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Star Virgil, super pretty design by @thegoldenduckie which you can find the post for right here !! (It was originally meant to be analogical but I did not like how Logan turned out </3)
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southernphobic · 6 months
also can we talk about logan telling virgil and roman to act nice at the beginning… he’s sooo not beating the mom allegations
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loganslowdown4 · 4 months
the man loves his jam 💙
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surenschompychompers · 2 months
My Asexual Headcanons
Cassandra Cain from DC (sorry StephCass lovers, my girl is aroace to me) 
Jason Todd, also from DC (I was very happy to see this is somewhat common!)
Jason Grace, from Heroes of Olympus by Rick Riordan (@puzzled-pegasus thank you for opening my eyes ironically enough lol)
Stereotypical Barbie from Barbie (*chanting* aroace aroace aroace) 
Logan Sanders from Sanders Sides (it just makes sense for his role)
S'chn T'gai Skon from Star Trek (as I said yesterday; excuse him from the family sluttery, leave him to his books and romanticism in peace) 
Suwa from Namaikizakari (HE IS PRACTICALLY CANONICALLY ASEXUAL THERE'S NO TWO WAYS ABOUT IT but technically the word isn't used? At least in the translation I read? So I guess he goes here lol)
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yerkes-dodson-curve · 5 months
Logan deserves better. He's out here offering his best advice and his ways of contributing and he only gets shut down because what would he ever know about FEELINGS, the things that MATTER. I think that Virgil making him that newspaper lit a little fire of hope in him. That maybe... people see him for a little more than that annoying nerd who talks too much
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freckle logan painting >:]]]]] inspired by this lovely post
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close up:
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2hd4me · 6 months
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All of the sides in the Super Mario All-Stars style as seen in that one video! I added small and Fire forms for fun.
Once again, credit to John Stratman for the original Thomas sprites!
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djbead123 · 10 months
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Logan Sanders stimboard
Requested by @boopypastaissalty
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dragonairice · 8 months
Virgil - Child of Hades! believes himself to be the villain as a result and takes a while to get used to the negative comments, fully buys into the emo aesthetic and hangs out with Janus and Remus but after Patton incorporates him into the friend group he eventually lets out his softer side a bit <3
Patton - Child of Athena! Because. Spiders. He's also a lot smarter then everyone gives him credit for.
Logan - Child of Athena (sorry logicality shippers). He's smart and precise and fully embodies what he thinks a 'proper' child of Athena should be. He inherited his mother's dark hair and grey eyes and is very proud to say that he is not deadly afraid of spiders, it is only a mild phobia thank you very much! In the beginning he despises Patton because he's everything Logan thinks a child of Athena isn't (brown hair, blue eyes, freckled face, loud, boisterous, naive, makes puns), but after The Incident™ has since started to appreciate his half brother.
Roman - Child of Apollo!!!! He and Virgil have the <33 Solangelo vibes <33 He's sunshiney, has a huge ego, and is mainly focused on the musical aspects of his lineage; he can play multiple instruments and has the voice of an angel if he does say so himself- he's okay at Archery due to being a child of Apollo but he prefers using a sword during combat. He is absolutely terrible at healing - unless he's singing and accidentally mends a broken bone with a rendition of some Disney song. Despises Virgil at first and, like majority of the other campers, simply calls him 'The son of Hades' and avoids him at all costs, until Patton forces them to spend time together and okay maybe the emo boy is kind of nice. (And cute, but he'll never admit to thinking that) Janus - Child of nemesis, he tries his best to be noticed by everyone since his mom is a minor goddess and so rivals the Hermes cabin for 'People you should not be on the bad side of' at camp. Gets along stunningly with the Aphrodite kids and they help with his make-up. The scarring on his face was a result of a monster attack when he was a kid.
Remus - Unclaimed as far as everyone knows. He knows who his Godly parent is though. He was claimed back when he went to camp Jupiter.His mother was Cloacina, the Roman goddess of the sewers. Despite there being little to no discrimination among cohorts, people were always mocking him behind his back, so he ran away, and eventually found himself in camp half blood. The others assumed he was an unclaimed demigod, and he never corrected them, it was better this way. Until one day he exploded the toilets and people started theorising that he was a child of Poseidon.
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stormlessstormcloud · 2 months
The Crown Or The Stars
Last | Next | AO3
Summary: When Prince Logan gets betrothed, he decides that perhaps this whole "becoming king" thing isn't going to work out. Fleeing into the forest, Logan discovers a world he's never seen or heard of before. The only question on his mind: Is it all real, or just a dream? Main Ship: Loceit
Chapter Two: Into The Tent
The forest surrounding the northern side of Heryn’s palace was the densest in all the seven kingdoms. So few people entered the thicket of trees that even the footpath, worn down over centuries of hunts, tapered off into nothing not even a mile in.
Logan knew these trees well. Even as he wandered off the footpath, his boots catching in the undergrowth, Logan didn’t feel an ounce of fear. He could hardly see a foot in front of him in the dark, so little moonlight seeping in through the leaves overhead, and there were moments when he bumped into a tree or stumbled over a fallen branch, but he pushed on.
It wasn’t until he had been walking through the brush for what felt like easily a mile or more that he began to second guess his plan. He hadn’t really thought it through very well… What was he meant to do out here? Was Logan meant to live in the woods for the rest of his days, living off of berries and whatever animal he managed to hunt down? He had never hunted a day in his life.
Though, he supposed he could learn to set traps.
However, there was still the issue of the kingdom… His grandmother was growing weak and weary, and she had been waiting for Logan to come of age for years now so someone would be available to take the throne. Logan was the only child of the queen’s only child. The only available person to take charge of the kingdom if he fled was his second cousin, and Logan wasn’t sure he could trust Heryn in his hands.
It was incredibly selfish, Logan realized as he came to a stop and turned around, to leave all of that behind. To deprive his grandmother of that chance to live out her final days without worry. Logan had been trained to take the throne, to rule Heryn, all his life.
It was also selfish, however, of her to expect that of him. Selfish of her to force him into a life he never asked for, never wanted.
Logan turned back around, in the direction he’d been facing to start with.
As he stood still, debating internally whether he was going to turn back or not, Logan could have sworn he heard something in the distance. At first, he thought perhaps it was someone hunting for him. Had he really been gone so long that they had already discovered he wasn’t in his chambers? Had he simply been so predictable that the search party knew immediately what direction he had gone? Or had someone seen him slip into the inky abyss of the woods, and they had simply spent all this time tracking him down to bring him back?
It only took a moment for Logan to realize that the noise was… music. His brows pulling together, Logan moved from his spot, towards the noise.
As he got closer to the source, Logan noticed a light. Campers, he supposed, having a merry time in the woods to pass their time. It was better, he supposed, to have an explanation as to why there was such boisterous music playing in the middle of the forest so late at night.
Even still, the curiosity tugging at the back of his mind drew him closer. Logan crept towards the noise, peering out from behind a tree lest he be caught by the campers, and what he saw surprised him so profoundly that he felt for just a moment that he was imagining it.
A circus tent.
A large, red-and-white big-top tent with a strings of warm lanterns decorating the outside. Logan blinked in surprise and confusion. Forgetting that he was meant to be hiding in case somebody saw him, Logan stepped forward, inching towards the circus.
Logan had spent the last 18 years of his life studying the seven kingdoms; surely, he would have heard about a circus in the middle of the forest behind the palace if one existed. He considered that perhaps, the circus was old, and he hadn’t learned about it because it had stood abandoned for decades. Why were the lights still on, then? Why was the music still playing?
He didn’t even realize he was still inching forward, step by step, towards the tent until he was able to see inside. As he looked into the door - which was no more than the tent flap held open with some old, ragged rope - any hope that he had of the circus being an abandoned enigma was dashed. It seemed every seat inside was full, and a man with golden hair and a beautiful black cane in hand was in the center, giving a speech that Logan couldn’t quite hear.
Brows pulling together, Logan tilted his head in confusion and crossed the threshold into the circus tent.
“--performance for the ages! Let’s hear some love for The Twins!”
The jarring contrast between the lack of voice outside to the booming speech inside stunned Logan for a moment. He was still for a moment as he watched the man from the center - the ringmaster, perhaps - stepped aside, waving his hands to hype the crowd up as they cheered on the next act.
Why hadn’t Logan been able to hear him?
Surely, he was dreaming. That was the only logical explanation for all of this. He had fallen asleep back in the palace, or in the forest somewhere, and he had dreamed up a beautiful place that he’d run away from home to. He just had to accept that this wasn’t real, but he was stuck here until he woke up, and after taking a moment to do just that, Logan turned towards the seats, looking for an empty place for him.
“First time?” a voice asked directly beside Logan, making him jump, the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end.
Logan turned on his heel to face whoever was speaking to him, and he saw a boy hardly older than himself, white paint on his face and pale blue hearts on his cheeks. His nose was covered in a garish red, and the clothes he donned were very obviously those of a clown, but in blue and gray, as opposed to yellow or red. His eyes, which were a beautiful pale blue, almost seemed to glow in the lights, but Logan simply took that in stride, reminding himself internally that this was all a dream.
“Ex…cuse me?” Logan asked, his brows pulling together briefly, creasing his forehead.
The clown giggled, an almost mad sound that echoed in Logan’s ears. “At The Imaginarium Big Top. Is this your first time? I don’t recognize you.” His voice, combined with the sounds of the performers in the center of the tent, who Logan had yet to even look at, was almost overstimulating in its amusement.
 It’s just a dream.
“Oh… Yes, this is my first time here. I’ve only just found it. How long has this been here?”
The clown shrugged dramatically. “Forever, I guess,” he replied with a grin. “Or maybe an hour.”
“What?” Logan blurted, in his confusion. “How could--”
“Oh! Look!” The clown chimed, nodding towards the central ‘stage’. “My favorite part!”
Logan was momentarily distracted from his confusion and turned to look at whatever the other meant. The performers in the center, ‘The Twins’, were on unicycles, facing each other on a tightrope twenty feet in the air, and juggling daggers between them. The Twins were direct contrasts of each other, with one in red and white with golden embellishments on his chest and a short-tailed jester cap, the other in green and black with silver trim on his puffy sleeves and a long-tailed jester cap.  
As Logan watched, the green jester caught one of the daggers and then threw it - instead of towards the red jester - at the rope holding them up. The crowd gasped as the two plummeted to the ground. Logan even held his breath, fear spreading in his chest. At the very last moment, before they reached the ground, both twins grabbed onto the rope on their side and used it to swing in the air, unicycle pinned between their knees to keep them on it. They landed on opposite sides, on their unicycles, unscathed.
The crowd erupted in cheers as the twins raised their hands as if to say “ta-da”, a knife in each hand and one pinned in their teeth as they grinned at the crowd.
Logan was in awe. He had seen some performances before, even some daring ones with trapezes, but nothing like this. His mouth fell slightly agape, and he stared as the twins started juggling their daggers again between them like nothing had happened. This time, though, they were wheeling away from the crowd, disappearing behind a tarp as they still juggled. The central stage remained empty for a moment, and Logan turned back towards the clown who’d been at his side, only to find that he, too, was gone.
“What… Where could he have gone?” Logan mumbled to himself, looking around for any sign of the clown. Finding none, Logan turned back to the central stage, confusion still etching itself into his brow as he made his way to an empty seat.
Almost as soon as Logan sat down, the central stage started filling with smoke. It seemed to come from nowhere, and from everywhere all at once. A thick, gray fog that spiraled in a dizzying vortex. It shielded from view almost the entire central stage, only a hint of the shadow able to be seen as someone walked out into the fog.
No matter how much he squinted or screwed up his face, wrinkling his nose as he leaned into the squint, straining his eyes in the process to the point that his head ached, Logan couldn’t see through the fog. Couldn’t see who was emerging. He didn’t have to try for long, though, before the figure spoke.
Their voice was echoing, booming over itself in what sounded like three different voices overlapping over each other. It was a voice that rose goosebumps on Logan’s skin, putting a pit in his stomach and making his heart speed up in his chest.
“It’s come to our attention we have a newcomer in the audience,” the voice mused, and Logan suddenly felt like there were hundreds of eyes on him. He couldn’t move. Couldn’t breathe. “Are you ready for a real show, little prince?”
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Personally, in human aus I default to these names:
Logan Crawford
Patton Balaton
Janus Shepherd
Roman Prince (sometime Remus too)
Remus Duckworth
And special guest star Virgil Ansia
OOOOH!!! Those are fancy I dig it!!!
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intrulogical · 1 year
thinking abt logan and star imagery. how he basks the glory of space and the stars in sasi and his spotify playlist. and how in wtit the line "stop trying to rule the world" could possibly reference logan's micromanagement of thomas' life. and in that sense he sees thomas as his earth. and how the galaxy song in his spotify playlist shows how much he marvels at the stars because he thinks the earth is nothing compared to it. but he is chained to earth—to harsh realities and systems, to thomas—and all he can do is hope to reach for the stars, because he knows he can't.
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loganslowdown4 · 5 months
Logan: *tending to Roman’s wounds* I hope this means you’ll take it easy for the next couple days from gallivanting around the imagination.
Roman: No promises, Teach. *winks*
Logan: *sighs* How would you rate your pain?
Roman: Zero out of five stars. Would NOT recommend.
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piliiiiiconfusionf · 6 months
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More Sanders Sides Doodles! XD the first was the first drawing I tried doing in my new phone- was a request by @icycove "Roman cooking" when I didn't know what to do and Father and son time appeared. Have Roman's first time trying to cook bagels XD the second was an excuse of a background I couldn't stop thinking about, inspired from Christmas XD might keep using that background- anyway! Hope you like!
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asksanderssides · 10 months
Logan, since you like space, what's your opinion on the theory of quasi stars/black hole stars?
From my understanding, they were stars formed in the very early big-bang era that grew so massive that they were powered by gravity from the black hole in the center trying to eat the superfast matter that was in the accretion disk instead of by nuclear fusion like other stars. They haven't been proven since we don't have the technology (Yet!!!) to see that far into space, and by now they've all tuned into supermassive black holes (TON-618), but I think they're cool as heck!!
Logan: They are extremely interesting. I am not usually prone to such emotive language, but I have to concur that the concept is indeed "cool as heck".
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stifledcreativity · 10 months
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My amazing brother had this idea when he saw these pictures and I brought it into reality.
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