sweetbunanarchy · 1 year
Having both the brothers have messy romantic lives bc I’m a weird multi-shipping mess that likes different ship dynamics even tho they both have CANON LOVE INTEREST WHY AM I DOING THIS- BC IT'S LIKE; King: I am in constant need of love and affection and while I'm still in love with the man that gave me that I don't trust him anymore after what he did so I seek it out whenever Kuro: *oblivious* Yeah idk why so many people are super friendly to me? It's really nice tho :D
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hopeymchope · 2 years
How the Phantom Thieves Became the Bad Guys (OR: A long-ass essay that’s likely to irritate any P5 fans that bother to read it)
PREVIOUSLY: I came to the sad realization that “Joker” — a.k.a. the Persona 5 protagonist, a.k.a. Ren Amamiya — is canonically an asshole.
...so I suppose the logical extension of that is for Joker to become a villain. 
And as it turns out, thanks to the third semester of Persona 5 Royal, he can! They WANT you to. 
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I guess you could say the warning signs were always there.
...of course, alternatively, he might not. Because thankfully, the freedom of player choice still gives you some ways out. But sadly, the “True” (i.e., canonical) ending of the game requires Joker to lead the Phantom Thieves into a very dark place indeed. 
Before I delve into why that’s the case, though, I have to give the devs at Atlus credit for creating an ethical scenario that really challenges the player and makes them think. But uh, if you want to feel okay about pursuing the “True Ending,” you definitely shouldn’t think too much. It’s best that you just take the words of the characters at face value and try not to apply real-world morality, okay? Because applying serious thought to the moral debate in the third semester swiftly makes the Phantom Thieves into bigger baddies than some of the palace rulers they’ve previously battled.
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Enough of the buildup, however. Let’s back up and dig into the core issue I’m talking about: Takuto Maruki’s quest to make the world a better place. 
The Setup
Maruki is a psychological counselor and cognitive researcher as well as a Social Link/Confidant that’s unique to the “Royal” version of the game. He’s also the central figure behind the new storyline that takes place after the ending of the original Persona 5. Said storyline involves Maruki leveraging his work as a psychologist and his studies of the cognitive world + Yaldabaoth’s merging of Mementos with the real world to rewrite reality, creating a new world where people’s innermost wishes are made real. The result? People who lost loved ones in traumatic ways see them now returned to life. People who experienced horrific injuries have had them undone. Rape victims were never violated in the first place. People who lost their dream jobs are suddenly re-employed by them. And so on. This is Maruki’s way of helping people move past being haunted by their traumas and worst experiences; now they can simply never have had such experiences.
Maruki is a very kind-hearted soul from the moment we first meet him. There’s never any doubt that he’s simply trying to make the world a happier, kinder place. And when he first triggers the change into a new timeline, most of the Phantom Thieves are blissfully unaware that the world has been rewritten around them. No less than three of our teammates are reunited with parents who died recently or years ago, although from their perspective, it’s not a “reunion” — it’s just the way things have always been, because those people were never murdered in the first place. Our lead character, Joker, and his rival/ally/antagonist, Akechi, are initially the only ones who remember the old reality. But Joker is soon triggering the rise of conflicting memories within his allies that make them call their new existence into question, even if just slightly...
(It’s cool how well this all aligns with a major area of current psychiatric research. Medical researchers have been seeking a way to target and delete traumatic memories from PTSD sufferers for well over a decade now, moving ever-closer to success. Traumatic memories can be debilitating to a level that millions of sufferers never can recover from their worst experiences even after living many decades more, frequently driving people to suicide; what if you could stop having to relive them? Granted, this wouldn’t literally undo them as it does in Maruki’s solution, but I think the core concept is similar, and that’s pretty neat. Though I have no idea if it was all intended and the devs actually knew about this... )
When I first entered and swiftly understood Maruki’s “new reality” in the game, I immediately theorized TONS of ways in which this could be a very bad thing. And even as I went through the initial phases of his palace/laboratory and slowly learned more about the situation, I continued to come up with new possibilities for why this could be a problem for the world.
...so what’s amazing is how, though a combination of main story dialogue and optional side dialogue, the game successfully addresses EVERY possible problem and erases ANY doubt regarding Maruki’s solution. I assume they were going for a more nuanced moral debate, but in practice wound up in a situation where Maruki’s solution carries only the slightest ambiguity as to its righteousness.
So! Let’s go ahead and break down EVERY concern I had... and how the game either dismisses them or muddies them up quite a bit.
Concern #1: Maybe this reality is fake, and the resurrection people are just illusions/cognitive beings? ANSWER: No, this is not the case. During their first couple of discussions, when Akechi asserts that this reality is phony, Maruki assures him that it’s every bit as real as the one they remember. Moreover, Akechi himself confirms this in his next phone call with you; he investigates the possibility that Wakaba Isshki is either an illusion or cognitive existence, and he confirms that she is indeed the real Wakaba. In fact, his research confirms that she simply didn’t suffer the incident the vehicular accident that previously ended her life... and history was rewritten from there. Per his testimony, this isn’t a false reality at all — it’s an alternate universe or new timeline with its own distinct history. Think of it like we just jumped to a new “world line” in Steins;Gate or something. 
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The dark side implication of this fact is that it means that if someone WERE to revert reality back to its previous state, that’d be effectively the same as killing them yourself. 
Concern #2: Does this mean that people will never undergo loss or pain of any kind? No, negative experiences definitely still exist. Note that Yoshizawa still has endured the loss of a close sister who was killed in a vehicular accident! And the Niijima family is still missing their deceased matriarch. Ann specifically mentions how she was “so sad” when Shiho transferred away to another school. In fact, even Shido is confirmed to still be under arrest for multiple confessed crimes (courtesy of the Phantom Thieves) in this reality! But that last one could be an example of how people who don’t accept this new reality can continue to be trapped in their old struggles. You can see that particular problem in the homeless man in the subway... and even more blatantly in Akechi. He’s very open about his hatred of this new reality and his opinion that he needs his miserable life experiences. He literally defines himself by his trauma, which is... uh, not a good argument. In fact, Akechi is so messed up (and historically has been such a hostile, malevolent force) that his hatred of the new reality feels more like a ringing endorsement than something we should agree with. HOWEVER... it’s worth noting that later on in the “true” story route, Maruki continuously refers to his reality as one where nobody has to suffer. So perhaps the lingering tragedies/problems I’ve mentioned are actually imperfections he intends to iron out? Or it’s possible he’s just simplifying the situation, boiling it down to the essence of his argument even if it’s not strictly the case. UNCLEAR.
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Remember: If Akechi thinks something is foolish, it’s probably a very good idea. 
Concern #3: Is everyone just going to live incredibly easy lives, then? Everybody gets whatever they wish for now? First: That’s literally impossible. It is inevitable that people’s wishes will conflict with one another. Second: It’s pretty clear that goals/wishes which logically require effort to be actualized will STILL require that effort. Sae Niijima is still said to be working late nights in her job as the district prosecutor ever after the new reality emerges, and Ryuji is literally doing laps around the school EVERY DAY in order to stay in shape and keep his track skills strong. So NO, it’s not like everything just comes on a silver platter without even trying for it. Third: In all other situations beyond ONE thing on January 1st (the first day of this new reality), it seems like the new world isn’t going to just give out every desire you might think of. See, the narrative waters are muddied by the fact that Yoshizawa wishes to not encounter a crowd at the shrine on New Year’s Day... and then, shockingly, it’s mostly empty. But for the rest of the story, this trick is never again employed. In fact, there are situations in which people would OBVIOUSLY be thinking or desiring something other than what they have, but they still aren’t magically granted the perfect life. Just look back at Concern #2: Are you telling me that it never would’ve occurred to Yoshizawa to NOT have such a tragedy in her past? In fact, just rewind back to my second point under this very concern - are you going to tell me that Sae never once wanted to have a lighter workload? And why the helld did Shiho EVER transfer away from Shujin in this new reality, huh? So the most logical conclusions here are either that A) The new reality was still forming (this was its first day after all), finding its footing and still in flux, but immediate fulfillment of random frivolous wishes won’t apply after this point. OR! B) One-off wishes that are specifically spoken aloud might be granted, but otherwise the focus is on granting the SINGLE deepest wish of each person. 
Concern #4: Wait, what if some real assholes/terrible people make destructive wishes? In the real world, somebody casually thinks “ugh, I want to die” all over the world at every second, and a few people probably think “Jesus, just blow up the planet” every few minutes, but it’s not like we see random citizens keeling over or the world exploding under Takumi’s new reality. But this is a fictional world, so maybe those kind of thoughts/statements don’t exist there. In which case  the fact that Shido is currently still imprisoned for his crimes seems like evidence enough that destructive wishes being granted isn’t going to be a concern. Does anybody really believe that Takumi would hand someone like Kamoshida his greatest (...and probably dark and perverted) wishes? Nah. No fucking way.
Concern #5: If Kamoshida never was at Shujin and never abused/violated anyone, and Madarame was actually an honest and supportive “master” to his apprentice, and Okumura is a caring boss and devoted father... does that mean the Phantom Thieves never existed in this world? Does that erase the special bond our characters built? ANSWER: No, it doesn’t mean that. I already mentioned that Shido is behind bars in this reality just as he is in the preceding one, and this is (as ever) courtesy of the Phantom Thieves. The Phan-Site is still running and putting out polls, and they’re still viewed as heroes to the masses. The Thief squad still possesses the same special connection they always had. 
The Stickiest Wicket: Kasumi and/or Sumire
Ultimately, the BIGGEST concern for many people about Maruki’s actions is what’s happened to Yoshizawa. She no longer even knows her real name (Sumire) or who she was born as. She’s living her life entirely as a deceased person (her sister, Kasumi). She fully believes she is that person, and she acts and thinks and feels just like them.
A lot of people find this creepy or weird, but Maruki originally triggered this change without even knowing he was doing so. Furthermore, it happened because that’s what Sumire wished for. It’s her own desire! 
But once Maruki realized Maruki’s argument is based in the trauma that got her here. Because, you see... Sumire is responsible for her beloved sister’s untimely death. Not in a direct “I literally killed her” sense, but I mean... Sumire picked a fight with Kasumi in the streets and then ran away upset, Kasumi naturally/obviously pursued to try and calm her down, Kasumi screamed out to Sumire to not run into the street because vehicles were coming, Sumire ignored her and ran into the street, Kasumi catches up to Sumiere JUST enough to shove Sumire out of the way of an oncoming truck... and Kasumi pays for that with her life. 
We are made to live out this experience in first-person view, and it’s harrowing. Afterwards, Joker and Maruki make some effort to calm and/or comfort her. Maruki gives her the opportunity to live her true self from then on and help her move forward... or to revert back to  Understandably, Sumire can’t comprehend having to live with this deeply traumatic experience in her mind.
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No shame.
I come at this storyline from an unusual perspective because a very similar story happened near where I live when I was growing up. The story of a man who accidentally wound up causing his wife’s death while they were on their honeymoon.. it absolutely shook me to my core when I was a young teen. I won’t get into the messy details because I’d prefer to not pass the horror of a real-life tragedy on to a bunch of people, but suffice it to say that it was absolutely, undeniably an accident. Even so, he was similarly wracked with guilt. The area community watched that man’s psychological state completely collapse. He never recovered, and it was hard to blame him for that.
I can’t imagine how I’d ever recover if I accidentally caused a loved one’s death, either. And hopefully, very few people will ever have to know such horror. If I knew someone in such a situation, of course I’d be there to support them while simultaneously encouraging them to get professional help they can lean on. I’d encourage anyone in such a situation to seek out help and try to support them, naturally. And Joker does do that! But holy shit, when we see flashbacks to the aftermath of the tragedy, Sumire is DEEPLY miserable. She can barely go through the motions If Sumire believes that she is Kasumi, it does more than just help heal her feelings of inferiority —  it also means that she endured a tragedy in which her little sister died because of said sister’s own actions As we’ve established - tragedy still exists. Either sister being gone is a tragedy. And Sumire who died - not because of Kasumi but because of her own fault? Its still tragic (once again, reminder: hardships and tragedy still occur here), but it’s not completely debilitating in the same way.
In light of what I saw happen so close to home, I don’t blame Yoshizawa for choosing this life at all. It’d be preferable to just have both sisters alive and together, but it does not appear that Maruki has control over what people wish for. If he did, then maybe he could restore her sister and help build up her confidence from there... that’d be greatly preferable. But if this is her biggest wish — to simply BE her sister and live life with Kasumi’s confidence — then I’m with MarukI: At least this lets her live her life happily and at peace. 
I get that it’s not the perfect solution. But I’ll take whatever option is available that prevents a situation like the doomed, self-destructive widower I mentioned three paragraphs earlier.
Maruki is Doing the Same Thing the Phantom Thieves Did... But Better
Based on the above, this seems pretty win-win for everyone (although Sumire is certainly a debatable case). Well... it’s a win-win for most everyone except Akechi; he interprets any change to the current timeline as a removal of his free will. (Which obviously isn’t completely true; we watch a whole load of characters making clear decisions and choices during this arc, even before they are ‘awakened’ from this reality and, if they accept Maruki’s reality? Even AFTER that, too. So Akechi is full of shit, ofc.) In fact, Akechi is so dead-set on following the path he already chose that he’s still grimly adamant about doing so after finding out that he’s dead in the original timeline. Akechi insists that only HE can choose what is the truth, which is very much aligned with how he used to frame people for crimes in order to get credit for their arrest :P .... AND also not at all far removed from Maruki’s stance. Except Akechi’s “truth” is self-destructive, and Maruki’s “truth” is a positive for goddamn everybody.
Explained another way: The Phantom Thieves as a whole are doing the same thing as Maruki, just on a smaller scale and without actually addressing the societal problems that create such unfairness. The Phantom Thieves have spent this entire game forcibly changing the hearts and cognition of criminals and awful people, but they’ve never bothered to examine the root of such problems. Maruki is simply taking a single swing at erasing systemic injustice and sudden-onset cruelty in the world. The Phantom Thieves are firefighters; Maruki is an architect. The Phantom Thieves are whacking down whatever moles may pop up, but Maruki? He’s dismantling the whole rigged-ass game.
And y’know, considering how much Joker and the Phantom Thieves talk about carving their own future and free will and stuff in the “True” ending.. they sure do strip a whole lot of people of THEIR free will during the game’s campaign, don’t they? 
But look, I’m sure they don’t care about that. Because somewhere along the line — and it’s hard to pinpoint exactly where —the Phantom Thieves stopped caring about other people. As in: Anybody outside of their own group.
The Phantom Thieves’ Great Big Selfish Dick Move
In the “True” route, once the Phantom Thieves remember their past lives, they struggle for a bit with the idea of whether they’re doing the right thing by opposing Dr. Maruki and the new timeline. He’s only trying to help people, after all. Including all of them.
But Ryuji gives a little speech that gets everybody on-board with changing Maruki’s heart and returning to the former reality.
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WOO! FUCK everybody else who is living their lives happily! FUCK all the people who are now LITERALLY ALIVE in the new timeline! Let’s re-murder them, re-traumatize people we know (umm wasn’t Shiho literally raped in the original world? but not in this timeline?................... so WTF are you fucking doing you fucking monsters??????), because ONLY WE CAN DECIDE ON OUR REALITY! And we remember the old, shittier one right now, so let’s .... default to that one I guess! Despite the fact that this is one is already established to be EQUALLY FUCKING REAL.
Shockingly, the rest of the team chooses THIS is the time to finally fucking respect Ryuji. (NOTE: The time to respect Ryuji was, in truth, every single damn day BEFORE this one. He’s an excellent human being. Or... he was. Before this moment.)
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BUT NOT EVERYBODY BELIEVES IN IT, YUSUKE! What about all those people who are happy here? And what about the fact that this reality isn’t any less real than your original one? Remember: This is LITERALLY happening. This is a valid AU. There’s no trickery employed. No illusions. This is a new timeline that is VERY real.
.........................towards the end of the chapter, there’s an argument made that humanity has to suffer and overcome trials and struggle in order to develop and grow. Of course, we’ve fairly well shot down the idea that there’s zero suffering in this reality (see Concern #2 above) or that there’s no effort required (see Concern #3 above). But even if we hadn’t, there’s a bigger question to face here: Is there any evidence to suggest that people WON’T grow or evolve without struggle and suffering? Can we actually back that up, this idea that we have to “overcome” in order to become better people? 
I submit that we cannot. I further submit that this is the argument of the downtrodden; the argument of the sufferers who wish to justify their own misery to themselves. But in reality? They can’t say for certain that loss and trauma are “good.” 
In fact, let me argue right now that such things are inherently BAD. People who suffer from PTSD are far more likely to have suicidal ideation, and a 2021 study showed that suicide rates are more than four times higher for people suffering from PTSD than without. If we could really erase trauma and PTSD from our world, I think we can safely say it’d make a VERY lasting impact that would be EXTREMELY worth doing.
It seems that the “spirit of rebellion” within the Phantom Thieves extends to “any decision or idea any adult has ever implemented regardless of merit.” They’re teenagers, after all... and not a single one of them is as mature as someone like P3′s Mitsuru, so I accept that their knee-jerk rebellious instincts might be overriding their ability to think logically. 
Or, let’s be more charitable about it. MAJOR DIGRESSION: This could be a situation kind of like writing Star Trek: Insurrection. (I know most of you won’t understand what I’m referencing here. I’m sorry.) That movie presents a sticky ethical debate: Is it OK for a government to forcibly relocate a population of 600 people if their current homeland contains some natural healing mojo that could be used to save *billions* of people across the galaxy? Patrick Stewart once said that he was forced to make Picard very narrow-minded in order to serve the needs of the movie’s story. Because if that same story was presented in the format of multiple TV episodes, there would’ve been time to explore a bunch of alternative solutions that weren’t as binary as “force them out and take all the healing mojo OR leave them be and don’t take any of the healing mojo.” There would obviously be multiple negotiable middle grounds that just aren’t discussed because of time constraints. (To his credit, Picard DOES try to throw up a bunch of alternatives during his confrontation with a superior officer. They’re all shot down with hand-wavey explanations, but at least a few are suggested.)
DIGRESSION OVER. My point? Maybe that’s how it is here, too. Maybe the Phantom Thieves just can’t afford to sit around and discuss this matter in a serious debate because the game is already SUPER long; they need to get the fuck on with it and not just pump you full of non-interactive cutscenes, so Ryuji simplifies everything. ............. It’s just that he does so in a manner that makes the squad look really short-sighted and selfish.
In Conclusion
I took Maruki’s deal. That was MY ending to the game. And it might very well be the best ending available! Although I’d be willing to at least consider the original Non-Royal, didn’t-completely-Maruki’s-Confidant ending as a semi-contender... but DANG, yo. It’s tough to beat the Mega-Happy New Reality Ending. (I subsequently watched the rest of the “True” ending only on YouTube playthroughs, which is where I nabbed these screenshots.)
Taking Maruki’s deal results in basically everybody getting a fulfilling, beautiful life. Although I admit that I have no idea how Akechi is now part of the new reality... because he was never going to accept it, right? And we established repeatedly that those who don’t accept it can’t really reap the benefits, so... why is he now a legitimate “detective prince” whose external behavior from the first few chapters of P5 is now actually who he is inside? How’d THAT ever happen? Not sure about that shit.
Even so, it’s a long and beautiful ending full of gorgeous art of the squad all living their best lives. Morgana is relegated to just carrying “Miss Ann’s” bags while shopping, and he doesn’t even care - he’s just happy to be there. Makoto and Sae get to have dinners with their father again. Haru is more directly involved in the “Big Bang Burger” business, working to keep it ethical and respectful of the neighborhoods where they open as she prepares to carve her own path after high school. Makoto and Haru even get to graduate.
The whole thing wraps up with Sojiro inviting Joker to finish his high school experience in Tokyo. That’s right - he’s asked if he’d like to stay at the cafe and Shujin for his third and final year. Naturally, he’s happy to accept the offer. That means he’ll even be there for an overlap with Futaba’s FIRST year in high school. (Plus he no longer has to return to his small suburban town and his parents who NEVER ONCE CALLED OR MESSAGED DURING THE YEAR, WTF??? ............ or uh, maybe that happened offscreen?) 
It’s really weird how the writers of Persona 5 Royal SO THOROUGHLY argued against any possible downside of Maruki’s new reality. I get that they wanted a complex issue to grapple with, but if they really wanted us to choose to reject the new world and pursue the True Ending, they should’ve given us some kind of good reason, right? Even if it’s just a small reason, there’s got to be an argument that’s better than “I don’t like the idea that the timeline has changed”... which is ultimately all they’ve got. But I listed all the possible concerns above, and... they didn’t leave a single one of them standing. If they’d put just ONE of those potential problems in place, maybe I’d find the matter more debatable. 
Well, probably not Concern #5. That’s not really enough to justify erasing all this societal progress.
In the end, I’m left to ask you this:
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wrestlezon · 2 years
aew rampage 10/21/22 liveblog containment zone
laughing my ass off at excalibur's reference (the attempt of trademarking the word "edge" for video games) he is truly The Gamer's Commentator
the acclaimed vs varsity... guys. tony nese and josh(?) woods. i forgot their title
oh no! billy gunn is ousted from ringside by the ref. golly! im unfocused. sorry acclaimed im trying my best to pay attention to your match its been a while since ive seen daily's place wood's fireman's carry into knee move...? bowens on the offense! they win!
cock and ball destruction ........caster thats obscene. dont fuck the belt on live tv!
backstage with tony schiavone and jade cargill
oh no! penelope ford... injured and out... i heard them mention this earlier but still :( i wanted to watch her fight willow!! wahhhh man jade is super mad! golly i do hope she fights nyla rose i wanna see nyla rose !!!!
watching the show Actually Live for the first time in a while means i can actually keep up with liveblogging it lmao... i need these commercial breaks to put words together
backstage with eddie and ortiz and death triangle
omg lmao ortiz put together an intervention for eddie. "eddie youre out of control" the lucha bros are here with encouraging words and eddie is just like :/? omg pac setting up pac vs eddie??? lmao poor eddie tho ;o; hes so blindsided
hook vs ari devari
those are some crisp printed hundreds i wonder how much it is to get fake film prop money whoa hook's getting beaten up classic threatening chin grab. love to see it whoa another pin break. will they actually make hook lose (no, but theyre not making it look easy!) oh theres redrum lol
haha vsk trying to fan him awake with the money redrum 2!!!! nooo dont put the money in his mouth you dont know where those crisp bills have been
backstage with the firm! ethan page and stokely
theyre bullying matt hardy ............ is he trying to outcringe them "by the time im done, you wont want me on your team"
willow nightingale vs leila gray
yay willow i wish penelope were here but ok... fighting! tackle! big scoop! big slam! theyre giving willow a lot of lore on commentary. which is funny because i know so little about leila gray in comparison ringside shenanigans! this match seems slightly awkward in its flow and pacing...? maybe im just looking too hard. or maybe leila is new? i dont know much about her so thatd check out "she aint no baddie! im the baddie" is that what was said there lol weird... match... maybe that penelope ford thing was a real last minute development. did they do dark matches before this show
OH!!!!!! WILLOW HIRED!!! yay!!!! i just uh... wish it wasnt after such a... weird match... oh... jade hijacking willow's celebration... i mean.. i guess thats heel behavior omg nyla and crew stole her car lol jade cargill killing every security guard
video segment with 10 and rush (and orange cassidy!)
oh lol theyre playing this on tv? nice. it was really good. i do think its funny that all the good segments they put on social media that i end up watching they also play on tv. better not to waste good segments to be lost in the social media oh they cut out the tony khan part of it lol he made a promise he wouldnt become an onscreen character after all
backstage pre-match with 10 and rush and orange
orange why are you with mark henry-- lmao why ARE you getting between these two guys' conflict jose i recognize your threat to orange but. i think punk has the honor of the shortest title run. twice over (😭) lmao orange has his own branded microphone... please tell me this is going to be a recurring thing stealing mark henry's bit again!!
rush vs 10 vs orange cassidy
andrade seamlessly deleted from the storyline i have such bad memory i have to keep reminding myself. *touches the earth* there was a guy here, once. i do this for punk and the elite as well i hope the elite and omega come back soon... yay!!! the best friends are here too!!!!!! :)c i love getting glimpses of my favorite guys in the background. imagine if i got to saw them wrestle :OOOO (theres plenty of non-conspiracy reasons for them to not have bookings. i understand. also they DID just wrestle in a trios match) (but that wasnt about them! it was about oc and pac!) (ok enough of that, its time for the main event!!!) he kept those glasses on for longer than i thought aoughh!! rush throwing beverage around! sticky cable choking! hm. its ok. i like the lime color watching 10 and rush fight, it makes me think that maybe oc turning this into a threeway gives 10 an out to lose but not lose his mask to rush thats a very charitable interpretation of the situation though. he also could just be being a funny little rascal oof!! solid table... unbreaking... 10 is so beefy. beef guy. real ooo i love me a good spear oh! orange is back in the ring the old nelson into pockets bit wow what a smooth beach break lmao why is open in-ring meddling legal in a three way i seriously love danhausen's curse-into-dickpunch manuever very mp100 reigan hypnosis punch energy rush trying to mess with 10's mask! are they going to reveal 10's canonically pretty face no! it will not occur. orange wins!
10 standing in the ring looking at orange... 10 looking at rush... lmao orange looking at rush like hes a weirdo
aww sad in memoriam bit at the end :(
the fite feed kept going but is glitched frozen. im missing out on the best friends being in the ring "theyre probably hugging right now" my friend does nothing but directly wound me
0 notes
angelplummie · 3 years
Okay so like for starterssssss, I love getting represented as a chubby gal 🥺🥺 so I love you for writing that last Oikawa imagineeeee 😩😩😩
Soooo, I was wondering if I could request a plus size reader that really likes Kuroo, (and he’s like a super cliché bad boy🤰🏽) but he’s too embarrassed to be seen with Y/n. So she starts to hit on his friend or try to make him jealous. (I want you to add your own little idea here! But likeee, make her a baddie 😘😘)
Thanks baby 😚
Angsty?? kinda, a pinch of suggestive stuff
post girlboss was referring to
a/n:i decided to go for emo / anger issues / definitely has punched a hole in his wall kuroo, just cuz i love writing losers, and i love seeing grown men cry. reader is like 20/21 just like college age yk, kuroo is 23 as stated in fic. p.s where my artic monkey hoes at
warnings: swearing, mentions of sex n specific sexual acts, suggestive stuff, uhhh bad boy but he’s not a (bad boy) he’s just a (bad) (boy) he’s just no good, like no fr never date guys like this, he may SEEM COOL and give you the dick but girl you will be so embarrassed once u realised u gave up the kitty for a man that genuinely believes tame impala and mac demarco are unheard of and calls himself an empath even though he’s mean to his mum every time she comes over to help with the laundry and has manipulated every girl he’s ever been in the vicinity of but i digress! on with the story!
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“Kuroo-!” you yelped in surprised, bed bouncing beneath you. The second he had thrown you down, he ripped off his shirt and made a noise of frustration when he couldn’t shed his skinny jeans fast enough. Brows furrowed, he began hopping furiously to yank them off.
You laughed, much to his annoyance.
“You’re gonna hurt yourself if you keep up with that. What’s the rush?”
He sighed, and carefully pulled them off his ankles. Standing up straight, he seemed to have composed himself, with that cocky smirk on his rugged face. Your eyes trailed down his lean, long body. It was all you could do not to scream, he was so gorgeous. He took a few sweeping steps to where you lay, and got right on top of you, hands either side of your head. His eyes bore into you, it made you squirm internally, not that you would ever admit it.
“Just want you so bad, kitten.”
You barked out a laugh as if your heart didn’t jolt at his stupid pet name. It was such a stupid name, but coming from him it made you melt. Again, not like you’d ever admit it.
“Ew, Tetsu don’t call me kitten, it’s cr-“
He cut you off by leaning down and kissing you, you could feel his snake bites against your bottom lip. He groaned softly, shoving his tongue down your throat. He tasted like his sour apple vape, and his hair was soft when you ran your fingers through it. You could barely contain your butterflies, eyes squeezed closed.
“Come on babe, you know you like it.”
No matter how many times you and Kuroo hung out, it always felt so fresh. Maybe it was because he was exciting, or because he was a little bit wild, you didn’t know.
He leaned down closer to you, getting on his elbows, deepening the kiss. He pulled away and smirked at your breathlessness. With a slender, ring adorned hand, he reached beneath your top and cupped your tits over your bra. He gave them a sharp squeeze and started placing chaste kisses on your neck. He was considerate like that, didn’t leave hickeys because he knew they’d be hard to cover for you. He groaned as he jiggled the fat of your boobs in his hands,
“God, you have the nicest tits, babe.”
You had been dating for nearly 3 months now, if that was what it was. To be honest, you weren’t really sure what you were. You hang out all the time at his or your place, there was rarely a time when you didn’t have an ache between your legs, one way or another. He didn’t really take you on ‘dates’ but chatting to him was fun in itself, you didn’t need to go out to do that. He didn’t necessarily say romantic stuff either... but he didn’t not say romantic stuff either? He beat up your ex at a party one time! That had to mean something right? He exactly wouldn’t tell you how he felt but he showed you, kissing your cheek or tilting your chin up to look at him or kissing your neck or feeling you up. But that usually led to sex, so you couldn’t be certain. It wasn’t like you only screwed though, you watched your favourite movies together... although the last couple times he just started fingering you. You showed him your playlists? No no, he showed you his playlists, his sex playlists. There seemed to be a common theme here. But... there were times, afterwards, when he would pull in you so tight, tell you how good you were for him, how well you did, how pretty you looked. Any doubts you had were gone after a few hushed words on his tobacco reeking rickety old bed. You’d never really had a relationship like this before, but you assumed it was just because Kuroo was so chill. You were probably boyfriend and girlfriend, he just didn’t feel the need to announce it, he was laidback like that. So what if you guys had a lot of sex? Weren’t you a new couple? Wasn’t this just the honeymoon stage were you can’t get your hands off each other? You didn’t want to seem high maintenance and nag, so you let it be. He was sweet enough to you, right now everything was good.
Until it wasn’t.
A clatter sounded downstairs, the door slamming open against the hallway wall.
“Kuroo! Hey man, I brought some California!”, a voice called from bellow.
Kuroo broke away immediately, spit trailing from your neck to his pink lips.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit,” Kuroo mumbled, pushing off the bed and scrambling the pick up his discarded clothes and shove them back on.
You sat up, disgruntled, rearranging your bra strap from were he’d kneaded at it.
“What’s wrong? Who is that?”
He shot you a glance before continuing to yank back on his jeans.
“Uh, so change of plan, I can’t do tonight. I need you to go home. Discreetly.”
“What? Tetsu, I’m already here,��� you scoffed.
What was going on?
Why was he acting like this?
You had never seen him so... frantic.
“I know babe, and I’m really sorry about that, but my friends are here early than I said.”
“So? Can’t I meet your friends?”
He didn’t reply for a moment, just let out an exasperated breath, zipping up his fly.
“Well, yeah you can meet them, just not with me. I don’t want them knowing that I-“
He cut himself off, but you had heard enough to understand.
There was a beat of silence, only disturbed by Kuroo’s friends calling for him.
Your mouth hung open, and you scoffed in shock.
You shouldn’t be surprised really. It’s so obvious now that you think about it. So that’s what this was. That explains everything. He didn’t really like you, he was just using you. That’s why he didn’t take you anywhere, or why he didn’t show you he cared. It was because he didn’t. He wasn’t “afraid of getting close to people” or “emotionally distant”, he was just upfront about not giving two shits about you aside from your vagina. I guess he didn’t want his friends to know he was furiously screwing a fat girl any chance he got. He was embarrassed of you. You were something to be ashamed of. Your stomach jerked as you got to your feet. You were pissed, but that didn’t mean it didn’t really hurt. You had liked him. A lot.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
You could see the panic in his eyes, it was quite funny actually. Of course you new what it meant, but it still made you feel a little better to watch his eyes widen like that, to hold a shred of power over him.
“I mean- well I didn’t- come on babe you know I didn’t mean it like that-“ he laughed nervously, not noticing the footsteps in the landing. You rolled your eyes. You may have been naive, but you certainly weren’t going to fall for his shit again. Whatever he spouted.
“Don’t give me that bullshit. Just say it, your embarrassed of me.”
“Y/N, please, don’t you think-“
Two men burst through the door, one with spiked grey hair and one with fluffy black hair.
“Kuroo! What the hell are you doing up here we’ve been-“ the grey haired one, stopped when his eyes went from a shirtless Kuroo to you.
Your eyes flickered to Kuroo, he looked mortified.
“Ah. I see. Well, Akaashi, we better give these two some time, we can just-“
“Oh no, I was just leaving,” you grabbed your jacket from on top of his chest of drawers and turned back to the two men, putting on a big smile, adrenaline and fury spurring you on.
“I’m Y/N, by the way.”
Your eyes shot to Kuroo, who looking like get was about to shit himself.
“You probably haven’t heard of me, me and Kuroo have actually been having sex for three months. He kept it a secret because he’s embarrassed of me. We should hang out soon though!”
“Y/N-!” Kuroo yelled, exasperation clear in his tone, but you were already descending the stairs.
He came into the hall, hands rubbing his temples.
“Y/N just come talk for a second, I can-“
But he was cut off by the door slamming.
You got in your car parked outside and sped away.
The whir of the engine and the monotony of the roads cleared your mind a bit, a mist of anger still remaining.
You can’t believe you let yourself be tricked. you were a fully grown woman, but you had been reeled in hook, line and sinker. Not only had you been reeled in, you have been reeled in by a man that still had tik tok LED lights in his room and a fucking monster can collection at the age of 24 fucking years old. The more you thought about him, the more you realised how much of an emo loser he was. Of course you were still hurting, but it was more of the angry hurt you feel when it turns out your crush is homophobic or something (been there done that, don’t ask). He was a waste of oxygen, you had decided by the time you made it back to your apartment. A waste of perfectly good space that could most definitely not get the kitty anymore. You got inside your house, pulled on some comfies and got on facetime with your friends.You told them all about what happened, and they passionately bitched about him with you, confirming your suspicion that they never liked him in the first place. They also told you to forget about his existence, he wasn’t worth a slither of your brain power, he was dirt compared to you. All in all, you felt marginally better, saying goodbye to your friends while they still giggled about how stupid Kuroo’s hair was.
This was just a speed bump, you thought as you tucked yourself into bed, you would get over this.
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“Who’s Bokuto been talking to all night?” Yamamoto leaned over to ask Lev, shouting over the blaring music.
It was a week after you had thrown Kuroo to the curb, and he was out with a couple of volleyball friends, some from Nekoma, but there was also Bokuto with them.
“I’m not sure. I think it’s Y/N something? She’s in class. She’s pretty chill.”
Kuroo’s ears perked up, and he turned around to face his friends up against the bar.
“Bokuto’s talking to who?” he said through gritted teeth.
“Y/N. She goes to my-“
“I know who Y/N is,” kuroo snapped, taking a swig of the beer in his hand and scanning the dance floor for either one of you. He found bokuto first, shoulder against the wall, holding a drink as he leant down to have you whisper something in his ear. That’s when Kuroo paid attention to you. You looked... you looked gorgeous. He felt jealousy creep up inside him. How many times had you been out looking like that since you broke things off? How many guys had you slept with since? How dare Bokuto chat you up when he knew you two had been a thing? Wasn’t he meant to be Kuroo’s friend? As Kuroo wound himself up, you and bokuto continued your extremely pleasant conversation.
“I just wanna say, sorry about Kuroo. He’s a real bonehead, but we’ve been friends since high school so I can’t ditch him.”
You snorted into your cocktail.
He frowned and straightened up indignantly.
“Yeah, and? What’s wrong with bonehead?”
“No no, nothing, it’s just very Legally Blonde.”
He beamed down at you.
“I love Legally Blonde!”
“You do? Me too!”
This big beefy man was very cute, you had been talking for nearly three hours now, but you never ran out of things to say. And, aside from the obligatory introduction compliments, he had not made any move to try and get you into a wendy’s bathroom as quick as possible, which you couldn’t say of yours and kuroo’s first meeting.
He had dreamy eyes, you noted as he smiled for the nth time that night.
“Whose your favourite-?”
“What the fuck are you doing man?”
You glanced scathingly over to the familiar face of your old fling.
“What?” Bokuto asked back, clearly done with his friends bad boy shtick.
“Why are you talking to her when... when you know?”
“What’s there to know? I’m talking to her because I want to, and she wants to.”
He looked over to you for approval.
You nodded, a little nervous. You hated Kuroo’s guts, but you knew how weirdly possessive he was, you didn’t wanna cause trouble for Bokuto.
“See? Now I don’t think she wants to see you, right?”
He looked at you again. You nodded again.
“Ok? You guys are over, now are we done?”
Kuroo huffed. His eyes flitted from Bokuto to you, remembering you were there most likely, and he scowled.
“No, we aren’t done, what are you trying to pull anyway? Trying to piss me off by talking to someone I know? Are you really that petty? Well, your little plan is working, so just-just stop, ok?”
You felt like screaming. You had just come out here to have a nice time, not listen to Kuroo’s narcissistic whining.
“Can you just fuck off? Was I not clear enough or something? You’re dead to me, Kuroo. I’m just trying to have a nice night.”
Kuroo’s mouth gaped open. He had never been spoken to like that, never. He clenched his fists at his sides and his glare intensified.
“You’re lucky I gave you the time of day, fat ugly slut.”
He grabbed Bokuto’s shoulder roughly, turning him to face him completely.
“Hey man, thanks for clearing up my sloppy seconds, really good of you. Good to know I’ve got great friends like you.”
Those were the last things out of Kuroo’s mouth before bokuto landed a punch on his cheek, knocking him to the ground.
“You’re a fucking asshole man,” Bokuto grunted.
He stepped over where Kuroo lay, and held out a hand for you to step over too. You took it quietly and trailed along behind him to the door, fingers still locked. His hands were warm, and big. Kuroo’s face must hurt right now. The thought made you smile. He held the door open for you before sighing, resting his back against the wall. You stood in front of him, twiddling with your fingers.
“I am so sorry about that,” You apologised, embarrassed and shaken by the scene Kuroo had made, “I shouldn’t have wound him up, and I shouldn’t have talked to you after I knew you guys were friends, I promise I didn’t mean to start anything.”
“Don’t be, if anything I’m sorry for not making him leave right away. And either way,” he gently reached for your hand again, and you let him take it,”I’m glad you talked to me. I’d like it if you talked to me even more.”
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DISCLAIMER FOR KUROO STANS!!!! I DONT THINK HIS HAIR IS STUPID!!! it’s just when ur bestie is going thru a break up or anything entailing a male you shit talk everything about him to high hell, doesn’t matter if he’s the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen. also i have no ill will towards kuroo nor any of the characters i write shit bag fan fics about i just like to complain any way i hope you enjoyed! reblogs and replies always appreciated!!!
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bby-d1p · 3 years
Mexico Trip for ROTY Celebration💕
This baddie is a lil on the longer side sorry for any mistakes this was rushed😍💕
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"Hey bebe I'm back" Jamie came barging into the room of our suite I pulled the covers over me quick."Y-you-you're supposed to be out planning for another thirty minutes" I stuttered over my words closing my camera roll from a video she sent me when I went overseas I am in a drought ok. Respect my hustle."I've been gone for forty-fi"- she cut herself off "what were you doing?" She questioned slowly crawling on the large bed."uh nothIIIng-"My voice cracked "Nothing" I cleared my throat sitting up and attempting to put my hard dick back in my pants."You sure?" She tugged at the blanket and I gulped. "Because it doesn't look like you weren't doing anything" she yanked the blanket off and my dick popped out."Fuck" I whispered 
"Wait so you was touching MY dick" She said getting off the bed I laughed."What do you mean you're dick "I raised and eyebrow as she went to lock the door. "Like I said you were touching my dick." She let her hair down. You say all the time nobody touches you're pussy; but you can touch what belongs to me? That's not how it works"My eyes never peeled off her; she had taken off all her layers except her grey lace set. I saw some words on the back. "Turn around." I said taking off my shirt. "LaFrance" I read the word in red. 
"Nice ring to it don't ya think"Jamie smirked at me as I stood up and walked towards her. "I think you having my last name would be better" We were both face to face I felt her breath on my chest, our height difference will always make me laugh. Jamie tugged on my shorts telling me she wanted them off.I slid them down and picked her up and lined myself up with her entrance while walking in front of my bed."New positions? have you been watching porn?" Jamie stated and I laughed and turned red."All you have to do is ask next time ok" she implied about nudes"Ok" I chuckled and laid her on the bed, she pulled me into a passionate kiss.I ripped her lace underware by accident and started to rub her clit. "These were made just for you what the fuck" she whined. 
I started kissing down her neck."hush I'll by you more" I unhooked her bra with my loose hand. "oouo" she said making me laugh into her stomach. "C'mon I'm tryna fuck and you making me laugh" I said slamming into her without warning. "Shit" she yelled loudly."You grew so much bubba" She moaned and gripped the sheets. I sped up my pace and threw my head back in pleasure. It was like she was a virgin all over again. "Really?" I laughed and started to nibble on her neck with my chains dangling in her face."you're so deep" She gasped I felt her walls clench knowing she was close and pulled out."bitch" she mumbled into my neck. "shut up" I said rather harshly by accident "damn m-" Before she could finish, I plunged my tongue onto her heat making her moan and run her fingers through my curls."MMM melo" Jamie whimpered and I slid a finger in making her gasp."Fuck right there" she blew out as I kept pumping my finger in and out of her wet core. "This is mine you know that right? I don't want ANY nigga in this pretty pussy but me ok?"I said as I kissed her clit and made eye contact with her lustful eyes. I sucked on her clit while I slid another finger in.
"o-okAy" she moaned in pleasure I saw her eyes roll back meaning she was close. "shit MELO!"I removed my tongue and fingers and stood up."Lamelo... its one thing to rip the lace set I got for you.... and its another thing NOT to let me cum c'mon baby please"She pouted seductively while sitting up one her knees. "Stop rushing "I tapped my length against her lips giving her a smile. She moved her hand up in down my shaft steadily making me quiver under her touch. She looked at me with the most innocent face. I would never believe she was this freaky."MM" I groaned as she swirled her tongue around my tip.I took a handful of her beautiful curly brown hair and admired her for a second. I could stare at this sight all day. She started to bob her head up and down with ease but gagged here and there.She pulled me out her mouth to speak."I want my face fucked" she said simply as if it was nothing. Surprised; I gently slid my hard length to the back of her throat. Jamie puffed out air through her nose in annoyance at my slow pace."Lose it" 
I referred to her current attitude. I grabbed the back of her neck bucking my hips back and forth causing drool to pour out of her mouth. Moaning erupted from her vocal cords as Jamie began to pleasure herself.”shit” I grunted as I puled out and came on her face. SHe stood up proudly and went to wipe her face off. I watched as Jamie slowly strut her way towards the bed. She sat there with her legs wide open giving me a clear view of her fingering her self. I didn’t think it was possible but I grew harder from the precious sight in front of me.She began to shake and I grew jealous as I walked towards the dresser next to the bed. I pulled out a hot pink vibrator I bought a few weeks back. 
“Fuck“ Jamie screeched as she came squirting all over the place.Walking up to the bed, I wrapped my hand around her neck and pushed her back while tapping myself against her. "what’s that" she put her baby pink nail in her mouth. “Just a little friend” I responded sliding my dick in her entrance and flicked the vibrator on; applying it to her clitoris specifically. Jamie was wet beyond measures which drove me crazy. “Shit soaking”I threw her leg over my shoulder. "Fuck" I threw my head back in pleasure, her walls felt like a rubber band around my dick. "This is all mine right papa?" 
Jamie said while massaging her left boob."You're so deep"she cried."You barley got the tip mama"I said going deeper. She tried to push me back I chuckled."Move your fucking hand"I rp swatting her hand out the way."Shit I forgot the condom" I slid out and grabbed on of my dresser and slid it on."Condoms make me cringe"She rolled her eyes"You stopped taking birth control sooooo"She pulled me into a kiss and flipped us over and lined my dick up with her core."Damn" I groaned as she started to slide down. "I gotta take all 9 inches bubba?" She batted her eyelashes and started to mover her hips in a circular motion. "ye-yes" I was a stuttering mess as she started to bounce a little. "Damn"I moaned in pleasure grasping her hips as she grabbed the headboard.
"Shit Melo I swear I feel you in my stomach" she groaned. I pulled her into a kiss and started to run my finger tips up and down her body."You're so tight mama"she smiled through the kiss and started to leave hickeys. Our eyes rolled back as we came together."Hands and knees" She rolled her eyes------ and not out of pleasure. "I'm not finished" She smile and flipped around so she was facing my dick while her heat was directly over my lips. 
Jamie started to move her hands in an up and down motion along my shaft"mmm" Jamie pulled off the condom and I groaned. Jamie twirled her tongue around my tip, lightly sucking on it. I slid two fingers into her dripping core making her moan."Melo faster" Jamie pleaded."fuck" her moans on my tip were driving me crazy. I began lightly kissing her inner thighs and lips.She began to whimper as I sucked on her clit."mmmm"she moaned and taking all of me in her mouth."Shit"I groaned. "Melo" she cried I could tell her eyes were closed."FUCK" Her legs shook as she came and squirted all over my chest. I could taste  the fruit she had eaten recently I'm guessing; pineapple and strawberries."you gott-go-gotta clean yo- you're..........."
I paused as she gave one last lick before I came in her mouth.She swallowed before licking off the access cum. "You were saying papa?" Jamie climbed on top of me.I grabbed her by the throat;"Clean your mess"I said "No" I stared at her. "Wait I thought you said no for a second"I laughed "I said no you clean it or I'll make it again"I gripped her by her throat making direct eye contact."Clean your mess"I stated through gritted teeth; and she began to lick all her juices off my chest.My hands gripped her ass as she lifted her head up to kiss me."Hands and knees; face the mirror" I demanded before giving her one last passionate kiss. Jamie climbed off me and arched her back.
 "Always hand and knees" she mumbled."Watch yo damn mouth" I said pounding into her with out warning immediately hitting her g-spot."FUCK!"she yelled."The next time you get smart and mumble some shit; I want you to remember how beautiful you look in this position"I kissed her ear she was a moaning mess, At this point I knew I wasn't just fuckin' but I'm making love to her. I can see it in Jaime’s  lustful hazel green eyes."Shit I'm close" she grunted while her eyes rolled back. "You feel so good" 
I whispered in her ear. "yes right there oh my GOD. Make me feel good papa" Jamie screamed."It's alright mama I got you."I answered while she came with her juices flying everywhere. I pecked Jamie's lips while she straddled me. She began to kiss down my stomach and around my V-line ”baby girl stop being a tease” I moved a curl out her face.She licked from the base to my tip sending shivers down my spine.For some reason Jamie only focused on my tip, I wasn’t mad at her though; that shit felt good.
---------------------It’s getting TOO long at this point------------------
"Shit I'm finna bust" I gripped the sheets. I stayed silent as slowly released into her mouth."fuck , go ahead mama cream" I saw her eyes rolling to the back of her head as I kissed her jaw and neck."Yes right there" her walls tightened and she soon climaxed."Thank you"I was pulled into an intimate kiss making me groan as her tongue slipped through my lips.I pulled away and held Jamie by her throat. "As long as your name is Jamie Amanda Ball, you never tell me no or I'll make sure you wont walk for months" she gulped and shook her head yes.”Congrats my Rookie of the Year” Jamie pecked my lips and laughed once I started to tickle her.
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years
Oh, The Lies You Tell - Bakugou Katsuki - pt. 2
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: angst, trauma, abuse, betrayal, fluff, slice of life, smut, cursing, manipulation, possible spoilers, physical harm, 18+
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Ep. Warnings: fluff, childhood trauma, cursing, Bakugou kinda OOC, DADZAWA
Summary: More Bakugou x reader interaction! And Y/N’s first time training with the students and showing off her “quirk.” How will the students react?
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5 Pt.6 Pt.7 Pt.8 Pt.9
Once you saw the familiar blonde, you smiled. “.....hey back, cutie.” You said with confidence. Bakugou only blushed at the comment and sucked his teeth as he rolled his eyes.
“Soo...you’re my escort?” You flirtatiously asked. You can’t help it, it’s just your personality. Plus, after years of villainous work, you had to learn how to speak with a calm and seductive voice to get your way with your victims.
“Yeah, that means I’m stuck with your dumbass for the next few months. So try to keep up and don’t you dare hold me back.” He ferociously said. You just giggled and went to mess with his unbuttoned shirt collar.
“Whatever you say, Fiesty,” as you examined his clothes, you just had to speak up again. “Whattup with the clothes? No tie, no tuck, no....prestigiousness?” Bakugou scoffed at your question.
“Oh yea? Like you’re one to talk. You completely changed your uniform. You realize the girls in UA don’t dress this-“ you cut him off.
“What? Rebellious?”
“I was gonna say hot.”
“That works too.”
“Suits you real well.”
“Oh, I bet it does,” you smirked. During your time throwing spitfire replies to one another, you realized how close both your faces have gotten. You saw ruby eyes, perfect porcelain skin with the perfect amount of tan, soft but fluffy, spiky, blonde hair, and a smirk that copied your own. As Bakugou was too busy admiring your looks, you gently placed two fingers under his chin.....and flicked his head upwards at the sky.
“Hehe...let’s go, Cutie. You gotta show me my dorm, remember? Cant stand here forever staring at me.” You chuckled to yourself.
“I was not doing any of that shitty woman!” Bakugou yelled. As Bakugou did that, Rumor ran right across him making his balance go all outta wack.
“Heh..yeah, sure.” You said as you walked off with Rumor, petting his head. Oh, this is gonna be fun.
On the walk to the dorms, you and Bakugou got to know each other quite well. Just the basics though. Favorite music, favorite foods, personality types, likes and dislikes, all that good stuff. You also both shared a little flirtatious banter, not that you minded, however it threw Bakugou off. When the fuck does he ever talk like that? As you both walked up to the entrance you realized something.
“Hey, you never asked me about my quirk. How come?” You asked as you both continued to walk to the doors.
“Don’t need to. I’ll see all I have to see tomorrow during training.” Bakugou said.
“Makes sense.” You replied.
“Of course it does,” He said as he opened the doors to give you a tour. You were in awe. Growing up, you never really had a home before the league. You slept in benches, jail cells, or straight on the ground outside in the rain. But this? Basically luxury to you, but of course you kept up a chill persona.
“This is the common area, kitchens over there, everyone gets their own bathrooms, the showers are that way, and I’ll show you to your dorm,” Bakugou said, giving you the “grand” tour. As you walked up to your room, you saw how already filled it was...but this wasn’t any of your stuff.
“Didn’t realize you were into music like that.” Bakugou said. When you turned to look at your desk, you saw how large it was and how there was a control panel they used at recording studios on it. Set up with it was a microphone that artist used when recording their songs and there was a mini keyboard and acoustic guitar set up on the side. Then it hit you. You had gone over your interest with Mr. Aizawa, guess he filled up the room to make you more comfortable OR to make it seem like you were a normal kid who actually had stuff. In reality, you had nothing but your villain costume (which you demanded to be kept) and Rumor.
“Umm...not really. I just sing a little and enjoy writing little songs. Nothing special really,” you replied to him. “Uh, could you give me a sec? I wanna change out of this uniform and relax a little.” You said to him.
“Yeah, sure. Dinner starts at 6 so be down by then and come meet the rest of the morons.” He said as he backed out the room and walked on to wherever. You began to explore the room. Rumor took comfort on the soft bed, and you looked at the recording area. It was amazing. You strummed the guitar, taking in it’s beautiful sound and dabbled on the keyboard. You then realized.
“Rumor! What am I gonna change in to?! I literally have nothing!” You said as you ran to your closet, astound when you saw the large amount of clothes, along with a little sticky note.
Enjoy the gift, Y/N! Cant wait to have you in class!
- Ms. Midnight
“Midnight, huh? Then these clothes must be hot as fuck!” You excitedly said. Safe to say you put on a little fashion show for yourself and Rumor. As you put on the clothes and made new outfits, you noticed how she had gone for the typical “baddie style.” Lots of ripped jeans, plenty of casual heels, thigh high boots, leather jackets, bomber jackets, crop tops, tube tops, and of course booty shorts. You also noticed the massive amount of jewelry given to you. Plenty of necklaces and anklets. Very pretty.
Once done with your little show, you and Rumor looked at the clock. 5:30.
“I think we should stay in here. Who needs dinner anyways?” Rumor only growled at you. He knew better. You both needed food and you should go down there and make some friends.
“Oh c’mon! We’ve gone days without food before, why not now?” You saw how Rumor gave you this look of ‘because it wasn’t available then’ and you rolled your eyes knowing your friend was right.
“Fineeeeeee,” you reluctantly said as Rumor gave a happy bark and wagged his tail. You changed into some comfortable clothes and went to the common area.
When walking down there, you saw a spikey read head, a tall black haired boy, a girl with long greenish hair, and then you saw Deku, Kaminari, Uraraka, Todoroki, and Bakugou. While they were talking, the red head took notice of yours and Rumor’s presence.
“Oh! Hey L/N! Rumor! Come join us!” How sweet of him to include Rumor. As you both walked towards a single open seat on a solo couch seat, you saw how everyone had their eyes set on you with a smile.
“Umm....hey.” You nervously let out with a small laugh. As you tried to settle, Rumor placed his head on your lap to calm you down and Bakugou took notice of this.
“Would you idiots stop staring at her like that? She’s obviously kinda nervous.” Bakugou said with his head thrown back on the couch. The red head then spoke up to agree.
“Oh right! Sorry about that L/N!” He said kindly.
“No, it’s no trouble. And you guys can quit the formalities and just call me Y/N. I don’t mind!” You sweetly said.
“Alright then, nice to meet you Y/N! I’m Eijirou Kirishima, this is Hanta Sero, and Tsuyu Asui. I’ve heard you already met these guys, and I’ve also heard you got Bakugou as your escort!” Bakugou growled at Kirishima for mentioning that.
“Yeah! He’s kinda.....bratty?” You teased. Bakugou only looked at you with wide angry eyes and a small blush.
“Ha, yeah. Bakubro can be a brute, but when you get to know the guy, you find out he’s just a big ole softie with rough ways.” He joked.
“I AIN’T SOFT SHITTY HAIR!” Bakugou screamed. The group just giggled and watch the interaction go on. You guys talked and laughed and they got to know about you and Rumor a little better. Finally, a girl with a black ponytail came in.
“Hey guys! Dinner’s ready! Oh! And L/N, we made 2 steaks for Rumor. I hope you don’t mind.” She said.
“Oh not at all! Thanks you guys, that was really sweet of you.” Rumor understood what was going on just by the scent in the air and he was excited. As you all walked to the table and took ur seats, everyone got to talking again. Dinner went on and Rumor was enjoying his steaks.
“Man..what a lucky dog. Steak for dinner.” Kirishima spoke. Everyone chuckled and continued on. The girl with the pony tail, who you learned was nicknamed Momo, walked in with a final pot.
“Okay you guys! This is the final dish! Just some Miso soup to peck on. Kaminari, can you go and grab the ladel?” As the blonde walked away, everyone was excited for the dish.
“Sorry guys, the soup is a little too hot. You should wait for it to cool down before digging in,” Momo said apologetically.
“Oh hey, no worries, I have a solution!” You said as you made a tiny little tornado with you air bending and sent it to the pot of soup on the table to cool it down. The massive amount of steam was clearly decreased and everyone thanked you.
“So your quirk is tiny tornadoes?” Bakugou whispered to you as he was the one sitting next to you.
“No, you dummy.” You giggled until you heard a crack. Everyone looked over and saw Kaminari broke the one and only ladel. Everyone booed and sighed at the loss of miso soup and the poor blonde just apologized with a nervous smile.
“It’s fine you guys, we don’t need a ladel. Who wants some miso?” You asked and everyone raised their hands. So, you used your water bending to pick up the soup give some to all your classmates. Everyone was confused but impressed.
“Okay, what the hell is your quirk?” Bakugou asked in confusion.
“You’ll find out soon, Cutie.”
“Whatever you say, Princess.” He replied back.
It was safe to say the new nickname left you in shock with some blush and you noticed everyone stopped eating to look at you both.
“........huh?!” The group simultaneously said with blank and confused faces as Bakugou yelled at them saying they heard nothing.
The next day the students met up with Mr. Aizawa wearing any comfortable gym/fighting attire. Instead of meeting at Gym Gamma, the teacher took his students out to the Sports Festival Areana. The students all buzzed with excitement, most only wanting to know the new student’s quirk and fight style.
“Okay, today we’ll be doing sparring matches. We’ve paired you all up based on skill level and experience. One battle at a time. Whoever makes it to the top 3, those students are excused from classes tomorrow. Get warmed up, take your seats, and I’ll call up the first two fighters.” Mr. Aizawa spoke.
The students were ready. Everyone was, but no one was prepared for you. They never saw your fight style, never saw you use your quirk for battle, never even saw you pick a fight. This’ll be interesting.
“Okay bud, since it’s a 1v1, you’re benched.” You spoke to Rumor. He whined at the fact that he wouldn’t be getting any action but nonetheless, listened to his best friend. “Oh don’t give me that sass, why don’t you go talk to Kirishima or Bakugou while I’m in battle. Fair?” Rumor huffed at you, but you took it as compliance.
“Hey, Princess.”
You turned to who called you and saw Bakugou and what appeared to be his little posse following him. It consisted of Kirishima, Sero, Kaminari, and Mina.
“Oh hey guys. What’s up?” You asked.
“We’re all pumped up to see your quirk! Those tricks you did during dinner last night had us all coming up with ideas on what it could be.” Mina squealed. “I guessed substance manipulation.”
“Telekinesis,” Kirishima said
“Weather powers,” Sero guessed
“Food control!” Kaminari answered. Oh what a piece of work that one is. Everyone looked at the fool with raised brows.
“Heh...guess not.” The goofy boy said with a scratch to his head. You all laughed and you looked towards Bakugou waiting for him to answer.
“Well..what’s your guess, Cutie?” You looked towards Bakugou as he just stared at you.
“Elements,” he said calmly. That shocked you. Who knew someone was gonna guess. Well, he was still wrong considering it wasn’t really a quirk but yeah.
“Just a guess. I’ll figure it out once I see you fight.” He added on.
“Oh yeah! Mr. Aizawa pairs us up based on skill level and experience! We’ll get to know more about how you fight based on your partner.” Mina said.
As the group continued talking, Mr. Aizawa finally came to speak up.
“Okay, listen up. I’m sure you’re all curious as to what L/N is able to do, so our first match we’ll be L/N vs. Todoroki.” Everyone had their jaws drop. Shoto Todoroki?!? He was one of the top students in the class in both intelligence and physical skill. He is an excellent fight with a powerful quirk. How the hell are you supposed to win. You only smirked and walked up to the fighting area. As you walked, a pair of red eyes followed you.
‘What the hell can this chick do?’ Bakugou thought to himself.
As you and Todoroki met in the middle facing each other with Mr. Aizawa in between you both, he spoke up.
“Okay, here are the rules......there are none. The match will begin when you hear the buzzer go off. You’ll hear 3 beeps then a ring, then you can spar. You can use your quirk at any level, do whatever you may please, do whatever it takes to win. The match stops when one of you falls off the square or is knocked out and unable to continue fighting. Understand?” He said while looking at both of you and speaking loud enough for everyone to hear. You both nodded your heads but Mr. Aizawa looked at you with a more stern stare.
“Do you understand, Y/N?” He asked once more. You nodded your head and waited for him to start the match. He walked off the field and went to sit with the class. They all stared in anticipation. Bakugou focused his eyes on you.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Ring!
At the first second, Todoroki used his left side to throw some fire your way. At the sight of the burning flames you only smirked and extended your hand. Everyone watched you do, what they thought was, nothing. They only saw you stand there.
“Y/N DO SOMETHING!” Bakugou screamed in fear of you getting hurt.
When the flames came close enough, you used your fire bending to move them around your body and attack Todoroki. The boy had a quick reaction and sent an ice wall towards you. Perfect. You ran to the ice coming your way and turned it into water, which you used to push back Todoroki, closer to the edge. You sent fire his way and he ran at you, dodging it and attempting to strike you. You flipped away from him. Everyone saw how acrobatic you were. When he came closer once more to punch you, you turned to you side and struck his right shoulder, paralyzing his arm.
Todoroki screamed in shock and pain as he realized he couldn’t feel his arm. He sent more fire to you, in which you used your air bending to put the flames out. You used your earth bending to lift the area that Todoroki was standing on into the air, as he flew through the air, you blasted fire from your feet to get up in the air and blasted him with a gust of wind that knocked him out the area of the square. When he fell to the ground, he hit the field instead of the square, meaning he lost. You fell closer to the concrete but used your fire to slow down before you could crash. Once you landed you looked around for Aizawa.
“That’s the match. L/N wins.” You looked around and everyone still sat in shock. Nobody even clapped. They just looked so....impressed? Kaminari was in the middle of petting Rumor and when he stopped, Rumor noticed the match was over and saw you standing. He howled to cheer for you as everyone ran down to say something. As the crowd came up to you, you were hit with compliments.
As the class continued to hype you up, you saw how Bakugou still just stared at you. You walked over to him.
“Impressed?” You asked.
“......you’re good.” Bakugou still said in slight shock. You only laughed at his answer. You knew he thought more, but you weren’t gonna push him. Every one saw Todoroki get up and limp towards you.
“L/N....that was a great fight. You’re incredibly skilled.” He complimented.
“Thank you Todoroki. And please, I told you to call me Y/N.” You kindly said
“Right, of course...ah.” He hissed in pain. You felt bad for how hard you went on him.
“Here..let me just,” you took the moisture in the air and took water out of it. You used it to heal up Todoroki’s injuries and soothe his pain. “Feel better?”
“Very much, yes. Thank you.” He said.
“No problem, but your arm is a different story. I temporarily paralyzed it with my dim mak fighting style. It’ll take some minutes for it to come back fully.” You explained.
“Okay. That was really impressive. I had no idea there was a fighter like you.” He said once again.
“Whats dim mak?” Kirishima asked.
“It’s the fighting style I use. It’s attacks a person’s pressure points with quick and sharp jabs. It paralyzes a person or just a limb for a good hour depending on how hard I hit.” You replied.
“Pressure points?” Kaminari asked.
“They’re the parts in your body where you’re sensitive and can be detained when they’re hit. With that, it means I know the human body like the back of my hand. Thanks to that I’ve come up with a skill called Chi Blocking.” You explained.
“What’s that?” Mina asked.
“Something you’ll all find out about the next time Y/N fights. Until then, let’s have Todoroki get to recovery girl and let’s continue the matches.” Aizawa said. As everyone went to their seat and Aizawa called up Iida and Aoyama, Bakugou asked you a few questions.
“What the fuck was that?!” He asked.
“What?” You giggled.
“The fucking fire, and the wind, and you moved rocks and you turned his ice into water!!” He spasmed out.
“Uh huh...” you said with a smile and raised brow.
“A-and the flips! You flip and did a bunch of acrobatic tricks, and the jabs, the “dim mak,” it was- I was- it was-.......HUH” he exclaimed.
“Not like Bakugou to freak out over a fight like that. What happened to Mr. Cool Guy?” Denki said.
“You shut your mouth, Sparky!” Bakugou threatened. “Look, all I’m tryna ask is..how and when did you learn all of this? Your quirk is crazy OP, and your fighter skill is insane! Appreciate that bullshit cuz I don’t say shit like that often.”
You just laughed and sighed. You weren’t sure how to answer his question. “Umm,” you started “I don’t really know...I just-“ you were cut off by a mouse. Principle Nezu, you remembered him.
“Mr. Aizawa?” The peppy mouse asked.
“Yes?” Aizawa replied.
“May I speak with you? Concerning your new student and her transfers. There’s been a few complications with her paperwork that need to be solved.” He politely asked.
“Yes, I understand sir. Class, free day. Head back to your dorms but be sure to get in an hour and a half of training today. That’ll be all. Dismissed.” The pro said as he followed the principle. As students gathered to leave and head back to the dormitory, Bakugou stopped you.
“Hey, wait. You still gotta tell me how you learned all this, Princess.” He said.
“What’s there to say?” You awkwardly laughed out. “Uh..I discovered my...quirk.. while doing some work-“
“Work as a child?” Bakugou asked.
“Sorta. I discovered it there and then..I met someone who trained me how to fight like that.” You explained.
“Your parents must be really proud.” Bakugou slightly smiled.
“Umm..yeah, I bet they are.” You said kind of skiddish.
“I can imagine the look on their faces when they saw the pretty impressive quirk you got. My parents were pretty shocked too with mine.” He added on.
“Oh really? You can imagine their faces?” You laughed out nervously. ‘I sure can’t,’ you thought to yourself.
“I mean yeah. Parents usually....” you drowned him out. Parents...parents...parents...PARENTS. You snapped.
“Bakugou!” You said with tone. “I don’t have or know my parents....” you said as he stopped talking and dropped his jaw to the ground. Before he could say anything, you bit your lips, called Rumor to go, and left, leaving Bakugou in regret.
As you ran with slight tears in your eyes, you told Rumor to change into a giant wolf. He shifted and you hopped on him.
“Let’s go to the spot, Rumor.” You said as he took off.
When Rumor arrived at ‘The Spot’ you settled. The spot was beautiful. Tall trees, beautiful plants, plenty of adorable creatures, and a gorgeous pond right in the middle of it all. You layed against a tree as Rumor placed you down so you could stop your tears and he transformed back into his wolf-dog form and cuddled up against you.
“No parents...” you said aloud. Although sad you never really got to experience or meet your parents or what it’s like to have them or a family, you were conflicted. Yes it was sad not having parents or a family, but you never had one so it’s hard to tell how you feel about the topic. As the thoughts ran through your mind, your eyes glowed a bright white and when you opened them, you weren’t at the spot anymore.
“Hello....?” You said as you looked around. “Helloooo...?? Anyone there?”
“Welcome back to the spirit world, Y/N.” When you turned to your side, you were in awe.
“Avatar Korra!” You bowed to show respect but then went to hug your spiritual mentor. She embraced you with wide arms. She’s always been the friendly, open, optimistic type. “What am I doing here, Korra?”
“Why do you think you’re here, Y/N?” She said with a sly smile and hands on her hips, but beaming eyes.
“My parents?” You questioned but she only shook her head.
“Your path.” Korra stated.
“My path?” You asked.
“Yes. Or more so, the path you choose.” She corrected.
“I don’t understand.” You said.
As Korra continued to smile at you, you both stood still as the world shifted. You looked around and saw the LOV hideout.
“The league? I don’t understand, what does my path have to do with them?” You questioned, but before she said anything, the world shifted once more and you were infront of UA’s building.
“The school?....Oh, this isn’t some typa light and dark thing, is it?” You asked Korra.
“It is.” She replied back.
“Ugghhhh, we’ve been through this. I’m a bad person. I could never fit in with those goodie two shoes! I’m a member of the league of villains! Not heroes. My path is the darkness.” You stated.
“Is it? You weren’t born into darkness.” Korra said.
“Y/N, you’re not a bad person. Your a villain because of survival. That’s the life that you know. That’s the life that you were kidnapped into.” Korra began.
“Yeah but-“
“But nothing. You know in your heart you would much rather be a hero than some low life villain!” Korra exclaimed.
“No I couldn’t. They’re too good. I could never be that great. Hell, I’m on a plan to take down UA right now!” You said.
“And are you doing that because you want to? Or is it because you think the league is gonna torture you any less if you succeed......you don’t wanna take down the heroes. You wanna be like them.”
“I don’t.”
“You do.”
“I can’t!”
“But you can. You can be all these amazing things, but you’re just on the wrong path with the wrong people. All you have to do is make the choice to leave them. You want to be good, Y/N. It’s in your nature. You’re the avatar after all. It’s your destiny to bring peace to the world.”
Once Korra had said that, a flash came and you were back in the spot. You gasped as you returned and shook your head. You saw it had gotten dark now and figured it was best if you headed back. You woke up Rumor and asked him to become a giant wolf again. He shifted and brought you back to UA. Along the walk, you couldn’t help but think back to what Korra said.
“My path......light or dark...” you looked down at your palms and squeezed them shut in frustration. You huffed and looked ahead, and saw you arrived at the front of the dorms. Standing there, waiting for you, Mr. Aizawa.
“Welcome back.” He said to you.
“Hi...” you blankly said as you attempted to get past him. However, he stopped you from going in.
“Not so fast, we need to speak first before anything else.” He stated
“What about? Because I’ve had a really long and kinda frustrating day, and I don’t need some bullshit to fuck it up even more. I mean, I’m so aggravated that I-“ a piece of paper dangling in your face shut you up.
“What are those?” You asked the hero.
“Adoption papers. I’m now your legal guardian.” Aizawa stated.
“.........HUHHHHH?!?!???” There was no way this was happening. It couldn’t be. You??? Adopted??? By a pro hero??? One that you almost killed???
“Okay, I’m sorry but I don’t need a guardian. I’ve been by myself, on my own, the second I was born. No family raised me, no motherly figure, no nothing. It’s just been me, the spirits, and the villain who took care of me till I was, what, 5? And then kicked me out and left me stranded. I’ve been surviving on my own for over a decade, I don’t need you to look out for me.” You exclaimed.
“Yeah, don’t worry. I won’t be an annoying parent, I’m just your legal guardian. You’re still underage, meaning you’ll need permission for certain things to continue to move forward.” He explained to you. You thought about it, and damn it, he was right. If you wanted to go about this whole thing the legal way, you’d need this.
“.....Fine. Just don’t tell me what to do dAD,” you sarcastically said.
“I’m your guardian and teacher now, I can tell you whatever I want, brat. Now get inside, you’re past curfew.” He said but you only squinted your eyes at him in disbelief. Did he really give you a curfew?
“Student curfew. You live in the dorms, all students have to be in this building by 10:30,” he explained. You just scoffed and went inside with Rumor.
“Guess I have a dad now, Rumor.” You sighed. You never had a father before. It warmed your heart a little, but then you remembered he wasn’t really your dad. Just a guardian. As you walked into the common area, you saw the lights were out. The students must’ve been in their dorms. You walked to the kitchen to grab a snack before heading to bed but you saw Bakugou sitting there with a water bottle in hand. He seemed kinda bummed out. You cleared your voice to get his attention and when he looked up at you, you told Rumor to head to the room.
“Y-Y/N! Hey!..” he said to you.
“Heh..hi Bakugou...Umm..I’m sorry about the whole..running away thing. I just needed to clear my head a little.” You said as you took the seat next to him.
“No, don’t apologize. I’m.....i-.....I’m sorry for pushing you about the whole parent thing. I didn’t know.” He apologized. You only shook your head and stared at your hands before speaking up.
“It’s fine. How could you know? After all, I’ve only been here for 2 days. Besides, you didn’t really upset me, it’s just..I feel kinda outta place when the parent topic comes up. Guess I just freaked out,” you saw the look on his face. Disappointment. Is he that upset that hurt you? Or at least thought he did? “B-but don’t worry! I’m fine! For real! I’ve been parent-less for almost my entire life so it doesn’t sting like that. Hehe..wow Umm. Depressing. You know I feel like I’m rambling, am I rambling? Should I stop? I think I should shut up, or maybe I’m just gonna go now that I-“ Bakugou placed his hand on yours which shut you up real quick. You looked up at his face as he stared into your eyes.
“You can talk to me about it you know. It’s clear you wanna get some things off your chest and I’m really interested in you.” You raised your brow at that last sentence. He realized what he said and quickly tried to correct himself.
“I mean- uh- not like that, or um it could be like that! It could be, if you’re cool with that. But it’s not, or maybe, i don’t know, it’s not it’s, I was, it was, I- yeah I’m gonna stop talking now.” He cleared his throat at the end of that, settling down. You giggled and reassured him.
“No, no it’s fine. I really don’t mind. Umm, what do you wanna know. I’m fine with sharing anything.” You said.
“Okay, let’s just continue with this parent topic then....how were you raised?” He asked. This scared you. You had to be real careful with your choice of words or else your cover would be blown.
“Okay, let’s see. I was born in a place-“
“Oh really?” He teased.
“Shuddup,” you laughed and playfully hit his shoulder.
“And that place was..very private. Very unknown, but my parents Umm, i don’t really know what happened to them. The earliest thing I can remember is that..someone found me and told me my parents were gone, they weren’t my real family, they just took me in because they couldn’t let a baby die, and raised me till I was 5.” You said.
“And then?” He asked.
“You sure? It just goes down hill from here.” You warned. But he only nodded and asked for you to continue. You looked at your hands in your lap before continuing.
“I was kicked out. Left on the streets. I slept on park benches, in alleyway tunnels, on rooftops of buildings. I pawned for food and..” you didn’t know if you should admit the next part. But Bakugou held onto your hand and asked for more.
“And then?” He questioned.
“.....I did what I had to do to survive. I committed crimes, but I had to live. I was just a child and didn’t know what to do. If you look at me any different for what I did though, I won’t judge you.” You said. He squeezed your hand almost as if he was telling you he understood. He nodded and pleaded for more.
“After 2 years on the streets, a cult found me. An evil and dark cult. They used their quirks to torture people they kidnapped and made them slaves to create weapons. They kept us in cells and chains, working 24/7. It was there that I learned of my abilities. I found out I could control the 4 elements and their sub-elements. There, I also met a master. He was old and couldn’t fight anymore, but he saw the potential in me and taught me dim mak in the shadows. After a year of being enslaved there and secretly training, these people (the LOV) came in and killed the cult members and stole some of their weapons and destroyed the rest. Once I saw them taking down those horrible people, I used my abilities and they saw. I guess I impressed them and they recruited me to join their little family. I’ve been with them ever since. But then I met Mr. Aizawa and he asked me to join UA. Since the group I joined wasn’t really family, I didn’t need their permission. They were more like friends and they were even the ones who pushed me to come here.” You finished up your little story and saw Bakugou looked at you with worry in his eyes.
“And now I’m here! Sitting in a dim kitchen at UA with a cute boy at 11:00 p.m.” you said trying to cheer up the mood. “Bakugou...”
“You’re not..affected? By everything you’ve been through?”
“You don’t have to feel bad!”
“But I do! You’re here! You’re not...”
“Dead?” You teased.
“Basically!” You laughed at that.
“Y/N, I’m serious!” Bakugou tried to say.
“And so am I! You don’t have to be upset. I value everything I went through, all the good and bad.” You explained.
“Why?” He asked.
“Because it made me the kickass baddie that I am today!” You said flipping your hair and laughing. “Seriously though! Everything I went through made me who I am. It’s made me stronger, more independent. It lets me know I can handle myself. So I’m good, you don’t have to worry.” You said grabbing onto his hand again and reassuring him. He used his thumb to rub at your hand and enjoy the feeling.
“You are...probably the strongest person I’ve ever met.” He said calmly with a small SMALL smile on his face as he looked at you.
“I’ll also bet that I’m also the only “criminal” that you look like you wanna kiss.” You playfully said.
“Maybe I do...” he said with a smirk and soft voice as he leaned in closer.
“And maybe I’ll let you..” you said as you leaned in. As you two got closer and closer, your eyes filled with daze and the world around you two fell apart. It was just you and him in that moment. Until it was ruined. Just as your lips were about to touch, Mr. Aizawa came in.
“Hey!” He shouted
“GAH!” You both screamed and jumped away from each other with a blush adoring both your faces. Aizawa walked up to both of you, shoving the adoption papers in bakugou’s face.
“No smooching with my newly adopted daughter!” He said with a stern voice.
“I’m not your daughter! You’re just my guardian and it only happened like a few hours ago!” You stated.
“You can’t tell me who I can and can’t kiss, old man.” Bakugou said.
“Listen you little punk! I outta...” then Bakugou and your teacher were now going at it, yelling over each other and saying whatever, completely leaving you outta the conversation. You let out a little gust of wind to shut them up and get their attention.
“Okay, it’s late, tomorrow is Saturday, so you two won’t have to see each other, MAYBE, for 2 days. Can we just let this whole thing cool over?” You asked.
“We can, I’m just annoyed at the fact that this dynamite stick was gonna steal my daughter away from me!” Aizawa complained.
“I wasn’t stealing her, I was-“
“STOLEEEEEEE” Aizawa corrected and Bakugou just sucked his teeth and looked around.
“Whatever, can we just let it go?” You asked again. They nodded and you all went your separate way. Except for the fact that once Aizawa was outta sight, Bakugou went running right back to you and walked you to your dorm.
“Sooo..about that kiss.” Bakugou said. You just giggled and opened the door to your room.
“Goodnight, Bakugou,” you said but as you were about to walk in, he said something else.
“Huh?” You said looking back at him.
“Katsuki. It’s my name. You can call me Katsuki.” He explained.
“Wow, trust me that much?” You teased.
“You trusted me enough to open up, this is the least I could do.” He said. You smiled and corrected yourself.
“Okay then...goodnight, Katsuki.” You said smiling. He pulled you in by your waists and held you close as he placed a soft kiss to your cheek.
“Goodnight, Princess.” He said and walked off.
A/N: Ok Cubs! That was the second part and in here we got to see the spirit world! We’re intorduced to Avatar Korra and we’ve discovered Y/N is the present avatar! How do we feel about this? Good? Bad? Let me know!!! I hope your enjoying the story so far. I know it’s kinda weird and all outta disorder but this is my personal day dream that I wanna bring to life that I’m hoping some of you enjoy. It’s just a jumble of avatar elements with a BNHA/MHA base. Please be patient with me! I know this is a Bakugou x Reader fic but it is also a story. It’s gonna grow and build and once we establish the basics, more Bakugou x Reader issues will show up along the way! I hope you’ve liked it so far! See you next time! 💗🧸
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I've never really posted any of my fan art on here before so here is a collection of some of my HTTYD art haha lol
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This is the first drawing I did after rewatching HTTYD 2 and I wanted to give Ruffnut a makeover so that bitch did get one! I gave her Zippleback shoulder armour things and I really think they missed an opportunity but hey, if everyone was a genius then I would be out of a job (bitch you got no job now the fuck you talking about)
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Next up is a character design! As you Pagans may already know, I am abso-fucking-lutely besotted with our smol Snotlout and in my writings which are currently on hold due to my favourite seasonal festivity, um, uh Seasonal Depression :) this is Halla, Snotlout's Mother and because Hiccup and Snotlout are cousins in the majority of my AUs, she is also Valka's older sister. This idea came to me because Valka has beautiful blue eyes and well, our favourite bastard also has beautiful blue eyes. Halla is HEAVILY inspired by the Vikings character Lagatha, so she is obviously a great nearly legendary shield-maiden, and though my backstory for her isn't complete, I assume she takes little to no shit from assholes and most likely divorced Spitelout. (Because, by the Gods, he is THE Asshole™)
But he didn't always used to be an asshole. Haha lol bruh
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Here we see a young Spitelout simping over a young Halla, who looks rather unimpressed at whatever bullshit he's throwing at her. Also IM simping over the young Stoick I drew because damn, I'd let him tie me up if he was looking at me like that
Um, Chile✨👁️👄👁️✨ anyways so-
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Now here are my designs of the Riders parents when they were younger! I am rather poor at character designing and I am only capable at drawing heads and shoulders constantly (I ain't about no knees, toes or torsos)
So first is Siggy and Nuffnut. Now I've internally redesigned Siggy to be a complete replica of Floki from Vikings because I love him soo much and I just want to write about a character with that personality and humour. I haven't drawn her new style but I will soon, she looks too sane rn. But Nuffnut I like a lot. In all of my AU he dies when the twins are around twelvish I guess, probably in battle or something or other, which is why I think Tuffnut would lock his hair and get piercings to pay tribute to his dad.
Next on the roster is Fishback and Heidi. Fishback is like the opposite to Fishlegs besides their curiosity for knowledge and dragons, and Fishlegs gets his tenderness and all that stuff from his mother. That's really I got for these two.
Then Iric and Eira. Iric cannot cook and has a love for axes that is near obsessive, also the headband he's wearing is the one Astrid wears haha lol bruh. Eira is also a shield-maiden and Astrid is like her carbon copy, except Eira has brown eyes haha lol bruh.
And finally I did Spitelout and Halla. Really, Halla is just Berk's Baddie Bitch and Spitelout is just simp that got lucky.
I didn't do Stoick and Valka because fuck you that's why sorry I'm just really lazy bitch sack me haha lol bruh.
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Now this is where you see my obsession over a certain smol man called Snotlout. Ee yikes. He's crying a lot because I am still really over Race to Fireworm island and y'all know the drill that if you have a favourite character, that bitch has got to suffer because you have to use someone to vent on bitch haha lol bruh. Theres two drawings on the same page that contradict each other where it's Spitelout being a good father at the bottom and being an abusive cunt at the top. I both am obsessed over redemption and revenge and I still can't choose which one Spitelout deserves. (Bitch probably revenge but okay)
Also for all the goes out there I did do some Eretlout because that shit is slept on. Hope you like haha lol bruh. Snotlout does give me bratty bottom vibes and is definitely a touch-starved bitch. Eret is also HENCH and Jesus, imagine that voice in the bedroom like oh lord im a boutta bust! Smol touch-starved bitch and Tol British-boi hunk. Proper nice proper bargain
I also gave RTTE Snotlout a redesign. Gave him scars, an emo-fringe and a little pony-tail thing. Haha lol Bruh
My favourite two are definitely Snotlout enjoying a nice flight with hiccup and toothless in back ground. And of course, the angriest picture I've ever drawn- SHEESH boo you mad! Betta be yo daddy you screaming at and I ain't talking about Eret. 👁️👄👁️
And there it is, my shitty fan art page haha lol bruh bye
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stevesnailbat · 5 years
never would have known | steve harrington x henderson!reader
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Can I please have a Henderson reader x Steve Harrington where she has been friends with Steve since season 2 and he realizes he's in love with her, confesses his feelings and they get kind of intense/smutty? If you could do that, that would be awesome!!
i has this idea what if Dustin older sister was a rock and roll edgy kind of gal also a baddie. The point is Steve has seen her around in high school because she was a big deal when it comes to fighting and after high school he gets the crushies for her I hope you like that request !❤️
warnings: a little angsty I guess?, kinda steamy at the end
word count: 2.2K
a/n: this took forever so i’m sorry for the first requester mentioned since you requested a while ago, but it’s here! enjoy!
When Steve was falling in love with Dustin’s sister, it took him a while to realize it. It wasn’t an instantaneous, love at first sight type of thing that some people get. But more of something that happened so slowly at first, then it was something that happened to hit him with full force towards the end.
She had been pining after him for so long and was so close to giving up. He had only seen her as one of the kids or as another “nerd” that was associated with the party, she thought she was nothing more than a good, younger friend to him. Her hope had diminished when he got a job at Scoops Ahoy! because of his constant flirtation with any girl that would come in, which was egged on by Robin immensely. Every once in a while, she’d want to give up on him loving her. But then, he’d come in with a sweet comment or caring touch that would make her break again. To her, it seemed like a vicious cycle that would never stop.
To him, it seemed like she didn’t want him, so he kept his distance. Y/N was someone who would speak her mind typically, she wouldn’t let her feelings go unsaid for the most part. In school, he always saw her sticking up for herself or being the bold one to call other girls out. It was intimidating to Steve, but he knew that she would always speak her mind. It was different with him, though. She was scared of the feelings she felt for him, so her bold personality seemed to diminish into something smaller, sometime more timid when with him.
It was a rainy Friday afternoon in June when Steve finally came to his senses. He had picked up Dustin and Y/N from their house and they were on their way towards Indianapolis. Dustin had claimed that there was a comic store downtown and it was the only one in the state that carried a limited edition comic book he had been saving up for. Steve was hesitant at first, but was guilted into it by a very convincing and dramatic Dustin.
Y/N was in the passenger seat with her feet on the dashboard, watching raindrops as they rolled down the window. She seemed to be in her own little world when Steve looked over at her, humming along to the music from the radio.
“Can we stop and get food before we get there?” she asked abruptly.
“No.” Steve replied, glancing over at her to see her shocked expression. “It’s already an hour and a half drive one way, I don’t want this to take longer than it has to.”
“Oh c’mon! It’s just gonna take a second, we can go through a drive-thru or something!” she retorted, looking to Dustin for backup but only getting a shrug in return.
“You should’ve eaten or something before!” he suggested, rolling his eyes at her response. “I don’t want this to be a long ass trip for no reason, Henderson.”
With that, she fell silent. She hated when he called her that, it made her feel like she was nothing more than one of the kids to him. To her, it seemed like he was trying to rub the fact that he didn’t feel the same about her in her face. Dustin and Steve could sense her change in mood as she shifted towards the window, it was obvious there was something more than not getting food on her mind in that moment.
Steve was tempted to make another snide remark about it, but the upset look on her face was already making him feel bad enough. He made eye contact with Dustin through the rear-view mirror, seeing the perplexed and somewhat sympathetic look on his face through the reflection. It was weird for Dustin to see his typically outgoing sister clam up so much, but he knew what was happening; he just wanted to wait for Steve to catch on by himself.
After what seemed like an eternity of silence, Steve decided to cave. Once they were close to the shop, he pulled into a McDonald’s and went towards the drive-thru. The look on Y/N’s face didn’t falter, though, as they pulled through. Steve didn’t bother to ask her what she wanted, he knew exactly what she wanted from the many times the three of them had been through a McDonald’s drive-thru together. Dustin chimed in at one point to add another sandwich to his order, but Y/N stayed silent still.
She slowly ate the ice cream he handed her after mumbling a small ‘thank you’ to him, trying to seem as disinterested as he seemed to be. In reality, he was desperately trying to stay calm even though he wanted to tell her how he really felt.
Dustin rushed into the comic store once Steve stopped, promising he’d be out in ten minutes even though Steve and Y/N knew better than that. The two of them were left alone, only the sound of the radio and the crinkling fast food bag filling the silence. Steve looked over at her momentarily, seeing that she still wore the same sad expression on her face.
“What are you doing this weekend?” Steve asked shyly, trying to fill the desperate silence.
“Nothing exciting, probably staying home with D.” she remarked, a small, bittersweet smile playing on her lip for half a second. “What are your plans?”
“My plans?” he asked, the thought of him going on a date the next day with another girl had slipped his mind before he asked his own question. “Oh, nothing exciting.”
“That’s a lie.” she said bluntly, rolling her eyes at his apparent nervousness. “What are you actually doing this weekend?”
“I—I’m going on a date tonight.” he said, staring at the steering wheel as he spoke. “With Veronica Mitchell.”
“Oh.” she said, trying to hide her hurt behind a tone of carelessness. “She’s fun. I’m sure you’ll have a great night, Harrington.”
Steve felt the words she said begin to sound malicious towards the end of her sentence, her true feeling of annoyance apparent in her voice. He gave her a remorseful smile as she turned her focus back to the fry container in her lap, picking at the ones that were left. Dustin came back soon after, rambling about the new comic book as soon as he got into the car again. His excitement filled the previously silent car on the ride home, but both Y/N and Steve were distracted with thoughts of each other.
That night was no different than any other for Y/N. She was doing exactly what she had told Steve. Sure, it felt a little lame to be sitting on her little brother’s bedroom floor writing down songs for a mixtape for herself, but it was always enjoyable.
“How about Rock You Like a Hurricane? You like that one, don’t you?” Dustin suggested, shrugging his shoulders.
“Yeah, but I put that on the last one I made! I can’t keep doing the—“ she started, but was cut off by the phone ringing in the living room.
Dustin ran to the phone before she could even get up from the floor, as if he was waiting for a phone call. She got up from her spot on the floor and walked towards the living room, hearing her brother talk excitedly. There was no doubt that he was talking to one of the boys from the party and that they were probably inviting him to do something nerdy. She just hoped she didn’t have to be the one to take him. He hung up quickly after getting on the line, a grin on his face as he walked away and back towards his bedroom.
“Where are you going in such a hurry?” she asked, an amused smirk on her face.
“Mike’s! Important shit happening over there, I gotta go now. I’ll ride my bike.” he said, throwing a few things around his room as he packed a backpack.
“Fine, I guess I’ll just be here all alone then.” she joked, making Dustin roll his eyes at her guilt trip.
“Whatever, have fun! On the bright side, you can listen to your rock shit as loud as your little heart desires, since Mom’s out for the night.” Dustin remarked, making her roll her eyes at his response this time as he quickly made his way to the door.
It was a matter of seconds before Y/N was alone in the house, letting out an annoyed sigh at the thought. She was afraid to be alone that night, mainly because she was afraid to be alone with her thoughts and feelings about Steve. So, she did just as Dustin had said, putting her music on as loud as she wanted to drone her thoughts out.
She only heard the knock on the door when the mixtape was between songs, making her stop in her tracks. She wasn’t expecting anyone, so it put her a little on edge. But, she went toward the door anyways because the knocking was incessant. Who she saw in the peephole was not who she expected to see, but it was the person who made her heart flutter the moment she saw. She opened the door hesitantly, hoping he wasn’t there for Dustin.
“Y/N, hey!” he said immediately, running his fingers through his hair nervously. “I—uh—“
“Aren’t you supposed to be on a date, Harrington?” she replied bluntly, raising her eyebrows at him.
“Yeah—Yeah, about that.” he chuckled, rolling his eyes at himself. “I decided not to go.”
“And why’s that?” she implored as she crossed her arms, not letting him into the house just yet.
“Because it felt so wrong, I—I don’t like Veronica Mitchell. I don’t really know why I even asked her out—I’m stupid for doing it and—“
“What’s the point of this? Did you come here to tell me that your standards are too high or do you have something else you needed?”
“Well, I mean. I guess I’m not here to say that specifically. But yeah, my standards are too high.” he responded, earning no response from her as she stood there with a confused look on her face. “Fuck it. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’ve been oblivious to the fact that I’ve liked you this whole time and that I’ve just been distracting myself from my feelings up until now.”
“Shut up, Steve.” she scoffed, waiting for him to crack a smile and tell her it was some twisted joke. “You can’t be serious.”
“But I am! I really realized that I liked you when we were in the car talking about my date today, I realized that I was so oblivious to myself up until now. If I wouldn’t have seen you so get so—so holed up about me talking about the date with Veronica, I would’ve never known how I really felt.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” she replied, feeling impatient as he rambled on.
“I’m talking about you! I like you! I’ve been too afraid to tell you this whole time.” he exclaimed, a hint of desperation in his voice.
“I don’t believe you.” she said bluntly, rolling her eyes.
“Oh you don’t?” he laughed.
“No! I don’t know how wouldn’t have noticed how I’ve been pining after you for so damn long if you’ve also liked me.” she replied matter-of-factly. “There’s no fucking way! I—I clam up around you, I’m a different person! I’m normally the most confident person when it comes to how I feel and I’m not afraid to fight for what’s right, but with you—with you, it feels different. I become the shyest girl ever when I’m around you.”
“You really don’t believe me?”
“No, Steve. I think this is some sick joke you decided to play on me.”
“Really?” he asked with more sincerity in his voice than before, the look on his face showing his remorse for the way he’d treated her before.
“Yes.” she said, feeling like the conversation was going nowhere. “So unless you’re here to do something about it, I’m gonna go back—“
Before she could finish her thought, Steve’s hand grazed her cheek. There was no aggression or lust in his touch, it was pure and gentle. She felt her breath hitch as she cut herself off, looking up into his eyes. She couldn’t help but get lost in them as she noticed a glint of adoration in them. Without thinking her actions through, she grabbed his hand and pulled him inside. She shut the door behind him and leaned against it, grabbing the back of his neck to pull him into a gentle kiss.
It was a short and sweet kiss, but the ones that followed were not so short. Their bodies flooded with desire as their lips collided, both realizing what they had been missing because of their stubbornness. The heat of the moment built up quickly, as neither of them wanted to move away from the kiss.
“Steve—Steve.” she said quickly after pulling away for a moment.
“What? Did I do something?” Steve asked, eyes going wide as he moved his hands from where they sat on her waist.
“No, no you didn’t do anything wrong.” she laughed, cupping his cheek as he sighed in relief. “Do you want to continue this in my room?”
“I—uh—yeah! I mean, if you want to.” he replied, smiling down at her nervously.
“Just come on.” she giggled, leading him towards her room for what she knew would be a long night.
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vgckwb · 3 years
P5R: Rebel Girl (A FeMC Story/P5R Rework) Chapter 46: Sunset, Sunrise
On the final day of Madarame’s exhibition, a surprise press conference was called by Madarame himself. As it started, Madarame was crying his eyes out. “People of Japan! I have to apologize!” He cried out. “I am not worthy of your admiration. The artist Madarame is nothing more than a sham. Most of my masterpieces, including the Sayuri, are not my own. I robbed my students of their art, and claimed it as my own. To keep this all under wraps, I intimidated my students, and I sometimes even abused them.”
Everyone present at the press conference was shocked. Meanwhile, Madarame’s eyes continued to flow like faucets left on. He continued speaking. “In fact, the real author of the Sayuri died before they could claim it as their own. I took it in an act of desperation, and jump-started my meteoric rise to the top of the artwork on the backs of my students, who are more deserving than I am.” He continued to cry his eyes out. Members of the press tried to ask further questions, but Madarame had lost control of himself and continued bawling.
Meanwhile, several people were watching the press conference on the big TV in the Shibuya crossing. It cut to a reporter reporting from a desk. “This shocking confession comes soon after Madarame’s home was broken into. The burglar in question was a former student of Madarame’s. However, as part of this confession, Madarame has decided to drop all charges against said student.
Furthermore, a little while after the break in, Madarame’s exhibit was the target of this message; A letter supposedly sent by The Phantom Thieves. This is not the first time this sort of thing has happened. While there are many who still are skeptical of the existence of these thieves, some are beginning to think that such a group may be real.
Needless to say, Madarame has been put under arrest. Due to Madarame’s age, he is being taken to the hospital for a full assessment of health. Once complete, he will be tried and sentenced.”
Among those watching at the Shibuya crossing was a boy in a coat and shoulder-length brown hair. “Phantom Thieves.”
Makoto was also watching. “The Phantom Thieves. Again. Hm.”
Another person in the crowd was Nakanohara, the person who led the Phantom Thieves to Madarame in the first place. He let out a single tear, as he quietly said “Thank you, Phantom Thieves.”
Meanwhile, the thieves were at their hideout. “Alright! Another success!” Ryuji shouted.
“Ryuji!” Ann said. “Not so loud!”
“Sorry” Ryuji said. “But more people are talking about us, eh.”
Yusuke looked onward. “Are you doing OK Yusuke-senpai?” Sumire asked.
Yusuke snapped out of his stupor. “Huh? Oh. Yeah.”
Everyone looked at him. “What’s up?” Ryuji asked. “I thought you’d be more excited.”
“Well… How do I put this?” Yusuke asked. “I’m glad that Madarame is finally paying for his crimes...but…” He sighed. “Living with Madarame, and everything that came with it is everything I’ve ever known. It’s just weird is all. I feel like what’s in front of me is this blank empty space.”
“Oh, uh, sorry” Ryuji said.
Sumire placed a hand on his shoulder. “I get it. That kind of thing can be hard. But it can bring about new good things too.”
Yusuke smiled. “You’re correct. In a way, that blank empty space is much like a canvas just waiting for a masterpiece.”
“I hope there’s room for us in that masterpiece you call life” Ren remarked.
“Hm. Of course” Yusuke said. “I cannot thank you enough for everything you did. Therefore, I humbly request to be a permanent member of the Phantom Thieves.”
Everyone else was surprised. “You don’t have to request anything,” Ren answered, smiling.
“Yeah, as far as we’re concerned, you’re already one of us,” Morgana added.
“I thank you,” Yusuke replied.
“So, ummmm” Ann said. “Do you still want to paint me?”
“Hm?” Yusuke said. “Well, I wouldn’t say that’s out of the question, but I don’t think now’s the best time to do that.”
“Right,” Ann said. She smiled. “Well, if you need me, you just have to call.”
“Just make sure you don’t do too good a job,” Ryuji said. “Otherwise the professional photographers she deals with will have your head.”
“Ryuji!” Ann said, shoving him playfully. Ryuji laughed.
“My, what a marvelous couple” Yusuke said.
Ryuji and Ann looked at him and turned cherry red. “What are you talking about?” Ryuji said, nervously.
“Y-Yeah. We’re just friends” Ann insisted.
“Really?” Yusuke said. “Huh. I guess I’m seeing the world in new ways. I apologize.” Ren and Sumire shared a snicker. Meanwhile, Morgana was frazzled. Jose noticed this and started scratching his ears. As much as Morgana didn’t want to enjoy it at that moment, he couldn’t help but smile.
After Morgana was placated, Jose stopped, turned to Yusuke, and said “So, do you need help moving into the dorms?”
“Hmmm” Yusuke thought. “Well, there’s a swath of police over at Madarame’s as we speak, collecting evidence. I assume that whatever’s left will be ‘my’ stuff, and I don’t know how much that is for sure though.”
Well we can go over and check it out” Jose said, optimistically.
“I’d like that,” Yusuke said.
“Wait!” Sumire interrupted. “If the police are there, will they find the treasure?”
Everyone was alerted, as no one had thought of that. Well, aside from Yusuke. “While I don’t know what on the periphery is mine versus Madarame’s, I know for certain a few things are, and the real Sayuri is hidden among them. We should be fine.” Sumire sighed a sigh of relief.
“So, what’s gonna happen to Kosuke?” Ann asked. “The news said that Madarame had dropped all charges against him.”
Yusuke nodded. “He actually contacted me soon after that, but before we all met up here. He said he was going to move to Sendai to start over.”
“I’ve been there before for some gymnastics competitions, '' Sumire said. “It’s quite lovely.”
“But, uh, what’ll he be doin’?” Rji asked.
“Apparently, another one of Madarame’s former pupils lives there,” Yusuke said. “He’s going to move with him, and he’s talking about this with the boss of his security company for a possible transfer.”
“I see,” Ann said.
“So, what do you think about the Phantom Thieves’s popularity now that we took down another baddie?” Ryuji asked.
“Hmmm” Ren thought. “Well, I think we can get deeper into Mementos now,” she remarked. “But as for what people think, it’ll take time.”
“Huh,” Ryuji said.
“So, how does this work now?” Yusuke said. “Do you have another target in mind?”
“Not really,” Morgana said. “Finding people to change their hearts requires legwork. And there’s no guarantee that the person would have a palace.”
“Meaning he pushes that onto us” Ryuji snided.
“Hey I found one person,” Morgana said.
“By almost getting kidnapped!” Ryuji retorted.
“That’s not the point!” Morgana said.
“Morgana stays with me most of the time” Ren said, trying to cool tempers. “So while he could go off and find leads, he’s better off staying with me in case anything happens.”
“Yeah!” Morgana said, only mostly confident in himself.
“...I guess that’s fair,” Ryuji relented.
“We wouldn’t want anything to happen to you, senpai,” Sumire said, giggling. Yusuke noticed Sumire’s slight blush, but decided not to make another remark, on the chance that it would spark another awkward moment.
“So” Jose interjected, “while we’re waiting, do you want to head over to the shack to grab your things now?”
Yusuke nodded. “Unless we have other business to attend to.”
Ren shook her head. “I just wanted us to meet up to make sure the confession went smoothly.”
“I certainly think it did,” Yusuke said.
“Oh yeah” Ann said. “Did Madarame ever say anything about the people he’s worked with?” Ann said.
“Sadly no” Yusuke said. “He was more caught up in his own dealings, rather than this apparent group.”
“I see,” Ann said. Ann was shaking a little, hesitant to ask what else was on her mind. “Well, did he give a reason as to why he said he let your mom die when according to the Will Seeds he didn’t?”
Yusuke grew more serious. “No, but I’ve been thinking about that. I think it has something to do with Madarame’s vanity. He has to be the most of whatever he’s embodying. He’s either the best artist of the modern age, the most heinous man he can be, or, as evidenced by the confession, the most remorseful. Him saying he let my mom die is his way of aggrandizing his own villainy.”
“Woah,” Ryuji said. “That’s...a lot.”
“Indeed,” Yusuke said. There was an awkward silence. “Well, we should get going, I guess.”
“Yeah,” Ren said.
“Hey, maybe we can find out if the police know anything,” Jose said, shifting the conversation. “Either about Madarame’s contacts, or any possible future targets.”
“My, you’re quite the thinker,” Yusuke said. “Very well. Let’s head off. Until next time!”
“Later” Jose said. The two of them headed to Madarame’s shack. The rest headed home for the evening.
Once the police left, Yusuke and Jose messaged the group.
Yusuke: I’m afraid we’ve had no such luck.
Ryuji: Wha?
Jose: While we were with the police, we didn’t hear anything about Madarame’s contacts.
Yusuke: We did hear some mumblings about drugs getting passed around Shibuya, but that’s about it.
Jose: No name, no nothing.
Ann: Well, that kind of stinks.
Ryuji: Do you think the police might be involved with the people Madarame was talking about?
Ren: As someone who was wrongfully arrested, I wouldn’t put it past them.
Yusuke: Hmmm.
Yusuke: Well, I don’t know if it would have come up much anyway.
Yusuke: Nothing about Madarame's palace was about this cabal anyway.
Sumire: So, stealing his treasure wouldn’t reveal much about it?
Yusuke: Precisely.
“That’s not a bad call, actually,” Morgana said.
Yusuke: And if the police are in on it, that part might get swept under the rug.
Ryuji: So, we’re basically back to square one?
Ren: Not quite.
Ren: We’re still the Phantom Thieves. So long as we’re out and about, we have the power to undermine whoever is abusing the metaverse.
Ryuji: I see. So we’ll be a constant thorn in their side! I love it!
Ann: But maybe we should be careful.
Ann: I mean, if these people are causing the mental shutdowns, and possibly have the police in line, then we’re dealing with some really heavy hitters.
“That’s true…” Morgana said. “Lady Ann’s so smart.”
Ren: Morgana says you’re smart Ann.
“What?!” Morgana said, panicking.
Ann: Tell him thank you. Morgana started blushing and muttering unintelligibly.
Yusuke: While that may be true, there are a lot of people who still don’t believe in us yet.
Yusuke: I’m sure if we can play our cards right, we can use that to our advantage as well.
Ryuji: I hear that. We gotta make sure that they'll never see us comin’!
Ren: We can’t forget about Eris and her deal as well.
Ann: Right.
Jose: Isn’t Eris’s whole thing to build us up to either side with her or fight with her?
Ren: Well, yeah. But it’s still important to remember that.
Ren: Besides, Eris is the emissary of chaos. She won’t hesitate to disrupt anyone’s plans so long as it suits her needs.
Ann: Yeah.
Ann: So the best thing to do is keep a steady head.
Ren: Yeah.
Yusuke: Well, sorry we couldn’t find anything useful.
Ryuji: Nah, it’s fine. It was probably a long shot anyway.
Jose: We should head to Kosei and get you settled in.
Yusuke: You’re right.
Yusuke: Good night.
Ryuji: G’night.
Ann: Good night.
Sumire: Good night.
Ren: Good night.
Ren set her phone down and laid in her bed.
Meanwhile, at the prosecutor’s office, the woman who was intimidating Sojiro was working on a laptop. As she was, the young man in the coat came in. “Ah, Niijima-san,” he said. “Working late again, I see.”
Niijima looked up from her computer and glared at the boy. “Akechi-san. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“I was just hoping for some friendly chit-chat,” Akechi responded.
Niijima continued working away. “Those Phantom Thieves stuck again.”
“I saw that,” Akechi noted. “I believe your sister was in the crowd at the Shibuya Crossing when the confession was airing.” 
Niijima glared at him once again. “Do you WANT to irritate me?”
“Not at all,” Akechi said. “Like I said, I want this to be friendly.”
Niijima continued to glare for a bit, and then relented. “So, what did you wish to discuss?”
“Well, I’m assuming that you believe that these so-called ‘Phantom Thieves’ are the ones behind the mental shutdowns,” Akechi surmised.
“I do,” Niijima answered. “The M.O. matches up.”
“Well, about that,” Akechi said. Niijima was curious. “While it’s true that the Phantom Thieves cause a change in behavior, as do the mental shutdowns, the examples we have from the Phantom Thieves don’t match the examples we have from the mental shutdown cases. Besides, why start signing their work now?”
“Maybe they think they can get away with it,'' Niijima answered.
“Well, I guess that’s one way of thinking,” Akechi said.
“And you think that these two are unrelated?” Niijima asked.
“Well, not entirely,” Akechi said. “I believe the tactic used is similar, but I think they’re being used by two different groups.”
“Hm” Niijima grunted. “No matter. Even if your hypothesis is true, it’s still worth investigating them. If they know how to operate similarly, they might have an inkling who’s behind the shutdowns.”
“I suppose that’s true,” Akechi relented. “Still, you are awfully focused on this.”
“Your point being?” Niijima snapped back.
Akechi smiled. “With such a one-track mind, you might not be able to see what’s going on elsewhere.”
Niijima glared at him once more. “You’re one to talk.”
“Harsh. But true” Akechi said. “Maybe it’s time we find some life preservers before we both drown in our work and insecurities.”
“Maybe,” Niijima said. She went back to clacking away on her laptop.
“Well, good night Niijima-san,” Akechi said.
“Good night Akechi,” Niijima replied. Akechi started leaving. Before he fully left, he looked over Niijima once more. He was concerned, but couldn’t do much. He left.
The next day, after school, the announcements came on. Principal Kobayakawa began speaking. “Ahem. Attention students of Shujin Academy. Please meet in the gym for an assembly.”
“I wonder what this is about?” Morgana pondered. Ren shrugged and headed over with the rest of her class.
When everyone assembled, Kobayakawa took the stage once more. “As you may know, recently one of our faculty was caught up in a scandal.” There was some muttering about this, mostly about the disingenuousness of the principal. “However, the school wishes for you to continue learning, and to continue to have the best possible education. So, while we are looking for a permanent staff member, someone has agreed to be the interim gym teacher here at Shujin Academy.” There were some more murmurs. “Please welcome, Coach Chika Hiraguchi!”
Kobayakawa moved away as Coach Hiraguchi took the stage. Students were confused, but clapped anyway. “Thank you, Principal Kobayakawa,'' she said. She turned to address the students. “I know how difficult things have been here recently. That is why I don’t expect to have your trust right away. However, I do wish that for the time I am here I can prove worthy of your trust. I look forward to working with you, and making sure your school life is as good as it can possibly be.” She bowed. “Thank you.” The students clapped. From some of the mumblings Ren heard, they seemed to be impressed with her professionalism.
Kobayakawa took the stage again. “Yes. And thank you, Coach Hiraguchi.” He faced the students. “Please make sure to help Coach Hiraguchi feel welcome. You are dismissed.”
After the assembly, the Shujin-based Thieves met up. “So, your gymnastics coach is teachin’ here now?” Ryuji asked.
Sumire nodded. “Remember that day the principal called me to meet with him. It was decided then. As long as she’s here, I can continue as an honors student with all that brings.”
“You feeling alright?” Ren asked.
“Yeah,” Sumire answered. She sighed. “I don’t know. I mean, it’s nice, but… it just feels weird. It seems more and more apparent that the world is moving without Kasumi, and that…” Sumire didn't have to finish the sentence. Ren wrapped one arm around her shoulder and pulled her in, rubbing her arm in an effort to calm her down. “Thanks. … I think I’m going to go practice with Coach today.” Ren nodded and let go. Sumire headed off.
“I should go too,” Ann said. “Shiho and I made plans for some one-on-one time today.”
“Really?” Ryuji said. “Well, I can’t complain, I guess. Have fun.”
“Thanks,” Ann said. She left to meet up with Shiho.
“I should get going too,” Ryuji said. “I’ve got something I need to do. Oh, but maybe you should buy some gym clothes.” Ren was confused. “I found a good place for a workout, now that our secret area isn’t so secret anymore.”
Ren nodded. “I’ll be sure to do that.”
“OK. Thanks” Ryuji said. “Seeya!” He rushed off. Ren decided to take Ryuji up on his offer and shopped for some workout clothes. After which, she headed to one of her jobs.
As she was wandering about Tokyo, she began to notice some things. The people, the buildings, the sounds. Ren had just moved here about two months ago, but everything changed so suddenly. To her, Tokyo was starting to feel like home. Ren smiled at that notion and continued walking with a spring in her step.
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starryknight09 · 4 years
Forests and piggyback rides
Febuwhump Day 5: “don’t try to pin this on me”
Read on AO3.
“Which way Pete?” Tony asked.
Peter chewed his bottom lip as he looked left and then right.  He honestly had no idea.  All the trees and shrubs in the lush rainforest looked the same.
“Um…” That tree to left seemed kind of familiar.  Didn’t it?
“Maybe…I think we should go…that way.”  He pointed in the direction of the sort of familiar tree.
“You have no idea.” Tony deadpanned, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Uh…no.” He admitted.
“Kid you were supposed to be in charge of directions.”
“And then I told you I’m terrible with directions, so you said we’d figure it out together.” Peter threw his hands up in the air.  “Don’t try to pin this on me!”
Tony took a deep breath and looked up at the sky as if to ask for help from above.  When he looked back at Peter, he gave a quick nod and said, “Right.  So we’re lost.”
“I guess that depends on your definition of lost.  We know we’re in a rainforest somewhere in Brazil, so I mean we’re not completely lost.”
“We’re lost.” Tony repeated.
“So…we should stay put?” Peter asked hesitantly.  “Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do when you’re lost?”
“Yeah if you’re in kindergarten and baddies with guns aren’t chasing you.” Mr. Stark said, glancing back the way they’d came, as if mentioning them might make them appear.
“Ok so what do we do?” Peter asked, and he hated that he had to ask, because going on these missions with Mr. Stark always felt like a test for the big leagues, and when he didn’t know what to do, he felt like he was failing.
“We keep going and hope Rhodey finds us or we somehow stumble across the Quinjet.”
“Too bad we can’t use the suits.” Peter mumbled and they started walking again.
“Yep.  It’s just not our day.”
The mission had been a success at least.  They’d gotten into the remote Hydra hold out and planted incendiaries to blow the place, but someone had spotted them on the way out, and in their desperation to catch them, they’d fired an EMP which had fried both their suits, so Peter and Tony had ended up fleeing into the forest.  At least the bombs had still detonated.  And they’d gotten away.  Although it was crazy hot here.  And the dense foliage and bugs were starting to get on his nerves.  
Peter pushed more hanging vines to the side while batting another huge fly-like beetle thing away from his face.  The stupid insect distracted him just long enough that he missed the ground under his feet suddenly disappearing.  His spidey sense flared, but the warning didn’t come soon enough.
The forest floor dropped out under his feet and he fell with a yelp.  
“Kid!” Tony yelled from behind him.
His back slammed against the steep muddy incline and he slid down the hill, arms flailing, trying to grab onto something to slow his progression, but all the shrubbery broke away in his hands and his sticky powers wouldn’t work on the muddy ground.
He must’ve stumbled on some kind of steep river embankment because that was the sight that greeted him below his feet.  If he didn’t stop soon he was going to end up taking a swim.  And he wasn’t the best swimmer.  And the river didn’t look particularly inviting with the turbulent white froth rising from its churning waters.
In desperation he threw his leg to the side, trying to wedge his foot between two small tree trunks that met near the ground.  And it worked.  A second later he jerked to a stop.  And felt something snap in his ankle.  He let out a pained cry.  But at least he’d stopped.  He wasn’t going to drown.  Except now he was stuck.  He hung upside down, foot caught between the tree trunks, and he was afraid to try to free himself because he didn’t want to end up tumbling back down into the river.  Well, this was less than ideal.  And his ankle hurt.  Even breathing sent sparks of pain up his leg, so he tried his best not to move.
“Hold on kid!” Mr. Stark called from the top of the embankment and Peter craned his head to see the man starting to make his way tentatively down the hill toward him.
“Be careful!” He warned before letting his head flop back down into the mud.  The blood had started rushing to his face, but he didn’t mind the sensation.  He was used to it from being Spiderman.
It took Mr. Stark awhile to reach him, but eventually the man saddled up beside him, sweaty and red faced.  “All right Pete.  I’m here.”
Peter could see the tension pinching around his eyes, proof he was worried.
“You were right Mr. Stark.” He groaned.
“I always am.” The man answered distractedly, eyeing his leg and how it was jammed into the branching tree trunks.  “What was I right about this time?”
“This is not our day.”
Mr. Stark huffed out a laugh and crawled up to examine his foot closer.
“Ok, I know how to get you out.” Mr. Stark said decisively.  “First, we need to sit you up.” Mr. Stark snaked an arm under his shoulders and pulled him up to an awkward seated position.  “And now I just need to…” Mr. Stark leaned toward his foot while still supporting him behind his back, and he grabbed the heel of his foot and yanked.  His foot came free with a spike of agony.
“Sorry buddy.” Mr. Stark apologized.
“That’s ok.” He kept his eyes scrunched closed, trying to ride out the pain.  “Had to be done.”
Peter took a few more slow breaths and opened his eyes, meeting Mr. Stark’s concerned gaze.
“You ok?” His mentor asked.
Peter nodded.
“Ok, then let’s try to get you in a better position.  This might hurt a little.” Mr. Stark said apologetically.
“I’ll be ok.”
Mr. Stark held under his knee to keep his foot off the ground, and with a little help from Peter, twisted him around so his legs faced down the hill instead of up.  He let out a relieved sigh when he’d settled into the new position.  It was a lot more comfortable.  “Thanks Mr. Stark.”
The man sat down hip to hip with him, resting backwards on his hands, mirroring Peter’s position.  They rested like that in silence for a couple minutes before Mr. Stark asked, “Do you think you can walk?”
Peter tried wiggling his ankle and sucked in a sharp breath at the pain.  Yeah that was going to be a no go.
“I don’t think so.” He said, wincing.  “Sorry.”
“It’s ok.  We’ll…figure it out.” Mr. Stark looked around as if the answer might be found in the trees.
“Maybe we should just stay here.” He suggested, not seeing any other option.
“Rhodey will never find us here.” Mr. Stark shook his head.
“Neither will the bad guys.”
Mr. Stark let out a quiet snort and kept searching their environment for some sort of solution.
Peter knew he wasn’t going to find one.  “You should go Mr. Stark.”
“What?” Mr. Stark asked sharply.
“You should get out of here, and when you find Colonel Rhodes you can come back for me.” Peter explained.
“No.  I’m not leaving you here by yourself.  Hurt and undefended.”
“I’m Spiderman.  I’m never undefended.” He argued.
“I don’t care.  I’m not leaving you.” And the steel in his voice was enough to convince Peter there was no way he’d be able to change the man’s mind.
“Then what are we going to do?” He asked.
Mr. Stark looked up toward the top of the embankment and then back down at Peter before he nodded decisively and said, “I’m going to carry you.”
Peter eyed the man dubiously.  “Mr. Stark you could barely make it down by yourself.  There’s no way you can make it back up there carrying me.”
“Don’t tell me what I can’t do.  Besides, going up is easier than going down.”
Peter supposed that was true, but he wasn’t in any hurry for Mr. Stark to drop him or for both of them to go plummeting back down the sharp incline into the river.
He didn’t get any more time to protest.  Mr. Stark was already crouching down next to him, but with his back to him.  Peter frowned.
“Come on kid.  Giddy up.” Mr. Stark flapped his hands toward his back and Peter finally got it.  Mr. Stark wanted to give him a piggyback ride.
“This is humiliating.” He mumbled, but after a few false starts, he managed to get on Mr. Stark’s back with his arms clasped together over the man’s chest as his mentor held his legs at his knees.
“Ready?” Mr. Stark asked once he was in a good position.
“Here we go.” Mr. Stark said as if to bolster himself, and then shakily stood, blowing out a long breath of air like Peter had seen people do when they were weightlifting.
“Are you ok Mr. Stark?”
“Oh yeah just great.” The man grunted as he took a step up the hill.  So far so good.  “You’re light as a feather.”
Peter knew he wasn’t.  Mr. Stark made it about ten feet before he started puffing and Peter could see the beads of sweat starting to pop out on his neck.
“Are you sure you’re ok?” He asked again.
“Just peachy.” He grit out.  “But no more talking.  I have to concentrate.”
Peter had to admit that Mr. Stark impressed him.  He didn’t think there was any way the man could carry him all the way back up.  But it looked like he was going to make it.  Fifteen minutes after he’d picked him up, Mr. Stark crested the hill.  The man was audibly out of breath and drenched with sweat, but he’d made it.  As soon as his feet hit flat ground, Mr. Stark abruptly fell to his knees, and Peter let an involuntary grunt as his leg bumped against the ground.
“Sorry kid.” Mr. Stark apologized between gasps.  “But time to get off.”
Peter slid the rest of the way down to sit on the ground.  The second he was free, Mr. Stark collapsed to the ground with a groan.  Peter watched as the man flopped over onto his back and closed his eyes, chest still heaving.
He thought about asking Mr. Stark if he was ok again but he didn’t think the man would appreciate it.
“Let’s never do that again.” His mentor said after he’d had a couple minutes to rest and catch his breath.
“Agreed.” Peter said, leaning against the tree trunk behind him.
Mr. Stark turned his head and squinted at him.  “How’s the leg?”
He shrugged.  Terrible, but he wasn’t about to tell the other man that.
“Great.” Mr. Stark closed his eyes.  “Just give me a minute and we can—”
The snap of branches interrupted whatever his mentor had been about to say.  Mr. Stark shot to his feet, something Peter didn’t think he would’ve been capable of a second earlier.  Peter hurried to stand on his good leg, using the tree behind him to push up.  Mr. Stark moved to stand protectively in front of him, and Peter was about to protest the obvious babying when the person making all the noise burst through the forest into sight.
“Rhodey.” Mr. Stark greeted his friend with relief.  “What took so long?”
“You never make it easy Tones.” Rhodey complained with a shake of his head and a smile.
Mr. Stark let out short laugh.  “I don’t make it easy?  You couldn’t have gotten here fifteen minutes earlier?”
Peter grinned.
“Never mind.” Mr. Stark waved a hand dismissively.  “Just get over here and help me with the kid.  He’s hurt.”
“What happened?” Rhodey asked and hurried over, no longer smiling.
“He had a little disagreement with gravity.”
Peter rolled his eyes.  “I sprained my ankle.  Mr. Stark’s overacting.  As usual.”
Rhodey knelt down and examined his ankle, pressing in a few different areas.  He sucked in a breath when the man’s fingers ghosted over a particularly tender spot.
“Yeah I don’t think that’s just sprained.” Rhodey decided and stood back up.  “Let’s get you back to the Quinjet.”
“The EMP didn’t reach it?” Mr. Stark asked.
“No we must’ve been far enough away.  Is that what happened to your suits?”
They both nodded.
“Bad luck.” Rhodey said.
“Parker luck.” Mr. Stark muttered with a grin.
Peter shot him a fake glare.
“Ready to go?” Rhodey asked.
Peter nodded.
Rhodey turned so his armored back faced him.  “Hop on.”
“Again?” Peter asked in disbelief.  Two piggyback rides in one day.  He was never going to live this down.
“What do you mean again?” Rhodey asked.  Right, he didn’t know about that.
“Nothing.” Mr. Stark said quickly and gave him a look that meant they weren’t going to speak of it.
“Right.  Nothing.” Peter climbed onto Rhodey’s back.
“I’ll be right back.” Rhodey told Mr. Stark as soon as he was situated.
“I”ll be right here.” His mentor gestured to area around him with a smirk.
They took off into the air.
“So, Tony gave you a piggyback ride, huh?” Rhodey said, clearly amused.
“How did you—”
Rhodey burst out laughing.
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casmoments · 4 years
Marriage of Convenience; part 6
Prompt: “Arranged Marriage” -  Certain factions of heaven are on your tail, the consequence of your death a trigger to greater destruction.  In order to protect your life and others, you agree to an old custom that prevents any heavenly agent from harming you.   The basic ritual?  You have to marry an angel.  Sixth part in a series.  (second to last chapter) Reader Gender: female Word Count: 7400 Warnings:  reader has nightmares about her angel attack, mild violence in a confrontation later.   some wing!kink in the smutty part.  
part one ; part two ; part three ; part four ; part five
That awful, extended hunt eventually drew to a close.   There were always other cases, though.   If it wasn’t a hunt then it was heaven.   You had to share your husband with the world and though goodbyes were never easy, you allowed his departure.   You treasured your time together all the more.     And you knew that if you truly needed him for some reason, he would come if you called.  
Not that you took advantage of this.   At least, your conscious mind did not.  
There was a split second between sleep and consciousness in which nightmares bled into reality.   You woke with a panicked start, Castiel’s name falling from your lips before you realized you were dreaming.   Wings fluttered nonetheless, Castiel appearing at your bedside almost immediately.
“What is it?” he asked, concerned.   You swallowed and looked at him, a bit embarrassed.
“Sorry,” you said, “I shouldn’t have called.  It was just a nightmare.”
You didn’t have nightmares often.   The grotesque and supernatural had integrated itself so thoroughly in your life that very little truly startled you.   That being said, these thoughts sat dormant in your mind.   The only group interested in your harm was an  angel faction, the one set on sacrificing you for that long-ago vanquished ritual.   You didn’t serve a real purpose to anyone else so you were left alone, thus quite safe so long as your marriage shielded you from the aforementioned baddies.   But despite your security, you knew it was a dangerous world.   You had seen things, endured things firsthand, things that most people could not imagine.  
And so, while nightmares were rare, and while they had not bothered you in a very, very, very long time, one occasionally surfaced with memory of darker places.
“A nightmare,” Castiel said.   Though it was dark in your room, you could still make out his silhouette.   Details came into view when your bedside lamp suddenly flicked on, your eyes closing against the sudden light.    “Are you okay?”  Castiel asked, stepping closer to the bed.  
You pushed yourself upright, rubbing your eyes.   Though you felt comfortable calling on Castiel for any number of reasons, this seemed a bit superfluous.    If he was not at your side then it was because he was doing something important.   You pulled him from that task for a ridiculous reason.  Still embarrassed, you found it difficult to meet his eye.   Your reservation upset him.
“Y/N,” he said, knees bumping the mattress, he stood so close.   “Tell me what’s wrong.”  
“Nothing,” you said, finally looking at him.   His brow was creased with worry, eyes set on you.   You smiled weakly.   “I’m sorry.  I called you for no good reason.   You were probably busy with something important.”  
He frowned at that.   You looked away, pulling hair in front of your face.   You peered at him through the unkempt locks, watching as he shrugged off his coats.   You looked away when he sat on the bed, loosening his tie.    His shoes and socks were gone but he was still mostly dressed.   It was a little more casual, though, and spoke of the promise to stay.   When he reached for you, you immediately moved into his embrace.   You shoved your face into his chest.  
“You are important,” he said, pushing your hair back, tucking it behind your ears.   “I’ve been a very bad husband if I have not made that clear.”
“You are not a bad husband,” you said, wrapping your arms around his waist.   “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened.  You’re the one who saved me.”    He kissed the top of your head, arms settling around you.  
“What was your nightmare?” he asked.   He rubbed soothing circles on your lower back.   You hummed a bit, lifting your face.   You placed your head against his chest, gentler.  
“It was, uh, just the… just the angel thing.  From way back.”  
Castiel had found you all that time ago, the Winchesters in tow.   The angels who sought your demise had captured you—you who understood nothing of heaven or angels or prophets.    They had trapped you in some warehouse and accosted you, tying you up as they prepared the beginnings of a ritual.  You endured so much, the in-between moments were blurry.   But Castiel eventually interrupted, taking them out one at a time.   Though the latter half of this story delighted, the former did not.   You were captive for some time and angels weren’t exactly gentle.    They were soldiers on a mission and, because their efforts were already dark, they went a bit beyond their assignment.
You shuddered.   Castiel’s arms tightened around you.  
“You’re safe,” he said firmly, kissing your forehead.   You tightened your own hold.
“I know,” you said.   “I know.”    You tipped your head back, looking up at him.    He met your gaze, his dark expression softening as he looked at you.   “Will you, uh, will you stay with me until I fall asleep again?”
“Of course,” he said without hesitation, pressing his forehead to yours for a moment.   You smiled gently, making a surprised noise when he kissed you.   He smiled in return, pulling back, lifting a hand to caress your cheek.    Even after all this time, you still blushed beneath his attentive stare.  
“The best husband,” you murmured, nudging his chin with your nose.   He swept down, kissing you deeply.   You looked at him fondly as the kiss ended.   “You like it when I call you that,” you said, pressing a hand to his chest, idly tracing the shirt buttons.   You undid the first few, opening his collar.    “Why do you like it so much?” you asked curiously, looking at him again.
“It’s not a title I ever thought I would possess,” he said, his fingers running over your shoulder and curving down your arm.   “Marriage is reserved for humans, with few exceptions and rituals.   Ours included.”   He looked at you, his eyes roving your face.  His hand slid to your hip and drew you close.   “It was an unexpected development,” he said, “but one I treasure.   It… you… are very important to me.”   He kissed your forehead, then your eyelid as you closed your eyes.   “Earth is… messy.  Life is troublesome and the burdens are endless.”   He kissed your cheek, the tip of your nose.   “Being your husband, hearing you say it, gives me joy.   Something that seems to be a rare commodity.   But it’s mine.”   He didn’t kiss you, ridiculous tease that he was, so you had to kiss him instead.   He smiled when you parted, touching his thumb to your bottom lip as he stared down at you.    “My wife,” he said.
“Husband,” you grumbled, a bit sheepishly, embarrassed by his sentimentalities and sweetness.   You buried your face in his chest again.  He held no such embarrassment, happy to prolong the moment.
“Wife,” he said once more.   You giggled, lifting your head.  
“We’re ridiculous.”
“Maybe.”  He didn’t seem to mind.   He just smiled.   “You should sleep now.”   The lamp faded gradually, the room darkening.   “I’ll stay with you.”
“Thank you,” you said, yawning soon after.   You cuddled against him, sighing, closing your eyes.  
He kissed your forehead again, wrapping his arm around you.
It was Dean who suggested date night.   Well, he suggested get the hell out of the bunker, you lovesick idiots night, but it was the same thing.
There was really only one problem with a formal date night: neither you or Castiel had ever been on a date.   Your perpetual singlehood prior to an arranged marriage was no secret.   And Castiel wasn’t even human.  
You were strolling along a boulevard, your hand in the crook of his elbow, but neither of you spoke nor did you have a very clear destination.   Your knowledge of dating habits were mostly limited to Hollywood incarnations.   There seemed to be an awful lot of restaurants and bowling alleys involved.   Nothing sounded appealing.
So you were just walking in silence.
“This is weird,” you said after a bit.   Castiel looked at you.
“What is?” he asked.
“We’re just… we’re not doing anything,” you said.  “I feel kinda stressed which is weird.  It’s just you.”  You blushed and looked at him.  He smiled, drawing to a halt so you could face each other.
“What would make you less ‘stressed’?” he asked, genuinely wanting to know.   You shrugged.
“I dunno,” you said.  “The activity doesn’t really matter, I guess.  Dates are just… I don’t know… supposed to be talking about yourself, I guess.   Isn’t it?”
“I don’t know.”
“Right.  Well.   We’ll talk then,” you said.   You started walking again, once more hooking your hand around his proffered arm.   “About… something.   That we haven’t talked about before.”  
Forced conversation was odd.  With you and Castiel, every discussion and moment unfurled naturally.   You recalled your wedding night—all hesitant touch and stiff posture.  It wasn’t until he eased you into comfort and allowed a natural moment to grow that any connection was made.   The same proved true here.
Castiel already knew your life story.   As for his own, you knew as much as could be told.  Heavenly affairs could be abstract to mortal understanding.   Beyond his time on earth, his stories were a bit nonsensical.   You did like when he related his observations of mankind.   Watching had been a duty for very long and he saw interesting things.   It was even more interesting to watch him reanalyze these things in light of his newfound revelations; he was not the same angel he was all those years ago.
Your story unfolded on a less cosmic scale, but you could claim a similar truth: you were not the same person you once were, but you were glad.    You were even more glad because you could still claim your individuality.   Romance had not stifled you but let you grow in new ways.   The rest of you remained intact.   You still enjoyed your hobbies, still took pleasure in little things, your walks and journeys, details like flowers and ice cream and—
“Have you ever had ice cream before?” you suddenly asked, clasping both hands around his arm.   He shook his head, looking thoughtful.
“No,” he said.  “You know food is an indulgence for me.  I haven’t had much of it.”
“We should have ice cream,” you said, grinning.   He looked at you and then around.
“I don’t think there’s any ice cream here,” he said, looking a bit confused, wondering where your idea came from.
“Then let’s go find some,” you said.  “No husband of mine will exist without having tried ice cream.”  
His glance was so incredibly fond.  He gently broke your hold, your hands releasing his arm.   You squeaked with surprise as he put his hand on your lower back, tugging you towards him.   No sooner did your hands clasp the lapels of his trenchcoat did you feel the world flip.   When you opened your eyes and looked around, your surroundings baffled you.  
“Uh, where are we?” you asked.
“A small town, in the middle of nowhere, as I believe you say.”   He looked incredibly proud of himself. You laughed a bit, shaking your head as you stepped back.    As he said, it was a small town.   The road was a bit dusty but there was something quaint about the surrounding environment.   Your eyes immediately fell to an ice cream shop across the street.   You looked at him for verification.  
“My abandoned search for God once led me here,” he said.  His devastatingly failed search was a story you knew well.   You touched his arm but he looked at you contently, placing his hand over yours.   “I was told their ice cream was ‘to die for’.   I think it must be decent to warrant murderous ideation.”
“Sounds good to me,” you said, giggling at his comment.   He smiled, leading you across the street.
A while later, you found yourself on a boardwalk in a different city.   You sat side-by-side on a bench, looking over the sea wall.   It was the edge of sunset here, the air a little cool but manageable.   You ate your ice cream cone, your favourite flavour, glancing at him as you licked the top.   He had no real preference so you ordered him the same flavour.    You told him to order a bowl but he insisted on the same as you.
But your worries were rightly assumed.   He might have been a celestial force but the ice cream outdid him.   He was trying to lick it before it melted but little trails of ice cream ran down the cone and over his hand.   He looked at it, brow creased, a frown on his face.
“This is not enjoyable,” he said, then simply tried to bite into the ice cream.  He ripped away a chunk then made a face, swallowing it quickly.   “Nor was that.”
“You savage, you can’t just bite ice cream,” you teased.   He attempted to lick it again, ignoring the sticky trail running down his knuckles.   You smiled to yourself, tucking a leg beneath you as you turned to face him.   “Here, hold this,” you said, holding out your own cone.
“Why does yours co-operate?” he asked, still frowning as he took your ice cream with his free hand.
“Because I eat it properly,” you said, wrapping your fingers around his wrist.   “Here, like this.”  You brought his hand closer, touching your tongue to his skin and drawing a line upward, cleaning the ice cream mark.   He watched you, frustrated glance turning to something else as you lifted your lips.  You placed your mouth against the ice cream and scooped a bit with your tongue.   You swallowed and leaned back with a satisfying sigh, licking your lips.
“Delicious,” you said, looking at him again.   He smiled a bit.
“I enjoy it now,” he said.  You laughed, taking your cone back.
“Glad to hear it.”  
You managed to eat your ice cream without further fuss.   He still made a bit of a mess, though you wondered how much was accidental when he held out his hand again.   Your own ice cream finished, you clasped his wrist, quirking an eyebrow.   He passed the cone to his other hand.  His returned expression was perfectly innocent, looking at you over his half-finished ice cream.
“You’re lucky this is my favourite flavour,” you teased, turning his hand over.   You kissed his palm, turning his hand again and teasingly flicking your tongue against the dip between thumb and forefinger.   He lowered the ice cream, watching you run your tongue along his finger before you kissed the tip.   You looked up at him, batting your eyelashes with exaggerated innocence.   He stared with something headier, less innocent, finger pressing against your bottom lip until you lowered it.   You opened your mouth just enough for his finger to press forward, his body squaring to you as you licked his fingertip, slowly taking it further in your mouth.   You upped the performance a bit, closing your eyes and moaning once his knuckle passed your lips, your tongue rubbing against the digit.
“Y/N,” he said, voice husky with familiar promise.   You pulled back, kissing his fingertip before diving forward again.  You moved your mouth down, gently nipping his skin, running your tongue back and forth.   He made a low sound, watching you without care for anything else.   You eventually pulled back, looking up at him as you did so.
“You need to finish your ice cream,” you said, leaning back.  You licked your lips and he looked at you, glance dry and frustrated at once.   You threw him a smile, far too saccharine sweet.  
He ate some of the cone, watching you as he did so.   He then held out what remained and you shrugged, leaning forward to take a bit as well.   As you moved, his hand snaked into your hair, drawing you towards him as you swallowed the ice cream.   Fingers tangling in your locks, he tipped your head and leaned down to kiss you,  lips cool from the evening and ice cream.   The initial chill gave way to warmth, however, the kiss opening to something hotter, his tongue dipping past your lips to swipe the inside of your mouth.   You gently rubbed your tongue against his, breathing a bit shakily as you drew back.  
“You’re not done your ice cream,” you said.
“I have different tastes,” he said, cheeky tease, starting to draw you back.   You smiled, turning your face so he kissed your cheek.   He groaned a bit, pulling his fingers from your hair, running them over your shoulder.
“Finish your ice cream,” you said.   “I don’t fool around on the first date.”
He gave you a look and you laughed, settling against him.   He put his arm around you and though silence fell again, it was comfortable and easy.
It was peaceful—which should have been an indication of oncoming chaos.   You had been so long sheltered in the security of this marriage, the protection it offered, that you almost forgot what parties could still threaten you.   Heaven was no hazard, nor was any party under heaven’s command, but as you and Castiel began to walk away, he bristled, and you knew something was unfolding nearby.
“Stay here,” he said, slowly pulling away.   You grabbed his arm, looking at him with worry.
“Where are you going?” you asked.
“Down the street,” he replied, “something is there.”
You knew he was better off alone.   You wouldn’t be any help in confrontation.   All the same, it was hard releasing his hand.    He disappeared with a flutter of invisible wings, leaving you on the boardwalk with a pit in your stomach.   You waited.    And waited.   And waited.   Anxiety eventually overcame you.   You slowly made your way down the street, in the direction he had indicated.   You took out your cellphone, preparing to call the boys as you inched towards the end of the block.
An evening lamp flicked on.   No sooner than that did someone grab you, throwing you up against the wall.
“So you’re what all the fuss is about,” a human snarled, hand clasped around your throat.   You could not tell if it housed an angel or demon.   In the time it took you to panic and kick your leg, Castiel appeared behind your assailant and slammed his hand onto their head.   A burst of white light flamed before you.   You turned your head and let the moment pass, then the body—emptied of a demon, you now knew—crumpled to the ground.   You followed, knees buckling as your feet hit the ground.   You started to fall forward but Castiel caught you, hoisting you upright.
“I told you to wait,” he said, tone sharp, angry and upset.
“You were gone a long time,” you replied shakily, looking at the dead body and then him.   “I was worried.”
The wrath in his gaze faded, replaced with deeper grief.
“Are you all right?” he asked.  You noticed his heavy breathing, an action that only occurred when his consciousness fell second to his body.   He was running on instinct and adrenaline, trying to slow down for your sake, but brimming with concern because of you, making it harder.   You fell against him, nonetheless craving the comfort of his presence, and he enveloped you tightly in his arms.
“I’m sorry,” you muttered, definitely not wanting to fight, not about this, not right now.
“Don’t apologize,” he said, clearly of the same opinion.    He held you tighter, cradling you against him as he lifted one hand to your hair.   He pushed some of it back, out of your face, his thumb smoothing lines by your ear.   “They couldn’t harm you,” he said, “they were employed by a faction of heaven—meaning they were bound to the same rules.”
“Heaven is hiring demons now?” you asked, crinkling his jacket beneath your firm grip.
“There are corrupt circles,” he said, “they’ve fallen to desperation but they won’t be a concern much longer.”   He tipped your head back and looked at you, his gaze roaming your face like he was studying every feature.    “Are you all right?” he asked again.  
You nodded but that pit in your stomach spoke differently.   It wasn’t so much the physical assault which paralyzed you, rather the realization behind it.   You spent your time with idle occupations while the boys hunted, while your husband engaged in heavenly confrontations.    Civilian life versus hunter life was a difference you could live with; you were not built to cope with the trials of huntership and you could deal with that.    
But despite every gentle caress and seemingly human moment shared with Castiel, your husband was not human.   There were a thousand moments spent elsewhere, a thousand histories you would never know, depths to him which you could not fathom, and though you could love the parts of him you knew, you suddenly doubted all possibility of true reciprocation.
You felt human, naïve, young.  That physical slam was second to the emotional one, the realization of how big the world was beyond your safe little pocket.
You didn’t even realize you were crying until Castiel started wiping your tears.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, looking you over, something miserable in his gaze.   “Are you hurt?”
“No,” you said, sniffling, shaking your head.   “I’m sorry, I just—I forget sometimes.   What you… and how…  and I’m just…”
“Stop,” he said, a bit gruffly, hooking his arm around your waist.   “We should talk somewhere else.”
You grabbed onto him, shoving your face into his shoulder and gripping his coat so tightly, your knuckles whitened beneath the strain.   You hiccupped, closing your eyes tight as a brush of wind whipped around you.    You found yourself in an unfamiliar room.   For a moment you just looked around in confusion, distracted with the scenery.
“Where are we?” you asked.
“Dean’s orchestrations realized,” Castiel said, looking around the room, himself.   You looked at him curiously.   “He and Sam rented us a hotel room so we’d stay out.”
His hands gently fell around your face, thumbs brushing your cheeks.   You blinked up at him.
“Will you tell me why you were crying?”  he asked.  
The same problems you always had returned, this inability to communicate everything you felt and thought.   You now knew evasion was futile; he inevitably broke past your walls and those confessions always tumbled in a haphazard way.    You didn’t want that to happen this time so you gathered your thoughts, redirecting them into one plain question:
“What do you look like?”  
“I don’t understand,” he replied, brow furrowing.   You gave him a look, hoping it spoke the obvious.   He seemed to understand more than he admitted, and your glance confirmed his suspicions.   His hands dropped to your waist but his grip was loose, his shoulders tense.  “My true form is…”
“Hard to explain,” you said, voice breaking.   The reply was familiar.  You looked away from him, nodding.   “Yeah.   Yeah, I know.”  
“You can perceive it,” he said, something you did not know.   You lifted both eyebrows.   He nodded, looking contemplative.   “I would not recommend direct contact while you live, but you can.   As a prophet, that ability should be inherent, but our marriage guarantees it so that…”
“…so that?” you asked, prompting him to finish.   His grip tightened and he pulled you closer, his distracted gaze meeting yours.    
“So that I may find you and be with you when you are no longer on earth.”  
“Oh,” you said, gripping the lapels of his trenchcoat.   “So… eternity is really eternity, huh?”  
“Does that… displease you…?”   He looked more confused than distraught, clearly wondering where all these contradictory feelings were coming from.   You shook your head quickly, easing any menial concern.
“No!” you exclaimed.  “No, of course not!”
“Y/N,” he said, a little sternly, “please tell me what’s wrong. Why are you asking me these things?”
“Because,” you groaned, sufficing to press your face into his shoulder.   He wrapped his arms around you, effectively locking you in place.   You sighed, turning your head.    “I’m just me.   I’ve always been just me.  Sometimes I remember that and… and I feel like the girl who used to stand around doing Sam and Dean’s laundry, thinking about some guy she wanted that she could never have.   And I know I’ve got… your grace inside me and stuff… and I like that you’re an angel but… I don’t know.   Sometimes I feel like I’m not—that I can’t ever be—”
“My time on earth has not been easy, Y/N,” Castiel said, nudging you backward.    He rolled your jack down your shoulders while moving.   You allowed him to peel it down and toss it away.   Suddenly the back of your legs hit something and you fell, toppling onto the bed behind you.   “Life here is complicated.   Despair, pain, fear… I learned and felt them all in a short time.”  
He removed his trenchcoat and suit jacket simultaneously, laying them on the ground.   You breathed shakily, watching as he moved onto his knees in front of you.  His hands pressed into the mattress, caging your legs.   Your heart beat a little faster though he made no promise of action.  He just knelt, staring at you.  
“For all that darkness,” he said, “there were better things.  Hope, friendship, joy.   But your presence has given me more than my share.   How could you think yourself less than that?  Your humanity is everything I cherish, and I cherish it very much. I am far more undeserving of you than you are of me.”
“That’s a bit far-fetched,” you said, though admitted to feeling much better.   Castiel’s expression did not change even though your tone jested.
“It’s not,” he said firmly.  “And you have given me everything.   Your secrets, your stories,” there was a faint smile here and you returned it softly, “your body.”   Said body reacted as if it was unaware until then, tickling heat throughout.    “Your heart, I like to think.”  
“Ah,” you looked away from his face, “you think right.”
“I don’t have a heart,” he said.  You looked at him strangely.  “A physical one, at least.   There’s one in this body but… that isn’t the point.”  His hands moved onto your knees and he looked at you imploringly.  “I fear my true form may actually frighten you more than anything else, but that is not an issue for today.   If you would have me, though, then I will…”   He trailed off again.   You went to encourage him once more but the flutter of wings interrupted you.   You leaned back, the breath knocked from your body as he revealed his wings—or at least part of them.
There was no perfect description, not in human terms, but their composition was something chaotic.    They unfolded like bird’s wings but they glimmered with fire and light, little tendrils of his grace fluttering and hooking in the air, blue and white and something so vivid that you can’t stare for long.   They looked wild and abrasive but smooth at once.
“Holy…”  You couldn’t manage an expletive.  Castiel smiled a bit.
“Yes,” he said.   You snapped from your trance, snorting at his jest.   You then bit your lip, staring at him for a long moment.
“Can I… uh… can I…?”
“Touch them?” he asked.  You jumped when one dipped toward you.  The fire receded slightly, revealing ivory feathers beneath bluish flame.   “Yes.”
Your heart definitely raced now.   You reached out very slowly, avoiding the thickest swirl of fire and touching a softer patch.   You gasped as your hand moved right through the flames, their whisper cool, soft, rolling around your hand.   It tickled your palm and you laughed, brushing your knuckles over a feather.   A few of them ruffled beneath your touch, twitching as your hand moved along their length.
“I’m not hurting you, right?” you asked, looking at his face.   Your hand paused where it was, your expression concerned and curious.  Castiel looked a bit flushed, his eyes locked on your hand.    He swallowed hard, shaking his head in answer to your question.   Your gaze wandered to his other wing.  It slowly wrapped around you, not touching but promising.    You looked at the first again, your fingers still curled.     “They’re beautiful,” you said, opening your hand to smooth your palm over a few feathers.    You almost swore they made noise, though not so literally.  It wasn’t an emission of sound, rather an aspect of being.  He was made of light, chaos, and sound, and something a little corporeal for your human touch.
“They’re me,” he simply said.  “Though much smaller in this form.”
“How big are they usually?”
“Very,” was all he said.   You smiled, throwing him a teasing look.
“Sounds sexy.”
He smiled at that, hands moving up your legs and settling on your waist.  He drew you closer, his free wing wrapped around you completely.   You shivered, fists instinctively clenching, closing around feather and flame.   He grunted, thumbs pressing into your hips.  
“This is as intimate as you can truly be,” he said, voice falling into a dark, husky scrape.  It slithered from head to toe, warming you all over.   “You understand, I would not share this with you if I felt anything less than love for you.”   You couldn’t even speak, overwhelmed by every word and touch.   His bruising thumbs stroked softly now, his eyes on your face while yours roamed his wing.   “It is something to feel,” he said thoughtfully, quietly.   You looked at him again, heart melting.
“I love you too, Cas.  I mean,” you laughed, “that’s probably obvious.  And I don’t have wings to show you, but I’ve never said that to anyone before so…”
“…so?” he prompted.  You smiled.  
“So you’re special, you loser.”
“That’s unkind.”  He smiled nonetheless,  then looked serious.   “Never doubt me in this matter,” he said.  “You should not feel less important than you are.  I am your husband before anything else.  That was my promise.”
“Promise,” you muttered.  Most of the wedding ceremony had escaped you.  You researched it later but you weren’t entirely sure of the vows sworn, at least beyond the obvious I will marry you and not cheat on you.   “What were our promises?” you asked, more curious than anything.    He looked surprise at this question.
“You understand Enochian fluently,” he said.   “Do you not remember?”
“I understand normal Enochian,” you replied, a bit dryly.  “It was a bit too twisted and flowery for me to follow along.”
“I see.”    His wings suddenly spread behind him and you snatched your hand back, startled.   His hands covered yours, bringing them to his mouth to kiss lightly.  He placed them back in your lap, keeping his hands atop them.    His wings lowered, folding almost demurely.  You tipped your head, watching in wonder.   “An angel bound in matrimony to a human… is a significant thing,” he said.   “My Father made you in His image.   From their conception, humans have been our mission.  When I swore myself to be your husband, and you my wife, it was intended to be an unprecedented.  And because humans are inherently favoured…”   So much trailing off tonight.   You tipped your head.   His hands moved up your arms, towards your elbows, then  fell to your hips again.   “Y/N, I am yours.”
Those words were heavy, carrying promise beyond their simple recitation.   You heart skipped a beat, your eyes roaming this incredible being who knelt in front of you and called himself yours.  
“Oh,” you said weakly, reaching for him.   You touched the side of his face, gently stroking your thumb over his cheek.   He leaned towards your touch, his heated gaze never leaving your face.   “I hope that’s a nice thing to be,” you said, at a loss for decent replies.   He smiled nonetheless.
“It is,” he said.   His hand covered yours, lifting it from his face as he turned his head.   It was his turn to kiss your palm.   He closed your fist, pressing his lips to your knuckles before lowering your hand to your own lap.   “If you will permit it, wife,” he said, straightening, “I would very much like to demonstrate that worship.”
“Cas,” you said with a small giggle, laughter replaced with a surprised squeak when he suddenly stood, practically shoving you up the bed.   You gasped, the breath scarcely past your lips before he moved over you, catching your mouth in another warm kiss.   He pressed you into the mattress, his hands high at your sides, one of your legs between his.   His wings disappeared but you were distracted anyway.  He reached down, hands sliding beneath your body, then he repositioned himself to kneel between your legs.   He sat upright, leaving you breathless, blinking up at him as you tried to process the past few seconds.
“Oh,” was all you managed, a simple syllable that kept returning.  Castiel smiled, much too knowingly.  You smiled as well, biting your bottom lip.  Your hands sat beside your head, turning to grip the sheets as his hands went his shirt.   He unknotted the tie, sliding it from his collar and dropping it to the floor.   You watched its descent then looked at him, watching as he unbuttoned his shirt and removed that next.    You made a small, content sound, touching your tongue to your lip to soothe it from your bite.  
He bent over you, gaze darkening.   One hand landed beside your head while the other went to your face, his thumb smoothing over your bottom lip.   You parted your lips, nipping at his thumb, smiling when he did.   He replaced his hand with his mouth, kissing you slowly.  You tried to deepen it but he refused, catching your hands in his and pressing them into the mattress.   You shifted beneath him, needing so much more.   His kiss was hot, wet, gradually deepening, but torturously slow.   He turned his head a bit, licking your bottom lip, but then he went right back to his leisurely kiss.
“Cas,” you groaned, breaking from him long enough to say that.   He kissed you again, a short peck, once, twice, three times.  Then he moved down your body, gathering the hem of your shirt as he did so.   He pushed it up and you helped remove it, not particularly caring where he threw it.   You unhooked your bra and he drew it off, tossing it wherever he did the shirt.   Then he was in your arms, chests pressed together, kissing you deeply, with greater fervour than before.   He bit your lip before pulling away, once more moving lower.
“I have said it many times before,” he murmured into your skin, kissing along your collarbone and down between your breasts, “but you will have what you want.”
“You,” was your reply, breathing the word, “always just you.”  Your words became a nonsensical sound, hands moving into his hair as he closed his lips around a nipple, lavishing attention to your breasts with soft kisses, licks, and bites, his rougher hand filling the spaces between.   He moved down your stomach to the waistband of your pants, making short of work of the button and zipper.   Your pants were halfway down your thighs when you thought of something, grabbing him by his hair and lifting his head.
“Cas, you didn’t check us into the hotel,” you said, fighting laughter.   He frowned.
“is that entirely necessary?”
“You know it is.  Oh my god, go!  Really quick!   We can’t just take the room!”
“But Dean confirmed it was this room number—”
“They need to know we’re here!  What if they send up a cleaner or try to give the room away when we don’t show up?”
“Y/N,” he groaned unhappily.  You laughed, pushing him up.
“Doesn’t always pay to use your wings and make shortcuts, huh?” you teased.   He glared in good humour, kissing you quickly on the mouth before climbing off you.    He picked up his shirt and with a flick of his wrist, it was back on his body.   It wasn’t so easy to erase the bulge in his pants.   You tried not to giggle, leaning on your elbows and watching him adjust himself.   He threw you an exasperated look and you flopped back, covering your mouth to stifle laughter.    
“I’ll be back,” he said gruffly.   He disappeared with a flap of his wings, likely manifesting in the lobby downstairs.   Still grinning, you climbed off the bed and removed your remaining clothes.   You spent a moment gathering some of the scattered clothes, placing his trenchcoat and suit jacket on the back of a chair.   Your own were placed on the desk, his tie atop them.    You then went to the door, opening it enough to hook the do not disturb sign on the handle.   You closed the door, locking it again.   Your hand was still on the knob when you heard the flutter of wings.   It was followed by the quick thump of his shoes as he kicked them off, bare feet padding towards you.  
“That was fast,” you said, turning around to face a very impatient husband.
“Not fast enough,” he replied, grabbing you before another word was spoken.  His mouth silenced any surprised word.   He lifted you off your feet, all but slamming you into the door.   You made a sound into the kiss and he leaned back momentarily.   “I’m sorry,” he said, one hand moving behind your head.
“Don’t be,” you said with a smile.  He returned it, pressing your head down so you kissed him.   Both his hands went to your waist while yours went to his pants, opening them and shoving them down.   Once his boxers and pants hung low enough to free his cock, you started unbuttoning his shirt.   He wasted no time, hands beneath your thighs as he slid inside you.   You gasped into his kiss, fingers pausing halfway down his shirt as he started fucking you right there against the door.  
“Ugh, I love you so much,” you muttered, speaking against his mouth.   He kissed you then moved his mouth along your jaw, flicking his tongue against your earlobe before speaking low.
“I assure you,” he said, “the feeling is very much mutual.”
You somehow managed to pry open his shirt, shoving at it until he held you differently, changing the angle of his thrusts slightly, enough that your head fell against the door and a cry left your lips.   You spoke his name, his shirt halfway down his arms, his hands under your knees and your bodies pressed together.   You couldn’t move yourself in this position but he managed just fine, one hand sliding under your thigh and curving around your rear.   You groaned, shoving your hands into his hair.  He looked positively wrecked, clothes hanging in disarray, hair frenzied from your fingers and lips swollen from kisses.  
You could only focus on that so long, however.   His wings slowly formed behind him, then wrapped around both of you.   You cried out as they brushed your naked body, absolute ecstasy washing from head to toe at the intimate caress.   Then they supported you, enough that his hand was put to better use.   He lowered it between you, touching you where you needed and bringing you over the edge with a few well-timed circles on your throbbing clit.   You moaned raggedly, eyes closing, tips of his wings whistling through your hair and over your skin.   You wrapped your legs around his waist tightly, clenching around his cock and drawing him right over that same precipice.   He pressed his face into your shoulder, suddenly biting down while pitching his hips.
You swore your ear were ringing by the time things slowed down.   He lowered your legs, placing you back on your feet.   Your stance was a bit shaky but his wings held your shoulders, keeping you upright.   You sighed, slumping against the door.   You expected him to relocate to the bed, giving you a breath before anything else happened.
Instead he dropped to his knees in front of you, kissing his way up your thigh.  
“Castiel…” you gasped, your hand finding his hair.   You looked down at him, panting.   “What are you doing?”
“You know what I’m doing,” was his cheeky response, his mouth so close—
You made a high-pitched sound, breaking into a whimper when he grabbed your leg and hooked it over his shoulder.   His mouth settled over you, clever tongue working you with familiar skill.   You bucked against him, everything sensitive and achy.   The thought of another orgasm was almost agonizing, but tantalizing.   And Castiel always knew how to bring you there, no matter how your sensitive sex protested.   You were close again in moments, sliding down the door.
It was then his hands moved under you, wings fluttering.    You were on your back in a moment, laying on the bed with Castiel between your legs.   You tipped your head into the mattress, groaning when his quick actions slowed considerably.
“Castiel,” you groaned, tugging at his hair.  It didn’t deter him.   He licked upward, looking at you as he did so.
“I want to enjoy my wife,” he said and god, you could have come from that alone.   He ensured you did not, drawing out every motion until you were an untethered mess.    Only then did he allow you to come, definite stars in the black as you closed your eyes and rode his face through your orgasm.    You lay there afterward, blinking up at the ceiling, breathing hard.   “So beautiful when you come for me,” he murmured, kissing your inner thigh before sitting up.  
You lay there, just watching as he removed his shirt again.   You looked down and groaned when you saw he was hard again, having had ample time during that last session.   He removed his remaining clothes then ran his hand along your leg, up your hip, over your breast.   You shivered, watching as a wing lowered around you, following the same path.   Your faint tremor became a full-bodied shudder, heavy-lidded eyes turning up to his wings.  
“You feel so beautiful,” you murmured, sighing when a tendril of blue flame danced over your cheek, feeling like the soft kiss of cool wind.  
“I’m glad you feel that way,” he said, head of his cock pressing at your entrance.   The caress of his wings had eased the fire in your body, but you still made a noise of tortured pleasure.
“Cas—”  You couldn’t even finish his name, breaking into a wordless breath as he filled you again.  He bent over you, kissing the corner of your mouth.  
“Y/N,” he spoke your name around a faint moan.  You opened your mouth beneath his, letting him kiss you again.    You pressed your knees against his sides, breathing raggedly against his lips as he rolled his hips against yours, thrusting into you.   The light of his wings seemed to slide all around you, kissing your skin, warming you and cooling you at once.   There were so many sensations, you could only passively receive everything for a moment.   Then you summoned your own senses and began to meet his thrusts, not so delirious but certainly caught in the moment.  
You both collapsed with a moan when he came inside you, his body weighing heavy on yours for a time.   He eventually moved over, drawing you into his arms and holding you there.   His wing wrapped around you, light and sound running over you with no clear pattern.
“This is me,” Castiel said, his eyes on a wing.   You followed his gaze, watching the amazing sight.   “That is clear desire,” he continued, “for you.   Only you… and always you.”
You closed your eyes for a moment.   You remembered a time when you believed all hope of this was impossible.   You doubted the realization of an epic romance, but here you were in the throes of one.  And it wasn’t epic as you once thought it defined; great whirling stories of horrible pain, tears, anguish, filled with broad declarations of love that redeemed the dark moments.   Those things existed, but in smaller portions.   So it wasn’t so epic, after all.
But you realized this was much better.  
His wings wrapped around you, his arms thrown over you, his lips against your forehead—that was all you needed.   A soft assurance, no great declaration, a quiet promise of eternity, his grace wound to your soul, and happiness.
“Thank you for saving me,” you mumbled, “all that time ago.”  Thinking about beginnings could frighten, but not tonight.  Nightmares were far from mind as you fell asleep.  
He muttered something into your hair.  All you heard was my wife, the rest of the sentence foggy, but you supposed it could wait for when you could listen.    You fell asleep tucked against him, his wings closing around you and holding you near.  
part seven
castiel x reader masterpost
20 notes · View notes
monochromemedic · 3 years
“Get the hell away from me you freak-” the man’s exclamation was cut short as a wet force shot into his legs, his body slamming against the pavement with a loud thud. A direct slime bullet shot, and the last of the gang was contained within their gooey prisons. I sighed in relief, lowering my arm. ‘I should quip, that’s what all the good heroes do right?’ “You kiss your mother with that mouth?” I said softly before realizing that no one, not even the gathering crowd could hear that. “You kiss your mother with that mouth?!” I repeated before realizing how weak that was. Baby steps... just needed to not show my face around here for a week so they’d all forget how much I fucked up. I rubbed my neck, fingers gliding along the cryo collar as it released a blast of cold air, waves of relief flooding my body. The crowd erupted in clapping, something that startled me back to the situation at hand. A small rising gang had been causing havoc over the city, something larger heroes would only keep their eyes on before attempting to resolve. They were there to help with big tasks, real villains or aliens, something that would cause real devastation. It made sense but that didn’t mean that some real low lives could sneak under the radar and cause some damage as long as they spaced what they were doing enough or kept it the damage to a minimum.  The Graveyard Gang was playing with that line and it was obvious that if it wasn’t stopped some hero would have to come down and take them out themselves. If not for me. I raised a hand sheepishly, waddling to the side of the street to meet the crowd that formed around me. “Hey... hello. Did someone call the police already? Is everyone ok?” My words were met by the sound of sirens drawing near, a large news van trailing not too far behind. A frantic woman nearly rolled out of the van, mic at the ready as she bolted through the crowd, ushering a small man lugging a camera to follow her. “Hi, hello, out of the way, Channel 9 news. Hi, I’m Sandra Stevens of Channel 9 news would you mind giving an interview about the heroic deed you just committed?”  Her words were fast and rehearsed, like she had either done this a million times or dreamt about doing it so much, the words burned into her brain. Her mic was pushed into my face, knocking against my chin and drawing a thin strand of goo onto the mic. The woman didn’t seem to notice however, her eyes laser focused on me. “I... I su-sure. I’m just not very good on camera-” “Don’t worry honey, editors make everyone look good. Cameron! Start rolling, everyone please clear the place we need a nice shot of...what do you call yourself, Miss?” “G...Grey Matter.” “Grey.” she repeated, a eyebrow raised in silent judgement. “Well Grey Matter, hope you’re ready for your 5 minutes of fame because we’re rolling.” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My fingers ran across the laptop keys, restarting the video again for the 11th time in a row. I couldn’t stop, my first interview, my first well known appearance as a hero. And the interview was... terrible. The comments didn’t say that but I couldn’t help but notice how nervous I looked, how much I stared into the camera at times, the way I showed my powers and how one guy said it was like a bad hentai. I knew that but god when others said that made everything feel ten times worse. However other commenters were nice, saying how cool I looked, how good it was to see another hero on the streets, taking care of baddies that the others didn’t get. I felt like my ego was a metronome switching from feeling like a god to feeling like a dumbass. I readied my finger to press the replay button as the video neared the end when a knock came to my door. Strange, I didn’t expect anyone, and not many people knew where I lived. Maybe it was a neighbor coming to congratulate me? Not like I could easily disguise myself and not many other people had the consistency of tar. I slid my pants on and walked to the door, opening it to a face almost 3 inches away from  mine. “Hello-” I jumped back, arms raising and balling like huge slings, ready to attack only for them to deflate and fall to my waist as I realized who it was. “You really do stretch! It’s like you’re one big sticky hand toy. Neat, Neat...” Plastic Man commented, his neck extended to look at me further. “Mind if I come in? I’d like to talk.” “I... Y-yes of course Mr... Mr. Plastic Man I... Um.” I could feel myself beginning to melt as I went to close the door behind him, gesturing to my messy house before him. He towered over everything easily, walking past my fridge and ducking to get into my living room to observe more of the house, making eye contact with the laptop. He smiled widely to himself before shifting his eyes back at me. “Please, Mr. Plastic Man was my father, just call me Plas. And I assume you know about me from the way your fangirling?” “I... yes of course you’re an inspiration to me ever since I became like this. The way you quickly maneuver and creatively problem solve with an air of ease is inspiring. Not to mention the way your so cheerful with the public, it puts alot of people at ease, I...starting researching you because we have such similar powers.. not in a weird way just, how you do things.” I rambled trying to literally hold myself together as I felt my body begin to dribble to the floor. “I’m sorry can you excuse me-” “Go ahead, you need... help there?” He asked as I sped past him to my room, grabbing the collar and placing it around my neck. In an instant it came to life, a release of cold air wafting over my body. I returned to the living room, head craning to look at the tall hero. “No thank you, I’m alright. Sometimes when I get nervous or overheated I start to lose my form. The cold from the collar helps me keep me together.” He lowered his head, neck stretching once again to look closer at the device. “I get that, hell sometimes on summer days I gotta put myself in a freezer and become a Plas Pop or else I nearly melt down the storm drain. That’s just another thing we have in common I guess. And that’s what I came here to talk to you about.” I swallowed hard, his hand gesturing to the opened interview on the laptop. “Everyone’s been talking about the girl who took down the Graveyard Gang and word gets around fast.  So fast that even I got word of it almost as soon as it aired. Boy was I surprised when I saw you on camera, showing of a little of what you could do. Another stretcher like me! And one who’s new to the game, a fresh face. It got me thinking.” He paused, crossing his arms as he glanced towards the ground. “Things have been quite in the League, least for ol’ Plas. Much as I love my job and helping the universe, seems like I’m always backup number 54 on the list of who to call when the world’s gonna end. Which isn’t bad but it leaves a guy with alot of time on his rubber hands. So I was thinking maybe I should give the whole mentor thing a shot, take someone under my wing. Just haven’t got the chance to meet someone I could actually teach anything to, till I saw your little stunt. So what do you say? Willing to make what the Batman described as ‘A horrible decision that no one would agree to’?” This was crazy. A proposal like this? And so soon? Learning under one of the League, one of the bests? “Yes, I’d be honored to be mentored by you Plastic Man- er... P-plas. I hope I don’t disappoint you, um... you know I can’t shapeshift like you right. I can’t turn into lions or trucks... I... I can’t do alot of those things actually, just basic stretching and modifications.” “Hm? Oh well that’s ok, besides I didn’t expect you to be exactly like me, that’d just be crazy thoughts. Also that’d make you my son, and that’s just weird. You got something else that I don’t have, you got that goo shot. I can’t shoot bullets of myself at people and you said you can set up traps and knock people out in a hail of slime. That’s kick ass, we just gotta embrace that side of you and you’ll be up there with Superman at the table, talking about what multiverse crisis was your favorite.” He grinned, lowering himself to my level and wrapping an arm around my shoulder, pulling me close against his body. I felt my face grow warm as I looked away from him, my chest pounding despite the lack of heart in my breast. Now he was touching me? Telling me how cool I was? I felt myself begin to drip again, knees beginning to buckle. “Y-you really think so?” “I know so. You got spunk kid, we just gotta polish you up and you’ll be golden, Pony Boy.” The force of his palm hitting my back sent me jolting forward, his shadow looming over me. “How about you meet me outside of your place, tomorrow. 1pm. We’ll assess your abilities and work from there. Sound good? Too bad, crime never waits. I’ll see you there.” And with surprising grace he dipped out of my apartment, leaving me like it was just a frantic dream. If it wasn’t for the sting from his palm I’d assume I was merely daydreaming, but it was real. Plastic Man and me, working together. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Come on, haven’t you ever seen Spider-Man. Leap of faith!”  “I don’t know if you’re legally allowed to reference that...” I muttered, eyeing the large gap between buildings before staring back at Plas. “I haven’t really done much uh... traversal practice. What if I fall and hit the ground I... I mean I don’t think I can die like that but-” “I won’t let you fall, I promise you. I’d be a real bad trainer if the first person I mentored became a permanent stain on 4th street. You got this!”  Plastic Man grinned widely, flashing a thumbs up and stepping back. His words echoed in my head, as I stepped back a few feet, already making my plan as I dragged a line of slick slime in front of me.  ‘I’ll run forward, using the slime to propel me even further to close the gap. Then when I get as far as I can, I’ll stretch my arms out, attach to the building and slingshot my way up to the roof.’ I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, waiting until every last bit of air left my lungs.  And then I ran. My feet slid against the slime trail like a skater on the ice as I raced towards the edge. Before I could even attempt to jump, I hit the edge, my body fling more downward then I expected. I felt the air leave my lungs, my head snapping up towards the roof top I was aiming for and snapped my arm forward, splatting against the brick a few feet down. Damn it, Damn it, I got this. I got this. I felt the tension build in my arms, threatening to snap under the pressure. Just when I thought it was going to be too much, it released. And I found myself ascending just as fast I was falling. Up against the building. A wave of pain shot through my body as I was bashed against the wall, slowly feeling the way my body spread and slowly began to peel away from the window. Just as I felt the last few strand of myself start to detach, I felt a warmth wrap around my body, lifting me up to the roof of the building. “Hey you good? I never saw anyone but me rubber band that hard into a building before.” I tried to nod my head, wheezing and groaning as I laid on my back, staring up at the titan of a man before me. “I’m ok... just the wind got knocked out.” “Mm, yeah I’m not surprised. I mean if anything I guess we found out that a fall from here would be a-ok. Painful but... if you can survive going mach one into a building a fall should be no sweat.” He stretched his arms and sat down beside me, hands forming something just out of my range of vision to mess with. “Take your time, and we can try again. Maybe something with less of a gap to fall down.” I closed my eyes, a sickening knot forming in my stomach. I fucked up the jump, and fucked it up bad. Was he disappointed? Rethinking his decision to choose me? He had been teaching me for 2 weeks now, and I couldn’t help but think that I wasn’t enough by the way he’d sometimes look away, seem upset, maybe wanting to be anywhere else but here. My body slumped forward, lingering pain in my core. “Plastic Man?” His head cocked to the side, eyes unidentifiable behind his goggles. But I couldn’t bring myself to ask him what he thought of me. The words caught in my throat, my fear too great to hear the truth. I didn’t want to seem too pitiful, too... “I’ll try better next time.” “That’s what I like to hear.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “GM what were you thinking?! You know you can’t handle that kinda heat, why did you head into a burning building?! No one was in there! Everyone was safe!” I ducked my head away from Plas’ rage, watching the soot swirl around the remains of my arm. I was hurt bad, nearly melted and burned in a raging fire me and Plas tried to contain. But I was careless, eager to please a man I thought was losing interest in me. Despite the fact the building was clear I thought if I could help put out the fire before the firefighters came he would praise my boldness. But I only ended up making a fool of myself, having to had Plas rush into the building and collect me himself. He didn’t fair well himself, parts of him still goopy from harsh heat damage. “Look at me when I’m talking to you! Why did you do that.” His eyes were angry, his usual smile twisted into a disappointed frown. “I wanted to impress you-” “Impress me?! Yeah your new power to turn into a corpse was real freaking impressive Jenna. Why the hell are you trying to impress me like that-” “Because I don’t think I’m good enough to be taught by you!” I exclaimed, shocked by how I raised my voice at him. “I... I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to... I just... I feel like ever since you started to mentor me I haven’t been good enough. I’ve always been messing up and-and I feel like if I don’t do anything to impress you, you’ll just abandon me and I’ll fuck up the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I-I look up to you so much, and I feel like it’s such a privilege that you chose me I... I feel like it’s a mistake. And so I’m just waiting for you to realize that and I feel like you’re catching on so I had to do something to make sure that you didn’t fuck up with your choice.” Plas’ face immediately dropped, a look of concern replacing his scold. “Christ... I gave you Imposter Syndrome. Is this what the other people with sidekicks have to deal with... Woozy was never like this. Er...well, no he was he just didn’t have powers.” He bit his bottom lip, and sighed, inching to take a seat beside me. “I’m not good at this teaching stuff, I don’t know if you noticed. So if I made you feel like you weren’t impressing me, I swear it isn’t true. I remember when I was first getting the hang of being a hero. I was dog shit. The amount of times I did somethings stupid or tried to impress others without knowing what I was doing myself, god... and when I was part of the league? The first month was a hell, I didn’t get anything done. I still mess up, I just make it seem like I don’t cause I play it off. We all screw up, even Superman. I would know, I was there for a couple of those times, etched em right into my head.” He glanced away, tapping the side of his head where the words ‘Pantsing Incident of 05’ appeared.  “Point is we all started somewhere and we were all ass at it. You think Flash got the hang of dodging every car while he ran down the road? No, it was just that no one remembers those times cause he’s  too busy kicking ass now adays that no one cares that one time he ate asphalt. No one accept me who uses it to blackmail him occasionally because I’m petty and like to knock him down a peg every once in a while. You’re doing great.” I could feel the tears dripping down my face as he spoke, using my palm to desperately hide my emotions from him. His arm wrapped around my shoulder in a cautious, yet caring touch. “Can we just not... run into burning buildings next time we’re trying to prove something? I might not be able to get you out next time.” “Yeah, of course sir. Thank you, for believing in me, after I did that, and that you believed me in the first place.”
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tommyquackson · 5 years
Not Working | p. parker | part 2
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Not My Gif
summary: you and peter are together but maybe it’s not working anymore
warnings: angst
note: i’m so happy y’all enjoyed the first part!! make sure you request!!
“Oh y/n! Hey, noticed you haven’t been at lunch. You sick?”
You look up from the floor you almost fell on and see MJ. You heart pounds and your chest clenches. You clench you’re jaw and beg your mind to pull itself together.
“Uh, kinda. I gotta go Mj, see ya” You wave practically running in the opposite direction. You don’t stop speed waking until you get outside of the school. You lean against the wall and breathe.
“Stop y/n! Stop crying. Don’t be fucking stupid” You yell at yourself, sobs coming out of your mouth as you support yourself against the school building.
“You’re not stupid,” a low chuckle comes from beside you. You wipe your eyes quickly and look over.
Standing there is Brad Davis. He’s got his hands in his pockets and has his head against the wall, not even looking at you.
“What’re you doing our here Brad?” You bite, arms crossing.
“Oh come on. Don’t be mad at me. We’re in the same boat here Y/n/n.” He finally looks at you, shrugging.
“What are you talking about?”
“Peter and MJ, it’s obvious. They’re in love and we’re the suckers who fell for them. Me and you are in the same position. You love Peter but everyone knows he’s got heart eyes for her and I love MJ but we all know she’s got heart eyes for him. It sucks doesn’t it? Looking at someone you love, knowing they don’t feel the same, knowing they’re gonna choose someone over you” He looks at the ground then back at you.
“We’re not the same, you were an asshole to Peter on the trip. I’m his bestfriend.” You laugh coldly then lean back against the brick wall.
“Ok so i directed my anger towards Peter but that doesn’t mean anything. I know you and peter broke up, I heard him say it. Since you guys broke up, I’m guessing you don’t have any friends anymore?” He looks at you but you don’t say anything. “Exactly. You wanna go get actual lunch?” He lightly smiles at you.
“With you?”
“Well yea, I know a good pizza place not too far from here”
You chew your lip debating your options. It would be good to get out of school and get some food since you threw yours away. On the other hand this is Brad Davis, supposed to be Peters enemy, but he doesn’t seem that bad. You look back at the building and nod, looking back at Brad.
“Then follow me new friend” He smiles at you, beginning to walk away from campus.
“No way, you didn’t!” You laugh trying not to spill pizza grease on your jeans.
“No i totally did, he was so pissed when he got back. His face was priceless.” Brad laughs with you, continuing his story.
“ya know Brad, you’re not that bad. Don’t know why everyone hates you.” You wink sipping your water. For the first time in days you’re smiling, genuinely smiling. Brads hilarious and has lots of stories to kee you entertained.
“It’s been rough, everyone came back from the blip different, and I get it but you can’t be angry the world changed around you.” He shrugs and finishes off his pizza.
“Ok, hurry up and finish, It’s my turn to take you somewhere,” You smile at the boy in front of you.
You both stand and walk out of the pizza joint, walking closer than you did on the way here. You lead the way to a small park. You both sit on the swings and continue talking. Conversation was easy with Brad, it wasn’t forced or awkward like you thought it’d be.
“Thank you y/n”
You look up in surprise. “For what?”
“Understanding me. No ones gave me a shot yet, but you did. You are” He smiles at you, showing his white teeth. You smile back and mutter a reply. You both sit and lightly swing in comfortable silence for a minute before a phone ding comes from his phone.
“Schools almost out, I should get us back before the rush of people gets out.” Brad stands and stretches. He lends his hand to help you out of your swing. You take it but neither lets go as you whine, walking back towards Midway. You keep talking and joking around until you reach the main doors.
“Hey, here’s my number, text me when you make it home.” Brad hands you a piece of paper with his number on it. You take it and nod quickly. You look up at him and notice the blush rising in his face. “Catch ya later y/n.” He waves walking off towards his locker. You wave back and walk to yours.
“Y/n! There you are, we’ve been calling and texting when we can. Where’d you go?” Ned says standing at his locker near yours.
“I uh, went to the nurses office. Had a bad headache.” You smile lightly at your old friend, grabbing your books and bag.
“Well, my parents aren’t home so I was gonna have a movie night with everyone, you’re invited if you wanna come.” He smiles at you.
“I’m sorry ned, i don’t know if I can, it’s just seeing Peter is a little hard right now. Rain check?” You awkwardly smile and walk away.
You try and make it home as quick as possible. Once you finally do, you get most of your homework done quickly. As you’re changing into more comfortable clothes, you find the paper with Brads number and decide to text it.
hey brad, it’s y/n.
hey y/n
i’m assuming you made it home safely?
yep. except for the creepy guy that kept staring at me on the train :/
ew gross, how about on monday, i ride the train home with you
ya know to protect you from creepy guys
oh that sounds awesome :)
You continue texting brad and before you know it, it’s 8pm already. You facetime Brad as you cook dinner and pretend you’re on a cooking show, he’s making jokes throughout making you laugh.
As soon as you finish dinner and say goodnight to Brad, you get a knock on your door. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion, who could be at your door at 9:20 at night.
You walk towards the door and open it, seeing Peter.
“Pete, what’re your doing here?” Your body straightens you and your breathing picks up.
“I came to check on you. I should’ve earlier but I know how much you like your space and i-“
“Peter, i’m fine. I told you it’s okay.”
“I know but, i just wanted to make sure. Ned said you didn’t wanna come to movie night.”
“Because I don’t really wanna spend my friday night watching you and MJ awkwardly dance around me and each other. Look, I get this is weird but I think it’s best for everyone if we both do our best to move past it.” You sigh, leaning on the door threshold.
“Yea, you’re right. For what it’s worth, i’m sorry. I do love you but everything’s all messed up right now.” Peter smiles before stepping away from your apartment.
You sigh and close the door, walking back to your room and picking up your phone.
baddie brad 💅🏼
Peter just showed up at my door :(
what’s he want
to check on me i guess, said he’s sorry
that’s nice i guess, you good tho?
yea, i’m fine
thanks brad i’m gonna head to sleep tho, i’ll talk to you in the morning?
of course, goodnight y/n
goodnight brad
taglist: @cyrusandhiscollaredahirts @silver-winter-wolf @just4muggles @randomtrashpanda
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tuiccim · 4 years
Terrigenisis (Part 9)
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Pairing: Steve Rogers X Bucky Barnes X Inhuman!Reader
Words: 1552
Summary: After undergoing terrigenisis unwillingly your life is turned upside down when you are deemed too dangerous to return to life as a civilian. You are put with the Avengers team to train and rebuild. As you hone your powers and skills, you must also decide if you can find home and love again. Or is your curse to be a lonely wanderer forever?
Warnings: Fluff and SMUT (18+, NSFW)
Terrigenisis Series Masterlist       Divider by @firefly-graphics
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You were lounging on the couch of the common room, reading a book, when Bucky finds you. 
“Hey Doll.” He smiles and crawls across the couch until he can wrap his arms around your waist and rest his head on your chest. 
“Hi love. Comfy?” You giggle.
“Yeah. Think I’ll take a nap.” Bucky nuzzles his face into your torso. You run one hand through Bucky’s hair and continue reading. Forty minutes later, Steve walks into the common room. 
“That’s one lucky jerk.” He says on a chuckle. 
You smile up at him, “Hey Stevie.”
Steve crouches down beside the couch, “Hey sweetheart. How are you doing?”
“I’m good. Reading with a weighted blanket on me.” You smile at your own joke. 
Steve looks down at Bucky and then back to you, “I…”
“You what, love?”
“I look forward to when I can be like this with you. It’s harder than I thought.”
“We will soon. How about a kiss?” 
“Forget the cameras. Just for one min-” 
Steve’s lips take yours, abandoning all of his reservations. When he pulls back he smiles at you tenderly with a hand on your cheek, “Love you, pretty girl.”
“Love you, Stevie.” You say just as you hear the elevator doors open. Steve snatches his hand away and stands. 
“Hey guys.” Nat says as she enters. 
“Hey.” You and Steve echo. 
“What are you guys up to?” Natasha raises her eyebrow. 
“Reading and being Bucky’s pillow.” you smile at her. 
“Well, I, uh, need to finish some things.” Steve stutters. 
“See ya later.” You say, attempting to hide your smile at Steve’s flustered demeanor. 
Natasha grabs a bottle of water from the kitchen and then heads towards you. She motions at Bucky still asleep on you, “He’s out cold, isn’t he?”
“Yeah. He’s a pretty heavy sleeper.” You say. 
“Steve seemed a little off.”
You shrug, “He seemed like Steve.”
“Is he okay? Since you picked Bucky over him?” Natasha whispers.
“Nat! That is not what happened.” You seeth. 
Nat purses her lips and shrugs as she walks away, “If you say so.”
You look down to see Bucky’s eyes trained on you, “Hi there, sleeping beauty.”
“Hey doll. I saw the look when Steve pulled away.”
“He’s not ready yet. I know that. It’s okay. It’s just sometimes… I don’t know.”
“Yes you do. What is it?” Bucky pushes. 
“Sometimes I feel like he’s holding back from me.”
“He’s still hesitant to put us in the open but he’s all in, doll. I knew it when he opened up to you about New York. He doesn’t talk about it much.” Bucky reassures you. 
“Yeah, doll. Now, why don’t we go find the punk and show him how all in we are? I leave on a mission with Sam tomorrow.”
“Mph, for how long?”
“Three, four days.” Bucky says. 
“Then let’s not waste any more time.” 
You smile at the handsome face on your screen, “How’s it going, love?”
“All good so far, Doll. Where’s Stevie?” He asks.
“In his room. He said he was gonna watch a movie.”
“Why don’t you go join him? He probably needs the attention.” Bucky chuckles.
“I will. I wanted to check on you first.”
“I’m good, doll. Spend some time with Steve. I’ll be back before ya know it.”
“I love you.”
“I love you, too. Tell Stevie I love him.”
“Will do.”
“He loves you. Just like I do. I’ll call you tomorrow if I can.”
“Okay. Be safe. Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
You hang up the phone and change into a short, comfortable dress. You can sleep in it but it doesn’t look like you are wearing pajamas. You check the hallway and move quickly to Steve’s room next door. 
You knock on Steve’s door and slip in, “Hey.”
“Hey. What’s up?” He’s sitting up against his headboard watching tv.
“I was talking to Bucky. He sends his love.” You say. 
Hopefully, he and Sam won’t kill each other.” He chuckles and holds an arm up for you to come sit with him. You snuggle into him resting your head on his shoulder. He turns the tv off and wraps his arms around you. 
“Steve?” You look in his eyes. 
“Love me. Please.”
“I do, pretty girl. Everyday more and more.” Steve’s lips meet yours and you kiss with tender passion. His strong arms pull you onto his lap and you curl into him. Steve’s hands rove over your body while you wrap your arms around his neck giving him access. You clutch at his shirt, pulling it up, and separate you lips long enough to pull it off. Steve pulls your dress over your head and lays you back to remove your panties. He kicks his shorts off and smiles down at you, “You’re beautiful.”
“So are you, Stevie.” You whisper, running a hand down his chest. 
Grabbing your hand, Steve rolls on top of you and pins your hands above your head with your fingers interlaced. His eyes stare into you intensely. With a maneuver of his hips, he’s pressing at your entrance. 
“Please,” you whisper to him. 
Steve slowly presses into you, never breaking eye contact, until he’s fully sheathed inside. His slow, rhythmic thrust into you causes your breath to hitch as he hits deep inside you while each movement grinds against your clit. 
“Steve,” you whisper, “Steve, oh.” Whimpers and moans leave you with each thrust. 
“You gonna come for me, pretty girl?” Steve asks. 
“Yes,” you moan as you shatter beneath him. 
“That’s it.” Steve encourages you while his hips never stop.
Suddenly, Steve’s bedroom door swings open and Natasha walks in. “Steve, do you… Oh my God! OH MY GOD!” Nat’s eyes nearly pop out of her head as she turns and runs out the door. 
“Nat, wait!” you yell. “Shit!” Steve rolls off of you and you both jump up to grab your clothes. “I’ll talk to her.”
“We’ll do it together. We’re going to have to tell everyone eventually.” Steve says. 
“FRIDAY, where’s Nat?”
“Agent Romanoff is in her room.” FRIDAY says. 
You make it to Nat’s room, knock, and enter before waiting for an answer. Nat is holding up a phone saying, “I know what I saw, Clint. There was no room for interpretation.”
“Fuck! Really, Nat? You had to call Clint?” You say. 
Nat stares at you, absolutely livid. 
“Give me the phone.” You hold out your hand and Nat surprisingly hands it to you. Clint also looks absolutely livid. “Okay, guys, I’m gonna explain this once. Nat just walked in on Steve and I, but what you need to know is that Bucky knows and that we’re together. All three of us.”
“All… THREE of you?” Nat says. 
“We know it’s not exactly typical but we love each other and we’re happy together.” Steve says, putting an arm around you.
“And Bucky knows?” Clint says incredulously. 
“Oh, fuck it. FRIDAY, call Bucky.” You hand Nat her phone back and walk over to the panel on the wall. 
“Hey, Doll.” Bucky answers.
“Hey, Love. Little hiccup in our plan.” You say. 
“What’s the matter?” 
“So, um, Nat walked in on me and Steve.” You point a thumb over at Nat standing behind you. “And she called Clint.”
“Shit. Hey guys.” Bucky says. 
“Hey.” Nat says. Clint echoes her through the phone.
“It’s okay, Nat, really. Well, I mean, could you fucking knock before walking into people’s rooms?” Bucky laughs darkly.
“Yeah.” Nat scoffs. 
“Look, guys, we know it’s different, but it works for us and we’re really happy together. Can you let us tell the rest of the team in our own time? Please?” You look at Nat.
“Yeah. Sorry for assuming the worst.” Nat says. 
“It’s okay. It was a normal reaction.” Steve says. “Clint?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’ll keep a lid on it. Uhhh… Congrats, I guess?” Clint says. 
You laugh, “Thanks.” You turn back to Bucky’s grinning face on the panel and Steve wraps his arm around you from behind and brings his face next to yours, “You’ll call us tomorrow if you can, right?”
“Right, Doll. I love you. Both of you”
“Love you, baby.”
“Love you, Buck. FRIDAY, screen off. Okay, well, uh, we’re gonna go back to my room.” Steve says, “Night guys.”
Nat lifts her hand to wave and Clint says “Night.” from the phone. As you close the door you hear the two of them burst out laughing and you make out Clint’s voice saying , “I told you something was going on there!”
You and Steve giggle as you make it back to his room.
Three days later, everyone is home again and gathers for dinner. You are talking to Wanda when Bucky walks in and pulls you to him for a kiss. 
“That’s it. I’m done. Can’t do it anymore!” Steve says, throwing up his hands. He’s to you in three strides, pulls you against him, and kisses you in front of everyone. 
“Called it.” Sam smirks. 
“I wasn't thinking that would happen.” Tony stares. 
When Steve pulls back from you, he looks at Bucky who grins. They kiss while you look on smiling. 
“Okay, I did not see that coming.” Sam gapes. 
“I called that one.” Tony holds up a finger.
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Part 10
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doopcafe · 4 years
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Attack on Titan (進撃の巨人): Assassin’s Bullet (S04E08)
Summary: The Paradis Island crew leaves the city and Gabi kills a minor character (spoilers). 
Comments: Right, so we open on Mikasa watching a fist fight between Reinar and Eren. Eren punches half of Reinar’s face off but Reinar manages to procure a used tampon from the ground, so he’s got that going for him at least.
Eren decides he’s done fighting for today so Mikasa carries him like a sack of dirty laundry back to their super-slow ass blimp where they meet up with Armin, Levi, and the rest of the crew (one of whom kicks Eren in the face). Jean, Sasha, and Connie are here (at least for now) and are busy extracting their troops.
Meanwhile, on the other racist, genocidal side of things, Magath is grateful the Eldians are finally leaving because he’s unsure how much more pounding his defiled ass can take. However, mini-Eren (Gabi) is pissed, picks up a rifle, and gives chase to Hanji’s super-slow ass blimp. 
There’s a shot here of Gabi standing there with her rifle, just this enormous instrument of death in comparison to her tiny little body and it’s just... something that I’m sure has a real-world analog, but I’m gonna take a moment here and appreciate that “little girl holds gun” is not commonly a part of my daily reality. 
Gabi explains to Falco that she’s had a shitty life (as an Eldian) and has tried so hard to show people that Eldians can be “good people.” So she’s pissed that Eren came into her city and murdered everyone made Eldians look bad.
In response, Falco thinks back to what Eren had told Reinar about Eren’s mum: Eren’s mum was eaten in front of him by a giant the Marleys created and unleashed on her. And Falco thinks that maybe they’re the baddies? 
But Gabi does some next-level Fox News shit, asking if Falco actually saw (first hand) Eren’s mom get eaten by giants. Of course he says no and so Gabi declares that it must not be true. That’s so dumb I spent five minutes without success trying to find the name of the logical fallacy, but couldn’t, suggesting no one bothered to give that one a name? 
Anyways, let’s talk about that ODM gear cable!
Right, so the plot here is that Gabi catches up to the super-slow ass blimp and encounters a single Eldian acting as a guard. This guy’s name is Lobov and he’s apparently a new recruit in the Recon Corps. Lobov chooses not to shoot a small child, costing him his life. Idiot! In AoT, you shoot children first and ask questions never.
Lobov’s corpse falls to the ground, trailing an ODM cable back to the blimp, like a Golden Shiny Wire of Hope for Gabi to climb towards her dreams of assassination. 
In the scene where Gabi’s bullet kills Lobov and his body drops to the ground, we can estimate the approximate distance from the blimp to the ground from the height of the buildings and from Hanji’s previous comment about “flying low” over the city. Assuming Marleyan building standards can be approximated by our own, a building story is approximately 4.3 m in height. The buildings on either side of the street are five stories (including the roof elements), or 21.5 m in height. Assuming the blimp is flying twice that distance above the ground, the blimp is approximately 43 m above Gabi.
However, the super-slow ass blimp is also moving away from Gabi. Using the scene of the blimp flying over the city (in the previous episode), I would estimate an approximate speed of maybe like, 15 kph? Since the maximum running speed of a human is something like 45 kph (much less for a child), and Gabi catches up to the airship, this is probably a reasonable guess. 
But Gabi spends approximately one minute speaking with Falco between the time she sends a bullet through the important bits of Lobov’s skull to the time she pulls the ODM gear trigger to begin her ascent. Therefore, in one minute, the airship would have travelled about 250 m. To this distance I’ll add, say, 100 m to account for the fact that, when Gabi shot Lobov, the airship was not directly overhead, but a little bit in the distance [Edit: I realized I could get a better estimate from the scene where Lobov’s corpse drops, but whatever]. The point is that the straight-line distance between one end of the cable to the other is approximately 350 m. 
Let’s try to put that number into perspective.
We get a few close-up shots of the cable both with Lobov’s chubby hand holding the trigger as well as Gabi���s hand in comparison, so we can estimate a cable diameter of about 10 mm from these shots. The volume of the cable is then 0.027 m^3.
Assuming those cables are made out of steel (like their swords), we can use a material density for a standard steel, say, 8000 kg/m3 to calculate the weight (mass) of the cable: approximately 220 kg. 
Which is about 485 pounds.
Wait, I was talking about this show? You know, with a title like “Assassin’s Bullet” there’s not really any dramatic moment here. You’re just waiting to find out who it’s gonna be. Since Gabi and Sasha shared a “look” an episode back after Sasha sent bullets into the heads of Gabi’s friends, my easy money’s on Sasha. Honestly, I’m surprised her and Connie have survived this long. 
After assassinating Sasha, you may be wondering how many rounds can be loaded into a standard-issue Marley rifle. Well, the commercial-break exposition is here to help! They’ve got five rounds. They hold five rounds and Gabi’s gone two-for-two so far. Returning from break, Gabi immediately reloads (nice) but Falco comes aboard and stops her. 
There’s some dramatic moment here of Sasha bleeding to death surrounded by friends who are desperately wrapping her abdomen with bandages, but they must not have watched the previous episodes because they forgot to bandage her forehead. Without bandages around her head, Sasha soon dies.
We return to Pieck, possibly dying (?), explaining to Magath that the blonde-haired soldier with a beard that led her and Porco into the well was one of the soldiers aboard the first scout ship sent to Paradis after Reinar got back. And then... wHAT. 
That’s how I originally typed “what” in my notes upon the reveal that Zeke defected, so I’m leaving it to better convey the type of delightfully surprised “what” that I felt at the time. But no seriously, hold up.
So the fake-beard person is named “Yelena,” who is loyal to Zeke, right? And Zeke has defected to Paradis Island? (Personally, after witnessing Mikasa and Levi fight I would have defected so I don’t blame the guy). And this was all a part of Zeke’s plan? To restore the Eldian Empire I guess? Anyways, it was well executed by the show. 
Roll call! 
Beast (Zeke) -> In good shape, defected to Eldians
Cart (Pieck) -> Serious injuries, unknown prognosis 
Armor (Reinar) -> A bad case of the sads
Female (Annie) -> Cocooned
Attack, Founder, War Hammer (Eren) -> Once again rescued by his friends 
Colossus (Armin) -> A bad case of the sads (over Sasha)
Jaw (Falco) -> Undoubtedly being wrung out into a bucket of bleach
No but seriously, how many people have died rescuing Eren over the course of this show? 
In conclusion, Sasha’s dead and Zeke has defected.
Okay Zeke, I think we’ll take you, but you’re not allowed to do the “inject people with blood and transform them into giants” move anymore. We don’t do that type of twisted shit over here on Paradis Island. 
My enjoyment: 4/5
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mobius-prime · 4 years
221. Sonic the Hedgehog #153
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Oh god, is Sonic, like… okay? Is he all right up there? What horrific manner of trouble did he get himself into this time to have his face become deformed like that? Also, I like how this cover implies that Sonic is being hunted down by someone shooting lasers or something, when literally nothing even close to the sort happens within the issue. I know it's perhaps getting a bit stale to point out every time the cover art doesn't reflect the stories inside, but dammit, it makes me laugh so I'm gonna keep doing it.
Songoose (Part 1 of 2)
Writer: Karl Bollers Pencils: Ron Lim Colors: Jason Jensen
Eggman has a new agenda to enact. He's offered Nack the Weasel a large sum of money in exchange for assassinating someone very important within Knothole, and despite Nack's apparent reservations about waltzing into a place where he's wanted for quite a few crimes, he seems pretty jazzed to accept the offer nonetheless. Within Knothole, Sally has arranged a mock battle training exercise between the Freedom Fighters and the Chaotix to strengthen team bonding and combat skills, and oversees the training along with General D'Coolette, discussing the various combatants' strengths and weaknesses.
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Uh oh, that doesn't sound good. In fact, at that moment they get a call from the king and queen, still halfway around the world, and apparently the king is also exhibiting similar symptoms to the general, prompting Sally to muse on whether their illnesses are related. She wonders if they should cut their trip short and return home, something which the king is against but the queen tentatively supports, but the conversation is interrupted when suddenly, the general seizes up and then collapses onto the ground. That's… probably not a good sign. Worse still, "Antoine" doesn't even seem to care, though of course we know why.
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So this is actually a plot point that's kept up throughout a lot of subsequent issues - apparently, Tails' crush on Fiona is still going strong, despite the fact that he literally "fell in love" with a robot duplicate of her which had nothing in common with the real her. It's honestly a very weird detail to seize upon, as while Fiona being a real person and a unique character in her own right is interesting, and the fact that she's joined the Freedom Fighters even more so, Tails trying to like… flirt with her and become her boyfriend is just a bizarre place to take it, especially considering the age difference. I mean, don't get me wrong, I know it's not uncommon for a kid to end up with a crush on an older teenager, but multiple writers from here on out write Tails as being actually infatuated with her and unable to "let her go" after her robot duplicate broke his heart. It just doesn't feel like Tails to me and it's frustrating, to say the least. But anyway, moving on, everyone agrees it's a good idea to go to Mina's concert tonight and disperse. Sonic catches up to Fiona and tries to explain that Tails looks up to her, but she just makes a snarky comment about Sonic being one to talk about respect given how he acted the other day towards her - yeah, apparently he still hasn't told everyone that it was his evil double flirting with all the girls. Also, we never actually saw Evil Sonic come on to Fiona before, but I guess it just happened offscreen. She then admits to him that she hated him for a long time for leaving her behind in Robotnik's prison camp all those years ago, but changed her mind after seeing him sacrifice himself for the planet during the Xorda invasion, making her realize that he never left her behind on purpose. Aww, that's actually nice! Fiona has the potential to be a really interesting and complex character, and, well, honestly she's one of my favorites of the later comics, so I'm glad to see her getting more screentime.
That night, Sonic and the others show up backstage at the venue to give Mina a friendly pep talk before her show. She hugs Sonic, thanking him for the encouragement, and Ash immediately becomes very jealous and butts in to remind everyone that he's Mina's boyfriend and band manager and that she needs to go to the stage now, prompting a clueless Sonic to wonder what his problem is. However, Mina's performance actually kind of reveals that Ash has a good reason to be suspicious of her interactions with Sonic, as the sappy, lovey-dovey lyrics of her songs all reference the color blue in various ways, and are clearly influenced by her previous infatuation with Sonic. But things aren't as happy and peaceful as they seem, as a suspicious figure lurks in the crowd…
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So Mina was Eggman's target, huh? Strangely enough, Nack, with a totally clear shot to the stage, misses and hits a tree several feet above and to the side of Mina. Like, it's not even played off as "oh, he was trying to make the tree fall on her, or someone bumped his elbow" or something - he just straight up misses for no reason, sets the tree on fire with the blast, and then tries to make a run for it. Some assassin you are, especially considering your alternate name is Fang the Sniper! Sonic, Bunnie, and Ash immediately race onstage to check on the startled but unharmed Mina, and Bunnie focuses on putting the fire out while Sonic races after Nack, catching and knocking him out easily. Nack wakes up hours later in Knothole's jail, where Sally and Sonic attempts to question him on his motives, and he decides to be all flippant and act like it's no big deal that he was caught, as he'd rather spend some time in prison than ruin his "cred" by giving up the name of his employer. I'm sorry, Nack, but what freaking cred are you even talking about? Like what, are you gonna go around telling prospective employers that your skill set includes missing a target forty feet away, setting a random tree on fire, and then immediately getting arrested? Sally merely points to the cell across from him, where he's quite perturbed to see the three other weasel associates who helped him kidnap her a year ago, and she invites him to go ahead and spend his time in jail sharing space with them after he knowingly left them to take the fall for his failed plan. Of course, he spills the beans on Eggman immediately.
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Well… I suppose that's not even out of character for Eggman, considering his original counterpart also hated music. Sally decides to assign Sonic as Mina's personal bodyguard for now, while the other Freedom Fighters keep an eye out at the next night's concert to make sure nothing comes near Mina. Ash isn't pleased at all with Sonic being close to his girl, and stomps off, with a bemused Sonic commenting to Mina that he's pretty sure her boyfriend doesn't like him. Gee, what gave you that idea, Sonic? Sally's caution is warranted, however, as back in New Megaopolis we see Eggman preparing his next plan of attack in the wake of Nack's abysmal failure - he's rebuilt Heavy and Bomb, and is ready to sic them on Mina! Man, it's been a while since we saw those guys, huh? Now that I think about it, after they got reprogrammed by Eggman before, Sonic just kind of straight up killed them when they tried to attack the royal family, and no one seemed upset about it at all. Well, maybe with them back, they'll get a chance to be freed and find redemption… or maybe the writers still don't care and they'll get fridged again. Guess we just gotta wait and see!
Fairy Tale (or the Adventures of Pirate Sally)
Writer: Romy Chacon Pencils: Art Mawhinney Colors: Josh Ray
Wow, it's been quite some time since we last had a "telling a bedtime story based on real events in the storyline to kids" episode, huh? Apparently, Rosie's three young charges have caught a bad cold, and as she brings them medicine to try to help them sleep they all start begging for her to tell them a story. She's reluctant, claiming she's not good at stories, but relents when they persist in asking. She invents a magical world of pirates and wizards, where the "Elfen Fox" falls onto "Pirate Sally" and "B-Bot's" ship, having had one of his two magical tails stolen by the "Rogue Assassin," who doesn't really live up to her name if all she's doing is going around stealing things. Man, what is it with wildly ineffective assassins this issue? Pirate Sally and B-Bot decide to help out the fox, and along the way meet their new allies Ant the Foole and the Blue Knight, who help them defeat various baddies based on the main villains of the comic's storyline. Finally, they make it to the Evil Wizard Kintobor's lair, whom they fight against as a team and help the Elfen Fox take back his missing tail.
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I actually love this story, entirely because of the way the kids just start roasting Rosie's storytelling skills as soon as the whole thing is over. Hey, look on the bright side Rosie - now that they're preoccupied with coming up with a way to fix your terrible story, they won't be pestering you for more anytime soon!
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