randyortonofficial · 1 year
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elisysd · 8 months
My favorite enemy
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6 years and a half after Paris
Ethan and Julia - 31 years old
She had not expected to see Martin and Ethan getting along so well after all this time. Sure there were still a few insults here and there, and teasing was part of each meeting, but there was a friendly rivalry that was the last thing she expected to witness.
Ethan fitted well in the team, he had picked up the habits and understood how it worked quickly. And as Julia was now appointed as Ethan’s race engineer, his smile had come back. Ethan was thriving for his first year, like no other drivers. After a few races, a little behind his teammate at the beginning of the season, he had managed to go back to the top, winning races after races. He was now way ahead of Martin in the driver’s standings and would for sure, finally win a title. Everything was almost perfect.
And Martin was fairplay. Always congratulating him, always a nice word to say, not once showing a sign of jealousy. He had won a title already and simply accepted that Ethan was better than him. So when Ethan had told Julia that he had planned a teammates bonding session with Martin while she was going shopping with Romy, she had been the first surprised.
“Yeah, we will order food and play games. Drink a few beers, too.” Ethan had shrugged.
“And you will not kill each other?”
“If I had wanted to kill him I had plenty of opportunities in the past.”
“Are you sure I can leave you alone? I won’t come back to a house on fire?”
“Go, Joolsie. I promise you, everything will be fine.”
Martin arrived with a bottle of wine and a box of chocolate and Ethan laughed when he explained that it was his way to apologize for a lot of things, especially considering that they were basically a couple on the tracks.
“The only person I want to be in a relationship with his Joolsie. I know that you understand.”
“I do. I tried to pursue her once.”
“I remember. But you failed. Like you’re failing to beat me.”
“Don’t worry, next year I won’t be as nice. I’m going to kick your ass.”
“Hope is a beautiful thing to have, Martin. It will only bring you disappointment.”
The afternoon went on fast and soon the day turned into night. And when Julia came back, arms full of bags and content with the dinner she had with her best friend, she was caught off guard by the two men fast asleep on the couch, in what seemed like a cuddling position. She didn’t forget to snap a picture and couldn’t wait for the sun to rise.
When Ethan got up the next morning, his head painfully aching, it took a moment for him to notice Martin, peacefully snoring, his arm thrown over the armrest.
“So, not even married and you’ve already found me a replacement?” Julia’s sarcastic voice was heard from behind.
“Not this loud…”
“I’m wounded. Deeply. But it’s okay, you guys make a great couple. I’ll heal. And I shouldn’t be surprised, from hate to love the line is thin.”
When she shoved the pictures in his face, he knew Julia wouldn’t live it down.
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Author's note: Did you serioulsy think that I wouldn't write about Martin?
Don't hesitate to leave a comment or an ask, as well as reblogging and leaving a like. Besides the fact that I absolutely love to read you, it helps a lot for the story to find its audience. I also have a taglist for this story, so if you want to be added so you never miss a chapter, let me know.
@herondalism @aundercover @musingsbyshreya @karmabyfernando @reengard @mycenterfold @smoooothoperator
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randomnameless · 3 months
I finally got to the end (and start, and middle lol) of Baten Kaitos Origins because living in Europe meant I couldn't play it when it was released and -
First of all, serioulsy to all people who see a game and its prequel released later saying it's better to play the prequel first : fig you - if writers/devs designed a game to be a "prequel" they designed the story to flow this way, you learn about X and Y in the first game, and see how they were made into X and Y in the second game!
The experience was designed like this, you can choose to use a slide by climbing on the slippery side first, but it wasn't meant to be enjoyed this way!
Secondly, regarding a certain game I've been ranting about for the last 5 years...
(heavy spoilers under the cut)
Why the fuck did this game made around 12 years ago went so hard and masterfully tackled the "mysterious entity with amnesia is bound to a rando joe who was engineered to host the mysterious entity" thing?
The parts where you live through Marno's (who is U! The mysterious entity!) FB and how you were led to believe it was all about Sagi (the host) being "special" was masterful, especially that last part where both player and characters understand that no, the corrupted/slaughtered rando who was later fused with his siblings to create the eldritch deity you must defeat in the first game... wasn't Sagi, but the random entity you're playing as!
(bonus points for playing an unwinnable battle where you're killed at the end lol, by one of your party members who is also revealed to be 1k years old through this FB!)
And then, Sagi and Marno decide to work together - Marno lends his power to Sagi - and they save the world from another eldritch being.
Like, sure sometimes the time travelling through FB - but not really because you can bring stuff from the past in the present so it's not only FBs - is sort of confusing and yet I really really digged it, complete with the realisation that those people were fucked the second they were led to side with demons/whatever the dark brethrens are.
This past, that has consequences on this story (and on the story of the first game!) isn't just a footnote in an optional book, or delivered in an infodump without having anything nor anyone react to it, no. You play through those events, time travel shenanigans or not, you play as those characters and see what happened (rather, what led to the events that you learn happened).
You see were I'm going lol -
We could have had the same situation going on with Billy and Sothis - Billy being the stand-in for Sagi and Sothis being the stand-in for Marno, trying to recover her memories, living through them (while Billy'd believe they are the one having those "mysterious dreams") until the final reveal, the gremlin is the Goddess the Agarthans hate, the ominous lady with a strange hat seems to love and miss, and the one everyone prays to.
Sothis, who would like to finish the millenia(s?) old feud and asking for Billy's help, and Billy agreeing because this feud is also endangering the current people living here and the ones they grow fond of.
But no - if the devs went through this route, would the player still care about Supreme Leader?
As much as they want?
Well... Sure, Shanath and Baehlit aren't that memorable, but imo, you can't completely ignore them, what happened 1k years ago happened 1k years ago, but those people exist, and ultimately, Verus was the one who put everything in motion because he was an asshole (and parasited by Wiseman too?), in turn, pushing Geldoblame to, uh, well, do the things he does in EWLO and led him to seek power at all costs, even releasing an eldritch entity who will ruin the world.
Add the fact that BK also has, at its core, a story about people being turned into parts/merged/slaughtered but while the first opus didn't focus that much on them - even if the hero and the female lead mentionned they felt their sorrow and pain - the second game? Reveals their names, characters, designs, place where they lived, etc etc...
Meanwhile, in Fodlan, we know who Leif is, but we don't know and aren't supposed to care about the person who became Freikugel.
Malpercio, the Eldritch Entity fought in the first game, is an amalgation of five siblings who were corrupted and merged by sort of demons, each sibling was turned in a "part" of that entity, head, leg, thorax, chest, arms etc etc.
In the second game, you learn and meet the sibling turned into the "legs" of Malpercio, her name is Pieda (uh) Le (sure) Monarna (finally something that doesn't mean or is related to legs lol.
After FE16 and Nopes, it's just... a shiny sword!
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cheezekennith · 8 months
Please scroll down if you see this user everyone report this user on sketchers united
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This user right here is named lary_koopa651 and reposted my cosplay photo and calls it fatherless and serioulsy i have a father and calls me fatherless damn bro that was really unfunny and he is homophobic and trans phobic,and he also calls me cringe if you see this user please block him now!, and also he hates gacha seriously gacha is for teens and everybody
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trenchcoatimpala · 4 years
Listen, I just need to get something off my chest. 
Fuck John Winchester. 
Fuck him for everything.
For making Dean grow up so fast he never got to be a kid, for making him think he was worthless and undeserving of love, for drilling it into Dean’s brain that Sam’s life was more important than his own, for taking his anger out on Dean when he was mad at Sam. For teaching Dean to shoot a gun at the age of six. For. Fucking. Everything. 
He destroyed Dean’s childhood, and Sam’s too, but Dean’s the one who has trauma from it, Dean’s the one who wanted to be like his abuser (and yes, John abused his children) because his abuser was the only person he had in his life to look up to. Dean never got to be his own person because of John Winchester, because of John’s need for revenge, because of his need to put his problems on his children. 
So yeah, fuck John Winchester. Cas better throw his ass back into hell and let Rowena torture him for eternity. 
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sehunlyone · 5 years
I don’t understand what these antis think they will achieve with this protest. You want him out? Because he is getting married and is having a baby? Because you think he is damaging the image of the group? When in reality YOU are the ones damaging the groups reputation and image by being freaking immature, delusional and insanely stupid! Do you really think once he’s out, the other members will welcome you with open arms and act like nothing happened? Do you really think the group can function properly without one of their main vocalists? Do you really think the other members will not despise you for what you have done if the boys knew who you were upon seeing you? EXO as a group always emphasises how much they love their fans, love the bond they share. And this is how you thank them - by stabbing them in the back as soon as they shatter your fantasies. If you really were a fan, a TRUE fan that is, you would want them to be happy. And not be selfish to the point of demanding them to be forever alone just so they can feed your unrealistic fantasies. And if your main concern lies in the fact that his gf is pregnant before marriage: please let go of your old-fashioned standards and realize that he is taking responsibility for that and wanted to marry her anyway. If you have such a problem with the whole situation, leave. LEAVE the fandom! But don’t you dare come for the boys, especially Jongdae, just because you cannot accept that he is a normal human being who has a personal life and that he is pursuing happiness for himself.
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William got away with the murders by flying away with his giant ass fuckin ears
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morporkian-cryptid · 6 years
I just rewatched X-Men: Days Of Future Past, and I’m strongly considering getting the words “ERIK NO” tattooed on my forehead.
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bossbitch444 · 3 years
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:ex-lovers, make-up sex, oral sex, fluff, etc.,
: 1,235 words
You are having a sleepover at your friend's pad to finish the school project that has been assigned to you.
"Where's your mom and dad?" you asked still wondering why is she alone. "Oh, they're on a business trip. You know money is all that matters to them." She shrugged. You felt guilty for asking and you finally decided to talk about the project.
You guys are still catching up on what plans you are going to do for the project. "Fuck, this is so hard. I might need my brother's smart ass for this one." You snapped on your thoughts "Y-your brother?" "Yep that man was so smart and he'll be home soon." She said as she get the materials that you will need
"Soojin! I'm home!" you heard someone shout from the living room making you stop on your tracks "My brother is here! Let's go!" Soojin said as she dragged you out of her room.
As you arrived at the living room, you saw the man that broke your heart looking at you with wide eyes.
He doesn't change, he is still the guy with a resting bitch face aside from his body that became manlier than ever.
"Y/N, w-what are you doing here?" He asked "Oh don't be rude asshole- wait, you know each other?" Soojin looked so confused and you just nodded and face Soojin.
"Let's go, we can finish this project if we're just gping to focus." you said as you made your into their grand staircase leaving the siblings behind.
You felt your heart beating so fast, it's been a while or should you say it's been 2 years since the last time you saw each other.
You haven't moved on because of what he did. He cheated, saying lame excuses like he was drunk or whatsoever. "Hey, what's wrong?" Soojin asked as she stared at you, confusion evident on her face at your sudden behavior.
"Nothing, I just wanted to finish the project as soon as possible so we can.. you know... talk until dawn." You said as you start to fix the things that you will be needing.
It took you and Soojin time to finish half of your project and it seems like Soojin is already tired and sleepy, so you decided to asked her if you can continue it tomorrow and she agreed. You take her to her room
"Goodnight Y/N" she said yawning "It's already 2 o'clock silly" you laughed and she chuckled waving you goodbye.
Hugging yourself because of the coldness you turned around and lazily dragged yourself to the bedroom. You are about to open the door when a pair of strong arms softly wrapped around you and hug you tightly.
By the scent of mint and strawberries, you knew who it was, his breath gives you a ticklish feeling on your neck but before you drown to him you tried your hardest to push him away from you.
"W-what are you doing?! Get off of me!" you said minimizing your voice so that no one will wake up while pushing him away but it was no use he was stronger than you.
"Please.... stay, I miss you." he whispered.
"What the actual fuck is wrong with you? Get off me!" you tried your very best to push him away from you and you did. You face him and ready to burst out what you feel but Soojin crossed your mind.
"What's with you huh? Acting all sorry? Why? Feeling guilty after giving me those sleepless night crying over you? What the fuck bruh?!" you cannot control yourself so you burst into tears because you know to yourself that he is still there. Right in your heart he still owns it.
"Y/N, come on i'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just-" you quickly cut him off because you already know what he is going to say "Yeah, yeah you're drunk and right. Your dick is also drunk and it accidentally shoved in a stranger's pussy right? Come on! Yoongi! Is that all you've got? Is that all the explanations that you have?" he looks at you with his eyes pleading and you know to yourself that anytime you're gonna give up and will end up hugging him.
"Please Y/N" those deep and soothing voice pull all of the strength and courage that you have and it made you a crying mess.
"I hate you."
is all that you can say because you are so weak at the moment. Turning around to go to your room, he quickly grabbed your arms so that you can face him.
You are about to shout suddenly you felt a pair of soft lips crashed into yours.
That's it. You gave up.
"I love you, I really do." he said in between those kisses.
As if waiting for those words, you gladly respond to his kisses making him startled a bit but soon scoop you up and make you wrap your legs around his waist.
All throughout your relationship with Yoongi, you haven't crossed the line yet you are contented with your makeout sessions and he respect you with the fact that you still don't wanna do it but right now, you don't know what's gonna happen next.
You moan into his mouth as you felt the soft texture of the bed and the roughness of his palm to your legs.
He broke the kiss as he took off his short and you did the same. He already saw your naked body when you are still together.
His kisses went down to your jaw, down to your neck, chest and down to your stomach making you moan in the tingling sensation that you are feeling.
"Are you sure about this?" He asked while slipping his long slender fingers into your wet folds.
"Serioulsy? You're asking me that?" He just chuckled as you heard the unbuckling sound of his belt.
You cannot wait so you pull your pajamas down together with your underwear.
You reached for his lips to distract him from looking down at your body because damn, you're so shy af.
You felt his thumb rubbing circles on your clit making you shiver under his touch.
Before you can came, you felt the tip of his dick slowly entering you making you whimper because of the sudden pain.
"Ssshhh... i'm sorry. Should I stop?" He whisper wiping the tears that escaped your eyes
"What the fucking fuck are you talking about? Move!" You almost yelled making him laugh and he harshly pushed himself inside of you.
You're doomed. There's no turning back in this situation.
You moaned under his grasp as he slammed himself inside you, not minding Soojin might wake up because of the noise that you are making.
You are a moaning mess and Yoongi place his hand on your mouth and that turns you on even more.
You felt that you're gonna reach your climax so you hold onto Yoongi's hips making him move faster.
Within a few more thrusts you came at the same time, his load burst inside you but you didn't mind.
"I-I love you, so much." He whispered while panting into your ear and you smiled.
"Round 2?" You whispered in his ear and he grinned making you lay on your stomach as he slapped your ass.
"Hell yeah."
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lesbiangracehanson · 3 years
heeey, that anon you got hooked on lod again! i'm glad to hear that my asks aren't bothering you yet i just have so many felings about this show! and you just told me i have a long way to go? oh no! i finished s2 and i serioulsy wish i could binge the whole thing but at the same time i'm glad i can't because that would be too much anxiety with all the twists! i was gonna write you much more later but i'm on ep1 of s3 and i hate this daniel guy so much already can't imagine how this will end!!
... episode 1 of series 3 just finished and I... my whole understanding of this show just??? i mean i'm still shocked about georgia but he??? was in the poster?? what is happening??! i hated him but?? there's still 5 episodes left? i can't. talk to you when those five episodes are over. i think s6 ends tomorrow right? have no idea what role my girl jo plays on that series but against all odss hope everything goes well!!
(just thought i’d add in ur next message here too haha)
i feel u about the anxiety hahaha, i limited myself to a maximum of 3 episodes in one sitting, any more than that would’ve been Too Much. 3x01 is a JOURNEY, especially re: danny’s character, went from hating him to feeling kind of devastated by his character within the space of 60 minutes (respect to daniel mays for making me feel all those things tbh). POOR GEORGIA!!!!!! i was like oh hi jessica raine so ur in this series? then she was GONE. hope the s3 watching is going well!!!! + yep s6 ends tonight, a thought which i am still unable to fully process x 
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completleymessy01 · 4 years
I fucking hate everything. Seriously everything. I have so much anger and upset towards so many things. My brother irritates me so much and i dont know why. I cant help but dislike him and i dont know why. I miss when he was little and cute, now he is a smelly selfish boy teenager. I hate my mum for no good reason, i hate everyone. And i hate everything. i hate that parties are illegal, i hate that i havent seen my friends in almost a month. I hate that the government serioulsy expects us to learn and live through a computer, passing our subjects to get the jobs they have through learning online. I hate how unwell i feel all the time. Every morning i wake up wondering if i will be able to get up and out of bed. I have no energy, just lifting my body up is so hard. I dread stepping on the scales, and one of the worst parts that i dont even properly realise is that im lying to everyone. Everyone thinks im better, im telling people im better. When i have a conversation with someone i talk about what i ate for lunch or the sweets im going to have after dinner. Thats all lies. I wont eat anything. I havent had lunch in almost a month. I only eat dinner and it has to be before 6.30 or it will affect the weight on the scales. My life is complteley controlled by my weight. Im slowly dying and i dont even care. Why should i care? I dont even have a life anymore. I cant think of one thing im looking forward too. There isnt anything. Im surviving, not living. I miss human contact, i miss everything, i miss fucking life. As of march, it will officially be a year of no life.
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angeliclp · 4 years
Did I just cry myself through the last 20 minutes or so of this last ep? Yeah, yes I did... I mean I kinda hated it but at the same time I fucking loved it?
I should have seen it coming that they bring back the Beast... I mean they sift through 4 seasons worth of content in this season and only he was missing... and yet I actually facepalmed myself when he showed up because it never even crossed my mind that he could have been manipulating Seb to open the door of the underworld... stupid me, I know.
That scene when Julia’s water broke was funny af... I don’t know why but it just hit a nerve. Also... that whole timey whimy stuff throughout all of this did my head in... I was basically WTF is happening for longer than I like to admit.
But... Hope Quentin? Serioulsy?! And now, HQ doesn’t make it any better, Penny...
I also kinda hate that they used Plum’s last bit of time travel essence for this and not for what I wanted but it absolutely made sense, in some kind of way... yet I still hate it somewhat.
Margo, damn Margo was my hero,,, and I am fucking glad that Penny figured out he could travel while holding Hope... I would have hated if she’d be the one to sacrifice herself for this craziness...
Poor Zelda though... she deserved better!
And Eliot and Charlton... I mean... this came quite unexpected and yet not all too  far  fetched.... I mean they spent a shit ton of time together and there is hardly anyone who knows Eliot better than Charlton... He is no Quentin and I am still a bit bitter that they didn’t even hint at him but... no, I don’t hate it... I think I kinda even like the idea the longer I think about it...
The ending with Fen, Josh, Margo and Alice are kinda stuck in New-Fillory - for now.. I mean I kinda hate that we won’t get to see how this will turn out, or if the others will actually find them somewhen, but... it is an okay ending. I mean, it is hopeful and I am sure that the friends will find a way to connect again, and most of all, for once there is no danger lurking somewhere... I still hate that they cancelled the show, because even though I am still a bit sour about the ending of last season, I still love the whole series, yet I surely can live with how they ended things...
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razberryyum · 5 years
The Untamed/陈情令 Rewatch, Episode 5 (spoilers for everything)
[covers MDZS chaps 14 – 17, and kinda 117, aka bonus chap Incense Burner Part 1, lmfao]
WangXian meter: 🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰
(a 🐰 is earned every time there is a WangXian scene or even when they’re just thinking of each other…more than one 🐰 can be given based on the level of WangXian-ness in a scene)
Of course I loved every single moment of Lan Zhan and Wei Ying’s time in the library pavilion, but I wanted to give a little love to their waterbourne abyss adventure first, in particular the moment above, which always makes me laugh, especially since everyone around them was within earshot to hear what Wei Ying was saying. What made the scene even funnier was Jiang Cheng’s exasperated interjection—the guy was probably sick of Wei Ying’s flirting by now—followed by Wei Ying’s snappy response. I just loved the way he said shut up, which served as yet another reminder of the great voice performance provided by Liu Zhixing-laozi, who always makes Wei Ying sound completely adorable because of the way he delivers his lines.
I wish the show had a bigger budget to handle that Caiyi night hunt since it could have been so much better, as exemplified by the way their water adventure was depicted in the donghua. I thought the water ghouls had an interesting design; as CGI effect goes, they were actually one of the better ones in the show, but then everything else kind of fell short. After watching the donghua’s version of these scenes, I found the action portion of the water ghouls hunt even more lacking; I especially missed seeing Wei Ying’s awesome sword surfing.  Still, what it lacked in fight choreography and CGI efficiency, it made up for in WangXian-ness (with a touch of ChengQing to boot)—Big Bro Xichen was probably quite proud of himself for pulling off yet another match-making scheme successfully—so ultimately, I found the whole hunt pretty enjoyable.
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The Library Pavilion
I can’t imagine anyone who ships WangXian would dislike anything that took place in the Library Pavilion, so I’m no different.  I loved every second of Wei Ying and Lan Zhan’s interactions in that room, I really don’t have anything more I can say that hasn’t already been mentioned and repeated by everyone else, so I’ll just keep it simple and say bless the production team for sneaking in gay porn…
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…and also for keeping in what was most likely a blooper of Xiao Zhan tripping on his way out as if it was something Wei Ying meant to do in the scene:
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By the way, after reading the novel, I can’t help but think about that super smutty Incense Burner chapter now every time I watch this scene and then I would giggle uncontrollably like a stupid crazy person. 
ChengQing? YES please
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This episode gave us the birth of a new ship—Jiang Cheng/Wen Qing, or ChengQing—and I could not be more happy about it. This development was not from the novel, and just seeing how freaking adorable a lovestruck Jiang Cheng was made me absolutely grateful that Team CQL decided to add it into the show. Every moment between Jiang Cheng and Wen Qing was cuteness to me, especially how bashful he would be within her vicinity. When she tried to examine his wound on the boat, his blushing virgin reaction was just too precious for words. I loved seeing this shy, innocent and boyish side of Jiang Cheng: it made me love his character even more. Although now, considering what has happened, seeing him buy that comb, which is supposed to be a gift representing yearning, only makes my heart hurt like crazy for the poor guy, while also making me wish the show had followed through even more with their romance so that the two of them could have at least enjoyed some happiness before everything was all over.  
There was also a time in the beginning, when I first watched this episode, that I actually worried that the writers of The Untamed were trying to develop a love triangle between Wei Ying/Wen Qing/Jiang Cheng, which would’ve been really stupid and unnecessary; thank goodness that didn’t end up to be the case. As if Jiang Cheng really needed another reason to be bitter or resentful about Wei Ying…that kind of trope would’ve just been pointless noise so I’m relieved the show didn’t choose that dull path.
Wei Ying Continues to Burrow His Way Into Lan Zhan’s Psyche
Exhibit A:
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They were only in the Library Pavilion for a few days (even though in the book it was at least a month) but already Lan Zhan had gotten used to Wei Wuxian’s non-stop chatter so when he was actually quiet, he couldn’t help but take a peek his way to see why he was acting so uncharacteristically.
Exhibit B:
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The mention of Emperor’s Smile obviously reminded Lan Zhan of their little sword ballet under the moonlight, which will eventually give way to just reminding him of Wei Ying in general.
Random Bits of Randomness
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I thought this little moment where Wei Ying fixes Lan Zhan’s sleeve was just adorable, and I have feeling that was probably an improvisation by Xiao Zhan since the opportunity presented itself.
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Little did Wei Ying know at the time that he would be the first one for a lot of things when it came to Lan Zhan.
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Obviously the folks in the middle—Wei Ying, Lan Zhan, Jiang Cheng, and the Wen siblings—did NOT want to share their boats with some lowly Gusu Lan disciples. Seeing the group of them all crowded on that one boat at the end always gives me a good chuckle. At least Lan Xichen was nice enough to share his boat with his fellow sect brothers.
Questions I still have
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The Inn situation: even now I still do not understand why they had to stay at an inn overnight. Big Bro Xichen said that they would set up for Caiyi Town in the morning, and since that place is only like 5 hours away from Cloud Recesses (a fact mentioned in the third episode when Wei Ying had to run back to town to retrieve their invitation), that means they got to town by midday at the latest. So why did they have to rent a room? Couldn’t they head straight for the lake? And it’s not like they were resting at the inn for a couple of hours until night fall so that they could actually do a night hunt in the evening for once, since they didn’t go to the lake until the next day and actually hunted the water ghouls during the day. Hell, some poor villager died during the night while they were hanging out at their inns, waiting for daytime. Then there’s the rooming situation: as much as I loved the arrangement and I hate that I am essentially looking a gift horse in the mouth, but serioulsy, why WAS Wei Ying and Lan Zhan rooming together? It would’ve made more sense for the Yunmeng bros to be roommates and then the Twin Jades to share another room. Yet, Wei Ying and Lan Zhan ended up together, not only in the same room, but in a completely different inn than the others since, according to the innkeeper, the two of them are the first customers he’s had in a while. Not the entire group, only the two of them. I couldn’t help wondering, did the others book up all the rooms in one hotel, so Wei Ying and Lan Zhan had no choice but to go to another hotel instead? Most importantly, was this yet another one of Big Bro Xichen’s clever schemes to further push his little brother together with Wei Ying???
Finally, my other question from this episode is: why doesn’t Su She have a head ribbon on? Is it because he’s married already? Does that mean that all the Gusu Lan disciples who still have their head ribbons on are unmarried or maybe even still virgins, including dear Uncle Lan Qiren, since I’m sure there’s probably a sect rule prohibiting premarital sex.  I will probably never get an answer to this since I’m pretty sure nothing of the sort was mentioned about Su She in the novel, but it’s just so weird to me that they made that choice for the drama.
Overall Episode Rating: 8 Lil Apples out of 10
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madamsixx · 4 years
Chapter 15: New Friend Plus Silent Treatment Equals Great Company
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January 10th, 1986
I had been back in LA for a week now and I settled in probably. I have been catching up with my school work, calling my mom for most of the days, and shopping like crazy. Tamara had been making plans for our trip to the UK, Milan, and Paris. Not to mention I had several interviews, magazine shoots, a premiere coming up, my TV show coming up, and a new audition for a movie. She looked like she was going crazy and I was lacking sleep. I suggested she should get another assistant instead of doing all of this back and forth stuff her self. She wanted someone she trusted but she didn't know who. I had a suggestion but I don't think she would like it.
"Well Lisa hasn't been modeling for sometime now and she's in need of a job. Can she be your assistant?" I asked with curiosity. Tamara looked at me and thought about it.
"I don't know, being an assistant means that she would have to follow my rules. This isn't a friend friend job its I'm your boss your my assistant job."
I thought about the type of person Lisa was and then I realized it wouldn't be a good idea. Lisa was free spirited and liked to do things her way. She didn't like to be bossed around and loved to party and go crazy. And she definitely was not an early riser. So never mind bad idea.
"Yeah never mind she won't be a good candidate." I frowned. "Well I do need someone it will make my life easier." She put the phone down and walked and sat down on the couch by me.
"Alright you have a photo shoot today. It's a beach shoot for Teen Vouge Magazine." She pulled her schedule out.
"I need another one of those." I pointed to the schedule.
"Serioulsy Iman start keeping your things in a safe place." She handed it to me and rolled her eyes.
I took it from her and headed to the room to get changed. "So I'm not going to be there for the shoot with you cause I have a meeting. But your going to be shooting with another model named Rachel she's really nice and she's your age as well." Tammra said.
"Ok sounds good." I came back out carrying my hand bag and putting on my sandals.
"Alright the car should be downstairs. Make me proud hun." She gave me a kiss on my forehead and I headed out the door.
I arrived at our spot for the magazine shoot. It was on a beach, and it was really beautiful. The glam team came to me right away and pulled me in to get me ready for the shoot. I looked like a million dollars. I started walking around looking for Rachel. I spotted her standing on the board walk. She was an absolute beauty, I couldn't even beleive that there could be someone that gorgeous. She waved for me to come over and so I did.
"Hi I'm Rachel....Rachel Glover." She stuck her hands out for me to shake then pulled me in for the two side cheek kiss.
"Iman Darlington." I shook her hand and returned the kisses. "It's nice to meet you."
"Like wise I love the TV series your in it's absoultley funny. And I'm a big fan. When I heard I was going to be shooting with you I was ecstatic." Wow she is pretty and sweet.
"Well I was nervous to be shooting with you. Normally I heard models don't really get along with each other." I smiled.
"Well I think we'll be alright."
"Alright ladies come and get into your positions so we can start the shoot." The photographer yelled.
We did about 10 shots with each other. It was very organic, it was like we knew each other from time. I could definitely add her to my friends list. We did one pose where we were walking beside each other, and then another were we turned and looked at the camera, and lastly the golden shot that I knew would be on the cover of Teen Vouge Magazine. Rachel sat behind me and I leaned against her and we both smiled at the camera. We were giggling like high school girls being taken to prom.
"Well thats a wrap girls, you were wonderful." The photographer yelled.
We walked back to the dressing room. We chatted about everything and anything. I could really relate to Rachel cause she was my age. She told me that she started off modeling young too and was being home schooled. She said she hated it, as I did too. But she said when she got her high school diploma that she wasn't going to go further than that. I on the other hand after high school had to go to University. My mom wanted me to at least have a Degree in something.
"So what are you doing later on today?" Rachel asked as we walked out of the change room and on to the board walk.
"Well I was going to head back to my condo and then probably go shopping. I'm a shopaholic can't help it." I giggled.
"Well when your making the money why not. Maybe later on today if your not busy we can hang out." She turned and looked at me.
"That sounds great here's my number." I pulled out a pen from my purse and wrote my number down on a peice of paper and gave it to her.
"Alright my ride is here I'll see ya." She kissed my cheek and got into her car. I waved her bye and smiled. Wow that's great I made a new friend.
"Wow I didn't know you liked girls." I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned around and saw Nikki. My eyes went wide, why the hell am I always running into this guy? I mean for real how on earth did he know I would be here.
"How did you get in here?" I shouted furrowing my brows.
"Money talks sweetheart." He smirked and leaned against the wall.
God can he be any more annoying. I'll have to fire that security guard who let him in cause this is absolutely ridiculous. I turned away from him shaking my head in disbelief. I stood waiting for my car ride to come. I had no interest in talking to him. After everything he has done to me he thinks I would just allow him to speak to me and act like everything is ok, well it's not. He's getting the silent treatment.
"Got any plans right now princess?" He asked.
No response.
"Mani I'm talking to you?" Nikki tilted his head to look at my face. "Why are you so pissed all the time?"
I folded my arms over my chest and stayed looking forward.
Nikki sighed. "I know I over did it when I came over to your place and made a fool of myself. And also when I called you a groupie, and when I had the girl sucking me off. I'm sorry Iman please." He pleaded.
I swallowed hard and felt like something was stuck in my throat. I needed my car ride to just come right now. I was starting to feel a certain way. And it wasn't an angry feeling.
"Iman I made mistakes and I'm sor-"
He was cut when I heard my car ride pull up. And started walking towards the car as fast as I could to get away from Nikki. He was a smooth talker and if this car didn't show up I would have given in.
"Doll please just look at me." He followed me to the car.
I walked faster without turning around to look at him. He walked faster and cut me off before I could open the door.
"Iman please talk to me." He whispered and took his index finger put it under my chin and turned my face for me to look at him. Our faces were inches away, I could feel his breath on my face. He moved my face close to his and his close to mine. I snapped out of how he was making me feel.
"I'm going home Nikki leave me alone." I Whispered and pushed him away from the car and got in. I shut the door and my driver took off leaving Nikki in the dust.
I arrived back at the condo feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. Tamara wasn't home I guess she was still at her buissness meeting. I started walking towards my bedroom when I heard the phone Ring.
"Hi Miss Darlington theres a Vince Neil downstairs here for you, should I let him come up?"
"Yes please thanks." I put the phone down and waited for Vince to come up.
There was a knock on the door and I ran to open it. "Hey Vince long time no see." I hugged him.
"Same here doll." He hugged back.
"Wow this place is nice a lot of antiques. I can tell your manager loves original things." Vince said walking around the condo.
"She does, she doesn't like things that everyone else has. Which I think is cool." I smiled.
This was great Vince is good people and he will be great company for me while Tamara is out.
Later on in the evening...
Tamara still wasn't back and I was alright with that because me and Vince sat on the couch eating ice cream with blankets wrapped around us and watching movies non stop. We joked with each other and laughed about the dumbest things you could possibly think of.
"So what country are you guys heading to next for the Theater of Pain tour?" I asked.
"Well were going to Europe but it's really weird. Last year Nikki all of a sudden started changing up the countries and schedules. I dunno it came out of the blue like he was trying to have us be in certain countries on certain days. He even went as far as to change up the hotel we were staying at. He's a weird dude." Vince licked his spoon.
"Yeah he is. Like today he showed up at my Teen Vouge shoot. I was shocked because I didn't tell him I was there. And to make matters worse he payed off the security guard to let him in." I said scooping another spoon of ice cream.
Vince stayed quiet for a second then furrowed his brows and looked at me. "Did you tell anyone about the shoot?" He asked.
"Well then I have no idea." He laughed.
"But you told Nikki about watching me walk my first runway and my birthday dinner Vince." I raised a brow.
Vince started laughing nervously. "You know what we got into an argument and it....kind of slipped out." He smiled.
"Hmm I wouldn't be surprised if other things started slipping out from your mouth." I laughed.
"So is T-bone still mad at me?" I asked.
Vince sighed and turned me to look at him. "Look Tommy gets mad but then gets over things, he's not one to hold on to grudges. If next when you see him just talk to him. Nkkki on the other hand I told you before stay as far away from him as possible." He warned.
"It's funny everyone says that to me. Tamara, my friends, my family, and even you. He must be that bad huh?" I scoffed.
"He is Mani trust me. You don't want Nikki Sixx as your problem. Cause believe me when I tell you, he's like a spider web that tangles people into it. He starts to corrupt any body who gets tangled in the spider web."
I guess what he's saying makes sense. I saw first hand how Theresa started acting when she started partying with Nikki and Robbin. Hm I wonder where she is now?
"Is it bad that I do like him? I mean he is cute and everything." I said with a low voice fidgeting with my spoon.
"Its not bad that you like him but it's bad if you act on those feelings. He's not a good guy. And you should listen to all of us who are telling you to stay far away from that shit bag Nikki Sixx." He scooped more ice and ate it.
"Well there is someone else I like." I looked up at Vince with both brows raised up.
"Oh yeah who?" He asked.
Was it to early to say anything. I felt like it was maybe I'll just keep it to myself... for now. When the time is right I will reveal.
"I can't tell you yet, in time Vince in time." I giggled and tapped the top of his head.
"Alright darling if you say so." He put his arm around me and pulled me towards him. I laid on his shoulder and it felt just right.
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therealcalicali · 6 years
For the drabble challenge: #8 with Ragnar the Younger
Awesome choice!❤😍❤
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You paced the floor of your sitting room, utterly tired of the conversation. It was vexing and going nowhere fast. Fed up with being on your feet, you finally sat down much to your beau's obvious delight.
"You cannot keep doing this!" You snapped. "I work very hard and deserve to enjoy myself. If I wish to go to the tavern with my friends, you have no right stop me!"
You glared at Ragnar the Younger who was still obstructing the front door. He and his men had arrived back in town only a few hours ago. But already, he was spoiling for a fight.
As you sat, his eyes went to your briefly before sighing with some frustration. He knew very well how much you hated his jealousy and inability to give you space. However, he could not help it.
After all, Ragnar had never been in a relationship that he wanted to keep long term.
It was difficult enough to leave you weeks and months at a time. Especially since his mind played games with him during these long separations. But, it didn't help that Uhtred and the others liked to taunt him about you finding another lover.
For that reason, his jealousy always surfaced every time the two of you reunited.
"Y/N, please. I know it seems that I am being unreasonable......" Ragnar began.
"Being unreasonable?" You repeated with a scoff. "Try being an arse! That better describes your ridiculous behavior!"
"Look, I know that you are angry but hear me out. You are not being reasonable right now."
Your eyes went wide at his words. Was he insane? After being gone for six months, he walked into your home only a few hours prior. After eating supper together, he had flipped out when you stated that you were keeping your plans to see your mates.
"You're right, Ragnar! I am angry!" You began. "I am angry that you think you can strut into my home and tell me how to run my life."
"That is not what I wish to do. I just want you to put me ahead of your friends. I am home now, but you behave as if it does not stir your heart."
"Oh, I'm sorry your Majesty! What do you wish for me to do, hmm?" You asked as you got to your feet. "Blow a horn and bang drums up and down the road?"
Ragnar rolled his eyes as he walked to you. Taking your hands, despite your initial resistance, he smirked.
"Calm yourself. That is not what I meant."
"Then what do you mean? I welcomed you indoors, drew you a hot bath and prepared your favorite meal." You said as you stared up at him defiantly. "As I said before, I have plans! And I will be damned if I am changing them just because you have bad timing."
Despite the fact that you were frowning, Ragnar appeared unphased. Instead of arguing with you any further, he embraced you by the waist, before kissing the top of your head.
"Let go of me!" You demanded. "I am going to be late."
"Is that so?" Ragnar replied with a chuckle. Taking hold of your chin gently, he tilted your head uoward. "I love you. You know that, right?"
"You're serioulsy like a man child." You said as he bent down and gave you a tender peck. "And stop kissing me." You demanded with his lips still grazing yours.
"Never. Besides, there is allot more where that came from." He said before reaching in the pocket of his tunic.
Your eyes nearly doubled in size upon seeing Ragnar reveal a ruby and gold ring. Glancing up at him, you raised a brow in confusion.
"That is for you, my feisty one." He said with a huge smile. "Do you think you could see yourself as the wife of a childish man?
Despite the shock, you nodded as you stared at him. Amused by your now calm demeanor, Ragnar slid the ring onto your finger. He then swept you off your feet in a joyous embrace.
"Y/N, my love, say something."
"I........I.......cannot believe it." You finally managed to say, still in a great deal of shock.
Ragnar set you on your feet again and went to lock the front door. As he did so, you sat down and began unlacing your boots. It was all too surreal. You had not only managed to land a great warrior, but Ragnar the Younger of all people.
Certainly you had though it would have been a short lived romance, as per his history. But somehow, someway, the Gods had saw fit to wrap him around your finger.
Needless to say, you were not going to the tavern that evening.
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angieschiffahoi · 5 years
Everyyyyy hmm 4th question
Thank you, dear!
4: do you have allergies?
None that I know of, but cat and dog hair (mostly long dog hair) bothers me a lot. No rushes or severe breathing problems, just itchy nose and eyes and tons of sneezing. But I don’t care, ‘cause I love both. 
Ask me questions
8: would you travel to another planet?
Who would answer “no” to this one, serioulsy? In a heartbeat.
12: scarf or hat?
I would love to say hats, but I don’t wear them too often. So, scarf.
16: favorite song you’ve recently discovered?
Come and be welcome by Heather Dale
20: why do you hate ____? (your choice)
Same as Fleur. You gotta send me an ask, with the question lol 
24: are you religious?
Grown up Catholic, now I’m more of the agnostic type. 
28: have you ever used tarot cards?
Answered here. 
32: do you have a full length mirror?
Yeah, but I never use them.
36: how long have you had your most recent blog?
I only have this one and I think 8 or 9 years.
40: what’s your favorite joke?
Anything that has a pun in it. 
44: floral scents or warm scents?
Warm, I guess.
48: favorite picture you or someone else has taken of you?
It’s gotta be one from a larp event in 2015, where I was blonde and kinda looked like a fairy. 
52: do you play any instruments?
I used to play the flute. Tried piano, guitar and ukulele, but I’m terrible at all of these. 
56: are you a meat eater, vegetarian, pescatarian, or vegan?
Answered here. 
60: favorite story you read as a kid?
Don’t remember the title, but probably the first book I ever read, about a Neanderthal boy who had a big nose and didn’t fit with the Sapiens, who made fun of him. 
64: wand or crystal ball?
68: something you’ve excelled in?
Nothing, really. 
72: favorite thing about your personality?
I’m very patient. 
76: have you ever met a celebrity?
Yes, a few Italian ones and TV-show ones at conventions. None of the A listers, though. 
80: if you were given 1 million dollars and you could only spend it on five things, what would you spend it on?
I’d save some, then buy a pub, a car, a small garage (in Rome it’s a necessity), start the down payment on a house, go on a trip. 
84: what natural disaster are you most afraid of?
Answered here. 
88: would you rather live alone or with a friend?
Alone, but close to a friend (like neighbours). 
92: favorite video game?
The new Tomb Raider series. 
96: first word that comes to your mind?
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