#Sanderson's sisters
ladyorlandodream · 2 years
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irontragedyreview · 2 years
So, I just saw Hocus pocus 2 and I honestly feel like there is a lot to say about the movie. To begin I'll say that I loved the movie and I feel that there are several aspects to highlight about this sequel.
The first movie, although it was a box office failure, over the years has become a kind of cult movie, which many generations have seen, although I'm not unaware that many younger audiences can get into thanks to its sequel but the original movie is a classic that many repeat as a tradition. This is where the sequel has a point in its favor, in my opinion what makes this movie good is that it doesn't try to surpass the original, but rather it's the same plot with a different cast, the movie appeals direct to nostalgia for those who already know the original, they can enjoy the nostalgia and the small nods to the original, while the children who are just discovering it continue to see almost the same plot as their original movie with modifications that feel subtle and doesn't produce shock, that is why I say that the movie is fine, it doesn't try to overcome or innovate but it's still entertaining while respecting the bases of its predecessor.
Another point in favor is the Sanderson sisters', the witches take complete control of the movie from the moment their original cast appears, the charisma and the way their characters handle themselves is possibly the most captivating aspect of this sequel. The actresses interpret their roles so faithfully that I can't believe that the sequel takes place 30 years from the original , the actresses resumed their roles as if they had never left them, there is no difference between the sisters from 1993 and those of 2022, their personalities and characterizations are identical. Only that as it's a sequel to a movie that managed to transcend time, the charisma they already had in the first one is amplified by the affection that you have to the characters. The witches are the stars of the movie and the other characters are extras in their story (I'll talk about the new protagonists later). The sisters are what makes this sequel remarkable and above all enjoyable.
Regarding the soundtrack, the songs are good, they don't overwhelm the movie but they don't feel out of place either, they are there and they are enjoyable though and this is my personal opinion "I put an spell on you" is simply iconic and the new song chosen doesn't finish fill me with the same emotion, but it's a good song and it doesn't ruin the movie either.
Now and focusing on the new cast, honestly it's not bad or good, it just doesn't stand out because the witches take all the focus, the new protagonist doesn't stand out because her character seems flat and uninteresting compared to the charisma of the witches, if the movie hadn't been a sequel and its plot was based only on Becca it would have been fine, I don't think it would have been incredible but the protagonist would have had an opportunity to shine compared to what happens in this movie. The plot of her discovering her powers, her relationship with her friends, while dealing with the fall of her friendship with Cassie is fine but not enough to really matter to these characters. Another point to keep in mind is that I honestly hate how the movie casts Mike (Cassie's boyfriend) as a silly boy who doesn't realize his comments are offensive, even if for a second I actually think the guy is dumb enough to not realizing his words, Cassie doesn't feel the need to say something? if she knows that her boyfriend is making a mistake out of sheer ignorance or naivety and he's in turn hurting her friends, I honestly believe that the intervention should have been earlier and not suddenly a random scene with him understanding his attitudes and Cassie just nodding as if to say "I'm glad you finally noticed"
Another character that I find unbearable is Guilbert, especially because of the role he plays in the entire witches' resurrection, while I understand that a new explanation was needed to bring the witches back, in the first movie we have Max, a boy who he simply wants to look cool and impress a girl, while presenting himself to us as an incredulous character because he's a city boy. The way he brings the witches back is because of his sheer ignorance of the situation, there are no manipulations and external factors just a teenager being a teenager. In the sequel, the initial fuse is Guilbert, a man who takes advantage of the ingenuity of two girls who trusted him to bring back the witches he had managed to see years ago. The annoying thing about the character is the naivety he possesses despite being an adult and knowledgeable about the Sandersons' story. I have to say his line that the sisters had been misunderstood in their time is stupid when you compare it with the story that we all know, although the movie deeps a little more in the sisters' past and how they become witches in a search to stay together there is something that should never be forgotten, these witches cast a spell on children to drag them home and kill them by sucking out their souls, in Hocus pocus 1 the first scene we see is the sisters killing Emily and turning Thack into a black cat to suffer for eternity. So, and as someone who enjoys the Sanderson sisters even then, I wouldn't call them misunderstood and above all I wouldn't be surprised to find out that he had put two girls in mortal danger when he knew that they feed on children and that thirty years ago they tried to do the same thing, this unjustified naivety makes him an unlikeable character because he is a naive, manipulative and cowardly adult, for which his small redemption does not make him more likeable than at the beginning.
I think that honestly the only negative point of the movie is its cast because you have main characters that are overshadowed by the witches and extras like Mike and Guilbert that are annoying, possibly the only one that is saved is the mayor how shows that generations change and loves her daughter, otherwise they just aren't something to write much about.
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mrsreinhart · 11 months
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for HALLOWEEN (2020-2023)
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p1xiemeat · 2 months
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𝔰𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔥 𝔧𝔢𝔰𝔰𝔦𝔠𝔞 𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔨𝔢𝔯 𝔦𝔫 𝔥𝔬𝔠𝔲𝔰 𝔭𝔬𝔠𝔲𝔰🔮🎃🧹🌙🕯️
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116t98 · 19 days
Close enough welcome back Sanderson sisters
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octobersociety · 4 months
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Sketchbook Log: The Overland Witch Part 3 - Variable - Full Comic.
Part 1: Origins , Part 2: Search , Part 4: Trial (coming August) , Part 5: (TBA)
Part 3 is finished! I really pushed myself with this one! It was in full color and double the amount of pages I’ve done in the past, but boy was it a blast to make! Thank you everyone for your lovely comments, I’m happy you have found my little fan comic and have been enjoying it!
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deconstructthesoup · 2 months
Esther Finch is so fucking hilarious to me because she's a witch from pioneer times and they could've easily had her talk all old-fashioned and spooky and dramatic but instead she talks like a modern-day Real Housewife who's had more than a few glasses of wine
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bs-fangirl · 2 years
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Surprisingly enjoyable and sweet sequel
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hocuspocusblr · 11 months
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Hocus Pocus  1993 | dir. Kenny Ortega
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unl1f3-x-c0ll3cts · 10 days
Hocus Pocus x Monster high revealed/leaked!!
Releasing October 4th for $125 USD!
What do we think ghouls??
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Personally I think they look scarily cute tho i would like to see the clothes with a more earthy tone but i dont mind the higher saturation!
I probably wont be able to buy them when they release tho </3
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callsign-bunnie · 7 months
Soap: Yeah, technically Ghost and Roach were together before I got with them? But, they both liked me so much that now we're a trio! Gaz: Heh, third party-er
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fallinginlove-20s · 1 month
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It’s all just a bunch of Hocus Pocus 💜🧡💛
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shit-talker · 6 months
Roach makes a tiktok rating the signatures the 141 use on their emails;
"Regarding question, please refrain, Lt Riley"
Roach : Very in character for the big man, unfortunately it was in regards to a question of requesting leave so. 4/10.
"Your brother in Christ, Sg Garrick"
Roach : Wonderful form. Made me laugh. Solid score. 7/10
"Stay positive and test negative guys, Sg McTavish"
Roach : Covid jokes are always funny, but he's made this one several times now, and I'm bored of it. 3/10 for fuckery.
"Don't fuck this up you little enabling shits, Cpt Price"
Roach : Hilarious. Our group chat is now titled "little enabling shits" not very professional from the captain. Still 9/10.
"We will discuss more later, SC Laswell."
Roach : Terrifying. Actually, bone chilling. Scared all of us so much. 10/10 for pure fear.
"Eat my ass, Sg Riley xx."
Roach : This one's super old now, but I love it, so it's staying here. 11/10. Gods speed, Si.
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p1xiemeat · 8 months
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𝔥𝔬𝔠𝔲𝔰 𝔭𝔬𝔠𝔲𝔰 🔮🕯️🎃
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devonsawas · 11 months
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Sisters, I’m very confused, I- I smell children, but I- I don’t see children...
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