avelera · 2 months
Avelera's Dreamling Fic Status Update:
Keeping Sanctuary (subscribe for updates here) - Giving Sanctuary Sequel follows Dream and Hob from the events of the altered meeting in 1689 up to the modern era. (aka, What if they hooked up after the 1689 meeting?) Current word count: ~7,000 words across several chapters. Realistic progress update: 1/10 complete total, Ch. 1 is about 1/5 complete.
(The rest are below the cut!)
Come live with me and be my love - Dream and Hob fall in love during the Regency Era when Dream loses a bet to Desire. Shenanigans ensue. (aka, What if they hooked up after the 1789 meeting?) Ch. 16 is at 2,500 words, probably about 1/3 done. Current plan is to wrap up Part 1 in the next few chapters then create a part 2 which finishes out their "1 year of marriage" on a month by month basis instead of following them day to day like Part 1 done. Probably won't be a separate fic though, just a change of format.
This Rough Magic - My take on "Hob rescues Dream from Burgess" with a twist that Hob ends up on Burgess's radar himself when he picked up some occult magic skills in the hopes of contacting Dream after 1889 and apologizing. Now he has to pretend to be friends with Burgess in order to get them both out of there, because Burgess thinks Hob can help force Dream to give him immortality. (aka, What if they hooked up after the 1889 meeting?) Ch. 9 is about 800 words in. Story is still very much in progress I just have a lot of WIPs, as you can see.
Joke's On You (I'm Into That) - The 1589 meeting goes very different when Hob proposes to Dream, who is so offended that he just can't let the matter go. A very angry, very horny competition kicks off between them. (Aka, what if they hooked up in 1589 when they were both at their absolute worst as people?) I have literally 40,000 words written for the rest of this fic. The problem is, there's big gaps in that first draft I have to fill in and scenes that need to be added. This might be my favorite WIP but it's also the hardest to write with all the smut scenes so it'll arrive whenever I can manage, I'm afraid.
Banana Daiquiris Ch. 2 - Comic-canon compliant (mostly) - Dream fakes his death to go on a vacation with Hob and Destruction. They end up in Tahiti. Destruction plays matchmaker. Hob doesn't know whether to thank Destruction or strangle him. Current word count 6,000 words. I've been playing around with adding on to this fic for ages. One of these days, I'll pull it all together.
Great Triumphs and Tragedies - aka, "Dream Accidentally Cursed Hob with a Normal Life" Fic - Dream learns that from 1689 on, Hob's life has been safe. Too safe. Improbably safe. Nothing bad or extraordinary or even terribly special has happened to him since Dream began to consider Hob his friend. He knows this because during his imprisonment, Hob's life became exciting again and suddenly went back to normal the day Dream was freed. Hob is not convinced that Dream is the reason for this, Dream disagrees. They talk about it. And fight about it. And some things that they've probably needed to talk about for a long time finally get said. (aka, sometimes the author just needs to write their weird headcanon into a 20,000 word fic that's almost entirely dialogue). Current word count: 19,000 words and about 80-90% finished. I'm hoping that posting what I've got will help push me through the final stretch.
And for fics that haven't been posted anywhere yet (you can subscribe on my Ao3 author page for alerts about them):
Hob Amesia Fic - Dream and Hob are dating officially now in the 21st century when Hob gets hit with what seems to be a memory loss curse, shaving off 100 years of his life each day until Dream finds a cure. This effectively grants Dream a walk down memory lane as he is reacquainted with the Hob of each era and, in the process, learns how much longer Hob cared for him than Dream ever realized. Current word count: 35,000 words. Currently writing 1489 (1889-1589 are done) and I might re-write the opening. It genuinely kills me not to have this one posted lol.
"Fairy God Marlowe" - 1589 fixit fic where Hob and Kit Marlowe strike up a conversation while Dream and Shaxberd are talking. Hob and Marlowe talk about plays, and faith, and salvation, and queer love, and what it means to live forever. Hob gets a second chance at a first impression. Current word count: ~5,000 words. Sadly, it's all dialogue in script format. I'd need to convert it into prose to publish which would be a slog. So it's a bit shelved until I find the energy to do so. No, I will not post it in script format, I'm allergic to the thought.
I've got a few other concepts kicking around, but these are the ones that actually have (*does a quick calculation*) over 100,000 words written that I haven't had the chance to post yet?? And it's driving me insane????
Anyway, I should probably pin this post for those curious lol. Feel free to ask me any follow-up questions, I love talking about WIPs even as they ruin my life!
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raccoonfallsharder · 7 months
recommended works ⊹˚₊⊹˚☕︎˚⊹₊˚⊹
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these are the folks who have written or drawn something (specifically within the rocket raccoon fan community) that either murdered me, resurrected me, or both.
(i am always open to recs so if you wanna link me to your fave i will be so happy to check them out)
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⊹˚₊⊹˚☕︎ fanfiction ☕︎˚⊹₊˚⊹
The All of You (ao3) i fuckin love this story so hard. i love the OC. i love the writing. i love the set up. i reread this probably every month or so and pine for more. it's so fuckin good. @lazarel-3000 is a double-threat (at least) who is also on my recced artist list, which means (obviously) they are a recced creator as well.
Casino Royale (ao3) this fic by @hibatasblog (see also: Entanglement, below) is so fucking delightful. petra quill is so hot i want to date her myself, and the tension between her and rocket is through the roof. loving the angst, loving the little ways that heartbreak seeps through every new paragraph, loving the mystery of trying to figure out what happened to petra and rocket to set them on their separate paths and now bring them back together. always waiting anxiously for the next chapter.
Entanglement (ao3) this fic by @hibataao3 has me rationing my consumption in a way i have not done in a long time. i'm like "i only read one chapter a week to pace myself, as a little treat for surviving another seven days." beautiful writing and intricate storytelling, the metaphors and analogies are so good i almost wish i was back in undergrad writing a thesis on it.
Friends (tumblr) @nyxivy is making their way through the rocketober 2023 prompts and the first fic of the series is. so drool-worthy. i've probably read it fifty times since it came out. short and so hot i could die (much like rocket himself), and somehow incredibly sweet in just the span of a few paragraphs? i will continue coming back to this fic and look forward to more from them at every chance i get.
Get Up (tumblr)@caesarhamato22 is another person on my recced creator list because trying to find just one fic to call my "favorite" is a challenge (obviously i was unsuccessful because there are two on this list). anyway this is lovely and fluffy. i die.
last (friday) night (ao3) nsfw. trying to pick a "favorite" of @aliasrocket's work is like trying to choose a favorite incarnation of rocket (i cannot). guess who is also on my recced creators list.
more than seven (tumblr) second @caesarhamato22 fic on this list and another recced creator. this one is one of my favorite comfort fics (i mean it's still sexy as hell) that i come back to very often. like it's just so wonderful and sweet and perfect and atmospheric and vibes
stars. (tumblr) ☕︎ stars. (ao3) sexual tension & some of the loveliest atmospheric writing i've ever consumed. another @aliasrocket fic that lives in my head.
A Very Basic Instinct (tumblr) ☕︎ A Very Basic Instinct (ao3) nsfw. when i tell you this fic did things to me. it is probably one of the fics i reread most. like, all the time jkjk only semiregularly. check out the author @elegant-fleuret for other equally brainrot-inducing smut (also mentioned in my recced creators).
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⊹˚₊⊹˚☕︎ art ☕︎˚⊹₊˚⊹
@bathmob i wish. i could draw rocket. like this. the vibes are so good. the style. is perfect. i thank the universe whenever i see new art from them.
@glow-autumz is absolutely going to be a published comic artist some day and i will buy anything she works on ever. literally everything she creates has a story behind it, which i love. like, not only are her illustrations gorgeous (and like…often very hot) but every single one is (at least) a single-panel narrative. plus her OC is also cool as hell and i love her interpretations of rocket.
@lazarel-3000 creates the most toe-curlingly delicious art i've seen in a long time. i am seduced by pretty much everything they create. even their rough drafts have me panting. (i also have a crush on their OC and as a bi-lady i look at their art and am often like oh shit this is a fuckin feast). as mentioned before, this artist is also the author of one of my favorite fics and is a recommended creator in general.
@uglly-rodent posts always make me want to pinch the babby raccoom's cheeks and/or cry.
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⊹˚₊⊹˚☕︎ creators ☕︎˚⊹₊˚⊹
@aliasrocket writes such beautiful things it is impossible to pick a favorite (i got two of their fics in the fic section and it was difficult to narrow it down that far and even now, i'm not certain). their tumblr has the added advantage of a ton of drabbles, every single one of which is perfection.
@caesarhamato22 read everything. like everything. great smut but i am a sucker for the slice of life shit and it's so fuckin good here. i just wanna be a nail tech on knowhere/locked in a closet with rocket/have him steal my t-shirt/whatever. it's like all my most domestic desires got turned into little fanfiction dreams. so much wish fulfillment i could die
@elegant-fleuret has great fanfiction (more than just the one on my fic list - i just felt like i had to narrow it down and A Very Basic Instinct literally gives me a a fresh hit of dopamine every time i reread it, which is a lot). plus also art. double-threat.
@evolvingchaoswitch writes with a ton of vulnerability and rawness and angst. i am also in love with the shorter pieces they've been putting out for rocketober 2023 (some really great poetry, some really emotional oneshots, some really hot oneshots). plus their OCs always fuckin rock
@lazarel-3000 look. look. i cannot say this enough. please go check them out they are hope in a hopeless place. some of the sexiest art + one of my very favorite fanfictions + one of my very favorite OCs have come out of this flawless individual. (full disclosure they also did some nsfw art of my OC jolie and rocket that has me crying and dying and hyperventilating on a daily basis)
@love-for-faeries-go-burrrr has another one of my favorite OCs and i am always hungry for their little storylines whenever they post.
@mrwolfhare is one of my favorite sources of gotg food-for-thought. just some of the most thoughtful explorations of the details of both the mcu and comic canon, excellent headcanons, beautiful screenshot sets, and really solid art. the drawtober art and ficlets have been highlights in my days this month and i'm told there may be a rad fanfiction on the horizon so keep your eyes on this! (rad fanfiction is here now! read Subject 880HR on ao3)
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momolady · 2 months
A List of Things Not Yet Written
Here is the list of things I want to write that may inspire commission ideas or even inspire you to write something in general!
First off, I re-read Himley the Mad Hatter recently, and I have been filled with this deep, horrible desire to go back and make it better. The bones are there in the story, but it is jumbled, wordy, and I know I could do such a character justice. I want to rewrite it so bad. This may be the top of my list of projects I want to do.
It was brought to my attention the story of Bray was never fully closed. I would like to both rewrite his first chapter and continue it.
The Minotaur clan in the Ruby Empire was once a huge idea for me, but it had to fall to the wayside. Claudio was the only one I got to talk about from that neck of the Ruby Empire wood, and I would like to go back and visit it.
Most of the Ruby Empire needs to be retconned and rewritten, but no one could afford o fix that mess, so moving on.
I need to finish the Levi rewrite now that I'm on it.
I also wouldn't mind revisiting my first monster story, the Strawberry monster. 
This one was an ask on Tumblr: "A homeless girl arrives at Hearthway Hollow with only but her  guitar and optimism to make money, not knowing about the traditions or  even knowing about the werewolves." 
A former magical girl who supposedly died but has been turned into a cyborg, whose power over music is now a powerful mind control power. That's all I've got, just a character.
Anothe tumble ask: "a goblin thinks he is getting catfished, after an online friend finally sent the first picture of herself." The idea of this sounds so fun, could be any monster. Coudl give me the chance to build a monster dating app.
I've been rewatching Star Trek TNG and Data has been giving me thoughts. So maybe something along the lines of the android and a companion.
A former royal concubine runs away, rather than spend her life serving others. Near death, she's rescued by a man (orc, minotaur, whatever) and his dog. But he lives high in the mountains and supplies are low as is. She agrees to use her skills to keep him company through the long, dark winter until spring thaws the mountain and she can cross the Cobra Strait. 
A short, spitfire thief breaks into the house of a supposedly single woman who is a shut in. The house appears in disrepair and the woman has surprisingly nice things, even if things are cluttered and stacked around. But the thief is caught by the woman, who is quite taller than him. She kidnaps him and keeps him in prisoner in her home where she reveals herself to be a vampire disillusioned with immortality and has been sustaining herself off critters who get into her house. The short thief is just the latest.
Speaking of height difference couples! A short statured fire demon finds himself smitten with one of the ice giant women.
A monster wins a date with the camgirl he admires.
A red riding hood retelling. I'm shocked I've not done that before.
An attempt to clone a powerful, ancient creature results in a monster that seeks revenge on the people who have been keeping them captve and used for experiments. To exact revenge, the monster kidnaps the head scientist's daughter, intending to turn her against her family and humans in general.
I reread Thilo last night and I want to rewrite it. If only for the fact the reader character seemed a bit...predatory.
finish Misinformed! I think i need a couple of chapters to finish the story as it is before i do a rough draft rewrite.
An older woman reconnects with the orc she fell in love with. When Obresh was rescued by the Orcs her family decided to move rather than be ruled by the orcs, separating her from the orc she had fallen in love with. Decades later, she returns to Obresh and finds her former love. The two reconnect and finish what they started.
A halfling monster Hunter gets more than he bargained for when he comes into contact with two powerful and warring vampires.
An isekai story where the MC is sent to various worlds with the stipulation they’ll die if they have sex. So they make a game of it.
See any of these you like? Commission them from me! Or any story you want to see me write for you.
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love2write2626 · 2 years
I Wouldn’t Be Complete Without You
Summary: Tom and Reader have known each other since high school. Best friends... never anything more... even though in secret he always wished something happened between them. As Tom became more and more famous he was in need of an Assistant so who better than his best friend? 20 years later Tom is married... but separated from his wife Katie Holmes, Trying to fix his marriage, raise a child, and work is becoming a lot.
 Reader has known Tom since high school. Best friends never anything else... which is very hard for her, she’s been in love with him forever. Now, still best friends, hiding her love for him has become harder and harder over the years. She’s not an actress after all. Now, Tom needs her more than ever with everything going on in his life.
Read Chapter 2 HERE
Read Chapter 3 HERE
I Wouldn’t Be Complete Without You One-Shot Masterlist HERE
Here is chapter 1: Hope you Enjoy!!!
Chapter 1
Y/N’s P.O.V
“No! No. No. No” I said into the phone walking down the stairs, juggling folders, and my shoes which I still hadn’t had a chance to put on yet. “Jackson. No. You have been telling me for two weeks now, that the article is almost done.” I sighed “Jackson, listen” I groaned this man is being a pain in the ass and it’s much too early for this shit. I walked into the kitchen and saw Tom getting breakfast ready for him, and Suri. When he saw me, he gave me a bright smile.
“Morning” He said
“No. No. I’m tired of this, Jackson I need to have a rough draft of that article by noon today, or you will lose the right to print it at all.” I listened as he tried to babble some threat back to me “Jackson, the article was supposed to be printed a week after the interview, which was 2 months ago”
“Coffee?” Tom asked, I gave him a kiss on the cheek as a thank you, and grabbed the cup walking around the kitchen
“Jackson, I’m done with your excuses noon today, or I will have the whole interview retracted and we will take it to literally any other magazine” I said and hung up the phone. I threw my phone on the counter and let out a groan
“Wow, He must of made you really mad Y/N” Suri said in an adorable voice and I giggled
“Don’t worry I’m not mad Suri”
“Nope, I’ve known Y/N for over 20 years… she’s not mad, you’ll know when she’s mad” Tom said with a chuckle, I threw a towel at him which he easily dodged and went back to making breakfast
“Ready for school?” I asked her, as I took another sip of my coffee
“Yup, I got to take lots, and lots of notes today there’s a math test on Friday and today is the test review”
“You’ll do great sweetheart” Tom said, he placed some eggs on her plate, and kissed the top of her head.
“Y/N?” she asked
“Yes?” I asked with a smile
“Will, you help me study for my test tonight” she said with a pouty face, that was very difficult to say no to.
“Sweetheart I would love to, but I have something to do tonight…” I looked at Tom and I didn’t miss the confusion that crossed his face before he went back to making breakfast for himself.
“Please, please… just a few minutes… you always help me study”
“Ok, fine… but only for a little while” she gave me a hug
“Thank you, thank you” she jumped up and started to run for the door
“Sweetie sit down, you haven’t finished breakfast”
“Dad I’m going to miss the bus” she said
“I was hoping I could take you to school today” he said
“Dad” she gave him a look, and I couldn’t help but giggle. She is only 8 years old, but she is a sassy girl… can’t even imagine what’s she’s going to be like as a teenager.
“Ok, I surrender go on” he said, she ran over and gave him a hug before running out the door. He turned back to the stove grabbed the pan and put some eggs on his plate. “I would offer you some, but I know how you hate eating breakfast” I rolled my eyes
“Someone is grumpy this morning” I said
“I just don’t like the idea of her riding the bus” he said
“She’s only 8”
“Tom, she’s going to be ok. I know you have security following that bus”
“What?” he asked
“Tom, when are you going to learn I know all” I said with a smirk “I have access to your email, texts, phone calls, bank accounts… I see who you call, email, text, and pay… hell I know your social security number… could have stolen your identity years ago, and be living alone on an island” he rolled his eyes
“Very funny, you would miss me” he said
“No, you would miss me, you might be the extraordinary, bad ass actor/stunt man… but you wouldn’t be able to function day to day without me”
“Please” he said with a scoff
“Ok, what’s your social security number?” I asked with a smirk, he glared at me “I’ll try one easier what’s your phone number?” I continued to smirk as I took a sip of my coffee
“Ok, fine you win… jeez you are on a rampage this morning”
“Ok, save the dramatics for the screen Mr. Reacher” I said with a smile.
“That’s Jack Reacher” he said
“Ok, Jack Reacher get ready to go to work”
I am sitting in Tom’s chair staring at my lap top going through email after email, making appointments, and working my way through Tom’s schedule when my phone dinged
Can’t wait to see you tonight.
I smiled when I read the message from David. I’ve been seeing David in secret for a few months now… and when I say secret I mean secret to Tom. I know if I told him I was seeing someone he will go into all protective mode. It always annoys the shit out of me.
“What’s got you smiling?” he asked, I looked up I didn’t even realize they cut
“Oh, this pathetic excuse of an article Jackson sent me” I said giggling
“So what are we doing tonight?”
“Huh?” I asked
“You said you couldn’t help Suri tonight because we had plans, I didn’t realize we did”
“No… I said I had plans”
“You have plans?” he asked
“Yeah, isn’t that strange? I have a life outside of you”
“So what are Your plans?” he asked
“My plans are none of your business” I said, he smirked
“I’ll figure out your plans”
“By refusing to tell me, you have given me a challenge… I’ll figure it out”
“You’re an idiot, go back to set” he kissed my cheek
“I’ll figure it out” he said walking off, I bit my lip and gently touched where he kissed me… even though we kissed each other on the cheek very often it always made me want to blush whenever he kissed mine. I walked closer to the set, and watched Tom. He is an incredible actor, and no matter how hard I try I can’t help but fall in love with him over and over again. It might sound strange but I have loved him since I was 17, the moment I locked eyes with him… I was done for
20 years ago
I am sitting reading my book for English class, as always I am drawn in by the beautiful literature before me. Shakespeare is my favorite author… so far, I know as I get older I will be exposed to more and more authors that are equally as good… maybe even better.
I am currently sitting outside on the bleachers away from everyone, not one you would call popular. I keep to myself that’s how I like it, since I live in a time where liking to read is known as a loser thing to do, I just accepted that fate and stay away from everyone.
“Excuse me” I looked up and locked eyes with Tom Cruise… he’s one of the popular boys in school. I looked around trying to figure out who he was talking to. This gorgeous man can’t be talking to the weirdo who likes to read, and wears glasses.
“Me?” I asked, and he chuckled
“Yeah, I mean there’s no one else here” he said, and I blushed “Y/N, right?” he asked
“Yeah… um that’s my name” I said hesitantly
“Well, we’re in the same English class, and I forgot to write down the assignment I was hoping you could tell me what it is”
“Oh, sure. One second” I put the book down, and reached for my bag to pull out my binder
“Romeo and Juliet?” he asked “Didn’t we read this one already?” he asked
“Um yeah… but the assignment is to pick one of the Shakespeare plays and write about it, and as clique as it is, this is my favorite… I think I’ve read it 10 times” I said, I blushed and reached for my binder again and he chuckled. Great now he’s going to start making fun of me.
“But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the East, and Juliet is the sun! Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon Who is already sick and pale with grief That thou her maid  art far more fair than she.” I looked at him expecting him to be looking at the book but to my surprise we was looking at me
“You know Romeo and Juliet?” I asked
“Yeah, we already read it” he said with a chuckle
“But you know it by memory” I said, he just smirked
“I may have read it a few times myself”
“You like to read?” I asked
“Why do you seem so shocked?” he asked confused
“Well… I mean… um… I’m just going to let you copy the assignment and not say anything else” I said
“Is it because I’m popular?” I shrugged my shoulders
“Well, yeah”
“Eh, it’s not all its cracked up to be… I’m not really sure how I got wrapped up with them. We really don’t have much in common”
“Well, you dating the cheer captain probably has something to do with it… and the fact you are ridiculously good looking”
“Really?” he said smirking
“Did I say that out loud?” I said, and he just kept smirking “Well, now that I just made a complete fool out of myself, I’m going to leave…” I ripped out the paper in my notebook with the assignment. “Take it, I don’t need it”
“Hey, hey… you don’t have to leave… I’m sorry for embarrassing you. It’s ok, many people tell me I’m good looking”
“Now you’re just being arrogant” I said
“Well, I think you’re very beautiful” he said, and I’m sure my heart stopped “I think your glasses are adorable, and your hair is really pretty” suddenly I got angry, this is got to be a joke. One of the popular guys coming over here to complement me?
“You’re just here to make fun of me aren’t you?” I stood up, to walk away but he grabbed my hand
“I’m not making fun of you” he said, but I couldn’t ignore the feeling running through my body as he held onto my hand “I’m not lying, I’m not an asshole”
“Why?” he laughed
“Why, do I think you’re pretty?”
“Why, are you here talking to me? I’m a nobody”
“Everybody is somebody… social status means nothing… and I like you, you seem really nice. You never give me the chance to talk to you, you always run out of class before I can reach you”
“I don’t understand why you want to get to know me”
“Because you don’t care about me”
“You are the only person in the school who doesn’t run to my side and want to talk to me”
“So you’re making it your mission to talk to me?”
“Not a mission… I just want to talk to someone who likes things other than popularity” I looked at him confused “I like school, I love reading, history, and drama. I love it all. I want to talk to someone who also like learning things, my favorite thing to do it learn new things” I opened my mouth to speak, when Jessica appeared
“Tom” she said in her annoying voice “Tom, why are you here, you’re supposed to walk me to practice” she said
“I was just talking to Y/N… we were talking about Romeo and Juliet” she looked at me with disgust
“You sit with my boyfriend for 2 minutes, and you already infected him with your nerdiness” she said with disgust “Tom, let’s go before she turns you into a complete nerd” she said giggling
“Hey, don’t talk to her like that”
“What?” she asked him
“You can’t talk to her like that”
“Why not? She’s a loser”
“No, she’s a person like everyone else… and no one deserves to be spoken to like that”
“Tom, let’s go”
“No, I’m going to stay here and talk to my friend, you can take yourself to cheer practice”
“Tom, if you don’t walk me to cheer practice then we are done” she said
“Ok, fine” he said standing up, I sighed he was doing so well then she threatened him with a break up and he followed her. I watched as she leaned in to kiss him, but he stepped back. “Ok, fine I’m breaking up with you.”
“You’re breaking up with me, because of this loser?” she asked
“No, I’m breaking up with you, because I’m tired of you being so controlling, being a bitch to everyone… oh, you having sex with the quarter back in the locker room”
“That only happened one time” she said, wow she wasn’t even going to deny it
“I know for a fact it happened 4 times” she looked shocked “So, goodbye” he said
“You’re going to regret this Tom, no one breaks up with me” she stormed off, and he walked back over to me and sat down.
“Are you ok?” I asked
“Yeah, I honestly feel free” he said with a smile
“So, what do you say… you wanna be my friend? I know for a fact she’s going to turn the whole school against me… I need someone on my side” he said with a chuckle. I smiled
I looked at myself in the mirror, putting the finishing touches on my makeup getting ready for my date.
“So I guess you going to the spa is not your plans for the night” I jumped
“Tom, you can’t just walk in here” I said
“It’s my house” he said
“Yeah, but this is my room. Which I pay you rent for” he rolled his eyes
“Please, that money you give me every month goes into your next paycheck… I would never let you pay me to live here” I groaned
“What, do you want?”
“Where are you going?” he asked, I pushed past him and went downstairs to get my purse
“Tom, you don’t need to know everything I do” I said as he followed behind me
“I don’t need to know, but as your best friend I want to know” I sighed he is never going to give this up
“I’m going on a date” he gave me a blank stare, after a few seconds he finally said “anyone I know?”
“How, did you meet?”
“Through a friend” I said
“What’s his name?”
“You don’t get his last name, because I know you’re going to do a back ground check and tell me all the reasons I can’t date him” he looked shocked
“No, I…”
“Tom, you’ve done that for every guy I have ever dated. Trust me, we’ve been seeing each other for a few months… he’s a nice guy” I said with a smile
“I just worry about you, You and Suri are the most important people in my life. If anything happened to you…”
“Tom, I’m going to be fine… now go help Suri study. I’ll see you later” I said walking out the door.
“Wait” I turned around
“He’s um… he’s a lucky guy, you look beautiful” he said. I walked over and kissed his cheek
“Thank you for not being over bearing about this” I said
“Go have fun” he said with a fake smile.  as I reached the door, I heard “Just be careful, and be sure he treats you with the respect you deserve”
“I will” I turned around to look at him, but he was already headed up the stairs. David a really nice guy, and I really like him… but why am I so heart broken? When will I stop loving Tom?
So what did you think? 
Next Chapter will talk more about Tom’s upcoming divorce.
@luckyladycreator2 @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @blue-aconite @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @peaches-1999 @callsign-blue @dempy @roostersforevergirl @allivingstone01 @harper1666 
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wilchur · 11 months
Saw someone else do it and I think I've done this before too, but the list has grown since then a bit so here's my current lineup of read dead wips that I'm working on!! :D Minus the stuff that's already posted on AO3 cuz I see no point in doing a synopsis for things that have left my google drive and you can go and read ahah.
Turned out loooooong so lookie under the cut if you're interested in knowing what I'm up to.
Morston Soulmate AU (title tba, multichapter, around 20-30k when finished) - An AU where you can feel all the injuries your soulmate gets, both minor and major ones. There's no soul marks, seeing your soulmate get hurt and connecting the dots is the only way to find out. Has a lot of time skips and focuses more on feelings than events, but starts out pre-canon when John almost gets lynched and works its way towards the end of the canon story. Chapters alternate between Arthur's and John's POV. Canon compliant :)
RDR2 "Modern AU" (title tba, multichapter, long as shit) - I only call it a modern AU for the sake of simplicity... I'm not sure if it counts as one. Set in 1999 and focuses on the case of Arthur Matthews -- a 36 year old adoptive son of the infamous criminal defence lawyer Hosea Matthews, who went missing without a trace for six months and then reappeared miles from his hometown, seemingly unharmed, but also... not quite right. Delusional, confused, suffering from some sort of memory impairment. The story is about Arthur struggling to adapt to being back home in a reality that is apparently foreign to him. Outsider's/John's POV, but not really shippy. It can be read as pre-slash, though.
My Self-Indulgent Jesse/Arthur fic (another title tba lol, it's too early to tell but I'm thinking multichapter? A collection of scenes from 1878 to 1899) - This one is for me and me only, though I will eventually post it 😂 Written in second person, like a reader-insert and can be read as one if someone wants to, but I am including Jesse's backstory and feelings that are way too specific to be immersive for anyone but myself... I'm working real hard to write it in a way that portrays growing up queer in that time somewhat realistically, so it's not always pretty, but I do try to keep it not that depressing. Features: Jesse's early-life backstory, the story of the scar, his first Gay Experience, how his brothers died, the ups and downs of his relationship with Arthur, why they eventually broke up for what felt like last time, how he got arrested (altered RDO storyline bit) and how he got back up with the gang. I'm planning to do a rough rewrite/fix-it of the canon story with him in it too, but that's... an "one day" thing ajsddjfk
Morston Omegaverse (title tba, one shot, around 10-15k probably? I can't keep things short, sorry) - Young-ish and freshly presented Alpha John, "Closeted" Omega Arthur. Ngl this one is smutty as hell... but! I think my take on omegaverse is rather fun (very transgendered) and it's porn WITH not without plot so something for everyone there lol. John's POV again + lotsa feelings, misunderstandings and some angst :) Just the way I like it.
Vandermatthews Daemon AU (had a title but ao3 yeeted my draft and I forgot what it was, oops)- I say Vandermatthews, but it's more of a "curious couple, unruly son" genfic than real slashfic 😅 This is supposed to be the beginning a series of oneshots from different characters' POV. This one is maybe a 1/3 done (needs a serious rewrite tho) and written from Hosea's POV. It's about him and Dutch finding and taking in young Arthur -- a very traumatised child who has undergone intercision and therefore lost his daemon. More of a collection of vignettes from that moment to when they take in John than a real coherent fic tho. The next one is going to be John's POV coming of age thing and we'll see where my brain will go from there. I want to do a separate big ass post about this one later because I have Opinions on the gang members' daemons that I need either challenged or validated...
1907!John/Isaac fic (title tba... a two parter, one set in the epilogue and the second is a RDR1 fix-it) - NOW HEAR ME OUT!!!!!! PUT DOWN THE GODDAMN PITCHFORKS FOR A SECOND PLS This is a plot bunny that Refused To Fucking Die. Isaac is obviously an adult in this (22), they have never met before, and the story begins in the months where Abigail and Jack were gone and John worked alone on Pronghorn ranch. It's not so much a romance (despite the slash) but more two people dealing with different types of grief in Very Unhealthy ways, okay. It's supposed to be a bit iffy because of that and the... 12 years of difference between them in this universe. I'm not trying to make this shit uwu or anything. It's also a bit of a daddy issues vent piece for me and I've been working it for MONTHS because I want to write this one right. This is the the fic I redacted in my last WIP showcase, but now decided that... fuck it. Here you go.
(Doubt anyone has made it this far, but if you did ily.. please lemme know what you think? My ask box is open for questions too... I love talking about the stuff I'm working on even if it's not posted yet ❤)
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"Bringin' Home the Rain" Chapter 5 progress update + some WIPs, why not!
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"Bringin' Home the Rain" - Chapter 5 - Foundations
It's definitely still a ways off from being finished, but progress is being made! I'm happy to say that it's pretty much all on the page, so to speak, and is also already just over 6k as a rough draft with plenty of filling out to be done, so it will easily be the longest chapter. And it's pretty well, uhh, all smut. 🥴
At any rate, there's no set date for this yet but at least I can really get going with the "macro" edit!
"Salvation is a Deep Dark Well" - Part two of the BHTR series
We're definitely not done after chapter five! I realized pretty early on after starting to rework this that Klaue and Reader were going to keep at it (😉), but rather than add more chapters to what is now "part one", it felt like it made more sense to create a separate fic since there will likely be a small time jump, and it'll be spread over a longer period of time as they continue to get up to ✨️shenanigans✨️.
"Find Me in the Air" - Part three of the BHTR series
I'm planning on this essentially being a sort of extended epilogue (and I do basically know how this will end). While it's still rough at this point, it will definitely be at least three parts/chapters, like a series of one shots over an even longer period of time before I wrap things up.
"Hiding From the Sun" - sub!Klaue one-shot
Self explanatory. 😉 *raises eyebrows aggressively* Also, shout out to The Next Big Franchise discord for, uh, awakening something in me/us. 😈
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Alfred Pennyworth
As yet untitled Alfred x F Reader series
Set in "The Batman" universe
This one keeps changing it's damn shape on me, and the title continues to elude me, but I think I've settled on a sort of "established relationship" series. Maybe. 😂 Either way, I'm not going to settle on a specific number of chapters at this point, as I feel like this may be more open-ended. Listen, I have thots and they need to go somewhere, so I'll figure it out eventually!
"Lotus" - Yoga Instructor AU Alfred x F Reader one-shot
Inspired by the lovely @tarabyte3's AU PT!Kino idea! ❤️ Also by going to my first class in ages and after internally debating for about two seconds which Andy blorbo would make a good yoga instructor before immediately realizing that Alfred would be perfect.
Alfred started exploring yoga to help with his injury and enjoyed and appreciated it so much that he started teaching. You're taken aback by the handsome, and older, new instructor who's very much outside of the usual demographic, and when he starts offering private sessions you nervously sign up.
This will be either one or two parts, we'll see how it shakes out!
"Fealty" (working title) - Arthurian Legend inspired AU Alfred x F OC series
I just got inspiration for this one yesterday! Plot twist: Alfred is the Lord/King and OC is a Knight (so is Bruce, of course), and in this universe both women and men are Knights. I'm lightly planning for this to be three to five chapters at this point, but again this is very new and liable to change. Mutual pining, forbidden love, slow burn, all that good stuff.
I'm making a list of some books and movies for research, and if anyone has recommendations for some universe-building inspiration, I'm open to suggestions!
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Damn, five months ago I had no idea I'd actually be almost finished my first fic in years (and first multi-chapter fic, period), let alone have a list of WIPs/ideas! Thank you to everyone who has commented and encouraged me thus far, it's means more than you know. 🥰
Header by me | Divider by @saradika.
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direwombat · 2 years
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wednesday again? no problem! have a (what will hopefully be the last) wip from fragile creatures chapter 5!
tagged by: @funkypoacher​, and @socially-awkward-skeleton (tysm! i see ur wips and i will read and rb them during my lunch break i promise!)
tagging: @natesofrellis, @thomrainer, @adelaidedrubman, @strafethesesinners, @strangefable, @aceghosts, @poetikat, @purplehairsecretlair, @confidentandgood, @schoute, @roofgeese, @harmonyowl, and i feel like i’m missing people, so if that’s you or if you see this and wanna share your own wip, consider yourself tagged! (but also, as always, no pressure)
Joe stares at him, those wide eyes of his searching. A cold calculation swims just beneath the surface. “You’re confident you’ll succeed.”
“Yes,” he answers, because he’s the only one left who can. He has to succeed -- in capturing the Deputy, in retaking the lost territories -- he has no other choice. 
For the first time since entering the cabin, Joe gives him a genuine smile. His eyes glimmer with affection and he finally slides into the seat across from Jacob. His hands reach towards him, and without thinking, Jacob takes them into his own rough ones. Joe’s eyes fall shut and he ducks his head with a small nod. “My brother, Jacob,” he sighs. “Always coming in when I need him most.” 
He doesn’t know what being eviscerated feels like first hand, but Jacob imagines it’d be more pleasant than the roiling wave of guilt that washes over him. His jaw clenches and he wants to argue, but the way Joe lifts their hands to press against his forehead stops him. For once he is here. For once he is here when it matters. 
Then Joe pulls away and deftly pivots the subject. “How are the battle plans coming?” 
“The plans themselves are fine,” Jacob grunts. “My people in Falls End and the Prison have done good work. It’s John and Faith’s recovering soldiers I’m worried about.” 
Joe frowns. “What’s happened?”
Jacob sighs. “There are too many of them and the outpost where I’ve been retraining them was taken. I’ve got my Chosen doing what they can, but they’re spread thin dealing with both the Deputy and the Militia. I don’t have enough space or resources to get them to standard.”
“The Collapse is coming, Jacob,” Joe says evenly, as if Jacob didn’t already fucking know. “I appreciate your thoroughness, but we don’t have time to train everyone to your standards.”
“Then it’s gonna have to be a Blitzkrieg,” he says simply. Strike Falls End, the Prison, and any other strategic locations hard, fast, and simultaneously. He has those plans ready, having drafted them on a napkin during one of those sleepless nights sitting at John’s bedside but he never thought he’d move forward with them. The bold maneuvers were drawn with rage and a desire to salt and scorch the earth afterwards. Strike with brutal, overwhelming force and precision, and leave nothing behind save for corpses and ash.
His only concern is that the Resistance has had the opportunity to band together and pool their resources. Keeping people separate and isolated is what allowed the Project to keep their hold on the County in the first place. The chaos of the Reaping was to their benefit. And while he’s confident they’ll succeed in recapturing the stolen territory, the cost of human life is going to be massive. A fact that doesn’t bother him, but one that might cause Joe concern. “We’re going to lose a lot of people,” he says, needing to make sure that his brother understands this. 
Joe chews thoughtfully on his thumbnail, already torn and ragged, worn to the bed. Some habits don’t die, and not even their mother’s treatments of lemon juice and varnish could stop him from worrying at his fingernails with his teeth. “If this is how it must be…” he says quietly. He then looks to his brother, only rather than finding his eyes glistening with sorrow, Jacob meets a cold and determined hardness. “Then for the good of the project it’s what we will do.” 
Joe is gone, and in his place sits Joseph. The Father. The version of his brother that John only ever seems to see.
Jacob nods. “I’ll start formalizing the plans, then,” he says, and he can tell this is where Joseph thought the conversation was going to end. 
Silence lapses and his brother gives him a tight smile, politely signaling his dismissal. But Jacob isn’t quite done here. He may be speaking to the Father rather than his Brother, but at the very least now they’re on the same level. Equals, sitting at the same table. He allowed Joseph to dodge the question, dance around it without answering and steer the conversation where he wanted. But his brother really ought to know better than to try to bullshit him. 
“Why did John run?” he asks once again, this time with a finality that offers no room for anything other than a proper answer. 
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jadeee · 2 years
jade's journal giveaway
to celebrate the finale of vendetta, starring the one and only nicky valentino, i'm giving away all of my rough drafts and notes for the series. i'll also be giving away plenty of other rough drafts and notes for other characters including howie yan from fictif's roadkill and julian devorak from the arcana.
⚠️ contestants must consider the ratings for each fic/hc since some content contains swearing, violence, and sexual content. if you select any content containing such material (for example: "let's get out of here", nicky valentino) you must be 18 or older. If you don't have your age in your bio, you can message it to me.
what is it?
in this giveaway, 3 people will win original, handwritten copies of various fanfiction works and headcanons. you'll see lots of scribbled notes in the margins and even an omitted scene from vendetta. hopefully, you can read my handwriting.
who will i read about?
i only have rough drafts for nicky valentino, howie yan, and julian devorak. i also have notes for my arcana oc who i don't plan on writing for/about, if you'd want these just lmk when you enter the giveaway.
which fics/hcs are we talkin about?
nicky: about 8 chapters of vendetta {all vendetta notes & rough drafts will be given away as an entire package}, good morning beautiful, finding home, winter wonderland, hot & bothered*, we have to be professional* {i continued 'we have to be professional' on the back of the last pg for 'hot & bothered', so they're together}, let's get out of here, midnight, teaching mc italian, w/ an mc who doesn't drink, after fighting w/ mc, w/ an mc who has trouble sleeping, cheating, mc w/ who cusses a lot
howie: i'm not acting, random things about howie, howie as a boyfriend {all of these are on a continuous page so they're not separate pgs}
julian: letter to mc, don't leave me
when is it?
september 9th - november 11th
how can i enter?
#1. reblog 3 - 5 of your favorite fanfics and/or headcanons of the following characters I've written for - nicky, howie, and julian using the tag #justjadesjournal
#2. for each reblog, comment your favorite line or scene and why it's your favorite
#3. out of the 22 rough drafts/notes i'm giving away, pick 5 - 7 you'd really want and why
#4. tell me smthn you want to do but haven't done yet
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Scrolling the ol’ dash today I saw at least a couple of reblogs about organizing writing IDK if it was from the same person or if several people are struggling with this because IT IS A STRUGGLE. I started out my now 85k word fanfic (which is still a rough draft still and honestly probably will be for all time and eternity but it’s fun to write) in Google Docs. When I got to about 30-40k-ish words I was struggling because I write things out of order. I jump into the middle of the meaty action and messy feelings and figure out the rest. Or I’m working on an earlier chunk of the story and I’m like - I can fit in a callback to this in this other scene in the future, let’s go back and add that. Since its a Fallout 76 fanfic sometimes I’m playing the game and end up a place or do a quest and I go “Fuck! I know what my story needs now! Right in the middle of these two scenes I’ve already written!”
So, belated announcement, I got a new job a little while ago and I work with authors. Big career change to go from school custodian to what I’m doing now, lol. I love it and I’m happy. ANYWAY, one of my clients mentioned Scrivener. So I asked @thuumwrestler​, who has an actual whole college degree and a novel in progress and is a real writer, what they thought about Scrivener. They said the learning curve for it wasn’t worth it and in my research I found out you have to pay money for it. Pfft.
So I googled free alternatives to Scrivener because *all* I wanted to do was to be able to divide up the story so I can easily find the different sections of it and add, move, do whatever to those different chunks easily. I decided to try SmartEdit Writer as a starting point to compare the different programs I found and got it right on the first try!
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This is only like a third of the story, if that, hence why I really needed this lol.
So, the way it’s intended to be used is each folder is a chapter and each page is a scene. I don’t have chapters, just vague chunks. My “scenes” are sometimes like 1-5 page scenes, but I have at least 1 that’s a 10k word chunk probably closer to a chapter because I started something and couldn’t stop for 3 days. You can leave notes like you see above - I have a note for “Treehouse Town” because I needed to remind myself I need to actually write that part because I skipped it over to get to the next part.
When you’re writing in it, it works just like any word processor. Another cool feature is you can open multiple scenes in tabs and flip between them:
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VERY helpful when I’m referencing something from another scene.
There’s WAY more functionality to it than what I use it for. You can keep track of research and notes in it’s own separate little window.
It’s not a resource hog on your computer. I tried to put the 40k word version of my fic into LibreOffice and froze my poor lightweight little laptop. I never have a problem loading the story up fast at 80k words in this. It’s also software on my computer, not in the cloud like Google Docs so I can take my laptop wherever and write, if I have internet problems, I can still write.
When you’re done (or to create a backup) you can export the whole thing as one file!
I also got @thuumwrestler​ to use it and they approve!
I wish I was getting paid to plug this but I am just really delighted and wanted to share how helpful it was to me in case other people are struggling!
You can check it out here: https://www.smart-edit.com/Writer/
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🥺👉👈 can i bother you for a stable world snippet? i honestly can’t remember the last time i was so excited about a multi chapter fic!! thank you so much for all the thought and care you put into this story world; it’s so incredibly well done <3
Aw, thank you so much!!! Things have been nuts lately and chapter 15 is tricky, so it’ll be a few days until I can post, but hopefully soonish!
Until then, can I offer you a rough draft of some contextless Colin Robinson POV (in 1987) for your troubles?
Also if you have not read to chapter 14 don’t read this lol it’s a spoiler
Nandor is here. Colin is diminished, but with Nandor’s help, they can get away, they can make an escape plan and get away and Colin’s not even close to his next natural respawning, as far as he knows, so it won’t happen again, what happened won’t happen again.
But Nandor doesn’t seem to have noticed him. Hasn’t so much as looked at him. Instead, he’s dropped to his knees on the floor and set the blurry lump he’s had in his hands that Colin hasn’t yet had the wherewithal to identify on the floor, digging through the pocket of his robe to take out something else, a little pouch of…marbles?
Colin blinks. He takes a step closer. Nandor flinches. His muddled energy sparks with suspicious anxiety, and Colin can’t help but drink it in, gulping down what he can isolate before he notices Nandor’s shoulders slump and eyelids flutter. Colin’s stomach lurches. No, he can’t do this, he needs to control himself, he can starve a little, there’s a gold pot at the end of the rainbow and Colin tries to separate his existence from his appetite for once. This isn’t just a meal, this is his friend.
Colin tries to focus on Nandor. Not his energy, not what he can find to feed on, him. When he actually starts speaking to him, he’ll have to do everything possible to try to keep from draining him, but it’s not like he has anything boring to say.
Nandor still hasn’t acknowledged him.
Instead, Nandor reaches for the little lump next to him, placing it in front of the marbles he’s poured onto the floor. Finally, Colin makes out what the lump is. A toy horse. A strange feeling stirs within him, one he doesn’t understand but that he thinks he’s fed on before. He pushes it away. Takes another step forward.
Nandor pushes a marble at the toy horse, which Colin thinks is one of those Beanie Baby things he’s seen in commercials when he gets the chance to watch television. (The commercials are his favorite part.)
“Here, Soft John,” Nandor says. His voice is a faraway murmur, but it’s definitely his voice, his accent.
This is Nandor the Relentless, undoubtedly, so for the moment, Colin Robinson ignores every warning sign.
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Maybe ranting on tumblr helps, but I got a new kudo and a comment on The Casualty. I'm ecstatic and preparing to write.
I'm spending the free moments at work writing down notes. I've written two chapters like a year ago, and even though they kinda sucked, the 'contents' were good shit, so I've already put together very rough drafts of maybe 3 chapters. That's a good start :)
I've given up on rewritting (polishing) TC, because IT. IS. SO. LONG. xD I've read it to refresh my memory (and enjoyed it, which is the most important part) and wrote down some new ideas and thoughts for the sequel.
And I'll tell you... Idk how I came to this, but it seems I'm really enjoying torturing my characters xDDD Nyran, the poor thing. Right now I'm trying to brainstorm how to properly torture Damar, as well, lol.
But hey, it makes sense. They've been through hell and their work is far from done, so there will be more hell. More trauma, more fighting, more injury, more pain. More sad and lonely. I (temporarily) separate them and give them each a Herculian task. No way they're gonna walk away from it unscathed.
Cardassia has spent centuries building up a reputation and now some of the most unsavory characters are fighting to preserve it. My two little idiots are in the way. And they're gonna get run over and dragged a lot.
(But they'll survive and succeed, I promise <3)
I didn't think I'd ever be back to feeling so excited about DS9 content again. This is post-canon and I haven't touched a single pocket novel xD. Should be fresh af. (I'm kinda afraid to learn anything about future Cardassia from DISCO, lol, so that also won't be included, whatever it is.)
And sure, I could probably make this into an original story somehow... especially the sequel. But I just love Cardassians so much T.T I want to see them in a new live action, with the scales and everything in painfully clear detail! ♥.♥
Anyway, onto reading, preparing, and perhaps even writing :) I'm kinda overwhelmed by my second job atm, so I doubt I'll be too productive, but who knows when the mood strikes!
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Every journey has a beginning: mine just happens to start with the STAAR test in 4th grade. The State of Texas Assessment of Academic Reading for 4th graders had a required writing portion alongside the usual math and reading tests; that year the topic had been about a time when we’d done something we weren’t supposed to. Normally you were supposed to have a rough draft before the final essay but the entire previous semester proved that I not only space out too much but that I’m a slow writer. Anything I wrote had to be precise and the best I could possibly do. The entire writing portion had to have been 2 hours, but I poured my heart and souls into each word. That year I scored one of the highest writing scores of my class.
Writing remained one of my favorite hobbies through the rest of elementary school, with simple poems and short stories born out of the beauty I saw around me. Unfortunately in sixth grade, my relationship with writing changed. For years unbeknownst to me I’d been struggling with ADHD to the point of having gaps in my memory of my childhood; my mother hadn’t gotten me tested because it hadn’t impacted my school work. Paired with hormonal changes and higher expectations during that year I began showing signs of depression and struggling with an unknown illness. I regularly got lunch detention for forgetting assignments or not being able to pay attention, only furthering my lack of self worth. 
That year began an era of writing that reflected how I felt. Even after sixth grade ended and I was finally diagnosed with adhd, I continued to lean on writing as a way to express myself in my highly mentally ill state.
It was during my math class sophomore year that I wrote the first chapter of a story I thought up. A girl named Sawyer has a breakdown after a friend of hers leaves, complete with at least 3 separate moments she cries, breaking lots of glass, breaking her finger, and trying to establish control over her life by dying her hair. I later wrote a couple other chapters that highlighted toxic family dynamics, being betrayed by those you trust and a suicide. As dark and angsty as it was it was freeing to have it out in the world and on a page instead of just in my head. That same year I’d go on to write poems detailing the monster that was losing my cousin to suicide and what it was like having to put down a pet right after school. Junior year I wrote a short story inspired by the songs Prom Queen by Beach Bunny and Prom Dress by M(squiggly). The sick feeling of waiting for a party to be over in the bathroom before walking home to breakdown alone, I lived that emotionally. 
 the pain I felt after moving to Arizona and realizing that I didn’t have friends now, the suffering of others around me, the suicides my sophomore year, I wrote all about it. Being so socially anxious, this was one of the few ways I could express myself in a healthy way until after my public education.
It was around senior year that my writing finally transformed again. From an oxygen tank to a breeze it became brighter, something that wasn’t totally tormented, but reflected the bittersweet nature of life. Things like Pink Lemonade and Older Sister were able to show more complex emotions such as love between family.
During quarantine- 2021 to be specific- I was given the opportunity to actually write a poetry book with a publisher. Months earlier I’d experienced a tragedy resulting in the development of PTSD and having to quit my job because of the stress. Every day for a month I’d write a poem that they’d compile into said book. I poured my heart and soul into it, titling it 19 in April for the groundbreaking age I became that year and my emotions growing up. Even though I haven’t made money off of it, writing it was the most cathartic expression of myself I’d done during COVID.
Writing has always been a means of escape and later reflection of my internal world. Through several of my mental illnesses it was my saving grace allowing me to accurately show others how I was doing. I’ve been able to explore the vast inner world of myself and watch the effects of aging and time have on the psyche. 
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aparticularbandit · 4 years
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momolady · 1 month
Things Not Yet Written
Here is the list of things I want to write that may inspire commission ideas or even inspire you to write something in general!
First off, I re-read Himley the Mad Hatter recently, and I have been filled with this deep, horrible desire to go back and make it better. The bones are there in the story, but it is jumbled, wordy, and I know I could do such a character justice. I want to rewrite it so bad. This may be the top of my list of projects I want to do.
It was brought to my attention the story of Bray was never fully closed. I would like to both rewrite his first chapter and continue it.
The Minotaur clan in the Ruby Empire was once a huge idea for me, but it had to fall to the wayside. Claudio was the only one I got to talk about from that neck of the Ruby Empire wood, and I would like to go back and visit it.
Most of the Ruby Empire needs to be retconned and rewritten, but no one could afford o fix that mess, so moving on.
I need to finish the Levi rewrite now that I'm on it.
I also wouldn't mind revisiting my first monster story, the Strawberry monster. 
This one was an ask on Tumblr: "A homeless girl arrives at Hearthway Hollow with only but her  guitar and optimism to make money, not knowing about the traditions or  even knowing about the werewolves." 
A former magical girl who supposedly died but has been turned into a cyborg, whose power over music is now a powerful mind control power. That's all I've got, just a character.
Anothe tumble ask: "a goblin thinks he is getting catfished, after an online friend finally sent the first picture of herself." The idea of this sounds so fun, could be any monster. Coudl give me the chance to build a monster dating app.
I've been rewatching Star Trek TNG and Data has been giving me thoughts. So maybe something along the lines of the android and a companion.
A former royal concubine runs away, rather than spend her life serving others. Near death, she's rescued by a man (orc, minotaur, whatever) and his dog. But he lives high in the mountains and supplies are low as is. She agrees to use her skills to keep him company through the long, dark winter until spring thaws the mountain and she can cross the Cobra Strait. 
A short, spitfire thief breaks into the house of a supposedly single woman who is a shut in. The house appears in disrepair and the woman has surprisingly nice things, even if things are cluttered and stacked around. But the thief is caught by the woman, who is quite taller than him. She kidnaps him and keeps him in prisoner in her home where she reveals herself to be a vampire disillusioned with immortality and has been sustaining herself off critters who get into her house. The short thief is just the latest.
Speaking of height difference couples! A short statured fire demon finds himself smitten with one of the ice giant women.
A monster wins a date with the camgirl he admires.
A red riding hood retelling. I'm shocked I've not done that before.
An attempt to clone a powerful, ancient creature results in a monster that seeks revenge on the people who have been keeping them captve and used for experiments. To exact revenge, the monster kidnaps the head scientist's daughter, intending to turn her against her family and humans in general.
I reread Thilo last night and I want to rewrite it. If only for the fact the reader character seemed a bit...predatory. 
finish Misinformed! I think i need a couple of chapters to finish the story as it is before i do a rough draft rewrite.
An older woman reconnects with the orc she fell in love with. When Obresh was rescued by the Orcs her family decided to move rather than be ruled by the orcs, separating her from the orc she had fallen in love with. Decades later, she returns to Obresh and finds her former love. The two reconnect and finish what they started.
A halfling monster Hunter gets more than he bargained for when he comes into contact with two powerful and warring vampires.
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nanowrimo · 3 years
Tips on Finishing Your Novel from the NaNoWriMo Writers Board
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Do the characters in your unfinished novel haunt your dreams? Does your incomplete story call your name from its dusty place in your “drafts in progress” folder? Introducing #NaNoFinMo (National Novel Finishing Month)! Our newest track for April’s upcoming Camp NaNoWriMo session is jam-packed with fin-tastic resources to help you finish your novel.
We asked our talented Writers Board to share some tips for finishing first drafts. Read on to discover what these authors have to say!
Sarra Cannon
Sometimes what holds us back is that all we can see is this huge gap between the sucky draft we think we've written and the masterpiece we want our novel to be. Stop looking at the gap and thinking about how impossible it feels. Instead, take it one word, one scene at a time. Finish it piece by small piece. Each step of the way, a little bit more of that masterpiece you're writing will reveal itself. I promise. There are things about your novel you can't see from where you're sitting, but a few steps forward and suddenly, there's a bit more clarity. Stop expecting yourself to make an impossible leap, and instead, show up every day and take a single step forward. You can do this.
Aya de Leon
One step at a time. I start by going through my draft and finding all the places where I wrote things like "DESCRIBE THE CAFE" in all caps. Once I've filled in the gaping holes, I read it through the whole book and edit the things that seem off. If there are bigger issues that seem to need work, I keep a separate running list of those. Then I go back and address those bigger issues. Then it's time to get someone to read it, to see what it needs next!
Susan Dennard
Don’t worry if your ending—or your middle or your whole book!—is a mess. Revision is the next step of the creative process, no matter what, but you can’t revise what you don’t have! So just get words down and worry about making them good later.
Grant Faulkner
The irony of the moment when you think about giving up on your novel is that it can also be a moment that’s ripe with opportunity if you just keep going. After a lapse, it’s important to forgive yourself, readjust your goals, and give yourself a fresh start so that a bad week of writing doesn’t lead to a bad month of writing, which then turns into a bad year of writing. I pick a “milestone day”—the first day of a new month or a new week—and start again. It’s all about designing your life around the things you rationally want to achieve instead of sinking into the powerful claws of more impulsive needs (such as quitting).
Life goes by too quickly to wait for next year or our next novel. I don’t want to die with a list of all of the novels I wish I would have finished. The main thing about any achievement isn’t necessarily starting it, but restarting it over and over again.
Mignon Fogarty
Find someone who will hound you mercilessly until you finish.
Kami Garcia
Even if you only write one page a day, at the end of the year you’ll have a book. Books aren’t written in first drafts. They’re written in revisions. But you can’t revise unless you finish.
Hugh Howey
If you are having a difficult time finishing your novel, try writing the final chapter! Too often, we get lost in the middle of our books, unsure of where we are heading. Create that final destination, then go back and write scenes that get you a step closer. Don't worry, you'll clean it all up in the revision process. The important thing is to have a rough draft with a complete story.
Mary Robinette Kowal
I always bog down at about the 3/4 mark, when I'm switching modes from opening questions to closing them. Now I treat that as a feature, not a bug, and take time to reread what I've written. I make notes of major dangling plot threads and then start giving my main character some wins as a way to start tying up threads.
Mur Lafferty
The first badge of a writer is writing an awful lot. NaNoWriMo winners have done that. But the next badge is finishing something. Storytellers of old didn't just get up from their campfires in the middle of their stories and wander into the woods.
Or, pithier:
You're not a storyteller if you don't finish your stories. Don't be a Storyte
Devi S. Laskar
Alas, it involves math! Make a list of all the items you have left to write (scenes, bits of dialogue and/or description) to complete a draft and then divide by thirty. Then you will know how many you have to tackle each day for the month. The keys are to keep the goals small (doable) and to set aside a bit of time to do these tasks every day!
Marissa Meyer
Remember that it's okay to skip scenes, chapters, even whole sections! If trying to write the middle of the book has put me in a slump, and I'd rather jump straight into the big, exciting finale, I'll do it. Once I've hit "the end," it helps motivate me to go back and fill in those empty spaces.
Emily X. R. Pan
Truth or dare! I'll go first.
Truth? Okay: Even as a professional author, every novel I write is a terrifying new challenge—I never know if I'll reach the end. But I do know that the books I don't finish are never going to be published.
As you might have discovered in November, it’s about figuring out how to keep going.
Here’s how I fight the overwhelm: Stop worrying about the whole book. Break it down into bite-sized pieces. Can you just write the next paragraph? Can you just write for fifteen minutes?
Do it today. Do it again tomorrow. Do it the day after. I dare you.
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Let’s talk about the Vaincre trade:
(As I am writing this, only the first full chapter, July, has been published)
I’ve said before that I’m fairly certain it’s going to be Leo, but I want to walk through the thought process that got me there (this is long and unedited. You’ve been warned).
First, since this is going to be such a major plot point, I think it’s going to be a character who’s inner circle had at least a minor spotlight in the first chapter. These were Coops, O’knutzy, O’darwin, Thomas & Noelle (do they have a ship name???), Regulus (tho he’s obviously disqualified for not being a pro player rn), and Cole (with a bit of Dumo).
Additionally, I think a key component of this plotline will be developing characters so that they can stand on their own once separated from a crucial relationship (thematically, it makes the most sense to me).
With that in mind, let’s do some quick (yeah lol prob not quick) disqualifications from the list:
Remus: I know this is a more common theory (and god would it hurt) but Remus’ storyline is already jampacked with living up to the standards of the league, team, and public, as well as adjust to a new relationship dynamic with Sirius. On a more heavy note, Remus will have to navigate how playing hockey will interact with the trauma of Greyback’s attack and the resulting injury. I’m sure most of us inferred that this would be a plot point, but the idea was solidified in a snippet of Remus and the team discussing predictions for the top teams of the season.
Sirius: while narratively, I actually think it would be fascinating to see the lions learn to be a team without their leader and to see Sirius have to learn that there are other parts of the world he can trust, this one falls apart in both logistics and clues Hazel has already given us. Truly, I cannot imagine a trade in which it would make sense for the Lions to give up their beloved, talented, effective captain and first line center, especially after he just led them to Stanley Cup. And when someone asked Hazel about (I believe) what relationships would be highlighted in Vaincre, Coops made the list with the qualification that their storyline would largely center around Remus’s adjustment to the team. A Sirius trade requires long-distance Coops angst which, while possible, would be both difficult and against the spirit of the statement.
O’Darwin and Thomas & Noelle already have long-distance angst happening in July, so trading either Kasey or Thomas would miss some of the emotional punch we know Hazel is going to give us.
Cole: I mean, the kid’s a rookie. It doesn’t really make sense. Threads seem to be being set up with the Dumais’ baby sitter and maybe one of the new PTs? (I don’t remember exactly where I’m getting this from, but I’m near certain it was from Hazel’s tumblr). It seems like physical encounters are going to be a big thing with both of these relationships, plus all the obvious great storylines of a new rookie getting comfortable in the team, make it unlikely Cole will be the trade. Not to mention, there are no guts to punch with Cole. We love him already, but he isn’t close with anyone on the team yet. We’d feel disappointed, not devastated, if he got traded. We all know Hazel’s going for devastation.
Dumo: this one approaches probability for me. Dumo would be heartbreaking for every member of the team, but especially Sirius and Logan. It would also sort of follow through on a previous idea from a rough draft of SW where Dumo has a career-ending injury. All the players would have to learn to navigate life without a father figure, and it would break down the system of where many Lions rookies live. But this one’s all speculation, at least as far as I know. It’s not hinted at in July, and I can’t think of any snippets that suggest Dumo. Plus, it feels like all of the main POVs have been set up in July, and we know from the dreaded “of being a lion” snippet (in which said player gets called about the trade) that we do get POV chapters from the player who’s traded.
We’ll get back to O’knutzy later. First, some people who aren’t on the list that I feel are worth discussing briefly (tho these are unlikely for the reasons at the end of Dumo’s):
Kuny & Nado: Now, I remember Kuny’s “no trades, no trades” thing from Hazel’s tumblr. It hurts. It feels like foreshadowing. But, remember, Hazel has also said that these boys will both play a more secondary role in Vaincre. They’re both safe.
James: I go back and forth on this one all the time. Thematically, separating Sirius and James would be both heartbreaking and deeply interesting. James was a major force in bringing Sirius out of his shell, and Sirius would have to learn to maintain that without his best friend always by his side. James and Lily are also suspiciously absent from July. I know Hazel said they’re on their honeymoon, and I’m not disputing that in any way, shape, or form. However, it does provide ample excuse to become a new POV in August. However, I can’t find any snippets to really support it. And, just, in general, James as a character in Hazel’s fics (or at least in Solntse and SW) provides a stable backbone for the other characters. He’a developed as a character but stable and happy. This could be the thing that changes that, but, at the very least, it doesn’t fit the narrative role he serves in SW, and I think it would change the feel and character dynamic of the fic as a whole (not just of the team) too much for that to be the choice.
And then there’s O’knutzy:
Going into Vaincre, I asked myself: what are everyone’s plotlines going to be? Remus will adjust to the team and playing Greyback. Sirius will largely be his support system, tho some stuff may be done with his relationship with Regulus and/or moving on from any semblance of his parents’ influence. Dumo will welcome rookie Cole onto the team. James will be a new father. Thomas and Noelle will have long-distance relationship feels. Kasey will adjust to O’darwin, and probably also deal with his reoccurring injury.
And the cubs? Are in a happy, stable relationship with everything they’ve ever wanted. The seeds to a storyline regarding whether or not they choose to come out was definitely hinted at in July, but I don’t think it will be their sole focus. Thankfully, there is nothing pressuring them to come out currently. They think about it. They long to do it. But nothing has changed since the end of SW/CtC. If one of them was long-distance, that would change the dynamic. When you can always go home to your two loving boyfriends, it doesn’t hurt quite as bad when you can’t be affectionate when out with them in public. When you’re only in the same city for a day or two roughly every month (depending on which team the trade is with), every second you could spend holding them and don’t hurts more and more. Whether I think they choose to come out or not, I really don’t know. I think so, but I’m definitely not sure. But the real question is, which cub goes away and prompts this?
If it’s a cub, it’s definitely Leo. Hazel posted a snippet that just...says so much.
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Do I even need to explain? She practically told us. I’ve spent over an hour analyzing nearly every prominent Lion when Hazel practically told us Leo was going to be the trade with this right here.
But I do have more to say. I don’t think either Finn or Logan would work well as the trade. The plot of them being separated was well explored in CtC, and I honestly just don’t think it needs more examination. They learned to cherish each other, talk to each other, love each other freely and honestly. Them being separated again would just hurt. It wouldn’t serve a narrative purpose.
On the other hand, I do think Leo’s character could actually benefit from some time alone. He had barely a few months as a full-blown adult, working in the NHL, before he entered a committed relationship with his two lovely boyfriends, both of whom had had years more time to live with and explore themselves (tho it’s not as if they were doing that freely). A couple of months or even years dating long-distance could force Leo to have some more adventures on his own and come into himself more. Then, he can fully return to his boys, his “long-lost lover[s],” and be more stable in his love.
In a similar vein, Logan and Finn have only had short amounts of time to make their leg of the relationship stable and happy in comparison to the time they spent yearning or heartbroken. Even in CtC, their reflex is to go to Leo first, which is, of course, perfectly fine and lovely and adorable, but I think they need to spend some time unlearning that knee jerk reaction.
Then, when Leo comes back (because one way or another, in canon or in my head, he will), all three are confident in themselves as individuals and in each leg of the relationship as well as the three of them as group. No one and no couple n e e d s anything, but they come back together because they all love each other, more than anything.
That’s what I think will see in Vaincre. At the very least, it’s what I want.
Vaincre is by the one and only @lumosinlove
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