cometblaster2070 · 26 days
guys please the ever after high fandom is like 30 people, 4 rats and a hope, a dream and a prayer; this debate about apple is ridiculous; STOP GOING INTO PEOPLE'S DMS OVER THIS???
like brother if you're going to leave shit in my inbox telling me to die in hell because i'm defending raven then at least do it properly and not anonymously.
like over THIS of all things?? really???
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tasmanianstripes · 6 months
I'm very much pro-kink but some of you motherfuckers make me embarrassed to be in the same community as you. Some people think somebody else not liking or being disgusted with your kink or even criticising it from a moral standpoint is a good excuse to send them unsolicited sexual messages and continue to sexually harass them after they said the topic makes them uncomfortable and they don't want to discuss it.
If somebody tells you no to a sexual topic you're brining up FUCKING. STOP? If you send somebody a sexually explicit message and they tell you to cut it out you. Stop. No means no. End of story. It does not matter if you feel personally slighted by them, or they said something rude, or you think they're being judgemental; none of these reasons justify continuing to send sexual messages to somebody after they told you no. Maybe they would be open to be more accepting if your first instinct when seeing somebody be grossed out by your kink wasn't to act like a goddamn predator.
Even if they started this discussion, even if you're not even very explicit about describing these topics, if somebody tells you actually this is making me uncomfortable I would like to stop discussing this you back off. Feelings can change, anyone has the right to step away from a conversation about sexual topics if it's starting to make them uncomfortable or distress them. If you care so much about the opinions of some stranger online then you need to log off and go outside.
You'd think that members of community which preaches about consent would know better.
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sonoda-oomers · 1 year
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dayvoidkyoto · 2 years
stop fucking harassing Kwesi James.
i'm seeing way too many Try Guys fans commenting shit on his social media claiming that he knew about Ned and Alexandria because of the concert video, and that that makes him "just as bad as them".
no, it fucking doesn't.
let's say he knew. we don't know what he did with that information. everyone's assuming he hid it from Ariel. you don't fucking know that. he could have told her the second he knew and then have been told to stay quiet or act normal by Ariel because she didn't want the public to know before official statements could be made. none of us know what was happening behind the scenes.
the fact is, if he had gone public with it, the same people calling him a snake and an awful friend would have turned around and complained that he was "talking about things that didn't concern him" or "airing out other people's dirty laundry", and they fucking know it.
the Try Guys, their spouses, and at least part of the crew unfollowed Ned the second the statement went up. many of them unfollowed Alexandria as well. y'know who no one unfollowed? Kwesi. in fact, some people are saying the official account followed him for the first time after the statement--although i'll say to take that one with a grain of salt, as i don't know for sure that he wasn't followed in the first place. either way, no one unfollowed him (UPDATE 10/01/22: Ariel herself unfollowed Alex today. she didn’t unfollow Kwesi.). y'know why? maybe it's because she and everyone else can acknowledge that he didn't do anything wrong. you know, the actual people involved in the situation? whose opinion matters way more than the parasocial relationshipping fans on the internet that many of you are simply bandwagoning alongside with zero critical thinking skills.
i can't stress this one enough: the Try Guys had known since labor day weekend (9/5/22). this is an objective fact, they confirmed it themselves in their "what happened." video, which was posted on 10/4/22. no one is going after them, calling them snakes, or harrassing them. the crew had to have known for at least two weeks this is an objective fact. the first video Ned was cut out of was the Chocolate Eclair video, which went up exactly two weeks before the affair was confirmed (confirmed on 9/28/22, the video was uploaded 9/14/22). there's almost no way they found out, had a meeting, decided to cut him out, and then edited him out of it all in the hours of that Wednesday before they uploaded. that means they most likely knew beforehand. but, they could have done it all in a day. that still means they'd have known for two weeks. no one is saying shit to them (UPDATE 10/02/22: Rachel was apparently at the Harry Styles concert with them. her Instagram comment sections? full of love and support. not a "snake" or a "she knew" in sight). hmmmmm, i wonder why.
i'll close this out here with something many of you aren't going to want to hear: this unnecessary vilification of Kwesi is at least partially rooted in racism. you can't handle having to blame Ned alone for his actions, so you would rather harrass a Black man for no real reason to than acknowledge that your Favorite White Guy™ fucked up.
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douwatahima · 1 month
as someone who's been doing fandom stuff for over twenty years, i think one of the most important lessons you can learn is not everything is for you. we're all nerds on the internet, banding together because we feel at least a little unhinged about our favourite shows/movies/ect. there's going to strong opinions any way you slice it, and other people's opinions won't always align with yours. maybe someone is obsessed with a character you don't like or a pairing that makes no sense to you, but that person still has as much of a right to be in the space as you do. that doesn't mean you have to interact with those ideas, i'm a big proponent of blocking whoever or whatever you need to, but you don't get to tell them to stop just because you personally don't like it.
obviously, there are cases where this doesn't apply. if a take is super racist/homophobic/transphobic or someone is using their personal headcanon to harrass others, then absolutely that's something that should be addressed. but if it's just something harmless that irks you personally, you need to understand that that is a you problem and not a them problem. and, quite frankly, if you can't come to terms with that, maybe fandom isn't for you.
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atruedonaldist · 5 months
I will be the first to say that I absolutely loathe the horror movie and game announcements for Mickey, but lord almighty please let it also be known that harrassing and actively telling people that they shouldn't like it is also incorrect and wrong.
People have the right to like and dislike what they please (within reason), and that includes liking or disliking the announced movie/game. That's just how humans are, how any sentient living being is.
Telling them to go fuck themselves because they like something you don't is just childish, and vice versa. Just because an artist or creator says that they "don't like the (insert announced media)" doesn't mean that they're stopping you from liking it either. It's just a differing opinion.
To the creators that want to make dark and fucked up media? Cool. Good for you, glad you're making something you want to. And to the fans of that, good for you for getting what you want to. I hope you enjoy it, truly.
I'll just be doing my damndest to keep it away from myself, by curating my own experience online, and I highly encourage others to do the same.
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"Well even if there was no age gap you STILL shouldn't ship Glorybringer because it's toxic--" my god just shut up and admit you just have different tastes in relationship dynamics instead of trying to paint Glorybringer enjoyers as evil no matter what
Like if you see Deathbringer being protective of Glory as him coddling her and being disrespectful to her, then good for you, that's your opinion. In fact I can even agree that there's times where he just refuses to listen to her, even if he wants to keep her safe, he should still respect her wishes. However, we must all understand that Tui did not intentionally write that aspect of Deathbringer as him being toxic towards Glory, thus its not an issue when others see it as something charming, and I'm really tired of fandoms in general trying to villainize people who like a ship because they personally don't like the relationship dynamic
Its not a problem to dislike Glorybringer, whether it be for the age gap or for other reasons. It Is a problem to harrass people and tell them they need to stop enjoying the shop just because you think it's toxic
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i need angst!!
skellies have a trans S/O / crush thats trans, and was currently aguring with someone. when the fight ends, the other person mumbles 'at least im a reaal boy/girl'
skellies reaction?
Undertale Sans - He gives the person a dark stare before dragging S/O out of there. That's enough for today. He then gently sits S/O's on a bench and assures them everything they said is bullshit and that he loves you.
Undertale Papyrus - He clenches his fists so hard the other person actually takes a step back. Just because the guy is angry doesn't mean they have to be insulting. Papyrus calls them out and asks them to apologize this instant.
Underswap Sans - Welp. You give him no choice. The guy is under arrest. Transphobia is not an opinion, it's a crime. Blue doesn't give a hell about them screaming he's abusing his role. You're not insulting his S/O in front of him.
Underswap Papyrus - He gasps, then simply takes his S/O's hand and walks away. They don't need to have more attention. This is bullshit, and he doesn't want to hear anything coming from their mouth again.
Underfell Sans - Oops. He acted instinctively and headbutted the guy at full force. He has no regret. Don't talk shit about his S/O or cry.
Underfell Papyrus - He growls as a warning. Keep going that way and you will really not like what he will do to you. He also puts a protective hand on his S/O's shoulder. Go on, try to be mean to them again, just to see what will happen.
Horrortale Sans - He lunges at the guy and stops at one inch from their head. They decide to back off, and, uncomfortable, leave. Oak growls at them until they are out of sight. He's mad.
Horrortale Papyrus - "WELL AT LEAST I'M A DECENT PERSON." He takes his S/O's arm and leaves, huffing at them. If you're not able to not be insulting, he's just going to ignore you. You don't worth his time.
Swapfell Sans - He knocks your aggressor in the crotch. See? It doesn't matter what is your gender, everyone is hurting there when you kick hard enough. Nox is very proud of himself.
Swapfell Papyrus - Rus shrugs and takes S/O away. A few minutes later, your aggressor will realize he teleported 2 pounds of dog poop into their bag and maybe you should be both gone when it happens. Rus regrets nothing. Fellswap Gold Sans - The hell you just said, bitch? Go on, say to his face he's not real because he changes his gender when he wants to? No? Why? Because he has his bone right under your carotid? Nah, it's because you're just a coward. Just because you're not feeling happy doesn't mean you have to take revenge on other people. Now leave or pay the price. He won't hesitate.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Coffee gasps, offended and upset. As the guy starts to mock you again, you start to cry. And Coffee is distressed and starts to cry as well. A lot of people in the parc turn towards you, and suddenly your aggressor is getting harrassed by twenty people all screaming at them for being transphobic. Coffee immediately stops crying. Yeah, he did that on purpose. Now good luck with that.
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glitter-alienz · 1 month
I'm gonna talk about this once and only once. because I really don't have the energy for arguments.
yall know when someone makes a human pinkie pie design and she's white and skinny (which is fine, do what you want) and hundreds of people in the comments are like "finally, a normal pinkie pie" or something along those line. <- (I've mainly seen this on tiktok and insta)
i keep thinking those comments have to be satire cuz there is no way people actually think that. but they do. and its so fucking funny. pinkie pie is a fictional pony. why do people get so heated up when a rando fan on the internet draws her black?? their asshole is so itchy they got worms in there they cant just sit. they HAVE to go show their racism. if you don't like when someone draws a non-human character as a black person please sit down and think why does it make you so mad? why does black pinkie fill you with so much rage? why is her being a black person a problem? why is some random stranger on the internet drawing her as black making you so upset, even tho that's just fanart and it doesn't affect canon, because she's not a human in canon. why do you feel like you have to let them know how much you hate pinkie being black? nobody wanted your opinion.
and people just loooove to hate on fat people which sucks. shocking that people have different body types. your cartoon pony being drawn chubby shouldn't make you this upset. get help please <3
anyways, this goes for like,, all the ponies and other media where the main cast isn't human (and ofc this includes tmnt, the amount of people who have a problem with the human turtles being drawn as black or blasian is so insane) why does harmless FANart / HEADcanons have so much power over people?? live your life man stop harrassing people over their fanart. its never that serious. fan works are just that, FAN works. its no big deal
I'm just ranting about this to get it off my brain, this was lowkey why I never posted my mlp humanizations anywhere (except pinkie on insta once, ended up deleting it) but im thinking that i should like.. do what i want. this is my house after all
tldr; I keep seeing people relieved to see a human design of pinkie pie that isn't black. and the fact that people care that much and get so upset over a fictional pony being drawn as black person BY A FAN is so funny and annoying at the same time.
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miroymon · 1 month
In my recovery, in my admission for my past faults, I look back on what I have been doing and how I have affected people and I move on. These people don't care if I become a better person, they do not care if I change who I am, They do not care if I am who I am - they just don't like me. I have unfortunately put myself in the public eye for so long that I cant even use my system name because of what past headmates have posted on their accounts. Those names, those usernames, tainted by the internet's allure of discourse and hate and syscourse.
So, please, let me change and let me become a better person. I don't need to be hunted, targeted, and harrassed for stuff that syscourse and my past headmates have created. I am not my predecessors, I am not those people. I am an unfortunate person that ended up in this body. I no longer hold those beliefs, I no longer want people to see me as a horrible person. but I cannot stop people from hunting me down, so I will say this;
If an anti-endo can change who they are, if they can slowly become nicer and understand what endogenic truly means - my literal teenage syscourse rants that stemmed from my own trauma from internalized racism, radical hate for my skin and my plurality - my opinions on things that I didn't need to have, opinions on systemhood that hurt people etc. If they can change, I can at least try. It's the Internet. I just started my life, I have years ahead of me that will outlast this gruge that people have. I know that these are the actions of previous headmates, but I need to admit fault for them... because they're dead. I have buried them in headspace. Literally. This is their vessel, I am in their place, I am to take system responsibility.
And this all started because I said that endogenics don't deserve to be harassed. But I delved into syscourse, I was immature, and I was reckless with discussing the pains of plural POC just like me.
I have hurt people, I get it. But I want to change, and I will change. Syscourse, Discourse, Hate, Anger etc will not stop me from healing in the plural community and it will not stop me from saying that I deserve to change. I need to change, to be safer for people and myself.
The Internet is not the real world, I will not let this carry into my real life. I will change, and whatever path and history I have to carry will burn as I change for the better. If people cannot see that and if they keep dragging me into syscourse, then I won't listen.
I'm a person, we are people. I have never been a nazi, a racist, a sexist, nor have I assaulted anyone. This is an internet gruge over syscourse.
Treat us like we can change.
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solaariia · 2 months
going on a short break + psa about success stories
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hi everyone! i’m going to stop posting so much on this acc, but i’m not leaving ofc. 🥹
there’s two reasons, but the main one is because these next three weeks are where the last exams, last assignments, and presentations are due before finals, so i really need to focus on that. if i get tagged on something i’ll still reply, and i’m gonna turn on notifications for my mutuals so i can still check out every post!
the second reason is more tricky, and it has to do with a confession i read yesterday. in short, there was a post where a person basically said that people migrating from amino and shifttok (like me) were lying about their experiences.
i joined in 2023 and have liked every success story that i have come across since then. that argument reminds me of 2021 amino where every new person that came out with good news was instantly shunned and harrassed, and it led me to leaving the community because it was discouraging to see so many people fighting.
i’ve read many people say that this is turning into shifttok with the discourse, but discourse is bred from confession accounts, not new shifters or whatever that person said.
posts i see on my dash are just people talking about their drs and interacting with their shifting mutuals by sharing things like their scripts and stuff. and in my opinion, that’s what a community is. so yeah, maybe there’s a few people arguing about misinformation, but that happens in every learning space. best we can all do is block whatever we don’t like and move on.
but i’m going on a tangent lol. how would people know if a success story is real or not? imagine if you had an experience and someone commented on how that’s not true because the way it’s written makes it sound like a wattpad fic? or because it’s unrealistic?
yeah, there’s fake stories around (this is tumblr y’all i was here when the weed smoking girlfriends guy was a thing) but why does that matter? sure, they may be instilling false hopes. but shifting is real, even if some stories are not.
there’s hundreds of good blogs with information on here. if there is one you think is lying, then block or don’t listen to them. including myself.
it should be encouraging to see so many people succeeding, not the other way around.
regarding my own success story
before i continue, i wanna put this out there first. i am not backtracking on my own posts. but i wanna clarify something because i actually shifted this morning. (not to my dr, but i shifted). and it made me understand more about the experience i will talk about below.
a while back, i made this post about my own shifting experience. it truly did feel like a shift to me, so i made a post thinking it would be nice to share. everything i said on that post is true, but it did not occur to me that i could be spreading misinfo by writing it down before i could reflect on what happened, and for that i am sorry.
that confession i mentioned at the beginning of this post said something about people having really vivid lucid dreams and passing them on as a shift, and i think that’s what happened here. i’ve been thinking about it for a while and it’s been eating me up whenever i wonder if my post would count as a fake success or not.
anyways, the point i’m trying to make here is that i’m taking a break from this site for a short while. i noticed i’ve been over sharing(? a lot, so i wanna stop and focus on my own journey instead of over consuming information. and i don’t wanna post things that might ruin other’s journeys either. we are all master manifestors, and we don’t need outside sources to shift.
i don’t wanna leave this community. i’ve met so many good people in here, and i even found a mutual shifting to my same dr and- hello??? that’s never happened to me before! i love hearing about other people’s drs, and that’s my favorite part about the tumblr community. i think the constant interaction is something we should value.
we are all unique and that we all learn at a different pace. so let’s not overthink whether or not a success story is real, and instead put that energy into shifting. see you in two-three weeks!
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threepandas · 6 days
Bird4Bird Part 3: Yandere Hawks
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Did you know? That Fukuoka has the highest concentration of winged Quirks in Japan? Most of them in or around Kyushu. It's a remarkably recent thing too. Used to be farther north, but that slowly died off when the Hero Rising Wing died in action.
Wanna know WHY?
It's because of the fuckin Gyms.
The markets. The specialty doctors offices. The clothing lines that cater to people who have LIMBS sticking out if their backs. All of those? Yeah, they picked up and looked for the next Hero to slap a brand deal on. Because GOD FORBID they serve the community that already existed and needed them.
So folks had to move. Sell their houses.
It was that or take the train for hours each day, after all.
Because? Again. No license? Who CARES if your health suffers! Fucking WALK. Dangerous muscle atrophy and spinal problems? Should have thought about being a HERO! Bleed for the state!
You're not bitter.
You're just routinely pissed enough to spit shards of GLASS.
Doesn't help that YOUR quirk? Oh, YOUR Quirk is one of the BIG ones. One of those "why yes, I CAN bench press a small vehicle, why do you ask?" Sorta quirks. The upkeep is a NIGHTMARE. You live in a god damned SHOEBOX.
You HAVE too! Because FUCKING INSURANCE doesn't cover "frivolous" "luxury" expenses like your Hero-grade gym membership. Which you only NEED because you'd BREAK the normal machines at a standard Avian Quirk Specialty Gym. But good luck trying to agree with the BIGOTS at-!!!
.....breathe. Just.... just breath. In, then out, in, then out.
Not Worth it.
This is workout time. De-stress. Getting to stretch your wings. Work up a swea-OH MOTHER FUCKER!!
Hawks bats his eyelashs, obnoxiously in your opinion, at you and twiddle his fingers in a cheeky lil shit wave. No. NO. This is you day OFF from community service. You were supposed to be FREE of him! How is he HERE?!
You look him dead in the eyes and project MURDER.
His obnoxious grin gets bigger. It's like he WANTS you to fight him! Is... is this bullying? Are you being BULLIED? You're on fuckin PAROLE. The flesh may be so, SO willing to slam him face first through a wall... but the spirit DOESNT WANT TO GO TO JAIL. His ass ain't worth it!
Leave you crimson ass, crow demon! FUCK OFF!
He pouts exaggeratedly at you. Dramatic and fake as shit. "Aaaw, aren't we FRIENDS? Don't you want to hang ooooout~?" NO! I would sell you back to whatever hell dimension you crawled from, for a toothpick I DONT EVEN WANT!
He looks delighted.
Stop that!
You try and ignore him. Finish your work out. But he is so, SO clingy and whiny and LOUD. He's doing on purpose. You know he is. HE knows, you know, he is. You can see it in his eyes. It's the fucking malicious little sparkle.
Is he getting OFF on this? What, does he just LIKE to harrass people? Pick at them?
If he keeps fucking around, he's GONNA find out.
You storm away the second your done. Try to lose him at the changing rooms. Fail. Now he's following you... eating greasy fried chicken... OBNOXIOUSLY. Does he HAVE to FLY while he does that?! The exaggerated noises are COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY!
You spin to rip him a new one, take one look at his smug, victorious expression... and? Actually? Enjoy your fucking chicken. Mama didn't raise a lil bitch. She had a Cutesy Pair Of Angel Wings™ her entire life. Was fetishized to FUCK and back. Learned the fine art of rage and taking no prisoners.
She? She raised a spiteful wrath child with a strong sense of justice.
Fuck yoooooooou.
You hope he CHOKES on that chicken. You begin to turn, but stop. He WAS looking annoyed that his plan didn't work. Why did he just start smirking? He looks entirely too smug and pleased. Not looking AT you. Over your head? Behind-?
"Omg, IS THAT HAWKS~♡?!"
Oh, fuck. You feel the blood drain from you face. His eyes flick down to yours. His PR, fake ass, smile has never been toothier. D...Don't do it. Don't you DARE.
He strikes a photo ready pose. Why YES HE IS~!
You desperately try to get out of the way. You've SEEN the carnage. The poor souls caught in the crossfire. High pitched squeals and thundering feet race closer from behind you. A red feather has by the front of the jacket. You stare down in betrayal. Back up in horror.
You're supposed to be a HERO!
The Fan's cometh. And with a howling curse, you get consumed by the crowd. Hawks laughs, bright and charming above the crowd. His feathers never leaving your body as you get thrown around. Shouldn't have ignored him~
But man, the face you made was pretty cute, too.
Following you was a great idea! He should do it more often~♡
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reallyromealone · 2 years
Despite (name) seemingly being the calmer one in the relationship, he was the one who threw the fuck down when need be.
And it was glorious.
When he learned that Billy was being shitty to little max again, he almost lost it on the blond.
"Baby I'm gonna shave his head when he sleeps" (name) said seriously to Eddie while cupping the brunettes cheeks lovingly "I will get a seam ripper and rip seams in all his clothing so they slowly fall apart while he wears them"
Eddie loved it when (name) was like this.
When he was an absolute menace.
"Put mashed potato mix in his gas tank..."
Eddie wanted to cackle at (name)s revenge plots as their little pup sat in his arms, completely unaware that his dam wanted to commit crimes for the sake of his packmate.
"I have no doubts in your abilities baby"
"Next time I see him I'm running him over"
"Baby remember the rules" Eddie chastised as he let his pup play with his ringed fingers "leave no evidence" (name) groaned "exactly so no car hitting"
"Thank you"
Back in high school billy was down bad for (name), one of the few omegas in his opinion that were worth his time and he was always hella salty that (name) picked the freak over him and what could he say? He had a thing for Dilfs (dams id love to fuck) and (name) definitely fit that category now.
He's down to be that pups step dad he won't even try to deny.
The thing is (name) despised him deeply.
Like willing to commit a felony onto him.
And he almost had a few times.
He was terrifying and hot.
"Stop staring at me you pervert" (name) said with venom in his tone as he was halted by Billy in the grocery store, the man very much objectifying (name) to filth much to the omegas disgust.
"C'mon babydoll don't be like that" Billy said trying to flirt with the Omega who all but hissed at him "piss off sweaty"
"You wanna see me sweaty?"
"I will literally hit you with my car"
"I see something I wanna hit"
Billy leaned closer and that's when (name) had enough"GET AWAY FROM ME YOU PERVERT!" he yelled and everyone turned to look at the scene and Billy tisked as people began whispering amongst themselves because why was an alpha harrassing an Omega and their pup? Billy gave him one last look before leaving the store.
Finishing up his shopping he went to customer service in the grocery shop and borrowed their phone and called Eddie to come get him, he didn't feel safe at the moment.
Eddie came in record time and immediately went and checked on his Omega and pup "I got extra sugar..." (Name) mumbled and Eddie looked confused "gonna fucking ruin that car"
"And I won't stop you angel"
Eddie drove (name) home, helping him unpack before grabbing the baby bag "what are you doing?" (Name) asked curiously "you're coming with me to the shop" Eddie's alpha instincts were going wild at this point and didn't want (name) alone and the Omega didn't stop him.
"What's (name) doing here?" Dustin asked curiositly as the couple walked into the store, it was winter break so all the pups were here ((name) didn't care that they were around sixteen at this point, they were still babies go him) "Billy tried hitting on me at the grocery store and Eddie doesn't want me alone" (name) said simply as he went and sat down beside his little brother, (sons name) babbling excitedly at his uncle "are you alright?" Max asked worriedly to the older Omega and (name) just smiled sweetly "I am but he won't be"
"What do you mean?"
"Don't worry about it little Sparrow"
And no one dared ask further questions as (name) turned his attention to the game table"so what are you guys doing?"
"Working on a campaign for new years"
"Interesting... Oh! I need you guys to come over tomorrow to get your Christmas gifts" (name) said suddenly"except for you dusty, you can wait"
The Hendersons and Munson families were having one big Christmas at (name) and Eddies house and (name) and Eddie had that shit planned.
The two would prep any foods that didn't need to be cooked day of the night before and wake up nice and early to start the meal and dessert.
It was their first Christmas with (sons name) and they did go overboard for him they won't deny.
The rest of the day was spent with Eddie at work, helping him with orders and inventory as their pup hung out with his many aunts and uncles.
The next morning though apparently Billy was pissed and hunting down whoever put sugar in his gas tank.
He never figured it out.
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writing-hat · 6 months
Was rewatching Hands of Time because I wanna get Nya right for my fic (I know I won't but this is an attempt), and I am suddenly remembered of Karlof.
Why is there a metal master? Isn't Cole supposed to be the earth master?
So! Here's why Cole can't metal bend - at least not now, not in this universe, and/or not in my head
Everyone has their own opinions! And this is just me speculating I guess! You can skip if this bores you lmao
Okay for those that are reading my insane and ridiculous overthinking that makes sense for me but might not for everyone cuz I can't explain shit (also cuz yknow this is a lego show for kids all of this wasn't thought through lmao)
So Metal Bending from ATLA is something that always makes me go insane because it is super well brought up AND built up. Because, yknow, Toph is a fucking badass and she's the best actually no contest here I don't take criticism- BUT BUT it's something that somehow feels expected because of how well she handles her powers and how it works when it comes to earth benders
Now for Cole, and earth masters in general, this wouldn't work in my mind, because I feel like the ninjas powers work more in a- "magical" way?
NOW YOU KNOW ME, this does not mean magic doesn't work with physics of our world, yaddi yadda, yknow how crazy I am when it comes to powers being handled with a price, and actually thinking of physics (to an extend, I didn't major in that for a reason LMAO). But it does occur to me that the connections between powers work differently in Ninjago compared to ATLA
This is also why Nya wouldn't be able to blood bend in my mind (EVEN IF THAT'S FUCKING COOL and I want to see content of it always and forever (are there any content on it actually harrass me if there is I wanna see that)), because she's not that kind of close to water, but she is close to it in an other way?
How would I explain that. Hm.
So like imagine a path, and it bifurcates in two different kinds of fields, but it still started from the same branch. Here, one becomes the bender of the matter, reaching potential as badass as blood bending, while the other masters it, understanding how it works to its fundamental, going as far as fusing with the element itself ; it's what makes it so that fire benders can bend lightning, and why that can't be for the ninjas/masters. Because it was never meant to be that.
This comes with the idea that the "Illusion of Separation" is a thing in ATLA! Which, I think would also be the case in Ninjago IF the FSM hadn't seperated them (the powers)- but I still don't know how to explain my thoughts there, other then to say the FSM had all powers before and there's no way he didn't use them at the same time or make them fuse (yknow aside wind and water of course) but he stopped that when he decided to pass it on future masters? something?
And that's why Karlof is the Master of Metal. It got seperated.
(doesn't that mean it can be brought back together? Lloyd I'm looking at you)
ALSO! I think what's taken into account here is the differences between metal and dirt, rocks and such. The chemical/physical differences, how iron is but a mineral in most cases incrusted too deep into the rock before brought back and used to make pure iron (or something idk the exact names) or used to make steel (with carbon levels being too high but yeah this goes to deep I'll stop now) (also if I'm wrong please tell me I'm not a scientist and idk that much on the subject (I think that shows))
More so, Toph's powers and bending works with WAVES! Cole's doesn't (yet, because if he can actually cause earthquakes then O BOI)
Not only that, but they are all born with those powers, and it's hard to master. But for the ninjas, they're "on their own", in way that the generations before them didn't get to teach them shit before they poofed out, and those that are left behind are people that were as clueless as them- looking at the Smith Parents, or even Wu! Who prbably has to learn everything from his father's scrolls because the FSM is a piece of crap actually (not sure how he's handled in the books but rn in my mind he is a piece of crap with how Wu and Garmadon react to most things (that's another talk a bit more Encanto flavored (generational trauma yknow)))
Also, there's the fact that it took so long for the show to show us Cole control the earth from a distance! Usually, his powers are associated with strength- which is in my opinion a huge waste of talent, BUT AT THE SAME TIME IT'S REALLY COOL! You know what I mean?
BUT COLE, even if he doesn't bend metal, there are other things that come with earth powers, things I CAN'T WAIT TO write about, but won't speak for here since I'm still working on it (also they might actually suck but Idc I'm having fun lol)
I wouldn't be surprised if other people found about these abilities tho. Y'know it's the internet! Lots of people think of the same thing
But uh yeah! I guess that's it?
Thanks for reading, and see ya!
(Also if you think I'm wrong about some things, which I prbbly am, or if you wanna add things, correct some of my stuff and all, you're welcomed to do so! I'm always open to being told I'm wrong LMAO)
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syspunk-safe-zone · 10 hours
Why do you equate having a complex dissociative disorder to being a system? CDDs are not “alter disorders” and it really hurts to see so many fellow anti endos equate my serious trauma disorder to just being a system. It makes me want to reconsider endos and what they stand for. My disorder is not just being a system. In fact, my plurality is the least of my worries when it comes to my DID. I have so many other symptoms, my disorder is so much more complex than simply being plural. I wish anti endos would not treat fellow people with dissociative disorders like we literally are endos, aka people with systems but no trauma. It seems like all anti endos care about is the alters aspect of CDDs, and it sucks.
First of all I find it hilarious that you can assume so much about me when I've owned this blog for less than 24 hours. I've been here like a day, forgive me if I haven't had time to disclose every opinion and stance I have. My silence on one topic does not equate to you being allowed to assume my opinions.
Secondly, I didn't say CDD = system. I said OSDDID = system. And if you look at the criteria for the OSDDs and DID it all talks about having parts. either distinct or partially formed. Therefore OSDDID are disorders that result in alters. However there's much more to them. And I'd talk about that stuff too, but ya know, I've had the blog for less than 24 hours so sorry I couldn't discuss every single aspect of my trauma disorder for you to all enjoy.
In honesty, my alters are the least of my worries. I struggle way more with amnesia, inconsistency in my preferences like food, clothes, music, relationships, and dealing with my trauma responses and CPTSD symptoms.
And if you wanna reconsider endos and what they stand for, go ahead??? Idk why you wrote that, I'm not here to stop you, you have free will on this website. Nobody's making you stay here or send in anonymous questions or whatever.
"It seems like all anti endos care about is the alters aspect of CDDs" All I care about is having a safe space and community where we are not constantly feeling threatened or being attacked and harassed. My protector has been front stuck for the longest time in years because endos keep invading our spaces. And they are invading. I've blocked and deleted three asks before responding to this one. I don't go into endo safe blogs and harrass them or post anti-endo stuff in the 'endo safe' tag. They've historically and continuously invaded our spaces and harassed us when we told them to get out.
If you gave me more than 24 hours to put up every single experience and opinion I have, you'd know that.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
"you cant think that we live in a rape culture, that it is wrong and we should fight against it and also think its ok to fantasize about raping someone" - oh brother someone shoot me. A person a followed for while now just went off about how "some kinks aren't ok" and "theres a world of difference between someone who thinks armpits are hot and someone who is a rape, pedophile, or incest fetishist." Like whats so hard to understand that a) you don't have a right to know about peoples private sex lives, and as long the sex is consensual (and actually consensual and not coerced in anyway) who cares it doesn't effect you.(oh and if justs you masturbating and theres no real people involved its literally always consensual cause its literally just you) And also b) liking something in fiction is not the same as liking it in real life, rape fantasies are ridiculously common and there's no evidence that they symptoms of a person wanting to be rapist or that they generate future rapist. You want fight rape culture, fight against the idea that men are owed/deserve sex not that I find it hot when a fake person is molested or is in a position where they cant say no. Do antis not understand that you can like something because its fake not just in-spite of it being fake. Like I've been in real life shit situations and shockingly it didn't make me horny just scared. Actually my kinks are very much tied my social anxieties, a fear of mine is what I'd do if someone wants to have sex me or worse thinks I want to have sex with them and I don't really want it. also I know that in fight, flight or freeze shit I definitly freeze. Anxious me just sits there in a panic and if I was ina situatin where someone was inapropiate theres a good chance I would have no idea what to do and Id just stop and then be to embarrassed to saying anything about it. And in fact after learning all this about my self I am more confident about saying no and setting boundaries and yet abusive power dynamics still turning me on. well fake ones. When I hear about a teacher taking advantage of a student or sexual harrassment at a work place I have very different feelings about it becuase it is real and horrible and not fucking porn! Shocking if todoroki inkhearted into reality I wouldn't jump his bones, - this anon got really long but I didn't realize how annoyed I was until I started typing lol sorry about that
"Wah wah, rape fantasies bad" is just about the most common stupidass opinion amongst the kink haters. Definitely blockworthy.
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