marvelsocialmedia · 1 year
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wwilsonbarness · 7 months
when we get home
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pairings:  sam wilson x bucky barnes 
summary: Bucky opens up to Sam about his past.
warnings: mentions of sexual assault, mention of Bucky’s being held by HYDRA, flufff
word count: 1271
a/n: i’m trying to get back into writing so this isn’t written the best but I really wish we got a conversation like this in the show :( 
Feedback, likes and reblogs are much appreciated :) 
I do not give permission for my work to be copied, reposted or translated on any other platform.
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“Are we gonna talk about it?” Sam almost whispers. Not one word had been spoken between them since they arrived at Sharon's safehouse. 
Bucky doesn’t move his eyes from his hands where he was playing with his fingers. “Talk about what?” 
“You know what.” Bucky takes a deep breath, he wishes he didn’t know. He knows already that him and Sam aren’t really friends, yet something in him feels safe enough to open up to him.
Sam moves closer to Bucky, close enough that their thighs brush together. “Buck..” 
Bucky can feel his eyes grow wetter as the flashbacks of his time at Hydra flash through his mind. He turns to Sam and looks into his eyes, they’re full of trust, full of care. “I just.. I haven’t spoken about that with anyone before.” 
“Look, you don't have to talk about it.. just know that you can anytime and I’ll listen.” 
“You won’t judge me? Or look at me any different?” 
Sam shoots Bucky a slight smile. “I promise.” 
“I only remember parts.. a lot of my time with Hydra is still full of gaps, it comes back sometimes at random times but I remember..” Bucky pauses for a second and tries to think of a way to word this.
Sam puts his hand on Bucky’s thigh and squeezes slightly. Once his hand makes contact he worries he might have overstepped but Bucky leans into his touch and pushes those concerns away. 
“At first when they found me in the snow it wasn’t bad, I honestly felt relieved that I had been found, but then they told me who they were and I knew I wasn’t safe. I noticed too late, there was no way for me to escape. They locked me in a room and left me there for what felt like days. Food and water would appear in my room but I never saw anyone come in or out. I later found out that they would put gas into my room to knock me out.” Bucky feels like he is going off topic but Sam reassures him he’s okay to continue. 
“Once they’d gotten in my head with those damn words, they controlled everything I did. They would use me for their missions as you know, but it didn’t stop there. At one point, I don’t even know when but they moved me to a room and it had windows. At first I thought this was a good thing but then I realised they were only one way windows. I couldn’t see out but they could see in.”
Sam didn’t say anything but nodded, urging Bucky to continue. 
“They would take turns coming into my room, one at a time but I could hear the others on the other side of the window. They made me do different things and I’m still putting the pieces together but I remember one in particular. He would make me stand right in front of the mirror and take my clothes off.” Bucky felt Sam tense beside him and looked at him, checking if he should continue. Sam’s heart melted at Bucky, even at his most vulnerable he was checking on others. 
“It’s okay, only keep going if you want to.” 
Bucky nodded before continuing. “Once I had my clothes off, sometimes he would make me..” Bucky’s voice grew smaller and smaller as he continued, so much so, Sam could almost not hear him. “He would make me touch myself, whilst they all watched. I could hear them laughing, like they were enjoying themselves. The guy in the room, he would keep telling me what to do but he would stop right before I..” Sam gave Bucky a look of understanding, Bucky was thankful he didn't have to say it. “He would do it over and over again, never letting me finish.” Bucky cringed slightly at his wording but kept going. “Once they'd had their fun they’d just leave me there in pain.” 
Bucky suddenly felt like he had to defend himself. “And it’s not like I wanted to.. but anything would have been better than having to wait it out.” 
Sam can feel his anger rising, thinking back to earlier in the night. Zemo asking Bucky to go back into that mindset and let him touch him was uncalled for. He felt guilty for letting it happen even though deep down he knew it had to happen. Still he made a mental note to apologise to Bucky when the time was right.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to defend yourself. I can’t imagine how hard that would've been.” Bucky felt relieved at that, he almost felt silly for thinking Sam would judge him but after a second he realises probably not everyone would react this way. He really was grateful for having Sam. He made him feel safe and listened to so he kept going. 
“There was another man, he only came in a few times and he would touch me.. but…” Bucky took a deep breath and paused for only a moment. “He wouldn’t use the words. He just told me to lie down and I would do it. I just let him.” 
Sam didn’t want to interrupt Bucky but he couldn’t let him blame himself for that. “Bucky.. That wasn't your fault. Whether he used the words or not, it was against your will.”
“But I could have stopped him, If i’d just been toughe-”
“Bucky no. Please listen to me when I say this.” Sam shifts sideways slightly and grabs Bucky’s hands. He looks up into Bucky’s eyes and continued. “None of what happened to you is your fault, you had no choice in what happened.” 
Bucky can feel a tear run down his face before he can stop it. He quickly brings his hand up and wipes it away. “I’m sorry for this. I know you probably don’t want to hear about it.”
“Buck” Sam chuckles lightly. “I like to think we’re close enough now that we can vent to each other. This is gonna be pretty tough if we can’t.”
This brought a little smile to Bucky’s face. “Thank you for listening to me Sam, and thank you for not looking at me like I'm some freak.”
“You’re not a freak. You’ve been through a lot, that doesn’t make you a freak, that makes you strong. I know this was hard to look back on but I’m glad you felt safe enough to..with me. I’m here for you okay? From now on, we have each other's backs, no matter what.” 
“I’m here for you too. You can talk to me, I know I’ve been a bit of a dick in the past but I promise I got you. You can talk to me about anything, I know you’ve been through a lot too. It must be ha-” 
Before Bucky could finish speaking, the door swings open and Zemo walks in. “Gentleman.” Bucky pulls away from Sam and wipes his face once more, he absolutely does not want Zemo to crack any jokes about this. He shoots Sam an apologetic look but there's no need, Sam understood and nodded slightly to show that. “ Are you two ready to leave? We’re waiting.” 
Sam and Bucky both clear their throat before standing up. Both mumbling a response that sounds like a mixture of “Yes” and “Let’s go” 
Zemo leaves the room first and Bucky goes to follow but not before looking back at Sam and grabbing his hand. 
“When we get home.” They both smile slightly and Sam squeezes Bucky’s hand. 
Sam nods before responding “When we get home.”
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Alex Ross presents…
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missmarveledsblog · 1 month
summary : when boys your age just don't do it for you but someone older does  .
warnings : age gap ( legal one before anyone is calling svu )  mutual pining , no pepper in this universe  
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" nat I'm done dating the dude brought me to a strip club and gave me ones to tip the dancers " Y/n huffed walking into the main living room. " Jesus and I thought my dating life was bad " bucky snorted dodging the incoming pillow . " guys my age suck " she pouted sitting down beside the widow  placing her head on nats shoulder. " date me and we can live our best lives " nat smirked poking her side. " I would but bruce won't share " she rolled her eyes . " I'll deal with him " she chuckled .  " well you could always date me doll " bucky wiggled his brows . " i'm already in therapy  no thank you " she stuck her tongue out at the man . " well  i would of gave you fives for the club " he shrugged . " oh take me now " she fake swooned into the couch. " i mean i could rock your world doll " he stood walked towards her thinking he had the edge . " and i'd break you " she looked up making bucky freeze in his spot . "  i think you just did that " sam fell over laughing . " that's my girl " nat hugged her. " damn it she goes all doe eyes and says shit like that " he grumbled in his defeat. "  it's ok we can hit the club i might have a connection with one of the dancers at this rate " she sighed. " what about the crush "  sam looked around . " just a crush i mean not going to go anywhere other than that " she pouted. " can't believe you've the hots  for stark and not me " bucky teased . " i like older men,  not one from the great depression " she rolled her eyes . "  she a match for stark with that mouth of her " bucky chuckled .  " a lot this mouth could can do boy " she hopped up while nat laughed at the mens gaping mouths .  " see you later malyshka" nat called after her. " bye nat love you " she called back .  
she roamed around compound not really knowing what to do , i mean she had the choice of working out with steve but that was hard pass , maybe working on her computer in the lab would kill time .  she could see bruce and tony already working away on whatever, it's like the two lived in the confines of  that part of the  compound. " hey kiddo how was the date " bruce called . " bust like major bust " she groaned heading to her computer. " well i mean his name was chad " tony chuckled . " he brought me to a strip club, he out chadded any future chads " she rolled her eyes. " hey tony could you come with me i need your help " bruce smiled taking the billionaire gaze off the girl . " with what ?" tony head shot towards the fellow science bro . " snack run  can't carry it so come on , you want anything kiddo? " he asked. " oh cookies and chips please " she looked up excitedly. " coming up " tony smiled brightly. " course it is " bruce muttered . " why don't you make a move man even i can see you like her " bruce whispered as they walked down the hall . " she's too young  plus i mean who say she even likes me , she always around barnes " tony shrugged .  " she doesn't like me stark  " bucky made the two men jump at his sudden appearance . " yeah ok, you guys are always flirting " he rolled his eyes . " no i'm always flirting and she shooting me down with sarcastic comment it's our thing ,  i love her like a best friend  " he chuckled grabbing himself a plum as they began snack hunting . " still she same age as parker and he's called me dad way too many times " he grimaced. " maybe she can call you daddy " nat walked by   with a wink before  kissing bruce on the cheek.  " we don't even know if she likes me i've flirted with her and it does nothing " he said not feeling his usual cocking ego filled  self , a first for tony stark he was sure of that . " you flirt with everyone even F.R.I.D.A.Y " nat deadpanned . " hey honey feel like watching a movie" bruce kissed her cheek , hint of mischief in his words .   " i guess i'll bring the snacks to the lab " tony  picked them up . " hey here's a bottle of that tea stuff she like" nat threw it across the room . " thanks i guess " he walked out wondering would he actually make a move on not . again it was all new for tony he was used to women making the move throwing  themselves at him  yet here he was wondering how to make a move . He wondered if this was how tiny capsicle felt ? .
she sat so stuck in her work she barely noticed tony approaching  hands filled with snacks until the door opened. " where's banner " she tilt her head she was sure the two left together. " with his girlfriend , probably afraid your gonna steal her on him " he smirked handing her the cookies , chips and bottle of ice tea. " i will so he should be scared " she giggled . " so no luck on these dates ?" he knew it was ridiculous fishing around god he felt the kid . " most definitely not i think  i'm destined to be single , i mean guys my age just wanna hump and dump and that's cool but after a while you kinda want more " she sighed looking down at her cookie. " i get that , i mean sleeping around is great but when you're looking for more it's get boring " he nodded. " yeah except you sleep with actresses and models not same thing , like douchebag last night brought me to a strip club because he found out i was bisexual " she laughed dryly . " i'm still finding glitter and i've showered twice" she grimaced. " why not date someone older " he smiled softly. " i would if i could find anyone that took me serious , i mean again they treat you like kid i'm clearly smart and have a head on my shoulders , been taking care of myself since i was like 16 and yet they think i can't do shit for myself or after their money like" she groaned.  " well  it's official  the male species is doomed , i mean not to take such a beautiful smart intelligent woman like you and see how lucky they are, i really should of let loki take over " he smiled as she giggled. " thanks stank  know how to make a girl feel special" she smiled feeling slightly better well she would if the stupid brain of her would calm down as well as her heart rate.  " crazy yet brilliant thought ,  we go on a date , i mean your beautiful  and i'm  gorgeous , i take you serious most of the time and well i know your worth " he stood straight up looking as she slowly looked up at him . " you wanna date me, like as in you tony hot science iron man stark wants to date me " . " yeah i think i said as much " he chuckled. " when " she asked thinking she was asleep cause this was clearly a dream . " well how's tonight sound for you " he walked over leaning slightly over her desk before she shot up  and it came out before her brain even registered the audible glup . " she said yes " bucky called making the both of them jump . " what the fuck are you a cat " she held her chest. " nah but this was fun to watch , good on you stark " he smiled walking off. " i'm getting a bell for him " she laughed once the fright and shock wore off. "so  you'll go on date with me " he asked biting his lip . " i mean you did say i should date someone older " she kissed his cheek walking out of the lab calming once out of his sight she high balled it to nat help her get ready .  
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honeeysagee · 3 months
Come In With The Rain
Sam W. x Bucky B. AU: where Sam is a cafe owner in Delacroix and a new mechanic, Bucky, blows into town.
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For the first time that summer, it rained. And not just a gentle drizzle, but a full-on downpour. The sky hung low and gray, and the air was thick and muggy as if you had been standing under a dense canopy for hours. The scent of wet earth and damp trees filled the air, with water still dripping from the branches, making the humidity cling to your skin.
For Sam Wilson, the rain signaled a slow day at the shop, but it hardly deterred him. There were plenty of tasks awaiting his attention in the back. One project, in particular, caught his eye: the small battery-powered car he had promised to fix for his nephews, AJ and Cass. It had been months since he made that promise, and today, with the rain pouring down outside, he finally had the time.
For AJ and Cass, the rain meant a monotonous day at the shop, confined to their uncle’s watchful gaze.
As Sam tinkered with his toolbox, occasionally glancing at the shop’s door in anticipation of the bell's chime, he decided to focus on the car. He would look over at his nephews now and then, catching their admiring gazes before they quickly returned to their homework, pretending to be studious. Sam chuckled softly.
The rain drummed on the roof, creating a steady, soothing rhythm. Sam glanced out the window, watching the heavy drops splatter against the road, turning it into a shimmering, reflective surface. A few cars braved the weather, but most remained parked under the awning across the street, seeking shelter from the deluge. Sam flipped on the coffee machine and lit a fire for the boys to keep them warm.
After dusting off his hands, Sam stretched and groaned, then turned to his nephews. "Grilled cheese and soup?" he asked. Both boys perked up instantly. Sam smiled down at them, his grin widening as he led them to the kitchen, memories of his childhood flooding back.
Sam had been around 15 when his father owned the café. He spent countless afternoons and weekends there, working alongside his dad. He'd wander the kitchen with a grilled cheese sandwich in one hand and a hammer in the other. While his father managed the café, Sam busied himself in the back, fixing anything he could get his hands on. That same passion still drives him today, and he often felt his father's guiding hand on his shoulder whenever he cooked or repaired something.
Now, those days are just lingering in the back of his mind. But, they aren't forgotten. Not by a long shot.
"Mom is cooking fish tonight if you want to come over," AJ stated as he pulled bread from a cabinet. Sarah had mentioned it when she dropped the boys off, but Sam told her no. He figured he would be too tired from work today, but the storm came. He shrugged, "I don't know, buddy. How about I come over tomorrow?" AJ frowned, and Sam added, "Plus, tomorrow is the big game. Saints versus Cowboys. Don't we have a bet going on?" AJ brightened considerably at this prospect, "Don't you mean the bet that you're going to lose."
Sam rolled his eyes affectionately. After minutes, the food was ready, and the boys were back in their original seats. They ate in companionable silence while their uncle fiddled with his tools.
Then, the door of the shop was pushed open. The sound drew Sam's attention away from the engine in front of him, and he looked up to see a soaking wet man walking through the door. His clothes clung to his body, and his hair clung to his forehead, sticking straight up like porcupine quills. He looked miserable. Sam almost laughed.
He had seen more than his fair share of grumpy customers - ones that didn’t take nicely to his jokes or helping hands. So, instead of asking how the weather was, he asked, “Welcome to the Wilson’s Café.” Sam stood again, his bones growing tired. “Looks like you need help.”
The stranger looked upwards - his eyes matching the clouds of the storm. Rainwater trickled down his sharp features, clinging to his long, dark hair that hung in wet strands around his face. His leather jacket, soaked through, clung to his broad shoulders, giving him a rugged, almost forlorn appearance. As he stepped into the warmth of the cafe, water dripped from his jeans and boots, pooling slightly on the floor. He ran a gloved hand through his hair, attempting to push it back but only managing to slick it further. Despite his bedraggled state, there was a quiet intensity in his steel-blue eyes that captured Sam's attention from behind the table.
"Um," His voice matched everything about him, "Just needed to come in from the rain."
Sam nodded, "You got it," he replied. He gestured to a nearby stool that was stationed by the fireplace, "Would you like some tea? It's very hot." The man eyed the stool warily. Sam added, "First drink on the house."
"You're lucky. We never get our drinks on the house." Cass threw the statement to the stranger, which made Sam roll his eyes. "How do you like your tea?" he asked pointedly. The stranger glanced up at the menu that hung over Sam's head. His eyes shifted left to right before looking back at Sam. "Earl Grey. Medium sugar. Thanks."
The man was short with Sam, which made him push his eyebrows together in confusion. He was new here definitely, he thought to himself. New to the area, anyway. Sam fixed the tea with ease - an order he frequently made for himself on days like this. Then, he marched the warm cup to the man with a leftover grilled cheese.
"On the house too." Sam mumbled. The man grunted and took the mug wordlessly, holding it close to his chest. "Thanks."
Sam returned to his work as the boys focused less on their food and homework and more on the silent stranger who was staring into the fire. Sam would occasionally make a face at the boys which would cause them to turn away but never for too long. As the silence grew so did his frustration with the engine of the small car.
"So, why do you look like that?" AJ asked.
"AJ!" Sam called out. When AJ merely raised his eyebrows innocently, Sam shook his head and sighed. "It's rude to ask strangers stuff like that."
AJ nodded seriously in agreement. "Sorry, sir."
Sam sighed and shook his head, "Okay, you know the drill. Dishes in the sink, and head upstairs," He helped them place their things into a backpack, "No fighting. No biting, and no,"
"Crying." The boys finished in unison. Sam only nodded and patted them on their heads. After they left the room, Sam fixed himself a cup of coffee and headed to the man. "I apologize my nephews. They kind of just speak their minds whenever they want."
The man nodded silently. His eyes trailed over the tools littering the floor with the car - the hammer, the wrench, the pliers. His head nodded to them, "You fix toys?"
Sam shook his head, "Not usually, but I made that thing for the boys, and it doesn't work." He pointed to the engine. "I tried everything that I can think of, but nothing seems to be able to work. And my nephews are getting restless just spending their evenings on homework," he joked, trying to make light of the situation. The man smiled wryly and Sam wondered what had caused such a sour expression. "What makes it tick?" The man asked.
"The engine's busted. Doesn't turn on."
He hummed, then, he stood from the stool. "May I?" He asked, picking up a tool.
Sam was his opportunity. "I usually don't let people touch my tools unless I get their name." The man raised his eyebrows as he began to unscrew the panel covering the engine compartment, revealing the wiring beneath. "It's James," he began, a sly smile playing upon his lips, "But, everyone calls me Bucky." Sam watched as the man slid his fingers inside the wires - his interest peaked by the minute.
"I'm Sam."
Bucky looked up. "It's nice to meet you, Sam." He said sincerely, his voice echoing throughout the cafe. Once the last of the wires was removed, Bucky settled to the floor. His dark blue eyes met Sam's brown ones. "You can ask me."
He had read Sam's face; and saw that he wanted to know more about this stranger who blew into the cafe and started fixing the engine on a fake car. Sam nodded and leaned against the counter. "It's not often we get newcomers. Are you new in town or just passing through?" He asked, curious but cautious nonetheless. He was known to pry too much too soon. So, he kept his distance and just tried to make small talk.
"Not sure yet."
Sam watched as Bucky worked, his deft fingers maneuvering through the tangled wires with ease. It was clear that Bucky had experience with mechanical work, his movements precise and confident. The rain continued to beat against the windows, a constant rhythm that seemed to match the methodical movements of Bucky’s hands.
"You're good at this," Sam remarked, unable to hide his curiosity. Bucky glanced up, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Spent a lot of time fixing things," he said simply, returning his attention to the engine. Sam studied the man closely; his gaze trailing along Bucky’s body, examining every curve, every freckle. Even though it wasn’t obvious from where he was seated, Sam could tell that Bucky was built like a brick house. Strong, sturdy arms, strong thighs, strong calves… Sam’s eyes lingered longer on Bucky’s waist. A little more defined abs than Sam was used to seeing.
Bucky noticed Sam watching him and cleared his throat awkwardly, pulling Sam from his thoughts. He coughed and sat forward on the stool he was perched upon, placing his hands on the countertop in front of him, "Your wiring was wrong. Common mistake."
"Thanks," Sam stated. "Think it will drive now?"
Bucky shrugged, "Maybe, if you get a new battery too. Dead ones don't make the car go."
Sam raised his eyebrows and grabbed his coffee mug. The coffee ran cold by now. Time seemed to speed by when he watched Bucky work. "Pas besoin d'être un connard." Sam whispered to himself softly. His gaze flickered over Bucky once again, who was chuckling into his cup.
"No need to be an asshole."
"French?" He asked, raising one brow. "Je ne voulais pas te contrarier. Pardonne-moi."
"I didn't want to upset you. Please forgive me."
Sam snorted quietly, the corners of his eyes crinkling with amusement. "You're forgiven." He lifted the mug and placed it on the counter with more force than necessary. "So, what brought you to Delacroix, Bucky?" His name tasted like honey in his mouth.
"I couldn't spend another night in the truck, so I decided to stretch my legs, and then, the storm caught me." His words were soft, barely audible as a slight shiver racked his entire being. "Not to mention, I saw the help wanted sign outside the shop," He cleared his throat, "I'm terrible at coffee, but I'm good with my hands."
Sam glanced down at them, which was covered by dark leather gloves. Sam nodded slowly. "Yeah," His tone was soft, "I noticed. I mean. it would be nice to have some help. I have a lot of projects back there that need to be finished," He leaned on the corner, "But, I still need to give you the interview. Can't just have anyone in my shop."
Bucky nodded, but Sam could see his mind was elsewhere with that statement. Sam was known for prying more than he should, offending people where he shouldn't, and he enjoyed it for the most part. He liked to watch people tick and wanted to know how to make them do so, but his mind had already decided that Bucky would not be one of those people - if he could help it. He started easy.
"Where are you from?" A simple question that made Bucky's face twitch. "Originally from Brooklyn. Moved around a lot." His eyes flickered towards him as if he were searching Sam's. "La maison est partout si vous la cherchez. My mother's saying."
"Home is everywhere if you are looking for it."
"Well, have you found it?" Sam whispered like a secret between them was about to be shared. Bucky matched his energy, "Not yet, but I'm not looking for it." Sam hummed as he thought.
"How soon can you start?" The sentence floated between the both of them, as they exchanged glances for several seconds before Sam pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth. Bucky smiled, showing his perfect teeth, and Sam swallowed - taking note that the man before him had no flaws.
"Tomorrow would be great."
"Good," Sam muttered. "We need a new face around here," His eyes flitted up to meet the man, a small smirk tugging at his lips. Then, he glanced over at the shop's window, realizing the rain had stopped. He quickly wiped his hands on his jeans, then stood from the counter. "I have to get the boys over to my sister's place. I can show you around," Sam offered, "If you're up for it."
Bucky smiled softly. "That sounds like fun." The grin on his lips grew wider, "Lead the way." Sam walked to the wall opposite of them and let his knuckles rap the wood in four hard taps. Suddenly, a door from upstairs came bursting open with the patterns of small footsteps following. His nephews were down the stairs, huffing and puffing.
"Who's ready to see Ma?" He grinned, his nephews answering in unison with enthusiastic yeses.
With a laugh, he stepped aside. "This is Bucky. He’ll be helping me with repairs for now. So, you have to treat him nice, alright?" The two children nodded solemnly as Bucky stood awkwardly next to their bubbling energy. It almost reminded him of his sister back home. His heart ached for a moment before he was pulled back into the moment by Sam speaking to him, "Are you ready to meet Delacroix?"
Bucky nodded. "Of course." He followed him as Sam opened the front door. The streets glistened under the soft glow of the streetlamps, their reflection in the puddles creating a mirror image of the world above.
The air was cool and fresh, with a crispness that only a day-long rain could bring. Bucky pulled his jacket tighter around him, feeling the gentle embrace of the damp, clean air. He looked around, taking in the quaint charm of the town. The buildings were a mix of old and new, their brick and wood facades adorned with ivy and flower boxes that overflowed with vibrant blooms, glistening with raindrops.
Bucky felt a sense of ease washing over him. Sam turned to Bucky with a smile. "Thanks for walking with us. It's nice to have some company."
Bucky nodded, appreciating the kindness. "Thanks for the tea and grilled cheese. It was just what I needed." Sam chuckled. "Anytime. And about that job—we'll talk more tomorrow. Get settled in tonight."
Bucky nodded again, feeling a sense of anticipation for the days ahead. "Sounds good."
The evening was calm, the air fresh after the rain. Sam looked at Bucky, seeing a potential friend and ally. "You know, this place could use someone like you. Maybe you'll find what you're looking for here."
Bucky met his gaze, a small smile forming on his lips. "I hope so, Sam. I really do." They shared smiles. Sam could almost feel something else lingering underneath the surface of the smile that rested on Bucky's features, but it wasn't exactly clear. He looked back towards, noticing the lights flickering slightly against the raindrops. Somewhere in the air, Sam swore he could feel it that day, there was hope of something beautiful blooming.
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fangirl0917 · 2 months
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Danny at SDCC!
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aribarilol · 2 months
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Frostfire Sonata | Bucky Barnes X OC - 18 - Sorry (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1462792000-frostfire-sonata-bucky-barnes-x-oc-18-sorry?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=aribarilmao She was a free spirit, until her life was ripped away from her. He was a cold, emotionless killer. 20 years later she meets the one person she loathed. The man who did it all. The one who turned her into the monster she was today. But what she least expected to find was the burning desire that ignited between them. ----------------------------------------- Enemies to Lovers story Marvel Cinematic Universe AU (Thanos never came down to Earth) *I do not write smut*
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legendarydragonperson · 2 months
link to an article more information if you’re not in the loop:
rip Sam Wilson whose gonna get a bad performance at the box office and racist jerks will justify there a opinion about a black man can’t be Captain America.
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kat-writes · 3 months
I also uploaded my Marvel fics from Wattpad to the Archive. :D
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jamieleahgrant · 1 year
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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier poster design.
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wwilsonbarness · 1 year
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bucky barnes
sam wilson
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mrmossmichael · 5 months
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It's been 10 years passed since @marvelstudios movie called "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" which is the second one that came out on April-4-2014 and let me tell ya: it was an AWESOME movie I've ever watched. It's about after the cataclysmic events in New York with his fellow Avengers (Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Black Widow and Hawkeye), Steve Rogers, aka Captain America (Chris Evans), lives in the nation's capital as he tries to adjust to modern times. An attack on a S.H.I.E.L.D. colleague throws Rogers into a web of intrigue that places the whole world at risk. Joining forces with Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson), aka Black Widow, and a new ally Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie), aka Falcon, Rogers struggles to expose an ever-widening conspiracy, but he and his team soon come up against an unexpected enemy: the Winter Soldier aka Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan). Bucky Barnes is Steve Rodger's childhood best friend who has re-emerged as an enhanced brainwashed assassin by HYDRA after supposedly being killed in action during World War II in the first Captain America movie.
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First look at Harrison Ford as Thunderbolt Ross and Anthony Mackie as Captain America in CAPTAIN AMERICA: BRAVE NEW WORLD.
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Thunderbolt Ross is missing his mustache! 👴🏼
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honeeysagee · 2 months
Too Hot To Think - WSCK
shopowner!Sam x mechinac!Bucky
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part one
Sam was having a day. That's the only way he could describe it.
The hot sun was leaking through the windows and glass roofs of his greenhouse. The air conditioner, which he had fixed that morning, suddenly shut off again, and the small fan was doing nothing to keep Sam cool while he worked. He'd meant to go fishing this morning, but his fishing rod was missing and, to make matters worse, his truck needed gas.
Now, as he crouched among the rows of plants, sweat dripping from his brow, he could feel the frustration mounting. The tomatoes looked wilted despite his best efforts, and the stubborn weeds seemed to mock him as they sprouted back up almost as fast as he could pull them out. He longed for the peaceful escape of the lake, but instead, he was stuck battling the relentless heat and relentless weeds. Sam sighed, wondering if he'd ever get a break from the constant stream of minor disasters that seemed to plague his mornings.
His work phone rang. The worst phone to ring when he was having one of these days. Sam loved working, he did. Yet, he hated the idea of working in this heat. He thought to let it continue ringing, but the noise was also working on his nerves. So, reluctantly, he set aside his rake and picked up the receiver. “Hello,” Sam said cautiously. “Unfortunately, the Wilson's is closed and will remain that way all weekend."
The voice on the other end chuckled, and Sam knew instantly who it was. He'd grown very familiar with this person. "Hey, Buck," he said afterward, even giving him a nickname.
"Hey, Sam," Bucky replied, still chuckling. "I didn't know Wilson's closed on random weekends."
"It usually doesn't," Sam admitted with a sigh. "But I'm having a 'me weekend'. Or at least, I was supposed to, until my plans got canceled." He continued to mindlessly pick at the things in his greenhouse until he realized that a call from his employee was making him pace like a schoolgirl.
"Oh," Buck said, his voice dropping slightly. "That's too bad. I was looking forward to being bossed around by you today." There was a moment of charged silence, the kind that made Sam's heart race a little faster. He cleared his throat. "In this heat? You're insane." He wondered if it hid the weird tingling feeling in his throat and stomach. He prayed it did.
"Speaking of heat," Bucky let out a large sigh into the phone, "Is Louisiana usually this hot? I'm dying." Sam sat the phone down, placing it on speaker. Then, he spoke, "Yeah, that's why I wanted to be by the lake. Catching that cool breeze coming off the water is my favorite thing about fishing." Sam paused, remembering younger days when he and his father had taken the boat out for the day. Just to come back with half a cooler of fish and all their bait gone. It didn't matter to him - as long as he was doing something he loved with his dad.
Buck spoke, pulling Sam back to the present, "Why aren't you there again?" Sam felt himself flush under the attention. Instead, Sam felt as if he'd just been caught red-handed in something he should've kept secret from Bucky. "Oh, I can't find my fishing rod, and I ran out of gas," Sam mumbled into the phone. The admission felt took in his throat. Why was he suddenly so embarrassed to confess things to Bucky? The two of them have grown close to each other over 2 months, but he still felt like he had to impress Bucky.
"Well, your rod is in the back of my truck, remember? I'll be more than happy to bring it to you." A couple of weeks ago, they had planned an impromptu fishing trip after a long day of work. Sam had been so excited about it that he had tossed his rod into Bucky's truck the night before. But then, a last-minute emergency at Wilson's had kept them from going. They had laughed it off, promising to reschedule, but in the chaos, Sam had forgotten all about the rod.
Sam's heart skipped a beat. "You'd do that?" he asked, trying to keep his level, even going as far as to remind himself that he was a grown man. It wasn't just the usual camaraderie between friends. The smallest compliment from Bucky felt like a triumph, and the thought of disappointing him was unbearable. He remembered the way Bucky's eyes lit up when they joked around, the way his laughter sounded like music to Sam's ears. Was it weird to say about a friend?
"Of course," Bucky replied smoothly. "I'll bring the rod, and maybe we can fill up your truck and head to the lake together. What do you say?"
The suggestion sent a rush of excitement through Sam. He glanced around the greenhouse, at the wilting tomatoes and mocking weeds, and felt a glimmer of relief. "Yeah," he said, a smile spreading across his face. "I'd like that a lot, Buck."
Bucky laughed again. "Okay. See ya soon, Wilson."
The line went silent, and Sam placed the work phone back in his pocket. He stared at his greenhouse, the flush colors of green and yellow washing away the last of the light from the overhead fixtures. The heat was starting to affect his brain, making it feel fuzzy and distant. He couldn't concentrate properly anymore, so Sam decided to leave his work alone for a few hours. He gathered his tools, grabbed a bottle of water from his fridge, and headed inside.
He made sandwiches for him and Bucky. Then, he shuffled to his living room, taking deep breaths every moment. It didn't last long because the sound of a truck horn invaded the house. When he turned to look out his front window, he saw Bucky leaning against the truck, staring into the distance. The 6'6 mechanic looked so photogenic, that Sam forgot how annoyed he'd been about the summer heat. He had a nice smile and those deep blue eyes. Sam grabbed the bag of food and locked the house.
"Well, look who came to my rescue," Sam said, walking up to his friend. His voice wavered when he added, "Thanks." Bucky smiled at him, flashing perfect white teeth. His hand reached up to brush some stray hairs behind his ear, and his expression changed. Concern flitted across his features for only a second before the grin returned.
"Hope I didn't take you away from your day off."
Sam shook his head enthusiastically. "No, you're fine. It would be nice to hang out outside of work." "Sounds great to me." He followed Bucky back toward his car and climbed in after Bucky unlocked it. After a couple of minutes, Bucky leaned forward and cranked up the AC. "This feels better." Sam snorted as he buckled up his seatbelt. "If you hate the heat so much why are you wearing long sleeves?" he teased.
Bucky's eyes flickered to his arm, and Sam instantly wanted to rip the words out of the air and swallow them. He knew about Bucky's missing arm and what now took its place - a cold metal with was a hard reminder of a life he left behind. Sam offered found himself looking at the arm, thinking of the secretive life Bucky lived before coming to Delacroix. He wondered about the stories Bucky never told, the battles fought, and the losses endured. There was a part of him that longed to know more, to understand the depth of the man who had become so important in his life. He thought about the scars Bucky carried, both visible and hidden, and the weight of his past that he seemed to bear with quiet strength.
The drive to the lake was filled with the hum of the engine and the rhythmic whoosh of the AC, providing a comfortable background for their conversation. Sam settled into the passenger seat, feeling the cool air soothe his overheated skin. He glanced over at Bucky, who was focused on the road, his hands steady on the wheel.
Sunlight streamed through the windows, casting dappled patterns on Bucky’s face as they passed through tree-lined roads. Sam observed the way Bucky's brow furrowed slightly in concentration, the casual confidence in the way he handled the truck. There was a quiet strength in Bucky's presence that always made Sam feel at ease.
"So, your buddy, Steve, he just up and left?" Sam gets comfortable with asking about Bucky's past. He, himself, was an open book. Bucky, on the other hand, was quite guarded. Although Sam liked to tease him, it was clear that he didn't have anything to hide. So if there was one thing that he could tell from observing the man closely over these months, it was that Bucky was a private individual. And even if they were friends, Sam didn't want to intrude. So for now, he just enjoyed spending time with him.
"No, not really. He was gone before he left. His mind went wandering, and one day, he just followed." Bucky answered casually. Sam nodded, but something bit at him. Nothing came of it as they pulled into a small deck. Bucky was the first to leave the truck, walking to the back of it. Sam was next with his eyes on the lake's horizon line. "This is a good spot," He threw the statement behind him and at Bucky, "Used to fish here every day in high school."
Bucky came up behind him, a smile warming his face. "Were you any good?" Sam chuckled, "Did catch one. Never have unless my old man was with me." Bucky cocked his head to the side and looked back at the water. Sam picked up his rod from the ground and walked towards it. The water was calm and clear. As soon as he sat down, his knees brushed against the soft grass surrounding the dock. He cast his line into the water.
"I can be your lucky charm." Bucky joked before running past him, catching Sam completely by surprise. Bucky's feet were in the air before Sam could stop him. He caught a glimpse of silver before Bucky dived head-first into the lake. He heard the splash of the water hitting the bottom, the faintest splash as Bucky came up. For a minute, Sam just stood there staring, his face reflecting his shock.
There, where Bucky's arm should be, was a metal one. It was smooth and shiny, like a metal sculpture. Sam's eyes were instantly drawn to it, mesmerized by its sleek and intricate design. The arm gleamed in the sunlight, every curve and joint a testament to advanced engineering. It seemed almost otherworldly, a perfect blend of form and function. The metal caught the light in a way that made it appear almost alive, a striking contrast to the natural beauty around them. Sam couldn't tear his eyes away, captivated by the strength and elegance of the arm, by the power it held.
A moment later, Bucky pulled his hair back from his face and smiled. "I ran all the fish your way," he called out. Sam turned, blinking rapidly and trying to focus on the conversation, to get his mind back on track. When he turned back, he saw that Bucky had moved closer. The other man was smiling, attempting to push the waters and make it near Sam.
As he stepped closer, Sam noticed the look of concern in Bucky's gaze. Sam tried to read it but, despite Bucky's efforts, he couldn't make sense of it. Whatever it was, however, Bucky's eyes shifted suddenly away to the arm. No one spoke, but the air was full of tension.
"Um, I…" A strange look crossed Bucky's face. He swallowed. Sam waited for him to continue, and he watched as Bucky's mouth worked, forming words but never getting them past his lips. Finally, he sighed loudly and lowered his eyes. "It's weird," he muttered quietly. "Now, you know why I wear the long sleeves and gloves."
Sam felt his throat tighten, but he managed to shake his head. He didn't see his prosthetic as weird. He was no longer looking at the arm because he was more focused on the body Bucky kept concealed. He studied the muscles shifting under the turtleneck, the sharp edges poking from the fabric like little spikes. Sam was sure his arms must look bad compared to Bucky's. Sam tried to keep his thoughts on something else, tried to push back the feelings building in his chest. Instead, he chose his words carefully.
"It's not weird. I think it's cool." His voice was hushed, almost unsure of his own opinions. His heart rate increased. Sam mentally slapped himself, feeling stupid as the silence stretched on. Suddenly, Bucky was laughing. Sam frowned quickly, confused and anxious. Bucky wasn't laughing because of his response to Sam's comment, which was expected. Sam saw amusement dancing in Bucky's eyes, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
Sam narrowed his eyes, still watching Bucky warily. "What?"
"Nothing," Bucky waved him off, still chuckling a little bit. "Nothing at all, Wilson." He paused again and then looked up. "No one has ever told me my arm was 'cool'. Kinda funny." He shrugged. When Sam remained silent Bucky continued, "But thank you. Now, you know all my secrets."
They stared at each other for a second. Sam swallowed. The intensity of his stare didn't go unnoticed by Bucky. He blinked slowly and gave him a shy smile, the one that always melted within Sam. He cleared his throat, his cheeks burning as he averted his eyes from Bucky. "What you thinking about, Wilson?" Bucky asked, pulling himself out of the water and onto the deck.
As Bucky emerged from the lake, water streamed off his body, shimmering in the sunlight. The droplets fell back into the lake, creating a series of ripples that expanded outward. The surface of the water, previously calm and undisturbed, now danced with the motion of Bucky's movements. Each ripple caught the light, glistening like a thousand tiny diamonds scattered across the lake's surface. The water clung to Bucky's metal arm, highlighting its contours and adding a dynamic, almost magical quality to the scene. As he sat there, the water continued to drip from him, merging with the lake in a gentle, rhythmic pattern, the sound a soft accompaniment to the serene environment around them.
"It's too hot to think, Barnes."
Sam looked over and found Bucky sitting by the railing, his eyes fixed on Sam. Sam let out a breath and shook his head, trying to find some balance. "I think you scared the fish." He stated. Bucky laughed and took a few deep breaths before standing. The smile remained plastered across his face and Sam's stomach fluttered when he caught the sight of a small trail of droplets dripping downwards from Bucky's shoulder.
He shook his head once more, his heart hammering in his chest. They'd just come to the lake to spend some time together, but already he felt like he was floating, floating away from himself, away from everything, from everyone. It hadn't happened often in Sam's life, but whenever it did, a strange sort of longing began to fill him. Something inside him wanted to escape. Something was calling him to follow its beckoning. Sam tried to shake himself free of the desire to follow whatever it was.
"Well, I guess we have to catch them by hand." Bucky grabbed Sam's hand, the cool metal caused a wave of calmness through his body. He looked up at his friend before realizing he was falling back into the water. Sam tried to let go, but Bucky was holding on tight. The moment he hit the lake, coolness enveloped him, the sensation both shocking and refreshing. He felt the resistance of the water as he plunged deeper, bubbles rising around him in a chaotic dance. Sam gasped as he broke the surface of the lake, his breathing hard. Bucky followed soon after, his lungs protesting, but he fought his urge to cough. Instead, he grinned and swam toward Sam.
He lifted his hand above the water to reveal he was holding a fish. It wiggled in his hands, trying to take flight, but Bucky only held it tighter. Both men stood there in bewilderment. Sam watched his employee grip a fish with widened eyes and a dumbfounded expression on his face. His cheeks were red from the water, his blue eyes shining with excitement. Sam couldn't help but laugh. Bucky finally looked up and met Sam's gaze. "What?" He questioned, a slight pout playing at his lips.
Sam shook his head. "Nothing." Bucky, after letting the fish back into the lake, turned to look at Sam. He started swimming closer to the dock. Sam followed closely behind, making sure to stay close enough to keep up. "Sorry, for getting you wet." Bucky whispered, almost like he was ashamed of himself, "I don't know what came over me."
"It's okay, but this is coming out of your paycheck." The men laugh softly and they continue to float along the lake. They drift into small conversations, discussing various topics, their voices echoing between the trees. Sam was glad to hear Bucky talk. He had no idea how to respond. His brain felt like static, nothing but a single sentence. He couldn't remember when had been the last time he'd spoken so many words to someone.
As the sun set, the heat began to dissipate, leaving the evening air cold and crisp, making the air seem much clearer. Sam could hear the chirping of crickets and frogs. He looked over to where Bucky sat next to him on the dock, staring at the lake in awe. Sam watched silently as Bucky's face relaxed. "This place is beautiful," Bucky muttered softly. His voice sounded strained, but Sam couldn't tell whether it was from swimming all day or something else. Sam nodded mutely. The lake reflected the setting sun in a fiery display of orange and pink, turning it an intense shade of red. After some moments, Sam spoke. "Hey…Barnes?" He said softly.
Bucky didn't turn to look at him, choosing instead to continue staring at the view in front of him. "Hm? Yeah?"
"I probably would have stayed inside, sulking in the heat. Thanks for today." Sam smiled and watched as Bucky turned to look at him. The expression he wore seemed different than usual. Sam wasn't sure why, but somehow, in this light, everything seemed more vulnerable. Like all of the barriers were gone like he was exposed.
"It was really nothing," Bucky replied softly. Then, without warning, he moved to stand. Sam didn’t move away. His lips parted and closed several times as he desperately searched for the right thing to say. He was so afraid of doing or saying something wrong. All he needed was to say the first words that came to mind, those that he knew would mean absolutely nothing because there was no way he suddenly had a crush on his employee.
But, the way Bucky looked at him right now made him rethink those thoughts. There was a fire in his eyes. A fire Sam didn't recognize. It was unfamiliar and yet familiar at the same time. Bucky took a step closer, the distance between them shrinking. Sam could feel his heart pounding in his chest, the sound of it loud in his ears. He wanted to say something, anything, but the words caught in his throat.
"You know, Sam," Bucky began, his voice low and filled with a strange intensity, "I've been through a lot of tough times. But moments like this, they make it all worth it."
Sam's breath hitched. He could see the sincerity in Bucky's eyes, the raw honesty. It was overwhelming. He swallowed hard, trying to gather his thoughts. "I feel the same way, Buck," Sam finally managed to say, his voice trembling slightly. There was an underlying truth there, but he wanted to ignore it.
Bucky smiled a genuine, warm smile that lit up his entire face. He reached out, his fingers brushing against Sam's. The touch was electrifying, sending a jolt of warmth through Sam's body. Sam tried to ignore the sensation building in his chest, a warmth that he didn't want to name, a feeling that seemed to grow with every second spent in Bucky's presence. He pushed it down, convincing himself it was just the remnants of a good day and nothing more.
"Let's pack up," Sam said, his voice steady despite the turmoil inside. Bucky nodded, and together they began gathering their things. The sun had dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the lake, the sky now a deep shade of blue with stars starting to twinkle. They worked in comfortable silence, the sounds of the night filling the air around them. The quiet companionship was soothing, a perfect end to an unexpectedly perfect day. Once everything was packed, they made their way back to the truck, their footsteps crunching softly on the gravel path.
Sam stole a glance at Bucky, who was walking beside him, his expression content. The fireflies danced around them, tiny sparks of light in the growing darkness. Sam's mind raced with thoughts he wasn't ready to confront, feelings he wasn't ready to admit. As they reached the truck, Bucky turned to Sam with a gentle smile. "Thanks for today, Sam. It was great."
Sam nodded, his heart pounding in his chest. "Yeah, it was. Let's do it again sometime."
Bucky's smile widened, and he opened the truck door, climbing in. Sam followed the cool air inside the truck a welcome relief from the lingering heat of the day. As they drove back, the rhythmic hum of the engine and the steady whoosh of the AC filled the truck, and Sam couldn't help but feel that something had shifted between them.
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fangirl0917 · 2 months
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aribarilol · 3 months
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Frostfire Sonata | Bucky Barnes X OC - 16 - Spar (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1459254164-frostfire-sonata-bucky-barnes-x-oc-16-spar?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=aribarilmao She was a free spirit, until her life was ripped away from her. He was a cold, emotionless killer. 20 years later she meets the one person she loathed. The man who did it all. The one who turned her into the monster she was today. But what she least expected to find was the burning desire that ignited between them. ----------------------------------------- Enemies to Lovers story Marvel Cinematic Universe AU (Thanos never came down to Earth) *I do not write smut*
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