The turtles nomming Casey to comfort him, kid's been thru a lot
Yes yes yes Anon I love how you think. I can totally see L/eo being the first one to offer, once he’s healed and all. So maybe he’s gained a soft spot for the kid. Sue him. From there it doesn’t take his brothers long at all to hop on the wagon, so to speak. Boom, 4 comfy sleeping bags for the boy
Poor poor Cas/ey, he’s just enjoying every moment he gets. You have to when it’s the only semblance of normal you have left. Definitely helps him handle the whole “my universe and family are gone forever” he’s dealing with. Someone hug this kid please
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heartsforhamzah · 2 months
sfw alphabet - hamzahthefantastic
—‘A’ IS FOR AFFECTION (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?)
hamzah wasn’t very affectionate at first. but as he eased into the relationship he was extremely affectionate. his love language is quality time, so he shows he loves you hanging out with you. regardless of if you two are speaking or not, just simply being in your presence makes him happy.
—‘B’ IS FOR BESTFRIEND (what would they be like as a best friend?)
the two of you would obviously be friends with martin and mandy. the couple (particularly mandy) would 100% feel a sigh of relief when you joined their group. i can see him being friends with the female version of himself.
—‘C’ IS FOR CUDDLES (do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle?)
like stated above, once eased into the relationship, he gets more affectionate, and clingy. although his love language is quality time (or words of affirmation!!) he would do well with a girlfriend who’s love language is physical touch. at night, the man need cuddles to sleep, he just loves being close to you.
—‘D’ IS FOR DOMESTIC (do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?)
in the future he wants to settle down, and if you want kids, so would he. i think in the relationship the two of you would split responsibilities. he’d cook for you, or buy you takeout, all you have to do is ask. man is extremely down bad for you.
—‘E’ IS FOR ENDING (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
this sweet boy is taking full responsibility. no, none of the “it’s not you, it’s me” bullshit. it’s a corny breakup, you left it feeling fine, you were sad of course, but you didn’t hold anything against him. he’s telling you whole heartedly why he’s breaking up with you and he’s not leaving any of your questions unanswered. after the whole breakup, you aren’t friends by any means, but he doesn’t treat you like a stranger.
—‘F’ IS FOR FIANCÉE (how do they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?)
he has some fear of commitment, but you changed him for the better. and he truly does want to be with you forever. after your engagement (i see the engagement happening a few years after getting together) the two of you get married a couple years later. the timeline for this is getting together when you are 21-22 (so now for him! i just do not picture him with someone younger) getting engaged at 25-ish, and married at 28.
i see things going two ways, you guys just say fuck it and get married in vegas (or get eloped), or you plan a small wedding with close family and close friends only. (family is important, so i see the smaller wedding as what’s more likely to happen. but i just cannot picture him at a large wedding.)
—‘G’ IS FOR GENTLE (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
he is extremely gentle with you, sometimes taking it as far as treating you like you might shatter. emotionally, he has his flaws. every human breaks at some point, so he has blown up at you before. he apologized, and it has not happened since, hence why he treats you like you’ll break.
—‘H’ IS FOR HUGS (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
his hugs are definitely bear hugsss! i don’t know if he’s a hands around your waist hugs from behind kind of person, or if he’s a arms draped over your shoulders hug from behind kind of person. he’d definitely like this kind of hug though. references: 🔗 - 🔗 - 🔗
—‘I’ IS FOR I LOVE YOU (how quick are they to say the L word?)
he’d say it fairly quick. he feels comfortable with you, and at this point and envisions a long term relationship with you, (he wouldn’t date just to date, he would date to marry 🥹)
—‘J’ IS FOR JEALOUSY (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they’re jealous?)
he’s not outwardly jealous (he’d never tell you that he’s jealous). but he 100% gives dirty looks to whoever is flirting with you.
a guy at a bar was chatting you up, you were nice, so you continued to talk to the man. you weren’t flirting by any means, but the guy wasn’t really getting that. hamzah solved it but simply standing next you with his hand on your lower back. safe to say he got the hint.
—‘K’ IS FOR KISSES (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)
sucker for receiving forehead, neck, and cheek kisses from his partner. when it comes to where he likes to kiss you, honestly anywhere he is a major tease. shoulder, neck, back of your hand, knuckles, lips. he just likes being close.
—‘L’ IS FOR LITTLE ONES (how are they around children?)
little kids loveeee him! he's hilarious and fun to be around. the first time you brought him around your little siblings, they didn't stop talking about him for the next few weeks. in the future, he's a girl dad through and through.
—‘M’ IS FOR MORNING (how are mornings spent with them?)
slow mornings with hamzah are the best. waking up late in the day, you try to leave bed but he pulls you back in.
"baby we have to get up. it's already..." you check your phone, "it's 12:30!"
"please," he says tiredly.
you never could say no to those brown eyes.
—‘N’ IS FOR NIGHT (how are nights spent with them?)
most nights spent on the couch binge watching tv shows and enjoying eachothers presence. some nights are spent with martin and mandy, just hanging out. and then some spent filming a video for the boys channel.
—‘O’ IS FOR OPEN (when would they start revealing things about themselves? do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
he's pretty open to you. his whole life has already been posted online given he's a youtuber. so he's open and straightforward when you get together. but, when it comes to telling fans about your relationship, you guys wait a bit. no particular reason for waiting, yall are private and not secret. so his fans know he's got a girl at home.
—‘P’ IS FOR PATIENCE (how easily angered are they?)
he's patient, especially with you. he's gotten angry at you before (it's since been resolved), but everyone slips up. the only time he might get angry is when he's jealous, but he'd never tell you that.
—‘Q’ IS FOR QUIZZES (how much would they remember about their partner?)
hamzah x reader who is also a youtuber (?!) he could probably quote something you said in a video in 2021.. he's obsessed with you. he remembers everything you've told him (or he atleast tries). if you two were friends before getting together, he is randomly reminding you of things that happened when you first became friends.
—‘R’ IS FOR REMEMBER (what is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
his fav moment in your relationship is when you two finally got together. hamzah and you had been friends for a while, it’d be soooo awkward if you got together.. right? you both sort of moved on, trying to forget about your attraction to the other, but it wasn’t that easy. after about two months of trying to ignore whatever was happening between you two, you both gave in.
—‘S’ IS FOR SECURITY (how protective are they, how would they like to be protected?)
he isn’t one to fight somebody, but he definitely isn’t going to take no shit. he loooovvvveeessss when you get protective over him. you’d tell a girl to back off of him in an instant, and he admires that.
—‘T’ IS FOR TRY (how much effort do they put into the relationship? i.e. dates, gifts, tasks.)
he loves dates :) whether it be staying in, or going out to dinner, he loves it. i feel like if you even mentioned liking something (i.e. a dress) he’d have it for you the next day.
—‘U’ IS FOR UGLY (what is some of their bad habits?)
vaping.. i know he’s trying to quit (has he successfully yet? if he has, i can change this, but as far as i know, he hasn’t.)
—‘V’ IS FOR VANITY (how concerned are they about their looks?)
not super concerned. he knows you like the way he looks, his smile, his hair, and his overall style. but it doesn’t consume him, or keep him up at night just based on how he looks.
—‘W’ IS FOR WHOLE (would they feel incomplete without you?)
for sure, when him and martin had the hotel sleepover for a video, he was texting you like crazy. when you, mandy, and some other girl friends went on a girls trip he had a countdown on his phone for when you’d be home.
“i miss cuddling,” he whines over the phone.
“you could cuddle martin! he wouldn’t mind..”
“no! that’s not helping us beat the allegations!!”
“alright, well we’re about to be at the mall, i love you, i will be home soon.”
—‘X’ IS FOR XTRA (a random headcannon about them)
he’d date a girl older. not reaching cougar + cub territory, but like 5 years older. constantly getting made fun of for it by his friends. and he stands up for you when they call you “grandma”.
—‘Y’ IS FOR YUCK (some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
in a partner he’d hate someone who denied him time with his friends (that is so toxic, for whatever reason). martin is his bestfriend, and that’d be an immediate redflag. also wouldn’t be with someone who didn’t get along with martin or mandy + his family.
—‘Z’ IS FOR ZZZ (some of their sleeping habits?)
he’d sleep all day if you’d let him. most of your dates just end up as naps on the couch (dream date tbh).
taglist: @reeseisinapiece
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 4 months
I'm too brainrotted to give a proper request, but need me some protective Vessel... the guy is so tall, he could just loom over his girl's shoulder... 👀🖤
Love your writing btw!!
Thank you for being patient with me!!
The moon and the sun
He had been like that since day one. A shy. For the most part quiet. Extremely tall guy. You met through mutual friends and for almost six months of you both dating you had no clue about Vess being in a band. The comments you had made about his voice suddenly made even more sense than before. Because of your flexible schedule, you had a chance to travel with him, and everyone could see the difference it made.
Vessel always had a habit of sneaking up on people out of nowhere. You would be making breakfast, folding laundry, undoing the dishwasher and suddenly you would just feel the presence of someone behind you. Warm palms sliding over the curves of your hips. You had been a victim of his quiet steps more than you would love to admit. Some of it resulting in you bumping into things or accidentally hitting your boyfriend.
Now however it had become a sixth sense. Even if Vess refused to believe you, you were ready to die on the hill thar the whole atmosphere changed when he stepped into the room. A slight smile spreads across your face when you feel his warmth before his fingers reach for you. You let yourself lean into him. Welcoming the familiar feeling of him. Forgetting the dishes you had just been cleaning in the tour buss, while the boys rehearsed. A warm meal already filling the cold space with a sense of home.
“You don’t need to do this”, he muttered, bending slightly to leave a kiss on your neck. Long arms wrapping in crisscross over your chest. “Yeah, but I like taking care of you all”, you mussed, tilting your head fully up so you could see Vess better. “And it makes you less stressed”, you pointed out, brushing your fingers over his arms, “So, it’s extra important to me”.
Vessel doesn’t say anything in return. Choosing to rest his chin on top of your head. You throw the tea towel aimlessly before twirling it in his arms so you can cuddle into his chest. “I probably smell, we just finished a session”, Vess tried pulling back but you only wrapped yourself tighter around him. “When has that ever stopped me from hugging you?”, you muttered, lifting your head to meet his eyes.
“I like how you need to look up”, he smiled lazily, “Wait, do I have a double chin?”, Vess reached up to touch his neck making you snicker. “You do not, I love knowing that you have height privileges, makes me feel safer”, you shrugged. “But isn’t a sun higher than the moon?”, Vess tilted his head to the side, slowly zoning out. “Am I the sun and you’re the moon?”, smiling at him you couldn’t help but sigh in contentment, “That’s cute, bub”, “I need to go write that down”, Vess leaned in, pressing a rushed kiss to your lips, “Could be a fucking lyric”, he huffed, nearly bumping into the side of the counter as he rushed towards the bedroom you two shared.
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icycoldninja · 1 month
Can you write the DMC men with a reader who’ve never seen snow for once in her life so the first time they spent their Christmas together, she is extremely excited
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To the point in which her first reaction to seeing snow for the first time is to dive her head first into the snow like a fox despite possible chances of brain freeze
The first time she saw a frozen lake, she immediately jumped down skating. Imagine a dog having zoomies, that’s basically her initial reaction to experiencing actual winter for the first time
She gets curious of everything like Christmas traditions, customs, what do people eat during Christmas, etc They have to remind her that it’s okay if she doesn’t have enough money buying Christmas stuffs because this will not be the only Christmas she’ll ever celebrate in her life
(Like a mom telling her kids that they’ll go to Disneyland next year, promising to buy merchandises and stuffs meanwhile the kid is worried that their mom is bluffing)
P/S: As someone who grew up in a Tropical country, there is basically no concept of Christmas other than the cool uncle cosplaying as the Santa, a worn down Christmas tree used year after year; the mall and the l thing I’ve got to experience that is somewhat close to Christmas is the Christian neighborhood and the local church 🙁
Oh that sucks, man. Where I'm from, we have snow 3/4 of the year. Some people don't even bother to take down their outdoor Christmas lights.
Sparda boys + V x Reader who has never seen snow headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Dante was used to snow, so he didn't think there was anything interesting about it.
-You, on the other hand, had never seen snow in your life, so the moment it began snowing, you beheld the scene like you were watching a new planet come into existence--and for you, it kinda was.
-He watched in amusement as you leaped into a nearby snowdrift, sinking into the powdery white and quite possibly suffering a brain freeze seconds afterwards. He laughed as you tried to eat snow, and laughed some more when you started rolling around in it, now drenched because of the snow that melted on your skin.
-Dante made sure to rescue you when you got stuck, however that happened, and spent the afternoon making snowmen with you.
-He also had you help him hang up the Christmas lights, even if the majority of your job was untangling the knots since he was too lazy to do it.
-Teaches you all the Christmas traditions like decorating the tree, making cookies, decking the halls, and such, but your favorite is drinking hot chocolate while cuddling up to a movie.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil doesn't understand why you freak out over snow. It's just frozen water, what's so interesting?
-Oh, but it does entertain him to see you frolic and leap about with joy, so he stands there and smiles, arms folded tightly against his chest.
-Had to pull you out of a snowdrift because you don't understand snow isn't water and cannot be swum in.
-Snows you Christmas traditions such as baking, decorating, gift giving and such.
-You were a bit down when you learned gift giving was important to Christmas celebrations, as you didn't have much money to your name, but Vergil told you not to worry. Your gift doesn't have to be expensive, it can be something as simple as your presence.
-You guys have a lot of fun baking cookies together, that's for sure, even you're the one doing most of the cooking since Vergil is useless in the kitchen.
□ Nero □
-Nero thought it was so cute how you got so worked up over snow.
-He took you to a frozen lake nearby and watched as you tried to skate in your snowboots.
-Of course you fell down several times, but he was there to pick you back up.
-Made you hot cocoa while you watched movies after a long day of decking the halls, and now that's your favorite Christmas memory.
-He teaches you about the traditions and stuff, but tells you not to worry about giving expensive gifts. Handmade things or hugs and kisses suffice just fine.
-You guys ended up under the mistletoe once and both of you were blushing madly about it for hours, even though you're already dating.
● V ●
-It's V's first Christmas too, so you guys can be innocent little idiots together.
-Both of you were freaking out over snow, except you tried to dive in while he cautiously poked the surface with his cane.
-Neither of you know anything about Christmas traditions, so you hung out at Devil May Cry to soak up information.
-Had a blast helping Nero and Kyrie make the Christmas feast, as well as assisting the others with setting up the tree.
-You went out to a frozen lake, where both of you nearly died from fall damage when you slipped on the ice and fell down.
-Don't worry, other than being a little bruised, you guys are both fine and have been laughing about the incident ever since.
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mitsuristoleme · 9 months
He Got That Boyish Look That I Like in a Man
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written for @satoruoo as part of the Jjk Secret Santa (i hope you like it)
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cw: aged up!yuuji. and by extension other characters. suggestive. fluff. mention of my poly!stsg x reader throuple. gojo and geto’s spouse referred to as [t/n] because technically they’re also a reader character and i’m to lazy to give them a name. megumi is a hater. 1.3k words. gojo is a menace but are we really shocked. gojo and geto’s spouse attempts to rizz up reader.
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a/n: i actually have no idea how i wrote this but enjoy!! i love yuuji sm
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People described yours and Yuuji’s relationship in many different ways.
Nobara was both happy that her two best friends (not that she would ever admit that she considered any of you her best friends) had found love in each other; and jealous that Yuuji had found a significant other before she had.
Megumi was utterly sick of the dumbassery (his words), something about you each being insane enough on your own.
Todo was glad that his brother/ best friend had a significant other but heartbroken because “how are we to talk about Jennifer Lawrence’s butt now?”
Yeah... Todo weirded you out when you first met him. Who yells “What kind of woman is your type?!” when you first meet someone??
You guys had started dating in your first year at Jujutsu High and the past four years that you had been dating were absolutely amazing. Perfect even. Yuuji is an amazing boyfriend. He cooks for you (the meatballs are KILLER), his body temperature is somehow always perfect for cuddling, and the sex is mindblowing.
The first Christmas eve after you graduate, you follow him down the sidewalk, your hands intertwined, heading to have dinner at a restaurant with your old teachers, Fushiguro and Kugisaki. He’s excitedly ranting about the sushi restaurant Gojo-sensei, Geto-sensei, their spouse introduced him to. Admittedly, you’re barely listening, too distrated by the sparkle in his eyes, the bounce in his step, his ever so perfect side profile, and his muscular build accentuated now that hes wearing a fitted t-shirt and jeans instead of his jujutsu high uniform.
Yeah, you’re drooling over your boyfriend. What? It’s not a crime.
“Baby? Baby are you listening? Hello? Earth to y/n?”
Yuuji’s hand waving in front of your face brings you back to reality and you apologise to the boy for ignoring him, albeit not regretting staring at him at all. You grin abashedly as you tell your now pouting boyfriend, “Sorry darling, but really its your fault for looking so sexy and edible.”
His face flushes a warm pink at your words and he pulls you closer by your waist to press a kiss to your hairline. “Say shit like that in public again and we might end up with a problem sweetheart. We wouldn’t want to leave our old teachers hanging now would we?” His voice had dropped to a deep, seductive whisper, sending shivers down your spine.
With his sunshine boy personality, it was easy to forget that Yuuji was inhumanly strong, and a lot less innocent than he appeared on the surface.
The proximity of his face to yours was causing your heart to pound ferociously in your chest, blood rushing to your face, and maybe somewhere else too. His golden eyes shone with mischief and lust, flicking between your eyes and mouth. His grip on your waist tightened as he took his lower lip into his mouth and you had to fight the urge to kiss him senseless in the middle of the street.
“Yuu,” you breathed out, pressing a kiss to his jawline. “We should go or we’ll be extremely late and Kugisaki will never let us live it down.”
He lets out a huff and pouts, but starts walking to the restaurant you were supposed to be at nonetheless.
As soon as you guys enter the restaurant, you’re greeted by over enthusiastic yells by Gojo accompanied by his arms waving in the air to catch your attention.
T/n rises from the their chair and pulls you into an aggressive hug. You laugh as you hug your favourite teacher back, as they repeatedly tell you how pretty you look.
“Sensei, are you trying to steal my girlfriend from me?” Yuuji joked, as he received affectionate but mildly aggressive headpats from Gojo, all while Geto laughed in his seat. All the while, Megumi and Nobara ignored your existence.
“Yeah actually i am. These two aren’t cutting it anymore,” T/n laughs, gesturing to Gojo and Geto, who make gasps of mock offense.
“Thats not what you said last ni-“
Gojo is cut off by his black haired husband getting up and slapping his hand over his mouth. “Not in front of our students, you fool,” he hisses.
You head off to greet Nobara and Megumi as Yuuji chats with your teachers about his upcoming mission.
Megumi looks up disinterestedly from the book he’s reading as you approach. “Hey Thing 1,” he greets. Before you can give him a response to the blatant disrespect, Nobara shoves a Santa cap on your head.
“HO! HO! HO!” you immediately say obnoxiously, taking special care to say it right next to Megumi’s ear. He glares at your triumphant expression and mouths a silent ‘fuck you’.
Sticking your tongue out at him, you slide into the seat next to Yuuji and rest your head on his shoulder. He turns his head, momentarily distracted from the conversation he was having, and smiles at you. That beautiful dazzling smile that leaves you wonderstruck everytime you see it. He wraps an arm around your waist and turns back to his conversation with Geto.
He picks up his drink, condensation around the cold glass, and brings it to his lips. After four years of being together you realise just how attractive you find Yuuji’s hands and arms. They’re muscular and just the right amount of veiny. You’ve always known his hands were attractive, but something about the dim lighting of the restaurant, soft music playing in the background and being pressed against his side that makes you incredibly hyper aware of everything about him.
The rest of the evening passes by with Yuuji hands constantly resting on you, eliciting mock disgusted glares from Megumi, fake retching sounds from Nobara and fond looks from your teachers, who saw their relationship in their younger years in you.
When everyone gets ready to leave, T/n insists on driving “the kids” home. When your teachers’ car pulls up to your apartment complex, you and your boyfriend thank them for the ride and make the way up to your place.
The elevator ride up to your floor is shrouded in comfortable silence, Yuuji’s arms wrapped around your waist from behind, his face tucked into the crook of your neck.
You enter your house a little after midnight, absolutely wiped from the night you had. As fun as it was, keeping up with Gojo and Kugisaki’s energy at the same time could be pretty exhausting.
The small Christmas tree you and Yuuji set up a week ago twinkles away in the corner of the living room as you slip your shoes off. The moment you straighten up after putting away your shoes, Yuuji pulls you into a crushing hug.
“You look so beautiful tonight,” he whispers. “You look beautiful everyday but you looked extra beautiful tonight. You’re the only Christmas gift I need baby,” he continues, all sweet and perfect and you want to cry and kiss his face off.
“Well then, its a pity I bought you the collector’s edition of the Human Earthworm movies,” you grin.
He gasps and before he has a chance to respond, you kiss him.
He responds with just as much enthusiasm, kissing you lovingly, even going as far as to lean you back into a dip.
You laugh contently as you break apart and straighten up, still pressed into his body.
“I love you so much, Yuu.”
“I love you too baby.”
He scoops you up bridal style and carrying you to the bathroom, both of you giggling like middle schoolers. You wash your faces and finish your night routine, smiling at each other and bumping hips.
You settle into the covers with Yuuji pressed against you, your face resting against his chest. His comforting presence was lulling you to sleep. He had always been such a safe space for you, holding you through countless stressful breakdowns.
The last thing you hear before you black out is a soft “Merry Christmas sweetheart, I love you,” followed by a gentle kiss on the crown of your head.
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please don’t copy or repost my work
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dividers by @/saradika
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thesupreme316 · 1 year
how would the aew boys react to you breaking your nose if you can can you add Kenny thank you love you work🌺
AEW Stars React To: You Breaking Your Nose
yall are so sweet; thank you for supporting lil ol me ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Pairings: Kenny Omega x Reader, Eddie Kingston x Reader, Hook x Reader, Ricky Starks x Reader, Wheeler Yuta x Reader, Christian Cage x Reader, Santana x Reader,
Word Count: 920
Supreme Speaks: idk if I've done this before but here you go! thanks to anon for requesting this. please remember that you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: mentions of father abandoning a bastard (typical Christian things), not proofread, mentions what happened for the reader to break their nose
Taglist: @wwenhlimagines @hooks-martin @hookerforhook @cassie0sstuff @triscillal @sheinthatfandom @eddie-kingstons-wifey
Kenny Omega (During training)
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Kenny heard a small crack and immediately picked you up
Does not allow you to re-enter the ring and takes you to the doctor
Looks up home remedies to help you
Understands that you’re angry and tries to figure out ways to relieve you
“Do you want a coloring sheet? No, I don’t think you’re a child- okay now you’re acting like one…Yeah-uh”
Tells you stories about when he broke his (I can’t remember if he did) or his friends broke theirs
He tries to distract you from the pain by his jokes or practicing promos in front of you
Will intentionally mess up for you to smile
Kenny’s really upset that you’re injured but tries to brighten your day by any means possible
Eddie Kingston (Your opponent intentionally injured you)
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I feel like I always say this…..EDDIE IS BIG MAD
Eddie is big on respect…he’ll respect you as long as you respect him and those he keeps close to him
Once he saw the ref throw up the X sign, oh Penta and Fenix had to hold him back from going to the ring
Then he saw your bloody face….he started to cuss out your opponent
And then he cussed out Kenny and the Bucks for allowing someone with bad blood to go against you
Will drive you personally to the hospital cause he needs to lay eyes on you
He’s ticking in so much anger that you’ll need to calm him down
“I’m fine doll, I just hate how a shithead couldn’t contain their displeasure to themselves. On the bright side, you still looked like a god/goddess....betta than their hating ass”
Santana (You took an extreme bump in the ring)
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You took a facebuster on the ladder and then bounced off, rolling outside of the ring
Listen, this man would be the one to stop watching your match just out of fear (he hates you getting hurt)
Like he physically cannot watch the match anymore
Once he saw blood dripping down your face, he automatically asked for the match to be stopped or at least for you to stop participating
When you come backstage, he automatically hugs you as he doesn’t care about the blood on his shirt
“Mi amor, you scared me out there…I thought I had to go jail while you go to the hospital”
You have to hold him back from cursing out your opponent(s)
Distracts you with food and cuddles (DONT @ ME)
Wheeler Yuta (Your opponent accidentally injured you)
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Baby boy is sad
He just looks like someone knocked the wind out of him; he hates seeing you bleed
Is subconsciously mad af at your opponent
Will literally baby you for the rest of the day, week, month, hell even year
“You’re not gonna take any more knees to the face. I won’t allow it….NO BIG BOOTS EITHER”
I think he would be the one to buy protective gear for you while Bryan and Mox look on in concern as he picks up everything in the damn store
He thinks that breaking your nose limits all activity and movement for you
Will not let a minute go by without him saying how pretty you are (with and without a straight nose)
Hook (Someone was trying to fight him and they hit you)
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Okay…… man is literally the devil
Will make sure that you are okay before tossing the person over his head
He is punching the shit out of them until he looks over at you and sees blood
Hook gives one more punch before carrying you to a safe corner
He immediately gets you ice before taking you to the doctor
Feels guilty about you getting hit, mentally beats himself up
“I’m so sorry that I allowed that to happen.”
I truly do think that Hook would feel so bad and will try his best to make it up to you in any way possible
Will buy flowers, bears, food, a nerf gun (whatever your heart desires)
Ricky Starks (You hit a door)
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Imma be honest….he laughed at you
Like full-on cackled as soon as you made contact with the door (it sounded like an evil witch)
But stopped once he saw blood pouring down your face
Feels like a jackass as he brings you to the doctor (I also think he is saying sorry repeatedly)
Once he hears the word surgery, he offers to pay for it
As your spirit starts to pick up and you feel like yourself after the initial wave of shock
Ricky will go back to laughing at you
Will joke about your nose only when you're comfortable and accepting of the fact
“It’s not my fault you got your ass kicked by a damn door”
Christian Cage (A fan threw something at you)
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He’s suing and kicking out the bastard who threw the object at you during the meet-and-greet
Tells security to get him and sends Luchasuarus for extra support
He immediately shuts down his booth and walks you to medical support
Sends a tweet that calls out people who think that was cool and okay
“You’re a disappointment, no wonder your father left you”
Holds you and whispers caring thoughts that only you can hear
Buys anything and everything you need (already paid for the surgery)
Offers to buy a security squad so you can protect yourself
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raindailies · 8 months
HIHIIII<33 i really loved ur shu fic,, ur such a talented writer 🥹🥹 (tumblr yaminions are currently in drought) and i remembered you wrote this!! if ur reqs are closed rn,, pls ignore this 🩷🩷
could i req a gn!reader fluff, as mornings with shu? 🥹🩷
thank u sm!! have a nice day ml <33
xoxo, saku 🤍
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info: pure teeth rotting fluff of my favorite boy shu yamino himself. What are mornings with Shu like?
warnings: none <3
So we know that Shu barely sleeps
This guy I swear he's really stubborn when it comes to such stuff
BUT-! He has a soft spot for you, and specifically you and you only
If someone else were to tell him to go to sleep he would kindly refuse, but you? How exactly can he even say no to you?
But if you're like him, and stay up late - he won't condone that, duh
He'll force you to sleep with him, and he'll sleep just so you get your sleep
Moving on to the mornings - I imagine Shu to be very goddamn tired in the morning
Shu seems like the type of person who would softly snore in their sleep tbh
Every morning, you usually wake up with Shu snuggling onto you right by your side, both of you warm under the bedsheets
Since Shu usually stays up late, he would sleep in whenever he gets the chance to - but if you or him have something to do he is very very on time
You woke up, drowsy with Shu hugging your arm while he nestles his face onto your neck
He looks so peaceful just sleeping there, without any worries whatsoever
Once you try to get up, he'd slowly blink awake, drowsy and tired - HIS MORNING VOICE LOWKEY MAKES YOU FOLD
"(name)..?" his raspy voice would speak, holding your arm so you wouldn't move
"there's still time.. c'mere" he refuses to let you go and instead pulls your body closer to him, and spooning you - but it's not like you mind
The day would start with him cuddling and snuggling you until you force him to get up to eat
Your eyes flicker open as you drowsily look to your side, met with an extremely cute purple haired man snuggling against your side, sleeping happily.
You smile a bit, gazing in his features. How did you even get him? The sun from outside the window hits against his hair perfectly, giving him the perfect lightning - you were mesmerized.
Slowly, you turned your body to grab your phone, the time read 9:32. God you slept in late, you took a glance and Shu. He has been working hard, and he deserves his rest. So you try to peer your arm away from his grasp, but accidentally woke him up.
"mmghm..(name)..?" He said, drowsily, his voice low and raspy as his eyes starts to flicker open.
"ah - sorry Shu, keep sleeping, I'll make breakfast" You smiled and press a kiss against his forehead, making your way out of bed before Shu pulled your body close to his.
"there's still time, I wanna cuddle.." Shu whispered, his blush evident as he holds your body.
you blink a few times, then smiled softly before snuggling in with him.
"just for you.."
Now if Shu were to get up before you - that's a different story
Shu is very responsible, he never misses an alarm clock except for ONE singular time, he doesn't want to talk about it too much
He woke up before you, drowsily waking up and looked to you beside him.
He smiles, so hard, he smiles widely like a highschool girl giggling
He looks like those girls giggling over their crush
Shu feels so SO lucky that he got to meet you, he would trade anything in the world for you
Shu would then place a VERY quick kiss on your cheeks or forehead then run out of the room in embarrassment
Why is it that you always make him feel like this
Shu tiredly opens his eyes, as his alarm clock rang but he shut it off almost immediately so it won't wake you up. He looks to the side and there you are - sleeping peacefully right beside him, your body pressed against his.
He smiles, and quietly giggles to himself looking at you. He's so in love, and he won't get out - ever. He thinks of doing something a little risky.. he looks at you, then back at the door, then you again.
He lunges forward (but quietly) and places a kiss on your forehead, with a huge blush on his face, he dashes (but quietly duh) out of your shared bedroom.
If someone was there they'd see him kneeled down before the bedroom door and giggling to himself.
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© 𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒 - all rights reserved. please do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or share my work on other platforms in any way, shape, or form without my permission. if found, you WILL be blocked.
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❝𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐢'𝐯𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐧❞
A/N: thank you so much for requesting saku - sorry it's a lil late hehe
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tvbyw0by · 8 months
BSD Armed detective agency with a 13 year old reader who comes out as transgender,
MTF version
Warnings: Deadnaming(accidentally), transphobia(you confess how your bio parents kicked you out.)
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I walked down the streets, shivering against the winter air..
My teeth chattered as I tried to make my way fast towards the armed detective agency, where I work part time..
After awhile, I made it there, slamming open the door, not even surprised that there was no one here considering it was 2am..
My lips turned into a frown as I closed the door, now hurrying towards the couch,
Immediately I cuddled against the warm blanket that sat there, my heart hurting as I thought of the previous events.
Earlier, I had decided to finally come out to my very, VERY religious family,
Born a boy, destined to be a girl, is what I thought.
My body, it just.. I don't feel like a boy, and it makes me extremely uncomfortable to even be identified as a boy in any shape or form,
And so, me, a teenager now sat on the couch of my workplace, at 2am due to being kicked out by my biological parents.
I didn't know how long I stayed there on the couch, as all of a sudden I heard the door open, my gaze glancing up at the president standing there, glancing at me with a slightly confused expression,
"[DEAD.NAME], what are you doing here?"
I grimaced slightly at the mention of my dead name, before I shrugged, burying my face back in the couch as I avoided his gaze, unsure of what to say,,
Fukuzawas eyebrows furrowed as he stared, before he let out a loud sigh, closing the door and deciding to just sit down,
I looked at him as he sat down next to me, and soon enough tears grew in my eyes, and his eyes widened slightly, usually I was always so.. upbeat and happy, never has anyone ever seen me cry,
He pulled me into a hug, hesitantly I hugged back, now quietly sobbing as the events truly began to take a toll on me,
"Shh... Its okay,"
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My eyes fluttered open as I glanced around, confused, I laid on a couch in the office, realizing I had fallen asleep,
"Ahh.. [DEAD.NAME], you're finally awake!!"
Dazai waved excitedly at me as I awoke, I once again grimaced as I realized he called me .. that name.
Fukuzawas deep voice called out for me as I glanced at him, just now realizing everyone was looking at me, my eyebrows furrowed as I now sat up, still staying on the couch,
"Why were you here so early this morning?"
I frowned, unsure of how to respond to fukuzawa, suddenly I felt the couch sink down next to me, glancing at ranpo who now sat next to me,
"I didn't tell them anything, thats your place kid,"
He whispered it to me, and I wasn't even surprised he knew, I furrowed my eyebrows before looking at the others,
Some were giving me comforting smiles, others were just staring at me..
"I---" And without pausing, I suddenly broke down, sharing everything that had happened fastly, not making eye contact with everyone as some had furrowed eyebrows, some angry at my parents, some upset and feeling bad for me,
"..and my names [name.].." I confidently confessed my preferred name,
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After hearing your story, yosano decided to let you live with her, deciding since she herself was a girl, she would help you with your transition
Everyone called you by [name] after that, and used your correct pronouns & gender when referring to you!
Sometimes, yosano & naomi alongside you have girl-days out where they help you find the style you feel most comfortable with
Kunikida, who views you as a little sister, decided to buy a whole bunch of books and read about transgender, learning facts and stuff that may help you with your journey
Fukuzawa signed you up for a type of voice therapy specifically for transgender people, to make your voice higher !
Whenever someone misgenders you(outside of the agency), dazai always gives them the most DEADLIEST smile ever, and ranpo gives them that fucking green eyed GLARE that makes everyone die from being to scared
I HC that tanizaki knows how to do hair, so whenever your hair grows longer, he always has hair supplies on him to do your hair
The first time you wore a type of dress, (imagine one of those cute dresses that go down to like between ankles and knees.)
Everyone made sure you felt comfortable in public wearing the dress, and whenever someone gave you a weird look...
Atsushi would bare his teeth at them like.. growling (furry but its okay)
Kyoka would threaten them without using words, she would like slowly grab out a knife until you look over all confused
After you actually told them your parents kicked you out..
Lets just say Dazai called up some people and went to their house
They went missing the next day.
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Hope you liked it...‼️
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lovinglyinlove · 2 years
suna rintarō had come to your dorm because he was astonishingly bored.
and in his mind, what better person to get rid of his boredom than his lovely girlfriend?
when he texted you about it and you answered with a "of course rin, you don't even have to ask" he felt excited. you had been friends for about one year now, but only recently started dating, and he wasn't very sure how to behave. but he was relieved to observe that you both were conserving the main aspect of your friendship that was complete trust on each other.
before arriving to your dorm though, rin went to the nearest market to buy you your favourite snacks. after all, his mother had taught him since he was a little boy that showing up to somebody's house empty-handed was disrespectful. not to say that he didn't absolutely enjoy pampering you, in fact it was one of his favourite things to do.
when suna reached his destination and you opened the door with a radiant smile, he couldn't resist hugging you and giving you a small kiss.
"I want to cuddle. I really need to cuddle you, I even brought snacks." he said while pouting like a kid. you couldn't resist that pretty face.
letting out a small laugh, you grabbed his hand and led him to your bed after closing the door. rin was clinging to your body with every step of the way.
when you finally managed to arrive at the foot of your bed without falling, you turned around to stare at suna.
"I missed you so much rin." you announced while attentively observing his beautiful green eyes.
"I missed you too babe, a lot." he said "and I would appreciate it if we could have this conversation in your bed. hugging each other. and eating the stuff I brought."
"alright you big baby." you replied while wrapping yourself around him and bringing him down to your bed with you.
there, with your arms and legs around his body, and the sweet perfume of your comforter, he felt safe and cozy.
after stuffing your faces with the gummies and candy that suna had brought, you decided to watch a show in your computer. the computer laid on your legs while your back was resting on suna's chest. this allowed him to hug you and kiss you anytime he pleased. and he absolutely took advantage of this embrace. he delivered small pecks anywhere he could reach. the back of your head, your cheeks, the corner of your lips, your shoulders and even your hands.
the entirety of the episode of the show was spent like that and both of you cherished it with your hearts.
once the episode finished, you got up to use the bathroom leaving suna alone in the comfort of your bed. but soon enough, curiosity invaded rin and he got up to discover the wonders of your tiny dorm.
everything in your room was so you, suna thought while he was playing with the pens on your desk. the colours of the walls, the small carpet, your extremely tidy desk, the tray where you kept your perfumes and makeup, and the books on the shelf. and he was completely fascinated.
but there was one item that always called his attention when he came over. one thing that he always found himself looking at. and that was your guitar. your stunning glossy black electric guitar.
rin doesn't know how to play guitar. but he always had wanted to learn. so, he picked your guitar up and decided to try to play a song. a long time ago, when he was bored out of his mind, he had watched a video on how to play 'R U mine?' and he had convinced himself that it looked fairly easy to attempt.
quickly enough, he realised playing guitar was not easy and that the song was in fact, complicated, especially for someone who had never touched an instrument before. i mean, there was an obvious reason why rin was a volleyball player and not a musician.
as soon as you came out of the bathroom, suna looked up at you with his face resembling one of a lost puppy.
"can you please play a song for me? I just bruised my own ego." he told you while smiling.
giggling, you sat next to him and took the guitar out of his hands.
"any requests?"
"just something slow, baby. nothing too crazy"
smiling up at him, you started to play a song. and just like that, rin became absolutely enchanted. he was mesmerized with the way your fingers moved on the strings and was fascinated with the song you were playing.
in the middle of listening to you, a thought occurred to him, he loved you. he loved you so much, he felt it everywhere, from his head to his toes. but he wouldn't say anything, he didn't want to scare you and at the same time, he didn't want to interrupt the lovely song you were playing.
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A/N?: after a long time, I finally wrote something. It's the first day of the year in my country so happy new year??
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4reanaz · 1 year
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paring: deku, bakugo and todoroki x gn!reader genre: fluff warnings: none that i can think of
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Izuku Midoriya (Deku):
his love language would be acts of service(giving) and words of affirmation (receiving and giving)
he's a sweet heart he would help you clean you room if he sees it’s getting a bit too messy
he would help you with your homework if you needed any
this boy if he sees you sad he would buy your favourite snacks also get your favourite drink and talk with you about why your sad
he's a total sweet heart
okay now about words of affirmation
he would shower you with words bc he knows how to feels to be told your not good enough and no one by your side besides your mother
he would always make you feel loved and confident
Imagine you guys both are at the sports festival and your like fighting someone, he would yell
okay but now about him
he would like words of affection like he had been told many times that he’s not good enough or worthless
so maybe when it’s his birthday if you made him a cake or brought a cake that says " happy birthday to the future no.1 pro hero"
he would be really happy he may even cry Katsuki Bakugo:
his love languages are gift giving (giving), words of affirmation (receiving) and maybe physical touch (giving)
bakugo may have been praised for his entire childhood but
he started going to UA and all the incidents that
and also bakugo isn’t the type to give out praise
he's also not very confident about how he is as a boyfriend
so when your reassure him it helps him
now about gift giving
he not the best with words or physical touch
so gift giving suits him a lot it’s a way he can show his love for you
this might be a bit random but he would gift you flowers and chocolates for valentine's day
would gift you matching keychains and they would be something like this maybe
now about physical touch
cuddling sessions in your dorm or common room
he would give you back hugs, like imagine your making tea for him and you and he'll just come up and give you a back hug
while going to class you guys both would go holding hands Shoto Todoroki:
his love language would be physical touch (giving & receiving), words of affirmation (receiving), and  acts of service (giving)
we all know that shoto had an extremely rough childhood with his homelife
shoto would mostly love being encouraged by kind and loving words, but since he’s touch-starved so you could he's affection starved
he would let you touch him only if he trusts you
he would be the type to first build some after that maybe some physical touch
so give him some compliments or motivational stuff are gonna be good enough for him
when you give him compliments or motivate him in some way he would show a gentle smile on his face and like it’s so cute
now again about physical touch after you both build some trust he would start hugging you, holding your hand, giving you head pats and maybe even some light pecks
his touches are always very gentle and soft
now about  acts of service, most of them are school related
he would understand if your struggling with anything withe the class or the coursework and ask you if you would like to have a study date together
when ever you guys have study dates he always brings your favourite food
he’s extremely patient when he’s helping you
if you sick he would get you the class notes and buy you soup and medicine
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yurinaa-world · 2 years
Hello! all good? I'm here again hahaha!
And here we go: how do you think vash, Wolfwood and Knives would react or interact with a reader who is a demon with humanoid appearance.
Like the reader has an energetic and playful yet somewhat chaotic, yet extremely kind-hearted personality who doesn't even seem like a profane creature.
And when it's night, the reader disappears or leaves their sight, because the reader goes out to hunt some humans to drink their blood
But when they find out about the reader's diabolical nature, he tries to show some of his demonic form, like the horns, strange marks, syrup or even a pair of wings.
And I wish there was some reference to chainsaw man, demon slayer or even helluva boss.
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Characters: Vash, Nicholas, and Knives x Gentral-neutral Reader
Synopsis: them with a demon reader with a humanoid appearance
Warnings: fluff, a bit of angst, and mentions of blood and corpse.
Notes: I was thinking of zero two, power, or kaneki from Tokyo ghoul
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𝒱𝒶𝓈𝒽 "𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐻𝓊𝓂𝒶𝓃𝑜𝒾𝒹 𝒯𝓎𝓅𝒽𝑜𝑜𝓃"
He trusts you a lot; just because you're different doesn’t mean you're a monster. He doesn’t understand why people judge you for being different; they say such rude things to you or kick you out of their shop like that! o( ><)o
He thinks horns and tails are super cute; whenever you're really happy, it sways. Vash is a bit awkward when it comes to physical affection, but Vash can’t help but want to touch your horns to see how they feel.
This boy is amazed by your beauty; you look as if you're out of this world to him. His gaze is filled with wonder and awe.
You know you’re meant to be when you both always somehow get into messes together, whether it’s getting chased or getting guns pointed at. At least he’s not alone; he has you now by his side.
You often surprise Vash with your strength and speed, which he finds very attractive. I just know that he trusts you whenever there is anything dangerous that you can handle yourself.
He loves that you have a habit of cuddling up against him when you're feeling particularly affectionate, wrapping your long tail around him. He’ll try to give you the same affection.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
TW mentions blood and corpses.
Vash doesn’t want to get into why you disappear during the night; after all, he trusts you a lot, but what are you doing during the night? You just come back as if nothing happened.
He felt his heart sink when he saw you with blood all over, as well as the fresh corpse you ate from; you looked different, now with wings, strange marks on your body, and the white part of your eye now black.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
"What have you done?"
Looking up from the corpse, you saw Vash looking at you with those eyes—the eyes of someone who's been betrayed. "V-Vash," you mumbled, "please say you didn’t kill them." Vash begged while stepping closer to you, "I didn't think they were already dead to begin with." You looked away. "If I didn’t eat them, I would kill myself." You continued mumbling. You didn’t want him to see you in such an ugly form.
Vash grabbed and pulled you by your bloody wrist. The pull made you look him in the eyes: "You can’t be eating a corpse like this; I won't let you starve either!" He shook your arm lightly, but you didn’t reply, and he sighed. His expression softened when he said, "Let me help you." Vash takes his metal hand and wipes off the blood on your mouth, and he hugs you.
It felt wrong to you that he was hugging you like this, but you felt so happy that he did.
𝒩𝒾𝒸𝒽𝑜𝓁𝒶𝓈 𝒟 𝒲𝑜𝓁𝒻𝓌𝑜𝑜𝒹 "𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒫𝓊𝓃𝒾𝓈𝒽𝑒𝓇"
Nicholas is protective of you, ignoring the insults people throw at you, but when you both got kicked out of a shop, Nicholas was ready to fight the man, but you dragged him away and told him to calm down.
He thinks your horns and tail are a tiny bit cute, but he’s not going to tell you something when he feels a bit curious and teasing. He’ll grab onto your tail and tug on it; he’ll do the same to your horns.
You always banter with each other. If he tugs on your tail, then you’ll tug his hair; he curses you out for it, but it’s fair, isn’t it? He started it first after all, so he has to take responsibility!
Nicholas ruffles your hair and calls you cute nicknames like "little devil" or "my little demon."
When you both rest in a cheap motel during the afternoon, cuddling up to him and wrapping your tail around him, he would complain, which doesn’t mean he hates it, but he won’t tell you that either.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
mentions of blood and a corpse.
Nicholas is overvant person. It won't take long for him to disappear at night without explanation, then come back the next day as if nothing happened. He notices the little details, like how there's blood on your clothes
 When he does confront you about this whole thing, you just brush it off. He's pretty good at telling when people are lying, and you're lying through your teeth.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
You grab the arm of the corpse; they were already dead to begin with, so there's nothing wrong with it. You bite into the rotting flesh and tear it in your mouth, tasting it on your tongue and enjoying the taste as the blood spurts from their arm onto the ground. You licked at your lips, feeling the salty taste of the flesh.
"So this is what you're doing at night," you think, looking up to see Nicholas with a lit cigarette in his mouth, letting off the bloody arm, feeling your heart drop—you didn't want him to look at you when you were like this. Nicholas walked toward you, got on one of his knees, rolled up his sleeve, and held his arm out in front of you.
Singling to drink blood from his arm, you were tempted, and you bit down on his skin as gently as you could so as not to hurt a lot. He let out a grunt of pain, but the fresh, warm blood tasted good before moving from his arm—the arm with bloody, sharp teeth marks.
"Next time, just ask instead of drinking blood from some corpse."
𝒩𝒶𝒾 “𝑀𝒾𝓁𝓁𝒾𝑜𝓃𝓈 𝒦𝓃𝒾𝓋𝑒𝓈”
He finds you rather annoying at times. How can you be energetic and playful and not get tired of it, because he sure is; you're always getting into things without really causing him to have a headache?
Doesn’t think anything of your horns or tail, but if you ask if he wants to touch them, he’ll say no, but if you keep asking, he might touch them, with a big emphasis onmight," but if he does, he’s pretty gentle, creasing them.
Doesn’t say anything when you sit beside him on the piano as he plays and you wrap your tail around his waist after he finishes his song; he just looks at you confused as you smile at him.
If you ask him to go on a walk with you, he’ll tell you to go on your own and that you're not a child. how mean. One way to make him go with you is to just keep on asking; he’ll break sooner or later!
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
TW mentions blood and corpses.
He always knows, but it doesn't matter to him if humans eat; at least their bodies are good for something like being your food.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
"What a sight," Knives smirked as he looked at you, eating a corpse, the blood all over your mouth and clothes. Him watching you like this was something you thought he wouldn't care about at all; it was irrelevant to him, but he seemed to enjoy it.
You feel his hand land on top of your head, almost patting it and ruffling your hair just a little bit. "You never disappoint me; you'll always be by my side." He told you as his hand moved to your chin and lifted it up, making you look at him.
"You and I will always be together."
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if you liked this, consider tipping me on ko-fi! it'd mean a lot!
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themultifandomgal · 5 months
From 2010- Doctors Orders
Part 27
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Trigger warning- talks about anxiety and feeling low. Reader is put on antidepressants
“So what the doctor say?” Harry asks as I place my bag down on the island in our kitchen. Cookie runs over to me and I pick her up cuddling her
“I’ve been put on Sertraline, it’s an antidepressant. He said I might have a few side effects from it like feeling sick so I’ve also been given antisickness tablets as well” I sigh walking into the living room. Since loosing Alex I’ve felt extremely low, and panicky whenever I’m in a car. Louis rang an ambulance a few days ago because I had a huge panic attack “he also suggested I talk to someone about what happened”
“Like a therapist?” Harry asks sitting next to me
“Yeah” I nod my head and sit down with Cookie on my lap “I’m dreading telling management”
“It’s nothing to do with them. It’s your business and no one else’s” Louis says
“It’ll be bad publicity if it comes out that a one direction singer has panic attacks. What if I end up having one on stage?” I asks nervously
“Then we will be all there to help” Louis replies
“Yeah. We can get you off stage and help you. Everything’s going to be alright. Come’ere” Harry pulls me into his arms and hugs me
“How about we watch a film? I bought popcorn yesterday”
“What kind?” I ask lifting my head up a little
“Sweet and salty” I give Louis a small smile and let him walk into the kitchen to make the popcorn.
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“Where is she?” I hear Zayn ask walking through the hallway of my shared place with Louis and Harry
“In bed. The antisickness hasn’t helped all that much” Louis responds. There’s a knock on the door and in walks my best friends
“Hey how do you feel?” Liam asks
“Like shit. Got a headache, tired and feel so sick it’s unbelievable. Not eaten in 2 days”
“How long will the side effects last for?” Niall asks. I give him a little shrug
“Between a week and 3 weeks”
“Do you think you’ll be ok to come to the Brit awards?”
“I hope so” I reply to Zayn. The front door opened then shuts. Cookie then runs into my room and jumps onto the bed and snuggles into me. Smiling I stroke her fur “did you have a good walk with Harry?” Not expecting a response off my dog I look up to the door where Harry stands
“She was a good girl like always. Although Mr Henderson is missing you” Harry mentions the elderly man we see most days on our walk. I giggle a little looking back at cookie “he asked me to give you these get well soon cupcakes” Harry places some cakes on my bedside table
“Ooo got an admire YN?” Liam wiggles his eyebrows making me laugh more
“I might have to start taking Cookie out if it gets me cupcakes” Niall says sitting on the end of my bed
“So what’s the plan for today?” Liam asks also sitting on my bed. Harry picks up my remote control for my TV and turns it on
“What are you doing?” I ask frowning
“Having a movie day what do you think?” Louis replies
“We won’t all fit on the bed” I say
“M’ gonna get the beanbags”
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2 days until the Brit awards and I still feel ill, thankfully not as bad as when I started on Sertraline. Now I’m just exhausted no matter how much I sleep and my head feels like a hammer is constantly being hit inside my skull. My nausea has mostly gone except if I take my tablet before food. I’m currently in my dress fitting for the award show. It’s a strapless white dress with blue flower pints on it which will be pared with nude heals
“What do you think?” Charlotte my stylist says
“I love it thank you so much Char”
“Your very welcome”
“Knock knock” I hear my dad say before opening my bedroom door with his hand over his eyes
“I’m dressed it’s fine” he takes his hand away from his eyes and looks at me in a state of shock “what? Don’t you like it?”
“That’s not it. It’s just you look so much like your mum. She’d be so proud of you”
“Thanks dad”
“You feel up to the awards show, because if not the boys will understand”
“No I’m fine don’t worry”
“I do worry, I’m your dad that’s my job”
“The doctors gave me some new antisickness tablets. They’re stronger and they’ve been working. I’ll just take some paracetamol and Emma said she will come collect me after the awards show and bring me home while the boys go out”
“As long as your sure. Your health is more important than any award”
“I know. Promise I’m ok”
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annakacoyett · 1 year
TL;DR: In which Rei has constant nightmares but always had someone to cuddle him to sleep. He realizes that he and Akai aren't on that level but he's the only one available and Rei doesn't want to have a panic attack til morning. So yeah.
Cuddle Bug AU:
- Rei always had someone to cuddle him to sleep after nightmares
- the first time was when he dreamt of being abandoned by his parents, then woke up crying in his bunk bed
- one of the older kids was awake, calmed him down and hugged him to sleep because she knew what it was like
- Rei stuck with her all the way until she got adpoted
- (later Rei ran into her again while in the Academy and they kept in touch since)
- this trend continues with various people he could depend on at the time: his caretaker, some of his foster guardians, sometimes Akemi and Elena when he was in their clinic, and obviously, the zero squad.
- most notably date and hiro because date's massive and gives good hugs and hiro is cuddle size and rei feels safe with them
- blah blah blah, cannon happens, blah blah blah
- hes destroyed everytime each and every one of them got killed, and eventually he would either curl up into a ball after a nightmare having a silent panic attack til morning, or just goes to the closest cuddle buddy he has
- which most of the time is hiro, because hes like the only guy closest to him that hasnt died yet
- on days where he couldnt reach hiro rei would just go to his first cuddle buddy in the middle of the night and she'd hug him to sleep that way
- (she never complains, she has a boyfriend who's in the military and knows what kind of nightmares it gives people)
- (they got engaged and her fiance found out about rei, and was extremely understanding and became another one of his cuddle buddies too)
- (rei feels guilty of course, since hes intruding on their home and personal space, but they honestly dont mind. fiance guy was an only child and never had a sibling, and obvs fiance girl saw him as a sibling.)
- this continues trend continues even in the BO, and surprisingly, Curacao and Kir got added to the cuddle buddy list
- (Vermouth is an honorary member, depending on her mood)
- but rei still sticks with hiro most of the time tho
- (btw he told his now-married cuddle buddies that hes going undercover and he wont be able to reach them for their safety)
- (their worried of course, but rei asked kazami to keep them in the loop and kazami was like, - 'my best boss/friend actually finding a healthy coping mech and has someone to depend on? fuck yeah ofc i would.')
- rye was confused as to why scotch would always worry over bourbon whenever he's away on a mission when bourbon is the guy youd never worry about
- but then rye stumbled upon bourbon hiding in a corner when scotch's not home, eyes wide, shaking and crying silently and it physically pains him to watch it
- so yeah rye is added to the cuddle buddy list but under the emergency only category that featured giant, bold, red letters with underline and italics
- which puts him under even Curacao, Vermouth and Kir but rei actually trusts them to some degree and hes confident he can outrun them for a while
- but rye? the guy that could put a bullet to your head from ten skyscapers away?
- yeah no thanks
- Rei's utterly crushed when hiro offed himself
- look hes smart, he knows that angle the bullet was in couldnt have hit hiro from where ryes standing, but he just lost his best friend and closest cuddle buddy and somebody just happened to be a convient scape goat
- Rei runs to couple cuddle buddies to cry after that, and the two of them plus their 5 year old twins cuddled with Rei in the family convo pit thats converted into a giant pillow fort
- timeskip to current timeline
- the detective boys are added to the cuddle buddy list, so is ai (she has Rei in her list too, cuz they both understood what it feels like (plus theyve made up a long time ago)), masumi and ran (kogoro didnt like it at first and outright kicked our poor boy out when ran hugged him, but got torn into a new one by ran, conan and our cuddle family. added to the list soon after when rei came to find ran but she was away and he couldnt watch this baby-faced kid having a panic attack because hey, dad senses.)
- time skip to a few months later
- rei and akai are basically very reluctant allies (on rei's side) and very much made up besties (on akai's)
- FBI and PSB issued stakeout
- surprise surprise nightmare strikes again
- so rei had no other option but to use akai because he isnt in the mood to have a panic attack til morning, nor could he afford to
- was gonna criticize akai for being a shit cuddler but unfortunately, our tall and thin as a stick boy here was actually on date's-level of comfortness
- so yeah, rei came by to him more often since he's just geographically closest to him, and he knows he cant always bother the mouris or agasa and ai during the night since the kids have school
- akai on the other hand doesnt go to school, even if okiya subaru was required too
- and rei basically moved in every night
- yeah they are practically dating by now
- i mean, rei taking over the cooking since he insisted on thanking akai and would not condem himself to eating okiya subaru's barely edible curry 24/7?
- akai buying extra pillows and blankets for rei since he knows our blondie still gets cold at night?
- rei making coffee for akai in the morning?
- akai dragging a dusty old futon from the kudou's back closet for rei to sleep in, plus washing and cleaning it during the day for him?
- rei having a bag of work clothes over at the kudou mansion since he lives there at night and needs to go to work in the morning?
- akai dognapping haro because he read that dogs get lonely at night if they dont have their owners nearby on reddit and because he knows that rei always worries about the white fluff ball even when he cant think straight?
- them both getting each gifts on holidays and their birthdays?
- eventually cuddling in front of the tv and watching a show or movie together while spooning with a bowl of popcorn in the middle of the night?
- cheek kisses? forehead kisses? hair ruffles? courtesy of akai?
- rei basically cleaning the house from head to toe one night because he deemed akai's sniper nest to be uninhabbitable?
- comfort foods for each other well stocked in the fridge? borrowing the others coats and jackets to sleep in when the other's not home?
- sorry guys youre basically married now.
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slocumjoe · 1 year
PLeaLSE gage headcanons LITERALLY ANYTHING fluffy I BEG
*cracks knuckles*
Separated into normal, shippy, and miserable. Everything nasty is below the big red banner.
Will whistle at songbirds when he sees them, if its safe to do so/won't attract anything. Knows a lot of different calls/songs. One of the few times a random person will see him genuinely smile, is when he gets a back-and-forth with the little things.
Have said before, but enjoys whittling. Crotchety asshole, but he did it to make toys for his younger siblings (of which he had a lot) and friends. If a kid wanders up while he's doing it, curious, will offer to teach them how and gives them whatever it becomes. He doesn't need it, it's just wood. But it seems a waste to just chuck all that work in a bush or whatever.
Knows how to be helpful in a kitchen/campfire/general cooking affairs. Also said this before, was a mama's boy, and always helped her around the house. Very good knifework. Has a habit of going 'behind' whenever he's...well, behind someone while cooking. Their kitchen was small and god forbid you bump into Ma and she spills something.
Knows a lot about creepy-crawlies. Dislikes your standard wasteland bugs, but spiders, bees, ants, stick bugs, etc, from the Old World? Like snakes, very into them. Would be the type to approach arachnaphobes with his hands closed, telling them to guess what he had. It would be nothing. But you wouldn't know that from his grin.
Related, good with animals. He was raised on a farm, after all. Likes most of them. Out of all of the other companions, Dogmeat is the one he likes the most.
Also have said before, but will keep an eye on a buddy/associate/whatever if they're drunk. Like, Gage won't let you walk off with a stranger while you're pissed. And he certainly won't let a stranger walk off with you, if you catch my drift. He hates alcohol and alcohol drinkers, but fuck, he doesn't want that kind of shit happening. It's a remenent of being the eldest child, gotta look out for everyone even if they're pissing you off.
shippy stuff
Extremely physical, but reserved. Won't initiate anything, not even to hold hands. Rarely acts like he needs/enjoys it. It takes time for Gage to be open like that, visibly affectionate. Once he is, though, clingy. Cuddle-every-night kind of guy, doesn't understand why you'd sleep in the same bed if not touching.
Cat-like. Will kinda...nuzzle, bump their foreheads together, lean his head on theirs, etc. If this is brought up he will stop doing it forever.
Will fall asleep if given a massage. Gage would let someone touch him like that only if he trusts them more than himself. Its not a much bigger leap for him to fall asleep with his back to them.
Preferred sleeping position is laying on his partner in some capacity, either on their shoulder, chest, stomach...again, cat-like. Not often he initiates affection, but once he does, personal space is a foreign concept.
All of these have something to do with sleeping, you might notice. Gage does not let people see him sleep, know where he does it. The ultimate sign of trust from Gage is being unconscious around them. And if he wakes up unharmed, unfucked with? It would take a fucking lot for that person to lose his loyalty and love. They're basically married now.
Seriously, Gage doesn't do 'downtime'. He can't relax like that. It's his partner's presence that helps him feel safe enough to rest for the sake of resting. Doing nothing is more meaningful to Gage than doing anything. Gage is always going, or planning his 'going'. Getting him to stop is a triumph.
Will share food with them. Have half of this fruit, eat the rest of this stew, finish these eggs for him. Won't even realize he's doing it. Gage is kind of a control freak, always wants to make sure everything is running well, taken care of.
His partner helping him shave his hair. Just consider that. Consider them with their hand on his jaw, tilting his head. His stubble scratches their fingers. Their hand is so close to his throat, they could feel his slow pulse with one little movement. In their other palm is a razor. They stand behind him, diligently scraping. His eye is closed, his own hands idle in his lap. Maybe someone talks, maybe they don't. The bathroom is small and the door is closed, and Porter Gage gives them sharp metal and bares his throat.
^ this is the lewdest, vilest, indecent, most embarrassing thing I've ever written, and I once wrote a fic where character A was described as using character B's prostate as a "character V deserves better" button.
❗trigger warnings start here❗
S/A victim and will not recognize, acknowledge, process, or accept it
Part of the thing with Conner...Gage says how Conner made him feel, how closely they worked together. Even if you get that story out of him, he's not going to mention just how close they would get.
Same thing happened with Colter. Gage always wants to be close to the boss, the guy making the choices. He thinks its of his own volition with Colter—but either way, Conner and Colter got theirs. Regardless how Gage felt about it.
Had something of a drinking problem when he was younger. Did it mostly to feel mature, adult. This stopped when he joined his second raider gang, after the Conner incident.
Every so often, has an episode of some kind. Angry, manic, depressed, paranoid—its very rare but Gage gets into these spells that last about a month. They usually involve him looking over his shoulder, so to speak, looking at the path he took to get where he is. Looking at the shadow he has and the demons in it. Thats largely why Gage is a workaholic, always going. If he stops, he might glance at all of the shit he's been through, and he loses his mind for a while. No one knows, it's wholly private. Gets through his day normally. Its all in his head, no external expression. Nothing in his face, his tone, movement, behavior...you couldn't never see it. You'd only know if he told you. God knows he wouldn't.
Another thing he won't acknowledge—misses his family. Absolute fucking liar, he was really close to them before bailing out of the blue one night. He didn't think about it until he almost died to Conner, and had that one moment where he seriously regretted leaving, and wanted to go home. He rarely ever thinks about his family, and even more rare does he recognize the empty hole in his chest as homesickness. When he does, has one of those episodes.
These episodes end with Gage hardening even further. He shaves off a little more of his humanity each time, whatever he considers a weakness. Its just like whittling.
His emotional walls are a two-way street—it keeps everyone else out to protect himself, but it also cages him. Build up enough walls, you have a labyrinth. You'll lose your way around eventually. If not found by a Sole, or anyone else who befriends and gets close to him, Gage would end in a bad fucking place. Whether dead or alive, he would barely be a person. Just a husk with no rhyme or reason to what it did, running purely on autopilot. He's a raider, so he raids things. No thought of survival or anything like that anymore. Mechanically going through each day until he eventually died. He's about 3/4s of the way through this internal withering at the time of the Nuka World DLC.
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true-blue-sonic · 8 months
There’s something my cat does all the time that makes me and my parents laugh a lot and it’s the way he almost never purrs at anyone petting him except me. My mom will sometimes be hugging him or scratching him or smoothing out his fur for a whole minute without him reacting at all, but then I put a single hand on him and he almost instantly starts purring. Heck, sometimes he DOES A DOUBLE CHECK before he starts purring, JUST TO MAKE SURE that it’s my hand and not someone else’s. He’s such a fluffy little hater bastard boy I love him
That is hilarious, haha. Especially him double-checking that it is you who is petting him before he can start purring! He's a very picky boi when it comes to his provided attention, it is obvious <3
Silver would absolutely be the same way: I think that there are only very few people where he will express happiness or contentment about getting physical attention from. He doesn't seem to be such a touchy-feely person? I don't recall a single instance from the games wherein he, like... initiates physical contact himself. In '06, Amy grabbed his hand first (and also came flying at him for a hug and smacks him, lol), Blaze puts hers on his shoulder, and Elise is handed to him by the Duke, and that is just kind of... it, if I am not missing anything. Though it doesn't help that Rivals 1 and 2 and TSR don't have actual cutscenes, just stills with texts. But even so, no mention of touch is ever made there. In fact, this is the only thing that comes to my mind right now, from Stress Test!
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And that is not an affectionate cuddle or a hug, that is an emergency happening that very second. So overall, I figure Silver is not a particularly cuddle-bug person, or at least that is never shown in the games. It might be deliberate, because the games do show e.g. Amy being a hugger, fist bumps between Sonic and Tails, etcetera. But of course, when going the Espilver route, I like to think he'll be more touchy-feely with Espio (or at least that is how I like writing them; I love physical contact). Not so much in public and not extremely elaborately, but they'll hug and cuddle and kiss at times. So when someone else tries to ruffle his quills or give him a hug Silver will just let it happen, but for Espio he'll be making little chirping hedgehogs purrs <3 <3 Espio meanwhile takes pride in the fact he is the only one Silver will do that for, haha!
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whiskersz · 7 months
Haaaaaaiii (mysteriously) i was wondering if I could ask for both matchups? :33 (you don't know me btw...)
My name's Tezel, I'm a 20 yr old agender aromantic bisexual and I go by they/it!!
I'm not entirely sure how to describe myself, but I guess I could say I enjoy spending time with others a lot! I always try to be friendly, and when I feel comfortable enough with someone, I might end up talking way too much...Sometimes I feel like I should probably apologize to them!
Also, I'm not really one to judge people, so I always try my best to be as understanding as possible. I'm not someone who gets angry w their friends easily either...Guess that'd take a lot!
As for my interests, I really enjoy drawing, and I also really like listening to music! ^_^ Something else I enjoy is collecting plushies, so I will always be extremely thankful to anyone who'd think of giving me one as a gift! Also, I absolutely love dinosaurs, so I might accidentally go on a ramble about them with someone I'm speaking with! I just think they're neat :P
Something else about me, which I'm definitely not proud of, is that I easily end up getting anxious over the silliest things. If it gets too bad, I might try to seek comfort from my friends or anyone I'm close to. Usually, that helps a lot.
If I'm close enough with someone, I will definitely be very cuddly around them, or at least give them hugs often! Of course, if I'm not sure if they're comfortable with it, I will ask beforehand if they're ok with it! I always value people's feelings before my own.
And lastly, I know many random facts about animals, so I'll often bring them up to people I'm speaking with if a certain animal is brought up or if I'm asked something about it! I'm often told I know a lot a lot about them :3
Anyways, that should be everything. I really hope the info I gave you works just fine!! Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to do this... ^_^
Hey you!! I finally got to your matchup, yay!! Now, I know veryyy well who your favourites are – but! I tried to read this as if I didn’t know you, apologies if the characters I chose aren’t really of your liking, I tried XP
With aaall of that said, your romantic matchup is...
Sir Pentious!
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I can totally see you and Pentious bonding for a very wide number of reasons. I don’t usually do this in matchups, but I can see you approaching him first and complimenting him on how cool he looks – he’s a snake after all, and you love animals -; he even sounds cool, with all the inventions he comes up with! He’d get really flustered over someone paying this much attention to him but at the same time be very proud of himself, and he’d totally take some time to brag a little, encouraged by your shower of compliments. This is kind of how your first meeting would go, in my opinion!
After that, you two would be inseparable: you’d ramble about your interests and he’d ramble back about his, and you’d give each other opinions on what the other has said. This would continue for hours on end! He’d also grow so fond of you to let you witness him and the egg boys at work; you’d think of this as the coolest thing ever. Eventually, you’d end up dating, probably planning to confess in the same exact moment too. It’d be a bit of an awkward confession, but one full of chuckles and hugs and reassurance!
Pentious is a biiig cuddle bug – he loves hugs, snuggling up against you, hand holding and when you do all of that to him! Therefore he doesn’t mind your hugs at all, he actually asks for them himself. He’s the type to hold your hand under the table while you’re all having dinner at the Hotel and then blush about it, and he also plays with your hands a lot. his hand is probably pretty big and slender, so he loves to point out how small your hands are compared to his.
He absolutely adores when you show him your art, he definitely goes a little overboard with compliments sometimes as he tends to exaggerate things in general but he does think everything that he says, so his comments are very genuine. If you draw him sometimes he’ll be very flustered about the fact that you find him handsome enough to make him a portrait!
He’s actually the type of demon to sit down next to you if he notices you drawing and join you in your activity. Not that he’s great at it himself, but what matters is that he’s willing to spend some quality time with you doing something that you enjoy.
You and Pentious also don’t get on each other’s nerves often at all. If one of you does something mildly annoying you both always end up apologizing immediately afterwards in fear that the other will get mad at you, so it’s very rare that you get mad in this relationship.
Also, if he does do something that upsets you, he’ll be feeling awful all day and do something to cheer you up, like get you a new plushie or bake something for you. Not that he doesn’t do little acts like these randomly during your relationship too though; he’s actually a big gift giver and he loves acts of service so it’s not rare for him to show up at your bedroom door with a trail of freshly made cookies or a handmade little gift. In fact, most of his time in his room/studio is spent figuring out what to make for you next!
When you start panicking over something for the first time, he gets a little bit anxious himself as well, not going to lie. With time though he learns that all you really need from him is for him to act natural and distract you a bit with some silly jokes, and perhaps a bit of light hearted comfort and a cuddle. From that point on he cherishes it every time you turn to him for help, as you’re his first supporter too.
I hope you enjoyed reading that as much as I enjoyed writing it!! As for your platonic matchup, I think you’d be besties with...
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To start off, these will be a little bit on the shorter side as they’re platonic headcanons. Anyways, you and Charlie sure love to hang out and listen to each other ramble! She’ll stare at you with big wide eyes and wonder on her face as you spew facts about dinosaurs and animals; she’ll be especially interested on the cute ones, she adores cute things!
She’s also big on physical affection, so she will never decline a hug from you! Now, longer cuddling sessions might be a little off-limits as she’s dating Vaggie and the latter can get a bit jealous over these things, so you both decide to respect her and stick to hugs and the occasional friendly hang holding while walking around.
Charlie gladly joins you and Pentious in your drawing sessions; she’s a little better at drawing than he is, and will fill the entire page with doodles of hearts and rainbows and stars if you don’t stop her...it’s very endearing!
She values everyone’s feelings a lot, so when she senses that you’re in distress she’ll immediately be by your side. She can be a little bit awkward at offering advice sometimes as she doesn’t have much clue of what goes on in humans’ minds after all, but she’s trying her best to cheer you up and that’s what matters. She will also refrain from judging you herself, as she is the Princess of literal Hell.
Charlie loves your plushie collection; she’s got one of her own! She’s obsessed with taking pictures of her plushies so she’ll definitely do the same thing with yours, too, especially the ones that she finds adorable. When your birthday or some other kind of celebration comes around, a plushie will definitely be her main present from you; she might let the secret escape though while excitedly asking which ones you’d like to get if somebody got you one, right now...
(bgff <33)
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