#SS Gohan
ravoress · 27 days
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kidfur · 8 months
also some ssj headcanons: first transformations are Excruciatingly painful. bc the body just isnt used to all that immense burning energy, but the emotional catalyst being even more painful makes the physical pain a little easier to deal with since theyre distracted.. transformations after that are easier but even mastered ssj changes the mind slightly. makes them a little more abrasive. highlights their flaws.. like with ssj2 gohans anger manifesting as a fucked up predator toying with prey. in one of the budokai tenkaichi games, devilman is a playable character, and he has the whole "your evil consumes you" attack. base form goku takes no damage from it... but ssj goku Does. so thats interesting! i think chichi disliking ssj isnt as superficial as it seems, ssj just standing around being casual isnt just intimidating but also the change in character is a bit unsettling i imagine, as subtle as it is.
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cornplateur-fritz · 2 years
Where's your icon from?
They're from the super dragon ball heroes manga but I can't quite remember which one (sorry for being unhelpful with that part). But this is the image I used:
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Gohan is semi-naked because he just transformed into SSJ4 and destroyed his suit iirc. It came from this page I saved:
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freshthoughts2020 · 6 months
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Every time I get to that part in the Cell Games where SS2 Gohan smiles evilly I find it hard to believe he can make that expression. So I tried to give his other forms that expression to see how it would look 🤔😳
It obviously works for SS2 and I think surprisingly it works for his base form (he looks like he's just bantering with a villain, like they make some claim about taking over Earth and Gohan's all "Oh really? I never would've expected that'd be your goal /s"). But why does it look so wrong in his SS form...
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lunarsilkscreen · 3 months
Super Saiyan Sillyness
There's a small plot point in DBS that is really important as to the direction the series is going, but if I acknowledge it; it would be extreme spoiler content. So instead; I'm going to talk about how Super Saiyan works.
In the DragonBall series Ki is a metaphysical concept that can be used to increase your own endurance and kinetic power, without increasing your mass.
Originally, this was a small thing used by characters to shoot out magical bursts like a firearm, without a weapon. Allowing a Martial Artists to develop ranged attacks without weaponry.
As we get to DBZ however; this Ki energy becomes a way to increase your physical strength and endurance. Initially by increasing your muscle mass, and later without the forced muscle expansion that causes body degradation and extreme exhaustion.
This culminates in the Battle of Goku vs Frieza, where along with his innate spaceman genetics; Goku figures out how to use this Ki, along with his anger to transform into a super Saiyan.
What this is, is a focused version of abilities before this, developed by Roshi and King Kai. King Kai's variant being the most recognizable; Kaio Ken.
Kaio Ken, however; like the bulking Ki causes extreme wear and tear on the body. And so the Super Saiyans rarely use it after learning how to become super Saiyan.
Now, SS isn't the only type of super transformation available to denizens of Akira Toriyama's world. Frieza species seems to be able to "Go Gold" as well. Which is a full body transformation.
Similar to Super Saiyan 4 in the DBGT series, which explored the vastness of space after turning Goku into a child.
Saiyans also have a kind of werewolf transformation during the full moon, where they can't control their emotions.
This however is shown to be destructive, and akin to the muscle expansion techniques as it increases Mass equivalent to the energy gained.
The Namekians have a similar transformation showcases by Lord Slug and Orange Piccolo, which has all the same drawbacks.
What this means; is because Saiyans and Namekians and Frezians share these similar transformations and Ki generation; that these techniques should be available to every race and species.
It's just that some cultures are more ingrained with wanting to learn how to fight gooder. Or are Frieza and just Tyrants.
Vegeta and Frieza show a disdain for species that they previously believed were "inferior races". Frieza towards all Saiyans, and Vegeta to his Half-blood nephew: Gohan. Who display a completely different form of Saiyan transformation that isn't SSJ2 but is similar in power level. Dubbed Mystic Saiyan due to its creation by the influence from Supreme Kai's Magic.
But here's where it's interesting to me. As we get to Super Saiyan God mode, which is what the *real* SS legend is based on, and the Saiyan race had become extremely weak in comparison to their former abilities before the Friezers turned them into a caste of warrior conquerer slaves. Meaning they had forgotten nearly all of their *real* combat techniques that they thought made them a "superior race."
But this Super Saiyan God mode, which then can be focused into what's known as Super Saiyan Blue; demonstrates the use of Ki and it's reflection on tbe visible light spectrum.
Ki can be used raw to empower a person, but because it's non focused it will cause the body to undergo a temporary extreme physical transformation.
This is alleviated somewhat with the Kaio-Ken technique which focuses the ki to a sharper point, and allows for an exponential increase in comparison to the regular Ki power up, but has the *same* draw backs at higher levels.
Then we get to a kind of Middle point. Frieza has several forms before Gold, but they seem to be more able to limit their physical transformation to use the power gain more effectively.
In fact; Friezas stay in their supposed final form after entering permanently, and then have more forms to go, and Unlike Uzaro Form and Super Namekian form, retain a standard small humanoid size.
And here's where it gets interesting; these different forms and techniques can be combined or used interchangeably to achieve the same or similar results .
In DB:GT; Super Saiyan 4 is achieved by entering Uzaro Form, Mastering it, Turning Super while in that form, and then supressing the Ki and physical transformation to bring the user back to typical humanoid size.
With their body showcasing red fur growth over their body.
This indicates that Super Uzaro, Namek, and Frieza all use a similar method in order to achieve levels that are past Super Saiyan 3 levels.
SS3 is a unique form, because while still being Super Saiyan, it amps up the physical form of the user. It still increases the physical mass. Not only appearing to lengthen the hair follicles (which is probably just run-off ki, as the user returns to normal after use)
But bulking up as with the previous forms drawbacks.
Which means that this Bulking is the habit that most life forms exhibit when they increase their key until they figure out how to shift better.
Basically, SS3 is the Roshi Technique combined with SS transformation. And SS2 focuses the energy of SS1 better, because it doesn't exhibit the bulking drawback.
This bulking drawback is visible when Vegeta and Trunks attain their own post Super Saiyan forms as well. Vegeta commenting; "You're still using that bulky form?" At one point indicating to Trunks that he is doing it wrong.
Their SS2 forms included the bulking drawback that Goku's didn't exhibit.
So when we get to SS:God form; this looks similar to Kaio Ken, with it's red glow. Indicated a compressed form of energy, that can then be compressed into Super Saiyan Blue.
Vegeta demonstrated this with his Super Saiyan Prince form. As his eyes sparkle along the colored light spectrum indicating the varying power levels not visible in the hair.
This is different but similar to the SS4 shown in GT. Instead of the Ki run off coming from the tops of their heads as in the gold super Saiyan forms, the red ki comes out of the hair follicles across their body and from their regrown Saiyan monkey tails.
This is a strange transformation as it looks like a form similar to Ultra Instinct combined with a red variant of super Saiyan.
More on this; Ultra Instinct looks like base form. Because there is no bulking, there is no visible Ki generation at the hair follicles. Just a black-light aura.
This is because the Ki is focused to a point where it is no longer emitting from the visible light spectrum.
The drawbacks with UI seem similar to Uzaro and Kaio Ken form however. As UI takes an extreme toll on the body, and nearly loses concious control. Any less control, and it's conceivable Goku could become a mindless destructive force like Uzaro or Brolly.
Brolly is a Super Saiyan who can't control his super Saiyan powers due to extreme neglect and trauma induced by the former Saiyan culture and lifestyle. Which indicates a connection between Super Saiyan Brolly, UI, and Uzaro. SS Brolly forms (also shared by Kefla from Uni6) also showcases a greenish aura.
Demonstrating that there are different ways that different people can utilize the SS transformation and these other techniques.
What this means is that Uni7 UI Goku has potentially become stronger than DB:GT(unnumbered uni) Goku. Because he doesn't have Color inconsistencies. SS4 Goku and Vegeta in comparison, while having black hair, emit the Red Ki from their body hair, and red from their eyes, similar to Vegeta's Super Princess. SSJ4 also includes slight bulking.
However, UI has that extreme Drawback where once you've used up your energy, that's it until you take a long rest.
UI also seems different from Super Forms as you can't harness your emotional state, as one is often shown doing when they initially enter that state.
And Uni6 Saiyans, with the exceot of Vegeta's protege, entering it at will without emotion.
Hinting that the emotional burst is good to learn how to control larger amounts of Ki, but not good at focusing it down to the single point required of UI.
The SS4 Saiyan's also have a "Limit Breaker" similar to that of entering SS:God Mode. which enables them to use their transformation at will, unlike before which required becoming Uzaro, loosing control, regaining control, become super Uzaro, and then sustaining that. And maintaining it longer than 5 minutes.
Which suggests the forms are not unique to the method of transformation.
With Videl standing in for an extra Saiyan (Despite being Preggers) this also suggests that you simply need multiple people whose combined energy exceeds a certain amount, and isn't generically limited to Saiyan's.
This correlates with the other [Super Transformations] shown in the series as a whole.
What they tend to forget, is that despite being Human, Videl is one of the strongest Humans on Earth. Rivaling only Krillin, who isn't as strong as Goku simply because he doesn't have a single mind focused on becoming stronger. Also, unlike Goku, who inherited land and money from King Yama, actually needs to work for a living.
Goku isn't the strongest because he's a Saiyan either. Even Vegeta believed for a while that Goku was a low-tier saiyan incapable of meeting, much less exceeding the power level of a prince like himself.
He's the strongest because he's Goku.
This brings me to the end of this with one final observation; Goku and Trunks in Uni7. Who become Super Saiyan at will naturally. Without training, without really knowing what it is.
They're not just expanded power level from epigenetics, they have expanded powers because of the same technique that gives Goku and Vegeta SS:God powers.
Because it's the same technique showcased by Korin, Kami, Guru, and the Kai's, in "unlocking a person's potential".
Just a weaker form since a single person would only be able emit so much energy. Achieving SS:God and SS4:LB and the [Ki Expansion] technique most therefore be the same, becoming stronger the more Ki you pump into the recipient.
Ergo; Trunks and Goten have high power levels because of... Well... All that energy and training happening during the Buu saga...
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Do you remember seen this romantic moment between gohan and videl in dragon ball super? https://youtu.be/Tpua0qkfsq8?si=haWw48VQShlsLOmE
See? The thing about Gohan is that sure he can be a stoic bad*ss as a Saiyan fighter a la Vegeta or at least maybe even take the place as the Universe’s Strongest over Goku after his glorious victory over Cell but in reality is that what he really wants?
Not really, he wants to have a normal life outside of all that, be a family man himself and just be a caring and responsible guy who does step up to help those in need, not because he wants to be the strongest but because it’s the right thing to do. Videl and later Pan were a way to achieve that goal for him
Like what’s wrong with Gohan being both an utter dork of a scholar and a bad*ss at the same time? That’s what makes him so great dang it XD
@dragon-ball-meta @dailycupofcreativitea @pam0100 @lightdusk96
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strawberrycakelove · 5 months
I have a HC about the Super Saiyan transformation and its "evolutionary purpose" and why it remained a legend for so long LOL
My HC is that the purpose of the transformation into SS was to be a "terminal" state of battle, because in the original work it is triggered by intense emotional stress (and in the movie Broly this didn't change, it just got weird in the DBS anime with the U6 Saiyans), as an analogue of the Berserker state, which is why the Saiyans become so aggressive and their ability to make decisions is impaired, as it was supposed to be an extreme state where they would fight to the death to guarantee the group's victory, at the cost of the life of a single warrior or a few, giving the group an advantage (that's why the 50x power up) and after that the warrior would die from exhaustion (and that is why the transformation also remained for a long time without its mechanisms being understood, because in addition to the Saiyan dying, he would not have children more pre-disposed to transform) as it has always been mentioned that transformation uses a lot of energy.
However, Goku and Vegeta (and their children) did not die after the transformation because the adaptation and survival capacity of the Saiyan organism is so ridiculous that the transformation ended up becoming just another weapon in their arsenal LOL. (I know Goku trained to control it too, and taught it to Gohan, and Vegeta must have figured it out eventually, however Goten and Trunks were not trained)
And listing factors for why Goku and Vegeta didn't die of exhaustion when using the transformation, I consider mainly 2.
1) Low-stress environment (in the show it was always shown that perhaps, the fact that Goku grew up in a peaceful environment like DB's Earth, may have been one of the factors that contributed to making it easier for him to achieve the transformation, because emotional stress would have a greater psychological and physical impact on the organism (and perhaps in the case of Saiyans, because of their absurd ability to adapt, the fact that they are constantly nervous, irritated and stressed like Vegeta, reduces the sensitivity of their organism to stress, requiring the emotional impact to be much more intense to trigger the transformation, which is why Vegeta had to work so hard to achieve the transformation), and if I'm not mistaken, it has already been stated that the S cells, responsible for the transformation, proliferate better in peaceful environments like Earth, which is why Goten and Trunks were able to transform so easily, in addition to the fact that power levels are inheritable for Saiyans (which is the likely cause of the Saiyan caste system as well), but One would think, isn't that illogical or incoherent (an environment without war)? Why would cells that have the purpose of giving so much power in battle only proliferate in a low-stress environment? Well, I'll give part of the explanation in argument 2.
2) Good nutrition - It may be that the other factor that led them to trigger the transformation, and being able to maintain it without dying from exhaustion (apart from DB's Earth having the Seed of the Gods as a resource) long enough to adapt to for it, it was the good diet, Goku doesn't talk as he was accompanied throughout the show, however for Vegeta this may not have been the case throughout his life (this could even be the reason for his short stature while his father was quite tall, shown in the movie Broly), and in places at war, generally, there is a shortage of food, and this would explain why S cells would have their proliferation inhibited by stress, as the stress is often also be a response to hunger or the expectation of hunger, and for Saiyans this seems to be very important, perhaps it is among the most important, in view of their ridiculous appetite, and in the expectation of hunger, it makes sense for S-cells not proliferate.
I would say this is observable even in Vegeta's appearance, where his muscle mass has increased immensely after training at Bulma's house for 3 years on the gravity machine, and Bulma is the richest in the world, food was not a problem for Vegeta in those 3 years, and it's not like DB's Earth didn't have enough big animals like giant fish and dinosaurs for Vegeta to hunt if he wasn't at her house. And again, if the original purpose of the Super Saiyan transformation was to be an extreme last resort in battle (and the Saiyan would probably die afterwards), and not an extra resource LOL, it makes sense for S cells to have a complicated and seemingly contradictory regulatory mechanism and have complex prerequisites for their "activation", as they would proliferate more in stronger individuals, who survived more battles and who would have better spoils (food), taking advantage of moments of breaks between battles and good availability of food, and probably These cells, in terms of nutritional requirements, still have to compete with the Zenkai mechanism (and a probable negative regulator of S-cells), which is another mechanism of adaptation and strengthening of Saiyans, but which begin to act as soon as a Saiyan is injured (and therefore much more important for the individual's immediate survival and adaptation).
And here I end this HC.
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roseangel19 · 3 months
One burning unanswered question that pops up in my mind is why didn’t Bulma make future Gohan a prosthetic arm after he lost his arm from fighting against the androids?
If she can make a time machine, reverse engineer alien technology and all of the crazy things she pulled off in OG Dragon Ball, she can make a bad@SS prosthetic arm. Unless he didn’t ask her to do that for him, but that doesn’t make much sense either, why wouldn’t he ask her? 🤔
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risingsouls · 5 months
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[Wowee that's a lot. I'm flattered you're cool with sending this to me, though! I love seeing people's takes and discussing this kind of thing so I'm flattered.
I'm going to try to address all of this, and I'm going to start from the bottom and go up.
To start, yeah. The Buu saga in general is a mess. I like it okay, and would rather watch the Buu saga a million times in a row than sit through Super, but yeah. It's definitely not well done. Somehow, it is both rushed and moves too slowly and I agree that it's really lame that this looked like it was going to be the passing of the torch to either Vegeta and Piccolo or the younger generation with Gohan. Goten, and Trunks. However, instead out time gets wasted in Gohan getting his mystic form and Gotenks becoming a thing just for both of them to end up failing miserably and for Goku to have to clean up the mess as usual. Considering this was supposed to be the end of the series, I don't really understand why they went this route, but it never really worked for me either.
As you mentioned, even Vegeta and Piccolo were shafted in this Saga when it would have been nice to see one them protect the planet. I mean...they tried to make it seem like Vegeta came to care about saving the planet, so why not let him do it? Even at the end, it's Hercule that convinces the Earthlings to give energy, not Vegeta, so what the hell was the point (I have a lot of thoughts on Vegeta's "redemption" in that it's not one and his real "redemption" comes at the end of the saga, not when he blows himself up)?
Now, to focus on Gohan specifically from the end of the Cell Saga to the Buu Saga. I agree with some of what you said and other things I don't necessarily. I'll start with what I agree with: trauma. Toriyama not addressing trauma isn't a problem with just Gohan, though. Arguably, every character in this series is likely traumatized to some degree, whether it's just from dealing with being part of Earth's special forces and dying in the fight or seeing and experiencing horrific things. Another BIG example that the writers should have reckoned more with in the realm of trauma was Vegeta. Man was enslaved for a good portion of his life. Likely tortured at least mentally if not physically. But all of that gets swept under the rug, and it absolutely happens with Gohan throughout the series too. I wish there was more exploration of all of this as well, but I guess that's why people like me and other rpers are here.
That said, I propose another view of why Gohan took up the mantle of the Great Saiyaman: he has a hero complex. He saved the world. He was the only one that could beat Cell. He didn't believe his dad at first and thought Goku would be the one to do it as he always did. But that's not what happened. And then Goku died, and while Goku wasn't in the business of playing Superman, I think this did instill a complex in Gohan to feel like if he doesn't do it, if he doesn't help and save people, no one will. And once he gets to the city and sees the bank robbery up close and stops it, that sort of really takes hold in him. Yeah, maybe he wouldn't go with the costume if he could keep his identity secret with just SS, but he couldn't. And it makes sense he wouldn't want his classmates to view him as anything but average when he wouldn't even take due credit for killing Cell.
But yeah, I honestly can see Gohan doing this. He's always been willing and ready to jump in and help people. We see it against the Saiyans once he gets over his fear. We see it on Namek, and how he wants to help with the androids. He is shown saving people who cannot defend themselves quite a bit considering, so I don't think it's out of line for him to take on that role with that in mind along with me seeing a hero complex arising in him.
Does it feel out of place when you consider that this kid would be traumatized? Of course. And I wish we got to see more of him and his family grieving. Goten growing up only hearing stories about his father (what they do with this is actually pretty good I think; subtle in how Goten has put his dad on a pedestal thanks to Gohan and probably Chi Chi to some degree only to see him not be able to take care of the monster after all, but I like how they handle Goten and Goku meeting). I wish we got more of how Gohan's and everyone else's trauma affected them (I guess we get a little with Yamcha? But that's another convo probably). But, like I said, unfortunately they didn't want to write that. Which is lame.
But yeah. It sucks that after this we get a stagnation of characters in Super. Nobody grows or changes because they gave them no room to do so. Even Goten and Trunks haven't changed and they're meant to be growing up (Goten maybe seems a bit more mature from bits in the manga but it's debatable). Goku regresses, many would argue Vegeta is better, but he's also just been stagnant since the narrative they decided to hammer home was family man instead of him coming to terms with Goku being better than him and FINALLY dropping that old grudge so he CAN grow and become his own man. They've made the same joke about Gohan not training three times in Super, even though his failures against both Cell and Buu likely SHOULD have convinced him to at least try to keep up with his training AND his studies imo. But instead, because they want their funny hahas, they have him stagnate as well. Hell, they even make him the leader of U7 but that basically doesn't matter because, outside of a few blips, it's the Goku and Vegeta show (along with Frieza ew). Videl gets the DB Woman Treatment, arguably, like you mentioned in the Buu Saga (unless you count the last few movies). Piccolo is almost nonexistent in Super until the ToP. Bulma has regressed so much I hate everything when I think about it. Tien is basically forgotten until the ToP. Yamcha is just a joke flat out. I could go on and on but I think you get it.
So, to end before I really start rambling more, the Buu saga could have been really great and handled so much better. However, the thing is, this was meant to be the end. Even though I don't agree with a lot of what they did, they were just trying to wrap it up and call it good. And that shows. That aside, it was just a mess in general with a ton of pacing issues and just general, "but why" feels. I like it in its own way but it is very flawed as you've said.]
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ravoress · 4 months
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Gohan faces off against Vegeta - Edited ss
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roy-dcm2 · 1 year
DBS Super Hero Reaction
I finally watched Dragon Ball Super Hero. Here’s my thoughts.
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I think it’s weird that in a movie with the term “Super Hero” in the title, that LOVES to make overt references to the past, we don’t get any mention of Great Saiyaman 1 / 2. Of course, it’s all an allusion to Gamma 1 / 2 as Tokosatsu-style heroes.
Honestly, it’s really fun to see Magenta POV from the outside looking in and telling us what some people THINK is going on with Capsule Corp. I imagine he put this together from the scraps of information that he could glean from Dr. Gero’s observations. It does track.
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People know about Nappa and Vegeta arriving. The Saiyan’s pod ended up at CC. And it would be easy for people to spot the Namekians living in Capsule Corp. So, you could conclude that Bulma is getting access to Alien Tech. But, Magenta also assumes that the Capsule technology is rooted in alien tech. As far as we know, it isn’t. And then Magenta jumps to the conclusion that CC is paving the way for an alien invasion… without evidence.
Obviously, Magenta is biased. Being a military organization, everything looks like a battle. He can’t contemplate that the Saiyans and Namekians are essentially refugees, and CC is just being philanthropic.
Overall, the movie is just fun! It has those original Dragonaball references for old fans like me, and the Tokusatsu stuff for the younger audience (in Japan). They are being cheeky with the Goku and Vegeta stuff. Whis forces them to fight without transforming because they had no idea what was happening in the manga. (They made this movie in the middle of the Granola arc, even though it takes place AFTER it). So, they couldn’t show off Ultra Instinct / Ego.
As I like to say, the movies are just more, and this movie gave us a bunch of really great Piccolo scenes. Him chastising Gohan, pretending to be a Red Ribbon solider, all the stuff with him and Pan. The main event fight doesn’t start until about an hour in… so, we get more time of them NOT fighting than fighting. I love it.
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This is Piccolo's movie... and I don't want to hear any BS about "Piccolo is Gohan's real dad." As much as I like Piccolo. Piccolo spends half the movie telling the audience that Gohan isn't good enough. Then at the climax, Piccolo just expects Gohan to find it in himself to defeat Cell Max. Which is the the EXACT same thing Goku did during the Cell Games! Except Goku ALWAYS believed in his son!
With that all being said… I kinda wish this wasn’t canon.
Mainly, because as good as the set up is, the conclusion feels unearned. It might be a consequence of being a movie, but (in my opinion) when you have two big character developments, at least one of them should feel triumphant.
First, it irks me that Piccolo wishes to unlock his hidden power and Shenron “throws in something else.” Why can’t it just be his hidden power? Now I’m wondering what the fuck that symbol is. And this is the second time someone has WISHED for a power-up. It feels really lame and unearned. It kinda sucked when they did it for Super Saiyan God, then it sucked again when SS Blue just happened. Now, we have Orange Piccolo on that list.
Maybe they’ll explain it better in the manga, but what made SSj1 (and SSJ2 to a different extent) was how well they seeded them before they appeared. (SSJ3 sucks because they didn’t build up to it correctly.)
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My theory is that it's a mix of Ultra Instinct / Ego, but it still doesn't explain how he managed to tap into either of them. You could say because Gohan talks about practicing the "demon drill" in secret, he's also been training with UI-UE in secret too.
Then there’s Beast Gohan. 25 min into the battle, Piccolo gets bodied, and Gohan rages out. I’d like to know why this isn’t just the SSJ2 transformation? What is this transformation? Where did it come from? I have my theories… but from a narrative perspective, it’s just a dues ex machina. SSJ1 was not a dues ex machine – it had real ramifications after it happened. Beast Gohan appeared to resolve the plot and then disappeared.
They need to do what they did with Slug and say - that wasn’t a real transformation. Then actually explain what "Beast Mode" is supposed to be.
7/10 – The spectacle is great, but the best part is the first half. Feel free to leave your comments (and theories about Beast Gohan) in the comments below!
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Be better if Charlie kicked Adam ass, and Vaggie or someone else tells her to stop. We got teases of her powers throughout the season but so get immediately bitch slap. This would be like if Gohan get immediately bitch slap against Cell when he turn SS 2 and someone else shows up to beat Cell instead.
This. Don't hold her back.
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carnal-lnstinct · 2 years
Another question: Which form is your favorite from each saiyan/half-saiyan?
Goku: All of them SS1, SS4, UI Omen, SSBKaio Broly: Also all of them but with his black turtleneck Bardock: SS1, SS3, SS4 Vegeta: SSG, SS4, Super Vegeta (Cell arc), UE Gohan: SS4, SS2, Mystic, Raditz: SS1, SS3 Trunks: LONGHAIRED TRUNKS, SSG Goten: Base, SS, sadly they sleeping on my boy Cumber: Base w/evil aura Vegito: ALL. OF. THEM. Gogeta: SS4, Base Turles: Tree of Might boost Goku Black: Base
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yeowangies · 10 months
Following up on last question, which arc Goku do you love the most? Mine is Frieza/Namek saga when he first goes SS 😍 I also love Buu arc, he is just so sweet and warm when he comes back to earth, and then later when he's with the kais ♥️ and of course farmer Goku is just so adorable!!!
OOOOOOOOH I actually had to think this one through...
I think I like Cell saga Goku. I think that's the most calculating he's ever been, and when he sacrified himself for Gohan, I just 🥲 Plus, he wore the saiyan armor during that time too so 🥰
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dreadsuitsamus · 2 years
So what's your opinion on Goten and Trunks turning Super Saiyan for the first time? I noticed that half of the fandom said that they needed an trauma trigger to turn SS but it wasn't specified when they started their training so it could've been a lot of training that triggered it. I just needed to know your opinion bc to me, if every saiyan had to go through trauma, it would've been repetitive.
it can happen through either trauma or training. vegeta trained under extreme circumstances, though they were highly traumatic as he'd gotten to the point where he didn't care anymore right before he went super saiyan, so it can also clearly be a mix of both. i do think they got it easy though, especially compared to gohan, who was previously the youngest afaik. the super saiyan transformation was a legend on planet vegeta (like literally a once-in-a-thousand years thing) so for it to be easy to get like that kind of cheapens it, but they also cheapen it by adding so many stronger transformations. they basically treat super saiyan as a base form now. i think goten and trunks should've had to do a lot more training before ascending
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