#Samurai Jack au
radaverse · 3 months
When the angsty ahh aus meet
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+ smol comfort bestie swap
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Ask the Samurai brothers! Lil' Shinichi worked hard on his poster~
*not gonna lie, the eyes on that poster haunt me lmao*
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Long ago in a distant land, I Aku, the shape shifting master of darkness unleashed an unspeakable evil, but a foolish Samurai warrior wilding a magic sword stepped forth to oppose me....
before the final blow was struck, I overpowered the samurai and came out victorious--continuing my rain of terror for many years to come.
But with ruined earth and my powers restrained, I seek to undo the the future that is AKU…
Just thought I’d share an old concept art of my aku :>> I liked the idea he used to be a tree before so I created a whole Au where he basically starts to transform back into a tree as his powers weaken. Before he could die though, he wishes to restore the planet to what it was once as his depression many decades later gets to him. Creatures are either hiding away from Aku’s rain of terror or dying from the lack of resources. When most of his kingdom becomes a waste land, aku falls to loneliness and depression and his powers begin to weaken. His body is starting to revert back into a tree so he leaves the castle to die while walking the wasteland he created. However, things don’t always go as planned…
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silvercrow72 · 10 months
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A reunion long overdue - Call Of The Evil
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scipunk63 · 3 months
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The Ladybug Empress.
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vampiricvirtue · 1 year
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help me believe it’s not the real me.
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crystallizedday · 4 months
This idea has been in the works for long enough, so I think it’s about time I finally present it.
The hyperfixation was too strong for me, and I decided to make something wonderful with it.
I present to all of you nutcases
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An AU concept I’ve been refining for the past month or so that follows Demongo and Scaramouche as the main characters.
It takes place roughly a few decades after “Jack and the Baby,” but instead of following the timeline set up by season 5, I wanted to take the universe in a bit of a different direction
The AU is organized into 2 seasons, each having 13 episodes, JUST like the original show.
While not all 26 episodes have been fully fleshed out just yet, most of the crucial ones HAVE been, so I wish to share with you all what I have so far…
Season 1:
This season puts us in the shoes of Scaramouche, a full-time assassin looking to make it big.
While the job isn’t EXACTLY something he was passionate about, it pays the bills, so he decided not to be too choosy. He at least enjoys the fame that comes with it, even if his mechanical heart is still rooted in music.
However, he isn’t the only one looking to make it big in the assassination business.
There seems to be an entire group of assassins, a syndicate, who aren’t too happy about an “outsider” trudging through their terf, and they aim to put a stop to it.
While Scaramouche feels he is more than capable of handling these wannabes, one of his squabbles with them led to him stumbling upon a creature that proved to be quite a nuisance, a soul-eater who keeps swooping in and stealing his kills.
Even after the initial battle, this entity, Demongo, chooses to follow Scaramouche in his endeavors, certain that such a clumsy fool would lead the demon to more powerful warriors for him to imprison.
Episode 1 — After being cornered and losing the upper hand, Scaramouche is “saved” from being turned into scrap by Demongo, who steals the soul of the worn-out assassin to add to his ever-growing army.
Episode 2 — I don’t have anything specific planned for this episode outside of the two bickering for the majority of it and only coming to an agreement at the end of it: Demongo can take the souls of their bounties, and Scara will take the credit so he can get the money from it. Demmy doesn’t care about money anyway, so he’s fine with this outcome.
Episode 3 — While I don’t have the details down just yet, I have a few loose ideas for it. By now, Scara only has a boring-ass flute, a boring-ass scimitar, and a boring-ass knife, so Demmy decides to lead Scara to a place where he could get that pathetic little knife of his upgraded. I can see Demmy picking a fight when he shouldn’t have, almost getting his ass beat when Scara saves him (the guy helps rank in the money, so why let him get squashed?).
By the end of the episode, Scara is worn the fuck out, and immediately assumes his soul was gonna get snatched by Demmy cause of it… but it doesn’t happen. Instead, Demmy just tells him to suck it up so they could get a move on. They eventually get the knife upgraded, Demmy marveling on how delightfully destructive it is while Scara is still processing what happened earlier.
Demongo probably knew he could’ve easily taken Scara’s soul back there, but chose not to. Interesting…
Episode 4 — I don’t have anything for this episode yet.
Episode 5 — Ezekiel and Josephine Clench are the main antagonists of this episode, wanting to snatch a bounty from Scara and Demmy (the bounty probably being some poor passenger on a train, just so the setting can match the one the divorced couple originally appeared in). The only issue is Ezekiel and Josephine keep trying to betray the other to claim the bounty, which lead to both of their inevitable defeat. Even if they also have their disagreements, Scara and Demmy can at least recognize that working together certainly gave the two the upper hand, and squabbling like the Clenches was PROBABLY gonna get them killed as well. This is the point where the two start becoming decent friends.
Episode 6 — We get to see where exactly Scara has been crashing this whole time at the start of the episode, which is… a weirdly isolated lil home, something that certainly surprised Demongo, who assumed the big guy would be living a more social, lavish personal life. Regardless, since Demongo was entrusted to stay here to begin with, he decides to return the favor and try enchanting Scara’s scimitar to be a little more useful in battle, fucking up the entire thing thanks to Scaramouche running his mouth and scatting in the middle of all of it. The scimitar now only responds to his scatting SPECIFICALLY, which Scara doesn’t seem to mind, even if Demmy certainly does.
Ah, and this is also the episode featuring two of my ocs, Spunk and Clunk, twin robotic jesters working for the syndicate. They are mainly there to encourage the two knuckleheads to try combining their fighting styles to get the upper hand and catch their opponents off guard.
The two bots probably followed Demmy and Scara, but instead of reporting back to the syndicate on their whereabouts, they decide to confront the two bozos, confident they could take the demon and the inferior model down. The two jesters work in perfect harmony, mirroring each other’s moves. Acrobatics is the name of the game for them, making them extremely hard to hit. Demmy and Scara decide to combine their fighting styles to take these two clowns down. Fittingly enough, the scimitar deals the final blow to the last jester standing, making Demongo glad he at least got the enchantment to work at all.
Episode 7 — This is a filler episode where Scara decides to take Demongo with him to spend some extra cash they snagged. This is where Demongo has his first outfit change (since Scaramouche was not letting this fucker walk another step wearing nothing but a vampire cape). This is where Demongo gets acquainted with modern society, since bro knows jack-shit about it thanks to “growing up” in the Pit of Hate. Needless to say, bro quickly finds out he has a sweet tooth.
As for a main goal or conflict in this episode, mmmmm…
I wouldn’t be surprised if Demmy found some ways to piss off the people around him, leading to a gradual increase in tension around the duo.
… Demmy definitely yoinks some candy out of a child’s hands at some point. He’s a dick like that KWMWKMWOSMDODCLON
Episode 8 — The two are looking to find a way to enchant Scara’s prized flute as well so it can be used in battle. In trying to find the right place to get it enchanted (since Demmy doesn’t trust himself to not fuck shit up again after last time), they find themselves being stalked by someone hired by the syndicate to get rid of them. I like to think this mysterious person is Mira, the Princess looking to free her people. Perhaps she was promised a way to help her people by the head-honcho of the syndicate. Really, I just wanna use as many og characters as I can and make sure they’re used in meaningful ways... oh and the flute does get enchanted at the end. Forgot to mention that.
Episode 9 — This is another filler episode, cause I like the idea of Scara teaching Demmy how to properly dance and I wanna see that shit happen. I’m sure Demmy will find a way to make use of that talent in battle. At this point, the two have become VERY close, and Demmy has let himself loosen up quite a bit. I have nothing else figured out about this episode.
Perhaps this episode can introduce another member of the syndicate, but I don’t have a design or even concept for em in mind, so uh… :p
Episode 10 — This is a funny fuckin idea. Thanks to alcohol being flammable, I can absolutely see Demongo being a lightweight, so I’m thinking Scara makes the terrible mistake of taking Demmy to a tavern (probably the same tavern Da Samurai was seen in all those years ago). Thanks to his intoxication, Demmy gets the two of them in a shit-ton of trouble... There’s definitely a bar fight scene here, cause I think they’re funny.
I AM considering throwing a lil curveball in here at some point. Y’all familiar with the idea of being intoxicated makes ya more susceptible to talking about things and thoughts that you’d normally keep under wraps? I’m thinking about applying that here, where at the end of the episode, Demmy (still very much intoxicated) out of nowhere asks Scara why the big guy is being so damn nice to him. He asks this not just because the two were not on the best of terms just a few months ago, but also because he is under the mindset that he needs to repay that kindness, a mindset that came about due to working under Aku (even if Aku’s “kindness” more so comes in the form of being allowed to live or be apart of his higher ranks and shit). He starts rambling about how he feels he can never fully repay that kindness and is stressed the fuck out about it. Of course, Scara reassures him that he doesn’t need to repay shit, and he chooses to be nice to him cause he likes hanging out with the lil guy. Saying this confuses Demmy is an understatement, but Scara tells em that they’ll properly talk about it once bro is actually sober. The episode ends with Scara taking him back home (probably carrying him cause I like being self indulgent like that IWNWKWMWOSKSOS).
Episode 11 — The episode starts out with Demongo attempting to play Scaramouche’s flute, and failing miserably. Since Demmy does not have ANY experience with modern media, Scara decided it would be a funny idea to take the lil shit to go see a movie. Unfortunately, Demmy doesn’t understand when to keep his mouth shut and ends up getting the both of them kicked out afterwards. This doesn’t bother the lil shit though as he starts laying out how he would’ve written such a thing, seeing the original piece of work as a “flawed, uninspired mess” and such. However, he accidentally lets a few things slip, such as his questionable stance on authority and his fear of failure. Before Scara can ask about any of this, the two of them realize that Demmy no longer had Scara’s flute, losing it at some point. Demmy, in an extremely vulnerable state, zips off in a panic, but is quickly found again by Scara, who talks with him about what’s going on.
This is where the real meat of Demmy’s character gets revealed (even if hints of it have certainly popped up here and there in the past). He reveals how he was sent back to the Pit of Hate to be punished after failing to kill Samurai Jack. He was only able to leave once he regained the strength to bust out of there himself, and fears what his ex-master would think if he ever found out about this… which is something that Scara isn’t sure how to feel about, especially since he’s been wanting to climb the ranks to get Aku’s attention ever since he became an assassin.
Demmy feared being punished for slipping up yet again, letting down another individual he admittedly looked up to. TLDR, bro is NOT doing okay, and Scara decides to comfort the lil guy. Once Demmy is able to pick himself back up, the two try to head back to the theater when another character stops them. This fella (definitely an oc I need to design) appears to be a fellow music-lover, and (not recognizing who these two were) decided to return the flute to its rightful owner. The fella decides to let the two know about this one village where hundreds of people gather to party and dance and shit, thinking the two would be interested, which leads us to…
Episode 12 — The rave episode. This is where shit gets FUNKY… and extremely self-indulgent.
Donning some flashier outfits, Scara and Demmy decide to head to this “rave” to see what it’s all about, just cause. However, throughout most of the episode, Demmy struggles to tell Scara something and does not know how to approach him about it.
The details here get a lil fuzzy since I haven’t really mapped out how the middle section of the episode goes, but eventually, a few assassins from the syndicate track the two down and attempt to be rid of them once and for all, but with all the bright lights and dancers about, it makes things more difficult than they wanted it to be.
Eventually, the assassins get their chance to attack, but the duo handle the situation with ✨style✨, and it’s only NOW when Demongo finally musters up the courage to confess to Scara (via gestures, since Demmy couldn’t find the words for it and ultimately just said “fuck it”). Scara reciprocates the gesture, but advised that the two of them take care of the dudes trying to kill them first before talking about the subject any further, which Demmy agreed on.
Once that’s all said and done, the episode ends with the two heading home, taking a moment to talk about what they are now and where do they go from here.
I don’t care how self-indulgent this is, but RIGHT as the episode’s about to conclude, I can see the two sharing their first kiss!
I’m shipping trash.
This was inevitable WJJWJWSNWIKSOSMS
Ah, and one more thing.
When Demmy tries to confess to Scara, HE doesn’t know what he’s confessing to.
All HE knows is that Scara makes him the happiest he’s ever been in his lifetime, and he wanted to find the right opportunity to open up about it.
It isn’t until Scara straight up tells Demmy what those feelings mean when Demmy finally understands he’s been crushing on the big guy this entire time…
And how Scara could tell for a while since Demongo is NOT good at outwardly hiding those feelings KANWKSMOSNDKXNCON
I like to think even though Scara felt the same, he wanted to wait for Demmy to come out and say it first… which technically did happen, just not the way Scara expected OWMWOSMWODMSOKDON
It sounds cheesy, but I like the idea of Demmy at first not knowing what these emotions were all about and what they meant cause well
I’ve experienced that shit before
And I thought such a thing was too cute NOT to find an excuse to use it in my writing at some point OWMWKWMWOMCODCODNVOFM
Anyway uh
Small tangent over.
Episode 13 — I WISH I had a fully fleshed out version of this episode prepared, but at the moment, all I know for certain is that this is where the two finally decide to face off against the heart of the syndicate and get these guys off their back once and for all, thus allowing them to take the title of the world’s greatest assassins… by technicality.
Perhaps the two go after a fake bounty and walk right into a trap, being taken to the whereabouts of the big boss himself (who I see as this round alien slug lookin guy with robotic crab legs, probably with the overall build of the spider boss guy from Monsters Inc.).
Maybe the big guy offers Scara to betray Demmy and join the syndicate, promising the tin can a financially stable life where he will never be looked down by others again. Not only does Scara refuse for Demmy’s sake, but calls out how the big guy could’ve given Demmy a similar offer, either because he fears what the soul collector is capable of…
Or because he wants to turn Demmy in to Aku.
And Scara was NOT having that,
The two fight side by side, taking down hordes of fighters until one of ‘em can get a good hit on the big boss and leave him defenseless, Demmy being given the honor to do the final blow with the scimitar… with Scara’s help since that shit is heavy as fuck.
The two definitely celebrate like a bunch of dorks at the end of it, acting like they just didn’t murder dozens and dozens of people LWMWKSMEODKODFKOFMFKML
At the very least, this victory meant these guys wouldn’t be bothering the two of em anymore…
Season 2:
A few months have passed since the last episode as the two start to adjust to their new life as a couple.
The start of this season focuses on the two retrieving the old souls Demongo had lost during his first battle with Samurai Jack, the two eventually deciding to seek out the samurai so they can defeat him once and for all.
But things do not go as planned, especially since Demongo is still hesitant about immediately going back to serving his old master.
Episode 14 — The season starts out in the perspective of two demons working under Aku as his form of law enforcement. These two had just gotten word of Demongo’s recent activity, desperate to capture him and return him to the Pit of Hate. After all, these two demons were THE guards originally assigned to keep an eye on Demongo when facing his eternal punishment, but had been too negligent and let him slip away. They never informed Aku of this fact, fearing what the big guy would do to the two of them if he knew that one of his most dangerous minions was on the loose.
The two demons frantically ask around to see if anyone has seen that deity trouble-maker, but no one can give them any leads.
This leads to a cute lil scene transition where one of the demons goes “Where could that forsaken traitor be??” only for the episode to immediately cut to Demmy and Scara waking up together with the most wholesome domestic vibes you can think of OWMWKWMKWSMOSMSOSMDODMD
After a cute lil morning routine segment, the two knuckleheads head off to find themselves another bounty, only to stumble across quite the scenario. The Titan Demongo once controlled has been running amok in a populated area, and while Scara and Demmy initially did not care to take care of it (assuming Jack would come in to save the day), when the beast kept raging on with no one else stepping up to the challenge, the two decide to take care of this beast before it causes any more problems. Plus, Demmy could really use the extra strength provided by such a beast. After all, in this universe, Demmy can harness the strength and abilities of the souls he collects, a power that will come in handy down the road…
Curious as to why Jack did not arrive to the scene, the two decide to make it their mission to find Samurai Jack for themselves, actively seeking out people who might know a thing or two and interrogating them on the subject.
Episode 15 — The duo seek out the four distinct souls that Demongo used to fight Samurai Jack all those years ago: the knight, the white tiger, the four-armed warrior, and the black samurai. None of them no longer being in their prime certainly made defeating them rather easy, even if each of them had their own special… quirks that delayed the inevitable…
Like the knight guy. I wanna give him Don Quixote vibes.
Episode 16 — I have nothing planned for this episode at the moment.
Episode 17 — I only have the main idea for this episode thought out, which is how the two come across the three singing sirens that once hypnotized Jack long ago. However, their singing does not work.
Because this version of Demongo is absolutely gay, and Scaramouche (despite being pan) is far too prideful in his own singing to fall for somebody else’s.
And this pisses the sirens OFF.
Episode 18 — I’m not sure EXACTLY how I want this episode to go, but all I know is that THIS is where the two find the Scotsman along with his… INCREDIBLY large family, and decide to fight him to interrogate him on the whereabouts of Jack.
I want the Scotsman to survive this fight, so I’m thinking what happens is his daughters (who are like… still VERY young at this point) enter the fight as well to protect their father against his own wishes (and perhaps the others in his clan also chime in), forcing Scara and Demongo to retreat… but not without at least a LITTLE bit of vital info as to where Jack could be (even if I’m unsure what it would be just yet).
Episode 19 — This episode is a bit of a parody of the “Jack and the Baby” episode. The duo stumble across a random-ass baby and, despite Demongo being so incredibly disgusted by it, Scara does not have the heart to abandon the poor thing, so they keep the lil thing until they can find someone else who will take care of it for them.
Needless to say, neither of these nutcases should be fathers.
… also, the father of the baby is DEFINITELY the grown up baby from the ORIGINAL “Jack and the Baby” episode.
Cause that shit’s funny.
Episode 20 — This is where shit hits the fan.
The two find Samurai Jack, but he’s barely recognizable. Age has certainly taken a toll on his physical appearance, and he has dressed himself in armor that made it almost impossible to tell it was him.
Before the three fight, Demongo notices how “the fire in his soul had dwindled” since the last time the demon has faced off against him. This made Scaramouche realize that Jack’s sword was nowhere to be seen, and while he and Demongo at first suspected he was simply hiding the sword, they eventually put two and two together to figure out Jack no longer had the sword. However, even though Scara wanted the details on what exactly happened (so he can make fun of Jack for it), Jack attacks, starting the fight.
At some point during the battle, Scara gets badly wounded, and Demongo stops fighting to try and patch him up the best he can. This surprises Jack, not knowing a demon like Demongo could express such concern for another living being like this. Of course, Demmy is incredibly offended by this assumption.
However, Jack then proposes something. He tells the two how they may put themselves in danger by taking him out and submitting to Aku. Scara brushes it off at first, but Demongo…
Knowing what would happen if either of them ever failed Aku again…
Demongo hears Jack out, fearing what Aku would do to Scaramouche in a worse case scenario.
Jack offers the two the chance to take his side, to stop Aku once and for all.
While Jack does not have his sword (as it got destroyed at some point, much like in the comic), he has been searching for decades for a way to get it back, and is confident Demongo could help in some way.
Scara refuses at first, finding disgust in the idea of working with a guy that wants to erase centuries-worth of history and everyone in it just to save whatever the past was like for him.
But Demmy quietly proposes to Scara that they simply get rid of Aku first, then Jack. Scara is still confused as to why he of all people would want to side with Jack, and while Demongo despises the idea as well… he simply cannot trust his old master to not harm Scaramouche in the future.
The two decide to take Jack’s deal, even if they’re not entirely happy about it.
Episode 21 — The daughters of Aku make an appearance in this episode, but instead of being nine twins, almost all of them are from different mothers, all training under the head cultist to become stronger. Only two of them are twins that came from the head cultist: Ashi and Aki. They are the youngest of the nine, and by that I mean they are actually just children that are being indoctrinated to be merciless warriors. The other sisters are much older and have heavily-varying body types to make them a little more distinct from one another, and in accordance to their signature weapons. The weapons themselves are actually why Ashi and Aki are twins, since they wield the same weapon in canon. None of them have the essence of Aku in them because that whole plot point is just plain silly to me and causes WAY too many plot holes for my liking.
Meanwhile, Jack has recruited the Scotsman to help the gang out, and the big guy is NOT happy to be working with the two assassins that tried to kill him… ESPECIALLY Demongo.
I’ve been looking into the topic of the fae recently, and I thought it would be a funny nod to its lore for the Scotsman to genuinely think Demongo was part of the fae and insult him as such, which Demmy take GREAT offense to.
What none of them realize is that there was someone else following the group in secret, which turns out to be one of Scotsman’s daughters, Flora. Despite not even being a teenager yet, she still had the fiery fighting spirit of her father, and wished to be sure her father would be safe from the goons that attacked him before. Of course, she tries to ensure her father doesn’t suspect her presence, knowing he’d disapprove of her risking her own life for his sake.
However, the main gang’s squabbling is interrupted when the daughters and the head cultist arrive, the latter being there to personally ensure the death of the samurai.
While Jack handled the head cultist and the duo handled most of the daughters, the Scotsman found himself up against the two youngest twins, who he just did not have the heart to fight, even if the two were more than willing to tear him apart.
This is when Flora makes her presence known, defending her father from the twins, much to Scotsman’s disapproval. However, seeing someone their age fight for someone she deeply cares about, the twins start to reconsider their alliance. Scotsman actively telling his daughter how he refuses to let her fight and get herself hurt is the final nail in the coffin for the twins, since their own mother was not nearly as considerate. This is where they start asking questions, such as why would the Scotsman refuse to let his child fight in battle and such, all culminating to the big guy letting the fatherly instincts kick in and deciding he was going to be a MUCH better parent to these two than the head cultist ever was… much to Flora’s displeasure.
By the time this is said and done, the other three have taken care of the of the daughters and the head cultist, Jack wishing they could’ve found a way to get through to the other daughters as well… but Demongo immediately dismisses that thought.
The demon at LEAST tries to butter up the Scotsman and try to make a proper alliance, but the big guy still hates his guts, deciding to take Flora and his new daughters home… especially since the former was MOST DEFINITELY grounded for that little stunt she pulled.
I can see Demongo just shrugging it off, telling Jack “Well, you can’t say I didn’t TRY” cause I feel like he’d rub it in Jack’s face how him trying to be nice for once absolutely failed KWMWKWMWOSMWOD
Episode 22 — Scara, Demmy, and Jack come across an old house seemingly in the middle of nowhere, most of which being covered in a botanical mess of plants and vines and shit. They were going to ignore it when Scaramouche felt interested in investigating the residence, and so the three proceeded inside the home.
While they dig deeper and deeper into the home, Scara keeps getting brief and vague flashbacks to something, but he can’t quite remember the details too well. It’s only when he alone eventually discovers the miniature lab underneath the home when his memories become active again (ya know… like a computer booting up old videos and shit).
He starts remembering the first few moments of becoming active, with his creator welcoming him into a world. As present Scara starts going back to all the weird shit the three of them found, he starts to recover more and more memories, up until he recalls his creator’s last words to him. Present Scara stops to stare at a broken window, a piece of cloth still being stuck in one of the many shards. Judging from the barely visible insignia featured on it, it appeared to have once belonged to one of the members of the syndicate from season one.
His creator had a bounty on his head.
Demongo has been asking if Scara was alright throughout the entire ordeal, but ultimately, Scara simply tells him that this place just reminded him of some simple, distant memories. Demmy, while still suspecting something major was up and thus trying to be as supportive as he can, accepts the explanation for now.
Before they depart, Jack eventually chimes in to ask if Scara knew what this place was and who used to live here, the big guy eventually replying with “No.”
Episode 23 — The episode starts with Jack briefly parting ways with the duo so he can get some answers as to how he can either return or replace his sword. Since Demmy and Scara weren’t too fond of going on such a boring journey, they’re happy to stay behind. After Jack wanders about, coming across all sorts of oddities (like maybe stumbling across the Grim Reaper, the one from Billy and Mandy making a brief cameo thanks to how THAT universe is seemingly connected to all other CN properties). Eventually, he stumbles across the portal guardian, who has grown old and frail, but NOT from proper aging. He tells Jack about how “the timeline has shifted”, and how he can no longer see into the future like he used to. He is uncertain of what will happen next, and tells Jack to be careful, for nothing is certain anymore. Jack returns to Demmy and Scara, who SEEMINGLY have just been goofing off for the entire episode. Jack is absolutely traumatized by what he just witnessed… but decides it’s not worth talking to these two about it. Plus, the two don’t seem to care anyway.
Episode 24 — This episode starts with the EXACT same setup as episode 23, but instead of focusing on Jack’s perspective, it focuses on Scara and Demmy’s perspective. After the two have some silly banter, Demmy decides to talk about his “upbringing” and how he is quite literally the only one of his “species” due to how his creation required not only PLENTY of resources, but also VERY precise conditions. He throws some little nuggets of information in there, like how he is basically made entirely of carbon, more so than any human or similar organic creature. Scara is fascinated by this, but gets a curveball thrown at him when Demmy asks about HIS creation.
At first, Scara is VERY but hesitant, but eventually gives in and tells Demmy about his background, his creator, and even the last conversation the two of them had. Demmy is quite fascinated by the idea of Scara seeing the old man as “his dad”, especially since Demmy himself doesn’t have any equivalent to that. Can’t have a parental figure if you’re just a weird creature that just POPPED out of the ground one day. However, Scara reassured him that it probably was for the best the small demon never had a parental figure.
He tells the lil guy about how his old man wanted the big fella to live a good life, and he good to others in turn… and feels a bit gross knowing that he eventually turned to the same kind of job that got the poor old man killed, and he doesn’t know what to do about it. Even if Demmy is not the best with comforting (in fact, I’d wager he’s typically kind of shit at it), he tries reassuring the big guy that the two of them are at LEAST doing some good NOW. Even so, Scara knows all this was just temporary, and admits he is a little afraid of trying to start a clean life if they were to ever take down Aku.
Demmy, who had once thrived off of the idea of being a menace to others, decided he was willing to at least attempt to be better if it meant helping his big tin can partner out, which is something even Scara is surprised to see, but he doesn’t reject the idea. Ultimately, the two decide to try and “wing it”, see where this plan to take down Aku goes. The two start gushing about one another when Jack finally returns, which mirrors how the previous episode ended. Neither party knows what just happened, nor do they care to tell each other.
Episode 25 — I’m not entirely sure what this episode will entail either, but I’m at least certain it will involve Jack gaining “his sword” back, or at least a spiritual rendition of it, much like what happened in the comics. However, this alone would not defeat Aku once and for all, and Jack knew that well, so he still trusted Demmy and Scara to help him take down the big guy for good.
Episode 26 — This is the episode where the big fight with Aku happens.
I dunno how it starts, but I sure as hell know how it ends.
While the three are able to decently weaken Aku, they are unable to do the finishing blow. The battle keeps going, wearing out the three while Aku keeps on fighting.
However, due to Aku’s weakened state, Demongo gets an idea, a DANGEROUS idea.
He decides to try and take the essence of Aku himself, which
To everyone’s surprise
Actually works!
An Aku-shaped skull forms on Demongo’s chest, solidifying his control over his former master.
While Jack is hesitant as to what Demongo would do next, one of the first things Demmy does is harness Aku’s powers to provide a portal into the past, offering Jack a chance to go back into the past and right Aku’s wrongs. Despite it being the main theme of the original show, Jack refuses, choosing to stay in the present and help the people that still needed his aid here.
Demongo was extremely relieved to hear that, not only cause he didn’t want to risk himself and Scara being erased from existence, but also because Demmy KNEW someone was going to have to take Aku’s place as ruler, and he… weirdly didn’t want that.
The old Demongo would have dreamed of this day to come, but not THIS Demongo. He just wanted to live a simple-ish life with Scara, finally feeling content with himself.
Eventually, the two make a deal.
Due to Demongo having Aku’s essence, he would become the new public figure, donning a new emperor outfit & everything. However, he alone would not be the one to make the big decisions and shit.
He of course had Scara, who he’d ensure would live a more comfortable life by his side, but he didn’t wanna put any kind of pressure on the big guy to help him out.
That kinda power would be put in Jack’s hands.
After all, he IS the son of the original emperor.
Despite this, Jack spends most of his time traveling the land and helping those in need, ensuring peace throughout the world…
Also, if there would be any kind of epilogue of sorts, it would DEFINITELY involve the two dorks getting married, because I’m based like that. :))) KWMWKWMWOSM
Now that the entire AU’s basic outline is out of the way, I wanna share some art I made exclusively for this AU so far!
First off, since I plan for Demongo to have alternative outfits as the story progresses, I made 3 additional default outfits for him to don.
All three of these outfits were initially designed by @tigerarainbowra-blog while I only tweaked them a bit, so you can thank her for these AWESOME outfits!
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This one with the BEEG shoulder pad jackets is a favorite of mine (making its initial appearance in the rave episode), and is definitely the one bro is seen the MOST in throughout the entire AU.
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Meanwhile, this last one is only seen halfway into season 2 once he gets used to being around Jack.
Scaramouche also had alternative outfits as well, but I haven’t gotten around to designing them just yet, so :p
Aside from additional outfits, I also have whipped up some designs for some original characters that’ll appear in this AU!
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These two, Spunk and Clunk (named by the lovely @aceofcards0715 ), were heavily inspired by the two jester robots seen in the GBA game “Samurai Jack: Amulet of Time”.
The diamonds on their arms are supposed to be in relation to the syndicate, even if I haven’t quite figured out the details or it yet.
I was fascinated by just how similar these two looked compared to Scaramouche, so I doubled down on that idea.
You can see these guys as like
Newer models that were created using the same schematics for Scaramouche himself.
Cause I’m sure those schematics are out there SOMEWHERE…
Speaking of Scaramouche, I felt like giving the fella a BIT of a backstory, so I decided that instead of, say, being created by a bunch of evil scientists…
He was instead built by a retired one, who left once he had enough of the twisted work Aku put him through.
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He is where Scaramouche gets a lot of his more humane quirks, even if the big guy doesn’t really remember his creator all too well.
The details are fuzzy…
Tigera also was the one to originally make Fern’s design.
Honestly, she’s been a BIG help with this AU, both with the designs and the episodes themselves, I couldn’t thank her enough for it!
Go check her out if you haven’t already! She’s SUPER talented!
I have plenty of more original characters I want to properly flesh out, and a lot of new designs for some familiar faces (since this AU DOES take place a few decades after season 4 of the original series), so this will NOT be the last time you hear about this AU.
Oh no…
THIS is just the BEGINNING…
Although, please do keep in mind that this is just a concept I made for funsies, so I don’t plan on actually doing anything BIG with it.
Additionally, some details are subject to change…
HOWEVER, despite all of that, I hope what I CAN provide is still overall engaging!
I MIGHT just write out some of these episodes in the future, if I can garner the motivation for it…
For now though, I hope you all enjoyed this brief lil glimpse into the funni shit that occupies my brain on a daily basis! KWNWKWMWOSMOSDM
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Ah, what better way to introduce the visual part of this AU, than with a shit-post! Fr tho, trying very hard to emulate the style rn. Goddamn, rear 3/4 views are STILL hard af to do for me. Based on the part of my theory post that Jack and Aku are half-brothers.
Original art by @colliholly. Gotta love the funky lil trash man!
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kittysuicoffee · 23 days
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Ankoku the second coming of aku… baby boy baby
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fallanangel666 · 10 months
you make samurai jack au lady Lisa
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of course I can she's so beautiful
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gkhaliq · 1 year
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Fanart for @aquateenshakee
Sorry it took so long
I know it looks bad I’m sorry 😭😭😭
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radaverse · 13 days
what if they met way before they did
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the baby
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Been meaning to give y'all this, enjoy c;
Outfit is from Episode 13, Aku's Fairytales, with a few minute changes.
I know it's been like a month since I've last posted, been in a funk lately.
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waspstar986 · 1 year
Demonie and The Heart of Akuma (Movie Poster) by Waspstar986!
Demonie was originally going to be an OC for a Samurai Jack fanfiction I was planning to write years ago. After the series ended, the idea I had kind of died with it. However, a school project back when I was an art student at USF gave me the perfect opportunity to revive the character and turn her into something much more than another OC. This movie poster was one of many assignments involved in that project, and it's the one that I am most proud of.
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silvercrow72 · 1 year
What if…
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heyitsjetstream · 2 years
So uhh
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One day I just sat down and thought "hey wouldn't it be very cool if I turned one of my favorite characters ever into a Hollow Knight character? And I took it I fucking took it. So, here it is! Scaramouche if he was in Hollow Knight! He's based off of the small tortoiseshell butterfly and as that little scribble on the right says, he's an assassin because well, that's literally just his job. Anyhoo, I'm out!
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