#sarra cannon
funkytoesart · 1 year
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just finished book 1 (beautiful demons) in the Shadow Demons Saga by Sarra Cannon (omg i am LOVING this series :D) and decided to doodle some Harper and Jackson :) (Tho I'm going to redo Jackson's design bc i don't love how he turned out in this sketch)
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rightwriter · 1 year
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cheesybadgers · 2 years
Whilst this is primarily aimed at independently published authors, I think it applies equally to fic writers and is excellent advice.
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slawriter89 · 8 days
HB90 Bootcamp-Quarter 3
I have been a planner fanatic for years, and it has worked sometimes. I’ve tried the Bullet Journal, breaking projects into smaller tasks, and others, but every time it fell flat. I didn’t stick with it for more than a week at a time. Taking HB90 by Sarra Cannon has truly changed my life. In my first 90 days, I made more progress with my goals and projects than I have in the last three years…
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lotusmew · 1 year
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This page is an OC blog where I'll be posting art of My OC Lotus and his friends, sometimes art of interactions of lotus and other Mew blog OCS. Eventually I'll get
to posting about Lotus's story.
But in the meantime feel free to ask Lotus and their friends Sarra and Kris Questions.
I can't guarantee I'll draw art for each question, but I'll try to answer as many questions as possible.
⚠️ Warning Lotus's Story will have ⚠️
⚠️Burn/bite/ext scars
⚠️open wounds ( nothing too graphic)
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I always put up blood/wound warning, I will try my best to remember to put up scar warnings.
Rules of the blog
- Totally fine with OCs/characters asking/Interacting with my characters, I welcome it in fact! But I might not get to everyone
- The Story of Lotus has bits and pieces of anime and games cannon, and bits of stuff I have took an inspiration from other Mew blogs.
So I decide what cannon in my story.
- No one is entitled to my Kindness of drawing your characters. So don't get butt hurt if I don't draw your oc. But that doesn't mean I won't in the future. It just takes me forever to draw Sometimes. it can take 30 plus hours to draw something so be patient!
- You guys ARE TOTALLY WELCOME TO DRAW MY CHARACTERS! But you MUST CREDIT me as their owner, and SHOW ME the art that is all :3
- this blog is for fun! if anyone makes this blog no longer fun or it starts feeling like a chore, it will be abandoned.
Anyways meet the Cast of the blog!
Professor Lotus Evergreen
(Open to asks)
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Sarra Jeatt
(human from coming soon)
(open to asks)
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Kris Lockheart
(human form coming soon)
(Open to asks)
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And maybe more later on!
Current wips: ⚠️ TEETH
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This post will be updated as time goes on.
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becomingkatie · 1 year
Who are your favorite authors, which authors inspire you, and which authors do you wish you could meet and spend time with?
There hasn't been a single John or Hank Green book I didn't enjoy.
Gillian McAllister really inspires me from a writing perspective. Her dedication and love of writing always helps steer me toward sitting down and working on my book when I'm having trouble finding motivation. On the indie side, Sarra Cannon is so wonderful in terms of everything she does to help other authors. I haven't read all her books, but I love her content.
And as far as who I'd hang out with, I'd say the Green brothers again. Especially if I could bring my husband - he hasn't read any of their books but he loves their videos and I think us and them and their wives would have a wonderful time at a brewery talking about books and science and art and the experience of being human.
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detnu-a-h · 1 year
1. What is your favorite trope to rp?
13. Is there one trope you can’t stand?
18. What is one thing you’d wish to see more in the rp community?
19. Who is an author that inspires you?
I am unsure which things are counted as tropes themselves but I do ADORE ships, especially ships that enable the development of both characters. I love dynamics that touch upon the intricacies of each character, what makes them tic, what makes them discover themselves, including those dark parts of each other and the softer ones. I love exploring both characters interacting together and seeing how they bounce off of each other, sparks fly and it's so fun! It also highlights everyone's hardwork with their muses regardless of canon or OC, it is amazing and makes me love the characters even more!
Hopefully no one takes this as an attack as I am speaking in general terms, but I HATE godmodding or tropes that make just one character shine all the time while the other is shoved to the darkness. Like, I get we are all pulling towards our own muses and want to explore them, but we should also think of the other person willing to give their time and muse for you to interact with them. It's good to give your muse attention, but always remember there is another person interacting with you who adores and wants to develop their muse, too and they chose you to do so. It's all about balance. (I'm sure you know but, you don't do this and that's another reason why adore writing with you heheee!)
I want the community to be more accepting, to interact a bit more like we all used to. It used to be so active, so accepting, and so fun. You never felt like you were walking on eggshells just to be able to interact. I never felt like I was bothering people when sending memes or spamming the dashboard ic and ooc. It felt like we were a tight community, regardless of if you had a fandomless oc, an oc from a certain fandom or canon characters, you could always find lots of people wanting to write. I wish people could be as lenient as before, no complex rules as there are now, no striving for perfection, just straight up writing for fun and making friends along the way.
I don't read much so I don't know of many authors. Even so I know of some that seem pretty nice and have some colorful descriptions that resonate with my own, some that I would like to write similarly to like Nora Roberts, Sarra Cannon (whom I've been following a lot lately and have felt inspired to write and appreciate my original content more often, she's super down to earth and wants to help people, I really recommend checking her videos and books out), and Ryukishi07, I've read most of his visual novels and I adore them, as proved by my nickname!
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Generating Ideas 7 (Solo Writer’s Curriculum)
This is the seventh item for The Solo Writer's Curriculum - Module 1: Generating Ideas. The curriculum is an index of resources for learning to write grouped by topic.
Item 7 is How to think of a book idea by Heart Breathings, which is the Youtube channel for the author Sarra Cannon.
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cecexwrites · 7 months
Okay doing my words for Nano then I'm going to try and get some more of the asks done, I'm in a writing mood so I might work on some of the big ones?
Sarra Cannon is finishing her Quarry playthrough on her livestream tonight so I have to stop everything for that at seven
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emptyshrines · 8 months
back on my bullshit once again
Redid my outline for An Offering of Ashes into the wee hours last night, to the point the sun would have come up if it was a month earlier. Couldn't sleep, too hyped on this story.
Shoutout to Sarra Cannon over at the HeartBreathings yt channel for the outlining video that finally explained the process in a way that clicked (still had to watch it multiple times though). I've never outlined on quite this scope before, which is new and exciting instead of new and terrifying for once.
Working on getting a couple more character introductions out (I've done Kou's here) and a world building post and/or look at my brainstorming notes. I'd have to scan them so y'all could see my terrible handwriting (and hopefully not be spoiled). Maybe a sneak peek?
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aubigney · 10 months
been watching a lot of sarra cannon's videos and just full on sobbing. i've been writing for most of my life and it's still new and fresh to hear someone say that my stories matter and my art matters, even if it is someone on the other side of a computer screen who doesn't know i exist
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ta-creech · 10 months
Okay, I'm not gonna lie, I jumped into a new thing.
Not that I have a problem picking up a new hobby, system, craft, and not sticking with it. I have so few hobbies that I tend to stay with them forever. Mom taught me to crochet when I was 8. I'm still at it 30 years later. Same with knitting, that I learned when I was 24. Same with cross-stitch and gaming and you get the idea.
And, just for the record, I don't consider reading and writing to be hobbies. I need those like I need air. Those are non-negotiable essentials. You could blast me to the moon to live forever on my lonesome and so long as I had books and something to write with, I'm good.
I struggle with time though. Single mom, cat army, day job for my bills. Life's busy work and responsibilities, even though I love them all. Sometimes I don't get enough downtime. A lot of times, if I'm honest.
A friend of mine pointed me toward someone that's helped though. Ms Sarra Cannon runs a productivity course called the HB90. You can find it here, if you're interested. I'm not going to detail it all out, because that's not what this is about.
What I did want to talk about is that I'm a bonehead. I know this about myself. I tend to jump in with both feet on a thing until I'm in over my head and then try to figure out what I'm actually doing with it. It was no different with this. HB90, all you really need is a pen and paper if you can't print anything. Same with all daily planning. Ms Sarra even said it.
Not me though. Printer? Eh, I needed a new one anyway. A5 binder? Those look so cool! And I bought four different ones because I loved every one I found. Also, all the stickers.
Y'all see where this is going, right? Yeah. So, word of warning. A budget when diving into a new thing can't hurt.
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caffeine-n-words · 1 year
Sarra Cannon's HB90 Bootcamp
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Image: 2023 Quarter 1 vision board. Background: Asexual flag. Top left to bottom right: (1) A person writing in a journal with their laptop in front of them, (2) upside-down picture of a hand heart against a sunset, (3) a person relaxing with a cup of coffee, (4) a piece of paper torn away to reveal the word “plot,” (5) Q1 Focus!, (6) A book with light and letters coming out from between the pages, (7) a book with two pages curved over to make a heart, (8) a mysterious shadowed figure against a greenish light, (9) a girl in a white shirt with red stripes standing back-to-back with a girl in a black-and-white striped shirt.
You can read this article on Substack!
Hello, all!
So, recently I decided to take a one week intensive course called the HB90 Bootcamp, which is run by Sarra Cannon of HeartBreathings. I’ve followed Sarra on YouTube for a few years now; she’s a very successful indie author, and someone I look up to. This bootcamp teaches her HB90 system, and a lot of other authors have sworn this has been extremely helpful for them, for a variety of reasons.
So what is the HB90 system? It’s a system of goal setting and planning. It uses Sarra’s planner system, which has been developed over years of her own experimentation, combined with a kanban board for visual representation of the things you’re working on. You then set your goals for the upcoming quarter (no more than three), break the goals down into projects needed to accomplish them, and break the projects down into individual tasks.
The class itself teaches you how to do these things, and also how to set up the planner (like how to map your available time and estimate how much you think you’ll need to complete a task and/or project, so you can estimate how long you’ll need for the goal), and how to set up your kanban board.
Was this class useful to me? I feel like it was. It definitely forced me to take my lofty writing and authorial goals and make them into something concrete. I had to state what I wanted, and make an actual plan to accomplish it—something more solid than “write a book, find an editor and cover artist, hit publish.” In fact, I set three goals—one for my future as an author, one for my fanfiction (because I need to write that, it helps me decompress and it’s fun), and a personal life goal. Most of my time is going into the first goal, but having the other two let me schedule in time for mental health and personal improvement as well.
Do I think it would be helpful for other people? Overall, yes. A lot of the material is geared towards authors and writing, because Sarra is an author, but I think it would also be helpful for everyone else. A word of caution, though, when it comes to scheduling time—it asks you to be brutally honest about your available time, and you make a chart of every activity you do. This can be overwhelming if you’re not prepared. I have anxiety, and for me, once I saw the visual representation of my schedule, I almost had a shut down at how packed it looked. Mostly because of work hours.
That said, my schedule is based off my current work schedule, and once holidays are over my work hours should drop back some. It’s also an “idealized” schedule—my work days change week-to-week, so (for example) I probably won’t have two days off in a row, but that’s how I blocked it out. I’ll have to adjust the actual plan on a weekly basis. These realizations are honestly what kept me from shutting down and deciding I can’t do what the class asks. If thinking about the sheer amount of work you have to causes any kind of similar reaction, this may not be the class for you. At the very least, you’ll need to make some adjustments to it.
Is the class effective? It definitely has been for making the actual plan, but when it comes to the execution…I guess I won’t be able to tell until the end of the quarter. I’ll definitely do a follow-up post then, let you all know how the overall plan went, and some updates throughout Q1 to let you all know how things are progressing!
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3 Ways I was Goal Setting Wrong
This week's post is about how I got my shit together this year but belatedly realized I had a few things I needed to tweak in my thinking about goal setting.
If you go back to a post from much earlier in the year, I talked about trying to get my shit together this year, and frankly, I have. Is it perfect? No. Have I achieved every goal I have set out to accomplish? Also no, but what I have done is far better than what I did from 2018 through 2021. The system I am currently using is Sarra Cannon’s HB90 system, which focuses on creating goals, projects,…
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lenaeridan · 2 years
What is a composite novel
"A short story cycle (sometimes referred to as a story sequence or composite novel) is a collection of short stories in which the narratives are specifically composed and arranged with the goal of creating an enhanced or different experience when reading the group as a whole as opposed to its individual parts." (Wikipedia)
A composite novel is not a novel
"(...) because the parts that would make up the chapters can all stand alone as short stories, each individually containing a beginning, middle and conclusion." (Wikipedia)
A composite novel is not a short story collection
"When read as a group there is a tension created between the ideas of the individual stories, often showing changes that have occurred over time or highlighting the conflict between two opposing concepts or thoughts.
Because of this dynamic, the stories need to have an awareness of what the other stories accomplish; therefore, cycles are usually written with the expressed purpose to create a cycle as opposed to being gathered and arranged later." (Wikipedia)
A composite novel is not a framed collection of short stories
In a framed collection all short stories are connected by a narrative frame.
Think of 1001 arabian nights. All the short stories are tales told by Sheherezade every night so her husband doesn't kill her. The story of Sheherezade trying to survive is a frame. You could put her tales in any order and the frame would be the same.
In a composite novel all the stories put together in a certain order detail a much bigger story.
Think of Martial Chronicles. If you were to put them in chronological order they tell the story of humans exploring Mars, abandoning Earth after they destroyed it, settling in Mars and eventually ruining Mars too. It is not a frame, is a complete story.
My definition
A composite novel is a hybrid series made up of short stories as opposed to novels.
A hybrid series is a type of series where every book is connected to the others but can be read alone in any order (like in a stand-alone series) and there is a big series arc running in the background that becomes clear when you read them in order (like a dynamic series).
For more information about types of series and what a series arc is check out Sarra Cannon's videos on how to write a series (videos 1 and 2)
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winglesswriter · 2 years
I think keeping track of your progress is very important for motivation, but I found it much harder when I’m editing instead of writing new words. I finally came up with this neat litle tracker.
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My deadline is the end of October because I want to dedicate NaNoWriMo to drafting my new novel and there were chapters 7-30 left. I mark every day I edit and cross out the dates when I can’t work on the novel at all. When I finish a chapter I reward myself with a cute little flower stamp.
To make this I butchered some Sarra Cannon’s trackers. If you sign up for her newsletter, you can download all her writing resources for free!
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