sorrowfulwill · 7 months
sometimes I look at the comments under those music edit audio compilation videos and go: “You aren’t real”
the comments are all the same every single one of them on every single video it’s gotta be just like one person under all these channels
why hasn’t someone done a deep dive on music edit audio compilation channels
NOT the music edit audio community itself but the people who collect the audios and put pictures of fucking I dunno generic (most likely ai generated now) anime character on top.
It feels like there’s so much more than what you see on the surface.
or maybe I’m just crazy which at this point I might be. just throwing it out there my gut feeling is telling me something’s up.
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tismrot · 7 months
Give yourself a point for everything that applies to you.
LEVEL 1 [ ] I have seen both seasons.
[ ] I can name at least one character that isn’t Aziraphale or Crowley.
[ ] I know that Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman wrote the book. Points: [ ] of 3
LEVEL 2 [ ] I have seen both seasons more than once.
[ ] I know I can write “Aziraphale” without spelling it wrong. Bonus point if you have actually written the name anywhere, for any reason.
[ ] I have had a conversation about Good Omens with a person outside of the internet in the last 3 months. Points: [ ] of 3 + [ ] bonus points --- LEVEL 3 [ ] I experienced any negative feeling beyond "ouch, that sucks for them!" after the ending of season 2.
[ ] I have looked up anything related to Good Omens, Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, Michael Sheen or David Tennant in the last 3 months.
[ ] I know what #payyourwriters refers to.
[ ] I have had at least one (1) thought about Crowley or Aziraphale (or both). Bonus point if you told anyone (Tumblr counts).
[ ] I read the book before the show came out. Points: [ ] of 5 + [ ] bonus points ---
LEVEL 4 [ ] I have seen both seasons more than three times and some scenes more than that.
[ ] Somebody watched Good Omens because of me. One extra point for each additional person!
[ ] I catch myself thinking about Good Omens when I should be thinking about other things.
[ ] I have listened to Queen more than I usually do during the last 3 months.
[ ] I have read or listened to the book (don’t have to have read/heard all of it for 1 point) after season 1. Points: [ ] of 5 + [ ] bonus points ---
LEVEL 5 [ ] I have analyzed the lyrics of most of the songs and experienced moving emotions.
[ ] I have either made a new account or revived an unused account somewhere ONLY to browse Good Omens related media. One bonus point for each additional new/renewed account. (Renewed = you haven't touched it in at least 2 years)
[ ] I have watched at least 5 videos on YouTube about Good Omens.
[ ] I no longer blush while reading fics.
[ ] I have a stash of saved images on my phone/IG account/Pinterest/other I would very much not like anyone to see.
[ ] I have made any game character look like characters from the show. Three bonus points if you googled 'south downs cottages' while playing The Sims. Points: [ ] of 6 + [ ] bonus points ---
LEVEL 6 [ ] I have genuine, tangible heartbreak due to Good Omens, and I have experienced heartbreak before - so I know what it feels like. (Friend/platonic/aro heartbreaks count, ofc.)
[ ] I have shared my support for the strikers multiple times.
[ ] I know more than I’d like to know about the anatomy of male snakes.
[ ] I have published Good Omens related media - fics, artwork, big metas (spent more than three hours researching/writing it), music, videos. Bonus point if this happened on a recently created or renewed account.
[ ] I have had dreams about something Good Omens-related. If this was a spicy dream, collect 3 extra points.
[ ] Things that shouldn’t remind me of the show, reminds me of the show. (Flies, clocks, ducks, classical music, drinking coffee, anything related to England, biblical references, etc.)
[ ] I have a set of beliefs and theories that I stick to - example: coffee theory, body swap theory, Crowley is Raphael, etc. Bonus point if any of these are genuinely from your own head.
[ ] I have a favorite Crowley (Bildaddy?).
[ ] I have listened to other people’s Good Omens themed playlists/music on YouTube or Spotify. Points: [ ] of 9 points + [ ] bonus points ---
LEVEL 7 [ ] I have experienced a spike in learning/skill after watching the show. (Read Shakespeare, history, philosophy, books mentioned, shown or referenced l, learned or improved a craft and any other neuron connection boosting activity).
[ ] I have experienced an increase in my preferred destructive coping mechanism after watching the show, but I’d rather have it this way than not having watched it.
[ ] I have been sad that I am not an immortal, celestial being fighting for the opportunity to finally be with my soulmate and lover, another immortal, celestial being forced to work for a rival oppressive government, after 6000 years of queer yearning and forbidden desire. I have been sad that I - due to human life expectancy, at the very least - can NOT experience such love. Ever.
[ ] Good Omens has affected my sexuality (kinks, roleplay, thoughts, type of desired partner, etc.)
[ ] I know what the archangel Michael’s ring looks like, and what it’s modeled after.
[ ] I have made my own playlist with music reminding me of Good Omens.
[ ] I have had trouble sleeping because I thought about my fic narrative (even if I haven’t started writing it yet), unfinished drawing, video idea or similar.
[ ] I can, with worrying accuracy, correctly guess the episode when watching a scene from the show.
[ ] I read an insane amount of layered theories and possible references and so on, into every word said by Aziraphale and Crowley, to the point where watching is difficult because I get so many fan theories in my head I have to write down.
[ ] I want to travel to London. Bonus point if you already have been to London pre-brainrot and hated it. If you live in London, you get a point if Good Omens made you visit Soho even though you know it wasn’t filmed there. If you live in Soho, you get a point if you've been to the South Downs because of Good Omens.
[ ] I have thought of or prepared a Good Omens costume for Halloween. Bonus point if you have already found a reason to wear it. Bonus point if you wear it casually. Bonus point if the costume is inconspicuous enough that you can go to work/school without it being too weird. Bonus point if, when wearing your costume, you sat on a bench on purpose. Points: [ ] of 11 + [ ] bonus points --- INSANE LEVEL [ ] I have been a fan of the book since 1990. [ ] I read queerness into the book independently (be honest). [ ] I have made money creating Good Omens-anything. [ ] I have met and/or talked to Neil Gaiman/Terry Pratchett(RIP)/the actors outside of social media (mail and cons count, Tumblr does not) specifically about the book or later, the show. [ ] I have hosted a Good Omens themed event (wedding, birthday party, con, baby shower, etc). One point for each event.
[ ] The amount of text I’ve written (fics, metas, song lyrics, poems, whatever) is equal to or greater than the amount of text in the book. Points: [ ] of 6 + [ ] bonus points --- GOD'S FAVORITE-LEVEL [ ] Michael Sheen retweeted you or referenced something of yours in any way. This one is worth 25 lazerii, which is more than all the other points combined. You only need this one checked to have 100% fatal Good Omens brainrot. --- Total points: [ ] of 48 + [ ] bonus points = [ ] points SCORE 1 - 3 points: Why did you take this test? Go do something better with your life, you don't belong here. Enjoy your freedom, the lightness in your heart and the fresh breeze upon your unbothered, youthful face. 3 - 6 points: I bet you still know how to feel happiness. It's still time, you can turn this around. I suggest you just leave this now, and come back whenever you see an ad for season 3. Let yourself be happy in the meantime. 6 - 16 points: You've ventured into dangerous territory, but none of your loved ones have realized you have a problem yet. And you might not... The lines are blurred here. You can still come off as an adjusted person when you talk about the show or anything related to it. 16 - 23 points: A scan of your brain reveals that almost 20% of your prefrontal cortex has rotted away. Friends and family have a negative kneejerk reaction to any mention of Good Omens related subjects. You spend most of your free time on your phone, browsing Good Omens media. The only possible cure at this point, would be a new hyperfixation. 23 - 36 points: 33 % of your total brain volume has been affected. The rot has infected almost every area, and trying to introduce any unrelated hyperfixation causes anxiety, confusion and depression. Doctors are baffled to discover that there is a fungi growing from the rot - it seems to connect with your brain, allowing for an extreme learning curve should you hyperfixate on any subject in any way related to Good Omens. If you ever wanted to read up on Shakespeare, this would be the time to do that. 36 - 48 points: 89% of your brain is affected by rot and mostly replaced by fungi - the only uninfected areas are the reptilian brain (the words 'reptilian brain' reminded you of Crowley) and the medulla, which means it hasn't affected your breathing and your instinctive reactions. You still flinch when cars almost hit you, as you wander aimlessly roadside - lost in thoughts about Good Omens. 48 - ?? points: I'm here if you need to talk. No therapist will understand this without labeling it as a severe breach with reality. (I mean, excuse me - the show is right there on Amazon Prime, it’s real.) The medical field is far behind, years and years will go by before they recognize your diagnosis; 100% fatal Good Omens brainrot. It controls your breathing, your heart rate - everything. This condition is fatal because it lasts until you die, and then you'll have a Good Omens themed funeral. 25 lazerii: How does it feel to be loved by God?
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hg-aneh · 8 months
Hi! I absolutely love all of your art and I’ve been fallowing you for awhile! There’s been some rumors that you ship Muriel x crowley?? Which I guess is an odd paring but nothing terrible wrong with, I was just curious if you do ship them.
Thank you for all your wonderful art <3
okay, i want to preface this by saying that I've already been harassed over this to the point of being called a lowkey pedophile and having every little move of mine scrutinized and misconstrued to sickening extents (this harassment spilled over to my partner too, and it was horrible)
so all anyone would do by doing this again would be repeating history, among other things that have to do with fucking up my already frail mental state
onto the meat
yes, I ship it
no, I do not see Muriel as a child, kid, teenager, or anything of the sort and I find it personally distasteful to think of doing so because infantilizing autistic traits rubs me the wrong way (p e r s o n a l l y)
you can do it if you want to, I have worse things to worry about than a random person on the internet thinking something of a fictional character, just don't try to push your headcanon onto me just because you perceive it that way or because it's a popular dynamic that you find fun
adding onto this, i want to add that i will never and i mean fucking NEVER post anything related to that ship outside of the very specific private Xitter account i created for it
(and my personal facebook, on a friends only setting)
any Muriel & Crowley content outside of that account is all platonic and bla bla you get the gist. I can separate things, what a talent.
Now, I'm being overly paranoid and explaining myself to exhaustion over this for a very good reason and it's because last time someone found out about it ((yes we're going full circle to the beginning of this little bible)) they treated it as some sort of GOTCHA moment about me being a pedo ((and if you didn't know this already: I fucking despise children with my whole being, I'd rather be forcefed alligator shit for my whole life than be with one of those creatures for a single day))
It got to the point of that person making extremely hurtful videos about me and their little friend group comprised of goober eating toddlers joining in on the "Hater" train or whatever the hell that new cultural trend is called, as well
It was hell, that whole experience fucked me up BAD and i feel silly for saying this but it was genuinely traumatic! So- I apologize if I'm sounding confrontational here, anon, but like, this is the type of thing you have to do to keep yourself safe now, it's gone to that point and I'm in hysterics now because what the fuck
Lastly, I'd like to say this one other thing
Muriel is played by an adult actress, they are canonically the same age as Aziraphale and Crowley and are also an eldritch creature just like them
The fact that they're nice and bubbly and happen to have autistic traits doesn't suddenly make them a fetus. I have friends with the same personality type as them and I feel like it'd be dumb to treat them like zygotes knowing they're adults with body hair and debt
Again, if you see them as one, I'm literally no one to judge, I'm 1.49, you're better off taking judgement from a stupid lone penguin in the saharan desert.
But don't fuck with others for thinking otherwise, it's not a moral issue to disagree with a headcanon, please. 🥲
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bioethicists · 1 year
hm i really hope that someone has said this better than me but the betterhelp ads (specifically the video ones, as the podcast ones tend to be less scripted) are such poignant examples of alienation + the role of 'go to therapy' in perpetuating that alienation. keep in mind that, if you personally found a therapist who is genuinely healing for you + that therapist happens to be through betterhelp- i'm genuinely happy for you + that experience does not invalidate anything i have to say below! (but jsyk they're trying to sell your shit to facebook lol)
starting strong w/ the fact that betterhelp is essentially the uber of therapy (aka using an independent contractor model which is harmful + predatory towards its providers), rushing in to fill the market on largely uninsured and/or uninformed ppl who want the ease of a concierge system without the cost + lacks a meaningful supervision system (which led to one gay man being recommended a conversion therapist when he asked for someone to help with his identity struggles, btw!). smarter people than me have written about the ways in which these trendy independent contractor apps strip people of labor rights, fail to provide adequate wages, + in the case of healthcare apps, increase digital surveillance + decrease accountability demanded from providers while exploiting the failure of the US healthcare system in order to churn a profit w/o actually creating sustainable, equitable change.
the betterhelp video ads all circle around a theme- a millennial starts talking about some form of emotional pain or worry, usually relatively standard existential worries ("do you ever think nothing has meaning?") or life worries ("i hate my job" "i think i'm gay"). their friends or the ppl around them respond blankly + coldly, looking at them like they're crazy. while i understand these ads are supposed to be tongue in cheek, they demonstrate the crushing reality of our alienation from one another- the solution to your friends responding to your evident pain with confusion + apathy is to confine that pain to a therapy session! nobody wants to hear your struggles or understands them- come generate profits for us by facetiming a newly graduated 24 year old who can barely make rent!
this theme fits well with what already put me off about betterhelp's marketing- their goal has never been to provide access to therapy for those who want it or to altruistically fill in some healthcare gap. their goal, bolstered by the rise in emotional suffering following, you know, the worldwide pandemic, is to generate + increase demand for therapy as a commodity. their earlier podcast ads focused on convincing others that therapy "isn't just for crazy ppl" + "everyone should be in therapy". regardless of if you personally agree with that statement, it should be evident that this is a blatant marketing tactic in which therapy is a commodity to be peddled, not an offer of support or healing. in fact, they're probably actively shying away from treating "crazy people", bcuz their flimsy support systems could not possibly handle an influx of ppl regularly in crisis or experiencing breaks with a common reality. their target audience is your average millennial under late capitalism + post COVID - anxious, lonely, vaguely depressed, unhappy with their jobs, worried + hopeless about their futures.
i'm not here to tell anyone not to get therapy. that's a personal decision + is none of my fucking business. it's about questioning the total alienation we feel from one another, such that pouring our heart our unexpectedly to a friend + being met with a blank stare is framed as "haha you need therapy" + not "it's crushing that this is how distant we are from one another". it's about a company noticing that (unfortunately very real) distance + fear of vulnerability + using that to direct our emotions into the confines of a business transaction under abusive labor conditions. it's about a world in which we are not engaging with one another emotionally (despite, or i guess bcuz of: widespread suffering, recent mass death, class warfare/untenable working conditions, increased pressure of fascist politics, generational trauma + abuse, etc etc). commodifying therapy isn't going to make that loneliness go away- it's going to normalize it.
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idolomantises · 1 year
nothin' serious, just thinkin
The whole situation with a certain Indie creator’s work blowing up too quickly and feeling overwhelmed by it, really makes me think about how… not fun it is sometimes when your work gets popular. Obviously my level of popularity and fandom doesn’t match there’s but dealing with people who see your OCs and start claiming them as their own, disrespect boundaries and basically hound you with their preferences is such a reoccurring problem it’s a bit scary.
For example, I remember wanting to completely scrap Powers as a character when people were treating her as a self insert to be homophobic and misogynistic, despite carrying neither of those traits. People make fetish art of my OCs and then tag me in it (and if I don’t reblog/retweet it they practically spam me about it). I’ve had people try to steal my own OCs out of spite. I’ve seen people draw smut of my underaged characters. People have gotten angry with me when my characters disprove their headcanons or present themselves in ways that aren’t their preferences. The amount of times I’ve dealt with people genuinely angry with me that Sera is a woman is a scary amount. Queer people thinking my art is fetish content that is catered for straight men. I’ve had people tell me that because I don’t depict more of a specific group, that means I despise them and that my art is inherently promoting hateful ideology for not depicting them. People sending me videos of bugs being killed or mocking my characters because they think it’s funny. and I have to repeat again these aren’t random trolls online, this is from my own followers.
And you guys have seen how angry people get when I tell them to stop being bigoted under my queer art, whether it’s complaining that I’m drawing too many women/lesbians or bitching that I’m drawing gay men at all, I’ve had to deal with the unfortunate fact some of my followers, no matter how many times I try to push them off my account are just… very hateful and think my work is fetish content meant to cater to them. Lesbian art isn’t queer art, it’s a porn category for some people. And a lot of queer men think it’s fine to lesbophobic and misogynistic under my art and demand that I draw less female characters because (insert that annoying Speed quote here)
I do really like the fanart and I’m completely fine with NSFW works as long as the characters are 18+, but it’s just. It’s scary sometimes. And it scares me to imagine what would happen if I really blew up. Respect creator’s boundaries… please.
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studentbyday · 3 months
cheap and easy ways to romanticize your life ~it's about the little things~
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ speak to yourself lovingly. you have the potential to be your best cheerleader because your mind is the only one you can read. when you find yourself feeling down bc of automatic negative thoughts, try to think of something about the situation that is genuinely good, however small it may feel. on a similar note, every night, try to come with at least 3 good things that happened or that you felt that day. they don't have to be big things. even just the absence of smth negative is a positive. (this is still taking sm practice after getting stuck in a pessimistic habit and struggling to keep myself accountable to change it, but it's so worth it, i promise. 🥲)
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ start your day with music that puts you in the mood to...well, start your day. | personal favorites 🥰 morning coffee lofi • happy morning jazz • cozy jazz for when you don't want to think about anything
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ get cozy. 🧣 hold something soft. 🧸 savor that texture, that comfort.
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ forest bathing 🌲🥰 look out your window or better yet, step outside. breathe the air. get some sunlight. look at the sky. the clouds. trees. stars and moon. all the colors. all the shapes. listen for birdsong. the crunching of snow or grass under your feet. isn't it wonderful that we get to experience all this? when i'm feeling lonely and i step outside and look for any sign of nature, i realize just how much i'm not alone and there is good in the world.
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ set up a nice ambience. there are many for free online that can sound as real and comforting as you want them to be for the days when indoors studying or what have you. study with me videos have literally tricked my brain into feeling like studying even if it's really just pseudo-external accountability (i can never wake up to watch them live lol).
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ you are worth taking care of. so take care of yourself. start with smth really really small like leaving a glass of water by your bedside to drink first thing after waking up. then gradually add in slightly bigger things as you feel ready like taking care of your hair (literally did not know about proper washing technique until i watched this 😵) and skin (bare minimum: cleanser, sunscreen, and moisturizer), getting enough sleep, and exercising. "true self-care is not salt baths and chocolate cake, it is making the choice to build a life you don’t need to regularly escape from."
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polarisjisung · 8 days
u’r a zionist aren’t u
GIRL WHAT 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I feel GENUINELY sick to my stomach with this accusation good lord please don't be coming onto my blog with any of that because I will absolutely take offence
zionism is disgusting. it's against humanity and any sort of basic morals. no I'm not a zionist and never will be. zionism is against everything I stand for as an individual and is something I cannot support. hope I've made myself clear.
I have no excuse for how little I've advocated for the palestinians considering I have some form of a platform to do so but it is absolutely vile to assume someone is a zionist when that's practically synonymous to beings some inhumane blood thirsty lowlife
but because this is not about this ^^ comment, and is much more about bringing a light upon the things that really matter and will make a change— find some ways you can help below (links are in green)
DONATE as much as you can here's the link for some people who still haven't hit their goal but are so painfully close, if you can give up something small to help them then I suggest you do, they're losing their homes, their families, their lives, they're losing EVERYTHING so if there's a small even tiny sacrifice you can make no matter what it is then you absolutely should.
Nada's Go Fund Me
Tarneem—a mother from gaza
Mohammad Ayad and his family
Baby Alma
PLEASE avoid anything on the BDS boycott list where possible or at least as the BARE MINIMUM avoid Starbucks, McDonalds, Pepsico respectfully and maybe even disrespectfully you can live without an overpriced drink and some processed food that doesn't do you or your health any favours anyway and considering there are no end to the alternatives shame on you if you can't avoid these things
this is a separate boycott list with a few more things and since I have a decent following of people I'll assume use makeup and cosmetic stuff this is a list for makeup and cosmetics
Islamic relief
Muslim Hands
A DAILY CLICK TO HELP if you can't donate
click for free to help
WATCH TIKTOKS FROM SUPPORTING CREATORS (they donate money from the creator fun/ what they make on videos to palestine/ families they support in palestine)
FOLLOW THESE ACCOUNTS to keep up to date and educated (on IG)
OR FOLLOW some accounts of twitter or X:
Unfortunately not all documents on the news of what's happening in gaza is accurate or even close to it, the ONLY channel I know that shows the extent of pain and grief and devastation in palestine is Al Jazeerah but PLEASE share if you know of any more and make sure to differentiate carefully between propaganda and politics vs what's actually happening
MORE LINKS YOU MAY USE— I have used the above links personally but not all the ones listed on this carrd but I thought it would be useful to share anyways
help palestine carrd
BE VOCAL whether it's casual conversation with friends or family, sometimes exposure is the best way to change a mindset and it shouldn't be difficult to advocate for something that could potentially save lives and not just lives but a whole generation
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pronoun-fucker · 2 years
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“Cyabra, an Israeli firm that tracks online disinformation, has been following the Depp/Heard case for weeks. It analyses accounts that are spreading memes, videos and comments and tries to assess if they are genuine members of the public.
The results so far are startling, according to the company's spokesman, Rafi Mendelsohn.
"From the beginning of the trial, we were really interested to see what people are actually saying and how much of that conversation is driven by fake accounts.
"We were amazed to see that actually nearly 11% of the conversation around the trial was driven by fake accounts, which is a very high number," Mr Mendelsohn said.
"To give some context, at any given conversation on average, we see maybe around 3 to 5% of the conversation involving fake accounts," he added.
The best comparison for a conversation with this level of bot and fake accounts would be a big election campaign, he said.
Cyabra is not alone in being interested in the level of pro-Depp online traffic.
Ms Heard raised the issue at the beginning of the trial, and throughout the case two Heard supporters, Cristina Taft and Daniel Brummit, have been regular visitors to the Virginia court house to voice concerns about what is happening online.
They have written a book together called Amber Heard and Bots.
"We saw new accounts and new postings in February and January," Ms Taft said, noting that in those two months, the Daily Mail news paper published two audio recordings of the former couple on YouTube.
"Then it went to Twitter and there are new accounts that… post like two days later," she said.”
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spinjitsuburst · 3 months
ramble about ur favs i wanna hear abt ur thoughts -zaptrap
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so like sgdkdhdkdhd I say Jay and Lloyd are my “favorites” but honestly it’s so hard to pick favorites out of this skittles squad like I love EVERY character for a variety of different reasons. I was going to also infodump about Lloyd but then I started talking about Prime Empire and then this post got. Long. So. it's just Jay I may infodump about Lloyd another day especially since I'm very Conduit Brained Rn but yea yea!
this is long so i'm putting most of it under the cut so y'all don't kill me for making a huge long post
I considered putting Zane and Sora on here as well since I’d also consider them my “favs” but like this is already gonna be. A lot of. Infodumping (also i typed THIS part before I even started and decided not to yell about Lloyd because this already got long enough). Maybe I’ll make a separate post for those two hmm hmm much to consider but for now MY (technically) FAVORITE NINJAGO CHARACTER: JAY WALKER
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so hey his name is a pun this makes me laugh ridiculously hard every time I remember he is named. After a misdemeanor HSKSHDKFH
Jay is such an interesting case of a character for me because I started out the show not liking him. Which is. Stares at my entire account I think my feelings have changed somewhat
Jay starts out as an asshole I don’t think anyone can disagree with me there (although honestly they’re all assholes in early ninjago they bullied a ten year old and left him dangling several feet off the ground) but over the course of the show you can see him start developing into a much more interesting character. He goes from being so insecure he's faking everything about himself to someone who knows who he is and is so genuine about it
now yea we could argue about whether his character was too uwu-ified post-season 10 but this is the FUN HAN POST SO WE'RE NOT GONNA TALK ABOUT THAT the point is you can SEE the growth that Jay has gone through and I am going to show you that growth through what I call
✨ The Skybound to Prime Empire Effect ✨
when season 12 rolls around we are at the point in Jay's development where he is CONFIDENT in who he is. He's a fun-loving jokester with the power of lightning and the drive to help people whenever he can. He uses jokes and humor to help alleviate tension and get people through whatever's happening. And when on his own what does he do?
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i like to think jay's club in prime empire was a safe haven for anyone stuck in the game who figured out hey. we Can't Leave and felt freaked about it. Also Jay would generally try and spread the word that hey something ISN'T RIGHT HERE which would lead people to want to stay with him
(totally plugging my friend's fic but this kind of thing is explored in would you like to enter prime empire by @finn-m-corvex y'all should check it out cool cool)
also the prime empire shorts which i watched all of in the midst of typing this video cuz i love them go watch them please please please jay was publically fighting the red visors which I imagine may have raised some red flags for some players
THIS SOMEHOW TURNED INTO PRIME EMPIRE INFODUMPING LMAO ANYWAYS Jay's confident! He becomes an entertainer because it's who he knows he is! And it's something that will get people hyped and having fun, which is very in-character for Jay to do! He uses those kinds of things to mask the Bad Things going on and get people remembering what's good
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I've talked about this sort of thing before but that's Jay's whole philosophy as early as season 9! Which is a DIRECT contrast to how he views it in season 6, as Nadakhan puts it scarily accurately
"You make jokes to mask the fact that you're afraid"
(i was gonna grab a screenshot for that like i did with the hunted scene but netflix has bloCKED THE ABILITY TO TAKE SCREENSHOTS THE WAY I USED TO and i don't have them already and i'm too lazy to grab them from elsewhere so alas trust me he says it)
making jokes to hide your fear and using humor to remind yourself of what's good and coping with the bad are two VERY different outlooks on it
so I think this outlook is what drives him to make this glamrock persona in the first place - this is a bad situation, one he's in with other civilians, and what better way to keep him and themself safe until the others get there than throwing a big performance at a safe place!
also it's just so gender okay I want to look like Superstar Rockin' Jay so badly
it's also interesting to see his outlook on his parents change over time! In season six he finds out Ed and Edna aren't his birth parents and feels upset about it, not understanding why his birth parents would've abandoned him. In season twelve, that outlook changing is EXACTLY why Jay's able to get through to Unagami
"I was abandoned by my parents, too!... I never understood why, and I never had the chance to even ask. But I always hoped there was a good reason. What if there's a reason?"
(again curse you netflix i wanted SCREENSHOTS whatever whatever)
It's this scene that gets Unagami to calm down long enough for Milton Dyer to get there, and presumably is what stops him from just. Flattening him and Jay like a pancake.
to piggyback off of this i absolutely adore how Unagami and Jay consider each other adopted brothers in that one book I still haven't read and I hope he's in Dragons Rising at some point Unagami is my favorite "villain" (no longer a villain) in the whole show he deserves more screentime
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like this is where i found out about this and it's plagued my mind ever since. i need to read. this book just for them
SO YEA OKAY Prime Empire is "Who is Jay as a Person Post-Skybound" to me also it opens up so many fascinating things about Jay. I rest my case
so backpedaling a little bit. JAY CARES SO MUCH ABOUT HIS PARENTS GUYS IT'S SO SOFT AND I'M sobs
like yea the first episode with Ed and Edna in it has Jay avoiding them like the plague but this gets explained very easily when you remember he was bullied for his home life before he became a ninja. It makes a lot more sense why he wouldn't want them around his new friends, assuming they'd react the same way. Also how was he supposed to know literally all the rest of the groups parents were either dead, presumed dead, or had a toxic relationship with their kid lmao
(Cole calling his mom kills me. Cole's mom is dead. I know they probably just didn't think that far ahead when writing the dialogue but it's so funny mans pretended to call his dead mom to get on Jay for not appreciating his parents iconic behavior)
anyways literally every episode Ed and Edna are central to (except like the one in skybound) Jay stops at nothing to protect his parents and it means the absolute world to me he's so much like them!! They raised an inventive little nerd and he will stop at nothing to make sure they're safe and it's. It's SO IMPORTANT TO ME OKAY
ALSO this is an excuse to clip my favorite piece of dialogue possibly in the entire show. Except Netflix won't let me now. So you just get the text dialogue
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Jay's just fallen from the sky with a messed up eye and is incredibly distraught that all his friends are captured. And his dad just. The woRLD IS FALLING APART AND HE'S EATIN' SOUP-
Ed i love you
anways anyways this just turned into me rambling about prime empire and then Ed and Edna and a lot of disjointed other stuff but thank you for this opportunity i was going to also ramble about lloyd but i put this post in a word count and
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yea i think that's enough for a tumblr post anyways! If anyone wants any like. More logically thought out and direct thoughts about characters feel free to send me asks this was fun thank u @zaptrap for this opportunity to scream about jay
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yawnderu · 5 months
non con means non consensual
no consent = rape
can you explain why you don’t think writing rape is an issue and that it shouldn’t go unreported? i’m curious
please be kind i’m genuinely curious as to why people think it’s ok to write about
This has been explained multiple times and— not to be rude, but you can easily do your own research. It's tiring explaining this over and over, but here we go again.
TW: talks of SA and rape.
If you think it's an issue, Tumblr and media gives you the options to blacklist words, tags, and even usernames, in case blocking is somehow not an option.
There are things called dark fics, which include topics such as dubcon, rape, and other things. The fact that an author writes about these topics doesn't mean you should report their content or account, it's actually very easy to avoid, and you're responsible for your own triggers and media consumption. Every single author who writes dark fics and I've seen in the COD fandom writes the trigger/content warnings at the beginning of their fics because we understand it's not for everyone.
I've explained this before, but as someone who used to get molested/SAd since middle school and until my late teens, writing about these scenarios helps me cope. Why? Because I get to have control over what I write and situations similar to everything that happened to me, and I get to pick which character is doing that, rather than all the people who did things to me.
Some rape and SA victims develop kinks related to it, and that's totally okay. The fact that we write things about it does NOT mean in any way, shape or form that we want this to happen to our readers or ourselves, it's simply a kink that oftentimes comes from being a victim ourselves. It's all a fantasy, a controlled environment where we can write these things and have control over it, unlike in our real lives.
You may not agree with these things being written and that's where the fact that you can easily avoid them comes into play. It's truly as easy as dismissing a post, blacklisting words/tags, and blocking the creator. Trust me, no creator will ever care that you block them. I have so many people blocked in here, including some of my mutual's mutuals or followers and that has never been an issue.
Dark fics are not for everyone and that's totally okay, but reporting a creator's account for writing a sexual fantasy with fictional characters is something way too extreme. We're not posting rape videos, we're simply writing things with fictional characters. If you're (in general, not only you) not mature enough to understand why dark media is created, you're likely not old enough to be in our blogs in the first place.
I hope that explained it well and pray that this will finally be the last ask I get about it.
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swan-lite · 5 months
Dang it, okay, I have thoughts
James Somerton made an apology video in which he says "I'm sorry" several times but
Couches it in a pity party
Does not directly address any of the people whose work he stole by name
Never uses the word "plagiarism," instead referring to his theft almost exclusively as "citation errors"
James discusses how many videos he and his team were releasing and the frequency of releases as if someone was pressuring them to release a high volume of videos, as if to say it isn't his fault that there were quality problems
James offers to make his videos public again and add "citations" in a pinned comment or in the descriptions as a means of crediting the people he stole from
He also insists that some of the videos won't need these citations because some of them were his own "original work"
(In other words: that he has nothing more to hide)
James states that he isn't bigoted against ace folks, bisexual folks, trans folks, or women and that the several disparaging remarks he has made against these communities in his videos were not written by him
Because we have receipts for several of these remarks thanks to Harry's (hbomberguy's) video on James, we know that they didn't come from the articles and books he was stealing from, so if James didn't write them then the only other person who could have was his cowriter Nick
James then immediately says that he's not trying to blame Nick
James does not try to explain the ace/arophobic, biphobic, transphobic, or misogynistic remarks he has made on his Twitter or Patreon accounts
James mentions - and seems genuinely bothered by - the "people online" who are spreading lies and misinformation about him
Finally, James discusses future projects he would like to work on
He then deleted the apology video
Harry states near the top of Plagiarism and You(Tube) that "When someone more competent than Filip uses [his] techniques in a subtler way, we can recognize them for what they are."
This is not competent. It's not even subtle. James's career was so thoroughly eviscerated literally overnight that this is the best he can do, and it's not even good.
James says that he's sorry, but doesn't actually explain what he's sorry for. He doesn't admit to, or take responsibility for, the extent of what he actually did. In this way, he can now say when confronted that he apologized. But with the wording, he still manages to avoid actually taking ownership of his actions. In other words, it's using passive language to imply that what he has done just happened. He definitely didn't sit down and choose to commit extensive plagiarism - of course not! What really happened? *shrug* Anyway, sorry for it.
When iiluminaughtii (henceforth referred to as Blaire) tried to explain the many times in her video essays she has misspoken or misused words, she played it off as a byproduct of the amount of "work" she churned out for her fans. James is trying to do the same thing here, only it is deeply ineffective. It's quite upsetting to me to think that some of his fans - young queer folks who are probably used to having to make themselves small - might on some level fall for this trick. The idea is to make you the viewer feel guilty for the demands you have placed on this creator, when in reality this is a grown adult who knew exactly what he was doing.
I'm not going to spend too long on this next point. If you've read this far, you're probably invested enough to be well aware that James has used the trick of burying a citation under a mound of text no-one will read many times. It's the same trick Blaire used, and the one The Internet Historian used as well after he was caught.
James stops short of making a "Colombo villian speech" in this apology video. He does, however, take the time to say that he has nothing more to hide. Again, if you've watched Harry's video, you know this literally always means that the person who insists they have nothing to hide is absolutely hiding something else. Whether this is more plagiarism or some other skullduggery we haven't yet found out about, I'm sure it will come to light eventually. I'm honestly surprised and a little disappointed that James tried this tack. Obviously he's thought better of it, since the video is gone now. But I would think a grown human who has just been the subject of an hours-long piece of, frankly, journalism would know better than to say something like this.
With the comments about his bigotry, James is trying to simultaneously redirect attention and perform allyship by saying "Look, I have an asexual friend! Who may or may not be public about his sexuality at this time!" This is the kind of thing I think a lot of us in the queer community are used to - supposed allies downplaying microaggressions by pointing to folks in the ally's proximity who happen to have an identity that they are being accused of speaking badly about. "This one person can stand to be around me, so clearly I can't be all bad." Personally, as someone whose racist parent tries consistently to downplay their own racism by pointing to me, their mixed race child, I can tell you that this is always misleading. In this case, I feel comfortable saying it's intentional. James tries to excuse the bigotry that "ended up in the videos" by saying that he didn't have time to edit the scripts properly. He doesn't seem to realize that time constraints often make people much more honest. In reality, this is James trying to make excuses for the bigotry he put in his videos because the time constraints he put onto himself made it much more difficult to disguise how he really feels.
James then directs some indignation at the people who are online discussing what he did. I would interpret his discussion of his income as an oblique reference to Dan Olson's thread about his recording equipment if I had a degree in literary analysis. My degree is not in literary analysis, so I'll leave it there. Ahem.
James makes reference to future projects he hopes to work on, as if this endeavor has in any way preserved or helped to bolster his shattered reputation. Jessie Gender makes a great point in saying this feels like a promise of work we could get out of him if we all just collectively decide to ignore all the harm he has caused. And James has caused harm. Whether he meant to or not, given the sheer magnitude of his plagiarism, there is absolutely no doubt that he has caused significant harm to a community he claimed to defend.
I want to spend a moment on something others have already pointed out. Actually, Harry pointed this out too. If James's theft were in any way defensible, he would have defended it. He would not have gone to such great lengths - up to and including deleting videos - to hide it. He wouldn't have used Nick as a shield, he wouldn't have outright lied in his livestreams, and he wouldn't have deactivated his Patreon (before reactivating--y'know what, this post is long enough, we don't need to get into that). James lied and dodged and beat around the bush for years BECAUSE he knew what he was doing was wrong. I had a justice studies professor once tell my class that nobody wakes up in the morning and decides to be A Criminal. People make choices, and choices have consequences, but most people don't choose consequences. People choose the thing that benefits them and consequences follow. James made a long, long series of choices, and I would like to remind everyone that they always had consequences. Even before Harry's video came out, James was facing consequences. Those didn't come from nowhere, they came from the people he was hurting. He knew about them, he just didn't stop because of them. He stopped because he literally couldn't keep going anymore.
Finally, James deleted his misguided response to the multitude of accusations against him. I don't think I need to explain to anyone what that indicates.
I would like to finish by saying that nobody should be harassed. Nobody should be bullied, or dogpiled, or doxxed. Nobody should wake up in the hospital because their dad realized he needed to call an ambulance. James's life is undoubtedly in a really difficult place right now, and while he absolutely deserved to lose his career, that's all he deserved. I hope he regains his health, I really do.
And I hope Harry and his team don't feel any responsibility over this. It seems easy from the outside to believe they wouldn't, but I also know that if I had just released a 4-hour long video detailing someone's fraud and then found out they had been in the hospital because of an incompleted suicide, I would feel pretty conflicted about a project we know Harry already felt conflicted about.
I hope Harry and his team are doing okay, and I hope James starts doing okay soon, and I hope James realizes this was the wrong damn time to try any release and apology. It was a bad apology.
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electricmagazine · 11 months
Public Shock as Megumi Fushiguro Refuses to do Promotional Video
The Jujutsu Kaisen star says he “doesn’t understand” why he was “suddenly grouped differently” for the interviews
The entertainment world was shaken on Monday when the Jujutsu Kaisen official twitter account announced that they were cancelling their planned promotional interviews due to “lack of participation” on the actors’ parts. While fans were outraged and demanded to know what happened, Megumi Fushiguro took a leap, stepped out, and took the blame.
“Stop sending hate mail to the cast,” he tweeted. “I chose not to be part of the interviews, and my friends stood with me. There were some problems, but we’re working through them.”
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The star went on to explain via replies that he felt the groupings for the interviews were problematic, and that there was a simple solution that he’d like the promotions team to employ.
In an interview with Electric Magazine, he said, “I don’t understand why I was suddenly grouped differently. For every other interview I did, specifically those for season one, I was grouped with characters and actors I was connected with – Yuji, Nobara, Satoru, whoever. Season two has brought in a few minor characters, including my character’s biological dad… I just don’t think my character should be grouped with his biological dad over his friends.
“Promotions thought it was a good idea to group our characters together because in the show, we’re related. But it doesn’t work like that. My character hates his dad, why are they putting us in an interview together?”
Fushiguro also specified that he meant no hate towards Toji, the man who plays his character’s father in the show, but he thought it made little sense for their characters to be in the same interview.
Other cast members also stepped in with messages of support for Fushiguro, including co-star Yuji Itadori and adoptive father Satoru Gojo.
“Biological relations mean nothing when someone has been abandoned. This may seem overdramatic to some, but these interview groupings are an insult to adoptive, found, and loving family,” the famous actor wrote.
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“No-one should have to bring up their personal life in public to have their voice heard. Everyone who has a brain would know these groupings are completely wrong. Stay strong Megumi, you’re doing the right thing,” Shoko Ieri replied to the emotive post.
“good for you megumi. stand up to those ignorant idiots,” Nobara Kugisaki tweeted, complete with a picture of her and Fushiguro together.
“Megumi’s character already has a dad. Biological does not mean family. Things will never be right until the producers understand this,” wrote Itadori.
“I will not being doing the interview until Megumi can do his,” was Kento Nanami’s bold stance.
Amongst a split and conflicted fanbase, the official twitter simply tweeted, “We did not realise our actors would feel strongly about their interview groups and we had no intention to offend. The groups will be fixed ASAP and hopefully the interviews will go ahead.”
Many viewers felt this was an unfeeling response to Fushiguro’s genuine problem, with one even replying, “This just proves that the industry doesn’t care. It’s not about whether the interviews can go ahead, it’s about why it was deemed appropriate to group Megumi with a minor, unrelated character in the first place.”
Outcry against the producers and promotions teams seemed endless, with #jjkpromo and #staystrongmegumi trending for weeks across all platforms. Most felt that it had been a stupid decision from the start, since Megumi was a main character and should therefore be with the other main characters regardless of who he was related to. Others felt that extra sensitivity was needed due to Fushiguro’s own background, which was clearly the root of his ‘interview strike’.
“Yeah, I’m adopted,” he told Electric Magazine. “And yeah, that’s probably why I care so much. But the point stands. This character is unrelated to mine; this character is a minor, abusive father who my character despises. It’s not okay to normalise healing those relationships or still associating these people together.
“If I was someone who was abandoned by an abusive father – and I’m not, but many people are – how would I feel to know that the media still considers us family? How would I feel knowing that society prioritises that biological relationship over the connections I’d built with my friends?
“I guess this could be seen as overdramatic. It’s just an interview. I know. But it represents so much more; it’s a signal flare from the media and I’m not willing to let it go past me.”
Eventually, even Toji stepped forward, tweeting, “I’ve been quiet because I don’t know what to say, but I see I need to say something. Megumi is right to protest this grouping. I thought it was odd that we were put together as we don’t even share any scenes, but I see know it could have become weaponised. #istandwithmegumi.”
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Electric will keep updating as events unfold.
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maplewozapi · 8 months
hey, it's me, the anon that left the ask about studying Native American history and cultural appropriation. Thanks for the book recommendations, I've added them all to my to-read list.
It's crazy how much people seem to dislike the topic of history I've chosen, but you genuinely helped so much. Definitely reassured me. I've also bought bury my heart at wounded knee which is a *bit* outdated but was the first book I bought on the topic so I always think of it fondly, and another called Blood and Land, and also one called a Century of Dishonour, which was written in the 1880s (very outdated in areas but also. definitely against the government policies). I'm also trying to expand my reading horizons from what happened in the 19th century USA.
(Btw, wasn't Killers of the Flower Moon turned into a film recently starring Leonardo di Caprio?? I wondered if you'd watched it. I would like to find some more modern films/tv shows with good indigenous rep - I watched Annie Get Your Gun a while back but frankly it was shit. I want to purge it from my mind).
I hope you have a lovely day, I just thought I'd say thanks for the recommendations and the reassurance </3
Yes I am very excited for the movie to come out, and there’s nothing wrong with outdated books besides biases told by the white people at the time, you gotta be picky and not take everything at face value. I read so many old books and university papers of recounts of native history and it’s kind of an art to describe them and the bs some of them say and the crab meat of truth you’re trying to find. Or like by proxy of growing up and hearing stories, and then using those accounts to figure out "oh that’s what they mean" or "Oh they mean this thing not that, they mixed it up." Cultural and language mistranslations are just so prevalent.
Then here’s some movie and video recommendations, I’ll just say with Wind River and Bury my heart again be kinda thoughtful about them. Bury my heart has like this Hollywood kinda atmosphere, more cinematic it’s a great movie but it’s also based on events and they kinda dramatized some. Gives me the same feeling of "woman who walks ahead." Still great movies and a great way to get a feel for thing that happened back then. I really love news of the world too especially what they show with the buffalo and little girl, but I really wish they hired a native actress, it’s true that adoption of any race of people happened a lot in tribes but the representation of native kids in Hollywood is nonexistent and I think these movies would be so much better portraying native head leads. With Wind River if Jeremy renner and Elizabeth Olsen where switched out with native leads the plot would be so much richer. Like a city native and Rez native story would be so good. Movies that greatly follow white leads or have white characters for the yt audience to attach to just limits the movie for me.
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accio-victuuri · 6 months
bjyx in the eyes of passer-by is really good. ❤️💚
i’ve been wanting to share this since the weekend but it’s too long and i needed more time. lol. none of this is new but this can be taken as some convincing arguments about the cp and why it could be real. allegedly from non-fans who casually observes the fandom and what we are up to.
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transcript screenshots taken from 泡沫爱恋的晴空 ; I have added commentary and links to some points to better explain. enjoy. 🍵
First of all, I think it is true for the following reasons:
1. Timeline. Since filming in 2018, various fake materials have emerged one after another. We don’t care whether the fake material is genuine or not, but I think the hammer can be connected, which is good. The false information about the incident came out, and then things fell into place, which I think is amazing It’s a strange thing, and some things that happened in 18 and 19 years have now been hammered. Of course you can call it a coincidence if you like.
*** This pertains to the 49 fakes that turned out to mostly be true. Also the fake contributions of their conversations & incidents on set that we all thought weren’t true until the unofficial videos came out. If this was a boy-girl pairing, a single unverified rumor will blow up but with bjyx you have tons and some people are still meh. Lol.
2. Same Style. The two of them share too many styles. First of all, the clothes, from big brands to small ones. Various brands, from clothes to pants to shoes to accessories, there are countless similar styles. The second time was the shooting scene between the staff and some of the staff who had worked together overlapped. Yes, it can be seen from the post-production period that there is also an advertisement for both of them. It was shot in the same place, which is also very magical, in the entertainment industry. It's such a big deal. Do you think there's such a thing as matching clothes, teams and locations? There must be, but I don’t dare to say whether it happens as often as the two of them do. Yes, this is a coincidence.
*** we have an extensive matching clothes collection but i guess the biggest is XZ’s personal style change since he met WYB. Also the overlapping staff/people related work— I talked about an instance of that here.
3. Interaction in the studio. The publicity and distribution of the studios of both parties always meet perfectly. Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo have so many endorsements, so it’s amazing that there are so many works and programs that I haven’t encountered before, and the way they talk, the way they edits the video, the fonts they use… Some similarities can be seen in these pictures, which is a coincidence and very disturbing.
*** i don’t think this needs further explanation. A lot of us notice this. even how their projects don’t (very rarely ) coincide.
4. Some inexplicable stuck points and dynamics between the two sides. This is very magical, the 24-hour rule of Boxiao Circle means that no matter what the reason, one party after posting the news, there will always be another news posted by the other party.
5. Some specific examples. One is Wang Yibo’s Himalaya account. The case of Ru Meng and Beiyang corpse recovery, first of all, it is definitely not Wang Yibo himself. Listen, that's for sure. It can also be determined that Xiao Zhan is interested in Rumeng and Beiyang. There is also the easter egg of Wang Yibo and YBO’s video. We won’t say that he’s not like Wang Yibo, but he really looks like Xiao Zhan. The jawbone is simply amazing. Of course you can also say it’s a coincidence.
There is another one who beats me. It’s the one where the rehearsal time is hidden. Behind Wang Yibo is Xiao Zhan’s rehearsal. Above there is only Wang Yibo's name. Everyone scolded Wang Yibo for acting like a big name. He didn’t respond and we didn’t know it was Xiao Zhan until that night. I just want to say that if Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan are fake, the organizer will change the time. this rehearsal time must be negotiated with the artist. Yes, there is no need for him to get involved, he should stay far away at this time. I don't think this is a coincidence.
*** these are very popular CPN so I think alot of us know this. Especially Himalaya/Ximalaya ( I talked about this in detail ; Parts 1-4 / Part 5 ) && WYB hiding XZ’s schedule is very real but both their fans refuse to acknowledge.
6. This is about Bojun Yixiao Rice Circle. Bojun YixiaoCircle and Chen Qing Ling frequently becomes a hotly searched event. Today is April 16, 2022, today the fourth anniversary of Chen Qing Ling was on the hot search, and the names of Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo were also on the list . Let’s not talk about anything else, just take the current situation of Brother Zhan and Yibo. We wouldn’t say it’s particularly popular, but it’s still quite popular. At this time, there is no need for two people to tie up and search together. Behind these two people, they all have professional teams, and now Fanfan is linked to Bojun Yixiao and Aling has become a hot search topic. No matter what fans think, in the eyes of passers-by, if the names of Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo are linked together, the team should be able to remove the host search. The last hot search is equivalent to reminding Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo once again, but judging from the frequency of related hot searches this year, the two parties are together and their team is laissez-faire. This will definitely consolidate CP fans, and I feel that both parties have no intention of wanting to be untied. Judging from their current popularity, I feel like this is a disadvantage. So is it possible that it’s just in case something happens? It will not be made public, but if it is discovered one day, there will be some people who are willing to be with them, at least they feel clear about it and have nothing to hide or cheat them.
To sum up, I think it is true. Of course this is all my personal opinion.
PS: Of course there are many more points, more than this.
**** OP’s sample for hs is 2022, but even this year 2023, they had a couple of hs with their names together and not taken down.
Just believe it. Strictly speaking, I am not a CP fan of the two. A more appropriate positioning is for passers-by CP fans, who mainly see the candy of two people is good to drink. When I got high, I calmed down and analyzed objectively.
For a moment, I feel that all kinds of hammers can only point to two possibilities:
1. The two of them are real.
2. The team is still bundled for hype. I don’t quite agree with one party’s deliberate attempts. The other party is interested in this term. After all, if one of the parties is unwilling, we will not let all kinds of public opinions ferment online.
Let’s talk about the first possibility first: true. In fact, there is no need to pass this possibility No need to go into details, there are too many different kinds of hammers. Some people find it far-fetched, such as stuck points. Put it aside, I think the previous little prince and the ideal life drawing , the heart print on wyb’s palm, and the ear clip that xz wears recently, Teacher Lin Hai’s Peppa Pig, etc.,If you take it out one by one, it can be said to be a coincidence. Put them together, I think it’s hard to call it as a coincidence.
Under this possibility, I think their behavior is understandable. I will do my best to acknowledge you in front of everyone, without being blatant so I secretly poked and sprinkled sugar. And after 2020, , it was obvious that they didn’t want to define themselves as cql’s CP position. In this case, it is possible to interact in various ways across the air. I think it is a real possibility. It's indeed bigger.
1. Why are they attracted to each other?
Wang Xiaobao, it is estimated that children lack the company and isolation of their parents during childhood. Due to modern education and upbringing, or perhaps due to innate personality, the child is somewhat autistic. He also likes to talk to himself alone. He leaves home as a young man and lives in a high-intensity confinement under closed training, there is almost no rebellious period of youth and the self-conception of society and parents.
The process of growing up was full of doubts and conflicts, so he retained the childishness and innocence in himself. The instinctive and intuitive side forms what I consider to be a dull yet sensitive and spontaneous person. The current appearance of someone who is trusting but has low self-esteem, is covered in armor but has a soft heart. No matter how others laugh at the "typos", Jiuluoyu "got fat and lost weight" I scoff at this kind of thing! I like this kid’s thoughts to be pure and true. I hope Wang Xiaobao doesn’t have to care about that at all and can go his own way.
Let others talk! I hope this child will improve as he grows older and more experienced. Cultivate a strong heart and face the world more and more calmly without malice and harm.
Xiao Zhan, complete systematic education, complete social animal experience. I predict this kid had a very high emotional intelligence when he was in school, and he was the kind of person who had the best interpersonal relationships in the class. He played the role of a very docile and obedient student in the teacher’s mind, but I personally feel that this meekness and obedience is actually due to long-term family education and school. The "last resort and pretense" under the suppression of education are actually independent at heart. Do, doubt and despise authority (bringing the fierce gene of Chongqing people):
Because with the EQ and IQ he is showing now, he should actually be,,At that time, he could get into a school that was much better than the one he got into! (Don’t ask why. What, this is a topic of educational psychology, a few thousand words are omitted here)
Of course, if that were the case, there would be no actor fees as we see now. Yes, haha. In fact, it is precisely this character background that can support him. At the age of 24, he actually moved to the entertainment industry and survived 227! Just focus on these two points, I admire him very much! There is something about him that is both otherworldly and full of human smoke. The breath of fire has the smell of randomly switching between being born in this world and entering this world. What I saw was not an interesting soul, but a smooth, sophisticated and naive heart. Romantic, wild and unrestrained yet clear and pure soul!
Therefore, my personal feeling is: the mutual attraction between them is two. The approach of the unruly soul, the wild growth of two hearts, the pure nature of souls that have found a completely peaceful and peaceful destination in each other;
This kind of luck is unfathomable and unexpected.
The commercial value of CPF.
1. Number of fans. I have observed the ch data from mid-September to October 7th, Extract gg, dd, bjyx, and popular male stars at the same time node A, Data analysis of popular male star B. Both A and B are currently on the air. It is a popular drama and is recognized for its good reputation and excellent acting skills. The data are gg>dd>bjyx>A>B, where bjyx=4~5A(B),gg~ 3bjyx, dd~2bjyx, it can be seen that bjyx’s live powder data can indeed be beaten. On the 5th, Wyb's Xiaoxiang's top 1 and 2 hot reviews were both cpf, and bjyx's daily list averaged 1- 2 can reflect the data situation from the side. The number of active fans of bjyx is indeed not high.
2. Economic chain. Needless to say, Boxiao Cotton Doll is very popular in the circle. Various offline exhibitions, pbs, and outputs, including Bilibili and short videos to support. How many blog owners, video accounts, and marketing accounts do you have? Stand up for every charity event and such generous support as charity can reflect the actual benefits. It’s impressive. For GG’s birthday on the 5th, a single charity donation from a single website has 6 number of digits, last year more than 20 Hope Primary Schools were built.
The most important thing is that there is a secret love between the two. The words seem to be more topical when put openly, unless their team are smart enough to assess the public's psychology in advance, and feel that he can design a secret poke of candies that are easier to eat and can increase fans more deliberately. In this kind of clever grouping, If you are deceived during team operation, you can only admit defeat. There were two other people participating in the event. This kind of things is often used. Some people say that this is a script. I admit it. They can act, so the real point of my addiction is not this, but the two of them. Watching the other person interact with other people makes him look bad. A dark-faced reaction is more likely to be reflect inner unhappiness, I think everyone can relate to this. Recalling the dark moments in my life, I found it difficult to act and control myself. If this is really a performance, then I think the two of them deserve two Oscars, so natural.
No matter what, people in the entertainment industry must be surfing experts. I don’t believe them that they don’t know that CP consumption is becoming popular online, but now we are deliberately adding insult to injury. I can only think of the above two possibilities, and comparing the two, I prefer the first.
Why are they holding on to such a large CP?
Don't tell me that it's a one-sided affair or a scam, as long as anyone has a brain, no one would say that! Two years ago from 227 to now, between the two of them — how much has the number of cp followers increased in Weibo’s super chat alone? If someone did research can be done with statistics.
I’ve read a lot of Zhihu “papers” analyzing the pros and cons of maintaining CP.
I just want to discuss their purpose of doing this.
In fact, since they are out of business, they can openly share their fans and public opinions. In the direction of socialist brotherhood, this is the easiest and most important thing to do. A lucky path, or simply do nothing. After a few years, they can become naturally quiet. But they don't. So far, they still have to use hammers from time to time. I feel like they didn't just smash it with a hammer.I'm holding an axe and cutting through the thorns.
Maintaining such a large CPF is tantamount to carrying a nuclear bomb on its back.
Okay, what is their motivation and purpose for doing this? Everyone has a purpose in doing things!
Is it possible that the traffic is generated just to maintain the dispute between the three fans? It’s possible, because I’ve never been afraid to speculate on capital with the worst possible intentions. After all, they are in the entertainment industry and have to discuss business.
Or do you want to get everyone’s blessing?
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indigoraysoflight · 20 days
Let's Talk About The Big F Word.
The word is "friend", and this is a rant. You've been warned.
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If you genuinely love Caryl as a friendship or a ship, know that this rant is not meant to invalidate you. I'm merely trying to shed light on the marketing side of things and how some terms are being used to market the show.
I notice there is confusion festering about why AMC's official accounts continue to promote the "friends" narrative. Here's my theory from a marketing perspective.
If companies are worried about ROI (return on investment), they can either change the content to guarantee ROI or grow the audience to improve the chances of getting an ROI. The second part is easier this late in the game when a show is teetering at the end of post-production.
Every time the "friend" narrative is evoked or Carol is deliberately excluded or female characters are pitted against each other – engagement skyrockets. It festers toxicity in the fandom and encourages infighting. Hear me out.
Carylers usually defend themselves, and people who hate Caryl with a burning passion use the narrative to harass and bully Carylers.
That leads the Carylers to double down on their undying devotion to Caryl because they want the world to know why this ship and these characters are important to them (which is understandable considering how difficult the last few years have been).
The official accounts then mine posts and track engagement for market research, which probably leads to the conclusion, "See? Carylers are still engaging and on board with the friend narrative."
And the cycle continues.
"But Caryl are friends! Why is that bad?"
It's not bad; their friendship is what makes this ship unique. Every Caryler cherishes their friendship because it is the foundation of their relationship. Whether you love Caryl as friends or you ship them, the word "friend" is used to encourage people to invalidate Carylers and the ship itself. And it's done in the name of "engagement".
If you don't believe me, go to these posts and see the ratio of comments, QRTs, and responses. "All publicity is good publicity", I'm sure you've probably heard that before. That's the essence of the strategy that is being utilized.
There is a section of the fandom that loves it when Carylers are "put in their place," if you will. They flood to every post that
Invalidates Caryl as a ship
Erases Carol or encourages fans to "erase her" in some way
Pits Carol against another female character
Calls Caryl "friends"
Includes ambiguous pictures/footage to invalidate Caryl/Carol
Because every one of these posts gets a ton of engagement from all sides. Even if a lot of it is negative, it's still talked about. The end goal is word of mouth so more people flock to see what's happening. More eyes mean they can promote their show to a bigger pool of audience, which increases the chances of getting a higher ROI.
"Why would they do that when they started the #TWDCaryl tag?"
My best guess is that the people in charge of running the official accounts are either recycling an old marketing strategy or trying to position Caryl as "friends" to try and attract the audience that is so thrilled by the idea of it on SM. Because Caryl are best friends, Carylers can't refute that or be mad about it, right? Only they're either unaware of the fandom dynamics or don't care as long as the posts get engagement.
Unfortunately, because TBOC hasn't been marketed heavily through official channels yet and relies mainly on pictures, videos, and content shared by cast, crew, or fans, Carylers are eager for any form of promo that gives them information about the show. And any posts shared by official accounts get a lot of attention.
But most of these posts don't hold space for comments about Caryl as a ship. People who see the post as a way of suppressing Carylers or "confirmation" that the ship is invalid harass these commenters.
I don't think the SM managers realize that most people who cheered for excluding Carol from posts are the same ones engaging with the "Caryl are friends" posts.
And anyone who hates Carol with a burning passion – enough to encourage toxicity against her and her fans – will never pay them a dime to watch a show called "The Book of CAROL."
They're stepping on the back of a huge chunk of their audience to get engagement from people who want TBOC to fail. Let them realize on their own that "all engagement is good engagement" until they get a big surprise of declining followers and ROI.
Melissa returned to Carol, and to us, she deserves A LOT better than a few posts that validate people who hate Carol, and recycled footage from the flagship show.
If you choose to take it, my advice is to stop engaging with the official accounts, stop validating them if you're feeling invalidated and disrespected, and use your block button generously. Continue talking about why Carol and Caryl are important to you. Finally, protect your energy and please take care of your mental health.
Thank you for taking the time to read my rant.
Stay safe, and be well. ❤️❤️
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beautifulpersonpeach · 6 months
I’ve been reading your blog for the better part of the year and it’s helped me rethink many things. This year was weird for me and I’ve been reflecting, I finally got courage to write this confession and I only feel comfortable sending it here. It’s okay if you post it. I think there are other people like me.
My Confession:
I’m an Orbit-Blink shooter who used to fight with an Army shooter daily until she died during the earthquakes in Turkey this year. I didn’t realize how much of my life and fan experience was tied to her until she died BPP. The way I got into shooting was through my Blink friend who introduced me to Loona when they debuted. At first I thought I was defending Loona and then defending Blackpink, but at some point shooting on its own for any reason became addicting. I would jump in on a ratio, throw insults and post gore and graphic images to people’s DMs for any small reason.
There was one Army shooter I hated because she was always there with screenshots or videos to drag Blackpink. Whenever there was a fanwar I knew I would see her there. And times when she wasn’t in the fight, I would use another account pretending to be an Army to tell her what was happening so I could rile her up to join the fight. I didn’t know it at the time but I loved fighting with her. She made me feel alive. The way she was passionate about BTS made me want to get some of that passion directed at me in any form.
Now, after months of reflecting, that’s what I realized. Because when the earthquake happened, I didn’t know she was dead. I kept checking her account for days, sending DMs from my fake Army profile, wondering why she was not replying. I even created a new scandal for Taehyung in our shooter group but she didn’t tweet. Then 2 weeks later her cousin tweeted from her account to say she died in the earthquake. BPP, it was like my whole life stopped. I became extremely depressed and dealt with extreme self loathing. I couldn’t look at any fandom fight without thinking about all the things I did to her. I hated myself and wanted to die. I went through that Armys profile and saw how her love for BTS was genuine. After months of therapy now I understand more why I acted like that, but it’s something I’ll forever be ashamed about.
In the depths of my depression I deleted Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram. After some weeks of missing what’s happening, I got Tumblr and found your blog talking about fandom behavior. In so many ways you’ve saved my life BPP. The way I was shooting was more for other shooters than Loona or Blackpink or even myself. I realize now there’s a whole subculture of kpop shooters and I think what they have is an addiction. I notice the same things with how solo stans behave. They think they’re doing it for the idols but it’s for them and other stans they’re fighting. It creates destruction. Life is short. Why spend it on something destructive?
I’ve changed everything about how I behave online. Through therapy and reading your blog, I realize people use fandom to express themselves, and if that expression is mostly negative, there’s deeper problems with that person that needs solving. Now I curate my space and avoid shooters and fanwars completely. I now focus on what I enjoy which is good lore and good music (I still enjoy a good fight but I now satisfy this need by getting engaged in Munk Debates in my city). Loona’s lore was the reason I was interested in them, so after weeks of stalking that dead Army’s profile, I learned that BTS has lore too. I fell down the BTS rabbit hole and officially became an Army on Jimin’s birthday (after reading your blog I’m now Yoonminkook biased hehe)
I’m a very new Army but an ‘old’ kpop fan and reformed shooter. I’ve committed to live a life that’s critical and compassionate. Because of how I’ve become Army, some things I’m seeing in how fans of diff fandoms act has a different meaning to me. I still struggle with shame and sometimes when I see fanwars or see solos trending hashtags and things, I remember me from what feels like long ago. I remember that Army shooter who feels like someone I owe my life to. I remember how so much is going on in the world and we could do with more kindness but people use fandom to be awful assholes. I was one such person, attimes I still have to bite my tongue. But what I do now is log off, go do something physical and positive that makes me tired, or scroll through your blog archives.
There might be people like me trying to get away from the shooter mindset and struggling because it’s hard. It’s like an addiction. I want those people to know it’s doable. Recognizing the problem is the hardest part for real so if they are at that point, it gets easier from there.
Thank you for having this blog BPP. I hope you stay here in 2024 as well.
Happy to hear you’re in a better head space than earlier this year.
Take care of yourself. Really.
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