#then go back to toxic ex treatment
amsentimental · 2 years
Met some guy who seem nice then like literally the 2nd day of talking he giving me bad controlling red flag like asking me why I wont answer the second he message and why I'm speaking and being friends with other people and my brain screams get out of there!!! You know where this is heading but another part of my brain(the stupid part) is shivering and saying that im over reacting and that its nothing like lol hell no bixch I am not going through this with someone who cannot go without a minute of not speaking or being around me
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lilacstro · 3 months
messages from someone(channeled messages pac)
hey, I wanted to post a pac for a while, so i did haha. It was hard to decide what topic should it be on, so i decided delivering messages from people who would want to come through, hoping it resonates
lmao all three piles were so different than one another, I enjoyed doing this tho. I hope you could resonate with this <3 leave suggestions and feedback in the comment or asks :) remember its a general reading and you dont have to take it if it doesnt feel right :) i love you :)
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decks used: cupid says oracle, biddy tarot deck
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pile 1 pile 2 pile 3
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Pile 1
this doesnt seem to be a romantic pile specifically, feels like someone who you felt like family with, a sister, a female best friend or mother coming through, did they betray you in some way? doing something behind your back to pull you down, maybe criticizing something you wanted do or create. someone who could have cut you off or blown up on you for putting your side of feelings forward, some kind of argument could have occurred too. could be someone who thought you are doing to well, or, going after what you want, was too ambitious or man like? could be jealousy infact. Could be that they didnt intend to do so maybe? maybe it was heat of the moment? take what resonates. I see them wanting to come forward and apologize so much. Someone who is ready to rebuild what was gone, and take things forward with you, especially apologizing and creating a new emotional start, probably meaning wanting to leave everything that has happened in the past, It is in their heart to give you an apology, they might even have nightmares about it, they know they have to do it sooner or later and they have this realization. They want to take a quick-impulsive action too. They just know they have to do it. If its been a while, this person seems ready to come forward very soon.
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channeled messages: I am confused this isnt a phase it still hurts i love you more take a leap its getting very dark and cloudy as i am reading this pile.
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Pile 2
awww this feels like someone who has a crush on you. I was feeling very anxious while reading this pile trying to make meaning out of the cards even before they fell out or the spread was complete. So they might be overthinking everything(thats so cute) Also, as soon as i finished laying this deck down, the sun came back again lol.
This feels someone who you are either dating or wants to date you. Some possible scenarios I am getting are (since this is a general reading) being in an online/long distance connection or you might have not met this person yet, or atleast even if you know them they definitely seem at a little distance from you, even emotionally. Could also be cultural differences.
This person feels like someone who is walking away from something in their life. Going into the unknown, starting something new. Apart from this, they definitely want to start something with you, slowly even if its small, I see confidence issues here, feeling of not being good enough. This person wants to give you queen treatment pile 2 , but i feel they have this subconscious belief of wanting to be better, to be able to provide for you and give you what you deserve. Some of them might also be thinking what other people might think, they just dont want you to suffer with them in any way, they want the best for you before they can come forward to you. Financial stability is major here, maybe you or them have experiences or wounds around it. This person definitely is giving this a lot of time and serious thought
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Channeled messages: I think about us a lot Make me believe(yeah man ig you need to because this person is very hard on themselves for even if they deserve you) I am yours the time is now
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Pile 3
Ok so this feels like someone who has unfinished business with you, This screams to be a ex lover but could be a situationship/toxic old friend. Someone who is up at night thinking about how they couldnt give you what you deserved, not realising they slept on their chance to do that. I see it is someone you had a lot of love for, maybe you expected that the love was reciprocated but it rather caused you some kind of heartbreak. Some possible scenarios coming through are someone who probably left you without explanations, making you rely on other people for help or information, or someone who acted on what their friends or family told them to do instead or someone that caused you some kind of shame in front of people, making you some kind of "gossip topic" in the end. It could even be that you or them heard something from other people that could have caused trouble. Number 3 might be significant to someone, it was coming up a lot. Third party? 3 friends? 3 chances? March? could be, but its a general reading so take what you only believe could be confirmation
This ending could have been very fast and hurried and unexpected as well. It could be that this person chose you over thrill and enjoyment in their life, OR they were over committed to two things at once, both of which needed their time and passion. They were struggling to create a balance is what I see. This person has so much to say to you its insane, they think and reflect on this a lot. But I see this person isn't ready to take the fight as such, they have so much to say to you, so much apology for not being able to give this what it deserved, yet they are afraid of coming forward and saying what they have to, They keep on thinking and wishing, I wish I could, not realizing they are literally sleeping on their chance to do so. What a weird person lol
However what I see is this person making a choice, and a plan, to do something. I wonder how fast is that going to be because i see so much pain and doubt in this person, they don't really feel that you would take this. But I still see them contemplating and making some plan. Could be you have gone through similar some cycles with this person. You could have been hurt yet compassionate to this person it seems yet very uproar and mad and visibly upset about it (understandable tbh) In such readings I am adamant to say that they love you, because this absolutely isnt love imo, Its called guilt tripping and gaslighting but your situation might be diff. However if anyone loves you, they would not be so wishy washy and "oh I wish..." about it, They would just not want to lose you, even the second they knew or even had a realization. These kinds people irk me tbh. They do miss you a lot (more like seems the fun with you but whatever) though and do hope for a second chance. They somehow even find you even more attractive/addictive and dont seem to be over of what has went down yet.
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Channeled messages: I want you you are incredible do you know that what do you want from me i can help it i feel so guilty lets go on an adventure have I been here before? feels like deja vu we need to talk
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bouquetface · 3 months
Scorpio Risings
Accuracy influenced by the entire chart.
A key theme in scorpio risings is wishing to go unseen (unless they have prominent 10th H placements). They hate being perceived. Their entire lives the worst is assumed of them. Often, these negative assumptions come based on nothing but their appearance.
The scorpio risings may not be able to tell what it is about them that is making people respond to them in a negative way. Other people, may not be able to pin it exactly either. It is usually subconscious.
Physically, all the scorpio risings I know appear very different. I do have a few shared physical traits & observations:
🪻Sharper features. Prominent chins - broad or pointy.
🪻 People tend to associate gothic and darker aesthetic with scorpio. However, this brings attention, generally scorpios have a love-hate relationship with attention. It is more often the gothic, darker style is embraced by sag rising w sag Pluto.
🪻 The scorpio risings, I know, keep a basic and comfortable style. They appear well kept. They stick out for their physical features not their clothing.
🪻 When they do decide to dress up, it would fall under “silent luxury”. Expensive or eye-catching accessory (necklace, watch, earrings) but a black or a darker bold colour outfit.
🪻 Makeup and hair is almost always natural. The women don’t tend to like makeup that much either. However, all this can change if they have placements that do love to stand out.
🪻 Often, muscular or on the thin side.
🪻 They may be attractive in a way that creates jealously. This leads to poor treatment from those who don’t know you.
🪻 Or they may be conventionally unattractive, thus society treats them poorly.
Positive placements such as Jupiter in first house could change the above drastically.
Ex: River Phoenix’s natal asc is scorpio with jupiter & neptune in first house. He was attractive in a dreamy and soft way. Neptune helped balance out the sharpness of a scorpio asc. & Jupiter generally brings luck in whichever house it is placed.
Scorpio is a fixed sign that is about transformation. These individuals tend to impulsively make changes (they are traditionally ruled by mars). Then, quickly become emotional about the change made (they are a water sign). If they have a well placed mars, they may make more calculated changes than impulsive.
Disregarding other placements, scorpio rising is more predator than prey. They silently observe, take notes, analyze, and never forget.
Now, when we take into consideration other placements, this can change almost entirely.
For ex. pair a scorpio asc with a pisces moon. They will become less observant. In times of boredom or when reality is too painful, they will enter the dream world in their mind for comfort.
Yet, even the least observant scorpio ascendant is observant. They repress a lot of emotions especially anger. Instead of expressing and communicating their feelings, they will observe the situation or person. They will not forget what was done. And they aren’t likely to let you know until they’ve decided they’re done with you.
Their repressed anger can lead to an angry outburst. The scorpio asc can be very cruel when hurt. They may say and do almost anything to hurt the other person. This could lead to guilt afterwards. However, you aren’t likely to hear an apology from a scorpio asc. From their perspective, they were only hurting you back even though you may not know what you did. This can lead to some toxic relationships throughout the scorpio asc person’s life. A well placed mercury and/or mars could change the above.
The angry outburst will lead the scorpio asc to be blamed and villainized. This is the placement you hear people say, “I had a bad feeling from the start”. People love to paint themselves as the victims of a scorpio asc. And when they were never clued in on their wrongdoings, they may genuinely believe it.
Despite, the conflict they are bound to endure through their lives, they dislike conflict. But conflict will find them.
For ex: My scorpio rising friend was removed from a gc by her childhood friends. She was surprised and discovered it was because her relative dumped one of their aunts. She had no involvement but somehow caught blame.
This is the worst part of being a scorpio ascendant. People jump to negative conclusions. Scorpio asc rarely get the benefit of doubt. This may manifest as people feeling you are intimidating, insincere, jealous/angry, etc.
At an older age, they often gain something that gives other’s something to be jealous of. This depends on the entire chart. Possible examples: Career, they often reach high positions and/or have careers that indicate wealth (Vet, Dr., Lawyer, etc).
They can marry someone that makes other’s jealous as well. Taurus is their 7th, their partners are generally stable, beautiful, generous, indulgent and spoil them. This will be drastically influenced by the venus placement.
They aren’t doomed to never be understood. People with compatible placements will gravitate towards them. When someone understands them, they will be as close as can be. They are very protective and loving. They hate to let people go even when they must for their peace.
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merakiui · 2 years
Absolutely love the possessive ex Scaramouche ramble in tags, please feed us more of that.
Gladly!! :D
(cw: yandere, extremely toxic ex scara, modern au, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, stalking, coercion, obsession, forced marriage, violent/suicidal threats, manipulation, mentions of intoxication/alcohol, implied self-harm)
The two of you were what everyone calls ‘high school sweethearts.’ You met him in the cafeteria when the both of you were first years. Despite the scowl etched on his face, he looked lonely sitting all by himself while everyone was finding tables, old and new friends gathering in groups. He’d ignored you, even scooting further away when you’d attempt to move closer. Even though he seemed so averse to you, you remained, silently eating your lunch. Neither of you said anything, but you did introduce yourself. He scoffed under his breath.
You started to sit next to him for every lunch, and he continued to give you the silent treatment. You never pressed him for conversation, instead choosing to enjoy silence while you ate and admired him from the sidelines. He never looked at you, always facing forwards and toying with his chopsticks, bending them so far until they were ready to snap. Eventually, he seemed to grow accustomed to this routine because many weeks into the semester he turned to address you.
“Why do you always sit by me? Don’t you have anyone else to bother?”
“Maybe. But I don’t think anyone’s as mysterious as you are.”
“‘Mysterious…’ Yeah, whatever.”
That seemed to be the catalyst because, as sardonic as he was, he’d begun talking to you. And it wasn’t long until he started to warm up to you every lunch until the both of you were exchanging lighthearted banter. Your friendship would only grow from this point onwards until, at the end of your first year during a study session to prepare for finals, where you were both pulling an all-nighter at your house, he’d asked you out. And you said yes, and the both of you had gone from best friends to lovers within the span of a year. The both of you were each other’s first partner, so it made doing things as a couple even more exciting because neither of you had any experience with dates or holding hands or kissing.
Kuni wasn’t a bad boyfriend. In fact, he was very loyal and sweet. He’d stand up for you if anyone was being rude to you or scrutinizing your relationship with hateful eyes. The two of you were nearly inseparable. When you weren’t spending time together in school, you were out doing things together. And when you couldn’t meet up in person, you’d text or call, sometimes talking late into the evening about all sorts of things. You were so immersed in him that you failed to notice the red flags slowly raising over time. But looking back there were a few notable ones.
He never invited you to his house. In fact, you’d never even met his parents, whereas he’d been to your home so often that your family practically became his own. He hadn’t mentioned anything about his family, and if you tried to suggest going to his house for dinner so that he could introduce you to them he was quick to change the subject. For a while you’d push this, more curious than concerned, but eventually you’d drop it when it became clear that he wasn’t going to divulge anything on the matter. That had stung, but you snuffed those feelings in favor of focusing on other aspects of your relationship.
The second red flag was just how clingy he became when the both of you were in your third year, having been together for two solid years. You never noticed it before because you loved him, but when friends had pointed out how attached he seemed—and it was to rather unhealthy levels, according to their observations—to the point where you were the only person he’d ever formed a bond with while at school you started to see the cracks in what felt like the perfect relationship. He’d text you every single day, at every single hour, all the time. He’d call you nonstop, even more so when you didn’t immediately pick up.
The third red flag coincided with the second. When you couldn’t make it to your phone, he was quick to blame himself and those around him for being responsible for your deteriorating relationship. Did I do something wrong? Are you mad at me? Did those guys bother you again? They probably told you some stupid shit about me, right? Don’t listen to them. Hey, you’re not mad, right? Call me back. I need to talk to you. Just text me when you can, okay? (Name), please don’t leave me. I’ll fix whatever’s wrong. Just promise you’ll stay. Messages of these kinds were what you could expect to receive from him. He’d fluctuate between self-loathing to loathing those around him within seconds, shoving blame onto classmates who’d bully him for being that “weird emo kid with too many piercings” and anyone else who tried to, in his words, “come between you and me.”
By the end of your third year, you started to fall out of love. He was so very dedicated to this relationship, evidenced by how much effort and care he’d put into it, but his clingy behavior was stifling. You’d lost some of your own friends because he chased them away, and it felt like you couldn’t do anything without him breathing down your neck. If you wanted to go anywhere with a friend or two, Kuni had to be there to accompany you. If you looked at another for too long, he’d think you were cheating. If you didn’t text or call him at certain times, if you failed to pick up, or—Archons forbid—you left him on seen, he’d spiral.
Kuni had this habit of sounding dangerously self-destructive when he feared you were being unfaithful or he thought you were going to break up with him, which meant you’d have to sit on the phone for hours convincing him that you loved him, that you’d never leave him, that you’d always be here for him, that you were sorry for not responding, that he needs to calm down and please, please, please don’t do anything rash. Those phone calls were always so stressful. You cried a lot; you’d beg him to put the knife away when he’d threaten to use it on himself, on you, on anyone who might try to take you from him. And, after a few hours of this, he’d be back to his usual self, as if a switch had been flipped. You could hear his adoring smile in his voice when he spoke, when he’d lovingly whisper into the phone, “I’m happy you’re mine. I love you so much.” And you’d shakily parrot the affirmation, too frazzled to say or do anything else.
One of your best friends Rosalyne, who you’d befriended in the midst of all of this, had been so supportive the minute you spilled the truth to her. Kuni hated her the most because she wasn’t afraid of him. Because she’d shut him down when he tried to pull you away from her. Because she wouldn’t approve of any of his toxicity. Rosalyne would take you on shopping sprees, brunch dates, and jogs at the local park. She was plenty of good to outshine Kuni’s bad, and the more time you spent with her the clearer your head would become. The both of you had plenty of sleepovers together, and she let you rant your heart out while she listened. She’d tell you to break up with him, but you’d agonized over how terrifying that would be. You couldn’t bear to tell Kuni the truth—that you wanted to separate because things had turned so rotten—because you were so scared. Scared of him and what he might do.
Scared that if he really did take a blade to himself it would be your fault. He told you that a lot. That it would be your fault if he did anything. That his blood would be on your hands. You believed him every time.
By your final year, you’d already had a plan for university outlined and you’d started applying to a few in advance. You never told Kuni about any of them because you worried he might apply to each one in hopes of going to the same school as you. And when there was the dance for the graduating class and Kuni had asked you to it, you’d told him you were going with Rosalyne and a few other friends as a group. He didn’t like this, as expected, but you’d been so sick of him and his behaviors that you snapped and spilled everything to him. You’ll never forget the look on his face when you told him that you were done with the relationship and that you never wanted to see him again.
He looked as if he could lunge at you and tear you to bloody ribbons at any moment.
You graduated single and so very refreshed, and your summer had been filled with friends. Kuni didn’t message you at all, which was surprising considering you were certain he’d spam you relentlessly after the break-up. But he never did. In fact, you never saw him again. Graduation had come and gone, and now that you could recover from such a terrible relationship he was becoming less of a burden for you. For a while you were anxious. You kept expecting to receive a phone call or to see some news about Kuni, but neither ever came. Rosalyne told you to stop thinking about him. It would only make you even more paranoid and that wouldn’t do your mental health any good. You were so grateful to have her in your life, but most importantly you were glad Kuni failed to scare her away.
Now you’re a second year in college and things have only gotten so much better for you. You and Rosalyne still keep in touch despite going to different schools. She’d gone to a university in Snezhnaya, while you enrolled in one in Sumeru, and you’ve blotted Kuni from your mind. You’ve made a fresh group of friends while attending classes: criminal justice major Shikanoin Heizou, creative writing major Kaedehara Kazuha, musical therapy major Venti, botany major Tighnari, and so many more wonderful people who have all welcomed you into their circles.
So when Venti drags a familiar face to your usual weekend outing, which is really just a retreat to the forest for drinking and smoking, creeping cold settles into your bones. He looks awkward with Venti’s arm slung around him as the more bubbly of the two drags him towards the bonfire, where you sit with the others roasting marshmallows for s’mores, and it’s a look that is so uncharacteristic on him. What’s even weirder is how friendly everyone greets him—as if they all know him—and you’re completely lost when they turn to you and ask if you’ve met Kunikuzushi.
“No,” you lie through your teeth, forcing a pleasant smile and extending your hand for a stiff handshake, which Venti snickers at. “No, I’ve never met him before.”
Apparently, he’s in one of Venti’s classes—it’s a course he’s taking solely because he needs the credits. Tighnari knows him because they usually work the same shifts at the campus café. Kazuha knows him from his linguistics and philosophy classes. Heizou’s ate with him in the dining hall plenty of times now and they’re also taking the same psychology class. It feels so genuine and yet so fake at the same time. Too perfectly manufactured to be a mere coincidence. But you do your best to push past these suspicions, and when he sits across from you, smiling at you and saying how nice it is to meet you, the warping flames paint his face in devilish shadows. That’s what you think he is when he acts like a completely different person from how he was when you dated: a devil who’s good at being kind and outgoing, noisy and abrupt, and always so foul-mouthed, but in a way that makes him charming. Your friends are so enthralled. They love him and his sense of humor. They love his quick wit. They love how fun he is. And suddenly weekends spent in the forest aren’t so enjoyable.
You do your best to overcome your doubts. For a few months you’re on edge. How he even found you is a mystery. Surely he wouldn’t stalk you and enroll in the same college just to get revenge or…whatever vengeance he wants from you. But when he treats you to coffee, when he brings you and the others pastries every other morning, when he invites the lot of you to study at the library, when he tells the funniest stories while crossed and everyone’s giggling like schoolgirls it really feels like he’s…healthier. Like he’s turned a fresh page in his life and is starting anew. Like he’s changed for the better.
Perhaps he just doesn’t remember you. You’ve changed your style over the years, so it’s possible he’s simply forgotten your image and can’t place memories to your name. Eventually, after soothing yourself with these theories, you begin to accept his presence in the group. He fits in so flawlessly, as if he’s a missing piece to the puzzle, and you can’t believe you’re admitting this, but you like this version of Kuni. He’s confident, not cocky. He’s kind, not rude. He gives everyone space. In fact, he rarely texts frequently in the group chat. And he’s funny! He’s so funny. You don’t think the Kuni from your past was ever as funny as the Kuni who regales everyone with lighthearted stories of how he once took in a stray cat that turned out to belong to his neighbor or how his old job had the strangest customers.
Maybe he truly did change. Maybe all of these coincidences really are coincidences. Maybe it’s for the best that you leave the past in the past.
Finals season looms, and the group hasn’t had time to meet up outside of class. Venti has tried to persuade everyone to come study at his apartment. His roommate won’t care (yes, he will. Xiao hates it when everyone gets blackout drunk and he has to wake everyone come morning), but if you’ve known Venti long enough you’ll know there is no studying that happens at these study sessions. This is probably the reason why he’s had to repeat a year.
With everyone’s schedules packed with academics, it’s difficult to find a time where everyone can get together to study. You think you might just be better off studying on your own, but Kuni’s message of you wanna pull an all-nighter for these lame af finals together?? accompanied with a photo of snacks and coffee, any thoughts of studying alone instantly vanish.
This is how you find yourself in his dorm, sprawled on his bed while he sits on the floor, whacking your dangling feet when they get too close to him. His roommate Albedo is currently out tutoring a few students at the library and won’t be back until much later, so it’s just you, Kuni, and a pile of textbooks and notes. You’ve hung out with Kuni a few times and he was great company during each. You’ve also fallen asleep in his dorm before, when you’d come over to binge a show the both of you enjoy, and you’d lost track of time and had slipped into a dream halfway through the marathon. You’d woken the next morning with Kuni looming over you, grinning deviously and holding an uncapped marker. He’d leaned down and whispered, “You drool in your sleep,” and you’d swatted at him and groused about how you were sleeping so peacefully when he just had to ruin your sleep (and your face) with his antics. And then there was that time when you were so drunk at that one party and you could hardly stand, he’d been there to help. He even stayed with you for the rest of that night, offering his assistance when you became nauseous or needed water or a snack until you passed out.
Despite your initial apprehensions, you consider him a friend. He’s no one nearly as close as Rosalyne or your other friends. He’s just a mutual friend, someone you’ll spend time with when you feel like it, but you don’t truly need him in your life. That, and part of you still struggles to trust him after all of the stress and unhealthy obsession he subjected you to.
“Kuni,” you whine, lifting your head from the textbook. “Can you get me some water? I’m thirsty.”
“Do I look like your maid?” he snaps, immersed in organizing his notes. “Get it yourself.”
“I’m picturing it now and you’re in a frilly dress and—”
“Forget I asked.” Setting his notebook down with an exaggerated sigh, he crosses the distance to the mini fridge and withdraws a bottle of water.
Grinning, you slide off of his bed and reach for it with a grateful hum. He smirks and takes a step back, holding it away from you.
Rolling your eyes, you lunge for it and he side-steps you with the practiced grace of a cat. You brace yourself against the wall and swipe at him. Again, he dodges, unscrewing the cap and shaking the bottle teasingly.
“I think I’ll take a sip for myself. All of this studying has left me so parched.”
“No fair! That’s mine!”
“Is it?” He pulls it away from his lips to observe the bottle and feigns surprise. “That’s weird. I don’t see your name on it.”
“Look closer!” you exclaim, but just as he’s about to humor you you pounce, tackling him to the ground—there’s a beanbag cushion that breaks your fall—and the water spills all over the both of you in the midst of the tumble. A slew of colorful words stick in Kuni’s throat and your laughter rings out melodiously. You seize his wrist and hold it down while reaching for the bottle in his other hand, where there’s still some water left. He struggles halfheartedly, relinquishing the bottle with a disinterested scoff, and you pull away from him to down what’s left.
While crushing the plastic bottle into a ball, you notice something on your palm—the palm that had grabbed Kuni’s wrist—and it takes a minute before the skin tone-colored substance registers in your mind.
You peer at him and notice that he’s cradling his arm, and confusion sprouts.
“So funny,” he spits with a hollow laugh. “You owe me a new beanbag if this one’s ruined.”
“Hey, hold on. What’s with the—”
“Forget it. You got your water, so let’s get back to studying. Or do you no longer want to be a perfect student?”
Without thinking, you grab his arm as he’s standing and when you look at his forearm you can see where the water’s started to wash the concealer away. Curiously, you scrub at it while he tries to yank his arm away, but when you unearth a dozen scars littering his wrist and climbing the length of his arm that creeping cold from before returns.
And suddenly you’re brought back to those phone calls—the ones where he’d threaten suicide and murder—and you stumble back as if you’ve been burned, half-expecting to hear those threats once more. Kuni’s staring at his wrist, his features twisted in grim disapproval, and for a moment you think he looks…hurt. Or maybe that’s sadness you see. Whatever emotion it was, it doesn’t linger because a quiet chuckle slips past his lips, and the sound is so very frigid it has your blood crystallizing.
“It really hurt when you said you never wanted to see me again.” Kuni peers down at you, and his eyes that had once been so bright and filled with light are dull and dark. “But nothing hurts more than loving you.”
You open your mouth to say something—anything—but the words won’t come. You’re rooted to the ground, horror slinking through your body and rendering you immovable. Your heart is in your throat, pounding so loudly it’s practically a drum, and a cold sweat washes over you.
“Each time I found myself hating you, I thought it was odd because I love you so much. I can’t possibly hate the one I’ve loved all this time.” He scowls. “But loving you hurts. Loving you feels like chewing glass and drinking poison. Loving you isn’t fair because while you moved forward with your ‘friends,’ I was forced to stay behind and pick up the pieces of what was left of you. So for every moment I couldn’t stand you, I tallied it on myself so that I’ll never forget the times I loved you so much I hated you.”
This can’t be happening, you’re thinking, curling your hands into trembling fists. He changed. He changed, right? This isn’t the same Kuni from before. This isn’t…
“And when I saw how well you seemed to be doing without me, I hated you even more.” Without warning, he’s grabbed your arm and hoisted you up. You open your mouth to scream, but no sound comes—not that anything could when he’s pulled a switchblade from his pocket and poised the pointed tip at your jugular. “You have poor taste in friends. Those guys suck.”
Tutting, he shakes his head at you like a parent might when scolding a child, and says, “Do you know how fucking tiring it was pretending? You think I care about pastries and stupid campfire stories? You really think I’d ever want to associate myself with that sorry lot?”
“K-Kuni, please let go of me. I… I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were—I’m sorry. So please just…”
“And then the first time you see me after all these years apart and you had the gall to lie to my face! ‘I’ve never met him before.’ Bullshit. You just didn’t want any of your loser friends to know our history, right? Because you’re ashamed to have known me, right?”
“That’s not it! I… I was just—I didn’t… I was… I just…”
“I… I… I…” he mocks, shoving you down onto the beanbag. It dips under the sudden weight, and you sink further into it when he points the blade at you. “Stop tripping over your tongue. I should be the one near tears! You cast me aside and then forgot all about me. You abandoned me when I needed you most.” His voice cracks at that last sentence, and your heart skips erratically.
“That’s not what happened! We needed space. I needed space. You were being too—” You stop yourself, unsure of how to phrase it. Too controlling? Too dangerous? Too scary?
“Lucky for you, I’m willing to overlook these past...slights.” The blade twirls effortlessly in his grasp, and you heave a relieved breath when he’s no longer pointing it in your direction. “Marry me and we’ll forget all about the past. We’ll start over.”
His demand almost stops your heart altogether. You stare up at him, mouth agape, and mumble a disbelieving, “What?”
“You heard me.” He seems to soften with his next words, and for a moment he looks and sounds like the Kuni who hangs out with you and your friends. The harmlessly fun Kuni who always takes such good care of you. “You’re the only one I’ll ever love, so let’s get married.”
“K-Kuni, I can’t... I really can’t...”
Within seconds the blade has found itself on his wrist, pressing into delicate flesh. Not enough to cut, but if he applies more force you’ll definitely see blood. You choke on a horrified gasp.
“What was that?” He raises his brow at you, challenging you with a calm smile.
Your mind reels in an effort to conjure a plan. What can you even do? If you take the blade from him, will he turn his anger on you? Will you have to wrestle him into submission? And if you do manage to get out of his dorm, will anyone believe you? He’s painted himself in such a pleasant light. Your friends love and trust him! So what can you say? And if there isn’t any solid proof, no one will even entertain bringing the authorities into this mess.
“I’m waiting, (Name). Are you really going to make me add another tally? Do you really want me to hate you again? Oh, but maybe I should start marking you! We can add a slice for each time you failed to love me. That way we’ll both look like used cutting boards.”
You need help, you want to say, but the words escape you.
Instead, you nod hastily and say breathlessly, “Okay, yes! I’ll marry you!” Swallowing your horror, you glance at the blade as it’s lifted from his skin. Thankfully, there isn’t a cut. “I... I’ll marry you, Kuni. So... So please don’t hurt yourself. Please.”
It feels like you’ve been strangled for an eternity, so when he finally pockets the blade the air in your lungs returns and you collapse against the beanbag, chest rising and falling in short, panicked breaths. 
“Good.” He bends down to your height, grips your chin with cold fingers, and forces you to meet his adoring stare. “We’ll look at rings tomorrow. Or maybe you’d prefer bracelets instead? I can be flexible but only for you, so you’d better be grateful.”
You swallow rising bile and nod. “T-Thank you.” You’re not sure why you’re thanking him when he hardly deserves it, but it feels like the right thing to say to ease the tension.
Kuni’s eyes sparkle, no longer a void of endless darkness, and when he leans in to capture your lips in his your heart sinks. You really can’t run from your past, can you?
#genshin chit chat#yandere-romanticaa#yandere scaramouche#scara says he needs you but what he really needs is a therapist first and foremost#adding heizou into the mix!!! he probably takes notice of your change in behavior#and confronts you one on one to ask if everything's okay#and he looks so concerned and his voice is so soft and so you break and spill everything#and he nods while he takes in all of this information before offering to help#he knows the law (he's studying it after all!) so he can help you#but what heizou doesn't tell you is that the law might crush one evil person but it can easily protect other evils :)#especially him who is oh-so-honorable and sweet#you'd never know he wants to be more than just friends#and that he has a journal detailing your every move#but also i like the idea of heizou being a genuine friend and the two of you grow closer while trying to find ways to get scara caught#and taken away from you for good#but yan!heizou just hits so deliciously orz#also also!! adding in rosalyne~~ she went to the same uni as kuni (in snezhnaya)#but when he finally found out where you were he transferred#and rosa only realized they went to the same school when she found out from ajax (who also attends the same uni)#kuni probably worked part-time as a hospital receptionist before he transferred schools#and he's pretty sure the doctor there is a serial killer or he's just on the border of criminally insane (this is dottore after all)#(me looking at every way i can insert each harbinger into this au >:D)
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kechiwrites · 2 years
meant for each other
toxic baby daddy!ghost x reader
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synopsis: after ruining your very rare date night, ghost has some choice words for you.
wc: 2.3k
cw: afab!reader, a bit of dom!ghost, angst, choking, headlock (the hot kind), language, unprotected sex, creampies, jerking off, threats of a facial (is that a thing?), possessive!ghost, threat of cervix penetration (that is a thing, my friend taught me so). no use of y/n ever.
author’s note: for the anon asking for very toxic ghost (i couldn’t go too hard tho, he still wants redemption after all)
read this first for context or don't! It’s pretty stand-alone friendly. mdni
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Cutting your date short had been humiliating to say the least. Neil had been polite, but undeniably angry and uncomfortable, slapping his credit card down to cover both of your drinks and your unfinished appetizers before leaving the restaurant. 
The car ride home is filled with a choking tense silence, one Neil only breaks when he pulls into your driveway, putting his car into park behind Ghost’s giant “fuck-off” SUV.
“Look, I get that the co-parenting thing is difficult, but you may want to decide whether you and your ex are really over or not before you decide to go on a date again.” Your chest burns with embarrassment, you’re grown, this should not be happening to you. This night should’ve ended with this man’s head between your thighs at least, now you’ll be lucky if he doesn’t block you before you get through your front door.
You nod along, if only to have whatever painfully awkward lecture he’s trying to give end as soon as possible. “I know. I’m sorry, Neil. He wasn’t supposed to-” You cut yourself off. Obviously Ghost wasn’t supposed to show up to your first date in years, with your son in tow no less. “He shouldn’t have been there. He has a problem with boundaries.” And keeping his hands off your ass in public, apparently.
“Right. Well, I think maybe there’s some stuff you two need to talk about.” Neil is short and dismissive, and sure, you get where he’s coming from but your contriteness is slowly curdling into anger with every pedantic word. 
“Understatement of the goddamn century.” you speak under your breath, “Thank you Neil.” You grit through your teeth, tossing him a half hearted goodbye before you tear out of his car, bone tired and almost shaking with irritation, into your dimly lit driveway. The cream colour of your front door sings to you like a siren, teasing at the peaceful, uncomplicated oasis that lies behind it, at least until you remember what’s in there waiting for you. Neil pulls his car out of your driveway before you can even fish your keys out and you kiss that avenue of relief goodbye forever. 
Your exhaustion seems to double when you cross your home's threshold to find Ghost sitting on your couch, manspreading like he fucking lived there. Like he belongs there. A headache is already beginning to build in the back of your skull, and you just pray to god he’ll say whatever he wants to say quickly and fucking bail. Your skin feels like it’s weighted down when you drop your bag on the carpet by your door, legs heavy as lead while you toe off your shoes.
“Welcome home.” Beyond the rise and fall of his chest and shoulders he barely moves an inch, keeping his attention glued to your television, more eyeballing the sitcom rerun than actually watching it. You were not going to rise to his provocation. He was going to get the silent treatment from you, you wouldn’t utter a goddamn word-
“You were so out of line tonight.” You stomp all over your own vow before you even finish making it, letting your annoyance and his arrogance win out.
You’d meant for your accusation to sound more angry, but your fatigue seeps into every word and sucks out all the venom.
“Sure. Come here.” He spreads his thighs wider, until there’s a, frankly miniscule, space on the couch between his fucking tree-trunk legs, assumedly created for you to sit in.
“You want to act like a fucking child, leave my baby out of it.” You stay rooted to the spot, not because you're tempted to follow his command, you’re just worried you’ll attempt to slap the shit out of the soldier. 
“Our baby.” He grunts, folding his arms across his chest. His bandana is back in place, but somehow he still manages to look petulant. 
You’re going to need to see a doctor about your blood pressure for sure.
“You know what, Ghost? I’m here, I assume Thomas is asleep, so you’re done for the night. I suggest you go wherever the fuck it is you go when you aren’t here making my life hell. Oh and next time-”
“Enough.” He thunders, and your jaw snaps shut. It’s a special talent of his to feel so intimidating even when sitting in the midst of a painfully suburban living room. God knows where he learned it or why. “Come here. I won’t ask you again.” The dark tone of his voice shoots up your spine and pushes your body into action, heart thudding in time with your footsteps. Your ex watches you comply, eyes heavily lidded when you stand in front of him, looking down at the exposed half of his face, the twice broken crookedness of his nose bridge, the long lashes rimming his eyes. 
“What? Do you want?” You hiss, hands balling into fists at your sides. 
“Sit.” You start to obey, you figure you know what he wants and it’s hard to deny him when you’d had hopes of riding the guy you’d met at the convenience store into the sunset. You attempt to straddle him, raising your knee to the sofa before he stops you.
“No.” He murmurs, heavy hand on your shoulder. “Like this.” He pushes you down until you’re kneeling between his thighs. Until he eclipses your vision and the warm, off-white light of your living room forms a halo around his head from above. Ghost makes quick work of his fly, fishing his half hard dick out of the open zipper. He pumps a broad, rough hand over the length of it, working himself over until his erection is full, angry red, and leaking precum onto the tip of your nose. Your gaze bounces from his cock to his face and back again. Eventually, he decides his precum isn’t enough. 
“Stick your tongue out.” He groans, circling a hand around the root of his length, and angling it towards you. You do as you're told, palms sweating where they sit uselessly on your lap. You’re sure you make a pretty picture. Soft, obedient, pathetic. Weak when it comes to him. Weak when it comes to getting what you think you need.
Ghost drags the ruddy head of his cock over the slick pad of your tongue, once, twice, three times, until the salt and skin taste addles your brain. The sound of your spit against his heat under the heavy jerks of his hand fills your ears, shaking loose your last little bit of dignity. All of a sudden you couldn’t care less that the lecture you’d planned to deliver is being swallowed down in favour of drooling over the dripping head of Ghost's dick. You couldn’t care less that he’d ruined any chance of a second date with Nicholas or Nate or whatever the fuck his name had been. 
“Do not move.” He spits, teeth clenched, while he works his hand over his length, his free hand keeps you crumpled below him, so he can fill your sight with the heavy, veined curve of his cock, brushing your lips and the tip of your nose with his knuckles while he fists himself.
His cheeks flush the softest shade of pink and his barrel chest heaves as he gets closer to finishing over your face. Satisfied with your position, he removes the hand weighing down your shoulder and lifts your face. 
“Knees.” You almost sob with relief when you turn to face away from him, letting him carelessly tear your jeans and underwear from your body, exposing the soft, slick lips of your cunt to the open air. 
The solid thunk of his knees meeting the hardwood floor of the living room is the only warning that preempts him breaching the warm clutch of your insides. He fucks into you slowly, slower than you ever thought possible, and you wonder whether it’s to stop himself from coming or to punish you further. His hulking frame bends over you, covering your back with his obscene warmth, even through your clothes. His zipper scratches you when he forces your pussy to accommodate his girth, filling you over and over until you're punch-drunk and gasping, hands slipping against the floor with every hard thrust and grind against you. Ghost’s hips rock and stutter when you cry out, bending further down, bringing his mouth to your ear to hiss at you to shut the fuck up, lest you wake your son. 
You’re stuck oscillating between sighing or crying, stuck wanting to surrender and wanting to fight back, screaming and shouting and grasping at straws to get you the fuck out of this because you’re frightened. You are scared of him, of what he can do and has done. To you, to your son. You’re scared that ultimately, deep down, you are meant for each other. Meant to stay locked to one another, holding hands while you inevitably sink into deep black nothing, choking on each other’s frustrations and wants, your shortcomings and would-be’s. 
Empty and unchanged. Fighting the same fights, wishing the same wishes. 
Then, Ghost speaks your fears into reality.
"You're mine," he huffs over you and you are so thankful he can't see how you need to bite your wrist to stop from moaning aloud. When he finally lets up, leaving your back woefully cold, he clamps his palm around the back of your neck and pushes, until your cheek is crushed against the floor and he can mount you properly, fucking you with what feels like all his strength, his leg hitched up to reach deeper, so deep it almost hurts.
"Hate me all you want now, but that kid back there means you will always belong to me. I will always be the man who gave him to you. No matter what poor sod you try to replace me with, I'll be the one who makes you feel like this. Eventually things will go back to how they're supposed to be.”
It’s probably the most words he’s said all week, in your presence anyway. It chokes you, fills your mouth, your lungs until that familiar drowning sensation threatens to pull you under. But not before you hear him mutter to himself;
“They have to.”
You can barely breathe underneath the pressure Ghost seems to bring with him everywhere. When you don’t respond to his claim (as if you could say anything with him taking your mind apart piece by piece), he hooks his arm around your throat, pulling you up against his chest, which of course, doesn’t make breathing any easier. Ghost drags his teeth over the shell of your ear, dropping his free hand low to draw small, deliberate circles against your clit. Air flees from your lungs while your hips twitch to follow along with his hand. The tip of his dick brushes your cervix and you yelp in response, the inevitable throbbing pain sending a lightning bolt right to your brain, and accompanied with the feeling of breathlessness, the sensation forces you to come over the length of his cock, the slick walls of your pussy clenching tight around him. When his arm finally slackens, you slump in his hold, eager to draw in lungfuls of precious air while Ghost batters the inside of your cunt while he continues to hold you upright. You groan loudly and he covers your mouth with his palm, soaked in your arousal. The light overhead feels like it’s blinding you, your skin feels raw and exposed, nerves on nerves that Ghost plucks and brushes to reduce you to rubble, nothing more than ruins underneath his practiced hands. 
You screw your eyes shut, heavy breaths from your nose are the only thing keeping you from blacking out, your pulse pounds in your throat while your mind tries to catch up with your body. 
Ghost lets his forehead fall to your shoulder and he finishes inside you, murmuring something you can’t hear while his hips knock into yours. He’s tense against you, before his limbs go languid and soft, brushing his half-covered nose against the side of your neck. You bat uselessly at the arm circling your midsection with a shaky fist, urging your ex to release you. It’s too much, you can smell him on your skin, feel him drip down the inside of your thigh, and you need it to be over now. He complies and you fall forward, unprepared for the sudden weightlessness. In a flash, his hands are back on you, grasping at your forearms and pulling you against him. It’s a breeze for him to drag your lax body onto the couch and cover you with the flimsy throw blanket you usually just laid over the back of the sofa. Your mind spins with the change of position. You don’t even know when he’d pulled out of you. 
For now, you’re just content to have the heavy curtain of sleep close on the events of the day, the funny little tragedy that your life has become. Content to have Ghost tuck you in and pull his favourite disappearing act. 
You mumble dreamily; “The invisible boyfriend!” Your arm flailing upwards in a mock flourish. You think that maybe, you hear him laugh at you. A quiet huff of air, muffled by a skull themed bandana. You think that maybe, you hear him flick the lights off in the house, like you usually do before bed. You think that maybe, you hear him check on Tommy in his room, cuddled into what is undoubtedly too many stuffed toys for his tiny mattress. You think that maybe, he sits on the floor by the couch and goes back to watching television while you drift off into a dreamless sleep, resting his head against your blanket-covered knee.
But, like always, he’s gone when you wake up. So maybe what you think you heard doesn't really matter.
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series masterlist here
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inkyquince · 1 year
please inky, continue w your thought about ex-husbands and divorce.. pleaseee expand omfg your mind is so big i just wanna chomp on it 😞
characters. Avery. Remy. Bailey. (Degrees of Lewdity)
yeah, so content warning, toxic behaviour, mention of sex after some wine so that's hinted to be dubcon as hell, angst, especially with mister Hay Bales. also bailey's section has a shit ton of coercion, and its implied reader is remarried.
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okay, so camp "I signed, but I'm mad now" of divorced husband is very much Avery, Remy, Bailey vibes.
So, Avery didn't MEAN to sign the papers. He was just so fucking seething that he did it out of spite. Fucking throwing the papers at you and tells you to get the fuck out of his house. What I love about Avery, at any moment, he could be in either camp, ngl. Either he'd fight for his reputation, and would never even let you show him the papers, or you get him so riled up, he does it out of pure anger and wanting revenge.
Anyways, his rep does take a blow, but he doesn't care, mans is running off pure spite for the entirety of the divorce proceedings. The moment he realises he needs to pay alimony? Wishes that he could go over to you and throttle you.
But when that anger simmers down? When he's gotten his fill of booze, whore and spite?
Mans is fucking LONELY. He's still angry, but its just general anger at the situation. Look, if you were still an orphan, he'd just get a new sugar baby. Who give a shit. Yeah, it undoes the work he did on you and he doesn't look as forward to date nights as he did, but this is different. You were his spouse. His ex-spouse now, but his spouse. He bared his fucking soul to you. You two had a good fucking life. Just had a few issues he refused to look at. You two were the perfect couople in the town's eyes, how would they have reacted to you two going to counselling?
It's too late though. He swings widly between being a fucking monster of an ex, forcing you to go back to the house to "pick up some stuff" and telling the town that you cheated on him, that's why you two divorced, to sending you gifts on your anniversary and your birthday. Phones you at night, and his voice is so low and sweet, and murmuring that he misses you.
Worse than Avery? Remy.
Remy is the rich bitch town icon that Avery wishes he was. He has you sign a prenup, then you get to live his fucking wealthy ass life. He's a cold ass fucker, so when you want to work on the marriage, he snidely mentions if you don't like it, leave him. Then he's shocked-face when you do. Then to get back at you, he's the one who gets the divorce papers. To get back at him, you sign them. To get back at you, he signs them. To get back at him, you file them.
To get back at you, motherfucker makes sure you get nothing from him in the divorce.
After all the stupid ass shit he pulls, he's fucking annoyed now. You were his other half, the only person he'd ever kneel down for. So, he's a frigid little bitch of an ex husband. But he's also such a fucker.
Like, he's will be so aloof and cold with you, and then idly offer a glass of wine to share when you have to come over to sign for some stuff. Evening ends with him three fingers deep in you, stroking you the way you like it, sucking at your neck greedily.
The treatment he gives you, when its just the two of you, is like the shiny red apple he would hold up to your lips. This is what you could have. But his behaviour away from those times is the stick. This is what you get for leaving him. Trying to usher you back into the estate and spread your legs for him, and only him again.
Bailey? Bailey. Bailey gives the vibes that you two married very young. When there was a spark of hope, and with very few good things in his life, he made sure to put a ring on the one thing that did.
However, he changes over time, becoming the ruthless caretaker of the orphanage, a terrifying criminal, and a worse man. You weren't a soft spot, you were a vulnerable one. Bailey would have had to have some sort of gentleness to him if you were a soft spot. You were a weakness, an achilles heel had had to smother and keep hiddden.
And sadly, that is no way to live.
So seperation. Then divorce. Then he doesn't show up to the court appointment. He pays alimony. He doesn't blink at anything, just takes it in stride, sometimes sneering at you.
But he isn't explosive. He isn't cold. He's just Bailey.
You see him once a month, coming to deliver your half of the money each time. You doubt it's just to see you again, even when you move on with your life and he stays in the orphanage you two always used to hate, and plan to escape from. Maybe its because he enjoys the looks the bankers give you when you have to pull out a shit ton of ironed out bills, taken from his orphans' hands, and put directly into yours.
But, you're still his. Your life hasn't changed at all from when you two were together. The only difference is that he no longer spends two or three nights sleeping next to you anymore.
Because you can't say no to Bailey.
You could be wearing a wedding ring, you could be tired from staying up with your baby, you could be so far into a new, happier life, but it doesn't matter. He doesn't trust whores, paid or not, he hates clubbing, and even with the most tender of sore spots, all they need it a slow, gentle massage.
So you have to drop everything for him. He doesn't give a shit what you could be doing. Bailey has an ache that needs seeing to. Fuck it, he'd go to your house, or get a room, but wouldn't force you back to the orphanage, at least for a long time.
You let him into your body again and again, his rough thrusts no different than when you two still shared a wedding ring. He bites your shoulder, he presses your face into the pillows, and spanks your thighs with his belt.
You never dared to tell him that you won't be able to join him for this stress relievers he seems to rely on. God knows what he'd do. Not to you, you don't take a screw driver to your knee when your sore spot acts up, but everything around you? Your spouse, your job, your life?
So you let him in.
One day he does demand that you go to the orphanage again. You could fight it all you want, but you have to go. There, he fucks you in the attic, just like that time all those years ago, and you decided he was the one you wanted to give your virginity to.
It's the closest he gets to whispering that he wants you back.
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aliaology · 11 months
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summary: reader wants to get her ex boyfriend, luke hughes, back in order to get her revenge.
pairings: luke hughes x ex!fem!reader
warnings: jealousy, arguments, mentions of sex
based on ‘get him back’ by olivia rodrigo
THIS IS NOT HOW LUKE HUGHES ACTS. this is just for the plot, i have no idea how he acts outside of hockey and media!
you met luke in the summer of 2021. he was at the michigan lake house, and you were visiting your friends house who lived just next door. the boy accidentally hit a volleyball over to your friends house and from there the two of you blossomed.
though, the relationship was quite toxic, causing you to leave him the next spring, just before you could meet his parents. the two of you argued over everything, him normally starting it.
“are you fucking serious, y/n?” luke groaned, throwing your phone on the bed. you looked confused. “what the fuck did i do?”
“i dont know— maybe snap my fucking brother twenty four-seven?” luke snapped. you rolled your eyes.
“we just send pics to keep a fucking streak going, luke, why is this such a big deal?” you groaned.
“because you’re talking to other guys, what if you’re cheating?”
you scoffed and crossed your arms, “so you don’t trust me?”
not to mention, he had a huge ego, thanks to being the number four pick of the 2021 nhl draft. along with the many, many girls who loved him online. would they love his personality? probably not.
maybe another part of his shitty personality was the wandering eye he had. the way his eyes would drift to look at another girls chest or ass, it was embarrassing.
but, he was fun. fun at parties, fun at sex, fun at it all, and so were his weird friends. you personally favored dylan duke and mark estapa, but no one would find that out.
he took you out to many parties, bars, clubs. and when he said something wrong in front of his friends, he’d buy you something like tickets for a small vacation.
but there are nights where you miss him, until you remember how he would hit on all of your best friends. do you love him or do you hate him? its… up and down.
but right now, you wanted him back. to get him back, to get revenge. he deserved to feel mad, sad and jealous, everything you felt the entire relationship. it should get him back.
so you started to write letters, but after you would just throw them in the trash. all you talked about in the letters was how much you missed his touch and kiss, and how making you laugh was a bonus.
then when you tried texting him, you didn’t have the balls to say anything because you knew how disappointed your friends would be.
he was toxic, and you were not the only girl. you remember the time where you decided to try communicating your feelings.
“baby, can we talk?” you asked, walking behind him, he sat on the couch, eyes fixated on his game.
“what?” he spoke, fingers ferociously clicking his controller.
“recently, the way you’ve been just doesn’t feel fair, luke. i’ve been putting my all into us and i dont get the same treatment back, it hurts.”
luke scoffed, “you’re trippin’ babe”
but maybe you could fix him? scratch that. maybe you could key his car? or break his heart? or punch him?
then again, you could fix him.. with the nice route. instead of breaking his heart, you stitch it right back up. or kiss him. or make him lunch.
how about you meet his mom? but instead of telling her how good he was, you tell her how much her son fucking sucks.
you did. you met up with her— on complete accident. according to her, luke had not told anyone you broke up with him. he made up a fake excuse saying your family needed you for the summer.
you almost laughed in her face.
you almost laughed after she stormed out of the cafe, learning how her you her son was a prick. and you definitely laughed when you got the text from jack telling you how much shit, luke got.
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time to work on coach part two xx
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sunflowerdigs · 14 days
Just spitballing here, but what if Tommy recommends that Buck stop fighting Gerrard and just go along with him? He suggests that Buck try his best to ignore the toxicity and take the preferential treatment because he can learn some things from the old man. Gerrard taught Tommy what he knows about firefighting, after all. He's like a father to him, and sometimes fathers are old-fashioned but still worth our time.
So, Buck appears to do just that. We see him and Gerrard go out for golf. And while they're golfing, Buck learns the information that he uses to get Gerrard suspended and get Bobby back.
And then he ends things with Tommy because he just can't imagine ever being the kind of person who takes advantage of a situation where others are being hurt. And he doesn't want to be with someone who thinks that is an ok thing to do.
Bonus points if Gerrard's suspension comes right as Hen and Karen get their foster license back, so Hen and Chim are free to do whatever they can to make sure Gerrard can never come back. They file a lawsuit. And guess who shows up to testify on Gerrard's behalf? Buck's ex-boyfriend, Tommy Kinard.
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thecatsaesthetics · 3 months
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This is working on the assumption that Tamlin is dumb. Tamlin knows Feyre or should know her. He knows she is not a weak woman. So does Lucien, Lucien did not think Feyre was mind controlled that day in the forest. He says it very clearly he knew she was in her right state of mind and that she was serious. It took Lucien one interaction to realize Feyre was exactly where she wanted to be.
Even if he didn’t believe the letter, didn’t believe Lucien, he should have believed Feyre when she told him in Hybern she did not want him. He should have believed her, instead he ordered her about like a dog. He treated her like a toy that was taken from him.
She makes it very clear she does not want him in that scene, and she brings up her treatment in the manor to him. Tamlin is deluding himself because he can’t cope with the fact that Feyre left him.
Even in the HLs meeting he attempts to claim Rhys “twisted” her mind:
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He utterly refuses to accept that Feyre left him because she fell out of love with him. He insists that Rhys turned her against him, when that is not what happened.
He beats up Lucien when he finds out Feyre is pregnant with her husband/mates child. He refuses to let go of Feyre or to move on. That’s an abusive partner/toxic ex.
Tamlin is a character who lives in utter delusion, he got broken up with and refuses to accept a woman has moved on. He threw away his entire credibility and his court’s safety to drag her back to a life with him. It’s his own fucking fault what happened.
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So Much For You
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Resume: Eddie has been uncomfortable with the amount of PDA he would get from Y/N, and things go south when she gets extra needy out of nowhere.
Word Count: 1891
Warnings: angst, a bit of language, miscommunication, mean Eddie, SFW
A/N: English is not my first language and this is my first fic, so I would be thankful for constrictive critics. This was also published on Wattpad, so if you saw it there, it's probably me :) (@/makeitrhyme)
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Eddie meet Y/N when she got in her first year of high school, he saw the quiet girl entering the cafeteria and proceeding to sit alone and couldn't have any of that. He was her first friend in Hawkins High and introduced her to all of his friends.
They got along great, and that made her happy, she was new in town and didn't really knew anyone. Through the years, she got a certain popularity after getting into the cheer squad, but that didn't change her relationship with the boys. Although now she knew a lot o people, she stuck to her first friends group. Later, her list of friends expanded to Steve, Robin, Jonathan and Nancy, after getting got up in the Upside Down mess in the summer she worked on Scoop's Ahoy.
Y/N pinned over Eddie since day one, but never made the move, she thought that he was intimidating with that blatant honesty of his. They only became a couple a few months after Y/N and her former girlfriend broke up.
Eddie didn't realize his feelings until he was burning with rage and jealousy seeing her being someone else's. When she and Layla broke up, he took some time to pic up her pieces like the good friend he was, but the minute he felt she could be open to love again, he tried his shoot.
And it did pay off. Now, they're we're just four months away from graduating together and have been in a relationship for six months.
Eddie wasn't really good at expressing or even understanding his own feelings, between the lack of love of his parents, and the cruel treatment he would get outside his trailer, there wasn't a way of understanding what affection means, how it shows itself, how to take it, and mostly, how to give it back.
Wayne was an amazing uncle, but he himself didn't have that much affection growing up and didn't know how to pass it to his nephew, this was a lesson he couldn't teach Eddie, even though he wanted it dearly.
Y/N was Hawkins resident sweetheart, everybody who knew her, loved her, and those who didn't, couldn't bring themselves to dislike her either. She was completely smitten with Eddie and did everything possible to make him as happy as she could.
Her love language is touch, she will get overwhelmed when someone she doesn't know do as much as brush her arms, but will absolutely have to be touching someone she loves anytime she could, even if it would be just touching thighs when sitting together.
Her ex always told her how tiring was to have Y/N all over her all the time, and how she was too much to deal with. So, when she fell for Eddie, she became very aware of how touchy she could be, and tried to hold that part of herself back.
Eddie, however, knew about her past relationship, and the insecurities her toxic ex have planted in her mind, most of them about the way she acts for being neurodivergent. He reassured her that he loved her for who she is, all of her, and said that she was free to be herself around him.
But now, he kinda regretted part of that. He didn't have a problem with the way she barely could maintain eye contact to save her life, or how exhausted she would be for anything after a whole day of masking the signs of her autism, or how they could never have a conversation when they were at his gigs or at parties because she couldn't handle to have any conversation with that much cacophony. But God, did he have a problem with the PDA.
The only thing he didn't know how to handle was the amount of attention she pours onto him. He feels overwhelmed, the lingering touches make his skin burn, and his mind gets foggy, leaving his thoughts a mess.
It bothers him, how he can't think straight when she's so near him, and the feeling that something is still missing leaves him restless. Eddie doesn't know how to suppress those feelings, or how to indulge to them, leaving him lost, and for so, distressed.
So when he sees her walking up to him in the hallway, a big smile on her face and arms open to hug him, he feels annoyed.
- Hi, babe - she says looking up.
- Hi, gorgeous - He replies, gently removing himself from the hug, missing the way her body deflates.
Y/N it's not oblivious about the way her boyfriend has been getting distant. The way he releases her hands way too fast when walking up to classes, or how he never saves her spot next to him in the cafeteria anymore.
They walk together in the direction of the parking lot, and she chooses to leave a small gap between them, to which Eddie leaves a small relieved sigh.
The couple had a movie night in his trailer scheduled for today, so they headed to the van, Y/N let out a sigh of her own when he doesn't open the door for her.
That night passed by uneventfully, Eddie cuddles her for the movie but that's it, the moment the movie is over, he's driving her back to her place with a small kiss on her lips.
The day after, Y/N doesn't go to school, and that should have made Eddie worried, but deep down, he feels relieved. On the way home, he thinks about stopping by her house, check-up up on her, but decides against it, selfishly, wanting time for himself. I can call her when I get to the trailer, he thinks.
Except he forgets about it and just remembers when he sees her in the school the next day. She was upset, she didn't show up to school and it was like her boyfriend didn't even notice.
Y/N opted for not saying anything though, she didn't want to fight with Eddie, not feeling well enough for the stress that would come from it. So she just smiled and said it was okay when he lamed apologized.
After that day, Y/N seemed to want to be clinging to Eddie all of the time. They didn't have time to see each other on the weekends because she got some college stuff to look at that month, and all the other free time she had, she was spending in Eddie's neck, and he couldn't stand it anymore.
So, when they were together in his trailer in one of the many movie nights they were having later, it all comes crashing down.
It started when she brought up plans for the next weekend.
- So, I was thinking, the next weekend it's the only free one I'm going to have until graduation, so I planned a little time together for us, I found a really cool cabin we can go to for the weekend  - she says looking at him from her spot on the couch, slightly close to him.
- More than we already do? And you didn't even ask me if I was free? Or if I wanted it? - he snaps at her, and she flinches, not expecting the outburst.
- Well, for the next few months I will have less time to be with you, I thought you would like to, don't know, do something romantic?
- In a fucking cabin!? Doing what?
- There's a lake, boats, it's more like a hotel, a bunch of cool stuff - she says pleading with her eyes, she didn't want to give up the weekend, even with his reaction. She had something important to tell him and planned the weekend to do it. She couldn't let it pass.
- Please, baby - she said getting on his lap - It will be fun, I promise.
Eddie get her out of his lap and started pacing around the room, all becoming too much.
- You can't do that!! Go around making plans without consulting me, taking all of my time! - She was petrified, and he was getting louder by the minute.
- You're always doing it, always on my neck, always on my house. Do you know how long have been since I was able to enjoy my fucking music in this trailer without you rambling around!? I feel like I'm not able to breathe with you around, always touching me! - He pauses for a minute, and she gets up from the couch, trying to get to him, but he walks away from her.
- I can't stand you all over me all the time, it's suffocating, I don't have time for myself. I don't do a fucking thing apart from being your fucking boyfriend, it's exhausting! - He screams, hands in his hair, red-faced and feeling confused, above it all, because he didn't know why he was saying half of those things.
She wanted to scream that this was bullshit, he has his deals, his gigs, his rehearsals with the band, the hellfire, but then she thought... she was in all of those. Of course, she didn't demand attention, but she was there. She thought that it was something that he appreciated, she was used to tagging along with him even when they were just friends. Hell, they have the same group of friends, nothing apart. And even though she knows that it's not her fault, they were in the same groups before they became a couple. She just couldn't help to feel like she was overstepping, becoming too much. He didn't like being my boyfriend anymore?
- Oh... - she says, quietly - I-I guess you're right... - she continues, a confused frown on her face that he wishes he could kiss until it disappears, but he remained in his place - I'm sorry, Eddie. I didn't do it on purpose, I didn't realize... - now the tears started to shine in her eyes, and Eddie´s heart squeezes. - What do you want to do? Do you wanna... break up?
At the sight of the tears streaming down her face, and the sound of her quiet voice asking if he wanted to break up, Eddie finally leaves his trance and walks up to her, holding her face in his hands.
- No, babe, that's not it, I swear to you - he says looking deeply into her eyes - I love you, I really do, it's just... - you don't like the way I love you, she completed in her mind - it's just too much, sometimes...
He regretted saying that the moment it leaves his mouth, but he can see the damage it's already done. He didn't bother to apologize, tho.
- We can work things out - she says cleaning her tears from her face, and stepping out of his hands. He feels his heart drop at the act but says nothing.
They spend the night working on how to go from there, how to take the relationship in a way they both can be comfortable, and they find it.
Eddie sleeps with her in his arms after he apologized for screaming, and feeling with weight less on his back because now things were going to be better.
They opted to cancel that weekend, and she convinces herself that he can be told the news when it becomes necessary. For now, she was going to enjoy being with him for as most as she could.
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sorcerous-caress · 10 months
Toxic red flags but they are actually red flags
Gale: gets jealous very easily. You'll be questioned about any other guy you mention or act friendly with. Will always bring up the time you suggested a threesome with Halsin whenever you argue back. The insecurity steams from the fact he still isn't fully over Mystra, so he assumes you're also never truly over any of your exs or crushes and becomes hyperaware of all of your friendly interactions.
Astarion: only shows his true emotions when the two of you are alone, resulting in you looking desperate and clingy around him in public because he pretends to be indifferent. Secretly enjoys it even if it embarasses you around your friends. There is always this small part of him that likes having control over you even if it's in a small amount like making it seem you're the one who cares more about the relationship than him no matter the truth.
Wyll: too friendly to strangers, too willing to cut your date short if someone he knew came to talk to him. Whether it's for the blade of frontier or the archduke son, keeping appearance and remaining friendly is one of his top priorities. Might come off as flirty even, if you ask him about it he'll say it's not serious and just to keep his reputation. Will lose some respect for you if you befriend any demons.
Halsin: he absolutely refuses to put any labels on what the two of you share, never calling it a relationship even after the two of you move together and have kids. Even when you bring him to meet your family, he still denies it being a relationship and says you are free to be with whoever in front of your parents.
Minthara: never initiates affection. You always have to be the one to plan dates, hold her hand, call her endearing names, and cuddle her at night. Besides sexual acts and possessive flirting, she really doesn't bother much with romance or soft stuff. Even if you express you like it, she will tell you it's a waste of time and still mircodose you on poisons in every kiss.
Shadowheart: too dependent on you to lead her through this relationship and life. Fully expects princess treatment while you have to be the one to make the move to start the relationship and take it to the next level. Doesn't bring up the things that bother her and acts distant instead, only talks about it if you corner her.
Laezel: you will always feel like you're on the back-burner in her life. Like you come second to everything she actually cares about, she still treats you with the same harshness she'd to a stranger and you think you got used to it but sometimes it stings a lot especially in arguments. She genuinely doesn't she what she did wrong and why she should treat you more special than other people.
Karlach: too willing to escalate a public disagreement into a fight. It was endearing when she'd punch anyone who threw an inappropriate comment at you, but the more you two dated the less tolerant she had in general to anyone wronging you no matter how small. Absolutely vindictive and willing to go kick the shit out of a merchant for selling slightly old vegetables instead of fresh ones.
Raphael: besides all the obvious red flags, the funniest one is that he actually, genuinely, honest to god needs to look at a picture of himself to reach climax during sex. Either a painting or even his own reflection, he will never finish otherwise no matter how good you are.
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saintobio · 1 month
hello saint! i hope you’re doing well, lots of love to you 💞
i know , i have talked in lengths about GojoY/N in every other ask, but as much as we don’t approve of some of her actions, i hope Akemi gets to have her happy ending too!
i was so sad to know how she’s struggling too and that with cancer. it must be so hard for her, but maybe this is the chance where Nanami will play her knight in shining armour (i’m delulu).
with akemi, i believe pain and loneliness makes you do terrible things that you wouldn’t otherwise, love in that mix makes you toxic. i think that is what happened to her, because i remember she is also the same woman who let go of her ex-boyfriend because she couldn’t conceive a child. it is not easy to let go of a man you love; akemi is brave for pulling that off. wanting to be a mother, and not being able is tough i reckon. i have witnessed women go insane when being unable to conceive, it’s interesting to see she’d go to unusual lengths of insanity and delusion for it.
nothing can justify her betraying her best friend the way she did, but she got her karma when she received similar actions back. nobody is a saint here (xD) but like everyone, she too deserves another chance. because let’s be honest, all of these characters are flawed in their own capacity. akemi tends to receive the brunt of it more.
that being said, i loved the treatment momjo received. like, pleese you had once willingly walked out on your son, do not expect another woman to be like you, a woman who had fixed your relationship with your son on her own expense. like? where did being grateful for good deeds go?
i adore your works, they are so dangerously human, they make me bawl. also so intriguing, it’s like watching a show 💗
aww hi flower!! it’s always nice to hear your perspective on akemi’s situation bcos not everyone will see it the way you do. honestly with yn’s empathetic character, this is how she would most likely see the situation too. but of course, as readers, we’d tend to focus on the aspect of betrayal in yn and akemi’s friendship bcos we’re reading through yn’s pov. i understand both sides (and i technically can’t be biased since i’m the writer hahah). but thank youuu so much for tuning in :’) i’m happy to know i’m able to evoke those emotions out of you. truly. sending you all the love!!
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For starters, my biggest gripe with Smiling Friends is how they underutilize so many characters with tons of potential for jokes and storylines, they even brought back Mr. Frog for S2 yet we’ll never see an episode with Charlie’s girlfriend Zoey (she was named that in the Spanish-speaking dub) joining the boys on their hijinks or more time exploring how dysfunctional Pim’s family is because with all the time spent making joke characters like Smormu (Who I REALLY wish was one of the main characters) or Jombo who never show up again. Grim and Gnarly really should have been their recurring rivals cooking up all sorts of different schemes to sabotage the Smiling Friends instead of Frowning Friends being their one appearance only to, spoiler alert, get killed off by the Renaissance Men. Especially frustrating is that the show loves calling back to earlier episodes and even foreshadowing future episodes so with a show with a slight continuity like this at least give us an episode where Pim and Jennifer became friends after he helped her find love and sequel to the Salty’s ep where it shows how the mascots are doing without Simon S. Salty as their boss….then again, with Mr. Frog snd Dj Spitz returning in S2, maybe there is hope we will see other characters again and hopefully with a bigger role.
TW: Implied Abuse
Although I am a Charpim shipper I am not super territorial over the pairing because I don’t mind if the boys are shipped with different characters…as long as it isn’t James. It is rather obvious why I hate James x Charlie and why I get pissed whenever I see it on my dash, and I’m not opposed to seeing fanworks depicting them as exes while highlighting how toxic the relationship is, I do not trust a single soul who ships them unironically or think James’ treatment of Charlie is cute and funny, it’s fucking vile. Go touch some grass.
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Mod Stephen is a complete jerk and I'd like to talk about it.
I'm Mod Incyn, Mod Stephen's (now) ex and previous partner, the one who would occasionally answer the asks with silly little drawings of your faves smoking weed.
I'd like to talk about it because I don't want him rebranding this account to suddenly pretend nothing happened.
There's a lot that's happened and a good portion of it is not going to be shared because it's little reasons that don't seem important to share regardless.
Here are his Discord(s); TWICE being his main, Gnarp Gnarp being his alt.
Discord IDs: 690442589400334346 / 274840384004161536
I would prefer for those who have interacted with him, or for those who won't even interact with him ever, to just avoid him overall. He's changed from a genuinely kind person I've dated to one of the biggest liars and assholes I've had the misfortune of meeting; and hopefully he'll better himself in the future, but it saddens me that I'm one of the people he's been hurting for a while.
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For months after our final breakup (a mutual decision to be friends), Stephen decides to do a complete 180 in how he interacted with me; he's gone far enough as to talk behind my back to his new partner about things that he pretended to care about when I offered to spend time together.
I've already gone 0 contact with him after our breakup, yet he believes that this is how I should be treated and has attempted to get people to side with him/pit them against me among my current friend group.
He miraculously has the courage to talk bad about me regarding statuses that never involved him, that I never implied to be aimed or directed to him.
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There's also the times where, while I'm not obviously going to force someone to sit and watch me play games, he's agreed to spend time with me only to talk behind my back like I was forcing him to do something he didn't want.
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If he didn't want to sit through me playing games, he could've just been nice and let me know about it.
There's also the several times I've commissioned him during our relationship (and mind you, I've given him no deadline as I wouldn't have wanted to rush him), and yet he couldn't deliver any final pieces to me because of different reasons that just never really made any sense.
(The "Agent Washington" proxy and "Jones" profiles are still the same person I am referring to, which is Mod Stephen. He used to also go by several names.)
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(For context, my name was previously Sacrifice that I went by.)
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I've paid him for other things (such as food, games, etc., but none of those are related to my commissions from him, and thus I do not deem important).
Another instance of his crude behavior has been during VC in a streamer's server that he now is banned from (with proof that he still openly shits on me and my friends for getting him banned for several counts of harassment during and outside of VCs is several other servers).
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While I don't care that he's petty about being banned, he surely has a problem that someone in his server is quietly ratting him out for his toxic behavior towards me and other friends.
There's counts of him making pretty awful jokes in VCs while I was still dating him in said streamer's server, especially one regarding me allegedly "verbally abusing him" in front of many other server members when I've been nothing but kind to him for everything.
(This was a conversation I had with said streamer months after the initial joke.)
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He had only apologized about it once I actively DMed him regarding the joke, and made no attempt to even apologize for it during or AFTER the VC was already over with.
The only thing I'd rather talk about is his treatment regarding my friends and how they're both equally just as hurt for him talking shit about them over absolutely nothing - and even attempting to scam one of them out of Vbucks all because he didn't want to finish the commission due to it being "uncomfortable" - which clearly is more sad than I've expected of him to even pull off.
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(Orion is also referred to as his previous name before choosing to have gone by Jonesy.)
This post is long enough as is, and I won't be going on longer as other reasons I've denied him permission to message me ever again is not as vital or as important as these ones.
I hope that anyone else he comes across is not treated this way, and never will be treated this way, all because he decides to trade them away for another person he finds more important to be with.
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gojoluvs · 5 months
Please y/n for the love of God! Don’t give into him.
That white hair dick man isn’t worth the hassle! Leave him! Divorce his ass!
You married him for your father wish I know but I doubt he be mad at you once you tell him that Gojo was cheating on you with his ex while you were at the appointment and only to go to him for emotional support after supporting only then caught him on the act. I’m sure your dad will get best divorce lawyer that money can find and probably cancel the deal of giving your inheritance to Satoru.
As for your promise to Shoko well fuck her. Just give him a chance she says! Like hell I’m giving another chance! This marriage is a nightmare! This bipolar mess Satoru is inconsistent with his treatment and actions for y/n! One minute he act like she is super manipulate villain who stand in his way only to next act like he care about her and then fuck her only then to go back to despise her. I don’t if Jiyuu is clearly a gold digger and Satoru is blind to it or Jiyuu is the most toxic mess of person ever to exist and again Satoru is too stupid to see it. It his problem not y/n
Oh please Gojoluvs give y/n a man who is decent to her and put Satoru in his place. Any man will do. Weather it another jjk man or a different anime man heck even a Manwha man will do! Just give y/n a win for once😭
I hope y/n stop caring about this rat ( that right I’m not even calling him a man) and just act indifferent to him because that best thing to do to someone like Gojo. To have someone like y/n who try their best to get along with him and care for him only then to act indifferent to him. No more caring after him and trying to comfort him just leave him be to his own devices. Not out of hatred of course.
Because sometimes in life no matter how much you redeem yourself or try to make up with someone. Doesn’t mean they will forgive you and give you another chance because you changed yourself. Sometimes it too little too late and they want out and leave you for good and there nothing you can change about it.
Sorry for my long rant😭🙂‍↕️ this chapter got me really angry at Gojo and his hoe. I just want now Gojo to suffer as y/n has and y/n to be happy and away from this toxic mess of a relationship.
DONT APOLOGIZE!!! This was absolutely beautiful 😭😭🩷 Satoru is actually such a manipulative prick in this fanfic. Like this man is blinded by lust, the only reason why Jiyuu has him wrapped around his finger is because of their history together.
This man literally payed for Jiyuu’s apartment, like he bought the apartment and put it under her name.
The only reason why Y/N has any feelings towards that man is because she has no one in her life, Toji’s gone and no other man has the courage to talk to her. Shes really independent on her own, I know I haven’t really talked about her past that woman was her own boss. She was almost the same level as Toji in his company, its unfortunate that she has a fear of disappointing her father :(
Shes just attached to Satoru because of her vulnerability and the fear of being abandoned again. Im praying that someone comes along and treats her like how she deserves to be treated 😭🩷
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shmowder · 2 months
If you feel up to writing more yandere (or maybe just a bit too overprotective) stuff, maybe Daniil and/or Artemy finding out that someone who was shitty to the reader in the past has moved to the Town? Like a toxic ex or friend 👀
There will never ever be a time in my life where I'm not up for more yandere patho content. It's living rental free in my frontal lobe fully furnished and all.
Yandere Bachelor meeting your Toxic ex
[Softcore Yandere, Obsession, Overprotectiveness, Toxic ex]
[Danill Dankovsky x GN Reader]
Your behaviour was gradually becoming more erratic.
The bags forming under your eyes–lack of sleep?–The occasional glancing at every person passing you by–a hint of fear?–The short replies, the scripted politeness, the haze clouding your pupils, your mind is clearly somewhere else even as Dankovsky stood in front of you.
The audacity.
A thousand details, subtle changes in your demeanour, things no one but him would ever notice about you. All the symptoms he noted down thoroughly each night. Inked on papers and saved next to your files.
There must be a cause, a source that led to all of these unexplainable changes. All the progress he was previously making in getting closer to you was suddenly halted as you began to clam up, be more guarded, and skittish.
Not just around him, but everyone in your life. Not daring to step outside your doorway more than once a week for groceries, declining his several invitations, be it letters or in-person. You evaded meeting his questioning gaze–hugging yourself with yours arms, guilt or shame?–as you politely rejected another offer to spend time together, be it a short stroll or a sharing a bottle of red back at his place.
His pride preventing him from cornering you and asking you directly what's the meaning behind your latest behaviour, demanding the truth.
Part of him felt insulted that you wouldn't confide in him by your own free will. Who else do you have but him at your side? He's made sure to tailor himself perfectly to your tastes, to present himself as the ideal man of your dreams.
Nonetheless, mopping around won't get results. Daniil puts his figurative detective hat back on and gets to work, pulling at the thread until it unravels. Offering your friends a drink or two to get their tongues loose, cashing in a couple of favours from the Scarlet Mistress herself and an old university friend.
The current facts so far are:
1- A train arrived into town 3 weeks ago on Thursday's afternoon.
2- The earliest of your symptoms appeared on Saturday's morning, as recorded in his files.
3- A witness claimed she saw you leave the Brokenheart Pub in a hurry on Friday's night.
The rest was a cakewalk; finding out about the verbal fight you had in the backalley of the pub, vague recalls from bystanders on how the person attempted to grab you before you ran off.
The picture became more and more clear of what happened that night.
Of who you've been avoiding.
A stranger stands out in this town like a sore thumb, Daniil would know from personal experience, after all. Your ex hasn't been attempting to hide, either. If anything, they were purposely causing a scene after another in an attempt to get your attention, reel you out of hiding.
What a pathetic display.
As a doctor, as your personal care provider, it simply falls within his responsibility to get rid of any stubborn migraines attempting to weasle their way back into your life.
And with what your symptoms imply, the untold things they've put you through, clear and loud to anyone with a speck of common sense and logic...
Allowing them to walk away with their life seems too kind.
Daniil hasn't always been a fan of radical treatment, but he'll make an exception this time around. If the cure to your illness of heart is their life, then so be it. You've already given them a chance by letting them go; they're the ones who followed you here, stupidly spelling their own demise.
Gather witnesses testimonies of their past transgressions, plant some false evidence, and exaggerate the severity of their crimes.
It doesn't take much to nudge the Saburov on their trail after that.
Not that anyone would doubt the noble bachelor if he came in to report a person and demand they be thrown in prison, but Daniil had a bigger plan in mind.
He admits, the bag full of unprescriped morphine vials planted in their room was an overkill. But it just made the checkmate even more delicious, oh the look on the governor's face as this became a personal matter rather than a mere upkeeping of justice.
The trial only took a day, Daniil proudly standing next to the judge, giving his rehreased speech about how certain kinds of crimes can never be forgiven, how jail is too light of a sentence for certain scums of the earth.
Basking in the look of despair on their face
Their public execution was ordered the next day, just around the afternoon.
That gives him enough time to soak in a scented bath, putting extra effort into his appearance, making sure to grab something fresh from the bakery nearby, and finally arrive at your place.
With the sweetest most angelic smile on his face, asking if you'd please allow him this one short stroll together? Just a simple walk, for his sake. Look, he even brought you warm scones dusted with sugar. You wouldn't say no to him after all the trouble he went through, would you?
The Bachelor looked graceful as ever as he linked his arm with yours, talking about this beautiful spot in town he stumbled upon yesterday.
How he can't wait to show you the fruits of his labour.
With the afternoon sun akin to a warm blanket, you took a bite from the sweet pastry in your hand. Walking side by side in this quaint atmosphere, you tried your hardest to relax...to not think of-
There's a crowd in the distance, you wonder what could it be about.
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