poohbea · 2 years
so I binged one-punch man… now my phone is filled with panels 😭 but anyway look at my baby:
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newtsnaturethings · 11 months
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Hear me out:
I think Zelda should have kept a couple of dragon traits. Just a few.
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adrastea-moon · 5 months
love that fabian and riz were originally designed to be the quintessential preppy jock and outcast nerd stereotypes, but with each new season riz is more of a cool guy while fabian becomes increasingly lamer <3
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egophiliac · 7 months
this started as a reply to someone (a million years ago) (I am so sorry) and then very quickly got out of control, as these things do. so...uhhh....here's everyone else at Playful Land!
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thebluemallet · 7 days
Portia may not have always been the best mother, but she was the only one who noticed and brought attention to the fact that Penelope wrote terrible things about herself in Whistledown once she learned the truth.
Someone should write a fic where that is brought to Colin and Eloise's attention by someone else and they both have that "oh shit!" moment.
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rainbowtransform · 1 month
I want to make something super clear: all of Brennan Lee Mulligan’s battles are to the death. It is kill, or be killed and that extends to the Rat Grinders.
I like them just as much as the next person but I knew they’d die. They’re amazing antagonists and it’s great that we like them but this is their fate. They were doomed the minute they chose Porter, and yes they chose him and to come back.
Lucy didn’t. It was painful but she didn’t.
The others did. They were doomed by the narrative the moment they got the mark on themselves.
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How are we all doing, I’m losing my mode after this finale. The opening and ending has me gagged.
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theluckiestlb · 1 year
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girl...WHEN??? WHERE????
what are you talking about???? when you kept him isolated for 14 years??? when you robbed him of bodily autonomy???? when you exposed him to his mother's corpse to akumatize him, TWICE????
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wait, wait—OH you mean when he was terrified for his life, literally begging you to stop after you beat him up. my bad.
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no? OH, you mean when you forced him to leave the country and the love of his life.
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vanwizard · 2 years
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okay i will admit i enjoyed these three in the like. one scene they were actually all on screen together.
sofia voice shut up and get the fuck out goncharov, i’m gonna fuck your wife now.
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willosword · 5 months
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hah i like how they both got a shot at the condescending cheek pinch
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kneelb4kesha · 1 year
also i'm like. Obsessed with jeff's whole thing. he's so fucking boring. he owns a furniture store. he was homecoming king. he has vanilla fantasies. he married his high school girlfriend's bff whom he slept with on the side. he keeps himself in top physical shape. he's having an affair--except, no, he's actually just in debt and blackmailed the yellowjackets so he could keep shauna living a comfortable life because he loves her, and oh yeah, the stuff he's using for blackmail? it's shauna's firsthand account of all the truly fucked up shit she did in the wilderness. he's known forever. he doesn't care! he loves his wife! she had an affair and murdered the guy, he doesn't care! he'll go to prison for her! he'll burn the evidence! shut the fuck up, jackie's parents! his wife is so smart and cool! he chooses her over the glorified memory of your dead daughter any day! it's shauna appreciation 24/7/365 baby! he literally just wants to provide for and look hot for his wife & make her happy. the really insane thing is he can't. of course he can't. he's just jeff, he's boring, he's not of the wilderness, he's completely irrelevant. he's not jackie. can't wait to see whatever fucked up thing shauna does next and how jeff is like yes ma'am about it
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yrsonpurpose · 12 days
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You and me probably end up going for all the same parts together.
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cerebrobullet · 18 days
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Cinematic parallels
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lucabyte · 2 months
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"So what's the weirdest possible first (second) impression Loop could make on the party in postcanon?" "Yeah, that, probably."
+ Bonus
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theyre just standing there in direct party order while this happens. normal tuesday.
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egophiliac · 10 months
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this is all I can muster right now, too busy having my brain absolutely melted by the September schedule, what is happening
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aquitainequeen · 25 days
Here I am, hours later, still crying about Furiosa and Praetorian Jack. George Miller, Nico Lathouris, Anya Taylor-Joy and Tom Burke are geniuses. They completely sold me on just how much these characters loved each other.
Furiosa coming out of a nightmare, wielding a knife, to be caught by Jack. He doesn’t say it’s all right or that she’s safe, she doesn’t say it was just a bad dream. They don’t say anything. Jack eases her back down to her cot and they settle down, aware of each other.
Jack stitching up Furiosa’s shoulder in a hidden spot in the Citadel, Furiosa showing Jack the peach seed that she’s kept hidden in her hair for so long, proving that the Green Place is out there, asking him to come with her, pressing her forehead to his while cupping the back of his head, showing him her love in the manner of her people, and him returning the gesture. After fifteen years, she’s finally going home, and he’s coming with her.
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And then...
Spoilers beyond here!!!
And then:
The battle of the Bullet Farm, which is where the strength and force of their love really started to batter me. Furiosa manages to avoid the ambush and get out of the Farm before the gate closes, and Jack could easily have slipped through the gate to join her, but he sees the enemy forces mustering and knows they’ll quickly be hunted down if there's nothing to stop their pursuers. He shoots off a green flare that clearly tells Furiosa to abandon him and get the hell out of there, intending to sacrifice himself so that she has a chance to escape and set off for the Green Place. Furiosa does drive off, but gets maybe five metres before she decides ‘fuck this’ and goes back in to try and save him. And she saves him from his pursuers and she saves him from falling to his death, and they get to their escape vehicle and drive off, with nary a word spoken or exchanged until they’re on the flat and heading for freedom. And even then, all that’s mentioned is what direction they should take to reach the Green Place. That's it. They don’t need anything else. They survived, they got out, they're together, they’re going to be all right.
And they almost make it. They almost get away.
When they’re captured by Dementus and forced onto their knees, there’s no special close up on them; mostly they’re on the edge of the shot while Dementus is ranting centre stage or screaming into their faces. They pay no heed to him. That love infuriates Dementus. He shrieks, he tears at them, but he can’t break them. He doesn’t matter. What matters is that they spend their last moments touching each other, leaning into each other, pressing their foreheads together, breathing deep, loving each other.
There are no parting words between Furiosa and Jack, no declarations or promises or screams of despair, but it hit me so hard and cut so deep that the second to last time we see Jack’s face, he’s craning desperately to see what’s happening to Furiosa, trying to get one final precious glimpse of her, before he’s quite literally dragged to his awful death.
We don’t see Furiosa’s reaction to her torture on multiple fronts, as she is strung up by her maimed arm and forced to watch Jack die. We’ve seen her scream and weep for her mother, but this moment is hers alone. It’s not for us.
How fitting it is that Jack saves Furiosa one last time, as his execution distracts Dementus and his crew from noticing that Furiosa has cut off her own arm to escape.
The last time we see Jack’s face is in Furiosa’s last nightmare.
Furiosa doesn’t mention Jack in her final showdown with Dementus, when she screams about her mother and her stolen childhood. But from what’s shown to us, I think that the spot in the Citadel when she imprisons Dementus and grows the peach tree in the midst of his emaciated, maggot-ridden body…is the same place where Jack stitched up her wounded shoulder, where she showed him the peach seed, where she asked him to come with her to the Green Place and he accepted, where she showed him her love in the manner of her people, where they embraced. Where she avenged herself and Jack, upon the man who destroyed their lives.
Where Furiosa now plucks the first fruit of the tree to bring to the Five Wives, whom she will bring with her to the Green Place.   
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