amusement in his eye.
Without your usual aggressively crude retort that always had Dazai holding back laughter, you timidly picked up the fancy, leather bound menu - hands now fiddling with the thick string keeping it sewed together rather than the tablecloth. Your gaze was thoughtless, barely registering the exorbitant dishes listed alongside exorbitant wines.
The bandaged man sighed, his frown a clear indication of his annoyance, but kept his mouth shut.
You thought back to the president’s plea with you the day before. He hadn’t expressly told you to play nice with the executive of your rival organization (he wasn’t that kind of man), but the way he asked you to stay calm and remain vigilant told you all you needed to know. Furrowed brows pointed down at the menu allowed Dazai to read your frustration.
The two of you had done nothing more than trade blows on the battlefield — usually to Dazai’s success — and yet he’d appeared at the agency one day to ask for permission to court you. Had he not been your enemy, you would have considered it sweet, dismissing that the bouquet of daisies he brought came stolen from the flowerpots of the café below. He was anxiously fiddling with the white petals, panic in his gaze when he’d accidentally pull one off the flowers. The dangerous demon prodigy of the mafia you’d been warned against time and time again was utterly smitten with you to a pitiful degree.
He seemed to have cleaned up his act since then, smirking confidently at you while leaning back in his chair across the table. Shifting, he moved forward just enough to gently push your menu down, following the action with a soft, “Hey.”
You looked up at him, taking his place as the nervous one between the two. Having succeeded in gaining your attention, Dazai rested his chin on the palms of both hands, continuing to lean in towards you.
“You’re uncomfortable.”
It wasn’t a question, merely an observation, and yet you replied as though it were. “I’m not.”
Still no witty retort. The thought caused Dazai to sigh once more, but his grin remained the same. “If you didn’t want to go on a date, why did you agree?” His tone was nonchalant, a slight shrug punctuating his question as he leans back comfortably once again, but you knew better. His finger running over the rim of his empty wine glass, gaze shifting from you to down at the table for a moment too long…
“You know why,” you choose to reply, not mentioning his nervous demeanor.
Of course Dazai knew why.
“Have you two had enough time to look over the wine menu?” A cute waitress stood at the edge of your table, a polite smile on her face and hands clasped together behind her back professionally.
Silence held still for a moment too long before you decided to speak up. “No, sorry, not quite— “
“We won’t need to.” He quietly folded up the separate wine menu, handing it back to the waitress. Your brief moment of shock quickly turned to disdain as he continued. “The bottle that should have arrived this morning will do. Under Dazai,” He spoke cockily.
This motherfucker had a bottle of wine flown in for this. He asked you out the day before, so how long has he had this planned out?
The waitress politely took the wine menu from him, her eyes lighting up momentarily as she realized who he was. “Ah, Mr. Dazai! We’ll have that out for you shortly. Our owner wanted me to commend you on your great taste. It’s a shame she couldn’t be here in person.”
A dismissive wave of his hand sends the waitress away, leaving to grab whatever bottle he specifically ordered.
“What’s the occasion?” You spoke distastefully, forgetting yourself for a moment. Instead of tripping over your words to save the moment, you just let out a low breath and waited for him to respond.
“Why, it’s to commemorate our first date. Even if you only agreed to appease me, I still want it to be special…” He trailed off, words turning soft before he cleared his throat. “You deserve only the best, darling. I ordered the most expensive wine for us tonight: a 1992 Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon. The price comes from the vastly small quantities of bottles ever produced. I had the owner track down a bottle and paid her the difference.”
“Oh, how kind,” you spoke awkwardly. “I don’t really drink, though.”
Tense, awkward silence practically stung the two of you. Dazai felt so stupid; the first time he actually likes someone, and he couldn’t even figure out what you like in preparation! Chuuya had guaranteed this bottle would impress you, but you didn’t even like wine.
Dazai stood up abruptly, his face unreadable for a moment.
“But, um, I’m fine trying it! Like you said, it should be special!” You figured your recovery attempt was poor as Dazai spun away from you, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his fancy suit pants.
“Let’s go.”
The waitress watched in shock as the two of you leave the restaurant, clutching the $500,000 bottle of wine in her hands.
You’d been following silently behind Dazai for a few minutes, and with his quick pace, your legs were starting to ache. The fancy shoes you’d donned were killing your heels - you could practically feel the blisters forming. But still, you remained quiet. What would he do now? You pretty much ruined his whole plan, told him you weren’t interested, and made him waste a bottle of wine you didn’t want to begin guessing the price of. It was a 1992 Something Eagle… What was it? You’d definitely ask Yosano when you saw her next at work.
Suddenly, Dazai stops in front of a small curry shop. The place looked cheap when compared to the restaurant you were just in, and the idea of Dazai being well versed in the place felt like a joke. You two were visibly out of place in the joint, something that only hit you as he held open the door, letting you walk inside ahead of him. The place was well kept, but clearly not a restaurant you’d wear a suit and tie to, which is what Dazai was happily flaunting in the original restaurant just a few minutes prior.
“We’ll both take the usual, please,” Dazai speaks to the man behind the counter, who happily smiles and begins dishing out two plates of curry.
Your date pulls out a chair for you at the counter, pushing it in gentlemanly once you sit down before taking the seat next to you. “Thank you” is muttered by the both of you as the bowls of curry are placed in front of you.
The only sound was the clattering of dishes as the attendant cleaned and you and Dazai ate. After a moment, he started whining, tongue sticking out as he complained about how hot it was. The view was… welcoming. It was nice to see Dazai in a state that wasn’t so perfect. You figured all the anxious fiddling you’d been exposed to earlier (and the day prior) was an act, but you were starting to view all of it as genuine. Maybe he really did just want a chance with you.
The soft laughter you let out had Dazai turning to you with hearts in his singular visible eye, cheeks red (from the spicy curry, of course) and breath still. “The infamous Demon Prodigy can’t handle his spice?” You smirked, and for the first time in two days, Dazai relaxed. That was a witty retort, wasn’t it? You were feeling more comfortable.
“Wow,” he spoke breathlessly, completely enamored with you for a moment before clearing his throat. “I mean, wow. I can’t believe you’d make fun of me for not eating spicy foods.”
You chuckled, and Dazai swore he was in heaven. He got you to laugh twice. “Honestly I'd expected someone in your position to stomach the spiciest of foods with crazy-high tolerance,” you rested your chin onto your palm, leaning in towards Dazai.
“Well, I expected you to have terrible spice tolerance, so ha.” His response was bad, but the glimmer of amusement that flickered in your eyes made him not care.
“Hey, thanks for this. I don’t much care for stuffy restaurants like that.” You took a bite, not even flinching as you swallowed the spicy curry.
“I just wished I had the foresight to take you here first.” Another silence settled between the two of you, this one much more comfortable. “And… I’m sorry. I should’ve realized you’d feel forced to accept my invitation. After today, we can go back to only seeing each other in battle.”
“Hm,” you hummed, swallowing the curry you bit into as he started talking. “Honestly, this was still one of the better dates I’ve been on, if not entirely weird. Maybe we could hang out outside of work. As friends, of course.”
“Just friends?” Dazai let out a dramatic gasp, hand over his heart as he nearly fell out of his chair. “But Romeo and Juliet were a romantic pair! How are we to take over their destinies?”
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but the corner of your lips quirked up in amusement. “Their destinies were to kill themselves.”
“Exactly! And how are we expected to reach that point as just friends?” Dazai whined childishly, an exaggerated pout jutting out his bottom lip.
“Maybe we can revisit the topic in the future.”
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headcarsbendlng · 4 months
u guys get first view 😁😁
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wannabe-kafka · 12 days
>P.s ngl I would make it myself but I literally don't know how to draw :(
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lunaticpsykers · 1 year
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druidonity2 · 1 year
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#world of warcraft#anduin wrynn#varian wrynn#Llane Wrynn#Barathen Wrynn#Wanted to see if I could duel wield on my rouge the kingslayer and the sword that killed Barathen so I looked and to my dissapointment#it appears they used two different one-handers for reference in the comic so you can kinda get close but its not the right sword#they used the design of one and the shape of another uggh#Let me run around ingame with the swords that killed Llane AND Barathen please is that too much to ask#anyway#All three of the last Wrynns were killed in the same area#their breastplates aint do SHIT to protect them#which is why i am now gonna go off into a 10k rant about how this prooves there is NO reason for Anduin to be forced to wear plate armor#infact prehaps he would be safer in cloth like a proper priest#UNLESS sayyyy the little lion gremlin face on Anduin's breastplate is enchanted and anytime anyone gets too close it breaths fire at them#Someone gets too close and an alarm goes off and the little lion mouth moves up and down with a loud 'STAND BACK- STAND BACK- STAND BACK'#Anduin forgetting about hte annoying lil shit until hes getting back to his room after a long day and his bf wrathie is there and they get#a littttle tooo close n touchy before Anduin can remember to undress and the fuckin lion alarm goes off and guards rush into the room#anyway ive never done stained glass before and tried a new way to make shattered glass so i think this was good#that said the canvas size was maybe too small and it got compressed to hell on twitter and it bothers me so much#cuz anduins face is really nice but it looks blurry when i upload itttt aagh
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toadstool32 · 1 year
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@future-circuittagged me to do this really cute picrew (ty for the tag)
taggin @flyingspicerack @divinity-deos @orpheusofthestars and whoever else wants to do it no pressure :3
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