missmagooglie · 1 year
That graveside Buddie conversation is making me insane because they are NOT on the same wavelength. They're trying to be, but Buck is questioning everything about himself and Eddie is going through it but they are still each other's person even when the rough edges don't fit together quite right but there is SO MUCH they aren't ready to talk about.
And then to follow it up with that scene with Christopher? Where Eddie left for just a second to go bring him something from the kitchen for them to share together, only to come back and find him passed out on the couch?
The way Eddie has love, has a family, but he still feels alone because Christopher is growing up and Buck hasn't been the same since the lightning strike and the shape of his family is growing and changing around him but he still feels stuck and I'm -
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dangerpronebuddie · 2 months
Tease Tidbit Tuesday!!
Tagged by @daffi-990 @inell @tizniz @exhuastedpigeon who all shared INCREDIBLE stuff y'all should absolutely show some love! 💜🩵
Still working on the arson fic, but Rae's Spooktober prompts have inspired me to work on part 2 of I'll Catch You (I really need to decide on the title 😅). I'm torn between "Cause I'ma Stay Through It All" and "And Without A Warning." Any preference? I'm still torn...
“Start from the beginning, boys,” she said as she approached. “Eddie had a bad night last night. He got up early to get breakfast, then called saying he had a flat tire. But the call dropped. We went to get him, only he's not here,” Buck explained. “And his phone is smashed,” Chris said, pointing to it with a crutch. “No one else has heard from him?” Athena asked. “I- I haven't tried anyone else,” Buck said. “I thought maybe someone in one of these houses saw something, but I haven't had a chance to start asking.” “I'll get some officers on that,” Athena said. “And forensics to check his truck. But boys…” She looked between them. Chris looked up at Buck, his eyes wide. Buck smoothed a hand over his curls and focused on Athena. “What happened, ‘Thena?” Athena shook her head, her lips a thin line. “I suppose you haven't watched channel 8 news this morning?” “Dad hates that channel,” Chris said. Athena huffed a laugh. “I'm with him there, honey.” She looked at Buck. “Taylor did a special segment this morning.” Buck frowned. “About what?” “About the thin man she said didn't exist when we found Eddie,” she said. Anger burned in Buck's throat. That man had been haunting Eddie for weeks, bringing nightmares, panic attacks, and hyper-vigilance that made him jump at the slightest sound. It made Buck's heart ache to see Eddie so scared. “What did she do?” Buck asked, his voice low.
(tags under the cut! As always please let me know if you want to be added/ removed):
@lover-of-mine @loveyouanyway @kitteneddiediaz
@ronordmann @steadfastsaturnsrings @hippolotamus @diazsdimples
@thekristen999 @monsterrae1 @actuallyitsellie @diazheartsbuckley @wildlife4life @theotherbuckley
@rainbow-nerdss @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @lunarspark-cos @idealuk @shipperqueen6 @slowlyfoggydestiny
@misshiss727 @lin27 @jshadow01 @orangeboxfox92
@thegeekcompanion @emilybahu @lemotmo @awolfnamed-nyx
@kaseysgirl86-blog @darkrose6578 @totallynotagoraphobic @dandelioncasey @bibuckbuckgoose @whatsgoodinthehood22
@lady-elaine @buckley-diaz-rules @buddiedaydreamer911 @monroemary @pirate-hunter
@tofanasmuse @gnoeltop @keynb @cassi-brooks @-syrup-sue @punkrock00 @shannonhutchins @lasagnatheory @aroqueerfandoms @unlifeira @marissaleec and anyone else who wants to share!! 🥰🩷
@nonspeakingkiku @eddiedisasterdiaz @drunkandsupportiveeddie @epicbuddieficrecs @disasterbuck
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faketrex · 3 months
The cakegate bodyswap ficlet I posted a few days ago stands alone as a one-shot... and also, if you were wondering what happens next... here's the next bit of that story.
This a work in progress, y'all, be forewarned! To be continued.
RWRB, rated T, 600 words (this part).
(click here for part 1)
For all Alex had complained about it – being forced to waste his weekend celebrating the marriage of someone he didn't know and a monarchy he wished didn't exist – the plan had been simple.
Fly to England. Sleep, hopefully. Get ready in the morning. Attend Prince Philip's wedding. Drink as much expensive booze and eat as many canapés as possible before getting scolded by June, then compare numbers with Nora. Think dark thoughts about the American Revolution and how, if you asked Alex, it should have been more comprehensive. Stay away from Henry. Leave.
Now, he's standing in a stupid fancy, ugly fancy, break-something-and-get-tossed-in-a-dungeon fancy room with Henry, covered in cake. And he's in the wrong fucking body.
Shit got complicated.
“You can’t leave,” Henry insists, hands on hips in a way that would look silly even if it didn't leave frosting handprints on his pants. (It does.)
“I'm sure as shit not staying.”
“Do you seriously think I'd stick around after you – I don't even know what to call it. Bodysnatch? Bodyswap?”
“How the bloody hell should I know? You're the one to blame.”
“Me,” Alex scoffs, weirded out by how snooty it sounds in his – Henry's – voice but not letting that temper his anger, “you think I did this? Are you fucking joking?”
“It's quite clear that you dislike me.” Henry shakes his head, making crumbs shower down out of his – Alex's – curls. “I suspect you would take any opportunity to embarrass me.”
“Whatever, it’s still your fault. You know what? I bet it's a curse. Hundreds of years of racist, imperialist, monarchical bullshit and someone finally got fed up and cursed your family's asses.”
Henry stares at him. “Are you mad?”
“It makes sense! Your brother's in line for the throne. Curse the cake, so when he eats the first bite, bam, you've cursed the future king.”
“You are mad, and you've stolen my body, too–”
“Would you like to share your theory, Prince Perfect?”
Henry rolls his eyes. “My point stands. You need to stay.”
“Do you know the expression, ‘get the hell out of Dodge?’ You should, it's–”
“We need to fix–”
The door opens, admitting a tall man with an impressively neutral expression. Alex would be laughing his ass off at the sight of Henry covered in cake. Unfortunately, he's a little preoccupied right now.
“Your royal highness.” The man nods. “Mr. Claremont-Diaz, I’m afraid it's taking longer than anticipated to prepare your transportation, due to your current state of dress.”
Alex can translate: nobody wants frosting all over their town car.
Henry-as-Alex nods politely, then he and the man both look at Alex, waiting. It must be a ridiculous royal protocol thing. Alex needs to pretend he's Henry.
“Thank you,” Alex says haltingly. “That's... fine.”
“Yes, thank you,” Henry echoes, suspiciously fast, “but actually, his royal highness just suggested we reconvene at Kensington Palace.”
Alex did not fucking say that.
Henry continues before Alex can get a word in. “Since we'll need clean-up for this… event… in more ways than one, he kindly offered the use of Kensington for... strategic planning.”
Alex would not fucking say that.
Both of them are looking expectantly at Alex-as-Henry again.
Alex fumes. Henry's right. They have to figure this out somehow, probably together. It's bad enough pretending to be Henry in front of just one person.
“Yeah. Let's all... go. To Kensington. Please.”
“Very well, your royal highness. I'll inform Mr. Claremont-Diaz’s entourage.”
What Alex wouldn't give to have the simple plan back.
(Part 3)
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miguelmeiai · 17 days
Life is Strange 2 - Alternate Storyline - Episode II ("Discoveries") - Part II
It's two in the morning, but Sean and Lyla didn't notice the time passing while they were at the Denny Blaine Park watching the sky, relaxing, venting, and wondering about going to space. Sean looks at his watch. "WTF, 2 AM? My dad is gonna kill me! I… I have to go home". Lyla tries to calm him down and convinces him that she is going to talk to Esteban so he wouldn't scold him.
They run back to Sean's house. When they arrive home, Esteban seemed desperate, but now relieved to see Sean.
─ I thought you had escaped from home because of our argument earlier. I was so desperate, your brother called me to tell me you escaped. Hijo, I'm sorry if I said something that might have hurt you. ─ Dad, I… I'm sorry, I just needed some time alone. And I was safe, I was with Lyla. ─ Hi ─ Lyla says. ─ You're still grounded, nevertheless, Sean. You live in my house, rules are rules. ─ Come on, Esteban, can you… ─ No exceptions for Sean, Lyla. He did something wrong, and he has to learn from his mistakes. ─ It seems Boss Esteban won't, Sean. I tried my best, but he didn't even let me speak. ─ Come on, hijo, you left me desperate. Don't you think I deserve a hug?
Sean rolls his eyes. ─ I'm sorry for everything. He hugs his father. ─ I love you, Sean. ─ This was all Daniel's fault. He's such a jerk! ─ He isn't. And I'm glad he told me you left home without my permission. Luckily you're back, safe and sound. Are you calmer now? ─ Yeah… talking to Lyla really helped me. Esteban looks at Lyla, grateful. ─ Thanks for being a nice friend to my son. I'm relieved that he has someone to look after him. ─ This is such an easy task… most of the time. I mean, I like spending time with Sean, he's like… the nicest guy in this town. Daniel comes running and hugs Lyla. ─ Hi, Lyla! ─ Hi, Daniel! ─ Thank you for bringing my bro back home. ─ You're welcome ─ she laughs while caressing Daniel's hair. Daniel looks at Sean, mad. ─ You're a bad bro, Sean! I miss the times when you were nicer to me… ─ I'm sorry, Daniel… it's just that many things have been going on in my mind recently. I'm a little stressed. ─ Daniel, give him a break ─ Lyla gently asks. Teenage years are sometimes hellish. You'll get there one day and understand what I'm talking about. ─ I promise I'll try to be nicer to you, Daniel. Lyla yawns. ─ I have to go home, man, I'm so tired. Catch y'all tomorrow. Sean hugs her. She turns her back and walks back home. Sean gets inside with his family. Esteban is still a little mad at him. ─ Son, I don't know what to do with you. I wish I could help you more, but I don't really have much free time to spend with you. ─ I feel that you always understand Daniel and believe whatever he tells you, but you don't always do that to me. ─ I'm sorry if I've been acting that way… Daniel looks at Sean while holding a joystick. ─ Wanna play with me, Sean, please?! ─ Yeah, but I don't think dad will let… ─ I think papito can make an exception in that specific situation. I'd love to play with you, guys, but I have to go to sleep. I'm so tired after this eventful week. And please, don't have another fight! I get very sad when I see you two fighting. ─ I promise I will be patient with Daniel. ─ Please. We are a team, we are the Diaz! There's no space for fights here. So, I really have to go now. See you tomorrow ─ he yawns. ─ Sleep well, and please don't stay up past four AM. Sleeping well is important. ─ We get it, dad, come on! ─ Okay, Sean… He goes to his bedroom. Sean and Daniel sit on the sofa. Sean is a little sad. Daniel turns on the TV. ─ Why are you sad, Sean? ─ I had a bad day at school yesterday… ─ What happened? ─ I don't know if you'd understand, but… I saw… a crush of mine… hanging out with another dude. ─ Who is that crush? ─ Daniel, let's focus on the game. ─ You never tell me anything! You're boring! Sean laughs. ─ You too, bro. He hugs Daniel. ─ You're jealous, aren't you, Sean? ─ I'm not… I mean… fuck, forget it. That's why I never tell you anything!
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outrunningthedark · 3 years
Someone being written wrong is like when a character was written a certain way for a few seasons or something and it just suddenly changed. There was nothing pointing to the change being something that everyone knew would eventually happen. It’s not like first season to last season of a character where they have changed but not suddenly out of nowhere.
Shannon wasn’t bad writing. They intended her to be like that from the start. That was a choice that was made. It’s not bad writing when that’s what they wanted her character to be.
She wasn’t a good mom and that’s all there is to it
(Not directed at you of course)
I gotchu, nonnie! No worries! Yeah, besides the whole "I'm gonna ignore the accusations of ableism/ignorance because I don't want to engage in that ~discourse~" thing Shannon Diaz stans do, the only reason they want to claim she was "written badly" is because THEY DON'T LIKE HOW SHE WAS PORTRAYED. Eddie's introduction told us that Shannon wasn't in the picture, and before Shannon died, she made it clear she still wasn't sure she had what it takes to be "someone's mother". Consistent writing does not equal bad writing. If anything, the writers should get credit for staying true to her characterization to prove a point. Bad parents exist. Bad mothers exist. 911 fandom has no problem throwing such statements around when it comes to Margaret Buckley who never got over the death of her son, but apply this sentiment to a young, attractive white woman who couldn't handle taking care of her disabled son and suddenly there's an uproar. 🤔 Maybe if members of this fandom spoke/listened to those of us who didn't grow up with the most loving parents*** instead of taking the word of the ones who did to figure out what qualifies as ableism or "good parenting", they would learn that Shannon's personality was a mild, digestible example of the negativity we face every single day of our lives. ***One of my friends was spoken to off blog about inserting themselves into this conversation because the person messaging them wrongly assumed they don't have a disability. That's how fucking self-absorbed certain people in this fandom can be. And y'all just...let them spew nonsense because you don't want to start "drama". :)
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makeupbychio · 4 years
ily // C.H
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pairing: Calum x Reader.
words: 2,3k.
warnings: fluff, a little bit of smut, swearing, spoilers about tv shows (Brooklyn 99 and Glee). English is not my first language. 
a/n: I tried to do this genderless so I would love some feedback. Hope you like it, love y'all.
inspired by: a couple of shows that I watched during this quarantine.
It's a lovely and cozy night with Calum, whom cooked your favorite food and watching him during the process so dedicated to make it perfect like five stars restaurants made you looking at him with heart eyes the whole night. The tomato sauce was perfect and the pasta even more. You saw how he followed every single step of the recipe and refused you to help him. 
After finishing dinner, you were enjoying red wine -the bottle is almost empty- and talking to him about everything and anything. He set the dining room with vanilla candles to make it more romantic. The warm lights lightly illuminating your faces was so charming. 
Deeply inside you know that today it's been 4 months since you started dating, but Calum never brings topics like that or buys something every month and that's totally fine because you neither talk about it. He just surprises you with lovely details like this one in random days, not just when you have to celebrate something. 
When he feels like it he does it. Sometimes he caught you off guard like that time he poured like two hundred sunflowers in your house just because, or when he bought you the coolest denim jacket when he was on tour and he said extra things like the jacket was made just for you. Or when he printed the pictures Andy took in a party you threw because he wanted to have them as memories not just in his phone. Also, you find cute when he is so excited to send you his playlists he does every month with his favorite songs -he also made a private playlist for you know, when you need privacy-.
Once finished dinner, you moved to the couch to start your nerd marathon of the shows you watch. He went to find a big blanket since it's cool outside due to the rain that's been going on for two days. He settled next to you and kissed your temple when you put your head on his chest and your hands on his ribcage. 
"Come here, baby" Calum said wanting you closer.
"What's our mood today? Glee or Brooklyn 99?" you asked while you were concentrated on the TV screen searching for said shows.
“Both" you said at the same time. You explained how you can't wait to know what happens in the show. You agreed to watch Brooklyn 99 first and then Glee when you were cuddle in bed. 
After finishing the Halloween heist chapter you were still laughing at Gina's funny surprises.
"Babe you would be the perfect Gina Linetti" Calum said when he stopped laughing. 
"I'm going to take that as a really good compliment, what about you?" you asked him looking up to find his eyes. 
"Hmm I don't know" Calum said confused. "We should take an online test to find out" he broke the cuddle position you both had in the couch to go find his computer. 
"That's so Amy Santiago" you teased him while he was in another room. Then he came back showing you the electronic device.
He sat straight next to you again and searching for Buzzfeed quizzes related to the show. 
"This one sounds pretty cool" he said focused on the screen and pointing the one he chose. While the link load slowly due to his weak WiFi signal you decided you will take the quiz first. 
"K'" you said with the computer in your lap reading the questions and choosing the answers fast. "So this says I'm Gina Linetti externally and Amy Santiago internally". You read the caption under the results and it makes sense to you. 
"I was right babe, now my turn" he said taking from you the computer. It was funny how he took this so seriously to the point he had his tongue out, a thing he does when he is working. Both of you kinda expected and not his results. "I'm Rosa Diaz externally and Jake Peralta internally". 
"That's kinda sexy tho" you said biting your lip to refuse a giggle till you couldn't resist and start making fun of how bad ass but a puddle he is.
He stood up from the couch to lay against the wall with crossed arms looking at you how cute you looked all teasing him and also surprised with the results. "I can be the Jake Peralta to your Amy Santiago" he was now teasing you.
"Challenge accepted" you said before a moment of silence and Calum broke the ice.
"Oh gosh I love you so much" he said with all the emotion and then froze when he realized he said that out loud and not just inside his head. He waited for you to say something and as your surprised wide open eyes, he knew you weren't going to answer what he wanted. 
"What?" you asked surprised, not to make him repeated the words but to confirm if it was reality.
"Don't worry, I'm going to take a shower before bed" he said quickly disappearing into the bathroom and took his shirt off. He felt so stupid, he tortured himself for a couple of minutes with thoughts like you don't feel the same way about him and how maybe that scared you and now you were going to run away. 'Stupid Cal' he said to himself before he decided to leave that for later. 
In that short amount of minutes, in the other side of the room you were thinking about how he just threw the bomb at you with no warning. You felt bad that you didn't answer immediately, because you love him too but it was confusing how hours ago you were thinking about how he is not like that type of person to celebrate another month of your relationship or cheesy things but clearly he does. You thought how to fix this and your next move. 
When you were about to knock the bathroom's door Calum surprised you opening it before your action. He was surprised too to find you inches apart from him. 
"Jesus, y/n. Sorry, I thought you were still in the couch" he said when he stopped his rushing thoughts. "Are you okay?" asking if something happened or if you need something.
Calum was already with his shirt off and just with his jeans. You laid your fingers on his beautiful jaw to get him closer and kiss him. 
"I love you too, Cal" you said looking up directly to his eyes, fingers still on his jaw and your lips barely touching his. You moved forward a little bit to get you both inside the bathroom so you can close the door. Your moves were slow and that made the intensity filled the room. You know, sexual tension. 
You saw his sculpted tan back when he turned around to start the water. You bite your lip at the view. "Is Roy at home already?" you asked innocently him to be sure of something. 
He laughed at you being cautious when multiple times before Roy definitely heard you both having sex. "I don't know, but that's cute from you to worry about my roommate's nightmares because of us" he was teasing you. 
"Fuck you" you said realizing that the house is huge and that Roy's room is way far from where you were. So you can have an idea about how loud you have to be so he can hears you. Right now you don't care and at the same time hoping that Cal's roommate could be asleep. 
You stepped closer to him and he couldn't resist it. It's not like he can't kiss you, he knows that he is allowed to that but he would kill for your kisses. He moved his head to reach your tinted cherry lips and started heating up rapidly the situation. He just cut the makeout session when you took off your shirt, then he removed the rest of his clothes to jump in into the shower. You bit your lip at the view and decided to join him so you took off your jeans too and stepped inside in underwear. 
"Baby no! That combo is my fave" Calum said when your clothes got wet immediately because of the hot water. You laughed at his words like if he doesn't has a washing machine or a dryer. You laced your arms around his neck and kissed him under the water. "I've been holding this for a while and a lot of emotions and actions to show you how I feel but not anymore" he said and started to feel like he finally poured out what was stuck on his mind. "I wanted to tell you in a more romantic way than how I did it minutes ago watching Brooklyn 99, just pretend that we are outside under the rain so it could be more romantic like a Hollywood movie from the 50s" Calum said. 
He rapidly interlaced both arms in the end of your back to keep your body close to his. You rested your arms around his neck and he went up a little bit with his hands to fight with your soaked bra and then took it off and throw it to the floor crossing the glass door. A cloud of steam was already formed because of the heat in the room.
Now just your panties were left but you were so focused tracing Calum's tattoos with your fingers while he admired you doing it. It gave him chills when you found his chest tattoo.
"I love your tattoo too, honey" he said with his hand moving down to the side of your left thigh where your tattoo is. Perfect time to lift you up and take off the last piece of clothes. Your legs around his waist and he got you holding you with his strong hands placed above your butt.
Calum laughed when you tried to hide your body. It was the first time you took a shower with him. But the only way to hide your body was pressing it harder against his.
From outside the shower your bodies seemed blurry because of the big amount of steam. That marks were erased when Calum lifted you up to hold your body against the wall, your legs were around his waist to give him better access. 
Lust immediately filled your mind with the passionate kisses and how good felt when Cal pressed your body against the wall, still lifting you with his strong hands. God that hands and arms drive you crazy with his tattoos and notorious veins. Next he asked you for permission to fill your entrance, always making sure you were alright. You just nodded at him and he did it, your right arm so tight around the back of his neck and left hand holding against the glass leaving your handprint freshly. 
You both failed at being quiet but the sound of water and the soundproofing walls gave you advantage. Words couldn't be found, just moans and kisses wherever you had access. Calum still holding you changed to another wall, now one hand holding you and the other pressed against the wall that gave him the balance and to keep pushing inside you.
"Calum, I'm close" you said whispering on his ear. He wanted to make you feel even better so he speed up his pace. The water was hitting Cal's back and was burning him with the marks you were leaving with your nails. 
You tilted your head back when you reached your orgasm wanting to have your feet back on the floor and seconds later of friction he reached his edge too. 
He pulled off and helped you to for real take a shower and clean the sweaty mess. Now the calm and tiredness hit you both once you left the bathroom ready to -do quite opposite like minutes ago- put comfy clothes and cuddle. 
Calum dried your hair and you his. Once you put his baggy hoodie you jumped into the bed. You waited for him who was setting the heat for the house during the night.
While you watched Glee, with his head resting on your chest and stroking his curls, you thought about what he said earlier. Calum always sings the songs that he knows from the show and taps your skin gently at the beat of the music, and it's more than lovely to hear his beautiful voice. 
“Babe, what did you mean when you said that you had been holding that for a while?” you asked him when the cast of the show ended the song they were performing. He looked up at you.
“Like a month ago we were watching Brooklyn 99 that chapter when Jake was in danger and Amy felt guilty because she never told him how she felt and that hit me” he spoke with all the honesty. You found that so cute and cheesy from him and it made sense to you because for a while he seemed that he wanted to say something important to you but you never asked or pushed him to do it.
You kissed his forehead and smiled at him. Before you both returned your attention to the show you said, “I love you”.
"I love you too" he said. "I think you would be a perfect Mercedes" he started again teasing you about the characters of the shows you watch together, you are going to get used to this. 
You tried to break the closeness of his head in your chest because he knows that you don't have a beautiful talent and voice like Mercedes. "Ha ha very funny. So in that case you would be Sam?" you raised your brows at him because even when you love Sam, he's a player. 
"I think we can only resolve this with a quizz" he said smirking at you.
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woodchoc-magnum · 3 years
Lone Star 2x11 Hate Watch
I nearly forgot about it this week, whoops
Disclaimer: Don’t read this if you like the show, simply go about your business and have a great day
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oh no owen is being arrested oh nooo
is it for being a crime to this show
is he going to hit on Dr Jacobs now?
"is there a complication?" tk asks in a monotone
Oh no he's off work for a month? What will the other firefighters do at an emergency if rob lowe is not there to do it all for them?
"it's like two fortnights?" yeah… that's exactly what it is dude
A fortnight is two weeks
So two of them is… a month.
Captain Judd!
Yessss captain judd
No masks
Not a single mask on anyone
"the Serena Williams of firefighters?" fucking seriously
What if she was on camera like that and then they lose this car? She's gonna look like an asshole
Yo 100% the husband dies I'm calling it now
He's definitely dying
Yo that's HUBRIS
That's why you don't brag to the cameras y'all
Damn that poor bastard what a way to go
This reminds me of when Bobby was under investigation in season 2 of the OG and they all kept coming around to his house and annoying the shit out of him while he was trying to plan his wedding
Yo he was in this show called Revolution that I watched because a) Billy Burke and b) Elizabeth Mitchell and I fuck I shipped him with Liz Mitch SO HARD
It's weird to me that everyone thinks of him as the dad from Twilight because I have legit seen him in everything but that
What happened to his lightning strike scars? That was my favourite part of Season 1
So I'm calling it early and saying that Billy Burke is the arsonist because why else would they bring him back, and he doesn't like Rob Lowe
Oh the gays are hosting a dinner party
You know what shits me? Lone Star has these scenes of the team playing board games and in the OG we waste a whole episode about Josh and Sue – yes I'm still dirty but they can make it up to me with this week’s episode
I suppose in Lone Star they're all single? And young? I really shouldn't complain, I don't want the OG to be more like Lone Star let's face it
Yeah she's going viral for acting like a moron in front of the cameras at the scene, that's why you don't do that fucking shit
Look I like Marjan but come on
Interesting choice of Rolling Stones song
Wow this Rob Lowe montage is so great
Am I the only one who thinks Airpods look dumb
God this Rob Lowe montage has been going for hours
Wow he's potting a plant, and painting, and putting a puzzle together, this is so fucking interesting, thank god they've dedicated this portion of the episode to it. How else would I know what Rob Lowe was doing while he was stuck at home by himself?
The chick who works at the juice bar is a better actor than Ronen
Oh no this looks like the work of the arsonist (Billy Burke)
Thank god Rob Lowe was there right
God what a fuckhead
"126! Give 'em hell!" ugh what a douchebag
How am I only 23 minutes in
I feel like I've been watching for ten hours
Yeah how did you arrive five minutes before everyone huh? I feel like that app he's been listening to is probably illegal
Owen is doing nothing to help his case here
This guy 100% thinks Owen did it and you know what I think he's onto something and I think they should arrest Owen and put him in jail
Also I'm going to say that rob lowe dyes his hair and has had some cosmetic surgery just saying
Honestly I don't have a whole lot of sympathy for Marjan here
It’s just kind of in bad taste for a firefighter to be bragging about how awesome they are. I know social media is her whole deal but… it's pretty uncool
Is it just me or is Judd looking extra handsome in this episode?
Oh great and now we're at a nice dinner and they're talking about Rob fucking Lowe again? WHO CARES
He even looks like a creep in that grey hoodie
Oh my god he's been off work for a fucking week? Like I don't get this?
I would love to have a week off work to just stay in my house and be chill
He's talking to Billy Burke about the arson and Billy Burke is in fact the arsonist
Yo doesn't Carlos' house burn down at some point? DOES BILLY BURKE BURN DOWN CARLOS' HOUSE?
I really love Billy Burke and I'm glad they brought him back to play the bad guy; he was the bad guy in The Closer and it was great
He's explaining all this to Billy Burke, who in fact already knows this, because in fact he is IN FACT the arsonist
Also the fact that Rob Lowe has gone out and bought all this stuff just makes him look guiltier
I ship it though, Billy & Owen? Ship name Billwen or Owlly – no we're definitely going with Owlly
Stage 3 cancer, lost his job, got struck by lightning, didn't get the captaincy at the 126 – the man has nothing left to lose. He's the arsonist
Marjan IS a showboat and most of the time it's fine but before a rescue it does exhibit a lot of hubris and that's not a good thing
And that video didn't make her look great
And she needs to go to McKenna and apologise for being a dick
Oh good she listened to me
Paul's a babe just saying
She posted a suicide note and no friends or family went to help her? That's pretty fucking depressing
Jesus this is a bit graphic
Wow this is very graphic
"This was clutch" COME ON FUCKING REALLY?
Oh yeah it's so fucking cool being a badass
Ugh this show is so stupid
How does this still have three minutes to go?
Why is he in his goddamn fucking arson hoodie again?
He is without a doubt the dumbest mother fucker who has ever dumbed in the history of BEING DUMB
I mean say what you want about Bobby jumping into a dumpster but I have to think that Bobby Nash would know better than to act like a suspicious fucking SUSPECT IN THE MIDDLE OF AN ARSON INVESTIGATION WHEN THEY ALREADY SUSPECT YOU OF BEING THE ARSONIST, OWEN!
You dumbfuck
0/10 shittiest episode ever, everyone except Judd, Grace and Tommy are stupid
three miserable fucking episodes to go
Diaz to cleanse:
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iris-sistibly · 3 years
Everything WRONG with the Aljur and Kylie break-up issue
I know I'm not supposed to comment on this BUT as Kylie's fan, I can't help but wonder how this whole issue which was supposed to be kept private has gotten so public and so out of hand, and I don't know how are they gonna control the damage which will affect their sons in a bad way.
1. I think it all started when Robin spilled the tea and confirmed Aljur and Kylie's break-up
Although it has already been speculated that the couple had already called it quits months prior to Binoy's interview with Ogie Diaz, I still don't think that the confirmation should come from him. I understand that as a father, he cares for his daughter's well-being but he could have just politely declined to answer that question in RESPECT to Aljur and Kylie. But he told the public nevertheless, so the latter had no choice but to admit which she and her estranged husband would have done when they're ready. Robin said he doesn't want to get involved yet he was the one who told everyone that they've already broken up and the reason was Aljur cheated. If that's not pangingialam I don't know what to call it.
2. Aj Raval admitted her relationship status with Aljur "too soon"
Although Aljur and Kylie has been separated for months now, this issue is still "new and fresh" to the public so when Aj admitted that she and Aljur are on the "getting to know each other stage," she was immediately tagged as the kabit (third party). Kylie made it very clear that Aj wasn't the reason why they broke up, and that it was okay that her estranged husband was seeing other women since they were OVER.
Here's the thing: eventhough Aljur and Kylie are already separated, legally they are still married. As far as I'm concerned they haven't filed for an annulment yet, at least that's what everyone knows. Therefore Aj could still be considered as...a mistress. Well, not the reason why Aljur and Kylie broke up but, y'all know the marriage laws.
Aj could have avoided the controversy by staying away from social media, keeping silent about her real relationship with Aljur (for the meantime) and just WAIT for the right time to make it public. Again, the break up issue was still fresh, and it's bad enough that her name was dragged into it, she made it worse by admitting it too soon.
3. Aljur retaliates by challenging Kylie to speak the truth
Social media went crazy after Aljur's post. In his facebook account he dared Kylie to tell the people who cheated first.
You know why what he did was so wrong? Well, the post says it all.
His intention was to defend Aj and the people who got dragged into this controversy, the bashing towards him and Aj is too much to the point that the latter's family was getting involved already which wasn't right. It's normal for Aj to defend herself and her family, and for Aljur to protect the people around him. But after reading his post, it seems like he was trying to drag Kylie down because he and Aj were being bashed, his ex-wife on the other hand was getting sympathy which wasn't fair to him. He was insinuating that Kylie cheated first so he got even, at the end of the day, they were both at fault so why was he the only one who's taking the blame?
That. is. fucking. immature.
He could have just clarified the controversy without talking shit about his ex, Kylie is the mother of his children, the woman he married, the woman he claimed to love very much. The woman who gave up her career, fought for him, and chose him despite of everything that happened to them in the past.
He could have just apologized, wished everyone well, leave it at that and move on, the public doesn't have to know every detail of their break-up. Other people will always have something to say, but remember: you don't owe them an explanation. The issue would have died on its own, but after this, for sure more and more people will be dragged and get hurt. At the end of the day, it's their children who'll suffer the most.
4. Either JM De Guzman or Kylie's tattoo artist is Kylie's other man
There's this screen shot of a convo that I've read on Facebook that Aljur had suspicions on Kylie because he noticed that everytime he goes to work, Kylie also leaves.
The tea: Aljur pretended to leave for a photoshoot but secretly followed Kylie AND he was the one who saw his wife and her kabit together.
It was first speculated that JM De Guzman was Kylie's "other man," Kylie denied this rumor. THEN there's some speculation that this tattoo artist IS the third party and the employees who work for this guy can verify that.
Honestly, I don't know what to believe in anymore.
Cheating is wrong, but does this justify YOUR OWN WRONGDOINGS, pretending like you're innocent? Come on! You made mistakes too.
So ano'ng karapatan mong manira at manumbat? Eh hindi ka rin naman malinis?
If this is the kind of man Kylie married, then calling it quits was perhaps the best decision she ever made so far.
5. Again, we can all agree that Alas and Axl are the REAL victims of this whole mess.
These precious boys are too young and too innocent to be stuck between their parents' issues. Aljur and Kylie could have done better at protecting their kids, posting bullshits or cryptic posts on social media is never gonna solve the problem, if anything it would only make things worse.
They should have thought of their children first above anything else.
I guess this was all rooted down to bad timing, and then a chain reaction happened and everything fucked up, then it got worse. I'm not gonna bash Aljur or Kylie, I wish them well, I pray for their healing, and I hope they learned their lessons.
Lastly, I pray that their little boys wouldn't grow up having resentments towards their parents.
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A DILF vs Fire Hoes
He couldn't believe it. Buck was looking at the blog someone had mentioned while on a call saying he had been dethroned. What!
He wasn't jealous. Honestly. He was past that. Sure Eddie was hot but he wasn't just that.
It didn't make him feel any better about people objectifying his best friend. This was, creepy?
It was Chimney who found him.
"What ya doin Buck?"
"Nothing!" Buck replied.
"Eddie Diaz is a dilf. Hmm" Hen said behind him. When did she get there.
Buck quickly shut the laptop. Fuck! He hoped he didn't break it.
"Whoa buckaroo easy there man" Chimney hissed.
"It's stupid" it was.
"Well they may be right but maybe they shouldn't say it." Hen said while taking a sip. "What I'm not blind. But this DILF and MILF shit is kind of disrespectful to me." She said to Chimney's look.
"Exactly." Buck said while going to put his laptop up.
But why did his stomach still feel weird.
They were back from a call, in the truck, when Chimney told Eddie. Or well he tried to.
"So you see that thing?"
"What thing?"
"Buck didn't tell you?"
Way to throw me under the bus Chim. Buck thought.
"There was an article on people who know multiple languages having stronger mental dexterity or something. Made me think of you" Buck said earning silence.
"Umm. Thanks?"
Buck could punch Chimney if he wasn't his friend and Maddie wouldn't kick his ass. And well if he did that kind of thing. But seriously.
Eddie didn't need that shit. Christopher neither. It was better not knowing.
"I reported you" Buck heard as Hen sat next to him.
"What?!" He's innocent.
"I reported it. The blog, the other day. Well more sent a request for them to take that down. Mentioned the possibility for a kid seeing that stuff and maybe a lawyer looking into things like posting pictures or the location of people's houses. Half bullshit but could work."
"Oh" Buck thought about it. Hopefully that did it.
"Hey Hen, mind if I talk to Buck about something?" Eddie said coming over with a banana, a plantain?
"No, sure. I was finished with him, he's all yours" Hen smiled while going downstairs.
"So. Reading articles that remind you of me. That a regular thing?" He said before taking a bite.
"What? No. I mean. I don't read them because they remind me of you, I just hap-"
Wait. Not everything reminded him of Eddie right? Why'd he say that?
"Earth to Buck. You okay dude?"
"It's hard not thinking about your best friend once in a while. I think of Christopher and you" Buck shrugged.
Who was he trying to reassure again?
"That's nice. Only good things right. I'm not pushing him on you too much? " Eddie frowned.
"No! Being around him is great. I think, about, y'all being happy, and hope you two, don't get hurt"
"Good to know. You can relax your brain buddy."
"Don't ask questions that are hard to answer then"
"Sorry. Hard to tell. I'm not exactly in your brain"
But wasn't he? Sometimes.
They're done with shift. It'd been a long week.
Eddie was suggesting Buck come over for grilling with Christopher when Bobby came in.
"Eddie can I have a word."
"Huh? Sure Cap, something wrong?"
"You might want this to be private." Bobby said looking at Buck.
"No. I'm okay with him hearing it, it's Buck" he said like that answered it.
"I'm sorry. It was brought to my attention you were being harassed?" Eddie's face shifted.
"We got it taken down after their recent action. But they'll have an officer in the area if anyone tries something, for safety the next couple of days"
"What are you talking about?"
"The blog. I assumed you'd seen it. Chimney said you all knew"
"Bobby I don't know anything about a blog"
Bobby looked from Eddie to Buck who was staring at his shoes.
"Kind of a funny story" he winced.
"That's why I didn't tell you. I didn't want to ruin your day. And then I thought Hen talked some sense into them"
"Buck!?" Eddie was muttering curses. They may have been in Spanish but Buck and Bobby knew.
"Next time Buck just tell them. Make the time and say it" Bobby told him as Eddie was finishing getting his things ready and Bobby was out the door.
"I'm sorry Eddie. I didn't think they'd say something like this and if I did I'd have told you to keep Christopher safe, I would"
"It's fine Buck"
"It doesn't feel fine. I messed up. I didn't mean to but I did. I don't have to come over if you'd rather not see me" Buck sighed.
"Oh you're coming over. And you're cooking." Eddie said while getting to their cars.
"You really want to risk burnt food for me to make up for my mistake?"
"Guess you'll just have to make extra sure it's edible then huh"
Buck guesses things could be worse.
Eddie could hate him for a number of reasons.
Or they could have gotten catcalled by self titled fire hoes by now.
He's outside keeping an eye on the food as inside Christopher is helping his dad set up sides and toppings for the burgers.
The music is nice as there's a light breeze. A lady is jogging as she sees him from the street stopping to stare.
Suddenly Buck feels self conscious about having smudges on his face and arms. He doesn't know why. It hasn't bothered him before to be ogled at but maybe that was more of a Buck 1.5 thing.
He hears Eddie coming over as he remembers the food. Shit!
Only one patty is a little too charred but there's still enough for the three of them.
"Getting distracted?"
"No." He lied. "Maybe. You see her jogging before?" Buck nods toward her. She's stretching now.
"I'm not sure. Think so, but I'm not setting you up with a pseudo neighbor"
"I didn't mean- I thought she was one of-"
He feels Eddie's hand on his shoulder and instantly relaxes.
"Want to call patrol? Have 'em scare her off"
"She might not be though. I mean I'd feel bad if she wasn't, you know"
She's already leaving when Buck moves the burgers to a container.
"I don't blame you. You know that right?" Eddie's asking while Bucks checking everything's safe and turned off.
"No. I do? Still, could have gone about it better I guess but everything's like that isn't it."
"Yeah. Maybe I was a little harsh in my reaction. You didn't mean bad by not telling me and if people had done something you didn't make them. Plus nothing happened" Eddie said.
Buck fought not to say 'Yet'.
He felt an arm around his back in a sort of side hug.
"For the record, we think about you too."
Huh. That came out of left field.
Eddie wasn't meeting Bucks questioning eyes.
There was something there. Or was that just Buck.
Eddie was guiding him in turning towards the house.
"Christopher asks if I think you had a good day sometimes. You can ask him if you want" Eddie's smiling as Christopher looks up hearing his name from the couch.
"Are you done Buck? I'm hungry and dad said we can't have cookies until after we eat" the little guy was putting up his biggest pout.
"Yeah. Had to put some extra Buckley care into these for you guys. Hope it's really tasty buddy" Buck winks.
"Dad says were omnivores so you don't have to worry too much"
That earns a laugh from both of them at Christopher's words.
The burgers are good but best while fresh so they're devoured fairly quickly.
Christopher is finishing his first as Eddie and Buck are fighting food comas after their seconds.
"Dad what's a DILF?"
Bucks spilling some water onto himself as Eddie's beer is starting to foam.
"Umm. Where did you hear that?" Eddie asks.
"Is it a bad word? "
"No buddy. It's weird, some people don't like it" Buck starts.
"I heard Denny's mom say it."
"Christopher a DILF is-"
"It's a kind of pickle." Buck is chiming in as Eddie is turning his head too quickly.
"She could have been saying it odd or you may have heard it different buddy. A dill is a type of pickle like we ate. Not everyone likes them but they're not really bad"
"Okay. Can we eat cookies now?"
"Yes Christopher. Pick which you want." Eddie is opening the assortment for him.
Bucks wiping sweat off his brow like he just diffused a bomb. Metaphorically.
"Thanks. You're a lifesaver" Eddie whispers before Christopher is back in his seat.
That feelings back. But Buck notices this time it's more towards his chest than his stomach.
"Any time. I'm always here if you need me"
And he means it. He really does.
"You're the best Buck" Christopher is putting a cookie in front of him.
"What about me?"
"You're not a Buck dad."
"You know what? Here" Buck is breaking his cookie in two and handing it over to Eddie. "I don't think I could handle a full one. Mind helping me?"
"Sure. Maybe he is the best" Eddie's telling Christopher.
"I'm right here."
"Yep. Let's wash up and we can nap over a movie, sound good? "
Buck isn't arguing with that even if he wanted to.
"I wanna pick. Please." Christopher pipes in.
"Okay. Wash your hands then start it up. We'll clean up a bit so it's not too bad then go to the couch"
The dishes are soaking, other trash discarded.
The three of them are currently sitting with a large blanket. Eddie's head's lolling as Buck is drooling.
Christopher is giggling at them as he's tuning into his favorite parts and starting to lean.
"Odd how that sorted itself out huh?" Bobby says while looking at his phone.
"If you ask me it makes sense, in a weird way." Athena says while drinking on the couch with him.
"At least maybe now they'll leave them alone, hopefully."
"We can hope, but for every dozen there could be one that doesn't take this well. Some won't like hearing Eddie's off the market even if they'd never have a chance with him."
"Well if something does happen he's got us. Know what's stranger?"
"I can kind of see it"
"See what?"
"See them together. Or why people would think that. They're already close, help each other,"
"Bobby they're grown men don't go trying to set them up"
"I might have already done that. Unintentionally"
"Well, then if they get together you're deserve a gift basket"
"Really? "
"I'm kidding" she laughs.
She's looking at the photo posted to the blog.
They look cute. Eddie's leaning into Buck.
He's looking almost possessive to the camera.
She wonders if he thought about this. No telling.
Sorry fire hoes. Is the hottest firefighting DILF taken? Titles the page.
People today.
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hms-chill · 5 years
Everything’s Bigger
Chapter 3
Henry's not sure how long they spend in bed. He knows he dozes, even as he tries to stay awake to make sure Alex doesn't roll over onto his bad shoulder. He's dozing when Cash comes in to wake him up with a gentle, "Henry? They've found the other man he was working with. The president is on her way, and we're hoping to move Alex to the hospital for some x-rays soon."
"It's... it's over?"
"It's over," Cash says, smiling. "Do you want to wake him up and tell him?" Henry nods.
"We'll be down in a bit." Cash nods and goes to finish things up downstairs, and Henry starts to kiss Alex awake. After a moment, a half-asleep Alex starts to move his arm up to Henry's face. Henry tries to stop him, but he's not quick enough. Alex yelps in pain, pulling the arm back to his chest as Henry pulls him into a hug. He's trying his hardest not to cry, but he's clearly in pain as Henry rubs his back gently.
"Hey, it's okay. It's all going to be okay. We can go to the hospital when you're ready, and they'll get you all fixed up. I know it hurts; I'm sorry. I love you."
"I love you," Alex says, then, "It... it hurts. It hurts so bad. It hurts to move and breathe... It hurts."
"I know. I'm so sorry, Love. We... we can go to the hospital whenever you feel ready to get up," Henry says gently. He's not sure what else to say, and even less sure what will make it past the lump in his throat. It hurts to see Alex in so much pain, especially when it feels like it's all Henry's fault. Alex is hurt because of him, and that is nearly enough to make Henry cry.
After a few more moments with his face buried in Henry's shoulder, Alex pulls back to ask, "I... we can go to a hospital? It's safe?"
"Cash said so. They... they've got all the bad guys. Your mom's on her way, probably with June, and I'm going to call home as soon as I can make sure it's okay to let them know."
"Another Texan succession plan, foiled," Alex mumbles, and Henry laughs, kissing his cheek.
"Do you feel alright to get up? It'll be going downstairs, then out to a van." Alex nods, and Henry helps him up, making sure he's steady. They make their way to the van, and Henry gets permission to call home, so he calls Bea and his mom, filling them in on everything that's happened. When they hang up, he calls Pez and fills him in, too. All the while, Alex rests on his shoulder, content to cling to Henry's arm with his good one and relax for a bit.
He refuses a wheelchair when they get to the hospital, and he only leans on Henry a bit as they make their way inside. They're eventually separated as Alex is whisked off to x-rays, and someone insists on looking Henry over to make sure he's not hurt before they let him go wait in Alex's room. He gets there just as Amy is finishing her security sweep, and he pulls her aside to ask a question. She hesitates, checks with Zahra, and gives him permission. Henry pulls out his phone.
Alex is back before too long, complaining about an uncomfortable x-ray blanket and that his sling is ugly, though Henry knows him well enough to be able to read the very real and entirely unrelated pain in his face. Ellen, June, and Leo are there before long, all with Texas-sized hugs for them both before Elle's pulled into a conversation and Leo offers to get them dinner somewhere local. Alex names a place, and Henry recognizes it as the place they were supposed to meet Liam and Spencer for dinner. He hopes they're okay; hopes no one else was hurt. He hopes so badly that he and Alex didn't ruin anyone else's life.
"No one else was hurt. Amy got the first guy right away, and the second wasn't able to hurt anyone," June says, pulling him out of his head. He's alone with the Claremont-Diaz siblings now; Leo must have left to get food. Alex has let his unshakable facade drop just a bit, and Henry climbs into bed to cuddle him.
"How is it?" He asks, and Alex grimaces.
"It hurts. They said it's fractured; I'll have to do physical therapy soon to make sure I don't lose range of motion. That'll hurt like hell, too, but at least it shouldn't take too long."
"I'm sorry. Thank you."
"Nothing to be sorry for; I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Zahra said we can have Twitter again, right?"
"That's right."
"Come here." He's got his good arm out for a selfie, and Henry puts his head on Alex's good shoulder, smiling slightly. Alex takes the selfies and goes immediately to Twitter with it, posting it under the caption "we lived bitch".
"People know that meme, right? Like they'll get that it's a meme?" He asks, and Henry nods, laughing a bit as he turns to press a kiss to the side of Alex's neck.
"Get a room," June mutters, and Alex glares at her.
"You and your partners are twice as gross. Besides, I'm hurt. I've been through something traumatic; I need the support. Emotionally."
"Fine; you win. I'm going to the bathroom. You're the worst; I'm glad you're safe, both of you. But Henry especially."
Alex's indignation follows her out of the room. Henry quiets him down with gentle kisses along his neck, and eventually, the pain meds kick in for real, letting him relax for real. They both spend a bit of time answering texts and letting people they're okay, Alex especially, since most people Henry knows are in bed. He checks in with Liam and Spencer, and they're okay. They don't mind rescheduling dinner, so Alex plans that for a bit, then calls his dad on FaceTime. Oscar wants to talk to both of them, so Henry is holding the phone, his head on Alex's shoulder, when June comes back into the room to say, "Alex? I... I think you'll want to come see this. Keep Dad on; he'll want to see, too."
June takes the phone while Heny makes sure Alex can get up without hurting himself, and they follow her out of their room. They're at the end of the hall, and just to their right is a big window overlooking a park. When they look down, it's full of people. People waving rainbow and other pride flags, people holding hastily made signs that say things like "Austin Proud", "Get well soon, Austin loves you", or just "Austin ❤️'s Alex". Alex's hand goes to his mouth, and Henry hugs him from behind, careful not to bump his shoulder. Oscar says something, but June answers for them as they keep looking out over the crowd gathered in the golden hour sun. Wordlessly, Henry presses a kiss just below Alex's ear, then steps back to take a few pictures: one where Alex's face is visible in profile, a few tears on his cheeks and sheer awe and joy in his face, and a few of his silhouette, the crowd below visible in the background.
When he gets back, Alex's voice is thick with emotion as he says, "They... I was right. They are good, and they... This is Texas. This is the state that raised me; this is the state I love. This is it right here, all sorts of people coming together to love one of our own."
"The guys who hurt you? They drove over from Louisiana," Henry says softly. Amy had texted him, offering him the opportunity to tell Alex face to face. Alex turns to stare at him for a moment, then starts to laugh a bit.
"Of course they were. Texas... Texas wouldn't do this to me. Not my Texas. No, this, right down there? That's my Texas."
Henry smiles, kissing him again and resting his head on Alex's as they look out on the crowd together. After a moment, he points to a cluster of people trying to make it through the crowd and asks, "Is that Leo? And his team?"
"I think so," Alex says, smiling. "Maybe... if the staff are okay with it, maybe we could eat out here. Have a little picnic. I don't think we'd bother anyone."
"Have your mom ask and I bet they'll let us." Alex laughs at that, and he doesn't wince after, and Henry calls that a massive win.
As Alex texts his mom and coordinates dinner, Henry adds the pictures he took to a thread with his second tweet post-shooting: "Hey y'all (did I use that right?), someone very close to me is in the hospital and feeling a bit betrayed by his hometown. Anything y'all can do about that, Austin?" It's already full of replies wishing Alex well, and sharing wonderful things that happened at Austin pride. Better yet, there are people saying they've donated to the Austin youth shelter, and they can't wait to see it open. Henry grins, closing the app and helping his boyfriend convince a nurse that, really, he'll heal faster if he can eat dinner looking out at all the support.
Later that night, when they've eaten their fill, Leo and his team unveil a mountain of get well cards and messages they'd been given on their dinner run. Alex reads them all, and he cries more than once before he eventually falls asleep covered in rainbows, glitter, and well-wishes. Henry takes another picture to add to the Twitter thread: "From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Y'all have shown us some Texas-sized love today, and I'm forever grateful."
On AO3
A quick end, though there will be an epilogue! I'm getting that worked out and it'll be up soon. I just really wanted to get some of these scenes out into the world; Alex's love for/fear of rejection from Texas is something that really resonated with me and that I loved writing about.
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misstundra · 6 years
First of all I love OMB, but like I'm gonna...
Stick up for my papi chulo Oscar "Spooky" Diaz, because I feel like y'all really just taking him for a bad guy on the whole Cesar vs. Latrelle thing but there is something you must understand. Oscar is trying to stick around for his baby brother and make sure that if anything happens to him Cesar can handle himself out in these streets. Because he is the little brother of a gang leader The Prophets are already checkin for him and Oscar knows this. That is why he is trying to make sure that Lil Spooky is prepared for anything and everything that could happen to him. I seen a lot of people saying that they were hoping Spooky took out Latrelle instead of pressuring Cesar to do it, but the fact is Oscar has two strikes against him and if he gets another he is going back to prison for life. In this case Cesar is going to have to stand up, because he is next in line to be leader if anything happens to his brother and the Santos will be looking at him for guidance (some of you will probably ask yourselves why it wasn't like that when Oscar was in jail the other two times, but that is because first of all Cesar was way too young, second of all he was only affiliated and hadn't actually been jumped into the gang, and third of all Oscar was probably constantly in contact with the gang from inside prison making sure that things got taken care of). If Oscar dies then Cesar will have to step up in that case as well, so basically what I am trying to say is that Spooky isn't a bad guy for the whole Latrelle thing. Latrelle pulling a gun on Cesar made things very real for Spooky and he realized that he was gonna have to help is brother figure out the rules of the streets. He is just trying to secure his brother's future like he said, because if Latrelle was really about that life he would've shot Cesar on sight when he pulled the gun on him the first time and because Cesar didn't shot Latrelle when he had the chance Ruby is the one with his life on the line.
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thesportssoundoff · 6 years
“Sean Shelby and Mick Maynard deserve raises and hazard pay” The UFC 230 Preview
October 30th, 2018
So dig this action, Jackson. You're the UFC. You've drawn up this card for Madison Square Garden on paper----but all of your main event concepts fall apart. Woodley/Till winner vs Covington? Surgery for the winner of that fight. Holloway? Needs more time to heal up. Cejudo vs Dillashaw? 2019. GSP? On bad terms, sorry. Whittaker is hurt so you've got no 185 lb fight which in turn means you can't roll out him vs Gastelum either. You've loaded up this card with no main event and desperation starts to sneak in. Jones vs Romero for an interim title fight? Romero is hurt and Jones can't make the weight on short notice. You come up with an acceptable-ish main event with Shevchenko vs Eubanks but nobody wants that so you gotta back off of that because fans hate WMMA main events. Eventually somehow you find a way to luck into a really good intriguing HW fight sort of kind of. DC vs Derrick Lewis is probably the best you could do on short notice and at the very least, you get to have your HW champ style on a personable dude who is coming off a massive finish. Then bad gets worse:
-If you had been a betting man, you would've bet Nate Diaz doesn't make it to the dance. Instead it's Dustin Poirier who is hurt but not hurt enough to be back in early 2019. Go figure.
-That's fine, you still got a damn good co-main event! Well...then Luke Rockhold does as he do and now you gotta find a replacement, thankfully you loaded up on those, riiiight? Well see the problem is that by remaking one fight, you have to call on a replacement for the other SO:
Derrick Lewis vs Daniel Cormier Nate Diaz vs Dustin Poirier Chris Weidman vs Luke Rockhold Ronaldo Souza vs David Branch Yoel Romero vs Paulo Costa
Derrick Lewis vs Daniel Cormier Chris Weidman vs Ronaldo Souza Jared Cannonier vs David Branch Jack Marshman vs Karl Roberson Israel Adesanya vs Derek Brunson
It's at this point that I go back to the header; Sean Shelby and Mick Maynard are underpaid. No other profession asks you to deal with this level of chaos in short order. In any other sport, injuries create excuses but these dudes are expected to reshake up cards on a moment's notice and do it with pride and joy. That's really hard. UFC 230 is the weaker of the three cards upcoming but it's not for a lack of effort. Maynard and Shelby handled some bad situations and turned out an acceptable card. Not a GREAT card but an acceptable one.
Fights: 13
Fight Changes/Injury Cancellations:8  (Valentina Shevchenko OUT, Roxanne Modaferri IN vs Sijara Eubanks/Nate Diaz vs Dustin Poirier CANCELLED/Yoel Romero vs Paulo Costa CANCELLED/Luke Rockhold OUT, Ronaldo Souza IN vs Chris Weidman/Ronaldo Souza OUT, Jared Cannonier IN vs David Branch/Ruslan Magomedov OUT, Adam Wierozcek IN vs Marcos Rogerio De Lima/Sultan Aliev OUT, Ben Saunders IN vs Lyman Good/Domingo Pilarte OUT, Motel Jackson IN vs Brian Kelleher)
Headliners (fighters who have either main evented or co-main evented shows in the UFC): 9 (Derrick Lewis, Daniel Cormier, Ronaldo Souza, Chris Weidman, Israel Adesanya, Derek Brunson, David Branch, Roxanne Modafferi, Lando Vannata)
Fighters On Losing Streaks in the UFC: 1 (Jason Knight)
Fighters On Winning Streaks in the UFC: 3 (Daniel Cormier, Derrick Lewis, Israel Adesanya)
Main Card Record Since Jan 1st 2016 (in the UFC): 31-15
Daniel Cormier- 4-0 (1 NC) Derrick Lewis- 8-1 Chris Weidman- 1-2 Ronaldo Souza- 3-2 David Branch- 2-1 Jared Cannonier- 3-3 Karl Roberson- 1-1 Jack Marshman- 2-2 Israel Adesanya- 3-0 Derek Brunson- 4-3
Divisional Breakdown:
Middleweight- 4 Featherweight- 3 Heavyweight- 2 Welterweight- 1 Bantamweight- 1 Women's flyweight- 1 Lightweight- 1
Too Low- Julio Arce vs Sheymon Moraes
There are two fantastic featherweight fights on this card. The one I didn't choose was Shane Burgos vS Kurt Holobaugh; two strikers of various styles which normally make for a big money action fight. That and I'd like to see how Burgos responds to the challenge of his first loss in a high profile spot. Gimme Moraes vs Arce though; two tremendous strikers with Arce having a bit more versatility to his game. Moraes is an ascending talent at 145 lbs while Arce is on a crazy hot streak right now. That's the fight to make on the main card in my eyes especially if you have plans to do more South American cards.
Too High Up- Karl Roberson  vs Jack Marshman
So I like Karl Roberson and I kinda get what the UFC sees in him. They see an ascending talent at a division that's beginning to grow some legs and teeth currently. I get it even if I don't really agree with it given the weaknesses Roberson showed in his pro loss. He vs Marshman on paper is an intriguing battle of strikers since Marshman will throw hands with Roberson who should sign in that sort of a capacity. The UFC might've rushed Roberson vs Cezar Mutante BUT I get what the hope was. They were aiming for something and missed which happens sometimes. Having said that, this being on a main card feels like a waste. Make it your prelim headliner or do whatever you want with it but this fight as a main card fight? Definitely not easing Roberson in after a rough loss.
Stat Monitor for 2018:
Debuting Fighters (Current number: 27-35-1):  
Short Notice Fighters (Current number: 27-20):  Adam Weiczorek, Roxane Modafferi, Montel Jackson, Jared Cannonier, Ben Saunders
Second Fight (Current number: 35-27): Matt Frevola, Montel Jackson, Sijara Eubanks, Kurt Holobaugh
Cage Corrosion (Current number: 19-34):  Chris Weidman, Jack Marshman, Lyman Good, Marcos Rogerio De Lima
Undefeated Fighters (Current number: 29-21-1): Israel Adesanya
Keeping An Eye On But Not Really:
The UFC Win Check Test The records of fighters who have 4 or more UFC fights (or three full calendar years in the organization) but 0 wins against people still in the UFC:  Marcos Rogerio De Lima
Ponderings are inside, y’all.
Twelve Precarious Ponderings
1- Don't overthink this main event. It's going to be fun.
2- Can Cormier avoid chaos? MMA is all about chaos. The short notice dude pulling off the upset, the weight cut snafu, the PED testing alarm. Can Cormier avoid the fact that Derrick Lewis well and truly has a few weapons to beat you with but he seems to use said weapon insanely well? Lewis has won 9 of his last 10 fights and a portion of those were late round stoppages where he SHOULD be falling apart but just kind of finds a way to survive until you  dip yourself into a fuck up and get finished. Is Cormier SO good that even he can avoid the chaos?
3- If Daniel Cormier lifts and slams Derrick Lewis, I think we're all going to lose our shit.
4- Chris Weidman and Jacare Souza may be old and broken down but let's be entirely fair at the same time here. Weidman is still a tremendous fighter even as a more beat up version of what he used to be. It was barely over a year ago that he beat Kelvin Gastelum to pretty much save his career and we all know how good KG is. Similarly Jacare gave Gastelum fits at times in their fight and it could be argued that Jacare's more complete now as a fighter than he ever was---unfortunately becoming more complete at a time where he's just naturally eroding due to age. Jacare's only REALLY been soundly ran over once and that was by Robert Whittaker. Chris Weidman, even in his current form, is still really good. This is one of those rare fights where old and broken down is right----but "still really good is also right." What's more, I'm most excited to see the grappling exchanges between these two which could be a gas however long it lasts.
5- Chris Weidman is talking like he's going to get a title shot if he wins. Y'all up for that?
6- Jared Cannonier going down to 185 lbs just SEEMS like a risky proposition. Cannonier could probably continue to exist at 205 lbs as a weirdly solid kinda decent kinda bad LHW who just never gets cut because he can always beat SOMEBODY but the drop to 185 lbs just feels like going from the old and bad division to the old and still pretty good division. Risky.
7- Did ANY fighter see his career turn around at such a dramatic rate the way poor Jason Knight's did? Knight went from being a really exciting up and coming prospect to start 2017 to coming off three losses. Losing to Ricardo Lamas is no shame (but also losing to Lamas if you're a prospect feels like you can't jump over an important hurdle at 145 lbs) but he didn't even show up vs Moggly Benitez. Now part of that is due to how damn solid Moggly Benitez is but everything about Knight seemed off that night. Against Makwan Amirkhani, I thought he performed a lot better but still fought like a dude who is either at war with what he thinks he is as a fighter or out of touch with the skills and abilities he actually has.  The fact that Knight fights anybody and is the rare "scrapper with genuine skills" makes him a guy who will stick around as long as he wishes but you get the feeling he vs Jordan Rinaldi is a way to reset Jason Knight's stock a bit.
8- The last time a UFC card had this many lightweights on it? UFC 155 in 2012. Want a gander at how quickly the quality of 185 seemed to jump up? The middleweight fights on THAT card were Tim Boetsch vs Costa Philippou, Alan Belcher vs Yushin Okami and Chris Leben vs Derek Brunson on short notice. Comp that to the what we're getting here and the only fight below the quality of those three combined is the Marshman-Roberson fight. This division HAS improved even if we still poke fun at it.
9- Israel Adesanya vs Robert Whittaker feels like the sort of fight the UFC thinks will sell big in Australia----only to come back and be like "I guess not" in reality.
10- There are three featherweights on this show and we sort of hit up Knight/Rinaldi but the other two ones are the REAL dandies. Shane Burgos was racking up wins all over the place and then he ran into Calvin Kattar. What's interesting is Burgos made a lot of very intriguing key adjustments in that fight to at least give himself a sporting chance vs Kattar. I had it tied up going into the third before a perfect Kattar read and one of the best uppercuts you'll ever see ended the fight for him. Burgos has been gone a LONG time but I'm still hopeful and optimistic on his upside. He gets probably the perfect opponent in Kurt Holobaugh who is a solid all around 145er who Burgos should be able to beat while also getting tested. If he struggles, we'll open our eyes and have to reassess him. On the other hand also on the card is a genuinely stupendous battle between Sheymon Moraes and Julio Arce. It's pretty crazy to think the UFC didn't think Arce was worth a deal right out of the Contender Series but an injury opened the door for Arce to get in and thus far he's been great; bullying Dan Ige and finishing Daniel Teymur in 2018. Moraes was one of WSOF's more enjoyable fighters to watch and after getting steamrolled by Zhabit, he bounced back to take a decision win over Matt Sayles. On the feet, this should be great and this is one of those fights at 145 lbs where it's such a shark tank that even when you want to avoid running two prospects against one another, it just inevitably has to happen. This is IMO talent wise one of the best fights of the night.
11- Cage Corrosion has been a fun study thus far and so I'd like to point out that cage corrosion eligible fighters are 3-7 in their last 10 bouts. After a September where they went 3-1, October brought a six fight losing streak. November starts off with a really good fighter in Chris Weidman but also has some questionable dudes like Jack Marshman and Pezao. Gonna be interesting to see how the picture shakes out there.
12- What is the appropriate buyrate for this one? DC's lowest is vs Gus at around 250K and his highest are obviously the Jones fights (725K and 850K). As a solo act outside of those guys, he's a comfortable-ish mid to high 300K range dude. Does Lewis help him hit that mark again? What's more, is the fact that there's even a SHOW at this point considered a win?
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13unknownmind · 6 years
The Arrowverse is back Arrow S7E3
Aight yes y'all we are back with Arrow... I was supposed to get this up yesterday along with legends but I had a family day instead and I am happy I did. I did however have the opportunity to get my notes down and am fully prepared so let's get to it.
In mate 4587 we gonna talk about this dude.
"I know everything there is to know about Diaz and the Longbow Hunters." Felicity has been #obsessed she wants her husband back and her son to be able to come home and I can't blame her.
Side note: I say this allot but The League of Assassins was even afraid of the Longbow Hunters.
"it was his choice to put on that hood and it was his choice to turn himself in." Amanda Watson, saying this is just her way to direct the blame to Oliver.
"you probably don't even have a liver... Just muscle." this was in my opinion one of the dumbest things said on this show but little dude is the FNG so it's whatever can't be mad.
Just a little thing from last episode when Oliver got that dude removed from slabside he got the last and only clean guard removed from the place... So now we got bigger problems.
I really want to know who this "Demon" is cause he sounds bad but I don't think he is honestly... He could be something Oliver knows personal and this could he easy for real.
Oh my gosh the diggles I love this family and the way they are together, I have finally gotten to see them all together Lyla, John and J.J.
Now this was one of my personal favorite moments from this episode.
Lyla - "It'll be like a second honeymoon." Aww
John - "yay with Curtis." Sarcasm lol
Lyla - "well Deadshot and Cupid came with us on our first." This line was well delivered.
John - "no that is not our first honeymoon. Our first honeymoon was in Hawaii Remember? The Hammocks by the beach." That sounds great.
Lyla - "Hawaii was nice." She said that with such a happy smile.
John - "Hawaii was really nice." He probably remembers that time vividly.
That was a great interaction, the moment was great.
Now this is right after that just finishing the part of that moment when they are talking about "love on the front lines" if you will.
Lyla - "we make a good team."
John - "we make the best team."
This was great and I am loving the diggles more and more. J.J. has grown so much over the time he has been on the show and the Diggle family has grown as a unit of characters, it's great.
I am so sappy lol but married couple moments like that are just adorable.
All right fast forward a little bit now we are in the Europe with the team on a mission. John and Lyla are trying to bust a bank and they brought Curtis lol and this dude right before they close the van door.
"can you get me a free toaster?" ...Good job Curtis *drops head and shakes it dramatically back and forth*
Felicity Smoak the best hacker in the world fixes a way to defeat Diaz and it... almost succeeds. If Oliver was there I can tell you it would have succeeded. But sense it's to get him out of prison that's not a thing.
Aight little dude internal monologue is meant to be just that. I don't know why he's steady talkin' but again FNG lol
I also just wanted to point out that Oliver is ambushed by three dudes and whoops all three of them by himself after having been stabbed by himself.
"you don't summon the demon, the demon summons you." This is sounding almost like a cartelish situation.
"the only way to the demon is through brick, there's a system that's how this place works." "Well looks like I'm going to force brick to make good on his deal." This was good, you can see Oliver is done and ready to get this BS over with.
Amanda Watson FBI agent lady working with the Overwatch.
The team comes in the traps fully set let's see how this goes.
Amanda - "you thought about getting to Cyber Security... Legally?"
Felicity - "I haven't done legally in a very long time."
This part was great cause this is a vigilante and an FBI agent lol
See the system sucks but it is the way it is so all can be treated fairly... Except good people and the bad folk don't get what they deserve.
Now back over to Digs team.
Curtis - "sometimes secrets are good in a marriage you know keeps the spice alive... actually don't quote me on that I'm actually divorced. what are you going to do?" Well done Curtis well done.
Then when Diaz and the Hunters are walking in and through the lad "so inhumane." This coming from a long bow hunter... #Millennial serial killer moment lol
And we also have this jem-
Felicity - "Frac... fracFracFRAC!"
Renee - "better sounds Felicity."
There shortly after we get this which is another of my favorite moments in this episode.
Felicity - "How about I saved the details of acoustic injection cyber-attacks for post Mission happy hour." I loved this so much cause you got the intelligence shining through one of the most smart alec remarks to be on this show yet.
I'm really loving the silencer vs. Canary and Siren battles being a reoccurring thing.
Another side thing: Does anyone actually have a ship name for Dinah and Laurel??? Please let me know, 'cause that is a ship I am on.
Felicity - "I can't hack it but I can track it." Go on girl with your bad self and your rhymes lol #bars
I'm very curious Okay so let's retrace our steps to when they're walking into the actual lab one of the two Hunters that is with Diaz makes a comment about what her darts could do with the stuff in the lap the different chemicals and compounds and I'm over here like girl you're a Longbow Hunter take whatever you want. Are they not known for being the best of the best and doing whatever it takes to get there I'm just saying I'm a little confused on that one.
Going to the next part here we can't get the doors closed and Felicity is trying everything... Watson ready to give her life up... Is that just part of her job 'cause she was ready.
Clearly from what we can all see hear Dinah and Laurel are setup to defeat the silencer together 'cause you know #PowerCouple this is gonna be fun.
Aight Watson I know you've done lot of stuff, probably been on quite a few missions as well but did you really think pulling the FBI thing would work on Diaz and THE LONGBOW HUNTERS???
Another thing and this is just something that I'd like to point out to the masses... The Longbow Hunters are amazing okay I love them I love the characters and I love the concept... That being said they are going 1v1 against team arrow and hardly holding their own like for real give it another 5 minutes and Diaz not intervening and the Longbow Hunters would have been whooped.
"on a scale from 1-unemployment" lol that was good thank you Felicity.
Meanwhile back at slabside
"if I don't try to kill you" meaning he knows that he's not and would not be able to kill Oliver.
Turns out dude might not be the worst guy in the world I mean he did save Lyla.
And over to Europe again we go.
Lyla all she's trying to do is keep Dig and J.J. safe and keep dig out of what he doesn't want to be in.
All right now we're getting to my favorite part of the episode overall...
THE FIGHT! Sampson vs The Green Arrow... Begin lol (if you know what I just referenced congrats your old as well.)
Yo my boy Oliver here took a bit of a disadvantage at the beginning cuz Samson tackled him when he wasn't looking. in all actuality it's all good because after a couple blows to the Torso and one hit to the Head you can clearly see Oliver's done so he comes back with a tackle of his own after looking at his freshly reopened stab wound and starts going whatever it is that is beyond H.A.M. and we can clearly see he is not letting up. one busted arm and probably a busted a hand later all of her flies up to the balcony to deal with brick. Brick thinks that Oliver can't be a worst of the worst guy huh... Ok well as soon as Oliver proves him wrong he gestures with a little unspoken "well played" and Oliver is carted off to his cell by the guards.
Now moving back over to Europe we come back in on the lovers dispute if you will... If that's even called the dispute.
John - "Lyla I'm sorry, I was wrong." Man first we see dig remember the first honeymoon good job, now we're hearin' this man apologize and fully admit to being at fault. Ladies and gentlemen this is a man who has marriage down to a tee. From what I understand that's how a marriage works one of you has to realize that you need to apologize and one of you needs to realize and admit that you were wrong if you actually got in a fight with your spouse. This is a beautiful thing for real.
I also now we moving back over to Felicity and Renee's team in Star City...
Food City in Renee captured silencer (exactly what I figured would happen.) And I assume are going to interrogate... Apparently her name or call sign is Honor.
And now we cut two Diaz who has been po'd for a while, I really cannot blame him you know being siren screamed off of roof and having his bones shattered on the water's surface... He was already a sociopath and now it's even worse greeaaaaat. Oh and now he has super strength¿ We going to see what happens next.
Again back at slabside
Now that Oliver is headed to level 2 we're probably going to see one how he gets out and definitely going to see two who this Demon is... I'm figuring it's somebody Oliver knows from his past and they going to figure out something... I don't know what but something big is probably going to happen.
Now I can only assume like I said that we're going to see an interrogation next episode with Honor/Silencer so that's going to be fun and probably a really angry Dinah... I hope to also see more Diner and Laurel interaction cause we all know that anything to do with the silencer seems to have Dinah or Laurel involved.
(if you couldn't tell I am shipping them so hard)
Now what I always love doing is giving my final thoughts so... Let's do it.
Is Oliver going to stay in prison for the majority of the season and make his way out around crossover time?
I honestly think the demon might be connected to the bratva somehow.
What is Diaz going to do now that he has that strength?
Are they going to make Diaz overpowered enough that he can take on all three Longbow Hunters at once because they're like insubordinate or something and try to overthrow in but he ends up whooping them or whatever?
I have a feeling it's going to be Renee Faison one-on-one against the only dude Longbow Hunter...I want to know what that Shield is what's going on with that cuz there's more than just a shield going on. Yes I'm a nerd get over it.
Will silencer squeal? How are they going to interrogate her/get the information they need?
Please tell me it's not just me shipping Dinah and Laurel.
Who all is in level 2 of slabside cuz I know we're probably going to see some baddies from the last six seasons.
Is it just fictional shows or are all prison guards dirty?
I am so stoked for the rest of this season because I am loving this, they've brought it back from where it was and at really getting Arrow back on track.
Aight y'all so I guess that's it I've got some other stuff to say but nothing that I think is worth the time so if y'all like this please let me know I would love to hear your thoughts if you've read all the way to this point you are awesome and if you haven't you're still awesome I will be working on Legends tonight and probably posting it tomorrow because schedule and life so be looking out for that it will be out before the next episode of Supergirl so will Flash because I have a lot to say about Legends and Flash but anyway as always I hope you all are well feel free to fill me in on any thoughts you have and any information about the shows that I am avoiding or ignoring or whatever it seems that I'm doing. I do apologize for not keeping up on real life stuff but I'm too lazy lol if you did enjoy this like I said let me know like it whatever and check out my other posts under the tag [ #my thought on the arrowverse ] also as always y'all God bless stay chilling and I will catch you on the flippity flop. ✌️
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unintentionalgenius · 3 years
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#once again i am reminding ryan murphy et al that this show doesn't have to be so tight that we never get time to experience emotions
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Actually Tim has said that Eddie Díaz was written because of Ryan Guzmán, he did an audition for a Fox show and he decided not to take the opportunity because he didn’t like it. But 911 saw his tape and decided to literally create Eddie as an image of Ryan, which is why he has the same ethnicity and background.
oh WOW so like. it is SUPER because of ryan. male television writers really will just have a crush on an attractive man and go to any lengths to get them on their show, huh.
(ty anon!)
11 notes • Posted 2021-09-05 05:25:05 GMT
Ok beloveds I have a confession
I have never seen s1 of 911
I’m about to start the first episode right now
11 notes • Posted 2021-09-06 03:03:06 GMT
my brother had a very bad leg break. of course no where near the extreme of a truck crushing him, but a bad open fracture to both his tibia and fibula. he has and will continue to have chronic pain from it all his life. when he over does it, he limps. its sore when it rains. i want to see those moments with buck.
oh wow! I am so sorry that happened to him; even if it wasn't as bad it's still so traumatic and that must have been (and probably remains, on some level) really hard.
But I totally agree, there's no way he's just - fine. Even in as temperate a climate as LA, that doesn't just go away. Also I would love to see representations of chronic pain onscreen! In a character we already love and have already invested in. My biggest "tim et al. meet me in the parking lot" grudge is how they tend to only remember the horrifically traumatic things they do to their characters when it's convenient.
16 notes • Posted 2021-09-05 03:40:37 GMT
y'all I am worried about maddie like she's a personal friend. i was just washing dishes thinking "where is she gonna go? is she gonna be ok? does she have a plan? she can't quit most of those meds cold turkey I hope she's thinking about that..." i'm CONCERNED
21 notes • Posted 2021-10-06 18:27:14 GMT
you are 100% right about the tattoos
i think oliver has one on his wrist that does does get covered but im not totally sure
ahhh I love when I'm mostly right
also would LOVE to know what oliver has on his wrist that is so ooc they covered it and not Ryan's v aggressive fancy script down one whole arm lol
though actually as i think about it I can TOTALLY talk myself into the v big fancy script being in character (I can talk myself into most things lbr) bc it says something I recall as being realistic for Eddie to have tattooed on his body (there's a really good screenshot of it from some point where he's chilling in the truck with his arm laying along the window but I can't find it because tumblr is trash for searching)
on a separate note I am always STUNNED by actors who have the number of tattoos someone like oliver has, bc when I was coming up (maybe because I did theatre rather than film?) it was absolutely drummed into anyone who wanted to be a performer that you just absolutely did not get tattoos and if you did, you got them in places they wouldn't show very often, and you got really good at covering them for auditions and stuff but in general it was super frowned upon
and yet here comes oliver with?? maybe like 8 or 10 distinct tattoos? many in very visible places? our acting teachers would NEVER have let us get away with that lol
28 notes • Posted 2021-09-04 23:59:50 GMT
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vagrantblvrd · 7 years
@miss-ingno asked for “Trevor pickpockets some fancy suit guy and ends up in a police lineup but the target picks Alfredo (who is all "aw man, but i didn't do anything, this is racist, y'all") so now Trevor has to figure out how to bail Alfredo out”
Set before Trevor joins the Fake AH Crew because reasons.
Like, Trevor doesn't even do it on purpose, right? It's just reflex see irresistible target, do thing, ???, profit.
Only this guy turns out to be someone important and oh would you look at that? The cops are here.
So Trevor runs, does some parkour (whispering it to himself as he vaults over exhaust vents and ducks someone's clothing line. Makes the (still terrifying) leap from rooftop to rooftop, because Jeremy's a bad influence and this shouldn't be as fun as it is, but eh, why not, right?
But then he runs out of luck, hits a dead end the this guy must really be important because the cops are still on his tail. Rough him up a bit getting him into the squad car and down to the station but not as much as they clearly want to because Trevor managed to draw a bit of an audience with his last few stunts.
People recording things on their phones to put up on social media later probably, maybe sell to the news networks if someone's interested, whatever.
Trevor makes sure to blow a kiss to his adoring fans – or as close to one as he can as he gets carted away.
Doesn't really expect the lineup, but maybe they're going by the book or something today, who knows. He's a little offended at the people they've pulled in for the lineup, ugly bastards for the most part – and then he ears a familiar voice.
Protesting his innocence and demanding his lawyer all in one breath and he can't help the faint smile when a uniformed police officer all but drags Alfredo into the room. Looks a little mussed up but not in distress, which is nice.
They're not friends so much as acquaintances, people who tend to run in the same circles a lot of the time.
And, look, Trevor and Alfred have a running joke going about them being brothers, twins, but anyone wit two brain cells to rub together would know it for the lie it is. (Should, but no, no, because everyone in Los Santos is either an idiot or insane, and in special circumstances both.)
They can't see the oh-so-important be-suited man through the glass, but Trevor's been in this position enough times to know how this works. Waits to be called to step forward and put through his paces, so to speak – but that never happens, no.
Alfredo's the one to get called up, throwing a quick look to Trevor as he does -
And suddenly it's Alfredo being asked to turn to his right, his left, sketch a little bow with a flourish because Trevor had been feeling playful earlier. Made a mistake because he made an impression on Mr. Suit.
Only the man's too stupid to have notice one very important detail – Trevor happens to be very, very white. Incredibly so, really. (Blindingly so, as Alfredo's said in the past, shit eating grin on his face.)
And Alfredo must realize what's going on, if the next look he sends to Trevor is any indication. Something along the lines of What the fuck did you do you to this guy?
Trevor listens to Alfredo's  “Aw man, but i didn't do anything, this is racist, y'all!” as he's pulled from the room, attention on Mr Suit who is inexplicably staring right at him, eyebrow raised as if asking Trevor what his next move is, which, rude.
As soon as Trevor's released or what have you he does some Very Serious Thinking.
Because Mr. Suit with the nice, expensive watch and lovely fitted suit and...it was a set up? 
It was a set up.
Cue montage in which Trevor goes looking for information on Mr. Suit, visits informants and such. Calls in favors and chats with some of Alfredo's little friends.
Gets into a scrape or two that he get out of with fast talking and charm (careful application of the gun he carries when that's not enough, maybe shows what he can do with a knife when properly motivated, not just a pretty face, Trevor).
He takes all the bits of information he's gathered and pieces it all together. Ends up cornering Jeremy, all smiles and “Oh, fancy meeting you here! In this dark alley and all!”
Jeremy has no idea what's going on, but as Trevor explains, describes Mr. Suit -
“Oh, goddamn it,” he mutters, hand rubbing at is eyes, looking very much the image of an exhausted man. “It was the Vagabond.”
Trevor -
“The Vagabond,” Jeremy says, looking over his shoulder as though that's going to conjure the man up. “He said Geoff had him working on a job.”
Trevor stares at Jeremy, who squints up at him, like this is all Trevor's fault.
“The hell did you do?”
Okay, that's twice now people have accused Trevor of being to blame for this whole mess – and while that may be technically true -
“Nothing? Probably?”
And then Jeremy brings Trevor back to the penthouse where Ryan in his Very Nice Suit is waiting with Geoff, and Alfredo?
Ryan and Geoff are indeed Very Smug, Alfred is just Confused with a healthy bit of Annoyed.
And then Geoff starts talking, says he's been looking for a way to talk to Trevor for some time now. Has heard about his exploits around the city, things Jeremy's mentioned here and there that got him all interested, but Trevor.
Trevor's a hard man to find. Slippery little bastard who takes a lot of risks for someone in his position, and somehow always comes out of things on top? Fair amount of enemies – rare not to have those in this city – but even more allies. People who like him, trust him for what it's worth – and that's useful.
So -
“I have a phone,” Trevor says, glancing at Alfredo who's just been sitting and watching things quietly. “Jeremy knows my number. This all seems a bit...overkill?”
Geoff laughing and Ryan looking a bit exasperated because that's pretty much the Fake AH Crew's MO?
Trevor telling them he'll think about their offer, grabs Alfredo and gets the hell out.
Hides out for a day or two even though he knows it's pointless by now. And then heads to the penthouse.
Ignores the little smirk on the Vagabond's face when he lets him in. The apologetic look Jeremy gives him and sits down across from Geoff and that desk of his.
They just look at each other for a long moment, and then Trevor rolls his eyes.
“I have conditions,” he says, thinking of people like Alfredo who get pulled into these little games the Fakes play sometimes.
Small fry to the Fakes, sure, but Trevor's used to thinking of him as one of his, and so -
Geoff smiles, “Thought you might,” he says, and they send almost an hour hashing out some for of arrangement for Trevor joining the crew.
Part of the deal is Alfredo working with the crew as well, which is great because they’ve been trying to get him on board for a while not too? But dear God the look on people's faces when Trevor and Alfredo meet with them and the two of them insist they're twins.
Or the thing where Alfredo pretends to be Trevor and vice versa when one or the other is unavailable and no one in the Fake AH Crew bats an eye over any of it. Act like the people giving them odd looks are the crazy ones, clearly that's Trevor and not the Diaz kid and vice versa, are you stupid?
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spotlightsaga · 7 years
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Kevin Cage of @spotlightsaga reviews... Orange is the New Black (S05E06) Flaming Hot Cheetos Airdate: June 9, 2017 @oitnb Ratings: @netflix original Score: 8.75/10 **********SPOILERS BELOW********** How fitting that the episode we finally get a glimpse of the woman who left us all in emotional turmoil at the end of S4, is actually written by the wife and longtime partner of Samira Wiley (we love you Poussey Washington!), the incredibly talented, Lauren Morelli. In our last review of OITNB5, we focused a lot on perspective... When it comes to the loss and grieving of the very character that inspired the women of Litchfield Prison to take control of their prison, who better to give us a perspective as to the woman who is literally married to her in real life! Just thinking about life without my significant other sends complete and total perplexing, dramatic psychological turmoil surging through my entire being. No way. But if someone had to write what it would be like to move towards a place where moving on, and simultaneously holding on & letting go of even the character my significant other was playing... I guess the best person for the job would be me. There's a bit of added emotion that I've talked about being missing before, turning this episode from great to one helluva good time! 'Flaming Hot Cheetos, Literally' gives us more than just Soso & Taystee coming to terms with the loss of Poussey, though admittedly these two have had the most dramatically effective storyline in S5. We also get to see how the riot is changing the prison... Not just Litchfield, but the world of Litchfield and everyone's own little world that makes up the sum of its parts. It's easy to laugh when Big Boo (Lea DeLaria) comes in dressed to the nines, playing her 'Law & Order' theme music, claiming 'due process', and telling '2007 Britney Spears on Steroids' Helen (Francesca Curran) to 'best step out of her way' so she can talk to Pensatucky (Taryn Manning)... But the outcome is way more revealing of the heart and human side of these inmates. You see, these inmates who now have control have all been moved aside and dropped into a system where they are lost in privatized, overcrowded prisons... For the most part they may gravitate towards self-segregation, but they all have very key things in common. Boo plays her role well, pushing the women to 'be better than they are'... And she's right. You get locked up in a cage for so long and you start feeling like the animals that you are being treated as... But all these people are human beings and long prison sentences have proven not to work. So what does Boo suggest? A little bit of what my fellow TVTime'r and friend precisely called out as 'Restorative Justice'. In the whole process we get a bit more of the incredibly natural dynamic between Doggett and Boo. They are an incredible force together. The entire scene where Boo is counseling and directing Pensatucky as to how she needs to act, what she needs to say and do... Its just magic. Doggett responds so naturally, rattling off a story about how her mom used to coach her in case of getting caught shoplifting. It's these little scenes that continue to grow these original characters that really stick with me. Same with Soso (Kimiko Glenn) and Janae, the very unlikely duo. They are both grieving and instead of carrying that chip on her shoulder, Janae has a rare moment with Soso where she leaves her heart on her sleeve. I tear up just thinking about it. Janae has seen and felt so much prejudice and racial injustice... And the fact that she's so intelligent sometimes works against her. It's like being too smart for your own good. But with the prison now a barbed wired, locked down 'land of the free', Janae can parallel her feelings towards her racial injustices to her feelings about simply losing a friend... And let go, while still holding on to what makes her, her. Janae has always been a favorite of mine and while she's done questionable things, as we all have, it's easy to understand why. Deep down Janae is exploding with love, she has so much to give, but her intellect and her principles hold her back from sharing that love with all of those around her... That and of course the fact that she's in prison and must keep a certain air about her. With Taystee & Soso and now Boo & Doggett really stealing the show, it's nice to see Janae snag that spotlight because Vicky Jeudy deserves it... She gives so many dimensions to Janae that sometimes I think the writers don't even realize that the character has, that you simply can't ignore her. You can't ignore her plight. Janae is simply such a beautiful character, etched in pain, achievements, and a massive leap where she almost was able to grab the stars... Almost. As you know, 'almost doesn't count'. Speaking of not being able to ignore... Nita Reddy (Gita Reddy, isn't that funny?) has been tasked to help quell the riot. Unfortunately she's only meeting a few of the demands, the shallow ones, the 'Takis' and the 'Flaming Hot Cheetos', and one very necessary one (just not in the big picture), tampons! At first it feels like a win for Taystee and her 'Heads of Litchfield State' but after a phone call with a pushy Nita later on, it's clear that the rest of the demands aren't being taken seriously. Taystee is the last person in Litchfield who should be taken with a grain of salt. She has no ties to the outside, and her flashback gives us an in depth look at why she ended up wrapped tight in Vee's clutches. I've never met my biological father, but I often think about how it would go. Wonder if I'll ever even get an email or call... I think maybe there's a huge part of me that just wants to know that he acknowledges me. Taystee' story shows how that could all go horribly wrong when she is young and ready to be embraced by her real mother, who ends up having second thoughts because she has already started another life with another family. This killed me... I'm rewatching the scene now and I'm completely teared up. My biological father has since moved on from whatever the circumstances were surrounding my birth as my mother was a very young teenager, as was he. He has another son and a daughter. I wonder if they know who I am, I doubt it. In my head, this is more close to reality. There's a great shame in Taystee's mother's soul... She can't bring herself to overcome it and it crushes Taystee. Mia Jefferson (Tiffany Mann) plays this character right, there's a lot of us out there who never have met one or more of our birth parents. The first thing Taystee asks is 'Why didn't you want me?' The first thing I would ask is, 'Why have waited so long to reach out?' Taystee's situation is more difficult than mine, she has no one. I had a mother who beat incredible odds at a young age and a step-father who earned the title of 'Dad'. Still, there will always be a void until that man says something to me, and if he's too afraid to say something or complacent enough in his own life to never reach out, then I'll die with that void... But that will be on him, and I hope it weighs heavy. Little does he probably know that I am one of the most understanding and forgiving people in this world... And that's because I have people to fall back on. It breaks my heart that Taystee doesn't. I understand it, but to know this pain and imagine it multiplied wrecks me, truly. Andrew McCarthy seems to be given the most chaotic episodes. There is so much happening here... The Litchfield Trial of Tiffany Doggett, the arrival and subsequent removal of Hot Cheetos & Takis, Taystee's backstory with her biological mother, Janae & Soso running their pain away together, Lorna (Yael Stone) & Nicky (Natasha Lyons) finally giving in to sexual tensions and then facing the repercussions, Aleida Diaz (Elizabeth Rodriguez) being rushed into prime time news to give her exclusive take on Litchfield and being taken advantage of by a shady producer (Megumi Haggerty), Bayley (Alan Aisenberg) considering suicide because no one will listen to him or arrest the upper-middle class white boy who's in a 'bad place', Piper leaving Alex's backyard sit-in to take a stand, Freida leading all the 'elders' to her giant survivalist utopia, as well as Taystee meeting Poussey for the first time in the library that was always very close to her heart... And let's not forget the 'blaze of glory' finale where our fan favorites and 'Woke' Litchfield Leaders burn those mother fucking Flaming Hot Cheetos and Takis to the ground! Cindy starts the party... 'Flamin Cheetos, y'all!' Janae keeps the energy going, 'Yo, T... Tell this woman what we want!' Taystee plays off her hype women, 'We want to be mother fucking taken serious!' Chaos reigns supreme here, but McCarthy is masterful at balancing it all out. Who knew... Right? Oh wait, we all did! That's why McCarthy is given the tough ones!
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